Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 18, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    THE MOI&IXH m?rnnyiy. WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1900.
(Copyright, 1900. by Seymour Baton.)
rAiVlUUi AK1 y1" .
By William Howe Downci.
The great art cenjters of Italy are Flor
ence, Venice and Rome; but to the student
of art there are invaluable lessons to be
learned in many of the lesser Italian cit
ies, such as Assist. Plea, Siena, Orvieto,
Mlian, Parma, Mantua and Padua. In
fact, all Italy might be called a vast
treasure-house of art, and to the student
and historian who wishes to obtain a Just
and adequate view of the development of
Italian art tho old towns mentioned, and
possibly others besides, afford indispensa
ble data, more often to be found in
churches and convents than In picture
galleries. Florence Is one of the most
remarkable art capitals of tho world. It
Is crowded with masterpieces of painting,
sculpture and architecture to a degree that
Is amazing. Its chief museums of art are
the TJfllzl and the Pitti. The Ufflzi gallery
which originated with tho Medici collec
tions, to which many additions were made
l?y the Lorraine family, is now in extent
and value one of the first In the world.
The Tribune is a room in which are
brought together the most valuable mas
terpieces of sculpture and painting in an
extra ordinary galaxy. The pictures in
this grjup include Raphael's "Madonna
with the Goldfinch," "The Youthful John."
The Fornarina," etc; Correglo's "Repose
Duftng the 1 light Into Egypt," "Madon
na," etc.; Titian's "Venus." A Prelate,"
etc., and selected examples of Mantegna,
A. Carraccl, Fra Bartolommeo. Van Dyck,
Guercino, Guldo, Ardrea del Sarto. Do
menlchlno. Ribera, L. Carraccl, Glullo
Romano, Rubens, Michael Angelo. Cran
ach, Veronese, Luinl, Lucas of Leyden,
Francia, Peruglno,, Barocclo, Orazio Al
fanl, Daniel da Volterra, Schidone. Lan
franchi and Durer. The works by Ra
phael, Titian and Corregglo In this group
are far-famed. Engravings and photo
graphs have made them known the world
over In the center of the room are five
very celebrated marble sculptures the
Medici Venus ifound in the 16th century
In the villa of Hadrian, near Tlvoll), the
Toung Apollo (of the school of Praxl
, teles), the Grinder (found at Rome in tho
16th century), the Satyr playing on the
cymbal (restored by Michael Angelo), and
the group of tho "Wrestlers. Suites of pic
ture galleries open to right and left from
the Tribune, containing a vast and price
less collection of paintings of the Tus
can, Lombard and Venetian, the Dutch,
Flemish, German and French schools.
The history of Tuscan painting begins
with Cimabue, whose Madonna, in the
Church of Santa Maria Novella, Florence,
a dim, quaint and faded work, has ben
called the seed from which the variegated
flower of Italian art sprung. It takes us
back to the birth of the art, more than
bIx centuries ago. Stiff and formal as It
Is, there Is a dignity in the figures, a
grave sweetness in the faces and an hon
est observation of nature in the forms
which are. In comparison with the By
zantine mosaics and paintings that went
before it, extraordinary. In the Church of
Santa Croce are Giotto's frescoes illus
trating the lives of the two Sts. John
and of St. Francis of Assist: and In the
picturesque palace of the Podesta, now
the National Museum, Is the same artist's
fresco painting of Paradtse.
But to get a more complete idea of what
Giotto stood for in the history of the
school we must go to Asslsi, more than 100
miles south of Florence. It is In such
nooks that one often finds the most beau
tiful products of Italian art. In the sol
emn old convent of the Franciscans at
Assist, Giotto painted on the walls a
notable series of scenes from the life of
the gentle saint that founded it. Giotto's
first work here was done on the upper
church, and consists of 28 frescoes, all
from his own designs, and several entirely
painted by his own hand. The church Is
now used as a museum of Tuscan fres
coes. Giotto, in honoring St. Francis, did
not forget to Immortalize upon these walls
one of the most lovable traits of the monk
his well-known affection for birds and
the delightful legend of the saint's sermon
to tho birds is set forth with rare sympa
thy. The gentleness and kindness of tho
saint's attitude, his gesture, carefu'ly re
strained lest a sudden movement might
alarm his timid auditors, are most charm
ing; and the simplicity and directness of
the work are admirable. In the lower
church, begun In 122S, a somber edifice,
are some of the greatest masterpieces of
Cimabue and Giotto, and some of the lead
, ing painters of Central Italy. Giotto's
work in this lower church of Assist con
sists of four large paintings, which occupy
tho triangular spaces in the vault above
the high altar; and these were done In the
later years of his life- Hitherto we have
eeen him illustrating incident; but here
he enters a broader field, and describes
principles, in the form of the three cardi
nal virtues of the Franciscan order Pov
erty, Chastity and Obedience by which Is
Inculcated the duty of the followers of the
ealnt to labor without reward, pleasure
or freedom. These works are aptly rep
resentative of the symbolical art which
the early Tuscan painters so brilliantly
developed, and are the ablest achieve
ments of Giotto.
Giotto has left traces of himself from
Naples all the wa' to Padua. He went to
the latter town to visit his friend Dante,
who was in exile there, and he decorated
the little Church of Our Lady of the
Arena with, frescoes from the life of
Christ, which series ended, in the fashion
of the time, with a picture of the last
Judgment and of hell, full of Dantcsque
fancies made visible. These frescoes are
very curious. One represents the betrayal
of Christ, to whose face the artist has
given a striking expression of reproach,
while he has favored Judas with one of
the meanest countenances known to art.
Tho sense of a large crowd Is well ex
pressed, the tumult, confusion and flight
of thed lsclples. But the best work in the
old church at Padua Is the "Entomb
ment," an admirable composition, In
which the faces express a keen and ab
sorbing grief. The artist introduces a
fine touch here. In his delineation of an
gels Joining in the lamentations of men.
