1 ; ' $mm rMmttw VOL. XL. NO. 12,339. PORTLAND, OT.ZZOy, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. mywbGks aJil W r&f3?C?rp7Vc?ylDS' sJi " s 4 ) Now Is the ttme to purchase your GARDEN HOSE MANUFACTURED BT Goodyear Rubber Company It H. PEASE, President and Manager. NOS. 73 AND 75 FIRST ST., PORTLAND, OREGON Blumauer HOTEL PERKINS fifth and Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAIN First-Class Checlc Iteatanrnn Connected "With Hotel. Shaw's Pure Malt The Condensed Strength and Nutriment of Barley and Rye BlumaUer & tiOCf, HO Fourth Street Sole Distributers for Oregon J-.DAVIES, Prcs. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED). FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON American and European Plan. SUMMERS & IMPORTERS WHOLESALE AND a5 Crockery, Glassware LAMP goods and cutlery Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Supplies a specialty. Ill THIRD STREET 2Q7 '"WASHINGTON STREET We are also showing a new line of Covert and Golfing Wagons, Golfing Traps, Pneumatic Whalebone Runabouts. Our Rubber Tires Give Satisfaction. CARRIAGES WAGONS HARNESS ROBES .ID WHIPS WHEN YOU'RE PROPERLY INTRODUCED Ifc helps ,yoir standing and progress In any circle of acquaintances. The Pianola ana Aeolian have been properly Introduced here. Our patrons include many of Portland s most prominent citizens, ladles as well as gentlemen. Our recital hall and warerooms constitute a beautiful home for these instruments, and we Invite all lovers of good music to visit us. Don't you think it worth while to come and see what there is In the Pianola and Aeolian that so fascinates the mot Intelli gent people everywhere? it will pay you. also, to Inspect our choice lines of pianos, especially the Steinway that needs no introduction) and tho superb A. B. Chase (celebrated for its sweet tone and easy action). M. B. WELLS, Northwest Acnt for tht Aeolian Company 353-355 Washington Street, cor. Park SHIP" SUBSIDY MAY PASS. Concessions Have Been Made That Will Pacify Pacific Coast. WASHINGTON, June 29. During the lull at Republican headquarters, there is more or less general discussion.' tndar the ship subsidy bill coming up. The ' opinion seems to prevail that this bill will , pass at the next session. The friends of the measure now go so far as to assert j that tho bill will pass regardless of whether the next House will be Repub lican or Democratic. They say that the only opposition that rendered the fate of the bill doubtful has been placated, as the westerners who originally thought the discriminated in favor of Atlantic tJig have had concessions made kill include a fair proportion of j ic ships of American make, to ' Lie Coast delegations in support levelt Stnrts West. ' Juno 29. Governor Roose- t the city today from Oyster spanled, and spent the fore Iging some private business o clock he left oh a Lake Oklahoma, where he is to Igh Riders reunion to cele- of San Juan. He goes Referring to the coming l Id: j Imy fight in the campaign fccord as Governor. There eh Rider excitement, no r anything of the sort." tmltinn Town. , June 29. A pri- here today from kation at Cartha- ' t'ery grave, that kthat the foreign , - Cnnton. President and for Canton. for several J Ask for one of the following brands Gold Seal Indian Anvil Badger Elk Obelisk Cttqeem Planter Neptune SMOKE THE BEAU BRUMMELL BEST F1VE-CENT CIGAR MADE - Frank Drug. Co.D0itor. Rooms Single 75c to J1.60 per day Rooms Double $1.00 to $2.00 per day Rooms Family $1.50 to $3.00 per day C. T. BELCHER. Sec and Treaj. American plan European plan .$1.25. $1.60. $1.75 . 50c 75c. $1.00 PRAEL CO. RETAILERS IN Our Cart Display This weak Includes the smartest effects In . . . Two-Wheelers for two or four passengers New York and London styles. Studebaker 320 TO 335 EAST MORRISON ST. MENACE TO THEIR SAFETY. Pennsylvania Farmers Object te the Bnlldins; of a Dam. ALTOONA. Pa.. June 29. Farmers of the Quemahonlng Valley are armed and guarding a point that has been selected by the Cambria Steel Company for the erection of a dam four miles long and having a depth of 75 feet at the breast. The farmers declare the dam will be a menace to public safety and decrease the value of their lands. The property-owners below the dam claim they will be In constant danger of a repetition of the Johnstown flood. The clash between the civil engineers and the farmers is ex pected at any time. Bnrned fay Melted Copper. PHOENIX. June 29. John Markey. em ployed in the smelting works of the United "Verde mine, at Jerome, was burned to death and two Italians were severely burned last night. Markey was a skimmer on a converter. He had poured the contents of the converter into the great ladle and the crane was hoisting it when the pall broke, pouring a large quantity of seething copper over Markey and partially over the Italians. Markey's clothing was burned from his body and he lived but a short time, dying in fear ful agony. Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, June 29. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances in the general fund, exclusive of the J150.O00.O00 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances $152,424,200 Gold 70,30.843 Secretary Reet at His Deslc. "WASHINGTON, June 29. Secretary Root returned to the city today after a 10 days vacation at hi Summer home, Southampton. . I. He relieved Assistant Mclkjejohii frcia ictiveMuty, and the lat ter Immediately left the' city lor .hla home In Neferatks. ELDER BACK AGAIN She Made a Record-Breaking Round Trip. REPORTS FIND AT PORT CLARENCE Experienced Fine "Weather, and GotJ Q.nldc Dispatch Brought 13 Passenger. The steamer Geo. W. Elder tied up at the Ainsworth dock at 8 o'clock last night, after a voyage of nine days from Nome City, having made the round trip, including five days lay-over in Dutch Harbor and six days discharging cargo at Cape Nome, in 34 days. She brought 13 passengers, none of whom report that they struck it very rich. Her trip Is the quickest on record. Two days before tho departure of the Elder, the Nome City arrived off the beach, and Captain Randall, of the Elder, believes she will be In Portland again In about 10 days. The Elder took up 325 passengers, most ly from Portland, and landed them with their belongings safely on the beach. Tho O. R. & N- Co. had made lightering ar rangements, which enabled the Elder to get quick dispatch, and she was much better off in this respect than many of the other steamers. Five ships reached Nome before she did, the first of them being the San Bias. The stampede to Topkuk, the new district where It is re ported that $45,CO0 was taken out, was at its height when the Elder was in port, and another find was reported at Port Clarence, up the beach In the direc tion of Kotzebue Sound. The day before the Elder sailed a miner came to Captain Randall and offered to guarantee him 320 passengers at JQ0 a head for a, run to this new field. He failed to return again to make good his guarantee, and the cap tain did not wait for him. Money is plentiful, wages and meals high. Great difficulty was experienced by many of tho vessels In getting men to handle the car goes, and much delay has been expe rienced on this account. Many of the crews of the boats 'Jumped" as soon as they reached the beach, and here again the Elder was fortunate, as she lost only four men by desertion, three of whom were from the cabin, where they were not missed, owing to the few passengers carried on the return trip. Smallpox broke out on the steamshpl Ohio, which took up TOO people from Seattle, and she went Into quarantine at Egg Island. She was still there when the Elder left. Other steamers which were In Dutch Harbor at the same time with tho Elder came strag gling in after her arrival at Nome, having been delayed at Dutch Harbor by the difficulty of getting coal. The price Is $12 a ton. which all the captains wero more than willing to pay, as they could not get along without coal. There Is a great abundance In the yards at Dutch Harbor, but only a limited force of men to handle it Crovrd to Sleet Her. The news that the Elder had arrived at Astoria brought a great crowd of friends of the officers and the public generally to Ainsworth Dock. The Columbia arrived in first, and great was the disappointment when the people of the wbarf learned that itas'not the expect6d Nome ship. They had not long to wait, however, for she tied up at the wharf 15 minutes after the Columbia, and her decks were black with people from the dock as soon as the plank was run aboard. Captain Randall was much pleased" with the quick dispatch he received at the beach. The weather, with the exception of one day, when the wind blew such a gale that the ship was obliged to slip and run to sea, was fine. The Ice from the Yukon fiats had been blown to sea all Winter, leaving the sea open In front of home. Had the captains of the steamers lying in Dutch Harbor known this, they could have sailed right through, but In the absence of any knowledge of condi tions they kept to their course and were blocked by the Ice. The San Bias, which sailed Just ahead of the Elder, was fa vored by a clear sea, but the Ice blew back in front of the Elder, which was keeping close to the coast, and she was obliged to steer for her course. No Tronble Met With. "We had no trouble whatever," said Captain Randall to an Oregonian man, "either with lightering or with Ice. For a good many miles we ran through soft slush ice, plowing our way