Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 27, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL.NO. 12,336.
the star T"" YZ2t T TT
Each brand, In Its respective class, is sub
stantial evidence of tho superiority 'of
the "BLATZ" brews.
An Impossible Combination
ou can't get a geed furnace one that is
durable and economical cheap.
No matter what the salesman tellB you. We have been In this
business for 20 years, and we ought to know. We have furnaces which
we sell cheap, but do not recommend them as a good furnace. Call
and see why. '
0 - POCO - RAY - MON
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affftnll H I'Srrff B fcS" a
i i Fulfil ii OWmN'mTmimV'
Special rates mde t families aa 41 atari gentlemaa. Tk MMxr
scat trill pleased at all tlsaea to ihow rau sad glw prices. A at4U
mrm Tark.Uk bata eatabltaluaeat la taa ItataL X. C BOWBK, Ukucm.
We are also showing a new line of Covert
and Golfing Wagons, Golfing Traps, Pneumatic
Whalebone Runabouts.
Our Rubber Tires Give Satisfaction.
Tou want plenty of good music How can you get It? The skill to play the
piano well by hand bears no adequate proportion to the time and money spent In
attaining It. The real value of music is the expression infused Into It by the
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but you can't buy It. All people have It who are stirred by musical sound. Now
heres the main point: Digital dexterity on the piano keyboard requires years
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expression, and you have plenty of good music We sell Pianolas, Pianos and
Aeollans. Come and see us.
M. B. WELLS, Northwest Aent for tht Aeolian Company
353-355 Washington Street cor. Park
The Situation
la China "Wa Goae
WASHINGTON. June 26. The Cabinet
meeting today lasted only an hour, and
developed nothing of special interest. It
Mas stated that no troops, in addition to
the Ninth Infantry, had been ordered to
v mna, ana wnue uus is merany true, ss degrees and was rising rapidly. There
there seems to be no doubt that the Gov. is great suffering among the mill work
emment is quietly taking steps looking to era, and many plants have had to close
the early reinforcement of our small com- J down.
pany of marines on Chinese solL Secre- (
tary Hay took with him to the meeting n . .. n.t
a message from Consul Fowler, at Che ! '"'V J? ',.
Foo. but it was asserted that it threw no . CHICAGO. June 26. This was the hot
light on the general situation. Secretary test da,y the r1"- the mercury at the
Long also had one or more dispatches, sret level reaching S7 degrees, while in
but they -nere not made public Post- "e Government office In the tower of the
master-General Smith stated at the meet- Auditorium. It was four degrees cooler,
lng that Mr. Rathbone was no longer T1 were slx prostrations due to the
connected with the Cuban postal service. I neat 0n8 of "which proved fatal.
. ' j
California Prunegroivers. ' Hoe"t of tie Sestsa.
SAN JOSE. Cal., June 25. A number SIOUX CITY. la., June 26. Today was
of new contracts have reached the head- the hottest ot the season. 96 degrees. Sev
quarters of the California Cured Fruit As- I eral prostrations were reported.
50clatlon here. A large acreage has been
secured since the directors determined to
take up the active work of handling this
year's big crop, and it Is now certain
that before prunepicklng begins more
than JO per cent of the j ield of the state
will be under the control of tho'assocla
Agents, 20-26 N. First St
HeatfRB and Ventilating Engineer
& W. KNOWLES, Mrr.
. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day
J. G. Mack & Co.
. 88 Third St
GppsKe Qiaafctr f Ceaseret
S3.H re DAY
Our Cart Display
This weak Includes the smartest
effects In . . .
for two or four passengers New
York and London styles.
320 TO 338
T-rro Deatks From the Heat la Pltta-
PITTSBURG, June 35. Two deaths and
many prostrations from the heat were
reported today. The dead are: Cornelius
Munday, an Iron worker, and an unknown
woman. The mercury at noon registered !
General Brlstew Returns.
NEW YORK. June 25. Among the pas
sengers who arrived on the Ward
Line steamer Mexico, from Havana today-was
General Bristow. who has been
investigating tho postoffice frauds In I
Cuba. --
Immediate Outbreaks Expect
ed in Southern China.
