' ff( - - - - s -s- , rV jjr-, TFTR MOKNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 1G, 1900. It COMMERCIAL AND Yhero -wis considerable activity In some lines yesterday, with a much better trado vrlth the country than is turcally la evidence so late In the week. City retailers. 'as usual, -were lay ing In stocks for the Saturday trade. The California produce received on the steamer was less plentiful than usual, but thero Is so much coming In from near-by points that receipts from the south are of small Importance at present. Trice changes were of small Import ance. Eros are slightly firmer, but have not yet advanced beyond 14c Poultry Is not clean ing tip. and thero will be julte a carry-over again this week. The wheac markets arc firmer In the East, Tut local quotations are un changed. vBaBk Clearings. Exchanges. Balances. ..$234,131 $ 46.733 .. 123.735 31.492 .. 421.720 10J.1S7 .. 12S.282 au.ssu Portland .;.. Tacoma ..... Seattle , Spokana .... PORTLAXD MARKETS. , Grain, Flour, Etc. The Chicago market Is making a stubborn re sistance to any and all attempts to hammer It dowrt. aodjthe weakness which was so ap parenon Thursday seemed to hare vanished In thin air yesterday, the market closing strong with a net gain of over lc. as compared wltn the prcMdus week. In the local market there Is not much change In prices. 54c being around the top for Walla Walla, with Valley nom inally cM54c Freights are very firm, but there Is no new business reported, exporters declining to pay above 42s Cd, while owntrs ak from Is Cd to 2s Cd higher for ships. Wheat Walla WHa, MtjWe: Valley. 023 54c: blucstem. &65Tc per bushel. Flour Best grades. $2 C5 Q 2 00; graham. 2 40; superfine. $2 10 per barrel. Oats White. -St.lDc; gray. ZSt&3Zo por bushel. Barle Feed. ?1415; brewing. $10 per ton. Mlllstuffs Bran. $12 CO per ton; middlings, Tl&g)10; shorts. $13; chop. $14. Hay Timothy. $10011; clover, ?T7 00; Ore gon, wild hay, $0T per ton. flutter, Cggs, Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery, S5M0c;, ctoro, 25c per roll. Eggs 14 c per dozen. Poultry Weak; chickens, mixed. $3Q3 50 per dozen; hens, SitQl 50; springs, S1J3; ducks, ?3 ?4; geese, $43 per dozen. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12Jt13c; Young America, 14c per pound. Vegetables, Fruit, Etc Vegetables Parsnips, $1; carrots. TScSfl; turnips, 76c tfer sack; onions. ll$e-per pouna for new; cabbage, $1 50 pr cental; potatoes, 40 &C0c per sack; peas, 4r.V; beans. 10g12c; as paragus, 45c; new potatoes, $11 10 per cen tal. Fruit Lemons. $2 503; oranges. ?33 23 pr box for navels. $2 per box for seedlings; pineapples, $4 CO 0 per dozen: bananas, $2 M $3 per bunch; Persian date. 7fcfSc per pound, strawberries, 5?5c per pound; peaches, 75ci 4l per box: cherries, 4c per pound; apricots, 76cSl per box; raspberries. Cc per pound. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 7 8c per pound; sun-dried, sack or boxes. 4Gc; pears. un and evaporated. &31te: plums, pltless. 4f 6Ue; pruneet Italian. 3b1Kibc; silver, extra Choice. SGc; flgs. Smyrna, 22Vic; California black, CGc; do 'whiter lOo per pound. Groceries, Nut, Etc. Coffee Mocha, 23628c: Java, fancy. 26332c; Java, good, 20itc: Jaa, ordinary, 18tfr20c; Costa Rica, fancy, lS20c; do good, lC18c; do ordinary. lOCtJSc per pound; Columbia, roatt, J2 C3; Arbucklo's. 13 13; Lion, $12 C3 per case. Sugar Cube. $5 00; crushed. $5 90; powdered, $5 90; dry granulated, $5 40; extra C $4 90; golden C, $4 SO net; halt barrels. c. more than barrels- mapl sugar. lMlftc per pound. ' Beano-Small white, Sc; bajou. 4c: Lima. Cc per pound. Salmon Columbia River. 1-pound tails. $1 23 1 00; 2-pound tails. $22 50: fancy. 1-pound flats. $1 651 73; Jt-pound fancy flats. KJOflSc: Alaska. 1-pound tails, $1 2031 SO; 2-pound tails, H 902 25. Grain bags Calcutta, 40 37& per 100 for spot. JCutf Peanuts, CiTc per pound for raw. 10c for roasted; cocoanuU. 90c per dozen; walnuts. 10 lie por pound; plno nuts 13c; hickory touts. 7c; chestnuts. 15c; Brazil, lie; filberts. 15c: fancy pecans. 12J14cr almonds, 13grl71c tier pound. Coal oil Cnes. 21c per gallon; barrels, 17c: tanks, 154c Rice Island, CVic; Japan, -IVJc; New Orleans, Ji"3Vic: fancy head. S757 50 per sack. Hops", "Wool, Hide, Etc. Hopft 2C8C pr pound Wool Valley, J2JlSc for coarse. ISfflOc for best; Eastern Oregon. 10S13c; mohair. 25c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings. 15S20c: ehort-wool. 25 35c; medium-wool, 30350c: long-wool, GOcQfl tach. Pelts Bear skins, each, as to size. $5015: cubs. each. $1S; badger, each. 50c; wildcat. 2r073e; housecat. StfiCSc; fox. common gray. -40cSl; 6o red, I 1 753 50; do cress. $2 5036; lynx. J2Q4 50; mink. 40c$l 73; marten, dark Kortherr. ?510; do pale. pine. ?24; musk rat. 8&12c: ekunk. 50ffS0c; otter (land), $4 8; panther, with head and claws perfect. 19-1: raccoon. 25S0c: wolf, mountain, with Itead perfect, $3 50 5; wolverine. $2 5000; fceaver. per ekln. large. $G7; do medium, per kin. f44TS: do small, per skin. $132; do kits, per skin, $13. Tallow 5g54e: No. 2 and grease. SJiSJc pc pour.d. Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 10 pounds and up ward. 14iT15c; dry lclp. No. 1, 5 to 10 pounds. 