THE MOANING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, ' JUNE" 23, 1900. 11 GOJjfMERCIAL AND - t i There sras a thriving buEjsi In the -whole- I ale district yesterday, and considerable firm ness was shown In some lines. The Fourth of July trade has set In. and has resulted In stiffening up the- market on oranges, lemons and similar luxuries, which .are always In great de mand at this searpn. The poultry market has token a sharp adxance. and chickens are from OOc to $1 per dozen higher all around. Eggs , and butter are steady at unchanged quota- j uons. The wheat market Is still excited and tending, hlgler. althcfugh there Is not very much business -doing locally. Battle -Clearing. - Exchanges. Balances. Portland" ,. $291,041 $ 42.339, Tacoraa .'. - 165,110 34.753- Seattle" .., ........... 390.782 170.S78 Spokane 147,134 35,128" 'POKTIiAXD MARKETS. Grata, Flottr. "Etc There is sUll considerable strength. In the wheat, market, in all directions. The English -markets are showing faith, in ithcChlcago ad vanco by trailing right in with substantial alns, which are helping matters la the Port land market. Sales -are of, small proportions, and Ural t-are difficult to determine, but 07 G iSc are quoted for both Walla Walla and Val ley, with o better paid for some choice stock of tho former. Bluestem, COc. Freights are firm, with no new transactions, rates asked being considered too high. Wheat "Walla "Walla. B73Sc; Valley. 573 Mo: bluestem, 575&s per bushel. Flour Best grades, $2 60 dj 3 05; graham, (7 K; superfine, $2 10 per barrel. Oats White. 3435c; gray, 3233c per bushel. Barley Feed. S1415; brewing, 510 per ton. MlllstuSs Bran. $12 GO per ton; middlings. $1810: shorts. 13; chop, $14. Hay Timothy, $10311; clover, $707 150; Ore goa wild hay. $67 per ton. Batter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery, 35340c; store, 25e per roll. Eggs 15c per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3Q4 per dozen: hens. $45; Springs, $1 253 CO; ducks, $3 (H: geese, $45 per dozen. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12l3c; Tounj America, 14c per pound. Vegetables, Fruit, Etc. Vegetables Parsnips, $1; carrots. 75c$l; turnips, 75c per sack; onions, llVic per pound for new; csfcbage. $1 50 per cental; potatoes. 40 J50c per sack for old, 75c for new; peas. 45c, fceans, 1012c; asparagus, 45c. Fruit Lemons. $3 7504; oranges. $4(34 25 per "box for late Valenclas; pineapples, $4 503J per dozen; bananas, $2 50S3 per bunch; Per sian dates, 7Sc; strawberries. CQOc per pound; peaches, 75c$l per box; cherries. 2Q4c per pound; apricots, 7500c; apples, 11 35 per box; raspberries. CS0c per pound. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated. 7 8c per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes. 45c; pears, 0un and evaporated. 5Gc; plums, pltlees, 40 Co: prunes, Italian, 3Vs0c; si her, extra choice, 5 0c; figs, Smyrna, 22c; California black. CQ'Oc; do white, 10c per pound. . Groceries, Nata, Etc Coffee Mocha. 2352Sc: Java, fancy, 20332c. Java, good, 20ga4c; Java, ordinary, l&S20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 1820c; do good. lG18c; do ordinary, 10312c per pound; Columbia, roast, $12 OS; Arbuckle's, $13 13; Lion, $12 03 per case. Sugar Cube. $5 00; crushed. $5 00; powdered. $5 00; dry granulated. $3 40; extra C, $4 90; golden C, $4 80 net; half barrels, c more than barrels; mapl sugar, 15310c per pound Beano Small white, 3Hc; bayou, 4c: Lima. Cc per pound. Salmons-Columbia Blver. 1-pound tails, $1 25 1 63; 2-pound tails, $22 CO; fancy, 1-pound flat. $1 0531 75; Mr pound fancy flats, 6585c; Alaska, 1-pound tails, $1 2031 30; 2-pound tails, $1 TKXS'2 25. 3raln bags Calcutta. $0 37$4 per 100 for spot. Nuts Peanuts. 0J4Q7c per pound for raw. 10c for roasted; cocoanuts, 00c per dozen; walnuts. 10 (3 lie per pound: pine nuts, 15c; hickory nuts. 7c; chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, lie; filberts. 25c; fancy pecans, 1214c; almonds, 15317$c per pound. Coal oil Caws, 21c per gallon; barrels, 17c; tanks, 15c Rice Island. 6Hc; Japan, Cc; NeV Orleans,' ,4J5Q'5i5c: fancy head. $77 60 per sack. Hops, "Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 2ST3c per pound. Wool Valley. 12 13c for coarse, I510o for best; Eastern Oregon. 1015c; mohair, 25c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c: short-wool, 25 35c; medium-wool, 3050c; long-wool, C0c$l each. Pelts Bear skins, each, as to size. $5S-15; cubs, each. $1(35; badger, each, CQc; wildcat. 575c: housecat. 5C5c: fox, common gray. -40cG?l; do red. $1 7&3 50; do cross. $2 50SJ; lynx. $2S4-50; mink. 40e$l 75; marten, dark Northern. $510; do pale. pine. $24; musk rat. 88120; ekunk. 5060c; otter (land). $4 S: panther, with head and claws perfect, $103; raccoon. 5g'80c: wolf, mountain, with 1 ead perfect, $3 50 5; woH erine. $2 50(30; beaver, per skin, large. $&2,7; do medium, per pkln, $4Q; do small, per skin. fl&2; do kits, per skin. $1ST3. Tallow 5(8"5c; No. 2 and grease. 3J4c per pound. Hides Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and up ward. 14ST15. dry kip. No. 1. 6 to 10 pounds, l&cperpound; dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds. 15I6eJ dry salted, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, sound steers. 