S3rot-U0BNrNQ- QBEGOKIAN, raUBSDA, - JULY' v-12, --1950. . ff ALL IS OPTIMISTIC First. Day Theme at Gladstone Chautauqua Assembly. WTCMISE OF SUCCESSFUL SEASON President Ha-urley Opening Address Response by Prof. Horaer-Con ffressman Landls Lecture. t.GLApSTONB PARK, July 1L-A1-Tf u he -weather conditions -were not altogether favorable this morning the seventh annual assembly of the Willam ette .Valley Chautauqua Assembly opened auspiciously this forenoon. The interest expressed by the auditors was an indi cation that the Chautauqua, idea is get ting a strong hold on the people. The event of the day was Congressman Charles B. Landis' lecture In the even ing. At the afternoon session an ex cellent musical programme was present ed. Professor C. E. Kemp, of Chicago, made a decided hit in his readings. While the attendance today was not equal to that of the first -day last year, the man agement is hopeful that succeeding days will more than moke up the deficiency. Campers have been arriving all day, and new tents are going up in every direc tion. The game of Daseba.il. in which the Oregon Citys beat the Canbys at tracted a large crowd this afternoon. At 10:30 President W. C. Hawley called the assembly to order, after a selection by the Chemawa Indian Band. Rev. A. Blackburn, of Portland, give the invo cation. In his address of welcome Presi dent HawJey called attention to the spe cial features and outlook for the seventh annual assembly. He also spoke of the varied feast of wisdom and recreation to be presented. Ievotional services WOUld begin at 7 O'clock in th mnrnlnr classes at 8; there would be divers en tertainments, games on the athletic field, music, song, oratory and serious study. The speaker said "that many a patriotic voice had heen heard in this neatly dec orated auditorium. The groves in this Chautauqua Park, yet to be made classic, are for tout use and pleasure. We also have a lake that is to be made famous." He &sllecl attention to the fact that there was every opportunity here to pass away the time Jn reading, recreation or in the acquirement of knowledge. This one and the Chautauqua Assembly at Ashland have done a noble work. The auditors were told that they could enjoy them selves as suited their convenience. The classes were free, except In some special lines. f The very best talent obtainable had been secured in every line. If one be came tired of listening to scientific lec tures, he could find recreation readlm In . the shady groves, or in a social way, find pleasure in the games on the athletic grounds or enjoy the musical entertain ments. All these things tended to intel lectual improvement. Professor J. B. Homer, of the State Agricultural College, of Corvallls, re sponded to President Hawleys address of welcome, in pirt as follows: "We have taken a brief respite from the year's toils and cares, to meet again and renew acquaintances, enjoy delightful en tertainments and drink in the culture that comes along with such occasions and ex ercises. And we have come with the as surance that the season will be profitably spent. Experience has taught this. The Chautauqua brings together a class of people, different from any others that wo meetr so the only way to commingle with this kind of people is to come to the Chautauqua. There are many good people who, for want of more knowledge of the Chautauqua, do not realize what tney are missing every year. .Butthe' Chautauqua idea, is growing, and the Chautauqua is" coming, to be one of the great institutions. Like the college, the university and the public school, it has come to stay. It means everything to us, because it stands for that which is good and noble. The world Is lovelier day by day for such influences as the Willamette "Valley Chautauqua Association, and It makes me glad that my adopted state, the state where my children were born and will probably spend their lives, ex hibits already more enterprise in promot ing and .supporting such Institutions as this than has any other state on the Pacific Coast, for I feel that if this con tinues, by and by Oregon will be a little aristocracy of physical health, strong in tellect andtmoral worth, the only endur ing aristocracy, ancient or modern, known to man. Furthermore, we need this par ticular kind of Influence at the present time. We live In an age of electricity, when everything is done with the speed of lightning, and since man has employed the forces of nature to do his menial labor for him, thinking is about tthe only thing that is left for him to do. The Chautauqua Is fitting people for these conditions. These benefactors who have sacrificed so much time and energy may not live to receive their reward nor to witness the results of their labor, hut away down the decades, when memora bilia of Oregon will be written, there will appear many a noble deed that grew out of what was said and done years before at the Willamette Valley Chautau qua Association. Therefore, Mr. Presi dent, in behalf of these vistors and oth ers who are soon to join us, I desire to express a hearty appreciation of the cor dial invitation extended, and this is with the belief that your suggestions will find a responsive note in the hearts of all this good people." The class Instructors were Introduced, and made their announcements as fol lows: Physical culture, A. M. Grilley; music. Professor W. H. Boyer: elocution. Professor C. E. Kemp, of Chicago; art, Miss S. J. Evans, of Chicago; American history, President W. C. Hawley; Anglo Saxon. Professor I. M. Glen, of the State