TRTC M01WT2W OKEGONIAK, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1900. CLASSIFIED AU RATES "Rooma. "Roccu and Board." "Housekeep ing Rooms." ''Situations Wnted." 15 words er less, 16 cente; IS to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cent, etc No discount for additional Insertions. TINDER ALL EITHER HEADS except "New Today," 30 cents for J words or leas; 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, Co cent, etc first Insertion. Eartv additional Insertion, one half ; no further discount under one month. TNEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). '15 cenu per line, first Insertion; 10 ceau psr Una for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan and left at this of fice, should always be Inclosed ln sealed envel opes. No stamp la required 6n Buch letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for er ror In advertisereenu taken through (be telephone. A1TCTXOK SALES TODAY. At -CSS Second St.. between Grant 'and Sher man, at 10 A. 24. S. L. U. Gllman, auctlon eer . At salesroom. "182 First Et. at 10 A te. J. TV Wilson, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. "WASHINGTON LODGE. .NO. 40. A F & A. M. Regular communica tion this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. All Master Masons Invited. 13y order of; the W. M. J. A NEWELL. Sec PORTLAND CHAPTER, NO. 3. R. A. M. Regular convocation this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30. Work In the Royal Arch degree. By or der of the M. E. H. P. HENRY ROE, Sec OgTLAND LODGE. NO. 142. B. P. O. ELKS Al. brother Elks are requested to at tend the funeral of Brother Iadore Caro. mem ber of Roseburg Lodge, at ID o'clock Wednes , monjlng. July 18. Members "will meet at Eifcs- Hall at 9 JO A M. t ,-vt-, . . ALEX SWEEK, Ex. Ruler. LOnS DAMMASCH. Sec. WILLAM.ETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. A A. M Special communica tion this mornlns at o'clock, for the purjioso of conducting the -funeral ceremonies over the remains of our deceased brother, Isidor Caro, of Laurel .Lodge. No. 13. Roseburg. Or. All M- M. are urgently solicited to attend. THOS. GRAY, Sec SAMARITAN LODGE.' NO. -2. L O. O. F. Regular meeting this Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Installation of officers. Visitors wel come. , M. OSVOLD. Sec DIED. CARO July 10, at St. Vincent's Hospital. Isidor Caro. of Oakland. Or.; brother of Mrs. Dora Jionhelm and Simon and Maurice Caro; aged 59 years. 3 months. Funeral from resi dence of Mrs Monhcim. 14T North 15th. at 10 o'clock A M. today. Friends Invited. SINROCK In this city. July 17, 1900, Augurt Sunrork. aged 70 years; native of Sweden. The funeral services trill be held today at 2 " P M. at Finley. Kimball & Ce.'s chapel, cor. Thrrd and Jefferson st. Friends invited. In terment at Lone Fir coraetery. WORSLIT2-At Salem. Or.. July 17. 1900. Mary Worsllta. aged 70 years, funeral will tako rlaco todar at 2 P. at from Holman's undertaking parlors. Friends and acquaint ances Invited to attend. EDWARD HOLMAK, Undertaker.-Uh nnd Yamhill sts. Rena Stlnnon. Indr assistant. Both, phone's No. U07. Flnlcy, Kimball & Co., Undertakers. Lady assistant. 275 Third st. To". O. Floral piece f cat Hoiror. Clarke Pros. 28U Morrison. Doth phones. FOR. SALE REAL ESTATE. ONT2T OF THE MOST MAGNIFICENT FARM homes in the state; 51 acre, right In Hills, boro. 0 blocks from the S. P. R. R. station; a colonial 10-room house, good barn, large fruit drier. 12 acres of gardon; fruit of the choicest varieties: 20 acres of beaver-dam onion land, that will pay 20 per cent Interest on the whole investment; balance of the land Is all fenced and In useful cultivation. TA snap, for $4500, - A beautiful 5-acre place snosx the Wood stock car line; all Improved, in crop; C-room house, good barn, choice- fruit; a lovely nome. and close to the-c.ty; prloo very low. Another nice 5-acre place, tilth buildings; all in fruit; for .$000. A splendid 90-acre farm on tho Tualatin. 2 miles from Hlllsboro; good buildings. Choice fruit, rich soil; $25 per aero. A neat and cozy place, 2 full, lots, neat cottage, 2 blocks Woodlawn cars; $700. - A fine place, E. 12th, 0 rooms, new; full An elegant place In Sunnyslde. for $1100. For quick sales, list your property with me. R H. DUNN, 149 First St. BARGAIN IN WAREHOUSE PROPERTT On 0 R. & .N. R. R. cor. East Second and Taj lor; 100x100: $2500. for a nhort time. 100x100. Holladays addition. Improved Btreet. one block from car line. $1600. 10 acres, 4 miles, on -county road, run ning water, bomt timber, very cheap. $1000. Houses rented, loans negotiated and Invest ments made. MONTAGUE A BORDEN. 228 Stark st. RAILROAD AND MILLMEN WE HAVE FOn sale the finest location for manufacturing purposes en the Cctrt. being two fine tracts , ?JL??nnton' uet outride clr limits; eno 1200 feet, deep-water front, and running back to N. P. Railroad; and one 1220 feet, deep water front, and running bark to St. Helens county road. Will 1I 400 or 600 feet. Grtndstaff A Blair- 246 Stark. FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL PLACE AT atON ierey, -opposite Hotel Del aionte. with 0 acres of land, modern 12-mom hoiue. wind mill and outhouoes. or will trade for Chicago prop erty. -For particulars address at S. Urbanuj, Monterey, Monterey County, Cal. A BAROAIN-t-ELEGANT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. with modern improvements; laige yard, and nicely laid -out. West Side, and handy; at bedrock price and asy terms. J. L. Honey man. 02H First st. ' 10 ACRES. 2 MILES EAST MT. TABOR. FOR aale or trade; fine house, barn, orchard, etc A good hrane. on easy terms. A. T. Webb. 003 E. Morriron street. JF. TP.U w--NT ONE OF THE MOST DE slrable quarter blocks on Portland Heights, SL01 U8.JVS KOms to bfi 8o1 Grlnastaft 5; Blair.. 240 Stark. TWO CHOICE CORNER RESIDENCE LOTS on East BurnMde. cloe In. $1900. A big bargain. Appjy to owner 3t Russol block. BLSWX5Rt.25IEOA3fT UiTS- 3f- E- COR. r8!1 an? E Burnslde. Inquire 2JI5 Wash ington St. ' i5 iu,lt..aD1,ola Installment "Plan. any part city. Dammtler. 611 Marquam. rOR. SALE OR TRADE-S5 ACRE8 GOOD fruit land on Columbia River. Washington. FOR SALE FARMS. W ACUESIilPROVED LAND. WITH BUILD, lngs. etc, " miles frcm Portland. $6ot'. 140 acrea partly Improved land, with hous etc, 9 mUcs from Portland, ft60C. 235 acrea 4 miles from Forest Grove. 23 ,mllea from Portland; 80 acres Improved. lti& acres. niHe from Hlllsboro. 1 miles from Portland well-Improved furm; $5600. 50 acres, 2 miles from Newberg, 23 miles from Portland. $1500. 1G0 acres. 2 miles from North Tamhlll; a ood farm, jiooa Wl acre. 5 miles from North Yamhill, la Moore's Valley. 