i'Sf'YSp-z'y THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY JULY IT, 1900. OUT ON A STRIKE Longshoremen to the Number " of 150 Quit Work. THEY DEMAND 40 CENTS AN HOUR All the Docks on the Water Pront ' Are Affected Jlfo Settlement In Sight. The longshoremen on every grain Aock along the vraxer front aro on a 6trike, the purpose of which i& to secure for them 40 cents an hour, and 50 cents an hour for overtime. They are now receiv ing" 30 cents an hours. About 150 longshore men are out, besides a crew of & dozen men engaged: In loading cars with piles, who struck In sympathy with the wharf men. The strike came ao a surprise to the managers of the docks, who had been considering a petition from the men demanding more wages, and, although It is probable that rather than employ new hands they will moke some effort to reach an agreement with the men, noth ing of this kind, was done yesterday. Although the strike really han no con nection with the walk-out at the Alns worth Dock Sunday morning, It wea un doubtedly precipitated by the trouble there. That It was not merely a sym pathetic strike, however, waa proven by the fact that when yesterday afternoon the O. R. & N, Co. yielded to the demand for higher wages and set a crew of men at work handling the cargo of the Brae mar at 40 and 50 cents an hour, the grain laborers continued: to remain out. When the strike began yesterday morning thoy had. no organization. The union wa broken up five years ago, and. there wao no one vested, with, authority to order the walk-out. The men employed at "Victoria Dock, probably spurred by the news of the strike on the Alnsworth Dock, -decided that they had waited long enough for an answer to their petition for higher wages, and left work, proceeding to Irving Dock, where they gathered in the laborers there, and crossed the river to Green wich Dock, enllBtlng as recruits to "their army of voluntarily Unemployed all the longshoremen at" that wharf. The strik ers, now numbering a considerable force, went from the Greenwick Dock back across the river, visiting Columbia Dock No. 2, Oceanic. Montgomery, and finally the dock of the Pacific Coast Elevator Company, in every Instance Inducing the men to quit work. Having thus succeeded In tying up work, they adjourned to Schranz Hall, on Helm street, in Lower Albino, where they effect ed a temporary organization, without, however, choosing any officers, and passed resolutions declaring their intention to stand together until they secured, the wages -demanded. It li their intention to meet today in the samelace for the pur pose of forming a union. No Disorder Amons Strikers. There was not the last disorder or unruly conduct on the part of the men. They talked quietly among themselves, argued quietly with the men whom they desired to quit v, ork, and made no threats or bluster. They appeared to be in the best of humor all the time, talking and joking among themselves. After the meeting many of them -went to their homes, while others collected in the Al blna Exchange and Curtin'a saloon, both near the East Side docks, and played cards or dlacu&sed the situation. At the Oceanic Dock the men remained about the premises, having apparently Quit work with great reluctance. Man ager Scott went out during the afternoon and talked to them a few minutes, advis ing them to go back to work until they received a reply to their petition. This they seemed disposed to do, but were evi dently loth to take any action that would get them into trouble with the main body of the strikers. It was finally agreed to find out, if possible, who was at the head of the strike (this being a matter which not even the strikers themselves seem to know) and address a letter to him, stating that they would return to work this morning and remain at work until tlje end of the week, or until they heard from their employers, Balfour, Guthrie & Co. A letter was prepared, and some of the men took it to the saloon where the other strikers were gathered, but they declined to say wheth er or not they had presented It. Trouble Lonjr BreTringr. The dissatisfaction which culminated in yesterday's walk-out has been growing for about two weeks. At that time the impression became general among the men that they ought to receive the same wages as were paid five years ago viz., 40 cents an hour through the dayi and 50 cents an hour for overtime. The matter was very generally discussed, and a week ago the managera of each of the several docks received petitions, signed by all the men in their employ, requesting that the old rate of wages be restored. Friday the managers of the docks held a meeting to discuss the petitions, but arrived at no conclusion. Sunday afterrioon .they held a second meeting, at which it is said that an agreement was reached, but desiring to communicate with their owners before replying to the men. thoy adjourned to meet today. Yesterday morning the walk out occurred, and now the matter will be left entirely to the owners of the docks, who may or may not meet the .demands of the men, as they see fit Mr. Scott's Statement. "W. K. Scott, manager for Balfour, Guthrie & Co. of the Oceanic, Montgomery No. 2 and Mersey Docks, was seen yes terday afternoon regarding the strike. He eaid: "I think it was hardly fair f on the men to walk out before we had time to con sider their petition. I do not believe that tbo men on this dock wanted to strike, and I think, they would be glad to go to work now. Some of them have been here for 12 years, and all of them are steady men and flno longshoremen. We hod a meeting yesterday to discuss the petitions for more wages which have been ad dressed, to every one of the dock manag ers. Wo