THE MORNING- OKEGONIAN, FRIDAY, JVHTB 29, IflOO. CAPE NOME LIVELY Many Claimants for AH Kinds of Property. $300,000 BROUGHT BY PORTLAND Tribulations In Far North Afloat and Ashore Retara of Lleatcaaat EerreR From Interior. SAN FRANCISCO, June 2S. The steam er Portland, which arrived from Cape Nome, report that the steamer Rose crans, formerly the transport Missouri, has gone aground about 60 miles south of Cape Nome. "While her situation Is not considered perilous, it is thought she -will have considerable difficulty In getting off. The Rosecrans has "a- cargo of Govern ment supplies on board. The Portland brought five passengers only, according to Captain Lundqulst The steamer Charles Nelson had a hard time of it. She returned to Unalaska June 18. While trying to And an opening in the ice her provisions gave out. She was to have sailed again for Cape Nome shortly after the Portland left Dutch Harbor. The captain of the Corwin was holding the wrecked barkentlne Catherine Sudden at Nome for salvage. Captain Lundqulst speaking tf the conditions at 'Nome, said: "What a man gets hold of up there he keeps, and in many inptances keeps it at the point of a gun. Restaurants, lodging-houses, saloons, stores, barber-shops, and in fact all kinds of business was left in the hands of agents last Fall. These agents have sold the places and cleared out with the money. Now the original owners are appearing on the scene, and there are 'razors in the air. "On the beach it was Just 60 per cent worse than up town. In the town as a general rule there was only about one claimant to other men's property In each case, but on the beach there was never less than six. Agents sold things right and left, and in consequence "there will be endless litigation before things are straightened out. No wonder all the big claim-owners took up lawyers with ihem." The Portland brought 10 boxes of gold, aggregating J300.000, belonging to the Alaska Commercial Company. lng music for the marching. The boys showed themselves apt at executing dif ficult maneuvers and demonstrated the possibilities of continual practice, They have the advantage of appearing in uni forms that fit them perfectly, and for this reason, also, the battalion presented a good appearance. The field sports, which took place Just before the noon, hour, lacked much In Interest, because of the want of enthus iasm. There were no rival teams, and the boys ha-e tested their skill so many times, the winners were almost pre-de-tercrdned. This afternoon the annual graduating exercises were held, at which time a class of six pupils, .five boys and one girl, received diplomas. The graduates were as follows: Harry Holt, Kllckatat, Washington: Victor Graham, Wasco; George Bernler, TJte: Reuben Sanders. Bllctz; Walter Regan, Hupa. California; Estella Sutherland, Klamath. The diplo mas were presented by George P. Litch field, of this city. The class motto was: "Plan Some Work, and Work the Plan." At C:30 o'clock this evening a hand con cert was given on the common, and at 8 o'clock the Intermediate grades present ed the cantata "The Cadet's Picnic" PENITENTIARY FACILITIES ADDITION TO ACCOMMODATIONS WHILE CONVICTS DECREASE. Part of the Present Prison Not Tet Utilized Benefit to Be Derived From Improvements. also furnish steam for the cooking plaxt This is expected to effect a saving In fuel. Whether it will save enough on cookin? to furnish heat for he new wing Is a question. " Space Net Xevr Used. In the south wing of the prisbn Js a space 36 feet wide, and SO feet long, that has never been provided with cells. A light brick, wall, extends lengthwise through the center of this room. The question was asked why this room could not be turned Into a kitchen and dining room, and the present kitchen be turned into a bathroom. In answer to this it was said that the shape of the room would not be suitable for the purpose, that convenient connections with the commissary department could not be SALEM, Or., June 2S. The announce rnent that a. contract had been made for the construction of a new wine at the nenltentlarv. at a cost of over Sl 000. and ' made, and that this space may sometime tie subsequent statement that the num- be needed for cells. In that case the ber of convicts in the penitentiary Is 13Q kitchen apparatus would have to ba ro less than a few years ago, naturally moved, and a new place provided for It. gives rise to the question. What is the The room is high enough, however, for necessity for the addition? The new wing , four tiers of stories of cells, and It would is to be two stories high, and will bo fitted not be difficult to erect two tiers at tha up as a kitchen, dining-room and bath- top. leaving the lower part for a dining room, room and kitchen. It is not thought cen The penitentiary contains 264 cells, not venlent nor advisable to utilize this sp&ee THE MiUTIA ENCAMPMENT FORMAL ORDERS ISSUED BY THE ADJUTAXT-GEXERAL. Bids for Sustenance Preliminary Work Marlon CoHnty Conrt Salem. Notes. SALEM. Or., June 2S. Adjutant-General GantenbeJn today issued the formal gen- James P. Geoghegan; by Rev. T. Var willgnen, for general excellence., commer cial department to H. J. Brady; 'by vRev. J. M. Delannoy, for general excellence, intermeeilite department, to C C Conner; by Rev. F. A. Moenn, for general excel lence. preparatory department " to