4' tt - mwt wiwraait VOL. XL. NO. 12,355. PORTLAND, OREGON,. THURSDAY, JTJLYI 19, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ' 'AfA. Jjf x'Crt'Bv is (IB vsst Tlrl 5 "witcJ Now Is the time to purchase your ARDEN HOSE MANUFACTURED BT Goodyear Rubber Company R. H. PEASE, President and Manarer. NOS. 73 AND 75 FIRST ST., PORTLAND, OREGON BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. ' WHOLESALE and IMPORTING DRUGGISTS. 144-146 FOURTH STREET SOLE AGENTS Kodak, Cameras and Photo Supplies at wholesale and retail Distributors for all the leading proprietary preparations for Oregon, Washington and Idaho. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Strooti . . PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms Single 75c to $1.60 per flay FIrst-ClKfts Check Restaurant Rooms Double $1.00 to 32.00 per day Connected With Hotel. Booms Family SL50 to $5.00 per day Shaw's Pure Malt The Condensed Strength and Nutriment of Barley and Rye BlUlTiaUer & fiOCh, HO Fourth Street Sole Distributers for Oregon F.DAVIES.Pres. St Charles Hote CO. ONCOKPORATED). FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON American and European Plan. ERS & IMPORTERS WHOLESALE AND RETAILERS IN China, Crockery, Glassware LAMP GOODS AND CUTLER ' ? Hotel, Restaurant' ana BW5lsHrraly. 111 THIRD STREET 20T WASHINGTON STREET jfflpEL & jpsp- W W WA ijffi Our Midsummer Display of Fine Vehicles Has never been equaled on the Coast Everything on wheels for,cily and country driving, and our prices are Just eight Seo our new lino of Biko Wagons and Whalebone Pneumatic Runabouts. Visitors welcome. Our doors are always open. STUDEBAKER Carriages, Wagons, Harness, Robes and Whips. ffiftfe ftdP 9& SHE COULD AND SHE COULDN'T. A young lady said yesterday: "I can't afford to take music lessons, but I can afford to buy a Pianlo. I would never get through taking lessons, and I can't stand the unlimited expenditure of money, time and effort; but when my $256 la paid for my Pianola I own a complete musical education and you can't get It away from me." Thousands of people are perceiving this point. "We think you will be Interested if you call and see this wonderful Pianola. We sell, also, the world's standard pianos: The Stelnway and the A. 3. Chase. M. B.- WELLS, Northwest 353-355 Washintton THANKS FROM HAWAIIANS. Natives Appreciate What the United States Has Done for Them. WASHINGTON, July 18. The President "Honolulu, Juno 30, 1300. To His Excel-1 lency, "William McKinley, President, and Congress of the United States of Amer icaGreeting: The native Hawaiian citi zens of tho Territory of Hawaii send their greeting: they wish to express to you their appreciation and thanks for the lib eral laws which the Congress has enact ed for the Territory of Hawaii, and which Tour Excellency has approved on the 30th day of April last. We further extend our good wishes to Tour Excellency, to the Congress and the people of America. Respectfully yours, "D. Knlauokalanl, James K. Kaulla, Robert W. Wilcox, National Committee." Cholera on a Steamer. MALTA. July IS. The British steamer Borneo, Captain Gregor, from Calcutta, for London, has arrived here and has been quarantined at the Island of Coxnino (between Malta, and Gozo) in consequence -of five deaths from cholera having pc curred on board during tho voyage. Ask for ono of the following brands Gold Seal Indian Anvil Badger Elk Obelisk Conqueror Pioneer ftofitene. BEAU BRUMMELL AND LA LITA CIGARS C T. BELCHER. See and Trees. American plan..... ..11.25, $LE0, $L75 European plan 50c. 75c. $1.00 PRAEL CO. State Normal School MONMDUTH, OREGON PALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 18. The students of tho Normal School are prepared to take the Stat Certificate Immediately on graduation. Graduates readily secure good posi tions, Expense of year from $120 to $1E0. Strong Academic and Professional Courses. New Special Department In Manual Training. "Well equipped Train ing Department. Eor catalogue containing full announce ments, address P. L. CAWPBBU., President, Or W. A.WANN, Secretary of Faculty. 