Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 12, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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(Copyright. 1000, by Seymour Eaton )
Note. The remaining five lessons consist of
a. "talk" between a visitor and a guide. The
conversation sires an outline of "sightseeing"
in Paris. The student should carefully mark
each phrase, its idiomatic construction, and he
should then compare it with the English. He
will find it an interesting study to compare
the construction of the two languages. The
pronunciation is purposely omitted. Students
are expected to make use of the pronunciation
rules learned in former lessons.
tallc Between a Visiter aad m. Gle.
Conversation entro one rlritanwet un eulie.
Vlilteuie Etee-Toui prlt A partlrt
Are you ready for oar Jonrsey t
Guide Nous parttrons tout desatt it eel
tobi est egreatele.
We may itart at once, If agrrcable to
Vltlteuso Arant de partlr Je Tear toui
poier Qseiqqfia questions.
Before we start I wish to ma.Yo a few
Guide Madasae, J'y ripondral de son
Ak, madam; I shall be delighted to
fire yon any Information,
talteuie Dltet-mol, e'll rone plait, on eit la
Tell me, please, where Is the P toffleet
Qttlde La Kourelle Foste est an coin de la
rue St. Honore et de la rue du Lourre.
The nevr PostofQce Is oornerSt.Honere
and LonTTe streets.
Tlslteuse Y a-Wl des Sens-Bureaux de
And there are snb-Pestofficest
Guide Oal, les lampes blenes qoe Tons
Toyez la lndlqueat nn bureau de poste
et de t616?raphe.
Yes, the bine lamps yon see there rlc
alfy that there Is a post rod telegraph
Vlslteuse Y a-t-Il anssl des cabinets U&- i
phoalques publics t
Are there also public telephone boxes?
Gnide Onl, et toui y trourerex tout oe dont ,
Tons surer besria, dn papier &
d6pcbes, le Bottn, eta
Yes, yon find there eTerythlnir; tele
graph blanks, directories; etc.
Ylslteuso Comblea route I'affraHohlssement .
TV hat Is the postaee rate for letters t
Gvlde Pour l'etraneer, Tlnji-clnq (35)
Pour la Fraace, qnlnxe (16) centimes.
Foreign letters, 25 centimes (about 5
.. cents). ..
.Loral letters, 15 sea times (about S cents).
Vlslteuse Quel est le prlx d' nne depecho
"reponse pay6e"l
What Is the price f or a telejrrasa "answer
Gnlde Cola depend du n ombre de mots.
According to the uumber of words.
Vlslteuse Que couteralt une ddpScho de dtx
mots, 'rdponse payee"?
How much would a telegram of ten
words cost. If prepaid?
Guide Un frsne, madame.
It costs one franc, madam.
Vlslteuse Malntenant dltes-mol l'adreste
du Consul americatn.
Now tell me tho address of the Ameri
can consul.
Gu dj Sod adrcsse est: No. S6 aTenne de
I'Opera, madame.
His address Is: No. 88 Opera avenue.
Vlslteuse Faut-Il envoyer mon passeport
pour le falre enrojrlstrert
Is it necessary for me to send my passport
for registration?
Gnlde :Non. e'est Inutile, tous pouTer le
porter snr Tons on blen le deposer a
Totre hCtel.
Not necesary : you may keep It with yon,
or deposit at your hotel.
Vlslteuse Malntenant, Toyons un peu, que
ferons-noas aujourd'hul?
Now let me have a look what we shall
see to-cay.
Guide J'al fait un plan pour Tlslter Paris
en six jours.
My plan for Tlsltlntr Paris Is arranged
for six davs.
Le Grand Opera, qui est le plus becu
du monde.
The Grand Opera House, wblrh Is the
most mignlflcent In the world.
L'ejrlico de La Madeleine (style prec).
The Church of La Madeleine (Greek
La Colonne Vend6me.
The VendOme Column.
La Rne de RItoII (nne des plus loncue
et des plus belles de Paris; et le Palais
The RItoII street (one of the longest and
finest in Paris) and the Royal Palace.
Le palals et les galerles du Lourre.
The palace and the galleries of the
La place du Carrousel, la place" de la
Concorde (do laquelle on volt la Made
leine. l'Arc de Trlomphe de l'Etolle et
la Chambte des Deputes).
The place of tournament, the piece de
la Concorde (from which one sees the
Madeleine church, the arch of Triumph
of the Star and the Chamber of Dep
uties). Le Jardln des Tulleries (on y Tolt do
tres belles statues).
The garden of the Tulleries (where tho
most beautiful statues are to be seen).
Gnlde II est blra possible que ce solt trop
pour une journee.
t Of coarse, this may be a little too much
for one day.
Vlslteuse Est-il possible de falro avan-
tageusoment tant de courses en uno
Is It possible to do justice to so many
places at one timet
Guide Madame, II est Impossible de voir
Paris mPme en une an nee, II fent voir
tout ce quo l'on peut, prendre des
notes, et le voir de nouveau la pro-
chalne fois que Ton se trouTe & Paris.
Well, madam, you cannot du justice to
Parle even if you stayed here onoyear;
but take in as much as yon can. make
notes and see it again when you visit
Paris the second time.
Islteuse Preclseraent Dltes-mol ce quo
tous allez me montrer la dcnxleme
Ion race.
All right, then, let me see what you
will show me the second dsy.
L'egllse St. Germain l'Auxerrols.
The Church of St. Germain, the Native
of Auxerre.