-In the history of Italian art, the Campo
Santo (Holy Field) of Pisa has an impor
tant place, and contains some extraordi
nary works. In the succession of charm
ing arcades surrounding the cemetery is
a series of mural paintings covering near
ly 16,000 square feet, by Andrea Orcagna,
Pietro Lorenzetti, Andrea da Flrenze,
Spinello Aretlno. Francesco da Volterra,
Pietro di Puccio, Benozzo Gozzoll, and
others. Two of the most remarkable fres
coes in this great series am attributed
by Vasarl to Orcagna. They depict the
resurrection of the dead and the last judg
ment. Terrible visions are these at least
they must have been terrible to those who
believed In their reality.
It Is a relief to turn from such gloomy
subjects to the works of the painter of
heaven. Fra Angellco. Him we find at
homo in the convent of St. Mark. In Flor
ence, ono of the most charming spots in
Italy because of the presence of his sim
ple sweet and reflective works. One of
his designs shows two monks welcoming a.
-weary travoler, whom the artist reveals to
us as Jesus himself, though his hosts do
not yet recognize htm. Nothing could ex
press more beautifully the virtue and re
ward of hospitality; it touches at once tho
keynote of Angellco's art. Quite represent
ative also Is the fresco of the "Annuncia
tion" in one of the cells on the upper floor
of tho convent. His most Important work
in the convent Is the "Madonna and Child"
enthroned and surrounded by various
saints. The most beautiful feature of the
picture is the figure of young Jesus. But
Fra Angellco's masterpiece Is the "Coro
nation of the Virgin." In the Ufflzi gal
lery. His "Paradise" In the Academy
comes very near it in merit, but Is in
jured by the description of hell which the
painter put into It. probably against his
own Judgment: for, although he spared
no pains in depleting the Joys of the
blessed, he presented the pains of the lost
in a hurried and unfinished way. It is
Impossible to think of such a man as tak-
lng any pleasure in suffering; he was at
his best only in works 'of a trontle ehar-
I . . . - ., m . w . . .
uwrw in aciineauon oi ceiesuai visions
lay hs greatest power, where the faces j
kT' "tlT'-. .rf
azure and pearl, the angels glittering with
Jeweled wings against the goldon sky in
which the sceno is enacted. The whole
Impression Is of some blissful incident oc
curring in regions that are not of this
world. The figures, although having hu
man form, are of superhuman beauty, and
tho angelc show themselves as intelli
gences whose thoughts our mortal reason
cannot comprehend. "I do not know how
others may be affected by the works of
this humble monk," says Sidney Dickin
son, "but to me they appear as the love
liest pictures in the world; they are so
calm and peaceful, so exalted in imagina
tion. so refined in workmanship. I cannot
but feel that here was one who had full !
faith and happiness in what he described, the shipment of 14 seamen which I beg
and If heaven ever showed Its glories to . to request you will publish in full for the
mortals his eyes were blessed with thati information of the people generally as to
wonder." ' the present condition of the CRIMP qucs.
Boforo leaving Florence it may be well i tlon here, as I believe there Is an impres
to Indicate briefly the riches of the col- sion in the community that there Is less
lecation of old masters In the Plttl palace i ground for reformation here than else
by mentioning the more famous works. I where.
which include Raphael's "Madonna del
Baldachlno." "Madonna del Granduca,"
"Vision of Ezeklel," "Tommasl Fedra Ing-1
hlranl." "Cardinal Blbblona." "Pope Jul
ius II," "Madonna del Impannata. ' Ma
donna della Segglola." "Leo X and the
Cardinals dc' Medici and de' Rossi." "An
giolo DonI," "Portrait of Maddalena
Strozzi Donl"; Titan's "La Bella," "Ip-
Ik mm: M if
pollto de' Medici," "Philip II of Spain." I form of imposition Is that referring to
"Bacchanalian," "Magdalene," "Betrothal I shipment under wages. I know of mas
of St. Catherine.' and various other por-' ters who have been quite willing to pay
traits of the highest order of merit, with j increased wages to the men, but were in
several equally celebrated examples of the J formed that could not be done, that dlf
art of Botticelli, Fra Bartolommeo, j ference must be paid to the crimps, and
Veronese, Andrea del Sarto, Corregglo, J boforo any men could be shipped.
Rembrandt, Rubens, Salvator Rosa, Glor- The St. Mlrren carried 3200 tons of
glone, Guldo Renl, Leonardo da Vinci, Tin
toretto. Van Dyck and others. There are
in all over 500 pictures, hung In a suite of
fine galleries. There Is ample material for
whole volumes of comment In Florence
alone, but we are obliged to turn to other
Italian art centers.
The genius of Michael Angelo as an
architect Is revealed in the solemn and
stately simplicity of the dome of St, Pe
ter's, at Rome, snd his genius as a painter
Is to be seen In the decorations of the Sis
tine Chapel of the Vatican. The Vatican
is the largest palace in the world, and tbe
period of Its construction extended, with
sundry Interruptions, from the fifth to the
10th century. It Is built around 20 courts,
and contains 11,000 rooms, of which the
greater portion are occupied as collection
and show-rooms, and comparatively few
by tho Papal Court. The building's chief
Interest for us Is In the representation It
makes of the greatest of the Italian paint
era, whom the wealth and power of the
church drew hither for the decoration of
Its shrines and palaces. Rome had no
painters of her own the stream that fed
her flowed down from Florence. Siena and
Umbrla, bringing with it, on successive
floods. Giotto. Fra Angellco. Botticelli.
