THE MOKNING OREOOXIAJS, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1900. APPEAL FROM PEKIN Letter From the Japanese Min ister Reaches the Outside. IT BORE A DATE "OF JUNE 29 Admiral Remey Reports Casualties at Tien. Tain Among American Marine Rockhlll WIu'go. WASHINGTON. July IS.-The Japanese (legation here has made public the latest communication received from Baron Nishl, the Japanese MlnlBter to Pekln. This telegram was received today at the legation from the Japanese Minister of 2'orelgn Affairs, and is Important because 'of the dates given. The telegram was dated July 17, by the sender, the Japanese Consul at Che Foo, and is as follows-: "I received at 10 A. M.t on the 12th, a dispatch from Nlshl dated Pekln, June 29, The letter was brought by a special mes sengera Chinese, who left Pekln July 1, and managed to make the journey with difficulty. The substance of the letter Is as follows: ,The situation at Pekln is extremely critical. The foreign legations are sur rounded on all sides by Chinese soldiers and bombarded day and night. The mem bers of the legations, the guards and resi dents are resisting to the utmost, but the overwnelming numbers of the opposition makes It hopeless; our ammunition is be ing exhausted, our lives are In such dan ger that we may be massacred at any moment We earnestly request the Imme diate dispatch of reinforcements for our rescue from our precarious condition.' " The Japanese Consul at Che Foo adds that he communicated this lettor to bis colleagues of the Consular body there and also to the commanders-in-chief of the forces of the powers. Another cablegram received through the foreign offlce from the Japanese Consul at Che Foo reports that Tien Tsln castle was captured by the forces of the allied troops on the 14th. and the safety of the foreign settlement is assured. Japanese troops took possession of the Suss Ylng, the Chinese naval station, on the 14th. Discord Among the Powers. In the absence of direct news from China this morning attention was directed mainly to the more or less speculative stories emanating from European capi tals Indicative of discord among the pow ers. It is realized that these little ebulli tions of mutual suspicion always charact erize allied movements and are to be ex pected in the present crisis. It can be stated that so far as official record dis closes, there is absolutely no ground for them. Our Government having fully de fined its intentions In Secretary Hay's note of July 3, the other governments in terested in the Chinese situation have entered into the spirit of that declaration of principles with perfect accord. At least that Is the record both written and oral, and Russia, a power more than any other under suspicion in these stories, has not beon backward in assuring the State Department of the conlncldence of Secretary Hay's declaration with Rus sia's purpose in China. It is, of course, possible that some of the powers are swayed by motives that do not appear in their formal declarations The Stat?. Department, however, cannot go behind their formal expressions and can now only await results. There is not the slightest disposition on the part of our Government to follow the example of certain European powers and restrict In any measure the liberty of the Chinese Minister here, Mr. Wu, In communicating with the Chinese Vice roys and whatever remains of the titular Chinese Government. On tha contrary thera is an earnest deBlre to do every thing in his power to protect fprelgners in the Chinese empire, and as it is confi dent that he has no sympathy with the Boxer Insurrection movement, the State Department regards It as good policy to facilitate, rather than to obstruct, his cummunlcatlons with the Chinese Vice roys. If there should be a declaration of war by Russia upon China, based upon what is said to have occurred on the Siberian border, the technical relations of the al lied powers towards China might, it is said here, undergo a radical change. It is believed the story of Chinese aggressive ness is considerably exaggerated so tar as it relates to the Siberian border and it is hoped the troubles have been confined to Manchuria, But if war should actually and formally open between Russia and China that fact might oblige the other powers to do one of two things either Join in the declaration of war or with draw their forces from Chinese soil. Remey Reports Casualties. The Navy Department this morning re ceived from Admiral Remey a list of casualties of the Marine Corps in the fight at Tien Tsln. It Is as follows: "Taku, July 18. Bureau of Navigation, Washington, D, C Official casualty re port from Marine Regiment: "Killed August R. Davis, Sergeant C. J. Kollock, Corporal Thomas Kelley, Pri vates J. E. JtfeConloy, I. W. Partridge. "Seriously" wounded First Lieutenant Henry Lord, Corporal J. A. McDonald. Privates P. J. Kelleher. C. D. Miller. C. J. Mathews, John Stakes, J. Van Home. Wounded Captain Charles G. Long, Daptaln B. Lemly, First Lieutenant Sraed ley D. Butler, First Sergeant James Mur phy, Sergeant F. T. Winters, Corporal Joseph W. Hunt, Privates W. S. Chap man, James Cooney, Robert Desmond, E. G. Egleser, Lavrln Larson. N. D. Mc Iver, J. C. Megonegal. A. B. Penney, H. A. Rocker. HEMET." Some of the names of the killed and wounded were found to be erroneously stated. Thus, in the list of severely wounded, P. J. Kelleher should be J. J. Kelleher; John Stakes should be John Stokes. In the list of slightly wounded, Robert Desmond should bo Roderick Des mond; Lavrln Larson should be divided into two names, as follows; James J. Larvln and Laurin L. Larrson, and N. E. Mclver should be George E. Mclver. Rockhlll Will Investigate. The Cabinet meeting today developed nothing of importance regarding the Chi nese situation except the decision to send W. W. Rockhlll, formerly Secretary of Legation and Assistant Secretary of State, now chief of the Bureau of Ameri can Republics, to China to Investigate the situation