Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 18, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Administration ArrangestoGet
Word Through.
The Cabinet Is Informed That 12,000
Troops Can Be Spared for China
Recrultinc of Marines.
"WASHINGTOX, July , 17. A decidedly
more hopeful feeling with regard to the
Chinese situation was apparent In all
Admlnlstratibn circles this evening. The
tide of sentiment, -which had been mark
edly pessimistic, turned -with the an
nouncement of the victory of the allies
at Tien Tain, and the capture of the forts
and native city, and gathered further
strength from Minister Wu's cablegram
declaring that the foreign Ministers ut
Pekln -were safe July 9. Aside from these
dispatches, the arrival of the President
and the special Cabinet meeting called
to consider the situation were the feat
ures of the day.
The Cabinet mot at 2:G0 this afternoon,
less than an hour after the President
reached the "White House. Over 100
newspaper men thronged the corridors
While the Cablnetwas sitting behind closed
doors. The scene resembled the hottest
days of the Spanish War. There were
present Secretaries Hay, Root, Ixmg,
Gage and Postmaster-General Smith. At
the conclusion of the session, wnlch lasted
two and a half hours, Secretary Root
gave out the following formal statement
of the action of the Cabinet:
"The President has determined that the
facts known to us do not require or Jus
tify calling an extra session of Congress.
Should future developments Indicate that
he Is unable to do what is required with
the means now at his command, and the
action of Congress is necessary to furnish
either men or money or authority, he will
not hesitate to call it together,"
The decision that an extra session of
Congress was not demanded by existing
conditions was the outcome of tho show
ing which both Secretary Root and Sec
retary Long made as to the force that
can be thrown into China without the
authorization of additional troops by Con
gress, and also the decidedly more hope
ful feeling entertained by the President
and members of his Cabinet as to the
safety of Minister Conger and the other
foreigners In Pekln, due to the cable of
Minister Wu, reporting the safety of the
Ministers July 9, two days after their re
ported massacre. While this cable Js not
regarded as conclusive, it Is accepted in
good faith for the present.
"Word From Pekln.
The Administration, It can be definitely
stated, has set in motion some machinery
by which It is confidently predicted that
absolutely authentic news as to the fate
of our Minister and the other foreigners
at Pekln will be ascertained. Through 1
what channel the Administration expects
to receive this all-Important news is not
known, but that a final settlement of the
situation in Pekln Is dally and hourly
expected can be stated with the utmost
posltlveness. The advices received from
Pekin probably will be a determining fac
tor in shaping the future course of this
Government. If Minister Conger has
been murdered, an extra session of Con
gress seems Inevitable.
Secretary Root furnished to tho Cabinet
a summary of the troops available, not
only in this country but in Cuba and tho
Philippines. It is his opinion that be
tween 10,000 and 12.CO0 troops In all could
be spared for service In China. These
reinforcements are to be rushed through
at the earliest possible moment. Most,
If not all of them, it is believed, can be
landed by the end of August or early in
September. One Cabinet officer aald that
beyond those soldiers already destined for
China from the Philippines, no (further
troops from the islands would be wfth
drawn, unless the situation became more
ominous. In figuring the number of ad
ditional marines available, Secretary Ixmg
summoned to tho Cabinet meeting General
Heywood, who commands the Marine
Corps, and who is familiar with every
detail of that branch of the service. Ho
explained that under the present law, the
full strength of the Marine Corps Is OD00,
but the enlistments at the present time
aggregate only about 5000. This makes
an additional 1003 marines who can be
brought into the service without Con
gressional action. No order for recruit
ing these men is necessary, as the re
cruiting stations are now in operation,
but in the presence of the Cabinet, Sec
retary Ixng directed General Heywood
to use his utmost endeavors to complete
tho recruiting of the additional 1000 ma
rines. It was decided also that the bat
talion of marines, GOO In number, who
-were to have left for the far East at the
end of the month, shall go forward next
Sunday, in command of Major Randolph
A cablegram to Admiral Remey, calling
for some additional Information on which
to act, was formulated at the Cabinet
meeting, and dispatched at once.
Another meeting of the Cabinet may be
held tomorrow. It is the present purpose
of the President to return to Canton
Thursday evening, unless his presence
here is deemed necessary at that time.
Capture of Tien Tsln.
Admiral Remey this morning ca
bled the Navy Department that the
city and forts of Tien Tsln are In
the hands of the allies. His list
of killed and wounded is somewhat fuller
than yesterday's report, but still not en
tirely complete. His dispatch follows:
"Che Foo, July 17. Today I hope to
get wounded from Tien Tsln either In
hospitals at Taku or aboard the Solace.
Communication very uncortaln. Follow
ing casualties apparently confirmed:
"Marines Captain Davis killed; Captain
Lemlay, Lieutenants Butler and Leonard,
"Artillery Colonel Llscum. killed: Ma
jors Reagan and Lee, Captains Noyes,
Brewster and Bookmlller, Lieutenants
Naylor, Lawton, Hammond and "Waldron
wounded. Total killed and wounded re
ported, 775; Russians and Japanese lost
heavily; our total loss reported, 215; about
40 were marines, but number believed to
be. exaggerated. Have officer on shore
especially to get authentic number of
names, which will be promptly tele
graphed. "City and forts now in hands of allies.