SIgnorelll, Peruglno, and. at the last, sim
ultaneously. Raphe el and Michael Angelo
All of these save Giotto left their marks
upon the walls of the Vatican which thus
becomes the greatest storehouse in the
world of the Christicn art of the 15th and
16th centuries.
The work of Michael Angelo is confined
to the colling and end wall of the Slstlne
Chapel, the private place of worship of
the Popes. The sides of the chapel are
decorated with masterly works by the ear
lier artists of the Renaissance Peruglno,
tho Umbrian master: Botticelli, the Flor
entine, and SIgnorollI, of Cortona, whore
greatest achievement Is to be seen at Or
vieto. First were painted here the lead
ing events In the life of Moses; later were
depicted the baptism of Christ, the ser
mon on the mount, and other Incidents in
the life of Jesus. Then the work waited
for Michael Angelo, whose hand, respon
sive to his mighty thought, should con
nect in epic grandeur the history of the
old and new dispensations, and close the
cyclo with the thunders of judgment
and tho doom of the world.
Note This study by Mr. W. H. Downos,
of Boston, will be concluded next week.
People AnxioTin to Show They Are
Capable of Self-Government.
WASHINGTON, July 13. When Gover
nor Allen, of Porto Rico, was In Wash
ington recently, he discussed at some
length tho outlook for the little Island, as
It appeared -to him after a brief term In
ofllce. In the courao of his conversation
he said:
"The people of Porto Rico are very
anxious for tho establishment of a form
of government which will allow thorn to
participate in its management, Tho peo
ple of the Island are much Interested In
the progress of events at home, and are
anxious to show to the people of the
States that they are capable of self-government,
and that they can assimilate our
institutions and our methods. Those who
have been appointed to ofllce there are
performing their duty well.
"The executive council organized June
28 is composed of Ave Porto Rlcans and
six Americans. It was organized har
moniously, and has transacted the busi
ness that has come before it. There
was, on the part of certain political writ
ers, an effort to spread dissatisfaction
among the people, but the effect of such
writings has largely disappeared, and
the people manifest a deep trust and
confidence in the way things are work
ing, which is largely due to the tremen
dous business strides the Island has taken
since American occupation, as well as the
prosperous outlook for the future. The
whole spirit of the people is one of hope
fulness In a future of progress and pros
perity." Referring to the question of the tariff.
Governor Allen said:
"In my judgment the most sanguine ex
pectations of those who favor the tariff
are likely to be realized. Of course, the
Island Is largely agricultural. Under the
tariff, sugar receives the benefit of 1
cents a pound, which Is equivalent to J35
to HO a ton, in gold. This In itself Is
an enormous profit, and is bound to re
sult in increasing the output of the island
In the next year to at least five times
what has been regarded as the normal
output of the island. Of course, the sugar
crop is the rich man's crop, and will take
care of Itself.
"The civil government is endeavoring to
encourage the growth of crops which
come more directly to the men of small
moans. Tobacco is a profitable crop, and
it requires only the labor for its proper
cultivation. Any man can cultivate a crop
of tobacco which will make him a hand
some return. The cultivation of tobacco
j and its manufacture into cigars and
.o -.- ubtvaMii5 v:aj iaoi uu liia
cigarettes is increasing very last on the
iBland. and promises to be one of the
leading industries. The growing of fruits
,s ?80 one of lts advancing industries.
and many hundreds of acres have been
taken up since the 1st of May for orange
culture. It Is the opinion of those who
are familiar with tho orange industry in
Florida that large results will be secured
in orange growing In Porto Rico."
One of the Result of he Boardlnsr
TJonae Combination.
IS. (To the Editor.) I Inclose correct
copies of bills paid by the British ship
St. Mlrren at this port In connection with
I know of no port Inthe world where
such impudent demands are made. You
will notice that $375 was exacted for stop-
plng a libel by parties In Astoria, who
were and are jointly interested with the
crimps here in this business, on an al
leged contract which had no, legal force,
being contrary to law!
So are all these exactions. The newest
wheat, soHhat the crimps received about
I 3 shillings per ton for furnishing 14 men.
I which sum unquestionably comes out of
the pockets or the Oregon tanners ana
I wish sailors to understand that there
is no occasion for their having anything
to do with crimps, and furthermore that
any attempt to make them pay anything
for procuring employment is severely
punishable both by Federal and state law.
It seems to me that the good name of
the port and the Interests of the state
require that united action should be
taken to remedy th'3 state of affairs and
regulate this illegitimate business. I nm,
your obedient servant,
H. B. M. Oonsul.
Portland, Or.. May 10. 1001.
Capt. Hamilton and Owners of the British
Ship "St. Mlrren."
To L. Sullivan. Dr.
For shipping men for Ave pound instead of
six. and giving the Sa'lors that rhlppfd In said
Ship $300.00 (Ten In all that chipped) sxcept
carpenter, cook. copnil mate and steward. For
shipping all Sailors for five pounds Instead of
six and also for fhtpplng carpenUr. cook,
second mate and steward under wanes.
$300.00. Paid
L. Sullivan.
Portlnnd. Or.. May 30. ;000.
Capt. Hamilton and Owners of the British
Ship "Si. Mlrren."
To L. Sullivan. Dr.
For stopping libel on British ship "St.
Mlrren" for contract by Kenny awl Lynch
which they had. Sullivan cuarante&s the said
Ship over th.e Bar for the turn of Three hun
dred and seventy-five dollars.
$375.00. Pt-.d
L. Sullivan.
Portland, Or., May 31. 1000.
Received from Capt. Hamilton of the Ship
"St. Mlrren" the sum of fourteen hundred and
seventy dollars, to be paid to party or parties
producing receipt for work performed In con
nection with himself and vessel.
$1470.00. j. p. Belts.
Hotv the Pent In Sprendtnjr in Ma
rlon Connty.