Une nouTolle Tislte au Louvre (on ne peut
pas le Tolr en uno journee).
A second Tislt to the Lourre (which
cannot be seen In one day).
Le Palais TElyseo (residence des Presi
dents de la Ripubllque).
The palace of the Elyslan Fields (the
residence of the presidents of the
L'nvenue des Champs Elyseeo (cette
arenue est le rendes-vous de l'lgance
The avenue of the Elyslan Fields (this
street is one of the most fashionable
resorts In Perls).
Le Panorama (spectacles et tableaux
The Panorama (shows and living pic
tures). L'Arc de Trlomphe (1 Pextnkalt6 des
Champs Ely sees).
The arch of triumph (at the extremity of
theElysIsn Fields).
Le Bolt de Bonlo;ne(des avenues im
mense et un beau lac).
The Boulogne Park (avenues, with a
floe lake).
L'esllse de Notre Dame (la eathedrale
de Paris).
The Chnrch of Our Ladr (Holy Virgin),
the Cathedral of Paris.
L) Palais de Justice.
The Court House.
Dsltense L'entrfeext-ellepartoutgratultet
Is the admission In all the places free?
Qutdc Pa pendant 1'ExposUlon.
Net durln; the Exswsitinc.
VkHeuie-B'llyaa'Mtreu tnit a payer,
faltes-le mol sarolr et a les paleraL
Le me know of any npedal expeisw
yon hare asd I shall pay.
Guide Mercl blen, madame. MsJcteaaat,
passons an trolsieme jour.
I thank you rery much. Let us new
proceed to the next day.
Lea balles ceatrtlei.
The central markets.
L'egllse St Enstsche (l'une des pirns la
port antes de la eapitalo).
St. Eustace Church (one of the aoit
Important of the city).
Le musee des Archives.
The Musoum of Archives.
Le Conservatoire des Art$ et Mdtlers.
The Conservatory of Arte and Trades.
Le psrc Monceanx (le plus beau pare de
The Monceau Park (the finest yarfc la
Le palals, les galeries et le jardln du
Luxembourg (constrult pour Marie de
The palace, the galleries and the rardess
of the Luxembourg (built for Mario de
La Sorbonne. (Siege das facult6s dts
Sciences et des Lettres.)
Sorbonne University. (Stst of the iio
olties of Sciences asd Literature.)
Le Musee de Oluny (recuenll d'ohjeta
d'art anciens).
The Cluny Museum (colloction of an
cient works of art).
Guide n y anra peut-fitre deo endrolts qui
se Tons lnteresseront pas du tout,
d'autres que tres peu, etdansqnelquef
uns Tons passerez en jctant souls
meat uh coup d'celL
You may not be interested in all, little
in tome, and you may psss by with a
glance at other places.
Vlslteuse Vons are parfaitemeat raisoa.
You are quite right. Let us therefore
La Chamgro des Deputes (1 palals
The Chamber of LegislatiTe Justice (la
the palace of the Bourbons).
L'hfitel des Inralldes (tombeau de Na
poleon I., dans la crypte).
Old Soldiers' Home (tomb of Napoleon
I., In the crypt).
L'Ecole mllltalre.
The Military Academy.
Le Champ de Mars.
The Mars Field.
Le muse d'Artlllerle.
The museum of Artilleries.
Le Trocadero.
Tho Trocadero.
Guide Nous Tolia Jans un beau faubourg.
Here we are at a fine suburb.
Vlslteuse Faut-ll prendre le chemln de fer?
Must we taJie the steam car?
Guide Non. madame. Id nous pourens
prendre k Tflpeur et nous ferons une
belle promenade n bateau.
No, madam, here we can tak? the steam
er and hare a grand trip on the water.
Vlslteuse C'est assez pour anjourd'huL
Qu'arez-Tou prepare pour domain?
That is enough for to-day. What have
you arranged for to-morrow?
L'egllse St. Roch.
Church of St. Roch.
Les fontalnes Mdlere et Richelieu. Ea
face de la fontaina esflamaison No.84,
ou, Mollcre est snort, ea 1673.
The fountains Moil fere and Richelieu.
Directly opposite the fountain is the
house No. 34, in which Mollcre died
In 1673.
La Bibllotheque Nationale, ts ase-
dallies et sss antiqut6s.
The National Library, with its antlqal-
ties and medals.
Le palals de 1'Instltut, qui embrasse
cinq Academies dlfflSrentes.
The palace of tho Institute, which con
tains fire different academies.
Le palals des Beaux Arts. Pelnture,
sculpture, architecture et centres ma-
The palsco of the Fine Arts. Paintings.
sculpture, architecture aad -musical
La Monnaie.
The Mint
Le Pont-Neuf (on tl y aiuoe statue de
Henry IV).
The Pont-Neuf (where there is a status
of Henry IV).
Le Jardln des Plantes (crai data de Pan
The Botanical Gardens (which date
from 1635).
Excursion 1 Versailles (pare immense,
Earc d'Annes, caserne et chateau
ouls XP7).
Excursion to Versailles (grand psrk.
drill grounds, barracks and castle
Louis XIY).
Excursion h. Be Tres (manufacture de
Excursion to Sevres (poroelaln manu
factory). Excursion a St. Cloud (bsnliene ce
Paris) ruins dn palals Imperial.
Excursion to 8t Cloud (suburb af
Paris) rulnes of the imperial palace.
