'4 THE IDAHO REPUBLICANS MAY XAJIB STANDROD FOIt GOVERNOR,- aiOItRISOK FOR CONGRESS. T&ree Fusion Pnrtlea in Convention At Pocatello Contest "Will Turn on Steunenberff Issue. BOISE, Idaho. July 17. The sixth state convention or the Republican party of Idaho convened today In the Columbia Theater, with a splendid attendance. The greatest enthusiasm signaled the opening of the convention. Judge W. B. Heyburn was made temporary chairman, and he oeuverea an address that aroused the delegates to the highest pitch. The usual committees were appointed, and at the afternoon session Charles I. Heltman, of jEootenii Connty, was made permanent chairman. 'After the disposal of some routine business the convention ad journed until tomorrow morning. There Is nothing definite yet as to the nominations beyond that of Secretary of State, which Is conceded to the present incumbent, M. Patrle The contest over the nominations for Governor and Con gressman waxed warm during the day, and many combinations were suggested. The feature of the day was the apparent strength developed by John T. Morrison, 1 candidate for Congress. He was received with great warmth by the delegates when ie called the convention to order in the capacity of state chairman. During the day it was Insistently reported he was in the lead, but this, of course, his oppo nent did not concede. Late tonieht the following looked like the probably suc cessful ticket: For Governor, Judge Standrod. of Ban nock: for Congressman, John T. Morrison, of Canyon; for Secretary of State, M. Patrle, of Fremont: for Auditor. Harry J. Syms. of Blmore: for Attorney-General, Frank T. "Wyman. of Ada; for Supreme Court Judge, Steele, of Latah; for Treas urer,, George H. Kester, of Nez Perces. The platform will be a strong indorse ment of the Philadelphia platform and of the Administration's policy. FUSIOXISTS XOT HARMOJflOUB. Stennenbere'a FrlcntT Strons, and Their Wtnnlnff "Will Spoil Fusion. POCATELLO, Idalio. July 17. The three .silver parties met In state convention here today expecting to form a fusion and ,run a single ticket Neither has pro gressed beyond temporary organization. In the Democratic convention, K. I. Perky was elected temporary chairman, the committee on credentials was appointed, and convention adjourned until tomorrow. The only contest before the committee is that from Shoshone County. This decision will probably de termine the control of the convention. The Silver Republicans named J. J. Ben nett, of Idaho Count, temporary chair man, and adjourned until tomorrow. A. 2) McKlnley. of Shoshone, is temporary chlirman of the Populist convention. The convention is in session tonight, awaiting the report from the credentials commit tee, before which are two contests. The question of fusion hinges upon the action of the Democratic convention. If it indorses Steunenberg, there will be no fusion, for the Populists will not fuse under that condition. The Tight in the Democratic convention over Steunenberg is very close. The Governor has the best of It, and will likely win out. The anti Steunenberg delegation from Shoshone County is the regular one, but Steuncn berg's' 'friends claim the primaries were packed by the Populists. no case: agaiast fletoiier. SovDeeldes Jndge SIcBridc at Hllls boro Judgment for Cost. HILLSBORO, July 17. The demurrer to the complaint in the case of John Hatch, a minor, against S. W. Fletcher, of Mc Coy, for 5SO00 damages, was argued In. the Circuit Court today. This is the case which resulted from the death of Anna C Hatch, of Forest Grove, and the plaintiff contends that Fletcher was responsible Tor her death, and ho has been actually damaged in the sum of $3000, and asks for $5000, additional, as vindictive damage, The attorneys for Fletcher contended that no cause of action existed: that if any wrong was done to Mrs. Hatch, It was with her consent, ana that in such cases the law does not provide a right of action in an heir or administrator. It Is claimed that if any cause of action existed it abated with the death of Mrs. Hatch. As soon as the argument of coun sel was heard, the court announced his opinion, sustaining the demurrer, and stating that the case did not admit of amendment, dismissed the action, and rendered judgment against the minor and guardian for costs and -disbursements. No summons was served upon Fletcher, and he had voluntarily appeared In the action. The Circuit Court today made an order authorizing A. Hinman. assignee of tho estate of Anton Pfannor, Insolvent, to re tain $1200 as part compensation for his services, and to pay S. B; Huston SISQO as part compensation for his services as attorney for tho assignee. The following additional business was transacted: Chafes Mitohell vs. R, B. Goodin, de murrer argued and submitted; Bell Free man vs. T. S. Cornelius, dismissed; J. W. Shute vs. C. C. Perrine, dismissed; State of Oregon vs. Charles De Lancy, Justice ellowed -to append certificate to trans cript; F. A. Bailey vs. Mary "Vinson and Jennie Chapman, defendants allowed to reply to answer of W. E. Smith; B. R. Henry vs. Jennie Henry, divorce withheld as evidence was Insufficient; W. D. Smith vs. Washington County, action for Justice fees, reoponed, rearranged and submitted. STRIKE WAS A