for the authorities here. Mr. Rockhlll will go as a special commis sioner to ascertain the extent of the re sponsibility of the Chinese Government, if any, for the existing disturbances, and otherwise furnish the Administration with information upon which the case of the United States against China for Indem nity and reparation will be based. Ho is well equipped for the mlssslon. having been Secretary of the American Legation in Pekln for several years. He speaks and writes Chinese fluently. For some reason the officials did not care to have it known that Mr. Rockhlll has beon selected for this responsible duty. Within a week he will have a final conference with the President and Secre tary Hay and then will leave for China. He probably will go to Vancouver and there take the Japanese line steamer for Yokohama, preceding from that point to Shanghai. Not until he arrives at Shang hai will Mr. Rockhlll undertake to outline his further course. His position Is a pe culiar one; he will be actually an Ambas sador In powers, and so In the scope of his function will be akin to President Cleveland's commissioner to Hawaii, Mr. Blount, Among othor subjects; the sub ject of instructions to Major-General Chaffee was gone over at considerable length and a cablegram was drafted, which will le forwarded to reach hjm on his arrival at Nagasaki. .The Instructions &reof a diplomatic, as well as of a mili - tary nature, and Indicate, the line of pol icy to be pursued by the commander of the United States forces in China, The exact nature of the instructions was no disclosed. The rank of JIaJor-General fdr the com mander of. the Chinese expedition -will ne cessitate the presence of two, or perhaps three. Brjgadier-Generals In China. These, in all probability, will be chosen from the officers of that rank now in the Phil ippines, but General Chaffee will be given considerable latitude in the selection of his staff. Secretary Root and General Leonard Wood, who were present at the Cabinet luncheon, remained at the White House with the President until almost I o'clock. After leaving the White House, General Wood said he would start for Havana Saturday. The Administration expects authentic news from Pekln soon; lu fact, both the President and his advisors can harfliy un derstand why some absolutely reliable news has not arrived before this time. The Government authorities arc finding the present Chines agitation is having the usual effect of stimulating cranks and agitators, and many of the highest offi cials are receiving anonymous letters containing threats. The Chinese officials also are the victims of fooollsh effusions. They are not considered seriously, how ever, and the officials dismiss them as from Ignorant persons. DEFENSE OF SHANGHAI. England Looking: Out for Her Inter ests in the South. NEW YORK, July 13. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: The most Important move on the Chi nese chessboard yesterday is the new di rection given to the defense of British Interests. The Indian troops at Hong Kong, instead of going to Tien Tsin. have sailed for Shanghai and Woo Sung. Sir Alfred Gazelee may also halt there. This Is a sign that the British Govern ment, having been convinced that Tien Tsin and Taku can be held by the allied forces now on the ground, has decided to make serious preparations for the defense, of Shanghai and the other centers of com merce in Middle China, This determination Is wise, because LI Hung Chang has left Canton to shift for itself and has ordered 60 Black Flags re cruited from the worst elements of the population to march overland through the Yangtse provinces to Pekln. The presence of this marauding party will be a menace to the peace of these im mense districts, whore British commer cial Interests are paramount. The British Government Is not so blind as to exhaust Its resources In defending the Russian Interests in Manchuria, which are menaced by the military camarilla at Pekln. It has suddenly remembered the quarter where the main sphere of their trade lies and has ordered rein forcements, and vessels of war to the gateways of the Yangtse provinces. The cable station at Shanghai Is one of tho thousand British Interests requiring res olute protection. A break In the cable at Shanghai would cut off the world from Information regarding the great strug gle now in progress. Tien Tsln Is now secure and it is considered possible that a strong Japanese force. Instead of land ing at Taku will go to Shan Hal Kwan and march on Pekln along the great walL The British fleet Is already off the har bor and one press agency reports that Sir Alfred Gazelee will command the army of Invasion along the north wall, but this Is not confirmed. The allies need a commander-in-chief to direct the en tire campaign, but by reason of jealousy among the powers Russia, Japan and England are excluded from naming him. The German emperor Is reported In dip lomatic circles to have expressed a strong preference for a French general as com mander, and this solution Is the most natural one. The keenest observers do not doubt that, as the campaign advan ces, each power will operate so far as may be possible in the districts which Will naturally fall within Its future sphere of activity. A deplorable hitch prevents the dis patch of more- troops from Japan to China, according to the Toklo correspondent of the Express. The apparent unwillingness of Germany and Russia to consent to the appointment of a Japanese commander has caused the Mikado's Government to delay the embarkation of the proposed army corps. CHINESE MOVING SOUTH, Viceroys Before Friendly Are Novr WaverlngT. NEW YORK. July 19. A dispatch to the World from London says: Great bodies of Boxers and reg ular Chinese troops are known to be marching southward from Pekln, murdering all Christians they find and destroying their possessions. It is feared that some of the Viceroys, who, as a whole, have hitherto shown themselves most friendly disposed toward