Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 06, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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    ,wed5e.da . imHoZ. IPOO, .
There was considerable business In the
wholesate district yesterday the country
trade being exceptionally good- Becelpts
of fruit and produce -were quite liberal,
and in some lines a slight weakening ls
noticeable. Poultry Is dragging this week,
and there Is an easier demand for pork
and veaL The egg market Is a shade
steadier, and butter Is cleaning up well
at quotations. The strawberry market has
about struck bottom, and prices yesterday
were around 3c- and 4c per pound for best
etock on the streets, with good shipping
berries occasionally selling a fraction
higher. Potatoes continue firm for good
stock, but receipt are Increasing again.
The grain ma'rkets are dull, but there Is
some activity in wool.
Bank Clearings.
Exchanges. Balances.
i-ortland .S5S7.1 X Kt3
jacoma, ..!...; .212.718 2,K3t
ocumo .,..., -k,d,303 123,333
Spokane.. ? 203.1S 20.95X
Grain, Flear, Etc.
Sales of Wolla Walla" wheat were re
ported here yesterday at 51c for No. 1.
At the same time 52c was offered by buy
ers for future delivery. At neither figure
lias very much wheat been dislodged, and
from present Indications the market will
drift without very much doing at any
price. The holiday Is still on In Europe,
and the Eastern markets are steady.
Freights are firm, with no new business
Wheat Quotations nominal; "Walla Walla,
52c; Valley. 51c; bluestem, 3354c per bushel.
Flour Beat grades, $2 K3; graham, $2 50;
superfine. $2 10 per barrel.
Oats White. 3530c; cray. 32333c; stained,
2!t?50c per bushel.
Narley-'Feed. 1415: brewing. $16 per ton.
Mlllstuns Bran, $12313 per ton; middlings,
$181P; Bhorts, $1315; chop, $1.
Ha'y Timothy, $1011; clover, $"G" 60; Ore
gon wlid hay, $G" per ton.
Batter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc.
Butter Fancy creamer'. 3540c; store, 25e
per roll. 4
Egrs 1314c per dozen.
Ppultry-Chlckens, mixed, 5 60 Xr dozen;
hens, $55 50; ducks, $57; geese, $6S per
dozen; turkey, live, J5c, dressed, 10c per lb.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 124fl3c; Youne
America, 14c per pound.
Vegetables, Fralt, EtCi
Vegetables Parsnips, Jl; carrots. "5c$?l;
turnips, 75c per sack; onions, lc per pound
for newj cabbage, $1 50 per cental; potatoes, 40
8C! per track; peas, 46'5c: beans, 1012c: as
paragus, 4fi5c; new potatoes, l"4c per pound.
Fruit Lemons, $2 "500:3: oranges, 3if3 23
per box for 'navels, $2 per box for seeding;
pineapples, $4 500 per dozen; bananas, $2 54
QZ per bunch; Persian dates, 7&Sc per pound,
strawberries, Oregon. S4c per pound; peaches,
Jll 25; cherries 75o; apricots, $1 per box.
Dried frujt Apples, evaporated. 768c pel
pound; min-drled. sacks or boxes, 45c: pears,
erun and evaporated, 50c; plums, pltless, 4a
te; prunes. Italian, 35V4c: slher. extra
choice, ft" Gc; flgsi, Smyrna, 22V4: California
black, 55Gc; do vhlte. 10c per pound.
Groceries, Nh4b, Etc.
Coffee Mocha. 2328c; Ja-ia. fancy. 20232c:
Java, good, 2024c: Java, ordinary, l&J20c;
Coit a Rica, fancy, 1820c: do good, 1018c; da
ordinary, 10 12c per pound; Columbia, roast,
(12 25; Arbuckle's, $13 13; Lion, f 12 13 pet
Sugar Cube, $5 SO; crushed, $5 80; powdered,
(5 80; dry granulated, $5 20; extra C, $4 70;
golden'' C. $4 CO net; halt barrels, c more
than barrels; maple sugar, 1516c per pound.
Bean Small white, 354c; bayou, 4c; Lima, Ce
per pound.
Salmon Columbia river, 1-pound tails, JIO
1 60; 2 - pound tails. 232 60; fancy. 1-pound
Hats, $1 -CS1 75; -pound fancy flats. S595e:
Alaska, 1-pound tails. $1 201 30; 2-pound tails,
f 1.90(32 25.
Grain feexsCalcutta, $6 SO&O'TS per. .200c xbx
spot? $ 12?0 25 for July-August.
Nuto Peanuts. G"-7c per pound for raw, 10c
for -roastedj cocoanuts, 00c per dozen; walnuts.
lO&llc per pound; pine nuts. 15c; hickory nuts,
7c; chestnuts-. i5c; Brazil, lie; filberts, 15c:
fancy pecans, 12914c; almonds, 15 17&c pet
Coal oil Cases, 21c per gallon; barrels,
174c; tanks, I5c
Rice Island, 6"ic- Japan. 6c; New Orleans,
&f5i4e; fancy head. $707 50 per sack.
Hops. Wool, Hides, Etc
Hops 2S per pound.
Wool Valley, 12 13c for coarse, 1510c for
best; Eastern Oregon. 1015c; mohair, 25c pel
Sheepskins Shearlings 15S20c; short-wool, 23
OSOo; medium-wool, 3Og60c; long-wool. 60c$$l
Pelts Bear skins, each, as to size. $5215;
cubs, ach, 5105; badger, each, 60c; wildcat.
2575c; housecat. 6225c; fox. common gray,
40c$l; do red. $1 75050; do cross. $2 60C:
lynx. $234 60; mink, 40c2f 1 75; marten, dark
Northern, $510; do pale. pine. .$224; musk
rat, 8012c; ekunk. 502S0c; otter (land). $4
26; panther. Tilth head and claws perfect,
$13; raccoon, 250SOc; wolf, mountain, with
head perfect. $3 6033i woherine, $2 602fl
beaver, per ekln, large, $07; do medium, per
skin, $45; do small, per skin, $102; do kit.
per skin, $103.