320-338 E. Morrison St Agent for the Aeolian Company Street opp. Cordray's. AN APPEAL TO LL, Canton Chinese Be&xd Hint Net to Go. HONG KONG, Julyl7. Li Hung Chang, disregarding all attempts of Europeans and Chinese to persuade him to remain, left Canton this morning for Pekln. Prior to his departure. Chinese merchants and the gentry of Canton strongly appealed to the Viceroy not to leave, and present ed a petition setting forth that Canton, so long a prey to the depredations of robbers and pirates, had become peaceful during Li Hung Chang's Viceroyalty, that dis turbances had been repressed with a strong hand, and the people enabled to live without being panic-stricken when dogs barked. The petitioners', this paper continued, learned with trembling- that their protector was proceeding north, and they wept as at the loss of a parent. The absence of rebellion and piracy beIngsole ly due to the presence of Ll Hung Chang, the merchants were ready to cast them selves before the wheels of hla chariot to prevent his departure. Canadian Parliament Prorogued. OTTAWA, July l&-Parliament was prorogued at 3 o'clock this afternoon by Lord Mlnfo. LACK- OF HARMONY Serious Friction Reported Be tween the Allies. JAPAN DELAYS REINFORCEMENTS Meantime the Rebellion Is Spreading Sonth 'and West A Boxer Proclamation. LONDON, July 13, 4 A. M. While evi dence accumulates dally that China has long been .preparing a formidable mili tary organization In anticipation of tho present conflict and that the area of the rebellion Is continuously extending, har mony among the allies, which Is to meet such a grave situation, is still deplorably lacking. The Russians have refused Ad miral Seymour's request to hand over the restored Taku-Tlen Teln Railway to the English company, and It Is rumored that Germany purposes taking- a serious independent step, namely, to patrol the Tangtse Klang with men-of-war. Such a step would be greatly Tesented by Eng land. Still more alarming news has been conveyed to the Daily Express from To klo, to the effect that the apparent reluct ance of Germany and Russia to consent to a Japanese commander for the army corps has led the Japanese Government to delay the forwarding of the division already mobilized. The Standard In alarmist editorial says: "It Is useless any longer to hide from ourselves tho fact that China has de- 5ared war on civilization and has plunged nto the conflict with rabid frenzy. It is equally futile to discuss whether hostili ties aro being waged by the Chinese Gov ernment, in which it is evident that an administration of some kind exists. Un less unmistakable evidence exculpating the Pekln Government Is promptly forth coming, the powera should treat China as a belligerent state and act accord ingly." A similar line of comment is taken by the other morning papers. All applaud the course of Count von Bulow, the Ger man Foreign Secretary, in stopping Chi nese telegrams -from the Chinese Lega tion In Berlin, and all urge other powers to follow Germany's example. The Russian general staff denies the report that the. Chinese have captured Blagovestchensk, capital of the Province of Amur, and it is rumored from Ir kutsk that the Russians have taken Aigon. A special dispatch from Tien Tsln dis tributes the number of tose killed at the capture of the native city as follows: Russians 100. Japanese 57, British 40 and Americans 37. The correspondent who sends this asserts that thousands of Chi nese were killed, and that fighting was still going on -when his uispatch was sent in various parts of Tien Tain. In .reference to the rumors that Eu ropeans were seen working the Chinese guns at Tien Tstn, the Standard learns that eight, Russian military instructors, forcibly detained by the Chinese, were compelled lo work the suns. One escaDed &&N&m&rvtar Express at Tien Tsln contrasts the "splendid work and perfect equipment" of the Japanese with the 'Inadequate, supplies of th. British, German and American contingents,, whlph are terribly lacking in the most obvious, necessaries." The first Boxer proclamation has made Its appearance in Shanghai. It declares that Kwan, the war god, desires the blood of foreigners, and threatens 10 plagues If the Boxer tenets are not fol lowed and spread. The Governors of the Provinces of Hu nan, Hu Pi and Honan have now openly Joined Prince Tuan and are marching overland with their armies to Pekln The German relief column, sent Into tho Interior of the Province of Shan Tung to endeavor to rescue a party of 30 mis sionaries, German, American and English, has returned without v.nc obtained any tidings of their whereabouts, and It is feared that all have been slain. A special commission is sitting In St Petersburg dally to arrange for the dis patch of troops to the far East. It Is announced from Shanghai that General Nleh has been killed, but there Is no confirmation of the rumor from Tien Tain. The Consuls at Shanghai have agreed to regard the Viceroy of Nankin as the chief, so far as the collection of revenue Is concerned. The