Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 17, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL. NO. 12,353.
jB& J SlSSSk
New Is the time to purchase your
Goodyear Rubber Company
R. H. PHASE, President and Uanaser.
In the City at Retail asd Wholesale.
Newest, Best and Up-to-Dste Goods Only.
Agents for Vohjtlaender Colilncar Lenses.
BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO., 144-148 Fourth St, Near Morrison
fifth and Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON
Ffrst-CIass Checlc Restaurant
Connected With Hr 1.
The Condensed Strength and Nutriment of
Barley and Rye
BlUmaUer & Hocfl, HO Fourth Street
Sole Distributers for Oregon
St. Charles Hotel
American' and European Plan.
China, Crockery, Glassware
Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Suppffes a spccfalty..
Our Midsummer Display of Fine Vehicles
Has never been equaled on the Coast Everything on iwheols
for city and country driving, and our prices are juit right See
our new line of Bike Wagons and Whalebons Pneumatic
Runabouts. Visitors welcome. Our doors are always open.
Carriages, Wagons,
Harness, Robes ana Whips.
&iiL Mt SstM mmM.
ilvR'aKr 9lS7PQk- rVBUssBBMy BMAmmr
WffiW JWF rTW Wm
To find a better way to become a finished pianist than by buying a Pianola.
Tou control the musical expression perfectly when you play by means of a
Piariola, and it furnishes you instantly with the power to execute any piano piece
ever 'written. Come In and see the Pianola and Aeolian also the world's stand
ard pianos, the Stelnway and A. B. Chase.
M. B. WELLS, Northwest
353-355 Washington
Farther Hearing of the Gaynor
Greene Case.
NEW YORK. July 16. The proceedings
brought to remove to the Jurisdiction of
the Georgia Federal Courts, John F W.
T. and E. H. Gaynor and Benjamin D.
Greene, accused of conspiring with. Cap
tain 'Oberlln M. Carter to defraud the
Government in the matter of the Savan
nah Harbor Improvements, was con
tinued today before Commissioner Shields.
Captain C E. Gillette, who succeeded
Carter in charge of the Improvements,
testified that contractors were unable to
bid intelligently on the designs for fas
cine mattresses furnished by Captain
Carter. He said that there was no ap
parent reason why the style of the mat
tresses used In the construction work at
Cumberland Sound and Savannah Har
bor should have Increased in price from
SI 40 a lineal foot under Carter's prede
cessor, General Gllmorc, to $3 80 a lineal
foot. In the bid mrdo to Carter by tho
Atlantic Construct r Company. Tho
hearing will be cont ucl .on rrow.
Ketv Yorlc Prostrations. ,
NEW YORK, July 16. About 20 persons
were prostrated by heat, which today
registered 100 deg. in the eun.
Ask for ono of the following brands:
Gold Seal Indian Anvil
Badger Elk Obcllak
Coaqaerw Pioneer Heptane
Rooms Single 7Bc to fL 60 per day
Rooms Double 41.OO to tt.00 per flay
Rooms Family $1-50 to g.00 per day
Pure Malt
C T. BELCHER. Ssc and Trees.
American plan 11.25, n.50, H.T5
European plan....... 50c. 75c V-00
320-338 E. Morrison St.
State IIorinal School
The students of the Normal School are
prepared to take the State Certificate
immediately on graduation.
Graduates readily secure good posi
tions. Expense of year from $129 to $150.
Strong Academic and Professional
Courses. New Special Department in
Manual Training. Well equipped Train
ing Department.
For catalogue containing full announce
ments, address
P. L. CAMPBELL, President,
Or W. A. WANN, Secretary of Faculty.
Agent fer tht Aeolian Company
Street ppp: Cordray's.
Fleet of the Revolutionists Captured
by the Government.
WASHINGTON, July 16. Dr. Luis Cur-vo-Marquez,
Charge d Affaires of the Co
lombian Legation, today received a ca
blegram from the Colombian Consul at
Curacao, Informing him that ships of the
revolutionists had been captured by the
I Colombian Government. In the opinion
of Dr. Curvo-Marquez, this reverse de
stroys the last hope of the revolutionary
KINGSTON. Jamaica, July 16. News
has reached here of a -serious split In the
Colombian Government Certain Minis
ters have taken a position antagonistic to
their colleagues. The former have the
confidence of the republic and soldiers,
and should the split beoome more acute,
the rebels will be largely reinforced "by
government troops.
