Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 28, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL. NO. 12,337.
Now Is the t'me to purchase your
Goodyear Rubber Company
R. H. PEASE. President and Manager.
Photographic Goods
In the City at Retail and Wholesale.
Newest, Best and Up-to-Dete Goods Only.
Agents for Volgtlaender Colllnear Lenses.
BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO., 144-148 Foarth St, Near Morrison
Fifth and Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON
Flrst-Clnsa Checic ReitaaraBt
Connected With Hotel.
Shaw's Pure Malt
The Condensed Strength and Nutriment ef
Barley and Rye
BlUmaUer & Hoch, HO Fourth Street
Sole Distributers for Oregon
St. Charles Hotel
American end European Plan.
China, Crockery, Glassware
LAMP goqds-and cutlery
Hotel, Restaurant and. Bar Supplies a specialty.
iffigrmXjL-- jfirrj7 "Mnc-Jpg
We are also showlng-a new line of Covert
and Golfing Wagons, Golfing Traps, Pneumatic
Whalebone Runabouts.
Our Rubber Tires Give Satisfaction.
A coon song Is pleasing once In a while, but it should be played well, as. for
instance, jou can play It -when you use a Pianola. With a Pianola you can
Play anything:, from a negro melody to a Liszt rhapsody, and play them faultless
ly, too. Come in and inspect the wonderful Pianola, and the Aeolian. If you are
Interested in pianos, we sell the highest class Instruments, such as the Stelnway
and the A. B. Chase (noted for Its sweet tone and easy action). Send for Illus
trated catalogue.
M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for tht Aeolian Company
353-355 Washington Street, cor. Park
Nine Filipino Generals AcIcroytI
edge American Supremacy.
MANILA, June 27. Nine Insurgent lead
ers, including Generals Plo del Pilar,
Concepcion. Garcia and Alvarez were re
leased today upon taking the oath of al
legiance to the Government and renounc
ing all forms of revolution in the Philip
pines, together with making formal ac
knowledgment of American sovereignty.
This oath Is much stronger and more
binding than the oath whjch General Otis
administered, and was consequently dis
tasteful to the Filipinos, who accepted
It with bad grace, fully realizing the re
sults of any violation. Senor Buencamlno
took the oath Monday. It Is hoped that
this sparing of the nine leaders will In
fluence their men to tako advantage of
the amnesty, which has thus far been
without results, other than those of to
Consolidation of the Northern Paclflc
and Great Northern.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., June 27. The
Times this morning publishes a special
from New York obtained from an author
itative source, saying that James J. Hill
has finally succeeded in securing control
of the Northern Pacific The telegram
"New York, Juno 27. Henry C. Payne,
of the Republican National Committee,
left here for Cleveland tonight to see
Mark Hanna and the principal object of
his visit is the proposed consolidation of
the Great Northern and Northern Pacific
Railroads. Sir William Van Horne, of
the Canadian Pacific, has given partic
ulars as to the Hill coup to a business
friend in Montreal, who repeated the
story here."
Lord Kenilngton Dead.
NEW YORK. June 27. A dispatch from
Bloemfonteln announces the death there
of Lord Kensington, of the Life Guards,
aged 37, from wounds.
Ask for one of the following brands:
Gold Seal Indian ' Anvil
Badger Elk Obelisk
Cupertr Pioneer fUstune
Rooms Single 75c to 11-50 per day
Rooms1 Double $1.00 to ?ZW per day
Rooms Family JL50 to 53.00 per day
C T. BELCHER. Sec and Trans.
American plan...
European plan...
,. ..n... n.w. n.75
... Kte. 75c $1.00
Our Cart Display
This week Includes the smartest
effects In . . .
' for two or four passengers New
York and London styles.
320 TO 338
"Wheat Crop ef the Dakota May Yet
Be Saved.
LA CROSSE, Wis., June 27. General
heavy rains are reported at various points
as having fallen last -night in Wisconsin,
Minnesota and North and South Dakota.
Rain came at an opportune time In the
last-named states, and it Is believed that
the wheat crop can now be saVed.
Storm In Indiana.
