Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 19, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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McKlnley" Poller and Brran's Pjrin-
clples Are Assailed W1U Meet
in Indlanapoli.
NEW YORK, July 18. In responao to a
call Issued a few days ago, a number or
Gold Democrats and antl-imperlallsts met
in this city tonight to discuss the meth
ods of bringing a third party ticket be
fore the public An address was adopted
assailing President McKlnley for his Phil
ippine policy and his "scandalous appoint
ments" to Federal offices; characterizing
Governor Roosevelt as "the frank embodi
ment of militarism," and declaring that
the Republican party stands for all forms
of special privilege. Mr. Bryan, the ad
dress says, is as objectionable as Presi
dent McKlnley.
"A vote for the Democratic ticket," says
the address, "means a vote for free sil
ver; it means a still further debauching
of the civil service; a packing of the Su
preme Court Jjy men to be governed by
the will of the Executive."
The address asks Independents to unite
In the support of candidates upon some
eucn platform as follows:'
"First A return to the political doc
trines of the Declaration of Independence
and the Constitution.
"Second The recognition that not only
Cuba and the Philippines, but Porto Rico
and "Hawaii, are independent.
"Third Genuine monetary reform.
"Fourth Civil service reform.
"Fifth The abolition of special priv
ileges, whether of tariff or any other
"We are not concerned solely with this
selection, but with the future of Ameri
can political life. We are ready and
anxious to Join with others In forming a
party which shall adopt a platform pre
senting these issues."
Speeches were made on the address by
Dr. "Everett, of Massachusetts; George C.
Ripley, of Minneapolis, and others. A
resolution was adopted authorizing the
chair to appoint a committee to Issue an
invitation to the supporters of a third
ticket movement to meet In Indianapolis
July. 25, to take such steps as may be
necessary to place such a ticket In the
Hanna Says an Extra Session Is Not
CHICAGO, July 18. "I see nothing In
the present situation in China to war
rant a special session of Congress. The
question Is one which affects the moral
and patriotic sentiment of the public,
and one which should not be dragged
Into politics. The President is clothed
with all necessary power to deal with
the existing situation In the Orient, and
unless there Is a serious change for the
worse there is nothing that Congress
could accomplish by assembling."
The foregoing statement was made to
night by Senator M. A. Hanna, chair
man of the Republican National Commit
tee. Senator Hanna arrived here this
morning, ' and was In consultation most
of the day with National Committeemen
Henry C. Payne, of Wisconsin; Richard C.
Kerens, of Missouri, and Graeme Stew
art, of Illinois, and left for his home
in Cleveland at 9 o'clock. Headquarters
of the National Republican Committee
will be located at 223 and 225 Michigan
avenue and 19 and 21 Congress street. The
selection was made by Mr. Hanna and
members of the National committee Just
before the Senator left for home. Perry
Heath will reach here next Monday, and
will ,assume active management of the
The Popnllot JVotifl cation'. .
LINCOLN, Neb., July 18. Vlce-Chalr-man
J. H. Edmlston, of the Populist
National Committee said tonight that he
did not know when the committee ap
pointed, at Sioux Falls National conven
tion would officially notify W. J. Bryan
of his nomination. He thinks ,tbat the
notification may, occur in Indianapolis at
the same time the Democrats meet Mr.
"Bryan. Mr. Edmiston said -Mr. Towne
Iwd not yet officially accepted the nomi
nation or withdrawn from the Populist
tlckct. but he expected to hear from him
before many days. Mr. Bryan had no
visitors of prominence today.
Congressional Nomination.
ALLEGAN. Mich., July 18. Roman L
Jarcis, of Benton Harbor, was today
nominated for Congress by the Demo
crats of the Fourth Congressional dis
trict. HARTFORD CITY, Ind., July 18. Jo
soph T. Day. of Dunkirk, was today
nominated for" Congress by the Demo
crats of the Eighth district
HOUSTON, Tex., July 18. George F.
Burgess was today nominated for Con
gress by the Democrats of the Tenth
Democratic Notification.
CHICAGO. July 18. Secretary Walsh,
of the Democratic committee, at the re
quest of James Richardson, gave the fol
lowing official notice today to the press:
"The notification meeting to notify the
Presidential and Vice-Presidential candi
dates, named by. the Kansas City con
rention,, will be held at Indianapolis, Ind.,
August 8. All members of the two noti
fication committees are requested to meet
at the Grand Hotel, Indianapolis, on the
morning of that day."
Bryan' Eastern Speeches.