were going to have another meeting today, and It is very possible that something might have been done for the petitioners, had, "they not been so hasty in their action. They came down here in a crowd and simply took .the trucks out of our men's hands. They went on down the beach and visited every dock, inducing the men to walk out everywhere. "The men have always been treated: well by our company. They get plenty of over time, which enable them to make good money, and it is seldom that a man leaves here Saturday night without a $20 gold piece in his pocket. Five years ago, when It was necessary to cut down wages, tbo men accepted the cut without a murmur. I can see no reason why they should havo walked out, at least without giving us some warning." Slanngrer Brush's Statement. Manager Brush, of the Pacific Coast Elevator Company, was seen yesterday evening at the office of the dock, and gave a statement of the situation there. He said: "We had at work, this morning loading a ship about 40 men. The best of feel ing prevailed. The request from, the men for an Increase of wages had been re ceived from them and had been turned over to the owners of the dock, but it had not yot been answered. I had a con ference with some of the other managers of the other docks Sunday afternoon, but as not all were present, we took no action, but deferred doing anything until Tues day, when we were to meet again, but owing to the strike I don't think we can do anything. The matter, of course, is now In the hands of the owners of these docks to say whether or not they will accede to the demands. We had been paying 25 cents an hour, but recently ad vanced tages to 30 cents an hour. Our work in the elevator docks Is generally continuous, and a good man can make at 30 cents an hour from 42 40 to $2 per day, which is fair wages for unskilled labor. We had a good gang of men here, and there was no complaint We never had any trouble before. I don't suppose my men would have quit until they bad re ceived an answer, at least, to their re quest, but the crowd from the other docks coming around where they were at work, thoy flwarmed around and we could not continue work. Probably half qutt out of eympatliy wjlth th. others. I don't knowwwhat will be done. That Is In the hands of the owners of the docks, now that the men ha ye walked out before re ceiving an answer to their demand. We have much work on hand here loading ships. I received 50 cars of grain this afternoon. We are blocked up, of course. I corwider that we give fair employment in tho docks. In the "Winter and rainy weather, handling grain here under cover Is much better than outside work can be. On tho whole, the man handling a truck makes about as much as a carpenter the year round, and 'perhaps- more on an av erage. Then it does not take a man that Is vigorous long to learn how to handle a truck. Two or three weeks' practice and; he can get along all right. We have only one class of skilled workmen on the docks, and that If the sack-sewers. The others are unskilled workmen. All on this deck are excellent men, and I haven't a word of blame to ,utterv I trust the mat ter will be adjusted at an early day. We havo plenty or work for the men." While Mr. Brush was talking, h was engaged In paying off his men. They laughed and jolted 'together, and seemed on the best of terms. Manager Fairfonl's Statement. Manager Falrfoul, of Irving Dock, was at the dock yesterday. He said that the men employed there had joined In a peti tion to the owners of the dock, asking for an increase of 10 cents, an hour from 30 to 40 cents. They bad quit with .the others. The matter, be said, would probably bo adjusted this afternoon, when there would bo a conference. There were about 12 men employed there. The strike did. not cause any blockade at present, owing to slack hipjnont of wheat from the In terior. He spoke in the highest terms of the men. 'Manager Hedges, of tbe irving ton Dock, was absent. His men presented bim with their petition. He indorsed It and sent it to tho owners of the dock. Striker' Side of the Case. The men state that they are fully en titled to the increase asked for, on ac count of tbo hard work, its temporary nature, and for the reason, they assert, that they had been promised It, They state that during the- depression a few years ago they accepted a reduction, on the promise that with the return of bet ter times their wagc-y should be restored to what they had been. They represent that the work Is very uncertain. One of the men gave an Instance where he showed-up at the, dock, every day for a week, and then only received 50 cents for his week, '3Ve received, many times," remarked another, "only $5 In a week for our work, and ve have to support our families on that' small -sum. If we got work all tho time, It would be another thing; but "we don't We may get two, three, four or flvo days one week, and then -next week perhaps none at alL The work is terrific. It breaks down the big SwedJrih young men In a phort time. There is not an easy place anywheTe about a grain dock. To stick to the work of trucking grain and swinging the sacks on the high stacks will wear out and kill the best man that ever lived. I can show you young fel lows who a few years ago were vigorous, but who are now broken down under the physical strain of the heavy work, and this work Is worth 40 cents an hour, if anything. It Is little enough that the men are acting. The times are better, and the dock-owners can well afford the Uttlo advance of 10 cents that we are asking." There was no sign of yielding yesterday evening. The men say they won't work for 30 cents an hour. They will quietly stay away from the docks, and