KWX T - i- if: - VOL. XL. NO. 12,354. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. m ifi v-sgagg5ctpg. ' Lovers of good bepr Will call at the bar, cafe or over the telephonefor BLATZ BEER THE STAR MILWAUKEE Those who enjoy a pure and high-grade beer Insist on having "Blatz" for both down town and home consumption. R0THCH1LD BROS., Agents, 20-26 N. First St John Van Steel Ranges and Cooking Apparatus Ar acknowledged the best In the WORLD. But they have no nlc"kel or shoddy In their make-up. Just plain, polished steel. Richardson & Boynton furnaces. American Boiler Company's steam and hot water boilers. All sizes and kinds of registers. For sale by w. g. Mcpherson HEATINQ AND VENTILATING ENGINEER C HMERHS PREMO POCO RAY MONTAUK CYCLONE AND ADLAXE MAGAZINES. "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. EASTMAN'S FULL LINE OF KODAKS. BLUMAUER-FRAINK DRUG CO. 144-146 FOURTH ST., NEAR MORRISON PHIL METSCHAN, Pros. C. W. KNOWLE8. Mrr. SEVENTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT European Plan: .... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE. J. 0, Mack & Co. 88 Third St Opposite Chamber f Cesaert: 'MMMW Oor MMsummer -Dismay of ilneJSfifcies ' Has never been jequofed on the Coast rSreryihtnf on wheels- for city and'counlry driving, and 6ur pr)ces nfolustfright. ;5co our new line of Bike Wagons "and Whafebonc" jVieumalli Runabouts. Visitors welcome. Our doors are Sways'opert." STUDEBAKER Carriages, "Wagon, Harness, Robes and "Whips. 320-338 E. Morrison St. BURST ITS BOUNDS Chinese Army Invades Asiatic Russia. ATTACKED THE CAPITAL OF AMUR Practically n Declaration of "War Asrainst the Csar's Government LI Han& Chang's Mission. LONDON. July 18. The Dally Mall pub lishes a sensational dispatch from St. Petersburg, dated Monday, which asserts that there Is no doubt that China has de clared war against Russia. "The Russian press," says the corre spondent, "la restricted to the publication of official details, and the publication of any dispatches from the front has beon prohibited. 1 hear, however, from a re liable source, that the Chinese troops and the Boxers seized a Russian transport vessel laden with munitions at Arlagon (on the Amur River, about IS miles from the Russian frontier), killing almost the ontlre Russian escort. They next sud dently attacked and bombarded the town of Blagovestchnesk, capital of the Amur Government, on the Amur River. Tho garrison held out bravely, but was Anally overwhelmingly overpowered. Nearly all perished and tho town was burned." for Photographic Supplies Kodaks, Premos, Pocos, Cyclones Collfnear, Zeiss, Bauscfr and Loumb Lenses FRESH STOCK. DARK ROOM AND INSTRUCTIONS FREE. OUR NEW PHOTO CATALOGUE SENT FREE TO ANT ADDRESS. "Fourth andtWas3h"ng?ontSt. WOODARD, CLARKB & CO. THE PORTLAND POHTLKND, OREGON 2 AMERICAN PLAN & 2 $3.00 PER DAY S3 COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS epeclal rates made to families aa eta! eeatlestcm. Tb ssaaaars saeat trill be plensed at all tliacs to show roeai aae rfro price. A nod era Tarklsa bnth ettnbllihpft ta the hotel. H. C. BOWE3U. Hsaaa-a Library Association of Portland StAtt-STKO fchrwt Sertoli wfi ft 24,000 volumes and over 200 periodicals $5.00 a year or $150 a quarter Two books allowed on all subscriptions fiOURS From frOO A. M to 9fl0 P. M. daily, except Sunday and hoHdw. 'WELL DONE OUTLIVES DEATH." EVEN YOUR MEMORY WILL SHINE IF YOU USE SAPOLIO THOUSANDS OF UNUSED PIANOS The Pianola brings into use thousands of pianos -which are now lying Idle. It makes every member of the family a player and master of & repertoire which Includes the musical classics, both ancient and modern, the latest popular airs, and an endless variety -of both song and dance music Tou wilUbeMnterested; drop In and see the instrument. "We sell also the world's finest pianos the Stelnway and the A. B. Chase. j M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the Aeo?toniGomp&ny 353-355 Washington Street, opp. Cordray's. PLENTY OF RUSSIANS THERE. Chinese Likely toRecelve a Severe Check. LONDON, July 18 4 A. M. The news of the Manchuria disturbances Is not re garded as Justifying the serious view at tributed by the Dally Mall's advices. Amur Is boundary territory between Eastern Siberia and Manchuria. The dis trict has been the scene of local disturb ances for a long time, owing to provocat ive conduct of the Cossacks toward the 23,000 Chinese employed in the construc tion of the Russo-Manchurian Railway. Several collisions have- occurred be tween the Cossacks and the Chinese troops. One happened several weeks ago, when two Russian officers and 16 men were killed. The extension of the Boxer movement to Manchuria has resulted In great destruction of the railway, compell ing the Russian's to