Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 23, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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.Varloas Braachei Parsaed ay Botk
'Men &ad "Women Complete Cqaip-
ment of the Institntlon.
CORVALLIS, Juno 2101 interest to
the-citizens of Oregon, to the members
of the Oregon; Grange and to lovers of
industrial education. Is the following re
view of the work and progress during
tlw past year of the Oregon Agricultural
Meckiialc and Electric Enslacerlajf.
At the beglnntag of tbe year the me
chanical department -was transferred to
the new mechanical hall, which was
built at a cost of 3,000 and furnished
with about $8000 -worth of machinery and
apparatus. The equipment consists. In
part, of one 24x24-4nch iron planer, one
universal milling machine, one universal
;tooJ-rinder, one radial drill drill, one 20
irada engine lathe, one l-lnch engine
ttathe, three 14-inch engine lathes, one 15
Inch sharpen one emery grinder, two 10
tach speed lathes, 12 bench vise and nu
merous email tooLs such as hammers,
'chisels, drills, reamers, taps, dies, etc
The blacksmitlh. shop contains 20 station
ary forges operated by an electric motor
an. Each forge is provided with anvil,
ihamsmers and tongs. The shop also con
tains two vises, a. swedge block and a
full set of swedges, fullers and heading
The woodshop contains ono 4-inch four
sided moulder, one 24-tnch surface planer,
one iron saw table with rip and cut-off
eaws, one band saw, one jig1 saw, one 20
Infoh pattern-maker's lathe, on post bor
ing machine, four 12-inch wood-turning
lathes and 20 band benches, each equipped
with a. set of tools consisting of saws,
planes, chisels and other small tools.
-Power la supplied by a 10-horse-power
electric motor.
The power-house contains a, 54-lmch
power high-speed automatic engine, belt
ed direct 'to two 12&-kUowat generators.
These generators operate the motors In
-the machine shop, woodshop and black-sm'lth-shop,
and also furnish Sights for the
college buildings.
The steam electrical and heating plants
of the college furnish oportundty for
much valuable experimental work In en
gineering, such as tests of boilers, en
gines, dynamos, motors, fans, pumps and
Injectors. The department Is supplied
with indicators, gauges, plonimetexs and
other Instruments to facilitate this work.
A Richie testing machine of 63,0X
pounds capacity, operated by an independ
ent motor, affords means of testing the
strength of metals, woods, stone or brick.
Household Science.
Some 150 women students constituting
the household science department, enter
college on the same Intellectual footing
with the men. Together the battle with
the some problems in algebra; wander
with delight through Arcady and the
Isles of Greece and history; stroll hand
in hand over the pons aslnorum geom
etryand scale the same ladder leadjig
-to the heights of philosophy; and It a
only when what is known as Industrial
work "begins that thedr paths diverge.
As the catalogue states, self-interest,
and public interest, makes it apparent to
every intelligent person how greatly la
need are subjects pertaining to the home
of being "touched to fine Issues"; hence
their introduction as studies into college
We have been reviled as the most
common schooled, and least cultivated
among all civilized nations," and this
largely through our deplorable Ind'ffer
ence to, and Ignorance of, the common
facts and necessities of life.
The home as we find It today has scant
warrant that anything born of its teach
ing Is worth while to Impart, yet the
problem grows or how to get better re
sults, how to lessen, the labor of farm
ers' wives, the washer-woman, the cook,
the boarding-house keeper, the city mis
sionary, the school teacher, the woman
of fashion.
The solution requires something more
ihon the knitting of the brow over the
ories; there must be actual testing of
those theories by practice In the college
laboratory, if they are to have value and
permanence. The? precious acquisition of
the scholar who knows, must be further
supplemented by that of the artist who
Living Is the art of arts. The course
In household science Is for the Instruction
of housekeepers that they may become
better-cooks, better seamstresses and bet
ler thinkers, and make better homes.
This Is done. The ladles who have grad
uated from this course are so popular
that the supply of graduated housekeep
ers has never equalled the demand for
thorn; and It may be Incidentally stated,
as shown by the records, that such a
thing as a divorce case Is absolutely un
known to the homes of the ladles who
have taken this course.
Military Department.
Military drill cultivates manly spirit,
ready and implicit obedience, respeot for
authority and self-restraint. The course
prepares the cadet to hold a coromisoon
as a company officer In the Nat onal
Guard or Volunteer Army. The new ar
mory contains a drlllroocn 70x120 feet In
extent, on office and recitation room, and
suitable rooms for storing guns and other
ordnance. Two -hundred Springfield ca
det Titles with equipments, two light
artillery field pieces, and a liberal allow
ance of blank and ball cartridges are fur
nished by the Ordnance Department,
United States Army. The college has
purchased the necessary band Instru
ments, swords-, bugles, colors and signal
apparatus for the thorough equipment of
the department.
A novel feature of this department this
yenr was the encampment held a few
miles west of the college. All were pro
vided with tents and regular army ra
tions, consisting of hard tack, black cof
fee, canned beef and tomatoes and baked
beans. At the encampment, W. R. DI1
ley won honors as the first tarcateer hav
ing scored 23 out of a possible 25. dls-
tance iw yards, without rest.
The Experiment Station.
The station bears an important relation
td the college, as the scientific Investiga
tions conducted at the station strongly
support the instruction given in the class
room. Aside from the original investiga
tions of an economic significance to agri
culture, the work of the station affords
daily object lessons in good modern farm
ing. About 100 acres of the college farm are
devoted to scientific and experimental
farming. Animal husbandry Ls an Impor
tant feature of station work. For this
branch of the work Shorthorn and Jer
sey cattle. Cotswold and Shropshire sheep,
and Berkshire swine are maintained.
Among these animals can be found of
rare individual excellence, thus offering
to the student In agriculture an oppor
tunity to study the highest types of the re
spective breeds.
Extensive field trials are made in the
growing of many varieties of cereals,
grasses and forage plants, which are
utilized In various feeding experiments
conducted for the purpose of determining
their value as stock foods. This work
embraces the study of plant environment
" and the correlated subject of animal nu
trition, thus supporting In a practical man
ner the science of agriculture as taught
innhe college.