Admiral Seymour returned to fleet; officer
ashoro is Admiral Alexleff at Tien Tsln.
This bulletin was received at the Navy
Department early this morning and copied
for distribution about 9 o'clock. Before
it was given out it was decided to make
some ohange in the copy, the nature of
which was not disclosed, and the above
copy finally was given to tho public
In the list of casualties are six names
not mentioned in yesterday's dispatch,
namely Major Jesse M. Lep, Captain An
drew W. Brewster, First Lieutenants
Lewis B. Lawton, William IC Naylor and
Harold Hammond and Second Lieutenant
William Waldron. Major Lee is a native
of Indiana. Ho entered the volunteer
service in November, 1SG1, and Berved
throughout the Civil War, rising to the
rank of Captain. He was appointed a
Second Lieutenant in the regular Army
July 2S. 1SC, reaching his majority April
2G, 1S0S. He held a volunteer commission
as Commander of the Tenth United States
Infantry during tho Spanish War.
Captain Stewart 13 a native of New Jer
sey, but was appointed to the Army from
Pennsylvania. He. was commissioned
Second Lieutenant in the Tenth Infantry
January 19, 1ES3. He held a volunteer
commission as Captain and Assistant
Quartormaster during the Spanish War,
and was promoted to Captain in tho reg
ular establishment March 21. 1SS9.
Lieutenant Lawton Is a natlyo of Iowa,
but was appointed to the military acad
emy from New York. He was commis
sioned Second Lieutenant In 1SS3, and was
promoted to First Lieutenant, .April 2,
Lieutenant Hammond is & native of Illi
nois, from which state he was appointed
to the military academy. He was com
missioned Second Lieutenant April 6, 158S,
and First Lieutenant March 2, 188.
Lieutenant Naylor Is a native of Illinois,
and was appointed to the regular Army
from civil life. He was appointed Sec
ond Lieutenant in the Fourteenth Minne
sota during tho war with Spain. He re
ceived his commission as Second Lieu
tenant in the regular army July 8, 1888,
and was promoted to First Lieutenant
March 2, 1699.
Lieutenant Waldron Is a native of West
Virginia. He served as Quartermaster
Sergeant In the First West Virginia Vol
unteers during the Spanish War, and was
appointed Second Lieutenant in the regu
lar establishment April 10, 1S93.
Minister Wn'n Telegram.
The text of the dispatch received by
Minister Wu this morning, and laid by
him before Secretary Hay, is aa follows:
"The utmost efforts have been made to
protect foreign Ministers, who were well
on the 13th (Chinese calendar, correspond
ing to our July 9). If the City of Tien
Tsln should be destroyed, it would be dif
ficult to restore the same in 100 years.
Request the powers to preserve it, as tho
consequences would affect Chinese and
foreign commerce. Earl LI Hung Chang
is transferred to North China as Viceroy
to Chi Li. Please transmit this dispatch
to the Ministers at other capitals."
This dispatch, which is dated July 16,
was signed by Viceroys Liu Kun Yi and
Chang Chlh Tung, of Nankin, and Wu
Chang, respectively, and also by Sheng,
Director of Posts and Telegraphs, at
Shanghai. It was addressed to the Chi
nese Minister In London, and by him
transmitted to Minister Wu under today's
Minister Wu received the dispatch about
11 o'clock this morning, and wad greatly
pleased at the satisfactory turn of events.
He started at once for the State Depart
ment, where he remained with Secretary
Hay for some time. Besides presenting
to Mr. Hay the contents of his dispatch.
Minister Wu also officially executed the
direction for an appeal to the powers not
to destroy the walled city of Tien Tsln.
So far as the "United States is concerned,
there has been no purpose wantonly to
destroy this walled city, although the.
latest news from the scene of action In
dicates that the walls themselves have
been battered down and a considerable
portion of tho city destroyed. Mr. Wu
.said afterward that he feared the de
struction of the city was little short of
The Minister expressed the most com
plete confidence In the accuracy of the
message showing that the foreign Minis
ters were well on the 9th inst When a
bystander expressed some doubt on this
subject, Mr. Wu inquired with somo
warmth, "Why Is it you believe the exag
gerated reports coming from unknown
sources and yet choose to doubt this re
port, signed by our highest officials and
containing inherent evidence of accu
racy?" The Minister went on to show that this
dlspatoh contained three distinct state
ments. One of them, the appointment of
Li Hung Chang as Viceroy of Chi LI, has
been confirmed already by the State De
partment. Moreover, he said, all three
statements bore evidence of having origi
nated at Pekln, including that as to LI
Hung Chang, whose appointment neces
sarily must originate with the govern
ment at Pekln. The appointment of LI
as Viceroy of Chi H is consldored by Min
ister Wu as one of the most important
developments In the entire situation. Chi
Li is the great province in which Pekln
Is located, and Is the very heart of the
Boxer movement, so that the great Vice
roy now assumes supreme power at the
point of greatest danger. Minister Wu is
satisfied that if LI Hung Chang had been
at Pekln there would have boen no such
outbreak as has occurred, as the Viceroy
Is a stern military man who believes In
nipping such movements In the bud.