through it with no trouble. I saw so much red paint on the Ice I thought all of it must be taken off the bbat, but she seems to have as much on as ever. "There was a great scramble for light ers, and some of the boats had a good dpnl nf trniihlp jrMtlrur th!r rnrtrfni off. ! We anchored about a mile and a half off the beach, and, with every one working, wo got rid of our cargo In six days, which was pretty good time. There seemed to be plenty of money In Nome City, and many of the claims were paying well. The sand above tidewater has been worked over two or three times, and is pretty well exhausted, but thus far it has not been worked below the water line, and I think the men who have taken dredging machinery up are going to make a good thing. The big dredge that was built In Portland was got ashore all right, and is probably working by this time. They say they can work In 10 feet of water, and if they can there Is no reason why they should not make a good thing, 1 because the gold is there. The surf runs j pretty high sometimes, and that may 1 make some trouble with the machinery, 1 but I believe It will be a good thing. ' 'There was a general stampede to Top- kuk when we were at Nome, and some j big strikes were reported there. The dls- coveries at Port Clarence I had no oppor 1 tunity of finding anything about, as I was obliged to sail without waiting to hear from the miner who wanted to take a crowd of prospectors up there. There will no doubt be a good deal of hard ship this Summer, for men must eat. and some of them haven't very much money. A great many men will be ready to come out this Fall, but not all of them will have the money to do it with. However, the beach seems to be fully as rich as re ported, and without doubt, a great deal of gold will be taken out.' Plcaxant Voyage Up. Letters from the passengers who went up on the Elder came pouring in out of the mail brought back last night, and give evidence that they were all delighted with their usage on board. All speak In the highest terms of Captain Randall, who, they say, is a careful navigator and an able seaman, and they are unbounded in their praise of his management of the vessel. Purser Hayward and Chief Stew- i ard Darrel also come In for commenda- ! tion. On many of the ships there was 4 much grumbling and complaint, but none of It on tee isiaer. 'xnere was no serious illness, and but little seasickness, and the passcerers enjoyed themselves thor oughly. II Wanted Ma.II. WhileHe&JIayward was glad to set back 1bbbbbbbbbbbBbbbslLs troubles only be gan gangplank was throHHIng crowd got abCaHHsBsHsBBBBaslsBBBBBBKii. People beselging him. Some had business, others wanted to hear from friends, and every body wanted mail. The purser, who is an even tempered man, tried to give each an answer. He had little news for any of them from their friends, as he was very busy all the time he was at Nome City. He had brought down mail for them. It came as United States mail, however, and had to go to the Postoffice, which was a great disappointment to the crowd and a great relief to the purser- The passengers aboard looked as If they were glad to get back to this part of the world, and many of them had little to say in favor of the Cape Nome coun try. The Elder's safe contained only about flOOd. It belonged to one man, and Is the proceeds of goods sold and not of a Spring clean-up. The purser says that the Alaska Commercial Company's safes are well filled with dust, and that many fancy stories of rich finds are abroad, but that little proof Is in evidence, aside from the gold that the Commercial Com pany has stored for the miners. Nome City now boasts of from 30,000 " . ""Vt? -X j ,... , " t-ji -w.- S-"" E-ft- " ,ll-'r?tJh;f'y 7 rMi7irfSM""tfr"?t! SHANGHAI, June 29. It Is rumored here that the United States battle-ship Oregon Is ashore on the Island of Hoo Kle, In the Mlatau group, 30 miles north of Che Foo, and that a steamer of the Indo-China Steam Navigation Company has gone to her assistance. LONDON, June 29. The Shanghai correspondent of the Times, telegraphing Friday, says: "The battle-ship Oregon went ashore in a fog off Hoo Kle Island, 50 miles north of Che Foo. Messrs. Jardlne, Mathleson & Cd. are sending her assistance." WASHINGTON, June 29. Up to mldnlsht tonight no official news had been received in Washington 'bearing upon the report that the battle-ship Oregon had gone ashore near Che Foo. Early last "week Admiral Remey was directed to send this vessel from Hong Kong to Taku. Captain Wilde is her commander. She left Hong Kong last Sunday night, two days ahead of her expected departure, and had on board, in addition to her regular crew, 164 sailors and marines brought to Hong Kong from Manila by the Zafiro,- " to 