Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 29, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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(Copyright. 1000, by Seymour Eaton.)
At the beginning of this century educa
tion was well estabLshed In the heaits
and convictions of the American peou.e.
There were 24 colleges In the countiy
flve Congregational, two Presbytciian.
three Episcopalian, one Baptist, one Catn
ollc and 12 nonecctanan. The most west
ern was the state Institution at Nash
ville. In nearly all the ii-uropcan col
leges state systems were developed, but
otato RiiTwrvision wncxe it had been ir.eo.
eupcrvlslon was unknow
state superv s.a .. -- -- - , raerCc and courscs ln apcclal schools are
had generally been a lal lure. g I now at ,east beEinnIn- 0 ?rCpare for al
r.itnervlslon was unknown, i he monitorial o . .,.. ,t.
,ion was """" ."" ...most every human occupatlou Involving
sjstem of ueu ana wki - -;
tractlng attention, hsgiur eaucauun
women ma cot exisi. ""-"''" ,
cchooiing extended lino me lte"7 ""L i
'irane niiHiiu
cd private schools ana .sem.narics u - .
verj primitive and inadequat. type. . iiie ,
niwtlnn of training teachers Was almost
" i....Un1 froln.
as Utile known as were yij -" "";
ing and school l.ygiex.e. The text-book
of the period were few. and reaalng lor
children was meager and ma.nly leilgiou.
There were practically no associations of
teachers. High schoot work was feebly
represented by the local or prhatc acid
emies. The country district school rep
resented for the great body of the popu
lation our educational system. Generally
'taught in the "Winter by men. and ln the
'Summer, when the older children we-e
needed at home, by women, It was attend
ed by children and youth up to the age
Of U. The work was ungraded and all
done by one tcicher The rtudic? began
with the alphabet and primer, rnd In
cluded sometimes even astronomy and
surveying. Grammar was taught usually
by parring standard works of ioctry ln
'Eng.ish literature, like "Piradl.e Lost
or Pope's "Essay" Declamation and
sometimes debates, especially ln evening
spelling schools, were very prominent.
Evening lessons on the constellations, col
lection and analysis of plants, elementary
anatomy and physiology, singing and in
struction In Latin were occasion illy given
in the district school. Most of those who
sought a higher educit'on were on the
way to the ministry. The Ideals which
sustained and cnlmaiod educxtion wer
chiefly those of good citizenship. Sunday
school, work was largely catechetical for
the yo -nger and b b leal for the older
In turning from thin general condition
of things a century ngo tD the present, the
changei are bew-'ld rlnr. Pe haps th
first of all is the growth ln numbers, slz"
and material equlpm-nt. Now there are
4090 leachers and 15.00) C00 pup'l". and
the school expenditure has grown to J20
OOD.COO. School buUdlng-s have vistly Im
proved. Especially within the last few
years there has been a great renaissance
in high rchoo! buildings. In many places
these ample and tasteful structures are
the best and most costly buildings in the
town Attendance for a compulsory pe
riod Is enforced in most communities by
truant laws and In some by truant ottl
cers. All this growth in bigness and
numbers appeals powerfully to the aver
age American mind. Along with this the
sentiment on which education rests has
strengthened and deepened. Perhaps on
no great topic Is there such a universal
consensus as in the belief ln the public
school system, and at the close of the cen
tury this conviction shows no sign of
One of the earliest movements which
marked the advent of the century was the
development of centralising tendencies.
the dangers of which had been well dis
cussed in the constitutional debates. In
1805 the Public School Society of New
Tork was formd. but not until two or
three decades Wer was there any. great
advancement ln supervision. Now not
only every state and city hns Its super
intendent, but In many pirts of the coun
try the smaller towns are grouped for this
purpose. Although still ln'many places a
political office, the benefits of supervision
have been incalculable in educating teach
ers, bringing uniformity into methods,
securing co-operation between home and
the school, etc. Already there are mani
fest tendencies toward miking this of
fice mere and more a profession with all
that that term implies.
At the beginning of the century teach
ers were isolated, but under the influence
of Horace Mann, in the MOs and '50s, as
sociations, state and municipal, and final
ly Nitional, have arisen, which bring
teachers together for exchange of Ideas,
give them an esprit de corps, enable them
to listen to the best and latest facts and
suggestions of lenders, besides providing
healthful and needed recreation. It is to
be regretted that a few of our state
bodies, and oven the National association,
while perfecting their organisations and
drawing great numbers of teachers, show
signs of manipulation by educational ma
chine men which makes them less attrac
tive to academic leaders and does not ex
clude second-rate, commonplace pro
grammes. But this danger enn nei'er go
far enough o work great harm with such
teachers as frequent these meetings.
Professional training has grown stead
ily, especially since the normal school pe
riod. Just before the middle of the cen
tury. More recently pedagogical depart
ments ln colleges and universities have
contributed to raise the professional
standing of the teacher's work. Normal
instruction gravitates by an iron law to
ward formalism and excessive method
ology, but for those who study tendencies
in a large way, these dangers are trivial
and temporary. Even those who Insist
most strongly upon the necessity of radi
cal reform ln normal work do not for a
moment question the great value of these
institutions, even at their worst. "We can
hardly doubt that the close of another
century will sec education a profession
which will rank as high as any in the
quality and amount of special training re
quired. The public sentiment, which
doubted 50 years ago that Increased effi
ciency could be thus secured, has now
practically vanished.
The matter of education has chan? I.
The three R's are reduced to very modst
dimensions during the first years, and a
bewildering multiplicity of other topics.
If they have not already entered the
schoolroom, are knocking at the door.