Tallow 605c; No. 2 and grease. 3H04c per
Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pound and up
ward. 1515Hc; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 16 pounds,
15c, per pound; dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds
15016c; dry salted, one-third less than dry
flint; salted hides, sound steers, 00 pound, and
over. 8i0Oc; do 50 to CO pounds. 80S&c; do
under 60 pounds and cows, 7&g6c; kip. 13 to 30
pounds. 7J,0Sc; do veal. lQtp 4, pounds, 7c;
do calf. unlr 10 pounds. 7&cigren Xunsalted),
lc per pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth
eaten, badly cut, scored hair slipped, weather
beaten or grubbj), one-third less.
Meat and Provisions.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and
ewes, sheared. & 5023 76; dressed. 707$c per
pound; spring lambs. 5054c per pound gross.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5; light, $4 50:
dressed, 50Cc per pound.
Veal Large. CVi0THc per pound; small. &n
Beet Gross, top steers. $4 4 60: cows.
$3 5004; dressed beef, CH"4o per pound.
Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand):
Hams, smoked, are quoted at 13c per round:
picnic hams, it"4c per pound; breakfast bacon,.
135c; bacon, OUc, backs, 9"ic; dry salt sides,
Scr dried beef, 17JJc per pound; lard. 5-pound
pails, 10c; 10 -pound palls, 9c; 50s, 9;
tierces, 94c per pound. Eastern pack. (Ham
mond's): Hams, large, 12c; medium, 13c;
small, 12c: picnic hams, Oc; shoulders, Oc;
breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides, SU
O'ac; bacon sides, 9U01Oc; backs, 9JJc; butts,
Pc; lard, puro leaf, kettle rendered, Ss, lOfcc;
10s, 10H&
Some S?8iptoms of Strength, bat a
Poor Closing:.
XE"W YORK, June 5. The stock market
showed symptoms of strength at various
times today, but the pressure to sell at
the advance proved too much for the lim
ited to absorb, and the latter part of
the day was given over to a desultory
downward movement which carried prices
below last night's level, except for a few
stocks. Ths strensth. of a few shares was
in fact the principal sustaining influence
of the market at all times. The best
support of this character came from Atchi
son preferred, which began to move up
ward early in the day In anticipation of
the dividend announcement. The declara
tion of a 2t per cent dividend had been
accurately forecasted, and the advance In
the stock came to a standstill -when the
dividend was announced After hanging
sluggishly for a time, the advance was
resumed on the giving our of the directors
estimate of the net earnings for the fiscal
year, showing a handsome surplus over
the full 5 per cent dhidend requirement for
the preferred' stock. Atchison preferred
thereupon rose to 74J4. which is on a level
with the high record price made two
months ago. Baltimore & Ohio, Union Pa
cific and Missouri Pacific sympathized
strongly with Atcblson.
The other incident of the day to attract
most attention was the eugar dividend,
whlcn was maintained at the same rate
of 14 per cent as the lasL The move
ment of this stock showed that the recent
buying has been based on accurate fore
knowledge of this result. The rise of
at the opening was followed by a decline
of 3& on profit-taking, and the rally was
only feeble. There was a general but
light advance at the opening. In expecta
tion of the favorable effect upon foreign
markets of the occupat.on of Pretoria,
but this expectation proved delusive, and
the markets at London, Paris and Berlin
all turned heavy before the close. The
close here was dull and distinctly heavy.
The bond market was. dull and sluggish.
Total sales, par -value, $1,345,000. United
States bonds were unchanged In bid quota
tions. BONDS.
U. S. 2s, ref 103XD. & R. G. 4s 99
do 2s, reg loo iGen. Electric 5a. ..120
do 3s, reg 109HN. T. Central lsls.U14
do new 4s, reg.vl34hNorth. Pacific 3s.. 07H
do new 4s, coup.l34fe do 4s 105
do old 4, reg.,.1144Oregon Nav. 1SU..111
do old 4s, coup..ll5'A do 4s 102"4
do 5s, teg il3VsOregon S. L. 0S....12Q
do 5s. coupon....U3fcr do con. 6s 114,
Dlst. Col. 3-C5s...l22UiRio Gr. West. lsts. 09),
Atchison adj. 4s... 844tSt Paul consols... 170
C. & N.TV. con. 7sl41bl6t. P. a & P. Istsl20
do S. F. deb. 6s.H0 Union Pacific 4s...-10n;
D. & R. a. Ists...l02. Iwis, Central lata.. 01
The total sales of stocks today were 273,300
shares. The closing Quotations were:
Atchison fCiJUnlon Pacific ..... 63
do pref TjiUnlon Pac. pref... 14k
Salt. & Ohlj fomWabash
Can. i'ajiiic ... . 01 I do pref
Wheel. & L. E
Ches. & Ohio.. II I 27!
v evuuicni ... 01
do 2d nref a
X?r "iv western. 12U
Chi.. B. &Q 12
Chi., Ind. & L 21
do pret M
ChL z East. 111... 97
Chicago & N. W..1G5K
Chi. it. I. A P.jo7-;
&.?-.& I- L. 6$
I Wis. Central 144
P. C. C i. St I no
Third Avenue 113
Adams 113
American 150
United States ..... 45
iWells-Fargo ......117
MIRPPT.t ivwnia
w. .VMl.lUJJ ..
00 j st pre...
liiAmer. Cotton Oil.. 31
CIO 1M IITf If"'
Del. & Hudson. ...11104
Del.. Lack. & W..179
Denver . Rio Or. JS
-dopref r;
v v n ......... VU
Amer. Malting .... 3VJ
do pref an
Arocr. Smelt. & R. 37V4
do Dref xnt.