Dairying is alo a prominent feature of
the e?tat!on work. For this purpose a herd
of typical dairy cows and a weU-equiped
creamery are maintained. Many prob
lems of vital interest to practical dairy
men are constantly being worked out along
the lines of rations for cows and methods
for, -handling the herd. The student him
self frequently assists in the work and
thus obtains tangible evidence of the prac
tical utility of the sciences in dairy hus
bandry. The horticultural work of the station
affords the student an admirable oppor
tunity for compalng, ttie work of the
classroom with the practioes of the field.
Plant breeding, cross pollination of fruits,
as well as modern methods of planting,
pruning, grafting, spraying and cultiva
tion are all brought Immediately under the
observation of the student, thus afford
ing him an excellent opportunity to become
thoroughly conversant with the science
and practice of horticulture.
Department of Pharmacy.
Owing to the fact that there was no
Institution in the Pacific Northwest that
offered a course in pharmacy, the advis
ability of adding such a course to those al
ready existing in this Institution sug
gested Itself to those In charge of the af
fairs of the college, with the result that
such a department was founded and has
been in operation two years.
Beginning as it did under most favorable
conditions for successful growth, the num
ber of students enrolled during the two
years is very encouraging to those Inter
ested in the development of the depart
mentthe total number of students being
The course alms to teach the student
facts and principles of Immediate use in
the drug store, adapting the work to the
needs of the practical pharmacist and
manufacturing chemist. It is recognized
that a thorough foundation must be laid
for this work; hence the course has been
designed to extend over a period of four
years the first two of which are devoted
to the ordinary college branches, the stu
dent beginning tbo special work only In
the Junior year. The degree bestowed up
on graduates is Bachelor of Science In
By a special arrangement with the Ore
gon Board of Pharmacy, the final examl
tion of the senior class Is conducted by
this board. Those who pass this examina
tion are thereupon granted certificates as
registered pharmacists.
Scott E. Harrisr, of Elgin. Or.. Is
the first regular graduate to be granted a
degree In pharmacy from this institution,
ha having completed the work and passed
the board examination successfully.
During the past vacation new facilities
in the way of equipment and room have
been added, and it Is expected that further
accommodations will be In readiness for
the classes of the next year.
The present Junior" class has an enroll
ment of 16 members, the sophomore 12 and
the freshman 27.
Department oC Assaying.
An Important addition to the schedulo
of the Oregon Agricultural College wa3
the establishment of a course In assaying.
This extends through two terms of 12
weeks each, and consists of Instruction In
fire assay of gold, silver, zinc, copper and
mercury ores; also such others as may be
deemed profitable after the former have
been thoroughly studied. Another branch
of assaying not usually given at other In
stitutions, and one, which by virtue of Its
usefulness must sooner or later receive
much consideration, that of extraction by
dissolvlng In cyanide of potassium, !s also
studied here. By means of the latter, as
well as the bromine and chlorlnation proc
esses, all the poorer ores and tailings from
rich ores can be successfully worked;
even black sand, that "has caused such an
expenditure of time and money In per
fecting apparatus that will remove the
fine flakes of gold often so abundant, can
be treated with great success by the cya
nide process.
The equipment of the assaying depart
ment consists of muffle and crucible fur
naces In which Is used liquid fuel; fine
balances, grinding machines, a full supply
of re-agents for making wet tests, a large
quantity of crucibles and scorifying dishes
as both methods are taught, magnifying
glasses, and all the various utensils to bo
found in a first-class assaying office. Wo
expect to add for the coming year's work
a 150-pound charge cyanide plant, a par
tial vacuum bne-half horse-power stamp
for grinding ores to any degree of fine
ness and another pulverizer.
As our facilities at present are alto
gether Inadequate to accommodate the
Increasing number for Instruction In as
saying, a new building will be erected in
which 23 desks will be placed. During the
past year but seven men could work to
advantage. Five of these were seniors.
four of whom elected metallurgical sub
jects for theses, two working on "The
silver ores of Oregon." and two on the
"Application of the cyanide process."
Under the circumstances attendant upon
the Introduction of any new branch of In
struction, the results have been most sat
isfactory. Bacteriologry.
The college has a well-equipped bacterio
logical laboratory for the Investigation and
study of bacteriological diseases, both ani
mal and vegetable. The study of bacteri
ology has made great strides both In the
patheological and the technical branches
of the subject; and Just as Investigation
Into the physiology of higher plants gave
the first Impetus to the establishment of
agricultural experiment stations In all
countries, so. In like manner, the physiol
ogy of fermentation and tchnlcal bacteri
ology have called into existence within the
last few years a number of stations and
laboratories for the development of those
branches of Industry wherein micro-organisms
play an Important part.
Department of Horticulture.
The past year records few changes In
the lines of work In the horticultural de
partment, save those Indicated by the
fruitgrowers at their last convention, and
an Investigation of the time and condi
tions in and under which the fruit buds
of our leading fruit trees are' formed.
A continual study of the curl-leaf of
the Italian prure and the testing of new
varieties of small and orchard fruits are
leading lines of work. But the one fea
ture that ls of most Interest generally ls
the recent plantings of pedigree stock of
orchard trees. In most Instances these
are of the old and well-known varieties,
but In some cases new and promising
varieties have been sat out. These trees
together with the offspring of the work
of cross-fertilization which Is largely be
ing carried on by the students In horti
culture, will furnish the ground work for
what is hoped to be important results
In the horticultural advancement of the
Northwest. Many of the recent Introduc
tions of new varieties have been planted
out this year for the purpose of testing
their merits as compared with the stand
ard varieties.
In the section of botany, considerable
progress has been made with the work
of the botanical survey. In the mat
ter of plant and seed collections. The
phrenological feature of -the work ls be
ing carried on chiefly by the aid of field
correspondents throughout the state.
