Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 07, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    f- II
Calculationsof Senate Leaders
. Upset by the House.
Speeckes ly Senators Carter and Ma-
ob. on. Ike Oregon Election
Penrose' I'roposltlon.
"WASHINGTON, June 6. Inability to
reach an agreement on the naval appro
priation bill forced the Senate to aban
don the adoption of the House resolu
tion or final adjournment today. The
armor-plate Question, which for five years
has been a thorn In the sld of Congress,
- Upset the calculations of the Senate lean
er and their well-laid plans went awry
It was a day of strife and turmoil. Early
the conferees on the naval bill reporter
a disagreement, and the Senate was told
plainly that the House would not con
sent to the amendment providing for an
armor-plate factory to be operated by
the Government.
A compromise proposition was pre
sented by Penrose (Rep. Pa.) and after
hours of deibate. finally was adopted by
a vote 6f 39 to 35. The discussion of the
proposition developed unusual bitterness
of feeling and charges of robbery and
political corruption were hurled about
the chamber with an abandon, which. If
they had not fallen from the lips df
grave Senators, would have been re
garded as reckless. Little worse ever
was heard In the heat of a political cam
paign. Three o'clock, the hour agreed
upon for final adjournment, was passed
and still the Senate wrestled with the
armor-plate question. When the Penrose
proposition was finally agreed1 to, -It was
supposed the way was clear, but "late
tonight another disagreement was
reached on the naval bill, and the Senate
took an adjournment until 11 o'clock to
morrow morning.
The evening session presented a. brill
iant scene, the galleries being thronged
with a gay and fashionable assemblage.
All were Immensely entertained, as Car
ter, Mason, Turner and Money kept the
Senate on edge with rattling political 1
The Day's Proceeding"."
At 10 A M. the Senate reconvened to
prepare for final adjournment. The Naval
and sundry civil appropriation bills re
mained in conference, all others having
been agreed to. The usual routine busi
ness was practically abandoned. Only
two or three new bills and resolutions
were presented.
Carter (Rep. Mont.) secured the pas
sage of a bill providing for an increase J
to J375.000 of the limit of cost of the pub
lic building at Helena, Mont.
Recess was then taken to await the
presentation of the conference reports.
"When the Senate reconvened at 1:30, Al
lison (Rep. la.) reported a concurrent res
olution providing for final adjournment at 1
3 P.M. It was permitted temporarily to
He on the table.
Hale (Rep. Me.) presented the confer
ence report on the Naval appropriation
bill. It vas a disagreement upon ail the
questions that have been in dispute for
three or four days. Hale explained that
the armor-plate auestion was the great
stumbling block to the agreement, No
price had been agreed upon by the con
ferees, because the House conferees be
lieved the price should be left to the dis
cretion of the Secretary of the Navy.
Penrose (Rep. "Pa.- offered the following
proposition: '
"That the Secretary of the Navy; is here
by authorized to procure, 'by contract, ar
mor of the best quality tor any or all of
the vessels above Tef erred-"t&, provide!
such contracts can be made raf a price
which now, 3n hfs Judgment, is reasonable
and equitable, but In case, lie is unable
to make contracts for armor under the
above conditions, he is hereby Authorized
and directed to procure a site for and
to erect thereon a factory for the manu
facture of armor, and the sum of $4,000,
O00 is hereby appropriated toward the erec
tion of said factory."
Sutler (Pop. N. C.) said that what lie
wanted wa6 a Government armor-plate
plant, and he would be willing to pay
almost any price ior armor that is neede'fl
now, provided that the construction of an
atmor-plate plant be made mandatory
Chandler (Rep. N. H.) objected to leav
ing the matter to the discretion of the.
secretary of the Navy. Congress ought
not, ho maintained, shift the responsibility
to the shoulders of the Secretary of the
Navy. That would be a cowardly thing
to do.
A bill was passed appropriating $35,000
ior payment of salaries .of officials of the
District of Alaska.
Debate on Armor Question.
Debate on the armor question was then
resumed. Perkins (Rep. Cal.),,a member
of the naval committee, supported the or
iginal committee proposition. He did not
approve -of leaving- the matter to the
discretion of the Secretary of the Navy.
Tillman (Dem. S. C.) attacked the
amendment by Penrose. The chairman of
the naval committee, said he, has declared
that the Government is being robbed and
that the trust has a knife at the Govern
ment's throat. "We are face to face with
a scandal as enormous as any In our his
tory, second not even to the great Credit
Moblller-scandal," he 6ald.
"I Tesent that statement," interjected
Penrose; vehemently and with evident
ieellpg. "I resent the statement that
there is any suspicion of scandal in this
or any amendment which I propose."
"I am making no personal allusions,"
replied Tillman. "I am simply stating
facts that are indisputable. The influences
behind tho public In this matter are the
shipbuilders, and armor-makers."
Teller (SI1. Colo ) denounced, the amend
ment of Penrose as a disgraceful proposi
tion. "As the Senator from New Hampshire
said," continued Tillman, "It would, be
cowardly and craven on the part of Con
gress to surrender the legislative authority
and prerogative to the executive branch of
the Government. It seems to. me there
may be a tinge of corruption. This is
the time for plain- talk. The Americans
believe, and I believe, that there i3 a
great political combine behind this propo
sition to surrender our authority."
