Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 02, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL. NO. .12,340.
The Standard for
The World
liBVfil twllwj 52Bll A i
Champagne Quality Is
An iinpossibie Combination
ou can't get a good furnace ono that Is
durable and economical cheap.
No matter -what the salesman tells you. We hare been In thi
business for 20 years, and we ought to know. We have furnaces which,
we sell cheap, but do not recommend them as a food furnace. Call
and seo why.
w. a Mcpherson
Heating nd Ventilating Engineer
Answers Summons to a Con
ference at Lincoln.
NewTerktr"WaBl to Avoid SpeelAo
Declaration for 16 to 1 Not Can
didate for Vlce-Presldeat.
European Plan:
$1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day
(1 lfDri rs
88 Third St
e ttaafcer t! Cosaerce
Our Midsummer Display of Fine Vehicles ..
Has never been equaled on the coast Everything on wheel
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RunatTouls. Visitors welcorne. Our doors are ahvayi opSh.
Carriages, TVacons,
Harness, Robe and "Whips.
320-338 E. Morrison St.
4C&SL' ""fl8 ""
$3.00 PER DAY
Special rates mad to faaslllm aa d Steele areatlvmca. Tao a
meat trill be pleased at all times te shew roea aid sire prices. A at4
9TB Tarklsa bn(b cstabllsaaacat la the betel. H. C BOWERS. Jg&aav,
Library Association of Portland
tctvtei Scnsd) a M
24,000 volumes and over 200 periodicals
$5.00 a year or $150 a quarter
Two books allowed on all subscriptions
HOURS Prom 90 A. M. to fcOO P. M. totty. except Sundays end hoUdcvtv
Botha and De-rret An nor the British
and Get Array.
LONDON, July 2. General Botha la
showing Increased activity. His patrols
cover wide stretches of country, ap
proach near the British outposts and en
gage In skirmishes, while larger bodies
threaten to attack, declining to allow
themselves to be caught by the return
blows which the British promptly seek to
deliver. Attacks of this sort were made
on Friday last at Pinaarspoort on Gen- j
eral Pole-Carew, and at Springs.
Generals Botha and Dewet are seeming
ly operating in combination. Botha Is re- I
ported to have divided his force into two j
parts, one moving west and the other to
the south to try to effect a Juncture with J
Dewet. Boer circulars are out, exaggerat- j
Ing the Chinese troubles, and urging the
burghers to rejoin the army. I
Lord Roberts and several co-operating)
columns are still out within striking die
tance or Dewet.
Chinese Situation Exercises Depress
ing? Influences on Trade.
KANSAS CITY, July L Ex-Gevernor
David B. Hill, of New York, accompanied
by his private secretary, P. J. Manwil
ler, and General J. S. McEwan, of Al
bany, arrived here early today from St.
Louis, having left Albany on Friday.
Within two hours after his arrival. Gov
ernor Hill departed for Lincoln, Neb., to
hold a conference with Mr. Bryan.
As Governor Hill was leaving the
breakfast-room at the Coates House,
shortly after his arrival, he was handed
a telegram from Mr. Bryan, requesting
him to come to Lincoln at his earliest
convenience. Despite the fact that he
was much fatigued from his long trip
from CNew York, the Governor felt that
lis must obey the summons from Mr.
Bryan, and In a few minutes was on
his way to the railway station. The
only train for Lincoln was composed of
day coaches, but Mr. Hill boarded it, ex
pecting to arrive at Lincoln about 7
o'clock this evnlng. He hopes to get a
late train out of Lincoln tonight and
reach Kansas City tomorrow morning.
"While declining to be interviewed on
the political situation, Governor Hill said
as he left the hotel:
"I am much fatigued after a long trip,
and of my own accord would not feel
disposed to do more traveling at this
time; but a summons from Mr. Bryan In
the circumstances is a call to duty, and
I am going to Lincoln by tho first train
that will take me there."
