Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 19, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Portland Will Demand More
Government Business.
Chamber of Commerce Ha Taken.
TJp the Subject la. Earnest tsd
"Will "Worlc Reform.
Portland is to make a determined effort
to have a fair and equitable share of
the Government patronage given to the
Coast in furnishing: fodder and supplies
for the Army In the orient. Jaemoera
of the Chamber of Commerce firmly
believe Portland Is being slighted. Why?
is the question. The selection of Gen
eral Beebe to make another trip in the
Interests of Portland Is one of the meth
ods adopted by the Chamber to get at the
bottom of the matter. Troops were not
sent away from Vancouver or Portland
because none were here. All fodder and
provisions are to be had here at the docks
reached by the animal and freight trans
ports. One vessel to be chartered ny tne
Government as a transport Is now on Its
way to this port and was chartered to
load in Portland. Now that the Govern
ment wants her, she Is to be met at
the mouth of the Columbia and ordered
to Seattle to load a cargo of horsefeed
which can be had in Portland In any
Seattle has been favored with several
transports, while Portland has accommo
dated but one In the freighting busi
nessthe Iennox. Now that a new lot
are being chartered and several cargoes
bought, members of the Chamber of Com
merce cannot see why Portland should
not receive something. They cannot rea
son why Portland should not at least
get half of this business. "What is the
prejudice against this city?" Is the ques
tion asked by all. "Why Is it that there
Is a persistent effort to turn business
away from Portland? Why Is it the Gov
ernment officials at Washington, instead
of giving the city Just privileges, seem
to labor against It?" These are problems
the city's welfare demands shquld be in
vestigated fully and thoroughly, by a
united and determined people, is the senti
ment of every member of the Chamber
and should be the sentiment of every
resident of Portland.
Much correspondence has taken place
on the subject already. Senators Mc
Bride and Simon have telegraphed to the
Quartermaster's Department. The only
explanation why the Almond Branch
should be ordered to Seattle to load is
that a cargo was waiting her there. But
why should acargo or cargoes of such
articles as Oregon produces without limit
should have some common or general or
ganization to secure these Government
supplies. A member of the Chamber tof
Commerce who is In an entirely different
branch of trade elated yesterday that if
the Government desired anything In that
line his fellow-tradesmen were on the
alert and reedy to compete with any place
en the Coast.
He thought the same should be said
of every branch of business here. Then
there should be more of a Portland spirit
a desire to draw business here even if
there were little or no profit in one or
two adventures, and this public spirit
would be shared by the merchants and
dealers as a whole. The example of
Wolff & Zwlcker In fitting up the Len
nox was cited. This firm Is said to have
undertaken that work with little pros
pect of gain that the "vessel mighty be
brought here, and the thoroughness of'tbo
work set aside the gain idea that the
city might get a name for good work.
As a result about $50,000 was expended in
Portland fitting the vessel up, all of
which went into circulation here, an,d
since that tJme the Quartermaster De
partment has regarded the Iennox a
Portland vessel because she vras fitted
up here.
When General Beebo was In Washing
ton the ill-fated Slam sent from Seattle
with anlmalr was caught In a storm
and most of the cargo died. Then there
was some talk of sending the Garonne
to Portland to get the cargo of animals
waiting here for the Lennox, and securing,
another for the latter vessel when she
arrived. Colonel Bird, of the Quartermas
ter Department, Btated that the Garonne
was a Seattle vessel, the same a the
Lennox was a Portland vessel, and would
not follow the suggestion made to ex
pedite shipments. This rule was token
as an Intimation that there would be
an equitable rule followed in allotlng
vessels' to the two Pacific Northwest
ports. While General Beebe heard the
Almond Branoh would be met at the
mouth of the- Columbia and ordered to
Seattle, he protested, urging the regula
tion apparently adopted In regard to the
Garonno. When the case came to favor
ing Portland, it seems the rule Is for
The General, when seen yesterday by
a reporter regarding his plans, had noth
ing to say, further than that he was
surprised to know he had again been
selected as the emissary of the Chamber,
and expressing his purpose to do what
ever was possible to aid in bringing to
Portland her Just- share of this trade.
His plans of action will be announced
WkUe Faiklnc TboflrfcPrtIual He
la Greeted by Promlneat. Cltl-
cettn-Bo Avoids Polities.
Speaker David B. Henderson, the soo-
cessor of "Tom" Reed, a the master
mind of the House of Representatives,
stopped in Portland Just 30 minute last
evening. He 1 on his way to los Ange
les, where hte wife's relatives reside, and
where the party will spend two weeks.
Following that visit Speaker Henderson
will come north again, when he promines
to remain in Portland for a day or more,
and thence return, to hla home In Du
buque, In., by the Canadian Paclfio rail
road. Not a word: on politic current prob
lems or National affairs of any kind
could be had from the distinguished vis
itor. He waived all uch questions aside
with the firm statement that he was- out
taking a rest, pure and simple, and If he
interviews or
xuL . One day I wanted to get np a whist
party Simon and I live to the same
house and some one suggested getting
Simon of Oregon. "Simon 1 replied, he
does not know anything abou,t cards; he
does "not know one card iro another. I
know him better now,, you so&y rest as
sured." Senator Simon protested that tales
should not be told out of school, where
upon the Speaker Joined ltt with: "Oh.
that is easy. Most of you people are
churchmen, I believe, are you not? I at
tended a Congregational picnic this
monjlnir myself." At this time Represen
tative Tongue. ex-Senator" Mitchell and
I Judge Cameron came upon the platform.
