i 'frf t f t f t.TTj dBiliiifiiiift XJ wpnww yv "i"" . VOL. XL. tfO. 12,356. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JTJLH 20. 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. i ill Sparkling... in purity XBLATZ BEER THE STAR MILWAUKEE ROTHCHILD BROS., Agents, 20-26 N. First St. John Van Steel Ranges . Are acknowledged the best in the "WORLD. But they "have no nickel or shoddy In their make-up. Just plain, polished steel. Richardson & Boynton furnaces. American, Boiler Company's steam and hot wate boilers. All sizes and kinds of registers. "For sale by PREMG W. Q. McPHERSOIN HEATING AJSD VENTILATING ENGINEER Efx RAY CYCLONE AND ADLAKE MAGAZINES. - TVHOLESALE AND RETAIL. EASTMAN'S FULL LINE OF KODAKS. f , BB S POCO MONTAUK BIICQMALIE-'FRANK DRUG CO. " 14-146 FOURTKST.t flEAR MORRISON PHIL METSOSEnHwb. C. W. KNOWLES. Mgr. SEVENTH AND WASHINGTON STREET. POSIIAAD, 0REG91 CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT European Plan: . $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE. J. G. Mack & Co. 88 Third St. Opposite Chester f Coaserce 1 ' Iff I Out Midsummer Display of BneJfefjicles- - s, Hoi never been equated on the'Coast Everythftts on whcqj 'f " for dtyrand Country driving, and our prices are just right See our newIno of Bike wagprt arid Whalebone rneumtffc Runabouts. Visitors welcome. Cnir dooriafe always 'open. w STUDEBAKER Baraeii, Robes and Whips. 320-338 E, MoFTlSOn St. JULY 6 THE DATE Russia Said to Have News of the Pekin Massacre. DEFEATED THE CHINESE IN -AMUR ie ic ics Kodaks, Premos, Pocos, Cyclones Colllnear, Zeiss, Bausch and Loumb Lenses FRESH STOCK. DAR7C ROOM AD INSTRtCTIONS FREE. OUR NEW PHOTO CATALOGUE SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. Wholesale and Retail Druggists Wflftl A 11 PI JIDFE P pft Fourth and Washington Sts. uUI)AlI), LLAlUiE & LU. THE PORTLAND PORTLSND, OR5CON J AMERICAN PUN 7 2 S3.00 PER DAY w COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS ' HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special rates assse to families u slag-la srvntlene. be aaaatftr' sseat will b pleased at all time. t .bow roexas aad air prices. A ate. fceteL H. C BOWZAS, ttaaasxer. mru Tarklob bath vatnblUbraettt la thi Library Association of Portland STAJCISTKn fetwa Small at! m 24,000 volumes and over 200 periodicals S5.00 a year or $150 a quarter Two books allowed on all subscriptions KOURS-from WO A. M, b ftOO r. M dally, except Sundays and.rio1!dm, IT WAS BEFORE THE DAY OF SAPOLIO THEY USED TO SAY "WOMAN'S WORK IS NEVER DONE." THEN HER FATHER BOUGHT A PIANOLA. There was a young lady from Rio Who tried to play Hummel's Grand Trio, But her fingers were scanty, oo sne played it andante, Instead of allegro con Brio. . M.ifjB. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the Aeolian Company , 353-355 Washington Street, opp. Cordray's. H Blajrorestchenslc Reoecnpied Slbe rian Railway Closed to Traffic Escape of Missionaries. LONDON. July 20, 4 A. M. "The Wash ington Idea of sending Mr, Rockhill to China,'" says the Standard editorially this morning:. ls an excellent one, and might advantageously he Imitated by the British and other governments." The Standard then proceeds to comment upon the great ignorance prevailing In Europe, not only of recent events, but of Chinese affairs generally. The Cabinet council convened by Lord Salisbury yesterday came a day earlier than usual, and It Is expected that It will be followed by a statement in Parliament throwing light upon the situation. The Chinese assertions that the mem bers of the foreign legations are still safe have been so often repeated, that they are beginning to raise hopes In some quarters. According to the Dally Tele graph's St. Petersburg correspondent, however, the Russian Government Is al ready in possession of definite news that all the foreigners in Pekin were massa cred July 6. M. Delcasse's circular only goes to prove that so far the powers have failed to arrive at any concerted, plan of action. Very little further news is available this morning. The Yokohama correspondent of the Dally Mall, who repeats his state ments regarding the jealousy felt among the allies on the subject .of a Japanese commander-in-chief and the general lack of unity among them, adds: "The Japanese correspondents charge the Russian