Viceroy, when informed of this attitude, appointed Mr. Taylor, statistical secretary of customs, to be Inspector of Customs ad Interim In succession to Sir Robert Hart. SAVED FROM ASSASSIXATIOTf. Kangr Tu Wei Protected by Sikhs at Singapore. SAN ITRANCISCO, July 18. The Chi nese Empire Reform Association of this city received tho folowing cablegram from Singapore tonight: "Singapore, July 18. Chinese Empire Reform, San Francisco. Kang Tu Wei saved from assassination by Sikh guard. Wire- good newe to all branches. "KHOO SEOK WAN." Kang Tu Wei, for whose head the Em press Dowager of China has offered a re ward of $50,000, has been the Intimate friend and adviser of Emperor Kwang Hsu, and la considered by tho Chinese of the south to be the wisest man the Empire has produced tlnre the time of Confucius. This modern age has been most successful In organizing the Chinese Reform party and is at present making Singapore his headquarters, where ha enjoys the protection of the British Gov ernment. It Is claimed by his supporters that ho has a following of at least 20, 000,000 in the southern provinces of China. The above cable probably refers to the attempt made to assassinate Kang Yu Wei several days ago. It is an answer to an Inquiry for further particulars. INVASION OF AMUR, Chinese Are Concentrating: on the Railway Line. ST. PETERSBURG. July IS. Reports have been received by the Russian gen eral staff from the Amur district, show ing that the Chinese have made serious preparations there, and are now concen trated on the railway line from Algon to Saghallen. They are well supplied with artillery and have large quantities of munitions. The Russian General, Gribovs ky, after reconnolterlng the district, re turned to Blagovestchensk, capital of the Province of Amur, Monday. Other, official reports confirm the .seri ous news from tho superintendent of tho work on the Hanchurian Railway, re ferrinff to Chinese attacks, especially at Charban, where an attack behind the Chi nese was reported July 9. Charban is in a critical state, being cut off from tha west, south and north. Russian troops have been sent from different points to protect the railway. The Chinese, how ever, aro still working on the eastern sec tion of the line, which gives hope that energetic measures may succeed in re storing order. In the opinion of the staff officers, the chief command of the allied forces at Ten Tsln will eventually fall to Duke Aiexien, m addition to tho Japanese Commander-in-Chief. A TRIPLE ALLIANCE. Germany, Russia and Franco Reach an Agreement. BERLIN, July 18. From two distinct sources the correspondent of the Asso ciated Press today ascertained that Coiint von Bulow has finally succeeded In allay ing the suspicions of Russia, aroused s by Emperor William's recent speeches and by other facts, and that an en t en tek re garding future action Jn China has been reached by Russia, Germany and France. The Foreign Secretary convinced Russia that Germany will in no wise interfere with his plans in Manchuria and North em China, as well as Corea, ond.hat Germany harbors no desire of territorial aggrandizement. Russia, on her iart, agrees not to interfere with Germany's trade in Russia's sphere of Influence In China after order has been established. The first result of this understanding has been tho Issuance of strict orders by the Russian censorship not to pass hos tile press telegrams, referrin;: to Germa ny's action in China. In this latest ar rangement. Count von Bulow has the support of the Influential Conservative party, with its court, army and navy ram ifications, whose programme the (Kxeuz Zeltung has Just defined: "Germany will Join the Pekln campaign only as' all the other powers shall do. Her sphere of Influence and her main ac tion must not transcend TuanTsun. There is no question of new territory. Germany must recognize any Chinese Government able and willing to accord reparation and adjustments. 