Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 06, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    ' "-5r
(Copyright. 1000, by Seymour Eaton.)
The age of Tennyson and Browning 15
practically the Victorian age of English
literature. To name a period from a sov
ereign may seem arbitrary and foolish,
hut It Is often convenient, and In this case
It has really come significance. The work.
of Tennyson and Browning begins only
a few years before the accession of the
Queen, and lta whole sweep and power Is
Included within the 50 yeare from ISM to
The Victorian period, however. Is quite
distinct In character from the period that
went before; separated from it by a com
plete change In spirit and the emergence
of a new set of controlling Ideas. Prom
the time of the French Revolution, at the
end of the ISth century, to the deaths of
Keats, Shelley and Byron, which hap
pened between 1S20 and 1825. English poet
ry had soared and sung like Shelley's eky
lark In the free heaven of idea Ism.
Jr06e had been vigorous during thesfl
great SO yeari. but &ult2 subordinate :0
poetry The day was td the dreamer 01
fireams', Hfid seer of vision-attd whtt.
visions they were that Shelley and Ktais
When the music of these wondrful
singers had ceased there followed a short
lull In which nothing of
was written; then in the decade bc.wten
1S30 and 1840, literature rose again. Car
lyle, Newman, Thackeray and Dickens,
as well as Tennyeon and Browning, all
made their first appearance before the
English public in these 10 yeais. Litem-,
ture thus rose in a twofold glory, of
poetry and prose and Indeed, of the two,
prose fiction and essay Is perhaps the
more signillcant art-form of the modern
world. It has at least advanced through
modern times step by step with poetry,
and ha reached an amplitude and express
iveness never known before. The life
of modern poetry is vigorous and notable,
hut it does not shine, with a radiance that
almost obliterates all else, as it did in the
days of Spencer and Shakespeare, or in the
days of "Wordsworth and Shelley. The
great names of the Victorian period, leav
ing out the novelUts, are Carlyie. Newman.
Buskin; quite as much as Tfrnnyson and
Browning, and Clough and Rossettl; they
are also names of men equally at home in
either form of expression, like Matthew
Arnold and William Morris.
But is it a cause for gratitude that we
should have had a great poetry at oil In
the Victorian period. For poetry belocg
to the ages of faith and enthusiasm, and
ours has seemed to many people an age
of doubt and cautious experiment. Poe'ry
rings the clarion note of joy in life, and
too often it has seemed as if pessimism
and weariness were Invading the modern
world. Poetry is nourished by the unsefn
forces of emotion and aspiration, and our
practical age has been eager above all in
the discovery and application of the me
chanical forces of physical nature. Sci
ence, rather than imagination has ruled
the day. And yet Sfe have needed poeta.
and they have arisen no one poet, per
haps, like Milton In the l"th century, oi
Dante In the 14th, but real and great poets
who will not die. Surely this means that
humanity has not become less sensitive ti
the spiritual universe as control over the
forces of the physical universe widens and
Tennyson and Browlnlng are doubtless
the greatest poets of the Victorian era.
They began to write first; they kept on
longest: their work had more volume,
more variety in its beauty, more express
iveness, than that of any other men. Their
first books struck quite new notes. Can
we say that now of any one among the
joung poets who are asking our attent.on
year by year?
Tennyson's first volume came out In
1S33. The poems in It bore the mark of
youth, but already they showed that
fairy fineness of ear which was to char
acterize him to the end. Several of them
expressed the mood of Inward brooding
which has so belonged to our century.
In all, the poet reached that final tcst
of a poet's genuineness a melody wholly
Individual. In the same year appeared
Browning's "Pauline," and It was an
achievement yet more significant, for it
handled a new method and achieved a
new end the clore self-revelation of char
acter through the dramatic monologue.
From this time the two great poets con
tinued to produce for upward of 50 years.