For the upper grades, even through the
college and university, this is still more
the case. The general feature of this
change Is the growth of science. Rudi
mentary physics ln the form of natural
philosophy was taught it the beginning of
the century, but chemistry, biology, geol
ogy, meteorology and botany 3re essen
tially creations of the present century,
and involve radical changes, not only
of matter, but of method. Owing to this
marvelous expansion of the field of edu
cation, the elective system, which Thomas
Jefferson had incorporated in the Univer
sity of Virginia eirly In the century, has
been modified end amplified so that now
the elective system ln college, high, and
occasionally grammar school. Is rapidly
breaking down all trace of the old-fashioned
courses. In their place we find man
ifold groups and curricula, and nearly
two-score new academic degrees ln which
Latin and Greek are not required. In
place of the old uniformity we find a di
versity that fits every Individual need,
taste and capacity, thus making the
school a life and career-saving station for
many a boy whose special gifts were not
only undiscovered but suppressed by the
old procrustean method.
This has necessarily Involved more care
ful scrutiny of different tastes and gifts
and the wlaest individual diversity has
been found. Those who excel in one kind
of work arc usually deficient In others,
hence grading cannot be uniform and edu.
cation must give more and more place to
individual methods as befits a republic
This again has led to the study of inter-
cats which rp wr r Hjauucsmuon oj.
talent, and all these tendencies lead to
and culminate in child study, which. In
japutudes. The greater the talent the ear- .
lier It appears, and It W well that the elec-
Jtlve system is s.owiy wokIoj, Us .r !
sists upon a definite turve of healtU and.
' downward to lower gfaA s and nccesslta- ,
ting more individual psyiOiology. Tech-
nlcal and industrial education Is mainly
the product of the last twtr or three de- '
cades of the Inst century. The active
powers are enlisted and muscle work Is
recognized as never bofore; sven athletic
excesses are tolerated, because It Is felt
that thus certain insidious temptations
of youth are best safeguarded, and the
best physical basis for the Inter stages
of mental development are given. Prac
tical training bnngs the school into closer
rapport with manufacture, tride and com-
either skill or knowledge.
Reading for children was vqry limited
and chleilr relluious 103 year.; ago. and
now child libraries and courses of rcidln
abound On the wnole the
qualIty or these works js impro'.irg. Most
. .. nt lltonn- .1?nr: nf t h- irorlil
" "
from antiquity down are now popularised
for cnlldren, and occasionally lntroauccu
in supplementary courses. "While excess
here is possible and an overbooklsh child
is always more or less monstrous, this
tendency, too, is essentlal.y good.
At the bottom of the educational system I
the kindergarten has lately presented It- '
seif, and in some places has been lncor- ,
porated as a part of the public school I
system. Rightly understood and earned
out. It Is a most valuable addition, but
the better tendency now Is to keep It
waiting until It has been rescued from
metiphysics and "made, first, more health
ful, and, second, more natural.
One of the most Important movements
which this century has witnessed Is the
development of higher education for wo
men. Formerly excluded from all the col
leges, they are now admitted n most col
leges and universities of the world as a
late woman's Minerva shows. Colleges
exclusively for women of a grade of work
coual to those for men have been estib- 1
llshed at various points, and no ambltiou
girl can complain that her educational
privileges are not now essentially as good
as thore tor men Just what the result of
higher education for women is to be the
future must determine. "Whether collegi
ate work is especially to train teachers
and the unmarried minority who desire
to earn their own livelihood, or whether
such training is to be mainly for mothers
a'nd wives, is not yet apparent.
In place of the 24 colleges of 16S0. we now
have nearly 43o, Including those of all
ranks which claim the name or give de
grees The most important group ot these
new Institutions' are tho state universi
ties, the best of which are already power
ful rivals of the Institutions best en
dowed. These Institutions nourish espe
cially in territory not settled or even
owned by the Government a century ago.
The distinctively university movement
which seeks to add a higher story to our
educational system, has grown up within
the last 25 years. At a dozen or more
centers now preparation for the chief uni
versity degree of Ph. D. is given, and
there are two institutions which have even
dispensed with all undergraduate work.
This culture of nonprofessional speciali
zation or the home training of professors
Is a movement that appeals very strongly
to the National pride, which does not
wish to see the apex of our educational
system In Germany or elsewhere ln Eu
rope, and to the personal pride of the pro
cessor who wishes It understood that ho
can guide graduate as well as undergradu
ate work. University students have for
several years co-operated, first, ln annual
meetings; second, in the publication of a
handbook; and the present year has seen
the first association of representatives ot
American universities.
Finally, professional training has been
radically modified. Most noteworthy are
the changes in medicine, represented now
by some threescore Institutions, not moro
than three or four of which have much
endowment. Law schools, most of which
still labor under very great dLiadvantages
and are struggling with poverty, have
nevertheless Improved and prolonged thflr
courses. Theological schools, which are
the oldest, have, nevertheless, expanded
their curriculum and increased their ef
ficiency, especially In the study of an
tiquities and sociology.
On the whole, probably no aspect of
our National life can pret-cnt a record of
progress greater or more Impressive than
that of education. More Important than
any of the individual changes enumerat
ed Is the growing desire overywhero to
secure and wield the power of knowledge.
Children are sent to school earlier; youth
linger later In post-graduate courses; all
work harder than ever, and perhaps tho
one chief source of solicitude as we sur
vey the progress of the century is the
suggestion whatwould be the result of st
much sedentary book work, such strain
upon eyes, brain and hands under arti
ficial conditions, which bring youth dur
ing all the years of its Immaturity into
conditions so radically different from any
which the race has known before, should
gradually work toward the deterioration
of National life? "What If we are laying
the foundations not for the Dark Ages
again, but for a new sickly age of the
race? Tot here again the new attention
to hygiene and all the different forms ot
motor education bid us hope.
Clark University.
The Question "What Vote In Xecefe-
nary to Carry Them.
PORTLAND, June 2S. (To the Editor.)