80 acres cultivated, $3300. 300 acres. 8 miles from Iallaa. 4 milea from railroad; an excellent farm, about one-half In cultivation; $qooo. Good etcck ranches In Douglas County. 4 miles from Oakland, from 500 to 2400 acres, at from $5 to $12 per rrere. For further particulars apply to MACMASTER & BIRRELL 211 Worcester block. Portland. Or. THE CELEBRATED "HENRY LONG Farm at -Chehalls. considered by many to be the best money-making farm In the state, will bo sold by the administrator Sept. I. either In parcels or as a whole, to the hiyh t bidder Full Information by addressing W. B. Allen, box 317, -Chehalls. Wash. FARM AND STOCK RANCH IN GILLIAM County, 1 mile from railroad. 1000 acres, good range, 700 acres in cultivation; good water; cheap for cash. Call or write Walter F. Allen, room 00 Commercial blk.;2d and Wash. IMPROVED FARMS rOR SALE tN ALL part of Oregon ftnd Washington; paymenU made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to vsriou properties, apply tt MiCinutrr & Blrrelt Sll Worftj?r block. FIVE ACRES, GOOD HOUSE. SOtTTH MT. Tabor, 1300. Hartman. Thompson & Pow ers. 3 Chamber of Commerce TiainER LAXDS FOR SALE. WB HAVE FOR SALE A 3Q.0W-ACRE TRACT of spruce and r on tho ."Umpq'ua River. We boy and soil timber lands on commission. Hartman, Thompson & Powcra, 8 Chamber of Commerce, s& & FOR SALE 3IIJ-CELLANEODS, FOR SALE A FINE THREESEAT TXfV ered camp wagon, suitable for stage; has side and end -tprlngst the best $2oo rig In the city, price $100. Call at Jones' Cash Store, 108 and 110 Front st., Portland. ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH, AM GOING IN mourning, and want to dispose of colored wardrobe. It Is inexpensive; a sacrifice. Call before 3 P.M. today, Thursday and Friday, 235 Sixth, downstairs. TWENTY YOUNG HORSES. BROKE AND nnbroke; fast well - bred business horses; handsome carriage trana; saddle horses, and heavy teams, terms, cash, trado or approved note Knott farm. Peninsular Station, Port land. YOUNG TEAM. 1800 POUNDS EACH. AND new wajon; now engagM on $3 day job. Call Krebbs brick yard, near No. 2 reser voir, H. L Rosenthal, owner Typewriters, alt innaex. rented fcnd fold; erpirt repairing: offle supplier and -deaxa. Coast Agency Co.. 2JCH Sfark at. Both phones. TWO CARLOADS RIGS; PART RUBBER' tiro; old ones Ri exchange: noo set harnars, 75 scand-l!and rigs. 8. Tcmllnson. 211 W4h. THE MODEL STABLT3S, COR. FtFTH.AND Davis sts.. will board your horses for $15 per head. The best of care given. FOR BEST FIR. OAK AND ASH WOOD UO to Pioneer Wood Yard, foot Of Morrison st. Phone 180. HORSE. HARNESS AND LIGHT BUGGT. cheap. Call room 4, over tho Famous, 245 Morrison. $10 FOR A NEW GAS COOKER; $2CA5H. balance $2 ter month. Gas Co.. 174 Fifth st. Magio lanterns, new. second-hana, moving pic tures. Bullard it Breck. 121 Post. San Fran. "HONEY-MOON" GUM; ASSORTED FLA vors. Sold by all leading dealers. Ask for It. SOLID GOLD RINGS. GUARANTEED. ONLY $1 each. Undo aiyers. 143 3d, aear Alder. Good rarture for horsw or cattle at 1004 Mll xvaukie St.. or inquire at 128 Third street. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER FOR SALE -cheap. Graves A Co.. 124 Sixth. HORSE, BUGGY AND HARNESS FOR SALE cheap. .144 Tillamook st BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE. LOS ANGELES BELGIAN HARE CO., 240 Fifth st.. Portland, the best-equipped rab bitry In Oregon. Only a. few of the scored hares advertised last Sunday left. Pedigree And score card furnished with each hare. We have bred does and does with young, and Jour scored bucks at stud. Call and compare our stock and prices with the very best yoa know of before buying. Stock and -pedigrees guaranteed. Belgian haro -sundries for sale. THOROUCHPni J) BELGIAN'S. BRAXCH EL dorado Babbitry, Riverside. Cal.; here for rew weeks only, to advertise; at California price. Lord Edlnboro, Jr., score, 05; serv ices this week only $10; hea-y-welght bucks. $2 to $5; also handle patent automatic feed era, medicines and descriptive manual; mall orders a specialty, give us a call "And be convinced. 103 North Third street, Portland. BELMONT BABBITRY. 14S EAST S4TH ST., Portland Orders booked this week only for service of our famous Imported buck. "Duke of Teck." score t)5, at 10; Britain Chief. $S. A few choice does. bred. $15 to $25; one fine Lord Nason buck, $10. CALIFORNIA HARES AT LESS THAN CAL lfomla prices. Pedigreed does bred to buck waning t!5Vi. $20, express prepaid. J. T. Burcham. Salem. Or. . BELGIAN HARES AT CUT RATES: LARG est stock, best strains; lowest prices. Portland Belgian Hare Ass'n. 18ft 4th. near Yamhill. HELP WAXTED MALE. SOLICITORS WANTED FOR "VICTORIOUS Democracy," by Metcalf and aiunson. The great Democratic -campaign book and argu ment settler. Contains biographies and -speeches of. .Bryan and Stevenson, and tells why they will be elected. Enormous demand. GOO big pages. Only $1.50. Each subscriber receives $1.00 premium free. Commission 50 to 70 per cent. Only straight Democratic book published. Drop all trash, and clear $300 per month with "Victorious Domocracy." Out fits and circulars free. S. A Park & Co., Dept. S, 334 Dearborn et., Chicago. HOOK TENDERS. $3 TO $3.50. ONE $00 and board; lodging engineer. $2.75; 2 fall ts. $2.75. burkers. $2.25 and $2.50, barkers, $2.25; CO swampers., $2 to $2.25; rafteman, .$2.25 to $2.50. flunkey. $20; bolt cutters, v 80c. woodchoppere. $1 and $1 05; 50 team sters, mill and yard men, $2, R. R. -.laborers: $2; horseshoer, $2, board; hotel cook t:rcw, $110; brickyard, $1 35, board, and $2; boat puller, one-third cat oh; farm hands. $25 to $30; cooks, waiters, porters, dish washer. Open Sunday. Canadian Agency, 22C aiorrlson. CHEF COOK, COAST. $'.0 TO $60: 2ND cook and 1 night cook. K. Wash.. $35, $40 (fare adv.); cooks, E. Ore., $33; laborers for Oray'a Harbor (board free), $1 up (fare); loggers, $2 up; farm hands, $25 up; exp. busman and porter); waiters, etc R. O. Drake, 152 First. AS A SOLE BUSINESS OR IN CONJUNC tion with your present business, a good man can make arrangements to ropresont one of the strongest firms in Brooklyn. N. Y.; write quick. Address B. 925 Washington street, San Francisco. Cal. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN for De Luxe books; best-selling proposition on the market; extra Inducements. The -Gobble Pub. Co.. Ltd.. 518 Oregonlan building. WE WANT TTVE MORE FIItoT-CLASS So licitors to take orders for our celebrated $25 suits; Fall and Winter woolens now on dis play. Fanwworth Heraldi 233 Washington. WANTED LABORING MEN; $1.S3 TO $2.40 per day: skilled men, $2.40 to $4 per day. Keswick Smelting Works, Keswick, Shasta County, Cal. WANTED ONE OR TWO GOOD STOVE plato molders. also a plater and finisher. Apply to Albion Iron Works Co., Ltd., Vlc torla, B. C. COLUMBUS CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT. P. Lcratl. J4S Fourth. Headquarters for cooks, waiters, bftrteniera Tel. Main 781. WANTED 1000 MEN TO DRINK WEIN hard's Columbia beer; nice and cool. Free from 7 P. M. to 11:30 P. M.. 130Vt Fifth st. HARNESS - MAKERS. SADDLE - MAKERS. Campbell machine operators; heavy and light work. W Davis & Son. San Francisco, Cal. WANTED FIR6T-CLAS8 COAT AND VEST roaker; steady work; wages $15 week. T. Abrahamslck, Heppner, Or. WANTED-25- HARNESSMAKERS. L. D. Stone & Co.. San Francisco. CaL Catalogue sent on application. WANTED FIRST - CLASS . LUtfCH AND randwlch man; good wages. Address W F, care Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO WORK ON ranch and milk cows. Call 7:30 A M., 3&G East Hoyt st. WANTED THREE GOOD CARPENTERS. Call this -morning, 4 Stcond sU, J. KUlgreea, contractor. DISHWASHER WANTED. AT THE CALI fornla Kitchen, 233 Washington st. $1 per day. WANTED-SIEX FOR COLUMBIA QUARRY; wages $2 and $2.25 per day. GS First st. WANTED CABINETMAKER. 490 WASH lngton st HELP WASTED-FEMALE. i ii WMTRESR'!S THREE AT COAST.. WALLA Walla, Albany. Oregon. City, 2 city; cooks. La Camas. Scappoose, Kelso. Condon. Stella, health resort, and 6 city, housework. Van couver, coast. Boise, $25 (3 In family, faro paid), and country: 45 In city, $15 to $25. Canadian Parlors. 22CH Morrison. HOTEL LAUNDRESS, $20. AND DOMES tlcs. for beach, $10. $15: waitress for rota, resort. $20, others city; hotel cook. E. Ore., $30; rest, cook (no pastry), for S. Bend, $20; tickets here, cook. Astoria. $25$ chamber maid, domestics. R. G. Drake, 152 First. A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small famllr, at 585 Weldler St., cor 15th. HOlladars addition. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: no Xtptalrs work required; best wages. 235 Stout st, cor. Main. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE--work. willing to go to seaside during Au gust. 091 Marshall st. , WANTED AN EXPERIENCED. GIRL FOR general housework; no others need apply. 28 North 20th. 4W WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; no washing. 340 12th atreet, eoar Market WANTED IRONERS. FoR LADIES Clothes. Apply Union Laundry, 53 Randolph. COOKS. HOUSEKEEPER. GENERAL housework. Wj T. Pliney's. 200 Stark st GIRL TO DO COOI&NG AND GENERAL housework Call 181 16th, cor. Yamhill. EXPERIENCED LADY FOR TAILORING. Cor. Third and Madison. HELP WASTED FEMALE. WANTED-GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUST3 work at Rlverdale Inquire at 715 Chamber of Commerce build Ids. WANTED-GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. Inquire 283 Oak et. SITTJATI0X3 TTAXTED MAX.E- iloolckeepera and Clerks, YOUNG MAN, ACQUAINTED WITH GEN eral office work, seeks clerical ppilMon lb wholesale bouse F 78, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED-BY YOUNG MAN. U years of age; cfaee work preferred. A'ddreai O W. caro Oregonlan. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. WA.NTKTT-BY STENOGRAPHER. TOSITION. Small salary; test references as to hunesty and ability. T 72, caro Oregonlan. SlUcellnaeons. STUONO. BRIGHT .YOUNG KAN, 20 YEARS of ag. wishes -work of any kind; experienced, .groceryman; references. Address Q 72, care Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION TO WORK FOR board while attending business college. Ad dress Wm. Hiyhurst. Portland. Or. BY JAPANESE. GOOD BOY, TO DO COOK lng and housework at any place. X 72, caro Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED-BY CHINAS! AN. AS cook In family. Address C 71, care Orego nlan. SITUATIONS WASTED-FEMALE. Domestics SITUATION WANTED AS SECOND GIRL or to care for children. Address W 70, care Oregonlan. 3IiiceIlaneoas. WANTED BY A COMPETENT MILLINER, position as trimmer and forewoman. Ad dros X71, care Oregonlan. WANTED BY DRESSMAKER, ROOM AND board In exchange for three days' sewing per week. G 75. Oregonlan. A WOMAN WANTS FEW HOURS' WORK every day. B 74, care "Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. $3.00 PER DAY AND EXPENSES SURE. Manager and collector In every town to em ploy agcnU and make collection; enorgetlc man or woman; $WW per year and expenses; position permanent, exceptional opportunity. Addrwa at. Z. Kirk, manager, Denver. Colo. WANTED AGENT FOR SAN FRANCISCO, to sell linen salmon twines and nets, also gllllng twines and nets; must be acquainted with tho trad"; liberal commission, and stock carried If needful. Address D., cars C A Bates, Vanderbllt build. ng. New York. WASTED TO REXT. WANTED BOARD AND ROOSI, BY TWO young ladles, at Long lieach, for one week, commencing July 21. Address, with price, C 75. care Oregonfaa. WANTED THREE ROOMS AND BOARD. for ' gentleman and two children, for- the Winter. Addrets Mrs. Edgar E. Coursen, 174 13th st WANTED 4 OR 5 - ROOM HOUSE AND barn, with acre or two of ground; near city. S 70, caro, Oregonlan. WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD FOR FOUR adults. Address D 77, care Oregonlan. HOUSES WANTED. A FAMILY OF -THREE ADULTS WISH TO lease a large, comfortable and well-located unfurnished, bouse; might buy a decided bar gain. Write full particulars and terras to Cash., caro Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TO BORROW $S000 ON AN UNDl vlded Interest In strictly Inside city business property, very centrally located; the security offered has a market value of $35,000, and brings In rents of $240 monthly. W 71. care Oregonlan. WANTED 1000 MEN TO DRINK WEIN hard'a Columbia beer; Jtlce and cool. Free from 7 P. M. to 11 :30 P. M.. 130 Fifth st WANTED STRICTLY - FRESH RANCH eggs, at Kruse's Grill-Room. Stark st. Appo site Chamber- of Commerce Cast-off second-hand clothing wanted at 87 N. 3d Prlr no object Oregon phone Clay 513, FOR REXT. Room. THE SPALDING. 8. E. COR. FARK AND Alder sts., under the management of the owner. Helen H. Spalding Tho mo complete apartment-house in the Northwest; choice rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping suites a speclalt) . HOTEL VEVOOME-ELEGANT FURNISHED rooms; good ventilation; fine table board: porcelain baths; low rates; tourist trade so licited; central location. Cor. 13th and Alder streeU. THE FLKASANTON. 2SS4 THIRD ST. FINE furnished rooms, en suite, single, or house keeping; sunlight In all rooms, bath Included; most reasonable terms; transient solicited. THE DREXEL, 3411$ SIORRISON-UNDER new manasemnt; nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite. $L60 per week up; tran sients accommodated. 