NEW YORK, July 18. It was stated at
Democratic mate headquarters today
that Mr. Bryan will probably make sev
eral speeches in New York and other
Eastern States.
Funds Voted by the Federation of
DENVER, July 18. The executive coun
cil of the American Federation of Labor
today voted to give the striking cigar
makers of New York 2 cents per capita
of the membership of the Federation.
This, It Is said, will amount to about
$15,000. it was announced today that the
offer of the council of Its good offices In
the effort to adjust the differences be
tween the Chicago Building Trades Coun
cil and the contractors had been refused
by the latter. The labor utilons of Colo
rado were advised to use every effort to
secure a constitutional amendment pro
viding for an eight-hour law. Several
minor matters were referred to President
Gompers, with power to act Tonight the
members of the council addressed an
eight-hour mass meeting at the Lyceum
Bosslsm and Bosses.
The Dalles Chronicle.
The American system of politics has
developed, or rather evolved, a class
of creatures known as "bosses," and
these wield a. most despotic sway
those who attach themselves to either
party for the personal and pecuniar ad
vantages to be derived. TTtese cringing,
subservient beings, upon whom the boss
depends for success of his schemes, are
time-servers in every regard, and would
constitute the servile population in all
countries. They would never have stood
In the ranks at Runnymede to demand of
King John and. If necessary, die for
Magna Charta liberties; they would not
have opposed the star chamber of Charles
I, pr signed the Declaration of Inde
pendence with the Revolutionary patriots.
The work of bossism begins at the pri
mary, for this Is the only pure democ
racy that exists in our representative
form of government and reformation
should begin litre, in Oregon, as well as
elsewhere. The Legislature next Winter
should pass a primary election law, one
that would Insure the choice of the in
dividual voter controlling tho nominees of
the county, district and state conven
tions. This would free the people, in a
measure, from the control of party
Paclao & Idaho Northern Railroad
to Be Pushed to CoanciL.
WEISER, Idaho, July 10. P. P. Shelby,
general manager of the Pacific & Idaho
Northern Railway, returned today from
an extended visit to Eastern cities, and
he is enthused over the prospects for the
West He states that the construction of
the Pacific & Idaho Northern will be re
sumed this Fall, and pushed through
from Cambridge to Council before snow
files. There has been no construction this
Summer, because of the excessive cost of
steel, but, now that this commodity Is
lowering In value, the company will ac
quire sufficient material to push the work
the 25 miles indicated, at least; when It
may be they will suspend operations un
til a further reduction is effected, a thing
believed to be on the cards at this time.
The Pacific & Idaho Northern has been
sold half a dozen times by as many pa
pers, and yet such a thing Is not known
by the owners and promoters of the en
terprise, Mr. Shelby stating that It was
absolutely without foundation. This road
was promoted for the purpose of further
ing the mining Interests of the Seven
Devils section. In which Lewis A. Hall,
the president of the road, has large inter
ests. It was built from this city to Cam
bridge last year, while the grading was
done to Council, 35 miles further, and
considerable on to Helena, 40 miles furth
er still. Between Council and Helena,
which is the town and postofflce for the
celebrated Peacock mines, there was
much discouragement- to the railroad
builder, but the worst places have al
ready been overcome, soveral tunnels
having been driven, and way up, thou
sands of feet above . the wagon road at
Bear, 20 miles away, the grade of the
road may be seen. This line from Coun
cil to Helena was a gigantic undertaking,
but it has been so fully done as to enable
tracklaylng to begin almost at a mo
ment's notice and continue without cessa
tion, as the grading yet to be done is of
a superficial nature. Until the road is"
completed, the mines of that great sec
tion will not advance as they ought, as
there Is at present only the most primitive
irtethod of transportation, and while tho
wagon roads are of the very best char
acter, the mountains are steep, the Win
ters long, and the expense of getting ore
out Is from 513 0 to $20 per ton. which Is
a charge only the highest-grade ores can
stand. There Is now an Immense tonnage
of ore lying on the dumps waiting for
cheap and rapid transportation, so that
the road has a big business from the
moment Its track is laid to the mines.
There is. as well, a great timber belt to
be taken care of by a railway, and this
will Insure other large business even be
fore the mines are reached, as the forests
are below the altitude of the ore deposits.
There seems no possibility but that the
line will be pushed on soon, and contin
ued, before this time next year. Into the
heart of the Seven Devils. "This fact will
have a reviving effect upon all the indus
tries of this section, and especially mln
Asked regarding the feeling in the East
toward the West especially Idaho, "Utah
and Oregon, Colonel Shelby said that It
was very favorable, and that there will
be no trouble In securing capital for legit
imate propositions of any nature, but
that they have gone beyond the time
when they will "bite" at any bait offered.