withdraw their offi cials. The Chinese, trlod to stop the Rus sian steamer Michael, carrying ammuni tion, and the steamer Belonga, with the Russian frontier commission on board, from passing up the Amur at Igun. They fired on the steamers, wound lng an officer and a few men, but the steamers reached Blagovcsthensk. The local commander at Arlagon seems to have sent the Russians a sort of ulti matum to quiet Manchuria. The Chinese, according to the Dally Mall's St. Petersburg correspondent, have thrown up fortifications and placed 40 guns at a point 12mtles from Arlagon. to dispute the passage of the Russians. The official Russian advices leave the Infer ence that Blagovcsthensk is still In Rus sian hands, the Russian losses during the bombardment being only three killed and five wounded, The Amur military district was mobil ized a iferralght ago on a war footing, and It Is believed 4hat the- Russian forces there arc 0,000 men and- 112 guns. The Governor-General has now ordered the troops on the frontier to form a cordon. The Russian papers demand Tetrlbutlon for Chinese audacity In Manchuria, but they "hold, to the view that Russia must persevere In her resolution to avoid war. Tho Chinese. Minister in St. Petersburg has disavowed the events in Manchuria, on behalf of his government, and has promised to mike serious representations to Pekln regarding the consequences that will follow if the hostilities there be con tinued. There is little further news from China this morning. The attack upon the native city of Tien Tsin -was followed up so swlftlv that the Chinese never had tlmo to retire and reorganize, and. once their lines were broken, their retreat rapidly became a rout. LI Hung Chang has already left Can ton. ThlR causes the utmost anxiety for the safety of the Europeans there, as there .are only two gunboats, one British and one American, at Canton, pending the arrival of a French, gunboat. MISSIONARIES REPORT. Those at Pekin "Were Probably Snfe TJp o July 4. NEW YORK. July 17. The- Rev. Dr. C. C Cregan, general agent of the General Board (Congrcgatlonallst), received todsy & copy of a cablegram received at the home office in Boston yeerday. This cablegram was from tho Rev. Henry D. Porter, M. D., D. D . a missionary at Pang Chung, some 150 miles fouth of Tien Tsln. He cables from Che Foo, under date of July 11, as follows: "Information has been received from Pekln 4th day of July. Think they are rafe up to present. Pao Ting 23th dav of June position not -dangerous Swing Perkins sailed Monday for Japan. Will probably remain some time. It Is report ed "Wright Is at Pekln. PORTER." The two missionaries referred to aa hav ing left for Japan are the Rev. George H. Ewlng, of Pao Ting Fu, and the Rev. Henry P. Perkins, of Ling Ching. The Rev. Dr. B. E. Strong, editor of the Mis sionary World, who forwarded the cable gram, says that It la known from other sources that Professor George Frederick Wright was at Vladivostock, and not at Pekin, and Is probably safe. Professor Wright la a member of the faculty of Oberlln University. EARL LI'S TWO-FOLD MISSION. To Ar- Save Ministers' Lives and range Terms of Peace. LONDON, July lfi. The Dally Telegraph has the following from Canton, dated July 16: Tn an Interview with the foreign Con suls today, Li Hung Chang said that his mission to Pekin was two-fold, to save the lives of the foreign Ministers and to arrange the best possible terms of peace with the allied powers. The American and French Consuls, while congratulating him for these commendable purposes, re minded him of his pledges to protect for eigners and to preserve peace in Southern and Central China. Earl LI replied that he must obey the summons to Pekln, but that he had taken all necessary precau tions. "He added that he had received Impor tant cables from Lord Salisbury and M. del Cassc, demanding the protection of the foreign Ministers In Pekln, and threat ening to take life for life of the high officials responsible if the Ministers, wero murdered. He told the Consuls that ho was the only man in China who dared send such messages to the Empress, but that he had sent them verbatim, and that he had no doubt they had exercised a powerful Influence In saving the Minis ters' lives. "He went on to say, as the doyen of the Vleerays, he hadJalso induced all tho other "Viceroys, except two, to Join In a Jfcagf memorial to the throne, asking pro tection for the foreigners, suppression of the Bgxers, and full reparation for the damage done apd the lives lost. "To the American who Inquired about the actual safety of the foreign Minis ters at Pekln, Li answered that he had received no news from Pekln within tho past week, but that If they were alive he was almost certain matters could be sat isfactorily arranged with tho allied pow ers. 