THE MORNING OEEGONIANv WEDNESDAY. JUL"B 18, IflOff. LITTLE GOLG AT NOME BE2TUHKED PORTLAKDER, BRINGS DISCOURAGING REPORTS. He Tb-lnlc There Is Worlc for Bsxely r Three Thousand 2Ien on the Beech Great Losses. Nome la a delusion and a snare, ac cording: to J. Hawley, a teamster, "Who has lived for 22, years in Portland, and who returned last night from the north. All is not sold that glitters, and he pre dicts that of the 26,000 people who he says have gone there this Spring, 95 per cent will learn the fact to their sorrow. Nearly everybody will lose, some will be destitute in a terrible land, and the very few successful ones will run the gauntlet of Mr. Hawley does not ques tion that Nome once possessed the yel low sand, but he pictures that place as a thoroughly washed and scraped beach now, from which men are barely getting sustenance for the period of their work. When seen at his home, 376 Larrabee street, last evening, Mr. Hawley said: "I left here on the first voyage of the Geo. W. Elder, May 26. We got to Dutch Harbor June 7, left there on the 8th, and reached Nome June 14, after a very pleas ant and comfortable trip. June 15 there were 42 steamers in what is called the harbor of Nome, and a short time prior there were 62 at one time. About 20,000 people have reached that place by steam ships, and at least 6000 came down the Yukon and reached Nome by what is known as the overland route. Between Nome River, on the east of the place, and Cripple River, on the west, is a distance of about 12 miles. Along this stretch of the beach there are about 25.000 people camped. Their tents are close together as they can be staked, and are often three and four deep. Hardly ever is there floor ing in the tents, but I believe most of the people have cots to sleep on. There are a few thousand outside the boundaries I have indicated. "This is of the population. Of the op portunities I do not believe there Is em ployment for 3000 people in the entire belt along there, including all engaged In res taurants and other institutions in the city. I think It Is impossible for more than that .number to be doing anything. Along this same district there must be 500 machines for working the sands of the beaoh or placer claims, which have cost for construction all the way from ?500 to $100,000. I would say that not over 300 of SSSL ?Zu,aZvhth ! loaves 200 that will never be started, and some will never be set up. There is one company there owning a machine built in New Jersey, which is said to have cost $103,000. It Is still on the steamer C. D. Lang, and will never be taken from the vessel nntll It returns to Puget Sound. This company sees the futility of trjlng to do anything there. There are four other machines I know of In particular that cost In the aggregate SCO.000, that will not be set up at all, but they have been landed already. One of these Is a dredge for working in the water, and the others are for working the beach above water. Dr. A. C. Smith's machine was to be ready for operation about July 5 It Is intended to work In the water, altogether, and does not require any beach for its opera tion. Of the 300 machines working or ready to work. I do not think one of them will make enough to pay for even the freight of hauling them to Nome, not mentioning their cost. I saw some of them taking out sand and never heard of any getting pav dirt from the sand under the water. Of the beach, It has been worked oer at least five times since the claims were first, discovered, and the first working got most there was In It. What can there be for the machines now? "I knew a man who went up there, named O'Connor. He had 300 tons of gen eral merchandise, on which he paid In freight alone $12 000. He also took up a fine, ball-bearing delivers' wagon to dis tribute his stock of groceries, etc.. to the residents along the beach. He will lose between $40,000 and $50 000. He has a large quantity of whisky in his stock, which he can sell in Nome for $1 less a gallon than he paid for it at home, besides losing the freight. There is enough whisky to last the entire populitlon of that community for a year or over in Nome now, and I think there i? two years' supply. Every miner or person going took about three months' provisions with him. and some much more. Many merchants took up largo stores, and they cannot sell any thing. Prices of all such goods are way down. "The miners working the beach have been averaging about $3 a day per man, so I am told by the best informed there, working with the pan and rocker. This includes the very best claims on the beach. I know of two men who worked their Tockers 10 days, and they made about $1 50 a day each for that period. Both are well-known men of Portland. "One of the most serious complications there arises from the fact that all the claims staked the year-previous were re staked again last January. Men would start out from Nome, three or four in the party, taking a team of 10 or 12 dogs, and hauling all the stakes they could. They staked anywhere and everywhere, wheth er claims had been staked before or not, unless a man was standing over his prop erty with a gun. Thus claim after claim, acre after acre, wore taken up, and those getting such right are now either trjlng to hold their claims by force, sell them to new men, or "keeping them from being worked until title is settled In court. Mines that had been worked the year previous were taken in this manner, such as those on Anvil and Buster Creeks. Belcher's claims, on Anvil CrceTc, were taken up by these men, and when Belch er went out to work them in the Spring he found squatters holding onto them. After much trouble he Anally succeeded