Canton em tke Exo of a. Scene of
Bleedaked More Maaaacrea la.
tke Province of Cke LL
LONDON, June 7, 3:45 A. M. A fresh
phase of the ebullition In China Is the
probability of Immediate outbreaks In the
great southern provincial counties. The
populace there is dally assuming a more
hostile attitude toward foreigners, and
the latter perceive symptoms of a general
rising, especially at Nankin, where, ac
cording to a dispatch to the Bally Ex
press, dated yesterday, Kang Wu. one of
the most truculent enemies of foreigners,
has arrived by way of the Grand canal,
armed with full powers from the Empress
to deal with the southern provinces. Tho
friendly attitude of Viceroy Liu Kun Ylh
toward foreigners has brought him Into
disgrace with Prince Tuan, President of
the Tsung II Yamun.
The unrest at Canton Is described by &
dispatch from that city to the Dally
Telegraph, dated Monday, via Hong Kong
"It Is feared that we are on the eve of
a scene of bloodshed and anarchy In the
two quands only paralleled during the Tal
Ping rebellion. The signs of a murderous
uprising are so manifest that wealthy
Chinese are hurrying from Canton and
vicinity, taking their wives, families and
"LI Hung Chang has been again per
emptorily ordered to Pekln. His enemies
declare that they will murder him before
he can reach there. His presence alone
restrains the revolutionary elements here.
His departure will let loose the 'black
flags' and 'red girdles.' Knowing this,
Li's trusted officials are sending their
families to Hong Kong.
"The Viceroy himself trusts the Ameri
cans In this crisis. He says that they
alone want no territory, and he places
himself largely almost unreservedly In
their hands. At an important conference
today he reiterated this statement. All
the missionaries have been notified of
their immediate peril through confidential
runners. They are leaving Canton hur
riedly, and only a few are now here.
"Commander McLean, of the United
States gunboat Don Juan de Austria, Is
the first here to protect foreign Interests.
He is capable and energetic and Is rein
forced by H. M. S. Rcdpolc Two hun
dred foreign residents at Shameen are
"The Canton population reaches 2,000,000.
In addition to 250.OW living on junks and
flat-bottomed river boats. Most of the
people are disaffected, and incendiary
proclamations are Increasing the number
of the virulent."
Shanghai cables that the French Consul
there has received a cable from Shan
Tung, asserting that 1L000 Chinese troops
are making forced marches from Shan
Tunr to Pekln. -
Two Jesuit Fathers and 1C0 native Chris
tians have been murdered in the southern
part of the province of Chi LI. The Chi
nese military authorities have been dls.
covered recruiting at Shanghai Inside the
foreign settlement, and some agents have
been arrested tn the act of constructing
entrenchments around the European con
cessions. A Chinaman connected with war pur
chases for the Chinese Government in
Europe, who has been interviewed by the
Dally Express, says that China has Im
mense quantities or arms ana ammu
nition, and will stagger humanity If
driven to defend herself.
HIa Orders Are to Proceed to the
Cltj- of Pekln.
WASHINGTON, June 26. The purpose
of the Government to place an adequate
military force In China was made per
fectly clear today, when orders were Is
sued to Brigadier-General A. R. Chaffee
to take command of the forces In China
and to proceed at once to assume his
new duties. More significant probably
than the assignment itself was the word
ing of the formal order to General Chaf
fee, Issued late in the day by Acting Sec
retary of War Melklejohn, directing him
"to take command of the troops ordered
to China," and to proceed to Pekin by
way of San Francisco and Taku, accom
panied by his aids. It had been ex
pected that the military forces would bo
concentrated at Che Foo or some other
convenient military base, but the direc
tion to proceed to Pekln Indicated a firm
determination on the part of the Govern
ment authorities to have a strong mili
tary force at the seat of the Chinese Gov
ernment. The announcement of General Chaffee's
assignment, and the orders to proceed to
Pekln came after the State Department
had declined to accede to a second prop
osition from the six great Viceroys of
China that foreign troops be kept out of
China until LI Hung Chang reaches Pe
kin. In more formal manner, with the
signatures of the six Viceroys, represent
ing the greater part of the empire. Minis
ter wu repeated today his plea of yes
terday that the foreign troops be kept
out of the country. Secretary Hay laid
the formal request of the Viceroys before
the Cabinet meeting, but there was no
disposition to vary from his present de
termination, already made known by Sec
retary Hay to the Chinese Minister, to
send our forces to such points as were
menaced and where our officials and citi
zens were in danger.