The State Department officials are anx
ious to -accept Wu's message as accurate,
but there are somo clouds of doubt about
It. The question naturally arises, as It
has many times in the past two weeks, if
the Chinese Government can communi
cate in this way with Its representatives
abroad why can It not permit the foreign
Ministers represented to be under its pro
tection also to communicate with their
governments? In answer to another ques
tion as to what purpose would be served
by a misrepresentation of facts, it is
pointed out that one result desired by the
Chinese would be the preservation of Tien
Tsin and another would be the abatement
of the popular resentment against the
Chinese, temporarily, at least. LI Hung
Chang will replace, as Viceroy of the
great Province of Chi Li, a man who has
been notoriously anti-foreign In his senti
ments and actions. The summons of Ll
is regarded as a hopeful sign.
The news of the fall of Tien Tsln was
conveyed to the Chinese Minister early
today. He was deeply interested, but
evinced little surprise at this outcome, as
he had looked upon the result as inevit
able. He was surprised that any effect
ive resistance had been made on the first
day's attack. Mr. Wu is remaining In
practical seclusion. He is anxious to get
away and take a most-needed rest, but
ho feels that he cannot do so while a
crisis is on. When seen today ho was
induced to answer the following direct
"Based on your knowledge of the situa
tion and familiarity with Chinese charac
ter and affairs, how would you advise
that the present situation be met?"
Tho minister pondered for a time and
then said:
"The first essential In dealing with the
present situation is to maintain calm in
tho midst of the present feverish excite
ment, and to avoid a hasty conclusion
based upon a multitude of conflicting re
ports. Be sure, it appears that fighting
has occurred at Tien Tsln. But many
of the most vital features of this affair
are lacking. There is nothing to show
the steps taken by the Viceroy of the
Taotai to maintain order and prevent
bloodshed. It is clear that Tien Tsln is
out off from Pekln so that at most this
can be but a local demonstration, and
not one attributable to the government of
"The question Is how to meet the actual
occurrences In China. The first sugges
tion Is to send great bodies of troops, and
on that my position makes It impossible
for me to express an opinion. But this
much, at least, seems plain to me that
with any armed force there would go also
a civil officer or officers, men of the very
highest ability and intelligence. That
would afford an opportunity to learn
whether there was any need of fighting.
The purposes and the policy on e&oh sldo
could be made plain, and there could be
an intelligent understanding of each
other before a recourse to bloodshed."
The Minister regards this as the "only
tangible evidence of China's policy and
proof positive that China is against war
at this time.
LL Sails for tho North.
The Stato Department has bulletined
the following:
"The Secretary of State has received a
dispatch from Consul McWade, at Can
ton, informing him that tho Viceroy, Ll
Hung Chang, sailed today for Hong Kong.
Ho received an edict last night appoint
ing him Viceroy at Chi Li, and command
ing his immediate presence there. Fears
are entertained at Canton that his ab
sence may give occasion for disturbance
of the peace. French gunboats have
arrived at Canton."
The appointment is regarded here as
particularly significant, as the province
of Chi Li is the seat of practically all
of the present trouble. Pao Ting is the
capital of tho province, but within its
borders are located Pekln, the capital
of the Empire, and Tien Tsln, where the
first great battle has Just occurred. Li
Hung Chang Is known not to desire serv
ice so far north, as ho maintains he has
less influence in that section of China
I than la his present Viceroyalty. It is
deemed probable, however, that he has
been persuaded to take the appointment
In view, of thev well-understood fact that
he Is the most Influential Chinaman
among foreign nations.
Return of the President.
The President, accompanied by Secre
tary Cortelyou, arrived in Washington
today at 1:40 P. M. in a special car at
tached to the regular Pennsylvania train
out of Canton last night. The President
was met at the depot by Secretary of
War Root, and Adjutant-General Corbln,
and drove directly to the White House.
Owing to the fact that the time of the
President's arrival was not generally
known, there was but a small crowd at
the depot to greet him. Colonel Webb
.nayes ana wuiiam uarooar, tne Jtresi-
are guests at the White House.
At York, Pa., where a Republican con
vention Is la session, the train stopped
this morning for a few minutes, while
the President shook hands with xi large
number of people.
Uprisinsr In Corea.
The Secretary of State has received a
dispatch from Mr. Allen, tho American
Minister In Corea, saying that the Boxers
on Saturday, July 14, destroyed a Catholic
mission three miles from the Corean
boundary, and 60 miles from the" Ameri
can mines. It is believed in the State
Department that tho American mines re
ferred to aro certain gold mining conces
sions in the province of Ping Yan, tho
most northern province of Corea, and
one which abuts on Matfchurla. While
the dispatch is not explicit, it is thought j
that the disturbance occurred, on the
Manchurian side of the border, and there
fore, more than 50 miles from the nearest
American settlement. It probably means
an extension of the Northern Boxer
movement and portends additional trou
ble for Russia in keeping open her lines
of communication In Manchuria and
northward from Port Arthur.