Vlslteuse Y a-t-11 des trains pour tous les
Do trains go to all .suburbs t
Guide Les trains, les vapours, les voltures
electrlques, les tramways, les omnibus,
et d'autres roitnres partent pour les
faubourgs princlpaux toutcs les dlx
ou qulnre minutes.'
The trains, the steam beats, the electric
carriages, tramways, omnibuses end
other conreyances run every ten or
fifteen minutes to the most prominent
Vlslteuse Quelle est la mellleuro heure pour
Which Is the best time to visit Versailles 1
Guide Genfiralemont le matin; l'apres midl
l'endrolt est encombre do monde.
Usually the forenoon, because In the
afternoon tho place Is Tery crowded.
Vlslteuse Eh blen, qu'aTex-Tons prepare
pour demeln?
Well, and what haTe you arrangod fot
Demaln, la dernlere journee, nous feroat
plusieurs excursions.
To-morrow, the last day, we shall devote
-to excursions.
Excursion I St. Denis (faubourg de Pa
ris; Industries actlres, folres, etc.).
Excursion to St- Denis (suburb of Paris;
active manufactories, fairs, etc)
Excursion a St. Germain et a Enghien.
Excursion to St. Germain and to En-
Courses daas les dlrers roaraslaa.
Visits to the different stores.
Excursion a Montmorency, Tallte dalt-
clense, ermltage de Jean Jacqaet
Excursion to Montmorency, pleasant
valley and the hermitage or JL Jacqaet
Visile au dmet!ereMoutroartra;presq
aussl beau one le Pere-Lachalte.
Visit to the Muntmartre cemetery, see-
ond in beauty to Pere-Lachaise.
Vlslteuse Je tons suis obligee de ces rem-
selgnements, et suls trls contents, do
lam obliredtoyou for all informatios
and much pleased with the programme
Message ef Thla State te the "WTerl
-at Large la Clearly Read
Victory for EipaBiIea.
All the papers find the result.of the Ore
gon election a fruitful topic, and they dia
cuss the matter to a considerable extent.
They read it as clearly a victory for Na
tional expansion and distinct discourage,
ment for Bryanlsm. Following are &
number that have Just come to hand:
The Oregon Election.
Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser.
The election In Oregon last Monday
ought to convince those who are relying
upon a fusion of all anti-Republicans to
-win the Presidential election In November
of the baseless foundation on which they
are building; Oregq,n has been a close
state tor years. As far back as 1K76 one
of Its electoral votes was In dispute, and
if the Democrats had secured It Mr. Tll
den would have been President.
Some years ago when the silver issuo
was at high tide all parties in Oregon
bowed to the seeming popular demand, but
the Republicans In 1SS3 planted themselves
fairly and squarely on a straight single
gold-standard platform. In 1SS5 McKir.ley
carried the state by 2117 votes. There was
then, as in this contest, a fusion of Dem
ocrats, Populists and Free-Silver Repub
licans. In 1S9S the fusion was not so
complete, but the fusion candidate for
Governor received 10,551 vtes less than
were cast for the straight gold-standard
Republican. An Independent Populist
ticket received 2S78 votes, giving a- clear
Republican majority of 7G73 votes. This
was after one of the hottest and most In
teresting contest ever cpnducted In the
U-rilted States. There wan no dodging on
either side.
The election laift Monday was for some
state officers, members of the Legisla
ture and two Congressmen. The Repub
licans, on tho ove of both National Con
ventions, and on a platform Identical In
sentiment with that of 189S, have won a(
sweeping victory. ine wora urawcr."
was long ago obliterated in Oregon, Xe
braska, Kansas and other states where
fua"on prevails, lmt that tho combination
will secure a few more members In the
new Legislature than It possessed In the
last Is more than probable. AH that the
combined opposition to the Republicans
could muster two years ago was 23 out
of a total of CS. This Is the condition to
which Demcracy has been reduced In a
Ftate which not many years ago had a
Democratic state government and Legis
lature and two Democrats in the United
States Senate. "Wherever the blighting
hand of fuslonlsm has been placed. Dem
ocracy has disappeared, end even Its name
wined off the official ballots.
There are other states on which the free
s'lver. Chlrasro platform extremists are
relying, which will prove to them Just as
great d'rappolntments as the one they
have Just rece'ved In Oregon. "When the
party gets bick to Its old principles and
proudly stands on Its own name. Instead
of belwr hid out undr the false colors of
Populism and Fr-S!lver Republicanism.
It will deserve, if it does not win, euc
"cess. Oregon Relinked Bryanlam.
Detroit Journal.
Oregon sounds the key-note for Repub
lican victory again this year. AH the is
sues that will te in the forthcoming cam
paign were In the campaign that preceded
yesterday's election In Oregon. The Re
publicans electud all their candidates for
state offices by pluralities exceeding the
pluralities of 1S96, secured control of the
Legislature, which will elect a United
States Senator to succeed Senator Mc
Brlde. and re-e.ected two Republican Con
gressmen by increased pluralities. The
omocrats madf a little showing in Mult
nomah County, where the metropolis of
the state Is, the Repubtcans being divided,
McKInley carried Oregon in 1S9S by a
plurality of 2117 over Bryan, who was
supported by the allied Democrats, Silver
Republicans and Populists, and Palmer,
who received the support of the Gold
Democrats. The Republican candidate for
Justice of the Supreme Court this year
carries the state against the fusion can
didate by 10.CC0 plurality, showing a gain
over the 1896 vote of more than four to
one. In 1S0S Geer, Republican, was elected
Governor by a plurality of 10,551, which Is
only two-thirds of the plurality of the
Republican candidate in ISM, the first pre.
ceding off-year. The plurality of 189S was
secured In a Jug-handled contest, the fu
slonlsts quarreling among themselves.