TURNER, Or.. July 15.-(To tho Edi
tor.) Some time ago a farmer requested
a remedy for Canada thistles. In com
mon with other farmers of this vicinity
I have had a flourishing patch of this
tles growing upon my farm for several
years. My patch spread until it covered
a plat about 20 feet square and continued
to expand In spite of all efforts to keep
In check by the cutting down process.
On the 10th of March I procured a ton
of coarse salt and spread upon the
patch, and at this time not a green
thing is left where the salt was placed,
but just beyond the salted ground the
thistles are yet In evidence.
We are well stocked with the Canadian
or creeping thistles In Marlon County
and they are spreading in the timber
lands along the Pudding River on the
north and on the Santlam River on the
south. A Linn County road supervisor
found a patch on a Santlam bar and
had them cut down last Summer, and
during the freshet the past Winter, the
bar washed away, so the thistles may
be looked for further down stream in
tho near future.
Xo Plr.ce for Him.
Chicago Journal, Ind.
There is no place for what are called
"conservative business men" in a party
that regards property as a menace to
the public welfare, and Is Intent on de
stroying the means by which It may be
accumulated. The Democratic party Is
at war upon wealth. Mr. Bryan makes
no disguise of this fact, and his closest
advisers are men who believe that the
destination of the party is some form of
state socialism. Between this element,
which will continue to dominate the
party, because It has more brains and
honesty than men like Hill, Daniel and
Van Wyck, and becauee It offers a new
policy to refresh the Democracy between
this element and a party of unyielding
conservatism dominated by Mr. McKIn
ley for the business interests of the coun
try, there is no refuge for the old-school
Democrat. He must reiBe his creed or
accept what he considers the less of two
evils. So he becomes a Republican, and
a few years will And him as firmly and
perhaps as comfortably settled in that
party as he ever was among tho Democrats.
Evenlnsr Lecture ljy Ike ReT. H. "W.
Kellogjc Large Attendance and
SXnca Interest In. Proceedings.
GLADSTONE PARK, Or., July 17. This
has been another Interesting day of the
seventh annual session of the Willamette
Valley Chautauqua Assembly. It has been
an interesting day in class work, and a
number of valuable lectures on various
topics were given at the different desks
this morning. The special features, how
ever, were the lectures by Professor Ir
ving M. Glen in the morning, and the
lecture of Dr. H. W. Kellogg in tho
evening. The Metropolitan Jubilee Sing
ers gave their farewell entertainment this
afternoon, and gave special selections by
request until a late hour. The manage
ment states that the gate receipts yester
day were far above the average, and this
has been another good day in that re
spect. Irving M. Glen, professor of English
language and early English literature In
the University of Oregon, at Eugsne, gave
a lecture this morning, entitled, "The
Beowulf and Its Story." The lecture was
analytical and scientific, and a vivid por
trayal of one of the rarities in literature.
The speaker was greeted with the largest
audience that has yet gathered for a
morning programme, and hold tno Inter
ested attention of his hearers from be
ginning to end. The lecture Is given in
part aa follows:
"The Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon poem,
the. oldest poem of consequence In our
language, of over 2000 words In length,
and written possibly before 5(0 A. D. Old,
Is It not? And you arc not Interested In
old things? Walt; let me set the stage;
give you an Idea of the country and tne
"The cduntry a sullen land of sodden
skies; shores swept by stormy seas; a
land of gray; gray fogs and mists; gray
cliffs, the ocean gray.
"The people a folk that dwelt In homes;
a folk as serious as the country. Not
that they-' had no delight or p-ensure, for
they had. Yet, It was a pleasure that
only hardy men could enjoy; that wc of
todaj would to a great degree call work.
They had feasts, banquets and revels,
but these were only occasional, and wero
accepted philosophically as opportunities
for taking on a load of viands nnd ac
companying beverages that staggered the
reveller In more senses than one. From
all accounts their capacity wa3 one that
would fill the bibulous roan of touay with
awe and admiration.
"Their religion was fatal'sm: their God
supreme was wd-d-.ate. lio le approached
In reverence the p.ace th:y gave to Weird
what he decrees must man accept.
'Goes aye Weird as It will,' says tho
warrior before entering the combat.
Through all their life ran the gray
threads of fatalism."
The speaker gave a brief history of
tho immigration of the Saxons to
Britain; how they sent back word to their
kinsmen to come over and possess the
land. "They came In hordes, hosts, made
settlements In the various provinces, and
becrfme the Anglo-Saxon of Britain. They
brought with them their customs, man
mcrs, laws and transplanted. Into a new
soil their myths, traditions, ta'es, lays
and sagns. Among all this folk-lore were
groups of lays concerning one, a historic
figure, called Beowulf a warrior of extra
ordinary strength and daring, capable of
an Incredible amount of endurance, yet
withal kind, mild mannered an 1 Judicious,
moved rather by reason than by Impulse,
a friend to helplessness, a foe to .oppres
sion. There was also a body of song
and story concerning a seml-dlvlne per
sonage named Beowa, and It Is probible
that in the course of time these two
become one In tl.e Teutonic mind, which
united under the personality of one tak
ing the name Beowulf, the legends con
cerning two peoples. From Internal evi
dence found In the poem itself, we know
how It came to bo written. The zcops,
or minstrels, the forerunners of n litera
ture, sang or chanted stories of famous
deeds of their hero at foists, banquets,
courts and humbler homes, praising this
feat or that, adding -a little more or less
of extravagance rs the occasion demand
ed, each scop or singer adding here and
there a little to themes that elicited great
est applause until the material concern
ing Beowulf began to assume the pro
portions of an epic Then It Is prob
able that different men attempted to
shape different parts of the story Into
verse, until one, greater than the rest,
seeing the wonderful opportunity and be
ing able to Improve it. unified the whole
Into the poem we know at the present
day og 'Beowulf,' keeping In mind an
ethical . purpose and Interpolating here
and there enough of the Christian ele
ment to give It a decided coloring. In
jplte of tho heathen saas from which
It came. In this poem there are, at least.