FAILURE. Sawmill Hands Soagrht to Force Pay ment of Some Old Claims. INDEPENDENCE. Or.. July 17. There was a small-sized strike at Claggetfs Bawmlll last evening. In order to force payment of claims alleged to be standing against Mr. Claggett, incurred when he was formerly .In business, the old em ployes sought to stop the mill and file mechanics' liens against It. At present the mill is running under an arrangement whereby F. A. Douty is furnishing the logs and paying the hands, while sawing on his logs. This seems to have been satisfactory until yesterday, when the hands struck for their old pay, demand ing that Mr. Douty furnish it. This he refused to do, and quietly went about looking up a new crew. The old crew soon saw their mistake, and acknowl edged it, begging to be taken back again. This was done, and peace and harmony once more prevail, and the mill is saw ing away as merrily as ever on lumber destined for the Portland market. A special engine and observation car came through here yesterday evening, bound for Dallas, by way of Monmouth. In making the switch from the Southern Pacific's main line to the motor track, the engine, being large and heavy, did not rospond to the sharp curve and went off the track. After two hours of work the englno was got back on the track again, but too late to go through, as the occupants of the car, being bridge in spectors, must have daylight for their work. The train and crew stopped here' all night. GUESTS OF DR. HASTINGS. United States Naval Officers Who Scelc DrydocU Site. ASTORIA, Or., July 17. Captain Henry Glass, U. S. N., and Lieutenant Philip Andrews. U. S. N.. arrived in the city to day to make an oxamlnation of the shore of the Lower Columbia for, a suitable site for a Government drydock. They were the guests of the president of the Chamber of Commerce at lunch, and this afternoon were taken around the harbor In the United States Quarantine steamer Elec tric, as the guests of Dr. Hill Hastings. They made a careful examination of the harbor, and will submit their report to the Secretary of the Navy. They refused to express any opinion as to whether they found a suitable location for a drydock. John Gilmore was drowned on Sunday last at A, Anderson's seining grounds. Ho was in a fishboat with two other men, when he fell overboard into six feot of water and did not rise to the surface again. His body was picked up on the sands yesterday, near where he was drowned. SUICIDE OF HILLSBORO BROKER. Hanged Himself Because of Finan cial Difficulties A Second Snlcide. -HILLSBORO. Or.. July 17. The life less body of S. H. Humphreys, a prom inent real estate broker of this city, was found this morning hanging by a rope from the limb of & small fir tree. He closed his office yesterday as usual about o P. M. and went home in apparently good spirits. After supper he left the house, saying he would take a short walk. As he did not return, Mrs. Humph reys became alarmed and sent "neighbors to search for him. They found tho body early this morning In a grove on the outskirts of town. From all indications, Humphreys had procured a rope, walked to the plate where the rash act was committed, and deliberately climbed the tree, fastened the rope and, placing the loop about his neck, made the fatal plunge. An ex amination by Dr. F. A. Bailey disclosed the fact that the neck was broken. Humphreys was guardian of Mrs. Amanda Shipley, an insane ward, and also administrator of the estate of the late Judge Humphreys, his father. It is thought that worry over the condition of these estates and othor financial troubles caused him to turn to suicide as the speediest solution of the difficulty. He was an Odd Fellow and a member of the Christian Church of this city, also belonging to the United Artisans, in which lodge he carried $2000 insurance. Humphreys was born in this county 49 years ago. He left a wife and six chil dren, two grown. In the absence of Cor oner Via, Justice Dandall summoned a Jury and held an Inquest, which resulted In a verdict of suicide. Shot Himself Through the Head. Ulrlch Pleper, a young man of Farming ton, committed suicide last night by shooting himself through the head with a revolver. He had suffered three years with consumption, and had been in a despondent frame of mind for some time. Ho lived three hours after the fatal shot was fired. Oreffon Notes. The new wool-scouring mill at The Dalles reports a rush of work. Deer are reported to be plentiful In Coos County this season. They are fre quently seen In bands of seven or eight. Tho Roseburg Review Insists that Its town ought to "aid In improving the two thoroughfares that lead to Coob County." Four fishermen of La Grande report that they took 1200 trout from Catherine Creek during a recent outing. Also, they killed a bear. Albany's members of the National Guard are reported to have spent little money at Salem, preferring to keep their pay and take it home. Tho Savings Bank building at Pendle ton was flooded Sunday by the bursting of a water pipe, and several offices were given a thorough drenching. A firm at Eugene recently engaged In the business of curing meats. Tho man ager says he will soon begin to buy all pork products that may be offered, and will sell direct to