The telegram calling the Governor to
Lincoln conveyed no Intimation as to
Mr. Bryan's object in summoning the dis
tinguished New Yorker. Mr. Hill himself
disclaimed any knowledge of the purpose
in Mr. Bryan's mind when he sent the
telegram, and added that even if he
knew the object of the visit. It would be
Improper for him to discuss it,
General McEwan. who Is one of Gov
ernor Hill's closest political friends', hav
ing for many years been one of his right
handed men In the Empire State, did
not accompany the Governor to Lincoln.
"I have no knowledge," said he, "of
the reasons which impelled Mr. Bryan to
call the Governor to Lincoln. To me
the telegram from Mr. Bryan was not
a surprise, as .he desires, doubtless,, to
be in close touch with people from all
parts of the country."
"Do you think Mr. Bryan desires to dis
cuss the. platform with Governor Hill?"
"Possibly," replied General McEwan,
smiling. "It would be quite natural that
they should have some confidences to ex
change on the subject."
"It is reported that Governor Hill has
a draft of some of the planks of the
platfoi 1 that will be satisfactory to New
York and Eastern Democrats generally,"
waff suggested.
"Oh, that is newspaper gossip," itplltfd"
t General McEwan, gyjfcjiyely. "XheOov- j
ernor quite arurauy nas nisiafcas or
what ought to be the declarations cf the
Kansas City convention, but he Is here
as a representative of the New York
Democracy, and will support both the
ticket and platform agreed upon after
such mature deliberation as the conven
tion will give both."
"Is Governor Hill a candidate for the
"Vice-Presidency?" General McEwan was
asked bluntly.
"He Is not," he replied with emphasis.
'You understand, of course, that I do
not speak for Senator Hill, further than
"Then he would accept the nomination
for Vice-President if it were tendered
"That is a question which only Gov
ernor Hill himself can answer," said
General McEwan cautiously. "He alone
knows what he would do in any given
set of circumstances. He is not a can
didate, however."
The summons received by Governor Hfll
from Mr. Bryan created that first dis
tinct sensation of the ante-convention
proceedings. While few people saw Mr.
Hill before he left for Nebraska, the
fact that he had gone at the request of
Mr. Bryan soon was noised about the
hotel corridors, and was the topic of
discussion. Opinions varied widely as to
the object of the conference, but as no
body had any really definite informa
tion, the gossip was speculative, purely.
Tn some quarters It was suggested that
Governor Hlll'svisit was not In response
to a summons .from Mr. Bryan, but was
prompted by a desire on the part of
the New Yorker to have a tallk with the
Democratic leader as to the financial dec
laration to be made In the platform.
It Is known that Governor Hill does not
desire a distinct declaration in favor of
18 to 1, and it will be his effort to in
duce not only Mrl Bryan, but also the
convention, to accept a modified finan
cial plank, which, while not specifically
declaring for the free coinage of silver
at the ratio of 10 to 1, will be such a re
affirmation of the Chicago platform on
that subject as will prove satisfactory to
all elements of the party.
Later In the day It was suggested that
Governor Hill might not return to Kansas
City before tomorrow. His conference
with Mr. Bryan. It was said, was to be
of such Importance that it could not be
disposed of in time to enable the Gov
ernor to leave Lincoln tonight and reach
the city tomorrow morning.
and meeting the approval of his friends
In nearly half the states In the Union,
has been made. According to the rumor,
It makes the three leading issues of the
campaign imperialism, militarism and
trusts in the order nxmed. The financial
plank, according to the present draft,
will be secondary. There will be, It is
said, a brief plank reaffirming the Chi
cago platform, and In that plank is the
reaffirmation of 16 to 1, Income tax, re
peal of tho currency laws, and minor Is
sues. The Bryan pew In the First Presby
terian Church was not occupied at the
morning service. Mr. Bryan admitted
that he did not get up In time to attend
church. Shortly after noon he rode to
the depot to keep an appointment with a
"party of Mississippi editorial excursion
ists who came In from Denver. There
were 75 in the party, many of them la
dles, and they cheered Mr. Bryan when
he appeared. Drey "Woodson, Democratio
National Committeeman for Kentucky;
Mayor James G. McGuIre, of Syracuse,
N. Y.. and Eugene Hughes, treasurer of
the Democratic State Committee, of New
York, arrived during the day. Mr. "Wood
son met Mr. Bryan by appointment at 4
o'clock, and they were In conference some
time. Later, accompanied by the New
Yorkers, thoy visited the Bryan firm.