'If they are dead,' here he shrugged his shoulders significantly and added with lowered voice, 'It's hard to tell what may happen. I am going to Pekln practically unarmed, except for my bodyguard of 200 men, and that ought to be evidence to the world that I do not favor any fight ing and of my pacific intentions. I am old and In very poor health, and it Is a great personal sacrifice to undertake such a Journey in this horrid weather.' "After a moment's thought he said: 'If your Ministers are killed, do you think, my life may be taken In retribution while en route?' This question received a strong nog&tive reply. He then asked the Con suls to wire- to their respective Admirals to respect his own flag and to allow him a safe conduct to Pekln. He was evi dently exceedingly anxious about the Ministers, for, returning to the subject, he said: My heart Js sore about them. I know them all personally, and I am on the best of good' terms with them.' "He added that he realized his govern ment had done wrong, and that it was to show his grave displeasure that he sent the cablegrams' from Lord Salisbury and M. del Casse to the Empress, word for word as ho received them. He concluded by asking the co-operation of the &." powers In furthering the success of his mission, and said emphatically that he depended Upon them." t REPUBLICAN LEAGUE Opening of the National Con vention at St Paul. tlons of our body politic We do not set forth our boundaries unchangeably. Ex pansion has been our opportunity and pos sibly our salvation. The possession of the Philippines was the natural sequence of events, commencing with the destruction of the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay; events followed each other with startling rapid ity, making a brilliant epoch for Amer icans in the closing years of the century. And shall we think so lightly of those who asked only of glory the privilege to sustain their country's flag on these dis tant Inlands, and who now in the flower of their manhood fill the humble grave of a soldier? What those lives have won shall we cast aside as of no consequence? People from foreign countries enter our gates by thousands, rejoicing to possess homes and blessings under our flag, de nied them in their native land. We still have unbounded faith that wherever that ktt -pattt. xdnn. Tiw 17 Th nag is raisea. wnemer on or Leagues and' members thereof, singly and 'Island of the sea. It carries to all liberty. GOVERNOR ROOSEVELT WA5 THERE Addresses by Senator Nelson and President Stone Speeches at the Auditorium. in squads, have been arrivlnsr in this city for two or three dajs, and the morning trains today brought In a large number. Tho chief event of the morning was the arrival of Governor Roosevelt. The dis tinguished guest was met at the depot by the St. Paul Roosevelt Republican Rough Riders' Club, a citizens' commit tee of 40 or more members, tho Minnesota State Band, and many citizens at large, who cheered lustily. As Governor. Roose velt alighted from his carriage at the Hotel Ryan, the Rough Riders, who had protection and peace, "It Is not enough to have immortal prin ciples set forth In our platform. Wo must have loyal and patriotic citizens, who value the privileges of American citi zenship; men who will lay aside partisan foellng and vote along the lines of patriot ism. "Patriotism does not alone consist In shouldering the rifle or girding on the sword, and a readiness to follow the fluttering flag to far-off fields of glory. It Is a sentiment Implanted In the heart of CALM AT HANKOW. No Trouble Thus Far Alone: the Railroad. ' PARIS, July 17. The French Consul pt Hankow telegraphs, under date of July 11. that all was calm at Hankow, and that tho population did not appear ex cited. He adds that the Viceroy was tak ing measures to avert disturbances, andi that no trouble had thus far, occurred along tho Hankow-Pekin Railway. The vicar of Southern Honan telegraphs that he was attacked in his residence at Nan Yang Fou. The vicar of Northern Honan announce? that the religious estab lishments at Salng Yang wero destroyed and tho Insurrection was spreading south ward. The French' Consul at Tie Hlng XIang telegraphs that all Is calm in the Prov ince of Szechuen. He adds that the Con eula had a steamer ready to transport foreigners In case of trouble. ANOTHER MASSACRE. Forty at Tal Foreigner Killed Yuen Fu. LONDON, July 18. According to a dis patch from Shanghai to the Dally Mall, dated yesterday, a massacre occurred on July 9 at Tai Yuen Fu, capital of the province of Shan SI. 40 foreigners and 100 native converts being killed. French Consul' Report. PARIS, July 17. The French Consul at Shanghai telegraphs, under date of July 17, that the Tao-tal of