9P THE MORNING -OREGONIAN,.-FRIDAY, JUNE .29,. -1900. 11 COMMERCIAL AND Heavy receipts of fruit -were again the principal feature of trade In the commission-house portion of Front street yes terday, and some liberal concessions were made on some of the ripest, in order to clean it up. Peaches are coming in In large Quantities from California, and Ore gon growers have also commenced ship ping in the early varieties. Another car load of bananas arrived yesterday, and as they were not so ripe as those which have been reaching Portland earlier in the week, they met with a good recep tion. General trade was reported excel lent on the street, but aside from pro duce and wheat, price changes were few In number. The wheat markets were lower all round. Hank Clearing. Exchanges. Balances. Portland 1317.412 $ 73,483 Tacoma ; 122,778 11,647 (Seattle- ; 305.307 134.000 Spokane 151,171 22,550 t I1 . PORTLAKD MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Etc. The Portland wheat market Is lower In sympathy with other markets. This sym pathy is not asserting itself to the limit, for It Is still possible to secure quota tions of 58 and 59 cents for Walla Walla, a decline of only about a cent, while other markets are off from 34 cents per bushel. No sales of consequence were re ported yesterday, and buyers are -waiting for matters to settle before they attempt to do much business. Freights continue very firm, with no new tonnage offering. "Wheat Walla Walla, nominal, 58ff5c; Val ley, CSQ'SOc, bluestem. 00c per bushel. Flour Beet grades, $3 103 35; graham, 2 85 per barrel. Oats White, 3435c: gray, 323Sc per bushel. Barle Fewl, $1415; brewing:, flC per ton. MUlstufts Bran, 12 CO per ton: middlings, $19, shorts, $13; chop, $14. Hay Timothy, $1C11; clover, J77 00; Ore gon wild hay, $037 per ton. Bntter, Egrfta, Poultry, Etc Butter Fancy creamery, S540c; store, 25e per roll. Eggs Firm at 15c per dtreen. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $304. per dozen; hens; $4 505; Springs, $2 50 4; ducks, $3 4; geese, $45 per dozen. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12J13c; Tounj America, 14c per pound. Vegetables, Fruit. Etc Vegetables Parsnips, $1; carrots. 75cQ$l; turnips, 75c per rack; onions, $1 25 xor red, $1 SO for sllverskins; cabbage, $1 50 per cental; potatoes, 4050c per sack for old, 75c?l for sew; peas, )34c; beans, SOc; asparagus, 4 5c Fruit Lemons, $3 7504; oranges, S4SH 23 pr box for late Valencia; pineapples, $4 50QG per dozen; bananas, $2 503 per bunch; Per sian dates, 7i&&c; strawberries, 5gGc per pdund; peaches, 5075c per box; cherries, 2&7c per pound; apricots, OOSSSc; apples, $1Q1 25 per box, raspberries, 54?0c per pound. Dried fruit Apples, eaporated, 78c per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 45c; pears, un and evaporated, 50c; plums, p'tlem, 4f & &ftc: prunes, Italian, 3&6c; silver, extra choice. 6 0c; figs. Smyrna. 22&c; California black, &S'0c; do white, 10c per pound. i Groceries, .at, Etc. Coffee Mocha. 23g28c; Jaa, fancy, 2C32c; Java, rood, 2014c; Java, ordinary, lS20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18320c; do good, 10lsc; do ordinary, 10tf12c per pound; Columbia, roast, $12 OS; Artmckle's, $13 13; Lion, $12 C3 per caso. Sugar Cube, $3; crushed, $0; powdered, $0; dry granulated, $5 50; extra C, $5; golden C $4 90 net, half barrels, c more than barrels; maple sugar, 15tffl0c per pound. Beano Small white, 3c; bayou, 4c: Lima. 6c per pound. Salmon Columbia BVver, 1-pound tails, $1 23 1 05; 2-pound tails, ?22 50; fancy. 1-pound flats, $1 05 1 75; -pound fancy flats, &3V3c; Alaska, 1-pound tails, $1 20(afl 30; 2-pound tails, $1 &CKJ2 25. Groin bag Calcutta, $0 37 per 100 for spot. - Nuts Peanuts. C57o per pound for raw,. 10c for roasted; oocoanuts, DOc per dozen; walnuts, 10 & lie per pound; pine nuts. 15c; hickory nuts, 7c; chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, lie; filberts, 15c; .fancy pectus, 12QHc; almonds, 16(ffl7$4c per pound. Coal oil Cae, 21Hc per gallon; barrels, 17c; lanka. 153- Rice Island. CV4c; Japan, OJtc; New Orleans, 4&54c: fancy head. $7Q7 60 per aack. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc Hops 28'Sc pT ioind Wool Valloy, 124? 13c for coarse, 15310c for best: Eastern Oregon. lOfi'lSc; mohair, 25o per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short-wool, 25 tf35c; medium-wool, 30&50c: lotfg-mool, 60cQ$l each. Pelts Bear fklns. each, as to size, $515; cubs, each, $105; badger, each, 50c; wildcat. 5?5c; housecat. 525c; fox, common gray, 4c3'$l; do red, $1 752'3 50; do cross. $2 503J; lynx. $24 50; mink, 40e$l 75; marten, dark Northern, $53,10; do pale, pine, $24; musk rat, 812c; ekunk. 00S0e; otter (land), $4 0-8; panther, with head and claws perfect, $193; raccoon. 25380c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, $3 50 5; wolverine, $2 &0&0; beaver, per ekln, large, $07; do medium, per ricln. $4t; do small, per skin. ?12; do kits, per skin. $l(2a. Tallow 5QCV4c; No. 2 and grease, 8&Mc Pr pound. Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 10 pounds and up ward. 14315c; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 10 pounds, 15c per pound; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds, 1510c; dry salted, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, sound steers, 00 pounds and orer, 7QSc; do 50 to 00 pounds, 7c; do un der 50 pounds and cows. 7c; kip, 13 to 30 pounds, 7jSc; do veal, 10 to 14 pounds. 7c: do calf, under 10 pounds. "Vscr green (unsalted), lc per pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth eaten, badly cut, scored hair slipped, weather beaten or grubby), one-third less. Meat and Provisions. Mutton Gross, best sheep, withers and ewes, sheared, $3 SOS'S 75; dressed. 7C"4c per pound; Spring lambs, B3X5V?c per pound gross. Hogs Gross, cholco heavy, $3; light, $4 50; dressed, 5Cc per pound. Veal Large. 0fcfHc per pound: small. SQ 84c. Beef Gross, top steers. $4N 50: cows, $3 SO 4. dressed beef. CH$??c per pound. Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand)' Hams, smoked, are quoted at 13c per pound; plento hams. 9Hc per pound; breakfast bacon. lSc: bacon. Hc; backs. 0c; dry ealt sides. 8c: dried beef, 17c per pound; lard. 5-pound palls. 10c: 10 - pound pails. 9"tc; 50 He; tierces, 0c ptr pound. Eastern pacx (Ham mond's): Hams, large, 12ic; medium, 13c; small. 13L&C: picnic home. 9Hc; shoulders, SUc; breakfast bacon, 12$c; dry salt sides, lj Oc; bacon side, SQ'lOc. backs. 9Xc: butts. Do; lord, pure leaf, kettle rendered. 3s, 10Vc; 10s. lOXc JTEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Drealc In Wheat Causes a Bulge In Stocks. . KBW YORK. June 28. The stock, mar ket showed symptoms during the early hours of the trading today of having fallen back Into the condition of lethargy and sagging prices, which marked the trading last week. But the large out standing short account showed Itself very sensitive to developments in the wheat market. With the continued fall In price of that cerpal. reports of the enormous quantities of wheat thrown upon tho market to liquidate, the courage of tho bears oozed out af the tips of their fingers, and they scrambled to cover their short contracts in the late dealings with considerable precipitancy. The result was a strong closing at the top level, with the rally still in force, and at a level of prlcesfrom 1 to 2 points over last night for many active stocks. The bears were In .full retreat all through tho list, even B. & O. turning from its persistent down ward course with a rally of three points from the early decline. Sugar. Brooklyn Transit, People's Gas and American To bacco all made notable upward move ments, the latter apparently on a belated appreciation of yesterday's dividend dec laration. While the break in the wheat market was unquestionably the dominant Influ ence, there were other points, of strength which radiated a favorable Influence. The -coalers advanced on the rise in price nf anthracite. The Southwestern FINANCIAL NEWS: stocks moved upwards la company on, the more favorable prospects of the Tex as cotton crop, compared with that In other cotton states, on the large Winter wheat crop, and on hopes of the corn crop. Estimates by a Western trade journal, that the Winter wheat crop and the wheat reverses would make up the de ficiency In the shortage in the Spring wheat crop, had much to do with the day's movement, both in wheat and rail road stocks. It was made evident that prices of stocks have not only kept pace with a damage to wheat but have been discbunting continued deterioration. Tho rains In the Northwest caused a sharp check to the speculation on this basis. The iron and steel stocks showed decid ed strengtlu The money market continued quite un ruffled. The decline in exchange was checked today with the sharp advance in call loans in the London market, and the marking up by quarter penny of the Bank of England's price for gold and for American Eagles. Tho decline In ex change is said to have been caused by the coming -upon the. market of long sterling bills, which have been held for maturity, and are now being sold as sight bills. As they had figured meantime as collateral for loans, their liquidation now Involves tho paying off of loans, and may help to account for the current ease of the money market. The bond market was not active, but prices were firm. Total sales, par value. ROGO.OOO. United States bonds were unchanged In bid quotations. BONDS. u. S. 2s, ref. rtg.102?i do coupon 103U D. A R. G. 4s 99 Gen. Electric -5.117U uu xs, reg loo N. T. Central lstclllVt do 3s. ree- ion Northern Pat 3s.. 0OH do 4s 104H Oregon Nav. lsts.CJ do 4s 101 Oregon S. L. 0s...l27H do con. 5s ..113 ltlo Gr. West .lsts. 93 do coupon , 109 do new 4s. reg.. 134 do coupon 134- do old 4 reg...H4 do coupon ....;. 115 do 8s, reg 113 OO COUDOn -- 1T.1 Ct Pnitl M.nla IS! Dist. Col. 3-C3S...123 iSt. P. C. A P. litsllOU Atchison adj. 4s.. S25 do 5s 120U C & N-W. con. 7sl40 Union Pacific 4s. ..100 D-BfGllsti!:1!! aM l8t" When issued. STOCKS. Tin total sales of, stocks today were 320.200 6hares. The- closing quotations were: Atchison 25Unlon Paclflc 50, dp prof 71 (Union Pac pref... 72 Bait. & Ohio 71 IWobosh 7 Can. Pacific i6tJ do pref I7u Can. Southern ... 