1 Onrtls Guild Declines.
WASHINGTON, July 16. Curtis Guild,
of Boston, who was tendered the appolnt-
ment of First Assistant Postmaster-Gon-1
eral to succeed Perry S. Heath, has de
j dined to accept the offer, owing to pres-
sure of private business.
Foreign Consuls Cable for
Fighting; Imminent at Hew Ohvranff
Imperial Forces Moving South.
From Pekln.
LONDON, July IT, 3:63 A. It Up to
this hour no further cables have beon
received regarding the reported massa
cre at Pekln from our source
In the House of Commons last even
Ins:, beyond an admission that there was
no ground for hoping1 that the report
was not true. "William St. John Broderick,
Parliamentary Secretary for the Foreign
Office, had nothing to communicate. An
unusual hush fell upon the chamber when
the subject came up. A few members
doffed their hats, but otherwise there
was no demonstration. No question was
put to Lord Salisbury In the House of
Lords, probably by a preconcerted ar
rangement. It being decided that at the
present stago of affairs It would be only
embarrassing to force thei Premier to
make a statement. It was whispered on
the Ministerial side of the Commons that
the next vote on account of military un
dertakings In South Africa and China
will bo startling in amount
Telegrams from Shanghai and Che Foo
indicate on Increasingly serious state of
affairs. It Is alleged that the foreign
Consuls at Shanghai have cabled their
governments that there is urgent need
for warships to protect that city, owing
to the menacing attitude of the Chinese
and the temptation to loot the vast
stores of merchandise accumulated there.
It seems that the Chinese have already
threatened to fire the great oil tanks on
the Chao Tung side of the city.
From Che Foo comes the report that
the entire adult male population of the
three provinces of Chi LA, Shan SI and
Shan Tung are massing to defend Pekln,
under the conviction that the powers
mean war. There is little doubt that a
further check of the allies at Tien Tsin
would be the signal for a general antl
forolgn rising throughout China.
The Japanese officers are still confi
dent of their ability to reach Pekln be
fore the roads become Impassable, but
the European commanders believe an
advance will be Impossible before Sep
tember. Fighting is said to be Imminent at
New Chwang, where the Boxers are
threatening the foreign settlement. The
Russians have barricaded the streets and
loopholed the. houses of the foreigners.
The banks hove removed their valuables
to Port Arthur.
Perhaps tho most serious among tho
many reports from Shanghai Is the ru
mor that since the massacre at Pekln
five Chinese regiments have been or
dered south, with instructions to make
Chlng Han Po, at the head of the Grand
Canal, the objective point for the south
ward extension of the Boxer movement.
The Times nava it J taken-for granted.
In diplomatic: circles Ihatlwhcn,
"neae. cruIetUetfGreaSBHSiffpwflf
retain? tfie right to nominate iheTInspcct
or of Chinese Customs.
Xinety-three Germans In the Massa
cre at Pelcln.
BERLIN, July 16. The news regarding
the massacre at Pekln has been received
by the German press with a unanimous
expression of deepest sorrow and Indig
nation. The VoBslsche Zeltung says:
"There is no excuse for a nation which
permits such crimes and none for one
which tolerates and does not try to pre
vent them."
The papers Insist upon the absolute
necessity henceforth of perfect har
mony between the powers. "The powers
will no longer quarrel," says the Lokal
Anzelger, "or weight things against each
other They will try everything. They
will risk every man and every groat un
til this unparalleled crime has met with
the punishment It deserves." The whole
nation seems Imbued with these senti
ments. Emperor William was Immediate
ly notified.
The number of Germans massacred at
Pekln is said to be 93, Including the de
tachment of marines, Professors Stahl
man, Mann, Bismarch and Von Bronn, of
Pekln University; several German officials
belonging to the Chinese customs; several
merchants and the members of tho lega
tion, with Baroness von Ketteler.
