Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 07, 1900, Image 1

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    VOL. XL.-NO. 12,319.
Goodyear Rubber Company
R. H. PEASE, PrecMent; T. 2. SHEPARD, JR., Tavrareri J. JL SHEPARD, ScrrT.
73 and 75 First Street, Portland Oreen.
BIumauer -
fifth and Washington Streets , . PORTLAND. OREGON
Ftrst-CIasiB Check ReitnnraBt
Connected With Hotel.
Red, Whtte and
Blue Star
Its purity and high standard will be maintained, because tho
handlers have an enviable reputation which they mean to sus
tain. s SfSSSS. . BLUMAUER & HOCH no fourth st.
r.DAVIES. Prcs.
St. Charles Hotel
American and European Plan.
China, Crockery, Glassware
Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Supplies a specialty.
Genuine leather or whipcord
trimmings, full-length carpet,
solid foot dash, long-running
axles, quick-change couplings,
fitted with the best solid-rubber
tire, for
New line of Lew-Wheel Bike Wagons.
Pneumatic Runabouts, Surreys and Traps.
Reduced Prices on Solid Rubber Tires.
Notice to the Public: .
The reports that the New York Dental
Parlors will open a branch ofllcc In Me
Mlnnvllle or any other small town In this
lclnltv or state are hereby denounced as
false, for we will not open branch office
neither will we send any of our men to
do sork there.
But Will Continue to Run
Our Office In Portland
as usual and will reward any one who
will aid In the conviction of those clalip
lne to represent us.
Our branch offices ars located In San
Francisco and Seattle only. Thanking
all for the liberal vstronace that we have
received, I am, respectfully.
. A. C. F ROOM, Manager.
The Flrut Step Taken to Organise
PHILADELPHIA, June fc. The first
steps looking to the organisation of a Na
tional negro party have been token In this
city. Prominent negroes bishops, minis
ters, editors and lawyers at a meeting
decided to place a Presidential ticket In
the field with negro candidates. The. plan
Is to organize the party in every state In
the Union, and nominate candidates for
state and Congressional offices.
An executle committee has beer ap
pointed to draw up a call for a convention
and distribute circulars outlining the rea
sons for the formation of a National
negro party.
Colombian Rebel Victorious.
CARACAS. June C. A dispatch from
Cucuta, department of Santander. Ven
ezuela, says that after 13 days of fignt
Ing. the Colombian revolutionists have
routed the Government forces near Bur
acamanga, capturing a number of prison
ers, includinc General Pcnasolan.
Frank Drug. Co.wDiSit.
Rooms Single 75c to 5L50 per day
Rooms Double $1-00 to 52.00 per day
Rooms Family $1.50 to $3.00 per day
C T. BELCHER. Sec and Treas.
American plan...,
European plan....
..51.25. X1.B0. JL75
... 50c. 75c. $1.00
320 TO 335
3 -
,-. t
A Barbecae aad. Carnival ofSnert
Wer on the Programme.
I COLUMBUS, O.. June n. Promptly at 1
, o clock Admiral Deweys special train ar
rived at the Union station over the Baltl
( more & Ohio road, and as he and his party
j were escorted from the cars by the special
i committee, which met Irim fc Newark, an
Admiral's salute of 17 guns boomed out.
The station was filled with a solid mas
of cheering humanity, all eyes eager for
i a glimpse of the hero of Manila. Bay, A
way was quickly cleared, and the party
escorted to carriages. Headed by a pla
toon of police, the Junior Hussars, mount
ed, acted as a guard of honor to the Chit
tenden Hotel, where quarters -had been re
served for the visitors.
' At noon occurred the barbecue and car
nival of sports, and the latter was In prog
ress when Admiral Dewey arrived at tho
. driving park. After an ,hour here, the
.Admiral was taken to his hotel, stopping
i at the deaf and dumb institution, where
a special programme had been prepared.
fA i&2?i
Eastern Press Comment on
Monday's Election.
Indorsement of the Geld Standard
People Are for ExpaBvioa and
"WASHINGTON, Juno 6. The great vic
tory in Oregon attracts, attention in tho
East. The papers comment upon It at
length. Here are portions of eome of
tho editorials:
Sryan'M Inflnenee Gone.
New York Tribune The sweeping gold
standard, expansion victory In Oregon la
one to give the Bryan managers pause.