The vote on Congressmen is more Im
pressive. In 1S9S Thomas H. Tongue was
elected In the First District by a plurality
of 2037. This year, in a stubborn and
hotly contested fight, he wins by a plu
rality of about 3000, w"h!cn is, in fact,
a majority, since he was opposed by only
one rival. In the Second District M. A.
Moody Is Te-elected by 6000 or more plu
rality. The returns from this district
are estimated. It is a large district, and
from many counties the returns will not
be filed for several days yet. In 1S9S he
had a plurality of CC57, and It is probable
that his total this year will he Increased
by the official returns.
The lersln of the Oregon election is im
portant. It teaches that Bryanlsm has
enjoyed no recrudescence in the West. The
new Issue of antl-lmpcriallsm hasn't com
mended itself to tho sturdy patriots of
Oregon. Opposition to the Government
in time of war has not found favor with
the loyal defendants of the hardy pioneers
who built their homes in the damp wilder
ness, "where rolls the Oregon." The
much-vaunted popularity of Bryan Is not
sustained by the votes of the people of the
first state to register its feeling toward
him. Oregon stands stronger for sound
money, for patriotic government and Jus
tice than Oregon stood four years ago.
But the lesson will not be heeded. The
incidental squabble at Portland, where
the Republicans quarreled over municipal
matters, and had two tickets, will look
bigger than a mountain and overshadow
the election of Hepubllcan state officers.
Legislature and Congressmen to give cheer
to the blind arid unreasoning worshipers
of Bryan. They will rally around him
with greater enthusiasm, and In the mad
ness of their worship of the man who
personifies their one Idea will proceed to
nominate him for the. Presidency. The
fatuity of renominating Bryan Is so palp
able It is pitiful. The Democrats and
their allies have resoH'ed to rush through
"a slaughter-house Into an open grave."
Better Than Hnd Been Expected.
Los Angeles Times.
Now that the returns from the Oregon
election are practically complete, the
magnitude of the Republican victory be
comes more apparent. The results of the
election are even better than Republi
cans had expected, and serve, in some
slight degree, to Indicate the direction in
which the tide of popular sentiment Is set
ting. To summarize the result, as Senator
Carter stated the case in the Senate on
Wednesday, Oregon has given a Republi
can majority of about 10.000. McKlnley'fl
majority in Oregon in 1S9S was 412 votes.
The Republican majority on Governor In
1S5S was 5455. Representative Tongue, who
has consistently supported the Adminis
tration, Porto RIcan tariff and all, has a
known majority of more than 3000, and the
back counties are yet to be heard from.
Four years ago Mr. Tongue was elected by
a majority of only 65 votes. The Increased
Republican majority in Oregon Is- a moat
favorable augury, and Republicans
throughout the country are fully Justified
in feeling Tenewed confidence In "view of It.
The campaign In Oregon was fought out
on National irwtes, very largely. The op
position to the Republican candidates was
based prindpally upon th course which
has been pursued by the National Admin
istration In the Philippines, in Porto Rico,
and on other qurrtions of National, con
cern. Anti-expansion or. as our oppo
nents prefer to express It. "antl-imperlal-lsm"
was the prindpal Democratic war
cry in Oregon, while the Republicans, In
their co?kf entions and platforms and cam
paign worft. generally, stood up resolutely
and consistently In defense of the Admin
istration, its methods, Its polldes and Its
principles. It was a good, square fight all
along the line of battle. The result is a
complete rout of thrlr opponents by the
Republicans, with increased majorities on
nearly all candidates and In nearly all
counties of the state.
It is not too optimistic to predict that
the result of the Oregon election la but a
foreshadowing of the general election to
be held In November. "We believe that the
President will be elected his own succes
sor by & largely Increased majority of the
popular vote. If not of the electoral vote.
His administration has been strong and
honest, and masterful and resourceful.
It deserves the splendid Indorsement
which an increased popular vote would
give It; and not only this, but it would be
a hazardous experiment for the American
people to change administrations at the
present critical stage of public affairs.
Espedally would it be hazardous for the
people to put In the Executive chair an
untried man holding such extreme and
reactionary views as are held by W. J.
Bryan. The American people will not be
guilty of a piece of folly so monumental.
But the idea should not be entertained
by Republicans that victory is to be won
in the coming election without an effort
on their- part. On the contrary, they
rhould go into the campaign prepared to
work even harder for victory than ever
before. They should not only be deter
mined to win a victory, but to pass all
previous records In the magnitude of their
victory. Let the lines close up. and let
the advance on the enemy's works begin.
Fought on National lasses.
Troy (N. Y.) Times.
Oregon has fired the first gun of tho
campaign of 1900. It Is a Republican
gun. The state yesterday went Republi
can by a big majority, electing the Repub
lican candidates for state offices and the
two nominees of that party for members
of Congress. The Legislature, which will
elect a United States Senator, was car
ried by the Republicans. Thla was in
a state which gave McKInley only 2000
majority In 1S&6.