Dr. von Munn Scbwarzensteln arrived
this evening. He will receive instructions
from the Foreign Office and start for
China Saturday, accompanied by General
von der Golts.
With reference to the contradictory
statements as to alleged agreements be
tween various powers concerning the fu
ture of China, a Foreign Office official
said today that nothing like a definite
agreement, neither verbal or written, has
been made between Germany and Russia,
but that such an agreement does exist
between Russia and Great Britain, assign,
lng to each a distinct sphere.
"Although England," said the official,
"has several times complained since the
agreement was made, Russia apparently
has not felt strictly bound by It Ger
many, for her part as Russia knows, will
not object if Russia monopolizes Man
churia." The Chinese expeditionary corps will
not leave until Emperor William returns
from Norway, as he Intends to Inspect
the corps personally and to bid the men
A contributor to the Berliner Tage
blatt places the Chinese forces, who are
well drilled and armed with Mausers, at
Reports received from various points
say that the trouble in China Is seri
ously affecting the German textile trade
In Gladbach, Bocholt and Kalserslantern.
where altogether 2800 men are locked
Relief Dispatched to Talcn "With.
Fall Corps of Doctors and Nurses.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 16. Surgeon
General George M. Sternberg, of the
United States Army, arrived today to In
spect the military hospital at the Pre
sidio. When told of the fatalities among
American troops In the attack upon Tien
Tsin, General Sternberg was vislblyi af
fected and remarked:
"If we had 5000 of our soldiers there
now, they would settle that trouble at
Tien Tsin promptly."
Speaking of the hospital service. Gen
eral Sternberg said:
"The Chinese troubles have called for
prompt attention. I have a dispatch
that has not yet been made public In
which the Chief Surgeon at Manila noti
fies roe that he has sent a 300-bed field
hospital to China and medical supplies
for 5000 men for three months. In ad
dition to this, the hospital ship Relief,
the best of Its kind afloat lias been dls-
I patched to Taku. She has a full corps of
doctors and nurses, and Is in command
of Surgeon-Major Parley. Our hospital
service Is thoroughly modern In every
respect, and, 'so far as capacity is con
cerned. Is fully prepared to care for the
sick and wounded soldiers of our armies,
wherever they may be." .
Required to Open ike Road to Pekln
Siege Battery "Will Go.
"WASHINGTON. July 16. Sixty thou-'
sand men for the march to Pekln. and 20,
000 men to keep the hoe of communication
open, and. If necessary, to defend the
bases of operation- at Tien Tsin and Taku,
Is the estimate of the number of troops
that will be required for the Chinese
campaign. Upon the basis of these fig
ures, which It is said are those furnished
by the commanders of the allied forces
In China, this Government will furnish
between 10,000 and 12,000 soldiers.
Today's orders also contemplate tho
sending of a siege battery of artillery,
now at Fort Riley, Han., for the Chinese
Secretary Hoot said at a late hour to
night that he had not received any word
from, the military officials in China re
garding the reported disaster to the Ninth
Regiment. Admiral Remeya dispatch,
which covers a report of the disaster, was
about the only word that came to the
Navy Department up to a late hour.
Vouxteentb, Infantry and Re lily's
Battery Sailed Sunday.
WASHINGTON. July 16. The following
cablegram was received at the War De-
partment today from General MacArthur:
"Manila, July 16, 1900. Adjutant-General,
Washington: Transport Indiana sailed
yesterday for China with 21 officers, in
cluding two medical, S47 men Fourteenth
Regiment United States Infantry; one
officer, 20 "men. Ninth United States In
fantry; William Crosder, ordnance offi
cer; one ordnance sergeant one chaplln,
16 hospital corps men; Flintshire with
seven officers', 271 men. Rellly's Battery;
two medical officers, five hospital corps
men, fully equipped.
Another cablegram from General Mac
Arthur announces the sailing for the
United States from Manila of the trans
port Sherman, with a capacity for 2000
Buffalo Ordered to Talcu.
WASHINGTON, July 16. Admiral Re
mey has cabled to the Buffalo, now at
Colombo, Ceylon, to proceed to Taku.