As you are not content with your tem
porary victory over the equal suffrage
amendment, which, ln spite of the most
unfair, uncandld and powerful fight of
The Oregonlan, before which the liberty
loving women of the state stood ballot
less and defenseless, and now that we
have received, ln spite of the awful odds
against us. over 4S per cent of the vote
cast on the amendment, you have sprung,
as you think, another lock, to make your
fiat final, I beg leave, even though you
think freedom for woman Is burled, to
take Issue with you on a question of fun
damental law.
"When our equal suffrage amendment
was about to be voted on ln 1SS4. I went,
obedient to the suggestion of our noble
advocate, the late-lamented Senatoh
Dolph, to see Judge M. P. Deady. father
of the state constitution, for which you
profess so much reverence, and sought his
opinion upon the very point you now
raise, as to what constitutes a constitu
tional majority vote. I took with me u
copy of the "Organic and Other General
Laws of Oregon." and asked Judge Deady
to underscore for me such parts ot the
constitution as, in his opinion, bore upon
the adoption of the amendment then pend
ing. The Judge was then ln his prime;
and, like most of the prominent men I
knew believed In the Justice of the en
franchisement of women. In fact, the
majority eh the original makers and sign
ers of the constitution assisted me from
the very beginning of my arduous work,
a number of whom are still living. Never
can I forget the masterly aid In the early
days of my public efforts to secure for
women the equality before the law, which,
alas! we are still seeking, of such men
as John Kelsay, J. IC. Kelly, A. L. Love
Joy, "W. A. Starkweather, Cyrus 01ne,
John "W. "Watts, Matthew P. Deady,
Stephen F. Chndwick. S. B. Hcndershott.
William H. Watkins. Luther Elkins, I.
R. Moores. W. W. Bristow. E. Hoult,
John C. Peebles. H. B. Nichols. S. J
I McCormick. Richard Miller, Reuben P.
i xvis?f tenjuuu ;, .purp, vc?se ppie-
sate. B. D. Shattuck. J. R. McBrldo. K.
V. Short. R. C. Kinney and TV. Oldi A
number of these makers of fundamental
law are still In the body, and can speak
for themselves, though many have crossed
to the silent shore, and can no longer
raise their voices in behalf of liberty,
equality and justice for the mothers of
men. Of the other men. whose names
were affixed to this lnrument. several
were dead before my public day; for I
??' La Is movement
ubl,c ?" "J?1 spent, ne?
' d:7ted ' and f?nd
before the
early 2J years
mother ot
cmiaren: so i never unew tnem au:
ou """f" "aiae3 arc ? "",.? .
yi ? tha my acquaintance with the
original makers of the constitution Is.
pari laps, equal to your own.
"W hen I went to see Judge Deady, ln
tl.Ne Spring of ISSi, to get his opinion be
fo'eliand. on the constitutional question
yoi" : low raise, I carried with me, as be
fore stated, a copy of the cede, as com
piled and annotated by himself. The
grea; Jurist took the volume from my
hand -and, turning to article IT, under
score!, with his own pencil, these lines,
beginiUtg after providing for tho submis
sion oik amendments, "then it shall be the
duty of the Legislative Assembly to sub
mit sue a amendment, or amendments, to
the electors of the state ... and if a
majority of the said electors shall ratify
the samtv such amendment or amend
ments shalll become a part of this consti
tution." "What is meant by electors ln this con
nection? 1 asked, earnestly. Judge
Deady turned the pasc to section 3, of
.article IS, ay;ng, as he again used his
pencil: "It Is a rule of common law that
the same process that adopts a constl-
I tutlon can be used to amend or annul It.
Blackstone says that whenever there Is
doubt as to the proper Interpretation of
any question of fundamental law, the de-
clslon must always be upon the side of
tho largest liberty."
Then he gave me back the book, which,
ru tho question has never until now been
r.-s'sed, has lain unopened for over 16
years, and now comes to light, with
the marker placed in It by his own hands,
like a. revelation from the land of souls.
Tae section, as untlerscored by Judge
Deady, reads as follows: "Section 3. It
a majority of all the votes shall be given
for the constitution, then this constitu
tion shrcil be deemed to be approved and
! accepted by the electors of the state;
and If a majority of such votes shall be
given against the constitution, then the
constitution shall be deemed to be re
jected by tho electors of the state, and
shall be vol.1."
The constitutions of Idaho and Colorado
are similar to ours (or. rather, yours,
since women are denied one); and in both
of those states women were enfranchised
by a majority of all the votes cast upon
the amendment, the Supreme Court of
Idaho making a special ruling to that
effect to prevent the possibility of fu
ture litigation over votes cast by the
women, whom the majority vote cast
upon the amendment had enfranchised.
A report of a conversation with Judge
Deady settles nothing. Nor the vague
opinion he is said to have given on this
point. The Constitution of Oregon is
very largely a copy of that of Indiana.
This particular article as to amendments
is a verbatim copy. Quest'on arose In
Indiana on the precise point now raised
here. It was claimed that a majority of
the votes thrown on an amendment given
In the affirmative would suffice to carry
it. This was denied, and It was assert
ed that a majority of all the votes thrown
ln the election when the amendment was
oted on was necessary. The Supreme
Court of Indiana examined the whole sub
ject very carefully, and decided that tho
amendment, though it had received a ma
jority of the votes specifically cast on
that proposition, had mot carried, because
the Constitution required a majority ct
the electors that Is. a majority of the
votes cast at the general election. OC
course, as there was no affirmative ma
jority for anyone of the proposed amend
ments voted on In our recent election,
the question raised ln Indiana cannot
now be raised here The Indiana case Is
the leading one on this subject, and
courts have never failed to follow It. It
is exactly In point for our state, for th
Constitution of Oregon is here an exact
copy of that of Indiana. It may be said
that our Supreme Court need not follow
the Indiana precedent unless It should
choose to do so; but the same conditions,
facts, reasonings, precedents and lines
of historical Interpretation that led to
the Indiana decision, together with the
conclusions, the decision Itself and.
other decisions that have followed, might
be expected to have weight with the Su
preme Court of Oregon. Hence lawyers
who have looked Into the subject are
unanimously of the opinion that a ma
jority of the votes cast In a general elec
tion are necessary to carry an amend
ment to our Constitution. This was urged
by lawyers in letters to The Oregonlan,
. written ln support of one amendment or
, another before the recent election.