"Hal there comes that man xongue," ne
said at once, as though to escape. "What
Is It you want now. Tongue?" he con-
tlnued, grasping his. hand cordially. This
greeting was hardly over when the speak
er spied ex-Senator Mitchell. He and Mr.
Mitchell began simultaneously to sing,
"There's a hole In the bottom of the sea,"
a eong which has a thousand verses.
r without much varlatipn in the air or
"I don't sing in the choir here," said
the ex-Senator. "I must tell you all
a"bout Mitchell," Interrupted the Speaker.
"He and I were together at a function
one evening in Washington, and took
front seats. It was a banquet, you will
understand. We had several tiresome
speeches, when Grosvenor of Ohio got up
and began laboring through one worse
than the rest. There's a noie in ine doi
OUfTTOIl SetUsea as Fael for Heating
tie Betorts Plaas imv- tae
old numnlnir station far that vicinity down I
the hill into the bed of the creek that
flows through the middle of the grounds.
There wire two rectlons of this pipe,
each welshing abmit 1000 pounds, and to
get them to th edge of the hill so they
would roll down, must have cost some
hard work, but whoiver did it must have
gloated ove- th reflection that It would
cost mush hard work to gt the sections
oC pipe out of the bed of, the creek. As
a result of this little bit of pleasantry,
the grounds will probably be fenced with
a high fence, and everybody will be ex
cluded from the premises. At present
the grounds ore not Inclosed at all.
Tr!Trtnri eHvlnt? lonrr
4.atner trlth nrpftt nu-tIonji nvw before i torn of the sea.' came In a clear, strong
the public, his .mindwoukl not receive Oregon voice from my side, and as long
One Who Insists That the Fllnt
'Hoofed Animals Yreserre Poreats.
ANTELOPE, Or., July 15. (To the Edi
tor.) There is a great deal of rot written
nowadays about sheep destroying timber.
After having spent 20 Summers in the
Blue and Cascades Mountains, I think 1
ought to know a little about it. Sheep,
Instead of destroying timber, preserve
be laid up In Seattle, without any being it; in fact, increase its growth. This I
purchased here? Shall this inequitable ;
method of purchasing cargoes beforehand
effectually prevent any transports loading
at Portland?
Every member of the Chamber of
Commerce was astounded at this expla
nation of why the Almond Branch had
her destination changed. It seemed to
reveal more plainly than ever appeared
last Winter a willful purpose to
slight the metropolis of the North
west. If there is any reason prompting
such action, the Chamber of Commerce,
acting in behalf of the business interests
of Portland, want to know It. If the
prices at which feedstuff and fodder have
been offered to the Government are higher
than those prevailing at Seattle and San
Francisco, the fact should be promul
gated and men dealing In such articles
should be made to feel that they are
working vast injury to the state by not
bidding reasonably. And if the failure to
get any of this business is due to methods
of preparation, thiH should be made
known, and the defect corrected. All this
the Chamber proposes to investigate. No
one can question Oregon's capacity for
producing hay and grain as cheaply as
Washington, California, or any other
state. There appears no reason why this
hay and grain cannot be landed at the
docks In Portland as cheaply as In any
other city. These are facts familiar to
the people of Oregon, but they do not
seem to be appreciated by the Govern
ment officials at Washington, and the
Chamber of Commerce proposes to im
press the facts Indelibly where they will
have lasting benefits for Portland.
Some have suggested that the absence
of the newly-Invented hay compress may
be a cause why Government contracts
for hay are not let here. Both Seattle
and San Francisco have these new com
presses, which are manufactured by the
Farmers' Compress Company, of Boston.
The question is raised by the Chamber
of Commerce, Why hasn't Portland com
presses equal to the best possessed by
her competitors? Last Fall while Gen
eral Eeebe was East he fully investi
gated the workings of this compress. The
ordinary commercial hay bale occupies
space at about the proportion of 10 cubic
feet per ton. The best compress about
Portland reduces the dimensions of a
baled ton to about 80 feet. The new com
press of the Boston company, which
forms bales into cylinders, brings the
measurement down to less than 50 feet
a ton, and the bales are so shaped that in
loading them they occupy only about 47
feet. As the minimum Is 40 feet per ton.
It will be seen that the new compress
gets close to bedrocks These cylindrical
bales are so dense that If dropped in the
water they will become moist only an
Inoh or two from the surface. Colonel
Bird indicated to General Beebe the Im
portance of using this compress in pre
paring hay for shipment across the Pa
cific, which information the General im
parted to Portland dealers. Agitation
was commenced to bring a few of these
compresses to Portland, but dealers did
not take hold of the problem with any
In his answer to the query why some
of the freight transports were not being
sent here. Colonel Bird Intimated that
an animal transport would be given
Portland. This did not indicate that
Portland had been slighted, because the
compresses were not here, nor that price
here were high, but rather seemed an
apology for what had been done and
promised atonement by sending an ani
mal transport to be fitted up here. Se
attle already has more animal transports
running there than come to Portland, so
the Chamber of Commerce regard the
promised animal transport a due from old
scores, and no compensation whatever
for diverting from Portland a freight
transport that would have taken on a
valuable cargo. It is understood that the
animal transport referred to is the Tyra.