foreigners. are now wavering in their support, and with the Governors of several provinces are going over to the rebels. Many people regard LI Hung Chang's eagerness for his present Journey from Canton to Pekln with suspicion, and urge that he be detained when the steamer carrying him reaches Shanghai. The Shanghai correspondent of the Lon don Express cables under Wednesday's date: "The Consuls, acting as representatives of the powers, have unanimously agreed that Liu Kan Yih, the Viceroy of Nan king, shall be regarded as the Emperor of China, so far as tho collection of tho revenue Is concerned. Liu Kan Ylh has always been frlerrtly toward foreigners, and the Consuls believe they may place implicit faith In him." The Express correspondent at. Toklo ca bles: "The Japanese Government is now seri ously discussing whether. In view of the attitude of some of tho powers, it would be advisable to dispatch the division of troops which has been already mobilized. It is feared that Russia and Germany may not accept the command of the Jap anese as senior officers, who would neces sarily take charge of the army corps. Japan desires assurances on this point be fore giving orders for the embarkation of the troops. This may mean further de lay of several weeks." Baron Murdoch, the agent of Prltch ard Morgan, M. P., in Corea, who has Just reached London after a CO days' Journey by way of Vladivostok over the Trans-Siberian Railway to Moscow, says Russia, even before he left, was actively mobilizing troops In Central Russia and West Siberia. The Trans-Siberian Rail way is conveying close onto 300,000 men to Manchuria or its borders. Russians Lost Three Hundred. NEW YORK, July 19. A dispatch to the Herald from Tien Tsln Saturday, via Che Foo says: Russians made up the right wing of the international column in the ad vance on the native town of Tien Tsln Friday. As they moved stead ily over the open plain toward tho en trance pf the city the Chinese shelled steadily from the walls. The Russians lost 300 killed and wounded. The city was occupied by the international troops, who found dead Chinese lying about the streets in hundreds. Tonight the city is In flames. Though the taking of the city will have the effect of discouraging the Boxers, the total loss of the foreigners Is thought to be 1200 dead and wounded. Critical at Canton. NEW YORK. July 19. A dispatch to the Herald from Canton, Tuesday, via Hong Kong, says: Viceroy LI Hung 'Chang has Just de parted for tho north, having been ordered by Prince Tuan to proceed to Chi LI Province and assume his Viceregal office. The .situation here is critical, although it is still quiet There is little hope for the Pekln officials. TtowY ?n-rfilM 1 4 42 -- J Keep Perry Davis Pain-Killer on hand, GAVE HIM HIS PASSPORTS RUSSIA .SEXDSTHE' CHINESE," MKff O ' , I5TER HOME! Recoffriiees That a State of War Ex istsEngland anil Germany May Do Likewise. NEW YORK, July 19. A dispatch to tbe,Journal and Advertiser from London says:J , The Chinese Invasion of the Amur Province is equivalent to a declaration of war against Russia, which, construing It as such, has handed the Chinese envoy at St. Petersburg his passports today and requested him to leave the country, along with tho members of his mission. The importance of thla Chinese declara tion of war against Russia, and of this bold Invasion of Russian territory. Ilea la the fact, as the matter now stands, that it virtually pleases the Czar from his -obligations to the foreign powers to act In concert with them in China. He is placed thereby in a position to act Inde pendently, not only with' reference to the. defense of bis dominions against the Chinese invasion, but also as regards the carrying of war Into tho enemy's country and an eventual march upon Jfe kln. Should a Russian army, proceeding from Siberia, reach Pekln and capture It be fore the allies could get to it from the Pacific. Coast, the Czar would be able to dictate terms to China Independently of the other powers, and without any regard to their wishes, virtually establishing himself as master of the country. The British and German Governments, alarmed at the' idea of this eventuality, have today decided to abandon the policy which they have pursued until now arid to declare war upon the Chinese Government, thus placing themselves In line with Russia and France, and the United States is expected to follow suit Immediately. France has. Indeed, already Issued, today, a, decree forbidding the sale of arms or war material of any kind to the Chinese, while Germany has already pro hibited the Chinese envoy at Berlin from communicating with his government ex cept through the German Foreign Office, and is preparing to give him his pass ports. Here In London, the Chinese Min ister has already packed all belongings, removed his boys from the schools and cancelled all his engagements, so as to be ready for Immediate departure. In addition to the corps of the Imperial Chinese Army, which has Invaded Siberia with orders to drive all foreigners out of the rich gold-bearing Amur Province of the Czar, there are five other corps, one or which Is engaged In destroying the Russian Railroad In Manchuria and In driving all the foreigners, especially the Russians, from tho northern portion of the Empire; another is to occupy the roads between Pekln and Sham Hal Kwan; yet another Is to concentrate at Nanking, while columns are being direct ed in hot haste to Tien Tsln, to the bor ders of Corea and to the neighborhood of Shanghai Altogether the Pekln government Is es timated to have under arms at the pres ent moment no less than J,000,X men. splendidly equipped with Mauser rifles, smokeless powder and quick-firing .ord nance, and carefully trained under the direction of Danish and German officers This huge army is under the orders of Prince Tuan. In addition to this, there Is the Chi nese fleet, reconstructed and reorganized since the war with Japan, and compris ing J5 first-class cruisers of