"I do not believe," said Teller, "that
any scandal In our history will equal that
which will grow out of a surrender now
to this robber combine. The Cuban scan
dal and peculations would be a minor mat
ter as- compared with those which would
occur under the Influence of these monop
olistic armor-plate rpbbers."
He said the proposition of Penrose had
aiot been adopted without a thorough un
derstanding bj the American people that
they were being robbed.
"The bitterness of the Senator from
Colorado," said Hanna (Rep. O.) in reply
to Teller, "excites only my sympathy
The animus of tho matter is the deter
mination on the part of a few men to
have a Gov ernment armor factory built.
To this end, everything else Is to be
In response to a suggestion, Hanna caid:
"I want to see this armor question taken
out of the legislative branch of the Gov
ernment, because I want to see it taken
out of politic;. In advocating this disposi
tion of the matter I resent the charge of
the Senator from Colorado that anvbody
has been or will be influenced by motives
lower than those by which the Senator
6ays he Is actuated." Hanna sold the
Secretary of the Navy should be left
discretion to act as he saw best. As for
Teller's assertion that the Republican
party was taking long chances when it
put itself in the attltude'of defending what
he styles the armor-plate trust, he (Han
na) was sure the Republican, party would
not shrink from the responsibility of do
ing business on sound business principles.
The party did not propose to. be driven
Into the manufacture of innor-plate
simply to please its critics. He wassure
that all these opposing speeches were for
mere political effect, and he wanted lt
understood that the opposing Senators
had no patent on integrity and honesty.
In conclusion. Hanna advocated the 'Pen
rose proposition as a fair compromise.
Tillman said that if the bill should fail,
the responsibility would be on the Housa
of Representatives.
Hawley (Rep. Conn.) entered a protest
against-the- criticism of- public men, char
acterizing it as 'treasonable" and as
"villainous pessimism." He -advocated the
Penrose compromise.
Daniels (Dem. Vo.) opposed the Penrose
amendment and urged the Senate to stand
up to the fight which had been on for
five years. Hanna and Elklna (Rep. W.
Va.). he said, had demanded with lire
some iteration that business should be
conducted on "business principles." but
he had never heard that business princi
ples demanded that the buyer should
place himself entirely in the hands of the
seller, or that a man should employ an
agent 'to do for him that which he could
not do for himself. "Why," asked Daniel,
"did the armor-plate manufacturers de
cline to tell the cost of production of
armor-plate when asked by the Senate
Penrose asked permission to reply to
this inquiry, and begun by referring to
Daniel's speech as a "recklesa statement
and demagogic appeal."
Daniel resented this characterization,
and refused to yield further. Such lan
guage, he considered, was unbecoming the
Senator and the Senate. Continuing, Dan
iel urged that there was no emergency
that should render it so necessary to
hurry tho construction pf the Navy as
not to take time to do that which should
be done in the interest of the public wel
fare. At 2:20 P. M. Hale asked for a vote
upon the pending proposition, but Butjer
addressed the Senate In qppD-itlon to
surrender by the Senate when it was on
the verge of victory. In conclusion, But
ler exclaimed: et the loot begin."
Penrose Proposition. Adopted.
A vote was then taken on Penrose's
proposition, nnd it was agreed to, 3d to
35, as follows:
Allison Hanna Piatt. N. Y.
Baker Hansbrough Piatt, Conn.
Carter Hawley Pritchard
Clark Hoar - Proctor
Cullom Kean Quarles
Davis Kyle Ross
Deboe .Lodge Scott
Depew , McBrido Sewell
Elklns McComas Shoup
Fairbanks McEnery Thurston
TToster McMillan Warren
Frye Mason Wotmore
Galllnger Penrose Wolcott
Bacon Harris . Pettlgrcw
Bard Heltfeld Pettus
Bate Jones, Ark. Rawlins
Berry Kenney Simon
Boverldge Lindsay Spooner
i?tleJ, McLauria Sullfcan
Chandler Mallory Talliaferro
Clay Martin Teller
Cockrell Money Tillman
Culberson Morgan Turner
Daniel Nelson Vest
Foraker Perkins
A further conference was then ordered.
Allison presented a conference report on
the sundry civil bill, the House having
disagreed to the single item remaining
io be adjusted, the provision to pay the
claims of the State of Nevada. Allison
said that with much regret he would
move to recede from the amendment. Af
ter Stewart had made a statement con
cerning the claim, the motion of Allison
was agreed to, this completing the bill.
The Senate then, at 3:35 P. M., went
into executive session, resuming legisla
tive business at 3:5 P. M.
Pettigrew (Sil. S. D) galled tip bis res
olution to discharge the committee on ed
ucation and labor from further consider
ation of a bill Umltihsr the daily hours of
labor commonly known as the eight-hour
Hawley moved to lay -the resolution on
the table, which motion prevailed, 33 to
28. m fnllnw-R-
2S, as follows:
Allison Hansbrough Ross
Baker Hawley Scott
Beverldge Kean Sewell
Chandler Kyle Shoup
Deboe Lodge Simon
Fairbanks McComas Stewart
Foraker McMillan Thurston
Foster . Piatt, Conn. Vest
Galllnger Piatt. N. Y. Warren
Hale Proctor" Wetmore
Hanna Quarles Wolcott
Bacon Harris Money
Bard Heltfeld Nelson
Bate Jones. Nov. Penrose
Berry Kenney PettigTew
Butler Lindsay Sullivan
Carter McBrlde Talliaferro
Clark McEnery Teller
Culberson Mallory Tillman
Cullom Mason Turner
A House bill extending the Colorado
land laws to tho District of Alaska was
passed In the midst f considerable con
fusion. Senators were pressing for recog
nition when Hale protested against the
transaction of "business In such confusion.