Shanghai had com municated to him a dispatch, from the Oovernor of Shan Tung, stating that the foreign legations at Pekln wextfcig4ljp. attacked July x by troopd under General Ting (Tuanh After a; turtle- by1 a Euro pean detachmeat, and that all hopeof saving ine xorejgaws, aeeanea ipsr. a sec ond telegram 1C which Btrhft one given denies the Pekln. The LONDON, elgn Office that a cable handed to Sec: by Minister llvered to It here, which was mlnlstrator of Telegraphs, at Shanghai. The Foreign Office points out, however, that the date (July 9) mentioned In the telegram probably applies to the Chinese calendar and Is equivalent to July 5, ac cording to the Gregorian reckoning. sj jircvr TEnB-j- 1 1 1 rHiBssTTl l aJ grflEMtapcal WlMClngJiini BfXtifeiFChl fembi e ..Consul, dated July time as the 1 Hung Chang o massacres in Back. '. M. The For- ssoclated Press with the one at Washington g, nas neen de- nese Minister Sheng, the Ad- Recall of Missionaries. NEW YORK. July 17. The Board of Management of the Missionary Society cf the Methodist Episcopal church, at its monthly meeting, today passed a resolu tion giving full authority to the secre tary of the China committee to recall all missionaries of the society now In China, lr be should at any time deem It wise to dp so. The resolution authorizes the ex penditure of any gums necessary to effect te purpose. . - Warehouses at KaLxal Looted. LONDON, July 18. Th6 Moscow corre spondent of the Dally Mall says: "Leading Arms here have learned that tjjelr tea and sllkware-houses at Kalgol, In the province of Chi Li, near the great wrall, have beon plundered and burned ."by Chinese rioters and troops, goods worth 71,000,000 taels having been destroyed." UNDER RUSH ORDER5. Great Activity at the Presidio Char tering of Transports. SAN FRANCISCO, July 17. This was a busy day at the Presidio. The artillery branch was particularly affected, as or ders were received early In tho day to "make ready for foreign service as soon as possible." The troops now at the Presidio will probably leave for the Orient about August 1, and the transports Meade and Hancock will bo used for their trans portation. Batteries I, O and A, of the Third Artillery, stationed at Alcatraz and fja Presidio, and Battery D, at San Diego, ere the envied ones. 'There are now en route from the East Sthe following troops, whose probable des tination is China, news of their starting plng made public today: Company E, of ie. battalion of Engineers from West bjnt; four companies of the Third Bat Jlon of the Fifteenth Infantry; one com pany frojri Atlanta, Go., and three com panies from Governor's Island, New York. They will leave here about August 1. 'The horses of the Third Cavalry will be shipped on the Aztec August 5, and thosp of the Ninth Cavalry will leave pere on the Strathgyl August 7. The Jjorses of the First Cavalry will be Shipped from Seattle on the Athenian, which Is booked to leave the latter part of this month. "" l Offers have been made to the owners pf the Australia, Zealandla, City of Syd ney, Colon, City of Para, Ohio, Senator Pnd City of Puebla, and the chances are iat all those vessels will be pressed Into service as soon as they reach port. The Ohio Is due here from Seattle, and the Australia from Honolulu. The Colon will get here from Panama on the 20th, while ihe City of Sydney and City of Para will pome here direct from Central American ports. The Senator and City of. Puebla are now In Puget Sound waters. The Zealandla, Is -ready for sea, an'd she will probably-be the first of the new fleet to.' sail escorted him from the station, gave him a I loyal man that will impel him to study few hearty cheers, which seemed to his couptry's every Interest In peace as e , e PITH OF' THE CHINESE NEWS FOR BUSY READERS A Chinese force has invaded Amur. In Southwestern Siberia, and at tacked and burned Blagovcsthensk, the capital. A Russian transport, laden with munitions, was seized and the escort killed. Li Hung Chang has started from Canton to Pekin on a two-fold mis sion, to save the Ministers' lives and arrange peace terms. Forty foreigners and 100 native converts were massacred JUly 9 at Tal Yuen Fu. about 200 miles southeast of Pekln. Tho Chinese Minister at Washington has received a dispatch from tho Chinese Minister at London, authenticated by Sheng, the Imperial Inspec tor of Telegraphs and Posts at Shanghai, and by two Viceroys, declaring that the foreigners at Pekln were sare July 9, and were receiving the pro tection of the government. This Is two days after the reported massacre. Admiral Remey sends the welcome news that the forts and City of Tien Tsin are In the hands of tho allies. At the Cabinet meeting in Washington it was decided that thero was no occasion for calling an