Real Estate Transfers.
Sheriff for S. McFall et aL to Trus
tees Baotlst College, McMlnnvllle.
lot 7. block 25; lots 5. 6, block 62;
lots 3 to IC Inclusive, block 63; lots
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. block 80; lots 5. 6.
block 81: lots C, 8, 8, 12. 13, block
S3; lot 7. block 101: lots S, 9, 10,
11. block 102; lots 5, 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. U,
block 104; lots a. C. 7. 8. 9. 10. lL
block 105. Sell wood. May 2S 4,000 .
tranKiin uuiiaing & ian Associa
tion to Sebastian Natches. west
70 fot lots 5. C, block 70, Caruth
er's Addition to Caruther's Addi
tion, June 27 900(1
Multnomah Real Estate Association
to William T. Willis, lots 16, 17,
18. 19, block 20. Willamette Addi
tion. June 2S 1,600'
Minnie Osmund to Alexander Os
mund, lots 18, 19, block 20. Albino,
June 7 1
Percy H. Blvth to Augusta A. Lam
bert. S5xl00. Columbia and Four
teenth streets. June 27 1,750
Susanna Schmidt and Louis Schmidt
to Nell O. Hare and wife, undi
vided Vt of lots 4, 5. block 1. Bren
dlc's Addition to Alblna. June 25.. 10
Mary A. Morrill and Roscoe R. Mor
rill to George N. Hange, tract of
land. Gideon and Mary Tlbbetts
donation land claim. East Sixth
and East Seventh streets. June 27 3,000
Harry C. Johnson and wife to G.
W. Shaver, north Vt of lot 103. sec
tion 7. Rlvervlew cemetery. June 7 1
A. T. Thayer to O. L. Warden, lots
26. 28. 30. 32. 34. 26. block 2L Irving
ton Park. April 27 900
Elizabeth Ryan to Trving Real Es
tate Company. S7.5CS square feet.
beginning at the southeast corner
of tho Irving dock. June 16 10,000
Charles J. Llttlopage to Rosa M.
Llttlepage. south y of southeast 4
of section 25. T.. 1 N., R. 4 E..
June 27 1
Ellen Grover to Mary George, lot's
5. 6. block 19. North Alblna. June 2S 1.B00
Mary George to Jacob George, same.
June 2S ? 1
Balldlns? Permit.
A. Colson. two-story dwelling. Fourth
street, between Everett and Davis, $1200.
June 24. Emma Golden, age 31 years.
Villa House; stab wound In heart (mur
der). Junet27. Mary E. Gray, age 21 years, 761
Second street; peritonitis.
Mnrrlnpce License.
C A. Fugler. aged 25, San Francisco,
CaL, and Emma D. Dryant. aged 25.
June 25, girl to the wife of James E.
Knight. 267 Union avenue
Contagion Diseases.
Harry Allen, age ? yearSf SellFOOd;
Carlisle City Cleared Yesterday
Potter Makes FIrat Seaside
Trip Tomorrow.
The steamship Carlisle City, the third
1 vcssel-of a quartet'of big Oriental liners
which were loading at Portland this
.week, cleared yesterday for Hong Kong
and way ports with an assorted cargo of
flour, lumber and beer from Portland
and a lot of miscellaneous freight from
San Diego and San Francisco. The Car
lisle City Is one of the California and
Oriental Steamship Company's regular
liners, and came to Portland to finish off
her cargo, and will sail direct to the Ori
ent .from this port. She loaded at this
port ,for Hong Kong 00C3 barrels of flour,
C03.e22' feet of lumber. 500 barrels and 1S5
cases of beer. For Y.okohama there was
12-11 barrels of flour, and Kobe and Ma
nila were eai-h scheduled for 500 barrels
making1 the total shipment KOI barrels.
Dodwell's Oriental liner, Monmouth
shire, which arrived a few days ahead of
the CarlLsle City, sailed from Astoria yes
terday afternoon.
Of the two other big steamships which
were loading at Portland docks early this
week, the Inverness sailed Tuesday and
the Lennox: is still receiving freight. In !
addition to her animal cargo, she will I
tane many 5000 bales of hay, and about
6000 socks of oats. She will get away ln
a few days. There Is not very much
noise made over Portland's steamship
business with the Orient, but last Sunday
morning there were four 'steamships re
ceiving freight at this port for the far
East. They were not small steamers,
either, as the following dimensions will
Length. Registered
feet. tons.
Lennox 552.6 3677
Inverness 34S 3410
Monmouthshire 314 2Si4
Carlisle City 345 0002
Biff Side-TVheelcr Will Make Her
First Tarlp to the Sen.iltore.
The O. R. & N. Co.'s elegant side
wheeler T. J. Potter, starts on the initial
trip of the season to Ilwaco. at 1 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon, and -from present
appearances she will open the season
with a full crowd of passengers.
The beach is a favorite place
for a great many people whose
patriotism does not display Itself
in the form of noise and fireworks, and
they will avail themselves of the oppor
tunity to spend a quiet Fourth y the
seashore. The Potter will again be ln
command of Captain Jospeh Turner, who
made a good record with the boat last
Summer, and Is very popular with the
traveling public who visit the beaches.
Other officers on tho steamer will be.
