TH13 MOBNIKG OHEGONIAN, THUBSDAT, JUl&E,.?,. 1900. . 11 COMMERCIAL AND "With tht -wool clip commencing' io fcova a Ultle-piora freely and raouRh -wheat :sMog to' keep the wheels trade fairly well srhoMctlr June hueiccsa 1b fully up to expoctatlons. "Wool and wheat are not the only rector In the situation, either, for tberu are still a ccod many thousand "bags of potatoes to be marketed, and the I rprlce is ttlffenln up again, mall fquits 'aire coming alone by the ion, and contrib ute to tho fund which is now circulating Tho election thin week drew the attention rof the xysoplo from business on. Monday, but inalers have -aftnce drifted t-ack into the oW chunnqln, end there fa a fine trade repoirtfed In most' lines. Th what mar ket wen slightly higher In the Enit yeerds-y, but the tdtuatlon locally Is un cdansrft. In groceries, there 1a consldera rii" flrmnes In ugar, and furthar ad vances are nt Improbable. Fork and venl 'are F-ady, nl tbere is aom firmness in' provisions. JIldfc. are-lower all around. Xl)irj is nothing doing1 in hepa. "WHEAT The wheat market continues to drag, with a. light celling movement, asd wftb. a demand of ncr small propor tion t2.t It is eoally eiUJmIm: with th comparatively nmall crooiinU that er oc cau3lontill shsOten out at not much of a premium over -.export values. There are tatlll a few ships to arrive' under 40 hU 3tngV, and buying on this freight rate wc jportera cculfi imtivrutitpcly eecur a large imohnt of 'wheat.' As for new business, with ehlns af-kinu 42s 6d. It Is pratty dif ficult te move much wheat with the for eign markets ir their present shape X" cept at a less, and It Is this fact that it restricting business at th present There ia very little chartering being done; and-, in. cp!,t6.of the high rates a5kd, dls engagert tonnage Is not balng started Jo this direction. TSrjwrtrara seein to be practically iJral. Imou irQ the opbilon that freight will advance to 45 shillings awl poseiMr SI shilling if there Is anything like a nor mal 'movement the crop, ut they do TioL care to place them.lvfl In the posi tion ofpeedlng wheat, and: arf permitting nvittp'ra .tcudrttt aUbe present tjma.. Th ffri&pects continue highly flattering for Ua JargesCxrop- on.xccoriL JZhntvJa &ojr.e ViompIalnt of rust, and, in limited, areas in the ?PaIous6, some- damagp "has un 4ouoi5dTy rw.iUed,'bu't," taking tA wheat acreage a a whole, tho. amount damaged If. orapavitvly inslgaltlcanU In the "Val ley there will also bo some, loss, but It Is rapidly bInc minimized by warm, sun Kshlcs weather. Prlcss this week rknge '-from El to &2 cents for Walla Walla and W to 61 cent for Valley. The flour de mand has 1aikeni materially, the Orient al market being heavily overstocked, and eome, of it spoiling. Thl cauws light dmaad frr-m tho mills, and as Valley flour In in bad fa.vor tor export, the mar ket la rc-rtrlcted. Tho flguroa guoted for ""Walla "Wallfc wheat are, not moving very -much of tho cereal, which 5a generally held at a cent pf two above these figures. A further decline of a couple of conts pet bushel would enable a buyer to eecure vast quantities at prices now offered, but the history of the business for the past tw years elvows that, sellers will always take a cent or two above the market value, no matter how low the price sinks, but wJll nat take the market price, no matter bow high it is. Th ban est is well under way in. California, and the prospects arc favorable for at least an averagt crop, although, the yield is light In the south ere part of the state. In the 'East re -portsinstMnofc-jso-favorablo for, a oot crop, file damage In 'Ohio being especlallj heavy, while proepecta In tha iDakotaa re, far from bright. Tha Liverpool Corn Trade News, under date of Ma$ 22, has the following regard ing the Russian crop, which has been at tracting considerable attention lately: A report recently Issued in St Peters burg by the Journal of Industry and Com merce says that the general condition of "Winter crops at the end of lost month .was .satlcfactory, but Winter wheat In nome parts of South Russia was affected iy March froats. Today the Times pub lishes a telegram from Odeesa, eajlng that severs frosts have lately caused great damage In Southwestern governments, which it will be noticed exactly confirms what our Kleff correspondent wrote as long ago as the lGth of April. Of course, any recent frost muet have occurred sub sequent to- that date, -bat no doibt the froor condition reported by the correspond ent rendered the plants peculiarly liable Ho 1e danjaged by severe frostfi. Latest j-eports frorfi our own cor.respQndeb.ts In the Squth have been uniformly favorable, nd moat- hopeful views of the crop out look a're entertained, both at AJtoft and Black Sea ports. - One- correspondent, who has made a, special journey through 23katerlnoslav, Charkoff and Taurlda. Hume up his report by saying that l present conditions are, maintained these three governments will have splendid 'crops. Port etocka remain light, and bus iness prospects bad, but more grain is ex pected to come forward, provided harvest prospects are maintained. WOOIr-Compared with the quantity of wool thero lg"locmarlcefed from the State qf Oregon, there has been a very small amount of business doing. How ever, some sales are taking place all tho time, and in Pendleton alone upwards of J.000,000 pounds of wool has been taken, mostly by Eastern buyers. Prices paid Tanged from 10 cents to 13Vi cents per pound.' the latter being the top figure so far reported for Eastern Oregon wool. There have "been more liberal offerings in the Valley recently, but generally at prices above what dealers are willing to pay. The situation in the East is