EVANSVILLE, Ind.. June 27. A severe
storm swept over Southern Indiana today.
Creeks are swollen and many bridges
are swept away. The wheat crop has
been almost totally destroyed, and other
crops have been damaged.
Three Deaths and Several Freatra-
tlona at Plttabarg.
POTSBURGv June 27. Three deaths
nnd several prostrations from heat were
reported today. The dead are:
Mrs. Sarah M. Schaeffer, aged 30 years.
William Woerner, 29, an Ironworker.
Mary Tierney, 50.
Samuel Bust and Robert Waddell. Iron
workers, are not expected to live. Cloudy
skies and a good breeze kept down tho
temperature this afternoon to SZ degrees.
"Tito Deaths at Chicago.
CHICAGO. June 27. Two deaths were
caused by the excessive heat and humid
ity today. Antonio Shoggens dropped
dead on the street, and Oscar Bolsener,
overcome while sitting In a second-3tory
window, fell to the ground, sustaining
fatal Injuries. The thermometer regis
tered 89 degrees on the street, and tho
humidity was almost at the saturation
point. A heavy shower late in the after
noon afforded some relief.
Plague at Yokohama.
YOKOHAMA. June 15, via. Victoria, B.
J C, 27. A case of plague has been -discov
ered on a P. & O. steamer, the first case
to make Its appearance here.
Prohibition Platform Covers
Only Liquor Traffic.
Flrt Sax of National Convention
Cleared Up All Baalaeas Ex
cept Nomination.
27. The Prohibition party will make Its
National campaign this year upon a plat
form of a single issue, all other issues
being subordinated to this question. Upon
this platform it is probable that either
Rev. S. C Swallow, the "fighting par
son," of Harrlsburg, Pa., or John G.
Woolley, of Chicago, editor of the New
Voice, .the Prohibition National organ,
will be nominated for President.
The National convention of the- Prohibi
tion party met here today, and in three
sessions, morning, afternoon and evening,
cleared up all business except the nomina
tions for President and Vice-President,
which will be made tomorrow morning.
The convention, in point of numbers and
enthusiasm shown. Is considered one of
the greatest ever held by the advocates
of cold water. Thirty-seven states were
represented when Chairman Stewart, of
the National committee, called the con
vention to order at the First Regiment
Armory today, nearly 700 delegates being
present, while scores of others are ex
pected tomorrow, when the party names
Its National candidates.
The platform as adopted by the conven
tion bears solely upon the question of the
suppression of the liquor traffic. In con
nection with this, however, the Adminis
tration, and President McKlnley In par
ticular, are bitterly arraigned for the po
sition taken on the anti-canteen law, tho
action on this being denounced as "trea
sonable." A bitter fight took place in the
committee on resolutions before the plat
form was finally agreed upon, the mem
bers being sharply divided over the ques
tion of a single issue or a "broad" plat
form. The advocates of woman suffrage
were particularly emphatic in demanding
a suffrage plank, but after a session last
ing several hours the matter was compro
mised by reporting a separate resolution
favoring the granting of the franchise to
women, and In this form the report of
the committee on resolutions was adopt
ed by the convention after considerable
further debate.
Just previous to the fall of the gavel
the delegates from the New England
States marched Into the hall In a body,
carrying a canteen with the letters "U.
6." Inverted, and bearing the legend
"Anti-Canteen." They were liberally ap
plauded. Convention Called to Order.
After the convention had come to or
der. Chairman Stewart delivered his for
mal address. He said the Prohibition
jjarty was wide awake, and should, poll
1,000,000 votes this year.
"M Is not an easy thing," he said, "to
prepare a platform upon which a great
reform organization Is tq go before the
country, butour duty Is so clear and so
plain that this convention could not get
far astray. We ere agreed that the saloon
ought to die, and upon that declaration
we are ready .to face the world."
Chairman Stewart then announced tho
temporary officers, as follows: Chairman,
Samuel Dickie, of Michigan; secretary, A.
E. Wilson, Chlcago;-asslstant secretaries.
Colonel J. Ellis, Tennessee, and E. B.
Sutton, Idaho.