Charlea A. Brady; by David WalU for sreneral. excellence. primary department, fto J, D. McCarty; by Michael P'Connelli for general excellence, missions depart ment, to Philip Carothers; by I. Ger llnger, for deportment, senior depart ment, to Lawrence Myers; by Sergeant Murray, for deportment, Junior depart ment, to S. J. Miller. Robert Wolf today sold to Leonard" Minsio the irame store Duncans apjom- once to overhaul and place it in first-class; condition for operation. This, mill waa last year leased by PL A. Graham and run by him for soma months in coimim. Ltion. with" the Beaver Coal Company's mine, but owing to litigation In December" last was shut down," and "has since re mained idle. eral orders for the assembling of the Ore- f lng the Wolf brick block, and 25x100 feet oi sruuna, av me turner t jhuu . Fifth streets, for ?S500. CO rASSEZSGBRS FROM DAWSOX. They Had $250,000 in Gold Dast Lieutenant Herron. PORT TOWNS,END, Wash., June 25. The steamer Al-Kl arrived from the north tonight, bringing 60 passengers and $250,000 in dust from Dawson, which had been brought up the river on the steamer Sybil. Among the passengers on the Al-Ki Is Lieutenant J. S. Herron, of the Eighth United States Cavalry, who a year ago started from Cook Inlet with a small command and crossed a hitherto unpenetrated country leading for hun dreds of miles over mountains, valleys and plains to the mouth of the Tanana. The expedition was deserted by Indian guides, and for some months fears for the safety of the party were entertained, but on December 11 the party reached the mouth of the Tanana, where orders were j received to remain until Spring. The object of the expedition was to ascertain the feasibility of the route through Alaska and to obtain Information as to miners, timber and general data of that section of Alaska between Cook Inlet and the Yukon River. For nearly a year the party was without news from the outside world. Lieutenant Herron Is on the way to Seattle for orders. Colonel E. D. Wlggln, Land Commis sioner at Rampart, is among the passen gers on the Al-Ki, bringing the first news from that section. He says the camp proved Itself better last Winter than ever before, and creeks before con sidered worthless turned out to be big gold-producers. He estimates the clean up at $2,000,000. Rampart was deserted the early part of last Winter, only 400 or 500 people, who were not rich enough to go to Nome, re maining. They comprised steamboat hands and unfortunate miners. When development -vi ork commenced It was soon proved that Rampart Creek was rich, and those who were at first out of luck are now on the high road to fortune, and Rampart bids fair to rival the Klondike as a gold-producor. FIVE IXDIAXS GO FREE. Held Merely as Witnesses Against the Ilorton Murderers. Skagway Alskan, June 15. The defense won a substantial victory in the Horton murder cases yesterday morning, when General Friedrich had the indictments dismissed against five of the Indians charged with the double murder. Those to be thus suddenly given their lib erty were: Paddy Unahooch, George White, Johnny Kesh, Dave Clanat and Qua-na-lsh. The Indians were Indicted separately for the murder of Bert Horton and Florence Horton. and were dis charged from both indictments. They are held in Jail yet, but only that they may appear as witnesses at the trial of the Indians still held on the charge of mur der. This action on the part of the United Btates Attorney was taken that the dis charged prisoners might be used as wit nesses for the Government in the prose cution of the remaining six Indians un der indictment. INDIAN SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. Creditable ShovrlnK Made at Chema vrn Six Receive Diplomas. SALEM, June 2S. The twentieth an nual commencement exercises of the Chemawa Indian Training School took place today. From the tirne when the industrial departments, were opened for inspection early this morning until the ariose of the musical entertainment late tonight, the day was full of events of in terest to the large crowd of visitors who had congregated from far and near. The exhibits and exercises, as a whole, de monstrated that much has been done at this school in the way of training the young aborigines to useful occupations and developing their minds in the direc tion bf civilisation. The visitors to the Industrial depart ments found much to surprise and inter est them. This is the only Indian train ing school In the West that has a xull industrial department, and it furnishes manufactured articles to many of the other schools on the Coast, and some times to schools In the East. The tail oring department was the first to which visitors wero conducted. Here the boys learn to make all kinds of 'clothing. Some of them have become so expert In this occupation that they are said to exceed the city tailors in the work they turn out. As in all the departments, they are not allowed to work for persons out side the Indian service. In the carpenter shop the boys learn all manner of wood work, from the rudest building to nice carving and exact bench work. The boys who complete the course In woodwork se cure employment as cabinet workers, and prove themselves equal to the work. The harness, saddle and wagon shops turn out work that Is shipped to schools in all parts of the West, and very