extra Besslon of Congress. Secretary Root says 12,000 troops can be spared for service In China. The Administration has made arrangements by which it expects to get word through from Pekln In short time. . TO PROVIDE TROOPS e e sooa arouse a responsive feeling In the breast of the Governor, for he went down the Una and shook hands with the members. He said he was glad to see the young men of the country so active; It meant much for the future good of the cam paign. The convention was called to order by CofoneT George Slono, president, at 10 25 o'clock, In the Audltojrtum. Secretary D. P. Stlne read the call assembling the leagUe in Us 12th session, which was followed hy the roll-call qf states. About half, the number responded. Acting Mayor Gregg, made a short address 'Ofwolcomo, Governor Roosevelt wathen Intro duced. Ha seidi v "I am glad t6 nee yotr here .and thank you for 'Having' come, and I wish you all Success in your efforts in the coming cami palgn. When I wish success to you, I wish success to every principle that makes American citizenship worth hav ing." United States Senator Nelson, of Min nesota, then addressed the convention on the Issues of the opening campaign. The President's Address. President Stone, of the League, fol lowcd Senator Nelson with an address. He said: "Gentlemen of the National Republican League: During the brief period of two years since last we met in convention many pages have been added to the his tory of the American Republic, which so long as that Republic shall exist wilf evidence the wisdom and loyalty of tho Republican party; a party knowing how to govern the country for the security, welfare and glory of Its people. Insep arably connected with and forming a part of that record is the. name of that wise and patriotic statesman whom Re publicans delight to honor and whom alt Americans can safely trust. President William McKlnley. "We cannot soon forget the paralysis in business and industrial ruin wrought by the disastrous financial policy as exem plified under the last Democratic rule; nor should we ever forget the marvelous change that Immediately followed tho election of McKlnley In 1SD6 a change that brought prosperity to the producer and laborer, to the Democrat and Repub lican alike. Confidence was restored: the wheels of trade and commerce moved again, and the world "was notified that the people of the United States would not allow Its credit destroyed, nor its cur rency made a commodity. "The searching test of application has proved the -wisdom of the position taken by the Republican party on every Na tional Issue. Every pledge has been re deemed; every opportunity for the ad vantage of the people has been grasped; every crisis unshrinkingly met, and tho unbroken record of Its success at the minimum cost of treasure and blood causes the heart of the true American to swell with pride. "Clouds have gathered on the horizons of the great nations. Human foresight cannot prophecy whether they will spread or disperse. It Is our duty as a people to be watchful and prepared for what ever complication may arise, or, dangers, threaten our ship of state; therefore It behooves us to continue at the helm our pilot tried and true. vlndng-not figures of speech; these we I tl1" Jl?;, will leave to our Populist friend from Nebraska. He has hadfour years' con stant practice, and doubtless has Invent ed others as startling as the 'Cross, of Gold upon which the hapless American working man was to be crucified. The figures to our purpose are the good old fashioned kind learned at the school, and which were clearly presented for the con sideration of the American voter In a masterly manner by the leaders of bur party In the Philadelphia convention. The incontestable facts which the Democrats will nqt see and to which the Republi can triumphantly polqts, that under the present financial policy, we have the largest circulation of money, per caplt. iTn e history of the Nation, and that the country under the gold standard Is prosperous to a degree that commands the attention of other nations, has caused the Popullstlc-Democratlc partv to subordinate the shibboleth of four years ago to other forecastlngs of impending disaster. With prodigious effort. In sol emn conclave, It brought forth this latest pigmy of the brain and named it 'Im perialism, placing It upon a platform which, they fondly believed to be an Im pressive arraignment, of the Republican party. A Senseless Cry. t K is senseless cry, and has not been norueyerwill be Justified by any condl- well as war, to vote right as well as fight right. Patriotism will dictate to the honest American voter that he study the economic and Industrial questions which will be submitted for his consid eration, with an eye single to his