So far as art forms went, their develop
ment was In curious contrast. Browning
began with drama; soon discarded it as a
formal, artistic method, passed through a
brilliant series of dramatic monologues to
that unique epic which marks the high
water of his achlevemnt. "The Ring ana
the Book"; then, during his later years,
produced a number of narrative poems,
more or lens Ironic In character; while his
old age was finally marked by a revival of
lyrical passion and power. Tennyson's de
velopment almost reversed this order. He.
too. attempted the drama, but late In life
and without striking success. His early
years were given to lyric and narratlv.
and his work culminated In that profound
revelation of the sufferings and asplratlors
of his own spirit, his "In Memoriam." De
spite the divers experiments made by each,
we may safely say that the genius of
Browning was primarily and permanently
dramatic, for even his lyrics and narra
tives are, suffused by dramatic instincts.
while the work of Tennyson Just as clear
ly is lyrical In its Inmost impulse.
"While the great masters wrote, other
poets ros and fell. Between 1SS) and 1SC0
appeared those thoughtful poets of the
inner life. Matthew Arnold and Arthur
Hugh Clough. They represent the mood of
a period deeply affected by the tractarian
movement and by the widespread religious
unrest that was affecting the nation. Di.
satisfied with the vague. If high spiritual
pantheism of "Wordsworth and Shcllev.
powerfully drawn toward Christianity, yet
unable either to accept or reject It. these
poets sung In a piercing elegiac strain the
sorrows, the consolations, the resolutions
of the inner life.
"The sea of fntt'a
Was once. too. at the full, and round earth's
Lay like the folds of a bright blrdle curled:
But now I only hear
Its melancholy. Ions, withdrawing roar.
Retreating, to the breath
Of the night wind, down the vast edges drear
And naked shlnsles of the world."
So wrote Arnold, with mournful elo
quence and policed art. In his "Dover
Peach." and Clough echoed the plaint In
lines pulsing with perhaps more entirely
sincere passion. If less perfectly and fe
licitously phrased:
"Eat. drink and die. for we are souls be
reaved; Of all the creatures under heaven's high copo
We are most hopeless who had once most
And most bellefles who had once blleved."
They nrose. these poets of the desires
and regrets of the spirit; but their day
was not long, though they left vers; that
tor certain thoughtful, wistful p?ople will
never lose Its power. Clough died In 18S1;
a little later and Arnold had turned away
from poetry, singing as his swan song his
beautiful "Thyrlsis." an elegy on his
friend, and had devoted himself to his Il
luminating work as a critic In prose. Ten.
nyson and Browning had been before the
public for 15 years when these poets be
gan to write; their poetic expression con
tinued for nearly 30 years longer.
About the time when Arnold and Clough
fell on silence there made Itself heard in
our poetic literature a new cry the cry
for beauty, evolutionary science, with
Its passion for Investigation; the democ
racy, with Its enthusiasm for averages,
were In full swing; but there arose a pro
test not to be subdued, a protest that as
serted as the rightful attitude wonder
rather than Investigation, and devoted It
self to the quest of the rare, the strange,
the lovely, rather than to the analysis of
me commonplace. The prose writings of
Ruakln, widely read since the early '40s,
. . . . . ., , . ... "rod;
had done much to stimulate this m .
much. too. has been done by the
Raphaellte movement In painting; mo;
still, perhaps, waa due to the strong, lnev.
table reaction from the ugliness and vul
garity, which, since the Introduction of
machine manufacture, has been submerg
ing England. Rossettl. Morris, Swin
burne were the three poets who dedicated
vival of beauty knights of the Tomant'c 1
temper we well might call them. Two of .rulne. -mV, T c. ,eron ho Sn
them. Rossettl and Morris, expressed their vested nsast dollar in It u?.der 'the be-
feeling through visible art as well as
j.v.r& .........,.... .v -w. -
tnrougn verse, xtosseui inrougn strange.
troubling pictures. Mcrrls through varied
delightful experiments in the decorative
arts. The lovely poems of all three,
charged as they were with color and pas-
slon, formed a welcome Interlude. Indeed,
: :- T
in our age of prose. Tct they were exotics
rather than natural growths. Such poems
as Rossettl's "Rooe Mary," Swinburne'
'Atlanta In Calydon," or Morris' "Eafihi .
Paradise" could express only a few erf the
manifold cravings of modern life, afltf
these not probably the most significant.