frequent ly to states in the Mississippi Valley. The girls are taught housework, cooking, sewing, mending; etc., and are made cap able of taking responsible positions in the management of the household. There are in the school 295 boys and 117 girls, a total of 412. The appropriation for next year contemplates that D00 pupils will be enrolled at this Institution. After the inspection of the industrial departments the Chemawa battalion gave &. dreas parade., the school band furnlsh- THE NEW LEGISLATURE. Straight RepHbUeans Have a Major ity of 20 on Joint Ballot. SALEM, Or., June 3. The official list of members of the Legislature shows the straight RepublUans to have 20 members of the Sanate and 35 members of the House of Representatives. Those de nominated Citizens rank second in point of numbers, there being four in the Senate and 14 in the House. The following Is a complete list of the members of the new Legislature by districts, with the post office address of each, the Senators desig nated by a being hold-over members, and the political character of each being that designated on the official ballots: Senators. District No. 1. Marion L. J. Adams , Rep.. Silverton; N. H. Looney," Rep Jefferson. District No. 2, Linn J. Clem, Pco., Al bany. District No. 3. Linn. Marion P. R. Xolly, Rep.. Albany. District No. 4, Lanfcr-W. Kuykendall. Ren.. Eugene. District No. 5. Douglas A. C. Marsters, Rep., Roseburg. District No. 6, Josephine. Lane Robert A. Booth. Rep.. Grant's Pass. District No. 7, Coos. Curry T. M. Dim mlck. Rep.. Marshfield. District No. 8. Jackson Theodore Cam eron. Rep., Jacksonville. District No. 9. Crook, Klamath, Lake, Wasco J. N. Williamson, Rep., Prine ville. District No. 10, Benton John D. Daly." Rep., Corvallis. District No. 1L Lincoln, Tillamook, Tamhlll W. Tyler Smith, Rep.. Sheridan. District No. 12, Polk B. F. Xlhlkoy, Rep., Monmouth. District No. 13, Tamhlll W. A. Howe, Rep., Carlton. District No. 14. Clackamas George C. Brownell, Rep.. Oregon City. District No. 15, Washington W. H. Wehrung. Union, Hlllsboro. District No. 16, Columbia. Multnomah, Washington Alex Sweek, Clt-Dem.-Peo.-Union, Portland. District No. 17, Clackamas, Multnomah L. L. Porter, Rep.. Oregon City. District No. 18. Multnomah S. E. Jo sephi. Rep., Portland: James E. Hunt, Clt.. Portland: R. D. Inman, Cit, Port land: F P. Mays, Clt., Portland; A. C. Smith, Clt. Portland. District No. 19, Clatsop C. W. Fulton, Rep.. Astoria. District No. 20, Sherman, Wasco T. H. Johnston, Rep., Dufur. District No. 21. Gilliam. Grant. Sher man, Wasco. Wheeler W. W. Stelwer, ep., I'oesu. District No. 22. Morrow. Umatilla, Union J. W. Morrow, Dem., Heppncr. District No. 23. Umatilla George W. Proebstel Ren . Weston. District No. 21. Union Justus Wade, Dem.-Peo., Summerville. District Ne. 25, Baker, Harney. Malheur William Smith. Peo.. Baker City. Rep 20 Peo 2 Dcm 1 Clt.-Dem.-Peo.- Clt 4 Union 1 Union lDem.-Peo 1 Those marked thus elected In JS3S. ' Representatives. District No. L Marion Charles D. Hart man. Rep., Scott's Mills; Henry Keene, Rep., Stayton: Lot L. Pearce, Rep.. Sa lem: J. M. Poorman, Rep., Woodburn; J. N. Smith. Rep., Salem. District No. 2, Linn W. K. Ingram, Dcm.-Peo., Sodaville; C. B. Montague, Dem.-Peo., Lebanon; J. J. Whitney, Dem.-Peo.. Albany. District No. 3, Lane L. T, Harris. Rep., Eugene; James Hemenway, Rep., Cottage Grove; Ivan McQueene, Rep., Lorane. District No. 4, Douglas A. R. Mattoon, Rep.. Looklngglass; Dexter Rice, Dem.-Peo.-Sll.-Rep.. Roseburg. District No. 5, Coos A. H. Black, Rep.. Mvrtle Point. District No. C. Coos, Curry R. D. Hume, Rep., Gold Beach. District No. 7, Josephine George W. Colvic. Rep.. Grant's Pass. District No. 8. Jackson W. A. Carter, Rep.. Gold Hill; Matthew Stewart, Rep., Talent. District No. 9. Douglas, Jackson E. D. Briggs. Ren., Ashland. District No. 10, Benton R. J. Nichols, Rep., Monroe. District No. 11. Polk G. L. Hawkins, Ren.. Independence. District No. 12, Lincoln, Polk L M. Simpson. Dem.-Peo., Lewisvllle. District No. 13. Yamhill Clarence Butt, Rep., Newberg; E. F. Lamson, Rep., Wlllamina. District No. 14, Tillamook, Tamhlll B. L. Eddy, Rep., Tillamook. District No. 15. Washington Hubert Bernards. Union. Forest Grove: O. E. Edson, Union, Harrison; A. W. Vincent, Union, Tualatin. District No. 16. Clackamas Gilbert L. Hedges. Clt.. Oregon City; J. L. Krusc. Rep.. Stafford; J. A. Talbcrt. Rep., Clack amas. District No. 17, Clackamas, Multnomah A. S. Dresser. Rop.. Oregon City. District No. IS, Multnomah George L. Storv. Rep.. Portland: John Driscoll, Cit., Port'and; F A. HeUkemper. Cit., Port land: George W. Holcomb. Clt., Portland; A. J Knott. Cit, Portland: C. W. Not tingham. Cit. Portland: G. M. Or ton. Cit. Portland: Otto Schumann. Clt, Port land: J. J. Shipley. Cit. Portland; H. A. Smith. Cit. Portland; M. E. Thompson, Clt. Portland; D. M. Watson, Clt, Port land District No. 19. Clatsop B. F. Allen, Cit. Astoria; John Hahn. Cit. Astoria. District No. 20. Columbia Norman Mor rill. Rep.. Clatskanio. District No. 21. Crook. Klamath, Lake, Wasco R. A. Emmett, Rep.. Keno: T. H. McGreer. Rep.. Antelope; A. S. Roberts, Rrp. The iJaues. District No. 23. Morrow. Umatilla A. B. Thomson. Ren.. Echo. District No. 23. Umatilla T. J. Kirk, Rep.. Athena; L. B. Reeder, Rep., Pen dleton. . . .. r. District No. 24, Union, Wallowa G. S. Reavis. Dem.