'Her Chinese Interests will best be served in accord with France and Russia." The Berlin Tageblatt correspondent at St. Petersburg declares that i cannot doubt that Russia is preparing for a sep arate campaign against Pekln. fvia the north, by land. He adds that Russia does not believe the allied campaign from Tien Tsln will be successful In time. The latest series of Chinese attempts to gloss over the ugly facta In China which has been undertaken in Washington. London and St Petersburg, and by LI Hung Chang-'at Canton, Is regarded, here as a revival of Chinese campaign lies for the purpose of provoking discord among the powers and of retarding and weak ening the Joint campaign. The Chinese Minister, Lu Hal Houan, has not yet pre sented to the Foreign Office a copy of the document presented by his colleagues in Washington. London and Paris. Since he has been forbidden by Count von Bulow to send any more cipher telegrams and thus been deprived of forwarding Infor mation regarding the military positions, he has not ventured from the Chinese le gation. Upon his advice a good many of the Chinese residents of Germany -have left the country during the last two days. The Impression in official circles here is that the situation is growing Bteadlly worse and that tho anti-foreign move ment is spreading. It Is believed that LI Hung Chang Is playing false. The Kreuz Zeltung today ridicules the idea of appointing a British, officer as chief commander over the International troops, saying: "We know from a .good source that the Russians would not fight under -cither .a .BrltlsTi or Japanese cora- ftrumrJ - -w-v ?., -ri i "-T-"y - ' r Jimrci KTW' Speaking about the Chinese-armaments, the Kreuz Zeltung says: "British manu facturers of arms are now enraged in selling weapons to the Chinese, and,, they will continue to do so until the" Indigna tion of the world stops them. Germany, Immediately after the outbreak of hostil ities, issued a prohibition ' of the export of arms to China, and Mr. Chamberlain and the entire British Cabinet favor such export even now, and we may point for proof to the recent debate In the British Parliament on the subject" , PROPOSED WHOLESALE MASSACRE. Chinese Empress Tried to Form an Alliance With Japan. LONDON, July 19. The Shanghai corre spondentbf the Dally Express asserts that he has ascertained from an unim peachable source that when the question of an alliance between China nd Japan was under consideration last Autumn, the Empress Jowagcr senta"commlssloner to TokIowIlh secret proposals to the Mikado. "These proposals," says the cor respondent," contemplated the conclusion of a secret treaty, having the object of destroying all European and American people both in China and Japan, the wholesale massacre Qf foreigners, and the division of the whole of Eastern Asia from. Burmah to Siberia between China and Japan. The special commissioner took a code, prepared by Lt Hung Chang and Bheng, for secret communication be tween the Empress Dowager and the Mi kado. The Japanese Emperor emphati cally declined to entertain the proposal." , The Pope's Letter. ROME, July 18. Pope Leo has ad dressed, a letter to the Vlcar-Cardlnal, In the course of which he says the sorrow ful events In China, besides filling his soul with sadness on account of the spilling of so much Christian blood, in spire him with the deepest fear as to the situation of the apostolic vicars and the dangers to which Christians and mis sionaries are exposed in serious trials, as well as sacrifice of lives. His holiness, therefore, asks that all communicants pray ardently that God Inspire thoughts of concord and peace, and that He will end the destruction and massacres. Black Fins: Enlistments. HONG KONG, July 18. Liu Tee, the "Black Flag" chief, whose forces prob ably number 15,000 men, has obtained permission to enlist 7000 more. A significant paarago in the appeal to LI Hung Chung by tho Chinese mer chants and Great Northern Railway of China requesting him not to leave that city, mention that Canton has only pro visions for four months and urges the formation of a company to buy rioe abroad, and to prepare to resist foreign invasion and to protect the frontier. Ministers Safe on July O. BRUSSELS. July 18. The Belgian Min ister of Foreign Affairs, M. de Fevereau, has received a telegram from the Bel gian Legation at Paris saying that the Chinese Minister, Tu Kung. has received an official telegram announcing that the foreign Ministers In Pekln were safe on July 13. The advices received by Tu Kung arc, presumably. Identical with those received Tuesday by the Chinese Minister at Washington, the date, July 13, Chinese calendar, corresponding to our July 9. Foreigners in Chlnsrs Palace. BRUSSELS, July 18. The Belgian Con sul a.t Hong Kong telegraphs that LI Hung Chang passed through that city today on his way to the north. Before his departure the Viceroy had a long In terview with the Governor of Hong Kong. The secretary of the legation at Shang hai telegraphs today that according to Chinese information, the foreigners in Pe kln have taken refuge in the palace of Prince Chlng. LEAGUE OF CLUBS St Paul Convention Con densed Its