University. Eugene; botany. Professor Albert A. Sweetser, of Pacific University, Forest Grove; literature, Professor J. B. Horner, State Agricultural College. Cor vallls; Sunday school methods. Superin tendent W. R. Wlnans; W. C. T. U. in stitute, Mrs. Helen Harford; Bible study. Dr. Blackburn, of Portland, junior Bible study. Miss Frances Cornelius, of Salem: psychology. Dr. H. W. Kellogg, of Port land. Class Instruction is all free except private lessons in art and elocution. The programme this afternoon consist ed of readings by Professor E. C. Kemp, Instructor in elocution, whom Professor Glen said was the ablest elocutionist that had ever been on the Coast "that he was in a class alone." The readings were in terspersed with a musical programme, consisting of a piano solo by Miss Pearl Smith, duet by Professor Boyer and Miss May Dearborn, and a duet by Miss Dear born and Mrs. Bushong. The round table at 5 o'clock was pre sided over by Mrs. WllllAm Galloway, and reports were heard from various circles of the Chautauqua reading circle. Miss Mae Case entertained the gathering with soveral solos. At the baseball game this afternoon the Oregon City team defeated Canby by a score of 35 to 24. The Columbian, of Port land, will "play the Chemawas tomorrow afternoon. Tonight Congressman Charles B. Lan dls. of Indiana, gave his famous lecture. "An Optimist's Message." and was greetV ed by a large crowd. He stated that he had come to give the bright side of the picture; that he never talked about the disagreeable things of life unless he was compelled to. He told of his old college president's farewell words when his class graduated nearly 20 years ago. "It is a good old world, young man; It Is a good old world." "Those were his words," said Mr. Lan dls, "'and they are hopeful words true words. It is a good old world here, and a better old world to those who live in this range of country in the States of the Union, with its rich hills and fertile valleys,. Its home and schoolhouses and churches; all crowned with law and order and' security to life and property. We have -the best of this good old world." Mr. Landls paid his respects to the pes simist, .and said he was a thorn in .the pathway of any man who wSa .inclined to look on the bright side of life. In business he always suspected you. In politics ho. always distrusted you, and in religion he always harassed you put to the severest test your religious belief. The pessimist never congratulated a min ister on his sermon, never paid his church subscription without a growl, and was never In favor of purchasing a. pipe organ. We talk about the religion we may have some time when the pessi mist dies. We will never try to have one while he lives, for he is a sneerer and snarler, and if we could have a record of the communities he has kent In tur moil, of the homes he has darkened, and the boys and girls he. has driven to des peration, we would have -the longest and darkest volume since the Hood. Mr. Landls then took ud the church. the state and active, practical politics. iiuu eiioweu now we naa oegun growtn and development as tended to delight and cheer the roan and woman who looked up rather than down, who preferred a star In the sky to the dull radiance of a piece of punk, and who would rather listen to an anthem than a dirge. The speaker stated that the standard of mor als in politics had been so elevated in the last half century as seriously to re flect on the old age by contrast. He had been a member of Congress for four years, and had never seen but one mem ber under the Influence of liquor. Fifty years ago gambling and drunkenness wore Inseparable from public life. Re ports to the contrary notwithstanding, the great majority of the members of Congress are poor men. The last ses sion of Congress expended nearly $1,000, 000.000, and yet no man ever questioned the Integrity of a Representative. Surely this is a healthy sign to cheer the heart of the optimist Mr. Landls said there was more sympathy and charity, more love, more happiness and prosperity in the world than ever before. The world was better because the mind was better. The mind -was better because the thought was better, and a good mind and a good thought make a good heart, and a good heart makes a good citizen, and good citizens make a good country a country for an optimist. He spoke of the effect of the Spanish War in wiping 'out sectional malice and hate, and closed "by describing the 'burial of 340 American soldiers who had died or been killed in Porto Rico and Cuba, and who one year ago were brought home and placed in beautiful Arlington ceme tery, laid away by the Nation for whose honor and glory they had died.1 Missis sippi's sons were laid by the side of In diana's boys. Maine and Texas, South Carolina and Oregon mourned over ground that held the sacred dust of those who died in a common cause, and in those graves, burled forever, went the hate and misunderstanding of a third of a century ago. With the past differences buried, with a great people united, with honor and Integrity enthroned in busl- ness, in the home and in the high places of government there was cheer, at the threshold of the century, for the heart of tho optimist. Following' is the complete programme for tomorrow: 8 to 11 Schools and classes. 11 State Agricultural College morning. Lecture. "Greater Lights of Oregon Lit erature." Professor J. B. Horner. 1:30 Orchestra. Violin solo, Miss Luclle Collette; soprano solo. Miss Jean Miller. Lecture. "Grant." Hon. C. B. Landls. 