the very lat est type. These are cruising about the Yellow Sea, with the.Ir decks cleared for action. Inasmuch as Ave vessels of the allied fleet. Including the British battle-ship Terrible, are cruising about In the same waters, recopnolterlng various towns and forts and inviting the latter 'tp open fire upon them, news' may be expected at any moment of a naval battle. Nine other foreign men-of-war are at anchor off Shanghai, tvith the object of assisting In the" defense of that city In the event of its being attacked by the big Chinese army, which Is now within one day's march of the place. STEPS IN RIGHT DIRECTION. Russia Recoprnlxes That a State of War Exists. LONDON, July 19. The action of Count von Bulow, the German Minister of For- lgt Affairs, In informing the Chinese Legation at Berlin that all telegraphic messages must be in plain language and submitted for approval by the censor, and the suggestion of M. Delcasse, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, that tho exportation of arms to China be pro hibited, which are generally regarded here as long steps In the direction of treating China as a state engaged in war, have been supplemented this morning by the official announcement from St. Petersburg that certain portions of tho Amur terri tory, including parts of the Khabarovsk district and the coast territory, as well as the town of Blagovestchensk, Khaba rovzk and Nlkolskussuri, have been de clared in a state of war since July 17, Russia's announcement Is regarded In London as at least foreshadowing a speedy unconditional recognition of the fact that a condition of war exists be tween China and the olvjllzed world, and the general opinion seems to favor such recognition as tho best means pf meeting the barbarian upheaval, while at the same time endeavoring to isolate the Independ ent Viceroys from the general conflagra tion. The revelation of the ability of tho Chlnose forces In the north to stand their ground against the Internationals is pro ducing the inevitable results In the south. At Shanghai it Is announced officially that foreign women and children have been requested to leave the ports along the river. Serious rioting has occurred at Po Yang Lake, near Klu Klang. Sev eral mi-"Ionarie have been killed, and chapels burned. The telegraph between Kiu Klang and Hankow Is Interrupted. In connection with the story that Prince Tuan's forces have been ordered to march to Wei Hal Wei, it Is considered as sig nificant that Indian troops arriving at Hong Kong have been ordered to proceed to Wei Hal Wei. A Shanghai dispatch also reports that Russia has been in secret negotiation with Prince Tuan's Government with the connivance of Li Hung Chang. In a dispatch from St. Petersburg it is stated that Russia's anxiety to minimize the alarming nature of the news from Manchuria is dictated by fears of the in Jury the confirmation of such news might cause in tho matter of artangements al leged to have been made In the United States for money with which to complete the Manchurian Railroad, A dispatch from Shanghai received hero today reports that the losses of the Chi nese in the fighting at TJen Tsln was up ward of SOW. It is understood that Lleutenant-Gen-eral Sir Francis Grenfell will have com mand of the British forces In China. TORTURED BY BOXERS. Terrible Fate of One of the First Victims. SAN FRANCISCO, July 19.-A Chronicle special from Victoria, B. C, says; Advices received from North China con tain particulars of the awful toVture In flicted on the Rev. H. V. Norman, who with Rev. C Robinson was among the first of the American missionaries to become victims of the Boxers. A correspondent writing from Tien Tbln on July 7, say some refugees who had arrived therd gathered rom Chinese ghastly, details of tho torture Inflicted on Norman. It seems that he' fell into the hands of LI, the head man of a' little town hard by tho little Anglican mission, where he and Robinson had their headquarters. In a quarrel between Boxers and Christians, J toe converts bud driven oft the Boxers from the mission and LI vowed vengeance. This he took in a horrible manner when Norman was thrown Into his hands. After his capture by the rioters, from whom LI took tha captive, the, missionary was stripped by the retinue of li and a collar of Iron fastened Jo his neck. A short chain was attached and" he was tethered to a stake. The Chinese men, wo men and children then poked sharp sticks Into his flesh and Jabbed him With tri dents. When he sank down, weak with the loss of blood and half crazed by the awful torture, and was nnable to get upon his knees even, the' chain being made too short, he strangled slowly. Mol ten lead was then thrown1 on his nude body and as he writhed In ngony, he was stabbed to death. His body was cut to pieces. Robinson, the other missionary, was slaughtered without being so long In ag ony. He was cut down by u mob and hacked to pieces almost Instantly. A number ofi the mission converts were slaughtered. Some were asked to recant and those who did so to save their lives were saddled and bridled and forced to crawl to the temple idols. LETTER. FROM MRS. CONGER. Lost She Wrote Before the Upris ing. DES MOINES. la.. July 19. The last let ter written by Mrs. Conger, wife of the United States Minister to China, Is one to friends hero, under date of May 1. shortly after the return to China from this country. Extracts from this letter fol low: "I must tell you Just a little of the way we found things at the legation. First, tho servants had made the house clean In everj' crack and corner. We see very much In our servants to respect, admire and even love. They are so patient, faithful, attentive, thoughtful and kind. The qualities of character they manifest surprise me. Heathens? In some. ways, and so are we all. "You hear much about the Boxers, don't you? Well, we do nbt feel at all in danger. Next week a party of us starts overland upon a trip to the great wall of China. The Boxers do