John M. Tomilnson, of Alabama, a dele-gate-at-large
and chairman of the Na
tional Bimetallic League, said to a rep
resentative of the Associated Press:
"The blmetallsts will not Insist- upon
giving the currency question any more
prominence in tho platform than the
question of Imperialism and trusts, but
will insist upon a specific declaration for
the independent coinage of gold and sil
ver at the existing legal ratio of 16 to 1.
"I do not think there will be any doubt
about the platform making a speelfio
declaration. Mr. Bryan, who knows but
one way of fighting, and that is in a di
rect and straightforward way, could
hardly be asked to stand on a platform
about which there could be the least mis
understanding. "As to the Vice-Presidency, I do not
anticipate that the convention will select
a man. not ln'accord with the head of the
ticket and all the declarations of the
Mr. Tomilnson is regarded as standing
as close to Mr. Bryan as any of the gen
tlemen who have visited Lincoln.
That Is the News as to For
eigners in Pekin.
Chinese Authorities Axe ShOTrins
Arrogance Secret Imperial Decrees
Sko-rr Goverament'a Hostility.
LONDON. July z.-i-Offlclal dispatches
received by the consular body at Shang
hai, an Express cable dated Shanghai,
July 1 says, confirm In the fullest man
ner the report of the butchery of Baron
von Ketteler, the German Minister, on
Ku. without date, via Che Foo, Friday,
"It is improper any longer to conceal
the harm done to the cause of the al
lies by the barbarities and tho pillage of
the Russians on the day after the bom
bardment. They wantonly shot natives
and looted everything, including the Eu
ropean houses in Taku. The natives for
miles around were looted of supplies, and
labor is scarcer."
The morning papers generally accept
the reports that Baron von Ketteler has
been killed, and express grave uncertain
ty as to whether any .of the members of
the legations at Pekin are safe.
Strength of Each Nationality State
ment of Admiral Bruce.
LONDON. July 2, 12:45 A. M. A dis
patch from Admiral Bruce to the Admir
alty, via Che Foo under date of June 20,
"The conduct of Commander Stewart, of k
the Algerlnu, and Commander Hause, of
the German gunboat litis, at the bom
bardment of the Taku forts was magnifi
cent and elicited the admiration of all.
16 TO 1, OR WHAT?
Question That Causes Anxiety
Among Demoorats.
Tho Decision of This Matter Sfay
Also Deoide the Tlce-Fresldea
or "What Bryan. "Waatsv.
Only Two, HoTrever, Working? for
Vice-Presidential Nomination.
KANSAS CITY, July 1. The Democratio
Vice-Presidential nomination Is still for
anybody that is, anybody who can reach
it. Here is a list to choose from:
William Sulzer. David B. H1U, Elliott
Danforth, Judge A. B. Parker, of New
York; Benjamin F. Shlvely, of Indiana;