3:30 Baseball; Columbia vs. Chemawa, 5 Programme arranged by Ministerial Association. Relation of C. L. S. C work to the churches. 7:20 Orchestra concert. 8 Soprano solo, Mrs. Albert Sheldon. Lecture, "The Mission of Mirth," Dr. Thomas McClary. M'CLART POPULAR AT A3 HL AUTO. Annual Chautaug.ua. Assembly There Starts On! Well. ASHLAND, Or., July U. The eighth an nual assembly of the Southern Oregon Chautauqua Assembly .opened here last evening, and gives promise- of being the most successful session 'in the history of the institution. There are -a greater number of campers in the grove, and & larger number of visitors In attendance than at any previous assembly. The session will continue until the list, and the -next few days will witness even a larger number of people here. Dr. Thomas McClary, of Minneapolis, had an audience that taxed the seating and standtng capacity of the tabernacle to hear him last night in his "Mission of Mirth," and a like audience this after-r noon for his "Scotland," and tonight, when he delivered a new lecture on "The American Home." Unusual interest attaches to tho first appearance here Friday night of Con gressman Charles B. Landls, of Indiana, who will lecture on "Grant." Mrs. Wilberforce B. Whlteman, of Den ver, will give a recital tomorrow after noon and in the evening. The various schools of instruction, which have been provided with competent teachers, are enjoying a 'success, as are the entertains ments and lectures in the tabernacle. A NEW CLACKAMAS 'HATCHERY. To Be Four Miles Beloir the Present Station and Near Railroad. OREGON CITY, July IL Today Super intendent E. N. Carter, of the Clackamas hatchery, leased 2 acres of ground from Deputy County Recorder B. P. Dedman, for a new hatchery site. The new loca tion is four miles down the river from the present site, near the railroad, and about one mile from Clackamas .Station. The new location has some strong springs of pure water, which can he conveyed to the proposed new hatchery buildings by a gravity system to supply a system of rearing troughs that will he operated, on an extensive scale. The main building to be erected will be 42x80, and the Inten tion is to equip it with the latest im proved apparatus. It Ib the announced intention to make a specialty of import ing the egg& of different varieties of fish from the East, which will be hatched and distributed to various sections. In fact, the new Clackamas "hatchery Is to be operated extensively as a distributing sta tion. It will have the advantage of being conveniently situated in the way of trans portation facilities, and will be supplied with plenty of spring water. Work will begin at once on the new main building. B. C. FISHERMEN'S STRIKE. Japanese Accept Price .Offered, hnt White Men Do Not. VANCOUVER, B. C. July 1L No set tlement of the Fraser River fishing- trou bles Is found yet The canners refuse to pay more than 20 cents per fish, which price the Japanese are willing to accept, while the white fishermen decline to work for less than 25 cents. Forty special con stables left for Stevcston tiis evening to protect those who wish to fish. Chief Lis ter, of the provincial police, will swear In as many extra men as he considers necessary. They will be placed aboard the cannery tugs, and will patrol the fish ing water on and adjacent to the Fraser. The canneryroen expect that a large num ber of boats will put out for the fishing grounds tomorrow. At least 75 per cent of the strikers will abandon the idea of a 25 per cent rate for each fish caught The canners say there is no possibility at all of their raising the price to 25 cents. They would close up rather than pay more than 20 cents. BAKER CITY'S WATER SYSTEM. Details All 'Arranced and Work to Commence at Once t BAKER CITY, Or.. July 1L At a spe cial meeting or tne City council tonight the water committee was authorized to enter into a contract with Fife & Con Ian, of Sookane, for the construction of the gravity water system wUh bonds fixed at 530.-000. The honds were approved. The contract calls for the construction of the system by November 30, 130L- The money for the sale of the bonds, amounting to 5105.801, was received to day from N. W. Harris fcCo., of Chi cago, and placed In the Citizens' Bank Its is expected, .work on ,the system "will commence Inside a month. FRENCH BARKWITti CARGO CASSARD WILL LOAD AT ASTWEHP FOR'PORTLAXD DIRECT. First -of -tfee Modern" Bonn ty Earners to Brine Freljfht to xnl PorJ Franlcistaa Arrives. For tha first time In many years, - a French vessel Is eonung out from Europe to Portland with a cargo. There are half a dozen' of the French bounty ' earners headed for this port la ballast, but it Is something, unusual for one to come here with freight aboard. Meyer, Wil son & Co., have laid onx berth at Ant werp the French bark Cassard and she has already commenced loading a general cargo for this port. The Cassard, of course, will receive a bounty from the French. Government forcarrylng a car-' M. HAXKAt "GREAT MACKEREL! TO of anr heart i okce looked A BOSS." go of merchandise from the Antwerp York, South Hampton; Nordland, Ant manufacturer to the Oregon consumer, werp; Oceanic, Liverpool. ' but the Frenchmen will need do some J Bremen, July 1L Arrived Kaiser Wll deep thinking before they can discover helm der Grosse, New York, any direct or indirect benefits which they Rotterdam. Arrived July L-Maasdam. will derive from the J10.000 to $12,000 which ,. from New York, via Boulogne, they will pay the Cassard -for the trip Qiieenstown. July IL Arrived Waes- lu wc z-jicuic