retailers. Mrs. Annie McCormack died In La Grande the evening of the 13th, aged H years. She was an early pioneer and leaves three ohlldren, James McCormack Mrs. Clem McLaughlin and Mrs. E. O. Crandall. Mrs. J. S. Felton of Corvallls, whose husband died some months ago, has been endeavoring to support herself by raising chickens, but is having hard luck. Of 300 fowls she has raised, thieves have stolen all but three dozen. The La Grande Journal reports that the horde of Japanese who have been working in the sugar-beet fields are now leaving the county, most of them going to Portland, while some take the eastern route for various places." By the upsetting of a wagon-load of hay on Conley's ranch In Union County, on the 13th, Arthur Mathews, the driver of the team, was seriously Injured a pitch fork "handle penetrating his bowels sev eral Inches. His recovery Is doubtful. Burglars are operating In Eastern Ore gon towns. Baker City, Union and Pen dleton have been visited, and now La Grande reports five robberies in two nights. The thieves were unfortunate in the places they selected, and secured very little booty. W. O. Owen, a Government Inspector, Is in Wallowa County, to examine some recent surveys. He is accompanied by men from Wyoming and South Dakota. At Elgin they bought a wogan, four horse team and pack outfit, and cm ployed a cook for their trip. Bandon expects soon to have a Sisters' school. The main building will be 50x70 feet, two stories and basement. John Lewis has donated a building site, and the lumber for the structure Is given by R. H. Rosa, Elbert Dyer and Edward Fahy. The teachers are to come from a Pennsylvania school. Eugeno has an ordinance making It a misdemeanor for a wood-sawyer to leave sawdust on the street,. The operator of thq steam saw is required "Immediately to remove all sawdust or litter," under penalty of a fine of ?5 to $10, whereas any one who employs a hand-sawyer must remove the dust or litter, under like penalty. S. L Thornton and party arrived In Douglas County last Saturday with SOO goats, which they drove from Redding, Cai., having been on the road for 35 days. J. L Chapman also arrived with 1000 head from Lake County, California, The RoBeburg Review says both drives were very successful, and the. goats ar rived in good condition. The Coqullle Jlty Bulletin says the farmers of Its region have recently been troubled by insects that resemble the army worm. They are reported In great numbers on many farms, and do much damage to potatoes, beets, cabbage and clover. They even eat onions and "smart weed." A specimen of the worm has been sent to the Government Experiment Station, together wfth a sample of its work. In the hope of learning some means of exterminating the pest. La Grande expects that work will soon be commenced on a new O. R. & N. de pot at that place. The Journal says that Its construction "will do away with the annoyance that every one having busi ness at the depot has been subjected to in the past. The fact that there are four tracks between the business portion of the city and the depot, and that all of these tracks are frequently occupied by freight cars, accounts for a great deal of profanity in this community, and Is a daily Inconvenience to citizens and pas sengers." The Salem Journal's editor writes to his paper from Newport as follows: "From out over the bar comes the booming of the breakers, where tho never-ceasing surf Is battering away the last vestiges of the millions of dollars of jetties and harbor Improvements. Only last Winter the tramway on plies that reached from the south beach up to deep water on the bay was driven over to the other shore. and is being sold for stovewood at $1 50 j a cora. it cost the taxpayers a great deal more than that before It became driftwood. High' tides have carried away some of the bulkheads and targe slices of the main business street, but the bay remains, and Ashing is better than ever before," THE MOBNiyg THE OREGON. A. 0.U..W.1 AKJfUAIj -SESSION OF THE LODGE IN SALE3L GRAND Financial Condition and Gain la Membership In This and the. Cog nate Order, Decree of Honor. SALEM, Or., July 17. The freedom of I the City of Sal em has been accorded to the grand lodges of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and Degree of Honor of Oregon, now in annual session in this city. Thousands of citizens gathered this j These reports cover periods not exactly evening on Wilson avenue, and tendered j Coincident but extending over the year the city's guests a warm reception. Band t ending about June 1, 1900. From the re music and trick bicycle-riding supplied ports It appears that there are now In tho entertainment, and ice cream and j the state 77 subordinate lodges of the De cake were served in a large tent on the j gree of Honor, of which IS are newly or avenue. Frank Davy, of Salem, made ganlzed. The total mombersTiIp on June an address of welcome on behalf of the 1 1, 1S9. was 3223, and & year later It was City of Salem and the Salem lodges. Re- 3. an increase of 10SS. In the benftfl- SAMUEL I. " 3$&&X .v PRESIDENT OF THE WASHINGTON BAR ASSOCIATION. SPOKANE. July 17. Samuol R. Stern, the newly electsd president of the Washington Bar Association, was bom at Syracuse, N. T., July 7. 