While the Viceroys spoke for their
provinces, they could not speak for Pe
kln, and It is to Pekin that the officials
most anxiously look. Minister Conger is
still silent, and the latest advices have
shown that little reliance can be placed
in dispatches from Shanghai saying that
the Ministers and Legations at Pekin
were safe. For this reason the orders
to General Chaffee to proceed to Pekln
took on an added meaning.
General Chaffee was in conference with
the War Department authorities most of
the day, and in the afternoon spent near
ly an hour with Secretary Hay going over
those phases of the Chinese situation in
which diplomacy will have to be mingled
with military action.
The military career of General Chaffee
covers a wide field. He was an active
participant in the War of the Rebellion,
the Spanish War and various important
Indian campaigns. He has seen service
In everj" grade of the Army, having risen
from the ranks to the grade of Major
General. Born in Ohio, April 14..1S42, he
entered the regular army as a private in
July, 1S6L and successively served as Ser
geant and First Sergeant, Company K,
Sixth Cavalry, to May 12, 1S62 when, be
cause of especially brave and meritorious
conduct, he was commissioned Lieuten
ant of the Sixth Cavalry, May 13, 1562.
He was brevetted First Lieutenant July
3, 1S63. "for gallant and meritorious serv
ices in the battle of Gettysburg"; Cap
tain, March 31, IS, for "gallant and mer-
ltorious services In the battle of Dinwid
dle Courthouse, Va."; Major, March 7,
1S69, for gallant and efficient services in
engagements with the Indians at Paint
Creek, Tex., March 7, 1BS, and Lieutenant-Colonel,
February 27, 1S30, "for gal
lant services In leading a cavalry charge
over rough and precipitous bluffs held by
the Indians on the Red River of Texas,
August 30, 1S74, and gallant services In
action against the Indians at Big Dry
Wash, Arizona, July 17, 1SS2." General
Chaffee was appointed Colonel of the
Eighth Cavalry May 8, 1S99, and about the
same time was made Brigadier-General
of Volunteers for service during the
Spanish War. He was promoted to be
Major-General of Volunteers in July, 188S,
and was honorably discharged from that
grade in April. 1S39, since which time he
has held a commission as Brigadier-General
of Volunteers. Since his appointment
ns a general officer of volunteers he com
manded a brigade and division of the
Fifth Corps during the Cuban campaign,
and subsequently commanded a division
In the First and in the Fourth Army j
Corps. From December, 1S98, until a few i
months ago, he served as chief of staff i
to the Governor-General of Cuba. Re
cently he has been on duty In the office j
of the Adjutant-General in this city, but
for several weeks past has been visiting
friends In Connecticut. 1?
General Chaffee had command of the
troops which captured El Caney and
practically closed the Santiago campaign.
He has since been known as the "hero
of El Caney." General Lawton, in his
report of the engagement at El Caney,
said: "I consider General Chaffee one of
the best practical soldiers in the Army,
and recommend him for special distinc
tion for successfully charging the stone
fort mentioned In this report, the cap
ture of which practically closed the bat
tle." Secretary Long received nothing during
the day beyond the early dispatches from
Admiral Kempff, stating that the com
bined forces had entered Tien Tsln and
that the Seymour expedition Tvas report
ed 10 miles from Tien Tsln. surrounded.
This cleared up the situation only to pre
sent another condition which may prove
even more grave. The casualty list of
the first engagement was awaited anx
iously, and arrangements were made by
the officials to have relays through the
night, in order that this list might be
handled with the greatest dispatch and
be given to the public at the first oppor
tunity. The Navy Department received tele
grams from a number of officers assigned
to the Wisconsin, now under construc
tion at San Francisco, asking to be as
signed to active service in Chinese wa
ters. The officers signing the dispatch
were Captain Relter, Lieutenant-Commanders
Milton and Mayo, Lieutenants
McElroy, Ackerman'and Vogelgesang and
Ensign Cronan. .me department today
accepted the services of an officer on the
retired list, under authority conferred by
a recent act of Congress. The officer is
Lieutenant J. G. Townley, retired, who is
ordered to sail on the steamer leaving
San Francisco. July 10. It Is expected
that many outher retired officers will be
called back to active service if the emer
gency becomes pressing.