Amer. Spirits 2W
do pret 17
Amer. Steel Hoop. 21
Hocking Coal Ja
uo prei i
ocxmg valley
.wAmi.r fnjl S, w
Illinois Omlial ."jwCi do pref ." 7554
Iowa Centtal ,... i lAmer. Tin Plato.. i2U
Lak ErI. & v.- .. y do pref
do pref iwui Anaconda Mln. Co
Lake Shore si -li Brooklyn R. T na
Louis & Nash.... 79 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 30
Manhattan El ... f&U ConL Tobacco .... 21V
Met. St. By 154" do pref ..... TOU
M. Pnntr.1 ., Jlfwlr-il ntif
Minn. & St. Louis C2"l do pref ,
do pref oS'AJGen. Electric ....
Missouri Pacific .. bjulGlueose Sugar ....
Mobile & Ohio.... 39 I do pref ,
M.. K. & T io4 La Clede Gas
do pref 33 (Int. Paper .'.
New Jersey Cnt.,120 iNatlonal Biscuit .,
Nw York Cent...l305j do pref ,
Norfolk & West.. 35HNatlonal Lead ...
do nref ?su.i do nref
Northern Pacific .. 00kiI"''nal Steel
. 23
. fchU
ao pref 754l do pref
Ontario A West... 21N. T. Al
Air BrakB...1S2
j. n. s a 42
do mvf Tit
North American .. 141
Pacific Coast 51
L do 1st pref 84
An ?M nf fill-V.
Pennsj lvanta . . ..1604
Reading 174
do 1st pref 6T&
iPaclflc Mall 27-i
People's Gas 9Sj
uo .a prei...... d
Rio Gr. Western,. 584
do pref t7ii
Pressed Steel Car. 47i
ou jouis t s. it. jo
Piillmnn "Pftl Oftf 1ftt
do 1st pref.
Art 2i1 tirpf.
UOtCUlllU. UJC O A.,
wi-tDUBar ...
St. Louis S. W 11UI An Timf .
do nref W-jTm Pnnl Xr Irnn. 72
St. Paul 117 to. S. Leather 10V,
do pref 170 do pref COtf
St. Paul & O UC 1C S. Bubber 20
Southern Pacific .. o4 do pref 95
Southern Ry 12;f Western Union ... SO
do pref t4iRepublic Iron & S. 1S4
Texas & Pacific... lOI do pref 67fe
ForelKn Financial Nevra.
NEW YORK, June 5. The 'Commercial
Advertiser's London financial cablegram
jajs: . -
The news of he fall , or Pretoria - fell
fiat,, n the marketsrhcVe today Being'
counteracted by he omipQqs reporia, f rbnt
China, which depressed' .funds. 'Dealings"
were 'very uleti atfd theVevwas a-piall
attendance" after the holiday; many mem
bers leaving earjy. Americans were al
most forgotten, transactions In (hem de
pending on.;New York sales. Baltimore &t
Ohio preferred was exceptionally strong,
London buying them slightly. THeAtcW
son dividend announcement ha"d no ef
fect. Copper shares were weak, with
the decline In metal. Money was un
changed, but the tendecy was downward.
The bank sold 75,000 In French Old coin,
and 5000 arrived from Portugal. .
Money Exchange, Etc.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 5, Sterling on
London, GO days, $1 S5; on sight, $4'SS.
NEW YORK,' June 5. Money on call
steady, 1Z per cent; last loans, lfiper
Prime; mercantile paper, 3?T4 per cent.
Sterling exchange firm, with actual busi
ness in bankers' bills at $4 S7, demand,
and at $4 844, CO days; posted rates, $4 S3ii
and H $&A: commercial bills, $4 S334 S3?i.
Sliver certificates. OOgGlc '
Mexican dollars, 47&c
Bonds Government steady; state in
active; railroad irregular.
LONDON, June 5. Money, 12 per
StocIc in London.
LONDON, June 5. Atchison. 27?; ; Cana
dian Pacific, B6Vi; Union Pacific preferred,
76; Northeti Pacific preferred, 7S; Grand
Trunk, 7i; Anaconda, SH.
Prices for Cereals in European and
American Porta.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 5. No sales of,
wheat and barley: spot wheat steady; spot
barley, dull. Oats quiet, but steady.
Spot quotations were:
Wheat Shipping. No. 1, 90c; choice, 90c;
milling, 93V4g9S4c
Barley Feed, 6770c: brewing. 77$iSS0c
Oats Gray, Oregon, $1 CT&lgl 10; milling,
$110ffll2H; red, $11 20.
Call board sales:
Wheat December, 93?; cash, 90c.
Barley No sales.
Com Large yellow,. $1 151 17.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
CHICAGO, June 5. Corn led the markets
today, and was strong and moderately
active. There was a demand for It report
ed by the cash people, and the speculatlvo
trade also showed an increase. The sit
uation to all appearances remained un
changed as to crbp prospects, which were
still declared to be of a rosy hue. Offer
ings from Nobraska were larger, and some
of the elevators sold, but the demand'frora
outsiders end local bulls of Influence, to-
Grain !
- Direct Wires t
New Yort Stock Exchange
Cbtcap Bearf of Trade
214-215 Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
aether with covering by shortsjk was. suf- '
flclent to advance the market, despite the
larger offerings from first hands. July
closed 5ic over yesterday.
The wheat market "was a small one, and'
the pit, where this commodity is dealt in, a
dull place. The Northwest was a seller,
thus giving' support in a practical way to
reports of good rains ln that section of
the cduntry. There were other reports,
however, which asserted that ih Da
kotas and neighboring territory could
stand 'much more moisture than has been
received this season. The corn strength
furnished the- main support, and shorts
bought on increased firmness in tho neigh
boring pit. July closed firm, c higher,
at C7c.
Oats were slow, but firm. July closed
HSi4c improved.