soldiers with appalling bar barity toward the Chinese. They declare that the Pel Ho is full of the corpses of women and children, and that the Rus sians loaded 2000 boys on & junk and burned them." Shanghai reports that three mission sta tions on Po Tang Lake have been de stroyed, and it Is believed, that the mis sionaries escaped. All the missionaries at She Ho, Kerin and Kuang Sheng Tseu, in Chinese Manchuria, have arrived in safety at VladUostock. It is rumored that Tu Lu, the missing Viceroy of the Prince of Chi Li, has com mitted suicide. Various conflicting sto ries are published of the manner of Gen eral Nieh's death. It is staetd that when the allies entered the native city of Tien Tsln they found the Chinese dead piled breast high, and it was feared that this would result In an outbreak of pestilence. Sixteen of the captured guns are quite modern weapons. The Shanghai correspondent of the Times expresses doubt that the Southern Viceroys will be abln to withstand the pressure of the provincial officials to join. the anti-foreign movement. He thinks piat already there aresigns -of wavering on the part or theVlcoroy "of Rankin, Liu KUn yirand -.says: . r Jtt Is admitted at Nankin that Liu's .authority is not sufllclent to guarantee the maintenance of law and order north of the river. Hence the Consuls at Yang tse ports are arranging for the departure of the women and children. It Is inevita ble that the mandarins as a body should sympathize with Prince Tuan's move ments." The correspondent confirms the state ment of the correspondent of the Dally Express regarding the indignation caused by the British reception of Li Hung Chang at Hong Kong. He says it is in terpreted by the natives as weakness on the part of the allies, and he asks why Li Hung Chang could not hae been de tained until Information had been re ceived from Pekin. The Times understands that the chief representatives of the Mohammedan cler gy In Constantinople have Issued a strong protest, based upon the Koran, against palace sympathy with tne Chinese mas sacre. According to the Canton correspondent of the Dally Telegraph, six Chinese sol diers have been beheaded for assaulting an American medical missionary. The Russians, according to the latest news from St. Petersburg, have now com pletely defeated the Chinese, and have occupied Blagovestchensk, capital of the Amur Government, with a large force. Since General Grlbskl, chief of staff, at Port Arthur, has taken over the supreme command in Manchuria, reinforcements have been rapidly pushed up and the general situation has been greatly Im proved. The Russian Minister of the Interior has issued a notice that the Siberian rail way Is closed to traffic There Is little doubt that the Russian authorities were not prepared for such an organized Chi nese movement in Manchuria, but they have taken brisk measures, and they be lieve that China will soon be too much pre-occupled with military operations nround Pekin to conduct serious opera tions in the north. The Dally Mall's Shanghai correspond ent says: "Advices from Vladivostock state that the Chinese Invasion of eastern Siberia has stopped Russia's advance from the north on Pekin. The Russians have burned the Chinese town of Helampo, and are adopting very vigorous meas ures." Berlin telegrams dwell upon the Im mense German Interests In Southeastern Siberia. They say that the many German merchants, the numerous German em ployes and the Immense stores of mer chandise belonging to Germans in that territory will compel Germany to co-operate with Russia In resisting the Chi nese. General Sir Arthur Powell Palmer. Commander-in-Chief In India, said, in the course of an Interview in Simla yester day, that no more British troops could be sent from India lor China, unless they could be replaced from South Africa. THE: QBB3TAX CENSORSHIP. Reason for Prohibiting the Sending: of Cipher Messages. BERLIN, July 1. The Berliner Post this evening contains an article, evi dently inspired, giving the views of the German Foreign Office regarding the withdrawal from the Chinese Minister in Berlin of the right to use the telegraph for secret messages. The article admits that the step is unprecedented, but de clares that It was rendered necessary by the "abnormal relations between Ger many1 and China." "The