35c per pound; dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds 15gi6e; dry salted, one-third less than dry flint; raited hides, sound pteers. CO pounds and over. 7re: do 59 to CO pounds. 7c; do un ar 50 pounds and cows, 7c: kip. 13 to 30 pounds. 7rSe: do veal. 10 to 14 pounds. 7c: da calf, under 10 pounds. 7c: green unsalted). lc per pound less; culls (bulls; stags, moth eaten, badly cut. scored hair slipped, weather beaten or rrubbyQne-thlrd'le'ai. Meat and Provisions. Mutton Grofs. beft sheep, wethers and awes. shard. 3 50SS 73; dressed. 7(?7Jc per pound; Spring-lamb. 5?3Hc per pound gross. Hogs Gross, choice hra-, f3; light, $4 50 dressed, 35c per pound. ' Veal Large. Ct,7Hc per pound; small. 83 Beef Gross, top Fteers. 44 TrfU cows. f3 50 fi4. dressed boef. 0i7c per pound Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand) Hams, snoked. are auoti-d at 13c per pound; picnic hams. 94c per pound: breakfast baeonl 33Hc: bacon. 9Uc; backs. 9Uc; drj rait -sldea, 8V: Sried heef. 17Jc per pound; lard. 5-pound palls, 10c: 10 -pound palls. 9c; COs. 9fcc tlercea. Ke xr pound. Kawern pocx '(Ham mond's): Hams, largo. 12&c: medium. 13c; small. 13Vic; picnic hame. 94c; shoulders OHc: breakfast bacon. 12c; dry salt sides, afc fJ3c: bacon side. OViSlOc; backs. 034c; butts. Be; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 5s. 10Sc 10s. 10?4c. NE-WT YOItK STOCK MARKET. Dullness and Stagnation Trere Man ifest ThrouBhout. XEW YORK. June 15. To find a parallel for today's stagnation In the stock market It ould bo necessary to go back to the period of the last Presidential campaign. A number of usually active stocks were not dealt In to the extent of a single share, and It was after noon before such speculative leaders as Brook lyn Transit or Manhattan made their appearance upon tlw tape, at all. Thre vas some d;'.atory speculation In Sugar during the morning at an .advance of about a point, but that stock foil "back Into the rut of dullness which character ized, the wohlo market. Large offerings of Northern Pacific began to appear near 2 o'clock, at which time the di rectors were assembling to take action on the semi-annual dividend. The stock fell Into quietude In the last hour, and hung about a point below last night's level. It was not until after the- close of the market that the an nouncement was made that only a 1 per cent dividend hod been declared for the six months' period. The proposed action of the directors seems to have been kept a close secret, so that no estimate, can be formed of the effect of this action on the stock market. At the last dlil dend period the directors declared 2 per cent on the common. 1 per cent of which was called the repular semi-annual and 1 per cent extra. Several weeks ago that stock -was rushed up above CO by a speculative pool, on the allega tion that a regular semi-annual dividend of 2 iter cent would be declared for the last six months. More recently rumors have been abroad that the directors would hesitate to put the stock oa a regular 4 per cent basis, but It has been generally accepted In speculative circles that the last dividend action would bo FINANCIAL NEWS repeated; that, Is to say, a 2 p-r'cent dividend declared,-but :I per cent4 to be-' called extra. Xo Intimation had been heard In "Wall street that the actual amount to be disbursed would be cut In half. The action taken proved a sur prise, and what the effect may be oa the gen eral market It Is Impossible to foresee. It Is a. clear announcement of the formulated judg ment of the directors heretofore Informally an nounced by officials of the company that the present high level of earnings cannot be main tained. It will be accepted also as confirma tion of the reports of extensive damage to the Northwestern wheat crop. The .price movement In today's market was Irregular rand without significance. Not much attention "was paid to ihe forecast of tombr row's bank statement, but it Is expected that a loss of cash will be disclosed, owing to the X3,503.000 export of gold, which seems to have been only partly offset by the receipt of cash from tho Interior. New Tork exchange at Chi cago, however, has been wioved upward during the week, and today touched 20e premium. Ac cording to the statements from the leading banks, the neflors In cash will probably b upwards of a million. The bond market shared fully In the dullness of the stock market, and price changes, were insignificant. Total sales. $SOO,000. United btates bonds were unchanged in bid Quotations. BONDS. IT. B. 2s rrf. r- .103 I Atchison adl. 4s... 84 do coupon 103W: Gen. Electric 5s..117H ao -js, reg 100 do 3s, reg 103 do 3s. coupon... .109 N. T. Central lsts.lim, Northern Pac lsts. 60 do'4s fH Oregon Nav. lsts. .100 do 4s 102H Oregon S. L. Cs....l2ih do con. 5s 114 do new 4s. reg,..134fc ao new 4s, coup.13 ao 01a s. teg.. .in do old 4s. coup..ll3V( do 5s. reg 11SU Rio Gr. West. lsts. ft) do 5s. counon... 113"si!SL Paul consols 17016 Dlst. CoL 3-C3S...123 iSt. P. C & P. lsts.120 C. & N.W. con. 7s141VI do 5s 120 do S. P. deb. Ss.117 f Union Pacific 4s....l06il u. u. iu u. .isis... ir.ii. ueai. isu.... jth, do .4b 103 lSouthern Pacific 4s SO Offered. STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were 144,000 shares. The dosing Quotations were: Atchison 25IUnlon Pac pref.. H do pref .... 