thus set forth by the Boston Commercial Bul letin, underrate of June 2: - - The market shows a smaller total of sales than at any Ime for years. Curi ously enough, as if the trade had sub scribed to the doctrine "the darkest hour is just before the Vlawn," the tone of the market is dlstlnotly stronger. The Improvement in tone at th5 close ol the London .6ales has alretuly been co llected In the Boston market, and the Boer smash-up on Thursday was still further .reason for Inducing Boston hold ers to refuse the halr-ralslng low prices offered by long-faced buyers. Beyond a few job lots nothing has been done. Noth:ng has 'been done Icsause dealers have for the time, at least, stopped cut ting prices, and pushing wool at men who would not accept it for 5 cents less than list rates. - . Last Fall wool was pushed beyond "normal" prlcea. That It was pushed so. high hat li checked consumption, in duced" the substitution, of coarse wool forflne. cowhalr for coars and ehoddy or cotton for both. Today wool Is t low the "normal" figure, That Is, or dinary' fine medium clothing territory is not salable in large blocks -at 53 cents dean, as It used to be for-months to gether in JS92. with a normal consump- A tlon of wool under the McKlnley tariff. l)eaers are therefore, rightly cr wrongly, pretty generally persuaded that the. bot tom has been reached. POTATOES The San Francisco mar ket is soill quite firm on best Oregon Burbanks. and during the last few days there has been a material advance In prices. Best stock is selling at 60 cents and even the common stock is fully 10 cents pet sack higher than it was a week ago. J0tw potatoes are plentiful a't Jl and $1 25 per sack for California. Oregon hav rJt vyet appeared in very large quantities. . FHUEf Toe-strawberry season is -at FINANCIAL NEWS its height, and ihis delicious fruit is be ing handled by the ton this week. It Is arriving In excellent shape, and prlcea on the whole have been quite satisfac tory. Nothing has bWrbelow'3 cents per pound, 'and the fculk of the best stock is marketed around A and 5 cents. The local market Is well supplied from gar dens adjacent to the city, and there la a good shipping demand for those grown at Hood River, and other outside points. California peaches, apricots, apples, pears, etc, are plentiful, and prlcw are steadily declining, best proche zrA ap ricots selling at tt and U 25 per box. A carload of bananas arrived Homlay, but failed to movo as freely as thy bavo earlier in the se"on. BUTTER-Tho market is reasonably firm, but prices remain unchanged All of The best "brands cf creamery ar clean ing up fairly well nt 40 cent, and the shontwelghts and brands without un es tablished tradt move all right at 33 and 571 cents. Store butter continues ilrmer proportionately than creamery, and tlier Is a good demand for all that is ot tainable at 25 cents per pound. Most vl this Mock is shipped to flan PrsJncisfco, but there Is also quite a call for It from various points In the Northwest, where there are Industrial entcm'rs under way. - EO3S Tho magtffS&ss steadied up again, and most of the sales this week have been around ISM and 14 cents, -the latter figure' being easily obtainable for single tase lots. There has fceen an ad vance In eggs in th- East, and this has prevented the Puget Sound cities from securing their supplies from that direc tion as advantageously as they could secure them from Portlanu. POULTRY--A few coops of chickens carried over from last week seemed to act as a drag on the market right from the start, and it has been difficult to make a clean-up at any time this week. Best coops of old hens sell at about J5 per dozen, although something fancy might firing halt a dollar more. For large Springs, there Is some demand, but buyers Insist on their being In good condition. Best coops will bring about S4 per dozen. Ducks can hardly be given away th(s week, and they are offered as low as $3 per dozen, with no "buyers. Young ducks In good order, -will sell In a small way at about ?6 pel dozen. Geesa are not wanted, and thero is not much call for 'turkeys. Bank Clearing". Exchanges. Balance. Portland ..n...-. . S.1U2.274 $31,124 S0.0T5 52, 003 Tacoma 03.760 Seftttlo 302.1SG PORTLAND MARKETS. Grata, .Flour. Etc. Wheat Quotations nominal; Walla Walla, C2o: Valley, 51rc: bhieatcm, 53554) per bushel. ' Flour Best grades, $2 &55J3; sfaham, $2 50; tuperflne, $2 10 per barrel. OaU-WWto. 34fSSc; my. 3233o per DUsheL Barley Feed. $14915: brewing-. $16 per to. " Mtllstutts Bran. 12ffl3 per ton; mid i lings, $18319; Shorts, $135-13; chop. $14. Hay Timothy, $10011; cloxer, $77 50; Ore gon wild bay, $07 per ton. Batter, Efffira, Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery,. 35S40c; store, 25e perron. ' Eggs 13Hl4o per dozen. Poultry-Chickens, mixed. $404 50 per doren; hens, $5 duoKs. i3Q5; geese. $67 per dozen; turkeys, live, 15c; dressed. 16c per pound. Cheese-rull cream, twins, 1213c; Young America, 44o per pound. Vegetable, Kralt, Etc. Vegetables Parsnips,. $1; carrots. 73cS$lS turnips, 75c per sack; onions, lc per pound for new; cabbage," $1 50 per cental; potatoes, 40 ?P5o per sack; peas. 4g$c;ibeans. 10312c: paragus, 45cr new potatoes, '1 Vic per pound. Fruit-Lemons:-' $2 H03;'crane8. $33 23 per box for nVlv$2Pr box. for seedlngs; pineapples, tS &&i PS" doien bananas, $2 51 3 per bunch; Persian dates, "vySc per pound, strawberries, Oregon, 34q. per pound; xeaches, $11 2&: cherries, 75c; aprtcots, 75c0-l per box. Dried fruit Apples, vaporated. 7Q8o pet pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 4QSc: pears, eun and vaporated, 5JCo; plums, pules. 4 B&j: prunec Italian, S&OSAc: allver. extra choice. S 0c; figs, Smyrna. 