Of course this promise is conditional on
th bidding here for fitting the vessel up
being low as Seattle or San Francisco.
Alone, the Chamber of Commerce can
not accomplish much. The members real
l7e that they must have the co-operation
of the business Interests of the city, and
of the entire city, for that matter. The
state delegation In Congress has shown
a willingness to act promptly. Both
Senators McBrlde and Simon, as well as
Representatives Tongue and Moody, In
terceded with all thler force. General
Beebe, whose acquaintanceship while In
Washington last year has proven very
valuable to the city and state, has been
telegraphing, and it was iri answer to his
dispatch that Colonel Bird made the
statement above referred to. But de
spite all .this the Chamber appreciates
that there is not sufficient co-operation
among business men. This trad" means
an immense thing to the entire city.
Dealers In hay and grain have not taken
an active part. To make themselves felt
and to be In position to take advantage
of every opportunity In a matter of such
magnitude, they should be organized, that
thejr might handle the largest orders ex
peditiously and without any uncertainty.
If for no other purpose, such dealers
can prove from experience. It Is almost
Impossible to camp sheep on bed grounds
that were used 20 years ago, owing to
the dense growth of young pines coming
up. Sheep will not eat young pine trees.
All over the Blue Mountains there Is a
vigorous young growth of trees coming
up, owing to the absence of the destruc
tive forest fires of early days, which
swept the mountains from one end to
the other. Such fires are Impossible now,
for the simple reason that sheep eat up
all the grass, and fire must have some
thing to run oru. It won't leap from one
green tree to another unless It has a lot
of dry material on the ground to run on.
There Is not an old tree In the Blue
Mountains but has been scarred by fire,
and nearly all this happened before the
white man came to the country. It used
to be, before sheep were taken to these
mountains, that the grass grew up year
after year. It was never eaten off. Conse
quently a mat of It was formed on the
ground, and In the dry season It would
run from one end of the mountains to
the other. Today you can't start a gen
eral fire In the Blue Mountains, if you
tried. Of course, there are spots where
a few acres might burn, but no general
conflagration. I have seen trees struck
by lightning and set on fire. The pitch
seams in the tree would burn for days.
After the shower would pass, the hot
sun would soon dry up the grass and rub
bish around, and the next thing a fire
would be under way, and provided it had
several years' accumulation of dry grass
to feed on, there was nothing to pre
vent it running from one end of the moun
tains to the other. Sheep preserve the
JHPssaaM& W
what be had Intended by the trip.' A large i as Grosvenor tried, that tantalizing voice
partr of prominent Portlanders met me conunuea. urosvenor eai aown. uui uict
Questions Asleed by a Victoria Claaa
Jn Public School.
VICTORIA, B. C, July 16. To the
Editor.) In order to find out. If possible,
what children are thinking about, I, last
month, confronted a class of boys and
girls of the average age of 13 with this
"Suppose this morning a man, who
could and would answer truthfully any
question which might he put to him,
were to come into our classroom, what
would you ask him?" I append to this,
the first 14 questions submitted:
The Questions.
1. Did you come from the East, for
all wise men come from the East?
2. Do you think that electricity will
entirely supplant the use of steam in the
near future.
3. Will Russia ever have responsible
4. Will a crow talk If you cut Its
5. Which is the largest number of bi
cycles ever turned out in a day by a
6. What Is the difference between a
man teacher and a lady teacher?
7. Is Cape Nome as rich as the papers
8. Which is the most beautiful picture
you have ever seen?
9. How many people have lost their
lives In trying to discover the Poles?
10. Why Is the Caspian Sea an Inland
sea, and why does it never overflow?
1L Who is the greatest person living?
12. Did Indians ever wear bats in
olden times?
IS. Why do girls wear trimmed hats
and boys hats which are not trimmed?
14. Who is the greatest poet In Great
It's a pleasure to travel In first-class
cars. The newly equipped Chicago-Portland
Special, leaving Portland every
morning at 9:15, carries the latest Im
proved parlor, dining, sleeping and chair
cars. The train Is wide - vestlbuled
throughout, thus making a suite of rooms
of the various cars, rivaling the best to
be obtained in the first-class hotels.
The observation portion of the parlor
car is particularly worthy of mention,
with Its large plate-gloss windows and
comfortable lounging chairs.
This train runs through to Chicago
without change, and passengers may
make themselves at homo, feeling satis
fied that there will be no change of cars
before their destination Is reached: For
rates and further Information, call at
City Ticket Office, 80 Third street, corner
The Creamery CampBtgn.
Salem Journal.
Some railroad officials go Into politics to
help their roads, but Mr. Markham, of
the Southern Pacific, prefers to make
a campaign for creameries, 'and doesn't
seem to be afraid of Its helping the peo
ple at the same time.