"Wilson Summoned to the Cnpltnl.
BURLINGTON, la., July 17. Secretary
of Agriculture Wilson, who came hero
to attend the funeral of the late Senator
Gear, received an urgent telegram from
President McKlnley, asking him to come
at once to Washington. Secretary Wil
son left at 3:40 o'clock over the Burling
ton for the capital.
Ll Ilnngr Chaner Mar Be Seised at
Hong: ICons.
NEW YORK, July 17. A dispatch to
the Journal and Advertiser from London
In the lobby of tho House of Commons
last night it was declared that the gov
ernment had Issued orders for the seiz
ure of Ll Hung Chang and for his im
prisonment at Hong Kong, pending his
deportation to some place in India, In
the event of his carrying out his project
of proceeding northward by sea. In com
pliance with the summons which he has
received from Pekln. English gunboats
and cruisers are hovering oft the coast J
of the Province of Kwan Tung with
orders to intercept any vessel, no mat
ter what flag it flies, having the Viceroy
on board, and to secure his person
It Is resolved to hold Ll Hung Chang
as a, species of hostage, and, moreover,
it appears that Sir Henry Blake, the Gov
ernor of Hong Kong, has obtained strong
proof that the old Viceroy of Canton, in
spite of his professions of friendship for
the foreigners, Is in thorough sympathy
and league with his old friend and pa
triot, Prince Tuan. Sir Henry claims that
no . less than 50,000 Mauser rifles and a
quantity of quick-firing guns have
reached Canton Blnco the beginning of the
year, and have, with tho knowledge of
tho Viceroy, been Judiciously distributed
among those most likely to do execution
therewith against the foreigners.
Movements of Russian Troops.
CHICAGO, July 17. A special cable to
the Record from Moscow says:
According to a dlspatoh from Port Ar
thur, the Manchurian railway guard of
4000 Cossacks, together with 500 Infantry,
is concentrating at Kharbln, where It will
await reinforcements that will swell the
force to 20,000, before attacking the Box
ers collected In that region. M. Youge
vltch, Chief Engineer of the Manchurian
Railway, is supervising the fortification
of Kharbln with trenches and barricades.
Admiral Alexleff has ordered several
cruisers to guard the Gulf of Pe Chi Ll
In the hope that some of the Chinese war
ships may appear and give battle.
The Russian losses In the field during
the last two weeks aro reported as fol
lows: Killed and wounded, officers, seven;
Infantrymen, 230; troopers, 30.
The European warehouses at NIeu
Chwang have been pillaged and burned.
The loss Is 8.000,000 taels, U16O.CO0).
The tea merchants of Kalgan are taking
rjefuge in Port Arthur.
Li Hnng Chang's Intentions.
HONG KONG, July 17. All tho foreign
Consuls in Canton had an interview with
Li Hung Chang July 15, but failed to
dissuade him from going north. Ll Hung
Chang Is said to have accepted full re
sponsibility for any disturbance In Can
ton during his absence. He takes the
vlcorcgal .seal along with him. thus pre
venting tho issue of proclamations while
ho Is away.
Li Hung Chang is expected to reach
Hong Kong today, and will see the Gov
ernors tomorrow. Afterwards he will
proceed northward. The Black Flag
Chief, Liu Yee, is moving his forces pre
paratory to mraohlng overland to Pekln.
The Chinese are glad of this, as they
think Canton will be safer without Liu
Yeo while Li Hung Chang Is away.
General Chaffee Promoted.
NEW YORK, July 17. A special to the
Herald from Washington says:
President McKlnley will promote Brigadier-General
Adna R. Chaffee to be a Major-General
of Volunteers, In consequence
of the decision arrived at by the Cabinet
meeting to retain General Chaffee in su
premo command. It is expected, in view
of the largo increase in the American
force, that at least three Brigadler-Gen-orals
will be sent to command brigades
under General Chaffee, and among those
mentioned are Brigadier-General Freder
ick D. Grant, Brigadier-General R. H.
Hall and Brlgadlor-General J. M. Bell.
Dr. Senn's Offer.
CHICAGO, July 17. Dr. Nicholas Senn,
who Berved. as a volunteer officer during
the war with Spain, has again offered the
United States Government his services,
this time to- go to China to care for the
American soldiers who may bo wounded.
As volunteer In the Spanish-American
War. Dr. Senn went to Cuba and was at
the head of the Army's medical forces in
the field.
" i . i , i -y i .
Chinese in This Country, He Says
Want to Go Home and Fight Un
der the American Flag.
6AN FRANCESCO, July 17. Ho Yow.
the Imnerlal f!nnnu1-Gineral of the Chi-
Lnese Empire, is officially preparing to re
colve passports for himself and his at
tendants. He said:
"The Chinese in this state are to a
man heart and soul against the Boxers
and the awful crimes they are committing
against humanity. I have Just attended
a meeting of the leading Chinese mer
chants of San Francisco, at which it was
decided that they would Immediately close
their business here, if necessary, and
offer their services to the United States
as volunteers to go to China and fight
under the United States flag with the
allied powers. I understand that Minister
Wu is ready to leave at any time. I
have not as yet received definite orders
from him."