Provisions were firm, but quiet. Mod
erate hog receipts, higher prices at the
yards and the corn strength were-the sus
taining influences. On profit-taking the
list eased a trifle, but closed firm. July
pork .closed 574c higher, lard, 2c bet
ter, and ribs a shade higher.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Opened. Highest. Lowest. Clrtslnc
June $0 135 $0 06 $0 G5T& $0 6G
July (JCH C7H VG fi
Juno 37TJ 3SH 874 33
July. 37 3Sr4 37 J
Juno 214 21H '21 21tf
July f. 21& -21Vi 21V4 21 A
- - . MESS POR1C v
July 1127H-1133 '1127 1133"
September ...11 37 1142 1135 1140
July 677 080 875 677
September ... 0 75 0 77 0 72 075
July ,....0 70 670 0 03 6 07
September ... 0 05 0 07 0 02 003
Cash quotations were as follows:
Wheat No. 2 Spring. G5&?j63ic; No. 3,
61G5c; No. 2 red, G5i70JLc.
Corn No. 2, 3Sc; No. 2 yellow, S8
. Oats No. 2, 22Q23c; No. 2 white, 24
23ic; No. 3 white, 24S245iC'
Rye No. 2. 54c.
Barley Good feeding, 37c; fair to choice
malting, 4042c.
Flaxseed No. 1, Jl SO; No. 1 Northwest
ern. -J1S0.
Timothy seedV-Prime, $2 40.
Mess pork Per barrel, $10 20&11 33.
Lard Per cwt., $6 62g6 67.
Short fibs Sides, loose, $6 556 SO.
Dry salted shoulders Boxed, 6SClc. '
Short clear sides Boxed,' $7 057 lO.4" '
Butter Steady; creamery, 1519cJ
dairy. 1317c.
Cheese Steady, 8ViSc
Eggs Steady; fresh, llc
iteceipu. Shlpm'U
Flour, barrels 15.000 11.000
Wheat, bUfthels . ,... 3,000 122.000
"Corn, bushels 330,000 2O1.0O(
Oats, bushels ,.., 301.000 2h,00(J
Ite, bushels 2,00
Barley, bushels 35,000 0,003
Xerr Yorlc Grnln and Prodnce.
NEW YORK, June 5. Flour Receipts.
22,859 barrels;. exports, 15,376 barrels. Mar-
ket firmly 'held.
Wheat Receipts, 22.00) bushels; exports,
105,000 bushels. Spot, firm; No. 2 red,
TSc elevator, 2c f. o. b. Option
steady to firm all day on the strength 'In
corn supplemented by various bullish
Winter wheat crops and liberal reduction.
In the world's stock's. Closed Arm at c
net advance. July closed at 72c; Septem
ber closed at 73c.
Wool Steady.
Hops Quiet.
Holiday 'in Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL, June 5. Holiday In grain
markets. . .
Available Grain Supplies.
NEWj YORK, June; 5. Special 'cable and
telegraphic dispatches to Bradstreet's In
dicate the folio wing, changes lnvavallablo
supplies: . t - i
! " '.."' 'Bushel.
Wheat, United States and Canada, east
of The Rodclev decrease t,..:.V:.1.00S.OCO
Afloat, for and In Europe, decrease.. ,..2,400.00)
Total supply decrease 3,408,000
Corn, United States and Canada, east . ,
of tho RocJdes. decrease- 1,001,009
Oats do, increase 020,000
The aggregate- stock of wheat held at
Portland, Tacoma'and Seattle increased
239,000 bushels last week.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 5 Wool Spring
Nevada. 14?10c per pound; Eastern Orecon. 10
S15c; Valley, Oregon, lS20c Fall Northern,
mountain. 1012c: mountain. SlOc: plains;
SSlOc; Humboldt and Mendocino. 14tfl5c
Hops 1S00 crop. lXQIZc per pound.
MUlstuffs Middlings. $17620; bran,. 12 503
13 50 per ton.
Hay Wheat, $0 5010; wheat and oat. $09
0 50; best barley, $7; alfalfa. $57; stock. $3
SS 50; compressed wheat, $7?10 per ton;
straw. 2540c per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose. COtfCSc; River Bur
banks. 35G5c; Oregon Burbanks, 50c$l per
cental: new potatoes, 70c$l 23.
Vesetables Onions. 75c$l per cental; gar
lic. 2fl3c: aeen peas, 75cS?I 23 per sack,
string beans. 23c; dried okra. 52c per
pound; asparagus. $101 75 per box; egg pltnL
6310c per pound.
Citrus fruits Ornnres, navels. $1 w gf 3.
ilrxlcau limes. $44 00; common" Callfornti
lemons. $1 251 50: choice. $1 235J1 50 pr j
box. . ,
Bananas, $1 50g3 per bunch.
Butter Fancy creamer. lSfflSc; a0 ?ec.
onds. 17J17c; fancy dairy, 10jfl7c; do sec
onds. 1415c per pound.
Cheese California, new. 7-?Sc per pound'
Young America, 030c; Eajtern. 10S17c
Esgs-Store. 13g14c; fancy ranch, 17c;
Eastern, 15&15c per doxen.
Poultry Turkeys, gobblers. 10S'12c: do hens,
11012c per pound; old roonera, $3 25.1 30 pet
doren; young roosters. $3ff0 50; small broilers,
$1 752 50; large broilers. $3SJ3 50; fryers.
$3 5034 50; hens, 4Qi 50 per dozep; geese. $20
2 25 per pair. ; "
Receipts riovr, quarter sacks, 31.0S0; do Or
egon. 01C; wheat, centals. S500; barley, cen
tals, 3345; cats, centals, Oregon. 7C0; bean
sacks, 200: corn, centals, 1030; potatoes, sacks,
1970; bran. acksv3Cirj; middlings, sacks. 27J;
hay, tons, 2$S; wool, bales. 71; hides, 370.
CHICAGO, Juno, 5. Cattle Receipts,
SOOO. Quiet and steady; natives, good to
prime steers, $5 logs 65; poor to medium,
$4 505; selected feeders, $4 60ff5; -mixed
stockers. WS4 50; cows, 52 40S?4 50; heifers,
iZ 50524 90; canners, $2 40ff3: bulls, $2 80JJ
4 40; calves, $57 25; Texas-fed steers. $4 50
5 35; Texas bulls, $2 7533 50.