The trip will take three weeks. She haa
on board about 500 fresh men to augment
tho naval forces now In China.
The Princeton haa tailed from Hong
Kong to Amoy. She has been going from
port to port along the Chinese Coast, dis
playing the American flag and looking
after the American interests.
Fridays Attach; Upon Tien Tstn.
TIEN TSLN, Friday, July 18. In today's
combined attack upon the native city, over
40 guns bombarded the Chinese positions.
The fighting was most determined, and
the allies' losses were heavy. Eight Chi
nese guns were captured, and the Chi
nese were driven out of the west arsenal
after a fiorce cannonade. A strong mixed
force 4s nqw close to the walls, and i is
cxpecuKUtnatan assault-will-toe.raadeit
Orslsers Ready for Service.
NEW YORK, July 16. A special to the
Expreas from Philadelphia says:
The cruisers Minneapolis and Columbia
have been got Into readiness, for Immedi
ate service. Steam is up, and! no one
not connected with the chips Is allowed
on board. It Is surmlsea the vessels are
to be used In transporting troops, though
the Columbia and Minneapolis have com
paratively few accommodations for sol
diers. Two Transports Chartered.
WASHINGTON, July 16. The Quarter.
master-General today Increased the fleet
of transports to be used In the transporta
tion of about 4000 horseo and mules to the
Philippines and China by the charter of
the transports Phyra and Athenian.
President 3IcKlnleys Vacation In
terrupted by News From China.
CANTON, O., July 16. President Mc
Klnley left here at 10:60 this eenlng for
Washington In a special car attached to
the regular Pennsylvania train. Only Sec
retary to the President Cortelyou accom
panled Jiim. He will attend to matters In
connection with the Chinese situation, and
in the course of a few days expects to re
turn to Canton. Meanwhile the Canton
home will be conducted as at present, Mrs.
McKlnley remaining.
It la expected that the Cabinet mem
bers will be at the White House tomor
row, and that a meeting will be held soon
after the President's arrival. It Is stated
that certainly ho extra session has as yet
been determined upon, and that the Pres
ident has not yet Issued orders for addi
tional troops for China.
No effort was made to conceal tho fact
that the President was much exercised
over the report which came to him during
the day. Today, when he filled an engage
ment made several days ago to take lunch
with an old friend, J. W. McClymonds,
in Masslllon, he first made arrangements
for direct connection with the executive
offices In Washington, and his social con
versation was constantly interrupted with
long-distance telephone conversations
with the seat of Government The Presi
dent returned from Masslllon about 5 this
afternoon, but up to that time no complete
arrangements had been made for his de
parture. Soon after his arrival a crowd
of several hundred Canton people marched
to the McKlnley house and waited to irlve
1 a mighty cheer when the President came
to the door. There was no speechmaklng,
but each man In tho party received a
hearty handshake.
No Arbitration In St. Lo-ais.
ST. LOUIS, July 16. Frederick H. Leh
roann, attorney for the St Louis Transit
Company, has made a statement that the
company will not submit to arbitration
the differences between It and its em
ployes, as requested by John T. Wilson,
chairman, and Louis Steber, attorney,
representing the citizens' arbitration com
mittee, which .had a conference with Mr.
Lehman last Saturday.
Hurt by Falling: Walls.
CHICAGO, July 16. Nine persons were
Injured, one fatally, by falling walls In
a fire caused by lightning tonight at
Michigan street and Dearborn avenue.
Fireman Robert Meany will die. The
total damage amounts to nearly $200,000.
Henry F. Vehemeyer & Co., proprietors
qf the broom-corn factory, estimates
their loss at $150,000, and J. Dreyfuss &
Co., furriers, at $30,000.
Bond Election Jn Salt Lake.
SALT LAKE, Utah, July 16. At a spe
cial election today the property-owners
of Salt Lake voted upon the question
of issuing bonds to the amount of $230,
000 for the purpose of improving the wat
er supply of. the city. The proposition
carried by a majority of COO.'
America WW Do Its Share in
Punishing the Barbarians.