Charles A. Towne, of Minnesota; Carter
H. Harrison, of Illinois; Benton McMlliln.
of Tennesseo; James Hamilton Lewis, of
Washington; Robert A. Pattlson, of
Pennsylvania; Arthur P. Gorman, of
Maryland; D. J. Campau, of Michigan;
David S. Hose, of Wisconsin; David Over--meyer,
of Kansas; William J. Stone, of
Missouri; George Fred "Williams, of Mas
sachusetts. There may be others, but these are
"mentioned." Some are avowed candi
dates, and others are not, and some do
not even expect to "be presented to the
The active candidates are Sulzer and
Towne. Others except a complimentary
vote, but both of these gentlemen want
the nomination, and their frionds are
working for them. .with much earnest
ness. Friendb of aively aro also presa
ln&'thim, but the .Indiana-man la-discour'
aging1 thotn, Shlvely has- his eye on a
seat in the Senate, which is more at
tractive to him than a nomination for
the Vice-Presidency. He does not care
to offend his Indiana friends by being
churlish regarding the Vice-Presidency,
but he Is doing what he can to discour
age the talk about himself. The friends
of Towne say Shlvely Js not and will
not be a candidate. Another man who
Is strongly talked of Is Carter Harrison,
of Chicago. Illinois men say he prevent
ed the state convention from naming him
for Governor or Instructing for him for
Vice-President. It Is expected he will
come here and make It plain that he does
not wish to be a candidate.
Among the incipient booms launched to
day were those of ex-Senator Gorman
HE uf l v
WW fell WA
UumI. SfffiH Hi 111 r? ' '
VKhm, mnm S M It
WmMMtMzk 17
iMiBjl -
VjmmKiMM w, Jl I
June 15. The Ambassador was riding in
Legation street, when he was attacked
by Chinese troops and Boxers, dragged
from his horse and killed. His body was
hacked to pieces with swords. The Ger
man legation and six other buildings
wore burned and a number of servants of
the legation killed and their bodies
thrown into the 'flames.
Official confirmation of this ghastly
business has created the utmost conster-
and Governor McMlliln. Henry D. Clay- nation among the Consuls-General of
BERLIN, July L The Chinese situation
continues to exert a depressing Influence
upon the Bourse. The week's operations
were -small and business dull. The month
ly settlement passed off quietly without
difficulty. The money conditions for the
settlement were unexpectedly easy. Dis
counts at the Relchsbank were very
heavy, but the bank Is now in a better
position than it was a year ago. Con
siderable sums of foreign gold have been
received during the past week, includ
ing 10,000,000 marks of American gold and
l,O00,000 marks from Russia.
The iron situation Is unchanged. At the
monthly meeting of the wrought iroir
syndicate of he Rhine district it was
voted that there was no occasion to re
duce prices.
The Sllesian coal operators have refused
Dr. Conan Doyle, in an Interview with j to renew their Austrian contracts at the
the Dally Telegraph's Pretoria corres-
former low prices. The sugar trust has
pondent, says the hospital arrangements raised the price of refined sugar Z marks
have been severely tried, but that no more : ior aw Kilograms.
could have been done.
Lord Roberts in ths course of an inter
view, aaid that he thought the charges
brought against the government by Will-
"Wool Trade Dull.
LONDON, July L Last week in the
lam A. Burdett-Coutts, Conservative ' "wool trado cuuness ana inacuveness pre
member of Parliament for Westminster, "vailed, the market being depressed oy the
that inadequate provisions had been made pending auction sales, which are expect
for the sick and wounded, were prob- ed to open flat and lower. The offerings
ably based oa one hospital and a hasty j for the week are U.SH) bales. The date
generalization thereon. ? -i for the fifth series of sales has not yet
The Times' Pretoria correspondent tel-1 been fixed. The arrivals to date number
egraphs 4hat General Colvllle has ;been 1 118,314 bales; of which 27,QQtf" were for
ordered home. ' "" I warded direct. ..
Neither Has Anything to Say to the
Press Abont It.
LINCOLN, Neb., July L-Ex-United
States Senator Divld Bennett Hill, of
New York, Is spending the night in Lin
coln, coming here from Kansas City at
the solicitation, it is asserted, of "W. J.
Bryan, with whom he was closeted for
several hours at the home of the latter.