there Is no expectation of any trouble. Except at tbe Pacific Coast Elevator and Oceania Company's Docks there is little grain being handled at any- of the docks, al though there bar been some work In progress at all of them. Some Action Today. It Is likely that some action looking toward a resumption of work on the docks will be taken today. Wli'le a continued strike at this time will not necessarily paralyze business. It will pcrlously Incon venience the railroad comoany by tying up its cars, and it will probably not be the policy of the owners of the docks to aKow the wheal to stand still, even though they are forced to employ men other than tbe strlkera. It Is not believed that the full demands of tbe men will be acceded to. In Tacoma the maximum. wages for longshoremen Is 25 cents an hour, and an advance to 40 in Portland would not be calculated to make this a cheaper port The shippers moat con cerned are Balfour, Guthrie & Co., Glrvln & Eyre, Kerr. Glfford & Co.. G. W, Mo Near & Co. and the Pacific Coast Eleva tor Company. Work Resumed on tbe Braemar. At noon yesterday work unloading the cargo of tbe Oriental liner Braemar was resumed by the regular steamship long shoremen of the O. B, & N. Co. This was a concession on the part of the com pany, which, however, refused to take back any of tho men who struck Sunday, although paying the wages demanded. The men went to work at once there being plenty of them to handle the cargo, and the dock was full of the sound cf rumbling trucks all the afternoon. DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Real Estate Transfers. W. H. Hopper and wife to A. F. Washburn, lot 7, block 16, Mount Tabor Villa, July 9 1 Octavla & Seymour to E. I Thomp son, N. of lot 2, block 20, Kings Second addition. Twenty-second and Kearney streets, July 7 1000 A Larapert to E. H. Lampert, lot 6, block 31, Central Alblna, April 19. 182S .77...... 1 Anna KrlmbeL Joseph Relff et at. to Kate Rybergand Lizzie Arnold, lot 2, block 207, Couch addition, July 12 3000 J. H. Hovedogaard and wife to C. V. and E. X. Pfaff, lots 17 and 19, block 2, Midway, July 14 160 Annie M. Rodney and Henry F. Rod ney to A. El Latourette, trustee, lots 1 and 2. block 4, Hawthorne Place, July 12 1000 M. C. Dammieler and husband to J. H. Montgomery, 17x55 feet, Jot 4, block 6, Buckman's addition! July 12 5 E. F. Riley-et ux., to United States, lot 7, 8, 9. 10. section 16, T. 1 S. R. 6 E., containing J46 acres; also N of S. E. M of the N. W. of sec tion 24T. 1 S , R. 5 B. July 10 1 Adam Schmltt t6 Franciska Schraltt 1 acres Thomas Stephens' D. I. C Milwaukie, July 14 1000 Marriage License. John M. Elskarop, aged 28. Mary Fay, aged 22; Relnhold Schmidt 26, Sophie Reh- mann. 22; L. C. Chapman, 29, Carrie Par- rott 21; George Burgess, SO, Kate Briggs, 2C. St. Paul us a Horse Market. Spokane Spokesman-Review. - Tho July sales of horses at the St Paul horse market exceeded anything In .the history of the yards, more than 25 000 horses being rold. They were disposed of at the rate of 40 carloads an hour1, the buyers being from all parts of the coun try, a few foreigners being represented. The majority of these horses are from the ranges of North Dakota and Mon tana. The bidding was sharp and tho prices ran high, showing a good demand, which, though prevailing for several month has never reached the present proportiona The sales at the St Paul horse market during the past six months put it In tho lead, as the chief . market in the United States. More .than 10.000 animals were disposed of. Of this num ber, the Northern Pacific brought to St Paul from the ranges 50,000 horses. Women with pale, colorless faces, who feel .weak and discouraged will receive both" mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Little Liver PHIs. SQ IT UNfflNQTITHTIflNA! Ojyear3. r r subscriptions. If this Is IJ I I UllLUn J I 1 I U 1 lUnAL; not aonc, the J1000 is to be paid to the BICYCLE TAX CASE SUBMITTED TO JUDGE SEARS. Aa Early Decision Is Expected Com ment on Conflicting Opinions -of the Saprcme Court. Tho bicycle tax case was argued and submitted before Judge Sears yesterday, and a decision as to the constitutionality of the law will be handed down soon J. A. Ellis, whose bicycle was seized be cause he refused to pay the tax, Is the plaintiff in the suit, and Sheriff Frazier is the defendant District Attorney Chamberlain defended the law for Multnomah County, and Rob ert G. Morrow appeared as attornoy for bicyclists Interested in paths, who desire to see. the law upheld. J. D. Fenton made the arguments as attorney for the plain tiff. He asserted that the law Is con trary to no fewor than eight different sections of the constitution, all of which aro set forth in his complaint The point Is that the law Is special. In Its action and provisions, as it applies only to a few counties. In the Btate, and that it grants certain citizens and classes of cltl zens privileges and Immunities which do GALLERY OF NEW MEMBERS FRANK. A. HEITKBMPBR, A REPRESENTATIVE FROM MULTNOMAH COUNTY. Frank A. Heitkemper, one of tho Representatives from Multnomah County, is of German descent, and was born on Jackson day, January 8. 