A great mass of material has been add
ed to the herbarium collections In both
phaenogamlc and cryptogamlc life. Some
advance has been recorded in the matter
of special study of a few groups of na
tive plants and a collection of photo
graphs of trees and shrubs of Oregon Is
being made with a view to publishing an
l.lustrated monograph on this subject.
Professor E. R. Lake, head of the de
partment of horticulture, will spend the
Summer months in France In studying
plant life In that country.
The Library.
The library of the Oregon Agricultural
College Is fas; becoming one of the best
and most useful features of the institu
tion. Heretofore, it has been kept In a
nall room and left to the care of one or
more of the students, but with the be
ginning of the present year a regular li
brarian was employed and the library
moved from Its former crowded and
cramped quarters Into a large, airy and
well-lighted room on the first floor of the
main college building, where theTe are
ample accommodations for the shelving
of the books and a reading and study
room for the students.
The books in the library Include 2S00
bound volumes on literature, history, arts
and sciences and fiction; over 300 vol
umes of Government pubUcatIonstnich as
geological survey reports, records of the
Civil "War, and records and reports of
the 'different departments of the Cabinet;
and between 5009 and WOO pamphlets, chief
ly bulletins Issued by the experiment
stations of the various states. In addi
tion to these, we receive SO regular week
ly and monthly publications, magazines.
Journals and scientific works. The library
ls catalogued by subjects according to
the Dewey or decimal system, and alpha
betically by the titles cf tbetbooks and the
names of the authors, thus rendering
available all the resources of the library
upon any subject, and placing all liter
tureon any topic readily In the hands of
the students.
Each student is allowed the privilege
of drawing out books for a period of two
weeka. During the past year the dally
Issue of books In this manner has aver
aged 35, exclusive of books that were read
and used without belag taken from the
library. There are chairs and tables In
the room to scat 80. yet on most days
there were not enough to accomodate
all the student who wished to use the
books and magazines. No special .ap
propriation Is made for the maintenance
of the library nor for the purchase of
new books, but by using small amounts
from the various find's a few new books
are being constantly added. During the
past year, ESS books have been added
by purchase, and as many more have come
In from the general Government. In the
future It is hoped a regular library fund
may be provided, and then tho library
will become such as ls required and need
ed In an Institution of the size and Im-
portanco as the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, with Its 450 or more students.
The Heating: Plant.
This very important part of the college
equipment was completed In October, 1SS9, !
and has proved to be far more efllclent
than the stoves, the hot air and hot-water I
systems which had before been used in
supplying the various buildings with heat.
The plant has all the latest and best
ff'figm.Sonflnc, iTTllnTirpa nnil bflc A VI
pacity sufficient to keep the recitation !
rooms at a Summer temperature on the
coldest days. The building, with a base
33 feet square and a height of 15 feet, ls
made of brick and stono. and has a brick
chimney 65 feet In height. The steam Is
lurnisnea Dy a Dauery oi vwo sieei Don
ers, 75-horsepower each, which Is con
nected with tho buildings by double linos
of steam pipes running through under
ground brick conduits.
. Jfeyv BovrllnK Alley.
The bowling alley was put In last Spring
at a cost of JO00. It Is located in the base
ment of the Armory Building, where It
may be used by students and the faculty,
ladtes and gentlemen alternating In days.
In order to pay the expenses of con
ducting It, a small feo of 2 cenU a game
Is oharired. Thp. allpvss wprc nniiod on I
the 11th of April last, and up to this date
56M tickets have been sold. Mr. W. H.
Beach, of Oregon City, has been played
in charge of this department. Arrange
ments will be made to keep the alley open
during the Summer vacation for the bene
fit of local residents.
Printing? Department.
During the past year the college print
ing plant has been moved to the quarters
especially built for that purpose In the
new mechanical hail. All the printing
material was destroyed m the fire that
visited the college the year before, hence
everything on band is new. There are
two Gordon presses, a half-medium and
a quarter-medium; stitcher, a paper-cutter,
type, etc, which were purchased at
a cost of about 57000. The college docs
all bf Its printing, Including diplomas,
bulletins, catalogues, and such other work
as ls necessary to the advancement of
the institution. Much photogravure work
Is printed at the office, it being neces
sary to produce the illustrations from
life, hence requiring first-class work. The
office turns off about 57EO0 worth of work
annually, making a saving to the college
of about 50 per cent. At the present time
this department ls under the supervision
of Mr. G. B. Keady, who has had long
experience In some of the best offices In
the country.
The Colic pre and Station Account.
The business of the college ls transacted
from the clerk's office, there being on an
average about $100,000 changing hands each
year. Professor T. H. Crawford, form
erly City School Superintendent of Port
land, has been the book-keeper for the
past three years. A system of records
has been Introduced by Mr. Crawford
which makes It possible for the Board
of Regents to step In tit any time and
ascertain from the books the true condi
tion of all the business affairs of the
The CoIIcrc Grounds.
There have been many changes on the
grounds during the year, although at the
beginning the campus was very much torn
up up by the excavations going on for
the steam-heating plant. All of these
excavations have been put in order, and
the grounds have the appearance of never
having been molested.
The orchard 10 years old north of the
Administration Building, has been practi
cally eliminated, a newly made lawn tak
ing its place. Walks have been made so
that the student may be the better ac
commodated In passing from the mechani
cal hall to the college, also to the power
house. Trees and shrubbery have been planted,
all of which are putting on a splendid
growth, and the greenhouse Is better sup
plied than ever with plants.
In order that the Institution may avdl
Itself of the latest and the best in the
various departmests. It has been the prac
tice for some of the faculty to spend the
vacation In some Eastern university. This
system has been attended with good re
sults. In accordance with the Idea, Pro
fersor Dorothea Nash has obtained a
leave of absence for one year to study
music In London.
During the present year there has been
added to the faculty a lady dean In the
person of Miss Helen Cliamberlln, from
"Washington University, but more recently
of the State Normal School at Mon
mouth. The office of stenographer was created
at the beginning of the year, and Miss
Helen Holgate was appointed to the po
sition. In order to raise the literary standard
of the Institution, the catalogue will say,
freshmen found deficient In preparatory
etudtes may at the discretion of their In
structors be assigned to the sub-freshmen
class in order to make up such deficiency.