00 pounds and oer. 7Sc; do 50 to 00 pounds. 74c: do un der 50 potindt. and cows. 7c; kip. 13 to 30 pounds. TfcQSc; do veal. 10 to 14 pounds. 7Hc: do calf, under 10 pounds, 76c: green funsalted). lc per pound less, culls (bulla, stags, moth eaten, badlj cut. scored hair slipped, weather beaten or grubby, one-third less. Meat nndt Provisions. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, sheared. $3 5&S 75; dressed. 707c per pound: Spring lambs. Sg'Sitc per pound groi. Hogs Gross, choice heavy. $5; light. $4 CO; dressed. 5Cc per pound. Veal Large. Ga'jC per pound; small, SO Beef-Gross, top steer-f. UQ4 CO: cows. $3 50 4, dressed beef. 68-70 per pound. Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand) Hams, smoked, are quoted at 13c per pound; picnic hams. l&e per pound: breakfast bacon. 13i: bacon. OMrc: backs, flt:; dry alt sides. S;c; dried beef. 17$tc er pound, lard. 6-pou palls. 10c: 10 - jxmnd palls. 8c; 50n, 03c: tierces, 0c rr pound. Kawtern pacK (Ham mond's): Ilams, large. lSe; medium, ISc; small. 13c; picnic hame, 04c: shouldrrs. Hc: breakfast bacon. 12c. dry salt sides Sii GMc: bacon side, OVtJTlOc: backs. 9c; butts. Uc; lard, pure loaf, kettle rendered, 5s, lOise: J0s.lOHc SEW TORK STOCK MARKET. , Higher Opening, Imt Acute "Wenlc ness nt the Close. NEW TOItK. June 22. The stock market de veloped acute -weakness before the cloe today, offering a surprise to professional traders, who came, to Wall street this morning under the Impression that the market had been oersold and was -duo for a rally. This con lctlon was strengthened by the early course of the mar ket, which opened higher. In sympathy with London, where there was a better feeling on Account of lack of confirmation of some alarm ist rumors regarding conditions In China. The buying of tho Reading stocks and of New Jersey Central, which made such an Impres sion on sentiment yesterday, was still in evi dence, and during the course of the first hour some of the railroads had advanced as much as 1 to IH points above last night. The steel stocks had rallied from an opening depression, and were bought on the more cheerful views of the outlook for the Iron mar ket, and the local traction stocks rallied on covering of short contracts. The decision of the International bankers not to ship gold on tomorrow's steamer, the fall In exchange rates having wiped out the profit on the operation, was a stimulating factor. During the course of the first hour. howeer, large offerings be gan to appear In Northern Pacific, coupled with renewed reports of the disastrous condition In the Spring-wheat region. The coalers and trunk lines made some resistance to the de clining tendency of the market, but they proved unavailing as a sustaining force, and weak lg$ppead through the graln-carrj lng roads ana the Industrials. Stocks of Industrial cor ppraflons, and especially of the controlling pub lic utilities In cities, all showed acute weak ness. The pressure against Brooklyn Rapid Transit became very severe as the day ad vanced.' and that stock at the lowest was 7h points below the early point, and thetaet de cline was. S?i. Tho unfriendly attitude of the public towards this class of corporations was an influence in their weakness, but there vras FINANCIAL NEWS" liquidation from some special source In Brook lyn Transit. Some stocks offered today were said to be by tho banks, which had held them as collateral for the loans of a large stock ex change firm which recently Tailed. The- professional- bears were also effective In offering down prices, but they met with great success In dislodging stop-loss orders. The rally in prices wa fitful and feverish, and the market closed unsettled and not much. atxne the low level. The banks were reported to be calling loans to a considerable extent, presumably in preparation: for the payments into the Subtreasury on Monday of the Gov ernment deposits, which have been called to the extent of $3,000,000. The estimates of the week's cash changes Indicate a gain by the banks of considerably over $1,000,000. The payments which the banks had to make to the Subtreasury for tho gold-bar exports wero offset by the settlement of that Institution to the market. The -currency movement with the Interior continued largely in favor of New York. The rate for call money at the stock exchange Is not an accurate, index of money conditions, as the large borrowing demand for stocks for de livery by the short interest serves to keep down the rate for call leans. Part of the selling ot stocks is undoubt edly for the purpose of realizing funds to di vert to wheat and cotton speculation. The de cline in sterling exchange, which caused th abandonment of the expected exports ot gold tomorrow. Is due to the Increasing demand for money In New York. Today's bond market was dull, and the mo ement of prices was irregular. Total salesj par axie. $1,1S0.000. United States bonds wera unchanged in bid quotations. BONUS. U. S. 2s. rcf. reg..l02D. & R. G. 4s 9bH do coupon 103'iGen. Electric 5S...117U do 2s. reg 100 IN. Y. Central Ists 111H do 3s, reg ICO Northern Pac 3s.. COH do coupon 109 I do 4s 103 oo new is, reg...tu jregon jav. ists...iov do coupon 134VH do 4s ill do old 4s, reg....U4 Dregon S. L. ea....l274, do coupon 115 j do con. Cs lli do 5s. reg.. 113 Rio Gr. West. Ists ITJi, do coupon 113 Ipt, Paul consols.. .1C& Dlst. Col. 3-C5S...123 Ibt. P. C. & P. IstsllOH Atchison adj. 4s... 82, do Cs 120 C. & N.W. con. 7sl41 iUnlon Pacific 43...105 do S. F. leb 5S.117H1W1S. Central Ists.. 90 D. & R. G. lsts...l01jfcSouthera Pacific 4s 7bi STOCKS. The total cales of stocks today were S32,CS3 shares. The closing quotations were: Atchison 2iUnlon Pac prof.... 71i do pref C6TlW.tash 7U Bait. &. Ohio 73M do pref 17& Can. Pacific So Wheel. & L. E bit Can. Southern ... 