1S55. Ho was admitted to tho bar April 4, 1S70, ana practiced at Syracuse until his removal to Spokane, In June, 1891. Ho has held no public office, and has never been a candidate for office, excepting when first admltlM to the bar, when ho was Assistant District Attorney of Onondaga County, New York, but resigned after one year's sen-ice, as he found the duties of the office Interfered with his practice. Ho Is a .member of tho law firm of Stem, Hamblen & Lund, of Spo kane and engaged In general practice. sponjes were made by Supreme Master Workman W. A. Walker,, of Milwaukee, Wis., and Mrs. Mamie Briggs, of Tho Dalles. The Grand Lodge of A- O. U. W. convened this morning In the Supreme Courtroom, about 190 delegates and mem- bers being present, and Grand Master , Workman Feeney presiding. Superintend- ent of Public Instruction J. H. Ackcrman. delivered an address welcoming the visit ing delegates to the capital city. He said, in part: "The hands which mark the progress of the centuries on the great dial plate of time never moves backward. Sometimes they are in the shadow, sometimes in the sunshlner the rising sun illumines, and the darkness of night obscures them, but the etornal pendulum swings with equal beat, guided by his wisdom From out whose hand The centuries drop like grains of sand. "In thlB spirit of progress, lot us tako up the lesson of the hour. The crisis, which Emerson says comes to a man every day of his life, comes with cumu lative force to men and women banded together for the accomplishment of a high purpose. It Is tradition that when Christ was born in Bethlehem, the temple of Janus was. closed at Rome, and that throughout the civilized world there was no clashing of arms nor marshaling of armies.1 Peace held out her golden scep ter, and lo! all the nations made haste to kiss it. "The A. O. U. W. is fighting for Its proper place in the line of battle set ages ago, with God and the dearest rights of man on one side and cruelty, mean nessvsordldness and every form of vice on the other. The order in Oregon has en tered very largely In the last year, into the progressive spirit which characterizes lodge circles." After reviewing tho good accomplished by the order. Professor Ackerman closed with a hearty greeting to the visitors. creatlng a laugh by telling a witty story and giving the guests a welcome "to our .Reform School, Insane Asylum and Penitentiary." Grand Representative W. M. Colvlg, of Jacksonville, responded to the address of welcome. He said that it was appro priate that these bodies should gather in the halls of state to transact their an nual business, for, although they could not legislate for the whole people, they had come together to make laws govern ing important interests of 9500 of the most representative people In every section of the state, and distributing millions of dollars to widows and orphans, thus re lieving the Government of burdens it otherwise must bear. He said that the order was established in Oregon in 1S79, since which time 891 full rate members have died, and $1,782,000 has been paid to those relatives of the deceased who need ed it most. He urged each member of the grand lodge to rise above all local or selfish motives and to take a broad View of the wants and necessities of the whole jurisdiction, governing their acts by the broadest spirit of fraternity. He thanked tho people of Salem for their kind Invitation to meet In their city, which Invitation enabled the grand lodges to convene in the best halls in which they had ever met. He expressed assur- 1 ance mat an tne visiting delegates would long entertain pleasant memories of tho occasion. Following the addresses, the new mem bers of the grand lodge were Initiated; temporary committees were annntntmi and official reports were received. The 1 financial statement shows the following: lienerai iuna j Receipts J 31.20S ES DlshursGmanti ! cm 1 -?,u to I Amount on hand May 31, 1900...; LG75 90 Beneficiary fund Receipts 5154;237 S3 Disbursements 145,169 4S Amount on hand May 31, 190O...J S.05S 35 Relief fund Receipts J lLfSS 33 Disbursements 1L395 90 On hand May 3L 1900 Tho report on membership shows that last year there were a total of S109 mem bers of the order in the state, and that ih& total membership now is 93)5, or an OREQONIAff, WEDNESDAY, Increase of 1255. Tho average age of mem bers this year is 33.03 years, against 4LW years last year. There have been 70 deaths during the year, the average age at death being 4S3t years; average dura tion of membership, 10 years. There are 125 lodges, of which 10 were organized within the last year. The Dcgrree of Honor. The Grand Lodge of the Degree of Honor of Oregon convened in annual ses sion in tho Senate chamber at the capltol this forenoon. Grand Chief of Honor Mrs. Haggle A. Barker presiding. At the opening. Supreme Master Workman "Walker and Past Grand Master Work men Hare and Hawthorne were present ana maao short addresses. Immediately after the retirement of theso visitors the annual reports of officers were received. R. STERN clary department there was last year a membership of 97S, while this year's re port shows a membership of 1218 an In crease of 240. The financial statements show tho fol lowing cpndltlon of the iodge funds: uenerai fun Balance on hand $ 157 6 Collections from lodges ,.. 