Even legitimate propositions offered these
people have a tendency to make the feel
ing even more friendly, so that It should .
be the aim of the whole people here to
protect Investors at a distance. There Is
a .great deal of money awaiting good In
vestment and those people are disposed
to put It into the West where they think
are great possibilities, and, Indeed, West
ern people generally are asked If they
know a good place to put money and be
Already 1000 Acrea Ilave Been
Burned In Washington.
Walla Walla Statesman.
Sparks from a traction engine on tho
farm of John Sprcltzer in Spring Valley
started a fire In his wheatfield which was
not extinguished until over 000 acres had
been destroyed. Wheat In one place had
been threshed, and the outfit was being
moved to another field. . when crossing
a flat stretch of ground sparks from the
engine dropped Into the straw, and al
most before the men had time to attempt
to check It, It had gained great headway
and spread with remarkable rapidity. Mr.
Spreltxer lost about 200 acres, Willis En
gels the same amount and Dan McCosh
um a large amount Mr. Spreltzers grain
was Insured, but it is understood the
balanco burned up was not Much of
the grain on Mr. McCoshum's place had
been cut and stacked, and all this was
destroyed. His Spring wheat however,
was saved. David Cox also lost about ISO
acres of grain, and It Is reported that
H. H. Hungate suffered to some extent
from the fire.
Straw Is unusually heavy and thick
this year, and, being quite dry. It Is a
difficult matter to extinguish a fire when
once started. Up to date, there have
been as many as 15 fires In different
wheatflclds, causing an aggregate loss of
1000 acres of grain.
Idaho' Good Outloolc.
Lewlston Tribune.
It is gratifying to know that above the
clamor and noise of the -whole contention
growing out of unprofitable party poli
tics, tho skies of Idaho are bright and
the signs of the heavens hopeful. The
country Is prosperous In spite of the poli
ticians, and the people are growing more
tolerant in their differences of opinion,
broader In their views, stronger In their
purposes, and firmer In their patriotism.
Considering the wonderful changes that
have taken place In recent years. It need
not be long before primaries, conven
tions and elections will come to be car
ried on along logical and wholesome lines,
over measures rather than men, over
principles rather than prejudices, over
good government for all rather than spoils
and honors for the few. For this needed
and 'salutary change It ought to be the
duty of every free soul to hope and to
Shorn of Their Locks. ,
Blackfoot News.
Indian Agent Caldwell, or the Fort Hall
Agency, recently made an order that all
the Indian police. should be shorn of their
locks. The majority proceeded to resign.
Secretly they were of the opinion that
the 'agent could not secure a sufficient
number of desirable men for the force
who would consent to cut their hair.
However, the agent was fixed for Just
such an emergency. Applications for the
vacant places far exfeeeded the positions
at his disposal. Under these distressing
circumstances there developed a wild de
sire on the part of those who had, a few
moments previously, laid down the In
dian policeman's burden, to again assume
it The majority succeeded In securing
their old places, though a few were not
so fortunate.
A Game of Freese-Ont.
CLEVELAND. July 18. The Information
comes from trustworthy sources that a
well-defined plan is in operation to freeze
out the small firms of plate and bartlron
and steel who began business during the
recent boom In the iron market During
the last seven weeks the plate and bar
prices have dropped from $45 per ton to
$25 per ton. Already a number of small
mills have been compelled to quit The
plan Is to restore prices September 1 to
the present basis of beams and channel
Iron, or $38 person.
Latter Forced the Bnrshers Bade,
"With Heavy Loss The Brit
ish Casualties.
LONSDON. July 18. The War Office
has received the following dispatch from
Lord Roberta:
"Pretoria, July 17. Yeoterday the ene
my made a determined attack on the left
of Pole-Carew"s position, and along our
loft flank, commanded by Hutton. The
poeto held by the Irish Fusiliers and Ca
nadian Mounted Infantry, under Lieutenant-Colonel
Aldereon, were most gal
lantly defended. The enemy mode re
peated attempts to assault the positions,
coming in close range and calling to the
Fulsllters to surrender. The enemy suf
fered severely. They had 15 killed and
50 wounded, and four were taken pris
oners. Tho British casualties were vcn
killed (Including the Canadian Lieuten
ants. Borden and Rich), 20 wounded and
21 missing.