-Peo.. Enterprise. District No. 25. Union D. A. McAlister, Dem.. La Grande. District No. 25. Baker W. !. Grace. Dcm.. Baker City. District No. 27. Harney, Malheur I. S. Geer, Rep.. Burns. District No. 2S. Gilliam Grant. Sher man, Wasco. Wheeler George J. Bar rett Rep.. Granite; George Cattanach, Ren. Canyon City; George Miller, Rep.. Arlington. Rep .35IC4t 14 Dem. iJUnlon 3 Dem.-Peo 5Dem.-Peo.-Sil.Rep. 1 GALLERY OF OREGON NEWSPAPER MEN No. 1. A. W. CHENEY, OF THE OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. OREGON CITY, June 2S. A. W. Chenev. editor and proprietor of the Oregon Citv Courier-Herald, is a native of Wisconsin. He arrived in Oregon about 10 years ago. from South Dakota, where he was Interested in a printing and binding establishment for a number of years, and settled In Oregon City and shortly afterwards became manager of tho Courier, which position he held for several years. Later he purchased the paper, and since assuming control tho business of the paper has steadily Increased. In politics the publication has always been Independent Democratic, and since absorbing two or three other papers It has supported the Union, or Fusion, ticket By close attention to business and an acaualntapcc with all the details, Mr. Cheney has made it pay financially. Claclfama County Xotes. OREGON CITY. June 23. The Crown Paper Company Is placing a new digester in Its pulp mill that will double the out put of the product The machinery has Just arrived from the manufactory in tho East and Is very heavy. The new digester takes up a space 14x34 feet The retiring Board of County Commis sioners adjourned this evening, after ap proving the bonds of all newly elected county officers, who will take their places July 1, and attending to such matters as required urgent attention. J. R, Mortoii. of Damascus, Is the only hold-over Com missioner on the board. Findings ef Braak'n Body. KALAMA, Wash., June 2S. At about 5 o'clock this morning a body, supposed to be that of Relnhart Sraak .of Portland, who was recently drowned from, the Gat zert, was found on a snag in the river, near the head of the Northern Pacific Incline. Dr. Hall. Coroner of Columbia County, Or., and some friends who were returning to Rainier In a launch, made fast to the corpse and towed It down to j Ralaier. counting several dungeons. Each cell will accommodate two prisoners, making, theoretically, room for 5JS prisoners. There are now but 29S confined there. It is not practicable to put two prisoners In, each cell, for some criminals are by na ture so vicious that they must be kept by themselves while closely confined. The penitentiary could probably be made to confine 500 convicts, though that number would crowd it There Is no dining-room at the prison, and the prisoners are fed in their cells. The cooking is done in the basement di rectly underneath the chapel. In the cen ter of the building. The cooking appar atus consists of a huge brick bakeoven and a long steel range, the latter having been in use since 1S7L That both these appliances are sufficient, so far as results are concerned. Is evident from the ex cellent condition of the food that wa.s served to the prisoners. While the steel range, with its old-fashioned kettles and tanks, and baking-ovens, may be out ot date, it does good w ork probably as good as will be done by the new steam-cooking device that will be established in the new wing. Economy In Feeding: Prisoners. Tha food Is sent up to the main floor of the building by means of a small ele vator, and is distributed to the prisoners by convict waiters. Every man is locked in his cell before being served. Each la given a cup of coffee, a chunk of bread, a half-pound of meat and some vege tables, or, perhaps, soup instead of coffee, and sometimes an addition of fruit The variety is very limited at one meal, but the bill of fare is changed frequently, and there Is plenty of food for all. Un der the present arrangement there Is no way to feed the men except In their cells. Each must have his food given him In a pan and cup, and as it is not known In advance how much each man will need, a full ration for a laboring man mubt be served. If a man be not hungry or for. any other reason eats less than his full ration, what remains must be sent back to the kitchen and throw n away. It will readily appear that If the men could all be seated at tables where. they would take only what they want to eat, there would be less waste. This consideration lja.4 some bearing upon the question ot building a dining-room, where ill could oat at community tables. On the other hand. It is possible, and perhaps prob able, that the amount consumed through ofereating at a community table would make up for the waste saved by the- change. The convicts appear to be get ting plenty to cat, as they are now fed, and It is not probable that their natures will prompt them to eat any less If they are seated at a table, where they may help themselves. Experience would leac to the conclusion that they will eat more than they really need. Cells for Dininsr-Itooms. But more Important considerations led to the decision to provide a dining-room. Each cell Is a sleeping-room, and is com paratively dark, and Is supplied with certain sanitary conveniences. It was considered by penitentiary officials that it would be more healthful for