Programme. PHILADELPHIA PLATFOK INDOXMD X. ac. ETjUKirafea, ofnilnels, vUlected xTciiaest-next jsxeetins; will So Held at 'St. Lomls. ST. PATJL, Jury IS. The programme of the National League of Republican Clubs called for a three days' session, but a movement started today to con dense the last two days into one and close the session today. The committee on time and place has agreed on St Louis for the next convention. At 1:45 o'clock President Stone called the meeting to order. The committee on credentials reported delegations present from Arkansas, California, Colorado, Illi nois, Indian Territory, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana. Maryland, Michi gan. Minnesota, Mississippi; Missouri, eo( 9 PITH OF THE CHINESE NEWS FOR BUSY READERS. The latest report of the foreigners In Pekln is that tfiey have taken refuge in Prince China's palace. The State Department at Washington has received a dispatch from Consul-General Fowler at Che Foo saying the Governor of Shan Tung wired that his courier left Pekln July 9. The foreigners were still holding out ' In the captpre of the native city of Tien Tsln by tha allies, the for eigners lost over TOO killed and wounded, the Japanese being the heaviest losers. . Serious friction is again reported to exist between the allies and Japan delays the forwarding cf reinforcements. Germany, Russia and France have come to an agreement regarding future action in China. Russia will carry on & separate campaign against Pekln from the north. The Chinese troops that Jnvaded' Amur are concentrating on the rail way line between Algon and Saghallen. The Chinese Empress is alleged to have proposed to Japan a whole sale massacre of foreigners In both countries LI Hung Chang Is said to 'have been implicated in the affair. 9 O tt Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Tork, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Car olina, South Dakota, Texas. Vermont, Washington. Wisconsin, West Virginia, and the College League, with 1440 votes. President's Annnal Report. President Stone's annual report was then read as follows: "On retiring from the presidency of the National Republican League, I gratefully acknowledge the- many courtesies shown me by the members during my term of office, ThatpfWr-wlll always have place among' th$ plealjarjtetSt, memories of my life. To Secretary Steyn lsdtte the warm est sentiment or graiiruoe jor nis un swerving royalty Wwaromyse!f, and fhs league Is to bo congratulated in having the services 6i such a capable and en thusiastic cffidaL - "At no time since 1896 have ihet state leagues -been in such good condition, for. effective work as at the present; . old clubs are being reorganized and new ones formed, and nyer In the history of the National Leigue has there been a bright er prospect for Its vsi fulness In Nation-U politics. State contentions have been held in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, MiJ4-jiri, STentana, Nebraska, Ohio. South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Wastlngton, West Vir ginia. Wyoming. Oregon, Sonth Dakota and Indian lerr'tory, and in the near fu ture conventions will held in Penn sylvania, MarTtSil, ew Tork, New Jer sey. Connecticut Nevada, Idaho, North Dakota, Georgt. Iowa and by the Ameri can College. League, Ail conventions nuld thus far have been conspicuous for the large attendance ani unbounded enthu siasm. "When the present National officers were chosen they found many of the stacc I leatfuas in bsa condition and some out Of 1 business; our efforts have been directed j toward Improvlni these conditions, and In most cas with satisfactory results. In the States of West Virginia, Montana, Utah. WaJilngton, Louisiana and South Carolina th leagues have been reorgan ized, and we hope to soon Bee tho Wis consin League again in the front rank. The greatest activity has been in the Western States, which In 1SS6 went for Bryan, and the league movement has as sumed such proportions as to justify the hopes that these states will return to the Republican fold. In closing, I feel it my duty to call your attention to the unsat isfactory condition of tho .finances of the league, and cannot too strongly urge the necessity for action before adjournment looking to tho future financial support of the organization." Blajor Melville Hays presented the re port of the revision committee on behalf of the executive committee. A vice-president-at-large was provided for, be ing a new office. A system of honorary membership is provided as an additional financial