Plenty of Money and Men Available
for the Purpose TaUc of an
Extra Session.
WASHINGTON, July IC-The decision
f the Affmln!.ittn t, r
01 uw Aominisirauon at the end A n.
most eventful day is that the United
States Government Is still not at war
with the Government of China. The big
happenings at Tien Tsin. coming on top
of the stories of the last struggles at
Pekln. have not affected the attitude of
the Administration on this point the
United States and China are technically
at peace. But this statement should not
be accepted as Indicating a purpose on
the port of the United States Government
to hold Its hand In the administration of
swift and adequate punishment upon the
Chinese, without regard to station, who I
may be rexnalble for the outrages of the
Five Chinese regiments have been ordered from Pekih to Chlng Han
Po, on the Grand Canal, the objective point of the southern extension of
the Boxer movement Shanghai and Che Foo are threatened, and an at
tack on New Chwang Is imminent
Admiral Remey confirms- the news of, the repulse of the allies at Tien
Tsln and the killing of Colonel Llscum and other Americans. At a Cabinet
meeting held in Washington It was decided to forward more troopa, The
President left Canton last night for the Capital.
According to a dispatch from Tien Tsin, Admiral Seymour, on the
retreat of the PekJn-rolIef expedition, was compelled to shoot his wounded
to save them from torture at the hands of the Chinese. Another report
Is that tho foreign women in Pekln secured poison with which to end
their lives In event of capture.
Foreign warships have their guns trained on Che Foo. In anticipation
of an outbreak.
Two transports, with 1200 officers and men, sailed from Manila Sunday
for Taku. The hospital-ship Relief has also been sent to Taku.
past few weekoL It means simply that
the Government of the Unitea States feels
that it can best achieve that purpose by
regarding the status officially as one of
peace. To hold otherwise would seriously
cripple the Government In Its effort to ob
tain satisfaction for the outrages the
Americano in China have .suffered. We
should find the ports of China, now open
to us, closed, and all sorts of Impedi
ments would! be encountered which are
nowmfssl-g. Therefore, according to the
Administration's view, a declaration of
war would afford not -jven- a technical
(tain.-'jwhfld It would actually -be&hearcr
k-b&9kf WS3WH!2! P01!! tfce Bl?a?trouo battle
wrapraan vansion, or xne .eurose apjwp-
prJalons comxnttteev Is authority for the
STatement tnat money is piemy ac toe
disposal of the President to meet the
present emergency, and.thai there Js no
necessity for a called session of Congress
on that score.
Special Cabinet' Meeting?.
The day was the most exciting Wash
ington has known since the battle of
Santiago. the beginning came Admiral
Remey's cab egram announcing the defeat
of the allied forces at Tien Tsin, and
then came the vivid Associated Pross ao
count of the fight A special Cabinet
meeting was; held on receipt of this
news, ,wdth such member present as are
In town. Great reluctance was manifest
ed on, the part of the participants to an
swer questions as to the nature of the
deliberations: The best Indication of Its
nature was. the departure for the White
House of Secretary Hay Immediately
after the meeting. He sat down and
had a long talk with President McKlnley
over the long-distance telephone"; and It
soon became known that tho President
had decided that It would be best for
him to come bock from Canton to the
The Cabinet officers talked over the
possibilities of reinforcing the troops In
-China. There was no disposition shown
to withhold these troops; the only ques
tion was as to the amount of additional
force available. That was a technical
question, so it was left to the War De
partment officials to decide. The only
point laid down was that the Govern
ment would send forward all the troops
that could be spared at this time.
One proposition dteoussed by the Cabi
net appeared to have a very practical
aspect about It Technical men had made
objection to the further conduct of the
Chinese campaign with an international
force without some working understand
ing as to the duty of each power repre
sented. It was suggested that an inter,
national conference be called hastily at
one of the capitals London. Berlin. Paris
or Washington to define the part to be
taken by each power, and the quota of
troops to be furnished, and arrange for
the selection of a Commander-in-Chief
of the allied forces. This suggestion did
not meet with a favorable reception. It
was felt by the Cabinet that the United
States should send what force It could
dispose of to China as far as seemed
necessary, and should not make agree
ment with other powers as to the number.