Students before promotion from this
course must be able to pass an examina
tion In spelling and grammar equivalent
to that required for a first-grade teacher's
Minister Drowned "While Bnthlnfr.
SONOMA, CaL. June 22. The Rev. F.
B. Bartlet, pastor of the Episcopal Church
of St. Mary the Virgin, of San Francisco,
has been accidentally drowned while bath
ing in Sonoma Creek.
Armaments Will Include- Heavy Bat
teries of 12 and 8-Inch Gans and
Many Rapld-Firers.
The Navy Department has recently is-
sued a circular descriptive, bf . the three
new battle-ships, the Georgia. Pennsyl
vania and the New Jersey! According to
the specifications set forth, they will be j
tne most, powerrui righting craft afloat.
Following are some of the features and
Length on load water line 435 feet
Extreme beam at load water
line .. 76 feet
Trial displacement 14,650 tons
Mean draft at trial displace
ment 24 feet
Greatest draft, full load, about 26 feet
Coal carried on trial displace
ment SCO tons
Coal-bunker capacity LSOO tons
Maximum indicated horsepower.lS.000
Speed, contract, per hour 19 knots
Complement, officers, seamen
and marines 703
The vessel will be double-bottomed and"
equipped with the usual water-tight com-
partments. The fire mains will be cov
ered with' the protective deck, and the
stations above connected therewith, at
convenient points. "Wood will bo used
only In so far as It Is Indispensable, and
even this will be nreproofed. The main
deck will be planked, but under It there
will be a complete metal deck. In other
places where It Is necessary, to use planked
decks they will be covered' with linoleum.
The freeboard will be 20 feet from bow to
stem, and as this will permit of the offi
cers' quarters being placed outside the
armored region, much better ventilation
can be secured.
A water-line belt will extend the whole
length of the vessel, bavlng a thickness
of 4 inches at the bow and stern, and in
creasing to 11 inches amidships. Extend
ing entirely around the ships and direct
ly above the water-line belt there will be
a 3-foot cellulose belt. The sides for a j
distance of 245 feet will be covered with
6-lnch armor. The protective deck, which
reaches from bow to stern, is" 1 Inches
thick over the engines. and,3 inches thick
on the slopes. On the forward deck it
curves rapidly down and end's In the ram. I
Four 12-lnch and 8 8-inch rifles will com
prise the main battery. Two of these will
be mounted In each of 6 turrets, of which
the armor will be 10 Inches. thick on the
12-Inch gun turrets, and 6 .inches on the
8-lnch turrets. All turrets will be of the
balanced type, but the 12-lnch' will be cir
cular, and the 8-lnch elliptical. The tur
rets will be so constructed that the guns
will have an elevation of more than 20
degrees. The secondary battery will con
sist of 12 6-inch rifles. Inclosed by 6 Inches
of armor, and separated by nickel-steel
bulkheads. The arcs of fire will be 110
degrees, while the 12-Inch guns will have
arcs of 270 degrees, and the 8-inch guns
can be trained from the "beam to dead
ahead or to dead astern.
Each of the 12-Inch guns will be able to
fire every minute and a half, each of the
eight-Inch guns every 45 seconds, and the
six-Inch, guns about three times a min
ute. The auxiliary batten will consist
of the following pieces:
Three-inch (14-pounder) rapid-fire guns.12
Three-pounders 2
One-pounders (automatic) j
One-pounders (single-shot) 4
Three-inch field guns 2
Gatllngs .-- I
Automatics, .03 caliber o
Four ot the 14-pounders will be mounted
on each side of the gun deck,, and two on
each side of the superstructure on tho
main deck. The lower military tops will,
contain two of the automate one-pounders,
and each of the upper tops, two of
tho single-shot one-pounders. "With the
exception of the field pieces the other
small guns will be mounted on the
bridges and about the superstructure
deck. There will be two submerged tor
pedo tubes, the firing stations of which
will be guarded against any shot up to
s,ix pounds. Four cylinder, triple expan
sion engines will be used, and when de
veloping 19,G00-horse power will make 120
revolutions a minute. The steam will be
supplied by 24 boilers capable of working
at a pressure of 250 pounds.
At a JO-knot speed the vessels will con
sume about 75 tons of coal a day, which,
with full bunkers, will give them a
steaming radius of C00O knots. The ves
sels must be finished in three years. If
the vessels fall below the required speed,
550,000 a quarter knot will be deducted for
each of the first two quarters and 5100,000
for each of the next two. If the speed
falls below 18 knots Jhe Government may
purchase the vessels at Its- own price or
reject them entirely.
The Old Slave Got HI "Tonns Mara
ter' Out of Prlnon.
Memphis Commercial Appeal.
A little incident at the Police station one
afternoon last week attracted comment
from various sources on account of the
romance It embodied. An old negro walked
into the office and asked in a mild and
Tespectful manner if his "young marster,"
M. C. Goln, was there. He was told that
Goln had been fined 52 for being drunk
and was on the rock pile. He applied to
Mr. Dye, keeper of the rock pile, and
had a talk with Goln. TJu latter was
I Aery drunk when arrest T, rnd the Re
corder fined him 52. He hails from
i Corinth.
j "How much." asked the old negro, '.'will
i you let him out for?"
Mr. Dye replied that ?1 would pur
chase his liberty. The old man pulled out
a tobacco sack. and. unloasentng the
strings, got out 52. The young rnitn was
released. Being asked why he was Inter
ested In the young man the old man said:
"I belonged to his father endurin the
war, and no better man evtr lived. "When
I hear 'em say young marster was In do
rock pile, I Jes' cum up heah -ter see him.
I'd give my last cent 'foh he shud ftay
In do prison."
The young man and the old ex-slave
walked away together.
To Staily the Alanknn Const.