It does not promise well for the success
oZ their favorita battle-cries. It rather
shows that the people, over whom Bryan
ism had great Influence four years ago,
have lost faith In the nostrums of the
Chicago platform. One of the Issues which
played a prominent part In the campaign
was expansion, and the emphatic indorse
ment of the Republican policy of dealing
with our new possessions foretells tho
disappointment of those who are look
ing" for a great reaction at the call of Mr.
Bryan, and a demand from the American
people that wo give up tho task forced
upon us by the results of the Spanish
"War. .Tho Northwest certainly will not
respond to the appeals of the arrtl-expan-slonlsU.
The Republicans boldly made
their campaign for the gold standard.
When In the old strongholds of silver the
gold party can win such victory, it Is not
to bo believed that people In the East,
who have all along been firm In their de
votion to sound business principles and
Insisted upon holding them, will be less
responsive to that Issue. If Oregon can
be carried for gold, there ought to be no
shadow of a chance of Bryan making
headway in any Eastern State. N
Iloaeit Money nd Expansion.
New York BunOregon is tho second
Important state to express Itself on the
Presidential campaign of 1900, and It de
clares for the Republican policy of hon
est money and expansion. Bryan opened
tho Oregon campaign in person, so ho
cannot separate tho, result from his own
individual prospects. This Spring the loud
end bitter Democratic anti-Imperialist
howl over tho Porto Rico tariff did not
materially diminish tho Republican ma
jority In Rhode Island. In Oregon It Is
the same, and throughout the entire
country". The United States, having em
barked upon tho greatest venture of Its
career, the removal of the Spanish .power
from the American Continent and the" ex.
pansteh of American Influence Into tho
Pacific, will not vote Its stupendous
success l failure at the bidding of mal
contents or In response to the complaints
of a political opposition to the party In
control of the Government. Only Repub
licans, lazy Republicans, can beat the Re
publican party In the election of this
"We "Will Hold the Philippines.
Philadelphia Pre&s This Is the verdict
of the first state on the Pacific Coast
to vote on the question of expansion. The
issue was made as direct and clear as it
was possible to make It. The Republican
platform declared In emphatic terms for
tho retention of the Philippine Islands,
and the Republican campaign was con
ducted mainly on this issue. The Port
land Oregonlan, the leading Republican
newspaper of the state, declared that the
voters of Oregon could not escape the
responsibility of declaring or or against
expansion; that a Democratic victory
would bo Interpreted as favorable to a
surrender of the Philippines, and that a
Ttepubltcan victory would bo Interpreted
as favorable to their retention. This as
pect of the election was made prominent
all through the campaign, and -with this
lwue colore them the voters decided In
favor of the Republican party. The re
sult of the first contested state election
of the year is an expanolon victory. Its
emphasis will not fall to Impress the coun
try. It shows that the policy of the Na
tional Admln'stratlon will receive a?
hearty Indorsement on the Pacific Coast In
November as It will In tho rest of the
Xo Hope for Faslon.
"Washington Post Well, fusion fared In
Oregon about as well as it will in No
vember, also.
Bryantsm Repudiated.
Baltimore American Orejon has fired
the first gun of the campaign. Bryanlsm
was as likely to appeal to the people of
Oregon as to the people of any other
"Western State, hut they have repudiated
it by a majority four times at large as
that given, for McKJnley In 1896. The Ore
gonlans arc not only satisfied with things
as they are, but refuse to have anything
to do with eraplrlckm in politics or gov
ernment. It Is easy to Imagine majorities
and figure out success when there Is noth
ing to Indicate the 'popular drift. In the
face of an election like that In Oregon,
such figures become unprofitable and
For a Republican Congress.
New York Commercial Advertiser The
first election of the Presidential year has
i been held In Oregon. The canvass was
j made as to tho members of Congress on
j the expansion issue, and all parties but
i the Prohibitionists were united against the
j Republicans. These have carried the state
! by pluralities of front 3000 to lO.OM. It Is
t significant that the largest pluralities are
1 for candidates for Congress; that Is, lor
the policy of expansion This- Is nowhere
-more popular than on the Pacific Coast.