3,262 R5 Loans 500 00 Total receipts $350 71 Disbursements 3,541 44 . Balance on hand $ 409 27 Beneficiary fund Balance on hand $ 933 10 Remitted to correct error 70 Collections from subordinate lodges 7,739 15 Total receipts s,674 95 Disbursements 8,427 40 Balance on hand $ 547 55 Commenting on tho financial statement tho financo committee says: "We realize where our financial help came from the past year it came from the raising of thev per capita tax, and we earnestly recommend that the per cap ita tax be not reduced at this session." The report of Grand Medical Examiner N. L. Lee shows that during the year 352 applications have been received, 22 re jected and 332 approved, the average age of applicants for the year being 32 years. Seven deaths have occurred during tne year. The grand lodges of both bodies have spent most of the day In preliminary work. The Workmen have raised the per capita tax on subordinate lodges from J175 to 51 SO per year, payable monthly. Tho Degree of Honor left tho per capita tax at $L SILVERTON'S NEW PRINCIPAL. Professor Craivford, Who Has Much Teaching? Experience. SILVERTON. Or.. July 17. W. J. Craw- rd, A. M., the newly elected principal of ,the Sllverton public school, is well known In educational work. For five years he was principal of the academic department of McMInnville College. He was principal and superintendent of Al- & W. J. Crairford. bany public schools 1R91-9I: was principal In ficlo, 1S35-97, and has just completed a three years' term as orlnoloal In th cIty sc10013 Salem. To him belongs fc"c uui ui graauaunp tne nrst class ln the academic department of McMlnn- vlit rviii&e n f u ..t.n. 1 . "- ww..i.ev., uuu. ,u mo jiuuui; SCUOOIS of McMInnville. Medford, Albany and Sclo. The School Board proposes to add the ninth and tenth grades to the gram mar grades already taught In the Silver ton school under Professor Crawford. Professor Crawford Is a writer of recog nized ability. He is also a singer and composer of music for rchools. RHer Postofllce Changed. WASHINGTON, July 13. The postofflce at Riley, Harney County, Oregon, has been moved four miles to the west, with out any change of Postmasters, . Sl f JUL? 18, 1900. MINERS HUNTTHPfcEDGES 3IOUNTAINS -ALIVE- WITH .PROS PECTORS, THE TOWNS QUIET. Some, of, the Great v3IInesof. Eastern Oregon Prices. Moderating .and Dealing Is Possible. LAWTON, On, July To The excellent weather and the good roads have given an Impetus to mining and prospecting m this section of Eastern Oroeon. which accounts largely for the quietness in thel various towns. The mountains are fair ly alive with people, and the work being done Is confined to no particular locality. There Is no excitement vislblo anywhere. Just hard, quiet work is going On. Sev eral months ago, before the snow was off the ground. It was almost impossible to purchase a producing mine at any price, and prospects with little develop ment work and hardly anything In sight were sold at high figures. It Is needless to say, very few sales resulted. There were many men In here, too, from tho outside world, some of them repre senting large capital, but they went away disgusted. Things have changed some what. The minors finding that outsiders would not bite, have become more reason able -In their domands. with the result that during the past two weeks several properties have changed hands, most of them on reasonable working bonds, while several others are under way. This town of Lawton is ono of the youngest In the state, having been born on tho 12th of March, when the location stakes were set. It contains now more than a dozen large framo buildings, be sides several tents; has a postofflce and weekly newspaper, and from Its location looks as though It had a future. It is situated near the junction of Granite and Clear Creeks, and is IS miles from Sump ter, and two miles from the old town, of Granite, where placer-mining began In 1S62, and from which In a small area, over 5500.W0 in dust and nuggets were taken. Situated two miles from Lawton and near the junction of Congo and Clear Creeks, is the famous Red Boy mine, whose history Is most interesting. There were a number of failures beforo suc cess crowned the efforts of its present owners. It was-not. until ono of the In dividuals now Interested in It succeeded after various vicissitudes In putting In a Crawford mill that it began to pay. Its capacity was only 10 tons of ore per day, and yet, with careful management, the mine produced In the space of a year about $100,090. This marked tho turn in tho tide of fortune for Its owners. Without any outsldo help tho property has paid for all tho development that has slnco been done, besides the erection of a 20-stamp mill and cyanide plant. It Is one of the best equipped mines In Oregon, and would be a credit to nny mining country. About 63 men are employed,, and 00 tons of $13 ore are milled per day. Nearly all work done thus far has been by tunnel, and the reduction plant Is conducted by water power, insuring easy and cheap mining and small cost for reduction. The site for a new shafthouse has been hewn out qf tho solid rock In the moun tain side, and it will accommodate a main building 43x200 