This school, too. soon waned. By 18S0 Ro.-
settl wrote n more; Morris was turnetf
coclallst, and no longer "the Idle dreamer
of an empty day." but a vigorous, practi
cal reformer, was trying to recreate thW
actual world In an Image of beauty.
Swinburne, Indeed, still Hvoe, yet It Is fair
to say that, after comparative youth, he
found no new note to strike; his poetry
slmp.y repeated a familiar music, and
since he was poet rather by virtue of mel
ody than of noble thought or passion, his
day of real power was brief.
Still, ride by side, the two stronger spir
its held on their way. Novelists, essayists.
as well as poets, appeared and vanished,
tonkin and Arnold rMaced Carlyie" 4 I
Newman as leaders, and their power Iir
turn was in the late '80s passing to Its de
cllne. It wns not till 18S9 that Browning
died; in 1K2 Tennyson's spirit "crossed the f
bar" of Time. "Within the last 10 year J
oniy nave we Deen a Die to iook at ineir
work as a whole, to "discern, compare and
Judge at last" their power and their met
sare. Note This study will be concluded to
Fnnionn Fnllnrcs RecnIIed by the
Prlce-McCormlcU Crash.
New York Pnss.
Inasmuch ae the failure of Price, Me
Cormlck & C-. Involves a large amount
of paper profits and paper losses, the
general mnrkct remains undisturbed, The
suspens on of the firm was discounted
weeks ago. All occurrences in "Wall streef
arc discounted before the general public
gets the slightest inkling of them, there
fore Wall street Is never surprised, while
the public Is ever amazed. Three of the
general partners in th's house are men
of ordinary means. One Is a millionaire.
The special partner. Mr. George Crocker,
Is said to have a fortune of $3,009,000 or
56.000.000, but his llahlllty Is limited to the
$500,000 which he subscribed In cash on
the 3th day rf last November.
The macnltude of our monepd lntrr- I
ests and the stability of out financial sys- procch should be'vKtjipon the honest
tern are well Illustrated by the Indlffer- i majority because a ferc jnn have gone
ence with which a failure for ns.OOO.CO ' wrong, but the yellcV Qrniils care noth
is viewed in the street. Ten years ago In? about the InJusVoe? they practice IC
the theft of Mr. RuraMl Snw's Ioatv . they think they can hialw a point In noll-
tickets precipitated the suspension of
Messra Decker. Howell & Co.. one of the i
larger firms In this city, for JH.CO0.OD0.
.- tn til W ftrt '
Through the efficient offices of Mr. Will- j
lam Nelson Cromwell the cred'tors of I
this firm were paid In full, and the lawyer '
was handsomely rewarded in money and
plate. It Is noteworthy that this gentle
man has been engaged to straighten out
the affairs of Prlc6, McCormlck & Co.
Conors in grain and stocks are dan
gerous things to toy with. Mr. "Deacon"
White had experience of that on more
than one occasion. H!b greatest burden
was corn. Young Mr. Joseph Letter's ex
perience came later, and war more, dis
astrous. His attempt In wheat cost hU
father numerous- millions. Still later cnnK
the corner In Tennessee Coal & Iran,
which, however, proved unprofitable only
to the r.onmembersv of the pooL Twt
jhealthy corners collapsed In JS$7the cof,
in connection with large operators in this
city and Chicago, to corner wheat, but hln
allies failed to sustain him. and Ms losses
involved him In financial wreck, wlnlse
,out an Interest In railroad stodks that
"oald have cleared a profit of Cross. I?.-
oooooa to tinnmrm . .
r Mr. Jav Gould' nttvmnf tn -, lA
. In 1S69 caused the panic of "BlacltSiilay."
J which carried down thousands of firms
throughout the country. The price of the
precious motal was forced up to, 16Tfi; th
-u V Government stepped In. hwamaa
j ler and saved what was left of 'the
na mo corner in i'acinfc j fail that
lief tha " woul- S to 3W0. it
. - - --- - ... . tr, ..","-"
ieu io - -h!. "rr: , x "5iy fRa
carried a Z, "" """".f- , e Harlem
Railroad c '" the begin nin g of the
war ruined . Ja"y- xne shares we re forced
up to 2SS. There recently .Ued , in this
city a man - vno undertook .moiiy years:
ago to corner the Virginia peaczat cxt p.