not like the for S'gnere. They greatly desire the for eigners to go home and stay there and let China alone. What the outcome will be. no one can tell. "There has been no rain during the Win ter and Spring and the Ignorant Chinese think the 'foreign devils' cause- this lacs of water, and starvation threatens them." The President Returns to Canton. WASHINGTON. July 19. After a stay of two days in tho city, during which he had several consultations with his Cabi net on the Chinese situation, the Presi dent started back for Canton tonight, taking the 7;45 express on the Pennsyl vania railroad. The President came to the station unattended during a thunder shower. He was met by several members of his Cabinet, with whom he had a brief private conversation before the train left. French Report of Minister' Safety. PARIS, July 19. An ofllcial telegram from Shanghai dated Wednesday, July IS, states that, according to the Governor of Shan Tung, the foreign Ministers and their families at Pekln are safe and sound, but that the danger Is still very great- The Viceroy, according to this dis patch. Informed the Consular Corps that he had telegraphed to Pekln, urging the protection of the foreign Legations. IK Off AND STEEL. Sharp Competition Is Mnlclnff Prices Suffer. CLEVELAND, O., July 19. The Iron Trade Review says: The past week has been without doubt the most active of the year In finishing material, The significant fact established by those trnpscct.ons Is that a basis has been reported on wnlcn business will be flonjj and that the mam obstacle for some months has been d's trust of existing prices and not such an utter drying up of 'business as .some views have Indicated. The mills have shown In the contests of the. past week a disposition to put prices wnere buyer want them, and some rather savage work has been done in the struggle for orders. In steel bars and In plates . contracts have been taken at figures rolatively low er than the lowest record of three years ago. taking account on today's cost for fuel, ore and labor, Sellers have had to forget that any such prices were ever on their books as were secured with such ease pine and twelve months ago; thu main purpose being to end the lons-dtawn run of driblets and deal again in con siderable blocks. It Is to be noted, how ever, that the very low prices are on business which will yield early specifi cations and mills are not Inviting long contracts on this basis, for there Is a strong leaning to the belief that later le the year higher prices wilt prevail for material that for weeks has gone begging. The business of the past week has been well scattered. Construction contracts- in the hands of bridge, boiler, tank and fitting works have taken a large part oj it. Agricultural buyers have made a be ginning of new contracting, the Chicago district reporting consiaeraoie activity In this direction. There are signs on all hands that buyers have held off until tho last moment and that the past week has seen many coming simultaneously Into the market to cover work actually In hand, on which bids have been asked repeatedly , In recent weeks, but without placing or ders. The pig Iron situation has not shown the flexibility of certain finished line, In the process of readjustment, but here also values have shown further declines In the past week, northern Irons yielding more rapidly than southern. At the prices now established. It Is evident more furnaces will soon Put out of blast,' many of them to stay out for months, Wage ques tions are arising at a number of furnaces and resistance of the reductions proposed will facilitate the blowing out process. The July 1 pig Iron figures did not show the expected restriction, but the stacks put out this month will make a marked change In the showing by August L The market for bessemer remains at a standstill and there are several problems ahead of the furnace men. Steel works have yet to take out a large amount of Iron bought at top prices and the ques tion of revising these contracts is up, as is also the proposal for putting out of a portion of the steel companies' blast furnaces along with the merchants' fur naces. Two Lorain furnaces havo been closed down and a number of valley fur naces will probably quit before the end of the month. In foundry iron prices have fallen 51 a ton at least In the week. Ralsln-Growcrs' Association. FRESNO, Cal., July 19. The Raisin Association today announced that the required acreage was on hand, and the packers have accepted the statement. Tho association has 83 per cent of the state acreage of three -year contracts, and enough two-year contracts to bring it up to 90 "per cent Pullman Manual Tralnlnpr-Sohool. CHICAGO, July 19. Executors of the will of George M. Pullman have turned over to the board of directors of the Pullman Free School of Manual Training 51,200,000, the amount decreed for building such Institution and for the purpose of carrying into execution the stipulations of the will. The board of directors of the proposed institution have effected perma nent organization by the election of offi cers, and as soon as these officials, to gether with the board of trustees, can determine what the scope of the school is to be, work will be begun. Gold for France. NEW YORK. July 19. The gold ship ments on the steamer La Bretagne, which J sailed for -Havre today,, amounted tq. 2,203,214, all bars. ACTIVITY ATTHEPRES1DI0 PREPARING TROOPS FOR SEfiVJCE Df" CHINA. ' Work atjthe Transport Docks Fifth, Infantry Soon to Return From Cuba, SAN FRANCISCO, July 19. The bat teries ofthe Third Artillery that received orders on the 17th Inst, tojrendervous at the'Prealdlo, with a view of ultimate serv ice in China, have been ordered Into camp at the Presidio, with Instructions to the various officers to have everything In readiness for sudden departure. Clothing is being Issued to the hien that will be of service in either China or the Philippines. Instructions have been forwarded from Washington