SEATTLE, June 22. The United States
lighthouse tender Columbine will sail to
morrow on her annual cruise In Alaska
waters. Besides her regular complement
of officers, she will have aboard two
prominent officials of the Thirteenth
Lighthouse District, Commander "W. L.
Day. of the Navy. Lighthouse Inspector
for the Thirteenth District, and Major
W. C Langfitt. of the Army, the engl- J
neer or tne custnet. iney are going norm
to make a thorough study of the South
eastern Alaska Coast. During the voy
age locations for new buoys may be se
Proper Roate Is From Portland Re
sources of the CoBBtry.
PORTLAND, June 2L To the Editor.)
"The day will soon come when some
man of brains will take hold of Ncha
lem Bay nnd Its vast resources and carry
them to Portland." These "were the words
of Major McNeill. In 1S96. when receiver
of the O. R. &"N. Company, after exam
ining in person Nehalem Bay. Business
required me last week to travel, mostly
on footover the same Inaccessible coun
try which Major McNeill visited, and I
can truthfully indorse his remarks. Al
though the bay is inaccessible from all
sides, north, south, east or west, ex
cept from tho sea. It has a tributary
country possessing 20,000,000,000 feet of
lumber spruce, cedar and fir; extensive
fields of coal, several opened up to view,
of excellent quality, far superior to Na
nalmo coal and free of sulphur; splendid
dairy lands; salmon fishing grounds, prac
tically Inexhaustible; maritime waters;
dyked lands with rich bottoms; and. by
far, the finest sea-bathing beach in Ore
gon, with scenery that cannot be sur-
passed. The first question one asks on
finding these resources ls, '"Why does
not Nehalem Bay go ahead, then?" Some
people say Its residents are lazy, good-for-nothing
people. I deny this, as I
mixed among its citizens and can tes
tify to the contrary. Tho true causes
First Lack of railroad connection with
- Second No harbor Improvements at Its
sea entrance. 7'hcre has never been spent
one single 5-cent piece upon Its bar. Tet,
strange to say, It admits vessels drawing
9 to 12 feet, as I witnessed, and Is only
3S miles from the Columbia River. What
It needs In that respect Is a Government
appropriation of 550,000 for a small break
water (no more) to secure 17 to IS feet
of water nil the year.
Third Its total Isolation from the world
by land, being devoid of wagon roads
either to Its own vast Nehalem Valley,
reached for CO miles back on a grade of
only 10 to 12 feet to "the mile, or to As
toria. Yet Tillamook, of which county
Nelyilem ls a part, possesses the best
macadamized wagon roads around the
bay and Tillamook City, to be found In
As a necessary result, I found a pop
ulation of only 250 to 375 persons In Ne
halem district, or 118 voters. Including
the Foley district; two sawmills, cutting
less than 20,000 feet of spruce per day;
one good cannery, Elmore's; three stores,
one saloon, butcher, barber and black
smith shops, two carpenter establish
ments, five schools, one church, and a
telephone line, with occasionally lum
ber schooners, carrying spruce lumber to
San Francisco, the logs costing only 53
per 1000 feet, as against 56 per 1000 feet
at Portland. A careful Investigation by
the most pessimistic observer will satisfy
him that no better location, prospectively,
for loggers and mill men exists than at
Nehalem Bay. "Why? Because Its 20,
OOO.OOO.COO feet of timber must either be
carried to Portland as logs from points
SO to CO miles, and there manufactured for
overland rail shipment, or carried down
to Nehalem Bay and there made into lum
ber for foreign or seacoast export.
How ls thi3 to be accomplished? Not
by a railroad to Goble, St. Helens, Rain
ier or anywhere else on the Columbia
River, because the grades are practically
impossible to operate cheaply, ascending
to a summit of 1750 and 1S0O feet In a
distance of eight to nine miles. No man
Knows this better than I do, from ex
perience, having spent $40,000 on railroad
surveys to find this out. A railroad
to Portland would be totally different, as
from there It has over 33 miles to reach
the highest railway summit of only 1000
feet, a gradual ascent almost, and thence
descends 32 miles gradually to the sea.
Furthermore, only SO miles of railway
are necessary to construct from the Clty
of Portland to Nehalem Bay to obtain
these advantages, and while In transit
the railroad could connect with and carry
all of the logs of Neltilem Valley, unncr
and lower, to Portland by connecting with
the middle river at a point 27 miles or
more above the sea.
Thus logs or lumber and dairy produce
could be carried from points above or
below the falls of Nehalem far cheaper
to Portland, which Is also nearer than
to the Columbia River, and on far easier
grades. Besides Nehalem Bay coal, of
superior quality, would have 0 miles'
haul, and if the recently discovered nine
to 10-foot veins be tapped, a 50-mile haul
to Portland, fcnd all this whether tho
breakwater to cost ?50,000 be built. Of
course, the latter is essential for deep
water vessels with lumber for San Fran
cisco and for Pacific Coast ports, and
therefore our Chamber of Commerce and
Board of Trade should unite in asking
Brigadier-General "Wilson and Congress
to have this small breakwater started
next year, with an appropriation of, say,
Nevertheless, that ought not to farther
delay the construction of an indenendent
railway direct from Portland to Nehalem
Bay, and will not. The total length oi
the line would be about SO miles, at an
actual cost of 51,200.000, Including equip
ment, the Income from which, with 20,
000,000.000 feet of timber to haul for 50
years, with the coal, would pay its cost
five times over in that period, with &
per cent Interest additional, excluding
other freight, passengers and merchan
dise. I speak from experience, having
recently traveled oyer the route and sur
veyed portions on foot. Another item ot
value would be the sea bathing, or Sum
mer tourist travel between Portland and
Nehalem Bay, to which SO miles by rail
would be the distance against 118 miles
tp the seaside vta. the Astoria & Colum
bia River Railway, and with a far su
perior beach In front of Nehalem Bay.
No one expects Portland capitalists to
Invest In this or any other railroad en
terprise, still they can co-operate to bring
what ls now essentially necessary to
Portland's sawmills 1.0CO.0W feet ot
logs per day which all of the mills of
Multnomah County now manufacture Into
lumber and will Increase thisToutput enor
mously when the Nicaragua Canal is
Cnptaln George Torvle Dead.