The officials here received with regret
and concern the reports from Che Foo
that discord existed between the Russian
and the so-called Anglo-American forces.
Coming from the officers of the Terrible,
it is considered as largely "sailor talk."
At the sajmetlmet-hag,,bf in .reCQEQizp d
f rom the- outset that 'such a heterogene
ous force gave,ppportunltIes for serious
division, as it is well known that sailors
and soldiers do not like to serve, under a
foreign superior. The officials here accept
these charges with great allowance and
freely express their displeasure at having
the Americans brought Into an apparent
disruption with the forces of another
power. Thus far the United States has
acted concurrently with all the powers,
with no one more than another, and the
authorities here will use every effort to
prevent bickerings and backbitings.
Ske Does Not Consider That a. State
of War Exists.
BERLIN, June 26. It Is evident that
Germany has been interchanging opin
ions with Russia and other powers during
the last 24 hours and that tho foreign of
ficers have been receiving new instruc
tions from Count von Bulow, Minister of
Foreign Affairs, who is still having hour
ly conferences with Emperor William at
Kiel. As a result, Germany takes the
position outlined this evening by a high
official of the Foreign Office as follows:
"The German Government does not yet
see any cause to Impute bad faith to tho
Chinese Government or to saddle the re
sponsibility upon Pekin for the participa
tion of Chinese troops in the Boxer ex
cesses. At least, all reliable news re
ceived here thus far leaves the question
of responsibility still open. This view
is shared by other powers. For the same
reason, the question of dethroning the
Empress has not yet been discussed be
tween the powers."
The correspondent of the Associated
Press asked the official whether, in case
the complicity of the Chinese Governmqpt
were proved and Russia should still per
sist in maintaining that a state of war
did not exist and that the Empress should
be retained, Germany would continue to
side with Russia.
"Germany," the official replied, "wishes
to act in harmony with all the powers,
rather than to further the Individual alms
of any one."
The official added that no policy has yet
been agreed upon by the powers as to
what course to pursue, should It be
found that the Ministers at Pekin had
been murdered, and when the correspond
ent suggested that the pacific assurances
of the Chinese Ministers at European
capitals were of doubtful veracity, he re
plied: "Germany has no means of determining
the truth or falsity of such assurances."
The Berlin papers take a dispassionate
view of the situation, but they agree re
garding its gravity. The semi-official
Neueste Nachrichten Insists that provis
ion be made for large trans-marine troops
in the future. To this the Friesinnlge
Zeltung replies: "The question whether
the Kaiser can order any troops form
ing part of the regular army to go be
yond the seas Involves a modification of
the constitution of the empire"
American and British, First to
Break Tnronek Chinese Lines.
CHE FOO, June 26. The Americans and
British entered Tien Tsln first, silencing
the guns of the arsenal and breaking
through the Chinese lines. The foreign,
ers were close behind. The Russians lost
four killed and 30 wounded. The losses
of the other nationalities were, small.
Admiral Seymour's force Is about 10
miles from Tien Tsln. It Is surrounded
by Chinese troops and Boxers, and ham
pered by the presence of sick and wound
ed. It Is reported that all foreigners
were -sent from Pekin with a weak Chi
nese guard, and it Is assumed that they
are with Admiral Seymour.
One thousand Japanese are landing at
Taku, and 2000 more are expected tomor
row, when a battalion of French is also
The foreign Admirals have appointed
(Concluded ofi Third 'Page.)
Illinois Democrats Nominate
Alschuier for Governor.
Tho Resolutions Bcaflra tne Calca
Ko Platform Bat Malce No Al
lusion to Sixteen to One.
SPRINGFIELD. HI, June 26. The Dem
ocratic State Convention tonight nom
inated Samuel Alschuier, of Aurora, for
Governor, and adjourned until tomorrow,
when the ticket will be completed and
tho platform adopted. Mr. Alschuier was
nominated on tho second ballot, the nom
ination being. n.ade unanimous on motion
of Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, when it
was seen that Alschuier would receive a
majority of 'he -totes. The other candi
dates were Adam Ortselfen, of Chicago;
N. F. Worthington, of Peoria, and Gen
eral W. F. Olderfln, of Springfield.