4Ski Wheel. Ar L. E.... Stt, Ches. & Ohio 251m do 2d pref 21J v". "r. western, iuw u. central is CM.. B. & Q 123& Tl JP. rt in4tTlPKl I . ... Third Avenue 1094 P. C. C. A St. L 57W v-ni., ma. & L.... 18 1 do pref ,.. 48 Chi. & East. 111. 05 Chicago & N. W..150 C.. R. L & P 10514 C. C.. C. & St. L. 5h Colo. Hnilthnr, a r'PRE5S nn a Arinmii tlft American 1.150 unnea utates ..... 40 Wells-Fargo 120 do 1st prof..."." 0H: Amer. Cotton Oil.. 31H uu 1 prei ia Del. A Hudson... .110 Dll.- T-nlr . t ,,, uo pret tfj Amer. Molting .... 3 An Trf 19 Denver A Rio Gr." 17 ;Amer. Smelt. A R. 35 r do nrft Rfl Erie ..::;:::::: nH fAmer. Spirits .... 1 Great North. pref!l4S do prer ........ 17 Amr. Steel Hoop. 1U Hock Ins- rvl 13 Hocking Valler Illinois Central Iovra Central .. no prci ......... u j Amer. Steel A W.. 31U do nref TOti :iSi . 18 Amer. Tin Plato... 1U& ! do nrf ?u. Co pref 43 Kan. C.. p. A G.. i4VSAmer. Tobacco ... 1W& Lake Erie A W do pref oo Pref l'. SS Anacondo- Min!Cto" 41i lke Shfr 9m inmnVlm T n rn 20 ..123 Lake Shore ."210 Brooklyn R. T '. TA iouis. a Nash.... 73 Manhattan El ... SOW Met. St. Ry 147, Mer. Central .... 12. Minn. A 8L Louis 47 do iref 00 Missouri Pacific .. 4S9i Mobile A Ohio.... 35 M.. K. A T 0 do pref 30 ?CWT JpriMW rent 1f5 Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 313& vhil looacco 24 oo prer Federal Steel - 70H ... 31 .. 04 ..12C do nref Gen. Electric Glucose Surar 4 ao prer 97 Int. Paper 21 do pref 04 La Clede Gas 71 New York Cent..".12SVi' Norfolk A West.. 31H National Biscuit .. 23 do ;ref ...... National Lead . do pref ...... National Steel . 70 ao prei ......... ra Northern Pacific .. 50 ... 10J4 .. 05 .. 8l ao prer 71 Ontario A- West.,i ID O. R. A N- 42 do rref 70 do nref .1 v N. T. Air TtrsVA 1T. North American .. 14 Pacific Coat 50 Pennaj-rranht ....12GH jieamng lc, ao 1st pref 80 ao 2d pref.... Pacific Mall ... at do 2d pref 2h TRto Gr. Western.. SUii do pref h St. IJouls A S. Fr. IH do 1st nref 55 20W Peonle'n f!n o Pressed Steel Car.. 43 uu prei ...... .. ,2 Pullman PaI. far 1T6 do 2d pref Sl' Stand. Ropo A T... 5 St Louis A S. W. ',! Sugar .."ll3 do prer 234 do pref 114 St. Paul llOlTenn. Coal A Iron. 65 do pref 171 U. S. Leather sli .St. Paul A O..v..110 do pref OC Southern Pacific .. 32HIU. S. Rubber 241 Southern Ry 10j do pref 91 do pref 50i Western Union ... 70 Texas A Pacific... 13nRepublIc Iron A S. 10 do pref 63W Ofreffrcd. Forelsm Flnnncial Xeiri, NEW TORK. Juno 2S. The Commercial Advertiser's financial cablegram says: The news of the relief of Admiral Sey mour's party caused a slight flutter In the market here today, but operators were soon absorbed again in the uncer tainties of the situation, and the market relaDsed Into stagnation. Americans see sawed within narrow limits, and dealings In them were meager. x The bank sold 14.000 gold in French coin, and lost 20,000 to the Continent A large business was done in loans at 3H oer cent. There were no discounts to speak of, a fact which was regarded as significant, in view of the absence of an increase in the supply of other securi ties shown In the bank returns. Bills, accordingly, were down. It has transpired that the recent buy ing of silver was not by the Govern ment, but by local houses on account of the monsoon and the Chinese difficulties, but Government buying Is expected at any time. Money Exchange Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. June 23. Sterling on London, CO days, tl SiVi; sterling on Lon don, sight. J4 87. Mexican dollars, 45c. Drafts, sight, 10c; telegraph, 12&c NEW YORK. June 2S. Money on call, l'414 Per cent. Last loans, VOVA per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 3$?4& per cent. Sterling exchange. Arm, with ac tual business in bankers' bills at J4 S6U damand, and at II 83, 60 days. Posted rates, $4 S44 SS and J4 S7. Commer cial bills, $4 824 S3. Silver certifi cates, Cli(Jf62?ic. Mexican dollars. 4Sc Government bonds, steady; state bonds. Inactive; railroad bonds, firmer. LONDON. June 2S. Consols, 100. Mon ey, Zhfi$ per cent. V Stocks in London. LONDON, June 25. Atchison. 25H: WATCH! THE ki( CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET nrs BOOMING CROP CONDITIONS WORST EVER KNOWN - SEE CULLISON&CO. Second Floor Chamber of .Commerce Do III 'Fanes Canadian Pacific. 89: Union Pacific pre ferred. 73U: Northern Pacific preferred, 72; Grand Trunk.-i: Anaconda. 