This decision involves the increase of the
force of troops destined for China.
More Troops Will Go.
The responsible officials evaded any
specific statement as to the extent of
this increase. It was, however, gathered
that the reinforcements would be limited
only by the ability of the Government to
spare troops from those commands now
In the United States and Cuba. Tho esti
mates varied as to how many could be
spared, but the general opinion was that
somewhere between 4000 and 000 could
be shipped to the East from Cuba and
the United States, in addition to the
troops already under aims.
A statement prepared By Adjutant-General
Corbin shows that there are now a
grand total of 10,665 officers and men In
China, en route to China, en route to
Nagasaki or under orders for Nagasaki.
This, of course. Includes the fll-fated
Ninth Infantry which may not be In con
dition for. further service. General Wood's
last repoxtfl Indicate that owing to tho
tranquillity prevailing In Cuba, it
entirely safe to decrease the military
force there quite largely. But even with
thesa Cuban troops It will be necessary,
if the Cabinet plans are carried out to
divest the home posts of garrisons, save
in the case of heavy artillery organiza
tions at seacoast points. About all of the
troops within the borders of the United
States which would be available for Chl
ne3 service under a call are these regi
ments: Second, Fifth, Seventh and Eighth
Cavalry Regiments, intact; one squadron
each of the First and Sixth Cavalry; the
First Tenth and Eleventh Regiments of
Infantry; complete; one battalion each
of the Second. Fifth, Seventh, Fourteenth,
Eighteenth. Twenty-third and Twenty
fifth Infantry Regiments and three com
panies of the Twenty-fourth Infantry.
This available force of cavalry and In
fantry aggregates about 9000 men.
Some artillery undoubtedly would be
sent and there are light batteries out of
the First Artillery, A and F of the Sec
ond. C and F of the Third. B of tho
Fourth, D of the Fifth, and C and It
of the Seventh, available. There are be
sides Companies C and D of tb En
gineers and four companies of the .Sig
nal Corps.
Secretary Root wae reluctant to admit
that there was any necessity for more
American troops In China, and at the
clooc of the day he said that thus far
he had Issued no orders for reinforce
ments. Secretary Root said that. In view
of the small standing Army of the United
States, of our insignificant force of field
?; fl WiX, 2-ar' iJX
sn&t European powers, and of our lack
of territorial Interests in China, this 10.000
men represented more than the- United
States pro-rata share of the international
force which Is to operato agaln3t Pekln.
The War Department he said, so far
has responded m full to every demand
made upon It by the Joint conference of
foreign commandero in China. The sltua-
" r7:Vr SCit- nf C for
day to a"cr thl.iif
connuanders several times.
T11 Conntry Will Respond.
It 1s possible that the estimate of troops
needed for Chinese service will be again
Increased. If so, the United States will
00 e o
respond. By scouring this country and
denuding it of all regular troops except
a very few In the heavy artillery in
charge of valuable seacoast guns, and by
moMng still further demands upon forces
In Cuba and Porto Rico, we might pos
sibly gather between 3000 and 4000 addi
tional troops. This, however, would be
tho limit unless the War Department
disregarded a recommendation of General
MacArthur and drew still further on the
ayallaWe troops in the Philippines. This,
howjrvqr, was a future contingency, which
would not have to be met until It arose.
Secretary Root expressed the hope that
j w. jouiy-ia si xwn vibhi ungnc prove to
be exaggerated, but the War Depart
ment It was stated, had no official Information-
beyond that transmitted In Ad
miral Remey's cablegram of this morn
ing. General Miles waa called upon by Sec
retary Root during the afternoon to con
sult wlthr him as to the projected troop
movements. He favors the prompt dis
patch of a large force to China.
A. good deal of annoyance has been
caused here by the complete misunder
Btandlng that has been conveyed to the
nations as to the attitude of the United
States Government regarding the settle
ment of the Chinese troubles. This Gov
ernment It can be stated authoritatively,
never has thought of compromising for
money, or for any other form of Indem
nity. Indeed, tho subject of money In
demnity or an apology never has been
thought of or mentioned by the Govern
ment of the United States. The Govern
ment will Insist on Justice. and retribu
tion, according to tho highest authori
ties. The War Department officials were un
able to say who commands the Ninth In
fantry since thq death of Colonel Llscum.