6teaker at the Union station and the
half hour was spent with the liveliest
bits of repartee and Jocular thrusts heard
on that platform for years. Speaker
Henderson la an old veteran of the Civil
War, but robust, hearty and vigorous.
One leg amputated In the field Is barely
mieoed In the old soldier' sprightly move
ments. His hair is iron gray, moustache
the came color, and his face bronzed and
healthful in appearance. None at tho
Oregon men who have been In Washing
ton on official duty were not recognized,
and to each oomething vras said Indicat
ing acquaintanceship.
The Northern Pacific train pulled in at
8 p. 1L sharp, and found Senator Simon
at tho head of a large delegation waiting
on the platform. Speaker Henderson's
prtvato car was at the rear, and Into this
the Senator aumoea oy me, ume me
train came to a stop. The party con
sisted of the Speaker and wife, daughter
and son. and Judge McPherson, United
States District Judge for the southern
district of Iowa, and his wife. Senator
Simon stood by the door, and introduced
the delegation as they filed into the car,
the first being Judge George H. Williams.
Closely following; him were President
George Taylor, Jn,, of the Chamber of
Commerce; General Owen summers, u.
F. Paxton, Colonel D. M. Dunne, United
States District Attorney John Hall, Col
onel James Jackson, Judge C. H. Carey,
Judge M. C. George and others. Judgo
Williams and Judge George were both
woll known. To the former Speaker
Hendroson Bhowed greatest reverence.
"WelL General, you. are getting youngs
er and younger all the time," he said.
"You were a rather aged man when I
uic to know you. Now you are as fresh
looking as a man of 40. How have you
been. General? I have always Inquired
after your health, and find they all know
A half dozen voices chimed In that
Judge Williams was the most active man
and hardest fighter in Portland. President
Taylor told of Ms speeches at banquets
and the enthusiasm ho always aroused,
which made the Speaker roar with laugh
ter. "I want to thank you for the appro
priation to repair the Jetty at the mouth
of the Columbia," said President Tay
lor. "And I want to thank you for Ore
gon's committee appointments," con
tinued Judge Williams, "particularly for
putting Tongue on tho committee of rivers
and harbors."
"That Tongue is an insinuating devil,"
ejacula'ted Speaker Henderson. "If there
Is anything you Oregon people did not
get out of me, your delegation is not to
blame for It. Why, Tongue made me
think every citizen of the state nearly
was an Indian war veteran, and crippled
so badly that he could not work. I could
not understand how there were so many
In such a salubrious climate.
"Hello, there's George talking tp my
wife!" said the Speaker, as Judge George
left the side of his better half and ap
proached. "You always wanted to take
her to dinners at the White House In
Washington, and, the worst of it was, she
always wanted to go. She liked to travel
with a good-looking giant. George, you
are getting handsomer all the time."
"Looks like Harrison," suggested some
"Better than Harrison," replied the
Speaker. "Harrison is wrinkled."
President Taylor, Colonel Jackson and
Judge Carey Insisted on taking the women
out on the platform for a view of the
sunset and Hood. "I go on that, too."
said the Speaker. "You don't take my
wife away from me here." On the plat
form the party was soon Increased by the
arrival of Senator McBrlde. "Why, why,
there's Senator McBrlde," ald Mr. Hen
derson, as he hurried to grasp his hand.
"Well, you and Simon are among the
boys here. Senator. You are looking well,
but not stout enough for this fine cli
mate. Senator, you are too modest; you
were always too modest," he con
tinued, addressing tho others, while
holding Senator McBride's hands, and
then he concluded by complimenting
Senator Simon on the piety of his coun
tenance. "Do you -know, I thought for a long
time Senator Simon was a Presbyterian
deacon, ho looked so sober and thought-
one' or two others had spoken he rose
again and commenced with his speech.
I started with "The StaV-Spangled Banner
that time, but I got It In such a high
key my voice gave out and I had to tall
back on There's a hole in the bottom of
the sea, until we forced Grosvenor down
again. Five times that evening he made
an effort, but every time had to stop. At
last he snarled: 'It Is evident that the
gentlemen from Oregon and Iowa do not
want to hear me this evening, so I will
leave the room.' Both Mitchell and I fell
on his neck then and began assuring him
we were delegated to do that, else we
would have been completely silenced by
his overpowering eloquence. It was no
use. Bad wine or something else made
him turn a deaf ear and it was some
time before we were able to make full
There was. a general handshake before
the Speaker departed, saying It was un
necessary to make a pledge to stop on the
return, as he had cut out his trip for that
already. The party were seated on the
rear of their car as the train left the
depots and waved good-bye until out of
sight. When the Speaker returns, the
Congressional delegation and others will
Join to make his stay an event.
Contracts are being let for the crema
tory so long contemplated "by the Port
land Crematory Association. Plans and
specifications are being prepared by arch
itects for the columbarium, chapel and
furnace-rooms. Yesterday Robert Robin
son, agent of the Engle Sanitary & Cre
mation Compariy, was given the contract
for the crematory, which will consist of
two retorts. The furnace Is the latest
Improved; using oil for fuel. A 10-horse-power
gasoline engine has also been con
tracted for to furnish lights. The fur
nace Is to be erected of and the outside
of the crematory Is to bo lined with
glased fiuff brick, and the whole is to
be complete by January 1. 130L-
This stage of the crematory question
has been reached after much work. There
are scores C people in Portland not af
fected by the sentiment that prevents
scientific and sanitary disposition of the
dead. Some of these advocates of incin
eration are ardent and insist on this
method of disposing df the remains of
themselves and relatives. Others favor
the plan, but have not been so progrea-
stve as actively to exert themselves to
bring a crematory to Portland. F. B.