the pris oners to eat in some place other than thel" cells. That the cell arrangements have not in the past proved conducive to fll health Is Indicated by the general good condition of the prisoners. That it will be far more agreeable to the prisoners to cat at a community table Is readily believed, but few will incline toward tho opinion that the pleasure of the convicts Is very material in determining the man ner of conducting an Institution of pun ishment The bathing facilities now consist of seven small wooden tubs. In which 2G3 prisoners take a weekly bath. This is 43 men to each tub. The tubs are filled with cold water, which Is afterward heit ed by means of steam. Giving the pris oners thrlr baths Is a long and unsatis factory task. It Is proposed to provide a shower bathroom in the new wing, so that about 50 men may take a bath at once, and be more thoroughly cleansed than by the present slow process. But the new wing Is not necessary in order to provide a bathroom, for a light wooden structure could be erected at small cost that would supply that need. The steam-cooking plant was another consideration. The cooking will be more quickly done by the new appliances, and may perhaps be more satisfactory. Tho same furnace, that heats the building and I provides hot water for the bathroom wJU for this purpose, but It Is not altogether lmpraotlcable. The new wing is not considered a neces sity. That it is not such appears from the fact that more prisoners have b-n accommodated with the same facility now at hand. But It is thought that the wing would sometime become a neces sity, and the prison may as wall havo the additional convenience of modern ap pliances at the present time. Tivo BANKS TO CONSOLIDATE. Institutions at Independence Agree to Combine. 1NDEPKND151-13, Or., June 2S. An agreement was reached between the di rectors of the First National Bank and the Independence National Bank, of this, city, at a late hour this afternoon, where by the Independence National Bank will tike over the business of the First Na tional and continue It under the head of the Independence National. The two banks were established In 1SS3, the First National opening for business March 4, and the" Independence National one day later, with J. S. Cooper as the president of the First National and H. Hlrschberg as president of the Independence Na tional. Each had a capital stock of ?50,-003. gon National Guard at Salem, July General Gantenbeln and Colonel Dunne have asked for bids for supplying provisions- for men and horses, during the encampment. On July 4 a squad of V00 men wllj come up from Portland to .make flnal preparations for the encampment set tents, etc, so that all will be in readi ness when the militiamen come on the 7th. The Marion County Court met today In adjourned session to finish the work of the June term, and to clpse, up the busi ness of the old court before the retire ment of County Judge G. P. Terrell and Commissioner J. Davis. The day was mostly spent in auditing bills. John Scott County Judge-elect, was present, familiarizing himself with tho duties of the office on such occasions. The pres ent monthly, term of the County Court promises to be a very expansive one. The pauper bills allowed already amount to J0. The Grand Lqdge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen for the Jurisdiction of Oregon, will meet In a three 'days' ses sion In this city, commencing July 17. The local lodges, assisted by the ladles of the Dogree of Honor, are preparing an elaborate programme of entertainment for the visitors. A. H, Huntington. Sheriff of Baker County, today brought Eugene Tyler, col ored, and Tom Hlra, Japanese, to the pen itentiary to serve a term of two years each, for committing larceny In a dwell ing. SJIISLAW IS BOOMING. Government Worlc in Projrress Great Activity in Lumbering. GREENLEAF, June 27. The Sluslaw country is enjoying prosperity beyond ail precedent The expenditure of the semi annual Congressional appropriation on tho jetty at the mouth ot the river al ways brings a season of Jpy to the set tler, for it gives him a cash market for butter and eggs, chickens, pork, mutton and vegetables, few of which are ever taken to the outside market over the ex ecrable roads which make transportation so expensive. Added to the jetty Im provement there Is greater activity in logging and mill work than ever before, and also a steady stream of visitors, the majority of whom carry pocket com passes and plats of Government land, and spend their time following up the sur veyors' lines through the woods and ex amining timber. As a result of all this, new potatoes ha"ve been selling at 51 a bushel, cabbages at 10 cents a head, ba. con at 15 cents a pound, and other pro duce at like prices. Not only Is the Government timber land being rapidly taken, but private holdings are being transferred, mostly to Eastern lumbermen, who have agents at work here. Land that was offered at 3 an acre a yean or two ago has been sold in half sections at $6, and most of those homesteads which had been taken solely to secure timber land have been sold within the year. Agricultural land has advanced, but only slightly. In sympathy. Many homestead filings have been and are being made on land which the filers never Intend to make farms or homes. Groups of people purchase 160 acres of land apiece In blocks under the timber laws, and soon after perfecting title transfer It to capitalists, who regard tim ber as a promising Investment. Tracts containing on an average 400.0CO to 600.000 feet of Douglas spruce to the acre, which at 50 cents stumpage. would bring 1200 to $300, are selling at S6 per acre. Great things are hoped for from this year's work on the Jetty. The bar4 limits commerce to light-draft vessels and keeps out regular coasters, because to cross It would forfeit the insurance. The service Is better than It has been, but the mills are frequently compelled to close down and await vessels to take their product from the crowded wharves. 