feet, with smaller buildings beside. The shaft, which Is 7x17 feet, has been begun, and when com pleted, will have three compartments. Engines, pumps, hoists, air compressors and a full equipment has lieen purchased and will be under way as soon as things aro in readin6ss at the mine. It is said the equipment will cost $150,000. Tho shaft Is to bo put down 1000 feet, and still further If conditions warrant it At a depth ot 500 feet from the lowest level affofher tunnel will bo run to tap both tbe oGlden Monarch and' Red Boy ledges. The success which has-attended the. de velopment of this splendid property has stimulated others In the immediate vi cinity, and good work Is being dpne on all sides of it, Tho May Queen, on the north, is doing good work, while the Con cord Gold Mining Company, on the west. Is working three shifts, or 12 men. It owns DO acres of ground adjoining the Red Boy, on the west. The company was organized In March last, and has constructed a 500-foot crosscut tunnel. They are now1 In on the vein 300 feet in good ore. The main vein, which shows large surface outcropplngs, will be cut within the next 200 feet. It is an Oregon corporation, and the money developing this property is Oregon money. C. B. Wade, cashier of the First National Bank, of Pendleton, is president; J. H. Rob bins, president of the First Bank of Sumpter, Is vice-president and treas urer, and J. A, Howard is secretary. South of tho Red Boy and Concord mines and Just across Congo creek. Is the Chelan group, also being developed by an Oregon syndicate. W. D. Hurd, of Portland, and C L. Peyton and asso ciates, of Chicago, are opening up this property. Work was begun Jast March, and a tunnel 350 feet In length has been run, which has cut through 2o feet of ore assaying $S to $20 per ton. Two .miles south of the Red Boy, with Clear Creek on one side and Olivo Creek on the other. Is situated the little town of Alamo. It Is still in an embryotic state, containing one hotel, one store and one saloon. Within a radius of two miles from Alamo much work is being done, and excellent showings are made. Two or three hundred yards from town and on the west side of Clear Creek, the St. Anthony Gold Mining & Milling Com pany, composed of Milwaukee capital, under the management of Dr. L. G. Wheeler, Is developing six claims by run ning a tunnel to intersect the property. When in 40 feet An oro body was encoun tered 00 feet wide, which assayed $3 to $1S per ton. Then 40 feet of country rock were passed through, when another oro body 40 feet wide, assaying $7 to $12, was cut. Again 50 feet of barren rock was passed through, and the third ore body found, which is at present 110 feet wide, with the other wall not In sight, which assays $5 to $22. It may bo stated that the books of the company are closed, and tnere is no stock for sale. Furttier up Clear Creek, J. W. Carr and S. M. Ferris, Jr., two old-timers from Cripple Creek, have purchased the Ashley group, a mill run from which, taken to Baker City, showed $16 40. Near by the Bonanza Company is developing the Butcher Boy. Within a mile of Alamo is the Quebec property, which has been worked for the past four years. An 800-foot tunnel has been run. The owners are Allison, Mc Gregor & Young, contractors, of Salt Lake City, although -the property Is at present under bond. Tho Little Giant, situated five miles away, has had much work done on It, and a 20-stamp mill was in course of con struction when litigation put a temporary stop to it N Three miles north of Lawton are situ ated the well-known Cotigar mine, owned by J. W. Larkln, and others. This is ono of the largest and most promising properties In Oregon. A cyanide plant handles the ores. About the same dis tance from Lawton Is the Magnolia mine and well-equipped 10-stamp mill, which would be in operation but for the tem porary embarrassment of a well-known promoter, who had control of the prop erty when it was shut down. Inasmuch as the snow does not begin to, fall here before Thanksgiving, there is still plenty of time for some of the prom ising prospects to become producing mines before Winter sets In. VICTI3IS OF TACOMA ACCDDENT. Thirty-four Still In the Hospital, and Some Mar Die. TACOMA, July 17. Tacoma hospitals stlU contain 3i victims of the street car catastrophe. Two or three of them may yet die, though hope" of their re covery is still entertained. J. A. Lyberg has scarcely changed in his condition . :-.(H Mark;;, indicates purity and perfection in brew ing. It has been used on more bottles : than any other label in the world. It is. found orily on the famous bottling of Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. brewers of the original Budweiser, Faust, Michelob, Anheuser-Standard. Eale-Lager, Export PaTe, Black & Tan, Exquisite and Malt-Nutrine. for the past 10 days, and still lies with the chances even, for recovery- and death. William Hoffman has grown worse. He is badly hurt Internally, and In addi tion has several broken bones. Robert Hannah, is still tossing restlessly on his cot occasionally regaining consciousness when addressed, bufimmedlately lapsing Into unconsciousnoss. The condition of tho most seriously Injured women, three of whom were not expected, at first, to recover, Is