regular Chinese troops," the arti cle says, "are In the field against the German troops. It also remains un known whether the government from which the Chinese Minister Is accredited still exists. The status In China is not absolutely 'clear, and since the news given cut by the Chinese Minister has not always been confirmed by the facts, it is Impossible to permlt him to com municate freely with his government un der the fiction- that there Is no war." The article- goes on to insinuate that the German Government had expected the Chinese Minister to take the Initiative to show the Foreign Office all, the messages as an evidence of his good faith, and adds: "The German Government has given fresh evidence of JtB frank: and above board Policy, since It could easily have Becured the correspondence through bri bery, which it disdained to do. 1Mb a matter of honor for the Chinese Minister to respond to the loyal attitude of Ger many toward him with proof of equal loyalty on his part. The step Is an ap peal to bis moral setisc." The Vosslsche Zeltung and the National Zeltung discuss Count von Bulows step, giving It their full approval. The Kreuz Zeltung considers it. Very doubtful that the powers will harmoniously carry out the programme laid down by the Foreign Secretary. "The possibility must ever be kept in mind," says this organ, "that the pow ers may disagree and that each will withdraw to its own sphere of Influence. At any rate, it is ndw certain that the war will last for a long time, and the present troops in thg field are entirely Insufficient Doubtless, if the United States Government Has already created a military basis in China, Washington would now make a claim for a separate sphere of influence. If imperialism suc ceeds at the forthcoming Presidential election, a strong expansion policy to wards China Is to be "expected from the United States. "In any event, in oraer to make their influence felt In the coming reorganiza tion of the Chinese government, each power will probably 'establish further points of support In China." The Lokal Anzelger Stys It learns that the troops marching uubn Pekin will re ceive orders not to doroythe Imperial Palace. Considerable apprehension Is ex pressed by the Germag, press that the Chinese fleet Is preparing to attack Ger man transports upon yelr arrival, but this anxiety Is not shared by the Foreign Office. Referring to the .proposed pro hibition of the shipment of arms into China, the Foreign Office says that the matter has been left to the Admirals. I who are exercising due watchfulness. The Foreign Ofilce does tfot believe the statement telegraphed to an American paper that the foreigners are safe in bomb-proof houses. It is now settled that the China expeditionary corps will sail In 10 steamers from Bremerhaven, betueen July 27 and August 3. A ship ment of Spanish donkeys has arrived here for the expedition. Dr. Kueltter, who has. just returned frpm the Trans vaal, will go to China as manager of the German Red Cross contingent. Delcnase's Proposal. ROME, July 19. The government ha received a circular from M. Delcasse. the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, which, It Is understood, has been dis patched to all the powers proposing an International agreement for joint action In China and the future attitude of the powers. The matter is still under consid eration here. Lord Salisbury, the British Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs, it is understood, has already replied in a friendly spirit. The replies of the United States and Russia have not yet PAflnhfwl C T)Alf?YA t lifit, tVij, t-h 1 ply xst -Germany. The' latter goermnentprw kr''caB?