8H- THE GRAIX MARKETS. Prices for Cereals la Haropcnn and' American Ports. SAN FRANCISCO," June 2S. Wheat Quiet, both on and off calL Barley Quiet. Oats Quiet. Spot quotations were: Wheat Shipping No. V $1 06; choice, $1 0SV4: milling, $1 OS-ffl 10. Barley Feed, CSJigTlUc; brewing, 75 77&C. Oats Gray Oregon. $1 OTgl 10; milling, $1 lOgl 12&; red. $1(31 20. Call board sales Wheat, quiet; Decem ber, $1 12h: cash, $1 C6K. Barley No sales. Corn, large, yellow, $1 15?1 20. Chicago Grain and Produce. CHICAGO, June 23. There are nearly fourhours to the regular sessions of the Board wf Trade, and thoBe hours today were occupied .principally in getting rid of recently acquired wheat. The market opened lower because Liverpool was down, and the long pressure was on the market. Under a demand from Wall street and the Northwest, and some cov ering by shorts the market regained the initial dip, and this and a lot more was lost later. Local longs of the Influential type started the market In Its weakened condition, and simply choked up the open ing through which much high-priced stuff has recently disappeared. Outside longs on. "the decline Joined the ranks of se.llers, and the market became so one-sided that it dropped 4&c, with only momentary checks. The bottom was reached near the end of tho session, and covering by shorts caused a little" recovery, but not suffi cient in amount to relieve the market of the charge of' decided weakness. The August option was the more active, al though July was anything but slow. Au gust closed 3 down at 81. July closed 2 lower, at 80c There were rains iv North Dakota and Manitoba, but private advices from these sections and other parts of the stricken Northwest did not vary much from the recent tone. The Price Current made the total esti mate of crop. Winter and Spring, $50,000. 000 bushels, 200,000.000 bushels of It Spring, compired with Statistician Snow's -estimate of 460,000,000 bushels. It declared that, with the reserve supply, the crop would be equal to the demand, and that the crop yield would be 5 per cent higher than the average for the past five years. However, crop considerations generally were overshadowed by the selling,, which appeared to. be the result of a general desire to get out before the price got any lower. Corn was rather quiet, but, considering the wheat weakness, it was firm. August closed 0bC depressed, at 434;' July closed 4c lower, at 421. Oats were steady early, but yielded some later out of sympathy with wheit. July closed c lower, at 24c Provisions were weak, despite light hog receipts. A drive was made at pork by longs, and the whole list, as usual, suf fered The wheat weakness was a factor In the decline. There was a fair cash demand, but It was not equal to the task of susutalning prices against the Influen tial selling of today. At the bottom the market steadied in covering by shorts. September pork closed 22&c down, and lard and ribs 12c down. The leading futures ranged as follows: YHEAT. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Close June .. Juir - August June .. Julr .. August : I-'--: !-:: I? fOTOH 80 60 bli 42 42 42 424 4254 43V4 244 21 24 25 12 SO 12 00 12 GPA 12 SO GSPA coo 700 705 7 07H 7 074 7 0S 710 7 12V4 7 17ft .. 83 S41i CORN. ,. 42 43U ,. 42H 4314 ,. 43U 43 OATS. Juir .- August 25H 25 25H 20 MESS PORK. July September ..12 75 ..12 00 12 75 12 07 LARD. July 700 702 September ...715 7 20 October 7 17H 7 20 short nina July '715 7 15 September ... 7 22V4 7 25 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. "Wheat No. 3 Spring, 7779c; No. 2 red, S2c Corn No. 2, 42: No. 2 yellow, 4243. Oata No. 2. 2525: No. 2 white, 27U 27: No. 3 white. 227V4. Rye No. 2. 61H- Flaxseed No. 1, Jl 80; No. 1 Northwest em, $1 80. Mess pork Per barrel, $11 5012 63. Lard Per 100 pounds. J6 TT&'&C 90. Short ribs Sides (loose), J6 6g7 20. Shoulders Dry salted (boxed). $6 7507; short clear sides (boxed), $7 407 50. Clover Contract grade, JS. Receipts. Shtpm'ts. Flour, barrels 2.000 Wheat. bu.hels .............. 57.000 15.000 14.000 409.000 107.000 Corn, bushels 452,000 Oats, bushels 270.O00 Rye, bushels 2,000 Barley, bushels 1,000 7,000 On the Produce Exchange today, the butter market was strong. Creameries, 1419c; dairy. 1316Hc. Cheese Steady, SHt9ic Eggs Firm; fresh, lie Xevr Torlc Grain and Produce. NEW YORK, June 2S. Flour Receipts. 17.4m barrels; exports, C5S7; market lower,, without buyers. as further declines aro looked for. Minnesota patents, $4 73 5 15: Winter straights. J3 9034 10. Wheat Receipts, 48,100 bushels; exports, 80,354; spot, weak: No. 2 red. S94c f. o. b.; options opened SS&C elevator. Options snowed further signs of demoralization today, under extensi-e reductions of long accounts, poor support, easier cables, and rains In Manitoba. At the lowest point values were about 8 cents off from top of the year, The market closed weak at 3U3Tsc net decline. July closed at SSSic; September. S5ic; December, 6c Wool Dull. Hops Quiet. Enropean Grain Markets. LONDON. June 2S. Wheat Cargoes on passage, quiet and steady; cargoes No. 1 standard California, 32s; cargoes Walla Walla, 30s Sd; English country markets, firm. LIVERPOOL, June SS. Wheat Dull. Wheat and flour in Paris, steady; French country markets, weak. Wheat Spot dull; Northern mountain. Spring, Gs 7Jd: No. 1 California, 6s 7dtf 6s Sd: futures, firm; July, 6s 4d; Septem ber. 6s 5?4d: December, nominal. Corn Spot American mixed new steady, 4s id; do old. firm. 4s 4d; futures, firra, July. 4s Id; September, 4s 2Hd. SAX FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN rRANCISCO. June 28. Wool Spring Nevada. 