Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 03, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Present Incambent'i Are Re-EIected
Reform and Slate Schools Ace
"Without Subordinate Officials.
SALEM, Or.. July 2. The State Board,
of Education today elected officers for the
state Institutions; as follows:
Reform School H. E. Bickers, superin
tendent; Mrs. H"E. Bickers, matron.
Muto School Clayton "Wentz, superin
tendent; Urs. Clayton Wentz, matron.
Blind School J. L. Carter, superintend
ent, Mrs. J. I Carter, matron; Miss Em
ily Henry, teacher; Miss Jeannette Wads.
worth and Leroy Gesner, music teachers.
JCo suDordlnatc officials, were selected
for the Reform and Mute Schools. All
those selected today are present Incum
bents. The board also granted a state certifi
cate to R. A. Ford, of, Eugene; who holds
& like paper from Missouri.
Cowntj- Officers Quality.
County Judge Scott and Commissioner
JCeedham are the only county officers who
qualified today
Jonathan O'Donald. the new Justice of
the Peace, has moved Into the office for
merly occupied by Justice Johnson.
Regent for Monmouth Xormal.
O F. Paxton and Anthony Nbltner. both
of Portland, and Ben. Schofleld. of Cor
nelius, were today reappointed" members
of the Board of Regents of the Moa
xnouth Normal School. Their terms are
bIx years each.
Paxnaent of State Taxes. ,
Multnomah County today paid Into the
state treasury $91,450 56. to settle Its 1S2&
'state taxes in full. Multnomah, also made
remittances to settle small balances due
on tixes and Interest for 1S95, 189C and 1S9S
Crook County settled Its 1S39 state tax
Account by paying 510,809 47.
Tfcrr Chief Justice.
Charles E. "Wolverton retired today from
the Supreme Bench as Chief Justice, and
will begin a new term as Associate Jus
tice. Judge Bean will succeed to the of
fice of Chief Justice.
Insane Charge.
Tilda Kosky, aged 20, was received, at
the Asylum today from Marshileld, Coos
County. She Is a native of Finland, and
married. Her dementia was caused, by
worry over the death of her first hus
band. Land Board Collections.
M. Ii. Chamberlain, clerk of the State
Land Board, today paid fnto the state
treasury $12,835 19, collected by him during
the month of June. The money will be
distributed among the following- funds:
School principal, $9012 76; school interest
5377131; university principal, $10; Agri
cultural College principal, $40; Agricul
tural college interest, B0 cents.
Monthly Asrlnnt Report.
Superintendent J. F. Calbreath, of the
Oregon Insane Asylum, filed his monthly
report today. It shows that a new one
Btory brick addition to the kitchen Is be
ing made at a cost of $MG0; that the "wards
In the new wing have been completed
and occupied: that the young patients
who were afflicted with diphtheria hive
recovered, and have been returned to
their wards, and that satisfactory prog
ress has been made in the work on the
farm and garden.
The financial report shows that the
monthly payroll amounted to $5621 SS, and
that the value, of the supplies consumed
ws.s $6244 23, making a total of $11,866 1L
There was an average of 1179 patients un
der treatment The average monthly ex
pense per capita was $10 05; the dally
average, 23 cents. The total number of
employes "was 150. This is somewhat
above the usual number of employes, and
the increase Is accounted for by the fact,
that many additional attendants were
employed for a few days while regular
attendants, were absent on. election day
or were- taking a vacation.
The number of patients treated is as
Number of patients May SI ..1178
Number received during June 26
Under care and- treatment 1214
Discharged 27
Died 11
Eloped I
Patients remaining June SO 1175
Capital City Brevities.
Judge Boise today granted Emma Hes
ter a divorce from James Kester.
The Allen. Packing Company began, can
ning peas today .and will run its cannery
On this vegetable for about two weeks.
The company made contracts last "Win
ter for the peas to be raised on 100 acre
of ground. Strawberries are now out of
the market so far as canning is con
cerned, and the cherries will soon be fin
ished. Pears and plums will be the next
fruit handled.
"Will Return to Mount Angel College.
Rev. Plaeidus Fuerst, O. S. B., who la
now in Europe, will return to Mount An
gel College In September. The past year
was spent by Father Plaeidus at the
Catholic University in. "Washington, D. C,
Where he availed "himself of art extra
course In higher physics, calculus and
chemistry. "While in, "Washington Father
Plaeidus became a great favorite through
bis musical gifts, being caljedvby many"
the Perosl or Amerlea. Father Pladdus'
will resume HIb work as professor h the
opening of the scholastic, term.
Committee Appointed, to Seetire
ClacluimoA Connty Exhibit.
OREGON CITY, July 2. President "W.
H. "Wehrung. of Hlllsbaro. and Secretary
D. M. "Wisdom, of Portland, officers of the
State Agricultural Society, were here to
day in, the interest of a county exhibit
at the coming session of the State Fair.
A consultation was held with. County
Judge Ryan, ex-County Commissioner
Richard Scott of Milwaukie, and promi
nent business men In reference to the
proposed exhibit, It was decided to. leave
the matter in the hands of the Oregon
City Board of. Trde, President H. E.
Cross calling a special meeting foE the
purpose tonight At this meeting. . uni
versal sentiment was enthusiastically ex
pressed in favor of ae- exhibit that would
curry off the first pile ' offered, by the
State Fair management It was con
ceded during the discussion of. the matter
that Clackamas County could.' provide
the best exhibit of diversified products of
any county in the state, including farm,
and hercuitural reductions, hops, gold
and copper ore, coal, manufactured iron,
foundry machine products, manufactuced
5aper, ctotljs, shoes, fancy leathers, etc.