"Ian Hamilton's column advanced to
Waterval yesterday unopposed, and to
day proceeded to Hamm's Kraal.
"Fifteen hundred Boern with five guno
managed to break through the cordon
formed by Hunter's and "Rundle's divis
ions between Bethlehem and Flcksburg.
They were making towards Lindley, be
ing closely folowed by Paget and Broad
wood's brigades."
In a dispatch dated today, Lord Rob
erts pays a tribute to Lieutenants Bor
den and Rich, whom. In bio dispatch
given above, he reported killed. Lord
Roberts says: "They were killed while
gallantly leading their men in a counter
attack on the enemy's flank at a critical
Juncture of the assault on one position.
Borden was twice before brought to my
notice In dispatches for gallant and in
trepid conduct"
MulcN for British Army.
NEW ORLEANS, July 18. The steam
er Magician cleared today for .Cape Town
with 1000 mules for the British Army.
Fifty Thousand Persons at Yester
day's Meeting:.
LONDON, July 18. Fully 50.000 persons
attended today's meeting of the world's
convention of the Young People's Society
of Christian Endeavor, the special feat
ure of the programme being the delivery
of messages from the churches. The Rev.
Hugh Price Hughes, president of the
Wesleyan conference, said ho conveyed
from 30,000,000 Methodists of Great Brit
ain the desire to form an alliance with
every true soldier of Christ The Right
Rev. Madell Crelghton. of London, ex
tended to the Christian Endeavor 8ocIety
the heartiest welcome of his diocese, and
assurance of sympathy with the work of
the large body of Christians here repre
sented. Dr. Parker, of the City Temple,
urged the Endeavorers to nominate Rev.
Francis E. Clarke and Rev. Charles M.
Sheldon for the highest office In the
United States, as Christian men should be
at the head of things. The United States
Ambassador, Joseph H. Choate, and the
Archdeacon of London sent sympathetic
The afternoon meeting was devoted to
national rallies, which were characterized
by Intense enthusiasm. The Immense
crowds in attendance made the grounds
almost Impassable, and a water famine,,
added to the Intense heat of the day,
caused many women to faint President
Clarke received a cordial letter from the
United States Ambassador, Mr. Choate,
which was followed by cheers for the
Germany. France, Holland, Belgium and
Switzerland held an international rally,
which President Clarke attended. After
ward Mr. Clarke called the convention's
attention to the fraternity of France and
) Germany. Rev. Messrs. Waddell of Iowa,
J Splons of New Jersey, Strayer of Balti
more, Mason of California and McCall of
aiassacnusetts, .air. Clarke and Bishop
Walters were the principal speakers.
After the state calls, to which the lead
ers of a score of delegations responded,
there was a five minutes' devotional serv
ice, conducted by Floyd Tompkins, of
Philadelphia. The entire audience then
Joined In singing "America." Meantime a
number of overflow meetings were held
out of doors.
Two meetings devoted to a "roll-call of
the nations," and conducted by Dr. Clarke
and Secretary Baer, closed the proceed
ings this evening. When the name of the
United States was reached, the convention
arose and sang "America." When Dr.
Clarke reached the name of Hungary
there was no response. u'Is there no one
here from Hungary?" he asked, and the
delegates, bearing In mind the Insufficient
catering, broke out Into hearty laughter.
Sheffield was selected as the meeting
place in IDOL and Manchester in 1902.
Some Trouble Among? Daughters of
the Revolution in Paris.
PARIS, July IS. An unpleasant differ
ence among the members of the Society
of Daughters of the American Revolu
tion, now in Paris, Is made public to
day through a letter from the Countess
Spottlswood-Mackln, published In he ex
position edition of the New York Times.