'Several steam schooners. Intended expressly for the Sluslaw trade, have been built by lo cal parties, but usually after a few trips they find more attractive employment elsewhere. The completion of the Gov ernment work at the mouth of the Slus law will be worth more to the people ot tho tributary country than would the opening of a railroad to their doors. LOGGER BROWNED SEAR MONROE. Rede Horse Into Deep Wner nd Slipped Oft to Death. CORVALLIS. June 2& Win Larkln. aged 26, was drowned at Lemon's Slough, three and a Ijalf miles east of Monroe, yesterday morning. Th,e accident hap pened at the Ingram logging camp. Lar kln rode one of the two horses in a team, that dragged logs over a gravel bar. He was a novice at the work, and rode into deep water. The hprses at once began to struggle In the water and the rider slipped off and, under them- The body was recovered In about 20 minutes'. A wife and three small children survive. The deceased was a member of the Mon roe lodge of Woodmen, In which he held an Insurance policy of 51Q0O. Coroner Wll kins and Deputy District Attornoy Bry son went to the scene, but no inquest was held. International Representations. VICTORIA. B. C. June -23. The agents, the captain and purser of the American steamer Merwin, having been Impris oned for 1& houra at Dawson City, with out being allowed to furnish ball, on tho complaint -of passengers who .left with out prosecuting. "Consul McCook Is re ported by the Dawson Nugge,t to haye. drawn up a statement for submission to Washington, asking that an explanation be demanded from the BritishwGovern-ment Mnjor Tenon Transferred. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, June."4 2?. Major Louis S. Tesson. medical depart ment now- on duty at Fort Ethan Allen. Vermont,' has Deen ordered here for duty as. post surgeon and medical director. Major Tesson Is expected- to arrive some time durfcig the coming week. BOUNTIES FOR "VARMINTS." Stockmen of the Pede'e Neighbor hood Unite for Protection. INDEPENDENCE, June 2S. The. stock, men of Pedeq and vicinity, in this coun ty, have organized a protective associa tion, and will pay a bounty of $i0 each for the killing of bears,, panthers mid Oregon Notes. The Euirene cannery shipped a second carload of cherries to the Salem cannery Tuesday. The Commercial Club of, La Grande will request tho O. R. & N. Railroad to build a new depot at that point. The Eugene Guard islnformed' tha,t hop lice are scarcer in Lane County than they have been for 10 years -at this season ot the year. The recent rains have- done much for the second Installment of the. Hood River strawberry crop-, and shipments are made daily to Butte, Mont" Rev. H. L. Pratt, of Salem, has been appointed chaplain of Company P, Fourth Regiment, Oregon National 'Guard, with the rank, of Captain. The town of Burns has ordered a new fire engine and the Council is now consid ering the erection of a, town hall to cost between $3000 and $4000. Offers of 55 cents a bushel for No. 1 coyotes, and 5 each, for wildcats which are killed within a certain district The ciUD what were made this week at Tho wild animals have become so plentiful m I Dalles aad refused bv farmers who aro that district that they have become a se rious damage to- tho farmer that has any stock. Already several bears have been killed. The water In tne Willamette Is at such a. low stage that the boats are unable to reach the docks, and are compelled to land on the bar just above-town. holding their last year's crop. A farmers' institute win be held at Grand Prairie. Linn County, Friday and Saturday, under auspices of the Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis. The Columbia River has risen to 22 feet at Wenatchee. and Is rising at the rate of a foot a day. The river at The Dalles has been slowly rising for a week. Forest Grove has been refused a com pany of the National Guard by the State Military Board, and there is now a move ment on foot to organize an independent company. A crew of 20 men Is at work at Cayuse Station in Umatilla County, building a new wheat warehouse for the Pacific Coast Elevator Company. Next weok Balfour, Guthrie & Co., will have a crew of men there to put up a house for them. There will be a Fourth of July celebra- From his nine-acre orchard near Cor- tlon In Tillamook City on a large scale vallis. Thomas Bell now expects a two- No Room to Store Hay Crop. TILLAMOOK, June 28. The dairymen of Tillamook County have tons of hay left over from last year, and as the hay harvest will commence in about a week, and there is an Immense crop, they are in a quandry to know where to store It for some of the dairymen's barns are almost full with