22c; California black, 5Jc; do white. lOo per pound. Groceries, Jfats, Etc. Coffee Mocha. 2332Se: Java, fancy, 20332c: JaVa. good. 20Q24c: Java, ofdlnary. 18320c: Costa Itica. fancy, lSff20e; do good. 16SlSc; do ordinary. 10 12c. per pound; Columbia, roast. $12 25; Arbuckle's,- $13 13; Lion, $12 13 per case. itnimr-riibA. 5 M: crushed. $5 DO: powdered. $3 00; dry granulated. $5 30; extra. C, $4 fiO; ..oirtw, a. si TO net: ntW barrels. o more than barrels; maple sugar, l&lflc per pound. Beans-Small white. SHc: bayou. 4c; .Lima. 0a rwr nound. galtnon-Columbla River. 1-pound tails, $1 25 HI 00: 2-pouna tans, tliw; ianc, i-pwuu ... i niri ?r. it-tvuinil fancy flats. SiQ05c: Alaska. 1-pound tails. $1 20$ 1 SO; 2-pound tails. $1 DOQ 23. Grain bags Calcutta. $0 60S 75 per 100 for 'spot, $0 12iSj;0 25 for July-August ut Peanuts. Cr47c per pound tor raw, 10c for roasted; cocoanuts, &0c per dozen; walnuts, lOOlJc per pound; pine nuts. 15c: hickory nuts, 7c: cheatnuU, 15c; Brazil, lie; filberts. 15c: fancy. pecans. 12QHc; almonds. 15lu& pet pound. Coal oil Cases. 21o per gallon; barrel. 17"4c; tanks, 35c Rice letand, Cc; Japan. 54c: Xew Orleans, 4Vifl3?4c: fancy head, $77 50 per sack. Hops, "Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops-2gSe per pound. "Wool Valley, 12J13o for coarse. 15910c for bet I; Eastern Oregon. 10S15c; mohair, 25r. pel pound. Sheepskins Shearling l&20c; hort-wool. 23 635c: medium-wool. 3050c: long-wool, C0c$l each. Pelta Bear eklns. each, at to elze. $5(J15; cuboi each, $103: badger, each, 50c: wildcat. 25ST5CJ housecat, 5ff25c: fox. common gray. 40c$l; red, $1 7&53 50: do croos, $2 50ffC; l)-nr. $234 50; mink. 40c$l 75; marten, dark Northern. $5910; do pale. pine. $24; musk rat. tVS'lSc: ekunk. 50SOc; otter (land). $4 (38; panther, with head and claws perfot. $ia3; raccoon, "25960c: wolf, mountain, with head perfect. $3 50 05 wolverjne. $2 5030; beaver, per akin, large, $07; do medium. pr skin. ?4ff6: do small, per skin. $102 do.klta, per skin. $103 Tallow 505c; Xo. 2 and grease. 3404c per pound. Htde Dry 'hides. Ko. 1, 10 pounds and up ward. 140 15c;, dp kip. Ko. 1. 5 to 16 pounds. 15c Pf r pound;, dry colt. Xo. 1, under 5 pouncs. 1501Cc; dry salted, one-third less. than dry flint; lted hides, sound steers. 00 pound and over. 7(?$c: do 50 to CO pounds. 7Hc: do ua- CILLISON&CO. Stock, Grain a Provision BROKERS Direct Vires to . - i -New York Stock Excfaiige . CWciso Roard ef Tra4e i f Z14-215 Chamber of Commerce Pertliri, Of 02 o der 50 pounds and omrs. To; kip. 18 to M pGunia, 7K9Sc; 00 veaL 10 to 14 p!unds,..7ic; doyalf. tra-1-r 10 pounds. 7Hc. green (unsalted). lo per pouna lees; culls (bulls; stags, moth eaten, badly cut. mred hair slipped, weather beaten cr grubby), one-third leaa. Xeat-satf Pre-rllea. Mutton Goss, Sest sheep, ' Aethers and ewes, sheared, $3 5093 75; drssM. 7?7c per pound; Spring Ifetabs, S05c p-ir liouad gross. Hors Gross, choice, heavy, $5; light, $4 50; dressed, 59Ge per pound. Veal LaTi G)47ie per pound; stroll, 80 Beef Gross, top steers. $4 4 CO: eotrs, $3 X5&C4; dressed beef. CUQ7c per pound. FrdTislons Portland pack (Shield brandj: Haras, dtnoked. are quoted at 13c per pound; -picnic h&ms, 9Hc per pound: breakfast bacon, 13c: bacon. BHcT backs, OHd; dry Mlt sides, Sic; dried beef, l'Hc per pound; lard, 5-pound palls. 10c; 10 -pound palls, 0J4c; 50s. OSc: Uerces. 0-ic per pound. Eastern pack iHatn inond's): Hams, large. lSe; medium, 13c; small, IS&c: picnic tamt, Vjc; shoulders, 9Hc: breekf&st bacon, lSc; do salt sldM. SU9 814c; bacon sides. OUSlOc; backs. 8io: butts. 9c; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, Ss, lOfec; 10s. JOfcc. SEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Warlike Developtaeat la Cain&'CTas a Factor of "Weakness. XEW YORK, June 6. About midway of to day's session ot the stsck market thero was a rise of 3 points In New Jersey Central on rumors of control hy Baltimore & Ohio. The Incident offered an lolat-d feature of strength In the day's market, 'and caused the only brief respite from the mood of depression -Raich prevailed all day. The most effective factor' was the warlike development In China. This Influent nu reflected In Xew-York from for eign stock markets, mm, the opening here, and London's actual sales In this market on that account ran up to about 30,000 shares, about haft ot which were Atchlfeon "preferred. ""Kvcn I as .a direct influence this soiling hud a notably weakening effect In so narrow a market as now prevails. The sympathetic effect of tho foreign weakness was even more marked. Wall street entertains o great apprehension that the United States will ba directly lnvoHed In the difficulties In China, llut commitments of American capital in for! en money markets and the extension of American commercial In terests have- grown to such proportions that any event which woul precipitate liquidation in foreign markets, must be reflected directly and strongly In the United States. Besides, the news from China, foreign-mar kets were affected by tightening of money rales In .London, and Paris, and a slightly easier tone In the Berlin money market Was not suf ficient to offset other depressing factors. The break In tho foreign price ot Iron and rumors cf further concessions hr Iron prices In -this country, emphasizol ths; weakness ot stocks both abroad and In this country. Kews pf the domestic iron trade was confused, reports of declining prices being mingled with reports of reopening of some mills recently closed down. Tennessee Coal was the weakest ot the steel rroup, andjoet 2VI. Xn tho general list prices were weak through cut, but stocks which hae bown soma strength recently wer most atfecfed. Atchl .eon preferred. 