. determination was expressed to prepare
an exhibit that would be a credit to the
state, one that could be kept on perma
nent display here as an advertisement of
the county's Resources. President Cross
appointed the following committee to pre
pare such an exhibit: Thpmas F. Ryan,
O. W. Eastham, E. E. Channan, Richard.
Scott of Milwaukie, and J. M. Tracy, of
Cbanfres In Clackamas Connty Gov
ernjtnent Land Office BnsinesB.
OREGON CITY, July 2. All the newly
elected county officers, whose terms, bo;
gin July 1. were in their places today!
The same "deputies continue In service In.
the Sheriffs and Recorder's offices, while
in the" clerk's office, the former chief
deputy, E. H. Cooper, takes the clerk's
desk, and the' former, clerk, Elmer Dixon,
becomes chief deputy. It is understood,
however, that O. !d. Eby of Sdarquam,
will succeed Mr. Dixon as. chief deputy
in a -few months. In the County Treas
urer's office Mr. Shade becomes, chief
deputy,, while his former assistant, A.
XiUelllng, becomes the chief officer. It Is
a notable fact that every officer or dep
uty In the Courthouse that received, a
nomination was elected, making an excit
able division of officials between the two
parties. However, the County Board of
Commissioners Is Republican, and also
the pounty Judge J. "W. McAnulty, the
newly elected Justice of the Pace for
the Oregon City district toolc charge of
his office today, but had to postpone an
assault case, as no Deputy District Attor
ney had been appointed.
Receiver "William Galloway, of, the local
land office, today completed bis financial
report of business for the month of June.
Tha report shows that the total cash
sales and commissions amounted to
$4048 11. There were IS homestead loca
tions and 21 final proofs, and of the 13
cask entries, six were final proofs on
timber claims. Ten timber land locations
were, made during this period. The total
cash receipts for June, 1S29, was $3404 43,
about tbe beginning of the present boom
in Government lands.
Bring?. 40 Fasaen&e,r& and 970,000
Gold. Bryri Steamer Lost.
NANAIMO. B. C, July 2. The steamer
Danube has reached here, five days from
Skagway, with 40 passengers and $70 0(30
in gold dust Captain Clifford, Member
of Parliament from Atlin, was among Ijhe
passengers, and reports that several ex
pensive hydraullcklng plants have been
Installed, but there is a scarcity or help
to work them.
The Danube brings news that In an at
tempt to run her through Miles Canyon
and the "White Horse Rapids, below, the
the steamer Reaper has been totally lost
The Nora, of the Klondike Corporation,
and the Bailey, of the Canadian Develop
ment Company, were taken safely
through the rapids.
Gold Commissioner Charged With
Malfcansnce tn OSce.
DA'WSONi June 5, via. San Francisco
July 2. Aside from clean-up results, the
matter of greatest public Interest In the
Klondike- at present is the scandal in
volving Gold Commissioner Senkler.
Charges hava been preferred against nlm
by IX G. McTavish and the Ottawa gov
ernment has been moved) to. appoint a
commission to Investigate the. matter.
Senkler Is. accuid" of malfeasance in of
fice. Specifically his alleged offense Is
the Illegal, grants of fractional claims to
persons of whom he v. as a silent partner.
"Wnshlnjrton FaeitLve Threatens
Mnrdr Unless Woman Compile.
NORTH YAKIMA. "Wash.. July 1-J.
O, Dubois, who recently escaped from
the clutches of the law at RitxvUle, and
is: said to be wanted at Pendleton, Or.,
for forgcrj. went at 11 o'clock last night
to the house of Claude Briggs, a mer
chant here, whre his wife was stop
ping, and compelled her, at the point of
a pistol, to accompany him In his flight
out of the country with a, team. Sne
went upon his threat that If she did not
go he would shoot her and himself. Of
ficers are in pursuit of him.
Deputy Connty Officers Kanied.
HILLSBORO. Or., July 2. The County
Central Committee of the Union party
announced the deputies for the newlr
elected Clerk and Recorder of Convey
ances. J. "W. Morgan, of Hlllsboro, will
act as Deputy Clerk; George A. Morgan
and Robert "Wlrts, of Forest Grove, will
assist Recorder Ralph Wann. These
appointments wilL give general satisfac
tion, as they are both good men, and
well qualified. The deputy for Sheriff
John W Sewell has not jet been named.
The newly elected officers will take char
on next Thrusday as. their bonds cannot
be approved before that time.
Relleloxui Celebration.
CANBY, Or., July 2. There rrlll be a
great religious celebration on the, camp
grounds here July 4 Dr. Cool, of Spokane,
Dr. Gue, of Portland, and other eminent
preachers will take part There wlli be a
special rate of $1 15 from Portland for
the round trip, and a one and one-third
fare from alL points on the Southern Pa
cific. Miner Shot in HI Tent.
SEATTLE, "Wash., July 2. R. S. Camp
bell was shot and instantly killed In his
tent at Haines, Alaska, recently by Phil
Gosby. Gampbell and Gosby, who had
mining interests In the camp, had trouble
over some claims. Gosby surrendered
and was taken in charge by the United
States officials.
Miner Killed by Explosion.
"WAUuACE, Idaho, July 2 John Dube,
aged 45. and Matt Shercr, aged 30, were
killed by an explosion in the Tiger1 mine
yesterday. Both left families, Tube a
wife and five children, and Shexer a- wift
and three children.