requesting the Immediate preparations of camp requisites for the comfort of fiOOO men. Recruits are arriv ing every day from all parts of the coun try, and are belngfurnlshed with clotning and outfits as rapidly as possible. The Aztec will carry 452 horses. The Hamburg-Ahierican line has the contract for carrying 5000 horses that were bought here for Germany, but that company as yet has been unable to charter any ves sels. The Pacific Mail Company's steamers City of Para, City of Sydney and Colon have been withdrawn from the Central American trade. No confirmatory news has been received from Washington, but the supposition is that all three vessels will carry troops to China or Manila, The owners of the Zealandla will not say where she Is going, but the work of fit ting her out for a run Into tho tropics has already begun. The Senator and City of Puebla are coming hero from Puget Sound, and it now begins to look as If Uncle Sam would havo 10,000 men on tha waters inside of a fortnight. Work on the transports Hancock and Meade is being rushed. Just as soon as the troops are here both vessels will sail. This will be about the 29th last., and the ships now being chartered will follow them In rapid succession. The United States Quartermaster's De partment has awarded contracts for sup plying 243 field ranges, to be delivered In three weeks. These ranges are built In" such form that all of the cooking uten sils can be stored In the stove during transportation. The number of ranges or dered will be enough to supply an army of 25,000 men. Several of the large grocery houses In this city have received orders for Im mense quantities of supplies to be deliv ered at once to the United States Sub sistence Department. Troops to Leave Arizona. CLIFTON, Ariz.. July 19. Orders have been received to put In readiness for leav ing s'.x troops of the Ninth Cavalrv O' ored), which are garrisoned at Fort Grant, Huachuca and San Carlos, estab lished to protect settlers' In the several Apache regions of Arizona. The negro troops will be relieved by four troops of the Fifth Cavalry at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. The action will likely call for a strong protest from settlers, who claim they would be left unprotected from sanguin ary Indians If the changes were made. According to orders received tho six com panies will go to San Francisco, probably the last of the month. Order to First Cavnlry. ST. PAUL, July 19. Today the War Department has been In communication with G-cneral Wade, in command of the Department of the Dakotas, to hurry the First Cavalry through to Seattle not later than July 28. and to sail from that port not later than the 2Sth. The First Cavalry is scattered In two departments. One troop Is located In Yellowstone Park, another at Fort Meade, and still another at Fort Yates. There are perhaps 4S men In the Department "of the Dakotas. "A large shipment of horses for this regi ment left for Seaftre today. While the First Cavalry Is Under orders ostensibly for Manila, the reglmont will probably be diverted to China. Minnesota's Militia Strength. ST. PAUL, July 19. Governor John LInd, In reporting to the War Depart-J ment the militia strength of Minnesota, today notified the Federal Government that the force was amply sufficient and competent to protect settlers from In dians, who were reported by the newspa pers as restless In the northern part of the state. In case there was any use for the regular troops In China or else where. Return of Cuban Troops. SANTIAGO DE CUBA, July 19. Tlie United States transport Rawlins has ar rived here from Matanzas with a battal ion of the Tenth Cavalry. Captain Mur phy commanding. This battalion has come to relieve the Fifth Infantry, gar risoning the Modro. The Fifth will Im mediately embark for New York. Clothlncr for Soldiers. JEFFERBONVILLE, Ind., July 19. The Government depot In Jeffersonvllle has received orders from Washington to be pin making 150 000 flannel blouses and 00. 000 pars of drawers. This Is In antici pation of military operations In China and to clothe the soldiers In the Philip pines for the changing seasons. JESTER AN ATTRACTION. If Acquitted He Will Go Into Dime Museum Business. the ST. L.OUIS, July 19. A special to tho Post-Dispatch from New London, Mo., says: Interest in the JeBter trial Is Increas ing. Letters and telegrams have been re ceived Inquiring about the defendant and his alleged victim. It la said that if Jester is acquitted, he will travel aad ex hibit himself. The state has traced Jester through Kansas and Missouri and today followed him, through Illinois. Sen ator Sylvester Allen, of Scott County, Illinois, testified that In 1S71, when he resided near Naples, HI., Alexander Jester stopped at his house over night Ho was driving one team and leading the other. Senator Allen said that Jester attracted his attention by his peculiar demeanor, would not sleep In the house, but slept in his wagon. Herman Hofferkomp, who was in the livery-stable business at Springfield, 111., said that in 1S71 Jester and his teams stopped at his barn and stayed there about one week. When he departed he left a very intelligent shepherd dog which the witness said ho kept This is supposed to be the dog that belonged to Gilbert Gates. Hart W. Dunham testified that In 1S71 Alexander Jester sold three Buffalo hides to a man named A. Dennis, of. Decatur, 111., who is now dead. Dennis took the hides to Dunham's father to be tanned. The hides were put into the vat Some time after M. Gates came along on the track of Jester, who. he alleged, had killed his son. The hides -were examined and blood was found on tho hairy side of one of them. The theory Is that this was tho blood of Gilbert W. Gates. Mrs. Matilda Dennis corroborated Durham's testimony. She remembered her husband telling about buying three bloody hides from Jester. This afternoon Mrs. Joseph ine Clark testified that one day In Jan uary. 1S71, she saw a man with two wagons and a