Chairman Dickie made a brief speech,
outlining the work to be done by the con
vention. He bittterly denounced the Ad
ministration for Its position on the can
teen law, and charged it with ''debauch
ing the peoples of its new possessions In
the Philippines." He also accused the
Government of using Its Consular service
for gathering information for the use
of distillers and brewers.
At the conclusion of Chairman Dickie's
speech, the rules and order of business
were adopted, and the roll of states was
called for the appointment of committees.
A recess until 2:30 P. M. was then taken.
Afternoon Session.
The afternoon session was called to or
der at1 2:40 P. M. The report of the com
mittee on credentials was not ready, and,
pending Its completion, the convention
was entertained "by Instrumental and vo
cal music, In which prohibition wa3
The report of the committee on creden
tials was then presented by Chairman Jo
hann, who stated that the committee had
decided that only those delegates present
with certificates duly signed were enti
tled to seats. There were 93 delegates
actually seated, representing 27 states.
The report was adopted.
Homer Castle, of Pittsburg, submitted
the report of the committee on perma
nent organization and order of business.
The report recommended Samuel Dickie,
of Michigan, for permanent chairman, and
Colonel R. S. Cheeves, of Tennessee, for
permanent secretary. It was apparent
that the Indiana delegation had aban
doned its Intention of nominating John H.
Woolley for permanent chairman, for tho
recommendations of the committee were
4 adopted unanimously amid a roar of ap
"Speech, speech," shouted some of the
"This Is Just the opportunity I have
been waiting for," said Chairman Dickie,
"but I won't make a speech. Instead,
I'll ask those delegates In the rear of the
hall to sit down, and sit down now." The
delegates sat down.
The list of National committeemen, as
selected by the delegations of the various
states, was then read and adopted. It
Included: California. L. W. Elliott. Ga-
brlell SUckney; Colorado. J. N. Scouller.
Mrs. M. E. Craz; Idaho, H. A. Lee, E.
a. button; Kansas, T. D. Talmage. J.
B. Gearson: Missouri. H. P. Faris,
Charles E. Stokes; Montana, Thomas E.
Street, B. M. Gardner: Nebraska, A. G.
Wolffenbarger. L. G. Parker; Oregon, W.
P. Elmore. E. O. Miller; Texas, D. H.
Hancock. Rev. J. G. Adams; Utah, Jacob
H. Boreman, C D. Savery: Washington,
B S. Smith, Roger S. Greene.
The convention then took a recess until
8 P. M.
The Platform.
At the evening session of the conven
tion the platform was read by Secretary
Hopkins, of the resolutions committee,
as follows:
"The National Prohibition party In con
vention represented at Chicago, June 27
and 2Sk 1500. acknowledging Almighty God
as the supreme cause of all Just gov
ernment, realizing that this Republic was
founded upon Christian principles, and
can endure only as it embodies Justice
and righteousness, and asserting that all
rfuthorlty should seek the best good of all
governed to this end. wisely prohibiting
what is wrong and permitting only what
Is right, hereby records and proclaims:
Definition of Party.
"First We accept and assert the defini
tion given by Edmund Burke that a
party Is a body of men Joined together for
the, purpose of promoting by their Joint
endeavor the national interest upon some
particular principles on which they arc all
1 agreed. Wc declare that there la no prln-
clple now advocated by any other party
which could be made a factor In govern
ment with such beneficent moral and ma
terial results as the principle of prohi
bition applied to the beverage traffic; that
the .National Interest could be promoted In.
no other way so surely and so widely as
by its assertion, through a National pol
icy and the co-operation therein of every
state, forbidding the manufacture, sale, ex
portation. Importation and transportation
of intoxicating liquors for beverage pur
poses; that we stand for this as the only
principle proposed by any party any
where for the settlement of a question
greater and graver than any other before
the American people, and Involving more
profoundly than any other the moral
future and financial welfare; and that all
patriotic citizens of this country agreed
upon this principle, however much dis
agreement there may bo to minor consid
erations and Issues, should Btand together
at the bfiUot-box from this time forward
until prohibition la the established law
of the United States, with a party In
power to enforce It and to Insure Its
moral and material benefits.