wiosu xTie rencn neet bound for Portland as It now stands. In ciuaes seven ships as follows: Vessel- Alice 11S3 Admiral Courbet.....l700 Bossuet 1711 Cassard 1719 Europe 2070 General Mellinet ....1191 La Fontaine 1739 Havre Nantes Nantes Antwerp Grimsby Glasgow Ban tinder Another of the French vessels which made the lqng trip out from Europe in ballast Is the Marechal Vllllers, now loading in this port, and two others, the Jules Verne and the Louis Pasteur have loaded in Portland since January L The Cassard Is now loading and will have quick dispatch, and with an ordinary passage out, should reach Portland along In December, -SOUTH SEA TALE. Caroline Islanders Attempted to. Kill a Shiptrrecked Creiv. FALALU, Caroline Islands, March 23. On the 21st Inst, the inhabitants of Falalu were aroused by a savage attack, of the natives upon a shipwrecked crew. The sailors,' who were English subjects, were seeking shelter when they were fired on and would have been slain had It not been for the timely arrival of an Amer ican cattle-dealer. Wltn his three em ployes, who were Filipinos, the Ameri can managed to rescue John Stevenson and James Smith, who had been seriously wounded by the natives. Tho other three of the crew had fled, leaving the wounded to care for themselves. The latter were looked after by the American, who, although wounded him self, conveyed them to a place ot safety. He refused to give any information as to his Identity, but It was learned later that he was Edward 8t, Supery. a Callfornlan, who left Guam to purchase some cattle among these Islands. The natives of this place have long been known as savages. They are continually at war with them selves., ' . THREE CARGO SHIPS DDE. Deccan and Pentheslleo. Mnlcinc , Long; Passages. The British ship Deccan Is making a long passage from Hamburg for this port. She is out 149 days today, and while there are plenty of longer passages recorded, she will be slightly overdue unless she shows up within the next 10 days. The British ship Penthesllea which Is coming to Portland with a general cargo from London by way of San Diego, Is making a longer passage than the Deccan, for she has not yet reported at the California port, and Is out the same numher of days as the Deccan. As both of these vessels are making long "pass ages, the Riversdale which left Ham burg nearly three weeks later, will be very close to them, and we are in a fair way to have three European cargo ships discharging here at the same time. THE GRAIN FLEET. Two Ships Finish Loading; and An other Arrives. The British barks Lizzie Bell and Fife shire both finished loading yesterday, and the French bark Marechal Vllllers will finish tomorrow. The German ship Rickmer RIckmers will commence loading tHIs morning, and will follow the rest of the fieet early next week. The British ship Franklstan, after a long passage of nearly 00 days from Nagasaki, arrived In at Astoria yesterday afternoon, and will be brought up to Portland at once. She has made such a long trip across the Pa cific that she may not finish in time to clear this month, As there will be six July cargoes without her, she can be spared for August loading, and still leave the first month of thenew season with a much larger fleet than we usually have. -1 BRITISH CRUISER ASHORE. Fiona Struck Off Nevrfeandland In n Dense Foj., ST. JOHNS, N. F., July lL-The colo nial crulsef FionaJsshore near Codroy, within a fer mMmot Che scene of the wreck of the BrTmtt steamer Mareotts, bound from Montreal for -Liverpool, which went ashoreune 26 atJCape Anguille on the southwest coajstjpf Newfoundland. The Fiona stSacirjauring a dense fog, and It Is fearedSJwlll not get off. The sWamer ReguluSytjMd to tqw her off,1 but failed. WrecklnE5ngs have been ordered to her assistance? Pioneer Skipper Dead. SAN FRANCISCO, July 11. News has Just been received of the death In Alaska of Captain Daniel Webster, which took .place 'on June 18. Captain "Dan" was well-known among the sailors of both tha Atlantic and Pacific Coasts. For many! .. .l J . .. 1 jewo 11c was enagca in ae wnaiing business 'In the East, sailing from "New London, Conn., and from'New Bedford. He there, became acquainted with a Cap tain Morgan, one of the original owners in the. Alaska Commercial! Company, and went to Alaska for that corporation, fill ing an Important position, Domestfa and Foreign Ports. , ASTORIA, July IL Arrived British ship Franklstan, from Nagasaki. Sailed Barkentlne Tam O'Shanter. from Knapp ton, for San Francisco; steamer W. H. Harrison, for Tillamook.' Condition of the bar at 5 P. M. smooth, wind south west, thick, fog with rain. . Guaymas, Sailed July 7-Schooner Zam pa, for Gray's Harbor. San Francisco, July IL tealleoS-Steamcr Del Norte, for Portland p steadier Pro greso, Tacoma; Washtenaw, Tacoma; Csarina, Seattle, Arrived Steamer San Juan, Cape Nome; steamer" City of Pueb la, Victoria. Teneriffe, Arrived July 8 Hathor, San Francisco, for Hamburg. 1 Cherbourg, July 11. Arrived Graf Waldereee, New York. New York, July IL Arrived Kaiser Marie Theresa, Bremen?; Sailed New 1 THttTK THAT IX THE IKTfOCEJTCE upon- myself as something of -Brooklyn Eagle. 