Oregon Ketes.
The Town Board of, Sumpter Is consid
ering application for street-car fran
chise. Petitions are being, circulated in Lincoln
Countr protesting against tha proposed,
location ot fishtrapa in Yao.ulna Bay.
Bids are belnc; solicited for the erection
of. a two-story brick hotel in Lakeview.
Th owners will be Miller &, Lane, "wbo
paid 506 for a. site, l&sjt week.
The County Court of Union County has
ordered xoad nupervisors, ta prosecute all
persons who damage the highways by
permitting; irrigation, water to run in
the roads.
A lJKO. electric Hght plant will be put
ln'alf the Cornucopia mines in Union
County. The. wafers of Pine. Creek will be
utilized to operate the machinery. Work
on the same will begin Immediately.
One day lost week, two of H. R. Here
ford's thoroughbred yearling hulls, be
came "involved In. a light, near the. hot
springs. Lane County, when both f ell- Into
the spring and were scalded to death.
Professor E. H. McAllster, of the de
partment ot qpplled mathematics at the
University of Oregon, has been appointed
by the Regents as supervisor et the. drain
age system to be put in, at the university
thta Summeri
A Pacific Coast Indian. Institute Is to
be organised. "A conference of "educators
interested in -the training and edupatlon
of Indians will take place at Chemawa,
AUgust H, to 19. Washington, 'Montana,
Idaho and California will bt represented,
anci perhaps several other Western states.
A proposition for the location of a flax
fiber mill at Eugene has been submitted
hi . Larimere, manager, of the Sclo fac
tory. The bonus Is 53SO0 In cash. 2 acres
of land for a site, and 1500 acres, in. flax.
It is represented that the plant will cost
5,000, and will employ regularly about
39 hands.
The Utah Construction Company-, of
Ogden, which was awarded the grading
contract for the extension of the Sumpter
Valley line to Clifford, began operations
last Tuesday. Tho company has about
20- teams and a large force ot men at
work, and In the next 10 days the con
tractors expect to place an additional
force ot 200 men and 100 teams along
the grade.
Crop Tiatcn.
The sugar beet crop In Union County
was benefitted by the" recent rains.
The rains of this sgason have. kejt the
grass green and thrifty In the Harney
County foothills.
Of the injury to grain it is related thaV
100 acres ot wheat owned by F. M. Free
man, near Tangent, is almost ruined with
rust, says the Corvallis Times. The ef
fect of the rist was not noticeable until
the sunshine appeared after the late
rains. Several grain fields In the -i Iclnltv
j ore declared to be in bad condition
Betrreen Three Bidder, and Go-cndl
Will Decide at Once f 100,000
Bonds Slfirncd and Retarned.
BAKER CITY. July 2. The water com
mittee of the City Council today opened
the bids for the construction of "the
gravity water system. Nine bids were re
ceived, and were as follows.
Smith &. Miller, $ (o,7i37; Fife &. Con
Ian, $87.791 50; Joe Paquet $111415. Slem
mons & Sweeney, $,09tf 25, J. D. McCau
lay $S9,437 70; Smitta & Howard. $100,
294 30; Costello & Bread, 594.013 90r Jacob-
sen & Bade, $95,991 66; J. S. "White, $51.-
The Council, at en adjourned meeting
BfLLSBORO, July Z D. ML C. Gault, principal stockholder In the Hlllsboro Publishing
Company, and editor of the Hlllsboro Independent, iias born In Iowa. In 1812. Ho cam
to Orcon In 1852. and received an academical rducatton at Korea t; Grove. HLs first news
paper work was done on the Jacksonville SenUrtb, 1S05-. He city editor of the.
Salem Statesman In ISCS-'J, and In 1870 was a. third owner ot the Dallas Folk County)
Reublicaa. He itened a t-rm as RepreaentatUe from Washington County la the. State.
Legislature in 1876, and a second term frora Multnomah Countr In 1SS0 He took, charge,
of the Hlllsboro Independent In 1802. w&era he now i. In politics he uas always been Re
publican, and his paper Is Tecosnlzed- as reflccttnK his personal bias He was President
of the State Pioneer Association In 1588, and Is now President of the State Republican.
Editorial Association, tills being the third term he has occupied the position.
tonight retained the three lowest bids, j Cbrvalll3. The matter-was, discussed last
namely: Fife & Conlan. J. D. McCaulay j. year, and temporarily postponed. The
and J. C White, and Vtlll make the award , Corvnllls Grange, at a meeting last Sat
at the regular meeting tomorrow night urday, took up the matter, and appolnt
The balance of the bids, together with ed a committee to lead a movemeht for
the certified checks, Tvere returned to the a county or district fair, to be held in.
bidders. The bonds of $103,000 for the con-- Corvallls possibly this season. On July
structlon of the watc works were sold 14 there Is to be a meeting, of citizens and:
to Jl.. Harris & Co. of. Chicago, the: specially appointed delegates form the
highest bidders. who.paid a, premium ""various granges In the county, for a fur-
therafor of S6S0L The bonds were re-
eclved and signed at the City Auditor's
office and forwarded back to Chicago to
day. The bonds xun fox 10 years at 5 per
Extended Over Twenty Miles From,
IlTraco Feeling: Over Matter.