"Wo insist that such a party, agreed
upon this principal policy, having sober
leadership, without any obligations for
success- to the saloon vote and to those
demoralizing political combinations of
men and money now allied therewith and
supplement thereto, could successfully
cope with all other and lesser problems of
government In legislative halls and In tho
executive chair, and It is useless for any
party to mako declarations in its plat
form as to any questions concerning which
there .may be serious differences of opin
ion in Its own membership, and as to
which, "because of such differences, the
party could legislate only on a basis of
mutual concessions when coming Into
"We submit that the Democratic and
Republican parties are alike Insincere In
their assumed policy to trusts and mon
opolies. They dare not and do not attack
the most dangerous of them all tho liquor
power. So long as the saloon debauches
the citizens and breeds the purchasable
voter, money will continue to buy Its
way to power. Break down this traffic,
elevate manhood, and a sober citizenship
will find a way to control dangerous com
binations of capital.
"Wo purpose, as a first step In the
financial problems of the Nation, to save
more than a billion of dollars every year
now annually expended to support tho
liquor traffic and to demoralize our peo
ple. When that Is accomplished, things
will have bo improved that with a clearer
atmosphere the country can address ltselt
to the questions as to the kind and quan
fitly of currency needed.
" The Isnue Presented.
"Second We reaffirm as true. Indis
putably, the declaration of Hon. William
Wlndom, when Secretary of the Treasury,
in the Cabinet of President Arthur, that,
"considered socially, financially, polit
ically or morally, the licensed liquor traf
fic Is or ought to be the overwhelming
Issue In American politics," and "that tho
destruction of this iniquity stands next
on the calendar of the world's progress."
We hold that the existence of our party
presents this Issue squarely to the Amerl
can people and lays upon them the re
sponsibility of choice between liquor par
ties, dominated by distillers and brewers,
with their policy of salbon-perpetuation,
breeding waste, wickedness, woe, pauper
ism, taxation, corruption and crime., and
our party of patriotic and moral princi
ple, with a policy which defends It tronv
domination by corruption of bosses and
which Insures forever against the blight
ing' control of saloon politics.
"We face with sorrow, shame and fear
the awful fact that this liquor traffic has
a grip on our Government, municipal,
state and National, through the revenue
system and saloon society which no other
party dares to dispute; a grip whlch,dom
lnatcs the party now In power from cau
cus to Congress, from policeman to Presi
dent; from the rumshop to the White
House; a grip which compels the Chief
Executive to consent that law shall be
nullified In behalf of the brewer; that
the canteen shall curse our Army and
spread Intemperance across the seas, and
that our flag shall wave as the symbol
of partisanship at home and abroad, be
tween this Government and the men who
defy It for their own profit and benefit.
The President Arraljyned.
"Third We charge upon President Mc
Klnley, who was elected to his office by
appeals to Christian sentiment and patri
otism, almost unprecedented, and by a
combination of moral Influences never be
fore seen In this country, that by his
conspicuous example as a wlne-drlnker
at public banquets and a wlne-servlng
host in the White House, he has dono
more to encourage the liquor business, to
demoralize the temperance habits of
young men and to bring Christian prac
tices and requirements into disrepute than
any other President this Republic haa
"We further charge upon President Mc
Klnley responsibility for the army can
teen," with all Its dire brood of disease,
Immorality, sin and death In this coun
try. In Cuba, In Porto Rico and the Phil
lpplnes; and we Insist that by his attl-
tude concerning tho canteen and his ap- opinion. Is that there is nothing to do but
parent contempt for the vast number of ' await the course of events and to see
petitions and petitioners protesting , what the Ministers themselves say when
against It, he has ontraged and insulted ( they are rescued.