He had not heard what the bill was that
had Just been passed. So It was. he said.
with some heat, that an amendment had
been put on the military academy appro
priation bill providing for Senatorial ca
dets. He was opposed to these cadets,
and the proposition had been yoted down
by the. Senate. He declared that such ac
tion on the part of a conference commit
tee was an outrage. He had consulted
with Sewell ((Rep. N. J.), chairman of
the Senate conference committee, and had
been assured that tho amendment would
not be put on the bill.
In explanation of tho action of the con
ferees. Sewell said the House conferees
had Insisted upon this increase in the
corps of cadets at the military' academy
and the conferees of the Senate, knowing
that a similar provision had been In an
other bill, he felt Justified in yielding to
the House proposition.
A bill amending the statute relative to
the appointment of'recelvers was passed.
A recess was taken from 4:40 to 6:30 P.
M. The Senate reconvened at 6:30 o'clock
and, after being in session 55 minutes,
without accomplishing anything, took a
recess until 8:25.
Tke Xlght Session.
When the Senate , reconvened at 8:25
Hale announced that the conferees on
tho naval appropriation bill had agreed
to a final report, and it probably in a
brief time would be sent to the Senate
from the House.
Allison, chairman of the appropriations
committee, presented In tabulated form a
statement of appropriations made during
the session. Allison said the principal in
creases were in the appropriations mado
for the Navy and Army, and the Postof
fice Department, and in Items of th sun.
dry civil bill.
Tke Oresron Election,
When suggestion was made by Cock
rell (Dem. Mo.) that an Informal recess
be taken until the naval conference re
port was received from tho House. Car
ter (Rep. Mont.) said the time spent in
awaiting the report "might be employed
profitably by the anti-expansionists in
submitting their views on the Oregon
election." He directed attention to the
fact that Representative Tongue, who four
year ago was elected by only 65 major
ity, had been re-elected this week by a
majority of more than 3000.
"Oregon," said he, "gives a Republican
majority of 10,000: and this man Tongue,
who has consistently supported the pres
ent Administration, Porto Rlcan tariff and
all, has- a known majority of more than
3000, and the back counties yet are to
be heard from. It seemo to me that the
time might be spent well In hearing the
explanations of the anti-expansionists for
this condition of affairs in Oregon."
"If the Benator frqtn Montana," sug
gested Cockrell, "will introduce a resolu
tion declaring the Senate a political de
bating society, we will enter upon its- con
"I have sometimes thought," said Car
ter, "that the legitimate functions of this
body have been perverted. It has become
a forum. Not only. that, but it has be
come a place from" which the most vile
and venomous political fulmlnatlons are
hurled at men in publio life."
Carter said much of the abuse suffered
by Washington and Lincoln and Grant
had heen very like the abuse, heaped by
innuendo and Insinuation upon the fires
ent President. Washington, Lincoln and
Grant had been assailed and re-elected.
He predicted victory for McKlnley this
FalL Tho first gun of tho campaign has
been fired in Oregon, which has given a
Republican majority of"10,W0 In the face
of the Porto-Bican tariff and despite the
erring, wandering way of a man said to
be a criminal In Cuba. Carter then en
tered upon a general discussion of the
Philippine situation from a "political view
Mason (Rep. TIL") made a half humorous,
half serious reply to Carter. He declared
that the Republican party had carried
Oregon in spite of and not because of our
Philippine policy, our policy towards the
Porto Jtlcani and our treatment of the
Boers in South Africa. Ho devoted spe
cial attent'on to what he termed the
neglect of the South African Republics
by the "mother of republics." .
Turner (Fus. Wa6h.) said he had not
gotten Into the chamber in time -to hear
all of the "Btump speech" of Carter, but
he had arrived in time to hear him place
Mr. McKlnley firmly in the White House
ae the result of the next campaign. This
reminded him that' Carter bad undertaken
to elect a President e'ght years ago.
and, notwithstanding the enormous cam
paign fund he had at his command, he
had failed to make good Ms promises.
Turner then sharply criticised the Repub
lican leaders- for forcing adjournment
when there were public measures de
manding attention. These included the
Nicaragua Canal bill, the anti-trust bill
and the eight-hour bill.
Hale explained the disagreement with
the House on ocean and lake surveys.
Speaking of the refusal of the House td
accept the conclusion of the conference
committee, he said he did not .believe that
the Senate should surrender all Its rights.
Hale moved that the Senate insist upon
its- amendments and grant the conference
required by the House. This was done,
and, on motion of Hale, tho Senate, at
10:0 P., M., adjourned until 11 o'clock tomorrow.
Patttn-r "Warslxips In Condition for
Imsacdlate- Service.