SOUTH BEND, Wash., July 2. Saturday
the entire' beach from Ilwaco to the north,
and of the PanuneuGa. a distance of ever 2fl
miles, was. eratber sold or leased at public
auction- lo prtvase persona, acd feeKng
Tan pretty high on tho beach as a jesulr.
David Bruce, of Seattle, was the original
applicant for the lease of all the tide laud
on the ocean beach of the Peninsula, ex
cept that in front of Long Bench. In
company wHh County Surveyor Meloj. of
Lebanon, he gave notice of thtdr desire to
ptxehose outright The no-bcts were eeen
by very few, and as a result all of tho
beach niornSi of Long Beach was leased to
David Bruce for tho minimum sum ai-
lowed by law 10 cents- par ohMn hi pay-
men amouotiBg to about $300. The lease
SLX"?' ;E" " "i.0!
as&?affi ssfr.z-
TZZ-Z lZZZii t, ITi
W. Corbet by biddrng in practically all
& tho beach south of Lone Beach, in-
eluding Fishing Rocks and North Head,
and states that, wbMe he was compelled
to bid in considerable beaon, which does
not front on the property of any of tho
aSkwe-camed persons, he has no dcetre to
make any money out of his lease.
Lons Beach is in a school section, and
was punahased by E E Tteiker when
Washington was a tt-crrtory. Ho there-
fore filed a protest against the sale, claim-
jsjk udq Ti-wer wvm, as ras own. xne sole
was conducted subject to the protest, and
bidding was lively, -the property betetr
finally sold to W. B. Strattoa, as trute
for David Bruce and W. F. Meloy. for
$12 50 per Hnoar chain. Thcce is certain to
bo conrfdcroble litigation over the sale
sod lease. Mr. Bruce's representative. M.
H. Young, declined to state what his prin
cipal's lrrteoaons and plans were.
Authentic Xcvra From Sinrock Squat-'
tern Hold Government Ground.
SEATTLE, July 1 The steamer Robert
Dollar, being the third vessel from Nome
within the past 21 hours, arrived in port
at a o'clock today. Captain Charles Bncf
Eon. who brought her from Alaska, states
that he was delayed five days at Diitch
Harbor by reason of a shortage of coal.
There wore but three passengers aboard..
The Dollar brings the first authentic news
from Slnrock. Purser Kennedy soys
that when they left there It was demon
strated that the point was destined! to de
velop Into a thriving camp. Several hun
dred miners aro now engaged on the
Speaking of the beach line, Captain En
efson states that the squatters are still
occupying the Government ground, but
that there Is no. doubt they are entirely
wrong. The authorities and everybody
else ore waiting the arrival of General
Randall to settle all disputes. The ex
pectation Is that the beach line will be
cleared of squatters by force If necessary.
Town lots are bringing all the way from
$0600 to ?10,000, and unusually excellent
sites are sold for more. There, Is a great
demand for realty. Captain Enefson
states that but little news had been re
ceived from the creelc district at the time
he left Tho fros Is still In the ground,
and active work had hardly commenced.
W. "F. Wilcox, one of the passengers. Is a
Government employe, and has recently
completed a survey of the trail Inland via
Katmal, which was discovered by Deputy
Land Surveyor Norman R. Smith.
Can Do Business In Portland and Re
turn Same Day.
CORVALLIS, July 2. For a long time
past, it has been impossible for a Corval
llslte with a reasonable degree" of facility
1 to so to Portland, do business there and
return home on. the same day, A new ar
rangement of train service that went Into
effect this morning, makes this possible.
A CorvalHs & Eastern train leaves Cor
vallis at 6:30 A. M.r and connects with
the Southern Pacific, Portland local at Al
bany at 7 A. M.. The same train makes
connection with the evening local, and
leaving Corvallts at 7:25 reaches Cor
YaJHs at 8-05. The new service win be a
welcome convenience to a people who
have hitherto been somewhat isolated.
Pioneer- Comaalts Suicide.
mer a pioneer of 1X52, committed suicide
in a woodshed today. He used two feet
of rope, his toes touching the ground.
He Teaves a wife. No cause Is known"
for the deed. He was in town this morn
ing having a horse shod, and seemed ra
tional at that time. He lived one mile
south of Independence. The Coroner is
now holding an Inquest
To Promote County Fair,
CORYAIXIS, July L There are re
curring suggestions each yer. at about
this" season for holding: a county fair at
tmorusjus3ion or. uie anaiier.
. Ti'a.nliLuBton. Xotes.
The "Wenatchee Council has flxct. the
foe for saloon, license at SKOQ a year.
A fruit and vegetable evaporator Is be-
Pilng erected at Colfax. It Is Intended to
j handle this year's crop
Tha school census of. Aberdeen for this
year shows a total of 887 children, an In
crease of 215 over 1229.
An Everett mill shipped 150,003 feet of.
lumber to the White Pass & Yukon Rail
way, at Skagway, Alaska, Friday.
The Japanese population of Falrhaven
Is about 400, and it Is estimated that 201
of these hava arrived within a week.
-Tho Delta Phi fraternity at the State
University at Seattle has begua the erec-
tlon ot a chapter-house that will cost
j In tho neighborhood of $4500.
y The City Counoll of Sedro-TVoolley has
repealed the midnight closing ordinance
passed a few weeks ago at the request
r Qf the liquor dealers and the town will
now Temain open day and night,
j The total recelpt3 of the clty of Falc.
' haven for the quarter ending June 30 V
i rjjr&ma:
expenditures lor tho somo time were
$15,1 97.