13315c; Eastern Oregon. 10915c; Val ley. Oregon. lSl?20c Fall Northern mountain. 10912c; mountain, lambs', 8310c; San Joaquin plains. S3 10c: Humboldt and Mendocino, 139 14c per pound. Hops ISM crop. llCISc per pound. MUlstufts Middlings, $17ff20; bran. 12 500 13 50 per ton. Hay Wheat. I7ST10; wheat and oat, ?0 50 8 50; best barley, 7; alfalfa. 57; stock. $5& 5 60: compressed wheat. $7 5010 50 per ton; straw. 25040c per bale. Potatoes River Bur banks, 35$?G5c; Oregon llurbanks, C5Q$0c per cental; new potatoes, 40 C50c Vegetables Onions, $11'10 per ctl.; garlic, 2Hff3"c per lb.: green peas. 00c?l per sack; string beans. 2934c; dried, okra. 32Hc per pound, asparagus, 1 6031 75 per box; egg plant. 8010c per pound. Citrus fruit Oranges, navels, $2 CO: Mexi can limes, flfM 50; common California lem ons. Jl 2591 50; choice, $22 50 per box. Bananas. Jl 5063 per bunch. Butter ' Fancy creamry, 18 19c; do sec onds, lTVic; fancy dairy. 17c; do seconds, IS fclCtte. Cheese California, new, SHSjOc per pound; Toung America. 9H10c: Eastern. 1C&017C. Eggs-Store. 12H13Hc: fancy ranch. 10i4c; Eastern. 151 54c per dozen. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 910c; do hens. UCtto per paBd; aid roosters, f3 809H J5 Downing, Hopkins & Co, Chicago Board of Trade New York Stock Exchange Room 4, Ground Floor BOTH TELEPHONES TH PORTLAND MINING STOCK EXCHANGE Location: No. 126 First Street OFFICERS AIVD DIRECTORS t " TYLER WOODWARD. Brest. U. S. National Bank. President. L. B: COX, Esq.. Vice-President. J. FRANK WATSON, Prest. Merchants National Bank. Treasurer. P. L. WILLIS. Esq., Secretary. SENECA SMITH, aArrnrT pawtttt RUFUS MALLORY. FRANCIS I. M'JvENNA. SAMUEL CONNELL. - -yv. H. GRINDSTAFF, Registrar of Stocks ond Bonds: Security Savings and Trust Company Cost of Membership $100 Charge for Listing Stocks 30 Dues per Annum (payable quarterly).. 50 P. O. BOX 723. Address. C. L. PARKER, Manager. Every safesrard placed around dealings in this KXCHAXCS. CAPE NOME S. S. NOME CITY, S. S. GEO. W. ELDER Will Sail About June 30th. Special Round-Trip Excursion Tickets Sold on These Elegant Passenger Steamers, S. S. DESPATCH Sails on Her Second Trip About Juiy 10, 1900 This Is .the only exclusive livestock steamer in the Nome trade. Bookings now being made. rOR RATES AKD MKORMATIOIT APFLY T4 CALIFORNIA & OREGON COAST S, S. CO. F. P.. BAUMQARTNCR, Agent, 233 Washlnjjtos St. Mltcbell & Co.. General Affents. Sao Francisco. ' W. A. Pacific Coast ffirW lil For IBfS5a the Cape Nome Gold Fields THE NEW PALATIAL STEEL STEAMSHIP "Senator" will soil from Seattle direct July 8, Aagust 6 and 5eptember 6. The "Senator" has a capacity of 2300 tona. Her second cabin and rteerage accommodations are euperlor to the first-clos accommodations of moot of the steamers advertised for Nome. The Pacific Coaat Steamship Co. has been running Its i teamen. to Alaska winter and sum merfor 25 years, and la the ploneerPaciflc toast line. Seattle freight and passenger rates ap nlv from Portland. For further information inquire of GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. General Agents. 10 Market. San Francisco, or J. dozen; young roosters, 14 50ff5-50; small broil ers, J2ST2 25; large do. 33 50: fryers, $3 60 Qi 60; bens, J4Q-4&0 per dozen; geese, 3101 S3 per pair. Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 20,074 ; wheat, centals, 125,723; barley, centals. 1010; oats, centals. 510; do Oregon, 300; potatoes, sacks, 45S0; bran, eacks, 30; middlings, "sacks, 21; hay, tons, 3S0; wool, bales, 210; hides, 234. IRON AXD , S TEEL Prices Are Demoralised and Far- BBcei Are Closed. " , NEW YORK, June 23. AbcordlDSr to the Iron Age, -In its weekly review of the Iron and steel situation, it is idle to Attempt to disguise the fact that the .eituatlo'n in the. iron trade has been grow ing woreo instead of Detter. That pper, after thua declaring its views, says: The redactions in prices which have thus far been made have not served their purpose In bringing the great body of consumers Into the market. -They con tinue to withhold their orders and it will probably take some definite -developments of a favorable character to Induce the placing of any considerable business. Instead of favorable developments, we have had for some time a succession of unfavorable influences. Among " these, the drought in the Northwest Is just now exerting a particularly distressing effect. If conditions in that section were as they should be at thlsl season, the great im plement manufacturers would undoubted ly have placed orders to cover the ma terial they need In making up Imple ments for next 'year, while other Im portant consumers having considerable outlets In that direction would have un doubtedly been good buyers of iron and steel. A, meeting of leading Iron arid steel makers was Tield in this city on Tuesday and Tvhlle the nominal Plttelburg'-prices of ?20 