25 passages and references con.aIninr
Christian rentlment, which wou'd Indi
cate that Its final compiler was either a
monk or one In sympathy with the Chris
tian religion.
"Though epic in quality. It Is nn anthem
of forest, crag, cliff, sa, fen and shore
not the whirring, fluttering murmur that
falntlv stirs' the air and floats off ll-btlr
tr ugh the flr ,urc rtaln tr mu'ous hlfh
In the trees, a soft, shy, rustl.nj quiver
ing on the breeze; a song that flings Its
mounting measure from twig to ncedlc
tlp In murmurlngs. somno'ont and sooth
ing, droning, slumbrous, dreamy, drowsv,
low sung things. Not that. It Is "a
wilder tong that springs with sudden
swirls, then swells and sweeps the strings
of a hundred hidden harps; that wildly
wings and soars and swoops, shrieks,
whirls and flings the forest through In
frenzied rlotlnss. It Is the song in which
the pine defies the sea a challenge:
Strip me of branches r give me spars
And rope-bound, rail-wrapped. "VTlntr stars.
Flashing their glinting light through frozen
Shall see me. borne by swiftly scudding keel.
Before the furious blast, standing all stanch.
In spite of strain and -tug and desperato plunge.
True to my ship. Its captain and Its crew.
The round-tcblo was conducted this af
ternon by Mrs. Wllllnm Galloway, the
topic being the Chautauqua reading circle
work. Mrs. T. M. Gault gave a talk on
the "Benefits of a Chautauqua in a Com
munity," and Colonel Robert A. Miller
gave a short address on Chautauqua
work. W. L. Flnley, of Portland, ex
hibited his collection of stuffed Oregon
birds, and gave a lectbre. explaining the
peculiarities of the different varieties.
Dr. H. W. Kellogg, of Portland, gave
an interesting and Instructive lecture to
night. Illustrated with stereoptlcon -views.
In fact. It was two lectures combined In
one his lecture on "Christian Art," and
an account of his trip In Europe. That
part of the lecture relating to Christ in
art was especially Impressive, and the
story of travels was also Interesting. The
lecture was preceded with a reading by
Profesror C. E. Kemp. "Renting a Baby,'
by Frank Stockton, which was repeated
tonight, by special request. The Oregon
City ladles' quartet also sang several se
lections, responding to enthusiastic en
cores. The Chautauqua management announces
either a baseball or basket-ball game to
morrow afternoon, and on Thursday af
ternoon the deciding game of baseball
between the Chemawa and Oregon City
Tomorrow will be one of the great days
of the assembly. Folldwlng is the pro
gramme in full: ,
8 to 11 Schools and classes.
11 Willamette University morning. Lec
ture, "The Nicaragua Canal and Our Na
tional Development," President W. C.
1:30 Chemawa Indian band. Baritone
solo, F. E. Vrooman. National hymns,
led by Chautauqua chorus. Short ad
dresses by Congressman Thomas H.
Tongue. Mrs. A. S. Dunlway, Dr. Black
burn, General O. Summers, General
Charles F. Beebe. Company A, O. N. G.,
will receive the officers.
3:20 Baseball.
5 G. A. R. and Spanish War Veterans'
7:30 Orchestral concert. Reading, Miss
Mabel L. Carter.
8 Grand concert; Professor W. H. Boy
er. director. Chorus. "The Palms"
(Fauer). Taylor-Street Methodist Episco
pal choir. "Ah Fors e' Lue" (Travlete),
VerdJ. Miss May Dearborne. Violin solo.
Miss C. Barker. "Waves of the Danube,"
Ivanovlce, ladles' chorus. Piano solo. Miss
Pearl Smith, (a) "When the Heart Is
Young." Buck; (b) "All for You" (D.
Hardelot). MIps May Dearborne. Sextet
and chorus ("Lucia"), Donizetti.
The "Wliite World Face to Face "Wltn
the Colored llaces.
NEW YORK July 17. W. T. Stead ca
bles from London to the Journal and Ad
vertiser: The Pope Is said to have remarked as he
saw the Italian troops departing for the
far East, that this was the first war since
the Crusades In which all nations had
united to make war for the Christian
The allusion is morcrtapt than felicitous,
for the struggle between tho East and
West, which began when steel-clad Eu
rope hurled Itself upon tne Pynlm hordes
which defiled the Holy Sepulchre, lasted
for over 400 years, and at the end of that
prolonged death-grapple of continents, the
combatants were left face to face, very
much as they were at the beginning.
It Is to be hoped that we are not on
the verge of another 4C0 years' war, at
the other end of the Asiatic continent.
The gravity of the crisis In China hither
to has never been realized, even faintly.
In Europe. Otherwise England would have
long ago patched up any kind of a truce
In South Africa, which would have en
abled her to have used her army tor the
defense of the threatened outposts of
Western ctvlllzat'on. Even now, when the
massacre of the Legations has sent a
thrill of horror through the world, few
dream of the Immensity and hopelessness
of the struggle upon which they are In
vited to embark with such loud cries of
The fact Is that the white world Is face
to face with a determined effort, by no
moans confined to China, on the part of
the colored races, to assert their rights
to live their own lives In their own ways,
without tho perpetual bullying of pale
faces. The colored race3 have awakened
to the fact that the rupremacy of the
white man is due to no Inherent superi
ority, but solely to the fact that he has
ruperlor weapons. Hence the Chinese
have provided themselves with the bst
artillery and magazine rifles, and have
employed expert instructors.