WASHINGTON, July 17. At the Chinese
legation it Is officially said that the state-
xnents in Consul-General Ho Yow's inter
lew are misleading. So far as the Lega
tion is informed no preparation is being
made for the receipt of passports by
Chinese officials in this country. Cer
tainly no orders on the subject have been
issued by Minister Wu.
Seolc Protection From the Police
CHICAGO, July 17. No sooner had tho
news spread that Chief Klpley had issued
an order to his officers instructing them
to protect the Chinese residents of Chi
cago, than hundreds of them swarmed
into the center of the city in search of
encouragement and advice. Of the ma
jority of tho Chinese laundrymen and
truck farmers who go to make up the
Mongolian population of the city, com
paratively few were aware that trouble
existed in the Flowery Kingdom until
informed by their so-called leaders a few
days ago.
Timid to the extreme when alone, most
of the Celestials closed their places of
business Saturday afternoon and sought
protection In the police stations. The Jnj
telllgent Chinese of Chicago, who may be
counted on finger ends, have too much
faith in the power of the municipal, stato
and Federal Governments to fear an out
break in large cities., -but .tne rank and
file upon being apprised of the conditions
In the Orient becamo apprehensive that
harm might befall thetaft.
The streets Include isoSltb Chinese quar
ter of Chlcaso-iwlrtfe wlth chatter
Ing Celestials lwrtXlilWfcl tHeellng- Chief
Kipleya ordertO
were more
active than usu
w.vms no dem-
onstratlon of
In regard to
eo Dy uniei
of Police Klple:
prison said:
"We have
there is any
any trouble
not because
ut to prevent
future. I be-
Hove the Chin
right to de
is all we are
mand protection
trying to give th1
police have im
perative orders on the subject and I be
liove we can rely on the proper attention
being given."
Antl-Chlnese Riot in VIrden.
VTRDEN, 111., July 7. Enraged at the
news from China, a mob today attacked
a Chinese laundry here and demolished
the entire front of the building. Six
shots were fired at two Chinese laundry
men but without effect. No arrests have
yet been made.
Particulars of the Fighting on
Thursday, Friday and Satnrday.
LONDON, July 17, The Dally Mall to
day gives the Associated Press the fol
lowing dispatch from its Shanghai corre
spondent under date of July 17;
"The allied troops resumed the attack
upon the Chinese walled city of Tien Tsln
f on the morning of July 14 and succeeded
In reaching the walls and capturing all
the forts. The Chinese were completely
routed and the allies took possession of
the native city and its defenses.
"The total losses of the allies in the
engagement of Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday were about S00 killed or wounded.
The casualties were greatest nn..g the
Russians and Japanese.
"The guns of tho allies did immense
damage to the native city, causing many
large conflagrations, and finally silenced
the majority of the enemy's guns simul
taneously. Then 1500 Russians, assisted
by small parties of Germans and French,
assaulted and captured eight guns that
were In position on the railway embank
ment and tho fort, the magazine of
wlilch the French subsequently blew up.
A body of American. British, Japanose
and Austrian troops then made a sortie
and attacked the west arsenal, which tho
Chinese had reoccupled. After four hours
of the hardest fighting yet experienced,
the Chinese fled.
"When the arsenal had been evacuated
by the Chinese, the Americans, French
and Japanese and Welsh Fusiliers ad
vanced toward the native city and joined
with tho other attacking forces. The
Japanese Infantry and mounted battery
advanced to the foot of the walls, sup
ported by the Americans and French.
Despite valiant attacks, the allies were
only able to hold the positions gained
outside tho Walls preparatory to renewing
the assault in the morning.
"The casualties sustained by the allies
were exceedingly heavy, especially thoso
to Americans, French and Japanese. Sev
eral explosions in the native city wero
caused by the bombardment.
"The Chinese appear to "have exhausted
their supply of smokeless powder, as they
are now using black powder."
William Pritchard-Morgan, member of
Parliament, today received a cablegram
containing positive assurances from a
source upon which he relies that the
British legation at Pekln wa3 still stand
ing July 9, and also that Li Hung Chang
left Canton this morning to take supreme
command at Pekln.
European Journals .are today ' in
dulging In a great deal of wild
talk crediting the powers with hav
ing decided to lay Pekln In ashes, remove
tho capital to Canton and hang the Em
press and Prince Tuan, but the writers
i c sw. x-a
a, iu u& Lmk rsvv,
fall to take Into account tb difficulties
which would attend such undertakings.