I He met with d!tear.tar and remained a p or
'privilege trader. on the curb till the d ay
of hir death.
"With a little more help It 3$ poser ble
that Mr. Price could KVf cornered the
cotton crop of the unliNjrser.. But 1 elp
of the right sort is alway locklms at the
jcTltlral moment. No ort maw ct i Inn.
cart operate a successful cors&nrwlHIe tf iere
f hnndreds and thousands' ae h ear
"gunfitar." for him or It. AaA t hero
we many "gunning" for Prleev the 7 bold
est &Mltm plunger of the day.
Indecent RxrvKKcratloau
DenveV JCcpnhllcan.
Our army officef.iSKawrerblallyC lonent
And capable, and noltoiVy Sa J'tt bee n able
to say that any of tttoSB; stationed t n any
part of Cut, or aw other new island
dependencies. Aavo mtsavpraoriated, any o'f
the noney IntfMted W dm d re Is
n reaf cn to feIftr ' M In
the future.
The few Chilian" tppointees fcs I favaoa
Joh& Rnskla.
who ha-r1 ,Vtrayed tholr tn. Bt will soon
be brough 3? trial io- their tCenses, and
If they are -fc?W$ galftr of crimes or mls
dtmcanorsV wf pto.nptly a&d properly
It Is a burnlner ah"Athat unmerited re-
"cs by denouncing a wbcfe- clas3 for the
faults i a few lndlvltua-
Horse or Bet
Diary of Dr. Olive." Ashe.
The first day hore was served oat at J
Kimbcrley. some of It was cooked for the
officers' mess at the mounted camp. At
the table Peakman said: "Gentlemen, I
am sorry to say that we were unable to
get all our ration in beef today, and haa
to take part of it in hor&aflesh. This
which I cm carving is beef; the horee Is
nt the other end. and any one who pre
fers it can help himself. Nobody did pre
fer it, and so they all ate beef and made &
good dinner. When they had finished,
Peakman suddenly exclaimed: "By Jove!
gentlemen, I find I have made & mistake
in the Joints: this Is the horseflesh, and
the other is beef.' It was Just a dodge of
his to get then, ptartcd. on tfee horseflesh.
bf few ships are due
J-ecaaI Vllllen Has Been Over
"Taree Hundred Days ea the "War
i In-Port Klet.
The list of ships that can be regarded
as due before the end of the present cer
eal year has dwindled down to three oi
-four vessels, and wnlle a few more may
come along ahead of from ports from
which they have not b-ien reported, a
""" un snips wnr oe an tnat can De
'counted on under any circumstances. Of
th,;se the Mabel RIckmers Is fully due
! tssm Hiogo. having left that port 31
d'ays ago. The Deeean from HnrnSurr-
ind thf PenThesneTroni oSS S
f hoth out 113 days, and the Fifeshrre is
r out I4y days from Antwerp. The Mare-
j. cnai vmiers, which left St Naxaire.
J .France, for Portland 301 days ago. Is now
out i3 cays from Montevideo, and should
complete her voyage before the end of
the present month. The Franklstan sail
ed from Nagasaki May IS. and is due in
about 10 days. There are three ships sup
posed to be comparatively close at hand,
the departure of which -has not been an
nounced. They are the RIgel. which ar
rived at Nagasaki April 17, the Harlech
Castle, which arrived at Honolulu May 2,
and the Australia, which reached the
same port 10 days later.
British. Steamer Carries- Xcarly OOOO
Tobi Frem Baltimore.
The largest cargo of steel rails ever
shipped from an American port has Just
gone dn the big British steamer Samoa
from Baltimore for Vladlvostock. It com
prises 8634 tons, conslsang of 25,932 rails,
valued at 51S1.3o0. Each rail weighs more
than TOO pound;, and in addition the ship
takes SS6 tons of coal, 125 tons of fresn
water, and man) tons of provisions. In
stowing the cargo, there were used 12S.00U
feet of lumber, SOOO wooden wedges, 17
cords of wood, and 300 pounds of nails.