Lord Wolseley told ms long ago he con
sidered the Chlnere the very best fight
ing material In the world. They were
better even than the Russians, because
tho Russian rold'prs drink, whereas the
Chinese are the mot abstemious of men.
The destruction of the legations, however,
terrible as It may seem to be, was never
theless natural. It was the result and
Inevitable corollary of the seizure of the
Taku fort? and the massacre of their gar
risons. Humon nature Is much the same
all the world over, and If we had been In
a similar position, the white men would
have acted much the same as their yellow-skinned
Christianity may be stamped out - of
China as completely as 200 years ago It
was stamped out of Japin.
Tt will bp well If this 1 all we have to
face a3 the result of forgetting the Golden
Rule In our relations to the Chinese. One
of the awful .poisibMlties of the near fu
ture Is that the allies will quarrel among
themselves, and that we may have a
world-wide war which may lead civili
zation backward.
That Xa nt the Bottom of Cuinchc
Objection to Forcls?"erji.
WASHINGTON.-July 13. The antlpathy
of the great mcjorlty of the Chinese to
the Introduction of foreign religions Into
their empire Is the cause ascribed by
R. Kondo, president of the Japan Mall
Steamship Compnny, to the present hos
tilities In the Orlen. Occupying a hlgn
position In the business and financial cir
cles In the East, Mr. Kondo has had ex
cellent opportunities for observation. He
declares that the efforts of the mission
aries have not bcn very fruitful so far
as brlnglnj China under Western idea"-:
is concerned. He thinks the Chinese arc
so thoroughly Imbued with the teachings
of Confucius and other Chinese sages
that they are bitterly hostile to all for
eign faiths, and resent the advances of
our missionaries.
When Mr. Kondo was In China last
year he was Informed by conservative
Chinese clt'zcns that the people w:rc
not averse to foreljners coming to their
country to trade, but they would not
tolerate the'r attempts to spread outside
religions. Mr. Kondo says the Chinese
business Instinct Is as acute and fully
developed a3 that of anv nation, and
through Its agency their confidence may
be gained and the empire opened to for
eign commerce.
This gontleman regards lightly the
story that Jnpan and Russia are likely
to clash over the Llao Tung Peninsula,
which Japan wished to absorb, but which
has become practically Russian territory.
He docs not consider the fact that Japan
has increased her army and navy and
that Russia has gathered 100,000 men on
the Siberian frontier as signifying any
pending hostility between the two nations.
He regards these moves rather as means
of protection than aggression. In a word,
he says there has been a great deal of
exaggeration concerning Russia's and
Japan's attitudes, both In China and
Corea. Nothing could be farther from
Japan's desire, ho concludes, than to fight
Russia, and the same Is equally true of
Russia as regards Japan.
Five Canes of Bnrslary Reported
Yesterday 'Atteraoon.
A clever sneakthlef was at work yes
terday afternoon, and ' five houses were
burglarized before evening. The first
case reported was that of C. Stelner, an
omployo of the Union Laundry, whose
rooms at 232$ Washington street were
ransacked In his absence, and jewelry
and articles to the value of $20 taken.
Soon after Louis Larsen, of the steamer
Emma Hayward, reported that his state
room hod been gone through, and $3
stolen. Other places where rooms were
reported burglarized are the Multnomah
lodging-house. Fifth and Morrison streets;
the Pleasanton. 288 Third street; and a
lodging-house at 2S3 First street.
In every case the contents of the bu
reau drawers were scattered all over the
floor, and trunks opened. The burglar
took few articles besides Jewelry and
money. The police authorities arc con
fident that the work was done by one
man' and suspect that the thief Is some
one of the fraternity tha has dropped
down to Portland from Seattle, which
has lately been Infested with house-robbers
and petty thieves. The value of
the articles stolen will reach $250.
A Common Ground.
Philadelphia Record.
Unless Mr. Bryan can provide himself
with an extra leg, he can't stand on all
the three platforms of the Populists. Dem
ocrats .and Silver Republicans, who have
put him in nomination. There is one
plank, however, common to all the plat
forms. They all demand the free coinage
of sliver at the ratio of 16 to L And yet
there are some Bryanltes who insist that
sliver is a dead issue.
General Andre, the new French War
Minister, as his first measures on taking
office cancelled pending military punish
ments, arid rescinded General Galllfet's
prohibition of the wearing of civil dres3
by officers when off duty.
May Force Wheatsrrowera to Diver
sify Their Crops and Thus Really
Benefit the Country.
A wheatraiser at Lewlsville, Clark
County. Wash., sent The Oregonlan, some
days ago, specimens of insects that he
said were ravaging his wheat-field. The
specimens were submitted to Professor
A. B. Cordley, entomologist at the Oregon
experiment station, Corvallls, who makes
response as follows:
"The insects sent by your correspondent
from Lewlsville. Wash., with the report
that they are killing all of the wheat In
that vicinity, are the true Hessian fly,
cecidomyia destructor.
"This Is the principal wheat pest of the
world, one that Is estimated to destroy
annually not less than 40.000.000 bushels of
wheat in the United States alone, but one
which has hitherto attracted no attention
in the Pacific Northwest.
"It is supposed to be of European origin
and to have been Introduced into the
United States In straw which was brought
over by Hessian troops. It has since
spread over practically all of the Winter
wheat regions of the world, reaching Cal
ifornia in 18S4. and Oregon very near the
close of the century. In December, 1S97,
I received from Scappoose, Or., some
samples of Fall-sown wheat which were
very badly Infested with thl3 Insect. Since
then I have received it from several oth
er localities, including Vernonla, Hllls
boro and Reedville. Or., and Lewisvtlle,
Wash. It has therefore obtained a firm
foothold In the very midst of the exten
sive wheat-growing sections of Western
Washington and Oregon, and In view of
the fact that our system of extensive
farming with wheat after wheat Is par
ticularly favorable to the development of
this pest, we may expect it to spread rap
Idly and In the near future to exact a
heavy tribute from the wheatgrowers of
this region.