1 land, front Philadelphia tor Liverpool. Seattle Arrived July 9. Steamer Bruns wick, fom Dutch Harbor. Cape Nome In port Juno 23. Steamers Garonne, Charles D. Lane and Farallon, from Seattle; barges 'Mercury and Skookum, from Seattle. Seattle Arrived July rL-rSteamer Ruch and'steamer Cottage City, from Skagway. Port Townsend Arrived July 1L Steamer Ohio, from Cape Nome. Liverpool, July 1L Arrived Majestic, from JCew York. Southampton, July 11. Arrived Steam er St. Louis, from New York. Sniclde of Woodbnrn Dentist. WOODBURN, Or., July 1L Word has been received here of tho suicide of Dr. G. H. Malker. who ended his life, in San Francisco by .taking- carbollp ac(d, and was hurled in tho potters field thero July K. Despondency was the cause. Deceased had practiced dentistry here, and departed last January, intending to return to what had been a lucrative prac tice In about a year. He was a native of Virginia, and for the paBt IS yeara re sided at Hubbard and Woodburn. At one time he was a Lieutenant In tho Hub bard militia company, and belonged to the Hubbard Knights of Pythias. At the time of death h was a member in good standing of tho Hubbard I. O. O. F. Lodge, which will see that his remains are, relnterred. Deceased was about 54 years of age, well known and popular throughout this section anJ in Portland. o Malhenr Cattle. Ontario Advocate. There are C000 head of cattle here awaiting shipment, representing the Im mense sum of $1GO,000. Tralnlpad after tralnload have been going out from On tario during the past week, and yet the heaviest shipments have not yet begun as the greatest contracts for the June delivery take effect about ihe 20th Inst. When It Is understood that ea'ch train load represents 15615 worth of cattle and four tralnloads are going out dally, one can appreciate the vast stockT transac tions which are ocurrlng m this city at present. ' Reports, from the Interior indicate thnt the rush of cattle to this 'polqt -win be augmented by the thousands, of head dally during the remainder of this month. North-west Pensions. WASHINGTON, July 7.P.ensions have been granted as follows: Oregon Original, James F. Leo, Rlvcr ton, J6; Hiram Wealtherlyfecottsburg, ?S; restoration and Increase, Sojomon A. Hamersly, dead, New Pine Creek; JS; original widows', Cellna Petre. Mon mouth, J8; Susan E. Hamersley, ew Pino Creek. JS. Washlngton-OrlglnaV Richard A. Hew, Harrington, JS; James Alexander. Seattle, $6; Henry Brown, Soldiers' Home, Orting, ?S; John Cole, Orting, 6; John E. Miller, Getchell. Mr Charles Rock. Solder Homej Orting, JG; original' widow's. Hat- ue a. -rt-uums, oueiaon, s; war with Spain, original, Walter L. Smedley, Fremont, J10. All's Well That Ends WelL Corvallls Gazette. The experiences of Johnny Pipes, of Portland, son of Hon. M. L. Pipes, for merly of this city, have, had quite a romantic turn. It seems that he had formed an attachment for Miss Susie Fennel, of Portland, and wished to wed her, btg his parents objected, seriously and matters became quite complicated. Johnny was fortunate enough to secure a positiott'ln the Census Bureau at Wash ington recently and shortly after his arri val there he sent for Miss Fennel and on her arrival In Washington they were married. The bride Is spoken, of as a most estimable xoung lady. Ne-rrs of Tillamook. TILLAMOOK, Or.. July 1L Owing to the fine weather the past few days, most of the farmers have commenced making hay, of which there will be a large crop this year in Tillamook. The City Council has agreed to accept the proposition of the Water Company to furnish the city with water for fire and municipal purposes for the sum of $3J3 per month for the term of three years, provided the water company will flume or pipe the water above the barn on Turney Creek. Whitman County's Population. ' COLFAX, July 11. It la estimated that the population of Whitman County is be tween 30,000 and 31.000. The largest town is Colfax, with an estimated population of 2423, followed by Pullman, 1435; Fa louse, H0; Oakesdale, 1063; Garfleld, 785; Tekonr720; Farmlngton, 5i0; Rosalia, C50; Unlqntown, 324; Colton. 300. It Is esti mated that the Increase, In population since 1SS0 has been between 7000 and SOOO. A."W, McKce's residence at Walla Walla was burned en the.&th; loss, $1000. LAND. OFFICE INCREASE GAIJT OF-BO PER. CEXT AT' THE - DALLES- JS PAST XEAB. Hlllsbor.0 Postmaster. Seeks a DI- orcevon the Grounds, of Insanity '' OtberOrejjon Sew. THE DALLES. July n. The statement of business at the, land office, at. The Dalles. Or'forthe quarter .ending' June 30, 1900, Is-as follows: Receipts of office Sales 'of public-lands $ 7,155 67 Foes and commissions 5.444 19 Total $12,599 S6 During thlff.period.'from April 1 to June 30, -&,S52 acres have beenvflled upon. In cluding 272 homestead entries. 11 original desert land entries, 5 Isolated tract en tries. & timber and ston& entries, 9 stale school indemnity lists. 3 Dalle Mllltarv wagon road llsts.,1 pre-emption entry and i- timoer-cuiture, entry. The last two named beIng,aflowed by special authority. Flnal. proof was offered upon,, 16,931 acres Including 23 commuted nomesteads, 63 'final homesteads and 26 final timber cultures. 4 The -following will show the -Increase In business during the past fiscal year: quarter: BepU 1K.... Dec. 1S99.... March. 