the moral sentiment of this country In All the students at the foreign hospitals
such a manner and to such a degree as In Canton are leaving. Women mission
calls for righteous uprising and his Indlg- ' arles are returning from the West River
nant and effective rebuke. We challenge ' ports. There was a slight disturbance
denial of the fact that our Executive, as i at Wo Chou, Tuesday, while the women
Commander-in-Chief of the forces of tho "were embarking. The crowd shouted:
United States, at any time prior to or
since March 3, 1839, could have closed
every army saloon, called a canteen, by
Executive order, as President Hayes did
before him, and should have closed them
for tho same reasons which actuated
President Hayes; we assert that the act
of Congress passed March 2, 1S99, forbid
ding the sale of liquors "In any post ex
change or canteen" by "any officer or pri
vate soldier," or by "any other person
on any premises used for military pur
poses by the United States" wa3 and Is
as explicit an act of prohibition as the
EnsiIsh language can frame; we declare
our solemn belief that the Attorney-Gen
eral, In his Interpretation of that law,
and the Secretary of War, In his accept
ance of that Interpretation and his re
fusal to enforce the law, were and are
guilty of treasonable nullification there
of, and that President McKinley, through
his assent to and indorsement of such In-
terpretatlon and refusal on the part ot , The magnitude of the arrangements
officials as appointed by and responslb e Japan ls maUng suggests provision
to him. shares responsibility In their , agajnat contingencies other than the sup
guilt; and we record our conviction that ; pression Qf the present disturbances in
a new and serious peril confronts our china. She "has chartered 19 additional
country in the fact that Its President, at transports, and now has 35 in all.
the behest of the beer power, dare and i
does abrogate a law in Congress, through
subordinates whose acts become his, and I
thus virtually confesses that laws are to j
be administered or nullified In the In
terest of a law-defying business by an
Administration under mortgage to such i
business for support.
"Fourth We deplore the fact that an
Army of this Republic, claiming the right
and power to carry our flag across the
seas and to conquer and annex new terri
tory, should admit Its lack of power to
prohibit the American saloon on subju
gated soil, or should openly confess Itself
subject to liquor sovereignty under that
flag. We are humbled, exasperated and
grieved by the evidence, painfully abund
ant, that this Administration's policy of
expansion Is bearing so rapidly Its fruits
of drunkenness, insanity and crime under
'Concluded on Third Pare.)
Prompt Response to His Call
for Help.
The Heavy Fighting at Tien Tain
Saturday In. One Month 60,000
Foreign. Troops Available.
LONDON, June 2S, 3:20 A. M. The com
posite brigade of 230) men which raised
the investment of Tien Tsln and pushed
on to holn Admiral Sevmnnr hni nrnh.
ably saved him, but the news has not yet j
reached Che Foo. The last steamer ar-
rHlng at Che Foo from Taku brought
this message, dated Tien Tsln. Monday,
June 25:
The Russian General in command of
the relief force had decided, in view of '
Saturday's heavy fighting and marching, i
thnt nn rlnv'n rifr for tho trnnns was
essential, and that tho advance should
not be resumed until today. Meanwhile
,came Admiral Seymour's heliograph that
bis position was desperate and that he
could only hold out two days. The re
lief started at dawn today (Monday).
"Saturday's fighting began at daybreak.
The allied forces opened with several
of the Terrlble's 4.7 naval guns, six field
guns and numerous machine guns, the
firing being at long range. They con
tinued to advance steadily, the Chinese
artillery replying. The guns of the allies
were more skillfully handled and put the
guns of the Chinese out of action, one
by one, the Chinese retreating about
"There was keen rivalry among the
representatives of the various nations as
to which would enter Tien Tsln first, and
the Americans and British went In neck
and neck. The Russians stormed the
arsenal, thereby sustaining the largest
"Several thousand Japanese have left
Taku for Tien Tsln, and altogether 13,003
Japanese have landed. The International
troops now aggregate nearly 20,000, and
Japan Is preparing to send 20,000 more.
With British, American and other troops
ordered to go, probably 60,000 men will be
available in a month. .
"The Ton Shan refugees and the for
eign engineers at Che Foo estimate the
Chinese troops now In the field as 23,000
drilled troops at Lu Tal, 25,000 at Shan
Hal Wan, 13.000 driven from Tien Tsin
and 150,000 at Pekln."