8t Paul, Baltimore & Ohio, Union Paplflc and Louisville & Xashvillo were examples. Denver & Bio Grande preferred fell 2i on rumors of the acquisition of tha Colorado Midland by rival interests and Great Northern preferred declined 4 points. The bond markot weakened in sympathy with stocks, and on a moderate v&lume of business. Total soles. H.ifC.OOO. United States bonds wore unchanged in bid quotations.. -' "BONDS. U. S. 2s, ref i03iiGen. Electric 5S....120 do 2s. rer- 10tf (K. Y. Central lsU.lllU 00 3s. reg I09ortn. racinc 38.. or do 3s, coupon... lWki do 4s do new 4s. rer...l34 Oregon Nav. lsts..lll do new 4s, coup.134 do old 4s, reg.. .114-4 do new 4s, coup.llSH do 4s IIK Oregon S. U 0s..12S rtrt nan Trft . ll!t 00 os. reg, liajRlo Gr. Vejst. lata. 09 U do 5s. coupon lijyibu i'aui consols. Dlst. CoL "3-C5s...l22'iSt. P. C. &. P. Istsl20 Itchlson -adj. 4s... Si I do 5s 121 3. & &W. con. 7sl41fcfUnton Paolflc 4s.i.10tf8 do S. F. deb. 5s.H0 IWls. Central lsts.. Ul'A D. &. R. G. !Sts...l02 SoUthem Pacific 4s SI do4s 09 V STOCKS. "t - Tho total sale of stocks today were 242,800 shares. The closing quotations were: ' Atchison 25lUnoa Pac- pref.'... 73 -HOiref 4 .72HlVabash .; ,u. 7 Balu- & Ohio 7Sn do pref .?r.. 2o CaajrPaclflo ...... OVilbeel. & Xu B.... S'A Can. Southern ... 51 1 do 2d pref 25 Ches. & Ohio 27KJ Wisconsin Central. 15 ChV. Gr. -Western. llUP. C. C. & St. L.. CO Chi., B. & CJ lLSUlThlrd. Avenue 112 Chi., fnd. & L 21 EXPRESS CO.'S. do prcf 51 Adams 113 Chi. & East. 111... 07 Amertcan A... 155 Chicago A N. W..1C4 (United States 45. Chi., R. L & P....100HjWells-Fargo 117 C a. C. & St. L. 53?. MISCELLAXEOU3. Colo. Southern ... C tAmer. Cotton Oil.. 34 U do 1st pref...... 43HJ do pref . 00 do 2d pref. ...... 17 (Amer. Malting ; 3Va Del. & Hudson. ...112 I do pref .20 Det. Lack. & V'..1T3 fAmer. Smelt. & R. Sili Denver & Rio Gr. 17Vj do pref SO do prei, 067iAmer. Spirits .... "l Erie lid! do Pnt 1" do 1st pref 35i-IAmr. Steel Hoop'. 20iS Great Nortlu pref.155 I do pref 70 Hocking Coal 14 (Amer. Steel & W.. 3114 Hocklmr.V841ey .. SS'i do pref 74 Illinois Central 11- lAmer. nn riate... zih IS I do pref 70 4S lAmer. Tobacco .... 01 104j do pref 12SW Iowa Central ..... do pref ........ Kan. a. P. & G.. Lako Erie & TV.. . lAiwcvuua J210. u. w wx do pref Lake Shore ... Louis. & Nash. Manhattan. El Met. St. Ry.... Mex. Central ., 03V I Brooklyn R. T 3S 35$ ..212Vs Colo. FUel & Iron. ... 78Cont. Tobacco .... do pref !KtlFederal Steel .. 1-Vii do prof .. 6g ..I32U .. 40$s .. ft3 :: .. 73 .. 32. .. 80 .. lo-S .. 95 .. 2S Minn. &. St. Louis 62 du orcf 93 aen. Eieainc ... Glucose Sugar .. Missouri Pacific .. 51 Mobile & Ohio.... 3l M-. K. & T 104 do pref Int. Paper do pref La Clede Gas... do pref 3S Cew Jersey Cent.l214 Kew York Cenf...l301i National Biscuit do uref Norfolk & TVest... s National Lead .. do pref .- Northern Pacinc- do pref Ontario A West. & do pref ....... 5Vtl do pref s National Steel ., SOT4 . 20hlN. Y. Air Brake. ..13TVi . 42 North American .. 14& . 70 I Pacific Coast ...... 50 .120UI do 1st pref SS .17 I do 2d pref CO . 57H-Paclflc Mall 2734 . 20 tPponle's Gsj OSii O. R. & N do pref Pennsyhnnia .. Heading do 1st prf..... do 2d prer nio Gr. Western.. tSJilPressed Steel Car.. 4(TH do pref 87C- do pref 77 St. Louis A 8. Ft. OVi Pull man Pal. Car. IK! do 1st pret...... iftShtana. itopo & x.. a An 2A nref 33k 3UKO ............11174 St. Louis A S. Fr. 10 An nnf 2G do nref 115H Tenn. Cool & Iron. 70 St. Paul 115 do nref 1'4W U. S. Leather IOV do nref C04 St. Paul & 0 110 Southern Pacific .. 3:.? Southern Ry J2 do pref 54 Texas & Pacific... 10 Union Pacific 54 U. 8. Rubber 2W do nref tDU Western Union ... 71VS Republic Iron & S. 13 ao prez 37 Money EiobDngc, Eto. SAN FRANCISCO. June 6. Sterling an Lon don, 00 days. $4 SoV4: do sight. $4 8S. Mexican dollars ISW'fflOa, Drafts Sight, 12Ho; do telegraphic. lOo. NEW YORK. June d. Money on call, le2 per cent; last loans, 2 per cent; prim mer cantile paper, 34 per cent; sterling ex change, steady, with actual business In bank ers' bills at $4 S7H for demand, and at $4 S4h 04 34 for CO days; posted rate. $4 &5VO 4 SSH; commercial bills. $i S3Utf4 S3;. Silver ,c$rttflcAtes O061c Mexican dollars 471,Jc. Bonds Government, steady; state. Irregular; railroad, weak. LONDON. June 0. Consols, 102$i; money, 102 per cent. Forclsrn Flnaaclnl Xcxra. NBW YORK. Juno d. The Commercial Ad vertiser's Lopdon financial cablegram says: The news from China frightened "the public here today, causing operators to unload stocks. The result was a slack business and general heaviness. London dribbled American stocks all day, and since neither tho Continent or New York offered any support, the cloee was sloppy at the worst prices. Atchison preferred alune held firm .on the Increased dividend. Paris sold Ttntos. Money was unchanged. The bank sold 27.000 in French coin and sent 19,000 to South America. Stocks In London. LONDON. June 6 Canadian Pacific.' 96H; Union Pacific prtfeTred. 