WASHINGTON, June 6. Secretary
Long has Issued an order for an exppri
mnt of the utmost Importance to the
Navy. Tho purpose is to see how much
time would bo occupied in putting into
condition for active naval service a part
of .the United States fleet to-meet an
The vessels selected for the experiment
are the battle-ships Indiana and Massa
chusetts, now laid up In ordinary at
Leaguo Island, with a skeleton organiza
tion of officers and men aboard. Captain
Dickens commands the Indiana and ha?
six officers and about 150 men "under him:
The Massachusetts Is under command of
Captain Train, with four officers and about
150 sailors. Orders have been telegraphed
Admiral Casey, the commandant of tho
League Island yard, and the two raptalns
above named, to' put the ships into con
ditlon for immediate service, to last at
least GO days. No notice has been pre
viously given of the department's inten
tion. By the terms of the order the ships
must clear League Island Inside of three
days. The officers who nave projected the
experiment hope to- do better than that.
The ships each have about 650 tons of
coal aboard, but must be supplied with
food, maps, bedding, ammunition, etc The
hardest question to deal with in the pres
ent straits of the 'Navy s that of personnel.
Officers were wired at once, and it was
necessary to rob some of the bureaus of
the Navy Department of muchvneeded
assistance. The officer most remote from
League Island Lb Lieutenant Wilson, at
Boston, so that all of them should be
auiaru snip vy ukuuztuw pigni, , :.i' i
has been ordered to- leave, tonleht for
League Island, and from her numerous
crew the complements of the Indiana and
Massachusetts will be brought to the
standard. About 300 men and 12 officers
will be required for each battle-ship.
End of the long Dtnnte Seems to
Be In Slgkt.
CHICAGO, June 6. Organized latter is
taking kindly to a proposition from the
contractors for a conference, at which
the position of the Building Contractors'
Council shall be explained and negoti
ations for a settlement of the long war
fare between employers and emplqv es may
be opened. Tho contractors' communlca.
tion to the various building trade unions
has been productive of results: Thus far
it has not met with a refusal, to appoint
delegates to the conference, as requested,
and several unions have voted affirmative
ly on the proposal.
As far as could be learned last night tho
following unions affiliated with the Build
ing Trades Council have taken action au
thorizing the appointment of. two Repre
sentatives from each who are not dele
gates to the council: Journeymen
plumbers. Journeymen steamfltters. jun
iors teamfltters, bricklayers and stone
masons, sheet metal workers, hoist
ing engineers, bridge and structural
iron workers, carpenters and Joiners.
Not all of the unions had received the
communication from the contractors,, btft
by tonight each will have been supplied
with a copy of the correspondence between
the contractors and the Building Trades
The remaining unions will hold their
meetings during the next 10 dav s, and It Is
possible that before the end of that time
thij contractors w ill have decided on a date
and place for the conference. With few
exceptions the plan for holding a meeting
with representatives direct from their
unions has been accepted by the union
men as an evidence of good faith on the
part of the contractors, and of a desire1
to adjust the trouble. ,
"What Dr. Atkinson Proposes to Ac
complish. CHICAGO, June 6. Dr. Fred W. Atkin
son, recently appointed Superintendent of
Public Instruction in the Philippines, is
in Chicago. He was principal of the High
Schools of Springfield, O., for several
years, and was appointed to his present
pest on the recommendation cf the Presi
dent of Harvard University,
"The education problem in 'the Philip
pines." said Dr. Atkinson, at the Audi
torium last night, "Is most complex. 1
would not care to outline a plan until I
bavo arrived on the ground and studied
the situation. So far as I have been able
to learn, the people of the Islands are
apt and eager td learn, "but I am convinced
that some special course of Ftudy will have
to be introduced. From advices which I
have received from Manila. I learn that
Father McKInnon, an ex-Chaplain in
the United States Army, has established
several schools, and $40,000 has been spent
in the purchase of text-books.
"As nearly as I can learn, 5000 Filipino
children are attending the schools In 'Ma
nila alone. I believe that our policy should
be aggressive and at the same time con
ciliatory, and In all probability we shall
be obliged to devise special educational
courses to meet the conditions existing in
the islands."
Dr. Atkinson will leave for San Francis
co today, and expects to remain in the
Philippines for several years at least,'
Labor Ticket la Colorado.
the meeting of the State Federation of
Labor today the Initiative and referendum
action in putting a state ticket In the field
was affirmed. A full state ticket was
nominated, beaded by D. C. Copley, for
Gov ernor.
Fall State Ticket Pat in 'tke Fleld-
La'diana Democrats Also Hade
For Governor Alexander M. Dockery,
of Gallatin: .
For Lieutenant-Governor John A. Lee.
cf St. Louis.
For Secretary of State S. B. Cook, of
For 8tate AuditorAlbert O. Allen, of
New Madrid.
Far Attorney-General E. C, Crowe, of
Webb City.
For State Treasurer R. P. Williams,
of Fayette.
For Railway and Warehouse Commis
sioner Joseph Herrington, of Jefferson
City. . .
Presidential Electors-at-Large-James
A. Reed, of Kansas City, and William A.
Rothwell, of Moberly.
KANSAS CITY, June 6. The Demo
crats of Missouri, In state convention to
day, adopted a platformXor tho coming
campaign and named a full state ticket.