NEW YORK, June 22. The death Is
announced in London of Captain George
F. Towle, TJ.-S. A., retired, aged 65 years.
Oh, WTint n Headache!
Relieve it In five minutes with Wright's
Paragon Hentlnrhe and. Neuralgia Cute.
Great Gala la Speed All Parts of the
Engine Improved Boilers
and, Brakes.
The "most helpful Influence In locomotive
design and construction during the last
decade has undoubtedly been the more
thorough understanding of the problem
by both the users and the builders of lo
comotives, writes R. H. Soule In the
Railway Age. In 1S90 we were approach,
lng a period of depression which caused
-orced economies In all branches of rail
road administration. Tho motive-power
departments emerged from that period
triumphant, having accomplished reduc
tions of expenses which had not been
considered possible before.
This valuable experience bad the effect
of directing the attention of designers to
the problem of so constructing locomo
tives as to get more work out of them
than had been customary. New engines
were then and have since been designed
to do maximum work with great econ
omy. Tractive power being proportionate
to weight on drivers, modern locomotives
(have been made much heavier than their
predecessors. As speed depends on steam
supply, there has been a tendency to en
large boilers, and this tendency, together
with the necessity of keeping the total
weight of each new engine within the de
sted limit, had led to an effort to lighten
as much as possible -Ch parts other than
the boiler; hence the free use of malle
able Iron and cast steel where cast iron
was previously used. Many parts such,
for example, as driving-wheel centers
have been made stronger, while thus
being made lighter. The more econom
ical performance of locomotives having
been kept steadily In view, the advantage
of increased expansion has led to the use
of higher pressures. Large boilers and
high pressures are the central and sali
ent features of modem locomotives.
These conditions have demanded improved
methods and great care In boiler construc
tion. The result ls that tho locomotive
holler of today, although the conditions
are so much more exacting. Is very much
better and safer, and may be expected
to have a longer life than ever before.
The use of ductile steel flanging machines
and improved bending rolls, combined
with careful workmanship, results in ac
curate fitting. Hydraulic riveting ma
chines have been evolved In as many spe
cial forms as required, so that practical
ly every rivet in a locomotive boiler shell,
especially If the back head flanges be
turned out, as In many "Wootten boilers,
may be driven by power. Dome construc
tion has been greatly Improved and
strengthened. The use of high pressures
and heavy plates has developed a prefer
ence for the simpler forms of boiler con
struction. It may be expected that
straight-top boilers will be more In favor
and Betpalro boilers less in favor In the
But, although tho boiler ihas had much
attention concentrated on It. nevertheless
the other parts of the locomotive have re
ceived their share of thought and have
been, improved to corrrepond. Cylinder
fastenings, both to the boiler and to the
frames, bavo been greatly, benefited by
the attention bestowed on them. Pistons
and piston packings 'have been simpli
fied and made more reliable. The piston
valve has crept Into popular favor, and
deservedly; tho success of the piston
valve has been demonstrated on a large
scale in connection with the Vauclain
type of four-cylinder compound engine.
where there was no escape from the vise
of that type of valve; but the prophets
of 1S90, who predicted disaster from Its
use, are now applying piston valves to
their simple engines. As a matter of fact,
there Is no one detail of the Vauclain
four-cylinder compound engine which has
been so little affected by the improve
ments of the last 10 years as the piston
In passing. It may be noted that the
one vital part of the locomotive which
bas not been modified m any particular
In 10 years is the Stephenson link mo
tion it remains unchanged. Our tire
makers have learned to produce tires of
superior quality, which give increased
mileage and which rarely break. The in
creased mileage Is, of course, favorably
affected by the improved forms of driver
brakeshoes, which operate to dress off the
Irregularities of the tire treads and pro
long the period between shoppings and
during which an engine may remain in
service. Ten years ago many engines had
a form of driver brake gear in which only
a portion of the driving wheels were fit
ted with shoes; today every engine not
only has brakeshoes on each and evecy
driving wheel, but all are so connected
that the pressure ls equalized and the
work of retardation ls evenly distributed
between the several driving wheels under
all circumstances. The alt pump of to
day is enlarged but simplified, as com
pared with Its predecessor of 10 years
ago, and ls more in keeping with the
present requirements of brake service.
Many of the minor parts and attach
ments of locomotives have been improved.
Metallic packings have been modified to
suit present conditions of high pressure,
etc., until they are new more reliable
than- in the days of lower pressures.
Pneumatic sanders, originally looked upon
as a luxury, have now been accepted as
an indispensable necessity, and their gen
eral tape has made it necessary to revise
the old rules which were used to estab
lish the ratio between tractive power and
weight on drivtro. Modern sight-feed lu
bricators will deliver lubricant to the cyl
inders as surely and regularly when tho
engine is using steam as when drifting.
The moderm injector will pick up Ito
water again after breaking, and thus
relieve the englneman of much distress.
The increased knowledge of the funda
mental problems of locomotive design, as
first above referred to, Is plainly evi
denced by the annual reports of the Mas
ter Mechanics' Association since 1S0O. Dur
ing that period several committees have
made searching Inquiries and able reports,
and have reduced to defln'te formuiai
and rule some important matters which
before had been regulated by precedent
rather than principle.
Comparing cur own progress with that
of foreign countries, we have certainly
benefited by our American practice of the
free and open exchange of information,
and our readiness to abandon any prac
tice or construction for a better one:
whereas, our foreign friends are restra!ned
and held back by the oppo5ite qualities.
Wild Western ".TouinB-."
Omaha News.
It's rather a good Joke on one of oui
Omaha boj's when he was In the South
a couple of years ago.
Frank, he's the one, was In Atlanta with
Company L, and his brother Harry was
very 111 In Omaha.
Frank was an awfully good fellow and
tremendously Jolly. The fellows called
him a hot air dispenser. He was quite a
lady's man and had "won a home" With
some girl In a neighboring town.
"I tell you. Lightly, she's a wizard."