in getting them off. Others refuse to go, emphasizing their refusal with a gun. I do not believe there are over 25 claims being worked In that entire district. The title to so many Is in question that people do not know what to do. Then there are very few claims on these creeks. You would think them great rivers, but they are mere dips In the ground. On Anvil Creek there are only about 11 claims that have anything, and even the claims said to be good often Pay little or nothing. On Buster Creek there are three claims. "Take Topkuk to Illustrate how excite ment is created over nothing. You have heard of the .great Topkuk. That Is 60 miles east of Nome. It was found first by two half-breeds, who quarreled over it. and through their trouble a whlto man located It. There is one strip Just 500 leet long, then another strip about 200 feet In length. Above this is another strip of 300 feet, which Is the whole of Topkuk. The first man who went there took out on an average about $1000 a day. One man took out -$2300 in two nights, working below the level of the water by balling out. The highest amount taken out by anybody there was $18,000. After that there is nothing to be found. "The deepest digging I saw there was eight feet, which was on Cripple River. At this depth It runs Into that clay that acts like a spone when it thaws out, and below which nothing has ever been found. Sometimes this clalsh substance is found 10 inches below the surface. I talked to a prominent mining man who has had wide experience In many parts of the world, and he said he would not pay 5 cents an acre for the entire tundra, of which so much is being said. Over a great part of It a very shallow digging tfinds this claylsh substance. C. X. Lane, the largest mining man there, employs constantlv 50 men prospecting for him. ""Major Bberhardt, the Army surgeon in charge there, said on July 1 that there were IS cases of smallpox In the hospital and there were 102 reported in their tents. Smallpox had been epidemic there about 25 days then. Nearly everybody there has bad colds, the number I believe reaching at least 75 per cent. Most of those dying, which are numerous, sue cumb to pneumonia. It is the worst place J for pneumonia I ever saw. Thfl hospitals are full of pneumonia cases. In the In dian camp alongside of where I "boarded the Garonne, coming down, five of the Indians died of pneumonia in one day. The weather was fine all the time I was there, and people seemed to have .an abundance of warm clothes. It snowed a little one day. "J believe there are 5000 people In Nome today or the day I left who did not have Jld each. They have no work, cannot get It, cannot get transportation out, and do not know what to do. I heard Cap tain Conradla, of the steamship Garonne, on which I came down, say five or six times that he could have loaded his steamship two or three times with men willing to work their way back to the States. Many of them were very Intelligent-looking men, well dressed and ap parently not accustomed to roughing It; in fact, nearly ail are good-looking men. I was there from June 14 to July 2, and during that time there were 10 men killed, every one, except one, being reported as the result of a row over mining rights. The Major-Surgeon -said after the first rain he expected a terrible epidemic of typhoid. There is no sanitation what ever in Nome. Out on the tundra the refuse goes right down in the tundra, and little holes are made, from which the peo ple get their drinking water. This will bring on awful epidemics of typhoid in the closely packed places. By sinking a hole two feet deep in the tundra ice is reached, and. after a little thawing very cold water soon fills the opening. When this water is boiled it tastes smoky, and after being set aside for one night has a foul-looking vapor on the surface." IN THE SEVERAL COURTS. Mary Ah era's Lecntee Claim Was Declared If nil and Void. Catherine Theresa Clark yesterday filed suit in the State Circuit Court against Robert Catlln and wife to have a claim of defendants to property at Twenty first and Everett streets, valued at $20,000, adjudged null and void. The property is known as the Ahem tract, and is held by plaintiff by deed of gift from her aunt, Mary Ahern, dated April 20, 1S97. The plaintiff alleges In her complaint that February 9 1000, she filed a suit praying for a reformation of cortain deeds to this property, and that in accordance with her complaint, on March 10, 1900, a decree was made by the court granting the relief prayed for, and on March 23 the decree of reformation was duly re corded in the record of deeds of Multno mah County. Miss Clark avers that Robert Catlln and his wife claim an ln- tArnef Iw tA nrrttwrfv iArtTrt tr Via tfsnt. the nature of which Is to her un- known, and she asks that they be com pelled to come Into court and disclose the same. Mark O'Neill, plaintiffs attorney, states that soon after the death of Mary Ahern a deed was filed by Catlln from Mary Ahern to him for this and other prop erty, valued altogether at probably $30,000. The other property referred to had been disposed of- by Catherine Clark, one piece to Dr. A. J. Gfesy, and the other piece to George Myers. These two pieces are not placed In issue in this suit. The deed hefd by Qatlln states a, nomi nal consideration, and Is dated a short time subsequent to the deed of Mary Ahern to Miss Clark. Catlln will doubt less explain In his answer to this suit what the nature of his claim is. In her will Mary Ahern devised her re maining property, appraised at $14,000, to Catherine Theresa Clark. Chargres Attain at Hla 'Wife. John "Watrln, whose wife, Helene Wat rin. has sued him