They were in session continuously from
9:30 in the morning till 5:30 in the evening,
declining1 to take a recess till their work
had been' completed. The contests In the
St. Louis and Kansas City delegations,
which it had taken the credentials com
mittee thewhqe of yesterday to untan
gle, were decided In five minutes' time by
the prompt adoption of the committee's
report. The report was a-victory for the
anti-machine element. When the resolu
tions committee presented Ita report there
was a fight to strike out tho Indorsement
of Governor Stephens. It lasted for but
a minute or two. and the report was
adopted amid much enthusiasm. The plat
form declares:
"We reaffirm and Indorse the Demo
cratlc National platform adopted at Chi
cago in 1835, and declare our continued
fealty to the utterance therein enuncia
ted upon the fcee'and unlimited coinage
ut silver ana goia at tne established ratio
of 16 to 1, and we denounce as unwise and
dangerous in the extreme tha single gold
standard bank act of the present session
of Congress, which p'aces the control of
the paper-circulating medium in the hajidj
of the National bank corporations.
"We denounce as one of 'the most try
ing evils of the day the present tendency
toward monopoly and destruction of com
petition, particularly in the industrial
combinations known as trusts. We ar
raign the Republican party a? guilty ot
tne grossest nypocrisy in the treatment
of this question in that, being In the as
cendancy in Congress, it has steadfastly
refused 'to pass any of the legislation
which Tias been proposed to curb the pow
er of the trusts; has failed to withdraw
tariff protection from trust-made goods;
has constituted leaders of trusts as lead
ers of Its party in the Nation, and ac
cepted from them contributions of mill
Ions of dollars to its gigantic corruption
fund, which, from this fact In Itself, Is
a menace to the stability of our free In
stitutions." i
The platform reiterates adhesion to the
Monroe doctrine and "deprecates the de
parture from its .principles which has
been made by tho Republican Administra
tion in its war for conquest"; Insists that
the Government restore Cuba to the Cu
bans at the earliest possible moment; fa
vors construction of the Nicaragua Canal,
and the upbuilding of a merchant marine;
extends earnest sympathy to the people
o fthe Boer republics, and continues: -
"With renewed faith In the ability, pa
triotism and courage of Hon.-William J.
Bryan, helle.ving him to be- the greatest
'exponent of the1princples for which the
Democratic party stands, Tand- satisfied
-thafpower would not dazz'r nor wealth.
j?)lnd .hlmjjtQ -the mitle.D hlch he owed
to the" people, we tjcpreMt as the wish
of this convention thauttia delegates- from
Missouri to the National .Convention shall
cast their votes for him. as the nominee
of the Democratic party for President ot
the United States.,"
Hon, William S. Cowherd was made per
manent chairman, and later, in a ringing
speech that set the convention wild with
delight, named A. M. Dockery. ex-Congressman
of the Third District, for Gov
ernor. Mr. Dockery was the only candi
date for that office, and he was nomU
nated- by acclamation.
It took.-three ballots to select a Lieutenant-Governor.
There were six candi
dates R. P. Lee and J. M. Lowe, of
Jackson County: W. H. McCllntock, of
Marlon County: J. W. Fdrris, E. A.
Noonan and John A Bee, of St. Louis.
Lee led from the start, and continued to
gain. When Jackson County had been
reached on the third ballot, Leo's nomi
nation was assured, and the other candi
dates fell over themselves In withdraw
ing from the race. The nomination was
finally made by acclamation.
There were but two candidates for
Auditor Albert O. Allen, of New Madrid,
nnd Frank L. Pitts, of "Monroe and It took
but one "ballot to nominate Allen. The
vote stood: Allen, 693; Pitts, 20. E. C.
Crowe, of Jasper, was the only candidate
for Attorney-General, and his nomination
was by acclamation. For Treasurer there
were two candidates A. H- Bolte. the
present Lieutenant-Governor, and R. P.
Williams, of Howard Count'; Williams
was named on the first ballot, by a vote
of 657 to 545.
It took the convention three hours and
a half, after the most spirited content of
the session, to name a Railway and Ware
house Commissioner. There were nine
candidates-Joseph Herrington. of Jeffer
son City; T. W. Parks, of Platte City; T.
B. McGulrp. of St. Francis; W. C. Bro-noug-h.
of Henry"- Charlej H. "Vandiveer,
of Lafayette: O. F. Guthrie, of St. Louie;
Fred, Bejl, of Montgomery W. II. Phalen,
of Adair, and "Baxter Brpwn. of Kansas
C'ty.. The first ballot resulted: ,
McGulre ,...2301 Phalen ... , ...109
Parks .. 2?"-! Vandiveer ST
He.rrington 184Brown 67
Bronbligh 15HGuthrie 34
Bell ....n 123
On the second ballot Brown withdrew
his name, and McGulre led with 295 votes;
Parks was second with 167, and Herrlng
fon third with 203. On the third ballot
Vandiveer, Guthrie and Phalen withdrew,
and Parks led with 323 votes'. Herrington
being- second with 314. Bronough dropped
out en the fourth, and his strength went
to HerrIp?ton, who became first with 5C3
votes to Parks' 522. On the fifth ballot
the fight had simmered down to Herring
tDn and Parks, nnd the final vote was:
Herrington 633. Parks 510.
,. James A. Reed, of t Kansas. City, .and
William A. Rothwell. of Moberly, were
then .named Presidential electors-at-large,
-and.electors tvere named for each. Con
grcesional district. The work of the,,con
ventloo was concluded by the selection of
James ZleberCas state chairman, to suc
ceed Sam B. Cook.
A Pall TlcUet Nominated by tke
Stn.te Convention.