last year's crop. Very little feed was given to dairy stock last Winter. " this year. The Tllla,mook hose company is making all the arrangements, the bus- i lness me. having subscribed liberally this i year. There will be the usual procession ! and exercises In the morning. Miss Ne- vada Grayson has been chosen Goddess I of Liberty, Miss Lily Baker will recite ' the Declaration of Independence, and Representative-Elect B. L. Eddy will de liver the oration. In the afternoon there will be sports and a ball game, and in tho evening a display of fireworks. LOGGER FATALLY' HURT. Crushed by a SaiTlos and Doctor Snid He Would Die. ALBANY, Or., June 23. John Bavnou was at work in a logging camp at Niag ara, on the Corvallis & Eastern today, when a log rolled over hlra. He was taken through Albany tonight on his way to his home at Jacksonville, and the at tending physician said he would not live until he reached there. Forent Grove Men Interested. FOREST GROVE, Or., June 23. This vicinity has proved its interest in mlnlnig by furnishing Its quqta to every recent discovery Klondike, Bumpter, Southern Oregon and Nome. 'The latest enterprise to receive encouragement, from here is the Juneau, which, was scheduled to sail from Portland today, carrying a potato cargo to Seattle, where the expedition will cdmplete Its equipment Mayor Frank T. Kane and Councilman J. S. Buxton are each one-eighth Owners, while Mr. Lacy will sail as assistant engineer and Fred Kane as purser. Sale of a Saw Mill. MARSHFIELD. Or., June 27. A rumor is current that J. D. Spreckles Bros. Com pany, of San Francisco, has purchased the California Lumber Company's saw mill, located about three miles north of this place, and that they will proceed at thirds crop of Fellenberg (Italian) prunes. Many of the trees aro well loaded, and the qucJlty -promises to ber fine. The out put of the orchard should be, Mr. Bell thinks, more than 1000 bushels. Saturday Daniel Ross, employed In the Nlxon logging camp near Peoria, Linn County, sustained a severe injury- Cross wise of his face, and' under his eye, thera is a gash several inches long. A felled tree bent a -sapling to the ground. Ros3 released the sapling and it struck him In the face. He was Insensible for some time. Belle-ves in Elght-Honr Day. NEW YORK, June 2S. In looking over the accounts of Columbia. University a few days ago, President Lowe discovered that the 24 men employed in the boiler rooms and electrical power departments were working 12-hour shifts. He gave or ders at once to put the men on ah eight hour 'shift without reducing -their pay, and to employ one-third more -men at once. Mr. Lowe Is a firm believer in the justice and wisdom of an eight-hour day. Knott Will Resign. ATLANTA, GaT, June 28. A special to the Constitution from Savannah says It Is reported here that President Knott of the Plant system, will resign the posi tion to accept the presidency of a North ern road. He was formerly -vice-president of the Louisville & Nashville. DON m Japanese Said to Be Arming. VANCOUVER. B. C, June 2S. The Columbian, of New Westminster, has a report that the Japanese fishermen of Steveston are arming themselves with rifles. Over 200 rifles have been bought in Vancouver within a week'by Japanese. Washington Notes. Two cases of smallpox have been dis covered at New Whatcom. Tacoma received a Spanish cannon Wednesday and will place it in the City Park. Whatcom County warrants represent ing about 550,000 Indebtedness were called In by the Treasurer Monday. Harvest 13 on In earnest In the Walla Walla Valley. Many machines went into operation the first of the week. An addition to cost J5OD0 will be erected at the St Paul Episcopal school In Walla Walla, work to commence In a few days. The Scandinavian-American Bank of Seattle will erect a new double block shingle mill at Arlington. It is expected to- have all the material on the ground in 10 days. The United States Marine Hospital au thorities have issued an order that all vessels returning from Alaska with sick ness on board must stop at Port Town send for inspection. Dayton grain men and farmers have re ceived four carloads of grain bags for the crop now being harvested, three cars coming from the penitentiary. This Is the largest shipment of state bags ever made to Dayton. The Japanese must go at Mount Vernon. This was the decision of a meeting of about 103 business men, mechanics and la boring men held Tuesday night Ever since the introduction of Japanese section hands there has been more or less hard feeling, which culminated in the meeting and subsequent action. After the meet ing the men marched to the shack occu pied by the foreigners and Informed them that they must leave town, which they did at once, hastily packing their be longings. A new insect has attacked the pear trees In the vicinity of Dixie. 