coun try's welfare, with a heart Inspired for his country's glory. Then we can have no, fear that, when the principles set forth In our platform are understood and tho worth and merits of the men who carry our standards are fully estimated, the result will be the overwhelming elec tion of McKlnley and Roosevelt. "Of the duties of public men the Im mortal Lincoln jsa(d: They should be men who- know- and realise that the first and greatest duty of this nation Is to ex tend individual liberty to every foot of soil where the fortunes of peace or war may plant tho Stars and Stripes.' Such men have wo In the Republican party, and such are the men whose names are presented to the voters of the country for election to the high offices of Presi dent and Vice-President of the United States; whose names are synonymous with honesty, ability, loyalty, courage and qualities that make men great; whose ability In the highest council chambers of the land has been amply proved: whose courageous loyalty bade them throw aside the pursuits and pleasures .of busy happy existence and hasten to the battlefield at their country's call; and with' unswerving moral courage equally great to bid defiance to criticism and follow the path of highest dutv and .under whose leadership the grand old party will in November sweep the land for honest government, honest money and honest principles." Mr. Hayes, of Ohio, presented a reso lution, which wa3 adopted, unanimously Indorsing the "wise and patriotic admin istration of President McKlnley, and heartily approving the character and principles of that gallant Rough Rider. Theodore Roosevolt," and directing that a copy of this resolution be sent to Pres ident McKlnley. The League then adjourned to 10 A. M. tomorrow. The Evening Meetlnjr. Governor Roosevelt, of 'New York, ad dressed a most enthusiastic crowd In the Auditorium In this city tonight. Thou sands besieged the doors of the hall two hours before they were opened. At 7 o'clock, when the crowds were finally given a chance to get Inside, every Inch of space was filled lq .a fev? minutes. Thousands of persons surged about the streets, unable to gain entrance. The day session of the Republican League Clubs Convention was ,a tame affair to that presented when the Empire State Governor arrived before the building. He was compelled to reply to the repeated calls for a speech. Governor Roosevelt sold: 'I Intend to speak this evening in the hall and can say but a word to you now. All I can say now Is to appeal to you as representative Republicans to stand by the principles of our great National party. I appeal to you, as men and as patriotic American citizens to stand by us now to stand by the great party that stands for liberty and prosperity at home and abroad, wherever floats the When the party entered the hall, the Governor was .given! a great ovation. Colonel Stone formally called the meeting to order, and Introduced Senator Davis as chairman of the evening. Asj Senator Davis named the speaker of the evening, the audience rose to its feet and six minutes of cheers and ap plause swept the hall. Roosevelt's Address. When Roosevelt finally was able to make himself heard, he returned thanks for the reception that had been tendered him here today. Tho Governor spoke for decency and efficiency In public life, for courage In carrying out what one be lieves. He hod no use, he said, for timid persons. Public officials should be hon est, brave and have the saving grace of common sense. They were needed In public life just as much as in private. Continuing, he said: "We have come here to begin the work of a campaign more vital to American interests than has taken, place since the close of the Civil War. We appeal not only to Republicans, but to all good citi zens, who ore Americans in fact as well as In name, to help us In re-electing President McKlnley. It was Indeed of Infinite' Importance to elect him four years ago. 'Yet, the need is now even greater. Every reason that then obtained in his Only Reason for Calling Con-, gress Together. WAR WILL NOT 8E DECLARED (Concluded oa Second Page.) Fall of Tien Tsln "Will Bore LlttU .Effect on the Chinese General Miles' Ambition. WASHINGTON, July 17. The oplniop has grown very strong In military circlea" lately that sooner or later Congress will have to be called together in order to provide a sufficient number of troops to take care of our Interests in China. It Congress la thus called together. It does not necessarily mean that war will be de clared. In fact, such a course Is alto gether Improbable, but the small force than can be spared from the Philippines is Inadequate to meet the emergency, and the President Is without authority to en list a larger force. To withdraw our forces from the