1 1 Wabash .. Bait. & Ohio Can. Pacific ..'... Can. Southern .. Ches. --,Ohlo... Chi. Gr. Western 761 do prcf 92 (Wheel. & L. E... 51 VI do 2d pref 10rt 2J& 2(t iWla. Central Uh luur. (j.. j. & st. u.. ooft Chi.. B. &. Q 12CV1 Third Avenue 103 Chi.. Ind. & L.... 20 I EXPRESS COS. do'prcf 51 JAdams 117 Chi. & East. 111... 95 JAjnerlcan 153 Chicago & N. W..15S United States 43 Chi.. R. I. & P.lOSWells-Fargo 120 C., C, C & SL L. 57Vi MISCELLANEOUS. Colo. Southern ... 6HAmer. Cotton Oil.. 325 ao ist prer 43i do pref w ' do 2d pref...:... 1 Amer. Malting ... 3 Del. & Hudson....lllHl do prcf 20 uei.. Lack. & W..173 lAmer. Smelt, & It. 35H Denver & Rio Gr. liV do pref 07 j Erie 11 do pref S3V I Amer. Spirits 2 do pref 17 ATner.-Steel Hoop. ION, do pref 60V. Amer Steel & W.. 34'i do 1st pref 31S Great North. pref.!52V Hocking coal .... 13V. Hockinr Valley .. 34 V4 do nref ... 74 Illinois Central ...112 lAmer. Tin Plate. LI Iowa Central 18 I do pref 'i4 do pref 5'J lAmer. Tobacco .... 305j ivan. u.. f. &. iiK. ioh 00 pret I2U Lake Erie & "W. 10 Anaconda Mln. Co. 40 do pref Lake Shore .... Louis. Sr Nash. Manhattan El . Met. St. Ry . 93 Brooklyn R. T... C8 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 31 212S .. 67 cont. Tobacco do pref." ... Federal Steel 28 78' 3l4s r,(Ai . So, .1M Mox. central 12 do pref Mlnn.& St. "Louis 53V. Gen. Electric 131 do pref ill (Glucose Sugar .... 46 Midi do pref 03 Missouri Pacific Mobile & Ohio.. VL. K. AT SS lint. Paper 23 10 do pref. C5 do pref .. 32iLa Clede Gas 18 Jew Jersey Cent-.121VINational Biscuit .. 2SVs Vnw a. ". 130 I do pref 79 Norfolk & West do prcf 1.. Northern Pacific do prcf Ontario & West. S3V, National Lead .... 2U 76 I do pref. 95'4 50 I National Steel 2GV. 73',;: do pref S3 20 N. T. Air Brake...l2S O. R. & N 2 do pref 70 rCorth American .. 15U 7 Pacific Coast 50 129 do 1st prcf S2 liV. do 2d pref CO 58 Pacific Mall 21 29 People's Gas 99H 5( Pressed Steel Car.. 44i Pennsylvania Reading .... do 1st pref. do 2d pref.. Rio Gr. Western. ao prei b ao prer 70 St. Louis & S. Ft. 9lPullman Pal. Car.181 do 1st pref,. CS I Stand. Rope & T.. &H 33U Sugar 117 9 do prtf 114 23i Tenn. Coal & Iron. Ctril do 2a pre: SL Louis & S. W. do pref Bt. vom , .'.113V. G. S,,Latber JV, do pref 171 ao prei. C7 St. Paul & O.... Southern Pacific .118 U. S. Rubber 23 . J2 do pref 94 Southern Ry" . . 1 w western TJnion ... so do pref 52H!Republlc Iron &. S. 11 Texas & i'acmc... jj do pref 5 Hi Union Pacific 52i Ex dividend. Money, Exchange, Etc. SAN TRANCISCO.'june 16 Sterling on Lon don CO days. ?4 S5: do sight. $4 SSV4 Mexican dollars 4849c Drafts Sight, 10c; do telegraphic, 12 NEW TORK. June 15 Money on call. 1?2 per cent; last loans, 1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 394tJ per cent. Sterling exchange Easier, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at S4 87i?4 87 for de mand and at 4 84"4 84 for CO days; posted rates, $4 S5ff4 8S; commercial bills. $4 84 4 84. Slher certificates COfjGlc. Mexican dollars 179c Bonds Government, steady; state. Inactive; railroad. Irregular. LONDON, Juno 15 Consols 101 1-16. Forclgm Financial "Servm. NEW YORIC June 15. The 'Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram says: Business was at the lowest possible ebb In the markets hero today, and dull In tone. Af ricans finally hardened the markets. Americans hesitated, and were stagnant throughout the session, puzzled by New York's contradictory movements. A halt million-gold came In .from Russia, and 200,000 went to the Cape and 5000 to Bombay. Paris also took a few bars at 7Ss 8d. The County Council loan, which closed today, -nas subscribed 4 times, and the premium Jumped sharply 16. Stocks In London. LONDON, June 15. Atchison, 20: Canadian Pacific 95; JLJnlon Pacific preferred, 75v: Northern Pacific preferred, 754; Grand Trunk, C; Anaconda, 84: Rand Mines. 40. 'ran GRAIS MARKETS. Prlcen for Cereal In Earopenn and American Ports. SAN FRANCISCO. June 15. Wheat, strong on call and Quiet in the spot market. Barley, market dull. Oats, quiet. Spot Quotations were: Wheat No. 1 shipping, 93J,c; choice, 95c; milling, 97cQ$l. Barley Feed, C5217c: brewing, 77QS0c OatsGray. Orcgpn. $1 071 10; milling, ?1 1031 12. red. $11 20. Call board rales: Wheat Strong: December, $1 05: cash, C6c Barley No sales. Corn Large yellow. $1 15gl 17. Chtcafro Grain and Produce. CHICAGO. June 15. At the beginning of the session and for a brief time, following there Stock, and BROKERS Direct Wires to New York Stock Exchinge dk&jo Board of Trade 2t4-2!5 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Oregon CULLI5ON&C0. were the following consldratlons of a bluish ,hue:. Weakly cables, rain In South .Dakota "and the Southern part of North Dakota, and weather bureau prediction of rain for Minne sota and .the Dakotas. July openedgKc un der yesterday, at 72Hc to IXjbc Tno bears had a Tery short inning,. however-. The bulls turned to their great friend, and throughout the ses sion received from the Northwest the gloomiest brand of crop reports in the market. Some said the "Northwest would get half a crop. others that any kind of a crop would be a de lightful surprise. A Board of Trade statistician wired that the yield In the drouth territory this season, under favorable conditions from now on, would not be over 300,000,000. Besldea these dismal re ports, Kansas City complained -of damage, and Tennessee, Indiana and Southern Illinois com plained of floods. There was a steady demand from the Northwest during the day, as well as excellent support from local interests. July from the opening advanced steadily to 74c, and dosed strong, -IQlUc over yesterday, at 74a Corn opened weak on lower cables and sym pathy with wheat. Trade the greater part of the session was Quiet, but the market turned firm later. July closed Uc up. at 3Sc Oats were quiet but firm, save for a Uttlo dip at tho opening. In sympathy with wheat. Northwest buying of September oats was one of the features. Thero was talk of a big July line held by Illinois operators, and fears were expressed that a squeeze might be expected. But there were many who raid, this line was not large enough to cause any uneasiness. July closed W,c over yesterday. The provlrlon market started strong, with conslderabl: buying, at An average advance over last night of 5c. but on the "bulge packers sold smothering -.out deals. The close was steady. July pork closed a shado higher, at $11 221411 23; July lard. 2H5e up. at $C 62. and July ribs closed a "shade Improved, at $0 23. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. ' Opened. Highest. Lowest. Closing, June .. July .. August $0 73,; ,.$0 72- $074 .. 73lJ' 73-. . CORN. .. 3S 30 .. ..3$?Z 39 .. 39 39 OATS. .. 22 224 ,. 22W . , 22H .. 22& 2214 $0 728 73 7 June .. July :. August 35 33 32$ June ....... July .- August . . . . 22U 22U MESS'PORTC July '.I' 1125 llte- September ...1140 1147 LARD. July 0 55 CC0 September ... 0 CO 0 63 1123 1140 0 52 0 00 11S2& 050 053 SHORT RIBS. July 6 57 0C2 0 52 0 55 September ...COO CCS 063 C 60 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat-No. 3, 7071Uc; No. 2 red. 7G9 7Cc Corn No. 2, 3939c; No. 2 yellow, S019 SOXc Oats-No. 2. 23S23Vlc; No. 2 white, 2c; No. 3 white. 23V1S2CC. Rye No. 2, 37c. Barley Good feeding, 37c; fair to choice brewing, 40J43c Flaxseed-No. 1, 1 SO; No. 1 N W., $1 SO. Timothy seed Prime, $2 40. Mess pork-$l0 10 11 25 per bbL Lard JG 406 57 per cwt. Short ribs Sides, loose. $3 40C 70. Shoulders Do salted, boxed. $6 50QC 75. Clover Contract grade, $7 758. Butter Steady; creamery, 14SflSc; dairy, 13 ?10c Cheese Steady, 8SDc Eggs Slow; fresh, 10c Reelpts. Shlpm'ts. Flour, barrels 15.000 0.000 Wheat, bushels OS, 000 4.00j Corn, bushels 384.000 51&.000 Oats, bushels 21S.OO0 241.000 Rye. bushels 5.000 S.OOu Barley, bushels 11,000 0,000 Xerr Torlc Grain and Produce. NEW YORK. Juno 13. Flour Receipts. 17. 300 barrel's; exports, 24,407. Market 1520c apart. Wheat Receipts, 53,425 bushels; exports, 20, 407. Spot, firm; No. 2 red. 84s;e f. o. b.. SIHc elevator. Options opened weak, under foreign selllnsrand eIdences of rain In the Northwest. Tollowlng this came a scare of shorts, with a full recovery In price. Influenced by strong Spring-wheat markets and a renewal of North west crop complaints on a large scale. Closed strong at ls net advance. July closed at 7S&c; September, 70?ij. ' Wool Quiet. Hops Steady. Enropean Grain Markets. LONDON. June 15. Wheat Cargoes on pas3-, age. nominally unchanged; cargoes of Walla Walla, 2Ss M; English country markets, firm. LIVERPOOL. June 15. Wheat-Quiet; No. 1 standard California, Gs 2d; wheat and flour In Paris, Quiet; French country markets, steady. Spot wheat, steady; No. 1 Northern Spring, 5s lid; No. 1 California. 6s IdQte 3d. .Futures, quiet; July, 5s 10-Xd; September, 5s 10sd; De cember, nominal. Corn Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 2s 10Ud; old, 4s 3d. Futures, steady; July, Ss JO-Jid; September, 3s lld. SA' FRANCIS CO MARKETS. SAN rRANCISCO. June 15. Wool Sprlnj Novada. 1410c; Eastern Oregon, 10J?15c; Val ley. Oregon. 18S?20c Fall Northern mountain. 10i?12c; mountain, lambs', 810c; San Joaquin plains. S-fflOc; Humboldt and Mendocino, 14tf 15c per pound. Hops 1800 crop. 1113C per pound. Mlllstuffs Middlings. $17620; bran, 12 50Q 13 50 per ton. Hay Wheat. $0 5010 50; wheat and oat, $0 010: best barley. $7; alfalfa, $5gfl; stock, $5 ig5 50; compressed wheat. $7310 per ton; straw. 23g-40c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose. GOJGSc; River Bur banks. S5C5c; Oregon Burbanks. SOtJdOc per cental: new potatoes. 70cSl 25. Vegetables Onions. S090c per cental; gar lic. 23c: Erecn peas. C0cC$l per sack; string beans. 233c; dried okra, 32c per pound; asparagus, $11 75 .per box; eggpltn 810c per pound. Citrus fruit Oranges, navels, $1 1 23; Mexican limes. $S-4 50; common Cailfornli lemons. $1 25tfl 50; choice. $1 25Q1 50 prt box. Bananas, $1 5033 per bunch. Butter Fancy .creamery. 20c; do seconds, 13 91!)c; fancy dairy. 17 ISc; do seconds, 13 IC'tc pec pound. Cheese California, new, 7?Sc per jxjund; Young America. 0f0c: Eastern. lC17c Eggs Store. 14 13c; fancy ranch, lSKc; Eastern. 15flGs per dozen. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, lOSllc; do hens, 12gl3c per pound; old roosters, $3 50(?4 per dozen: .young roosters. $31; small brollrm. $282 25; large broilers, $33 50; fryers. $3 50 4 50: hens, $KT4 50 per doxen; geese, $lgl 23 per pair. Receipts Flour, quarter sacks. 0450; do Ore gon. 11.372: wheat, centals, 15S0: barley, cen tals. 81,453; oats, centals, 1935; do Oregon. 1005; beans, sacks. 246; potatoes, sacks, 3402; bran, sacks. 30; hay, tons, 534; wool, bales, SO; hides, 137. - EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHlfcAGO. June 15.-Cattle Receipts. 2500. Steers, about steady; butchers' stock, best steady, others slow; natives, best -on sale today, one carload Wetsrn branded. $3 CO; good to prime steers. $5 10 ft 5 15; poor to medium. SI 5")ff5; selected feeders steady, others slow, $4 25(75; mixed stockers. weak". $3 504; cow?. $3$4 00: heifers. $2 2365; canners, $2 253; bulls, $394 50: calve, steady. $57. Texans Fed steers, steady, $4 50S5 85; grass steers, $3 85-t 40: bulls. $3 153 C3 Hoge Receipts today, 23,000; tomorrow, esti mated. 10.000: left over. 4O00. Market aver aged a shade higher; top, $3 07; mixed and butehersi $4 00?5 07: rood to choice heavy, $5fc3 07: rough hf-avy. $4 S5tf 4 05; light. $4 003 07; bulk of sales. $5fi5 07. 6hcp Receipts. 70C0. Fhep and lambs, slow to a shade lower: Colorado shorn lambs, $0 85, the highest of the year for shorn lambs; good to choice wethers. $4 7TM?5 20, fair to choice mixed. S495. Western sh-ep. $4, 7383 20; year llpgu $5 5025 30; native lambj. $5gC SO; West ern lambs, $&3C 85. OMAHA. June 13 Cattle Receipts, 2300. Market strong; natlvn beef steers, $1 50R3 40. cows and heifers. $3 75(74 CO; canners. $2 259 3 50; stacker? and feeders. $3 505; calves, $3 7; bulls and stags. 53434 25 Hogs Receljrts. SGO. "Market higher; heavy. M 87H4 f7; mlxrd. $4 5? 1 03; light. $4 SO 4 CO; hulk of rales, -it S7t4 00. Sheep Receipts. COO. Market steady; fair to choice natives. $1 93$5 00. fair to choice West erns. $1 40g3 10; common and choice shep, $4 Q4 80; lambs; $3 257 KANSAS CITY, June 15. Cattle Receipts, ZV30. Market steady; Texas steers, $3 253 25, Downing, Hopkins & Co.: ChIcigo Board of. Trade: New York Stock Exchange Room 4, Ground Floor THE PORTLAND MINING STOCK EXCHAN Location No. 126 :First Street OFKIPERS AXDi DIRECTORS i TYLER "WOODWARD, Prest. Jj! S. National Bank, Eresldent. . Ij. B. COX. Esq.. Vlce-Predent. ' " ' " J. FRANK "WATSON. Prest. Merchants National Bank, Trearurer. . P. L "WILLIS. Esq.. gecretarj'- SENECA SMITH. ' ' qa-stt-t v-nwrtT KtTFTJS'MATLORT. FHANCIS I. M'KENNA. SAMTjEL-CONNELL. V GRINDSTAFF,' Registrar of Stocks and Bonds: SecurityvSavlngs and Trust Company Cost'of Membership '..'. .1.. 3100 " "' " Charoe for Listing Stocks 30 , ' Dues per Annum (payable quarterly).. 50 P. O. BOX 723. Address. C. L. PAHICEIt, Maaager. Eery saf esnnard placed around deallnrs' In this rCCIIANGK. CAPE NOME EXCURSION S. S. NOME CITY, 3. S. GEO: W. ELDER Will Sail About June 30th. Special Round-Trip Excursion Tickets Sold on These Elegant Passenger .Steatfiers. . - : S- S. DESPATCH ; . V V Sails on Her SecondTrip About July 10, 1.900 t . ' -i .. . i his Is the only exclusive livestock stearneq in the - Nometrade. - Bookings now being-made ron rtATEs and ixformatios apply to CALIFORNIA & OREGON COAST S. S. CO. F. P. BAUMOARTMZR. Agent, 253 Washington St. V A. Mitchell & Co General Aeeati. San Francisco. Pacific Coast VSiMmxRi For BaSV the Cape Nome Gold Fields THE NEW PALATIAL STEEl STEAMSHIP , "Senator" will sail Tram 'Seattle direct June 21, Jely 21 and August 20. . The Senator" has a capacity of 2500 tons. Her second cabln-and eteerase accommodations ere superior to tha flrot-claas accommodations 6t meet of the steamers advertised for Nome. The Pacific Coaot Steamship Co haa been runnlnfr Its steamero to Alaska wlnter'and sum merfor 23 years, and la the pioneer Pacific Coast line. Seattle freight and passenger rates ap ply from Portland. For further Information Inquire of GOODALL, PERKINS & CO., General Agents. 10 Market. San Francisco. , or N POBTOX, 'Agent. 240 "Washington st.. Portland. Or. Texas cows. $2 004 25; native steers. $40 5 55; native cows and heifers. $2 305 15; stockers and feeders, i 25H 05; bulls, $30 4 75 per cwt. t Hogs Receipts, 13.000. Market Bo higher; bulk of pales, $4 S54 05; heavy. $4 005; packers. U SWH lr mixed. $4 85j?-2H: light. Jt SS&ri 80; Yorkers, H S54 00; pigs. $4 75 4 05. Sheep Receipts,. 2000. Market steady; lambs, $4 50fl7 25; muttons, $3 7if?5 25. Tie 3Ictal Ularltetn. NEW TORK, Juno 15. Tho market for met als ruled rattier quiet, with a weak undertone. Cables showt-d no material change .from the previous day's closing. Tin In the local market was held at G0 75, with sellers at this flguro at the close PIg-lron. warrants were weak and nominally quoted at (14 50. Northern No. 1 foundry was quoted at $10. Copper, dull and unchanged on the basis of $10 50. Lead 'con tinues unsettled at $3 72i'SM "774. Spelter, at $4 224$?4 271$. The brokers price 'for lead was $3 00, and for copper $10 50. Bar silver, COVic per ounce. : SAN FRANCISCO. Juno 15. Bar silver, 60Xc per ounce. LONDON, June 15. Bar silver, 27 ll-10d. Coffee and Sngnr. NEW TORK. June 15. Coffee Options closed steady at a nct.ad-ance of B?15 points; sales, 83.700 bags. Including July at $7 507 55; Au gust. $7 50; September, $7 4507 55. Spot, Rio, firm; No. 7, Invoice, 8?ic Mild, Arm; Cor dova. 0ViI34c Sugar Raw and Teflned, strong. POETS AS PEACE-DISTURBERS Serlonnly Menace England's 'Itela tlonK With. Foreign Poirera. Chicago Inter Ocean. ' Alfred Austin, the British laureate, has finally been taken seriously. Mr. "William Archer, one of the best-known of British critics, aeclares in the London Morning Leader that Austin's" activities are dis turbing to the public peace and a menace to amicable international relations.