Senator Hill arrived shortly after 7 o'clock
and was met by Mr. Bryan and a num
ber of visiting politicians at the Lincoln
Hotel, where Mr. Bryan, Judge Addison
Tlbbets, dclegate-at-large from Nebras
ka; National Committeeman Woodson, of
Kentucky, and District Delegates James
G. McGulre and Eugene Hughes, of New
York, dined. Mr. Bryan and Senator
Hill left an hour later for Mr. Bryan's
home for a conference. In the midst of
the conference Mr. Bryan was asked If
he or Mr. Hill would make any state
ment for the Associated Press as to the
visit of the New Yorker, or the subject
under discussion. '
"So far as I am concerned, I have no
statement to make," was the reply.
"Senator Hill says he has nothing to
say," came a moment later from Mr.
Bryan, after putting the question to his
Senator Hill will return to Kansas City
at S o'clock tomorrow morning.
The feature of the day in Lincoln, aside
from -the visit of Senator Hill, was the
report that a draft of the platform, said
to have the indorsement of Mr. Bryan
ton. member of the National committee
from Alabama, talked about Gorman as
an available candidate, while "Buck"
Hlnrlchsen, of Illinois, was sponsor for
McMlliln. Mr. Clayton said the South
would take very kindly to Mr. Gorman,
and, although he was not a silver man,
there was no doubt about his earnest
support of tho party. Hlnrlchsen says
McMlliln has a record of 20 years In Con
gress which could not be touched, and
that he .was a vote-getter in other states
besides Tennessee.
Quite an Interesting and unknown
quantity is the suggestion about ex-Senator
Hill. He seems to have considerable
strength In different parts of the coun
try, and several delegations Intend to
vote for him. When Mr. Hill arrived here J
today and was taking his breakfast in
the Coates House, a man experienced in
conventions said:
"Hill Js going to be nominated for Vice
President." The remark was repeated to HIIL
,"How long has he been here?" asked
the ex-Senator.
"Arrived this morning," was the an
swer. "He will know better after he has been
here a little longer," replied Hill. -
That was all he had to say about his
Vice-Presidential prospects or possibili
ties. The departure of Hill for Lincoln
caused any amount of speculation and
some disquiet. "Croker don't like it a
little bit," said a man wearing a Tam
many badge. Others Insisted that Hill
had not been Invited at all. while there
was another lot that jumped at the con
clusion that Hill had gone to Lincoln to f
arrange with Bryan for his own nomlna- j
tlon as Vice-President. Those who know i
the ex-Senator can imagine the grim sat
isfaction he is having over the specula
tion, not to say consternation, ha has
caused by his trip to the Democratic
Every time Hill Is mentioned seriously
some one recalls the position he took on
the tariff bill and his position In politic
since that time. v
"Towne Is the logical candidate," re
marked Senator Pettlgrew, "and that is
why ha is going to be nominated. Ne
braska Is going to second his1 nomination
and support him, and that ought to bo
sufficient indication as to the way Bryan
feels toward him."
Minnesota and South Dakota are In
structed for Towne, and delegates from
other states are for him. George Fred
Williams is working quietly to secure
support for him in New England. "We
ought to have a man for Vice-President
whe will carry out Mr. Bryan's views,"
said Mr. "Williams, "should anything hap
pen to Mr. Bryan after he Is elected."
In looking over the field. Mr. Williams
thought Mr. Towne came nearer the ideal
candidate than any man yet mentioned,
although he was not ready to say that
Massachusetts would vote for him.
The fact that so mmy names havo
been suggested, and that so many dele
gates are casting about for a candidate.
Indicates the nebulous state of the Vice
Presidential situation. It may clear up
and some one be agreed upon before the
convention meets, but the present Indi
cations are that the contest will be de-""
termined.byt-ballot In the convention.
the powers, who expressed fears that
war will be declared against the Pekin
I The river route to Tien Tsin, 51 miles
from Taku, Is now open. The railway
head Is now nine miles from Tien Tsln.
The road inward is not quite safe and
j communication to Tien Tsin Is difficult.