Lightly was a telegraph operator and a
great friend of Frank's.
"And you're going to take her to the
show tomorrow night, are you?"
"You bet your life. Say, she's a queen!
Pretty? Well. I would say she was! But
look here. Lightly, you know Harry Is to
undergo an operation today, and If any
thing happens mother will wire me. You
send it to me at once."
"All right, old man, I will, and you
may go and see your fairy."
Frank and the girl were enjoying the
performance Immensely, when, at the end
of the first act. someone stepped frorr
behlnd the curtain with a telegram in hia
hand. The house was still and everyone
Frank, white, trembling, and expecting
the worst, stepped to the front, took the
envelope, read, the message and burst out
laushJus; This Is wbaz be read: "If sue'a i
Buch -a wizard." love her twice for
On his way back to his seat eomm ('
from tha gallery hollered: "Is it a boy t
glrir Poor Frank! He felt Ilka tn
Marriage and the SoheolteaeXar
New York World.
Jersey City's School Board is depiy
agitated by tho alleged, discovery thaoo
of her school teachers carried on th'sa3
ary-rois as "Miss" Grace Ryan la in raai
ity not a "Miss" at a.1, but a "Mrs.
Tho lady neither denies nor admits th
soft impeachment- There is on entry,
however, on the marriage records o2 Um
cty which on its face sustains the alle
gation that she Is not a spinster, nor has
been for two years past.
The School Board has split Into two
factions on the subject, the one fa-vorinf
"auss" Ryan's Immediate dismissal, tiw
other contending for her continuance a
schoolteacher to the end of the present
This episode in the school life of Jersey
City calls attention again to the curious
fact that the employment of a school
teacher Is the only ono in which wohm&
are by custom that Is as strong as law
forbidden to marry on pain of forfeltinjf
their places and salaries. Tho womam who
writes shorthand, keeps books, operates a
typewriter, works as a compositor, a sail
liner, a dressmaker, or in any other oi tha
numerous occupations now open towomuv
can marry and go on earning waged.
The schoolteacher alone la denied tas
right to marry and still work for a- Uvisff.
Perhaps this has something to do with.
the fact that the vocation of tho school- 'J
teacher ls not so eagerly Bought as it'
used to be, before so many other occupa- J !
tlons In which singleness ls not a coadi- H
tlon of employment gave a welcoma ta
woman's labor.
What Is a Poet?
Gerald Stanley Lee In the Atlantic
The truest definition of a gentlematy )K
that he ls a man who loves bis work.
This Is also the truest definition of a
poet. The man who loves his work is a
poet because he expresses delight in that
work. He is a gentleman because his de
light In that work makes him his awn,
employer. No matter how many mea. ra
over him, or how many men pay him, o
fall to pay him, he stands under the wld
heaven the one man who Is master oi
the earth. Ho is the one Infallibly over
paid man on It. Tho man who loves "his
work has the single thing the world af--fords
that can make a man free, that can
moke him his own. employer, that admits
him to the rank of gentlemen, that pays
him, or is rich enough to pay 'him, what
a gentleman's work is worth.
The poets of the world are the men who
pour their passions into it. the men who
make the world over with their passion.
Everything that these men touch, as with
some strange and Immortal Joy from out
of them, has the thrill of beauty In It,
and exultation and wonder. They cannot
have it otherwise even if they would. A,
true man is the autobiography of some
great delight mastering his heart for him,
possessing his brain, making his handm
H C Keller. San Fran I Sirs P H Sweet, S y
Arnold. P. I Mr & Mrs F P Stona
Eleanor A Lee. S F j San Francisco
J? E Epstein & child., G M Bowman. San
San Francisco Jose. Cal
H H Abbott j Mrs Q M Bowman, do
t vT tt kui ri .aiaDury, do
-vim. -.Atiuuiuru. vni
Miss C Mabury, do
JoJln R Forrest. N
a. wise & child, As
toria B 3 Phillips, San Fr
F E Abbott. Chicago
A D Spencer, Chlcatro
A H Berber. Chicago
R P Lewis, St Louis
J L Daube. Chicago
R W Skinner. San .'BV
John E Serve, X Y
W G Taylor. Chicago
Geo M Gibson. S F
B Murphln. city
W F Halsey. USN
S Shlrek. San rran
I B Bresland, Green
wood. B C
W F Acton, Conn
J A Osborn, Conn
R J Marsh. Attleboro
R W Blackwood, city
X L, Brlnker. Omaha
Mr & Mrs L B Stearn
Mlss Stearns, clty
"W M Smith. San Fr
N Skinner. SDOkane
j .Martin Conrad. Chicago
- o -Lrfsvy, oan ran-
'W Bode. San Trnn
I Mrs Horace Smyth.. S F
. u uruno, wi & son,
San Francisco
W B Dennis & wife,
J B Wright. "Waah.I3S-
y j Jones, san Fran
J A Bennett. St .To
Mrs P Bullard. San Fr
i-f uwena. Aiiiwir
H Bird. San Fran
X Jnrgens, Oakld. Cal
W Moln. do
J R Ball. Sacramento
A A Adams. X V
lit um Hastings; As
toria j G T Patterson. USA
R C Stevens. Seattle
Mrs H S Thompson, SF S Lounsbery N Y
toinmblti River Scenery.
Regrulntor Line steamers, from Oak
street dock, dady, except Sundays, Tho
Dalles. Hood River, Cnicade Locks.
and return. Call on. or 'fone Agent for
further information.
lire "Wm Cattarch,
Mansaeld. Mass
Mrs A Burley, Omaha
Mrs L D Marsh. War
ren, Pa
Miss Harriett McCobb,
E E M11K Sallda, CoIo
iiiiiuipon. .tugn-
land. Cal
Mrs C H McClaken.
Oakland. Cal
J M Keener, Heppner
VV Lord, The Daile3
J M Short. Indp, Or
J M Stark, do
W E Yates. Corvallls
Aug TV Fischer, do
J H Huntler. Salem
Fred A Edwards. Eu
gene .