Chief engineer. Phil Cairns; pilot. Julius
Allyn; purser, "W. J. Eshenbaugh; first
officer, J. Oliver; steward, Peter Maher.
Collision With the Dock at Tacoma
Bends Her Plates.
TACOMA, Wash., June 28. Examina
tion today of the damages received by the
torpedo boat destroyer Uoldsborough, In
collision with the dock In this city Tues
day afternoon, show they are more ex
tensive than at first supposed. There is
a heavy dent along the starboard bow
for a distance of 30 feet. All damaged
plates will have to be removed. An ef
fort will be made to maxe repairs with
out putting the vessel on the drydock,
the most of the damage being above the
water mark.
Steamboat Inspectors Bn.iy.
Steamboat Inspectors Edwards and
Fuller are kept quite busy at the present
time looking after the 'fleet ln this vi
cinity. They Inspected the steamer Ju
neau Wednesday and the Iralda yester
day, and today will perform a similar
service for the Oswego. Next Monday
they will inspect the Pomona, and on
July 6 will leave for Yaqutna, eSluslaw
and Coos Bay to Inspect a number of
boats at those points.
To Be Launched Saturday.
The' new steam schooner which Joseph
Supple has been building for the Tilla
mook route will be launched tomorrow
afternoon. The new craft will be chris
tened the Sue II. Elmbore ln honor of
the daughter of one of the owners. After
the launch, the vessel will be towed to
the Willamette Iron Works where her
machinery will be put In. It is expected
to have the vessel ready for service by
August L
The Andellna "Wre"clc.
TAOOMA, June 2S. The buoy which has
been attached to the wreck of the Ande
lani for nearly two years broke away
last night, and today there Is nothing
left to mark the spot where the ship lies.
It Is rumored a new company will short
ly begin work ln an attempt to raise her,
but it is doubtful if the attempt will be
Domestic and Forelfrn Ports.
ASTORIA, June 2S. Sailed At 1:30 P.
M. British steamship Monmouthshire for
Hong Kong- and way ports. Condition of
the bar at 5 P. M. smooth, wind south,
weather clear.
San Francisco, June 28. Arrived
Schooner General Banning, from Gray's
Harbor; ship May Flint, Seattle; steamer
Portland, Cape Nome. Sailed Schooner
Marlon, for Gray's Harbor; schooner J.
A. Garfield, for Coos Bay; steamer Titan
la for Nanalmo.
Port Los Angeles Arrived June 27
Steamer Mlneola. from Nanalmo.
Honolulu, Sailed June 15 Bark Ivanhoe,
for Puget Sound.
Seattle, Sailed Steamer Jtuth for Skag
way; steamer Rosalie, for Skagway.
Hong Kong, Sailed June 26 Steamer
Braemer, for Oregon.
Queenstown, June 2S. Sailed Oceanic,
from Liverpool, for New York; Belgen
land, from Liverpool, for Philadelphia.
Glasgow, June 2S. Arrived Sardinian,
from New York.
Hamburg, June 28. Arrived Palatia,
from New York.
Queenstown, June 23. Arrived New
England, from Boston, for Liverpool.
Naples, Arrived June 27 Victoria, from
Palermo, for New York; Ems, from New
York, and sailed lor Genoa.
Liverpool, June 23. Arrived Irishman,
from Boston.
Bremen. -June 28. Arrived Kalserin
Maria Theresa, from New York.
Hoquiam, Wash., Sailed June 23 Ship
Azella. from Aberdeen for Honolulu;
ship Guide, from Aberdeen. Tor San Fran
cisco. Sailed June 26 steamer Newburg,
from Aberdeen, for San Francisco;
steamer Coquille River, from Hoquiam,
for San Francisco.
New York, June 28. Sailed Karamanla,
for Leghorn and Marseilles.
Liverpool. June 2S. Arrived New Eng
land, from Boston.
London. June 23. Sailed Mcsaba, for
New York.
Glasgow, June 2S. Sailed Gloster and
Laurentian. for New York.
Lizard. June 29. Passed La Cham;
pagne, from 2Cew York for Havre.
Plymouth, June 2S. Arrived Auguste
Victoria, from New York for Hamburg,
and proceeded.
NEW YORK. June 28. Northwestern
oeonle reclstcred at New York hotels to
dav as follows:
From Tacoma D. Strong, at the Grand
From Dallas. Or. C. H. Carter, at the
Herald Square. -
From North Yakima WXL. Jones and
wife, and Miss T. Terrell, at the' Imperial.
The Crisis Believed to 'Be Nearly
NEW YORK, June 2S. A dispatch to
the Tribune from London says:
The situation in Cnina js slowly
but surely. The losses and dangers of the
foreigners ln Tien Tsln are ndw knovtn
to have been grossly exaggerated by tne
rumor-mongers. There has been no mas
sacre of foreigners. The casualties havs
been few and damage to property hod
been slight.
Dispatches received from Shanghai and
Che Foo agree ln minimizing the peril
to which tne foreign quarter had been
exposed, and a European who has reached
the coast from Tien Tsln reports there
had been tragedy there, but no approach
lo massacre. The relief column which
entered Tien Tsln Saturday met little re
sistance. The Russian losses are report
ed as four killed and 20 wounded, and
casualties of other detachments were
Admiral Seymour's mixed force, which
was retreating toward Tien Tsln. does
not appear to have been In so desperate
a plight as the earliest and most sensa
tional dlspatcnes made out. and on bun
day It was only three hours' march from
the city. The details of the rescue of
this force by a relief column 2000 strong
are still lacking, but the return of the
entire body to Tien Tsln is a foregone
The safety of the foreign legations is
assured. The foreigners with their own
guards were conducted out of the capital
and placed under the protection of Sey
mour's force, which retired slowly toward
Tien Tsln with Its sick and wounded.