now more encouraging. Mrs. Swanson, probably the most seriously In jured of all, speaks occasionally to her waiting husband, but If she recovers, It Is probable her left side will always "be paralyzed. MUCH GRAIN' CUT FOR HAY. As a Rcsnlt, Hnjr Brings, Small Price Beat Cropjl Cheat. MONROE, Or.. July 17. Harvesting has I begun In earnest In this locality. Very row crops are In good shape, tho latest trouble to show Itself being a failure of large portions of the wheat crops to fill. Several hundred acres of oats and wheat have beep cut for hay, since it became known that they would not come up to the average yield If threshed. Hay has been a heavy crop, and hun dreds of tons are still standing shocked In the field. The average price asked for loose hay Is $3 per ton, and even this small charge will be lowered before tho end of the week. On account of the short crop prospects, a number of owners of threshing outfits will leave their machlnerV in the .sheda this season. Waggoner Bros., who last year threshed some 50,000 bushels of grain, will allow their outfit to bo idle this Summer and hire other machines to thresh what part of their crops they may harvest. The only large yield which they expect will be from a ICO-acre tract of cheat, the outlook for which Is bright. The yield Is expected to exceed 30 bushels per acre. Lane Conntr Wheat Poor. EUGENE, July 17. The grain harvest In Lane County Is now fully on, and the wheat farmers are very much discour aged over the prospects of a poor yield. It Is settled that the farmers wlir not get more ihan half the yield they had expected, and in some Instances the crop Is almost a failure. Some fields that have been cut show very small heads poorly filled, and In a few instances threshing has been done, and In such cases the yield has been decidedly poor. Various insect pests have been at work, and have been 'doing much damage. Some, farmers have been reporting the Hessian fly doing great damage for several weeks past, and dur ing the last week or 10 days reports have beca quite general of great damage from tho ravages of the green whea.t aphis. This little pest seems to have fastened Itself upon wheat field"? In such numbers that it can be found sipping the life from nearly every stalk. Hnrveit Better Than "Was Expected. AMITY, Or., July 17. Harvest has be gun in this section, and in a few days will havo become general. The crop will bo better than was expected before tho late rains, but will be still below the average. Spring whoat and oats will he good. Apples are coming on well, and a large crop will be gathered. Other fruit Is poor. There are at least eight thresh ing machines within a radius of five miles of this place, nearly all new. There Is a question as to whether there will be men enough to furnish crews for them. TO LICEXSE SLQT MACHINES. Ordinance Introduced in Vancouver Council The Street Pavement. VANCOUVER, Wash., July 17. At the regular meeting of tho City Council last evening an ordinance was Introduced at the request of Councilman Schofield, pro viding for the licensing of slot machines. Tho license foe Is placed at $-1 for each machine After passing the first and sec ond readings, the ordinance was referred to City Attorney Stapleton. Contractor Weston was granted an ex tension of two weeks in addition to the 75 days provided for by his contract for the completion of the Main-street pave ment. The delay of the work, the con tractor explained, was duo to his inability for some time to get lumber. Better ar rangements have been made In that par ticular, and the work is now going for ward quite satisfactorily. Chehalln Proposes Hlsh License. CHBHALIS. Wash., July 17. At tho meeting of the City Council held last night an ordinance was introduced pro viding for a $1000 saloon license In Che halls. The license Is now $500, and there aro four saloons. The license Is a reve nue measure, and It is believed that at least three of the saloons will run and pay the $1000 license. An ordinance providing for an occu pation tax was .also Introduced. The highest tax under this ordlnnnce will be $0) per annum and the lowest $25. Other measures are before the Coun cil providing for the building of more good streets, one of which will be of crushed rock and the remainder plank. "Whitman County Popullat. COLFAX, Wash., July 17. The Popu list convention made the following nomi nations for Whitman County today: Superior Judge, William McDonald: Sheriff, Robert H. Matlock: Prosecuting Attorney, Victor E. Bull; Treasurer, C. E. Wllloughby: Auditor. Mark Davis; Clerk, Fred C. Dorcmus; School Superin tendent, E. R. McCorey; Assessor. W. T-' Walker; Survoyor, Barmon Scott; Coro ner, John Bach: State Senator, James A. Walters; Representatives. Benjamin W. Powers, A. J. Stone, J. H. St. Law rence, J. B. Hicks; Counts Commis sioners, Dr. A. J. Halzcr, C E. Hunton. Three Held for Burglary. KALAMA. Wash.. July 17. Joseph Stock. Charles Lunahan and Harry Mor ris, charged with burglary, were given a preliminary hearing in Justice Smith's court last nlgh.t, and held for trial in the Superior Court. The bonds of Stock and Lurnahan were fixed at $C00 each; Morris' bond was but $200. .The last nam' is now out on bail. Xorthvrest Pensions. WASHINGTON, July 