However, the chancellories fully recognize
the magnitude of the task 'Confronting
the great powers. As a matter of fact,
as has already been, pointed out In these
dispatches, the only thought for the mo
ment of the powers Is how best to reach
Pekln. Onca there, they can be depended
upon, according to the best official infor
mation, to exact whatever penalty ap
pears to be tho most striking and effec
tive. This morning's news of the success of
the allied forces at Tien Tsln. though that
sucqeas has been dearly bought, appears
to clear the air somewhat. This victory
over the Chinese, It is hoped, will enable
the allies to resume preparations for an
advance, especially as today it is otn
clally announced that the Japanese force
of 23,000 will all be disembarked by July
13 at the latest. The suggestions of scat
tering the forces throughout China in
pursuit of the Boxers emanate wholly
from irresponsible quarters. In official
circles there Is a full realization of the
necessity of having the coast towns occu
pied and secure hefore proceeding to Pe-
l kin. Tho only course open to 'the powers
is to remain In tho capital until fanati
cism wears itself out and the elements
of an orderly native government begin to
According to a Shanghai dispatch pub
lished here today, lOO.oijO Chinese troops,
armed with Mauser rifles and modern ar
tillery, are encamped at three points
within 40 miles of Shanghai ready to be
siege the town In the event of an at-
tack by the Europeans upon the Woo
Sung- forts.
According to a telegram front Che Foo
received here today, 170 of tho allied
troops were killed In the assault upon the
native city of Tien Tsin.
The "White Races at "War With Bar
barism. NEW YORK, July 17. A dispatch, to the
Tribune from London, says:
Civilization Is confronted with a
terrible war with the forces of
barbarism. One of the turning
points of history has been reached.. Pekin
will be erupted after an arduous cam
paign In the Autumn and the bloodstained
dictator and Empress, In sympathy with
the anti-foreign movement, will be over
thrown, but the only vengeance which
civilization can carry Into execution is the
humane policy of governing China In an
enlightened way through the partition of
the Empire. The Boxers wllL gradually
be dispersed and the assassins driven in-
to the Interior, but Japan, Russia, and the
other powers will be compelled to accept
responsibility for conducting the adminis
tration of China
It is rumored in diplomatic., circles .that
the German Emperor has advised tho
appointment of the French General Dodds
as Commander-in-Chief of the allied
forces, but that the Paris ( Government
has not assented to the proposition. Unity
of direction in the campaign Is a source of
weakness when there are eo many con
tingents. The only source of consolation respect
ing the Pekln massacre is the utter worth
lessness of all the detailed " accounts
which have been or may be .published.
The true story of the closing scenes at
the legations will never be told, for no
foreigner la left to relate it and all the
Chinese versions will bo regarded with
The enterprise of half-penny Journalism
has its limitations. It cannot bring the
murdered foreigners back to life to startle
the world with a record of their own suf
fering. It oan only piece together aork
nlnts and excited surmises of the Chinese
officials who were not witnesses of the
tragic scenes.
Two facts are beyond doubt, that th
Legations made a most gallant fight and
that the foijiigners were massacred. Tho
value of the assistance rendered by Prince
Chlng and General Wang Wcug Shao is
open to question, since the Chinese au
thorities may have invented or exaggerat
ed these details in order to exculpate or
condone their own lethargy. The atroci
ties with which the storming and destruc
tion of the last Embassy were accom
panied may be left to the imagination,
If any one who remembers the story of
Cawnpore has the heart to picture the
The South African War, with Its daily
lists of casualties and deaths from fever
may have created some insensibility to
the pathos of human suffering, but the
coolness, and lack of excitement with
which the most monstrous crime of the
century wa3 discussed were most remark
able. One explanation) of this strange
calm was the fact that all reflecting men
hod abandoned hope many days before the
catastrophe was revealed by the Chinese
officials and that the public was pre
pared for the worst.
Tho press, with one or two exceptions,
la avoiding historical writing about n&;
mesls and vengeance, and Is displaying
coolness, and common sense.. Thoughtful
men perceive the gravity of the situation
when the murderous Camarilla has
usurped power, sent a horde of soldiers
and fanatics to drive the allies from Tien
Tsln and ordered 50,000 Black Flags to
march toward the Yangtse.
The British roll-call at Pekln Includes
tho names of about 70 women and many
children. There were many missionaries
with their families in tho doomed inclo
sure. Friends of the British Minister re
member sadly his satisfaction when he
received his appointment and hie telling
to them that he was at last In great luck
in receiving his promotion. Lady Hart Is
completely prostrated at her London home
by the tragic death of her husband, for
which his own dispatch prepared her.
The only journalist at Pekln was Dr.
Morrison, whose dispatches published In
the Tirae3 have been marvels of enter
prise and Oriental cunning. He was an
Australian who had traveled far and wide
In China and perfectly understood the
native character.
Anatrlan Minister Wns Not There.
CHICAGO, July 17. According to H.
Schwegel, acting Consul-General resident
In China, Baron Moritz Czikann von
Wahlborn. Austro-Hungarian Minister to
China, escaped the fate accorded the rep
resentatives of foreign powers In Pekln.
Herr Schwegel says the Minister left Pe
kin long before the trouble, being on a
leave of absence, and he is at present In
Austria. Only two members of tho lega
tion wero In Pekln at tho time of the
masscre Arthur von Rosthorn, Ph. D.,
chargo d'affaires, secretary of the lega
tion, and Rudolph Natlesta, Vice-Consul.