- Mr. Archer admits that Austin is '"only too assiduously doing his best in tho station to which malicious fate and a cynical Prime Minister called him," but "unfor tunately for his country a sense- of humor has been denied him." Austin's persist ent pipings, Mr. Archer affirms, make the British nation ridiculous. And from ridicule to contempt, atid from con-tempt to hate, the steps are short and easy. Mr. Archer reviews the history of the British laureateshlp and shows that from a court slL-ecure it became, with "Words worth and Tennyson a national Institu tion a sacred trust with which Lord Sal isbury's contemptuous c'nichsin paltered. Austin was known to be hopelessly de ficient in style, but he has proved ' still more deficient in tact, that essential qual ity of tha laureate. "His want of stylo," says Mr. Archer, "humiliates us in our own eyes. His want of tact degrades us In the eyes of tho world." Foreigners only know that Austin has succeeded to the laurel of Tennyscn. "When hey find him blustering In the center of the Jour nalistic stage they may well ask what has become of tho traditional dignity of the English nation." Austin's Indiscreet deliverances upon foreign affairs, from the Incredible lolly of his "Jameson's Ride" and the danger ous provocation of hi3 verses upon the Fzshoda affair, to his repeated Impudent assumptions to speak for the people of the United States, are recited by Mr. Archer, who rightly dubs Austln."the hys terical helot of, imperialism." Austin seems to think his strains may inspire Britons to battle as those of Tyrtaeus did the SDartans. But Tvrtapus wroto hforr the days of the telegraph and the newspaper, j nuu nis verses were not reau tne next mornlnr in the market places of Ithonre, Argos and Athens. Tyrtaeus could there fore safely say of Sparta's rivals, as Aus tin says of England's: Some fain would be her friend, and some would nurse Their hate till they could curb the might that now They could but curse. "Is it to be endured." asks Mr. Arcner. Mormon iilchorkft' Pill n-wS Siia XTJtzt Lkk,?icrl. Jouilltir .. . . . . ei iu-uu, "". wo, or r, itencagCJio,unntnes toiarr?, -con of F-f9 Somen, varicocalo, orcitipatlon, iwp QulcKnobs "oDQIs- Br?Sl charse; Stops Nor- iTmtChlrtS Of Eyollds. f recti are lamnjite. ttAg laipin nor as patency to or to: vnua ( tirlT ximcioa. Db&i m QerKmcL teglBU Sucalitei the cola ad scrrecenUn. ice bor. ar Birom.ire. -ma oKin. uroon nee. MUSroSS, Bishop ROmoay CO., San FranCISCO, Cat. 5"or Sate by Aldrlch Pharmacy. Sixth acd'Waj ales ton streets. Portland. Or. S Chamber of Commerce BOTH TELEPHONES .- Steamship Co. "that tho brain and heart of England should be officially represented In the eyes of the world by such bounding; braggado cio? Its manner humiliates us. Its mat ter can only Irritate our neighbors -If Austin lived m Chicago he probably could be suppressed under tho comprehensive disorderly -conduct section of our munici pal code, but London seems without this remedy. Mr. Archer believes Austin Is like tho -famous bagpiper of Bujalance. -who charged one maravedl for beginning and ten for leaving Off: He suggests that "Lord Salisbury atone for his bad Joke by buying Austin off give him a knighthood upon condition that he confine his poetic effusions to royal christenings, "and, -eo far as foreign affairs arc concerned, forth with jpin the Choir Inaudible." If Aus tin is .not continually to disturb the .peace of nations heroic measures must certainly be taken sopn- " -. A Sheffield CEngland) "firm" has produced a steel plate 3.1C Inches thick, which can not be drilled or pierced by a, LeeOIet ford bnllet. ' N.W. Harris & Go. BANKERS 0O n 0 Governm' t. Municipal, Iw EJ u RaHroadt Oas and Bought and sold. Including total issues. Letters of Credit and Drafts Issued on Bank of Scotland, London, Crtdit-Lyonndfs, Paris. . INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS 204 Dearborn St., Chicago. V Nassau sL, New York 67 Milk st, Boston PEIMART, SECONDARY OR IBHUr BLOOD P0IS01 Permanently Cured. Tou can be treated at home under same suaranty. If you nave taken mer cury. Iodide potash, and still have acnes and pains, llucus Patches ia Mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples. Copper-Colored Spots. Ulcers on any part of the hody. Hair or Eyebrows falling out, write , COOK REMEDY CO. 1ZC0 Masonic Temple. Chicago, III. for proofs of cures. Capital, iOo.OOO. We aol'clt the most ob stinate ca.es. We have cured the worst cases In 13 to 35 days. 100-pac Book Free. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Ortettinl and Onlr Gtnulnn. 