The ship's draft was 24 feet at sailing.
The first cargo tf rails from this country
for Denmark will go from Baltimore on
the British steamer Cromarty.
Grain Fleet "Worklnjr.
The British bark Lydgate will not finish
loading before tomorrow. The vessel is
built In compartments, and It requires
more time to load her than it does ro
load the ordinary "tank" which carries
grain round the Horn. The Plnmore has
finished discharging ballast, and will be
loaded as rapidly as possible. The East
African has shifted over to the east side
of the river, and while she Is stilt in
charge of the United States Marshal,
there will be no delay In loading her. If
the case Is not settled by the time she Is
ready for sea, bonds will be given, and she
will proceed, leaving the lawyers to fight
it out afterwards. Moit of the other
ships are working ballast or wheat, and
nearly all of them will -ret out of the
river before the end of the month.
Fnte of the BIranrk.
The old steamer Blsmark, which was al
ways in trouble as long as she run on
the Columbia and "WSlaiiette, seems to
have met with a fitting; end at Coquille
City. The Bulletin sacu: "The old atern
wheeler Blsmark is suni in the river
across from town. It is not known
whether an attempr will he made to do
anything' with her or not. 8he has been
laying at town for a long time past, and
Just naturally got t'red of staying on
top, A short time befc r we went to press
(Thursday) she broke in two. Therefore
tho hull will be worthlrAs. Nothing has
yet been done towards removing the ma
chinery." Ifevr CoqTillle HJver Boat.
The Pastime, a Jght lraft. stern-wheel
gasoline steamer, was launched on the
uoqulllc last week. Slw 1 now receiving
her machinery. The boat will ply be
tween Myrtle Point And Norway.
Domestic aad Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA, June 5. Arrived Sxtamer
W. H. Harrison, from Tillamook. Uonal
tlon of the bar at 5 P. M. moderate., wind
northwest, weather cloudy.
San Francisco, June 5. Arrived steamer
Areata from Coos Bay. Sailed Schooner
Laura .May, schooner Occidental from
Gray's Harbor.
Hoqulam, .Wash., June 4. Salkd June
S Schooner La GIronde from Hoqu am for
San Francisco, schooner. Esther Buhme
from Aberdeen for San Franclscov schoon
er C. R. Wilson from Aberdeen, for San
Francisco, schooner William Wltaeman
from Aberdeen for Honolulu, schooner
Expansion from Aberdeen for Guayenas.
Seattle Sailed June 4 Japanese steamer
Klnshlu Maru for Hong Kong. Steamer
City of Topeka for Skagway.
Dublin Arrived June 2 British, hark
Cambrian Warrior from Oregon.
Hamburg-Sailed May 16-Shlp Astra
cant for Oregon.
Limerick Arrivod Jnnefl .
Limerick. June & Airived British sh'p
Edenballymore. from Portland.
New York. Juno 5. Arrived-Roentgen
Louise, from Bretnsn. Sailed Auric, foi
Liverpool: Kaiser Wilhelm dfer Giwse.
for Bremen, "via Cherbourg and South,
nmpton Belgravia. for Hamburg via
Cherbou-g. '
' Glasgow Sailed June 4 Siberian foi
Plymouth. June 5. Sailed Patricia,
from Hamburg, for New York.
Yokohama. June 5. Arrived Coptic
from Fan Francisco, via. Honolulu r
Hong Kong.
Liverpool. June 6. Atrfved-GIInneapo-11s.
from New York.
San Francisco. Juno 5. Arrived Bark
Levi G. Burces. from Taconta. Sailed
Steamer Walla Wallr. for Victoria;
steamer Universe, for Chemalnus.
Roberts Saw Hard Fl;atlns; Before
He Reached Pretoria.
LONDON, June 6. The "JVar OfOce this
morning issued the followirte- dlnrjoich t-
I celved from Lord Roberts:
"Sir Miles Spruit. S:30 P. Ml. Jun. a .
I We started this morning at dftybrealc, and
marched about 10 mn in. si -vcu.