for Bessemer Iron and &f for Bessemer billets were not changed It 4s noted that the market Is now an open on and that pig iron and steel are both being offered at much- lower prices. The plan of bavinsg a fixed price on pig Iron and steel and then selling at lower prices is not helping the- market, but is hurting It. It is realized that prices on pig Iron, steel and finished products must get down to a solid basis before business will start up. Tho fact must not be' over looked that a restriction of production is taking place, with the possibility that Jn a short time the supply of various kinds of material will be round shdrply1 reduced. It Is estimated tha-t at least 20 blast furnaces making foundry irdn.have been blown out In the post two months. Southern blast furnaces are belnsr banked because of labor troubles, and fear Is expressed that a aatlsfactory arrange ment cannot be made, but that quite a number of funnaces will be compelled to shut down to await a settlement. Ohio and Western Pennsylvania" furnac es are also being blown out or banked because of accumulations of stocks which carmot bo moved. The iallurer to agree on the wage schedule for the coming year In Western rolling mills will cause the closing of a considerable number of establishments of this kind after July L The effect of low prices in plate is seen In the stoppage of a large Western plate mill because of inability to meet present maricoT prices witnout joss. An important development In the metal market has been the sharp advance in the price of pig lead. Two advances have been made during the week, aggregating 10 per ton, presenting a marked con trast to the recont courso In prices hi this commodity. Spelter also manifests an -upward tendency. Eastern Livestock. CHICAGO. June 23. Cattle Receipts. SOOO. Steers, active, strong to 10c higher; butcher stock, steady to strong: natives best on sale today, five cars at $3 60; good to prime steers, medium weights, 10c; heavy. 5 to 10c higher at 55 2035 80; poor to medium, steady to 5c higher, $4 3 5 10; selected feeders, slow. $3 7501 70; mixed stockers, weak, lower, 12 50J?3 70; cows, 2 SOJM -10: heifers, $34 55; can ners. about steady. $22 75; bulls. $2 75 4 50; calves, steady. U 5056 75; Texans. MANHOOD , Wo VltaJlser.theprescriptloaofafamons French physician, will quickly care yon of all nervous or dia-Mcsof the generative organs, such as Xost Manhood, XnooniHlo, .W E aVT nssK ism ,( S, - 0 uK,nrniinai Itspps ail losses by day criilcht. Prpventsqulcknensot discharge, which it not checked leads to Spermatorrhoea and all the horrors of imnotency. CEPIDEXE cleanses the -" Vrf-3JB . . ;c.,iijcfcjuncysna we unnary organs oi au imparities. cuiaOEJJictrenzincns asa restores small wesJc organs. r2?S5?5!Sr,..Baffer.er8r,,olcar?1 bT Doctors Is because iSOpfrcntare troubled with Prostatitis. OUFIDEB the only knorru remrdr to care without nn operation. 000 testimonials. A written caaranteerlven and xnonrr rrtornM If C boxes does not effect a permanent cure. JlXOaboxforMOO, Bysiall. fiend for yitKK circular and testimonials. - - Address DAVOX, S1.DXCIAK C.. p. O. BOX.OTS. San Fraadaco. OL Fer oal by Alfirich Tharrcacy. Sixth and Was hlngton streets. Portland. Or. BROKERS Chamber of Commerce EXCURS Steamship Co. i-ostos. Agent. zn a asnington Portland. Or. receipts. 200; Texas-fed steers, Arm, $4 405 20; Texas grass steers, S3 754 SO; Texas bulls. ?2 75g3 40. Hogs Receipts today, 20,000; tomorrow, 20,000; left pver, 4000: average. 10c higher, top, 5 42"; mixed and butchers, J3 205 40; good to choice, heavy. J5 305 42; rough heavy, $3 153 25; light, ?5 logo 40; bulk of sales. J5 30g5 35. .Sbeep Receipts. 7000. Sheep and lambs, choice, strong to shade, higher, others about steady. Good to choice, wethers, W3i 75; fair to choice mixed. $3 204 15: .Western sheep, J41T4. 75; Texas sheep, $3 30 ?r3 ); native lambs, JSge 20; Western lambs, $5 606 20; Spring lambs. $4 75g6 50. The Metr.l Market. NEW YORK, June 2S. Iron today was even in a worse condition than it has been.' No. 1 Northern was offered at $1S, but found no buyers. Pittsburg reported free offerings of bessemer pig at $19, but, with steel billets -down to $25. bessemer plg Is not worth over J15. English mar kets for Iron were all weak. Tin showed an advance of 4 15s for spot in Loridon, with only small transactions. The local market was firm, but dull, while futures were neglected. The close was quiet at $31 3731 6214 for spot. Copper both here and In London was quiet, clos ing here at $16 50. Lead was, still unset tled, at $4 3234 27. while spelter ruled quiet at $4 20ff4 23. The brokers' price for lead was $4 10, and for copper, $16 25. Bar silver 613c, SAN" FRANCISCO, June 23. Bar silver. 