8AFE. Alwirtrclitli Ladle. uSPrarsIrt flsr U111AJ112 HSU'S 1..UU.SU l la KKI "'1 Uald BctiUis boftt itilM ' with bine rlbba. Take no other. BeHise I Saascran Habituation and Imita tion. Ey t jar Droesiit. or md 4e. tn unp( fir Partfnllarc, Tcatlmonlali im "Jttllcr for UitlM.f Uttsr. sr re turn Hall. 10.nOTntiuatil. Ssllhr mllDre'rllU- CitlrhrMtrj'Cttrtntrt CTo.. Zfrctlon tMs paper. JlndUon Uo.oare, PK1LA.. PA. "lfaeUet4!UiIT Thompson's Eye Waiar tatm 7r. m TitAVELEns' cqirjtf. WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA R1YER & PCQET. SOUD ,&A,VJ. OATIOK CO. ' POnTLAXD A'D ASTORIA. ' ' BA1LKT UATZERI (Alder-Street dock Leaves Portland da.ly eery mornlns at 7 o'clcclc. except Sunday. Jleturnln?. leaves As toria vry ulsht at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon 'phone Main 301. Columbia 'phone UL U. B. SCOTT. President u ban In e msr n tub te tlie Imd-n cf iS Mtiuitn Mm thf wftrtr -., In nM mnA r..- ..1.. c. -.. - " " '. j "K s.fca.M .d WtEkM ujirasffiua;, tiUfOS UOOC NiQrin003i a ru'i l at feacj rlr.T. Jt Il??t imsTI tt-.'.ln,M rt J2 y b matt. tCTj Airrinea guirint-e. tocars Pe & 7$ ' TBAVELEnS' GUIIE. -- I'aton Depot, SIxik and. J Streets. THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "CHICAGO-POUTIiAKD SPECIAIi." Leaves for tho East, via Huntinston. at 0:lS A. M.;-arrives. 4 P. M. SpOKAWS FliYEU, For Spokane. Eastern Washington, and Great Northarn points, lcaes at C P. M-: arrlvea at T A. M. ATLANTIC EXPRESS, Leaea for the East, via Huntington, at 8 P. M.; arrives at 8.40 A. M. THROUGH PDLLMAN AND TOOTUST SLEEPSP Wajer lire schedule, subject to caanre -with-out notice r OCEAPT AlfO RIVER SCHEDULE. OCEjVX DIVISION Steamships sail from Atnsworth deck at 8 P. M.- Leae Portland v-omrnDia, Friday. June 1; Monday, June u: Thursday, June 21; Sunday, July lr Wednes day, July-11. state of California. Wednesday. June 0; Satcrdav. J una lti; Tueadav. June 2u: Friday, July 6. From San Francisco Leavtnc Specr-St. Pier No. 24, San Francisco, at 11 A. M.. as folloTrs: otate or California. Saturday. June : Tues day. June 12; Friday. June 22; Monday, July 2: Thursday. July 12. Columbia, Thursday. June 7; Sunday. June 17; Wednesday, June 27; Saturday. July 7. COLTUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally, escepc Eunday. at 8.00 P. M.; on Saturday at 10:00 P. M. Returning, leaves Astoria dally, except Sun day, at 7:QQ A, M. .WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND SALEM, OR. Steamer Modoc tar Salem and war points. leaves Portland Mondays, Wednesdays and Frt- aays at u.oo A. M. Keturnlng, leases Atiem Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6.00 A.M. YAMHIXIj RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DATTON, OR. Steamer Elmore, for Dayton and way points. leaves Portland Tuesday-, Thursdas and Sat urdays' at 7 A. M. Returning, leaves Dayton for Portland and way points Mondays, Weaneada)s and Fridays at 0 A. M. SNAKE RIVER JtOCTE. RITARIA. WASIL, AND LEWISTON. IDAHO Steamer Spokane or Mteamer Lerlton !e&es Rlparla dally at 3.25 A, M., arriving at Lewis ton at 3 P. M. Returning, the Spokane or Lewlston leaves Letvlston dally at 9 A. M., arrUlns at Rlparla same eenins. W. H. HURLBURT. General Paeoenger Asent. V. A. SCHTLI.TNG. Cltv Ticket AcenU Telephono Main 712. 0 Third street, cor. pale NewSttamsMpLinctotlicOricflt CHINA AND JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND, la connection with THE OREGON RAILROAD' & NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1000 (subject to change): Steamer. Due to Leava Portland. MONMOUTHSHIRE" June 24 BRAEMAR'V July 15 ARGTLL" ,.i ,, Aug 5 For rat's, accommodations', etc.. apply to DODWELL 4 COMPANT". Limited, ' General Agents. Ponland. Or To principal points in Japan, and China. THE FASTEST AND MOST - DIREGT LINE fy TOTHE EASTANDSOUTHEAST IS THE SPICTO The Direct Lins to Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St Loub Chicago and Other Eastern Points TWO DA8LY SOLID VEST1BULEP TRAINS. Portland to Chleage Lesa Than Three Days. Only Four Dqyx to New York and Boston. Throujgh Palaco and Tourjat Sle?ers, Buitet. library cars (Baraer Shop) Dlnlns Cars (iTeals a la cart0 Preo Reclln- t . lag Chair Cara. TAroush tickets, baereace checks, and sleeping car accommodations can bo ar ranged, at ' CITY TICKET OFFICE 1 35 Third Street Portland, Orajjos 1. rH. LOTHROP. OEORQSf LANO. -Caa'l Agcat. . Ois Pac. A Tit. Ait. 13 A GREAT TRAIN In equipment. In speed, and In Its variety of Through Service. A Through FIRST-CLASS SLEEPING CAR to Toronto, to Montreal, and from Banff Hot Springs to St. Paul. A Through TOURIST SLEEPING-CAR St. Paul. Dally, and TOURIST SLEEPING-CAR to Toronto and Boston three Daya every week. Tho "Imperial Limited" time 13 ar ranged to pass the grandest scenic feat ures of the Canadian Pacific Line during daylight. Pamphlets furnished free. H. H. ABBOTT. Agent. E. J. COYLE. 14C Third strMt. city. A. G. P. A. Vancouver. B. C. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co; LEAVES iTor Maygers, Ralrjtw. (ARRIVES Y."-Trtfc- i -W .