Fire destroyed
25 acres of standing
grain on tho farm of T. Rondemo, near
Climax, Friday night, and for a timo
i threatened tho entire crop ot 2300 acres.
! The origin of the blaze Is supposed to
j have been accidental,
The Republic Mining. Company, of R-
public, has let a contract to, construct
. six miles of wood flume, along Granite
Creek. The company has now a. forco of
I 75 men cutting and piling wood alon
1 the lino, of the proposed flume.
Immigrant Inspector Walker Is to be
sent to Whatcom to keep guard against
the entrance of any Japanese attempting
to slip in from British Columbia. More
Inspectors arc to be placed along the
border, says the Tacoma News.
Superintendent Byram, ot tha Great
Northern Railroad, ha Issued a circular
offering $500 reward for the arrest and
conviction of parties who forced some
JUpancso section hands of the road to
leave the right ot way near Mount Ver
non last week.
Tho big Bryan banquet planned at
Whatcom for July Fourth, in accord
ance with the suggestion of W. R. Hearst,
has been postponed until some other date.
The committee found that the people
would be too busy celebrating the era ot
prosperity on that evening to attend a
calamity love feast.
An artesian, well la. to be. bored nine
miles east of Ellensburgw A depth of
1250 feet Is authorized, although It la
expected that water will be found at
BOO or COO feet. The Capital characterizes
the move as the most Important ot years-,
as It will give a solution to the Irrigation
problem in Kittitas County.
Shipments ot early peaches are being
made dally from North Yakima to the
Snokanq market. Tho fruit Is of the
Alexander variety, and weighs about six
ounces to the peach. Boxes net 20
pounds, and an averago of 72 peaches
is packed In the two layers of each
box. Local dealers are paying 75 cents
per box. but the outside market is bet
ter. The crop is first class, and growers
expect a good harvest, continuing until
October L
Idaho Xotes.
Boise's first Ice plant will be Installed
and In operation -tyithln. 15 or 20 days.
The harvest fcx Latah County will cem
mence three weeks earlier than usual
this year. The vigld will be "between
LGOO.000. and LSQ0.O00 bu?hQis.
Asbestos has. been discovered 10 miles
north of Kamiah. The ledge Is 200 feet
in width and shows up the, best character
of that mineral to be found anywhere.
On the night of tho Fourth of July a
big dance will be given at Idaho City.
the proceeds to go to Placerrllle, which
was recently burned down, tor the second
time within & year
a poor mmm season
40O Ton Handled ay Collrai97aCV
Ilea Jfot Included Quality Was
Exceptionally Good.
ASTORIA, Or.r July 2. ThVliahlnc flea
ion to da has been- fee from aaA&tsje
tory. Therfe haa not beta & stegle, b'-f
run- since it commenced. This w&n the
! year when lArgsa return "jcere expected;
rrom tae hatchery as-a turneo, put ipur
yeaia ago. but they Swre. failed to, foa
tes&tlize. Many assert that the baxchery
fish are of the lete run and will come
in la-tec in the season in. sufficient num
bers to aHow the usual pock- to be put
up, but tbis is merely speculation. The
fish caught have ben of exceptionally
good quality, and command the hlshcst
nsarXet pcioV. "While figures ore difficult
to. obtain, a carefully prepared estimate
shows that the pack on the Qohnnbla
River- up to July 1 was 118,700- oaies. Be
sides these, about 400 fcsao, or what would
eaual 13.000 cpjfcs, of Chinook salmon have
been, shipped by the co'd-siorage men.
The estimated pack by the individual
caccarfcg ia as foUowa: m
Canneries Cases.
Fishermen's Co-operative 10,000
Sanborn 3,000
Cutting 5,200
Booth 9,000.
McGowan. Chinook 9,wa
Megler - .'..... 6.50O
McGowan. Cascades. 3,000
Wnrren. Cathlamet 5,000
Pillar Rock 9.500
Seufert Bros. 4,500
Columbia River Packers.' Associa
tion, Astoria .... 45.W
Columbia Rlyor Packers' Associa
tion. Cascades , 2.C00
Total HS.7C0
Street RnlVrcny Sold.
Rocoivap Coolldge, of the Astoria. Street
Railway Company, today sold, all the
property of the company at public auc
tion to satisfy a Judgment m the sum
of; J3O.50O held by the Security Savings &
Trust Company, of Portland. The prop
erty,, including -the railway hne. fran
chises, rolHng-stock, and powef-houses,
was sold to J. M. Gcarfn, of Portland,
for George C HolUstr, of New York.
The- prico Tras 525.000. Mr. Holllstxsr Is the.
holder of the bonds issued by the com
pany, and. will pay the mortgagee's eJalm
with them. It is -understood Chit as soon
as the salo Ss confirmed the line will be
extended and extensive repairs- made.
United states CruUer, Philadelphia.
Tno unstPd Staites cruiser Philadelphia,
Captain eMcule, arrived In this- rcwaiag
frxn tho. SoocsJ and anchored jft the
city front She was boarded by the
Fourth of July reception ccmrcittee, head
ed by Major BtcgTnan. who tendered tlw
officers, ard ccew tjhe freedom of the c"dy.
This, afternoon eke was ajxrown open to
tho general public, and a large crowd of
spectators v&iwtd the big, vcx2. The
-cruiser wJU remain hero to participate
n the Fovrth of July celercatlon. and
then proceed to PorUrrod to take the Cce
goa Naval Reserves for a cruise.