--'imuPCVinii "lyj-mauefa. some- 'what sTnillar pr6posftion t6 the United states ajone. It is reported that Presi dent McKlnley hesitates to Join with the other nations, but it is regarded as prac tically assured that all the powers, in view of the danger of the situation, will negotiate regarding M. Delcasse's pro posal and finally sign an agreement on the China question. Humbert to the Soldiers. NAPLES, July 19. King Humbert re viewed the Chinese expeditionary corps today, and afterwards addressed the offi cers and men. His Majpsty said: "I bring you my salute and that of your country In "wishing good fortune to your arms. You go to a distant region where our flag has been outraged. You go there not for the purpose of conquest, but by the force of sacred rights of men and violated humanity. In your mission you will have for companions soldiers of the most powerful nations of the -world. Be good comrades with them. Try to hold aloft the prestige of the Italian army and the honor of the country. Depart, there fore, full of confidence. I accompany you In spirit. May God bless your mission." Hard Pressed at Tfevr Chiron k. LONDON, July 20 The Dally Express publishes the following from Che Foo, dated yesterday: "The Russians are hard pressed around New Chwang, and have been , expelled from Tien Chwan Ta, the scene of the great fight during the Chlno-Japanese War, where they have sustained heavy losses. They have also been compelled to abandon Tshl Chau, by a large body of Boxers and armed peasants. Hero again the Russians lost heavily, but It Is rumored that they succeeded in killing TOO of their assailants. The Chinese have completely demolished the railway north of Tshl Chau. The Russians are now moving on New Chwang." Attnclc on the Native City. BERLIN, July 19. A report has been forwarded by Count von Usedom, of the German second-class cruiser Hertha. of the attack upon the native city of Tien Tsin by the allied forces. The report says scarcely any resistance was expected when the Americans, British and Japan ese finally stormed the walled native city the afternoon of July 14. Fighting was still in progress on the east side of the town where the Russians were trying to seize a "Chinese eamo the mnrntnc rr July 15. Russian flags were floating from tne umnese camp and citadel. Impressed Into Japanese Service. VICTORL, B. C, July 19 Word was received here today by the local agents of the Nippon Yusen Kalsha line, connect ing with the Great Northern Railroad, that two of their vessels, the Tosa Mo.ru and Klnsnlu Maru, had been Impressed by the Japanese Government to carry troops to Taku. The RIojun Maru, which soiled today for the Orient, is the only vessel left In service. Tfonkin Viceroy Summoned. LONDON, July 20. The Shanghai cor respondent of the Daily Mall says: The Viceroy of Nankin has received an edict summoning him to Pekin. As he is pro-foreign in his sentiments, his de parture is undesirable and is an element of danger. Joe Wheeler Wants More Flsfctlnar. CHICAGO, July 19. General Joseph Wheefer. commander of the Department of the Lakes, has asked theWar Depart ment Jo assign him to duty in China, No action has been taken as yet upon the application. Indian Troops at Talcs. BERLIN, July-19. A dispatch from Taku received here todayv says the first steamer bringing Indian troops to China arrived' there Monday July '16. ' SLOW KENTUCKIANS Little Progress Made by Dem ocrats at Lexington1. ' DISAGREEMENTS IN COMMITTEES Beckham's Maaasrers Cl&Ixa ta Eava More Than En&ax& Votes ta NoBtiaate Their Maa. CONVENTION HALL, LESONGTON, Ky.. July 20. A 'large and disappointed audience was held all night here at the pavilion. The Democratic state conven tion had taken a recess at 4:30 till 3:80 P. M., expecting the committees to re- beea called, the name of Peake was withdrawn and Robblns was selected as chairman by acclamation. This result was greeted with a great demonstration by the Beckham men. Judge Bobbins was then escorted to the platform and Bpoke at some length. Mr. Peake followed Judge Robblns with a long speech, after which the usual com mittees were appointed and the conven tion took: a recess until 8:30 P. M. NORTH DAKOTA DEMOCRATS. FbU State Ticket Pat in the Field. GRAND FORKB, N. D., July 19.-The North Dakota State Democratic and the Independent Democratic parties in joint convention today nominated the following ticket: Presidential electors, M. F. Williams, Charles Applequlst and W. T. Haupt; member of Congress, M. A. Hlldredth; Governor, M. A. Wlpperman; Lieutenant Governor, W. F. McLean; Secretary of State. F. J. Williams; auditor, S. K. Mc GJnnls; Treasurer, J. P. Birder; Commis sioner of Insurance, W. M. Campbell, INVASION OF SIBERIA y ?