The Impression prevails that the Lieu-tenant--Colonel
of the regiment is ill at
Manlfts, and that the regiment, or what
la left of It will find its senior, and con
sequently commanding officer. In ono of
the Captains. Incidentally, It may be
mentioned that through Colonel LIscum's
death Captain McCalla of the Newark. If
ashore, Is the ranking American officer.
Fifteen Lives Were Lost at Cole
man. COLEMAN, Tex., July 16. Flfteon.ltvea
are known to have been lost In a cloud
burst hero today. Ten bodies have been
recovered, but only two were Identified.
Tbey are:
Joseph Spath, leasing merchant of the
John Fulelsatlne.
It is feared that many more lives were
loot In the valley below Coleman. The
cloudburst, which followed three days'
unprecedented rainfall, caused Ford's
Creek to burst Its banks and rush through
Coleman, a village of, less than 1000 In
habitants. Bewildered citizens, roused from thelrj
siumoers, rusnea into the streets and
were swept away. Many were saved by
catching hold of pieces of timber and
navigating them Into eddies formed by tho
swift current, where they were drawn
Spath and Fulelsatlne managed to
mount their horses. They dashed Into
the water and swam their borsee to a
house where four little girls were scream
ing for help. Each rescued two of tho
children, whom tbey took upon their
borces. The animals were swept away,
however, in a noble effort to stem the
swift current and all were drowned.
. Wates has flooded 'the tracks of the
Gulf. Colorado & 8anta Fe Railroad for
miles around, and all traffic is stopped.
KERRVIL.L.E, Tex., July 16. A cloud
burst occurred north of thfs place tonight
Many farms are Inundated, and loss of
life Is probable.
Swept by a Cyclone.
DALLAS, Tex., July 16. Peoria, 60 miles
southwest of Dallas, was swept by a
cyclone today. The wife of John Nel
son and two children are believed to be
fatally hurt Two churches, several
dwelllng-houscft and an Immense amount
of farm property waar destroyed.
ST. LOUIS, July 16. A special to the
Republic from Austin, Tex., says:
After several hours of lnceesunt rain, a
cyclone struck the town of ilano, 200
miles north of hero, last night about 7:35
o'clock. The storm came from the sea,
and was wholly unexpected. It demol
ished a number of bulldlngr, and a large
number of people were Injured, a few of
them -serlou&Iy.
No Occasion Yet for5Calling
Representative Cannon Says Plenty
of Money- Is Available and Mere
Troops Can Be Raised.
WASHINGTON, July 16. Extra session
talk has been revived, and Eastern pa
pers are many of them strongly urging
this course In order promptly and ade
quately to meet tho Chinese situation.
However, the more conservative element
are Inclined to go slowly. Their views
are ably voiced by Representative Can
non, of Illinois, who says that while an
extra session may be called, he does not
see the occasion for it yet
"The first thing to do," he -says, "fel
to learn who la responsible for this
trouble, China or the Irrepressible mob
element. When that Is settled we wlU
be In a position to say whether we an
to have a war with China. It Is cer
tain that if there is a war there cannot
be the slightest doubt of the outcome, and
It will be disastrous for China."
Mr. Cannon says that under the exist-
lng law our Army could be Increased
100,000, but In case of emergency the
President has sufficient available funds to
meet the necessities of the case. Un
doubtedly, President McKlnley will toko
the same conservative view of the sit
uation as does Mr. Cannon, and will not
be forced Into a rash, hasty calling of
Congress until he Is convinced of the real
Senator Gear's Successor.
Secretary Wilson, of the Agricultural
Department, Is being favorably mentioned
In Washington as the probable successor
of Senator Gear, and by many his
chances are considered second to none.