The dispatch received by the Foreign
Office stating that the foreign legatlon
ers were required to leave Pekln within
a specified time is Interpreted in some
unofficial quarters as tantamount to giv
ing the Ministers their passports and to
a declaration of war: but as China does
nothing like other countries, the official
"Kill the foreign devils!"
According to advices from Shanghai,
the Chinese officials, by direction of the
Southern Viceroys, are asking the Con
suls to agree to conditions "Insuring,"
as the Chinese say, "the neutrality of
Shanghai and other coast cities." They
are also asking that foreign warships
shall not sail or anchor near the forts
nor go to ports where there are no war
ships now; that their crews shall not go
ashore, and that the protection of for
eigners be left to the Chinese authorities.
The conditions are considered at Shang
hai to be virtually an ultimatum from
Viceroys Liu Kung Ylh and Chang Chlh
Tung. The Consuls desire a sufficient
naval and military force to back up their
refusal to comply with these demands.
The total National force there now con
sists of S63 men and 32 guns. The Chi
nese have 6000 men with six guns in the
forts and 10.000 men outside Shanghai
I ,yt4Vi fnnDpn vHfloa finri TnnrTiri (nin
Seymour' Expedition Relieved.
CHE FOO, June 28, via Shanghai, noon.
Admiral Seymour's expedition has been
relieved, having failed to connect with
Pekln. There ls no news from Pekln.
Russian Colonel Schtelle, commanding the
combined forces of 1000 men, ls supposed to
be proceeding to Pekln. Admiral Sey
mour's expedition- ls returning to Tien
Tsln. His force has suffered greatly.
It is estimated that from 40.000 to 60,000
Chinese troops are before Pekln. Boxers
from all sections are swarming there.
Germany Will Need More Troops In
BERLIN, June 27. A prominent mem
ber of Emperor William's entourage, who
I has Just returned to Berlin Irom Kiel,
"where he saw the Emperor, eays that His
Majesty and Count von Bulow, the For
eign Minister, are considerably perplexed
es to how Germany Is to meet the present
situation: ha China, Inasmuch as they are
Inclined to think that a much larger force
of troops will become necessary to carry
the campaign to a successful issue. Both
are also convinced that Germany should
bear her full share of the responsibility.
Meanwhile disquieting reports continue to
arrive from Kiao Chou, where Governor
Jaeschke fears that art outbreak may oc
our at any moment, precipitating & gen
eral revolt and the Irruption Into the Ger
man sphere of large bands of Boxers
known to be ia the surrounding district
in tho Province of Shan Tung. More
over, It Is understood that Emperor Will
iam has not yet decided whether to con
tinue the former entente cordiale with
Russia and France In China, as after tho
Chino-Japan War, or to turn more to the
side of England, the United States and
Herr Eugene Wolff, in the Berliner
Tageblatt, publishes a powerful article
regardlre China, drawn from Intimate
and very recent acquaintance with the
land and Its people. He gives a history
of the Boxer movement, and blames Ger
many and England for not recognizing
its dagerous character during the last
two years. He says the French Minister
in Pekftn M. Pinchon, alone energetlcal-
ly forced the Empress Dowager to re
move Que Shen from the Governorship
of Shan Tung. Que Shen had been ap
pohvted. although the Empress knew that
he was the founder of the Boxers.
Herr Wolff declares that either the ru
mors are true that the Empress has be
come a drunkard, and is often in a etato
of irresponsibility, or that she has been
hoodwinked into believing that the Box
ers only mean to oust the foreigners and
have no designs upon the Manchu dy
aaty. He contends that the powers must
force the Empress court to remain In
Pekln, and compel the Empress to stay
there until the conference of the powers.
At the same time he regards It as of the
highest importance that the Tsung H Ya-
mun. be thoroughly reformed, and be de-
v eloped Into an actual foreign) office,
clothed with authority enabling It to en
force Its mandates. He also advocates
direct dealing between the provincial
Governors and the representatives of the
The Kreuz Zeltung expresses a fear
that It would be difficult. In case of a
long war, for Germany to maintain her
Influence In the sphere subdued. A much
larger German contingent should be sent
to China, and It expresses the hope that
German troops there be not placed under
English commanders, add'ng: "We have
no confidence in English leadership.".