1S71, in Springfield, O. In 1873 his par ents moved to Winneshiek County, Iowa, and in 1870 to Nebraska, where bo attended school until ha was 18 years of age. At the age of 14. he was employed by the First National Bank, of Columbus, Neb., as messenger, and soon worked up to assistant bookkeeper. The fam ily resided also in Hastings, Neb, for several years, and in 1889 came to Portland, where the young man engaged in the Jewelry business with his father. Mr. Reitkomper U a Democrat, and tbe present year is the first time be was nominated for a public office, and tbe results are very gratifying to his friends. Although- one of the younger men on the ticket, he received tbe second highest vote of the Representatives elected. He served seven years in old Company X, First Regiment. O. N. O. and has taken a lively interest In National Guard matters. He is also an ardent fisherman, and takes great Interest in wheeling. Na tional Guard affairs, game laws and bicycle laws will undoubtedly receive his attention, along with tile more important and weighty measures which will come up during the next session of tho Legislature. Mr. Heitkemper was married in 1884 to Miss Maud M. Allard, daughter of Mr. J. J. Allard, a well and faiorably known pioneer of Portland. not bolong to all citizens. It Is also con tended that the bill originated In tho Sen ate, and should have originated In the House of Representatives. Judge Sears questioned at tho outset of the argument whether the law was not unconstitutional because it is local and not general In Its character, according to the decision of tho Supreme Court In tho case of Manning vs. Kllppel. Mr. Chamberlain, In answer, sold that when tho case was first presented to him ho was of the opinion, and believed the law was unconstitutional, not only In theory but because of this decision. But on ex amination he discovered the opinion In the case of Manning vs. Kllppel has been overruled, and reasoned out of exist ence by other decisions, not yet published In the Oregon reports, but reported in the Pacific Reporter. Mr. Chamberlain went on to say that ho thought the Supreme Court had gono to unreasonable lengths in sustaining laws of this character; in his judgment they were clearly unconstitutional, but the Supreme Court had almost invariably upheld them, except In the cose referred to by the court, and now It had practical ly reversed Itself even In that case. Hence, In spite of his personal Judgment and opinion as to the constitutionality of these special laws, applying only to certain counties of the state, he would contend that by virtue of the decisions of the Supreme Court this law is valid and constitutional also. "I think counsel for tho plaintiff will admit" ho said, turning to Mr. Fenton, "that the decision in the Manning case has been reasoned out of existence and consideration by the decision In the Bell case." "Well," Mr. Fenton replied, "I am free to say that I am not at all satisfied with the reasoning In the Bell case." Mr. Chamberlain held that tho law ought to be held constitutional In conse quence of tho decisions of the Oregon Su preme Court, and he cited notably the wagon road case. As to the bill originat ing in tho Senate, Instead of tho house, he showed that under the decisions of tho Supreme Court this was hot "a bill for raising revenue," in contemplation of tho constitution. That means' only the gen eral revenue law. Mr. Fenton made a strong argument in favor of the complaint and submitted numerous authorities sustaining his po sition. He also dissected the various de cisions of tho Oregon Supreme Court, which, ho asserted, were not adverse to his case. Francis M. Warren's Will. The will of Francis M. Warren, de ceased, was admitted to probate In the County Court yesterday, and Frank M. Warren, named In the instrument "was appointed as executor. The estato is val ued at about $30,000, and Is devised as fol lows: To William J. Warren, a brother of the testator, and his wife,- of Cathlamet Wash., lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, block Q. town of Cathlamet; also $50 per month during their lifetime, to be paid out of the in come of real estate at Park and Salmon streets; to Mrs. Eliza W. Cbpp, of Wa quolt Mass., a sister, $300 per annum for life. The rest and residuo of tho estato Is devised to Frank M. Warren, a son of the deceased. The will it dated April 13, 1S9S. A codicil of the same date provides that Mrs. Nellie G.' White, a niece, shall receive $500, and Mary E. Illsley, a niece, a llko sum; Charles A. and William J. Warren arc also devised $500 eaqh. Frank M. Warren, as trustee, is to Invest $1000 and. pay the income to the poor fund of tho First Congregational Church. The codicil also provides for the payment of $1000 towards tho payment of the $20,000 indebtedness of the First Congregational Churcbv-when-the indebtedness shall first have been reduced to $10,000 within five poor fund trustees, and the income ap plied to the poor fund. EARLY MINING LAW. Local Rales of & S on t hern Oregon' Camp in. 1852. Lewiston (Idaho) Teller. D. J. "Northcutt, of Melrose, hands the Teller a copy of tho first mining laws ever enacted north of the California line. He says the meeting was held on Canyon Crock, a tributary of Josephine Creek, on the first day of April. 18S2. Forty miners assembled under a big fir tree, and or I ganised by electing Mr. Northcutt chair man and Philip Althouse clerk. This meeting laid the foundation not only for . the laws that now govern all the camps In this district, then Included within the Territory of Oregon, but the whole United! states. These simple but comprenensive rules are surely historical Items for the. consideration of not only miners and pros pectors, but the legal fraternity, as well, may study them witb profit Following Is the copy: "Know all men by these presents, that I the miners in council assembled, on this the first day of April, A. D 1852, do or dain and adopt the following rules and regulations to govern this camp: "Resolved, First that 50 yards shall constitute a claim in the bed of the creek, extending to high water on "each side. "Resolved, Second, that 40 feet shall con- OF THE OREGON LEGISLATURE stltute a bank