The following were selected as delo-gates-at-largo
to the Kansas City con
vention: Mayor C. H. Harrison, of Chi
cago; A. S. Trade, of Chicago; B. T. Ca
bel, of Rock Island; Congressman Will
lams, of CannL Alternates Edward Co
hen, of Chicago; Charles Werno, of Chi
cago; ex-Vice-President Adlal E. Ste
venson, of Bloomlngton; ex-Congressman
Fithlan, of Newton.
The first session of the convention, held
this morning, was brief. The temporary
chairman, Elmore W. Hurst, of Rock
Island, delivered a stirring address, after
which a recess was taken until afternoon.
Mr. Hurst said:
"The greatest danger which threatens
our institutions today Is to be found in
the flood of incorporated wealth. These
vast and powerful Interests fully realize
that their safety lies in the continuation
of a Republican Administration, which
has failed to enforce the laws now on
the statute books or to enact more
stringent laws against them. Under the
influence of plutocratic interests, the Mc
Kinley Administration is writing one of
the darkest chapters in our history, and,
in its lust for trade and empire, is losing
us the hearts and confidence of liberty
loving people throughout the world. A
country with subject provinces governea
by force is not a republic, and where
plutocracy reigns, democracy becomes
merely a name
"The task of leading the Democratic
hosts, the people's cause, and of teaching
the gospel of the true Democracy should
be given to that greatest exponent of
Democratic principles slnco tho day of
Jefferson William Jennings Bryan, of
At the afternoon session, while the con
vention awaited the report of the com
mittee on credentials, ex-Governor Alt
geld addressed the assemblage. His speech
was a vigorous denunciation of the so-
called imperialistic policy of the National
The committee on resolutions has com
pleted Its work, and the platform Is now
in the hands of Mayor Harrison, chalr-JBHaPXOhUc5l?Ji!4-Jt-Rfflr3ns
its entirety tne uiucago pmuorm oi .ukoj
strongly condemns trusts; upholds the
Monroe Doctrine: denounces the "coward
ly acts" of President McKlnley in dealing
with tho Philippines; denounces the Porto
PJcan tariff bill; expresses sympathy with
the Boers In their struggle for liberty;
Indorses the administration of Mayor
Harrison, of Chicago, and his attitude
on tho street-car question, and instructs
the delegates to the National convention
to vote for Bryan for President. The
platform makes no allusion to 16 to 1.
This subject wa3 debated at length, m
the sub-committee of seven, which, by
a vote of 5 to 2, decided to reaffirm the
Chicago platform.
Nominated by tlie Democrats of Ar-
1 kansax.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., June 26. The
Democratic State Convention nominated
Jeff Davis, of Pope County, for Governor.
Davis was nominated by acclamation on
motion of Judge E. E. Bryant, of Fort
Smith, who early In the campaign was a
candidate against Davis, withdrawing
when the early primaries went for Davis.
Delegate Parker, of Ouachita County, of
fered a resolution instructing for David
B. Hill, of New York, for Vice-President.
A demonstration followed, and there were
loud cries of "Yes" and "No," the Hill
contingent seeming to be in tho majority.
Under the rules, the resolution was re
ferred without debate to the committee
1 on resolutions. 'The Hill followers claim
the reception accorded the resolution by
the convention today Insures its adoption
Congressman McRae, chairman of the
committee on platform and resolutions,
will submit the report tomorrow. It will
favor reaffirmation of the Chicago plat
form, oppose Imperialism and contain a.
vigorous anti-trust plank. Senators J. K.
Jones and J. H. Berry will probably be
elected delegates-at-large. and Jeff Davis,
nominee for Governor, will likely be elect
ed. Judge B. E. Bryant, of Fort Smith,
may be the fourth delegate-at-large.
Delegates to tke National Conven
tion Appear In Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY. June 26. The first arri-
i vals for the Democratic National Conven
tion came In today. They were John
Fitzgerald, a delegate from Kings County,
New York, and Jacob Rupper, Jr., of New
York City, an alternate-at-large. Both
are quoted as gaying they do not favor
the free-silver plank in the Democratic
"There are so many Issues more Im
portant." said Mr. Ruppert, "that I think
free sliver need not be mentioned at all.