-1 . .., - 1 .......... UNION 1 CiarikanU. TVirrmM- tJVinr DEPOT. .Clifton. Astoria. "VVar- 1 DEPOT. rentos. .FlANfl;- Bpt giond. Fort , BtevensC i&TA&ft Park. 5ailde, Astoria and-eaihor ' Express,'. Daily. Alorl. Kaprcss. Dally. '1 t " 11:16 A.-M. B3 P. M. 0:iO p. m. Ticket ofHce. 258 Morrison st. and Union dtpot. J. C UAYO. Gn. Pass. Act.. Atoris. Or. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA. THE COMPANY'S elegant strainers. Queen. Cottage City. City of Topeka and Al - Kt leave TACOMA 11 A. II.. SE ATTLE y P. M.. Jua -J. a, 14. 16, 19. 24. ii; July 1. 4. !. 14. IC. 19. 24. 20. Jl. Aug. 3. and every fifth day there after. For further Informa tion obtain company's foid-r. The company reserves the rij;ht to chance steamers, railing dates and hours of soiling without previous notice AGENTS N. POSTON. 240 Washington st-. Portland. Or.: F. V. CARLETON. N. P. R. R. Dock. Tacoma. H. H. LLOYD. Puget Sound Supt-r C, W. MILLER. Asst. Supt-. Ocean Dock. Seattle. CUODALL. PERKINS jt CO.. Gen. Agts.. S". P. 1 9.W CANADIAN PACIFIC "Imperial Limited" iB TRAVELERS' GUIDE. EAST TO OAT TXT T UD uum Leave Pc?at fiia aai StfCttS j Arrlva OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINd for Salem. Rose-burg-, Ashland. Sac ramentc. O g de n. San Francisco. Mo Jave. Lcs AngJles. 1 Paso, New Or leans and the Ej At Woodbura (dally except Sun da). morning train connects with train for Mt. Ar.gsL all verton. Srowne vlllc. fepsanKfleld and Natron, and venlnjr tnila for ML. Angel and 5K--vertoa. Albany passenger Corvallia passenger Cherldan passenger S:S0 P. M. 3:30 A. M. 7:43 A.M 6:30 P. at 4:fX) P. M. J7:30 A. M. :4.W P. M. 10J0AM. J5-C0 P. M. fS.25A.M- Daily. tDally eioept Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and San tTrancisco. Net nttu 17 nrat class and $11 second clastv tncludlng sleeper. Rates and tloete to Eastern points and Eu-Srt--r,A11Tr.JA,A:V' CHINA. HONOLULU and - Jt.L.Ia- .Caa be "otatned from J. B. KIRKLAND. Ticket Ag-fit, 140 Third St., YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20. l:40 A. M.: 1L':30, 1:65, 3.25. 4.40. J.25. 8:J0. 11:S0 H. M-: and O.W) A. L .n Sundai only, rrlv at Portland daily at 0.5. h-30. I0 SO A. M.; 1:25. 3:10. 4:J0. 0:15, 7:40, 10.00 P. M., 12.4U A. M- dally, except Monaay, 8:3( and 10.05 A. M. on Sundajs only. . aZe for Haa dally, except Sunday, at 5.05 P. M. Arrive at Prrtland at 0 30 A. 2L rassonger train leave Dallas for Alrll Mon iaio, Wednesdays and Fridajs at 2:45 P. M. Returns Tuesdiys. Thur3das and Saturdays. Except Snr3ay. , R. KOEHLER. C, H. MARKHAM. Manager. .Gcn Frt. & Pas. Art. DOUBLE DAILY THAIX SERVICE. Tlte Pioneer Clnlnrr and Observation Car Route. Leave wjl'alM Depot, 6Ul33d XSS - Arrive No. 2 2 P. M. North. Coast Limited. For Tacoma, Seattle. North Yakima, odo- No. 1 iA.it Sane. Pullman. Mos cow. LewUton. V.oss Iand B C. Butte. Helena.' St. Paul. Min neapolis. Chicago. Uos- f' ton.' New Tork and all points East and South east, . No."4 11:20 P.M. Twin City Express, For lyTa'doma. Seattle, No. 3 8. iL caBaaa; mutn.-in. jios cowITWielston. Ross- landJS B. C. NeIon. Helena. Butte. St Paul. Mlnnpanoll. Chttdeo. Boston. Baltimore, New York. Washington, and all points East J.nJ Southeast. Take North Coast Llmita Train No. 2 for Soutlt Bend. Oljinpia and Grav's Hafoor points. See tho North Coast Limited. Elegant Up holstered TourUt Sloping Cars, Pullman Standard Sleepers, Dining Car and Observa tion Car. all electric lighted. Solid estibuled trains. Tickets sold to all points In the United States and Canada, and baggage checked to destinatlcn of tickets'. ' Tor Information, tickets, sleeping-car reser vations, etc.. call on or write A. D. CHARLTOX Assistant General FnsseBgcr Ageat, 255 Morrison St.. Cor. Third. Portland. Oregon, " - GO EAST VIA ON THE FAMOUS "Portland-Chicago Special" OR THE "OVERLAND L5MITED" The only trains running through solid from Portland and Chicago. Every car illuminated with Plntbch ga3. Two trains dally. Dining: Cars. Service a la. Carte, Library-Buffet Smoking Cars. Palace and Ordinary iSIeepfnz?'Ci&h Free Hcclinintr Chair CiSS? s Leaves. 0:15 A.M.. 0.00 P. M. Arrives. portland;.Vs::4?I CITY TICKET OFFICE 142 Third St. Phone Main 383 W. E. COMAN. General Axnt. F. R. OLIN. Cltr TlcW Agt. BREATeRTHggwf Tlcict 0I!ke, 26S Morrison Sire;!, 'Phsoe 6S3 LEAVE. Tha Plycr, daily to aad '.rem St. Paul. Mlnn- ARRIVE. No. a. 7:00 A. M. NA. 4 apoU'i, Dulutb. Caicagc 0.00 P. M-1 and ill points East. t Through Palace,and Touriat Sleepers, Dlnlns and Buffet Sxnokifig-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN. LINE STEAMSHIP IDZUMI MARU For Japan, China and all Asiatic odnu win leave Seattle j About June 20th. Empire 'Lin i,e j' 'FRi,ape And Yukon River Points 5. 5. "OHIO," 3500 Tons Sails from Seattle on or about June 30' Reservations can now be made upon applica tion to any railroad or sub-agent of the Inter national Naigation Company, or to EZlIPIItE TRANSPORTATION CO., SEATTLE. TVAblL Bit: Out noa-Eciscnoei remedy for Gonorrbcta, Gleer. p o r m a tor r b ce a, Vhitcs, unnatural dtf charge, or ar.r InSsaima- fc1rrnaM cau(iaa. tlon of mncom menr !THtsCHtMIlCa. brands. Non-astringent. i'lanHTT.O.l ' I 3orf by lrarcrists. Xi.S.. J. j or sent fn plain wrapper. S0-qOU ilf. or 3 bottlai, J2.T3. IOloaa5sA5xajI5j fCUTCS Qf NVlPA