Another noticeable thing la that there is
no sign of loss of votes by the Porto
j Rlcan episode In legislation. Public opin
ion in Oregon was sold to be so extra
strongly excited on this subject that Re
l publicans were prepared to leave the
party In droves because they could not
j have absolute free trade with all Ameri
can Islands. This home sentiment coerced
every member of Congress from Oregon,
but one, to vote against the Porto Rlcan
bill, as It finally passed. The curious fact
Is that this one runs far ahead cf his
ticket in this election. The Oregon Re
publicans, like tho In other states, have
forgotten all'ahout Pcrte Rico. CThe fact
Is otherwise. Both Moody and Tongue
voted for the bill. Ed. Ortgonlan.)
Defeat of the Agnlnaldlsts.
New York Mall and Express Carl
Scours' overwhelming majority of anti
Imperialisms among our voters failed to
materialize at the election In Oregon yes
terday, for what may truly be called a
humming majority for all that Mr. Scbura
abhors was polled, and the state was
firmly Intrenched; In the Republican col
umn. It Is a distinct and emphatic tri
umph for the National Administration, fot
the campaign was made solely on Na
tional topics, except In the local mayor
alty contest In the City of Portland. The
Agulnaldoists bad their orators out
among the people, and tons of their lit
erature were circulated from Boston head
quarters. It cannot be said, therefore,
that voters were not roused to the Imperi
alist tendencies of the President's poli
cies. They were. They understood the
matter thoroughly, and fhey have given
their verdict with an emphasis that shouli.
leave no doubt In any reasonable mind of
the attitude of the people toward the Ad
ministration. The gentleman In the White
House niay well be congratulated on the
success he has had In keeping the people
with him In all that he has done.
Oreson Not a Doubtful State.
hlladelphla Inquirer Oregon has been
considered debatable, but she is debata
ble no longer. She will cast her vote fot
William McKlnley. It has been a hot
campaign, and the Administration has
been supported on the one side and as
sailed qn the other. The people have de
cided, and they have given a magnificent
majority1 to the Administration. Oregon
has pronounced for the gold standard and
for the retention of the Philippines, and
has repudiated every principle for which
Mr. Bryan stands. It is a great victory
and a splendid one, asd It wllhglve cour
age to the National Republican Conven-'
tlon to stand by Its guns In every par
Terrible Condition of March's Men
Atfalnaldo May He Alive.
MANILA, June 6. A dispatch from Can
don, dated June 4, says Major P. C
March's men of tho Thirty-third Regiment
returned to Condon that day by steamer
from AparrL The majority ot the men
were rady for the hospital. They are
thin and weak, having traveled 250 miles
In the mountains, during which they suf
fered greatly from hunger. Of the 00
horses' which started with the battalion 13
survived. The remainder died on the
march or fell Into the canyons. The bat
talion practically collapsed at Plal, SO
miles fr6m Tuguearao, a3 the result 'of
fevers 'and exhaustion. Eighty-seven of
tho men were conveyed from Plal to Tu
guearao In bullcarts, and those who fell
by the way were carried on litters. The
officers accompanying Major March were
Captains Henry L. Jenklr.son and. Edward
Davis; Lieutenants Carroll Power and
Frank L. Case and Dr. John .O. Green
wall, assistant surgeon.
They say It Is all guesswork as. to
whether Agulnaldo was shot. Before the
-Americans struck" "Sagat, Jtjj Insurgent
cniei aiviaea rus xorces imoparties oi iu.
following different trails- -The report
among the natives Is that Agulnaldo woa
wounded In the shoulder.
Papers show that nearly all the presl.
dents Installed by the .Americans In Gen
eral Young's territory are treacherous,
and have been making regular reports to
Agulnaldo "as to the disposition end move
ments of American troops, and they have
been collecting and forwarding taxes. The
captured papers also prove the disloyalty
of the native telegraph operators, whom
the Americans retained on the Cayagan
Valley line. When Tirona surrendered the
Filipino forces In that section these t op
erators professed loyalty and took 'the
oath of allegiance, but It Is now shown
that they have been eendlng Agulnaldo
copies ot Important telegrams exchanged
between the American officials. Letters
were also found relating to large contribu
tions forwarded to Agulnaldo from Span
ish and other foreign business men.
General Greene's Annirer to Agrni
nnldo'n "True Version."