INDIANAPOLIS, June 6: The Demo
cratic State Convention today was har
monious, from beginning to end. the
following tipket was placed in the field:
Governor, John W. Kern, Indianapolis;
Lieutenant-Governor, John C. La wler, 'Sa
lem; Secretary of State, Adam Heimber
gerj TKew Albany; State Auditor. John W,
Mlnori Indianapolis; State Treasurer,
Jerome Herff. Peru; Attorney-General, C
P. Drummond, Plymouth; Reporter, of Su
preme Court, Henry G. Yergln, Newcastle;
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
Charles A. Greathouse, Mount Vernon;
State Statistician, Edward Horuff. Madi
son; Supreme Judges, First. District,
George L. Reinhart, Bloomlngto'n .Fourth
District, J. M. Adair, Columbia City; dele-gates-at-large,
Sanmel E, Mores, Indian
apolis. Hugh M. Daugherty, Bluffton;
James Murdock, La Fayette; George B.
Menzles, Mount Vernon; electors-at-large,
Allen Zollers, Fort Wayne; Nicholas Cor
nett, Versailles. A
The platform indorsed William. Jennings
Bryan for the Presidency; reaffirmed the
Chicago platform and omitted mention of
the ratio of 15 to 1. Its reading was fol
lowed hy a burst of tumultuous approval,
and the platf orm-was- unanimously adopt
The convention was called to order by
Chairman Martin, ot the State Central
Committee, who Introduced as temporary
chairman, Samuel M. Ralston. Ralston
spoke at some length, in part as follows:
"I accept your gavel in obedience tot
your command. It shall be my purpose
and my ambition to be absolutely fair In
all I shall do as your presiding officer. v
"The all-absorbing and dominating Is
sue of the great National contest ot 1S96
was the financial question. Our opponents
rod into power by methods of. corruption
and Intimidation, pledged to relieve with
out delay, through financial legislation,
the then distressed condition ot the coun
try. The Dlngley law was not framed to
bring relief to the Government and the
stress of business,, but to reimburse out of
the pockets of the people the silk-stocking
brigade of political extortionists, who fur
nished the money to purchase the Presi
dency for McKlnley!
"The Wilson law nad brought more
money to the Government the first year
It was in force- than did. the notorious Mc
Klnley law In the last year of its existence.
But,, notwithstanding this, the Wilson law
had to go down under the pretense that
Republican legislation, through some leg
erdemain process would revive business
and furnish labor to the unemployed on
an enhanced scale of wages. The fight by
the Democratic party in 1SS6 for monetary
Teform will never cease 'until victory Is
achieved. The Democratic party will, it
given the power, restore It to the people,
along the lines suggested In the Chicago
"In taking up the cause of a helDless and
alien people voluntarily, and without thai
upe oi monetary .or territorial reward,
our Govcrnmeni secured for Itself the ad
miration of the worlcL. Its motives were
as unselfish as charity and as holy as re
ligion. We are confronted with nroblems
as the result of the war and the policy
ui ut par.vs; in power in aererence there
to that threaten to rocx like a ship in a
storm our present form of Government.
"Touching thesolution or theae problems,
the Democratic party shall speak without
reserve. It has earned this right. To lead
U3 in the discharge of our duty, our can
didate Is already named. ,He la. a God
fearing and a Christ-loving statesman. No
man need to apologize, for fighting under
the banner of William' J. Bryan."
In the course of hi9 speech when Ral
ston said: "No man need to apollg-zo for
fighting under the banner of William J.
Bryun." a prolonged demonstration re
sulted. In whleh every delegate sprang to
his feet and waved his hands, and tho
cheering for Bryan continued 30 minutes
The report of the committee on perman
ent "'organization naming Ralston as per
manent chairman of the convention was
presented and adopted. After the adop
tion of the report of the committee on cre
'dentials and a resolution of respect to
the memory of the deceased Governor
Claud Matthews. Chairman Holman of the
committee on resolutions announced that
the platform hid been -agreeed upon and
proceeded to stateIt.
The platform began by reaffirming the
-allegiance of Indiana to the principles of
liberty enunciated by Jefferson. After the
customary declaration of allegiance to
tho Constitution and tribute tto its fram
ers, the platform continued:
"Wo reaffirm and pledge ourallegianc
to the principles ot the Chicago plat
form of 1S96 and commend its distinguish
ed exponent, William J. Brjan, to the peo
ple of the United States as an able states
man, sincere patriot and honest man, who
can safely be trusted to stand at all times
for the people, and against their foes
at home and abroad. And we Instruct
delegates selected by this conVenticn to
cast their votes for him atho Democratic
convention. " "
"The country Is far advanced In the pol
icy of arbitrary rule which has caused an
encroachment on the rights or the people
at home and liberty abroad and subservi
ence or'-populaV government No people can
exist part 'free and pari slave, .part citizen
and part -subJtr-aTt'J-epiblk and part
empire. We submit that-the-corrupting in
fluence of colonial dominion has already
brought disgrace upon the Republican par
ty; that usurped and dictatorial power ha3
alreadyrcached the danger line; the Con
stitution and pledge of the Republican par
ty has been violated in the Porto. Rlcan
legislation' Independence is withheld from
the Cubans In defiance of 'the law and Na
tional promises; slavery is recognized and
protected in Sulu and involuntary servi
tude lh Hawaii 'in violation or the Consti
tution." ' ' -
'After condemning tbe present Adminis
tration the platform demands the repeal of
the stamp tax; declares- for the election
'of United States Senators by direct vote;
'extends sympa. f to the" people of the
Transvaal and Orange 'Free State; de
mands strict enforcement bf the Monroe
doctrine and construction ot the Nicara
gua Canal, arid" denounced the Hav-,
Paunce'foto treaty a an abject surrender'
to, England; denounces the Dlngley tariff
law and declares opposition to the protec
tive tariff. The platform concludes with
an expression of 'gratitude to American
soldiers In all ward, and denounces the
pension department of the present Admin
istration. The resolutions were unani
mously adopted. ,
The committee on permanent organiza
tion submitted its report, naming for dele-gates-at-large
Samuel E. Morris, of In
dianapolis; Hugh Dougherty, of Bluffton;
James Murdock, of La Fajette; George B.