"A fort, 13 miles above Taku, was found
" deserted by Lieutenant-Commander
I Keyes, and was blown up, leaving the
I passage up the river free. Lleutenant-
I Commander Keyes reports that the ar
senal at Tien Tsln was captured June 29
by the naval brigade. The losses were
seven killed, Lieutenant Colomb slightly
wounded and a gunner and 21 men wound'
Government. The Consuls entertain lit- ! ed. There are no further details.
tie hopo that any foreigners are left 1 "Vlce-Admlarl Allexeff, Governor-Gen-allve
In the capital. There were 100 for- I oral of Port Arthur, and Commander-ln-elgners
connected with the legations, 50 Chief of the Russian forces In the East,
In the custom-house. English and Amerl- has arrived on his way to Tien Tsin, tak
can tourists, and others to. the number J"g supreme command of the Russian
of 150. and nearly 500 legation guards. I forces landed to date.
The British Foreign Office, the Dally i "Germany has 44 officers and 1400 men;
-.. . i j Z. i-u I fJrnt Ttrffnln 1M nfflpurrf nnrt ITOfl men
iiaA'. eat?3' "r T t- IT AustriaT 12 officers and 127 men- America man as H1 ls to be nominated, we want
British Consul at Che Foo that Baron I Aiwtrla, .12 : officers land 7 men. America ; . . d sllve Blatfron. Thus vo
. t....i.. ... .. i;u... .. mm .. . x.M uiui:t72i iiiiu - -" iiieii. jTic&iiiit i uiiiurn t ' -
vuii -rk.eii.cici utu uccu uucu, uuw liu utuoi , - . . I
infni-mntinn ' i and 3S7 men; Italy, seven officers and 131
men; Japan, 119 officers and 3709 men,
and Russia 117 officers and 5S17 men, with
a total of 53 field guns, and 36 machine
KANSAS CTTY, Mo., July L The plat
form to be adopted by the Democratio
National Convention will contain a- dec
laration for the free coinage of silver
at the ratio of 16 to 1, unless Mr. Bryaa
changes his attitude, and each fresh ar
rival from Lincoln brings renewed as
surances that the foreordained nominee
of the convention Is maintaining his po
sition in favor of the declaration. Oc
casionally a delegate can be found who
will take the position that not even Mr.
Bryan can be allowed to dictate the
party's platform, but a majority agree
that as all the delegates aro practically
Instructed for the renomination of tha
candidate of 'SG. -he has an exceptional
right toask to have the resolutions har
monizeawith hi3 views on any or all sub
jects. However, while It Is true that the Indi
cations point strongly to the specific ut
terances above outlined, there ls still a
ery determined opposition to such a
rcourse. This opposition apparently orig
uhated with ex-Senator H11L of New
York, and his following, and it has been
taken up by other leaders In various sec
tions of the country. The Tammany in
terest of New York appears to be en
tirely reconciled to any silver plank, how
ever extreme, but other factions unite
In opposing It. Judge Van Wyck, Elliot
Danforth and J. Brlsben Walker all
unite with Hill In this position, though
disagreeing with him as to motives. Mr.
Danforth agrees with Judsre Van Wyck
that there are other questions more im
portant for consideration and, while
still professing the utmost loyalty to tho
white metal, he contends that ItfSrthe inter
est of the party it should no longer be
given the place of paramount importance
In the declaration of principles.
Senator James K. Jones, chairman of
the National committee, and ex-Governor
Stone, of Missouri, both of them recog
nized as staunch leaders of the silver
sentiment, aro of the opinion that a re
affirmation of the Chicago platform la
all that ls necessary. Governor Stone
said today that he considered the differ
ences that have manifested themselves
a mere quibble, but he declined to say
whether he would be willing to stop with
the reaffirmation of the declaration of
1S9G. Many Southern delegates, express
themselves as Indifferent on the point,
and are inclined to make the concession
demanded by the Hill sentiment. Nation
al Committeeman Campau ls also Inclined
to subordinate the question of ratio to
other subjects of current Importance.
New Englnnd for 1G to 1.