&g yt. p J JzJr The above map shows Amurthe Russian province In Southeastern Siberia, invaded by Chinese and Boxers. According to the latest advices the Russians have recaptured Blagovest chensk, the capital of the province. port in the evening, the convention to conclude under the brilliant Illumination with the nomination of Governor Beck ham. But the committees on credentials and resolutions were unable to agree on their reports and the large audience was kept waiting In vain all night for the crowning event. Th$ time was filled In with speeches that were eloquent and some of them exceptionally witty. While the entertainment was good in iti way. It lifaju.qot wha, was expected; and there i -p-as; cooifliamt qx& scaeMeiqjtBjaina con$jStioft another, day. It was"" almost, TOldnlghi when tho (Committee on credent tlals Ortally came In with majority aha minority reports. The large oojdfence lis tened patiently to the arguments of ward politics in Covington, Newport and other places, ana in the weary hours after mld nlrht was still natlentlv listenlnsr to the "story of. local contests. The report of the committee on organi zation recommended that the temporary organization be made permanent. At 1:10 A. il. the convention refused to adjourn and & call of counties for the nomination was made. The confusion was such that the secretary could not proceed with the call and finally it was announced that the committee on resolutions was ready to report, and Senator Blackburn began reading the same at 2 o'clock A M. It was submitted as" unanimous and was adopted. The platfofm calls for fair elec tions and, recommends that the act of 1SSS, known as the Goebel election law, be amended, and that until so amended as" to be satisfactory to all. Republicans shall have representatives on both state and county election boards. The Kansas City platform is reaffirmed and the ad ministration of Governor Beckham Is en dorsed. The districts were then called for nomi nations for Governor and Congressman Wheeler presented the name of Governor Beckham In a stirring speech. The pre sentation of the names of the other can didates followed, although there was no doubt whatever of the nomination of Governor Beckham, who was on the plat form ready to make his speech of acceptance. , Claims of Beckham Men. LEXINGTON. Ky., July 19. The dele gates to the Democratic state conven tion met by districts this morning to select their members of the convention committees, .Notwithstanding the attempts made on the candidacy of Governor Beckham and the conferences of old leaders during the night, the Beckham lines were as solid as ever today. Claims were made by tha opposition that they have made Inroads on ths Instructed vote of Governor Beck ham. The Beckham men claimed that they had i7S Instructed votes and as many of the instructed- delegates, as the field combined, or more than, enough to nomi nate. It requires M7 to jjomlnate. and th vote against Beckham Is scattered be tween Black. McCreary, Lewis. Tarvin, Smith. Prye-r and Garnett, without any effective organization to concentrate on any one man against the Governor. The opposition remained scattered during tho district meetings, none of those in the field carrying more than one district, while the Beckham faction claimed a ma jority In eich of tha committees and thereby the control of the convention. At the conference In Senator Black burn's Toom, which lasted until nearly 3 A. M., and at which Governor Beckham was represented, it was agreed to recom mend an early extra session of the Leg islature for tho purpose of amending the Goebel eectlpn law. The result of this conference nas been generally accepted today by the Beckham men, and It has relieved them, from embarrassment over the only plank In the platform that was In dispute. This plan leaves the whole matter to- the Legislature without any specific declaration of the convention as to how the modification of the election law shall be made. Meanwhile the oppo sition say that the Beckham men have made this concession under protest, and will not work sincerely In the Legislature for a satisfactory modification of the law. Fight Over Chairmanship. The convention was called to order at 2:30 P. M. N Young announced thai? the first thing In order was the selection of a temporary chairman. The names of Judge J- E.Robblns and R. Frank Peake were presented. During the balloting numerous disputes arose and delayed the progress. After .all the 119 counties had Barnes; Attorney-General, John