WASHINGTON, June 6. The President
sent to the Senate the replj- to the state
ments made by Agulnaldo, In his "True
Version of the Philippine Revolution."
In that statement Agtnnaldo says among
other things that the Spaniards had. cap
tured six guns from the .-vmerican soldiers
In front of Manila before the surrender of
that city to the American forces, and that
they were recaptured by the Filipinos and
returned to the Americans. This state
ment was referred to in the Senate, which,
the correspondence furnished today shows,
caused Secretary Root to refer it to Gen
eral F. V. Greene, who was In charge of
the American troops with the request for
an explanation. General Greene referred
to Agulnaldo's statement to the Battalion
and Battery Commanders, who were en
gaged against the Spaniards at the time
referred to, and he forwarded their replies
in refutation of the cnarge. General
Greene himself says:
"The statements made by Agulnaldo are
absolutely without foundation; each and
every one of them Is untrue: tho United
States did not fall back; did notj abandon
a single rifle or a single field gun; did
not make a precipitate retreat; the Fili
pinos did not rush to our assistance; did
not recapture the rifles and field guns and
did not return them to the Americans.
The Filipinos took no part In the engage
ments between the Spaniards and, Ameri
can troops'. Every single statement In
the extract quoted In your letter-Is false."
Three Block: of Stores;
at Sasanvllle.
RENO, Nev., June $. A special 'ta the
Gazette from Susamille, Cal.. says:
Fire started at Stark's blacksmith shop,
on the south side of Main street, between,
Lassen and Roop streets, cleaning jOUtV
three blocks, except the brick styire of
Nathan & Schmidt, aad the stone store of
Alexander & Knoch. It was discovered
at 3:15 this morning, but had such a start
that It spread with great rapidity. The
water supply Is good, but no hose or other
facilities for fighting fire are to-be had.
The business houses destroyed Included
C E. Emerson's harware store, Mrs.
Bangman. millinery; T. A. ifassey's "bi
cycle shop. C. W. Barreck's Ice cream
parlors, E. Frobel's harness shop, the Cot
tage Hotel, M. Asher & Bros.' merchandise
store, W. E. Wlldman's saloon, John C
Cohn's store, Alexander & Knoch, two
warehouses: Mrs. Smith's large hotel, F.
Morgan's paint shop, Lassen Mall printing
office and Mrs. Hyer's boarding-house.
Several dwellings, the Methodist Church
and other buildings were lost. Forty
buildings were burned. The loss cannot
be estimated at present. '
An Offer to Ito.
YOKOHAMA, June 6. The Liberals
have asked Marquis Ito to accept the
leadership of the party, with a view to a.
new coalition. Tb6 situation is deadlocked
pending a reply from, the Marqulj.
Deadlock In Congress Pre
vented House Adjourning.
Conferees in Disgrace Lenta of Ohio
Bloolccd All Lesi'latlon-tRecesa
Until This Moraine.
WASHINGTON, June 6. When the
House tonight, nt 10:30, took a recess until
10 A. M. tomorrow, the two chambers of
the National Legislature, with heads
down and horns locked, were in a desper
ate struggle over the item In the Naval
l i . sSKZ3F3S
i.y v;, .s
appropriation bill relating to ocean sur
veys. The final adjournment of Congress
Is postponed until It Is over.
The proceedings In the House during the
day were 'tame and without dramatic Incident-
This, wa nrydueto the fact
t tha the firm position taken by the House
on the armor-plate provision, transferred
tho fight to the floor of the Senate, and t&
the obstinate refusal of Lentz, an Ohio
Democrat, to permit any unanlnious con
sent legislation until the Republican lead
ers agreed to allow tne testimony in the
Coeur d'Alene investigation to be printed.
Lentz held the House by the throat all
day, .and except for privileged matters,
things legislative were practically at a,
But tonight there was enough excite
ment to compensate or the dullness of
the day session. The House got Its dan
der up over the failure of its conferees
to abide by their Instructions on the ocean
survey Item, and after an exceedingly sen
sational debate. In which Cannon, tho
chairman of the appropriations commit
tee, made some startling disclosures as to
the manner In which Commander Toda,
the hydrographer of the Navy, had waged
his campaign against the stand taken "Sy
the House In favor of the Coast and
Geodetic Survey doing ocean survey
work, the House rejected the conference
report by an overwhelming majority, and
the Speaker took the almost unprecedented
course of appointing new conferees on the
part of the House who are not members ot
the naval committee.