KpTr Officers Installed
The newly elected county ofllcess as
sumed their duties today, and Clatsop
County is now wothout a Recorder, that
department being coraspjldated with the,
CJerk's- office. The employes at, the- Court
housa aire the same as bcrocotore. The
County Court will meat Thursday, when,
the formal appointment of the vnrjous
deputies will be. niadcv and It Is expected
some -aoarefers: v?M take place at that
.Supreme Go art Pascs oa Seven Ap
pended Cases.
SALEM, Or., July 2. Tha Supreme'
Pourt t6day handed -down" decisions. In
seven oases. Of: these; three wore, af
flrmed, two reversed and two modified.
The decisions were as followsr ,
Lulu P. Curry", respondent, vsj W. F.
Butohcr and H. C. Eastham, horetaforq.
doing business- as- Butcher & Eastbam,
appellants, from Baker County, Robert
Eakln. Judge; reversed and remanded,
,Opib!ou by Bettn, J.
Clara A. Boyce, appellant, vs. H- A
Cupper, respondent, from Grant County;
Robert Bakin, Judge; modified. Opinion,
by Moore, J.
H. C. Susewind, respondent, vs. W.
S. Lever, defendant, and the Union
Woolen Mill Company, from Union Coun-
'ty, Robert Eakln, Juds-o. reversed. Opin
ion by Moore, J.
I C O. Fanning. Mary Klne. J. H. Raley,
'E. Welch and 8. E. Walker, appellants,
vs. J. M. Gilllland and F. B. Clopton.
'respondents, from Umatilla CoUnly,
Stephen A. Lowell, Judge; anlcmed.
Opinion by Wolverton. J".
A. G. Ogllvle, respondent, vs. Rose Ogll-
vle, appellant, from Gilliam County, W.
L. Braqshaw, Judge; affirmed. Opinion
oy wolverton, -. J.
Etoilc Mendelton, appellant; vs. Louis
Mendelton, respondent, from Baker Coun
ty. Robert Eakln. Judge; affirmed. Opin
ion by Moore, J.
J. M. Churchjadmlniatrator of R. M.
Steele, deceased, appellant, vs. I. H.
Adams, respondent; from Malheur Coun
ty, M. D. Clifford, Judge; modified.
; Opinion by Bean, J.
The following minor orders were madqt
P. H. Oviatt et aL, appellants, vs. Big
Four Mining" Company et ah, respondents;
ordered on stipulation that respondents?
time to ?erve and fllo their brief be ex-
L tended to August 15.
G. G. Warner qt aL, appellants, V3.
Charles Bruman et al.t respondents; or
dered on stipulation that appellants hava
leave to file bill of exceptions, stipula
tion for time and order In this cause,
and that same be made 'part ot the
L. W. Tallmadse, appellant vs. A. B.
Hooper et al respondent; ordered on
motion tnat resppnacnt nave w aays aa
dltlonal time to file a petition for a re
hearing. Singer Manufacturing Company, appel
lant, vs. T. J. Driver, Sheriff, respondent;
ordered on motion that appellant have 3Q
days' additional time to serve and file his
E. Shannon et al., apppellants, vs. City
of Portland, respondent; ordered on stipu
lation and motion that this canso be ad
vanced out ot Its order and that it ho
set for hearing at an early day.
Motions to advance In the following
cases were denied:
Hannum vs., Brown; Kerslake vs.
Brower & Thompson Lumber Company;
Young vs. Hughes: Chambers vs. Cham
bers; O. & C, R. R. Co., vs Jackson Coun
ty; In the matter of Minna Burgolgne and
State vs. Hall.
Dean Bros.' Steam Pump Works vs.
Astoria Iron Works: motion to dismiss
appeal denied.
Brand vs. Multnomah County; petition
for rehearing granted; McFadden vs.
Swlnerton, application for modification of
decree to be set down for hearlns at an
early day; Maria Miller, administratrix,
respondent vs. Inman, Paulsen & Co , ap
pellants: ordered on stipulation that ap;
pellant havo until August L 1905, to serve
and fllo. brief; A. H. Carson et al.. re
spondents, vs. F. M. Hayes et al., appell
ants; ordered on stipulation that appel
lants have until August L 130, to serve
and file transcript
Notes of Vancouver.
VANCOUVER. Wash., July 2,-Captatn
Bafcrick Haescn. of thjs county, received a
telegram today from his. son, John P.
Hassan. Fh-st, Lieutenant hi the Thirty
fiftto. .United States Volunteer Infantry,
ehvthxg he had arrived at San Francteco,
and expected: to be at home in a day or
two. Liefutonant Hassan was wounded a
couple of months ago in a skirmish with
Filipinos on Luzon Island, since which
time he was pc'esiuned by his parents and
friends here to have been la the hospital
at Manila. The telegram today was tho
I first lu Cla sat! cm Ws parents had o hi 1
tioc of returning to the United States,
ont was oonsecnifflitiy cocsldsirable ot a
surprise, to them.
-Today Mrs, M K Ev Hidden retired
front tho "Vancouver SchcoL Board, and
B. M. Rands, who was chosent the re
cent school -eCeotlon too succeed, hr, was
installed la office. The. board sas reor
ganised by the election of Dr. A. B. Bast
ham as obairroaiL.
Geprgre STexnr Pion.eer ol 1852.
EUGENE, July 2. George Bovern, an
old and well-known pioneer of this coun
ty, died at his home In Eugene 'last even
ing. He came 'to Oregon In 1S52, and set
tled near Junction City, where he secured
I a farm, on which he lived until lS79r since
which time he has leased the farm, and
lived the life of a rotlrd farmers "while;
crossing the plains, his- first wife and
oniy child died. His second wife and
two step-daushters survive.