The Berliner Tageblatt complains that
British news from the Chinese seat of
war does not do Justice to German valor,
adding: "We have noticed that those
English reports mention German co-operation
only to say something unpleasant
or disparaging."
Official Engllih. Advices.
LONDON. June 27. The Parliamentary
Secretary of the Foreign Office, William
St. , John Broderlck, in the House of
Commons today said he was at last able
to announce the receipt ot-Information of
the relief of Tien Tsln. He added that
the government had received two tele
grams. One from the British Consul at
Tien Tsln, wired June 23, by way of
Che Foo, June 27, announced that a Brit
ish column, under Maurice, of the Welsh
Fusllllers, and a naval brigade, under
Commander Craddock, had arrived at
noon, 550 strong. The message also said
that 1500 Russians were reported to be
at the Tien Tsln Railroad station, and
that 150 Americans and 50 Italians had
also arrived. The second telegram was
from Rear-Admiral Bruce, dated Taku,
June 25. It added to the above that Vlce
Admlral Seymour was reported to be 10
miles from Tien Tsln, hampered with sick
and wounded and engaged with the
Cuban Troops for China.
HAVANA, June 27. Much Interest was
aroused among the American soldiers by
the Associated Press dispatch announc
ing that probably half the troops will
leave Cuba during the next few months.
The rumor here that the Secord Infantry
will leave within the next 10 days, as
soon as a transport Is available, and go
directly to China Is generally belleyed.
Governor-General Wood, however, denies
all knowledge of the reports, and It seems
that an officer of the regiment received
a private cable dispatch from a friend to
that effect.
A Matter of Precaution.
PARIS, June 27. The French Minister
of Marine, M. de Lassan, has received a
cablegram from Captain la Joure, at the
French arsenal at Foo Chow, saying that
he has sent to Hong Kong all the women
and chlHren connected with the French
mission at tho arsenal.
Italian Wamhlps for China.
ROME, June 27. The Italian cruiser
Vettor PisunI and the protected cruisers
Stromboll and Vesuvlo have been ordered
to Chinese waters.
Funeral of 31. J. ItusRell.
CHICAGO, June 27. The funeral of Mar
tin J. Russell, who died at Mackinac Isl
and Sunday, was held here from St.
Thomas' Church. The pall-bearers were
members of the Chicago Chronicle staff,
of which paper the deceased was editor
and part owner.
Bryan Summoned the New
Yorker to Lincoln.
Kansas City Talcing Ob a Conven.
tloa. Appearance Delegates Be
ginning to. Arrive
KANSAS Crrr, June '27. Congressman
William Sulzer, who Is being boomed foe
Vice-President on the Democratic ticket,
and Richard Croker and ex-Senator E. G.
Murphy, of New York, will have a con
ference at Lincoln, Neb,, with William J.
Bryan before they come to Kansas City
to attend the National convention. Ster
ling Price, of Texas, who has opened
headquarters here for Mr. Sulzer, today
received a telegram from that gentleman
saying he had left New York for- Lincoln
at noon today. Another telegram saya
Messrs. Croker and Murphy will be la
the Nebraska capital Friday night, .Mr.
Sulzer hopes to be on the ticket with Mr.
Bryan, and it Is said tho latter expressed
a desire to confer with him. Further
than this, Mr. Price would vouchsafe
President O'ConneH. of the Sons of 'Lib
erty, the oldest organization in New
York, is on his way to Kansas City," and
will open headquarters for Sulzer tomor
row evening or Friday, and Fred Felgel,
editor of the Tammany Times, another.
Sulzer boomer, will arrive Friday-
The city Is beginning to take on a gala
appearance In anticipation of an early ar
rival of delegates; business houses are be
ing decorated, arc and Incandescent lights
are being strung In profusion on the
down-town streets, and a general clean
up Is in progress. A good-sized contin
gent of Eastern newspaper representa
tives have already arrived, but a general
Inflow of people is not expected till Fri
day. Ex-Governor William J. Stone, National
Committeeman for Missouri, and Vlce
Chairman of the National Committee, is
expected Friday night, as are other mem
bers of the subcommittee, which will hold
a meeting Saturday. James Boyle, dis
trict leader of Tammany, will arrive Sat
urday, with about a dozen of his col
leagues. They come to prepare the way
for the Tammany delegation, which will
reach Kansas City Monday evening on
two special trains.