The column was harassed by Chinese
mobs and compelled to move slowly, but
apart from the difficulty of securing sup
plies, It does not appear to have been in
serious danger, much less ln great ex
tremity. It now seems probable that with the
10,000 troops, including the Japanese, be
tween Taku and Tien Tsln, Pekln can be
approached with little difficulty within
a few days, and members of the lega
tions reinstated in their quarters. This
may be an optimistic view, but the situ
ation has improved so rapidly during the
last 4S hours that the collapse of the
entire Boxer movement within a week is
now a forecast by well-informed men.
The optimists are probably over-san-gulnc.
Just as the croakers have been
unduly alarmed, but the Improvement ln
the situation is unmistakable.
Information was not definite at mid
night, but there was a general feeling
among those "watching events ln the far
East that there had been no catastrophe
and that the crisis had been passed.
When Seymour's force Is rescued, diplo
macy will come in. Russia and Japan
will have troops on the ground, and It
will not be easy to bring about their exit;
but there will be a diplomatic situation
ln place of a crisis in Asian affairs, with
China at .war with Christendom.
Trouble Over Assassination of Cab
inet Ministers.
VANCOUVER. B. C, June 28. Accord
ing to Oriental advices, the Japanese
Government Is very angry at the secret
execution of General An Kyeng Su and
Kwon Young Chin, Ex-Cabinet Min
isters of the Corean Government, and
leaders of the progressive party, who
were privately strangled ln the Seoul
prison as traitors on the night of May
27. Both were concerned ln the plot
which culminated in the assassination of
Queen Mln at Seoul ln 1S95.
For the past four years they had been
refugees ln Japan and who had returned
to Corea under the protection of the Jap
anese Minister. Despite this chaperonage,
they were tortured into making a full
confession, were then beaten and
strangled and their bodies exposed
as traitors at the big bell and
afterward drawn and quartered. The
Japanese Minister tried to prevent the
execution, but was refused audience with
the Corean King on account of the Iat
ter's alleged Illness.
All of the Corean officers connected
with the death of Kwon and An have,
been sentenced to transportation and
have already been sent into exile, the
latter proceeding" being an attempt on
the part of the Corean King to appease
the Japanese Government, which had de
mandede an explanation from Corea. This
explanation has been tendered by the
Corean Minister of Foreign Affairs, but
Is not satisfactory to Japan.
The Japanese Journalists who published
an objectionable article concerning the
Crown Prince and his bride have paid
dearly for their folly. The Toklo local
court rejected the plea of Insanity set
up on behalf of the editor and sen
tenced him to three and a half years'
Imprisonment with hard labor and a fine
of 120 yen, as well as police surveillance
for one year. Morlta, who copied the ar
ticle, received the same punishment, and
the man who set up the type was con
demned to eight months' Imprisonment,
a fine of 50 yen and six months' police
Programme of the Twenty - third
Annnnl Meeting.
PHILADELPHIA, June 28. The pro
gramme for the 23d annual meeting of
the American Bar Association at Sara
toga Springs, N. Y., has been made public.
The convention will continue throughout
three days, beginning August 29. In ad
dition to the meeting of the main body,
there will be sessions of sections of legal
education, patent, trademark and copy
right law. A conference of state boards
of law examiners and a meeting of rep
resentatives of law schools will also take
The annual address, which Is a feature
of the meeting, will be made by George
R. Peck, of Chicago, on Thursday. Au
gust 30. After the routine of each day's
session, papers of much Importance will
be read and discussed. Among these will
be: "The Growth of Law," by Richard
M. Venable, of Baltimore: "Ultra Vires
Corporations Leases," by Edward Avery
Harrigan, of Chicago; "A Hundred Years
of American Diplomacy," by John Bassctt
Moore, of New York.
The address of President Charles F.
Manderson, of Omaha, will deal with the
most noteworthy changes ln statute law
on points of general interest, made in the
Southern States, and by Congress dur
ing the preceding year. At the meeting
of the section of legal education". William
Draper Loomls, dean of the law school
of the University Of Pennsylvania, will
read a paper On "The Proper Preparation
for the Study of Law." and David J. Hill.
Assistant Secretary of State, will speak
on "The Study of International Law and
Attention of delegates to the Kansas
City conventions Is called to the low rates
announced by the Rio Grande Western
Railway, June 29 and 30. Tickets will be
sold via this line at $60 for the round trip,
with a return limit of CO days.
The Rio Grande "Western Is the most
desirable route to the East, especially at
this time of the year. It gives the choice
of three routes through the heart of the
Rocky Mountains, and four east thereof.
It Is the only line running directly
through Salt Lake City, and. with its
direct connections. Is known as "The
Scenic Line of the World." For Illustra
tive and descriptive pamphlets, apply to
J. D. Mansfield. General Agent, 253 Wash
ington street.
If you wake In the morning with a bit
ter taste In the mouth, coated tongue,
perhaps headache, your liver Is torpid.
Ybu need Carter's Little Liver 'Pills.
Swept Chickens Array, Piled Up
Rocks, Beat Down Fruit and Grain
BBd Burled Railroad Track.
A clocd hurst, preceded by a. storm ot
w.nd that almost rose to the proportions of
a cyclone, visited last Saturday afternoon
a strip of country lying between FIftean
and Eight Mile Creeks and extended from
there In a northeasterly direction to the
Columbia River, says The Dalles Chron
icle. The amount of damage done Is not
yet fully Known, but It must be consider
able. The. warehouse of the Dufur flouring
mill was blown down and wrecked. It
contained a large quantity of flour and
feed.' which, happily, was not materially
Injured. HaiL fell to a depth of more
than a foot on. the ridge between Dufur
and Eight Mile, beating down to the earth
hundreds of acres of standing grain, and
cutting off the heads ot wheat and barley
as If with a knife. The hall In. places had
not melted till 24 hpurs after the storm.