Mining; Stock Quotations.
Following: are yesterday's quotations on the
Oregon Mining Stock Exchange.
Bid. Asked.
Adams Mountain COO 054 SU0O 00
Buffalu .7 2& JVt
Fouu. DrrdslnE Co S SO. 100 Ov)
Gold Hilt i Bohemia. -5 5XJ
Gold Hill High Line Ditch. 10
Goldftono Consolidated .... 3 jr
Helena 27 2Ta;
Hnli Ha Nc 2..... -M 4
Lost Horse 2 S4
May Queen 24 2i
Orrrcn'Cclorado 5 54
Rep-W v ll5 .!
RnfKefelfrr Z
Kuttipwr Free Gold 3 3i
Heluiev .........
rte'ena No. 2
4000JJ 4.
Gldtone Goaol (dated
Lost Homo
5iay Queen, ..
, .100000 2S
0300 2.
SPOICANB. July 2. Tho closing bids for
mining stocks today -were.
Jiiacsctalt so 13i6Uorn. Glory . $0 OBii
Butte & Boston.
1 Noble Fle
Deer Trail -Con..
Evening Star ..
Gold Xedgn ....
Toldfa Harvest.
L X. L
Lane Pine Surp.
4"ht Princess Maud...
PilRambler Cariboo
ii3,iieservauon ..... 3Vr
lLjUossland Giant.. 2fc
15ullUah J0
MTonr Thumb Id
SAX FRANCISCO. July 2. Tho. official ck
itig quotations for mlnlnc stocks today Were:
LAtta. HJustlce 30 0T
wipiia uia -ftoiexican ......... a
Anoes SiOccltUntal Con. ... 10
Belcher, loppblr. 70
Beat & Belcher, .. 26ennan. 10
bullion 4,fotot 10
Caledonia 1 05iiaaso 2
Challenge Con ... 15J5es. Beleher . 4
Chollar lisiSierra. NfVada ... 2D
C6pfldince TS Silver Hilt -1-1
Con Cat. & Va... 1 50 Standard 4 00
Ctawn. Point Stanton Con 20
Gould & Curry.... 12 1 Utah Con 1
Hare & Norcrofs.. 23"Cellow Jacket .... 13
NCtV YORK. July 2. Mining stocks today
cJored as follows:
Phoilar $0 OOjOphlr SO 63
Crpym. Point CiPl mouth 10
Ton Cal & Va... 1 nrautcksllver 130
Deadnood 40( do pref 7 50
Hole fc Norcrcn . 22, Sierra Neada ... 2i
Homcatakc ....40 OOhtandard 3 30
Iron bitter SljCnlnn Con 17
(fexican 2Srellow Jacket .... 12
,mtarlo 6 73
BOSTON. July 2. Closing quotatlonsi
Adenturo ?0 02 ipsccola ...,... $0 0
Araal. Copper .. S3 Parrot .z 40
Boston & Mont. 2 04 (Qulncy 1 33
Butte & Boston. 63 Panta. Fe Copper lti
CaL & Hecla... 7 17 iVamanvk 1 7P
"Jentennlol 10 Irjtah Miplng ... 25
Franklin 12 fwinona 21
ttoierines ..... 35
Xonthrvest: Postal Order.
WASHINGTON, Juno 29. The following
Oregon postofflces have been established.
Otis, Lincoln County: to be supplied by
spccral service from Johnson. Archibald
S. Thompson appointed postmaster-
Spray. Wheeler County; to be supplied
by special service from Wagner. John
FI Spray appointed postmaster.
Egil. Harney County; to be supplied by
special servfee from Riley. Sophia Egil
appointed postmaster.
The postofflce at Lamonthr'Qrbok Coun
ty,. Or., has been moved three miles to.
the notheastof the old site.
The postoffice at Chandler. Polk County,
.Or., hai been discontinued, and mail for
that point will hereafter go to Rocca.
The nostoflice at Vfda. Lane County.
Or,. Baa been moved two miles to the 1
east of the former site.
A postoffice has been established at
Fife, Pierce County, Wash , on the route
from Tacoma to Pirjallup. James F.
au,jrtvci ainjumicu puuuaa ici .
VnnxntiTKr HnnnMl 1Tlnir-
r TrA-vri-v-iTrjrc-D- ttto-k t,.1t. at ,Vio.
r rrtiiv.uu.ii", ,io.. u.j . .-,. .w
special meeting of the City Council last
aajtuxoay everansr tno sum or yz.m was
rAnectpd received from the sole of nine
kquor licensee, aH of whch, bogether with
their bonds filed ait the some time, were
The Council- decided, to dXecard the old
style arc kumps which Ixue been m use
hero for- the past 10. years, and replace
them, with new lamps to be suspended
5 flom hamgera on cranes.
First Shipment of Ashlnnd Peaches.
ASHLAND, Or., July 2. The first ship
ment of Ashland peaehes of any conse
quence, by express. left here this even
ing, being' two weeks earlier than ever 1
oeiore in xne nisiory 01 tne snipment or
this crop. Despite the damage done the
crop In April by frost. Ashland win ship
some peaches this Summer.
"Sote ot Monroe.