4S4; do 2d pref 21 Ches. & Ohio 241 Wis. Central 14v. Chi. Or. Western. licThlrd Avenue 111 Chi., B. & Q 123Republlc Iron & S. 0 ChU Ind. & L.... IShI do pref 50 do pref 40 P. C. C. & St. L. 50 SChl. & East. 111... 7H EXPRESS CO.'S. hlcago A N. W..153 Adams 117 hi.. R. I. & Pacl04AmerIcan I4l C. C. C. & St. L. 57 (United States 43 Colo. Southern ... OHiWells-Fargo 120 do 1st prei 41 MISCELLANEOUS. ao -d pref 10 JAmer. Cotton Oil.. 30 DeL & Hudson....ll0t4 do pref 00 Del , Lack. & W..175iAmer. Malting .... 2 tenver & Rio Gr. 16k do pref 2oH dp pref GSfcAmer. Smelt. & R. 35i Erie ..... . iu. no Tjrei.T y:i .. 10! do pref.t o5i do 1st pref 32"lAmer. Enlrits 2tl Great North. preC.145 1 do prei 17 Hocking Coal lliAmer. Steel Hoop. 1TH Hocking Valley .. 334 do pref 68 Illinois Central HIV Amer. Steel & W.. 30H Iowa Central 17 do pref to do pref 3 Amer. Tin Plate... 1SVI Kan. C P. & G.. 15V, do pref 73 Lake E. & IV 2SiAmer. Tobacco .... SRH do pref 02 do pref 120 Lake Shore 20Sk Anaconda Min. Co. 37 Louis & Nash 749.1 Brooklyn B, T 50 Manhattan El ... 84 S( Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 30 Met. St. Ry 140t,ConL Tobacco 22i Mcx. Central 11$1 do pref 7C Minn. & St. Louis 40 iFederal Steel 30 do pref 87 do pref OJti Missouri Pacific .. 4GiGen. Electric ir.-i Mobile & Ohio 50 jGlucose Sugar .... 48' M.. K. & T 10 do pref 05 do pref 2yiInU Paper 22'A iew Jersey Cent..I21si do pref G4U 7few York Cent...l2SLa Clede Gas 70 Norfolk & AVest... S1b National Biscuit .. Jfi do pref 74 I do pref feo Northern Pacific. -48JlNational Lead .... lift. do prof 70U do pref .-. U3 Ontario & West... lVs. National Steel .... 22fc O. R. & N 42 do pref S?.g do pref , 70 N. X. Air Urake.,.127 Pennsylvania, ....larlNorth American .. li Reading lG,Paclfle Coast 4tl do 1st pref 57y,l do 1st pref SO do.2d pref 8 j .dn 2d pref. 57S Rio Gr. Western-, 55 .jPaclOfc Mall 26 do pref. 87 (People's Gas i5"3 St. Louis & S. Ft. 0 IPressed Steel Car. 434 do 1st pre? W)4 do pref 73H do 24 prcf.t 31-KtPullmao Pal. Car.177' St. Louis & S. W.. 9V Stand. Rppe & T... iA do pref. ISugar ., 117'2 St. Paul HOVst do pref 114 " prei in iTenn. coal & iron. W St. Paul & O lib U. S. Leather. 8 oouuiern racine .. 3i4 ao prei ...... Southern Ry 10iU. S. -Rubber.. do pref ... 50&I do pref Texas & Paelflo... 13&lWestern Union Union Pacific 401 Offered. tEx dividend. 00 25 44 7S Forelsrn Financial News; NEW TORK. Juno 22. The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram ?ays; The markets have been generally stagnant today. In the absence of news and on lng to the holiday tomorrow. Americans were firm until New York opened, when they relapsed, closing at the lowest In the street on persistent Amer ican selling. Copper shares were firm, though the metal was dull. Discounts were firmer, and call money steady. Loans for over the month were firm. The bank sold 40.000 gold In German coin, and lost 40.000 for an unntated destination, and 10000 to the Continent. From Egypt 50,003 was received. Durins the'weec 037,000 Ger rean coin has been sold. Money, Exchange, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. June 22. Sterling on Lon- J don CO dajs. ?4 85; do right. $4 87X Mexican dollar 4S449c Drafts Sight, 10c; do telegraphic. 124c NEW YORK. June 22. Close: Money on call, easy at 141 per cent; last loan. 14 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 4fM4 per cent. Sterling exchange Easier, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at $4 SOtfH Sfisj for de mand and at $4 S4jJ4 844 or GO days: posted rates, $4 83 4 S54 and $4 SS; commercial bills. $4 S34 834. . SiU cr certificates COCCI c Mexican dollars 7c Bond" Government, steady; state, lnactlvo; railroad. Irregular. LONDON, Juno 22. Consols Money 1401 per cent. -100 3-10. Stocks In London. LONDON. June 22. Atchison, 234; Canadian Pacific. 01?;: Union Pacific preferred. 7S4; Northern Pacific preferred. 73; Grand Trunk, C4; Anaconda, 84. THE GRAIN 3IARKETS. Prices for Cerenls In Earopenn and Amerlcnn Ports. SAN FRANCISCO. June 22. Wheat and bar ley, strong: spot wheat, firm; spot barley, firmer. Oats, moro firmly held. Spot quotations were: WATCH! ...THE ... CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET IPS BOOMING CROP CONDITIONS WORST EVER KNOWN -SEE- CULLISON&CO. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce Both Tones p-.Wheat-No. lhlpplng?l :'&oiee. $1 07; mining. $1 VPA& 10. Barley Feed. GGttS0S9ic: brewing. 