"The habits of the Insect are as follows:
The adult lnsect3 are small, dark-colored
gnats, closely resembling small mosqui
toes. The Fall brood appears In Septem
ber, and the females deposit their eggs
upon the surface of the leaves of the
young wheat plants. In a few day3 the
eggs hatch and the larvae crawl down
and locate between the sheath and the
stem. JQst at or below the surface of the
ground, where they remain until fully
grown, feeding upon the substance of the
plant. When fully grown they contract
Into small. Irregularly oval, brown pupa
rla, somewhat resembling flaxseeds. In
Infested wheat these 'flaxseeds' may al
ways be found between the sheath and
the stem, and near the surface of the
ground at any time during the Winter.
The lnsect3 remain In this 'flaxseed
stage until Spring, when they again trans
form to the second brood of gnats, which
deposit eggs for the second brood of lar
vae. These larvae attack Spring grain
much in the same manner that the Fall
brood attacked Fall grain, just at the
surface of the ground, but they usually
attack the more advanced Fall grain Just
above the lower joints, where they so
weaken the stem that it breaks down.
In the Middle States we have known of
Instances In which fully 75 per cent of
the wheat was thus destroyed, and losses
of as high as SO per cent have been
recorded. Under certain favorable condi
tions, which Include sufficient rainfall
during the Summer months to start a
growth of volunteer wheat, and a late
Fall, each of the broods mentioned above
may produce a supplemental brood, mak
ing four In all.
"A field of young wheat when first at
tacked by this Insect presents a remark
ably thrifty appearance. It makes a des
perate effort to overcome the Injury;
takes on a darker green color and stools
freely, but later the plants turn yellow,
the central shoots and many of the lat
erals die.
"No methods have been found whereby
this Insect can be held In check by appli
cations of Insecticides. Reliance must be
placed wholly upon the practice of such
agricultural methods as are least favora
ble to the development of the Insect.
Among these may be mentioned cutting
the wheat high and burning the stubble
Immediately after harvest, tho destruc
tion of all volunteer wheat that starts
during the Summer months by harrowing
op plowing, that there may be no. plants
In which the supplemental Spring brood
of flle3 can develop; eany sowing of strips
through the field to wheat which Is later
to be plowed under, this to be followed
by late sowing of the main crop; rotation
of crops.
"The last method mentioned will un
doubtedly prove one of the most Impor
tant. In fact. If the Hesslnn fly shall
prove a means of breaking up our exten
sive wheat fields and converting them
into fields of clover, vetch and various
other crops, it will add not only to the
revenues of the rtate at large, but of the
wheatgrower himself."
Lost in the Wlllnmette.
Eugene Guard.
Last Friday a gentleman by the name
of Richie, about two miles above Hill's,
on the Middle Fork, concluded he would
ride down the river In his canvas boat.
He was a California tourist. He placed
his two guns In the boat, a high-priced
shotgun and a rifle, blankets, etc., and
started out swimmingly. In about 200
yards the boat struck a large rock,
swamping It. The tourist got out after a
hard swim; the two guns are gone for
ever: his boat was ruined, while his
blankets were recovered pretty well
Land Decision Affirmed.
WASHINGTON. July 13. The Secretary
of the Interior has affirmed the Land
Office decision In the1 case of Leroy D.
Stark and William M. Mcintosh against
Thomas J. Strunk, Involving two tracts
of land in the Vancouver land district,
Washington. This decision cancelled the
entry of Mcintosh and rejected the ap
plication of Leroy J. Strunk to the re
spective tracts and awarded the lands to
Thomas J. Strunk. .
Something: In a Name.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
The Boers call a Commander-in-Chief
an Opperbevelhebber. It makes him for
midable In name as well as In fact.
soap is not only the best
in all the world for toilet
and bath but also for shav
ing. Pears was the in
ventor of shaving stick
All sorts of people use Pears soap, all sorts
of stores sell it, especially druggists.
Is an "emblem of
consideration" and
signifies the wear
er's intention to
herp . the Retail
Clerks and mer
chants to shorter
hour3 by making all
purchases before 6
P. M.
j 9
3 eezi WU T3 Kiln a - ' 1 1 Mill
jplfl 1 ME
Hot a darlc office fn the bnlldlnsi
absolutely fireproof! electric Usrhtt
and artenlan watert perfect iianlta.
tlon and thoronsh ventilation. Elc.
vatora ran day and nis&t.
AINSLTB. DR. GEOROB. Physician... .608-GOJ
ALU RICH. S. W.. General Contractor C10
ANDERSON. GUSTAV. Attorney-at-La-w...G13
ASSOCIATED PRES3: E. 1 Powell. MgT..8M
AUSTEN, I. C.v Manager for Oreson and
Wahlnjftoa Bankers' Llfa Association, of
De Moines, la B02-5O3
MOINES. IA.;P. a Auster. Manarer..B02-3O3
BATNTUN. GEO. R.. Mgx- for Chas. Scrib-
ner's Sons 513
BEALS. EDWARD A.. Forecast OfllclaJ U.
S. "Weather Bureau ............010
BENJAMIN. R W.. Dentist SU
BINSWANGER, DR. O. S.. Phy. & Sur.0-41t
BROOKE. DR. J. M.. Phya. & Sure TOB-ino
BROWN. MTRA. M. D 31.1-311
BRUERE. 'DR. G. E.. Physician.... 412-413-41
BUSTEED. RICHARD. A rent Wlteon & Mc-
Callay Tobacco Co 602-603
CAUKIN. G. E.. District Agent Traveler
Insurance Co. ...... T13
CARROTU "W. T.. Special Agont Mutual
Reserve Fund Life Aas'n .....601
CORNELIUS. C. W.. Phy. and Surjreon S!