The debate was1 one of the bitterest and
most heated of the setsfon. Cannon, in
the excitement of the moment, took oft his
collar and necktie, and, with sleeves rolled
up, aroused the House to a tremendous
pitch of enthusiasm as he dealt the con
ferees sledge-hammer blows. The gal
leries, crowded to the doors, cheered the
picturesque fight of the grizzled old vet
eran until the fretted celling rang.
The conferees defended their course as
best they could, and Fosa, acting chair
man of .the committee, resented with bit
ter language the charge that he had be
trayed the House. Hot words were ban
died back and forth, but the House was
In on ugly mood, and was resolved to
fight the Senate to a finish. The ap
pointment as conferees of Cannon, Moody
and Shafroth, all of whom are in sym
pathy with the House's position, assures
no surrender on their part until the House
Itself shall direct them to yield.
The Day In Detail.
A handful of members were on hand
when the House reassembled at 8 o'clock
this morning. The conference report on
the general deficiency bill, showing com
plete agreement, was presented and agreed
A joint resolution expressing gratifica
tion over'lhe unveiling of the La Fayette
statue at Paris was agreed to.
Cannon (Rep. III.) submitted the confer
ence report on the sundry civil bill, show
ing" an Item covering the claims of Nevada
to be the. only one in dispute. Among
the Important ltems.struck out were those
for5 a memorial bridge across the Potomac
River and a lighthouse vessel for the Pa
cific Coast; for a branch soldiers' home In
Idaho; legation buildings in Corea and
Slam; a statue of Rochambeau.
.Ampng Important items retained were
thdse placjng, under the supervision of the
Secretary of the Treasury the execution
of the Chltiese exclusion and immigration
laws; gauging the water supply of certain
streams. 4100,000; providing plans for the
enlargement of the White House, and the
develoment of the surrounding grounds;
appropriating $25,000 for the south pass of
the Mississippi River; providing for the
settlement of Spanish War claims arising
fronj military use and occupation.
Th.e'MlssIssippI, Missouri and Columbia
Rivers Items were retained, the Mississippi
Item for the, lower river belngr reduced to
$2,250,000, , The provision for state claims
was compromised by an amendment that
certain Federal claims against these states
would not be prosecuted. The forest
reserve provision was amended so that lieu
land selections shall hereafter be made
from surveyed lands.
Cannon explained that the Senate had
added about $5,000,000 to the original $61.
O0Q,000 of this bll, and thai by this report
the Senate yielded about $1,000,000 and the
House $4,000,000. Considerable debate fol
lowed on the. various items. The report
was agreed to, and on the one Item still
open, appropriating $462,000tfor the claims
or -Nevada, Newlands (Sll. Nev.) moved
that the House, concur with the Senate
This brought on a. sharp debate on state
claims. Moody (Rep. Mass.) urged that
the payment of the Nevada claim would
set a precedent for other like claims, ag
gregating about 55.O0O.OWJ. The claim was
for extra pay given to Nevada's soldiers
during the Civil War. California, if this
claim were paid, would have a valid claim
for 54,000.000. and Oregon for nearly 5500,000.
Newland's motion to concur in the Senate
amendment was lost. The House further
Insisted on the amendment, and the bill
was sent back to conference.
As the day "wore on there were some
amusing Incidents. Greene (Rep. Mass.)
asked unanimous consent to consider a bill
to establish a "lobster hatchery" in Maine.
The mention of the object of the bill cre
ated much merriment.
"Until we have the Coeur d'Alene testi
mony printed," observed Lentz (Dem. O.),
"we will have to deprive ourselves of lob
sters. I object."
After a brief noon recess 100 or more
members with private bills were hustling
for recognition, but Lentz had declared
that he would object to unanimous consent
for anything until an 7rder was made to
permit the printing of, the Coeur d'Alene
testimony. All members were referred to
him, but none could persuade him to yield.
He took the position that bis personal
rights were being Invaded by the refusal
of the majority to allow the printing ofr
this testimony. Figuratively, he had the
House by the throat Letttz finally with
drew his objection at?alns several Bills
of minor importance, including a Senate
bill to preserve tho., rights of women who
might marry after 'taking up homesteads
under the homestead-law.