This result Is the more gratifying be
cause there was a union of all the other
political parties, except the Prohibition
ist, against the Republicans. The Dem
ocrats, Populists and Sliver Republicans
fut;ed In a desperate but unsuccessful
effort to defeat the Republican candi
dates. The victory is pleasing, too, because
the contest was fought squarely on the
lines of National Issues. The battle was
distinctly stated and understood to be
of the gold standard against 16 to 1, of
expansion of territory and Influence
against paralysis, of President McKIn
ley against the Nebraska talker, of Na
tion against stagnation. It was the first
skirmish of armies whose banners are
In -hand, and whose uniforms are unmis
takable. Why should not Oregon stand by the
Republican party? The ppllcy of that
party and of the National Administration
which the party established has opened
a new world of commerce to the Pa'clfic
Coast, and will make the Occident rich
with the trade of the Orient. That policy
has given the Golden Gate of San Fran
cisco, and of Portland and of Puget
Sound, a new meaning. The Pacific States
do siot wish to be walled In from their
oceanic birthright by the blockade of
a narrow policy.
Oregon's voice will be echoed by the
other states. Every state on either sea
board wishes commerce for Its ports.
The agricultural states find In National
prosperity a market for their products
at rewarding prices. The manufacturing
states are growing richer from the "un
precedented export trade. Labor Is em
ployed, and the average of individual com
fort was never before so high.
If it Is good to let well enough alone,
It Is better to continue what was never
before so well. That is Oregon's logic,
and the other states will reason the same
Points to November.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Oregon is the only state to hold an elec
tion which will point the way to the re
sult in November. Elections will be held
In -Maine and Vermont and one or two
other states before the Presidential con
test, but they are all states of fixed po
litical principles, and cannot be changed.
They are not sign posts In the way. With
Oregon it Is different, but she Is debatable
no longer. She will cast her vote for
William McKInley.
Oregon has had her ups and downs, and
she has been rent from border to border
with Democratic and PopuIIstlc theories.
She has had fusion, and in 1892 gave a
small fusion plurality. In 1894 sue gave a
Republican plurality, and In 1S96 McKIn
ley carried the state by the narrow mar
gin of 2100. There has been fusion this
year, and all of the issues raised by Mr.
Bryan have ben pushed forward as cam
paign material. There are two Congres
sional districts in Oregon, and these dis
tricts were fought for In the battle of
ifonaay. Therefore, the contest became of
National importance.
The Fusion platform declared outright
for free silver and for the independence of
the Philippines. On the other hand, the
Republican platform planted Itself
squarely upon the gold standard, and on
the so-called imperialistic Issue It took
the following ground:
"We heartily indorse the policy of the
Administration, and particularly In secur
ing the Philippine Islands, and demand
that they shall be retained as American
territory. We have confidence that the
American people, without departing fronv
tneir traauion. wm give security to per
sonal and property rights. Justice, liberty
and equality before the law to all who
live beneath Its flag. We Indorse the policy
of the Administration In suppressing the
Insurrection in the Philippines, headed by
It has been a hot campaign, and the Ad
ministration has been supported on the
one eide and assailed on the other. The
people ave decided, and they gave a
magnificent majority to the Administra
tion. Oregon has pronounced for the gold
standard and for the retention of the
Philippines, and has repudiated every prin
ciple for which Mr. Bryan stands, it is
a great victory and a splendid one. and It
will give cournge to the National Republi
can Convention to stand by Its guns In
every particular.
Oregon Indorses Expansion.
Springfield (111.) Journal.
Every possible combination was made to
defeat tho Republicans in the Oregon elec
tion. Democrats, Populists, Silver-Republicans
and what not pooled Issues and
united their vote, but Oregon went Re
publican by 10,000 plurality, whereas In
1S96 McKInley carried that state over
Bryan by a plurality of but 2010 votes.
This year the Republicans elect their
state ticket and both Congressmen, and
secure a majority of 22 In the Legisla
ture, which will send a loyal Republican
to the United States Serrate.
In the campaign party lines were sharp
ly drawn and the Issues discussed were
entirely National, expansion was tho
principal issue, the Republicans contend
ing for the retention of the Philippines
and all other fruits of the Spanish War,
and the Democrats making "antl-Imperlal-Ssm"
their war cry. As the result shows,
Bryan's new Issue of "imperialism" re
ceived a body blow at the hands of the
voters of Oregon which foreshadows the
treatment It wril receive throughout the
nation next Fall.
A. party that opposes the Government
In Uh periods of peril will find no favor
with the patriotic people of the nation.
It may rally to Its support traitors, anar
chists and the like, but It will get no
further. Oregon was the first state to
speak thin year, and Its verdict shows
that the defeat of WlHam J. Bryan is
Won oa Expansion.
Boston Transcript.
The returns of the Oregon election are
not all In yet, but those at hand are
pretty safa Indications of a Republican
victory equal to that achieved In 1S88.
when Governor Geer had 10,531 plurality.
Should the Republican plurality m the
flnoj count faU short of that of two years
ago and stop at 10,000, it will have been
exceeded but twice in the history of the
state In 1KH and 1SS8. The Republican
Congressional candidates have been
chosen by pluralities that certainly equal
and may exceed those they received :n
1S33. The victory thisVear Is even more
emphatic that that of two years ago,
for then the Fusionlsts wera divided.
Last Winter Mr. Bryan put In consider
able time and talk in bringing the wings
of the FusronisJs together, and they wont
to the potts Monday solid In their oppo
sition to the gold standard and what
they call "Imperialism."