757THc Oats Gray. Oregon. $1 07!J1 10; milling, $1 101 12H; red. $1T1 20. Call board sales: Wheat Strong; December, $1 384 per eeatal; cash. $1 07& Barley Strong; December, 75?Jc Com Large yellow, $1 I5S1 11H- Chlcasp .Grain and Frodacc. CHICAGO. June 22. The speculators bad to swkllow long wheat. In .heavy chunks through out the session, and at times July dipped by yesterday's figures. The Northwest Spring wheat conditions was still the great bull stronghold, and dispensed news of a pessimis tic nature. Trade was active, not to say ex cited, and the market was ratber feverish. A feeling that the Northwest shortage, grave, as It may ultimately provo to be. has been dis counted, was prevalent among many traders. The heavy profit-taking did not tend to change this opinion. In other words. It was held by many that the price had adrar-ced sufficiently to allow today's news, which was the most unfavorable yet announced, to be Ignored. Hot weather and a clear sky went generally re ported from the Dakota. Minnesota and Man itoba. Their crop possibilities were generally reported two-thirds ruined, ami the condition called a veritable disaster. Statistician Snow, ot the Board of Trade, Just back from a thorough Investigation of tho situation. Is reported to have declared that the Dakotas would not alie- over 40.000,000 bushels, while others said tho Northwestern states. together with Manitoba, would not pro duce over 60,000.000 bushels thlr season. July opened lUSlc over yesterday, at 83Kc to S3?sc and shortly afterward sold at S2V&C. The opening bulge was under the Influence ot news of the character herclnbtore mentioned, and the slump was on profit-taking by longs. The Northwest was still a buyer, but follow ing the opening the market fluctuated, as tho pressure from tho longs was heavy or merely easy. July, following this dip. rallied to S3H &3V4c, whereupon the longs went after moro profits, and sent It back to S2Hc Again there was a rally, July this time touching S3c, and most of it was hold. The market was pressed back to S2T4C, but firmly resisted, and closed He over yesterday, at 83H& The Modern Miller reports harvesting of Winter wheat progressing favorably. Corn was strong the greater part of the session. The close was strong at an advance of 56$ic oer yesterday, at 41HS41c The oats market was strong end active. July gained He over yesterday's closing, at 2-1 ?ic. Provisions were Active and. strong. The pit seemed to have at last contracted the bull fever which has been affecting grains. Hog receipts were light, prices at the yards firm. and there was a broadening ot the outside de mand. July pork closed 60c over yesterday, lard 25c up and ribs 25c Improved. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. , Opened. Highest. Lowest. Closing. June $osz July 0S.Vi& $0 83Jfc August M S4a CORN". $0 82 834 June . . July .. August 41tf 41T4 404 1054 41 41 414. 42h 41ty -Jl-4 414 424 OATS. July 244 25 August 24jfc 254 MESS PORK. July 1170 12124 September ...1185 12 S3 LARD. July 0 70 0 024 September ... 0 85 . 7 0S October 6 874 7 074 SHORT RIBS. July 6 774 7 00 September ... 0 85 7 10 244 244 2t 247 11,70 if 85 12 074 12 33 0 70 G85 6 874 0 924 703 7 074 075 0 63 0 074 7 074 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Firm. Wheat No. 3. 7780c; No. 2 red, S3484c Corn No. 2, 41iG-2c; No. 2 yellow, 420 424c Oats No. 2. 25254c; No. 2 hlte, 27G27y,c; No. 3 white. 205tr27ic Rye No. 2. 614c. Tiarley Good feeding, 30c; ialr to cholca malting. 40$M3c Flaxseed No. 1. $1 SO; No. 1 N. W., SI SO. Timothy seed Prime, $2 50. Mess pork $11 0512 10 per bbL Xard J6 SOftC 024 per cwt. Short ribs Sides, loose. JC 80J?7 10. Shoulders Dry salted, boxed. $C 500 874- Short clear sides Boxed, $7 2I7 33. CloverContract grade, IS. Butter Flrmr creamery, 1419c; dairy, 133 lC4c Cheese Steady. 8404c Eggs Firm; fresh, 104c. Receipts. Sbipm'ts. Flour, barrels . Wheat, bushels Com. bushels . Oats, bushels .. Kye. bushels .. Barley, bushels ... 17.000 COO 84 000 11,000 417.000 800.000 312.000 123,000 2,000 11.000 2.000 Xerr York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK. June 22. Flour Receipts. 14. 750 barrels; exports, 1S.S33 barrels. Market nominal. Wheat Rreeipts, ,12.050 bushel?; exports. 102.708 bufbela. Spot, steady; No. 2 red. 014c f. o. b.. 60c elevator. Options opened strong on hot, dry weather in the Northuest. b'ut at once relapsed Into weakness, which lasted pretty much all day. The -decline wan attended and Influenced by heavy unloading from all flources. lower ca bles and less actlvo speculative support, al though crop nova was as bad ai ever. Fi nally rallied on covering, and closed firm at $&AiC net advance. July closed 3c; Sep tember. SSXc; December, S04c "Wool Quiet. Hops Quiet. Europmn Grhin MarUet. LONDON, June 22. Wheat Cargoes on pass age, quiet, less disposition to buy; cargoes Walla Walla, 30s Od; English country markets, firm. LIVERPOOL. Juno 22. Wheat, steady; wheat and flour In Paris, steady; French country roar "kets. firm. Spot wheat, steady; No. 1 North ern Spring. 