40,000 inhabitants, most of them living in tents. A good many houses are being put up. They were shipped there knocked d?wn, and carpenters now get $2 an hour for putting them up. and can work i hours a day if they like. Longshoremen get it an hour, and the many boats ar- riving keep them busy most of the time. as the freight has to be handled from a considerable distance out. A beefsteak breakfast was worth 53, and ham and eggs were quoted at Jl 50. The weather was cold, with some rain and hall. Those sleeping In tents found It necessary to use a number of blankets, and then they were unusually cold all night long. There is no wood on the beach, coal oil and gasoline being used for fuel. Coal oil is worth in the neigh borhood of $1 a gallon, but plenty of It is going in. All sorts of supplies, are being shipped In there In great. quanti ties, and no one Is In danger of starving. Failed to Pan Ont. There are said to be many homesick faces seen along the beach, and a good many people now in Nome would rather be at home, and would come if they only had the price. One man who arrived there about the .lulu iue naiier urn, unpawacu iuz suuua ana getting ms pan oui went a ways up the beach and began to search for gold. imperial troops from Pekin. who lost He was out of funds and with the pre- from 400 to 500 killed. Our casualties were vailing prices for meals and lodging he sx kmed anu 4S -tv0Unued. These trains saw the necessity of making an lmmedl- , joined me at "Tang Tsun the same even ate strike. After working for some time in?. and finding not even a color In the pan, he took out his revolver and ended his life. This Is only one of the sad things that happen in Nome City as the days go by. There was a murder or two while the Elder remained. A man of the name of Lucas, who was acting as watchman on some claims, got into trouble with a claim-Jumper named Lyon. The claim Jumper shot him five times, and Lucas then turned and shot his assailant as he fell and expired. Other claim-jumpers were very active, and there were frequent appeals to the six-shooter, though none of tho Oregon men were in trouble so far as the officers of the Elder had learned. :None of the passengers who went up on tho Elder had got down to business when the steamer left on Its return. Their frp'srht wns tnkpn nnnn thi "Knmt P'tv which did noT get Sere until two Says before the Elder left. before the Elder left. Going: From Dn-rrson. The Alaska, the Katherine Sudden and another boat or two were laid up at Nome, having been wrecked on the way up and towed In. There were more than 20 boats there when the Elder left, and others were arriving almost daily. A good many came from Dawson, and 1S dog sleds from Dawson were a common sight in Nome. The Fulton, of Seattle, left Nome City a day or two ahead of the Elder, but was passed three days ago. Other boats were leaving, but few passengers as yet were coming this way. Many think that the rush this way will set in a little later. The warehouse problem Is one that is troubling those who arrive at Nome City. There Is little storage accommodations, and goods are piled up high on the beach In all directions. L. D. Seal, of "Vancouver. Wash., made a quick and successful trip up on the Elder. He took eggs and rubber goods, which he succeeded in selling out clean, and came back on the same boat. Eggs were down to 45 cents a dozen, and It is doubtful If he made any great profit on what he took in. Old-Timers Corae Ont. Seven or eight old-timers.came out on the Elder. Some of them have been in there since the first strikes were made, and own claims. They say- they have uone very well and expect to go back, but no one who was very enthusiastic could Ceela4ei en Fifth Fare! SIXTY-MILE EIGHT Adventures of the Allies Under Admiral Seymour. RELATED BY THE ENGLiSH LEADER London Still Without Definite In formation as to the Fate of the Foreign Ministers. LONDON. June 30, 3 A. M. The ad ventutres of the hard fighting allies un der Admiral Seymour, their reaching An ting, 12 miles from Pekln. the decision to retreat, the capture of rice and im mense stores of modern arms and ammu nition, affording material for a strenuous BATTLE-SHIP OREGON IS ASHORE ON THE COAST OF. CHINA. defense until relieved all this Is told In a dispatch from Admiral Seymour, re ceived by the Admiralty at midnight, which runs as follows: "Tien Tsln, June 27. via Che Foo, June 29, 10:05 P. M. Have returned to Tien Tsln with the forces, having been unable to reach Pekln by rail. On June 13 two attacks on the advance guard were made by the Boxers, who were repulsed with considerable loss to them and none on our side. On June 14 the Boxers attacked J the train at Lang Tan In large numbers and with great