measure. Most of the other changes had to do with meetings and du ties of officers. The report was unan imously adopted. The Resolutions. Post President Woodmansee presented the report of the committee on resolu tions, which was unanimously adopted In part as follows: "The National Republican League, in convention assembled, congratulates the people of the United States upon the happy and prosperous condition of the entire country, and declares anew its al legiance to the principles of the Repub lican party, which ably and bravely car ried Into execution by the National Ad ministration have made these conditions possible." The resolutions Indorse the platform adopted by the National Republican Con vention adcpteJ. at Philadelphia, approve every action of President McKinley, and declare: "The Republican party stands today as ever for positive policies, for a protective tariff, for sound money, for the control and regulation of combinations of capi tal that have a legitimate purpose and the destruction of those that have an Illegitimate purpose; for the retention of every Inch of territory that comes to us by honorable treaty and law. It Btands for the development of the marvelous commercial possibilities of the Orient for the restoration of our merchant marine and. finally, lt stands for the progress of the United States and the uplifting of mankind throughout the world." "As representatives of the younger ele ment of the Republican party," the reso lutions continue, "we have a peculiar pride In the nomination for Vice-President of Theodore Roosevelt, whom we regard as an inspiring and lofty type of American statesman and soldier." "The incapacity of the Democratic party," it is declared, brought "poverty to the door of labor, distrust to the hope of capital and despair to the homes of the poor. Its activity Is a threat to the material prosperity of the country and its triumph will be an individual and public disaster. To prevent this we invoke so briety of judgment and vigor of action In the coming campaign. "The Republican party has ever been a builder. Its every platform has rung with the spirit of progress and hope. Democracy has ever been a destroyer. Its every platform has groaned with the spirit of pessimism and opposition. The American people will never believe that the builder has become the destroyer and the destroyer the builder. "We deplore the conditions now existing In China, and we assure the American people that a-Republlcan Administration will protect all of our interests, demand ing full Indemnity for the past and full security for the future. "As firmly as we bellove in America, and her Institutions, we believe that the party that shall guide and maintain us In the great future Is the party founded by Abraham Lincoln, supported by Ulysses S. Grant and exalted by William McKinley." The secretary read a message from President McKinley, expressing regret at his inability to be present and send ing congratulations on the success of the league. Resolutions of regret were adopted re garding the death of Senator Gear. The election of officers followed, re sulting: President Senator Isaac Miller Hamil ton, of Illinois: viee-presldent-at-large, Luther Mott, of Oswego. N. T.; secre- ieo tary, H. D. Steyn. of Kentucky; treas urer, J. R. Wiggins, of Pennsylvania Judge W. C. Raymond, of Illinois, moved the appointment by the league president of a committee consisting of one front each state and territory to wait upon President McKinley and to pledge him the support of tho league. The mo tion was adopted. The convention then adjourned sine, die, ROOSEVELT AT MILWAUKEE. MomentoB Questions to Be Decided This Campsigit. MTLWAUKEEv July- 18. Governor Roosevelt arrived iero at 10:40 o'clock this forenoon, on his. homeward Journey to New Tork. Tho Governor stated that he expects to begin his campaign about Sep tember .10, hut the place of the opening speech is not yet determined. 