Two years ago the Oregon Republicans
fought out the campaign on the gold
standard Issue and won. This year they
accepted the challenge of the Bryanltes
to fight the battle on the "expansIon,
Issue, and won again. The Springfield
Republican reads the lesson of tho Ore
gon election right as far as It permits
itself to read it when it says it has
demonstrated 'that the Administration
policy is strong with the people in that
part of the country. The Republican
may yet see other "parts" of tho country
supporting the Administration so em
phatically as to give It a National In
dorsement. The Republicans continue
In control of the Oregon Legislature, thus
assuring the Senatorial delegation from
that state to the supporters of the Ad
ministration, Taken altogether, Monday
in Oregon was a great day for the Great
er America.
Waa the First Test.
Pittsburg Chronicle.
Tho election In Oregon was tho first
test of the expansion sentiment of the
country by the choice of members of the
House of Representatives, and the In
formation at hand is that the two Repub
lican Congressmen were re-elected by In
creased majorities. The opposition set up
fusion candidates. In the first district the
man placed in nomination by the fusion
lsts in opposition to Mr. Tongue was Dr.
Bernard Daly, a Democrat, who is not a
believer in the free-silver policy, but who
did not break with his party in 1SS6. The
opponent of Mr. Moody was William C.
Smith, who Is a radical free-coinage ad
vocate, as well as an antl-expanslonlst.
The Chicago Record, independent, dis
cussing the prospects in Oregon before the
election, said: "Oregon is nominally a
Republican 6tate. There was fear that
Bryan would carry It in 1896. but McKIn
ley secured 2117 plurality. At the suc
ceeding election tie Republicans showed
considerable gains. If the Republicans
should lose they would, indeed, have
cause to be apprehensive. If they win
by substantial pluralities the Democrats
will be forced to conclude that the far
Western states are not favorable ground
for them and that their hope of success
In November must He In cultivating the
favor of states to the East."
The Republican plurality at Monday's
election Is placed at from 5000 to S000.
This Increase over the Republican
strength of four years ago Is distinctly
encouraging to the party of progress and
sound money.
First Gnn for Expansion.
Memphis Scimitar.
The first 2ght on expansion has been
fought, and the "aunties" have lost.
It was admitted hv nil frtnrwnort fhn
the contest in Oregon, which closed with
the election last Monday, would turn on
the expapslon question. The Democrats,
at the suggestion of Bryan, made that the
issue, and hn.vlnor formofl n nnmnota fu
sion With the Ponulfs-t. Ktvr-"Rniili-
Hcans and all the unclassified "aunty"
elements In politics, they expected to win.
At least they were confident of cutting
aown oo per cent the majority of 10,531
polled by the Republicans two years ago,
when there was a MIddle-of-the-Road
Ponullst ticket In thp fl!rt whioh nnllort
2S78 votes. Hnd tho M:ddle-pf-the-Roaders
entered Intd the fusion arrangement then
as tney cia this year, the Republican ma
lorltV would havA hi rIiiMl to 7R75
So that the reduction expected by the
Democrats thin vear. n the !.- their
would accomplish, would have cut the
KepuDiican majority down to less than
4000. The latest returns of Monday's
election Indicate that the Republicans
hava made a clean sweep on Congress
men and state ticket, and have fully held
their own as to county and municipal
Tho Oregon contest has been looked
forward to as a test of public sentiment
on the Pacific Coast on the Issue of ex
pansion or "Imperialism," as the aunty
phrasemakers put it.
The returns are not calculated to make
the opposition wildly hilarious.
A Ilepubllcnn Trlnmph.
Boise Statesman.
The Oregon election proves to have been
far more of a Republican triumph than
at first supposed. The majorities are
larger than In 1S9S. Two years ago there
was a straight Populist ticket in the field
that polled many votes. This year there
was a complete fusion against the Repub
licans, but the lead of the Republican
candidates over the united opposition Is
greater than It was in 1S93 over the par
tial fusion. The gain on the state ticket
Is something over 3000. On Congressmen
the gain in the first district Is about 30CO.
and In the second some 4200. The condi
tions locally were such that the Repub
licans did not expect a great victory, but
the results show they did not fully un
derstand the extent to which the people
are aroused over all the objectionable
tactics of the opposition in National af
fairs. It was the quiet vote that accom
plished the results, and that is what is
going to overwhelm the Democrats in
The Voice From the Pacific Coast.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
The election In Oregon on Monday Is the
only important or significant one In deter
mining the popular drift In the Presiden
tial campaign until Maine and Vermont
vote in September next.
Oregon voted for McKInley by 2117 ma
jority over a Bryan Demo-Populist fusion
in 1S96; It gave 6000 majority over the Denr
ocrats and minor parties in 1S9S, and the
returns indicate that on Monday It gave
7000 to 8000 majority over another Bryan-
Democratic fusion and elected a Repub
lican Legislature, which will choose a
United States Senator.
There Is not a single feature of the re
turns In which William J. Bryan can find
a grain of comfort, or which shows that
the Republican drift In 1S00 on the Pacific
Coast Is not stronger than it Was in 1896.
The Oregon Election.
Boston Herald.
There appears to be no doubt that the
Republicans have carried the State of Ore
gon by handsome majorities, alike on their
state, Congreslonal and Legislative tick
ets. There was not much reason to doubt
that they would do so. though the Demo
crats had made some claims of the state
In advance of the election. Oregon has
been pretty safely Republican for many
years, and it has succeeded In resisting
Democratic tides In previous Presidential
elections, when the political current far
ther east was setting in that direction.
Rnns Into FIgnrea.
Lincoln Journal.