0s 54d; No. 1 California, 0s Cd Cs 7d- Futures, easy; July, Cs 54d; Septem ber, Cs 7d; December, nominal. Corn Spot, new firm, old steady; American mixed, new, 3s 114d; do old. 4s 34d. Futures, easy; July, 3s lld; September, 4s 14d. Flour St. Louis fancy winter. flrmT 8s 3d. Receipts of wheat during the past three days, 513,000 centals. Including 239,000 Amer ican. Receipts of Amcrlean com during the last three dajs. 101, COO centals. WORST EVER KNOWX. Crop Expert Snow Calls the Wheat Situation a National Calamity. CHICAGO, June 22. The Times-Herald to morrow will, publish a crop report prepared by Snow, the crop expert, who has just com pleted a two -weeks' tour through the States of Minnesota. North Dakota and South Da kota. He declarer the situation a National calamity, and claims the wheat failure the worst ever known. He estimates the Dakotas are promising only 20.000,000 bushels each, and Minnesota about 35.000.000 buhels. a total of 70.000.000 bush els, sgatnst 200.000.000 bushels Jtat year, and 225.000.000 bushels In 1808. At Tacoma. TACOMA, June 22. Wheat steady and prices unchanged. Bluestem. 504c; club, C74c both, for export. SAX FRANCISCO 3IARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO. June. 22. Wool Spring Nevada, 13315c; Eastern Oregon. 10215c; Val ley. Oregon. lS20c Fall Northern mountain, 10012c; mountain, lambs', SglOc; San Joaquin plains. S10c; Humboldt and Mendocino, 130 14c per pound. Hops 1S0O crop. 11013c per pound. Mlllstuffs Middlings. $17Ir20; bran. 13SH per ton. Hay Wheat. $0 SOtflO 50; wheat and oat. ?0 eiO; best barley. ?7 50; alfalfa, $37; stock. $5 j5 50; compressed wheat, $7610 per ton; straw. 25?40c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose. COffCSc: River Bur banks. 35S,G5c: Oregon Burbanks, COSOo per cental; new potatoes, 405?50c Vegetables Onions, SOc per eeatal; garlic. 2434c per lb., green peas. COcQjl per sack; string beans, 24f?34c; dried okra, 324c per pound; asparagus, $101 75 per box; esz plant. 8010c per pound. Citrus fruit Oranges, navels, 13 50; Mexi can limes. $404 50; common California lem ons. $1 251 50. choice. $1 2321 55 per box. Bananas. $1 5093 per bunclu Butter Fancy creamey. 19620c; do seconds, lSfUSUc; fancy dairy. 17318c; do seconds, 35lC4c Cheese California, new, 8400c per pound; Young America, 04010c; Eastern. 16417c Eggs Store, 13 -14c; fancy rinch, 174c; Eastern. lSOlGc per dozen. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, OOlOcr do hens, 11512c per pound; tM "roisters, P 504 per Downing, Hopkins & Co. Chlcabo Board o!f Trade DDAIrDQ NeWYork Stock Exchange OKJiXlll0 Room 4, Ground Floor- BOTH TELEPHONES THE PORTLAND MINING STOCK EXCHANG Location: No. 126 First Street ' - " OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS t TYLiER "WOODWARD", Treat. TJ. S. National Bank, President. lu B. COX. Esq.. Vice-President. f J. FRANK "WATSON. Prest. Merchants National Bank. Treasurer. P. L. "WIL.L.IS, Esq., Secretary. SENECA SMITH. B.,mw ' T RUFUS MAL.LORY. FRANCIS -I. M'KENNA. SAMUEL, CONITEIjIJ. w a GRIXDSTAFF, Realstrar of Stocks and Bondst Security Savings and Trust Company Cost or Membership $100 " Charge for Listing Stocks 30 Daes per Annum (payable quarterly).. 50 P. O. BOX 723. - Address. C. L. PARKER, Mansgei. Every safeguard placed around dealings In this EXCHANGE. CAPE NOME EXCURSION S. S: NOME CITY, S. S. GEO. W. ELDER Will Sail About June 30th. Special Round-Trip- Excursion Tickets ,SoId on These tlegant Y assenger steamers. ' S.S. DESPATCH- "' Sailsoh Her Second ifflp About July'1 07"1 900 ", This is the only exclusive livestock steamer fin the Nome trade, Bookings flow being made. - roil RATES AKD KKOIU&lltlK APPLT T? CALIFORNIA &' OREGON COAST S, S. CO. r. P. BAUMGARTNER. Aflerit, 253 Washington 3t, W. A. Iltcliell t Co General Ascatc. Sttti' FrnBclsco. Pacific Coast lmm&o for PJSl the Cape Nome Gold Fields THE NEW RMJlTIAIm STEEL STEAMSHIP "Senator" will sail from Seattle direct Jane 21, July 21 and AaQust 20. The "Senator" has a capacity of 2300 tons. .Her second cabin and steerage accommodations are superior to the first-claw accommodations of moot of the steamers advertised for Nome. The 1 acinc i;o&si oirumsnip v-w, u """""""" e 1 i t j .; ..v. a.- dozen; young roosters. 3J: smill broilers, 5i2 25: large broilers, $3 CO: Jryers. $3 50 4 00; hens, $44H 50 per d,ozen: geese, ?lfll 23 per pair. Rectlpts Flour, quarter sack. 0312; do Ore- gon. 1324; wheat, centals. 050; barley, centals. W40; do Washington. 3532; oats cental 33C0; do Oregon. 24o; corn, centals. 10S0; do pastern, 5400; potatoes, sades. 2233f bran, sacks, .jO, mlddllhgs. sacks. 025; haj-. tons. 802; -wool, bales. 43; bides. 319. EASTERN' LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. Juno 2C Cattle Receipt. 1200. Steers, steady to 10 hlgWc. Butchers', BtMdr. slovr. shade lorer. Natives", best on 'uaie today, ihree- carloads; 'at 5- 00; good ' prime eteors, $5 10(g5 75; poor to medium. $4 C0G; selected feeders, weak, except beat, $4 lOg-4 To; mixed stockere. dull .and Jcnver, (S lOSt; cows. 12 00j4".25: lxJfers 34 S5; cancers, ?2 10585; bulls, $34 13: cahes. 25c lower, ?r3 50. Texas, receipts 100: Texas-fed steers. $4 40S5 20; Texas grara Steer?. $3 7504 35; Texas bulls. ?33 50. Hcg-Recelpts today. 10.000; tomorrow, 15,- 000; left over. 2000. Act!e, CQTHc higher. too J3 25: mixed and butchers', J3 03flG 25r good to' choice. $s 15G5 22Hi rough, heavy, -j was effected hero today at an enthuslas RO JO; light, fMj3 20: bulk of sales, 55 13 ' tfc convention of delegates from all parts 5 17. Sheep Receipts. 