for a divorce, charging him with indulging too freely in intoxicat ing liquors, has filed an answer denying the accusation, and alleging that his wife 16 at fault. The parties were married in Prussia, in 1S6S. Watrln in his answer avers that during the whole bf their married life, and particularly during the last few years, the plaintiff- has treated him in a cruel manner, and rendered his life burdensome. Soon after their union he says he observed that she was lazy and slovenly about her housekeeping. In 1SS0, he states that he had occasion to take a trip East, and left her sufficient rponey to pay all expenses whllo he was absent, and found upon his return that she had sold all f their household furni ture, and squandered the money. Watrln further alleges that his wife frequently refused to prepare his breakfast, and wished him dead; that she has an un governable temper, and for the purpose of aggravating him has lept upon the floor with a. large knife, with which she threatened to Injure him. He says he always furnished her with a comfortable home. He also makes other charges against her. The litigants have con siderable property, of-whlch Mrs. Watrln asks her share. Probate Matters. The third account of the executors of the estate of Nancy H. Bills, deceased, was filed. The receipts were $1771 and $1289 was paid out. J. G. McElroy, administrator of the estate of Josephine Thompson, deceased, filed his final report. The appraised value of the estate was $9456, and there Is $S92 cash on hand. The children who are the heirs are all minors, and John B. Coffey Is their guardian. The estate Is to be distributed when the youngest child be comes of age. The final account of the estate of Henry Thompson, deceased, who was the hus band of Josephine Thompson, was filed several days ago. He left considerable property, and the heirs are the same. Thompson's wife survived his death by only about one hour. Bankruptcy Caie. John W. Dixon, of Milton, UmatUla County, yesterday filed a petition In bank ruptcy In the United States Court. His liabilities amount to $306, which, he al leges, have mostly accrued on account of sickness in his family. His property consists of a span tf horses and a wagon, used In his efforts to earn a living, and one of his creditors has attached the wagon. Hence- he desires to be declared a bankrupt. E, H. Connor, of Oretown, Tillamook County, yesterday filed a petition in bank ' .XJigS" SJJS and his assets to $210, of which $183 Is claimed as exempt. As none of his cred itors resjde in Tillamook County, he asks that the matter be referred to M. D. It. Rhodes, referee In bankruptcy, at Mc Mlnnville. Maxwell Appointed Peacemaker. A hearing was had 4n the United States Court yesterday on a motion in the case of It. Brown et aL vs. "R. Jacobs et al., for the appointment of a fifth director by the court. The court granted the motion and named A. L. Maxwell as the fifth director. . . Court Note. The cases of the United States vb. the Columbia Gold Mining Company and vs. J. G. &. J. T. English,-charged with cut ting timber on Govornment lands, were yesterday set for hearing In the United. States Court on July 25. The petition of Wong Ah Dong for a writ of habeas corpus, was denied by Judge Bellinger yesterday, and iDong will be deported unless ho finds some way out of his dilemma. He Is a young' fel low, who hails from Salem, and alleges that he Is a native-born, but Collector of -Customs Patterson refused to accept his statements and the court evidently does not believe them. In the suit of Julia E. Hoffman, execu trix of" the estate of, Lee Hoffman, de ceased, against Agnes Reed, Robert Bell, trustees; P. L. Willis decree was rendered against Willis In the State Cir cuit Court yesterday for $9000, and fore closing a mortgage on property in South ern Portland. The 'mortgage was exe cuted In May, 1S93. The decree' also set ties the rlchts and ownership of othw defendants to certain lands and lots. GAMBLERS UNDER ARREST FIRST STEPS ,IJT REPRESSIVE JPOL IGTiOF AUTHORITIES. Proprietors of Six Gaxalilins-Houaeai Reapond to Warrant and Give Bonds. The first gun In the campaign against gambling In the City of Portland. Inaugu rated by District Attorney Chamberlain, Mayor Rowe and Chief of Police Mc Lauchlan, was fired last evening, when the Proprietors of th nrlnHnnl lramhllnir- houses were arrested and compelled to! give casn Donds of $200 each. Those ar- rested were August Erickson. Tom Wll-' Hams, Ed Blazlcr, Fred Fritz, Scott Mor rell and Frank J Hellen. The proceedings were quiet and very i little commotion was aroused. The move- GALLERY OF NEW MEMBERS ROBERT D. EfMATT, A SEXATOR FROM aiUITXOMAH COUNTY. Robert D. Inman, Senator from Multnomah County, was born In Miami. County, Ohio, August 11, 1S53. When about J2 years old he -went to live- with W. H: Davidson, a neigh bor. Soon after this his father died, and Mr. Davidson having decided to migrate to Oregon, the boy had the choice of solar to lUe with relatUea or taking his chances in the West. He choose the latter, and the start was made by ox team for a seven" months' Journey of exposure, adventure and danger, through stream, oer rough mountain and the weary alkali plains and sagebrush desert, until the cool green valley of the Willamette was reached. On the Journey the train of CO wagons was attacked by Indians In Wyoming, near where Laramie now stands, and several Immigrant were killed. His youth ran a good deal to athletics, and at 17 he devoted his -vim and muscle to the edification- of circus-loving Americans, but as such work was not his ambition, he soon tackled Industrial life by piling lumber In the yard of Willamette