Hogs--Recelpts today, 23,000; tomorrow,
23.000. estimated; left over, 2500. Market
SfflOe higher; mixed and butchers. $4 is
65 20; good to choice heavy, $4 9S5 20;
rough heavy. $4 9025: llc-h-r. sses iTit-
"bulk of sales, $5 12g5 15.
Sheep Receipts, SOOO. Sheep steady,
lamba strong; good to choice wethers,
J55J5 40; fair to choice mixed. $4 406;
Western sheep, $47S5J5 40; yearlings, $5 50
g3; native lambs, $56 75; Western lambs,
$3 T5S7 15.
03IAHA, June 5. Cattle Receipts 3000.
Market active, fully 5c higher. Native
beef steers, $4 5085 40; cows and -heifers,
$3 75y4 75; canners. $i 253 60; stockers
and .feeders, $3 50&5 10; calves, $3 50S7 00;
bulls, stags, etc., $34 30.
Hogs Receipts, 10,200. Market active,
SJjlOc higher. Heavy, $4 ft3C; mixed,
U 90g4 ?2; light. $4 J34 92; p!gs,.H50lg)
4 90; sales, $4 04 32.
Sheep Receipts 1400. Active; firm.
Yearlings. $3g5 60; wethers, $1 5025 15.
Stock sheep, $4 25JJ4 SO. Lambs, $5 25
KANSAS CITY, June 5,-Cattlo Re
ceipts, COCO. Market strong to 10c higher:
native steers.- $46 30; Texas steers. $3 75
4 95; Texas cows. $323 90; -native cows and
heifers. $2 5004 75; stockers and feeders,
$325 25; bulls, $224 33.
Hogs Receipts T(?,0$0. Market SSlOc
higher: bulk of sales. 54-S725; heavy,
$4 25 05; packers, $4 872S; mixed,
14 S54 95; light. $4 S0JT4 90; Yorkers, $4 853
4 90: pigs. $45--a45.
Sheep Receipts, 3XL Stronger; .lambs,
$5 7527 25; muttons, .$125 50.
Coffee nnd Sncnr.
NEW YORK. June 5. Coffee options
Downing, Hopkins. & Co?.
Chicago BbaYd of Trade tyOtlfDC:
New York Stock Exchange DlVtxErC3"
It r
Room 4,"' Ground Ffbo'r' v Chamber of Commerce
"., i..
' r-
officer.. Organized
President. Tyler woodward. .
Vice-President. L. B. Cox.
Treasurer, J. Frank Watson.
Secretary. P, L. Willis.
This Exchange has-taken and Is -now fitting up- a board room on the ground!
floor of No. 123 First, street, near the KJrst National Bank, and will occupy the
same" as" soon as possible. , Meanwhile the manager Sts. secured offices in the
Commercial Block Building, Room 403, 'where he can be seen from 9 A. M. to 5
P. M.i'on matters connected with, the Exchange. Applications for listing stocks
and to become members of the Exchange should be made to the undersigned, who
will give " nil -neci'Ssary mforimTtloni: Amplications for membership mast
be on a basis of $100 for the first SO accepted names. The right to In
crease the. price of membership la reserved. I
v - C. L. PARKER, Msaager.
S. S. N0MECltY' S:. S. GEO. W. ELDER'
-Will-Sail. About June 30th. S
Special 'BoundTrippExcurslon Tickets Sold on These,
v ElegantPassennger Steamers. "! ,
v. t
Sails June-6, 1900.
' - , Vt r t 1 1 . f
. F. P. BAUWQARTNEK; Agent, 233 Washlnaton t.
. r " ' "
V. A. MKrhell A Co-Gencral Agenti. Snn Frapclsco. ' .
Pacific Coa$t
."Senator" it!!! sat! from Seattle direct June 21, July 21 nnd August 20.
The "Senator" has a capacity of 2300 tons. Her second eabjp and steerise accommodation
are superior to the flrBt-claas accommodatlona of roost of the steamers advertised for Nome.
The Padflo Coont Steamship Co. has been running Its i:eamfa"to Alaaka-ivrlnter and sum for 23 ream, and la tht pioneer Paclflc Coast line. Seattle freight Jind passenger rates np
plr from Portland. Fcr further InftfrmWlon Inquire of GOODALU PERKINS & CO., General
Agent. 10 Market. Bza Francisco. ,er 5v. "PQ3 ri)N. Arent. 240, Waehlogton bL. Portland. Or.
clewed barely steady aruncrba,riVd, .prices
to 5 nolnts net lower.""Sales,.169 bags.
Spot Rio firm: No. 7 Invoice, PJc. Mild'
steady; Cordova,
. AmvAtc: . ';
sugar naw steaa-: rau renning, isc,
centrifugal 9S test. jc gefinedsttong
. ' ' Vhe Mctnl SlnrVet'' ' " ''
KEW'TORK. June St-rThere ,w'A 0,1
smeraoie irreguiaruy in ina. marewior.
,nletals today. Tin. in synpathy with' in
auvance in Iondon, Jumped some zo totxi:
points higher, the market having been
quiet, and at- the 'close was quiet, nn the
basis-of $30-3ff30 If). Lend, -.on-theothcrr
hand, ruled wmjic and -unsettled 'at J3S5
,3 -95 nd apeltftr was. .also weak,- owJng
to an increase m receipts tina''rci'y
of buyers, closing weak At H 404 t$i
Lake copper ruled ver' dull at unchanged
prices. Pig-iron -warrant- were very
weak; no quotation given. The brokers',
price for lead was -$3.70. -and forrcppper"
$16 5016 75. Bar sllTcr,'-60c. .- ' - v
LONDON. June. 5. Bar'rilyer, $$." .,
Boston Wool Mnrjcet. . . '
BOSTON. June 5. There is no.uateria
chapge in the wopl market here this weeiq-
ana traoe continues quiet The prce for.
territory wools Js 53S5oc, scoured, for fine(
medium end fine. Fleece woola howyery
little life,- with- prlqe uamlnal. There Id
iome demand for-quarter-blood,-but-offefa
lngs-are small. A llntrof Au'ftraHan three-r
eighths blood sold on the scoured basis-of
Efic. Quotations; i tt
Territory, scoured basis Montana and
Dakota, fine, medium and fine. l&320o;
acoured, 55c; staple, 58c; Utah and Wyo
ming, fine, -medium and -fine, 17iSc?
scoured, 53i554e; staple, 56S57c. - , 1
Australian, scoured basis, spot prices
Combing, superfine, nomInal,"S2S7c; good,
S0Slc. .-.