The resignation of Mr. MacPherson, of
Iowa, who has been appointed United
gtates District Judge, was- laid before
the "House.
Dolllver (Rep. la.) asked unanimous con
sent to consider a bill to incorporate the
I Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Pyth
ias. "Inasmuch as I am a member of
the order," said Lentz, "and inasmuch
as it has lodges in the Coeur d'Alene dis
trict. I will not object." (Laughter.) The
bill was passed.
At 4 o'clock, Foss (Rep. 111.) called the
attention of the House to the fact that
tho Senate, after a protracted struggle,
had practically agreed to the House pro
vision relative to armor-plate. The only
change was a change of verbiage, mak
ing It mandatory upon the Secretary of
the Navy to erect an armor-plate factory
In case he cannot contract for armor
plate at a "reasonable and equitable"
Kltchln (Dem. N, C-) assailed the prop
osition to give the Secretary of the Navy
carte blanche to pay what price he pleased
for armor-plate, but a motion by Foss
to concur m the Senate amendment pre
vailed. 154 to 06. The bill was then sent
back to conference.
- The House took a recess until 8 P.M.
Warm Evening Session.
When the House reconvened at 8 o'clock.
Cannon, chairman of the appropriations
committee, attempted to make a state
ment relative to the appropriations for
this Congress, but Lentz Interposed an
objection. He was obdurate, as he had
been all day, refusing his consent unless
tho Coeur d'Alene testimony was ordered
Cannon frankly stated that his purpose
was to make the usual statement for the
benefit of the country and the House. If
the" objection was Insisted upon, he would
print it in the Record. Despite the ap
peals of some of his Democratic asso
ciates. Lentz refused to relent, and Can
non desisted.
A resolution to print 10,000 copies of the
report of the committee on agriculture on
the Grout bill was put through over
Lentz" head, amid much merriment The
Speaker completely Ignored Lentz.
At 8:30 P. M. Foss presented the final
report on the naval appropriation bllL
A compromise had been effected on the
provision relative to ocean surveys, which
appropriated $50,000 for hydrograpblc sur
veys while the House receded from Its
provision abolishing the two years' sea
course for naval cadets, but secured an
amendment to the present law to permit
an appointment from each Congressional
district every four years. Foas said the
Senatt conferees had absolutely Insisted
upon the provision relative to ocean sur
veys. Cannon, who had led the fight against
ocean surveys under the direction of the
Navy Department, was not satisfied with
the agreement reached by the conferees.
He-declared that It was reached in the
teeth of the specific instructions of the
Moody (Rep. Mass ) vigorously demand
ed that the report should be rejected. The
question at Issue, he said, was whether
a "coterie of naval officers" or the House
was supreme. "Shall we," he asked In
dignantly, "get down on our knees to
these bureau officers because our confer
ees have proved unfaithful to their trust?
We should teach them the lesson they
deserve." (Applause.).
Cannon told how members had been
bombarded by letters and telegrams in
the interest of this work. He had sus
pected they were prompted from the Navy
Department and had called on the Sec
retary for letters sent out from there on
the question. The Secretary had replied
that there was nothing.
"I knew that letter was a falsehood in
substance." continued Cannon. "That 13
(Concluded on Second PagoA
MORE THAN 10,000
Oregon's Plurality for theRf
publlcan Judge.
And These Flg-ares Are Shown ,
Retarns That Are Still Far From
Complete In the State.
Few of the counties have- mode full re
turns of the votes cast at Monday's elec
tion. The official canvass has. been mada
in most of these, and the result -confirms
the reports previously given out. The
state gives a great Republican victory
The story, as It appears from the reports
at hand, is told In the following:
For Judge of the Supreme Court
Wolverton. Rep 30.774
Greene, Dem ,20,7Q$
Plurality for Wolverton 10,163,
For Dairy and Food Commissioner
Bailey, Rep a,8SS
Schulmerich, Fus 15.3
Plurality for Bailey 6.03
Tongue's plurality in the First Congres
sional District is. according to the incom
plete returns, 2947, and Moody's in tho
Second, 8405. The Legislature Is Republi
can on joint ballot by a majority of 24.
Clackamas ...
Columbia ...
Douglas ... ..
Gilliam ,
Grant ,
Harney .. ..,
Josephine ....