On the other hand, George Fred Will
iams announces that he considers the
financial question still of great import
nncc and says he feels confident, that tha
Now -England dHogates are practically
solia ih tndt posftlon.-
"The free coinage of silver at the ra
tio of 16 to 1 was the touchstone of tho
convention of 1S96." he said today, "and
Its reiteration will add strength to tho
cause in the coming campaign."
James Kerr, a delegate at large from
Pennsylvania, and secretary of the Con
gressional campaign committee, takes a
somewhat different view, but he would
not stop at a mere declaration for the
Chicago platform. Ho holds that new
conditions will render It necessary to add
something to what was said on trusts In
1SS6, and he says to make an additional
declaration on that subject and not to
make It on the money question would be
considered as Invidious and would re
sult Injuriously. He wou'd, however, not
use the phrase 16 to 1, but would declaro
for free coinage at the legal ratio.
"It Is expectod that the Sliver Repub
lican party will ask to be consulted up
on the question of the financial plank.
The representatives of that party al
ready here express a strong preference
for a positive declaration for the old
ratio. "We want 1C to 1." said ex-Senator
Dubois, of Idaho, today, "but If they will
put Towne on tho ticket with Bryan wa
will be willing to make concessions on
the money plank. If. however, such a
A dispatch to tha Express from Nan
kin, June 23, says:
Foreigners Publicly Executed.
"French priests here have received re
ports from Pekin that the public exe
cutions of foreigners has been in progress
since June 20. The news comes by run
ners from French priests at Pekin, who
state that they administered the last rites
to the condemned men."
Nankin cables dated Sunday, say that
Viceroy Uu Yin Ylh received a tele
gram from General Yulu stating that the
German Minister had been murdered at
Pekin. Yulu, who escaped from Tien
Tsin to Pao Ting Fu, also wired:
"Position desperate. Implore your help.
Foreign troops of eight nationalities en
tering Pekin to the number of 30,000 or
40.000. I cannot hold out four days."
Liu Yin Ylh has received this from the
Viceroy of Yunshlkla:
"Foreign troops victorious at Tien
Tsln. They will enter Pekin immediate
ly." Outbreaks of the Boxers appear to be
Imminent at Canton. The feeling of un
rest steadily Increases. Boxers from
King Tu were marching Sunday on Che
Foo. The Governor feared for the town
and sent to the warships for forces. A
small riot occurred at Che Foo on Sun
day. Fifty-two refugees who have arrived
from New Chwang aver that the Boxers
have destroyed the railway north of Port
Arthur, and that all the Americans and
English residents are leaving. General
Yuanshlhi Kan, commanding the best foreign-drilled
troops in China, has no
tified the German Governor of Klao Chou
that he will not permit the Germans
proposed expedition to Weisslen to res
cue Chalfont and the Misses Bowden and
Hawes, the American missionaries In the
hands of the Boxers. The missionaries at
Pao Ting Fu were reported to be safe on
June 25.
A correspondent In Shanghai learns
from official sources that the Chinese are
laying torpedoes between Shanghai and
the Kiang Nan arsenal- Agents of the
Boxers are busy in Shanghai provoking
hatred of foreigners. ,
Nothing has been heard from the col
umn which relieved Admiral Seymour
five days ago, and then proceeded to
wards Pekin; but as It takes at least
two days to communicate between Tien
Tsln and Che Foo, there Is nothing extra
ordinary in this. Troop3 are going for
ward from Taku to Tien Tsin Oally,
though some reports from Taku allege
that it will be three weeks before a largo
force can be sent to Pekin.
Russian. Atrocities.
A dispatch to the Dally Mall from Tong
Names of the Fonr Killed and Twenty-three
WASHINGTON, July L Tho following
message was received today at the Navy
"Chee Foo, Secretary of Navy, Wash
ingtonFollowing telegram from Kempff :
'Casualties relief expedition June 25:
" Killed Boatswain's Mate Thomas,
Gunner's Mate Berson, Apprentice Bro
man. Landsman Severson.