Gibson, who came here from the crema
tories of San Francisco, aided by the few
active ones in Portland, has labored with
these uncertain conditions steadily for
several months. Richard and E. B.
Williams, D. P. Thompson, J. Couch Flan
ders, George W. Weldler and Dr. T. I
Eliot are among the more ardent advo
cates, and upon whom the principal re
sponsibility of financing the work has
While It Is premature to describe the
crematory in detail, a few words on the
idea on which it will operate will be of
Interest. Incineration of human bodies
has been studied with the industry that
has been applied to other mechanical
problems by the Americans. An odorless,
almost Instantaneous and highly sanitary
furnace has been produced. The oil
furnace contracted for by the Portland
association will cost In round numbers
S000, and win be equal to the best made
of the same capacity. An Ingenious sys
tem Is used for spraying the oil where
itHpens Into the blast The oil tube Is
surrounded by what looks like the nozzle
of a hose. The orifice of this Is rifled like
the, barrel of a military rifle. Through
the nozzle air Is forced at a great pres
sure, thus giving the current a swift
rotary motion and causing the "current
to "be distributed equally over a given
sphere. This rotary current, being all
around the oil Jet converts the crude
liquid Into a fine spray. A great number
of these Jets fuljy supplies the firebox,
so that an Intense heat may be produced
In a moment. -Crude oil Is considered the
most economical, as well as one of the
best fuels obtainable, and the Portland
Crematory Association, In selecting this
kind of a furnace, utilizes the experience
of other cities where all kinds of fuel and
furnaces have been tested and developed.
Bodies are placed on a car or other
vehicle when introduced Into the furnace.
There are several systems of doing this
part of the work, more than one of which
Is well approved. When conducted to
the center of this Intensely heated fur
nace, but little time Is required for the
body to be reduced to ashes. These are
carefully preserved on a receptacle pre
pared for the purpose, and placed In an
urn, which Is deposited wherever desir
able. The columbarium is fitted with
niches and vaults, where urns are placed
if the relatives want them there. The
niches or vaults are purchased, the same
as cemetery lots, except that they come
much cheaper.
Portland will have by next January the
only crematory In the Northwest, or on
the Coast, except those In San Francisco.
There they are widely patronized, and
bodies have been sent there from the Pa
dflo Northwest for incineration.
A site for the proposed crematory has
not yet been selected, but the matter of
a location will be decided at an early
date. Two or three pieces of property
convenient to lines of traffic have been
offered to the association, and a choice
will soon be made.
East Side Tfotes.
George Iewis and family, of Albmo,
left for the Seaside yesterday. Mr. Iewls
will return shortly, but Mrs. Iewls will
remain during the season.
Rev. Robert McLean, pastor of the
Third Presbyterian Church, has gone to
Grant's Pass, where he will flsh in Rogue
River. Dr. McLean Is the champion fish
erman. Charles, the son of C. R. DeBurgh, who
is at the Good Samaritan Hospital, where
he underwent an operation for appendi
citis several days ago. Is getting along
satisfactorily. It was a very severe cose
at the start, and It was feared that he
would not recover. The Indications now
are that he will be able to leave the hos
pital In a short time.
Now that the watering fountain which
stood on East Burnside street, near
Union avenue, for so long a time has
been moved, there are quite a number
who think it should go back. It 'was
moved on account of a petition, which
Btated that it was a nuisance in perron
ting a constant seepage of water in the
street, but, on the other hand. It was a
great advantage to teamsters.
Review of the Field by na Xnaepeaa
eztt Tfevrspaper.
James Flnley, of Astoria, is at the St.
Charles. ,
W. Blcknell, of Corvallls, is at the St.
G. Wlngate and wife, of Astoria, are at
the Imperial.
A. A. Powell, of Victoria, Is a guest
at the Perkins. ,
President Frank Strong, of Eugene, Is
at -the Portland.
G. R, Whltten and wife, of Boston, are
at the Portland.
M. Schafa, a farmer, of Tama, la., and
wife are at the St. Charles.
A. L. Duncan and wife, of Montana,
are guests at the Portland.
A. L. Brown, a business man of Salem,
Is registered at the Imperial.
Dan Reber, a prominent w mining man
of Idaho, is at the Portland.
Lb E. Seller, manager of the Astoria
opera-house, Is at the Perkins.
W. H. Redway and wife, of Caldwell,
Idaho, are guests at the Perkins.
C C. McGIll, of Springfield, Ky., reg
istered yesterday at the Perkins.
H. C Thompson, of, Astoria, Treasurer
of Clatsop County, is at the Imperial.
General John C Smith and wife, of
Chicago, are registered at the Portland.
C. A. Van Dwyer and Matt Flake, of
Sumpter, registered yesterday at the St.