McKInley beat Bryan Jn Oregon in 1596
by a majority of 2117. The Republicans on
Monday last carried the state by over 8000
majority. The same ratio of Increase will
but the Journal forbears. Statistics and
mathematics are dry subjects for hot
weather discussion. Besides, a -popular
majority of 2.400.000 for McKInley next No
vember would bo too brutal for anything.
No Encouragement for Bryan.
El Paso (Tex.) Herald.
Oregon did not falter, but rolled up her
splendid Republican majority as if she
liked the flavor of the last one. Bryan gets
little encouragement from this lusty child
of expansion.
For Sick
First th& medicine that
holds ihm record for the
imrffmst numbmr of abso
lute Gur&s of female ills
is Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound,
Second Mrs Pinkham
can show by her letter
files in Lynn that a mil
lion women have been
restored to health by her
medicine and advice
Third-All letters to Mrs.
Pinkham are' received,
opened, read and an
swered by women only
This fact is certified to by
the mayor and postmas
ter of Lynn and others of
Mrs Pinkham's own city
Write for free book con
taining these certificates
Every ailing woman is
Invited to write to Mrs
Pinkham and get bar ad
vice free of charge
. Lydia E. Pinkham 3ed. Co., Lynn. Mass.
A Bumper to Bobs.
Victoria. Victoria, "Our Bobs" Is at Pretoria
He's tricked the tricky Boers, whilst advanc
ing on his way.
And betnc tricked, they trekked, and so we!
slnylnc Gloria
For him who slammed and banged the trekklns
Dutchmen day by day.
Fill up a. bumper to Bobs,
The man who discovered their Jobs,
Their Kopjes he flanked.
Their riders he spanked.
And they're trekking-, aye, trekklns away.
St. George's Cross, Pretoria, the flae of Queen
Is planted on thy citadel and there It shall
, remain.
And the besom of destruction shall sweep out
.tbe infusoria
That corrupted all thy councils tor old Kru
gers venal gain.
Fill up a. bumper to Bobs,
Quick work will he mako with their
Oppression said wrong
Will be baclshed ere long.
And go trekking, aye, trekking away.
"When Justice rules Pretoria 'tis not phantas
magoria The eye of Progress sees displayed o'er all the
Transvaal land.
When Rebellion, Ilka volcano, shall have vom
ited Its scoria.
And Law and Liberty shall bo the peopl"
aegis grand.
Fill up a bumper to Bobs, -
No braver heart living now throbs;
And God send the tlma
"When war and all crime
Shall go trekking, aye, trekking away.
Portland, June 5.
Note and Queries.
Halllwell notes this word as existing In
"various dialects" with the meaning "sly,
cunning, crafty"; but It belongs also to
the language of the Boers, from whom
the Natal English seem to have directly
adopted It. The Dutch slim is defined aa
"Kllianus Auctus" (1642), "perversus, do
losus, fraudulentus, vafer, astutus; per
vers, ruse, madre. cautelus": in Hex
ham's "Netherduch and English Dlction
alre" (165S) "craftle, een slim boeve, ofte
slim gast, a Subtlll. a Craftle, or a Caule
lous Knave or Fellowe," and similarly In
modern dictionaries.
This word is in common use in the
sense of crafty in several of our English
dialects, and is duly noted in dictionaries
and glossaries. Thus Bailey has: "Slim
Naughty, crafty, Lincolnsh"; HalHweU,
"Sly, cunning, crafty, var, dial"; Skeat,
"Original sense 'sloping"; thence weak,
poor, thin, bad, slight; prov. E., ellm,
No More Dread
of the Dental Chair
LUTELY WITHOUT PAIN, by our lata aclon
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Give us a call, and you will And us to do ex
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New York Dental Parlors
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Permanently Cured. You can be treated at homa
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Pimple. Copper-Colored Spots. Ulcers on any
part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling
out. write
1553 Masonic Temple, Chicago. EI. for proofs ot
cures. Capital, $500,000. We solicit the most ob
stinate cases. TV'e have cured the worst cases In
IS to S3 days. 10O-pare Book Frrc.
Tt l'l Tlt?TTTTTHTt
Reecham's Pills
and act like magic on a weaJe
stomach and disordered liver.
19 cents and 25 cents, at all drug stores.
I afF J&& viliIi f
onift euuffi
Not a dark office la xe bnlldlnci
baolntely fireproof i electric llfrhta
aad artesian vratert perfect aanttn.
tloa aad thorough ventilation. Ele
vators raa day aad aleat.
ALDRICH. S. VT., General Contractor Giol
ANDERSON. GUSTAV. Attomey-at-Law...613J
austex. F. C. Manager for Oregon and
"Washington Bankers' Life Aatr-clatlon. of
Des Moines. la 502-503
MOINES. IA.;F. C Austen. Manager..502-503
ntuALS. EDWARD A.. Forecast Official U.
o. eatner Bureau nta
BENJAMIN. R W.. Dentist .3U
BINSWANG&R. DR. O. S.. Phys. & Sur.410-lt
iJKOOKE. DR. J. M.. Phys. & Surg 708-709
liKOWN. MTRA. M. D 313-314
BRUERE. DR. G. E.. Physician 412-413-411
BUSTEED. RICHARD. Agent Wilson A. Me-
lallay Tobacco Co. 602-COJl
CAUKIN. G. E.. District Agent Travelers'
Insurance Co. ............ TISj
CARROLL. W. T.. Special Agent Mutual
reserve Fund-Life Ass'n .. C0l
eO4-605-6C8-6O7-613-614-G13 1
CORNELIUS. C. W Phyn. and Surgeon 200
COVER. F. C. Cashier Equitable Life 300
COLLIER. P. F.. Publisher; S. P. McGulre.