Mensler, of Mount Vernon.
The report was adopted. The district
delegates elected by the convention last
night were included in the report.
The names of John W. Kern, Frank B.
Burke, of Indianapolis, and Nelson J.
Bozafth were then announced as candi
date for the. nomination for Governor.
A letter was read from B. F. Shlvely,
declining to permit his name to be placed
before the convention. A shout went up
from the delegates that soon changed to
cries for Kern. It was some time before
order was restored, and cheering for
Shlvely was again repeated w-hen. the bal
loting proceeded.
Kern waa nominated for Governor
on the first ballot, which stood:
Kern, 8194 Burke, 3064; Bozarth.
41; a complimentary vote for . Shlvely,
292U: G. G. Conn and E. L. Hart, 2; Rals
ton. 2. The whole number of delegates
pfesent was 1527, necessary to choice, -&1.
"When the'result was announced th6 nom
ination "was made unanimous, and Kern
was ushered torfhe platform amidst tre
mendous cheers. He made a brief address,
thanking" the convention.
Indorse Senator PettlBrevr for Ite
rjlcction. ClIAMBERLAIN, S. D. June 6. The
Democratic State Convention for the se
lection of eight delegates to the Kansas
City Convention concluded Its labors to
night. The delegates were Instructed for
Bryan. The resolutions contain para
graphs eulogistic of Charles A Towue,
Populist nominee for Vice-President; com
mend the course of Senator Pettigrew and
recommend that the Democratic conven
tion to be held at Yankton July 11 .indorse
Mr. Pettigrew for re-election, thus blnd
inrr everv Democratic memher of tho Yr
islature tails support. After a prolonged
donate, tne resojutlone,were adppted. Sv m
pathy is extended to the Boers, and im
perialism end trusts are denounced.
"Wert Virginia Democrat's.
After a tumultuous session, the Democrat,
lc State Convention nominated Judge
John H.. Holt, of Huntington, for Gov
ernor, and adjourned until tomorrow,
when the ticket will be completed. Dur
ing the day the' convention "held three
sessions. A platform was adopted indors
ing Bryan and reaffirming the Chicago
platform. It denounces trusts. Imperial
ism, the Porto Rlcan tariff, the Philippine
War, militarism, the recentflnanclal act
of Congress, the increase of the standing
Army and the Administrations of Pres
ident iMcKInley and Governor Atkinson.
Sympathy was expreseed with the Boers.
The Nicaragua Canal was strongly fa
vored. . -
(Continued from rirs Pasc).
strong language, but I afterward was
able to prove that the Secretary, as well
as the House, had been Imposed upon by
tne bureau of equipment."
Cannon then related how subsequently
Secretary Long bad ascertained that the
hydrographer. Commander Todd, had sent
out, a circular letter without his (Long's)
knowledge, and for that act had been sus
pended. He read tbe circular letterf which
had. gone to commercial bodies, boards of
trade and maritime exchanges, appealing
for information and aid for forcing the
appropriation back Into the naval appro
priation bilL He had .kept all these facts
secret, he said, because be knew the Sec
retary ot the Navy was an honorable man
and had been Imposed upon. Ha had been
compelled to disclose them, he. said, in
the interest of the,, public, service, and to
vindicate the honor- and manhood of the
House. Amid great applause he asked the
House to send, the bill back to conference
with three conferees In sympathy with'
the sentiment of the House.
The debate grew more and more excited
a3 It proceeded. Groevenor (Rep. 0) said
he hoped It would be n ion? time before
the House would huntiliate its conferees
by taking the business of the House out
of 'their hands. He advised tho House to
"The gentleman Is a good quitter," cried
Cannon, sarcastically. 'He does not know
what he Is talking about."
Burton (Rep. O.) Indignantly repudiated
the charge in Commander Todd's circu
lar that he and others was In" a secret
combine against the Navy Department in
tHlsc6htroversy. Dayton (Rep. WVaO,
one of the naval conferees. In wildly ex
cited tones, denounced as "false and un
true" the -statement that the conferees
bad betrayed their trust. Foss also de
nounced In harsh words the statements
that tho conferees nad not stood by the
House instructions. Foss then moved to
concur in the report, and demanded the
previous question. He declined further ta
serveon, the conference committee.
Cannon appealed for 10 minutes, but the
,House howled him ddwn. He then cried:
"Vote down the. previous question," as tho
Speaker put the question. The previous
question was voted, down, SO to 123, and
the- debate was reoponedv
Hopkins (Rep. 1110 defended the con
ferees,. and Cannon closed with a vigor
ous speech. In a rising vote, the House de
clined to concur in the conference- report.