or bar claim on the face extending back to the hill or mountain. "Resolved, Third, that all claims not worked when workable, after five days, bo forfeited or Jumpable, "Resolved, Fourth, that all disputes arising from mining claims shall be set tled by arbitration, and the decision shall be final. E. J. NORTHCUTT, "Chairman. "Attest: Philip Althouse, Clerk." Mr. Northcutt adds by way of Identifica tion the following personal history: "I claim the honor of being one of the earliest pioneers, having landed In Port land, Or., on the 17th day of September, 1SS1, having made the journey across tho plains frqm Springfield, 111., with ox teams that year. After a rest of four daj at the Skidmore House, in company with three others, I started to the gold mines. We went In a boat up the Willam ette River, through TJmpqua Valley, to the gold mines of Northern California; met Aaron Rose and stayed with him over night at the first camp that ho made, where Roseburg now stands; fell in with a pack train going to the mines, and landed on Josephine Creek the 10th of October, 1S51. This was the only mining camp In Oregon Territory at that time, which included all thehtry from the southern line of Ore?l to the British line, and east to the Rocky Mountains, where there are thousands of mining camps to day. I was a partner with A. Q. Walling, the printer, in 1S52. on Althouse Creak: was with General Lang at the Indian fight on Evans Creek, where he was wounded in the arm. In 1S55; was with General A. J. Smith (then Captain) at the battle of Hungry Hill. In 1855; was with the Oregon Cavalry In 18S1-S4, In this coun try: and In 18G7 with the First United States Cavalry, under General Crook. I havo been in 18 Indian fights twice wounded. I am a well and hearty man today; never have been sick an hour on this Coast, and I am now 70 years of ago. Tours truly, E. J. NORTHCrm." GENERAL LAFAYETTE. His Nepbertv Objeeta to Carlyles "Prejudiced View." BALTIMORE, July 10. (To tho Editor.) Your editorial reading of "La Fayette" Is quite true, but Carlyla's Idea of La Fayette Is one of prejudice against all French and Frenchmen. Carlyle never spoke or wrote a kind word for tho French. General La Fayette was my uncle, and knowing of uncle perhaps as much as Carlyle, I wish to refute his (Carlyle's) Ideas. Again, pleaso remember La' Fayette's time was one of transition from monarchy to republicanism, and like all changes from the earliest times to date, there will be vacillations and, a pendulum swinging, of Ideas, which you call "failure in La Fayette." Hardly a correct fact La Fayette changed and vacillated as ho observed the American experiment and saw Its future for Eu rope, and the revolution brewing in France, its outcome was uncertain. Please kindly bear In mind that as a for eigner and with French or Latin Ideas, what Is vacillation Is only searching after the truth. I know your paper Is just for Judge Goodwin., of the Salt Lake Tribune, has told trie so. Kindly look at uncle with Amerlcap eyes of freedom, as he foretold, and not otit of Carlyle's pre judiced eyes, as an 'Englishman looks at a Frenchman. A . WM. WODSWORTH GOODRICH. Train Wrectt In California. STOCKTON. CatjJuly is. An East bound J3anta Fe passenger train, going 50 miles an hour, crashed Into a freight traln-about a mile west of 'Antloch at 10:30 last night. Three freight cars and tho freight train caboose were wrecked. No one was hurt ( ' ' FREIGHTS-STILL SOARING RATES TO EUROPE ARE REARING FIFTY. SHILLINGS. Nine-Hundred-Ton Salmon Salp Chartered at 4T OdDarIc McXcar Lost Marine Notes. If- there are any longer any doubts about a good stiff market for ocean freights they should be set at rest by the charter yesterday of the British schooner Rlmac to load salmon at Victoria or tho Fraser River, for United Kingdom, at 47s 6d. The Rlmac Is a four-masted steel schooner which has just reached Esquimalt with a cargo of coal from Cardiff. She was sent out to the Coast to engage In the foreign lumber trade, but the rate offered for an outward cargo of salmon was so attractive that she was pressed Into that service. A schooner In the round-the-Horn trade Is something of a novelty but this Is the second time the Rlmac has attempted it She is a steel vessel of S55 tons net and 946 tons gross regis ter, built at Glasgow In 1S92. Her dimen sions are: Length, 210 feet; beam, 35.5 feet; depth of hold. 15.8 feet On her previous trip to the Coast she loaded lum ber at a northern port for the west coast of South Africa, and from there took a cargo of nitrate to England. It was also reported that a larger vessel had been taken for salmon loading with the option of wheat at 45s 3d. Thus far 45 shillings Is the highest rate paid for a straight grain charter, but at least four vessels have been chartered at that rate for Portland loading, among tho latest reported being the Blalrhoyle and the Portia. THE CIRCUS COLLAPSED. One of the "Greatest Shorrs on Earth" In the Bottom of Umpqaa. The Australian circus, a mammoth ag gregation of wonders, came to grief on the Umpqua River, In Southern Oregon a few days. It came up the Coast by wagon from California until Gardiner was reached. At this point it started up the river on a scow In tow of the steamer Eva, and after making a fow miles, the scow suddenly went to tho bottom in about 15 feet of water. It contained eight horses and four wagons, as well as a tent and a lot of other par aphernalia, with three men on board to look after It The men and five of the horses escaped, but tho rest of the outfit went down with the scow. A span of mules and a 'portion of tho cir cus property were on the steamer Eva. and these with the remnants of the circus were taken