The party in the East will not stand for
free silver."
Sterling; Price, of Paris, Tex., arrived
here today from the South and began
arrangements for opening headquarters
for Congressman Sulzer, of New York,
who Is expected Priday. Incidentally Mr.
Price started a boom for the New Yorker
for Vice-President.
Although the Democratic National Com
mittee will not meet here until Monday
next, to select Its temporary officers, con
siderable gossip Is being indulged In as
to the selection of temporary chairman.
The Star this evening says that it lies
apparently between D. A. Rose. Mayor of
Milwaukee, and Governor Thomas 6f Col-
t-orado, with the 'chances in favor of Mr.
Progress of the Hill Boom.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn., June 26. Of 16 of
Tennessee's 24 delegates to the Kansas
City convention, polled by the Sentinel,
n ce expresses themselves unqualifiedly for
Hill; two more are for Hill with reser
vations; four are for "a man who can
carry New York," and one for a man "on
whom New York and Indiana unite"; one
Is for "the strongest man In full accord
with the platform." No delegate ex
pressed himself specifically In favor of any
other candidate than Hill. Several dele
gates who are known to be for Hill could
not be reached.
DES MOINES, la., June 26. Chairman
George A, Huffman, of the Iowa Demo
cratic State Committee, today admitted
that overtures had been made by those
most directly interested in the Hill boom
for the Vice-Presidential nomination and
that the Iowa delegation would in all
probability favor Hill as against Towne.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., June 26. The Ala
bama delegation will leave for the Kansas
City convention Sunday. The majority of
the delegates are apparently strong for
David B. Hill for Vice-President.
Populist Vice-chairman Trying;
Offset the Hill Sentiment.
LINCOLN. Neb., June 26. Vice-Chairman
Edmlston. of the Populist National
Committee, tonight gave out the text of
a letter he Is sending to delegates to the
Democratic National Convention. Mr.
Edmlston strongly urges the nomination
of Charles A. Towne for Vice-President at
Kansas City, and declares his selection
essential to complete harmony among the
three parties. Mr. Edmlston says Mr.
Towne would be stronger in New York
than Governor Roosevelt. Ho concludes:
"The question now is: What is for thq
best? It It were true we had but one
party organization, then all ' would be
settled. If It were true that the Demo
cratic party could win alone, then it
would be useless to consider any other
proposition than for that party to make
a straight nomination. In the Central
West there can be no doubt but that Mr.
Towne will be very strong as a candidate,
and will assist in bringing much strength
to the ticket." .
Crolcer and the Senator Arranging:
a Plan.
NEW YORK, June 26. Richard Croket
will spend a couple of days at Senator
Murphy's home at Long Branch before
his trip to Kansas City. The Tam
many leader's physician has advised him
to bathe his Injured leg in salt water,
but he placed no injunction upon his pa
tient to abstain from talking politics
while the bathing is in progress, and
politics will dobtless play an Important
part in the Long Branch visit. By tho
time the Western trip begins Mr. Croker
hopes to have a plan under way for a
coalition of the Tammany and Murphy
forces, so that when Kansas City is
reached a definite campaign may be an
nounced. Mr. Croker would not say last night
what 'action he and Senator Murphy had
agreed upon, but one of his friends ad
mitted that he was out for 16 to 1. The
two leaders will start from this city Fri
day. With them will go Mr. Croker's
physician. Dr. Crosby and his friend,
Andrew Freedman. No other New Yorlr
Democrat will be of the party. Congress
man Sulzer will go JVest on Wednesday.
Mr. Croker will go down to Tammany
Hall this afternoon and have a talk with
the district leaders. This talk. It is said,
will be for the purpose of arranging final
details of the Kansas City trip and will
have no political significance.
There are five Vice-Presidential booms,
and Tammany men generally are won
dering which will receive the most favo
from Mr. Croker. The most prominent
is that of Congressman Sulzer, who has
received assurances of support from dele
gations from several other states. El
liott Danforfh and Dr. John Glrdner are
said to be ready to try for the second
place. Congressman George B. McClel
lan Is another man with a boom and
B. F. Coogan is another. So far Mr.
Croker has refused to Indorse any oi
these booms.