Carmody, Traill; Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor. S. Torgerson; Railroad Commis sioners, L. Stavenherm, L. L. Lewis and Joseph Morrison. Tho Populist convention determined to oppose resubmission. There will be some trouble over fusion, but it is likely the majority will agree. THIRD PARTY 'Senator IiBdr Hay Jfothlaar t JDa rvtih. It. NEW YORK, July 19 "No, I am taking no part in a third ticket movement this year," said Senator William Lindsay, of Kentucky, in answer to a question put to him. The senator is reported to have sup ported Palmer and Buckner In 1896. "What about the Chinese situation?" "It is a very serious matter," he an swered. "Do you think it will have any bear ing on the coming election?" . "I don't see why it should," was the senator's answer. "If the Chinese gov ernment Is responsible for tho killing of any American citizens, this country Bhould hold It to a strict accountability. But If the country Is overrun by mobs that the Chinese government cannot con trol, then we must help suppress the re bellion. Catch as many of the ringleaders as possible and hang them." 'It Is said you Intend to locate in New York on the expiration of your term In the Senate?" "That is so," Senator Lindsay replied. "I have made definite arrangements to practice law here after March 4 next," INDEPENDENT CONVENTION. Will'Be Called, by the Plan and Scope Committee at Indianapolis. NEW YORK; July U.-JThomas M. Os borne, chosen chairman by the Independ ents at the meeting at the Plaza Hotel last night, and empowered to choose a committee to go to Indianapolis July 5, named a committee on plan and scope today. Mr. Osborne expects to have a representative from every state and from as many Congressional dis tricts as possible. The Gold Demo crats will meet in Indianapolis July 25, and the plan will be to have the commit tee call a convention at which all parties now opposing tho candidates of the two old parties can meet and unite on a third ticket and adopt a platform approved of by both Gold Democrats and antl-lm-parfalists, and also by Republicans dis satisfied with McKlnley and Democrats dissatisfied with Bryan, for any reason vbatcver. WAS IT AHDREE? Straxre Report Broach t by Hndra' Say Indians. CHICAGO, July 19. A special from Fort William. Ont., to the Times-Herald says: Indians hunting on the east coast of Hudson's Bay have brought word to the Hudson's Bay Company's post, on the west coast of James Bay, that they found last Spring a vast quantity of wreckage, the bodies of two men, and a man In the last stages of the death struggle. The Indians reported that they could not un derstand the language he spoke, but that it "was not English. He died while they were there, and they returned to the trading-post without bringing any evidence of tho strange occurrence. It Is believed by the officials of the Hudson's Bay Com pany that the Indians witnessed the ending- of Andrea's attempt to reach the North Pole by balloon. They had never seen a balloon, but from their description of the wreckage, the officials are firmly convinced that it was the remnants of Andree's airship. A party guided by the 'same Indians has been sent out to bring evidenco to establish the Identity of the party. Early last Fall people near Moose Fac tory asserted they saw a large balloon passing over to the northward, and this tends to confirm tho story of the Indian hunters. Major WoodTrard Ordered" to China. CHICAGO, July 19. Major S, L. Wood ward. United States recruiting officer in Chicago, was'today ordered by Army offi cials to go to China. He Is to take com mand of a battalion of the First United States Cavalry. AUTHOR OF IT ALL LI Hung Chang Looked Upon as Originator ofthe Rot. DETAILS OF THE PEKIN MASSACSS Chinese Merchant Howr at Shanghai Saw White Woxaen, Hauled Into the Streets and. Sutchered. LONDON, July 20. The Shanghai cor respondent of the Dally Express says: "Intense Indignation is felt here at the honors in Hong Kong that have been accorded to Li Huns' Chang, who la looked upon in Shanghai as the originator, of the whole fiendish anti-foreign plot. "A Chinese merchant who has just ar rived from Pekin gives horrible detalla of the massacre. He says he saw Eu ropean women hauled Into the street by shrieking Boxers, who stripped, them and hacked them to pieces. Their