Malheur. ....
Multnomah .
Tillamook ...
Umatilla ...
1 722
Wallowa ....
WKeeler ..v.
Republican Majority on Joint Ballot
"Will Be Tvrenrr-fonr.
The next Oregon Legislature will have
24 Republican majority. Later returns
make a. few changes in the list as pub
lished yesterday morning. One Fuslonlst
was elected in Clackamas County, and a
Republican In Harney and! Malheur. W.
L. Wells, Rep., appears to have been de
feated for Joint Representative for Polk
and Lincoln, and L M. Simpson, Fusion,
elected. B. F. Allen, Fus., won In Clat
sop County. Elmer B. Mallory Is the sec
ond Republican elected in Multnomah.
The standing of the Legislature will be:
Rep. or Cit.
Senate ............ ............. 20 10
House .......... 87 23
Joint ballot ET 33
Republican majority 24
The final returns will doubtless make
no changes in this list.
Baker and Malheur Wm. Smith, Fusl
Benton and Lincoln John D. Daly,
Clackamas 'George C Brownell, Rep.
Clackamas and Marlon L. L. Porter,
Clatsop Chas. W. Fulton, Rep.
Coos and Curry T. M. DImmick, Rep.
Crook. Klamath, Lake and Wosco-J. N.
Williamson, Rep.
Douglas D. C. Marsters. Rep. -
Douglas, Lane and Josephine R. A.
Booth, Rep.
Jackson Theodor Cameron, Rep.
Linn J. Clem, Fus.; P. R. Kelly, Rep.
Lone W. Kuykendall. Rep.
Marlon L. J. Adams, Rep.; N. H.
Looney, Rep.
Morrow, Grant and1 Harney J. W. Mor
row, Dem.
Multnomah R. D. Inman, Cit; S. E.
Joseph!, Rep; J. B. Hunt, Cit; F. P.
Mays, at; A. C. Smith, Cit
Multnomah, Columbia and Washington
Alex. Sweek, Cit.
Polk B. F. Mulkey, Rep.
Union and! Wallowa Justus Wade, Fus.
Wasco T. H. Johnston, Rep.
Washington W. H. Wehrung, Fus.
Wheeler, Gilliam. Grant, Sherman and"
Wasco W. W. Steiwer, Rep.
Umatilla "George W. Proebstel, Rep.
Yamhill W. A. Howe, Rep.
Yamhill, Tillamook and Lincoln W. Ty
ler Smith. Rep.
Elected in 1S98.
Baker W. E. Grace, Dem.
. Benton R. J. Nichols, Rep.
" Clackamas-J. L. Kruse, Rep; John Tal
bert. Rep; Gilbert Hedges, Fus.
Clatsop John Hahn, Fus; B. F. Allen,
Columbia Norman Merrill, Rep
Coos A. H. Black, Rep.
Curry and Coos R. D. Hume, Rep.
Douglas C. Ross King. Rep; A. R. Mat
toon, Rep.
Gilliam, Grant, Sherman, Wasco and
Wheeler George Miller, Rep; G. H. Cat
tanach. Rep; George A- Barrett. Rep.
Harney and Malheur I. S. Geer. Rep.
Jackson W. A. Carter, Rep; M. Stew
art. Rep.
Jackson and Douglas E. D. Briggs, Rep.
Josepftlpe George W. Colvlg, Rep.
Klamath. Lake, Crook and Wasco R
A. Emmett, Rep; A. D. Roberts, Rep; H..
McGreer. Rep.
Lane L. T. Harris, Rep; James Hem
enway, Rep; Ivan McQueen, Rep.
Linn C. B. Montague, Fus; W. H. In
gram. Fus: Mark Peery, Fus.
Lincoln and Polk I. M. Simpson, Fus.
Marlon Henry Keene. Rep; J. M. Poor
man, Rep: C. D. Hartman. Rep; J. N.
Smith. Rep; L. L. Pearce, Rep.
Multnomah John Drlscoll. CH; K. A.
HItkemper. Cit; George W. Holcomb, Cit;
C. W. Nottingham, Cit; Otto Schumann,
Cit; J. J. Shipley, CItr H. A. Smith. Cit;
M. E. Thompson. Cit; D. M. Watson, Cit;
(Concluded on Fifth Face.)