Senator Murphy has within the last two
or three days developedsome trength as
a Vlce-Presldentlal possibility.
Hla Reply to General Grosvenor'a
' Statement.
NEW YORK, June 26. After reading
General Grosvenors statement last night,
Mr. Quigg said:
"The document to which Mr. Grosvenor
refers was never approved by the sub
committee, and was never accepted as a
platform, it was a sort of abstract of
a much longer document which had been
prepared at Washington. Neither the
longer document nor the shorter one was
at any time adopted by the committee In
whole or In part. The points made in
both of them were severally considered
by the committee, and conclusions were
reached in every case unanimously as to
what the subcommittee wanted to say.
"I was then requested to put together
the 'conclusions which the subcommittee
had reached. Those conclusions were
the platform and there never was any
"As to the two planks against which
Mr. Grosvenor has directed his critlci&ro,
I had no more to do with them than to
put into words the decision of the com
mittee." Congressional Nominations.
READING. Pa., June 26. Hon. Henry
D. Green was today unanimously renom
inated for Congress by the Democratic
convention In the ninth district. Tho
platform Indorsed Bryan.
NORFOLK, Neb., June 26. Judge John
S. Robinson was renominated for Con
gress today by the Democrats and Popu
lists for the third Nebraska district.
HOWELL, Mich., June 26. Congress
man Samuel W. Smith was renominated
for Congress today by the Republicans of
the sixth Michigan district.
Illinois Prohibitionists.
CHICA. O., June 26. The Prohibition
state convention met here today and
nominated a full state ticket, with Judge
V. V. Barnes for Governor. Two elec-tors-at-large
and delegates-at-large to the
National convention, which meets in this
city tomorrow, were also named.
The platform as adopted touches upon
but two Issues, prohibition and woman
suffrage. The woman suffrage plank was
adopted after a long and at times acri
monious debate.
Ratification Meeting in Nevr York.
NEW YORK, Jnne 26. Before a crowd
that packed Carnegie Music Hall, Senator
Depew and Senator Foraker made ad
dresses at a mass meeting tonight called
for the purpose of ratifying the candi
dates recently selected by the National
Republican Convention at Philadelphia.
PromInent politicians from all over the
country were present. Dr. Seth Low pre
sided. The Anti-Imperialist Conference.
NEW YORK, June. 26. Members of the
executive committee of the Anti-Imperialist
League held an Informal conference
at the office of E. M. Shepard today. Mr.
Shepard said there was a general discus
sion of the subject, and it was all but
decided to hold a. general conference
about August 1, probably at Indianapolis.
Watson at Snex.
SUEZ, June 26. The United States
cruiser Baltimore, with Rear-Admiral
Watson on board, en route for home, has
arrived here.
On Alaska Coast 55 Miles Be
low Cape Nome.
Nearly Half a Million TaJcen Out i
m. Few Weelca A Tkemsand Mem
Already Tkere.
NOME, Alaska, June 8. More definite
and complete returns have lately been re
ceived concerning the beach strike at
Topkuk, 53 miles below Nome. There
seems no reason to doubt that this Is
one of the greatest strikes ever made la
this vicinity, as important as the strike
at Nome Itself.
Though th6 discovery at Topkuk Is of
comparatively recent date, many .have
struck It rich already, and several indi
vidual fortunes, running as high as $25,000,
have been taken out. Parties of two" or
three working with ordinary rockers.' it
is said, are taking out $1000 "a day. One
little plot of ground, just about biff
enough for a good-sized grave, yielded
$15,000 worth of tho precious metal. It
lay Just at the edge of the tundra, and
the gold was actually among the grass
roots. It is reliably estimated that ona
stretch of beach 600 feet long Ty an aver
age of 90 feet in width has yielded $475,000
within tho past few weeks.
Another strike, though of a less sensa
tional nature, has been reported at a
point on the beach 20 miles south: of
Nome. At this last-named place and
scattered along the beach between Nome
and Topkuk over 1000 men are now at
There is little doing at present in this
Immediate vicinity, and some of the new
comers, who expected to pick up nugget
like shells on the seashore, are somewhat
disappointed. Work 13 proceeding stead
ily on most of the claims, but there is
no excitement just now except over tha
news of the new strikes.