76; Northern Pacific preferred, 77: Grand Trunk, 1; Anaconda, S. THE GRAIX 3IARKETS. Prices for Cereals In European and American Port. SAX FRANCISCO. "June . Wheat, steady. Barley, qulft. Oats, quiet. e Spot quotations wre: Wheat Sblprlnp, No. 1. OlJc; choli-, e2.o; milling. OiHSOGVlc Bariey Foed, G7370c; trBwlng. T7UlS0c, Oats Gray, Croon. $2 e7l 10; milling, $1 10I 12; red. $11 to. Call-board sales: WheaA-Steodyr December, -$l 04; cash, S2fcc. Barley No ssjfc. Corn Largtt yollw$115l ITJt Chicago Grata andPredsce. . CHICAGO, Juno 0. Wheat was active and strong, because- of anxiety over the -Northwest crop situation, and a redunicn in-the .Ohio crop figures. ,July -closing ICIKe over yesterday. Yesterday the wheat pit wa half -deserted ;.,to day It was crowded, and every man In It was busy. Tho Ohio crop report started the ad vance. It put the condition at 2CLS0 points under tho Government Vepbrt for May, 'and tha lowest since 1SGC. Only 10 counties reported a probability of raising eren half a crop. Tho figures looked to .traders Ilka a practical wip ing out of the Ohio crop, which last year was 4u.tXrfi.WJ" bushels. In the pit It was predicted that the Indiana crop was In even worse shap. Tho Dolly Trade Bulletin reduced Its flguros on the estimated Winter wheat yield-from 374,000,000 to 340.000,000 bushels. ' .. July wheat opsned a shade higher at 670 OTHc and advanced early to O70C7c around which figures tho market hung for somo time. Then "Northwest damage claims' "be-gin Ao show their effect. Thrrt were no good, rains, the wires reported, and from -air section Came claims ot Injury to the crop. Ghe Dakota cerV ter declared that two more weeks ff the pres ent weather would spoil Che crop, and that under tho- most favorable i circumstance the Dakotas could raise only a fair supply The damage claims were given, an appearance of sincerity b.y tho .bdylns orders" which accom panied them. The Southwest had been .a. good buyer early, but -ths Northwest soon tookvtho lead, and held It until the end. During tne latter half ,of the session July avdancedjto OStys and closed" strong, 101&c over J esterday, at t CShc The cash trade was slow. ---t- The marketing of long stuff kept the" corn market from ndvonclng in sympathy -with. tb wheat, "buoyancy. Country pfferinga vjcia freer, and great confldenoo was felt In the quantity and quality ot the forthcoming crop. July corn sold Mc lower. . ... The oats market was quiet the greater part of tho day. hut held firm ln sympathy with wheat. July sold between 21 and SIHc. -clo-Ing a ehado improved at 21H821HC ." Provisions wer strong and fairly octlv. July pork closed 124115c Improved; lard closed a shade improved v The leading futures ranged as follows: "WHEAT. Opened. Highest. Lowest.' Closing. Juno :06BH $U07 $0 00- $QI3 July 07 0SJ4 67,- -oS',4 CORN.' Juno 38 SS 3SVI July 3S4 SS S3VI OATS. Juno :. 21 21 ; 21S July 2l 21t4 " 21$ MESS PORK. , July. 11274 1152 1125 September ...1142& 1155 1140 LARD. -!.,.. ft7S (ISO ;875 ss s?s s . 21 11 47A -0 7Tii, September , ... 0 72 0S0 0 724 SHORT RIBS. July 005 672 665 September ...0 62 6 72 6 02 Cash quotations were as follows: Flmif-J-Flrm. 072 6 70 v Wheat-No. 2 Spring. OJSWo; Na t3, 62 C3ci No. 2 red,, 7O071c K , Corn-No. 2, 3Si04Oc: No. 2 yellow, 300' 30i4c , Oats No. 2, 22U22c;'No.- 2 white, -25Hcl No. 3 white, 24025V;o. " i Barley Good feeding. 3C337c; fair to choice maltlng.-50-12c fc Flaxseed Na 1, $1 80; No. 1 Northwestern, $1 SO. Timothy seed Prime. $2 40S2 50. Mess pork-$10 3511 4T per bbl. - Lard $C C20C 77 per cwt. Short ribs Sides, loose. $0 55G1 SO ' Shouldere Dry salted, boxed. $6 5006 73. Short clear sides BoxetL $7 1007 20. ' Butter Steady; , creamery, 1501Oc;- dairy, 13l7c. Choese-Steady, 8H0c. Eggs Steady; fresh, ll',4c- Heelnts. Shlnm'ta Flour, barrels ....'. 13,000 Wheat, .bushels. v..... 54.000 Corn, bushels ....... ....... ..502.000 Oats, bushels ., , 302.006 Rys bushels .' 2J!Q0 Barley. bushls .., ... 10,000 60,000 44B.000 i!4.000 "3,090 ' Xew.York Grnln'and Proijl-ice', " ; JJC1V YORK, June' 6. Flour-Receipts', fc524' barrels"; oxports. 2023. active. ., AVheat Receipts, 8323. Spot. lrregiflar;No. 2 red. 78c elevator, SIKc f. o. p. Options wero active and Stronger today, reflecting bullish Spring wheat prospects.- The market closed strong, TitJlc net higher. July closed at 73Uc; September closed at 74Hc Woolj-Qulef. .". " - Hops Quiet. T T . c ... Eqrope'nn Grain Market. LONDON, June 6. Wheat Cargoes on pass age, quiet and- steady; Ehgllsh country mar kets, firm. v '" LIVERPOOL. Juno 0. Wheat, firm: '.wheat In Paris, flrmi. flour In Parts, steady., Spot wheat, steady; No. 1 California. Cs d. .Fu tures, quiet; July, 6s SHd; September, 5s Sd. Corn Spot, steady; American mixed, .new, 3s llUd- Futures, firm; July, 3s lldf September, 3s lld. mosr axd STEEL. . , n Ramon of Impending: Jtednctlon la Billets ana Pic NEW YORK. Juno 6. Reports In Pittsburg as to an Impending reduction In the price" gt steel billets and pig irop.were also circulated In this city. Tho 'local report, had It that at a secret meetlng'held In the city on Monday, representalves of the various Iron and steel In terests had decided to make a reduction In the price of steel billets from $30 to $23 pec ton. and of No. 1 foundry Iron from $22 to $20 a ton. It was impossible to obtain any direct verifi cation of the report. Persons seen In reference thereto spoke somewhat Indefinitely of "main taining schedules ar present." and professed having" no know ledge of any changes. The .ac tion of tho local metal market, however, seemed to foreshadow some such changes; In fact, the Iron markets of the entire world woje reported dull and lower. The presence In the city ot President Schwab, ot the Carnegie Company, lends some color to tho report, vihlch was coupled with a slory to tho effect that the Carnegie people Intended to extend their business in order to dominate the entire steel and iron field, believing; thai the smaller steel companies were responsible f of tne pre'sent more or less demoralized condition" m tho trade. President Schwab, when ho Te-, turned to Pittsburg" ' last night, would neither, affirm nor deny the story of a reduction. I my4 SAV FRANCISCO MARKETS. i SAN FRANCISCO. June 0. Wool-Sprlps. Nevada, 14tlCc per.pound: Eastern Oregott19 15c; Valley. Oregon. 38020c. Fall Northern, mountain. 