A. C. Little, of Tacoma, State Fish
Commissioner of Washington, Is at the
R. C. Stevens, general agent at the
Great Northern RaUroad'-at Seattle, is
among the arrivals at the Portland.
Representative Thomas H. Tongue and
daughters. Miss Bertha and Miss Eliza
beth, of HUlsboro, a 're -guests at the Per
kins. N. T. James, an lnsuranoe man, and
Charles Page, a prominent lawyer, of
San Francisco, are guests at the Port
land. Judge A. S. Bennett and father, T. M.
Bennett, of The Dalles, returned yester
day from the coast, and are registered
at the Imperial.
NEW YORK, July 18. Northwestern
people registered at New York hotels to
day as follows:
From Portland Mrs. M. Weatherred.
From Spokane M. Steffens, at the Ross
more; C. H. Jones and 'wife, at the Al
bert. From Seattle W. Simons, at the Cosmo
politan; T. E. Eyansln and'D. L. Smith,
at the Astor. '
Holladar'a Addition Will Get Ample
Sevrer Accommodations.
In the office of the City Engineer are
the completed plans and specifications
for the Holladay-avenue sewer extension,
and he states that It will be built this
Fall. Owing to the great amount of
building going on In that district at pres
ent, there will be need of this system
by the end of the year. At present the
sewer on Holladay avenue, 34 Inohes In
diameter, ends at East Eleventh street.
It Is proposed to extend the sewer to
East Fifteenth and thence to Multnomah,
thence to Weldler and thence to EaBt
Seventeenth street. The dimensions of
the conduits will be 34, 40. 32, 30, 20 and
18 Inches. The system will serve about
140 acres of territory. The 34-lnch sewer
on Hawthorne avenue, Vhere the new
system will Join on. Is too small to carry
sewerage and storm water, and hence
there will be an outlet on East Fifteenth
street into Sullivan's Gulch, so that In
case the sewer Is overloaded with storm
water there will be a relief Into the gulch.
This will be a very comprehensive sys
tem. Wood Inspector Wanted.
An East Side resident came down from
his home yesterday morning In a highly
excited frame of mind, and withal very
Indignant. He declared that he had been
"done for" by a man who had delivered
him seven and one-half cords of wood
when he had been paid for eight. He
explained that he had made a contract
for eight full cords, and after a portion
had been delivered paid for all, trusting
that all the wood would be honestly de
livered. Well, he went out to Inspect the
pile yesterday. It was long enough and
high enough, but there were great holes
all through the pile large enough for a
man to crawl through, and then at both
ends there were ricks, so that he was
really short a half to a full cord. A
friend explained to him that the holes
In the rick were left by the dealer for
the proper circulation of air, but he took
no stock in that story. He did not pro
pose to buy air holes, anyway, but as he
had bought und paid for them, he would
have to stand t. He denounced the
whole system of wood delivery, and said
that he had been "done up" every time,
and the tighter he xade a wood con
tract the less wood he got.
As to tha Dlvorcee.-r'"Mamma," said llttla
Ethel. "Mra. Garter's bttabswia. isn't dead, la
hat" "So, Tflear." Tha, Vhat'a aha golag
to be married again fcrtJ "Never mind. dear.
You can't understand such thlnra." "Oh, 1
know." exclaimed tha little -rlrl; "lt'a Juat
like retting- vaccinated: lrdtda't take the firat
time." Philadelphia PTesaT "
Mallcarrlers Vacation.
The mallcarrlers are taking their va
cation, a few going off at a time, and
substitutes are doing their work for those
who are absent. In the thickly settled
portions, where the houses and streets
are numbered and marked, the new men
get along all right, but In the suburbs
they don't have easy sailing. In some of
the suburbs, and especially at the south
end on the East Side, the districts are
especially difficult, and there Is some de
lay In the delivery of paper mall. Resi
dents will have to stand the delay with
as much patience as they can, as the
new men will only be on duty 11 days.
2s ev Boy Meaner Than a Male?
Dr. C H. Raffety has concluded that
there is nothing under the canopy of
heaven that Is meaner than a boy, not
even excepting- a mule. He was led to
these reflitloi8 yesterday on ascertain
ing that acmo boys on Milwaukle and
Powell strMa had succeeded In rolling
some of tli heavy -Rater main pipe that
had been deposited on the grounds of the
Boston Herald. Ind.
tl seems to be agreed m Intelligent
quarters, both Bryan and anti-Bryan,
that, as the- effect of the action of the
Kansas City convention. Mr. Bryan
cannot obtain the electoral vote of New
York state In the coming presidential
election. We are much inclined to think
that Mr. -Bryan himself ees this indeed
that he saw in advance what must be the
effect of his I6-to-l project on the vote
of that state and that his aim in the con
vention was to be elected without that
vote. It would have been very conven
ient to have It. but Mr Bryan dreaded
the sacrifice that would be made necesK
sary In his own region of country in or
der to secure this vote. He feared the
breaking up of the Populist and Silver
Republican combination which Is to give
him the votes of his 'own state of Ne
braska and of Colorado, and perhaps of
Kansas, as affairs are now ordered. Un
der it Bryan may not be put out of pub
lic life, even if he does lose the presi
dency. There are two United States
Senators to be chosen from Nebraska
next Winter, with the prospect that. If
tho combination holds. Bryan, should he
looe the Presidency, will be one of them.