mills. Here his natural taates asserted themselves in the direction of machinery and mechanics, and after seen years he graduated at the head of the mechanical department of that institution. Senator Inman was one of the or ganizers of the North Pacific Mill Company, "fen years ago he Joined his, present partners In the Inman. Poulsen Co, and the present mill is a monument to his skill and intelligence. Every moment of his career has been one of activity and progressjveness, until success has crowned his effort, and today he Is president of one of the largest Industrial corporations of Oregon. SenaCor Inman married at the age of 22, Miss Guild, daughter of Peter Guild, one of Oregon's pioneers. Senator Inman Is a Democrat. In 1802 he was elected to the House of Representatives as a Democrat-Citizen In 1804 he was the fusion candidate for Mayor of Portland. In 1000 he was elected to the Senate as a Cltlseni ment was rumored in gambling circles, and the men at the head of the large houses accepted It with the best grace possible. At a conference yes terday afternoon, held in the of fice of the Chief of Police, the author ities determined to proceed immediate ly upon the plan adopted of regulating gambling, and warrants were prepared by the District Attorney, and served last evening by the police department All of the men for whom they were Issued called at once .at the police station and gave cash bonds to the required amount. Chief of Police McLauchlan stated last evening that the arregt of these men was the first step towards regulating the gambling traffic, and lhat other proceedings would follow in the natural course of events. No steps were taken yesterday against the smaller establishments conducting games of chance, but these are not to be oterlooked In the general movement. The Chinese houses have not yet been mo lested, nor have the places conducting, lotteries or selling lottery tickets. All these are to be regulated in the du course of time. Nickel-in-the-slot ma chines of all kinds are also to be con sidered as gambling devices and to re ceive early attention from the authori ties. A peremptory order has been Issued against the location of all gambling out fits and devices on the ground floors of buildings. This will be enforced imme diately, and the downstairs places must close up, and the consequent attractive ness of such houses upon the youthful and inexperienced will In a large measure be destroyed. .Not the least of the factors to bo con sidered In this movement Is the revenue which the city government will receive through the collection of the fines Im posed during the time this policy Is en forced. The exact amount realized can not be estimated, but a considerable sum should bo turned Into the general fund from this source. For the past two years the Municipal Court has not paid the expenses of its own operation by the revenues received from fines and the forfeiture of balL There Is a general dis position manifest on the part of leading citizens to insist that the institutions made necessary by the lawless classes should be supported. If possible, entirely from the revenues seoured from the fines and penalties Imposed to repress crime. The gamblers hnVe contributed but little to the fund and the repressive jneasures against them should contribute materially toward the desired result. The gamblers themselves are not dis posed to fight the officials. "We are pow erless," said one last evening, "and un able to fight the movement. We will comply with our orders in every respect. The table3 and devices will be removed from the ground floors at once, and the policy of the authorities will be generally carried out." . Escaped Youth Caught. Two of the three youths who escaped Monday from the State Reform School at Salem were arrested yesterday by Of ficers Jameson, Smith and Shown. The boys caught were Raymond Johnson, a colored boy .17 years old, and Thomas Burke, a white boy, also 17 years old. and the officers will divide a reward of $30 for their capture. Charles Daniels, a 15-year-old boy, dark complexion, height 5 feet 7 Inches, weight 123 pounds, clad in dark blue overalls, -Is yet to be ap prehended. R. R. Rllcy'a Estate . The, final account of H. S. Allen, sole surviving executor of 'the will "of R. R. Rlley, deceased, was filed yesterday. The estate consisted of consldontble real es tate, which was taken on mortgage fore closure proceedings. What Hlttle money was realized was ued up in paying attorneys to defend and prosecute suits, etc. The fees of the executor amount to $420, and there Is not .sufficient money on hand to pay the same in fulll Bonnie V. Riley, who recently came to hr death In Paris, France, as the result of injuries sustained in Jumping from a window, was the daughter of the deceased and one of the heirs. She. oxte& thk estate $750 and. Interest on account of a note execut ed to her father. She was sued and a Jud cment was obtained against her for $12C0. and J6S3 belonging to ,her from her mother's estate was attached and the money realized for the? otherxstate. Riley died eight or 10 years ago. ' PERSONAL MENTION, G. W Ford, of Pullman, Wash., is at the Perkins. Edgar J. Dlven. a Nw York merchant, is at the Perkins. 