Real Butatc Transfer?.' ""
R. M. RIner and wife to -Eastern
Lumber Co., lots 1, 4, 5 and S. block
34, Sherlock's addition; May '28... ..."
John Sommervllle, trustee, to Mary
N. Merrill, lot 8. block 118, Palatine
Hill No. 3; April 21 .
Mary M. Breck to S. G. MeCarfh. R.
Vt lot 15. block 4. Market-Street ad
dltlon; December 19 1000
J. L. Atkinson and wife to Joseph
Supple, W. TTi feet of lot'4, and lot? -5.
6. and 7. block 1, Atkinson's, ad
dition; May 11 .......,.:.. 1000
Thomas F. Pullen to "William Tegart.
114 acres, George Pullen D. LT C-; 'T
May 27 ..:....'... 1
Helen A. Smith and husband to Geo.
C Strow, E. Vz of lot 5 -and S.
double block A, Portland; May 29... 15C0
"Win. Holl to H. Barendrlck and wife,
lot 4, block 11. subdivision of River
view addition. Alblna; June 1 140J
B. F. Speake to Mrs. Clara Speake,
N. 50 feet of lot 3 and-. Si 25, feet
of lot 2, block R, Tabor Heights;
May 15 .-. ...' 1
Bnildln-r Perm-Its. n
Captain D. Shaver, two-story house, cor
ner Broadway and Vancouver avenue;
$2000. '
Charlea Steele, two-story house," "Wil
liams avenue, between Weidler and Broad
way atreeto; $1500.
T. Wetteland, addition to house on Til
lamook street; tCGQ.
William Lawrence, two two-sto?y houses,
corner Twenty-second and Marshall
streets; $4000. -
Mrs. Caroline Welaest, two-etory house,
East SixteentH and Broadway;" $2000.
C H. Prescott," two-story house, Tilla
mook nnd East Twentieth streets; $5000.
Births. ' """
May 11, boy tQ.thewjieof. DavIdJHi
Ferguson, 234 Jefferson street. AT"
May 4, grl nq the wife of ,CarI Boll,
man, 444 Fifth street. ". ., "''
May 30, boy to the wife QfjGeorge W'
Kendall. 2S3 East Third. North'. . .
May 27, boy to the wife of Inaac.Tur
ple, 801 Savler street. , .
May 22, girl to th wife of W John.son,
553 Overton street. . '
May 15, boy to tho wife of. JFj Mc
Cullough, 1(S Whittaker street.1
UHfllBMBliJ 1Tlai4T. tlvbBdlltnH,i. Hi.AlMrfAnw.lAn
1 1 stops all losjes by day or-nlfti. Prevent qcilckneoot dlscbarg?. wbldi If nos,coecked
leads to BperniaiorrbojaaadBJl the horrors, of Jmpotency. CTfPini:XEcleftDseilh9
ndTtes-Knaliweiioeana:' " . -, -j..--. ..ri-.4
r.TTmnE-vSa.5afferfr- K" i" cured ty Dr94abss9aJ2cent ty twWed with Prostatitis.
E?i?an-ecrtTa5n5ino"!?r 1tnrn a ho" d6ea not e3ect a'Jfertainent cute, f 1X0 a box,6 for JiW,
bynisJl. Send for rncR circular and uaUmonlaia.- " "-rct -
Address DATOX. JStDiciAE ;o p. o. Box 2(ffS, fa;"5lseo-. Ci. it
Vot sale br Aldrlih Pharmacy. Etxth and "Washlnirton streets. Portland. Or.
Feb. 16, 1900 , . .
A - Directors t
Seneca Smith. Jtufua Mallory.
P. I. McKenna. W- H. .Grlndstaff.
.Samuel ConnelL
( .
A'-. I'U J
Steamship" Co.
t" May 13. gfM to .the wlfa of Poberi. T.
Fowler. 822 -JIJ6la?lppl..yenue. ..
-iiay 16. boy lo the wife jol Frank .Boultz,
- May.J9. glrhto, the.p.lfe.of Louis. Law
son,, ,vU X fltxeet. -f, , k
Maj-2 glrl ,to tho,wife,.ot Louis .Sau
'vain, 5 Eaat Tweqjy-flrst street
.'"May 23, girl o the wife of Axel Ryd--nrnn,
C02 Rodney, avenue. , . ,
r'May 15. girl to the wife 'of Burt Hicks,
-Eat'Sevwth,etreqCt' , -, ...,. . .
M?y52,,boy to tbe-we "of. John Rai-ftln,
2S9 J"nlcn nven.u.e. f
y.H. boy-tlh wife of August V.
NaurajHt C4& Eas-Eoyirteenthptreet-, .
aiay-:a, paMC to me iwife or John J
Patterson,.431 East. Harrison r street.
Mnrrlafje Llccnie-(.
.''cV'tlair.aeit'ageof'I'j Ella Clemmens",
aged 32.
David A. Milne, Z?-J6epfalne P. "Wertz,
21. -Jf V1" fc ' .
. J. S. CimninghMjf 22; KatlelQrificoll, 21.
David Dahm. 2&flsie TrosterMS.