Horace M Bride, Cor-
vallls. Or
"W H Arnold, Salt Lk
Mrs "VV H Arnold, do
Miss Cora Arnold, do
Sherman Hai, Salem
F B Wait, Ro.eburg
G D Palmer. Marsh
O S Hoflman, Colum
bus, O
Mrs O S Hoffman, do
J P Irvine. McMlnnvillf
D A Ward. M D
Sumpter. Or
T H Mitchell, Sandon.
R L Austin. Ocoata. Or
R C Hunt, St Paul
M Perrall. Seattla
Mrs M Perrall, Seattle
C D Stuart. San Fraa
Mrs C D Stuart. S F
Chas T Stuart. S F
Mrs J S Slnrle, "Wis
Miss J S Single, dp
Master SInzle. n
G D HIbbard. San Fr
J F Warner. S.ittl
land. Or 1
r T, fru ...
r iiiuiiipson, opnng-
G T Kendell. Aberdeen.
u:u, uiaii
lT2 G. p Thompson, Io I B Gray. Le'wlston
j -uctjarty, Seattle
J F "Wnner. Bonnevlll
S A D Gurley. Arllngt
A Anderson. Hcnpner Mrs SAD Gurley do
Al Porter. Lone- PrV fh-n.ri r:,i- x i
t -n' e "S rx.uri iiiss Gurley, do
" V f"w. uajion, a tv st John, X Y
Mra J Smith. Ocosta
J D Congress, Pull
man. Wash
Mrs J D Congress, do
Miss J Smith, rwistn
T W McDonald. Spoka
u u rfernn. uorvallls
Lora Thorsgard, Fargo, J Harth. Oakland.
J M Collier. Fresno A Packard. Astoria
S.irs J SI CniH-r do , Henry Kratz. ClaUkanl
A Burley, Omaha j L C Gibson. San Fran.
C. W. Knowles. Manager.
C r Crosby. Astoria
X X Craig. San Fraa
Jas Kelly. Welser
(I Sylvester. Omaha
X G Taylor. Chicago
J S Cooper, Indp. Or
u amith. Astoria
a M McArtis. Conn
Mrs A A Faulkner,
Colorado Springs
Miss Faulkner, do
Mrs D Y K Deerlng,
Union. Orr
Miss L Deerlng, do
i l, i-aiierson. salem
II Puter, X Y
E J Jenson. Jefferson
IE S Felling. Chicago
Airs r Deerlng,
Mrs C Deerlng,
Mrs M Deerlng,
uu (jars iiisey, i-nua
do IE G Schomasser, S F
do Mrs Schomasser. S P
do B S Smith
I Mrs Smith
v; ii Koberts.
u u Mead. Kr
R W Jessup. Sai
R "W Jessup, San Fran Mrs McDougall. X Y
C E Harmon.Gr Pass (R S Spencer, Chicago
IV P Ely. Kelo
Chas M Pierce. S F
(airs opencer. Chicago
Mrs Ledward. Oakland I L Hnns Snn EV-.
;u-3 opencer, v.nicago
Annie J Shsehan. S F ,G H Mueller, Seattle
J L "Warner, city M S Cavanaugh. Spotet
IT AVarner. city Mrs Cavanaugh, do
D A Paine, Eugene J Aronson, Portland
D L Hanna, Portland tF V Kimball. X Y
II " Bales. Hoquiam JC J Herman, Ga
Mrs Bales. Hoquiam JG F Brooks. Salt Laks
Hy Franklin. San Fr JA S Fee. Astoria
A F Kanen.AVash. DCJMrs Fee. Astoria
V II Elephant, Astoria jp L Roenfeld. city
Geo F Plunkett. St PI iE H Xelson. city
F I Dunbar, Salem
J X McDufty, Vancvr
H w GIlllnghamDay-
Y B Wllcheson. city
O C Kelso. Ft Canby
F M Hudson, Salem
Joe Emerlck. Paris
t ion
J F Graham. Marshlnd
John J Black, do
7.' H Shaull. McMlaa
W G Mcore, do
J D Brewer. do
A Chlsholm. Cathlamet
G A Serfllng. Monmth
M O Bailey. Monmth
V,m Peters, Astoria
W Sorrell. Astoria
F A Ackerman. Mich
Chas R Cross, Mich
J W Strong, Mich
A M Rivers. Halsey
H A Ellsworth, South
H Campbell, do
A A Creswell, wilson
ville IE D Barker. Spokane.
v parley, bpokane
O C Kelso, Str Canby
AY B Matson. do
Joe Dixon. do
JA L Clark. Astoria
Mrs H A Ellsworth, do!
Julius Davidson. Amity
I Airs Clark, Astoria
IJ Bedford. Crowley
M Felling. Anltr
K A Adams. Crowley
J E Hedrlck. Crowley
P Reggs. Crowley
Jas Blakeley. Brownsvl
J E Hammond. Silvrtn
M BIsbee. Forest Grv
J R Geel. Iowa
Mrs Geel. Iowa
J B Lewis, Iowa.
Mrs Lewis, Iowa
S K Stanley. Seaside
M E Stanley. Seaside
L Hackenberg, May-
IJudgo Jas McCain, Mc
Mlnnvllle (Joseph Slip. McMlnnvl
!Ed Ross. McMInnvllle.
ID J Bonner. St Helens
I Mrs M J Scott. St Hlns
r Mervin. Ft stevems
G A Larson, Maygers A J Yates, Rldegfleldr
C S Fulton. Duluth IJas Qulnn. Qulnns
F M Fales. Fales Ldg C C Thayer. The Dalles
C M Ingraham. do JC B Dixon. Dalles
V B Buffln. Forst GrvjT p "West. Dalles
M Scott. Forest Grovel
Hotel Drnnsiviclc. Seattle.
Huropcan; first class. Rates, "Ui and up.
block from depot. Restaurant next door.
Tacoma Hotel. Tocoma.
American plan. Hates, 13 and up.
Donnelly Hotel, Tacoma.
European plan. Bates, SOs and up.