Sunday the state delegations will begin
to arrive. The Pennsylvania delegation,
made up of 100 people, and the Montana
delegation, headed by W. A. Clark, ar
due Sunday morning and the Kansas del
egation In the evening. Monday tho New
England delegates from Maine, New
Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts,
Connecticut, and Rhode Island, with
George Fred Williams, of Massachusetts,
as their Vice-Presidential candidate, will
reach the city, and the same day the Cal
ifornia, Nebraska and Missouri delega
tions will arrive. The greatest rush of
delegations will arrive Tuesday. Nearly
all the states not mentioned are booked
to arrive that day.
A convention Innovation, the reading off
the Declaration of Independence from tho
platform, will bo Introduced at the first
session, July 4, and, according to the.
present programme, the music and deco
rations of that day will be selected with.
a particular Idea of commemorating tha
National holiday.
The badges for the delegates have been
received. They are an elaborate attain
There Is an oxidized silver bar for the pin,
below which hangs a silk flag about four1
inches long. To the flag Is attached a
medal of gold or oxidized silver.
A Silver Organization Soon to Meef
in, Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY, June 27. The United
States Monetary League, which will meet
here at the Auditorium July 2 and 3, w'll
be addressed by a dozen speakers of Na
tional prominence. There will be threar
sessions, morning, afternoon and evening,
of each day, and two speeches at eacht
session. Acceptances of Invitation to
speak have been received from Senator
W. V. Allen, of Nebraska; Dr. J. R.
Reemelln, of Cincinnati; J. R. Sovereign,
ex-president of the Knights of Labor;
General J. B. Weaver, of Iowa; John P.
Altgeld. of Illinois; Fred Williams, of
Massachusetts; W. H. Harvey ("Coin"),
of Chicago; John P. St. John, of Kansas;
Thomas E. Beckworth, of Michigan; Nor
man E. Mack, of Buffalo, N. Y.; Samuel
Gompers, president of the American Fed
eration of Labor; Charles A. Towne, ot
Minnesota, and Congressman Sulzer, of
New York.
The meeting Is not a convention. K
will adopt some resolutions on what the
platform ought to contain, but It win
not attempt to help make the ticket.
Judge Charles L Thompson, of Denver,
president of the National organization,
and J. Woods Merrill, of Kansas City,
are preparing the programme.
Open for a Presidential
NEWPORT, R. I., Juno 27. Admiral
Dewey, in an Interview last night, said:
"I stand Just where I was some tima
ago. If the American people want me aa
their candidate for President, I am
Asked If he would stand for the nomU
nation of Vice-President, he replied ha
would not.
Concerning the political outlook In tho
West, from which part of the country the?
Admiral recently returned, he said:
"There Is a strong feeling In the West
for Bryan, and if he runs for the PresU
dency, I believe he will be elected."
Admiral Dewey paid a high tribute to
President McKlnley. He spoke of the
mental strain under which the Chief Ex
ecutive labored, and cited the case of thei.
present crisis in China, which 13 very serf
ous. he said.
Compn.ii a Candidate.
DETROIT, June 27. Daniel C Campau,
Chairman of the Michigan Democratio
State Central Committee, and member ot
the National committee, is in receipt ol
many letters from various states urging
him to become a candidate for the Vice-
Presidency before the Kansas City con
vention. Mr. Campau's political secre
tary declared today In positive terms that
Campau's name would be presented to
the Kansas City convention as a Vlc
Presidential candidate.
Japanese Driven Out.
REDDING. Cal., June 27. Two hundred
miners and smelter employes of Keswick
and vicinity last night drove 21 Japanese
laborers out of town. The Japanese were
put on a train for this place and at this
point the railroad conductor put them,
off. There was no violence. The miners
object to the Japanese, who were em
ployed to take the places of white men.