In this letter the Countess withdraws the
reception which she says was offered by
her during the last annual convention of
the society at Washington, to be given
in Paris during the exposition. The
I Countess said she renewed the invitatlor
at the meeting of the New York Chapter
of the Daughters of the American Revo"
lutlon. Recently she asked Mrs. Daniel
Manning if a date had been fixed for the
reception, and was told the Invitation had
never been accepted. Countess Spottls-wood-Mackln
therefore prints the letter
to Justify herself before the members, of
the society. In the course of an Interview
the Countess hints at- dissatisfaction be
tween the officers of the National society
and the New York Chapter, and says this
Is the reason of the nonappearance at
Paris of New York's regent Mrs. Donald
McLean, who is also an appointee of
President McKInlev. Mm. TlnnfAl "urnn-
nlng expressed regret "at the publication
, of the letter, but declined to be Inter-
Attempt to Assassinate Japanese
VANCOUVER, B. C, July 18.-Orlental
, advices today by the steamer Empress
J of India bring the news of another po-
litlcal crisis in Corea. According to the
Kobe Chronicle, the Japanese Prince Li
Chun Yo was implicated by the confes
sions of Klvong and An, who were bar
barously tortured and strangled at Seoul
for having been concerned In the assas
sination of tho Corean Empress two years
ago. The Emperor of Corea demanded of
the Japanese Minister that Prince LI and
his father be delivered up for vengeance,
but the Japanese Minister declined to ac
cede to this request Then, according to
the Chronicle, Kim Young Chlng, de
scribed as the official assassin of the
Corean Court, was sent to Toklo to kill
Prince LI Chun Yo and his father. The
plot was frustrated, however, and tho as
sassin was arrested, but escaped back to
Corea. The Japanese Princes are under
the protection of special guards.
The Hong Kong Press says that as the
steam launch Kwang Yok was proceeding
up the Canton River with a number of
passengers. Including three California
merchants traveling with valuable Jewels,
money and luggage, pirates suddenly
made their appearance In large numbers,
brandishing their swords and pistols.
They fired a few shots as a warning and
then went through the ship, confiscating
the Callfornians belongings. The names
of the alleged Callfornians are not given.
The American mission at Nagoya has
been attacked by a Japanese mob, and
the missionaries so severely beaten that
they were left for dead, although they
subsequently recovered. The prime causo
of tho trouble was the Interference of the
missionaries In the trafficking In young
girls, who, It Is said, have been 'openly
sold. A mob surrounded the mission sta
tion and would have destroyed all the
buildings but for the somewhat tardy
arrival of the native police. .
The Sedsrers Discharged.
LONDON, July 18. Horace Sedger, the
theatrical manager, who with his wife
Ethel, an actress, was charged In the
Bow-street Police Court June 2S, with
fraudulently obtaining goods by means of
worthless checks, was given a hearing
today and discharged, the Magistrate say
ing it was reasonable to assume that Mr.
Sedgers check was not met because the
theatrical association on which it was
drawn had no money In Its coffers at the
time the check was presented. Mr. Sedger
had previously been discharged from cus
tody. Rotterdam Strike Spreading.
ROTTERDAM, July 18. The strike here
Is extending, and over 12,000 are now in
volved. There are 170 vessels in the
Cdaas River awaiting discharge.
Anti-Semitic Rioters Sentenced.
BERLIN. July IS. Another batch of
anti-Semitic rioters was sentenced to Im
prisonment today at Stolp. One man was
sentenced to nine months.
Series of Accidents.
80LOMONVTLLE. Ariz., July 18. Two
men were killed and three are expected
to die as the result of accidents at Clif
ton yesterday. A hand-car got away on
the narrow-gauge railroad In Chase
Creek and flew the track. One Mexican
was killed and two Injured. Both will
George Stewart, of Sliver City, was
thrown from a wagon and will die.
A young Mexican boy, 17 years of age,
was caught in a belt In the power-house
and Instantly killed.
Returned to Stand Trial.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 18. United
States Commissioner Hlckcox made an or
der today directing that Wilbur Crites
be returned to Colorado to stand trial on
a charge of forgery. The young man Is
accused of signing the name of his father
to a money order for "30,CO0. and obtain
ing the money from a pawnbroker In
Colorado City. Crites came here as a
private soldier and was arrested at the
No Code Telegram.
BERLIN, July IS. It Is semi-offlclally
announced that Baron von Bulow, the
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affaire, has
notified the Chinese legation here that
until further notice It cannot be allowed
to send telegrams In cipher or secret
language, and that telegrams in plain
language must be submitted for the ap
proval of the Secretary of State before
they can be dispatched.
Mail Service to Hnvrnll.
WASHINGTON, July 18. The Postofflce
Department has ordered that beginning
August 1 all malls for the Hawaiian
Islands shall be forwarded exclusively to
San Francisco or other American ports
for dispatch, and that the present prac
tice of dispatching these malls via Van
couver, B. C, be discontinued.
Testified That the Plot Wai to Kill
Goebel From the Secretary
of State's Office.
GEORGETOWN. Ky., July 18. The trial
of Caleb Powers In the Goebel assassina
tion case was resumed today.