1 ' X). H. Flthlan, a prominent merchant OF THE OREGON LEGISLATURE of Chicago, Is among yesterday's arrivals at the Perkins. G. M. Westgate, of Albany, Is regis tered at the Portland. Rev. O. D. Taylor, of The Dalles, Is an arrival at the Imperial. Anthony and Albert Moore, of. Bridal Veir. are at the St Charles; Charles O. Bates and wife, of Tacoma, are registered at the Portland. Frank D. Wells is registered at the Portland from Yukon, Alaska. J. O. Macintosh, a shecpowner, of Dil lon, Mont, is at the St Charles. Captain H. A. Matthews, of Astoria, registered at the Imperial yesterday. W. W. Alverson. an Insurance adjuster, of San Francisco, is at the" Imperial. Frank P. Hogan, a prominent business man of Spokane, is a "guest at the Im perial. F. J, Martin, a prominent attorney of McMlnnville, registered yesterday at the Perkins. W. B. Buffln. a farmer! of Independ ence, registered yesterday at the St Charles. - . , William Ketchum, "a sheepman from The Dalles, registered yesterday at the .Perkins. . A. E. Reamcs, of Jacksonville, District Attorney-elect of Jackson County, is at the Imperial. , Claude Brlggs, a weH-kn.own fruit or chard owner of North Taklma, is & guest at the Portland. Daniel Sullivan, chief clerk of the St Charles Hotel, left yesterday for his va cation at Yaqulna Bay. Professor Thomas McClelland, of For est Grove, president of Pacific University, is registered at the Perkins. 1 J. A. St. Martin and wife, proprietors of the hot springs resort at Wind River, are staying at the St Charles. W. B. and H. W. Eldridge, of Pocatello, who returned on the Farallon from Caps Nome, are registered at the St. Charles. Rudolph Herold, Jr., John F. Llebe, Miss L. Habelncht and Miss Eva R. Her old, of San Francisco, are guests at the Portland. Colonel John W. Link; special agent of the Treasury Department at Tacoma, was in the city yesterday, to 'meet General Spauldlng. , NEW YORK. July 17. Northwestern people registered at New York hotels to day as follows: From Portland J. K. Gill and wife, at the Ashland; J. C. N6rthrup, at the Bar tholdle; Mrs. J. K. Aliens.! at the Grand Union. l 'From Baker City T. G. Myers, at the Cosmopolitan. From Tacoma D. -Gross, at the Belve dere. From Seattle W. V. Radley, at the Bel vedere. From Spokane H. M. Hoyt at the Park Avenue. WASHINGTON, July 17. Superintendent 1 J. C. Levlngood, of the Fort Spokane In dian School, Washington, is In the city, conferring with the Indian Bureau. A Dodicer's Platform. New Haven Register. When Mr. Bryan was asked why the income tax was suppressed, the reporter was referred to Senator Jones. Mr. Bryan says the plank was left out by design, but he refused to tell why It Js now In order to explain why the attack on the Supremo Court was also omitted. "It Is possible, after all, that Mr. Bryan is standing on a dodger's platform. ORIENTAL FLOUR TRADE WAR TROUBIiE MAT CAUSE A 8US PEXSIO.V OF BUSINESS. Tiro Million Sac5ca of "Flaar at Hong Kong- Avraitlnar Re-ialpxaent City's" Exports and Xmporta. SAN FRANCISCO, July 17. 'The trou bles in China will cause a suspension of our trade In flour and other commodi ties," said William Whlley, Hong Kong representative of a big California mill ing company who arrived from the Orient "When I left Hong Kong," he added, "business was dead there and at Shang hai. At least 2,000,000 sacks of flour were at Hong Kong that could not be delivered in. the Interior. A great quantity of flour has gone forward since, and that is also held up. Most of this Is from Oregon. It was a great loss. The Chinese who purchased that to sell again will ho the losers. "But of course, whjle that trouble lasts, the Pacific Coast trade in flour with all parts df China affected must come to a stop. The entire flour trade with China Is carried on with the Pa cific Coast States and. there will be loss to this coast by the suspension. Out side of flour, the principal Imports of China from the United States are cotton, oil and machinery. The loss will be dis tributed all over the country. The flour now in China that cannot be sold In the interior is worth about 51,500,000. The supplies for the allies that may be sent out will not compensate us for the loss of Chinese trade. "Japan will also be a larger loser In the flour trade as the supply for Northern China goes In via Japan. The Chinese will not suffer for food. They will live on flsh and rice as they did before they had flour." TWO YEARS' BUSINESS. Cnatom-Honse Statiatica Make a Very Satlafactory Showing. Notwithstanding the fact that there was a very heavy decrease In the amount of wheat shipped from Portland last sea son, as compared with the previous sea son, Custom-House returns make a very satisfactory showing. The statistics by months for the two years are as fol lows: , Exports lS3S-99. ISSV'00. July fc21,820 $o59,St3 August 293,219 440,815 September 613,574 234,349 October 1,214,614 928,590 November ,- 1,459,241 1.1S3.&8 December 1.332,636 882,032 January .T 573,852 1,066,928 February 497,532 643,475 March 955,403 66b,925 April 515;754 492.74S May 253,130 678,018 June 391,967 627,404 Totals J8.963.762 Imports lSS3-'99. July 1 110,996 August 66.015 September 276,758 October 250,949 November 93,634 December 112,146 January 47,479 February 63,436 March ...M 148,640 April 2U May 226,720 JUne 70,553 W.215,143 1S99--00. 