The Democratic party thus has aban
doned Its attempt to carry New York.
There are three other Northern States
upon which It used to depend lor giv
ing it. In connection with the Solid South,
the majority in the Electoral College.
These are Connecticut, New Jersey and
Indiana. , The first two of these have
been long conceded to the R.epublicans.
When the Democratic programme ex
tpnrtfid hoTv of New York it did not
venture to Include Connecticut and New
Jersey. Indiana was the sole one of the
trio left to the party aside from Its New
York possibilities. But Indiana alone
did not furn'eh near enough votes for it.
In the later order of things it had come
to count upon the newer Western States,
like Kanras. Nebraska and Colorado,
and .those nearer the Rocky Mountain re
gion. But, if It should get all these
states and Indiana and the solid South.
It would still be short of a mnjority In
the Electoral College.
Can Bryan carry the whole South?
Probably he can. with the exception of
two states, Maryland and West 'Virgi
nia; but, bearing In mind the fact that
he cannot be elected, according to the
estimate we are making, even If he gets
the whole South, It will be plain that ho
cannot afford to lose anythin-g there.
We are Inclined to concede him the vote
of Kentucky, but we do not believe he
can receive that at West Virginia, and
we have serious doubts of bis being aib6
to obtain that of Maryland. Thus the
calculation In his favor breaks down at
the outset. When we come to consider
bis own region of country, we find his
prospects still dubious. We have sev
eral times called attention to the fact
that these farther Western States have
been steadily weakening in their support
of free silver during the laot three years.
Kansas, North Dakota and Washington
left Bryan by large majorities In their
elections of 1S9S; South Dakota was bare
ly saved to him. These states deduct e&
sentialry from the vote on which he Is
counting this year.
The solldf South and the Rocky Moun
tain West, even with the accession of
the electors of Indiana to those that they
choose, being Inadequate to elect Bryan
to the Presidency, and there being a
clear probability that a considerable de
duction from his support must be made
In the two former, we can see no rea-
eonable grounds to fear his election.
Take the vote of Indiana Itself, and It
is a glaring assumption to count it as
sure to be cast for Bryan. Indiana gave
17,516 majority for the Republican ticket
two years ago. We see nothing In the
political symptoms of the day to Indi
cate that this majority is now to be
changed Into one for Bryan. Suppose
Bryan is to lose the votes of Indiana,
Maryland. West Virginia, North Dakota,
Kansas and Washington, as we think Is
altogether likely to be the result of the
election, this would deduct 46 electoral
votes from that accorded him In tho
above calculation. He must Inevitably
lose some of them; we think the chances
are that he will lose them all. And it is
to be remembered that, in losing them.
be does not lose them out of a number
which. If attained, would give him & ma
jority, for If he obtains them all, he
will still be short of enough electoral
votes to compass his election.
(How Is Bryan, on the calculations of
his supDortem to be elected then? Only
by carrying the votes of such states as
Ohio, Illinois, Michigan. Wisconsin ana
Minnesota. Let us see how these states
voted at their latest elections. Ohio gave
a Republican plurality of 4S.023, which
would probably have been larger were it
not for the Jones diversion from the
ticket; Illinois, one of 43,450; Michigan,
one of 75,007; Wisconsin, one of 3S.737.
Minnesota took a queer lunge to the sup
port of a fusion Governor by a plurality
of 20,184, but It was purely a local af
fair, her members of Congress, chosen
being all Republicans, and their combined
majority amounting to between -30,000
and 40,000.
Thus we find that It Is practically con
ceded that Bryan cannot have the votes
of New York, New Jersey and Connecti
cut; that he Is not sure of the solid
South, where West Virginia is likely to
be against him, and Maryland doubtful;
that the same may be said of the far
ther West In the states of Kansas and
Washington and North Dakota, that
even In the nearer West, the chances In
Indiana are against him; that hlu only
real hope Is In carrying such states as
Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and
Minnesota, which at the l&tcet contests
were found to be rock-ribbed In their
Republicanism, and from which there
has not been a shadow of indication of
a change in political feeling. The fact
that the Democrats are confessedly de
pending upon these states for succesa Is
an admission of the desperate character
of their hopes.
Ono Srb Drovraed and the Remain
der Beienea 'by a Crew 'Frosa
' the Elmore.
Five Japanese in a rowboat were run
down In the middle of the river opposite
Ash-street dock about 10:15 o'clock last
night and one was drowned. Had It not
been for the prompt rescue by First Offi
cer Lemley and crew from the Elmore
which was alongside Ash-street dock at
the time, perhaps the other four would
be In the Willamette now. It was late
and dark, so that the name of the steam
er that struck the rowboat could not be
made out, but It was thought to have
been the Rustler, as she passed about
that time. Seemingly the crew on that
steamer never knew what had happened,
as they did not stop the vessel nor offer
any assistance.
A lucid story of the mishap, was diffi
cult to obtain. R. Ban, son of the Jap
anese contractor at Tenth and Stark
bearing that name, was the only one able
to talk English, and he was .much ex
hausted from his struggle in the water.