13.000. Sheep and lambs weak at yesterday's; decline. Gocd to choice wethers. f4 4035; fair to choice mlxd. $3 4Q 03 45; -Western heep. $4 25-4 00: -yearllngr J5QS C5: native lambs. 3S 20; Western lambs, ?Cg 20; Spring lambs. $4 5O0 75. The Jlfetal Market.. j NEW TORK. June 22. There was otrength dweloped in the focal market for tin and lead. ' The 'former. In sympathy with-a Is ad- -ance In London, showed prices at the close of business to be about SO points higher, and firmer in tone on The barfs of $31 I0g31 CO. L"ad ruled firm, and 10 to 15 points up.. at 307. and buyers at that figure, owing- to scarcity of tliat aietal. Dn the other hand, however. plR iron warrants were weaK ona nominally quoted at $14 23. Northern No. 1 foundrr was ouoted at SIS 50. , Spelter was a little oarfer In tone, but not quotably lower at f4 104 20. Lake copper continues dull and unchanged Ot ll OO. Xae DTOKCT3 price iq. icuu f3 00. and for copper JIO'SS. Bnr silver. OOXc. SAN FRANCISCO. . June 22. Bar silver. OOc , . . LONDON. June 22. Bar silver. 27d. Cotton Still Excited.' NEW YORK. June 22. It was" a Ted letter day ior the bull crowd on the Cotton Ex change today. Nearly all news favored high prices. August shot up to 8 80. October to $8 25, and January to JS 10. with the bear crorjrd frantic- and enormous buyers. Private dispatches staW that New Orleans shorts were on the verge of a panic, owing to re- 1 ports of crop disaster in the Central belt. The market, closed firm at op .advance cf 2432 points. Coffee imd Sugar. NEW YORK. June 22. Coffee options closed steidy at net unchanged price to 5 points ad vance. Salro. 6CO0 bags. Including- July 57 10, September $7 20. Novcmbr $7 25. December 57-40. May S7 70. Spot Rio, dull; No. T In voice, SHc; mild, quiet. Sugar Raw; etrong. Lord Roberta' Hatred ot Cats. Tooth's Companion. "A cat may look at a king." saya tho old proverb, but there are nwi of less L thtn royal rank who object lo belnfr looftc-l at by a cat. Lord Roberts is one of them. He did not in India ra'tar when called upon to penetrate tho Junule lair ot lhat terrific of feline beasts, the 4iser; but fie hates cats. He- may not be afraid of pussy. but he avoids her. ' JJke other people -with special antipa- v thles. he is peculiarly sensitive to the presence of the hated object. . One -evening-when he .had gone out to dine he had ucarcely greeted his hostess before he ashed: "Will you please send away the cat?" "There Is no cat hero," the -woman as sured him. "We do not keep cats." But he knew better, and was so -manifestly convinced that a search was insti tuted and an intruding tabby was route'd out from beneath a piece of f umitUTe' and lgcomlniously expelled. A hero-worshipping American girl who Mormon BianOP; PUISTe la tue orero yean by the leaden of tte Moraca " "5" loiuren. owuttiy cm the -wont cues la old lad yooar iifalng from effects B cf self-time, dlttailon. exenses. er potenoT Lost PQvrer Night Losses, Spormatorrhoea m, Back; Evil Desires. fiomlnrcmIslons, Lama 3 blllty, Hqadacn,tMifltnsto MarrTi i-pss of S1 3 tmBvkW ssftrw ?&ss'r,rv3trw1 or ConsOpatlon, fttpps Qulcknow of DIs VOUS.TwftChlne Of ifycTldi. Sfceauelisjt. ocry fctinwo. Door get capondtut. StisslUes tha fanla xA ncrr r rstan. i-t- tm. sa:yreteded, i&bozt. chaUa bm. Addrss, For sale by Aldrlcb Pharmacy. Sixth Chamber of Commerce Steamship Co. stayed at a country house "where Lord Roberts was later a guest had lonir eager- y antlcpated' his arrival. He caroe, and she first saw him passing down the cor- xiHoT just la ftont of her, presenting only bis c tt ner view. ho azed Intently, knowing he mart 'present turn to descend tho stairs, when, sudd.n, wht . h. .,1PnH5 to h- ... . ... ., ,hlv !ntn -.o- -- r ' thc air with an exclamation that was at most a cry of terror, then leap several stairs at a bound, clutching tho balusters to recover his, balance, and stare back over- his shoulder -with a face of disgust and dismay! A xery mall 'black kitten was lying on the top step. ThB girl promptly picked it up and carried it back to the kitchen, whence It had escaped, hut Lord Roberts, so he told her afterward, would nO more have touched" tt than If It had been a snake. Washington Republican League. SEATTLE. June 22. The organization . of a. state League of Republican Clubs l of the state. Sam II. Nlcolls. of Everett. was elected president, and other officers were chosen. Fourteen delegates wero selected to attend tho National League convention at St, Paul July 17. The dele gates are: A. A. Brodick. "Wallace Mount, Grant' Copeland, Oliver Hall. H. A. P. Myers. R. Atkinson. E. 1L Rands, C P. Maynard. Allen Weir. B. S. Grosqup. E. -o ,1t -.,. .m... r .t m d j j' wlScrBer t ana J- J- Welsenbcrger. I j Next July the Scottish border societies wlll'celebrate the bicentenary of-the birth 'of James. Thomson, the author of "Rule, , Britannia" and of "Tha Seasons." i N.W. Harris &Go, I 1 j- BANKERS - &I n A Governm't, Municipal, K3 If Railroad, Gas ind 1 1 li V Plprtrlc Cnmnnnlps Dough t and sold, including total Issues. Letters of OrecSii and Drafts Issned on Bank of Scotland, London, Credit Lyonnafs, Paris. ' INTEREST ALLOVED OH DEPOSITS "204 Dearborn St., Chicago. 