In seme places rocks were moved and piled
up ln heaps that weighed from a ton down.
The fruit trees In one orchard on the
ridge were blown out by the roots. John
ston Bros,, of Dtsfur, estimate the dam
age done to their crop at $1500. Other
crops were damaged to a lesser extent.
Water flowed through the street at Dufur
a foot deep.
At Dry Hollow, between Boyd and Du
fur, the storm struck a six-horse team,
driven by a Warm Springs Indian. The
leaders, a span of mules, turned short,
broke the reach of the lead wagon ani
piled the entire team and front .wheels
of the wagon ln a ditch some 10 feet deep.
The horses and moles were barely out
of the ditch when a' flood of water came
rushing along that wouCd have drowned
tho whole outfit.
A flood of water six feet ln depth ran
through the Frank Huot barn at Eight
Mile, and with difficulty a number of
horses ln the barn were cut lose and
saved. The chickens on the Huot ranch
were swept away, and most of them de
stroyed. The apple& ln the Drake orchard,
half a mile this side of Eight-Mile Creek,
were beaten, off the trees by the hall and
scattered by the wind and washed by the
flood all over the road between the orch
ard and the creek.
Later Saturday afternoon apparently the
same storm struck tho railroad track this
side of the Deschutes and covered it two
tq three feet deep with sand and rocks
to such a distance that It took 50 men all
Saturday night to clear the track.
A teamster bripgs In word that a cloud
burst struck him Saturday afternoon on
the- Sherar grade, this side the Deschutes,
and that to save his team from being
washed away he had to unhitch them and
take them to higher ground.
The peculiar thing about the storm was
that it followed no well-defined path. It
was worst In the draws and hollow places.
But apart frcm the few spots where it
raged with most violence the rainfall was
more erf a benefit than an injury. The
Tygh Ridge country suffered no injury
that we have heard of. but had a rainfall
that was highly beneficial.
Mcyn. Indians Fighting.
CHICAGO, June 2S. A special to the
Record from Oaxaca, Mex.,says:
The force of government" troops on
Chan Santa Cruz, the stronghold of the
Maya Indians, is still delayed, owing to
the vigorous opposition offered by the
rebels against the advance of the troops.
General Bravo's force of over 3000 men
has been Joined about 10 miles from the
town by a force of over 2000 troops com
manded by General Martinez. Small
detachments of troops have been led In
to ambuscades on a number of occasions
by the Indians, and sustained losses.
Only they who use it
know the luxury of it.
Pears' is the purest and
best toilet soap in all the
No More Dread
of the Dental Chair
scientific method applied to tho gums. No
sleep-producing" agents or cocalno.
These are the only dental parlors in Port
ingredients to extract, nil and apply gold
crowns and porcelain crowns undetectable
from natural teeth, and warranted for 10
set of teeth, $5. & perfect fit guaranteed or no
par. Gold crowns. $5. Gold fillings. SI. Sli
ver fillings. 50c. All work done by GRADU
ATE DENTISTS of from 12 to 20 years' ex
perience, and each department ln charge ot a
specialist. Give us a call, and you will find us
to do exactly as we advertise. We will tell
rou ln advance exactly what your work will
GOLD CROWNS ....'.. $5.00
New. York Dental Parlors
Fourth and Morrison sts.. Portland. Or.
. HOURS 8 to 8; SUNDAYS. 10 TO 4.
723 Market St.. San -Francisco, CaL
614 First are.. Seattle. TVaeh.
Breeds Dandruff, "WWcli. Cannes Fall
ing: Hair and FlnaJly Baldness.
Professor Unna, Hamburg, Germany,
European authority on skin diseases,
says that dandruff Is as contagious as
any other malevolent disease, and that
one common source of the spread of dan
druff Is the use of the same hairbrush by
different, persons. The way to avoid
catching dandruff or any other disease
from another's brush I3 to Inslat on the
use of Newbro's Herptelde. It not only
kills the dandruff .germ, but It is also an
antiseptic that will prevent the catching
of any diseoee whatever through conta
gion of another's brush.
Is an "emblem ot
consideration" and
elgnllles the wear
er's intention to
help the Retail
Clerks and mer
chants to shorter
hoars by making all
purchases beforo 6 -P.
ontii Bui
Not a Unrlc office In the linlldluzi
boIntely flrcjiroort electric llghH
and artenlnu water's perfect" nanlta.
tion and tlmronzk ventilation. Elc
vntors ran day and nlsrat.
AINSLIE. DR. GEORGE. Phr3lctan....C0S-G0J
ALDRICH. S. W.t General Contractor ..010
ANDERSON. GUSTAV. A'torpy-at-Law...C12
Associated prkss: n. L. Poweii. Mcr..soo
AUSTEN. F. C. Manager for Oregon and
Va'hlrKton Bankers" Life Aawclotton. of
Des Moines. Is 502-S03
MOINES. IA.;F. C. Auiten. Mnnacer..C02-503
BAYNTUN. GEO. R.. Mgr. for Chas. Scrlb-'s Sons 518
BEAXS. EDWARD A.. Forecast Official U.
S. Weather Dureau OW
HFVJAMTN. R W.. Dentt"t.: 31
B1NSWANGER. DR: O. S.. Phys. A Sur -J10-4U
BROOKE. DR. J. 5f.. PSys. Sc Surg 70S-703
BROWN. MYR.V. M. D nr.-St4
RRUERE. DR. O E.. Physician 412-413-411
BUSTFED. RICHARD. Agent Wlteon & Mc-
Callay Tobacco Co. 602-603
CAUKIN. G. E.. District Agent Travelers"
Insurance' Co. .........r.718
CARROT.!., w T. Sr-lal Agent Mutual
Reserve Fund L'fe Ass'n -604
ronNri.nTS. C. W.. Phrj.. and Surg'on...21
COVER. F. C. C3hlir Enultable Life 30
COLLIER. P, F.. Publisher: S. P. McGulre.