10 miles from Walla Walla, and considerable dam age has been done during the past few days. The leaves turn brown and ap parently die rapidly, while the wood of the tree shows an unhealthy tendency. The fruit appears to feel the effect at once and soon becomes soft and wizened. Upon examination thereare seen thou sands of small Insects working In and un der the bark of the trees, taking the sap away from the leaves and fruit .GRAIN FILLING OUT WELL. Rain Helped Wheat That Would IIsvc Been Cat for Hay. MONROE, Or., June 2S. The recent rains have been of great value to the ranchers and farmers alike in this sec tion. The range has been greatly bene fited on account of the new growth of grass and other herbage, while the fields J or growing grain have teen wonderfully Improved. Fall-sown wheat, in a few cases, was knocked down, but most of the grain was caused to fill out and make a fair crop, where, before the rain, a decision to graze or cut for hay had been made. Wild blackberries are a, won derful crop. Every fence row, hedge and fallen tree where a vine clings is dotted with the luscious fruit, and the yield is far In excess of that known In any other season. An SO.OOO-bushel grain elevator and wharf is being erected here at the head of navigation on the Long Tom. It is the intention to have it completed In time to receive the 1900 crop. Henry Schuette has the contract, nnd is assisted by a dozen carpenters. An excavation 40xS0 feet Is being made in the high bank for wharf purposes. CRIMINAL FINE AND DAMAGES. What Tronhle Over a Bill Cost Sweet Home Storekeeper. ALBANY, Or., June 28. Department No. 1 of the Circuit Court, adjourned this noon, after a three and a half days' ses sion. Of this all but one day was taken up with two cases against J. Pj Hahn, of Sweet Home, one bIng criminal. In which he was convicted of simple as sault, and the other civil, by A. L. Wed dle. the man assaulted, for damages. The court this morning sentenced the defend ant to pay a fine of $300 and costs in the former case, and the jury In tfte lat ter case, after being out all night, brought in a verdict for plaintiff, award ing $675, which was compromised for $650, all rights being waived. In October of last year a difficulty in Hahn's store over the settlement of an account resulted In Hahn stabbing Weddle so severely that for 30 days his life hung In tho balance, but he finally recovered, and the two cases were the result ft JL Used by people oYerhalfacentnry Because of its un varying purity and strength. Quickly reduces redness of skin. chapping, chafing, tan or oily complexion. For itchings, scratches, sprains, stiffness, or when overheated or espec ially fatigued, thorough bathing with Pond's Extract and brisk rubbing will be found most refreshing and invig orating. After shaving. Pond's Extract is healing and cooling, and leaves the face white, soft, and smooth. Gives immediate relief to eyes irritated by winds or dust. AS A REMEDY it cures all inflammation, heals wounds and. boms, stops pain and bleeding. Used Internally and Externally CAUTION: Wlteh Hazel is NOT Pond's Extract, and cannot bo used for It. Ordinary Witch Hazel is sold in bulk, dilated, easily turns sour and generally contains " wood alcohol," which is an irritant ex ternally, and, taken internally, is a deadly poison. Pond's Extract is sold ONJJP" in &4X,E2 bottles, enclosed in ooff irrapper. Tfrltfac iimUe jfUl guide jou uhen you colt for a bottle at the drug store Pond's Extract Co.. 76 Fifth Ave, New York PonJ's Extract Ointment first sootoes, tiiea pernaacntly CURES itcHingorbleediag Piles, hoxrTer severe. It is a speciic ia sll skin dis eases, and gives qaick relief to burns aad bruises. 1! SjjTsqcmu Jfs CLOSE OF ST. JAMES COLLEQK. Set eral Certificates of Proacleacy and Medals Awarded. VANCOUVER, Wash., June 2S. The closing exercises of St James' College took place at the Standard Theater yes terday evening. An interesting pro gramme of vocal and Instrumental music and recitations was carried out, conclud ing with an amusing farce. At the close ot the exercises certificates of proficiency were presented by the Rev- J, SI. Delan noy to the following pupils: James P. Geoghegan, H. J. Brady, Francis G. Eichenlaub, George J. Dunning and Her man L. Funk. Medals of honor were also presented as follows: By Bishop E. J. O'Dea. fox gen- l eral excellence, collegiate department' to IWENTY YEARS OF SUCCESS In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea, dropsical swellings, Bright'3 disease, etc, KIDNEY AND URINARY Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnatural discharges, speedily cured. DISEASES OF THE RECTUM Such as piles, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pain or confinement DISEASES OF MEN Blood poiton, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, Im potency, thoroughly cured. No failures. Cures guaranteed. "VTYTTMn rrrv troubled with nizht emissions, dreams, exhaustinsr drains- bash. fulness, aversion to society, which deprive you of your manhood, UNFIT YOU FOR BU8INEBS OR-MARRIAGE. MIDDLE-AGED MEN who from excesses and strains have lost their MANLY POWER. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urine. Glet, Stricture, enlarged prostate. Sexual Debility, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Kidney and Liver troubles, cured WITHOUT MERCURY AND OTHER POISOVOUS DRUGS. Catarrh and Rheumatism CURED. Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no patent nostrums or r-e&dy-mad preparations, but cures thr disease by thorough medical treatment His- New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent Free to all znsn who describe- their troubles. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered in plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or addre Doctor "Wallter, 5.33 First St, Corner Alder, Portlaad, Or