83 to 131. The Speaker announced that
as Foss had declined to serve, he would
recognize Cannon on the subject. Cannon
moved that tbe Houee nonconcur in the
contested Items "and send them back to
conference, whioh was agreed to.
There was a buzz o ".'surprised comment
as the Speaker announced an entirely new
set "of conferees On behalf vl the House
Cannon, Moody and Shafroth represent
ing tho most determined opposition to the
Senate's action. It was evident that busi
ness could not be concluded tonight, and
Grosvenor moved an adjournihent, but this
was voted down. After a minor bill had
been passed, Payne moved -a recess until
10 A. M. tomorrow. The vote was very
close, 'but the Speaker declared the mo
tion carried, and at 10:20 P. M the House
took a recess until 10 o'clock tomorrow
Chandler Anstvers Some of tke Sen
' ator'fi Criticisms.
WASHINGTON,. June S.--Senator Chan
dler, frpm the committee on privileges
and elections, today .presented a supple
mental report on the aee of Senator
Clark, of Montana, replying to the stric
tures upon the -committee made by Sen
ator Clark In his speech and also to the
minority . report, - With , reference to
Clark's statements tho committee, says.
"The distinct criticism made- by" Clark
on. May 15" on the , report ot the fcom.mlt-'
tee are not serious In their charapter,
and i Is fortunate they were made, be
cause they may be taken as 'being among
criticisms which the party most at in
terest can claim can Justjy be made. The
-correctness ot all other statements made
by the committee not criticised by Sen
ator Clark may"be talren to bo admitted
by him."
Tbe neport then takes up and replies
seriatim to Clark's criticisms, the charges
being either denied or reasons given. Re
plying to the charge ot unjudicial methods
of proceeding, the committee asserts these
were only resorted to to discover addi
tional tcetlmpny., and that the statements
thus admitted were not permitted to In
fluence the result. The committee stands
by Its original position that Clark was
from the beginning of the campaign a can
didate for theSenate, and says that noth
ing since the hearing closed has tended
to impair the fact9 stated concerning Sen
ator Clark's own personal connection with
his canvass for election as Senator. Sen
ator Chandler, as chairman of the com
mittee, adds a memorandum of his own in
refutation of the statement of the minority
that the "chairman left the committee
little to do." This criticism, he eajs. Is
unjust, and he adds: "The chairman did
nothing except what such officer is ex
pected to do. Every important ruling was
made either by division or committee or
by the .chairman In tho first Instance after
tho order of ,the committee was, made
prescribing that course of proceeding with
the understanding that any member of
the committee might dissent on the point
and have It decided by the vote of the
committee." He also asserts that "so
far as Senator Clark was concerned, there
wasrno refusal to summon pny witnesses
whom his counsel Insisted upon obtain
ing." Rnral Delivery in -Orejcon. '
WASHINGTON, June 6. Representative
Tongue today secured the establ'shment
of rural free delivery at Newbers, Yam
hill County, Oregon, to take effect July
11. Mr. Tongue today urged the Indian
Commissioner to take action under the
act passed recently toward- negotiating
with the Indians at Grand Ronde for tho
purchase of their unallotted lands, with a
view to opening- them to settlement, whlcn
ho has agreed to do. , ,
Nominations Confirmed.
WLSHINGTON, June 6 The Senate
has confirmed the following nominations:
William Haywood, of Honolulu, 'to hi
Collector of Internal Revenue for Hawaii.
Thomas H." Nfcrton. of Ohio, to be
Consul at Harput. Turkey.
The Senate rejected 'the nomination of
Teed B. Spriggs, of TJtica, X. Y.. to be
agent .for, the Indians of the Nevada
agency In Nevada,
AInknn Appointments.
WASHINGTON. June i. The Presi
dent sent to the Senate today the follow
ing nominations for new judicial offices
In Alaska under the new law:
Judges Melville C. Brown, Alaska;
James WIckersham. Washington; Ar
thur H. Noyes, Minnesota
Marshals James .Sharp, Alaska; Cor
nelius L. Vawter, Alaska; G., G. Perry,
Attorneys-Robert A. Friederich. Alas-
Unless you have used Pears'
soap you probably do not know
what we mean by a soap with
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All Political Parties Pronounce
Ajpalnst It.
HAVANA. Juno 6. Alt CollHtal Tnrfi.
through their representative newspapers,
have pronounced against the plan of Gen
eral Maximo Gomez to amalgamate ihs
party organizations. Members of tho Cab
inet say the scheme Is not feasible, as
such an election would not carry any offi
cial recognition from the United States.
More th,an this, they assert that an amil
gamatlon is unnecessary, as they have an
assurance from the United States .Gov
ernment that a convention will be called
as soon as possible after the elections, ot
all the elected Mayors, to form a consti
tution which will be presented for ratifica
tion to the next Congress. Consequently,
as they argue. If General Gomez were
to carry out hla plan of taking a plebis
cite, it would make even the friends ot
Cuba believe it Impossible for the Cubars
to do anything without fighting among
Cklcaso Platform Men Satisfied.
NEW YORK, June 6. The convent'oa
of the. Chicago-platform Democrats called
for today Is off. They expressed them
selves last night as satisfied with the re
Bult tt the state convention, and claim It
is a victory for the principles for which,
they stand.
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