72 SEVENTH, NEAR OAK BEAUTIFUL front rooms, en suite or single; furnished new; gentleman and wife or two genU; bath, private family. THE NEWCASTLE, S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harriron sts. Rooms, furbished or unfur nished; all modern conveniences; references. 3C4 TAYLOR STREET PLEASANT. COOL rooms; bath, phone, two blocks Portland Hotel; reasonable; no children. ROOM. ?5 MONTH; YOUNG MAN; USE parlors, telephone, piano, bath. Call U:30 P. SL. 703 Irving. THE STEVENS. 420 ALDER FURNISHED rooms; all modern improvements; no ohll-l ciren. GILMAN HOTEL Brick bldg., central; fur nished rooms. $1 week and up. 1st and Alder. 103 1STH ST., NEAR MORRISON TWO UN furnlshed rooms. Apply after 4 P. M. NICSLY FLRN1SHED SMALL ROOM; RENT $5; references. 403 Main, st Rooms With Doard. PORTLAND WOMEN1 UNION: 12TH YEAR; rooms with board: enameled bath tubs; usi of library; Woman Excange: Industrial school. Address Jim. E. C George. suprlr. tecdept. 510 Flanders street A NICE FRONT SUITE ROOMS. WITH ALL modern conveniences and board; very reason able. 211 12th st PLEASANT. COOL EAST ROOMS; BEAUTI ful location; best table board. 001 Yamhill st, cor, Lownzd&le. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD, iui Kcauuucn. ai a iin, oeiweea asn- lngton and Aldtn ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN TO ROOSI and board In private family. Address P 74, care Oregonlan. 215 12TH FURNISHED ROOMS, SiNGLE or en buiif, wuu tirat-ui&SB laoio ooara; JiCg- Ush family. ONE XARGE FRONT SINGLE ROOM, WITH flrtt-Qlass board- Tho Sterling, 635 Couch, corner ICth. TWO LARGE FURNISHED TtOOMS. WITH board; gentlemen preferred. 84 North Union ave. 471 ALDER STREET FURNISHED ROOMS, with board, bath and phone. Brown 5C1, Or. FURNISHED ROOIS, WITH BOARD. THE Gladstone. 174 13th st. ROOVR WITH BOARD. HESPERIAN, 533 Morrison st Iloasekecnlng Rooms. 435 ALDER UNFURNISHED BASEMENT; vacant- today; use of bath, telephone; derlr ablo location; furnished single rooms. TWO LOVELY TURNISHED HOUSDKEEP lng rooms, to respectable people; no chil dren; private residence 205 Fourth. TWO SUITES. FURNISHED VERY COM fortably. for housekeeping, $t and $3 per month each. 247H Fifth. 231 Market Light clean, airy rooms, fur- nixnea complete ror Housekeeping; respectable.- Phone West 402. 221 ,13TH TWO, OR THREE CONNECTINO WWm rttT?llrVsw m tiHfliMlVf I.IaA . 1 desired; alngloTocas, ' FOR IlEXT. Ho'asckeeplncr Rooms. 3t7 ANKKNY-COMPLETECY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, on ground floor, for ror.t, $7 per month. TWO CLEAK FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; pantry and bath; no children. U9 North 13th. 253 SIXTH ST.. GOR. MADISON FURNISH td housekeeping rooms; ell conveniences; best Ideation. 14 PARK STREET NICELY FURNISHED rooms, complete, for housekeeping; no chil dren. 05 11TH ST. SUITE OF ROOMS. FURNlSH el. for housekeeping; also large alcove room, OAK ST. 327, NEAR SEvTH-TWO FUR nlshed rooms, for housekeeping. llooaes. - JUST COMPLETED 0 AND 7-ROOM FLATS; attic, basement, porcelain baths .gas, man tels, separate front nnd back yards. Overton and 23d sta. Telephone Green Sib. FIVE-ROOaL HARD-FINISHED COTTAGE: all conveniences. Call Friday. 2 to 4 P. M., 051 Fourth street NICE 0-ROOM COTTAGE. AT 1037 BEL mont st; rent $10. O. SL Smith, 814 Cham ber Commerce. 2SS 14TH ST ; 7 ROOSIS; GOOD LOCATION; near school; low rent. Key 2to. NICE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 356 LINCOLN ST. Inquire at 352 Lincoln. F.orntKhrd Itnuaes. $10 PER MONTHj 5-ROOM COTTAGE. ALL nicely furnished complete for housekeeping. 110 Ponnoyer st, near Hood. FURNISHED HOUSE AT IRVINGTON. TWO months, .at $15 per month. SL, room 715 Oregonlan building TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY; FURNISHED house, G rooms; gas range. CS5 GlUan. Ap ply Monday. A M. NEW SIX-ROOat HOUSE. NICELY FUR nlshed: rent very reasonable. Call 60S East aiorrlson. Summer Resorts. The KuUschen House, Seavlew, Wash., Is one of the best family houses on the beach; S rices reasonable; reduction made, for 'am ies. Address Mrs. KUtxschen. SeavIeW.Wash. SEASIDE TO RENT TWO NEW COTTAGES (one 6 rooms and one -8 rooms), nicely fur nished, on fine Grovo Ad. Inquire or ad dress C. T. Hubbard, Seaside, Or. A FLEASANT COTTAGE AT LONG- BEACH. Inquire of E. P Swetland, 273 .Morrison at PRIVATN BOARD AND ROOSIS. MRS. Sarah Chamb-rlln. Long Beach, Wash. Stores. FOR RENT 2-STORY ERICK BUILDING, Fourth and Stark. Inquire Rosenblatt's, Third and Morrison sts. 344 WASHINGTON ST.. NEXT" TO PARK. Inquire of Sam, L. Bcary. 327 Morrison st LOST AXD FOUXD. LOST JULY 17. LADY'S BLACK BELT puree, between Portland and Stafford, con taining about $10 and stamp photos of own or. Return 414 Couch.1 city, or Mis? Harms, Wllsonvlllfe. Or. Reward. LOST ABOUT JULY 2. BETWEEN MAR quam Theater and Winter Cafe, on Morrison at, diamond and crescent stickpin. Return to 105 Second st, W. J. Van Bchuyver. Re ward. - $10 REWARD FOR INFORMATION AS TO Bertha Robinson's whereabout. For partic ulars telephone Union 401 or J1C3. LOST JULY 12. EASTERN STAR PIN. Con taining tho Initials "L. V. M." Return to Oregonlan office. Reward. LOST-LADY'S GOLD WATCH CHAIN. RE ward if returned to Laue-Davls drug store. FOUND A SMALL CLASP PIN. ON 12TH t Apply to 221 12th st. PERSONALS. THE OREGON CHEMICAL CO. HAS RE celved the sole right for manufacturing La-rtJai-KA, the Great Yaquls Blood and Nerve Toulc. and also the Great Snake Oil Lini ment. The price of each is now 50c a bottl-. Can bo had at all drug stores. If your drug gist docs not keep It. setid to our oriice, 42 Washington st Cure guaranteed for rhunu. tlsm. blood, diseases, kidney, liver and stom ach troubles. BLAZIER'S CONCJ BtAZlER'S CO.NC1 :rt hall :rt haEL 218 burnside street 248 burnside street Sole Agent O. P. S. Bourbon. Also handling Three-Crown Cyrus Noble. 17 women wanted snftenag from Irregular, painful periods; leucorrhoea (whites), and all complicated diseases pertaining to changes of life, curedby old Dr. Keasler. cor. sxcond and Yamhill sts. 329 women called last month. Consultation free, and private rooms fcr ladles. If can't call, write, inclosing lo 2c stamp. Hundreds treated at hom by hu newwjaxem. DR. DARRIN. 