12. Pensions have been granted as follows: Oregon Additional, Marion H. Parker, Greenville. $8; original widows, etc., mi nor of William H. Crosley, Forest Grove, $10; war with Spain, reissue, special act June 27, Jacob C. Bins, The Dalles, $10. Washington Senewal, Charles H. Ebert. Tacoma. $S: original widows, etc., minors of Potter William Gannon. Kent. $12; Anna J. Coates. Yelm. $S; Mexican War wfdows, special act June 27, Nancy P. Cook; Sedro Wbolley, $S". Idaho Additional. Vincent P. Brown, Newport, $S; drlglnal widows, etc., Mar garet Vanorman, Bennington, $8. Mining? Stoclc Quotations. Following aro the" transactions at the Orejroa Mining StoJk Exchange yesterday: Bid. Asked. Adams Mountain $000 05- S0O0'0i& Buffalo t i 2 Fouts Dredclnc Co. 10O 00 Jft? no joia tun & Boaemia Gold Hill High Line Ditch Golden Slipper Goldstone Consolidated ... Helena Helena No. 2 Lot Horsp Mar Queen Oregon-Colorado RKersIde Rockefeller Sumster Free Gold a4 20 2'A Mil- 30 5 2 3 2)s 25 4 10 1 ,a SALES. Adams Mountain lOOOeharos ac" 5U " - ; luooatoOVfr 000 at 30i Helena No. 2 3000 at 3',, Lost Horse 2500 at 2 May Queen 10000 at 2ia E,TRA CALL TONIGHT. The Oregon Mining Stock Exchange. In addi tion to the regular call today at 11:43 A. M.. will hold an evening call at 8 o'clock. Ladies and thoir xr!end3 invited. SPOKANE, July 17. The closing bids for mining: stocks today were: Blacktnll SO lUiirrlncess Maud.. $002 Doer Trail Con.. iy ijuup , 15 S JHamblcr Cariboo 22 C-s! Kepubllc 86 12Va Reservation 8 D j Rowland Giant.. 1'4 53 Sullivan 9 3 Tom Thumb .... 18 2 J Kemp Komar.... 1$J Evening Star... Ooldcn Harvest. I. X. L Lon& Pine Rurp. JUWmt. Lion ... Morn. Glory. Noblo Five SAN FRANCISCO July 17. The official clos ing quotations for mining stocks today were: Alta $D OfiJ Justice $0 03 Alpha Con 4,Mcxlcan 15 Andes 4 Occidental Con .. T Eelcber 14Ophlr CT B?t & Belcher... 21 Overman 12 Bullion 3Potol - 13 Caledonia STJSavage 15 Challenge Con ... 12SDg. Belcher 3 Chollar 17 Sierra Nevada ... 25 Confidence 70' Sliver Hill 48 Crown Point .... 12! Standard 4 10 Exchequer I, Union Con 13 Gould & Curry... Hale & Norcross.. 2 1 Utah Con 10 13 22;yollow Jacket BOSTON. July 17. Closing quotations: Allouez M. Co..$0 01 I Osceola $0 G4& Amal. Copper 8Sh!Parrott 39fc Atlantic .- Boston. & Mont Butfe & postoh 3afc &"Hecla..., Centennial ... Franklin. 2J iQumcy ... 14 3.0S ISanta Fe. Copper 4J 63 f Tamarack ...... 1 00 7 30 Utah Mining ..Tv27 17 IWlnona 24 12,VoIeriaea ...... 48$i NEW YORK. July closed as follows: -Mining stocks today Chollar $0 13' Ontario $0 00 Con. Cal. & Va... 1 40Plymouth 10 Deadwood 40. Quicksilver ...... 150 Coukl & Chxtv... 21 16 pref 7 00 Hale & Norcross... 20ISIerra Nevada ... 22 Homdtake 50 tx)' Standard 4 00 Iron Silver 52! Union Con Z 17 Mexican 13 Yellow Jacket .... 10 Ophlr 05 1Vnhino;ton Noten. A hay warehouse, 32x70 feet, 16 feot high. Is being built at-Palouse. King County Is said to furnish1 One fourth the inmates of the Walla Walla Penitentiary. Walla Walla boasts of shipping 50 car loads of fruit and vegetables the past two weeks. A feature of Washington's state fair will be a Pythian competitive drill, on September 26, for a prize of $C00. John F. Fuller has started from Col fax to Honolulu to accept a Govern ment positron In the postal service. Washington railroads are following a rule that no packages weighing more than 2S0 pounds will be accepted or checked as baggage. Deposits In Walla Walla's banks reach $1.4.00,000; In the Spokane banks, $5,000,000. Othor Eastern Washington centers are similarly well supplied with money E. C. Perry, of Colfax, had three neigh bors arrested on a charge of threatening to do him great bodily harm. He failed to make the charge stick and was taxed the'eosts. amounting to $70. Mfs. Frances Bender, wife of H. A. Bender, died Sunday evening at her home, six miles west of Walla Walla', at the age of CI. A husband and four children survive her. The children are: Leonard Bender, of Pendleton; Charles Bender, of Walla Walla; Mrs. O. J. Croup, and Mrs. William Cauvel, both of Walla Walla. Woman with pale, colorless faces, who feel weak and discouraged will receive both mental and bodily vigor by usi.ig Carter's Little Liver Pills. PAUL CROMWELL The Colored Specialist Has opened up his office at 225 Hall street, corner Second, "and w4H sell his medicine as usual. Medicines for all kinds of chronic diseases. , The Oregon Mining ; Stock Exchange Auditorium, Chamber of Commerce Bidg., i. O. box 679. Portland; Or. Tolcphone Main 310. J. E. Haseltine. Pres.; David Goodssll Treaa.' F. J. Hard. Sec. Director L. G. ClarJe. J. E Haseltine, Da vid Goodseil. P. J. .dennlngs, I. G. Davidson. F. V. Drake, E. A. sHem. THE GOLD HILL & BOHEMIA MINING CO owas four flrst-class, quartx mining proper ties, thw of them, embracing nice claims. btng in the Gold Hill mining district. Jack son County. Oregon; and one of them, era bracing seven claims, being Jn the very heart, of the Bohemia raraipg camp. Capital stock. $100.000 00; 40 uer cent of stock in treasury; all j.romotcrs' stock pooled. LUtcd with th Oregon Mining Stock Exchange.- In vestigate. Davidson, Ward & Co., (members of tho Oregon Mining Stock Exchange) ,-40 . Chamber of Commerce. Phone Clay 833. jpiS