" 'Wounded Boatswain's Mate Holy
oke. Machinist Handford, Landsman Kel
lisky, Cadet Taussig, Captain McCalla,
Fireman Rowe. Landsman Garrlty,
Quartermaster Conway, Fireman Fla
herty, Coxswain Ryan, Coxswain Mc
Clay, Seamen Boyd, Child. Anderson,
Jansen, Bolmuller and McKervey; Coxs
wain Thomas Llndbohm. apprentices,
Johnson. .Rasmussen and Welch; Private
Ordeff. ROGERS.' "
The department has been informed that
the Princeton has arrived at Canton.
Coxswain McClay's name could not be
found on the rolls. Possibly he had been
transferred from some other ship since
the rolls were returned. The name Mc
Kervey also Is not to be found on the
The record of the killed, as shown at
the Navy Department, Is as follows:
Thomas Thomas, enlisted at Mare Isl
and In 1S99. He was born in Copenhagen
In I860. His next of kin Is Mrs. T. Lan
nigan, of 603 South Front street, Phila
delphia. Benjamin Benson was born in Mandahl,
Norway, in 1874. Next of kin. Mrs. Anna
Benson, mother, living at Mandahl, Nor
Harry A. Broman was born In Duluth,
Minn., in 18S2. Next of kin, Ida M. Bro
man, mother, living at 1427 West Super
ior street, Duluth.
Harry Severson was born In Norway,
In 1878? and enlisted at Chicago. Next of
kin. Laurence Severson, father, living at
1034 West Ablnsa avenue, Chicago.
Both Are Secret and Stronirly Anti
Foreljrn in Tone.
LONDON, July 2. Two secret Imperial
decrees have fallen Into the hands of for
eigners, according to a special dispatch
from Shanghai, dated Sunday, which says
the first, dated June 20, recites events
(Concluded on Sixth Page.)
see, the personality of the Vlce-Preslden-tlal
candidate may have a decided in
fluence upon the platfrom and vice versa.
Bryan and Towne would be a platform In
What IJryim "Wants.
Mr. Bryan's position, as outlined by
those, close In touch with him, ls this:
He holds that the popularity of thd
Democratic ticket In 1896 was due very
largely to the positive position taken oa
the silver question, and that to take a
backward step at this time would be an
evidence of faltering and would weaken
the ticket In Its own strongholds with
out strengthening it where there is no
hope of winning. He even goes so far
as to say that he regards the platform o?
more Importance than the" ticket. Ho
thinks also, If he should take any other
position he would be accused of vaccll
atlon, and that. In short, everything la
to be lost by making a change, whllo
nothing ls to be gained by It.
Those who agree with Mr. Bryan on!
this point contend that there is no pos
sibility of his changing front before tho
time arrives for the party's official dec
laration, and they consider It preposter
ous that the convention should disre
gard his wishes on this point. Hence
they declare with great confidence that
whether the Chicago platform is re
affirmed or not, there will be an un
equivocal pronouncement for the old ra
tio. For the rest the resolutions will de
nounce the gold standard and the Porto
Rlcan legislation of the last session of
Congress. They will condemn trusts In
unmeasured terms, and at the saro.e time
accuse the Republican party of foster-4
lng and maintaining them. The Admin
istration will come In for strong censure,
for Its. policy In the Philippines, and it
will bo recommended that the Philippine
archipelago be placed upon the same
footing as Cuba. In the same connec
tion there will be planks denouncing mil
itarism and Imperialism and there will
also bo planks on the Income tax, good
roads, civil service, pensions, etc., and
a strong resolution of sympathy with th
Also Free and Unlimited, and "With
out Any Other Nation.
OMAHA, July 1. Richard Metcalfe,
editor of the World-Herald, who will bo
the Nebraska member of the resolutions
committee at the Kansas City conven
tion, left for that city tonight. Mr. Met
calfe had a conference with Mr. Bryaa
at Linccln before his departure, and oa
his return to Omaha was asked what po-
(Concluded, oa Sixth Pare.)