'The Vlfce-Prestden'tlal candidate was greeted in this city by a crowd of about SOOO persons. He was Introduced by United States Senator Quarles, and was cheered most enthusiastically. Governor Roosevelt said in part: "This campaign is more than a party campaign. This Is a campaign which has to decide, at the outset of the 20th cen tury, whether we are to stride forward with the steps of a giant in the path which has been set out for us, or whether we are to shrink backward. Tou remem ber four years ago that our opponents prophesied that 'we can't be prosperous If we don't have 16-to-l silver.' Has the prophecy turned out a Ho? Don't trust them. Before, they prophesied misery if we won; and we won, and prosperity fol lowed. Now, If we should put them Into power, you would see such a chaos of black misery and distress In this country as a century and a quarter of life has never seen. I aak the support of all men far-sighted enough to see where the ma terial Increase of the country lies, and not willing to see the business welfare of the country submerged In the tide of disaster. I ask the support of all honest citizens and business men who disbelieve in an archy. I ask for their support In the name of decency, civic honesty and of liberty that comes only with order, and I ask the support of those brave men who know that the greatness of the Na tion, as of the individual, comes only through effort to stand with us, as we make this Nation take her place in the forefront of the nations of mankind. "Thank God, the iron and blood of our forefathers, who followed Grant and Lin coln, still exists in this generation! May we show ourselves not unworthy of the men who fought from '61 to '65, and let us do our duty at home and abroad and uphold Mr. McKinley in the greatest po litical contest which has come up In this country that we have ever seen since the close of the Civil War." EXTRA SESSION DANGEROUS Political DemaaroErnes Might Em barrass the Administration. L WiASOTNGTON, July 18. The decision wireu iasi. iUBUL 10 can no extra session of Congress meets with general approval among Republican members and Senators now In Washington, who argue that the Administration might be badly embar rassed by political demagogy should war be declared upon no firmer grounds than thoso now known. It Is not thought that even the murder of Minister Conger would justify a declaration of war, as his death would be due to the violence of tho mob, and not chargeable to the Chinese Gov ernment It is also anticipated that tho obstructionists In the Senate might cause serious embarrassment were Congress convened and place tho United States in a very undesirable light The Republi cans feel that so far, tho Administration has warranted nothing; but approval by lis course, ana tninK the country will stand behind McKinley In his Intention to relieve the Legation or exact retribution if the lives of Americans have been sacri ficed. There Is, however, a sentiment In some quarters that the combined powers have underestimated the strength of the Chinese insurrectionists, and great doubt is expressed whether the forces now avallablo will be able to cope with the situation. Should tifo reports that the uprising to growing in all sections of China prove true, there will be no course open but to call an extra session and provide more American troops for Chinese service. Gold Golnj; to Enrope. NEW TORK. July 18. Lazard Freres will ship n.000,000 In gold bars, and Held elbach, Ickelhelmer & Co. $500,000 by to morrow's steamer to Europe. Goldman. Sachs & Co. will ship $500,000 gold by tomorrow's French steamer. This makes the total thus far engaged $2,000,000. TIEN TSIN TAKEN Capture of the Native City by the Allied Troops. THE JAPANESE BLEW UP A GATE They Were the Heaviest Losers in th Seven Hundred Casualties Tha Chinese Fled. . LONDON, July 1& In the House of Commons today the Parliamentary secre tary for the Foreign Office, St John Broderlck, read a telegram from Admiral Seymour, dated Taku, July 17, giving an account of the capture of the native city of Tien Tsln by the allied forces. Accord ing to this dispatch, the morning of July 14 the Japanese blew up the gate and en tered the city, the othera following. On the right the Russians captured a battery on tho bank of the Liu Tai Canal, con sisting of 12 small guns. The other troops were engaged on the left About 8000' in all were engaged, and over TOO. were killed or wounded, the Japanese being the heaviest losers. The British had 20 killed and 93 wounded. The Chinese troops fled, in, what direction to not known. BEFORE THE CAPTURE. Assault That Led Trp to the Talcing of the City. TIEN TSIN, Friday, July 18, 7 P. M., via Che Foo, July IS, and Shanghai, July 18. The battle, which was begun with the at tack by 7000 allied forces upon the walls of the native city at 2 o'clock this after noon, continued all day, two battalions of the Ninth Infantry participating. It la reported that 215 of this command wera killed or wounded, including 10 or 15 offi cers. Colonel E. H. Llscum was Wiled, and Majors Jesse M. Lee and James R. Eagan, Captains Charles R. Nopes, An drew Brewster and Edwin Bookmiller. and