back to Gardiner to await the settlement of losses and tho reunion of forces. Steamboat Inspectors Edwards and Ful ler, of" this city, are at Gardiner this week, and will probably make a rigid examination of the trouble and may In sist on the circus having a new boiler before it can commence running again. TO PORTLAJTD FOR REPAIRS. Tufir Maggie Rescued From Slnslavr Bar Iffearly Ready for Service. The tug Maggie, which came so near to being a total wreck on the Sluslaw bar a few months ago. Is due at Port land this week, to receive ,the finishing touches on her engines and boiler, which wero damaged at the time of the wreck. Tho vessel wns hauled out near Flor ence, by Captain H. Andersen, of this city, who built ways for this special purpose, and since she has been out of water, sho has been so thoroughly overhauled, that she is now better than before the accident The schooner Ber wick, which was thrown on the beach at the samo time, has been making regular trips to San Francisco for several weeks, and Is apparently none the worse for her thrilling adventure. The experience of these vessels will lessen the terrors of the Sluslaw bar, as both of the victims aro a long ways from being total wrecks. BARKENTKTO STXEAR LOST. A Well-Knovrn American Vessel Wrecked oa a Reef. SAN FRANCISCO, July 16. The steam er Coptic arrived hero today from Chinese and Japanese ports, via Honolulu. From the latter place news comes of the loss of the American, bark McNear, on Dow sett Reef, near Laysan Island. The treacherous currents in the vicinity of reef were responsible for the wreck, which occurred during tho night of May 14. The crew and passengers, numbering 33 persons, took to tho boats, and after spending two days on tho water, sighted Laysan Island, where they landed. On June 24, the bark Ceylon left Laysan for Honolulu, with tho survivors of the Mc Near disaster, and arrived in Honolulu, on July 7. The McNear was bound for Laysan when tho wreck occurred, and was to have returned to Honolulu with a car go of guano from that place. Marine Notes. The British bark Mlstley Hall. Captain Logan, ship and master both well known In this port was towed Into Montevideo a few days, while en route from Liver pool, for 9an Francisco. The Ocklahoma, which has towed more big ships in a shorter space of, time than any other boat that over stirred the waters of the Willamette, arrived up from Astoria early Sunday 'afternoon with her double tow, the Rigel and tho Nlthsdalo. The French bark Marechal do Vllllera left down the river yesterday In tow of tho Ocklahoma. The Lizzie Bell is still In tho stream. Dispatch of the other vessels In port has been delayed by the strike among the longshoremen. The barkentlno Tarn CShanter arrived in San Francisco yesterday afternoon after a flying passage of less than five days to San Francisco. This is not equal to her record, but Is pretty fast fast tlmo for a lumber drogher. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ; A6TORIA, July 16. Sailed British bark Flfeshlra for Oueenstnwn. nr TTftl- Tnouth. for orders. Arrived down French Dane Marechal Vllllers. Condition of tho bar at 5 P. M., smooth; weather, hazy; wind, northwest Redondo, July IS. Arrived Schooner La Gironde, from Gray's Harbor. San Francisco, July 16. Arrived Bar kentlne Tam O'Shanter, from Knappton. Sailed Schooner Laura May, for Wlllapa Harbor. Seattle, Sailed July 14. Steamer Cot tage City, for Sitka; steamer Roanoke, for Nome. Honolulu, Arrived July 6. Steamer War limoo. from Victoria; July 8, Barkentlne Kllkitat from Port Gamble. Sailed July 2 Ship Hero, for Port Townsend; July 4 Bark Carondelet for Port Town send; British steamer Miowera, for Vic toria. Seattle. July 1C Arrived Steamer Hum boldt from Skagway. Shanghai Arrived previously Bark Elizabeth Nicholson, from Port Blokeloy. New York, July 16. Arrived Servta, from Liverpool; Manltou, from London; Ethiopia, from Glasgow. Antwerp, July 15, Arrived Kensington, from New York. Plymouth. July 14. Sailed Rotterdam, for New York. Marsollles, July 16. Arrived Karaman ia, from New York, fo:r :Leghorn. Yokohama, July 14. Arrived previously China, from San Francisco, via H6no lulu, for Hong Kong: Glenogle, from Hong Kong, for Tacoma; Idzuma Maru, from Seattle, for Hong Kong and Manila. Hoauiam-Wash. Julv 13 Sailed Sehoon- .er Laura Madsen, from Aberdeen, for uu 4ouuowi, OI.UUUI1CI : ilia. AICA.U , from Aberdeen, for San Francisco. Ar rivedSchooner Eureka, from Hawaiian Islands; schooner Jennie Thelln. from Bristol Bay; Alaska, for Hoqularo, Boston, July 16. Sailed Peruvian, for Glasgow. Gibraltar, July: 1:6. Passed California, from Genoa, for New York. CENSUS BAKE-OVEI. Bureau Cro-rrded With TVorJc and Crowded for Space WASHINGTON, "july 1L Whereas a short time ago the Census Office in Wash ington was, because of its busy appear ance, termed the "Census Workshop' its name has subsequently been changed to the "Census Bake-Oven." And the change of name Is well warranted. The building occupied by tho census is, except for the front a vast on-3tory shed, erected In a hurry, and for the express purpose of ac commodating the census force. The front is a two-story structure, where are lo cated the ofilces of, all the officials of the bureau, but the "punchers1' and most of the poor clerks are packed away In the back or body of tho building, two vast halls, covering half a square, under a huge skylight Being a one-storf affair, and in the direct rays of the sun. It can easily be imagined that there are cooler places to be found. It is a fact that Washington, with its miles of asphalt pavements, is one of the warmest cities in tho United States, and. with few ex ceptions, nowhere Is the