determination. We re pulsed them with a loss of about 100 killed. Our loss was seven Italians. The same afternoon the Boxers attacked the British guard left to protect Lofa Sta tion. Reinforcements were sent back, and the enemy were driven oft with 100 killed. Tv. o of our seamen were wounded. "We pushed forward to Anting and engaged the enemy on June 13 and June 14, inflicting a loss of 175. There were t no casualties on our side. "Extensive destruction of the railway , frf ,nvn tt,-. ..,.. . by rall lmposslblef z deci4cdf on June i6, to return to TanK Tsun where ,t I nrODOSed to orsranlzA .in nrlvnnr hr th ance j. to Pekin. After my departure from Lang Tans two trains left to follow on . were attacked on .T.m ir h nnr.n o,i "The railway at Tang Tsun was found entirely demolished, and the trains could not be moved. The force being short of provisions and hampered with wounded, compelled us to withdraw on Tien Tsln, with which we had not been In commu nication for six days, and our supplies had been cut off. "On June 19, the wounded, with neces saries, started by boat, the forces march ing alongside the river. Opposition was experienced during the whole course of the river from nearly every village, the Boxers, when defeated In one village, re tiring to the n-jxt and skillfully retarding our advance by occupying well-selected positions from which they had to bo j forced, often at the point of the bayonet and In the face of a jrallint flr- ritfflmilt to locate. "On June 23 we ma.de a night march. nt..! n -3..v. t. n- i -r , riaiarrnoo- ItaStawhS aer I M.nw rA- - -t.il'Z..6 V I fire was opened while our men were ex t-J A AVtO, . k.4ClUildUU, iivavjr posed on the opposite side of the river. The enemy were kept in check by rifle fire in front, while their position was turned by a party of marines and seamen under Major Johnson, who rushed and occupied one of the salient points, seizing the guns. The German, lower down, si Icncea two guns and then crossed the river and captured them. The armory was next occupied by the combined force. Determined attempts to retake the arm ory were made on the following day, but unsuccessfully. We found Immense stores of guns, arms and ammunition of the latest pattern. Several guns were mount ed in our defense and shelled the Chinese forts lower down. I "Having found ammunition and rice, we could have held out for some days, but being hampered with large numbers of wounded, I sent to Tien Tsin for a re 1 llevlng force, which arrived on the morn ing of June 25. The armory was evacu- J ated and the forces arrived at Tien Tsln ! June 25. We burned the armory. "Casualties to date: "British Killed, 27; wounded. Americans Killed, 4: wounded. 25. French Killed, 1; wounded. 10. Germans Killed, 12; wounded. 62. Italians Killed, J 5; wounded, 3. Japanese Killed, 2; I wounded, 3. Austrians Killed, 1; wound- ed, 1. Russians Killed, 10; wounded, 27." j No Ward ef the Ministers. There Is absolutely no authentic word as to the whereabouts of the members of the legation'-Calthough abundant reports from ChlnesKPurces say that they were safe a few days ago. Tho Daily Mall's Shanghai correspondent, telegraphing yesterday, says: "An imperial decree has been sent to all the Viceroys, advising them that the foreign Ministers were safe in Pekln June 23, and affirming that the government would protect them. This is authentic and reliable. I received it through a high Chinese official having means of commu nication with the capital to Shanghai by courier to Pao Ting- Fu. and thence by telegraph. There is no doubt that the Chinese Government fully recognizes what the safety of the Ministers implies at the present time, and for this reason there is less uneasiness about them." The Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Express, under yesterday's date, says: "Chinese officials declare that they have imperial authority for stating that the foreign Ministers left Pekln for Tien Tsln via Pao Ting Fu, June 26. They had passports, and were escorted by a strong ; body of Chinese troops. It is impossible to verify this statement, and the Consuls here are not disposed to place much faith In It. Jung Lu. former Generalissimo of the Chinese forces, who was dismissed j by the Empress Dowager when she des J Ignated Pu Chung as heir apparent to the I throne, has promulgated an order to all I "Viceroys and Governors not to obey im perial euicus issuea since June xo. inis is Interpreted to mean that another coup d'etat Is foreshadowed, and it is believed that a new Emperor will be proclaimed." The Canton correspondent of the Dally Telegraph, in a dispatch dated Thurs day, says: "The unexpected arrival of an edict late last night from the Emperor and Empress Dowager prevented