Sole Snrvlvor of Six Cast on St
Lawrence Island.
NOME, Alaska, June 8. After four
months of fearful suffering, during which
he helplessly watched the death of ono
after another of his companions, James
Murphy, of New York, a castaway sailor,
was rescued from starvation by natives
on St. Lawrence Island. He was picked
up from the island. June 1 by the bark
Alaska. Murphy is the sole survivor of
a party of six which sailed for Nome No
vember 3, 1S99. on board the schooner
E. A. Creet, of San Francisco. The oth
ers of the party, all of whom perished
from cold or starvation on St. Lawrence
Island, were:
P. Lair, of Snohomish, owner of the
vessel; J. H. Johnson, of San Francisco,
master; Charles Elliott, of Denver, Colo.,
mate; R. A. Nlchol, of Plymouth, Mass.,
cook; J. Smith, of Seattle, sailor.
The little vessel was destined for Capo
Nome, but after an unusually rough voy
age she was driven ashore n St. Law
rence Island. She landed high and dry,
and the men made an easy landing, get
ting most of their provisions and baggage
ashore. But the schooner had been scan
tily provisioned, and the supply was soon
exhausted. The weather was severely
cold, and the men could find but little
shelter. The Island was known to be in
habited by natives, and. a Catholic mis
sion was supposed to be somewhere in
the neighborhood, but Captain Johnson,
who started in January to And It, was
frozen to death on the way. In the weeks
following. Lair, Nichol and Smith suc
cumbed to hunger and cold.
Murphy and Elliott were discovered by
a party of natives March 20, 1S00, after
haing passed nearly four months on tho
island. The next day, March 21, the two
survivors set out for the mission, under
tho guidance of the natives. Elliott was
on the verge of collapse when the start
was made, and the party had not gone far
on the way when he died in a litter la
which the Indians were carrying him.
The mission proved to be 70 miles distant
from the point at which the schooner was
cast away. On arriving there, Murphy
was well cared for, and soon recovered
strength, although he may never entire
ly .get over the effects of his physical and
mental suffering.
Scattered about the camp of the ship
wrecked party on the bleak shore of St.
Lawrence Island He five unburied corpses.
Captain Frank Tuttle. of the revenue cut
ter Bear, has interested himself in Mur
phy's tragic tale, and, it is said, will go
to the island and give decent burial to
the bodies of the five victims. Murphy
will go with the revenue cutter to locate
the bodies, after which he expects to re
turn to New York.
?200,0OO Out From Klondike.
SEATTLE, June 26. The steamer Cot
tage City arrived here today from Skag
way with $200,000 in dust and drafts and
a number of passengers from Dawson
The latter left Dawson June 6 and con
firm the reports of the finding of young
Relfe's body near Mlnto. Among the
interior passengers are George Avery and
John Anderson, who are said to hava
$50,000 each with them.
News of two sudden deaths In the in
terior is brought down by the steamer.
Robert Hall, of Victoria, of the Klon
dike corporation, dropped dead at Whitp
Horse. Dominlck Stofollno. of Pennsyl
vania, a grade foreman, was killed at
White Horse by a falling rock.
Committed Suicide on Board Skip.
SEATTLE, June 26. C. H. Bryan, of
San Francisco, committed suicide on tha
steamer Ohio, while en route to Dutch
Harbor, because of despondency.
Uncle Sam Steadily Pressing Hla
Claim. 4
WASHINGTON, June 26. As to the re
port from Constantinople that the United
States charge, Mr. Griscom, has present
ed another demand for the settlement of
the claims, It can be stated on high au
thority that this Government is steadily
pressing for a definite and final settle
ment and is losing no opportunity to re
mind the Turkish authorities of the un
satisfactory and Indefinite nature of tho
present situation. But beyond this per
sistent pressure there has been no Im
perative action taken, nor has It been
definitely determined what course will bo
adopted if the temporizing of the Turkish
diplomacy Is carried to the point of prac
tical failure to meet the American de
mands. The Georgia Train "Wreck.
MDONOUGH, Ga., June 26. One more
body, that of William Lawrence, section
foreman, was recovered today from tho
wreck of the Southern train. Elder Hen
son, the Mormon churchman supposed to
have been killed, telegraphed today that
he was not on the train.