heat felt more, on account of the almost always present humidity in the atmosphere. A one-story building. Into which are crowded nearly 2000 persons, undor the unhindered rays of the sun. with the mere protection of a whitewash coat over the gloss, is a place of torture to the poor census employes on tho many hot days that Washington has so far experienced. It Is a act that there are a number of trained nurses constantly present In tho office to look after clerks who succumb to the beat and are pros trated at their desks. - The great trouble Is that the Government has -no building of its own In which to quarter the census every 10 years, and rented quarters have to be resorted to. This year one of tbe local real estate sharks, with a vast tract of land that was once used as a coal-yard, but -which he could not dell at a desirable figure, brought his Influence to bear, and was authorized to put up this cheap, .shoddy building for the census, on the promise that the Government would rent It 'He well knew that when the census was completed, his same Influence would Insure the further rental of the building for storage-rooms for either the House or Senate, If It would not Insure the pur chase outright of the property at a good round figure. His shrewdness It of the first degree, but as a result the hundreds of poor clerks are subjected to dally tor ture, when a properly constructed build ing might have saved them. As a matter of fact there will never be a satisfactory Census Office, until the Government takes the matter In hftnd and constructs a suit able Census Office for Itself. PERSONAL MENTION. D. H. Welch, of Astoria, Is an arrival at the Perkins. t P. C Gilbert and wife, of Albany, are at the Perkins. J. M. Church, banker, of La Grande, Is at the Portland. Mrs. 8. P. Holbrook, of Butte, Is regis tered at the Portland. L. Michael, Mayor of Stella, regis tered at the St Charles. W. H. Cook, a Duluth tlmbennan. Is registered at the Perkins. C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, registered last evening at the Portland. H. S. Stebblns, a railroad man, of Se attle, is at the Portland. Mrs. R. J. Mutton, of St Joseph, Mo., In a guest at the Perkins. Judge Dean Blanchard, of Rainier, is registered at the St Charles. John Rego and wife, of EUensburg, Wash., are guests at the Perkins. D. W. Harrison, a railroad man of Salt Lake, is at the St Charles. George W. Taylor, a hotel man of Castle Rock Is a guest at the St Charles. E. Waldo Ward and wife, of New York City, are guests at the Portland. Judge J. H. D. Gray, and wife, of Astoria, are registered at the Imperial. J. W. Balrd, a merchant of Kelso, registered yesterday at the St Charles. Walter H. South and Miss Bouth, of West Virginia, are registered at the Im perial. D. M. C Gault. a well-known news paper man of Hlllsboro, is at the St. Charles. John W. Llnck, a Government em ploye at Tacoma, Is a guest at the Portland. H. R. Robertson and tho Misses Rob ertson, of Seattle, aro registered at tho Portland.' Dr. Charles Phelps, a prominent New York physician, and wife, are guests at tho Portland. E. L. Smith, of Hood River, chairman of the State Horticultural Board, Is at tho Imperial. F. D. Kuettner, auditor of ths Astoria & Columbia River Railroad, accompanied by his wife, is at the Imperial. H. M. Hughes and wife, and J. K. Loree and wife, of Boise City, are stay ing at tho Imperial for a few days. O. L. Spauldlng. Assistant United States Treasurer, of Washington, D. C. ac companied by his wife, is at tho Im perial. Dr. Herbert S. Nichols returned a few days ago from Europe, where he has been pursuing the study of his profession for the post year In London, Berlhv and Vi enna. NEW YORK, July 16. Northwestern people registered at New York hotels to day as follows: C. Weyer, of Spokane, at the Glesey; C. S.. Tllton. of Falls City, at tho Cosmopolitan; M. Harris, of OJym pia, at the Albert; P. Baxter and A. D. Walker, of Seattle, at the Park-Avenue. NEW YORK. July"l8. L. Q. Swetland. of Portland, called at the Eastern offico of The Oregonlan today. Mr. Swetland is attending the Elks' reunion at Atlantic City, and Is visiting a brother at Point Pleasant N. J., en routo to Vermont and Maine. New York. July 16. William Solover, of Portland. Or., called at the Eastern of fice of The Oregonlan July 14. Persons suffering from sick headache, dizziness, nausea, constipation, pain In tho side, are asked to try one vial of Carter's Little Liver Pills. w Work is easy e when yott eat J urape-iNuts the fascinating NEW TODAY. CHOICEST PROPERTY In Holiaday and Irving ton Locality on Tillamook tX.'v two tear' lines, sr&dcd streets, sewer, fine residences. ONLT.W75 TO $500 PER LOT; easy, terras, monthly payments. EVERY LOT WORTH FULLT 51000. T. B. HOLBROOK & CO, Room 100 Sherlock building. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. rORTLAND. July 16. 8 P. M. Maximum temperature. TT; minimum temperature, CO; river reading at 11 A. M.. 10 5 t et; cbaara in tho last 24 hours. -0.7 foot: total precipitation, 6 P. M. to 6 P. M.. 6 00; total precipitation since Sept. 1. 1399, 2& 68 Inches: normal pre cipitation since Sept. 1. 1800, 48.11 Inches; de ficiency, 7.43 inches; total arqasolne--July 15,. j 10:30; possible sunshine July 15. 15:24- s WEATHER CONDITIONS. A trough of low pressure extends from North-j em California northeasterly to Northern Idano. The barometer continues relatively high along tbe North PacWc Coast. No rain haa fallen in the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast Statea.durins the last 24 hours. It ts warmer in Nevada. Idaho. Eastern Orejon and Eastern Washington, and temperature in this district j rasra between 83 and 02 dee. The indications are for fair weather, and it will be cooler Tuesday la Northern Idaho, Eastern Washing ton and Eastern Oreson. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 23 houjfl ending at midnight Tuesday, July 17: Western Oregon and Western Washington Fair and continued warm; northerly winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern. Washington and Northern Idaho Fair and cooler; southwest to northwest winds. Southern Idaho Fair; southwest to northwest winds. Portland and rlclnlty Fair and continued warm; northerly winds. EDWARD A JBEALS, Forecast Official. AMUSEMENTS. METROPOLITAN THEATER-t- All the wek. including Wednesday and Satuf day Matinees, THE SENSATION OF THE HOUR, "SAPHO." SAFHO," "SAPHO." "SAFHO." "SAPHO," "SAPHO." With Miss George Elliott as Sapho. Aa !- oraxe production; a great cast. Popular prices. ALI8KTS WINTER GARDEN CAFE. THIRD AND MORRISON., Thar is no abatement of the tremendous patronago. Fourth of July is over, and still it continues. Tonight there will be a popu lar Sunday Co-cent dinner, never befora equaled in this city. The demand for re-1 servea seats was so great the management naa to aeciaa mat nrat conte, first served. The dinner will ooen oromDtlv at 15 P. XL. continue untfr 8 P. M. Tha orchestra, haa been augmented for Sundays; ard a select musical programme will be given until mid night. The 23 electric fans are keeping things cool and comfortable, tn which nirf wselc. on the arrival of the big motor and ran. there will bo added ventilation through and direct to the roof. Manager Harvey oaya i things must be rleht and un to dati "Port. land says we want the "Winter Garden, and iuey mnsi nave it. to please them no es- ccq wju oe spared to perfect everything aa iai as Drains ana laoor can accomplish It. Tonight prompt, courteous and eflSclent service will be given by the new corps of waiters. The dinner will be up to the high est expectations, and. with the fins musical programme, no one can fall to enjoy theto- seizes. FREDERICKSBURG 'MUSIC HALL- SEVENTH AND ALDER ST, IVANHOE. the Famous Extempc. raneous Singer. THE DI DOSCA BROTHERS, the Worid-Sa nowned Electrical-Musical Experts. Rojetta and La Jess. Marvels of th Gymnastic World. Lillian Wnlther. "a Favorita Elaliw Forrest. Vocalist. 20 ROUND 20 i 20 ROUND 20 ' GLOVE CONTEST. GLOVE CONTEST, FOR $100 00. FOR 3100 00. SATURDAY. JULY 21. 1900, 9 O'CLOCSC SHARP, AT TROUTDALB, OR. EDDIE MURPHY, of Portland, vs. RICH JEMTESS. f Rnnth Vnr1miA Preliminaries. Two 4-round contestsT Bansoa vs. McDermott. Cross vs. Murry. Trains leave Portland Saturday 0 P.M. and1 . u r. M NEW TODAT. f LOOK AT THIS TODAY ONLY WHITE ENAMEL TROI? BEDS (special), with brass knobs, neat aca durable, fe S3. WM. GADSBY Corner Washington and First. Floss Mattresses Genuine sillc floss mattresses for a tenr dayss !"" 1W J VUUDU3, 1U11 ElZB, J.AJ. W. GADSBY 12 CANS DEVILED HAM. 43c: 7 EB3. ARM and Hammer soda, 23c; SchlUIngs baking powuer, i-io. can. sac; 'fc-iD. can. aoc; 12-1B, soap, 25c McKlnnon Grocery Co., 173 Third .uccu WE HAVE A TURNISHED COTTAGE OF T rooms at Seaview, which we desire to rent for the season. or will sell same at a prioa which should suit any Intending purchaser. Rountree & Diamond, 241 Stark, cor. Second ANTON ZILM. teacber of violin, string quar lector cniTTajnments, a. u. U. W. Temple. MINERS AND OTHERS SHOULD SEE CAP3 rome uoai on Burner. lOfPJ. First st. . FOR SALE NICE SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, OH eaey terms, by Parrish & Watkins. FOR SALE CHOICE QUARTER-BLOCK II Couch, by Parrish & Watklnn. f HELENA Pays nTt dividend July 25. See Wagy, Ho gen . wagy aDout mis stocK. MORTGAGE LOANS ' On Improved city and farm property. ' R. LIVINQSTONE. 224 Stark st NEWCASTLE COAL Has beea leading coal on ec&st for 20 yearsa Pacific Coast Co.. 249 Washington st. Tel. 229. Knight's Drug Store Opposite Oregonlan building. 126 Sixth. Drug ana medicines, .prescriptions a specialty. Mortgage Loans On Improved city and farm property, at lowtst current rates. Building loans. Installment lotas. Maemavter & Birr It. 311 Worcester blk. Mortgage Loans On Improved city property, at lowest rates. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 7 Chamber o? Commerce. $2.00 for $1.00 100x100, with 6-room hard-finished, redwood trlmmlnn. basement, modem cottage; cement walks, windmill, large and small fruits; 'con venience or two car tines; eiegani view, iian on part payment. J. A. McCULLY. 322 Chamber of Com. 1 I AM GOING TO LEAVE PORTLAND And am ottering to sell my home, the east half of block 53. HolIadajTa Addition (the ld Cunningham homo place), with its fine nln room house, with full basement and large at tic, furnace heat. gas. electric bells and hot and cold water; 25 years growth of choica shrubbery and fruit; cement walks and step 100 feet to one car line, and two blocks from two others; all for the price asked for bars half-blocks In the same addition; hone of which compare with it in location cr sightliness. It la a beautiful, home-like home, and some on is going to get a bargain. Time on a portion of purchase price if wanted. Principals only; no agents. F. A HUGGINS, 183 Third st. AGENTS WANTED No capital necessary to sell our TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES In every city and town in the State of Oregoa outside of Portland. Ladles or young men who havo two or three hours per day to spare will find selling our teas, coffees and spices pleas ant work, and very profitable. Write for full particulars and catalogue. ' GREAT EASTERN TEA CO. 828 Washington st, Portland. Or. Largest tea, coffee and spice distributors, oa the Pacific Coast. 100 stores in successful operation.