5 110,563 347,183 74.796 83.2U8 339,866 83,489 72.461 16,943 61.3C8 72,846 143,007 379.478 Totals ,.1.602,665V 11,784,173 , WAS SOLD CHEAP. The Wreck ol tke Catherine Sudden Sold for a Song at Kome. The wreck, of the barkentlne Catherine Sudden, which was dismasted by being Crushed In the Ice, was sold for salvage three- weeks ago at Nome. When she left San Francisco recently her cargo alone was valued at J12S.0OO, but the entire proceeds of the sale was but J9S95 50. The Pacific Steam Whaling Company bought 160 tons of coal In her for but 540O. when coal has been" selling there recently at the rate of J200 a ton. . The hull brought but $1350, being bought by the same company, when the cost of the ship recently was $15,000. The fittings, donkey engine, etc, brought $530. Thomas L. Pellttler bought 26 barrels of his own whisky for J810; the Blanch Mining Company bought their own, consignment a large lot of machinery, for $95", and the Alaska Venture Company bought their own $7000 plant for $1600. The sale oc cupied three hours. ON THE WATER-PROST, Steamship Braenaar the Only Deep Water Craft Working. Ths steamship Braemar, of tha Orien tal line, was the only deep-water craft working In the harbor yesterday, the strikers still holding out for more than 30 cents an hour. The strike is not worry ing the shippers very much, as the char ters of all the ships in port are drawn with a "strike clause," lay days not counting while the strike is on. The better class of dock laborers who were not in sympathy with the strike and who were satisfied to work for .double the wages paid In the East are not at' all pleased with the outlook. They fear that 30 cents an hour will bring too many laborers here to compete with them and that the rate will drop back to 20 and 25 cents per hour. WIMj NdW ARBITRATE. Sealing Selzarca to Be Finally Settled. CHICAGO, July J7. A- special to tha Record, from Ottawa, Ont, says: The Minister of Marine has announced that after several years' negotiation an agreement has been reported among the Governments of the United States, Great Britain and Russia as to the terms of arbitration of claims arising out of the seizure of American and British sealing vessels by Russian cruisers In the North Pacific in 1S32. An arbitration will there fore be proceeded with. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA, July 17. Salled-Steamer State of California, for San Francisco. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M., smooth; wind north; weather hazy. Guaymas sailed July 2; schooner Dauntless, for Gray's Harbor. San Francisco, July 17. Sailed Schoon er Charles R. Wilson, for 'Gray's Harbor-. Arrived Steamer Umatilla, for Se attle; steamer Walla Walla, for Victoria. Sailed Steamer Columbia, for Portland; steamer -Matteawan, for Tacoma. Port Gamble Sailed July 14, bark Sem inole, for SyVSney. Yokohama Arrived previously to July "14, steamer Glenogle, from Tacoma; steamer Idsumi Maru. from Seattle. Sailed Ship Joseph B. Thomas, for Port Townsend. Seattle, Jtjly 17. Arrived Steamer Dir lgo, from Skagway. Sailed July 16, steam er Centennial, for Nome; July 17, steamer Al-Ki, for Dyca. Victoria Arrived July Iff, steamer Hero, from Dutch Harbor. Kobe. July 17. Arrived Previously, schooner Fred J. Wood, from Vancouver. Boulogne, July 17. Arrived Potsdam,, from. New York. Sidney, N. S. W. Sailed July 16, Aoran gl, for Vancouver. Moville, July 17. Arrived Anchoria, from New York for Glasgow. Bremen, July 17. Arrived Trave, from New York. ASTORIA, July 17. Arrived Steamer Del ,Norte, from San Francisco and way ports. " New York, July 17. Arrived South- wark, from Antwerp; Friederich der Grosse, from Bremen. Sailed? Belgravla, for Hamburg; Kalserin Maria Theresa, for Bremen. Rotterdam, July 17. Arrived Potsdam, from New York, via Boulogne. Queenstown. July 17. Arrived Oceanic, from New York for Liverpool, and proceeded. IDEAL WARM WEATHER. Crops Tronghont the State n Fair Condition. t Following Is the United States Depart ment of Agriculture, Climate and Crop Bulletin of the Weather Bureau Oregon section, for the week ending Monday, July 16: General Sammary. The week has been rainless and mod erately warm, but without damaging hot winds. The maximum, or day, tempera tures In Western Oregon ranged between 70 dear, and 84 deg.. and the minimum, or night temperatures between 46 deg and 16 deg. East of the Cascade- moun tains these variations were for day tem peratures between 66 deg. and 96 deg., and for night temperatures between 46 deg. and 66 deg. Fall wheat continues to ripen .and fill nicely, making everywhere a. good, plump berry, except In the Willamette Valley, where no Improvement Js noted. The har vesting of Fall wheat and oats is. gen eral all over the state, and a great deal of grain is now in shock, and soma ha3 been stacked. The warm weather has helped the Spring wheat. It has a good" color, and, taking the state as a whole, promises to mature very nearly an average crop, not withstanding Its damaged condition In the Willamette Valley, due to rust, ljce and the grain aphis. Flax and barley are doing splendidly. Hops are In bloom and have made a good growth during the week. Although hop lico are not as plentiful as urmal, spraying Is not being neglected, but, on the contrary, Is now In very active prog ress throughout the hop-growing districts. Corn Is ready for table use. Potatoes, which up to the present time have been very thrifty and promising, are reported In. a few places as being af fected by a blight which turns the vines lack. Not enough damage, however, has yet been done to the vines to cause any aerious alarm, and It Is believed the present warm and sunshiny weather will prevent much further Injury of this char acter. The first crop of hay has nearly all been cut, and, as a rule. It was well cured and safely housed. Pasturage Is drying up somewhat, but stock continues In excellent condition. Blackberries and raspberries are very plentiful. Early peaches and apples are being marketed. The peach crop Is light, but apples are plentiful. Willamette Valley. Wheatland, Yamhill County. A. P. Mag ness. Fall wheat Is ripening fast The warm weather of the last week has helped all kinds of Spring grain. Barley and oats are good average crops. There Is a fine crop of early peaches being picked. Blackberries are ripening. Potatoes and hops making a heavy growth and look ing well. Hop spraying general. Philomath, Benton County, W. H. Boles. Haying progressing