2C3 Morrison st. Portland. Or., specialist In all chronic and private diseases of men and women. Painful, Irregular or sup pressed menstruation quickly relieved. Vari cocele or stricture guaranteed cured In one week. No detention. Consultation free. INDIAN MEDIU1L GIFTED INDIAN. BORN with double veil, tells past present and fu ture; heals all diseases by. the use of Indian herbs; reading by letter, $1. Mrs. Professor Wheatly Howe. 41st and Section Line road. Take Richmond cars, end car line. DRESS SUITS RENTED. ALL SIZES. WE call for. sponge, ress and deliver oat rult of your ciothing each week, sew on bu.rn. er up rip, for $1 per month. Dyeing, mam cleaning and repairing. Unique Tailoring Co., 847 Washington, both 'phones. MME. KARROW'S "STITCH IN TIME," THE world-renowned antiseptic capsules; destroys all forms of germs, and prevents and cures diseases of the female organs, price $2. Ore gon Chem. Co., Sole Agents. 442 Washington st. Tortland, Or. DR. PARKER'S ANTISEPTIC PREVENTA tlvo Con m. A thorough antiseptic; prevents disease; cures most female troubles. Mailed on receipt of price. $1 50. Sample, 10c Parker Chemical Co., Portland, Or.; P. O. box 875. Superfluous hair, moles and other facial blem ishes removed. with electric needle; perma nent cure: electric massage for wrinkles. Portland Electrolysis Parlors, 15-10 Lewis bldg.. cor. Park and afor. Phone Brown 657. LAXINE. LAXINE. LAXINE AS PLEAS ant as soda water; Invaluable for stomach and bowel troubles. Try It For sale by li. B. Knight, opposite Oregonlan building, or Model Drug Store, 05 Grand ave. Mme. Karrow's "Magnetic Wonder" Is guaran teed to cure Irregularities and scanty men tttruatlon; it's safe, sure and harmless; price $5. Oregon Chem. Co.. Sole Agonti, 442 Washington st, Portland. Or. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment $2; 3 months, $5. Snt securely sealed by malL Agents, Woodard & Clarke, Portland. Or. Rheumatism cure, for any kind of rheumatism or gout lame legs, kidney disease. Full In formation free. Call or address L. T. Lewis, 331 Yamhill st, bet. 7th and Park. Portland. onn vnu marry if suited? put a personal In August number "Helping Hand." Send 10c for July number and full particu lars. Lock box 000. Portland. Or. SUCCESS GUARANTEED WITH PERNIN Shorthand. Speed for practical work 0-12 wteks Bchnke's Pernln Shorthand & Com mercial Colleg. C14 Commercial block. MORPHINE. OPIUM. LAUDANUM. Co caine habit: myself ciired; will Inform yuu of harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs. Baldwin, box 1212. Chicago. ILLOND'S PREVENTIVE CONES, AN UN equaM antiseptic: no failure: per box, $1.50; sample, 10c Illond Chem. Co., Portland, P. O. box 074. NICE LUNCH. ELEGANT DRINKS AND cigars. 130H Fifth st All free from 7 P.M. to 11:39 P. SL every evening. Also first-class amusement OLD BRASS. COINS, POSTAGE STAMPS, arrow-heads. Indian bark-ts and curios bought for cash. D. M. Averlll & Co., 331 Morrison YOUR PRESCRIPTION-SI ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eysslls Pharmacy. 227 Slorrtson A., bet 1st and d- WE PRINT 30 FINE. VlSrnNO CARDS. 23c: 50. SSc; 2S0 business cards; $1; 500. $1.50. Brown Atcbm. 220 Flrit .. Portland. F-RIT7.' CONCERT HALL: largest cafe on Pa cWp Coast; 240 o 2in Burnslde. Welnhard's ber on draught Clubrooros upstairs. BILLY LEAS BICYCLE HOSPITAL. 103 4TH. Phone. Clay. C41. Wheels called for. delivered. Ladles Freo. harmless monthly regulator; can not fall. Mrs. B. Rowan, R. 175, Milwaukee PERSONALS. CONFINEMENT CASE RECEIVED AND cared for at physician's house. Dr. Arthur De Vo, Seattle. MRS, DR. McCOY. electric treatments 133VJ First street corner Alder, recms 38 and 30. SOMETHING NEW IN GUM: MQTT"S LACTI PetjMn For health, beauty snd pUasure. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR RETAINING WALL OF flce of the Citr Water Works, Portland, Of., July 17, 1000. Sealed proposals, addressed to Frank T. Dodge, Clerk of tho Water Com mittee, and Indorsed on the outside of tho envelope "Proposals for retaining wall." will be received at this offlc until 3 P. M. Wednesday, July 25. 1900, for furnishing ma terials and. labor for the. construction of a retaining wall of timber, brush and stone, ar tho Sandy River crowing of the Bull Run plpo line, a point about 23 miles southeast erly from Portland. Plans and specifications may be seen and forms of proposal obtained at this Office. Proposals for said work must be accompanied by a certified check for fivo per qent of the amount of the proporal. pay able to the order of the Clerk of the Water Committee of the City of Portland, Or., as liquidated damages In case that the bidder. If nurn-tlf ttiA tunimtt Yinlri fall nr- Tr P 1nt , Trif"ti Ibi, iwntmpt iil ftirnlfi th required bonds within five days after notice of the award. The right to reject any or all bid, or to call for new proposals. Is express ly reserved by the Water Committee. By or der Of the Water Committee of the City of Portland, Or. D. D. CLARKE, Engtnees. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL JULY a. 1000. Cavalry horses wanted by the United States. Description The horses must be sound and well broken Under saddle, with free and prompt action In a walk, trot and gallop: free from vicious habits, without blemish or defect and conform as nearly as possible to tho following description: Geldings of hardy colors. In good condition, about 14 hand 2 Inches to 10 hands 1 Inch high; weight from 000 to 1000 pounds, from 6 to 7 years old; forehead broad and deep; forelegs straight and must stand well under: barrel large and deep and close coupled; back short: loins and haunches broad and muscular, with sound and medlum-slsed feet All horses will bo subjected to a rigid Inspection; an officer will visit points on railroads (distant not more than tiro stiles from depots) In parts of Cali fornia. Western Nevada and Southern Ore gon, selected as places of purchase and de livery of the animals. For further informa tion apply to the undersigned. No bronchos will be purchased Cash will be paid for horses accepted. J. SI. MARSHALL. Deputy Qr. Mr. General. U: S. Army, Chief Quarter master. Department of California. PROPOSALS FOR APAREJOS DEPOT QuartermasterB office, S3 New Montgomery st. San Francisco. Cal.. July 5. 1900. Sealed proposals. In duplicate, -will be re ceived at this ofilco until 11 o'clock A SI.. July 21. 1000. Pacific standard time, and then opened, for furnishing 250 aporejos com plete, and extra parts. Prcfirenee will be given to articles of domestic production and manufacture, conditions of price and qual ity being equal (Including In the price of foreign production and manufacture the duty thereon), and such preference will be given to articles of American production and manufacture- produced on the Pacific Coast to tho extent of tho consumption required by the public service there. Tho United States re serves the right to reject any or all propo sals or any part thereof. Information and blank proposals will be furnished on applica tion. Envelopes containing proposals will hi Indorsed "Proposals for aparejos, No. 5307." and addrcseed. to Major OSCAR F. LONG Quartermaster, U. S. Vols., Dapot Quarter master. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; WASH Ington Department of th Intprlor. Wash ington. D. C. Juno 23. 1000. Sealed propo sals for furnishing material and labor re quired in the construction of- a new addition to tho' State Penitentiary building at Walla Walla, Wash, "will be received at the D rartraent of the Interior until 2 o'clock P. St.. aionday, August C, 1000r at which time tfiev will be opened In the presence of such bidders as may bo In attendance. A certl-fi-d chs k for the 5 per cent of tho aggre gate nmourJt of tho bid must accompany each proporal. Blank forms of proposal, embrac ing specifications nnd renditions for tho work, may b obtained upon application at the department or to Mr. Ernest Lister, Commissioner of Public Institutions. Taco ma. Wash.. Mr J. B. Catron, Warden Stats renltentlarv. Walla Walla. Wa-h., where drawings showing details may also b In spected. Tho right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. E. A HITCHCOCK. Secretary. WANTED TO LET A CONTRACT TO THE lowest bidder for digging or boring a well. Tor further Information address H. J. lTos r. Troutdale, Or. Stockholders' Meetincr. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' SIEETING The annual meeting of the stockholders . of tho Coeur d'Alen Development Company, for the election of a Board of Directors for the ensuing yeir. and fpr tho transaction of such other business as may regularly cemo before them, will bo held at th." office of the company, rooms 501 to r.04 Chambeir-of Cpm morce building, Tortland, Oregon, on August C 1000, at 10 o'clock A M. GEORGE F. HOLM AN. Secretary Coeur d'Alene Development Com pany. Portland. Or.. July 13, 1000. COUNTY WARRANTS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Multnomah County warrants, class 38. the eame bavin; been drawn upon th general fund, from aiav 0. to June 10. 18fl!, both days Inclusive, will. It prcpTly Indorsed, be paid on presentation at the office of the County Treasurer. Interest thereon ceases on and aftr tho date of this notice. Thomas Scott Brooke, County Treasurer. July 10. 1000. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE AN nual meeting of the stockholders or tho Tltlo Guarantee & Trust Company will be held at the offices of the company. In the Chamber of Commerco building. Portland. Or., on Tuesday, July 24. 1000. nt 3:30 P. M. J. THORBURN ROSS. Sec Masters Notice. BRITISH BARK NITHSDALE. CAPTAIN Stlven. from Shanghai Neither tho master nor undersigned consignees of the above named vessel will "b- responsible for any debts that may bo contracted by the crew. Portland Grain Co., Consignees. Miscellaneous. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS BRIDGE CON tractors are hereby Invited to submit tenders to tho County Commissioners of Multnomah County, Oregon, for tho reconstruction of Madison-street bridgo swing-span, according to specifications on file In the office of tho County Commissioners at Portland. Or. Each contractor must make one flat bid. with the amount expressed In writing, and accom panied by certified check of one thousand dollars, payable to the order of -the County Commissioners, as liquidated damages conse quent on failure of bidder to enter Into con tract for tho completion of tho work. The accepted bidder must furnish bonds to the amount of the bid. conditioned on the suc cessful execution of the work and the ob rervanco of all the requirements of the speci fications. The tenders must be placed in tho hands of the County Commissioners by half past one o'clock, August 4, 1000. Tho right to reject any or all bids Is hereby reserved. WSI. B. STEELE, WM. SHOWERS, J. G. MACK. County Commlrsloners. BUSINESS CHANCES. JENNINGS & CO., 3094 MORRISON STREET BUSINESS CHANCE BROKERS. ESTAB LISHED 1883. HAVE ALL THE BEST BUYS IN ROOailNG. LODGING AND BOARDING-HOUSES, grocery stores, cigars, candy and fruit store?, general merchandise; largo list of country stares; have also all the best restaurants that are for sale In this city. They will guarantee every sale that Is made through their office, and will loan money to holp buy or on any kind of recurity at low Interest Jennings A Co., 309Ms Mor rison street FOR SALE FURNITURE AND BUSINESS of 60-room hotel In Marshfleld, Or.; only on other hotel in the city. I enjoy large tran slont patronage. After conducting the busi ness successfully for 20 yeas, I want to re tire: rcaron. Ill health. Address J. L. Ferry, . prop., Marshfleld. Or. FOR SALE TOBACCO. CIGAR. ICE CREAM and confectionery store: good location, will be sold at a b&rraln if taken at once; rea sons for selling, sickness. 322 Williams ave. A BARGAIN A GOOD-PAYING SALOON for sale In Portland's business center, on ac count party leaving city. For information call at 200H Yamhill st. FOR SALE GOOD-PAYING MILLINERY business In one of the best towns in Qrergon. at a sacrifice on account of health. Address W 72, care Oregonlan. A BARGAIN FOR SALE FOR CASH; 8TOOC of general merchandise tn a lively Valley town at the end of a railroad. Address V 08. care Oregonlan. CLEAN BUSINESS. LARGE PROFITS; Es tablished trade; Inventory about $1200: will sacrifice If purchased before November. 3SS Morrison street FOR SALE-ICE CREASt. CONFECTIONERY, fruit and cigar stand; good location; good business; $1C0. Inquire room 9, JiJ'i aior rlson street. PARTNER WANTED-LADY OR GENTLE man, with $Sf0 or $1000; a paying proposition; references of the best Address M 75, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE ALL OR HALF OF COOD-PAY-lng businw. Address 8 07, care Oregonlan. $2000 Store that will pay in notions, furnish ing goods, etc J. S. B., Station B. BUSINESS CHAXXTCS. FOR- SALE AT A BARGAIN; A RES taurant and bakery, complete. In a thriving, town. Address P. O. box 370. Eugene, Or. GOOD HOTEL, 80 ROOMS; GOOD LOCATION. $2200. Rare chance. No agents wanted. Ad dress F C6, care Oregonlan. FINE MILLINERY STORE FOR SALE; CSN tra'.ly located, doing a first-class business. P 73, care Oregonlan. DUSIXESS DIRECTORY. Asaayers and Analysts. J. H. FI3K. SllNSRAL ASSATER AND vbemlst; gold dim bought. 204H Washington. PAUL BaUMEL. ASSATER AND ANALYIST; gold dust bought 22SH Stark st. SlONTANA TURTALLURGICAL WORKS; AS saysi estimates given. 92 First Attorneys. EDWARD T. TAOGART. ATTORNEYtAT law, general practice. 