Golonel WllllstOn Retires.
WASHINGTON. July 17. Colonel Ed
ward B. Wllllston, Sixth Artillery, h"5s
been placed on the retired list.
tex thousaxd mejt ast all the
Statement From the Adjutant-General
of the Provision Blade
for the Troops.
WASHINGTON, July 17. The; Adjutant-General's
office tonight made public
a detailed statement showing the pro
vision made by the War Department in
r the equipment of the expeditionary forces
sent by the United States to Calna. Tho
strength of this force in all the arms
of the service aggregates 10,663. It Is pos
sible that this force may be further aug
mented to the extent of 2000 or 3000 men.
The Ninth Infantry, In addition to four
medical officers and 20 members of the
Hospital Corps, has- with it a full regi
mental field hospital and an. additional
field outfit for 50 beds. The Fourteenth
Infantry and the light battery is pro
vided with a field hospital for 25 beds.
In addition to this there has been already
shipped a general field hospital of 300
beds; medical supplies for 5000 men for
three months and a hospital fund of
The Grant, sailing July 3 with the Sixth
Cavalry, and the Sumner, July 16, car
ried IS medical officers and 78 Hospital
Corps men, while Major Stephenson, one
of the medical officers, has been pro
vided with a $50,000 medical fund and
000 hospital fund. The Meade will sail
August 1 with not less than eight medical
officers and a field hospital of 50 beds.
The details for the Hancock's sailing
August 16 are not yet complete.
The Commissary Department has made
preparations to feed a force of marines
and seamen engaged In shore service In
China. Fifty thousand dollars In gold for
use in China has been Invoiced to the
chief commissary at Manila. Major H.
J. Gallagher has been .detailed to report
to Genoral Chaffee as chief commissary of
the troops In China.
Owing to the probable scarcity of fresh
supplies on shore, the department has
had recourse again to canned beef, but
for the present campaign It has been
put In the form of beef stew, corned
beef and corned beef hash, and a few
vegetables have been canned with It to
obviate the difficulty experienced In Cuba,
whero the troops were forced to cat beef
from the cans without further cooking.
Major George F. Scrlven has been or
dered to report to General Chaffoo as
chief officer of the signal corps. Commander-in-Chief
Signal Offlcor Greely rec
ommends that, Captain Edward B. Ives
and Lieutenant Charles B. Rogan be re
lieved from duty In Cuba in order to re
port here pending orders to China-
Troops leaving the states for China will
carry a complete outfit of comfortable
clothing, In addition to their regulation
clothing and tentage. Owing to the se
vere weather that may be expected In
Northern China during the Winter, the
expedition will carry 1400 Sibley stoves,
8500 overcoats, 6000 pairs, of Arctic over
shoes, 5000 blanket-lined canvas hoods and
other extra heavy Winter clothing in
proportion sufficient for the 5000 men.
Tho Quartermaster's Department has
already shipped all the mounts for the
Sixth Cavalry, two completely fcqulppod
pack trains of 100 mules each and sup
plies for the same for 196 days. There
are now en route to Seattle 400 mules
and 2SS aporejos to be shipped whenever
To secure suitable drinking water for
the troops on shore. 100 sterilizers, capac
ity 23 gallons per hour, will be sent to
Ban Francisco as soon as possible. The
Meade, Augurt 1, will carry two distilling
plants,, capacity GOO gallons per day each.
It Is contemplated to sond additional dis
tilling plants as rapidly as possible, hav
ing In view the supply for at least 6000
men. Animal ships have been chartered,
and will be fitted up as fast as possible
to carry about 4000 animals.
The chief of ordnance- furnishes a list
of officers and material which will- be
available for use In China. He reports
that there Is an abundant supply of am
munition for small . arms and machine
guns of small caliber on hand for a pro
longed war on a largo scale. For the
siege guns there are some 400 to 500
rounds per gun now available, and ad
ditional orders have been placed for
more. For the regular service field guns,
3.2-lnclr type, there are 'available for the
14 batteries 500 rounds- per gun, and pro
vision "ha3 been made to keep up the
supply indefinitely. Two complete six
gun batteries of 12-pound Vlckers-Maxlm
guns, with 300 rounds of ammunition per
gun, have been ordered In England. Two
other batteries of six- guns each, one
pounders of the same make, with 1000
rounds of ammunition per gun. also have
been ordered in England to be shipped
fo this country at the earliest possible
Extra Pay for Soldiers in China.
WASHINGTON, July 17. An Important
question in connection with the payment
of troops on Chinese service has been de
cided by the Paymasten-General of the
War Department. An act' of Congress
last March provided for a 30 per cent In
crease of pay for officers engaged In serv
ice in our Insular possessions, and a 20
per cent increase for enlisted men, over
and above the amount provided in time
of peace. The Paymaster will hold. -garding
the troops now In China, that
Where a regiment Is getting 25 per cent
of Its men disabled in a single engage
ment, it was doing war duty, whatever
may be the diplomatic view of the situa
tion. This secures for the enlisted men
their 20 per cent Increase, although It will
not affect the officers.
Transports Sail.