finely. Spring grain, gardens, potatoes and corn making rapid growth. The week has been dry and warm. Blackberries are coming Into the market. Binders will soon start Thurston. Lane County, O. A. McMa hon. Weather warm and dry. Binders have started. Fall wheat somewhat bet ter than at first expected. Spring grain rather light Haying about finished; crop good. Many fields of potatoes are ruined by blight, but the warm, dry weather has checked Its progress. Wild blackberries in the mountains are ripe. Woodburn, Marlon County, T. "F. Hayes. The last week has been very favorable for farm work. Vegetation made rapid .growth. Fall wheat and .Fall oats are be ing out Spring wheat and Spring- oats are doing well; lice are plentiful on Spring wheat Hops are blooming .and are in splendid condition, being freer of lice at this time than for many years. Hay ing Is about flnisbed; the crop is very heavy. Gardens are in splendid condi tion. Coast District. Seal Rock, Lincoln County, O. D. Clark, The week has been pleasant wijh no cold winds and but one Hgt shower. Gardens growing nicely. Haying Is in progress; crop fine. Oats good, and most ly harvested. Potatoes look well, although some complain of their being affected by blight Colambla River Valley. Hood River, Wasco County, P.'D. H.ln-riche.-T-The second crop of clover is ready to cut In some fields; the stand in good. A large crop of plums, late cherries, early pears and apples Is now being marketed. Some grain has- been threshed, and In re gard to quantity and quality It Is very good. -The old strawberry vines are be ing cut and removed from the fields. Blackberries are ripe and in the market We need rain and warm weather for corn, tomatoes and watermelons, which are growing slowly. Hood River. Wasco Pounty, Harbison Bros. The week has been rather quiet among farmers. Remnants of harvest work have been completed and some grain has been stacked. Orchanlfsts are busy with spray pumps, and the apple crbp will be- freer of wdrms than ever be fore. Weston, Umatilla County, Maud 21. Baker. Harvesting fully started. Tho firat ranch cut averaged 50 bushels to the acre- of extra fine wheat Spring-sown grain making good? although rather slow, growth. The potato yield will far exceed last year's crop in quantity and quality. Strawberries are about gone. Currants, blackberries and raspberries plentiful. Weather Just about right for wheat Southern Oregon. Melrose, Douglas County, Henry Scott Tho week has been warm, the thermom eter varying very little. Haying Is about completed. The binder is at work. The weather Is very favorable for corn and potatoes. There will be some shortage In tha wheat crop In this locality, but the extent will not be known until it is threshed. The fruit crop will be fairly .good, except prunes, which are an entire failure. McTlln, Josephine County, W. A. Maa sie. Warm, clear weather has prevailed during the week; wind northwest Grain hay all cut Wheat being harvested, yield and quality good. Corn and potatoes do ing welL Blackberries ripening, and a fine crop. Table Rock, Jackson County, S. M. Nealon. Seasonable weather prevailed during the week. Haying finished. Har vesting general. Threshing will commence next week. Corn and pdtatoes prpmiae well. Blackberries are an Immense crop Pastures drying upbut stock still looks well. Early apples In market But very few peaches escaped the Spring frosts. Platean Region. Baker City, Baker County, W, C. Mc Gulhess. Very dry. Haying In progress, and weather conditions are well fitted for curing. Wheat and. oats looking welL No complaints of rust EDWARD A. BEALS, Section Director, Portland, Or. Plennant Home Tfotea. Another sawmill will be started on the Sandy River. The machinery has already been taken to that place. This mill will saw out railway ties. Haying Is now in full blast, and there are indications of a great crop. Some that was 'cut before the rain is so badly damaged that it is hardly worth hauling to market The. committee having the arrangements for the twelfth annual reunion in hand has completed its arrangemnts. It will open on July CO, and continue till August 4. The days have all been assigned and the programmes arranged. It is intended that veterans of all wars shall find, some thing of Interest at this encampment All campers will receive every assistance. Ther will be tents on the groundsr free to .qld.soldlersan.d rentqd reasonably to others. Provision will be made to serve meals on the grounds for 15 cents for comrades and their families, and 25 cents for others. The grounds have been, put In tha best of condition. The committee Is assured that thii -will be the- most suc cessful encampment held for the past 13 years. The bicycle path from Portland will1 make It easy wheeling, and stages will make round trips to the groundsr 225 FEET OF SOLID -COMFORT An electric lighted hotel breakfast and lunch, a la carte, with a table d'hote dinner, $L Commodlously and elegantly furnished sleeping-rooms. Illuminated" by electricity and provided with shaded electric reading lights. An annex 10 feet wide and 70 feet long furnished for our guests a ladles' parlor, beautifully fur nished, and provided, with an up-to-date, library, and all 'the latest magazines and periodicals. For the gentlemen a mod ern barber shop, smoking, card rooms, etc Electric fans, porcelain bath tubs, convenient toilet rooms, perfect ventila tionall found on the Northern Paclfte't crack train, tho "North Coast LlmUedJ This train runs daily and you can travel on it without extra charge. Indiana's Offer. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., July IT. Gover nor Mount today telegraphed President McKlnley offering the services of three regiments and three batteries of Indiana artillery for the protection of Americana in China. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REBORT. PORTLAND. July 17.-6 P. M. Maximum temperature, 73; minimum temperature; 81; river reading- at 11 A M . 10 0 feet; change la tho last 24 hours. 05 foot; toal precipita tion, G P. M. to 0 P. M-, 0 00; total precipita tion since Sept. 1, 1800. 38.68 lnchos;. normal precipitation slneo SepU.1. 1899, 46.13 Inches; deficiency, 7.45 Inches; total sunshine July JH 12 53; possible sunshine" July 16. 15.23. WEA.THER CONDITIONS. The barometer continues hlsh over tho North Pacific, States. It Is lowest oer Utah. No rain baa fallen In the P.ocky Mountain and Pacific Coast States during" the last 24 hours, but a marked change to cooler weather baa occurred In Eastern Oregon, Eastern Wash lncton and Western Idaho. The Indications are for fair and warmer weather in this dis trict during tho next 24 hours. WyEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for tho 2S hours ending at midnight Wednesday, July 18: Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho Fair and irarmer, except near coast; winds shifting to easterly. Southern Idaho Fair; warmer In west por tion; winds mostly northerly. Portland and vicinity Fair and wannert north winds. jjh BDWARD A BEALS, ForecsEt Offlclal. AMBSEMEKTS. METROPOLITAN THEATER All the week. Including Wednesday and Satur day Matinees. THE SENSATION OF THE HOUR, "SAPHO." "SAPHO," SAPHO." "SAPHO." "SAPHO." "SAPHO." With Miss George Elliott as Sapho. An elab orate production; a great cast Popular trices. ALISKY'S WINTER GARDEN CAFE, THIRD AND MORRISON. There Is no abatement ot the tremendous patronago Fourth of July Is over, and still It continues. Tonight there will be a popu lar Sunday 50-cont dinner, never befora equaled In thl-J city. The demand for re served seats was io great the management had to decld tha.t first come, first served. The dinner ulll open promptly at 5 P. M, continue until 8 P. M The orchestra has been augmented for Sundays, and a select musical programme will b given until mid night. The 2 electric fans are keeplnjr things cool and comfortable, to which next week, on the arrival of the big motor and fan. there will be added ventilation through and direct to th roof. Manager Harvey says things must be right and up to date. Port land says we-"nant thn Winter Garden, and they must have it. To please them, so ex pense will be spared to perfect -evierythinj: as fast as brains and labor can accomplish It. Tonight prompt courteous and efilctent service will be given by tho new corps of waiters. The dinner will be up to the high est expectations, and. with the finer musical programme, no one can fall to enjoy them selves NEW TODAY. f Two Great Bargalm Today Only Best grade alL-wool 2-ply carpet.. $0 57H Pr yd. Btfst grade Smith's 8-wire tapes try Brussels 55 per yd. L Gtvurtz & Sons, 173-175 First SL HAIR MATTRESSES Guaranteed 30-pound hair, best satin tick. full fllie. ST 50. Wn have only 50 of these mat tresses at this price. !. Gtvurtz & Sons. 173-175 First 5t . j Sideboards Special Today I have a few oak sideboards to close out 4 112 60 each. W(V1. GADSBY . Cor. .Washington and First sta. i CRACKERS. CRACKERS. A 13-LB. BOX OS fresh soda crackers, 50c, sweet dairy butter, TS roll; creamery, full weight 40cr and 45o pr square; breakfast bacon, sugar cured, 12J5c per lb.; cottage hams (no bone). 9o per lb.; 3-plnt bottles Snider a catsup. DOc; 6 big packages Cudahy's Pyramid Soap- Powder, 25c: 18 lbs. nice boiling beef. SI; steaks, lOo lb. and upwards. We carry a full Una of freh flsh. AH goods from first hands; no middlemen. Thn California Market baa their old phone. Red 201, and Hewitt both phones; see book We deliver dally In Alblna and tho East Side. P. S. Wa still give 20 lbs. of ory sranulated sugar for SI with all general orders of groceries of J5 and upwards. ANTON ZILM. teacher ot violin, string quar tets for entertainments, A. O. U. W. Temple. & Bags. Reduction sale for 30 days. Harris Trunk Co , 231 Morr. HELENA Pays next dividend July 25. See Wagy, Hen gen & Wagy about this stock; Knight's Drug Store Opposite Oregonlan building. 126 Sixth. DrcgS and medicines. Prescriptions a specialty. . i JUST RECEIVED 2ARGO OF WALLSEND COAL PACIFIC COAST CO.. Telephone 229. 249 Washington sfa Mortgage Loans Oa Unproved city and farm property, at low enrcat rata. Building loans. Instalfcsee loans. Macmaster BlrralU U Wore tr bOc Ranch Eggs, 2 Doz., 35c Best creamery butter 40c and 45o Dairy butter .....30c; and 85o Sweefdairy butter 25o and 0O0 Swiss cheese -50 Cream bride - 20o Llmburger o LA GRANDE CREAMERY 264 TAMHJX.L ST. CHOICEST PROPERTY In Holladay and Irvlngton locality on Tillamook St.; two car Unscfe graded streets, sewer, fine residences. ONLY 375 TO S500 PER LOT; easy term monthly payments. EVERT LOT WORTH FULLY S1000. F. B. HOLBROOK & CO. Room 10A Sherlock building. - AM GOING TO LEAVE PORTLAND And am ottering to sell my home, the east hall of block 5S. Holladays AddlTon (the old Cunningham home place), with its fine nine room house, with full basement and large at tic, furnace heat, gas", electric bells and hot and cold water; 25 years' growth ot choice shrubbery and fruit; cement walks and steps; 100 feet to ono car line, and two blocks from1 two others; all for the price asked for bara half-blocks In the same addition; nono of which compare with It in location or sightliness. It is a beautiful, home-like home, and some ono Is going to get a bargain. Time on a portion of purchase price If wanted. Principals only: no'ageata. p. A. HUGGINS, 183 Third. . '