Manager 413-411
-AY. J. n. & I. N. .-. SU
BAVI?. NAPOLEON. President Columbia
T!rphor.- Co . J&1
DICKSON. DR. I. F.. Physician TIS-TU
DRAKE. DR II B.. Phrs'rlan 612-313-514
DWYER. JOE F.. Trbaccca -4f3
L. Sanrnel. Manager: P. C Cover. Ceshler.nca
EVENING TELEGRAM 7.23 Alder rtrtet
FENTON. J. D.. Phvpiclnn nr.d Surgeon. 300-310
FENTON. DR HICKS C. Eye and Ear 311
E. C. Stark. Manager .-....601
GALVANI. W. H.. Engineer and Draughts
man CO
OAVTN. A.. President Oregon Camera Club.
GEARY. DR. EDWARD P.. Physician and.
Surgeon 212-213
GEBBir. TUB. CO.. Ltd.. Fine Art Publish
ers: M. C. McGrery. Mgr 518
GIESY. A. J.. Phj.ilclan and Surgeon. .,708-710
GODDARD. E. C. A CO.. Footwear
Ground floor. 120 Sixth strett
GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhattan
Life Insurance CO. of New York 200-21,0
GRANT. FRANK S.. Attorney-at-Law C17
IIAMMAM BATHS. King & Compton. Props.309
HAMMOND. A. B '.." ...31B
IIEIDINGER. GEO. A. A CO.. Pianos' and
Organ 131 Sixth street
HOLLISTER. DR. O. C. Phy. is. SuV. .504-303
IDLEMAN. a M.. Attorney-at-Law..4U?.i7-13
JOHNSON. W. O. 3U-310-317
KADY. t.4RK T.. Supervisor of Agents
Mutual Reserve Fund Life Ass'n C04-603
LAMONT. JOHN. Vice-President and Gen
eral Mannger Columbia Telephone Cd GO!
L1TTLEFIELD. H. R.. Phys. and Surgeon.. 2l
MACRUM. W ?.. Sec. Oregon Camera Club.214
MACKAY. DR. A. E.. Phy. and Surg..711-7ia
MAXWELL. DR. W. E.. Phys. fz Surg. .701-2-3
MrCOY. NEWTON. Attorny-at-Lair 713
McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer.. .,201
McGINN. HENRY E.. Attorney-at-Law .311-313
McKELL. T. J.. Manufacturers' Representa
tive i .-.303
MILLER. DR. HERBERT C. Dentist and
Oral Surgeon ..COS-609
MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Dentist 312-313-314
Iew York: W Goldman. Manager..... 200-210
Mark T. Kady. Supervisor of Agents.. 604-001
Mcelroy, dr. j. g.. Phys. .t sur.701-702703
MoFARLAND. E. R, Secretary Columbia
Telephone Co ....!0I
McGUIRE. S. P.. Manager P. Y. Collier.
Publisher , 413-41
MeKIM. MAURICE. Attomey-at-Law SOB
MILLER f: ROWE. Real Estate. Timber
and Farming Lands a Specialty.. 700
York: Wm. S. Fond. State Mgr..4O4-405-4C8
NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Attomey-at-Law.713
NILES. M L . Casnier Manhattan Life In
surance Co.. of New Tork., 20
Dr. L. B Smith. Osteopath 40S-40)
POND. WM S.. Stale Mannge- Mutual Life
Inn. Co. of New York 404-403-409
Ground floor. 133 Slsth street
Marshall. Manager 311
QUIMPY L. P. W.. Game and Foreotry
Warten 716-717
KOSENDALE. O. M.. Metallurgist and kiln
ing Engineer 513-510
REED & MALCOLM. Opticians. 123 SUiit Btrtet
REED. F C. Fish Commissioner 4(7
RXAN. J. B.. Attomey-at-Law ...417
SAMUEIfc L. Manager Equitable Llfe...i.3W
SHERWOOD, J. W.. Deputy Supreme Com
mander. K. O. T. M 317
SMITH. Dr. L. B.. Osteopath 40S.-4U3
STARK. E. C. Executive Special. Fidelity
Mutual Life Association of Phlla.. Pa....G01
STUART. DELL. Attomey-at-Law.. ..-.C17-81S
STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist 701-703
STROWBRIDGE. THOS. H.. Executive Spe
cial Agpnt Mutual Life, of New York.. .. 409
TUCKER. DR. OEO. P., Dentist 610-G11
DTST.. Captain W. C Langfltt. Corps of
Engineers. U. S. A S03
C. Langfltt. Corp3 of Engineers. U. S. A..S19
WVTKRMAN. C H.. Cashier Mutual Life
of New York ..408
retary Native Daughters 710-711
WHITE. MISS L. E.. Assistant Secretary
Oregon Camera Club , ....21t
WILSON. DR. EDWARD N.. Phys. & 5ur.3C-3
WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Surg, .70G-70T
WILSON. DR. HOLT C Phyo. & Surg.5T-30S
Richard Busteed. Agent 602-C03
WOOD. DR- W. L.. Physician 412-413-41
A few more decant ofllces may lis
Iiad by applylnc to Portland Trust
Company of Oregon. XOO Talrd t or
to the rent clerk in the bnlldlng.
No Cure
N Pay
way to perfect manhood. The VACUL'M
VuBATMKNT CURES you without mtdlclne or.
all nervous or diseases or the general tve or
gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains,
urlcocele. lmpotency. etc. Men are quick! re
stored to perfect health and strength- "VlrUo
for circulars. Correspondence confident!-.!.
Sato Deposit building. Seattle, Wash-