SAN FRANCISCO, July, 17. The United
States Array transport Sumner, bearing a
detachment of troops, Surgeons and hos
pital assistants, sailed today for Naga
saki, where it is generally believed further-
orders will be received directing
tho vessel to proceed to Taku, China. , At
least two officers who satled'on the trans
port are under direct orders to Join the
forces under command of Brigadier-General
Adna R. Chaffee, at Taku. These
aro Maior William Stephenson, Surgeon
I In the regular Army, and Second Lieu
tenant Joseph A. Baer, Sixth cavairy.
The California sailed for the Philippines
today with a large cargo of stores.
Panama Threatened.
KINGSTON, Jamaica, July 17. Further
news from Colombia Is to the effect that
up to July 13, Panama was still held by
the government. The rebels in the vicin
ity were expected to begin operations
soon. The government troops have been
strongly reinforced by drafts from Colon,
but It is the general opinion that the
rebels can take Panama any time they
like. It Is reported that the rebels are
led by an American military expert. The
government Is. In dreadful straits .for food
with which to feed the troops, and is
seizing cattle from residents.
What Texas "Will Furnish.
AUSTIN, Tex., July U. The Secretary
of War at Washington has wlreo. Adjutant-General
Scurry, asking how many
troops Texas can furnish for a wac in
China. Scurry's reply was , that Texas
could be relied upon to furnish any quota
that the. Government might call for.
Engineer Corp.n Under Orders.
Companies C and D, of the Engineer
Corps, arrived at West Point today. They
are under orders tp leave for China next
Monday, together with all engineers at
West Point.
Llentennnt-Colonel to Be Promoted.
WASHINGTON, July 17. The death of
Colonel E. H. Llscum, Ninths Infantry; re
sulted in the promotion of Lieutenant
Colonel Charles F. Robe. Seventeenth In-
fantry, to ba Colonel of the Ninth In-
fantry, and Major L. W. O'Brien, of the
Ninth Infantry, to be Lieutenant-Colonel
of the Seventeenth. Colonel Robe Is now
with his regiment In the Philippines.
Some Hope That They May Have
NEW YORK. July 17. While hope for
the missionaries in Pekin was practically
abandoned several days ago. there still
remained a gleam of hope that the lit
tle band reported July 6 as at Pao Ting
Fir might have escaped the fate of
their colleagues In the capital, and thtt
some who were reported to have gone
to Pekln were detained and are still at
their stations. But the lack of further
news has caused 'grave anxiety for the
safety of those at Pao Ting Fu.
The Belgian engineers who fled In the
first part of June and reached tho coast
said the missionaries had taken refuge In
he house of the Chinese ruler, but upris
ings started in the Shan Tung Province,
and the Boxers, in order to reach the
capital, marched northward through and
by Pao Ting Fu, which lies 100 miles
southwest of Pekln, and Is the capital
of the Province of Chi LI. Unless secreted
by the Chinese .rulers, there seems
little chance that they have escaped.
There were two missions at this place,
that of the Presbyterian church, which
also supported a hospital, and that of
the Congregational church. Several from
both missions escaped during the . first
part of the disturbance, and three of the
Congregatlonalists were reported to have
gone to Pekln to attend the annual con
ference of their ,church. But they may
have been prevented going and be still
at Pao Tipg Fu. THese three were Rev.
Horace T. Pitkin, Miss Mary Morrill and
MI?s Anna Gould.
Tho six Presbyterian missionaries re
ported on July 6 to be still In Pao Ting
Fu were Rev. F. B. Simcox and Mrs.
Slmcox, Dr. G. Yardley Taylor. Dr. and
Mrs'. Cortlandt Van Rensselaer Hodge
and Dr. Maud A. Mackey.
Gradual Extension of the Antl-For-clgrn
NEW YORK, July 17. A dispatch to
the Herald from Shanghai says:
The most serious development of the sit
uation is that Chinese official sources In
dicate that the Boxera have been ad
vised to come south, and that they In
tend to make Ching Han Po, at the head
of the Grand Canal, their objective point.
Five regiments have started for that
place, with the Idea of gathering re
cruits on the way.
This Is likely to be the beginning of a
big movement directed against, the for
eigners in the center and south of China.
An Imperial edict, dated July 3. has Just
been received by the Viceroys and Gov
ernors, ordering them to begin war
against foreigners without delay, declar
ing that officers of all ranks who refuse
to obey the edict will be summarily exe
cuted. Another dispatch dated July 7, gives
Information of the departure of five regi
ments of northern soldiers for the south,
and Intimates that more will follow. The
fact that troops can now be liberated Is,
of course, explained by the massacre of
all foreigners in Pekln, fqr the need no
longer exists to keep large bodies of
men in the capital.
Many of the Generals in command of
the Yangtse district are Tartars and Man
chus, and are In full sympathy with the
northern rioters.
Danish Million Destroyed.
COPENHAGEN. July 17. The Danish
mission station at Fung Kwang Tung, on
tho Peninsula of Liao Tung, has been de
stroyed. The missionaries escaped to Che
mulpo. Will be roused to Its natural duties
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