It seems none of the Japanese saw the
steamer or her lights until she was upon
them. The speed of the steamer evident
ly was not great, as the rowboat was
not injured, beyond breaking of the row
locks. Ban says M. Fukushlma-was sit
ting in the stern steering. He seems to
have discovered the danger first, and
gave the alarm, but so late that It was
Impossible for the oarsmen to get their
craft out of the steamer's way. "Ban
went overboard Just before the collision.
Without awaiting developments he struck
out for Ash-street dock and succeeded in
nearly reaching It when he was picked
up by Mate Iiemley and his men, badly
exhausted and chilled. There was a ques
tion whether the plucky little swimmer
who had crossed half the Willamette
with his clothes on could have made the
remaining few feet to shore had he not
been rescued.
The three other survivors stuck to the
boat as closely as possible. Sazo Fur
rukawa. the drowned man, was not seen
after going down, and might have been
struck by the big wheel as It passed over
him. Fukushlma, H. Nlkuma and A.
Shlmlxu came to the surface with or
near their boat and floundered to It,
where they clung until taken away by the
rescuers. They had considerable difficulty
In keeping the light boat on the sur
face, and as two of them were utterly
unable to swim, their situation was pre
First Officer Lemley was on the deck
of the Elmore when he heard cries from
the river. Hastily summoning a crew for
a small boat, he put out, and picked
up Ban close to the shore. No difficulty
was found In locating the others, as their
outcries were almost constant. Two of
the men on the boat seemed badly water
logged, probably having taken In con
siderable water when driven under the
steamer. One also had a bruise on the
side which was at first thought to have
been made by the wheel, but was con
sidered too light for such a ponderous
stroke. One of the men went up town
Immediately after getting ashore, but the
other three were taken in the police
patrol to the station, where they were
cared for and then sent home.
Do you know of a train outside of the
Northern Pacific's new North Coast
Limited" that Is wide vestlbuled from
end to end, electric lighted, provided with
an observation car carried at the rear end
of the train for 2000 miles. In which ladles
and gentlemen are surrounded with all
the comforts of modern civilization. L e..
ladles' parlor, waiting room, library, ob
servation platform, gentlemen's smoking
room, card room, toilet rooms, "barber
shop and bath room? Try the "North
Coast Limited." It runs daily and no
extra charge Is made for traveling on It.
PORTLAND. July 18 - P. M. Maximum,
temperature. 84; minimum temperature, 56:
river readinr at 11 A. M., 0 9 feet; change in
tho post 24 hours, O 1 foot: total precipita
tion, 6 P. M. to 8 P. M., 0 00; total precipita
tion alnea Sept. 1. J899, 86.63 lnchea; normal
precipitation since Sept. 1. 1890. 46.15 inches:
deficiency, T.4T Inches; total sunshine- July IT,
10:38; possible aunshlne July IT. 15:20.
The barometer la highest over Washington
and lowest over the- Interior of California. No
rain haa fallen In tho Rocky Mountain and
Pacific Coaat States during the last 24 hour.
It la -warmer In Oreson. "Washington and
Northern Idaho, and cooler In Southern Idaho.
Tho Indications are for fair and continued
warm weather In this district Thursday.
Forecasts made at Portland for tho 28 hours
ndlng at midnight Thursday, July 19:
Oregon Fair; warmer In east portion and
probably cooler in eouthwest portion; northerly
Waahlngton Fair and continued warm; winds
mostly northerly.
Idaho Fair; warmer south portion; varlabia
Portland and vicinity Fair ana conunuea
warm; northerly winds.
Half-wool union carpets ?
Extra union carpet - f
All-wool carpet 0o
Extra super all-wool carpet W
Hlgglns' Brussels carpet o
Smith's Brussels carpet
Sugar bowl, creamer, spoon holder and butter
dtih. 85c X. OEVURTZ & SONS.
1T3 and 175 First at., cor. Yamhill.
Special At this season we can offer you go
carts cheap. Coll and see today.
Comer Washington and First.
Mortgage Loans
On Improved city property, at lowest rates.
Title Guarantee & Trust Co,
7 Chamber of Commerce.
Ranch Eaa, 2 Doz., 35c
Best creamery butter 40c and o
Dairy butter -30c and 85o
Sweet aairy dumct "- -r-
ai. ..-.. .... .ttitf.MiJN
Cream brick t rj
Great victories over disease are dally
won by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
In Holladay and Irvlngton
locality on Tillamoolc st.; two car lines.!
graded streets, sewer, flno residences. i
ONLY $375 TO 500 PER LOT; easy terms, j
monthly payments.
Room 100 Sherlock building.
And am offering" to sell my home, the east half
of bloclc 63. nowadays Addition (tne oic
CunninKham home place), with Its fine nine
room house, with full basement and large it-j
tic. furnace heat, gas, electric bells and hot
and cold water: 25 years' growth of choica
shrubbery and fruit: cement walks and atepsj
100 leet to one car line, and two blocks rror
two others: all for the nrlco asked for bar
half-blocks in the same addition: none of whlcfc
compare with It In location or sightliness. It
la a beautiful, home-like home, and soma one
la going to get a bargain. Time on a portion
of purchase price If wanted. 'Principals only&
no agents. J". A. HUQQINS. 158 Third ax.