dissevered limbs were tossed to the crowd and car ried off with howls of triumph. Soma were already dead, having been shot by foreign civilians. He says he saw Chi nese soldiers carrying: the bodies of whlta children af olt on their spears, while thei companions shot at the bodies. He gives other details too horrible to be partictK larixed here. "It seems that the Boxer leaders had organized a plan. Including the offering of rewards and rich loot, for the annihila tion of Europeans throughout China, and that Prince Tuan's soldiers have been emphasizing the opportunity the soldiers have had of seizins the bodies of whlto women." .2X GOES WORTH. r -i 1st Spite of ATI Effort to Bleep Hlxri at Hong IConar. (HONG .KONG, Wednesday, July 1& 14 Huns Chang and hfss4uIo arrived hera yesterday evening, and landed this morn ing. The Viceroy was received with s salute of 17 guns, and with a guard of honor from the Welch Fusiliers and a band, proceeded to the government house, where he was received by the Governor, Sir Henry A, Blake, Generals. Gazelee, Badrow and other officials. Ll Hung Chang was extremely reticent. He stat ed that he had received definite news that the Ministers and foreigners at Pekin, with the exception of Baron von. Ketteler, the German Minister, were Bafe July 8. The imperial edict recalling him to Pekin. the Viceroy said, was duo to the Em press, and Emperor, and not to Prince Tuan. Governor Blake exerted all pos sible power to induce U Hung Chang to remain in Canton, but the Chinese Vice roy proceeded, ostensibly for Shanghai. The Governor of Canton Is regarded as an' exceptionally weak, official, and the belief is that he .will never succeed In maintaining' order. MHttMtl :- SUMMARY OF MPORTANTOTS- l: China. ' The Russian Government tai said ta hava definite sews that all the tor eirners in Pekin were massacred July 0. Russian troops na.v recaptared Bla roves tchensk. Ruse la. has given the Chinese Minis ter at St. Peteraberar his passports. England and Germany may Co Uks wlse, Li Honr Charts baa left Oaatea for Pekin. At Shanrhal ha is looked upon as the originator of the aaU-forelra plot. The President appotatsd W. W. Rockhill a special commlasioaer t In vestigate the situation in "n", The battle -ship Oregon reached Kara. Japan, where temporary repairs will be made. She will return to Taku; Forelsa President Lcabet reviewed tho French Mediterranean and Channel squadrons m annnai maneuvers at Cherbourg. American athletes were heavily handicapped in tho exposition sports at Paris, and wob only oaa out of nine events. Domestic A reciprocity treaty has been nego tiated between the United States and Italy. Amalgamation of the American and Western Federations of Labor is pro posed. Culton concluded his testimony in the Powers trial at Georgetown, Ky. Political. The Kentucky Democratlo Conven tion opened at Lexington, but has made no nominations yet. Beckham men claim to control the gathering. North Xafcoa. Zemocrats nominated a state ticket, headed by M. A Wlp perman for Governor. Idaho foalonlsts voted not to nomi nate a Senator, which was regarded aa disposing of Dubois. ' but a new vote ta likely to bo taken -today. Paciflo Coast. Rufos Waggoner has been recom mended for Postmaster at Elllsboro, Or. A cougiesa representing Indian school of the Pacific Coast is to bo held at Chemawa, Or., August 14-15. The Praser River fishermen's strike, that was deemed settled, is still on, and 47 canneries are likely to close. British Columbia will ask the Do minion Government to repress Japan ese immigration, and will tax tho out put of Its own coal mines. Smallpox at Capo Nome Is reported to be overrunning all facilities for handling the disease. The Board of Regents of the Oregon Agricultural College prohibit inter colleglato athletic contests. s Commercial. Walla Walla wheat flour manufac tured cheaper in Japan than In Port land. Portland near the head of the col umn as a wheat exporter. Local. Mayor Rowe has appointed William MacMasters the fifth member of the Board of Public Works. Philip Cox, collection teller of Ladd tc. Tilton'a Bank, was drowned in the Willamette. The Mnzamaa have chosen Mount Jefferson for this season's cutlng. leaving- August 6. The International League of Press Clubs will meet In Portland next year. 9 ' I lM'M0Mtm ! I