3012c: mountain, 8gi0c: plains, 8210c: Humboldt and Mendocino, 14015c. Hops 1S09 crop. 11013a per pound. ... Mlllstuffs Middlings, $17020: bran. 12 500 13 50 per ton. Hay Wheat, $0 50010: wheat and oat. $64) 0 50; best .barley. $7; alfalfa. $504; stock. $3 05 50 J -compressed wheat. $7010 per ton; straw. 25040c per bole. ip V Potatoes Early Rose, 60065c; Jtlver Bur banks, 2563c; Oregon Burbanks, 4X)cS?l 20 per cental; new potatoes, 7Oc0$L S3.- ., Vegetables Onions, 75c0$Ui$er 'cental, gar lic,. 25J3c; gTeen peas, ,6pc4? per "sack; string beans, 203c;. -dried ofcra.S2c ptt pound; asparagus. .$101 75, per box;, egi pULht, Sfl-lOc per pound, . v .!.. Citrus fruits Oranges, navels. $1 50,fcS; Mexican limes. $404 50; common Callfdrmi lemons. $l250t 50; choice, $1 231 50 V bOX. V" . r Bananas. $1 5O03Ter bunch. , v Butters-Fancy creamery, :.'lSc; jlo seconds, 1701Sc: fancy dairy, 16$4fi7cr do aeeosdi, 15010c per pound. ' ". V r ' " "' Cheese California, new, THSHtf-ker pound; Yoimg America. O09Ujr-EaricTn.-16llc Egg Store, I3gitc: JJxncy rancav. "e; Eastern, 15015c pr fiosen I. . . - Poultry Turkeys, gobblers. lJ12c;rdo hens, 11012c per pound; old ,rooater,.$a 2503 50 per doxen; young roosters,$$6 SdSfcmall brolters, $1 75S2 50; large broilers. "$350! rfryrS, $3 5004 50: hms, j4 50"per dSin"f.a?e,,2g 2 25 per pair. ,. Receipts Flour, quarter sacks! 2772 ; wheat, centals; 1300; barley, centals. '10,310. oatTT cen tals, 270; do Oregon, 1075; com, centals, East ern. 1200T potatoes, sacks, 2700; -bran, socks, COO; middlings, sacks, S20; hay, tons, 401; wool, bales, 355; hides, 221. - EA'STERJf LIVESTOCK. CHICAGbrJune O.-Cottla&ecelpts, 20.000. Steers, generally 510: -tower; sutures', best'.bn sole today, three cario&ds,,$5.75; good to prime Downing, Hopkinsj cSl; Co. Chicago Board of Trade DDAICTDC MvrewYork Stck-Exchange 01x1x121X3 t - Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce ""- BOTH TEliEPHOXES PORTLANDMINING STOCKEXCHANGE t ' Organized Feb. 16, 1900 Directors: President, Tyler Woodward. Tyler Woodward. 1 B. Cox. J. Frank Wat- Vice-Presldent. L. B. Cox... m. P. U Willis. Seneca Smith. Rufus Mol- " ' -Treasurer, J. Frank- Watson. lory. F. L MeKenna, W. H. Grindstaft. Samuel Secre'tarY; P. I. Willis. Connell. " Thl? Exchahge has taken Arid is now fitting up a board room on the ground floor of N6. 126 First street, near the First National Bank, and will occupy the fame as oon as possible. Meanwhile the manager has secured offices In the Commercial Block Building. Room, 406, where he can, be seen, from 9 A M. to 6 P. Id., on matters connected with the Exchange. Applications for listing- stocks and to become members- of the Exchange should be made to the utiderslgned. wh6 will give all necessary information. Applications for xnembernliip must be on a basis of $100 for the flrnt SO accepted, names. The right to In crease the price of membership Is reserved. C. L. PARKER, SInnager. CAPE NOME EXCURSION S. S. NOME (SjX y's: S. GEO; W.ELDER Will $a!l Abput June 130th. Special Round-Tr!pv Excursion Tickets Sold on These Elegant Passenger "Steamers." ;;, S:; DESPATCH:1"-. K Hffl Sajr June FRE!GHT;RESERVATiQN$,NOW BEING. MADE. FOR RATES AKD INFORMATION APPLT Tf ( CALiFORINIA & t, P. .BAUMQARTNER, Agent, 233 Washington St. W. A. Mitchell Si Co.. General Asrenta. San Francisco. Pacific Coast KCape Nome Gold Fields ,'tHE .NEW PALATIAL. STEEL STEAMSHIP ..1 "Sefiatbr" yvll! saTl'fronf Seattle direct June 21," July 21 nnd August 20. '. 7hft"""kehator" 'has a- capacity of 2500 tons. Her second cabin and steerage accommodations are. iuperlbp to the flrst-clasa. accommodations otmnut of the steamers advertised for Kome. The Pacific Coast Steamship Co. has been running: Its. steamers to Alaska winter and wra. mer for 25. years, and la the pioneer Pacific Coaat line. Seattle freight ahd passenger rates ap- ply from Portland. For further' Information Inquire of GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. General Acents. 1 Market. San Francisco, or TTi 'PQ3TOX. Agent. 249 Washihgton Bf.. Portland-. Or. steers. $o5 75: poor to medium, ?4 50S0; se- 0 85 per cwt. Hces Receipts, 34.000. Market generally 2 5o lcntfer: mlxed.-and butchers. ft 055- 20; goad-to choice heavy,"$3 lOffS 20; rough heavy, U95S5 05;'Ugbt-$4 03S5-5; bulk of .sales, $5 J0S5 15, , Sheen-r-Recelpts, 15.000. Market steady;, good Jo. gholep lyethers."' $5S3 50; fair to choice jrjljced., 25- lQj -Western sheep, $i 75??5 40: yearlings, $5 5t?0: native Iambs, $5 ft G 75; "Western lambs, $SQG SO; Spring lambs, $oQS. OMAHA. JtvneC Cattle Receipts. SSOOhead. "Market 54T10C lower; native beef steers, ?4 40 5 35; cows and heifers, $3 704 70; canncrs, J2 2S3 50: s.tocksrs and feeders. $J ,0005 70; cafve's, J3S7; bnft? and stags." 3i 30. Hogs Receipts 10,00a.- Market' shade higher ; heavy. OSiiga OJ; mixed, SI 004 3; light. si 834 oo; DujK or sales. w4 vn. Sneep-Recefrfa. 1200. Market steady; fair cholce'-natlvcs, ?3f 5 60; fair to choice Wet - to ems, ?4 50Q3 10; common and choice sheep, 4'25S-4T)0; lamba, $5 257 10. KANSAS' CITT, June 6. Cattle Receipts. 8000. MarVel steady; Tex;as steers. $3 5CM33; tfpxos -cons. $33 CO; native steers, $3 005 35; native cows -and .heifers. $2 504 00;stockers and feeders, $2 503: bulls, $3 254. .Hogs Receipts, 1S.000. Market 5c lower; hulk of safes, $4 00U5; heavy. $4 oo5 03; packers, M S"5 mixed, $4 834 075S: "Eht, S4 75ff4 D3: Torkers. f 004 05; pigs. $43. Sheep Receipts, 2000. Marttet steady; lambs,. 4 507 50; mUttons. S35 S5. Coffee and Sngar. NEW TORK. June'C Coffee Options closed firm, 2530 points higher: sales. 