Manager ... 415-410
DAY. J. O. &L N. - 31S
DAVIS. NAPOLEON. President Columbia
Telephone Co. ... 601
DICKSON. DR. J. T.. Physician 713-714
DRAKE. DR. H. B.. Physician 812-513-514
DWYER. JOE. P.. Tobaccos 403
L. Samuel. Manager; F. C Cover. Cashler.3Ca
EVENING TELEGRAM 325 Alder otreet
FENTON, J. D.. Physician and Surgeon.500-510.
FENTON. DR. HICKS C Eye and Ear 511
E. C Stark. Manager..... COI
GALVANL VT. H., Engineer and Draughts
man .. COO I
GAVIN. A.. President Oregon Camera Club.
-. .,. 214-215-216-217
GEARY. DR. EDWARD P.. Physician and
Surgeon - 212-213
GEBBIE PUB. CO.. Ltd.. Fine Art Publish
ers; M. C. McGreevy, Mgr 5181
GIESY. A. J.. Phyolclan and Surgeon.. -.708-71U
GODDARD. E. C. &. CO.. Footwear
..... Ground floor. 129 Sixth street
GOLDMAN, WILLIAM. Manager Manhattan
Life Insurance Co. of New York 200-219
GRANT. FRANK S.. Attorney-at-Law 017
HAMMAM. BATHS. King & Compton. Prope.303
HAMMOND. A. B. 310
HEIDINGER. GEO. A. A CCf PJanoo. and
Organs . 131 Sixth street
HOLLISTER. DR. O. C. Phy. & Sur. .504-503
IDLEMAN. a M.. Attorney-at-Law.. 416-17-18
JOHNSON. W. C. 315-31G-317
KADY. MARK T.. Supervisor of Agents
Mutual Reserve Fund Life Ass'n 604-603
LAMONT. JOHN. Vice-President and Gen
eral Manager Columbia Telephone Co CO!
LITTLEFIELD. H. R., Phys. and Surgeon.. 2o
MACRUM. W. S.. Sec Oregon Camera Club-214
MACKAY. DR. A. E.. Phyn. and Surg. .711-712
MAXWELL. DR. W. E.. Phys. & Surg. .701-2-3
McCOY, NEWTON, Attorney-at-Law 715
McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer ...201
McGINN, HENRY E.. Attorney-at-Law.311-3J3
McKELL, T. J.. Manufacturers' Representa
tive .. 3031
MILLER. DR. HERBERT C., Dentist and
Oral Surgeon ... COS-6091
MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Dentist 312-313-3141
New York; W. Goldman. Manager 200-2101
Mark T. Kady, Supervisor of Agents.. 604-CO-lj
Mcelroy, dr. j. g.. Phys. & sur.701-702-703 1
McFARLAND. E. B., Secretary Columbia
Telephone Co. BOftl
McGUIRE. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier,
Publisher ........... ...... 415-413
McKIM, MAURICE, Attorney-at-Law ,300
MILLER & kowb. Real Estate. Timber
and Farming Lauds a Specialty 700 1
York; Wm. S. Pond, State Mgr. .404-405-408 1
NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Attorney-at-Law.715
NILES. M. L., Casnier Manhattan Life In
surance Co., ot New York 2031
Dr. L. B. Smith. Osteopath .403-403!
OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-216-217
POND. WM. S., State Manager Mutual Life
Insi Co. of Hew York 404-406-4081
.............. ..Ground floor. 133 Sixth streetl
Marshall. Manager 513
QUIMBY. L. P. W.. Game and Foreotry
Warden ... 716-7171
ROSENDALE. O. M.. Metallurgist and Min
ing Engineer 515-510,1
REED & MALCOLM. Opticians. 133 sixst streetl
REED. F. C Fiaa Commissioner 407
RYAN. J. B Attorney-at-Law ....4171
SAMUEL. L., Manager Equitable Life 306il
SHERWOOD. J. W.. Deputy Supreme Com
mander, K. O. T. M. 31TJ
SMITH. Dr L. B., Osteopath 408-4U3J
STARK. E. C, Executive Special. Fidelity
Mutual Life Association of Phlla.. Pa..,..C01j
STUART. DELL. Attorney-at-Law. ....617-Oial
STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist 704-7031
STROWBRIDGE. THOS. H.. Executive Spe
cial Agent Mutual Life, of New York 4001
TUCKER. DR. GEO. F., Dentist 610-611 1
U. S. WEATHER BUREAU D07-90S-009-010
DIST.. Captain W. C Langfltt. Corps of
Eneineers. U. S. A. 804!
- T.T.-ntt Coroa of Engineers. U. S. A. .8101
iriTrBVAV. C H.. Cashier Mutual Life II
of New York 40ij
retanr Native Daughters 716-717 1
WHITE. MISS L. E.. Assistant Secretary
Oregon Camera Club 211
WILSON. DR. EDWARD N.. Phys. & Sur.304-Jl
WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Surg. .706-7071
WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Fhye. & Surg.SOt-oOSJ
Richard Busteed. Agent C02-C03J
WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physician 412-413-4141
A few more elesraat offices) may b
bad by applying to Portland Trnat1
Company ot Oregon. IOO Third at.. o
to the reat cleric la the building.
No Cure
Nb Pay
way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM
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gans, such as lost manhood, exllaustlve drains.
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Safe Deposit building Seattle. Wash.