buffalo calf pass her home on a byroad In Monroo County, and in the front wagon she noticed the form of a man lying on the floor. She saw the face of the man sticking out of the cov ering of the wagon. Mrs. Clark made a strong witness for the state. The defense, tried to break down her testimony, but without much success. Wise Murder Trial. ANOKX Minn., July 19. At tho conclu- slon of the preliminary examination into tha shooting of the "Wlse f araljy today, tha court decided to release James Hardy and jElnier; Miller, accused of tha Wlso rtriurders. holdinjf that their alibis were conclusive. Young Mattiaon, whose con fession first directed suspicion to Hardy and Miller, was held for trial. s . . . .. . . REVIEWED BY LOUBET. Combined. -Mediterranean, and Chan nel Squadrons. CHERBOURG. July M.Bresldent Lou bet went aboard tho dispatch boat Elan toiaay and reviewed In the harbor the com bined Mediterranean and "Channel squad rons, which have Just completed their annual maneuvers. There were 42 war ve sa s lined up, comprising 17 battle-ships, five armored cruisers, eight cruisers, six torpedo-boat destroyers and a floating buoy. There was magnificent weather and the spectacle was a splendid one. M. Fallleres, President of the Senate; M. Des Chamel, President of the Chamber of Deputies; M. Waldeck-Rousseau, the Prime Minister, and M. De Lannesan, Minister of Marine, accompanied Presi dent LoubeL Tho Teview was witnessed by enormous crowds from a swarm of excursion steamers. W. W. ASTOR APOLOGIZES. But It Will Not Regain Him His So cial Position in London. LONDON, July 19. William Waldorf Astor has apparently reached the conclu sion that he made a grave blunder when he publicly Insulted Captain Sir Archibald Berkeley Milne. Today Mr. Astor pub lished in his newspaper, the Pall Mall Gazette: "We desire to express regret that a paragraph which appeared in this column July 2, with regard to the presence of Sir Berkeley Milne at Mr. Aster's concert, the preceding Thursday evening should have been published under a misappre hension of the exact circumstances. Ex planations of a complete categorical kind now show that Sir Berkeley Milne's pres ence was dua to a misunderstanding that entirely absolves blm from any intentional discourtesy.' I Mr. Astor's apology was without doubt forced by tho action of the Prince of Wales, who when tho matter was placed before him. unhesitatingly expressed his Indignation and declared that unless an ample apology was forthcoming, Mr. As tor could not bo permitted to retain his membership In the Marlborough Club. The Prince of Wales' vleVs were convey ed to the club committee and Mr. Astor was notified that an apology alone could save him from being expelled. Though this apology Is now forthcoming and Mr. Astor has narrowly escaped the Ignominy of public expulsion from the club, It 13 Widely asserted that his forced repentance will not save him from bslng cold-shouldered by all who are not daz zled by his wealth. THEY SAW THE QUEEN. Christian Endeavorers nt Windsor Castle. LONDON, July 19. Several thousands of the Christian Endeavorers visited Windsor today, en route to Oxford and Stanford. This afternoon a large assem bly gathered In the Royal Grounds, hop ing to see Queen Victoria, and received word that Her Majesty would appear In the quadrangle of the castla Here the Queen shortly arrived, accompanied by Princess Henry of Battenbnrg, ready for a drive. A thousand voices united tn singing "God Save the Queen." which was followed by the Christian Endeavor ers anthem, as Her Majesty drove down the ranks acknowledging the plaudits, bowing and smiling. Nearly all the delegates will eventually go to Paris to see the exposition. Some will take longer tours and visit Germany, the Rhine, Munich, Oberammergau and Switzerland. Another tour includes all of these places and two weeks In Italy. Death ln. tlvo Alps. BERLIN, July IS. Tho, annual chapter of Alpine accidents has begun unusually early tills year. - Within a week seven citizens of Berlin, . Including two ladles, have met their death in the Alps. The latest case was reported today. William Welgand, the well-known Alpinist and a teacher of gymnastics In a number of Berlin Institutions, fell with Moser, the most famous guide In the Tyrol, while climbing Koenlgs Peak. Both were killed. German Ment Inspection. BERLIN, July 19. The Munich Allege melne Zeltung says that an Imperial de cree will be Issued In a few days, pro hibiting the Importation of sausages and canned meat, but that no deqlslon has been reached as to when the other sec tions of the meat Inspection law will take effect. TEA WILL ADVANCE. Oriental AVnr n a. Lever to Lift Prices, JTEW TORK. July 19 Already the troubles In China have given rise to re ports of a probable Increase la the price of tea and there Is llttla reason to doubt that efforts will be made to induce tea drinkers to pay more for their beverage than they have been doing, everf If tho disorder now prevailing In the northern part of China does not spread to the south, where -the tea fields are. But unless the Boxers do succeed in In ducing the southern provinces to Join In tha anti-foreign outbreak, It does not seem probable, so many merchants say, that the tea crop of China can ba se riously affected. The natives who raise tea will be Just as anxious to sell It as ever, and the home market cannot con sume it all. even In the most favorable circumstances. Another reason why thera should be lit tle genuine stringency In the tea market Is the fact that India and Ceylon and Japan furnish a large part of the world's tea supply, and would grow vastly larger crops than they do now, were It not for the competition of cheap China teas. StlllK If this competition should be removed, by the spread of anarchy and war Into tho tea-growing provinces of China, there is every probability that prices would ad vance temporarily, at least, and this would probably result In America In a large drop In the consumption of