the departure of LI Hung Chang northward on the United ' States ship Brooklyn. Arrangements for his sailing had been quietly completed by United States Consul Robert McWade and Commander McLean, of the Don Juan de Austria. The possibility of a rebellion in Canton and the imperative necessity of a properly armed and reliable corps of 10, 000 men are among the chief reasons for the edict detaining Earl Li. One hundred and thirty pirates and Boxers were be headed yesterday by Li's orders, to ter rorize lawbreakers. The United States ship Princeton has been ordered to Can ton." A dispatch from Shanghai of yester day's date says the position at Chung ns Is very crltIcal a?d tnat tne steamer noneer una ueen ueiainea. Lord Wolseley, in an interview pub lished this morning, says: "China possesses every requisite for overrunning the world. She has a poula tion of 400,000,000. all speaking the same language or dialect readily understood from one end of the empire to the other. She has enormously developed wealth, and still more enormous natural wealth awaiting development. Her men. If prop erly drilled and led, are admirable sol diers. They are plucky and able to live on next to nothing. Moreover, they aro absolutely fearless of death. Begin with the foundation of millions upon millions of such soldiers as these men are capa ble of being made, and tell me if you can where the end will be." Li Hnne Clinnrr "Will JTot Go. XEW TORK. June 29. A dispatch to the Herald from Canton says: While the general situation here la un changed, an uneasy feeling prevails. An Imperial mandate from Pekln directs Vice roy Li Hung Chang to remain In Canton for the present An uprising Is feared in ! " , h,,s ,Partf- Jhe numerous J dallF criminal executions by order of the "Viceroy show his realization of the seri ous condition of affairs and his firm In tention to prevent trouble. He is threat ened by the mob with assassination If he should leave the city. Well-to-do resi dents have offered Li Hung Chang 5 000, 000 taels ($3,500,009) for the purpose of or ganizing a municipal guard In the city. The "Viceroy appreciates the confidence and gratitudo of the people, and promises to do his utmost to maintain order. The majority of the foreign women and chil dren have left for Hong Kong or Macao. The British gunboat Redpole and the United States gunboat Don Juan de Aus tria are in the harbor. The French gun boat Comete is expected. Rnnslan Admiral Will Command. SHANGHAI, June 29. It is officially anpounced that the Russian "Vice-Admlral Alexieff will take command of the allied forces In the north. Will Notify Roosevelt. WASHINGTON, June 29 Senator Wol- cott, who was a caller at the White House j today, said that he had Just received no tice from the isational Republican Com mittee of his appointment as chairman of the committee to notify Governor Roose velt of his nomination for Vice-President. He said he would be at the Waldorf-As- , toria. In New Torlc, the evening of July U, where he desired to meet the other I members of the notification committee. At 10 o'clock the morning of the 12th the committee will proceed to Oyster Bay, where the formal- notification to the Gov- ernor will take placa. , WILLIAMS A TALKER Massachusetts Committee man Not an Admirer ofcHilh WORKING FOR A SILVER Move on Foot to Nominate Bryan asf the First Day f the Ceavea- tlon Lewis' Boom. KANSAS CITY. June 29. George Fre Williams, member of the National com-: mittee and delegate to the Democratic! convention from Massachusetts, arrive here today. Mr. Williams has been amons tnose mentioned as a possible Vice-Presidential candidate, but he says that, having: pronounced views and not being afraid to express them, makes it impossible for htm to be considered in this connection He Is by far the most breezy and "unrel served man that has yet appeared her uiiu ne laucs on every suDject witnct however, committing himself or the N England delegates upon the Vlce-Prel dential situation, save to say that believes that Towne would be the strong est man that could be named with Bryan? Mr. Williams talked about ex-Senator Hill in a manner to indicate his eitire disapproval of that gentleman. ."What Is Hill coming here forr," ha asked, and answered the query, "for- the sole and avowed purpose of tryiag to se cure a modification of the platform o -.prr. T-r- -i A -l -i i--.W xa.-o. ne ougnt 10 do nere in and ashes instead of trying what to do. New Tork, as we remained silent in the Chicago after the majority had declarcc on the platform. Now he comes herel say 'I'll help you If you do as I If we win he will say, I helped you.'