F. E. Hicks. 2&EUa Milne, '
. Charles Dunagip), 21-, GracvTotneklns,
fc. John M. Bttlwr, -SSTda, pabish.31,.-
4ieis. 29. 'vt. v r r '
June 3, Laura,. J?l$pP.J''aseil4years, St
Vincent's Hospital ;jieptrceB.a. r
Vincent'3 Hosnlial;, tuberculosis
June 2, Maria ftnV.Vijt. ase 45 years 11
monins, -tio isaa& Aen'pujmonarj- tuDer
culosis. s " '.
ContnglouB rJji(eRV
Olga Hallingb 752 East Yamhill; scar
latlna. '
Agnes McLaughlin, conier Page and
Starr streets; ecarlct fever.
When the head feels dull and heavy, the
ekln appears sallow atacT greasy, and tho
stomach refuses food, take Carter's Little
Liver -PlllB. Don't forget thls
UrilUUJ 1UNAL. WbAKNti53
None genuine unless signed "Blawcard"
E. FOUaERAf&CO.,N. Y. Agts. for U.S.
3- -
Ttlff CI t a. nnn.lvitiftnAi
Iremedr for Oonorrhoea,
I Whiti!l. nnnttnral Hf.
m ehri. rtr mr lnflAmmi
jFrtrtau cnutin. tlon of tnucoui mecr
iTHEtAMSCHVIOAtUO.trane. on-astrlngent.
eiKSltTJ,0.J I -.8eJd.byrg;lata,
or tent in plain wrapper,
"br-'arprfi; 'yiepald; fot
a XSrcnUr Mntod wqaart.
TItXvET.cns GmtiE:
Tltkttarriiw-.Strttf, 'Plwt
rtfci&Plrer, dalty'to aad
7:00 A 3f.
rrom -3t- Faul, Mlnn
apolJj, Duluth. Chlcf
and all points Xast.
Through, Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dlnlnf
.and BuJfet Snv)klng-Llbrary Cars.. .- . r
For Japan. China, and all Astatic points -cria
leave Seattle
' ""Aboat June 20th.
are you oz&u
ml -1) aFf
Caloa DeBst, Slitli aad J Streets
3aes.for the East, -via Huntington, at 9:13
A. M.'; arrives, A P. AL
For gpokane. Eastern -Washington, and Great
Northern points. leaes at 0 P. M,; arrives at
7 A. M." "
Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 9
P. M.; arriyes-at 8.40 A. M.
Water lines schedule, subject to chance with
out notice:
5OCEAN DIVISION Steamships sail from
Alnsworth dock at 8 P. 1L Leave Portland
Columbia, Friday. June 1, Monday. June 11 :
Thursday, June 21; Sunday. July 1: Wednes
day. July 1L Start of Calif ornla, "Wedneaday.
Juno C; Saturday, June 10; Tuesday, June 20;
Friday. July 6.
From San Francisco Leaving Spear-St. Pier
No. 2i, San Francisco. at 11 A. M.. as follows:
State of California, Saturday. Jane 2; Tues
day. June 12; Friday.' June22; Monday, July
2 Thursday. July 12. Columbia, Thursday.
Juno. 7; Sunday, June 17; Wednesday, June 27;
Saturday. .July 7. -
.Steamer Hassalo;leaYest Portland dally, except
SBaday.iat 8.00 P, M,; oa. Saturday at 10:0O P.
M. Returnlnsr. leaves Astoria dally. xcCDt Sun-
day. at.7:00 A. M.
Steamer Ruth, for-Salem. Albany, Corrallls
and way poiatA, . leave .Portland Tuesday J.
Taursdarstasd Saturdays at 6:00 A. M. Return-
.Inc leaves Conrallls Mondays, VedfladayB and
Tiaavs ai u.oo A ai-
Eteamer Modoc, for Salem "ntfepenaenoe and
jway points, leaves Porttand Mondays. Wednea
daya and Fridays -at 8 00 A. M. 'Beturnlns;.
leaves Independence Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays at PiSO A M.
Steamer tEhnore. for Dayton and way points,
leaves. Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays' and Sat
urdays1 at 7; A.' M. Returning, leaves Dayton for
rortlandJ and way points Mondays. Wednesdays
and Fridays at u A. M. -.
Stflax&ez. Spokane or ateamer Lewlston leaves
Rlparla dallr at 3diti A. M.. arriving at Lewls-
,ton at 3 P. Mr Returning, the Spokane or
.Liewision leaves jewision uaiiy ai a a. u.
arriving at lllparla same evening.
General Paasenjrer Agent.
- V. A. SCHILLING. CUr Ticket Agent.
Telephone Main 712. 0 Third street, cor. Oak.
Newt eamship Line to the Orient
In connection with THE OREGON RAILROAD
& NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1000 (subject to
' Steamer. Due to Leave Portland.
"ARGYLL" May 3
"BRAEMAR" July 13
For rates, "accommodations, etc.. apply to
General Agents, Portland. Or.
To principal points la Japan and China.
8 PlCTOrW .' .
The Direct Line to Denver, Omaha. '
Kansas City, Si Louis
Chicago and Other Eastern Points
Portland to Chicago Less Than Thre
Days. - '
Only Four Days to New York and
Through Palace and Tourist Sleeper
Bullet Library Cars (Barber Shop)
Dining Cars. (Meals a la
carte) Free Reclin
ing Chair Cars.
Through tickets," baggase checks, nnd
sleeping car accommodations can be &r
ranged at
1 35 Third Street Portland, Oresoaj
Oes"l Arnt atr Pass. A Tkt. Asjt. '
Ice to and from all Eastern points and Europ.
Through tourist cars from coast to St. Paul.
Toronto. Montreal and Boston WITHOUT
Direct Route to
Kootenay Mining District
British Columbia
Canadian Paciaercjil mill gtaamAip lines U
Japan ani Aottrslis.