tea. Nevertheless, for some reason or other, there has recently been a marked advance Invtho wholesale price of some grades of tea, CHICAGO, July 19. The Tribune says: An advance In the price of tea, due to the Chinese difficulties, is already felt In the wholesale market. N. O. Conybear, "Western manager for Thomas J. Llpton, said that dealers In tea anticipated a long war In China, and the market was being adjusted accordingly. Bryan' Letter to Egan. NEW YORK, July 19. The following letter, given out for publication by Pat rick Egan. rormeriy umtea states Min ister to Chile, was received by him, he states, In answer to a telegram of con gratulation sent by him to Mr. Bryan on the, latter's nomination for the Presi dency: "Lincoln, Neb., July 14. My Dear Mr. Egan: Tour telegram of congratulation was one of the first received, and none was more highly appreciated. Tou wero the first prominent Republican pointed out to me when I arrived In Lincoln. October i, 1SS7, and you may remember that I responded to the toast, 'Our Friends, the Enemy?' the evening when you and other Republicans were celebrat ing the Republican victory in 18SS. I at tended the banquet given you when you were departing for Chile. So much for reminiscences. "Am glad that you" like our platform. T Hlnlr If la OTinaph . Tf neHt in fimnetflT r the conscience and patriotism of the peo- pie. Tou are In a position to do lm- I portant service for the party lu the crisis which Is upon us, and I am delighted to know that your zeal is equal to your ability. Yours truly, "W. J. BRYAN." ONLY AN OBSERVER. Gnptnia Reich mann Says He Was Not a Boer Lender. LEAVENWORTHTkan., July 19. Cap tain Carl Relchmann, United States at tache Tartth the Boers, denies that he took: part as a Boer leader In any of the bat tles In South Africa. It was reported In May that Relchmann was In command oC a Boer force In a battle wherein the Eng lish were defeated. The first word of di rect dental Is received in a letter to Adolph Lange, of this city, written by Captain Relchmann at Pretoria, May 15. He says: "I have been an observer in several fights, and they were very interesting. Was also at the battle of Sinnas Post, of which you probably heard that I was the leader on the side of the Boers. Thai was a silly ."canard. I was only a plain but much-shot-at observer." THE TRANSVAAL CAMPAIGN. A Fox and Hound Chase In South, Africa. NEW YORK, July 19. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: Lord Roberts reports from Pretoria a battle and a fox chase. The bat tle was 'brought on by - General Botha, who attacked General Pole carew's position east of Pretoria, while General Hamilton was mov ing northward and driving back Delarey's commando and General French was In the center between the two wings. This was a vigorous counter-stroke planned when Lord Roberts had succeeded in cut ting off communications between the two Boer forces and was pushing back tho weaker column from Waterval. The British positions were gallantly, de fended by the Canadian and the New Zea land Mounted Infantry and the Irish Fusiliers, and a series of desperate at tacks was repulsed. The losses were bal anced on each side, but Included two brave Canadian officers. Lieutenants Bor den and Birch, to whom Lord Roberta pays a fine tribute. While Lord Roberts' army Is virtually on the defensive within a few mlle3 of Pretoria, he has sent Lord Methuen and General Smlth-Dorrlen from Krugersdorp to Rustenberg, to clear tho western dis trict, where recent successes haye caused a renewal of the bad feeling against the British. Tho fox hunt has begun In tha Orange River Colony, where Generals Hunter and Rundle were slowly but sure ly closing around General Dewet's com mando. The fox has suddenly started across the country toward Llndley. with tho mounted forces of Colonel Broadwood and Colonel Ridley In hot pursuit. Tha Boer force does not exceed 13)0 men with five guns, and the pursuers If their horses are In good condition may succeed In running It down. If this can be done, the pacification of the Orange River Colony ought to be effected rapidly, as the re maining commandos cannot keep up the fight In the mountains If Van Reenan'B Pass and Harrlsmlth have been taken but the fox must be first caught The renewal of the Boers' activity Is probably due to the effect of the crisis In China. Mr. Kruger and Mr. Steyn have perceived In the far East a diver sion In their favor which they previously expected either from European diplomacy ,or from American politics. t Potofflce at Pnnsro Pansro. WASHINGTON. July 19. Fourth As sistant Postmaster-General Brlstow, has established a postoffice at the U. S. Naval Station. Panico Pango. Samoa. Mrs. M. H. Hudson, wife of Chief Boatswain Hud son, U. S. N., has been appointed postmis tress. ? fzmn Or discomfort, no irritation of the in testines but gentle, prompt, thorough healthful 'cleansing, when your tska Sold by all tirugglsts. 25 cents Great (jA Price ? Qhmst Saftrea Parted War ' 20 Pcr ceQ ft Dinner Sets 20 per cent, off Jardinieres e20 p1" cen ctt clocJt3 20 Pcr Cnt tf Glassware 20 Per ccn H Lamps 20 Pr cc H Knives, Forks, Spoons rilffh Crpde Silver glafca Ware 30 Per ccn h aI1 s acd nds Grey Encrnelcd Ware, prices away down Table Glassware, prices away down . DINNER SETS 44 piece Sinner Set,. S3.00 Co piece Dinner Set, S4.4Q loo piece Dinner Set, 36 95 GLASS BERRY AND TABLE SETS 35. 40, 45. 55. 75. 90 Cta. per Bet GLASS PITCHERS, SUGAR BOWLS AND SPOON HOLDERS 5, to, xs, 20, 5 cta. earn LEMONADE AND WATER SETS 45. 35 3, 75. 9Q Cta, per Bet CO uS JUST TO MESS Good Time and Place to nuy Great Eastera Tea Co. 223 First Street, Portland. 320 "Waahinarton Street, Portland. ' 113 Grand Avenue, E. Portland. PRICES LOWER. THAX EVER, s s Liver Ills. Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures k SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion,, torpid liver, constipation and all blllOUS diseases. m w 2.- T"II I GL i Ui i O JUIYQV iiLi-i