John A. Black, of Barbourvllle, a
banker of that place and a Republican
of prominence, was the first witness
called. Witness said Powers had told him
in January he was organizing an armed
mob to go to Frankfort Witness dis
couraged the project, but Powers In
sisted that the mob should be formed,
saying It would Intimidate the Legisla
ture. Black, continuing, said:
"I saw Mr. Powers later and again
remonstrated against the formation of the
mob which was going to Frankfort Pow
ers told me it was being formed with the
approval of Governor Taylor, Charles
FInley and other Republican leaders at
Frankfort Charles FInley also came to
me and endeavored to get me to co
operate with them. I protested bitterly.
Powers became very angry with me on
account of the position I took. I tried
to persuade them to send good citizens,
people of Influence, If any crowd was to
be sent"
A check from Charles FInley to the L.
&N. Railroad for 51C00 for transporta
tion of the men to Frankfort was pro
duced by Mr. Black In response to a
question from the prosecution.
On cross-examination. Black said that
FInley claimed the mountaineers were
being taken to Frankfort to "Influence"
the Legislature. Powers said the purpose
was to "Intimidate" the body. The wit
ness said he "never heard Powers make
threats against Goebel except in a gen
eral way."
Culton, himself under Indictment as an
accessory and supposed to be the star
witness of the prosecution, was called
next. Culton said he knew all the per
sons Indicted as accessories to the Goe
bel murder. Witness said he attended
a conference at Frankfort in January at
which Powers and others were present
and that the matter of bringing mountain
men to the capital was discussed. Hamp
Howard, Frank Cecil and other mountain
men were there and were asked by Pow
ers how many men they could bring from
Harlan, Bell and other counties. They
promised to bring crowds ranging from
50 to 200 men from each of the counties
represented. Those in the meeting were
to take charge of the men in their re
spective counties and bring them to
Frankfort armed. Powers said that when
the men arrived at Frankfort they would,
give the Legislators 30 minutes In which
to settle the contests "and If they did
not settle them In that time they would
kill every d d one of them." Culton con
tinued: "The mountain men arrived in Frank
fort, January 25. They numbered from
1000 to 1200 men. Those who carried guns
had them stacked In the office of the
Commissioner of Agriculture, and each
man was given a tag corresponding with
the number on his gun. Captain Bullock,
afterward connected with the Williams
burg militia company, had charge of this
party. After holding the meeting In the
Statehouse yard, the bigger part of the
crowd was sent home."
Culton further said that Henry Youtsey
came to him and told him he had found
a way in which Goebel could be killed and
no one find out who did It Youtsey
said It could be done from the Secretary
of State" s office, and he showed him some
steel bullets. Witness told Youtsey such
a thing should not be done. Ex-Governor
Bradley was told what he had
heard, that Goebel was to be killed, and
said it must not be done. Witness says
he saw Youtsey again, and the latter
said the Idea had been abandoned. Culton
said Powers distributed the money among
the various Captains who were to bring
the mountaineers to Frankfort Witness
did not know who furnished. It Witness
further said Governor Taylor furnished
the money to bring the Jackson County
crowd. He heard W. "R. Johnson, of
Jackson County, talking about killing
Goebel with nitroglycerin.
Mr. Rasrsdale "Writes From Tien
SANTA ROSA, Cal., July IS. Letters
have been received here from Mrs. J. W.
Ragsdale. wife of tho United States Con
sul at Tien Tsln, and from Mrs. Lucy
Drummond. The letters are under date
of June 14, and tell of critical condi
tions existing there at that time. An
other letter from Mrs. Drummond at
Shanghai tells of her safe arrival there
with her husband and children, and de
scribes the hurried escape on June 16
from Tien Tsln on the last armored train
that succeeded In leaving there. Neither
of the letters contains any intimation as
to the whereabouts of Consul Ragsdale
and family, although it Is supposed they
also left Tien TBln with the other Amer
icans. Mrs. Ragsdale in her letter says:
"All the mission churches In Tien Tsln
(the Chinese City), two blocks from here,
have been burned. They had been closed
ever Blnce the trouble began, and were
turned over to the Chinese officials. Tho
Chinese official seal had been placed on
the doors to show that they were under
Chinese protection. It points to a bad
state of things, and proves how power
less they are to protect anything.
"More than a week ago a guard went
from here to meet and aid some Belgian
refugees to reach" Tien Tsln. At several
villages they were given tea and things
to eat The Boxers burned every one of
the villages and killed every man, woman
and child they found, because they aided
"All Chinese from the highest to the
lowest think Boxor a spirit that cannot
be killed. That is the reason It Is so
hard for the Chinese officials to put them
"down. The soldiers will not fight them."