, Fot ral,o and Information, apply to
H. H. -ABBOTT. Ajreat.
E. J. COTLE. " US Third street, city.
A. G. P. A. Vaccotnrer. B. C
BAILED GATZERT (Aider-Street dock)
!ave Portland dally every morning at 1
o'clock, ea-cept Sunday. Returning, lcates As
toria. eery night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday.
v Oregon 'phone Main Sol. Columbia 'phone 3L
U. B. SCOTT. President.
' 1
Pacific Coast Steamship Co.
steamers. Queen, Cottage City,
City of Topeka and Al - Kl
leae TACOMA 11 A. M.. SE
ATTLE ji P. M.. June A, y,
14. 16, 19, 24. 20. July 1. 4,
3. 14. 16. J9. 24. 20, 31; Auff.
3. and every fifth day there
after Tor further lnforroa-
tlon obtain company's, folder,.
The company reserves the right to change
steamers, sailing- dates and hours of sailing,
without previous notice. .
AOKNTS N. POSTONr'240 "Washington St.,
Portland. Or.; F- V. CAKLETON. N. P R. R.
Dock. Tacoma; J. F. TROWBRIDGE. Paget
Bound Supt.. Ocean Dock. Seattle l
GOODALL. PERKINS &. CO.. Gen. Asts.. S. P.
.. -ssj-1
Aval VIA
UUUlii C3ps
Leave j Dtprt nh an! I Streets ArrlT
for Salem. Jlose
burtr. Ashland. Sac
ramento, O e d n.
an Francisco, Mo
Jave. Los Angeles,
El Paso. New Or
leans and the Eaat
At "Woodbura
daily except Sun
day), morales; train.
connects w 1th train
for Mt. Angel. -Stl-rerton.
Mile. Springfield
and' Natron, and
evening train for
Mt. Angel and Slt
verton. Albany passenger
Ccrvallls passenger
Shridan paasenger
8J0P. M.
80 P. 3.
M:CX) P. M.
J7:30 A. M.
J4:C0 P. M,
50 P.M.
ta :23 AM.
Dally. tDally except Sunday.
Rebate tickets on sale between FortSand. Sao.
ramento and San fVanclsco. Xet rates 11T first
class and fll second qlasa. Including sleeper.
Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu.
A-rA-Frf & S11 HONOLULU wd
AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B.
KIRKLAND. Ticket Agent. 140 Taird tt
Passenger Depot, foot o Jefferson Street.
Leavo-for Osrrego daily at 7:20. :40 A. M.t
12.30. 1:53. 3Ja. 4:40. 6J3, 8'3). 11:30 pT mT.:
and ff:00 A. M. on Sundays onry. Arrive at
Portland dally at &&, :S0. io 00 A..M.:
15. 3.10. 4 JO. 8:10. 7:40. 10 00 P. M.; 13:4U
A. M. dally, except M.onday, 8 JO juad 10:05 A.
M. on Sundays only.
. Sa8 ,for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at
6.05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 0:80 A. M.
Passenger train leaves Dallas ior Alrlle Mon
days. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:40 P, M.
Returns Tueadays. Thursdaya and Saturdays.
Except Sunday.
, Manager. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt.
Trie Fioaeer TJlnlnsr and Observatlort
Ca' Koute.
Unloa Depot6tbandJsG
No. 2
2P.M. North Coast Limited.
For Tacoma,' Seattle,
No. 1
norm xaiuma, opo-
Kane, .fuiiman, Mos
cow; Lewlston, Ross
land. B. C. Butte.
Helena, St. Paulr.JIln
neapolls, Chicago. Bos
ton, New York and all
points East and South
east. Twin City Express,
For .Tacoma, Seattle,
Spokana. Pullman. Mos
No. 4
cow. Lewlston, Ross-
land. B. C. Nelson.
Helena. Butte, Pt Paul.
Minneapolis, Chicago,
Boston. Baltimore. New
York;- Washington, and
all - points. East and
Tako North Coast Limited Train. Nov 2 for
.Squth, Bend. Olympla and Gra.y'8 Harbof
See the North Coast Limited. .Elegant, Up
holstered Tourist Sleeping Cars, Pullman
Standard Sleepers, Dining Car and Observa
tion Car, all electric lighted. Solid, vestlbuled
Tickets sold to all points In the United
Stales and Canada, and baggage, checked to
.destination Of tickets.
'' For Information, tickets. Bleeplng-car reser
vations, etc, call on. or wrlta
Assistant Genex-al Passenger Agent,
2G5' Morrlsoo, St Cor. Thlro
Portland", Oregoa.
"Portland-Cfiicago Special"
OR' the
The only trains running: through solid from
Portland and Chicago. Every car Illuminated'
wlthTlntsch gas. Two trains dally. Off em si
. '"'vH t F
IHnlntc Cars. Serrlee a-la Carte,
Library -Buffet, Smoking. Cars.
Palace and Ordinary Sleeping Cars.
Free Reclining. Chair Cars
Leaves. Arrives.
E?5:::. po rtlan d::Z
,0.00 P.M....
"142 Thirds. Phone Main 069
Oeneral Arent.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Tor Maygers. Rainier,
Clatskanle, Westport.
Clifton. Astoria. Wax
renton. Flavel, Ham
mond. Fort Stevens,
Oeorhart Park. Seaside:
Aitoria. and Seashora
Astoria Express,
8:00 A.M.
6 65 P. M.
11:10 A.M.
8:40 P. M.
Ticket offlce. 235 Morrlsoa t. and Union dtpol
J. C. MAYO. Gen. Pass. Axt.. Astoria; Or.
Empire Line
for Cape INome
And Yukon River Points
S.S. "OHIO," 3500 Tons
Sails from Seattle
About MAY 24TH
Second Sailing about June 30
Reservations can now bo made for Juns
sailing upon application to any railroad or sub
agent of the International Navigation Com
pany, or to
Alaska Steamship Company
The only company navins throush traffic ar
rangements to Atlin and the Klondike. "Weekly
palling.- frcm Tacoma. For full Information an
lly to J L. HARTMAX Atat. Portland. Or
3 Chamber of Commerce.
v : -ik .mi
MMw I! I?
'!' ' ' '" '
-1 -