! we lose, he will say, 'I told you wfc to do and you behold the result I dc like that attitude. Croker and Mur come here in a different spirit, willing j take the platform that is made and abl by the result It Is likely that Hill wl will not be so important when Crol and Murphy take charge." Mr. Williams Is one of the men wt is determined to work for specific declaf tion for the ration of 16 to 1 Jn tho pl form. He says that there must be deviation from that declaration. "If we were right in 1506, why shoi we change now? We simply reaffirm Chicago platform, but that is not at dent Nor would It be enough to declar? for blmetalism. Every man could declares himself a blmetalist and place the rajtl at 22 to 1 or 50 to 1 to suit his own ideaa all of which would mean nothing. I uX) not believe this convention 111 be sat-i isfled with anything but a specific 16" ta ' 1 declaration. The morale of the party demands It, and if we were right whea we polled 6,500,000 votes, w will be right In making the declaration? anew. Mr. Bryan could not honorably stand upon a platform that even by i nplication aban doned the great issue on Jkch the formerr campaign was fought Annot write ourselves down as ben JP'fc?336'5 op knaves in 1SS6 by leavlLsKJthe ratio declaration-" Along this vein did cuss the issue, and prr; his attention to Groverl he denounced for throwj the Democratic Admirl the Democratic ticket "To make concessior "would mean that Cld and the greatest ma party. I do not bf , will do it and whs it will be foundi popular. The mel 1 are those who 1 cratlc party anc lating position 11 tration; they wai par with McKinleT?" City convention will not ' i that kind." A story has been in circulat 1 eating that plans have already bet fected to nominate Bryan July 4, e ' the other business of the convc" ! such as permanent organization. ! of the committee on credentials and eS I the platform should have to be post I poned. The few delegates here do not take kindly to the suggestion, and say 1 that the convention should proceed in the usual order. While there is a sentiment for making the nomination on the Fourth, it 13 thought it would be carrying sentiment ( too far. There are a number of con- tests which must be determined, and It will not be possible to settle on the plat I form without some consideration. It I would be decidedly unusual to make the Presidential nomination the day the con j vention met and it might also result j In scattering the delegates and crowds , who would not care to remain after the i Presidential nomination had been made.M The most elaborate decorations for state" headquarters that have been seen at any I convention are being fitted up for Kan sas. The state has secured a very large building on Baltimore avenue, and the whole floor is being gorgeously decorated with bunting, flags, etc There are many pictures of Colonel Bryan, but one in j particular attracted the eye of every vis I itor. being 12 feet square, with the Amer j lean flag in an upper comer, a: 520 geld: j piece in one lower corner and a sliver dollar opposite. The Kansas, men Intend I to keep open house all the time. The "running mate" problem is as con spicuous as it was at Philadelphia, and at this distance the guessing B fully as Indescribable. There are plenty at candi dates, men who want the honor, and one does not hear so much about declinations as there was among the Republicans,?- gressive men are Sulzer, of New Tor and Towne, of Minnesota, while in the background for a basis of speculation there are such men as Benjamin Shive ley, of Indiana, and Judge A. B. Parker, of New Tork. who are considered avail able. The belief lr general that some kind of an indorsement from Colonel Bryan would be sufficient to name the candidate, but it will be a bold man who will dare to proclaim that any one particular can 1 didate is the choice of the man already determined on for President There are not enough delegates here to give an In timation of what is likely to occur. An interview with Mr. Sulzer, tele graphed from Lincoln and published here, auotes him as saying that he stands wtta- Bryan on the Boer question and every other question. He also declared that the New Tork delegation would do whatever Is best for the party, and if the conven tion wants 16 to 1. the delegation will not oppose it The greatest activity manifested in the Vice-Presidential canvass before the con vention is shown by the managers of Charles A. Towne. General E. S. Corser. of Minnesota, who is now here, is mak incr arrangements for the Sliver Republi can convention, aud at the same time is doing all he can to -oake Towne's nom ination possible. It is the present i:Hb to have an, , early conference betHommittces of the Populist parrJHblyer: Bo- oublican party and tfllBsBBBBsBflsKsSB? Na tional Committee, wltrf (Concluded on Seci I L I I ,1 rt ""' us