513 Chamber of Com merce. J. w. ransom, attornet-ay-law and counselor. Bates Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. Atrrlcnltnral Implements. Machinery EDWARD HUGHES; WAGONS. CARRIAGES and farm machinery of all kinds. 11)0 Front JOHN POOLE: -Newton wagoas. buggies, wind mills, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison st. Baths. TURKISH BATHS: also massage; lady attend ant 107 4 th st, hot. Washington and Stark. Book: Stores. J. K. GILL & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tall booksellrr. and stationers. 133-35 3d st Brokers. PORTLAND MINING & TRUST CO. (LTD.) Handle mines, buy prospects; large loans negotiated. low rate Interest, ralnca examined, reported on. O. M. Rosendale, Consulting Engineer, rooms 515-510 OregcnSan building. Cable Weathetby. Coda Bedford McNeil. Correspondence solicited. Carpenters and Builders. RHODES & BUCKNER. CARPENTERS. OF flce fitters and Jobbers; satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Black 014. 830 Stark. -JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, builder; office and store fixtures. Ore. tel. 747. 303 Stark. Chiropodists. WM. DEVENY A MAUD DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists, room 301 Allsfcy bldg., 3d and aiorrlson. Ore, phone Grant 1C Miss Dart, chiropody, manicuring. 50 Union bk, lst-Stark. 0 A. M. to 5 P. M. Tel. Front 544. Clnlrvoyants. MilE. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. Sci entific revealer; tells entire life. past, prea-nt and future; consultation on all affairs; noth ing excepted; nanus given; good advice; sure help; mistake impossible; Imports genuine gypsy love powder. Fee, $1; letter, $2. 225 5th. Coal Dealers. Vulcan Coal co.. dealers in house. steam and blacksmith coals. Also foundry coke. Front st, near GUsan. Cornices Skylights. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J. C Bayer. 265 2d St. Commission Merchant. IERSIAN alETZGER, PURCHASER OK hides, pelts, furs, -wool, mohair, tallow; old rubber and old metal, and general commission merchant Front at. near Main, Portland. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TATLOR. YOUNG & CO.,. SHD BROKER3 and commission merdianta. Sherlock bldg.. - Portland, Or. ALLEN H LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D ata. Portland. Or. EVERDING A FARRELL. commission, butter eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland. Dentists. DR. C. "B. BROWN. TeL Ore. Red 2348; resl dence. White C34. 814-15-10 Dekum bldg. Dyeing; and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and Cleaner. 3J 17th. Tel. Red. 13L Mnslcal. Lessons 30c; piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin Instruments for sale. Mrs. Martin. 104V4 1st LESSQNS ON VIOLIN. VIOLA. CORNET; Emil Thlelhorn. 263 Jefferson. TeLWeBt. 1004. Electrical Machinery. AKRON DYNAMOS, MOTORS. METERS, etc Tatum & Bowen. 23 lo 33 First street. Fence and Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carlson. 289 E. Morrison st Iron Founders and Machinists. Smith & Watson Iron Works; engines and boil ers; logging engines a specialty; quartr and saw rallld; misc. machinery. Front and Hall. Iron Founders, M rich's ts. Ship B'ld'rs. Wolff & Zwlcker Iron Works: designers and mfrs. of ships, steamboats, marine, mining and milling machlneryt rlvtted steel pipe. Harnesd nd Saddles. THE BREYaiAN LEATHER CO.. HARNESS ant sole leather, soldiery, hardware, findings and shoe-store supplies. 73 Front st THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CC WHOLE sale 4addlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st Ice Cream Dealers. Special attention given families and boarding houses. Labbo A Rebe, 310 Washington st Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO., 102 1st st. Boyd & Arnold, general agents. Japanese Goods. DEALERS IN BAMBOO FURNITURE AND Japanese goods. 311 Morrison, opp Paotofflee. Marble and Granite Works. LARGEST, BEST STOCK Off MONUMENTS In city, at cost to reduce stock before mov ing down town. Weeks. 720 Front st PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS; marble, gran ite and stone -work. Schanen A Neu, 26S 1st Otto Schumann, mfg. marble and granite mon uments, estimates on building work. 204 3d. Mansnge. 131 FOURTH ST, NEAR ALDER-TUB and vapor baths, massage, electricity, scalp treatments and shampooing. Telephone Red 421. LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS AND SfAS sage. at 31315 Washington st, room 38. Mosrnetlo and Mental Heallntr. MRS. C. J. MAPLE, MAGENTIC HEALER (Weltmer method), personl and hoaie treat ment taught Slltt 2d, near Salmon. Portland. MRS. J. MAY YOUNG, mental science healer, personal and absent treatments. 234 Harrison. If medicine falls, try Otto KUngbell. magnctlo healer. 307 E. Cth. Oregon phone Scott 603. Medical. PAUL CROSIWELL. THE COLORED SPE clallst. has opened up his office at 235 Hall st, cor. Second, and will soil his modlcine as usual. Medicines for all kinds of chronic diseases. Dr. Flora A. Brown: diseases of women and children a specialty. Consultation and diag nosis free. 517-518 TU Dekum. Portland. Or. Mlnlnp: Machinery. WJlflej concentrator, Drake amaL, Ideal stamp mill, 'mlxriflg cart. Tatum A Bowen. 29-35 lit Oresron VJarl Company. Lewis bldg.. Park and aiorrlson. Free Health lectures to women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M. Mining; Investments. WRITE OR PHONE US Fdfa. ALL OREGON Sflnlng Stock Exchange quotation. Consult us personally for Information regarding all stocks on the Oregon market Davidson. Ward A Co. (members of the Oregon Mining Sleek Exchange), 40S Chamber of Cbmmerce. Phone Clay 833. 3UKPTER GOLD FIELDS: MINES AND mining stock bought and sold. E. A Clem A Co.. 140 Third st, Portland. Or. RICHARDSON GOLD MINING CO. OFFERS shares at 12?4c share. W. H. Sherrod A Co. HELENA MINING CO. HAS OPENED OF flces rooms 112-113 Sherlock. building. . Patents. T. J. GEISLER, 610-611 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. S. Patent Office. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Mining Engineers. O. SI. ROSENDALE. ROOMS 515-C16 OREGO nlan building, mvestlgates mining property; advbre thereon; rcmpunles organized; capital furnished. Palmistry. LAKSSN. the palmist, scientific reading of all ladlng events In life, 50c; practical hand reading for sale by author, at 285& First st MRS. L. BURHANS. scientific palmist, 01A Grand ave. room CO. Rraalngs, 50c and $1. Osteopathy. Drs. Northrop A Alklrc, Osteopaths, suite 41(1 Dekum bldg. Investigation respectfully so licited: examination tree. Phone Main 349. Dr. W. A. Rogers A Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks, 533 Marquam: diseases and deformities women and children a specialty. Consultation free. DR. L. B. SailTH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH, utte 400 Oregonlan building. J hone Oak 421. Pickle Preservers. WESTACOTT A KNKIHT HIGH - GRADB plokles. Both phones. 