MONROE, Or., July 2. Emmett Hin
ton,. while returning to his home at
Daly from this place last Saturday night
had Ms team become unmanageable, re
sulting in a general smash-up. from which
he emerged with a broken collarbone and
y Used Internally and Externally
Refreshing and invigorating when used in the toilet,
or after shaving. As a remedy it -controls all pain,
bleeding and inflammation.
CAUTION WUch Hazet is NOT Pond's Ex
tract, and cannot be used for it. Ordinary WUch
Hazel is sold ui bulk, diluted, easily turns sour and
generally contains "wood alcohol," which is an.
irritant externally, and, taken internally, is a deadly
Pond's Extract Is sold ONLY in SEALED
bottles, enclosed In buff wrapper, and Is
guaranteed strong and pure.
This fac-simile will guid$ you when
you cal! for a bottle at the drug store.
POND'S EXTRACT CO.. 76 Fifth Ave. New York.
P03Cn8 l!XrR CT OIXTMEXT cures lU-hlnp or bleedtar
Hies-, howercr aercre, and la a specific In all ilun dlseaaw.
m knrrfc r-rraidrl
fSm rtlL k.:."'. . L'-STtjV
Judges, Statesmen. Phyjidanj, Lawyers,
Bmmcjj Men, Clerks, Artisans,
Etc., All Endorse
For Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma,
Bronchitis, and Alf Diseases of
the Throat and Lungs.
Clouds of medicat
ed vapor are Inhaled
through the mouth
and emitted from
the nostrils, having
cleansed and appr
ized all the diseased
parts. A sense of re
lief Is felt at once
and a cure is cer
tain. p .
Tvo styjes the
nlass "rjairnilyand
Hard Rubber."
Price S1.O0; at
all druQQlata.
The "Glass-Family Inhaler" was the first
to demonstrate the efficacy of the inhala
tion treatment. The "Hard Rubber In
haler Is handy, durable and portable. It
Is easily charged and may be carried
in th vest pocket, always ready to use.
It gives all the benefits of the glass Fam
ily Inhaler." It Is unbreakable and un
It reaches
It permeates every
air passage;
And at once de
stroys the disease
It positively cures
Catarrh and diseases
of the nasal organs.
It positively cures
diseases of the throat
and lungs.
Xt enables ybu ta
cure 'yourself at
sore spots.
It heals the raw
It acs to the seat
of disease.
It acts as a balm
and tonic to the
whole system.
I home.
r"rce Demonstration on Inhaler at the
following druaatores:
WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. 4th & Wash
S. G SKIDMORE & CO . laPThird street.
LAUE-DAVIS DRUa CO . 175 Third st.
FRANK NAU. 6th and Morrison.
ALBKItT BERNI. 2d and Washington.
WATTS & MATHIEU, 275 Russell.
IL W. VTCTS. 431 Washington.
O P. S. PLUMMER. 3d ard Madison.
NED MUNGER, 17th and Raleigh.
A. W. ALLEN", 17th and Marshall.
GEORGE H RAY. 3d and Harrison.
B. F. JONES & CO . SOI Front st.
EYSSELL S PUARMACY, 227 Morrison st
F. W. BROOK DRUG CO., ST N. Third.
R. H. SCHWARTZ. 225 Burnside.
FORBES & JANCKE. 2S0 Grand ave.
Munyon's remedies for sale by all drug
glfjts 57 cures for 37 Ills mostly 25c a vial
Write for free medical advice upon any
disease to Professor Munyon, 1505 Arch
street. Philadelphia, Pa.
serious Internal Injuries. The accident
vas due to a broken bolt In a singletree.
Tho union school picnic held here Sat
urday, under the direction of School Sup
erintendent Dontnan, was well attended.
Dentil of Cnptnln Morley.
SEATTLE, Wash.. July 2. Captain
Frank P. Morley, a well-known marine
1 man of San Francisco, died suddenly
this morning In Seattle of heart failure.
He came from San Francisco two weeks
fago, and was seeking employment, on
some Nome-bound steamer. He was 50
f "years of age; -"
Profenior for Albany GollpKO"-
ALBANY. Or , July 2. Professor A. B.
Hoag, recently of Albion. Idaho, a grad
uate ot Bates College, Me., and Minne
sota University, has been elected to the
chalr of English In Albany College. Be
sides being an educated man, he- Is an
all-around athlete.
I ,,,. n.rirt:
IS an Cmmein Ol
cons'aerauon ana
, .. ,.
I s gnmes me .-
era intention 10
help the Retail
L Clerks
anu mer
chant to shorter
hours by making all
purchases beforo 6
P. M.
The Oregon Mining
Stock Exchange
Auditorium. Chamber of Commerce Bids.,
P. O. box 670 Portland. Or,
Telephone Main 810
J. E. Haseltlne. Pros.; David Coodsell Treas.;.
F. J. Hard, Sec
Directors Ik G. Clarke, J. E Haseltlna, D
vid. Goodsell, P. J. Jennines. - O. 'Davidson,
F. V. Drake. E. A. Clem.
owns, four first-class quartz mining1 proper
ties ; three of them, embracing nine clafhtt,
being in the Gold Hill mining district, Jack
son County. Oregon; and one of them, em
bracing seven claims, belns In the very
heart of the Bohemia, mrnlng- camp. Capital
stock. J1CO.0OO 00; 40 per cent ot stock ta
treasury: all promoters' stock pooled. Listed
-Kith the Oregon Jdlnlns Stock Exch&nse. In
vestigate Davidson, ward & Co (members
of the Oregon Mining- Stock Exchange), 408
Chamber of Commerce Phono Clay 833.
Itayon's Inhaler