1900 June.1900.... $ 4,708 50 45TT4 15S 23 526 33 593 S6 4.445 31 7.155 67 Total year.l S5710;56991in6.167 70i;3$,737 61 J SUPPLIES FORINSA'NE ASYLUM. Bids Opened and Most of the Con tracts A-rrarded. SALEM, Or., July 1L Bids for furnish ing supplied to the insane asylum were opened In Governor Goer's office "today, and a "portion of awards made. As the awards were made to the lowest bidder on each separate article to be furnished. It is impracticable to give more than th9 names of the successful bidders on the principal items, which are as follows; Sugar Weller Bros., Salem, granulated cane, American refined, 12,000 pound3 at $5 63; Harriet & Lawrence, Salem. Extra, C, 12,000 pounds nt $5 15. Flour Johnson & -Phillips, Scio, JCo. 1 graham, BO barrels, at $2 SO; Salem Flour ing Mills, Salem, No. 3, $00 barrels, at J2-64& Meat Stelnsloff Bros., Salem, beef per day, COO -pounds, at J7 20; mutton, per day, 200 pounds, at $7 20. Fish J. A. Taylor, Salem. Hams E. C. Cros3 .and John Hughes, Salem. Hardware Gray Bros., Salem. Cheese John Hughes, Salem. Brass nails L. Breyman & Co., Port land. Plumbing Foard & Stokes, Astoria. Tinning Foard & Stokes, 'Astoria. Crockery Harriet & Lawrence and Damon Bros.. Salem. Rolled oatsHarriet & Lawrence, Sa lem. Stationery Patton Bros., Salem. Groceries John Hughes, Weller Bros., Harriet & Lawrence and Gilbert & Baker, Salem. Disinfectant Harriet & Lawrence, Sa lem. Spices Harriot' Sc Lawrence. WlT(r Bros., Gilbert & Baker, and John Hughes, Salem. Boots and shoes Kroussa Bros., Salem; J. A. Reld, Portland. - Leather and findings Patrick Mastick, Portland, Breyman & Cc, Portland. Shoe tacks Breyman & Co., Pqrtland; Patrick Mastick, Portland; J. A. Reld, Portland. Oil and turpentine John Hughes, Salem. Miscellaneous Gray Bros., Salem. Tho contracts for mustard, popper, brooms, drugs. Crown carpet warp, syr up, vinegar, dried fruits, beans, coffee, teas, and tobacco have not been awarded yet. These will be chosen from samples furnished, and as It will take some time carefully to look over the samples pre sented, it will be several days before awards can bo made. Washington County Schools. J. H. Ackerman, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, today received the annual school report of Washington Coun ty, showing the condition of the school affairs of that county, the corresponding figures for 1899 being given for compari son: General statistics 1S99. 1900. Number of persons of school age.5704 6606 Enrolled In the public schools 4109 4062 Average dally attendance...., 2592 2729 Number of teachers employed 172 128 Children nqt attending any school .'. 1743 1472 Enrolled In private schools SSI 191 av. lengin ot scnooi year, weeks. 29 Legal voters for school purposes.3217 2340 Financial condition 1S99. 1900. Value of schoolhouses... $52,795 00 $68,755 00 vims 01 inrniture. ' ,i uo 28,477 00 value 01 apparatus 6,574 00 Average salary of male teachers S7 24 Average salary of fe male teachers 29 52 Total receipts 44,623 24 Paid for teachers' wages 30,407 23 Total disbursements .... 41,335 62 Cash in hands of district clerks March 5 3,222 43 6,027 CO 3910 32 01 46.336 18 33.537 59 42.357 63 3,978 55 The Governor's Reception. The reception given this evening in honor of Governor and Mrs. T. T. Geer, by the state officials and their wives, was attended by several thousand residents of this city and by nearly all the officers of the National Guard. DIVORCE 'SOUGHT FOR INSANITY. One of - the Children Born Five Years After Wife Was Insane. HILLSBORO. July 1L Herman Schul merlch, postmaster at this place, has commenced a suit in the Circuit Court against Flora Schulmerich, for a divorce. The parties were married in this county on the 8th day of March, 1887, and on 2 ' ? J 2.744 64 ? 7, 3.ST. 55 8. 4.0S1 02 8, 6.444 19 12, CANCEi Surgical operations and flesh destroying plasters ore useless, painful and dangerous, and besides, never cure Cancer No matter how often a cancerous sore is removed, another comes at or near the same point, and always in a worse form. Doesniot this prove conclusively that Cancer is a blood disease, and thatit is folly to attempt to cure this deep-seated dantreroua Wood trouble by cutting or burning out the sore, which, after all, is only an outward sign of the disease a place of exit for Cancer runs in families through many generations, and those whose ancestors have been afflicted with it are liable at anr time to be stricken with the deadly malady. ot aay Only Blood Diseases can be Transmitted from One Generation to Another further proof that Cancer is a disease of the blood. To cure a blood disease like this you must cure the entire blood svstem remove every trace of the noison NothW mr Cancer effectually and permanently but S. S. S. poison, jsothing cures S. S. S. caters the circulation, searches out and removes all taint, and stops the formation of cancerous cells No men. innl SfaaS: THl d S' S' S down to teT "S the disease, anfcs o?t deaSoiSn aUowingt&etohealnatnrlyandpermaBently. S. S. .S. at the same time purines the blooded buildup fgeneSheauS IHtN A little pimple, a harmless looking wart or mole n lm , ,-. k., . 1?.. r , ' adTorSor caSrtreatment, " Mr. Sarah M. KeesUnr. x Windsor Are.. Brirtol, Tcnn., writes : " I V?JlJ2n ol.d' aJ,ltte,',BM bad offered with a severe form of Tt?yJ uwb" diCt0n' Jhfacay ssid was incurable, snd P.L(!j?0t-,iTclaorc.,tlSlani:LraooUiS-, J pted their statement as vIj B131 3p ..hope enx befeff well again, when y dror rfst , knowing of xay condition, recommended S. 3. S. After takioa: afew fe.UivC b5aa t0 hef much io the nrt5e rf the phyridans. and ia spfcsdld, sleep Is refreshing in fact, m enjoying perfect health? Our medical 1wv?rtTwif t,v ,1 ; - -. -1 r ccmo ,.' o .ta.TKSM? nm 'SmFfirSffittSS the 13th day ot June,' 1SS9, the 'defendant was committed to the Insane asylum at Salem, ''where.she Is at tha present time. The complaint alleges In part, "that the defendant prior to her marriage with plaintiff, and for the purpose of obtaining and securing- the consent of the plaintiff to marry her, willfully and fraudulently concealed from plaintiff, the true state of her mental condition, and had plain tiff knpwn. ot her said affliction he would not have consented to nor married her." There are two children the Issue of the marriage, aged 12 and 6 years respect ively. E. B. Tongue Depnty Presecntor. ' Harrison Allen, the newly-elected Dis trict Attorney for the Fifth District, was in this city today, from Astoria. While hero. Mr. Allen announced the appoint ment Ot E. B. ToneilB n M rlamitv tr.