First Lieutenants William K. Naylor, Louis B. Lawton, Harold Hammond and L C. Waldron were wounded. Among the United States marines tho casualties numbered 40. Captain A. R Davis was killed, and Captain William B, Lemley and First Lieutenants Henry Leonard and S. D. Butler were wounded. The American contingent, after lying In shallow, hastily dug trenches, full of water, facing the south wall of the city, and Buffering for want of water and food, besides being short of ammunition, were ordered by General Dorward to retire under cover of darkness. The Russians were outsMe the east wall, while the Japanese, British and French wero closo to the west wall, with the Chi nese trying to flank them. The walls were sadly battered by shells. The at tack will be renewed in the morning. The total losses of the allied forces ard estimated at 800. A messenger has arrived here who left Pekln July 1. The foreigners at that time were, all in tho British legation. Chinese troops were beginning to bombard the le gations from th streets. The legations had been under fire for a week previously, and in that time four foreigners had been killed and 13 wounded. The marines, had. unsuccessfully attempted to capture a gun on a wall commanding the legations. Tho foreigners were supplied with an abund ance of provisions. Slxty-Tvro Guns TaJcen. BERLIN, July lSr Admiral von Bendo mann, commander of the German squad ron, in his account of the fighting at Tien Tsln. July 14, says: "When the citadel was captured, 63 guns fell Into tho hands of the allies. "Regular railway communication be tween Taku and Tien Tsin will be opened July 18. It was decided today that tho senior officer on the station should' have) military control of the line until it could be handed over to the ordinary authori ties. The British Admiral wished it to ba handed over at once. The Russians hava repaired the line, and control it" THE HOT SPELL. Caused Seventy Deaths at Kevr Tori Yesterday. NEW TORK, July 18. The hot weather today caused or contributed toward tho death of more than 70 persons In this city: and vicinity. As many more stricken ones are In the hospitals, and some of them will succumb before the night Is over. More than half the fatalities were among; babies and little children, and there are now about 40 bodies of the little ones lying at the morgue at Bellevue. This was the third day of the 3pell of Intense heat Late tonight the tempera cure moderated. Early this morning tno sun began its deadly work, and before the day was fairly well started the hospitals were busy. On the streets the tempera ture ranged from 93 to 105, and the official report from the Weather Bureau, hlgbj above ground, was 94 deg. shortly befor 5 o'clock tonight One death was from an attempt at sui cide made while the subject was crazed with the heat Many little children aro badly hurt by falls from fire escapes, on to which they had crawled for relief fronj the oppressive weather. NEW TORK, Julylk-Acoordlng to th attendants at Bellevue morgue, mor4 bodies of children were received thers. Tuesday than on any other day since th establishment of the morgue. At mid night there were at the morgue the bodies; of 23 children, ranging in age to 5 years, All had been received during the afteri noon and evening. The attendants aci count for many of the deaths by the inJ tensely warm weather,. The bodies were received as follows? Foundling asylum, 10 bodies; Bellevue Hospital, two; Sloone Maternity HospitaL, four; New Tork Hospital, two; four othel hospitals, one each, and from real dences, U. Philadelphia's Hottest Day. PHILADELPHIA. July 18. The ex cesslve heat today caused mo death ofi six persons in this city and two in Cam den, N. J. Up to a late hour tonight 40 cases of prostration were treated at various hospitals. " According to the report of the local forecaster, this was the hottest day nt the Summer. The humidity was. 63; pes; cent during the day, but decreased to- nltrht to 50 tier cent nt R nVlnoV -. wwinW "hour the thermometer registered; Mde Many Prostrations In Boston- BOSTON, July IS. The hospital report tonight show that between 30 and 49 per. " sons were, prostrated by heat In this city today, three of whom have since died. ' Torrid Weather In Enrope. LONDON, July 18. Torrid heat cor, tlnues throughout Europe. The mercur-i indicated 85 degrees In the shade- tblk morning. The hospitals are busy caring: for victims of heat prostration Nino fatal cases are reported today. Laborerr are obliged to knock off work during- tha hottest hours of the day. 1