31 Nassau SI., New York. 67 Milk St., Boston. TRAVELERS' GCIDE. The Favorite Trans-Pacific Passenger Steamer " TACOMA " Will Sail From Tacoma on or About JUNE 30TH, for CAPE Calling at Dutch Harbor. For passenger and freight reservations ap ly to DuDrt KLL U tuMI'ANT, Ltd., ply Telephono Haln 00. 232 Oafe st. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA. THE COMPANY'S elegant steamers. Queen, Cottage City, City of Topeka and Al - Kl leave TACOMA 11 A. M., SE ATTLE U I M.. Juno . a, 14. 16. 10. H. 20; July 1. 4. 9. 14. 10. 10. 24. 20. SI; Aug. 3, and every fifth day there after. For further Informa tion obtain company's folder. The company reserves the right to chance eteamers. sailing dates and hours of sailing, without previous notice. AO.ENTS N. POSTON, 240 Washington st. Portland. Or.: F. W. CARLETON. N. P. R. K. Ioc)c Tacoma; H. H. LLOYD, Puget Sound Supt-; C W. MILLER. Asat. Supt.. Ocean Dock. Seattle. COODA1.L. PERKINS & CO.. Gen. Agts.. S. V. dcusts-ssocUj:. Cures Lost Manhood, Im- nsoniniH) ruins bcK. Nervous Da- 3man. Varicocele, charge, Stops flor ImpinrVigor ind pctrncy K Restores scull. Dmtereloped : i Jj-Jabr mill. Bishop Rsmody Co San Francisco, Cal. A. mnea gsircniee. to can and Washington streets; Portland. Or. TRAVELERS' GCHtE. & L , OUUO JJLU9 Union Depot. Sixth sad J Streets. THREE TRAINS- D'AiLY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "CHICAGO-PORTIiAXB SPBCIAIi.' Leaves for tho East, via Huntington at 0:13 A iL: arrives. 1P.M. SPOKAXE FLYEn, For Spokane. Eastern. "Washington, and Great Northern points, leaves at 0 ?, M.; arrives at T A. Jl. ATLANTIC I1XPRESS. Leaves for tho East, via Huntington, t 9 P. 1L. arrles at 8 40 A. M. THROUGH PULLMAN .VND TOUHIST SLEEPERS. Water lire schedule, subject to Changs "with out notice: OCKAX AND RIVER SCHEDULE. OCEAN DIVISION Steamships sail from Alnsworth dock at S P. 21. Leave Portland Columbia. Friday. June 1. Monday. June 11; Thursday, June 21; Sunday. July 1: Wednes day, July U. State of California. "Wednesday. June 0; Saturday. June 10: Tuesday, June 20; Friday. July G. , From San Francisco Leaving Spcar-St- Pier No. 24. San Francisco, at 11 A. 1L. as follows: State of California, Saturday. June 2; Tues day, June 12; Friday, June 22; Monday, July 2; Thursday. July 12. Columbia, Thursday. June 7; Sunday. June 17: Wednesday, Juno 21; Saturday, July 7. COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally, except Sunday, at 8,00 P. M.; on Saturday at 10.00 P. M. Returning, leaves Astoria dally. xcept iu3 day. at 7:00 A. M. , WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND SALEM. OR. Rh:iTnr Mmlrxv for Srilem and way POlntS. leaves Portland Mondays; "Wednesdays and Fri days at 0:00 A. M. Returning, leaves Salem Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 0 00 A M. YAMIIILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DAYTON, OR. Steamer Elmore, fcr Daytod and way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and 8at urdaya at T A. Ml Returning, leaves Dayton for Tortland and way points Mondays. WednesdayJ and Fridays W6A.U. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. RIPARIA. WASH.. AND LEWISTpN. IDAHO. Steamer. Spokane .or jrteamer Lewlston leaves Rtparla dally at 3:33 A. M.. arriving at Lewis ton at 3 P. M. Returning, the bpokana or Lewlston leaves Lewlston dally at 9 A. M., arrKlng at Rl porta some evening. VT. H. HURLBURT. General Panger Agent. V. A. BCHILLTNO. Cltv Ticket Agent. Telephone Main 712. E0 Third street, cor. Oak. Ne wSt eamship Line to tlie Orient CHINA AND JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND. In conrectlou with THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1300 Owbject to change): Steamer. Due to Leave Portland. "MONMOUTHSHIRE" June 24 "BRAEMAR." , July 13 "ARGYLL" Aug. 3 For rates, accommodations, etc. apply to DODWELL & COMPANT. Limited. General Agmts. Portland. Or. To principal points In Jajan ana China. THE FASTEST AND 10ST DIRECT LINE -TO THE K tozrtt0 The Direct Line to Denver, Omahs, Kcnssj City, St. Louii Chicago and Other Eastern Points TWO DAILY SOLID VESTIBULED TRAINS. Portland to Chicago Less Than Thrca Dsya. Only Four Days to New York and Boston. Through Palaco and Tourist Sleeper Bullet Library ears (Barber Shop) Dining Cci3. (ileals a la carte) iSee Reclln- lns Chair Cars. Through tickets, baggaeo checks, ana sleeping car accommodations can he ar ranged at CITY TICKET OFFICE 135 Third Stri J. n. LOTHROP. Gn'I Asnt. Portland, Oregon GEORGS LANO. OQr Fsae. A Tic Alt. $60 to' St. Paul and return And $03.73 to Kansas City and return, first class, for sale Juno 29 and 30. $71.50 Chicago and return First class, for sale June 21 and 22. All good 'for passage on the imperial - Limited For particulars, call on or write to n. H. ABBOTT, Agent. E. J. COYLS, 140 Third at., Portlana. A. Q. P. A.. Vancouver. B. C WHITE COLLAR LiNE COLUidBIA RIVEIt PUOET SOUND NAVZ. GATION CO. POUTLAND AND ASTORIA. ZSEZe? BA1LE1 UATZtRT (Alder-stree: dock) Leaves Portland daily every morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Eunda. Oregon 'phone Main 321. Columbia "phone 231. U. B. SCOTT. President. , Astoria & Coiumfaia River Railroad Co. EASTANDSOUTHEAST 15 THE CM I'J'IfcTlTfyfi. xb m y m- ts? CANADIAN PAC5F1C TCWlrTT VJC1CJ' LEAVES Tor Maygen. Kalnler. ARRIVES UNION Claukani. Vtstport. UNION DEPOT. Cllftoa, JUtorS. War- DEPOT, riston. Fiarel. Ham mond. Fort Stevens. Geartuirt Park. Seas'de, 8X3 A. M. Aitorta and seaiaor 11:1SAAL Ezpraaa, Dally. QZS P. M. Artorta Kiirca. 