474 East Alder st RidJnsr Academies. Portland Riding Club, fine livery, boarding, saddle horses specialty. Park and Jefferson- Real Estate Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD A CO.; ESTAB llshed 18RS. 227 Stark street Restaurants. THE FINEST 10c HOUSE ON THE COAST. Montana Restaurant. 243 First st stdranre OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; storage ratos reasonable. Careful attention given to country consign ments. TeL Or. Main 777; Columbia. 070. SAFES. PIANQS. FURNITURE 310VED AND packed for shipping. C. at. OVsen. 123 First Tel. office Stain 1087; Black 801. Safes. SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEPT.' opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davts. CC 3d. s Satr Mill Machinery. Chrlstenson-McMaster Machinery Co.: new and 2d-hand machinery. E. Water and E. Taylon Showcases nnd Store Fixtures. DIXON. BOROESON A CO., FRONT AND Washington streets. ii i i i, Spiritualists. IF YOU ARE IX TROUBLE AND WANT AD vlco, call on Sirs. Dr. Slerchant 303 Third st. aiRS. STEVENS; advtco on all affairs of life! sittings dally. 221 Morrison st, room 22. SIRS. C. CORNELIUS. S1EDIUM. ALISKY building. Third and aiorrlson sts. MRS. J. A. SailTH. medium and magaeilo healer, room 2, 234 Morrison. Storage and Transfer. STOfAOE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred BlckM's storehouse. 31 North Front Tents anil ATrnln&s. ' Complete camp outfits, hammocks, camp furni ture, etc. Pacific Tent A Awn. Co., 27 N. 1st. Stores, Ranges, Household Il'dware Hardware; solo agt. Universal stoves A rangMt housefurnlshlng goods. J. J. Kadderly. 141 1st. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN i LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCER8L mr X Front nnrt DatIs ots Portland. Or FINANCIAL. MONET TO LOAN IN SUMS FROSt $5 TO $500, on all classes of security. R. I. Ecker eon A Co.. room 5 Washington building. SIDNEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity. Wm. Hell, room 0. Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 per cent farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 814 Ch. of Commerce. LOANS AVITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Can be paid In Installments, reducing Interest. Rates lower than the lo-vest F. W. Grave, aigr.. 124 Cth. near Wash, (ground floor). Tel. Oak 1331. MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES. PIANOS, furniture aad other securities. W. A. Hath away, room 10 Wash. bldg. Thohe South 781. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallett 213 Com mercial block. Tel. Grant 850. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 5tf. C. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Agent for Westchester Fire Insuranco Cc Wm. G. Beck. 321 Slorrison fit LOANS ON FTRNIT.URE. PIANOS AND other recurltles; lowejt rates; private. S. W. King, room 45 Washington building. LOANS ON FURNITURE AND SECURITIES. Thorapwn's cut-rate ticket office. 123 Third. LOANS on chattels, nalarle?, etc, low ratea; see ub first aiann A Co.. 004 Dekum bldg. BANKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 109 THIRD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general trust and agency business transacted. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. P1TTOCK. A. S. NICHOL3 Vlce-Pres. B. J. ALTSTOCK. J. O. GOLTRA... Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BAK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of tho United States. President H. W. CORBETT Cashier G. E. WITHINGTON Assistant Cashier J. W. NEWKIR1C Second AAstant Caohler W. C. ALVORO Letters of credit Issued, available In Europa and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on Ntw York. Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, St Paul. Omaha, San Francisco and the principal polnto In the Northwert. Sight and time bllU drawn in sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen, Chrlstl anla. Stockholm. St Petersburg, Moscow, Zu rich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD A TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1859. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points en favorable term Letters of credit issued available In Eu rope and the Eastern states. , Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers fold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St Louis. Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and vari ous points In Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchapge sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. , WELLS. FARGO A CO. BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $0.230.00J JOHN J. VALENTINE PRESIDENT HOMER S. KINO MANAGER (San Francisco.) R M. DOOLY CASHIER JOHN E. ailLES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business transacted. Ex change scld, and Letters of Credit Issued, avail able in all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON. J.FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vlco-Presldent R.W. HOYT Cashier GEO. W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRAN3ACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available In ell parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK LISIITED. CAPITAL PAID UP $2,450,000 Head Office. 71 Lombard street. London. This bank transacto a general banking ar.d excharge business; makes loans, discounts bll's a"nd Issues commercial and travelers' credits, available In any slty In the wcrld. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stru-k streets. W. A MACRAE, aianager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, cor. Third and Oak .. J. a AINSWORTH. Pres.; W. W. PHILLIPS, Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business. Exchange bought and sold on all the principal cities In Europe. Also facilities for telegrophlo transfers. Collections made on favorable terms on all accrralble points. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTSIENT Connected with the bank. Safes rented on easy termeL THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued available In all cities of the United States and Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KAMM Cashier -..... F. C. MILLER BANK OF BRITISH COLUarBIA PAID-UP CAPITAL $3,000,000 RESERVE 300.0CO Head Office, CO Lombard street London. Com'l block, 244 Washington st.. Portland. 2. LSA SARNE3. Manage.