- r this county. E. B. Tongue Is a son and partnerof Congressman Tongue, and the ocnumenc is prevalent here that the ap- polntment will not meet with general aa- proval. It Is thought that Congressman J Tongue favors monopoly as far as polit j leal offices In Washington County are vuwlUCTi. At 13 saja mat E. B. Tonguo was recommended through Hon. B. P. Cornelius, who was defeated for Joint Senator In this county by over 500 votes at the last election. "WATER AND ELECTRIC POWER. Plan to Take It From Head of Walla Wnlla River. PENDLETON. Or., July 11. The Athe na Electric Light & Power Company has filed notice of appropriation of water to be taken from the south fork of the Walla Walla, which heads within this county. Tho company appropriates 10.000 miner's inches of -water, measured accord ing to the rule followed In all such mat ters, which will give 15.000 cubic feet of water n.er minute. The appropriation no tice states that it is the intention of the company to construct .two pipe lines, each of 43 inches diameter. The cost Is esti mated at 150,000. Every assurance is given that before many months the town3 of Athena and Weston will have offered to them power transmitted there from the mountains at the head of the Walla Walla River. Pow er will be ample to run the flouring mills at both towns, and all other Industrial plants that are in operation. It is under stood that the company will offer to each municipality power to furnish electric lights. The plant Is to he one of the best on the Coast. County's Financial Condition. The semiannual statement of the busi ness of Umatilla County shows that for the first six months of 1900. county war rants were Issued to the amount $32,199 47; that warrants were outstanding on De cember 31 to the amount of $151,927 67; that warrants were redeemed In the past six months amounting to $1779 82, leaving a balance outstanding of $182,347 32. Charges Son With. Horsestealing Sheriff Blakeley has brought to town from Helix, a 17-year-old boy, named Bur tie Wade, who Is charged by his father with having stolen five horses from the pasture a,t the home ranch, on McKay Creek, at the Big Bend. Upon being taken Into custody by the Sheriff, Wade asked what was the charge against him, and. being told, asked the officer whether a father had the right to take away from a boy property that the boy had earned. He says he worked faithfully and earned the horses, or part of them, at least, and supposed he was taking away from the home pasture what was his own lawful property. GENERAL BARRY AT VANCOUVER To Be General MacArthur's Chief of Staff Nevrs of the Post. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, July 11. Brigadier-General Thomas H. Barry vis ited the post today, while en route from Washington to San Francisco, and was given tho usual salute of 12 guns. Gen eral Barry was stationed at this post for a number of years as Adjutant-General of the department, and has only recent ly returned from Manila, where he was Adjutant-General on General Otis' staff. General Barry has recently been pro moted to Brigadier-General, and returns to Manila as chief of staff to General MacArthur. Hospital Steward George IL Arnold, now on duty at Fort Flagler Wash., has been ordered to report at Vancouver Bar racks, and Is relieved by Acting Hospital Steward, D. B. Dodge. Private Harry W. Hartman, Company H, Seventh, Infantry, was tried by a court-martial at this post, and was found guilty of drunkenness and violence against his superior officer, and was sen tenced (two previous convictions being considered) to bo dishonorably discharged from the service and to forfeit all pay and allowances due him, and to bo confined at hard labor for one year. General Shat ter approved tho sentence of the court. but mitigated the sentence to confinement for three months, and to forfeit $10 a month for the same period. BICYCLE THD3F CAUGHT. Fined 825 and In Default Went to Jail at Dallas. INDEPENDENCE, July IL Charles Rose, a young man aged about 20 years, was arrested and tried last evening for stealing a bicycle from Charles Gross, at 'Simpson's logging camp, on the Luckiamute. Rose was caught by Mr. Simpson, with the wheel in his posses sion, and brought on to this city, where a complaint was made before Justice Ir vine. The culprit pleaded guilty and he was fined $25. In default of payment he was committed to the county jail for 12 days. There Is sure to be a shortage of har vest hands, owing to the demand on the east side of the mountains and the numbers going from here. Four more left hero yesterday for Pendleton to work in the harvest fields. They will return In time to go into the hop fields. We are without telephone connection with Portland, Salem, Dallas, Albany or Corvallis today. Six long-distance and 16 local wlre3 were cut this morning to permit the moving of a house along the main, street of the city. Wah Hoo, a Chinese laundryman of Burns, announces that he Is to marry a squaw. - " .fic v uuYsiaans ox lonjr TAKEN FROM THE SAALE! SIXTY BODIES RECOVERED FSOH THE ILL-FATED SHD?. Many Were Caught In the Stevws?'s Room and Drowned Like Hats The Liner Floated. NEW YORK, July 