61;6c LONDON,' June 23. Bar silver; 2S 9-lCd. The Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June 23. At the opening of the cotton exchange today, values in Liverpool were 47 points up on near months, but 2Jf3 points off In the remoto options. First sales Indicated an advance of 2.36 points on the old crop and a de cline of 4S points on new-crop cotton here, with a room trade very much at sea as to just which way to turn. A period of liquidation was followed by a perpendicular rise in Liverpool, and tho market closed firm for near months, with June, 47 points j July, 30 points; August and September, 2 points higher; later months, steady at a decline of 56 points. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Ticket Office, 26S Morrison Street, 'Pbose S3-) LEAVE. Xo.4 0:00 P.M. Th Tlyr, dally to an-1 from St. Paul. Minns apollaT Xhiluth, Caloacfi and all points Sast. ARRIVE. Xo.3. 7:00 A yt. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dlninj and BuEet Emoklnc-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP RIOJUN MARU For Japan. China and all Asiatic points win leave Seattle About July 18th. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA. THE COMPACT'S elegant steamers. Queen, Cottage City, City -,of Topeka and AI - Kl leave TACOMA 11 A. M., SE ATTLE Ji P. M., June 4. a. 14. 10. 10. 24, 29; July 1. 4. I). 14, 10, 10. 24. 20. 31; Auff. 3. and every tilth, day there aC.er. For further Informa tion obtain company's folder. The company reserves the right to change steamers, eailln? dates and hours of sal 11ns. without .prsylous notice. AOEXTS N. POSTON, 240 Washington sU Portland. Or.: F. V. CAKLETON. N. P. R. R. Dock. Tacoma; H. H. LLOYD. Puget Sound Supt; C "W. MILLER. Asst. Supt-, Ocean Dock. Seattle. GOODA.1.L. PKRKINS A CO.. Gen. Acts.. S. K. RESTOREDSyESlJE: amissions, .itrrou venule?-, jfimpleft ON PREATNORTHpwl TRAVltLEUS GUISE. Union Depot, Sixth and 3 Street. THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "CHICAGO-PORTLAXD SPECIAL." Leaves for ths East, via Huntington, at 0:13 A ZL-. arrives. 4 P. M. SPOKAXE FLYER, For Spofeane, Eastern VTashtnfcton. and Great Northern points, leaves at G P, 1L; arrive at ATLArfTIC EXPRESS. Leaves for tho East, via Huntincton. at-5 P. it.; arrives at 8:40 Jl. M. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. Water lice cneUule, ubject to chance with our; notice: OCEAX AND RIVEU SCHEDULE. OCEAN ui IMC-N Steamships sail from Alnswortn dock at 8 P. M. Leave Portland Columbia, Pridajr. June 1: Monday, June 11: Thursday. Juna 21; Sunday. July 1: Wednes day. July 11. Stato of California. Wednesday, Juno 0; Saturday. June 1C: Tuesday, June 20; Friday. July C. From San Francisco Leaving Spcar-St. Pier No. 24. San Francisco, at 11 A. M , as follows; State of California. Saturday. June 2; Tues day. June 12; Friday. June 22; Mqnday, July 2; Thursday. July 12. Columbia, Thursday. Juna 7; Sunday. Juna 17; Wednesday. Juno 2i; Saturday, July 7. COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hassalo leave Portland, dally, excep- Sunday, at 8.00 P. M.; on Saturday at 10:00 P. M. Returnlns. leaves Astoria dally. scpt aun day. at 7:CO A. M. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIYISIOS. PORTLAND AND SALEM. OR. Steamer Modoc, for Salem and way points, Ica es Portland Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 0.00 A. M. Returnlns. leaves Salem Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6.0o A. M. YAMHILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DATTON. OB. Steamer Elmore, for Dayton and way points. leaves Portland Tuesdavs. Thursdays and Sat urday at 7 A. 1L Returning, leaves Dayton for Portland and way points Mondays. Wednesday and Fridays at 0 A. M. SXAKE RIVER ROUTE. RIPARIA. WASH.. AND LEWISTON. IDAH' Steamer Spokane or steamer Lewlnton lenv Rlparia dally at 3:35 A. M., arriving at Lewis ton at 3 P. M. Returning, the Spokane or Lenlston leaves Lewiston dally at 0 A. M.. arriving at Rlparia same evening. W. H. HURLBURT. General Passenger Agent. V. A. SCHILLING. City Ticket Acent. Telephone Main 712. 0 Third street, cor. Oak. NewStcamshipLinetotlieOilent CHINA AND JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND. In connectloo with THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1900 (subject to chang): Steamer. Due to Leave Portland. "MONMOUTHSHIRE" June 21 "BKAEMAR" July 13 "ARGYLL" Aug. 5 For rates, accommodations, etc.. apply to DODWELL 4 COMPANY. Limited. General Agents, Portland. Or. To principal points In Japan and China. THE FASTEST AND MOST DIRECT LINE -TO THE- & Blf-rrlttP, The Direct Line to Denver, Omaha.. Kansas City, St Loub Chicago and Other Eastern Points TWO DAILY SOLID VEST1BULED TRAINS. Portland to Chicago Less Than Threa Day. Only Four Days to New York and Boston. Through Palace and Tourist Sleeper. Buffet Ldbrary Cars (Barber Shop) Dining- Cars, (Meals a la cane; .tTee- .tteciin lnp Chair Cars. Through tickets, basgaco checks, and sleeping car accommodations can ba ar ranged at CITY TICKET OFFICE 135 Third Street Portland, Oregos J. H. LOTHROP. GEORGE LANO. 01 Afftav City Pass. Tkt. An. PACIFIC $60 to St.Pau! and return And 65.75 to Kansas City and return, first class, for sale June 29 and 3d. Via Canadian Pacific AND GOOD FOR PASSAGE OX THE imperial . Limited For particulars, call on or -wTlte to H. H. ABBOTT. Aireat. E. J. COTLE. 