COVER. F. C. Cashier Equitable Life 308
COLLIER. P. F.. Publisher: S. P. McGulre.
Manager 413-411$
TAT. J. O. & I. N. ,.311
DAVIS. NAPOLEON. President Columbia
Telephone Co -.... W?
DICKSON. DR. J. J. Physician T13-7U
DRAKE. DR. H. B.. Phvslclan B12-313-5U
nWTER. JOE. F.. Tobaccos 403
L. Samuel. Manager: F. C Cover. Cashier, 1T1
FENTON. J. D.. Physician and Surgeon. 300-31 r,
FENTON. DR. HICKS C. Eye and Ear.... ."U
FENTON. MATTHEW F.. Dentist 309
E. C. Stark. Manager 601
OALVANI. W. H.. Engineer and Draughts-
man 6"8
GAVIN. A.. President Oregon Camera Club.
GE4.RY. DR. EDWARD P.. Physician nnd
Surgeon 212-211
REBBIT PUB. CO.. Ltd.. Tine Art Publish
ers: M. C. McGreevy. Mgr 313
GIESY. A. J.. Physician and Surgeon... 700-Tlu
GODDARD. E. C & CO., Footwear
Ground floor. 120 Sixth stre:
GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhattan
Life Insurance Co. of New York. .....209-211
GRANT. FRANK S.. Attornev-at-Lnw C.X".
HAMMAM BATHS. King A Comptcn. Props..Vl
HAMMOND. A. B." Z'.t
HEIDINGER. GEO. A. 4 CO.. Pianos and
Organ 131 Sixth tr
HOLLISTER. DR. O. C. Phya. Jfc Sur-.504-33
IDLEMAN. C. M.. Attorney-at-Law.. 410-17-1
JOHNSON. W. C 318-31C-3U
KADY. MARK T.. Supervisor ot Accnts
Mutual Reserve Fund Life Ass'n 0O4-GOJ
LAMONT. JOHN. Vice-President and Gen
eral Manager Columbia Telephone Co not
LITTLEFIELD. H. R.. Phys. and Surgeon .2it
MACRUM. W. S.. See. Oregon Camera Club.2H
MACKAY. DR. A. E.. Phy. and Burg.. 711-712
MAXWELL. DR. W. E.. Phys. & Surg. .701-2-3
McCOY. NEtt'TON. Attorney-at-Law 713
McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer 20
McGINN. HENRY E.. Attorney-at-Law.311-313
McKELL. T. J.. Manufacturers' Representa
tire sm
METT. HENRY .4 218
MILLER. DR. HERBERT C.. Dentlat and
Oral Surgeon - (WW-fina
MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Dentlat 312-313-311
Kew York; W. Goldman. Manager. .. .200-210
Mark T. Kady, Supervisor of Agents.. C04-CA1
McELROY. DR. J. O.. Phys. & Sur.70l-702-70J
McFARLAND. E. B Secretary Columbia
Telephone Co. tiOS
McGUIRE. S. P., Manager P. T. Collier.
Publisher 413-418
McKIM. MAURICE. Attorney-at-Lnw 3W
York; Wm. S. Fond. State Mgr..404-4C3-PS '
NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Attorney-at-Law. 713
KILES. M. L.. Casnier Manhattan Llf In.
surance Co.. of New York 203
Dr. L. B Smith. Osteopath 40S-4ra
OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-216-217
POND. WM. S.. State Manager Mutual Llf
Ins. Co. of New York 4O4-403-40J
Ground floor. 133 SIsth stree:
Marshall. Manager SIS
QUIMBY. L. P. W.. Game and Forestry
Warden ... 710-717
ROSENDALE. O. M.. Metallurgist and Min
ing Engineer 013-310
REED & MALCOLM. Opticians. 133 Slist stree:
REED. F. C. FWh Commissioner 407
RYAN. J. B.. Attomey-at-Law 417
SAMUEL. L.. Manager Equitable Life. .. 3D0
CO.; H. F. Bushong. Gen. Agent for Ore.
and Wash S01
SHERWOOD. J. W., Deputy Supreme Com
mander. K. O. T. M 311
SMITH. Dr. L. B.. Osteopath 408-409
STARK. E. C. Executive Special. Fidelity
Mutual Life Association of Phlla.. Pa 601
STUART. DELL. Attorney-at-Law CI 7-613
STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist... ... 701-703
8TROWBRIDGE. THOS. H-. Executive Spe
cial Agent Mutual Life, of New York 4M
TUCKER. DR. GEO. F.. Dentist CIO-Oll
U. S. WEATHER BUREAU 807-003-000-Oltt
DIST.. Captain W. C Langfltt. Corps of
Engineers. U. S. A S01
C Langfltt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A..SI9
WATERMAN. C. H.. Cashier Mutual Life
cf New YoTk 40a
retary Native Daughters 716-717
WHITE. MISS L. E.. Assistant Secretary
Oregon Camera Club 2U
WIL50N.DR. EDWARD N.. Phys. & Sur.301-3
WILSON. DR. GEO. F., Phya. & Surg. .70C-7C7
WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Phya & Surg-.BO7-20S
Richard Busteed. Agent G02-C33
WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physician 412-413-4 U
A few more elesnnt offices may b
had by applying: to Portland Trust
Company of Oreson. IOO Third at., o
to the rent cleric in the building.
MEN K 8?
way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM
TKEATMENT CURES you without meJlclne of
all nervous or diseases of the generative or
gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains.
aricocele, impotency. etc. Men are quickly re
stored to perfect health and strength- "Wrltt
for circulars. Correspondence confldentUl.
&afe Deposit building. Seattle. Wash.