11. Twenty-t6uy Domes were recovered from tho hold of the burned steamship Saale today, -which makes the total number of dead taken from this ship alone 60. Most of the bodies WMT Rf hnriK- httrnort nr mntllitMA that recognition was Impossible, but sev eral were Identified by Initials or names on articles taken from parts of their ciotnmg mat sometimes remained. Some Of them anneftred to bt Tsrnrlrmnn from the ship. The pumps were worked in the ouuio luuay-, ana ay t.sv mis morning the vessel was flnntpd. Tho shfrk vna 1r nine or 10 feet of mud, and when, she unawy loosened Herself from this body, she seemed to jump fully two feet out of the water. Four of the bodies brought up were those of women. It is thought that at least two of these were emnloved In thft stfi'urn.rrt'jj r!m-iTtTrTit- After the ninth body had been brought up, jne men at work In the hold in search for bodies announced that they jiuu couniea 15 pued in. a heap la tha steward's room. The door to this room was found locked. The fire did not get near the unfortunatn 15 nri thn 110 might have been saved, but the breaking ui me giass winaows let the room fill with smoke, and they were drowned like rats In a trap. These bodies wero found In a better state of preservation thanjthose previously found. At 7 P. M. the men quit work because they could not see In the hold. There was then eight more bodies, according to re ports. In the Steward's room. TTnw monv niore there were In tho ship no one could 11:11. ii was oeiievea by the workmen hat all had been fmtnrt All Ya. of the dead were horribly distorted and swollen. The odor of the bodies pervad- eu ine snip, ana was detected on the Jersey shore when the wind shifted that way. Up to tonight 159 bodies of victims had been recovered and eight more known to bo on the Saale had been located, but not taken, out. This makes 167 bodies re covered from the ships, river and bay. One other was found off Rockaway, mak ing the total thus far 168. 4 MARBLE AND LIME. Eastern Oregon Enterprise of Cos sldcrable Masrnltn.de. Huntlncrton 'POtcs. The magnitude of the enterprise known as the Oregon Marble & Lime Works, which Is located almost nt tha th, hold of the city of Huntington, but five mnes distant at camp called Lime, i3 greater than Is generally known. Ther Is a postofllce. telephone lino nmi ?. works located here. The Oregon Marble 0 tiime worKs nave a three-story build ing containing all modern machinery uuupiea 10 use in tne reduction of tho rock. It has a new aerial tramwdr -tr-nm the works to the mountain from which the company gets Its product. The en tire mountain is .of the highest quality 01 iime ana cement rock, and furnishes an inexhaustible supply. The tramway forms a circuit of one-haff mil rionhi or one-quarter mile long. The company wonts nignt ana aay snirts and Is run ning at run capacity, having orders for more than they are able to supply. They ship over 20 cars each week. They turn out the very best aualitv of lime nni make 10 different kinds of cement, whilo their plaster Is asknowledged by all who have tested It to be unexcelled. Fifty thousand barrels yearly Is what their capacity represents, and they have al ways produced this amount for four years. The Oregon Plaster Milling Company is the name of the other concern, and the mill adjoins tho other works and la owned by the same company. This mill has a capacity of 50 tons per day of plas ter and cement. The two works are un der the supervision of Joseph Thomllnson, who Is a thorough master of the business and to whom much of the credit for tho success of the venture Is due. The company has gypsum mines five miles distant from the works, and there Is a whole mountain of this substance, which is a valuable Item to them. This enterprise is quite Important to Huntington and Baker County, Inas much as It represents a nice little pay roll, and everything connected with tho handling of Its product is manufactured right at the mills even the casks for shipping are made here. The writer ac cepted the courtesy of a ride to the works with Mr. P. H. Flynn one day this week, and we made a personal InsDection of th entire works, and we must express our surprise at the vast amount of business which is going on so near to our little city without previous mention. It is tho greatest enterprise of Its kind In tha Northwest. Why the South Is Democratic. Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser. The one reason why the South, must oppose the Republican party Is more Im portant than the dozen which are held to favor It. Tho Advertiser has opposed Mr. Bryan, but the Advertiser is for the South. It has opposed the silver policy of the Democratic platform, but between an obsolete Democratic policy on tho cur rency question, which nobody can now enforce, and a Republican policy on the suffrage question which the South-haters of that party will enforce If they can, we know well how to choose. The past four years have brought their changes. Sliver, from being an Imminent and tangible peril, has becomo but a windy threat. Mr. Bryan, on the problems of finance,"' may continue ,an inept contention. But Republican supremacy may bring "the step from Ineptitude to Iniquity," and as between an ineptitude, which is Impotent, and an iniquity, which Is formidable, the Advertiser must stand for the candidate of the Democracy. Persons suffering from sick headache, dizziness, nausea, constipation, pain in the side, are asked to try one vial of Carter's Little Liver Pills. CawEf Mb Gut Out or Removed! was Plasters