140 Third St.. Portland. A G. P. A. Vancourer. B. C WHITE COLLAR LINE COLttalBIA RIVER Sc PUOET SOUND NAVJ. CATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. ES BAILEY GATZEKT tAlder-treet dockj Leaves Portland dally eery morning at 7 o'clock, ej-cep Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Orecoa 'phone Main 321. Columbia 'phone 331. U. B. SCOTT. President. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES UNION DEPOT. Tor .Mayrtrs. Rainier, ARRIVES UNION DEPOT. Ciauxanie. Westport. Clifton, storia. war- renton. Flarel. Ham- mond. Fort Stevens, Gfarhart Hark. Salle. Astoria and aeashor Express. Dally. Astorlt i-.xprus. Dally. Seashore Express, Faturday only. 11:10 A. 31 6:55 P. 31. 2:30 P.' 31. 9:40 P. 31. Except Saturday. 'Ticket office. 2T3.lforrl.vra t. end Union dtpot. 3. C UA.TO. Gen. Via. Agt. Astoria. Or. EASTANDSOUTHtAST 15 THE wirr " R - U " 51 .iS&-il ""f TRAVELERS GUIDE. EAST SOUTH Leave De?!nf:a3i! Strtets Arrlv OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS for Salsa. Rose burr. Ashland. Sac ramento, Ofilen. San Francisco, Mo jave. Los Angeles, 1 Paso, New Or leans and the Eaat At "WToodoura (dally except Sun day), mornlnjc train connects with train for lit. Angel. 511 v e r t o n, Browns ville. Sprlnsartd and Natron, aa-i evenlnc train for Mt. An eel and 31. erton. Albany jiascnscr Corvallb pasenger Sheridan paaoenjeer S-30 P. M. 3:30 A. M. 7:3 A.! (pJ( SUNEET -n Un Rarres JOj C:20 P. it 'St 10:10A.SI- M:C0 17:30 J4:50 P. 21. A. M. P. II. L?.asir I J3:23.Ai "H Dallr. JDaUy except Bunday. , Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sac ramento and San Francisco. Ket ratca S17 arst class and $11 second clas-.. nicluains sleeper. Rates ard tlcVetd to i-ttstern point and Eu-"iW'--A11?0. JAPAN. CMlfA. Ho.SOLULU an4 IvIUKLAND. Ticket Ajrent. UJ Third U TAMHILL DInsiON. PassenRtr Depot. foJt of JetTenion Street. LeaVS for Gwrr i!iii!- ,i .ft lAun k . 12:J0. 1.63, 3 25. 4. 40. o.2S. b.'ju,' llij P. M.; and 0:00 A. L .n faur.days onry. -VrrtTa at Portland dally at i5.33. sao. 10 00 A. M.r la, 3.10, 4UK), U.15. 7.40. 10.00 P. M...I2HU A It. dalo. except ilonuay. S:C( and 1O.05 A. M. on Sundays only. . iaIe for Dallas dally, excep't Simday. at 5.06 P. 1L Arrive at Ptland at 0.3O A. -M. Paasenrer train le&iet, Daj for Alrlte Man aajii. Wednesdajs and Frldas at 2.45 P. JL Returns Tuesia-3. Thursdajs and Saturday Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER.. Manncer. C. IL MARKHAJt Gen. Krt. & Pass. Alt. DOUBLE DAILY TRAIA SEUYICK. The Pioneer Dlninsr and. Obacrvatlem Car Itoute. I'oloa Depot, Gth anl J Sts No. 2 2 P.M. North Coast Limited. No.1 7 A.M. ror Aaconia. s'-atu. i Vnrth VnVlmo A.-.- kane, Pullman. Mos cow. Lewiston". Rosj land. B. C. Buttn, Helena, St. Paul. Mm- ton. New 3"or"t and all) points East and South-' eai. No. 4 1130P.H Twin City Express, for Tacoma. Seattle-, Spo No. 3 sv. at kane. Helena. - Butte. 8U Paul. ChUaso. Bos ton, New York. Omaha. Kansas City. Council j Bluff. St. Louis, and all points east and! 'southeast. i Through train service via Northern Pacific and Burlington line rrom Portland to Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louts. Quick time and un CQualed accommodations. lake North Coast Limited Train INo. 2 for South Bend. Olympla and Gray"? Bar Dor points. P tha North Coast Limited. Elegant Up holstered Tourist Sloping Cars, Pullman Standard Sleepers, Dinlns Car and Observa tion Car, all electric lighted. Solid vestibuled trains. Tickets sold to all point? In the United Stale and Canada, and baggago checked to destination of tickets. For information, ticket, sleeping-car reser vations, etc.. call on or. write . i A. D. CHARLTON - Assistant General Passenger Asent, 2S3 aiorrlRon St.. Cor. Tlilrd, Portland, Oregon. . ' " i GO EAST VIA ON THE FAMOUS "Portland-Chicago Special" OR THE "OVERLAND LIMITED" The only trains running through, solid Iron) Portland and Chicago. Every car illuminated with Plntsch gas. Two trains dally. Dlninsr Cars. Service a la Cnrte. Library-Buffet Smoking Cars. Palace and. Ordinary Sleeping: Cars Free Recllnins? Chair Cars. Leaves. 0tl5 A.M.... 0:00 P. M... Arrtvesv po rtlan d;;.s:4o rSL" CITY TICKET OFFICE 142 Third St. Phone Main 585 W. E. COMAN. General Azeni. F. R. OLIN. City Tlcktt Aft. The Favorite Trans-Pacific Passenrfer Steamer " TACOMA " Will Sail From Tacoma on or About JUNE 30TH, for CAPE NO Calling at Dutch Harbor. For passenger and freight reservations p plr to LouWKLL & COMPANY. Ltd.. Telephone Mole 90. 252 Oak t. Empire Lme for Cape Nome And Yukon River Points 5. S. ''OHIO," 3500 Tons Sails from Seattle , on or about June 30 Reservations can now bo raada upon appltc tion to any railroad or sub-agent -o the inter national Navigation Company, or .to EMPIRE TIIAXSPOUTATIOX CO... SEATTLE. WASH. -MiDY These thy Capjuloa are superior to Balsam of Copaiba, CubcbsorlnfectionsandlMJfj CURE IM48 H0URS3 the same diseases without! inconvenience Sold by all t?.-uzitts. -, : --' Kl Vr-