Offices of Pacific States Telephone
Company "Will Be Located Here.
FVN FRANCISCO, July 18. The Pa
cific Coast Telephone & Telegraph Com
pany has disincorporated, and Its prop
erty has been sold to another corporation,
the Pacific States Telephone Company.
Its executive offices will be In Portland,
Or. Five hundred employes of the old
corporation, now In the service of the
new one, will remove to Portland. This
step is taken on account of the assess
ments of the company's franchise In this
city. It Is stated that the Sunset Tele
phone Company will for a like reason
move Its general offices to some other
county In the state.
Word of Warning" to Parents.
Spokane Chronicle.
Why don't the people who live In the
big blocks) take better care of their
children? Is it good policy to turn little
boys and girls loose In the streets to run
until long after sunset? Is It any won
der that Spokane has a fresh crop of
tough young men and women every year
when the little folks are given such
street training as can be seen In tho
center of the "city ever. evening?
Ne-rr Roumanian Cabinet.
BUCHAREST. July 18. King Charles
has authorized M. Car? to form a new
cabinet to succeed the Cantacuzene Min
istry, which resigned yesterday.
Captain C. F. Rovre Dead.
ELMIRA. N. Y., July 18. Captain
Charles F. Rowe, United States Army, re
tired, died tonight, aged 70 years. "
Dr. Copeland's Earnest Advice to AH Chronic
Invalids Is to Take Advantage of Favora
ble Climatic Conditions for the Med
ical Attention They Require
Of the hundreds of cases of asthma,
lung troubles, rheumatism and catarrhal
diseases treated and cured at the Cope
land Institute during the past seven
years, under the inexpensive system now
so popular with the community, statistics
prove that the average time occupied In
a cure, with patients beginning during
the Summer months. Is from one-third to
one-half less than with those beginning a
course during the rigors of Winter,
The aim of the Copeland physicians Is
not only to cure the diseases that make
so much of the gloom and sorrow of life;
nor Is It their sole aim to bring relief to
suffering at the lowest possible cost to
the sufferer. Beyond this humane and
most useful consummation. It has been
Dr. Copeland's great ambition to cure dis
ease In a far briefer period, of time than
that usually considered necessary.
There are maladies that It requires time
to master. Asthma requires time. Seated
lung troubles require time. Crippling
rheumatism requires time. The rot and
poison of catarrh requires time.
According to Dr. Copeland'3 Idea, the
Intelligence and the humanity exercised
In delivering an Invalid from the agony
and dejection of disease by a course of
direct masterly and telling treatment,
when climatic conditions may bo depended
upon to aid nature and science. Is much
shorter than when science unaided must
brim? about the cure.
Dr. Copeland feels that when human
beings are to be lifted from the pit there
should be expedition. His earnest advice
to all who contemplate treatment at the
Copeland Institute Is to begin now, while
Summer lingers with her balms, and all
the pleasant climatic influences strength
en the efforts of science to make re
covery not only certain, but expeditious!
Mr. jr. 31. Miller, 340 East Sixth.
and Weldler streets. Portland, telling of
his radical cure of a distressing and de
bilitating chronic catarrh of the head,
nose, throat and stomach by a course
of treatment at the Copeland Institute,
Aside from the many offensive annoy- j
ances incident to catarrh of the head ,
and throat that is to say, aside from
me nuisunce ana aiscomxort ana unclean
Mr. J. M. Miller, 340 East Sixth and
Weldler Streets, Portland.
llness of tho malady, the hawking, gag
ging and incessant expectoration to pre
vent the engorgement of the throat with
catarrhal mucus, my
General Health Wan 3Inch Impaired
By the effects of tho disease upon the
entire system, and especially by its di
rect and poisonous action upon the stom
ach. In the failure of the stomach to digest
food there was not only a great deal of
distress, not only intense pain, nausea
and heaviness and general misery af
ter eating, heart palpitation, etc, but a
Consultation Free.
The Dekum, Third
WFFICE HOURS From O A. M. to 13 r
M.j front 1 to 5 P. M. '
"When the warmth of the day has extracted all
energy from the system, and breathing seems a
burden, there fs nothing so delightfully refreshing,
cooling and invigorating as a teaspocnful of
in a tumbler of water. It soothes the stomach, cools
the blood and gratifies the thirst It may be taken
at any time with beneficial results. The regular
use of this standard English preparation will seep
you in good health and will prevent or cure Dys
pepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness or Constipation
and all similar ills.