41.250 bags, In.lfl1nv lnli vl 7 A1 T l.f? Cont.m. Including July at $Z 00; August. $7 03; Septem ber. 5" CO. potVRlo, strong; No. 7, Invoice, Sftc Mild, quiet; Cordova, OlSc Sugar Raw. -stronK; fair refining, 4&c; cen trifugal, 00 test, 4"4c; refined. Arm. , The Metal Market. NETW TORKr ,Jurie a The feeling In the market for metals was generally v.eak, under adverse cable n?ws, an Increase In the produc tion of tin and the continued nrMsiir tn 1I Tin eased oft C070 points: closed weak. S20 50 30. Lake copper, . easy, $10 G2VS. Plg-lron gold ring before the end of 20 years, Bel warrants erased very" weak, with sellers at $15 ad-Iddinar Belshuna and Hatin shall pay for spot and svfzo for October delUcry. Lead uhto Bel-nadln-shumu an Indemnity of 10 was unsettled .but unchanged, at $3 S53 90. mana of silver.' " HUDYAN S3 9. ' Consult Hudyan Doctors Free of Charge. Call or write. Mormon BIshODa' Pills Church ina tuu wuien. rciiu'eiy cutel the-wont cues ia eld and younc irislnr tiost effects of jeiflbcM, dUuptaon. excoses. cr djixttti-tcioUnjr. Curey L4St ManhootJr Ip" sotenoy. Uost Power. Hlchf Losses, Spermatorrnoea Insomnia, Pains rnBaoKiEtll Desirssi fimlnal Emtaslona, Lame acK, Nervous Oe bllityyHeadache.Unfltnssa to Marry, t-ouol rSTFf Semen, Varicocele, r ceasr-lpatlon, stops QulcjcneM ,of Dls- fciT J charja, Stops Ner vous Twltonlnz'of Eyelid. tScts no immedwie. CAifl finpi.ieor tnd poteneyw crerr Cmcuoc nonT iret ocs'jooaent. X ewe b it bind. rXVtM RtituKi iinill. Badcreloped Hf rjn. .Sdaolitss the bnla a4 cerre center. 50c a box; 6 ftr ft 50 br nil. BrtiHH Awricea pwiantte, tocura r aoicy refunded, Kiitooxo. OrcoJir free. Address, Dtshop Remedy Co., San Francisco, Cal. . For BaicTbx. Aldrlch Pharmacy. Sixth and Washington streets, Portland. Or 6, 1900." COAST S. S. CO. Steamship Co. I Spelter ruled easy hut q.uotably Jower. at $4 40 Uji ij. nc uruHcrs price jur icau was 4 iu, and for copper $10 CO16 75. Bar silver, 00c 5AX FRANCISCO. June 6. Bar silver. CO&c LONDON, June C Bar silver, 27d. A Jeweler's Guarantee C000 B. C. Alnslee's JIagazlne. While exploring the.. central part of the northwestern ridge o the ruins of Nip pur we discovered a ro'om (5.5 by 2.75 meters wide) about six meters below the surface. Its celling had collapsed Ions ago; Its side walls, for the greater part, j were In ruins, and the clay floor was cov ered, witn eann ana runDisn irora aouve. A gang of trained AfTej workmen was or dered to remove the- debris that filled the room, when suddenly they noticed numerous clay tablets lying upon the floor. A few hours later the whole room had en ca5"uy eneo anu . cieanca. ; Seven hundred, and thirty tablets were of our fortified camp. After a critical examination of the building Itself, and of the condition, posi tion and contents found therein It be came evident that the excavated room had been once used as a business archive of tho apparently wealthy and influential flrmiof Murashu Sons of Nippur, who lived In the time of Artaxerxes I and Darius II, in whose reigns the documents are dated. These tablets ' are mortgages, notes, legal contracts and agreements of all kinds, and to read them as they have been translated by Professor Hilprecht one Tvould almost believe them to be'the j work of a modern notary. Perhaps the .-..& .. ..I... 1.1 .... J l .l.4 . ... uiiusl rciuuiAituiB recuia.ui iuc iuat wiic translated. It Is a guarantee that at. emerald set in a gold ring will not fall out for 20 years. It reads" as follows: "Bel-ad-Iddina and Belshuna, sons of Bel and Hatin of Bazuzu, spoke unto -Bel-nadin-shumu, son of Murashu, thus: A9 concerns the gold ring set with an emer ald, we guarantee -that for 20 years the emerald will not fall out of the gold- ring, r I' the emerald should fall out of the Makes you robust, hearty, strong, because Hudyan creates healthy nerves. AND INSURES A CORRECT Dis charge of every .bodily function. Then why need you be a vearr,;despairing, sallow, ir ritable, 4nervous beinfivwhen a helping hand extended toward-y6u? HUDYAN is the help, and it is within, your reach. HUD- , .YAN .gives strength, and tone to the nerves and nerve, centers. '1TGDYAN gives a re newed impetus lo the, circulation, and makes pureiieaitny Diooa. uuyaw is tor peo ple;wh6 have lost nerve force and courage, persons wfio'cannot-ileep, persons who have lost confidence in ;themselves. - If you have pains .in shoulders' (Elg. i), pains in arms (Eig. 2), cold hands tig.3) or feet (Fig. 5), sliaky knees and pains in limbs (Fig. 4), pal pitation of heart' (Fig.T6), then take HUD YAN. -HUDYAN-cures. Headaches, dizzy spells, general weak ness, pallor-.-tremblings, dots before eyes, twitching' of facial muscles, sediment, are promptly'reb'eygd and cured by HUDYAN. HUDYtAN cures all organic weaknesses. HUDYAN all druggists 50c a pack age, six packages, $2.50. If your druggist does not keep HUDYAN, send direct to the HUDYAN REMEDY CO., corner Stockton, Ellis and Market streets, San Francisco, Cal. t uEtnza tire tcea In me otct s yem by Uq lctden of the Monaca THE PALATIAL HHM BUlUl ?ot a darlc office In the bnliaintfi hsolntely flreproofj electric Hshtst and arte'aian water; perfect nnlta tloa and thoronsih ventilation. Elc vators rns day and sight. Rooms. ALtmiCH. S. W.. General Contractor .UJld ANPERSOX. GTJSTAV. Attorney-atiLaw...6ll ASSOCIATED J'RESS: E. L. Powell. Mgr..s5 AU5?TEK. F. C Manager for Oregon and Washington Bankers' Life Asoriatlon. of Des iTolnea, Ia .' B02-303 BANKERS LIFE ASSOCIATION. OF UES MOIXES. IA.;F. C. Auster-. iIanager..5C2-503 BEALS. EDWARD A Torccast Official U. 8. Weather Burean v..'.010 BEKJAMIN. R W.. Dentist 314 BIN'SWAXGER. DR. O. S.. Phrs. & Sur.410-41t DROOKE. DR. J. M.. Phys. & Sure 703-709 BROWX. MTRA. M. X) 313-314 BRUERD. DR. G. E.. Physician 412-413-11 BUSTEED. RICHARD. A rent Wilson & Mc- Cal!a Tobacco Co. . 