Philippines at this time would be to give way to anarchy and rebellion, and such a course Is not con sidered. The news of the fall of Tien TBln, while encouraging, Is not regarded as In dicative of any permanent check to the hostilities of the Boxers, and, unless a much larger allied force Is put la China soon, the worst Is anticipated by Army officials here. General Miles Is anxious to go to China to head the American forces, but this Is a matter to be determined by the Presi dent. If a large American force Is Anally sent to China, It Is not Improbable that the Commanding General will be given a chance. Unless there is a change la the situation there will be no occasion fop declaring war, as such a course would bo necessary only on condition that China should not make the reparation de manded. A large American force Is needed, how ever, to maintain our prestige and to pre serve our men already on Chinese soil. If an extra session is called. It will bs solely to provide this force. COLLAPSE OF A TRUST. Competition Drove National "Wall Paper Company Out of Business. NEW YORK. July 17. The National Wall Paper Company, which ha3 been known for more than six years as the National Wall Paper Trust, having failed; to control Independent manufacturers, hao practically been driven out of business by outside competition, and In the near fu ture will be dissolved. This action was decided upon at a meeting of the major ity of the stockholders held today, in this city. The collapse of the National Wall Paper Company will result In the "wind ing up of the affairs of the Continental Wall Paper Company, which has for some time been an ally of the National. The latter controlled the output of 15 factories In the combination, and the Continental operated IT similar factories. At, nual meeting today the old board of di rectors was re-elected and empowered to act as trustees In the dissolution pro ceedings. Some of the factories will be bought back by their original owners, and the others will be sold to the high est bidder. FEDERATION OF LABOR. No Appeal "Will Be Taken In the Eight-Hour Case. DENVER, July 17 The executive coun cil of the. American Federation of Labor today took up the consideration of tho Colorado eight-hour cose. It had been proposed to appeal from the decision of the State Supremo Court, which, was against the constitutionality of the law, to the United States Supreme Court. The council finally decided against tak ing action. The Chicago building trades lockout and the St. Louis street-car men's strike were dLTouftsed, but no action was taken on either. Resolutions of sympathy on tha death of George Chance, of Philadelphia, ex-member of the council, were adopted. Tonight the members addressed various labor organizations of the city. NEW YORK SWELTERED. Business Houses Compelled to Close Many Prostrations. NEW YORK, July 17. There was no re lief for suffering New Yorkers today. In fact, it was hotter this afternoon than yesterday, and there was scarcely any breeze. As was tno case yesterday, many business houses wero compelled to close early In the afternoc- and It was Im possible for laboring en to work In the streets after 2 o'clock. In Greater New York thero were about 35 cases of heat prostrations. Five persons died from the effects of the heat, and one person, who had been overcome and taken to a hos pital, committed suicide. Officially, the mercury ranged from 92 to 100 degrees between the hours of 10 A. M. and 5 P. M., but many thermometers at different points throughout the city registered aa high as 106 IN JAPANESE WATERS. Battleship Oregon on Her "Way ts Kure Drydock. WASHINGTON, July 17. The following dispatch was received at the Navy De partment this morning: "Noji, July 17. Oregon passed through Shlmonosekl Straits on way to Kure. All well. WILDE." Return of General "Wood. NEW YORK, July 17. General Leonard Wood and his family arrived here today from Havana. General Wood will pro ceed at once to Washington. When seen at quarantine, he said: "I have not been called home to consult about the re moval of troops from Cuba to China, but to talk over general matters In relation to my post In Cuba. I would like, how ever, to go to China. I do not know that I will be selected for a command, but I want to go." "Worried to Death Over the Massacre. DAVENPORT, la., July 17. John B. Phelps, a prominent lumberman, died to day of apoplexy, attributed to worry over the fate of relatives In Pekin who are guests of Minister Conger's family at tho American legation. Captain Borden Killed. HALIFAX, N. S., July 17. A cablegram from South Africa reports that Captain Harold Borden, of the Canadian con tingent, has been .killed In action. He was the only son of F. W. Borden, Ca nadian Minister of MUltla.