8:40 P. it. Dally. Ticket office. 2S& Morrison it. and Union dtpot. J. C. MATO. Gen. Pass. Age. Astoria, Or. TRAVELERS' GCIDK. LiOl m'fini OIcasi5SfU57AJ:i SAf TXTT lg s JOj I.ea-re Dtjtt FiltiasJI StrKSs Arrlr OVERLAID EXJ PRESS TRAIN3 for Salem. Roae burg. Ashland.'Sac ramento, O g d e n. San Francisco. Mo Jave, Lea AnseHa. EI Paso; Ne 0r" Jeans and ih East At "Woodbura (daily except Sun day), morning train connects with traia fcr Mt. Angel. Sll v e r t on,-" Brown, vllle. bprtngdeld and Natron, and evening train for Mt. Asgel aad SI erton. Albany passenger Corvallla passenger Sheridan passenger 8:30 P. M. 3:30 A. M. 7:45 A.M. 8:30 P. 24. 4K P. M. V :30 A.M. P. M. 10:10AM. SO P. M. JS.-25A.M. Daily. JDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac. ramento and San, Francisco. Net rates S17 flrat class and 11 second clies, including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu. rop. Also japan, china Honolulu ana AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND. Ticket Agent. 10 Third U YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson $ treat. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20, 0:40 A. M.J 12.30. 1.63. 85, 4:40. 0:20, 8.30i 11. SO P. M.; and 9 00 A. M. on Sundays only, trrlve at Portland dally at 8.33, 8.30, 'JO-BO A. M.; 15. 3.10, 4.30. 0:13, 7:40, 10 00 P. M.. 12.49 A. M. dally, except Monday. 8:30 and. 10:05 A. M. on Sundays only. . Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, ax 6-05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 9:30 A. M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 P. M. Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KiOEHLER, Manager. C H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. The Pioneer Dining: and Observation Car Route. L'Dloa Depot, 6tbaad J Sis No. 2 2P.M. North Coast Limited. For Tacoma. Seattle. No.1 7A.M. North laid ma, opo- Kane. ruiinun, iio- COV L0W13t0n. K0S3- land, B. 'C. Butts Helena, st- Paul, aitn neaDOlls. Chicago. 1503- ton, New Yorlc and all points East and South east. No.4 110 P.M. iTnln City Express, for Tacoma, Seattle, Spo No. 3 r8P. M. kane, neiena, isutte. St. Paul. Chicago. Bol ton. New York. Omaha, Kansas City, Council Bluffs, St. Louis, and all poInt3 cost and isouthoast. Through train service via Northern Paelflo and Burlington line from Portland to Omaha, Kansas City, St- Louis. Quick time and un cqualed accommodations. Take North Coast Limited Train No. 2 for South Bend, Olympla and Grav's Haroor points. See tha North Coast Limited. Elegant up holstered Tourist Sleeping Cars, Pullman Standard Sleepers, Dining Car and Observa tion Car. all electric lighted. Solid -vestlbuled trains. Tickets sold to all points In the United States and Canada, and baggaga checked to destination of tickets. For Information, tickets, sleeping-car reser vations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON AsHlstant General Passenger Agent, 255 aiorrlaon St., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. , 1 GO EAST VIA IaiiWSSl ON THE FAMOUS "Portland-Chicago Special" OR THE "OVERLAND LIMtTED" The only trains running through solid from Portland and Chicago. Every car Illuminated with Plntsch gas. Two trains daily. Dining- Cars. Service a la Carte. Library-BTifret Smoldas Cara. Palace and Ordinary Sleeping Cara. Free Reclinlns Choir Cars. Leaves. 0:15 A.M.. 0.00 P.M.. Arrives. PORTLAND.V.srSIS: CITY TICKET OFFrCE 142 Third St. Phone Main 383 W. E. COSIAN. F; R. OLIN. General Agtnt. City Tlck.t Agt. I-BbemortherwII TIcIwt Office, 263 Hofrlsoa Street, "PIiodc S3 LDAVE. No. 4 COO P. II. Th yiyr, dally lo oad from St. Paul. Mlnn- apollx. Duluta. Chicaxr and ail po.nU East. ARRIVE. No. 1 7:00 A. il. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and BuSet Smoklng-Llbrary Can. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP RlOJUfS MARU For Japan. China and all Asiatic points wul leave Seattle About July 18th. oup&re one FosCape Nome And Yukon River Points S.S. "OHiO," 3500 Tons Sails from Seattle on or about June 30 reservations can now be made upon applica tion to any railroad or sub-agent of tha Inter national Navigation Comppny, or to E31PII1E TltAXSPOUTATIOX CO., SCATTLn. "WASH. CHICHESTER'S :nqush W mi PILL! 'ja a Uriztani o-.ii Only Uennlnc. .SAFE. Xlnj Hab,t Ijtiitew wk Pranirt fi- CIIICKESTIill'S .KNGLIiia- io USD aal CaI4 Scttll; boxes MiteX wits h-oe nbbon. TLe no ather. Kfu DasceroD (ulxtltatloa and Jmlta. tSm. Burof Ttmr Drir .sc r .end 4. i WP r Pirttcultrm. Tet!aaaiU an 1 "Reller fcr iMiltt," m Utter, bj ro. toruiliil. JO.AUOtesUsioaUIj.. 3oMbT Dmrrirw- f:!i!fhci'j'i-l'h.irl.l(V itaUoaUili paper. Madison baaare VUlLL, PA, DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN SERVICE. cnEft islsBB wgism igjjl) IN3 h 5g??m to xJl r I