Abbey's is Nature's remedy because it is made
from the salts extracted from the juices of fresh fruits.
Unlike violent remedies, it doesn't knock out your
system or deplete the vital organs It does its work
gently, but effectively as Nature Intended it should
be done. Sold by most druggists or sent by mail.
25c, 50c. and $1 per bottle.
Th Abbey Eflermetnt Salt Co 9-15 Murray St., N. Y.
Booklet free on request.
Library Association of Portland
24,000 volumes and
$5.00 a year or $150
Two books allowed
HOURS-Prom 5:00 A. M. to 9:00 P.
Doctor Copeland requests all who are
ailing, all who feel a gradual weakanlng
" or all who realize that their health Is be-
lng undermined by some unknown com
plaint, to cut out thl3 slip, mark the
questions that apply to your case and
he will diagnose- your case for you.
"Is your nose stopped up?"
"Do you sleep with mouth wide
"Is there pain in front of head?"
"Is your throat dry or sore?"
"Have you a bad taste In the
"Do you cough?"
"Do you cough worse at night?
"Is your tongue coated?"
"Is your appetite falling?"
"Is thero pan after eating?"
"Are you light-headed?"
"When you get up suddenly are
you dizzy?"
"Do you have hot flashes?"
"Do you have liver marks?"
"Do your kidneys trouble you?"
"Do you have pain In back or
under shoulder-blades?"
"Do you wake up tired and out
of torts?"
"Are you losing flesh?"
"Is your strength falling?"
For this Doctor Copeland's services nro
free. It means no charge will be made.
not a penny win be received. It means no
" promises to pay no future obligation is
' implied or demanded. It means whit It
says. To one and all It Is unequivocally
' and absolutely free.
constantly increasing physical weakness
and debility, a constant decline in health
and strength.
Under tho Copeland treatment, however,
the catarrh was radically cured and my
health and strength restored.
Mr. D. N. Bar-well, 300 Holladay
avenue, Portland, a well-known postal
railway clerk, Portland-Corvallis route:
I had been in a very uncomfortable and
more or less ailing condition from catarrh
of the head and throat since childhood.
The distressing and offensive feature of
my disease. In spite of
Almost Incessant Doctoring?
And doping with remedies, was in tho
stopped-up and stuffed-up condition of my
nose and head, causing a constant drip of
mucus from behind tho palate, and In tho
Intolerable abemlnation of an everlast
ing hawking and spitting to clear the
throat, and clogging of the nostrils with
Some years ago the poisons of the dis
ease began to tell on my stomach. My
stomach began to turn against food so
that I could hardly eat at all without
nausea and sickness afterward. I ran
down In weight until I weighed only 135
pounds; my normal weight is 160, and be
came Irritable and nervous. ,
My wife had been a sufferer from ca
tarrh for years, and a little time ago
read the testimonial of a lady whose
symptoms seemed Just like hers. She
called upon this lady, found the facta
to be Just as stated, and immediately
placed herself under treatment She Im
proved so well that I became convinced
the treatment would be Just the thing
for me, and took It up. Now I feel
as I have not felt In 10 years, well and
active, and free from the symptoms that
made life a burden to me for a lifetime.
I have always had grave objections to
making a public statement but I do not
believe It Is possible to
Commend the Copeland Treatment
Too highly, and for the sake of those who
are suffering and discouraged with aim
less doctoring I feel It ray duty to make
this statement
Dr. Copeland's Book Fret io AIL
and Washington
EVSnfGS Tneadnya and Fridays-,
SUNDAY" Vrom IO A. M. to 13 M.
" Your SaJ t works like
a charm. It seems to be
just xrhat has always
been wanting, cooling
and refreshing and not
nauseating in any par
ticular. I shall sever be
without it in ray office."
W. C. DULMAOK, M. 73.
January 5, 190a.
"Your Salt is a very su
perior article. Am well
pleased with it. Bottle
waters no comparison.
Da. Wm. B. Man.
60 Classic St.,
Hoosics Falls. N.Y.
"Abbey's Salt Is per
fect. I thank 70a for
putting on the market
such a valuable article.
It is pleasant and effec
tive." George M.I,amb, M.D.
SrxrNGFisLD, Mass..
January 25, 1900.
' I can truly say that
Abbey's Salt is the best
preparation of the kind
I hare ever used and
shall continue to use it
in my practice."
D.EknestK. Parkee.
Bchsrtto Sortati a4 fas
over 200 periodicals
a quarter
on all subscriptions
M. diry, execut Sunday and holldav