Mr. Dolliver Is also prominently men
tioned In this connection. The Iowa peo
ple were averse to his running for the
Vice-Presidential nomination, as they
wanted him In Congress to look after
their Interests, and many take this op
portunity of showing their appreciation
of his sterling worth. Either of these
men would work well with Allison and ba
heartily received by fellow-Senators.
While Henderson would probably relin
quish the Speakership for a seat In the)
Senate, coming from Allison's town he
would not be chosen.
"Warning: to Nome Goldseelcers.
Assistant Secretary Taylor today ad
vised the Treasury officials at Capo Nome
to Inform the prospectors In that coun
try that those who are unable to, sustain
themselves through the coming5 Winter
should leave as early as possible. Ho
declares that the Treasury Department
will take no action toward caring for
! destitutes at Nome this Winter, but
gives this warning. At the same time
he has asked the War Department to co
operate" with the Treasury to take spcbJ
steps as are necessary to get the disap
pointed. ,and destitute back to the Btates
beforethef eaon- closes. Secretary Tnyg t
Jor is strongly "convinced that Nome la
ah overestimated gold field that has beeQ
vastly overcrowded.
Introduced as Evidence at the Tria3fc
of Caleb Powers.
GEORGETOWN, Ky., July 16. The trlaS
of ex-Secretary of State Caleb Powers,
charged with being an accessory to tho
Goebel murder, was resumed at 9:30. AJ
letter signed by Caleb Powers, In which
tho expression was used, "I have had a
hard time getting Taylor and others to
start, but they are all right now, and this
thing will soon end," was filed and mada
a part of the record.
James Eggleston, of Frankfort, was or-
dered to bring Into court the railroad reg
ister showing the time of arrival and de-
parturo of trains at Frankfort the day
of the assassination. The purpose of this
Is to contradict the claim of the defense
that Jim Howard, who Is alleged to hav
fired the shot, arrived after the assassin
nation. Howard claimed that the- train
on which ho came arrived after the shoot
ing, but the register shows that it ar
rived some 30 minutes previous.
Telegrams sent through the office at
Barboursville, Powers' home, were Intro
duced as evidence and Identified by tha
manager of the Barboursville office. Tha
defense objected to several telegrams be
cause they were only copies. The objec
tion was overruled. The first telegrams
read were from Powers to the various
captains charged with the business of
getting up tho excursion of mountain men,
to Frankfort, and most of them read:
"How many can you Insure from youjj
county? Wire Immediately. t
The defense filed a formal objection tc
their competency as evidence. When the
Identification of Western Union telegrams
was concluded, telegrams were Identified
by Mr. Kelly, the Postal Telegraph man
ager at Barboursville, but were not read.
They were placed In an envelope and held
for further consideration. Other tele
grams were Identified by witnesses, lnclud
lng one from Powers to Robert N. Oaks
calling him to Frankfort at Powers' ex-
pense for a conference. ' .
Will Be Rebuilt Loss
Over One Million.
PRESCOTT, Ariz., July 16. A larg
number of business men, whoee places
were burned out Saturday night opened
up this morning In temporary quarters.
A more cheerful view pervades the town
today than yesterday, and a large number
of losers have stated they would rebuild
at onco. The town will be built up la
a moro substantial manner than before.
Governor N. O. Murphy, en route to
New York, wired from Chicago on ex
pression of sympathy for the Prescott firs
sufferers, and offered his aid. In an
swer to it and also to a message fronj
J. W. Evans, president of the Phoenix
Board of Trade, offering assistance to
Prescott Mayor J. W. Dougherty an
swered that nothing was needed at Pres
cott at present The Prescott papers
are being gotten out in Phoenix offices.
Sevoral thousand dollars' worth of mer
chandise was sent from here today.
A revised estimate places the total loss
at over 51,000,000. The Insurance Is less
than S200.000. The losses fall lightly on
the companies, because of the high rates.
The fire Is still smoldering, and broke
out in a lively manner today unaer tho
Influence of a strong breeze, but did no
serious damage.
Fifty tomporary buildings were erected;
in the plaza tcday.
To Patrol Behrlng: Sea.
VICTORIA, B. C, July 16. The Pheas
ant and Icarus left this afternoon to pa
trol Behrlng Sea during the sealing season.