002-60 CAUKIX G. E.. District Agent Travelers' Insurance Oo. . ,..T18 CARDWELL. DR. J. R , 508 CARROLL. W. T.. Special Agent Mutual Reservo Fund Life Ass'n..............604 COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPAXT ....v. ... C04-C05-COC-e07-G13-614-C13 CORXELIUS. C. W.. Phys. and Sureeon....20l COVER. F. C.. Cashier Equitable Life 30 COLLIER. P. F.. Publisher; S. P. McGulr. 'Manager 415-418 TJAY. J. c: &. I. JT 31S DAVI3, JfAPOLEOM. President Columbia Telephone Co. .607 DICKSON. PR. J. F.. Physician, Ti3-H DRAKE. DR. H. B.. Physician 512-513-014 PWTER. JOE. F.. Tcbaccos 403 EDITORIAL ROOMS Eighth door EQUITABLE LIFE-ASSURANCE SOCIETY. : L. Samuel. Manager: F C Cover. Cashler.SCfl EVENING TELEGRAM 325 Alder jfntt FENTON. J. D..Phylclan ard Surgeon. 500-318 FENTON. DR. HICICS C Eye and Ear 511 FENTOX. MATTHEW F.. Dentist CC FIDELITT MUTUAL LIFE AS5SCCIATION: E. C Stark. Manager. .. 601 GALVANI. W. H.. Engineer and Draughts man .......,ooe GAVIN. A.. President Oregon Camera Clubi 214-213-21C-217 GEART. PR. EDWARD P.. Physician and Surgn 212-213 GEBBIE PUB- CO.. Ltd.. Fine Art Publish ers; M. CT McGruvy. Mgr ..SIS GIESY. A. J.. Phyalcl3n and Surgeon... 709-710 GODDARD, E. C &. CO.. Footwear v.. ..Ground floor. 120 Sixth street GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhattan Xlfe. Insurance Co. of New Tork....j. 209-210 GRANT, FHA"SK S-. Attornev-at-Law...,.en HAMMAM BATHS. King & Ccmptoa. Prop309 HAMMOND. A. B. .518 HEIDINGER. GEO. A. & CO.. Pianos and Organs ..v.. .... .....131 Sixth street HOLLISTER. DR. O. a. Phys. & Sur. .304-503 IDLEMAN. C. M.. Attorney-at-Law.. 416-17-13 JOHNSON. W. C. 315-31C-311 KADY. MARK T.. Supervisor ot AgcnU Mutual Reserve JCund'ldfo Ass'n j04-603 LAMONT. JOHN. Vice-President and Gen- eral Manager Columbia Telephone Co 804 LITTLEFIELD;JT, R-, Phys. andurgeon..204 MACRUM. W. 3.. See, Oregon Camera Club.214 MACKAY. DR. A. H.. Phys- and Surg. .711-713 IfAXWELL. TAL W. E.. Phys. & SUrg. .701-2-3 McCOY. NEWTON. Attomey-nfLaw 713 McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer...20l McGINN. HENRY E.. Attorney-at-Law.3ll-3)3 McKELL, T. JU Manufacturer Representa tlve .....;.... 303 METT. HENRY .'... ,... 213 MILLER. DR. HDR"BEIlT d." Dentist and Oral Surgeon",,. ..:.. ...... v 60S-G09 MOSSMAN, DHE.VP.. Dentist 312-313-314 MANHATTAN O-lFE; 1NSURNCE CO.. of New York; W. Qolilman.. Manager.. ..209-210 MUTUAL RESER'E FUND LIFE ASS'N; Mark T. Kady. Supervisor of Agents.. CO4-C03 Mcelroy, dr. j. a., lysl. & sur.701-702-703 McFARLAND. E. B., '-Secretary Columbia Telephone Co .....008 McGUIRE. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier, Publisher , 413-419 MeKIM. MAURICE. Attorney-at-Law .508 MILLER & ROWE. Real Estate, Timber and Farming Lands a Specialty.......... .709 MUTUAL L1FETINCURANCE CO.. of New Yprk; Wm. 5t Pond. State Mgr.. 404-405408 NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Attorney-at-Low.715 NILES, M. L., Cashier Manhattan Life In surance Co.. ol New York 20 OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY J Dr. L. B Smith. Osteopath ..40S-409 OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-213-216,217 POND, WM. S.. Stale Manager Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York 404-405408 PORTLAND PRESS CLUB ...i'9?...00t PORTLAND EYE AN DEAR INPTlfinvRJp. Ground floor. 133 SIrtn street PORTLAND MINING & TRUST CO.; J." H. Marshall. Manager t.j...513 QUIMBY. L. P. W.. Game and Forestry Warden 71C717 ROSENDALE. O. M.. Metallurgist and Min ing Engineer ' .013-510. REED & MALCOLM. Opticians. 133 Slxat Btreat REED. F. C.. Fish Commissioner.. . ....... 40f 1VYAN. J. B- Attorney-atTLaw ... ,.,41T SAMUEL. L-, Manager Equitable Life 30d SHERWOOD. J. W., Deputy Supreme Com manded. K. O. T. M ..317 SMITH. Dr. L. B.. Osteopath 403-409 SONS OF THEAMERICAN REVOLUTION.BOO STARK. E. CX. Executive Special. Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Phlla.. Pa....?60I STUART." DELL. Attorney-at-L?w 017-018 STOLTE. X)R. CHAS. E Dentist 704-703 SURGEON OF-THE S. P. RY. AND N. P. TERMINAL CO - .;.. .708 STR.OWBRIDGE. THOS. H.. Executive Spe cial Agent Mutual Life, of New York..... 408 SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE 2l5l TUCKER. DR. GEO. F-. Dentist 010-611 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU D07-00S-009-91 U. S. LIGHTHOUSE ENGINEERS. 13TH. . DIST.. Captain W. C Langfltt. Corps -ot Engineers. U. S. A. ......608 U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS. Captain W. C Langfltt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A..SI9 WATERMAN. C H.. Cashier Mutual Life of New York 4CS retary Natlv Daughters 716-717 WHITE. MISS L. E., Assistant Secretary Oregon Camera Club 21t WrLaON.DR. EDWARD N., Phys. & Sur.3W-3 WILSON. Dlt GEO. F., Phys. Ss Surg.7KV-707 WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Phys. & Surs.C07-3e3 WILSON i McCALLAY TOBACCO CO.; " Richard Buste-d. Agent 602-503 WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physician ..412-413t4H WILLAMETTE VALLEY TELEPH- CQ..613 A Xctt more elesrnnt offlces may "ba had ly Bilylns to Portland TTHst Company- of Orejson. 109 Tliird st.. o to the rent cleric In the building MENS Cure No Pay THE MODERN APPLIANCE . posltlva way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM TREATMENT CURES you without m&dlclnti o? all nervous or diseases of tho generative or gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains, varicocele, impotency. etc. Men are quick!) m stored to perfect health and strength. for circulars. Correspondence confldentt.l. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO . room 47r.i ISafa Deposit building, Seattle. Waab. f'