Spruit, both 'banks of which were occu
, lied by the enemy. Henryi s. and Ross'
1 tounted Infantry, with the West Som
ei t. Dorset. Bedford and Sussex corn
pa lies of Yeomanry, qulckl'y dislodged
the. "O from the south bank and pursued
then. nearly a mile, when they found
therm selves under a heavy fire from guns
which Ihe Boers had placed In a well
concca Vd commanding position.
"Our beavy guns of the nava l andMieavy
artillery," which had purposely been in the
front part of the column, weit- hurried to
the assist xnce of the mounted Jnfantny as
fart as ox en and mules could travel over
the great rolling hlll.n surrounding Pre
toria. The guns were support 1 by Stev
enson's brltade of Fole-Tarew's divi
sion, and afer a few rounds drove the
enemy from their ponitlons.
"The Boers -ben attempted to turn our
left flank. In wMeh they wereaga!n foiled
by the mountetA Infantry and yeomanry,
supported by MibcweU's brigade of Tuck
er's division. As. however, ther still kept
pressing: our left rear. 2 sent wsrd to Ian
Harnll'Dn. who ws advancing 'hre miles
to our left, to Incline toward us and fill
up the gap between the twb columns.
This finally checked" the enernjT. "who were
driven, back toward .Pretoria. 1 hoped we
would hove been able a o folv- them ur.
but th days now am very short In this
part of the world: and. after learly two
hours' marching and? fighting, we had to
bivouac on the grouna sained-during the
"The Gurds brigade J? eru! near the I
southernmost fort by whi;h Pretoria Is
defended, and less thsn four miles from
the town. French, with the Third and
Fourth cavalry brigadss, and Hutton's
New South Wales Mounted Rifles, are
north of Pretoria. Sroadwood'B brigade
is berween Hamilton's and French's col
umns, and Gordon Is watching the right
flank of the main force not far from
the railway bridge at Irene Station,
which was destroyed by the enemy. Our
casualties. I hope, are very few."
Throughout the length and breadth of
the country the news of the fall of Pre
toria spread like wildfire. Based on the
recollection that In recent European wars,
the Occupation of Jhf nmv Mr!nl !
nlfled the end of hostilities. Roberts' tele
gram to the War Office was taken uni
versally to mean the practical finish of
the war which has tried Great Britain's
military resources as they never were
tried before.
In London the Mansion House and the
War Office almost Instantaneously be
came the centers for JuKIant throngs.
Flags appeared as If by magic, and the
traffic had to be diverted through other
streets. Hatless and coa'tless men and
boys ran through the city alleys to see
for themselves the bulletins announcing
the good news, and staying to Join In
the thunder of cheers or add their voices
to the Joyful slnglnjr "God Save the
Hats hoisted from thousands of heads
were waved In exultant hands. Old men
on top of omnibuses and Aldermen from
the windows of the Mansion House en
couraged the crowds to still greater ef
forts. The premature report of the fall
Oa the Boers' stronghold did not seem to
have taken the edge off the day's celebration.-
Roberts' Six Miles Spruit dispatch was
hastily printed by the "Extras" before
the Union Jack of the War Office was
hauled up the flag? taff and the brief mes
sage was passed from mouth to mouth.
"Pretoria Is occupied." Those who had
had a chance to read Roberts' account of
the resistance encountered yesterday were
at the moment commenting on the prob
ability of a fierce fight before the city
was occupied, and were wondering at the
Boers' capabilities to make such a de
termined stand when Pretoria was hem
med in on all sides.
The presence of General French north
of the Boer capital came as a surprise
and explained the Commander-in-Chief's
retriever dispatch anent the position of
the energetic cavalry leader. It was evi
dent that Roberts had delayed attacking
until all his column was ready to co
operate, but even when Roberts wired
last night that this wns accomplished,
there seemed a possibility of some fight
ing, so when the next dispatch was given
out It came as a surprise.
The latest dispatcher from a represent
ative of the Associated Press at Pretoria
dated June 3. quoted General Botha a
"So long as we can count on our thous
ands of willing men. we must not dream
of retreat or throwing away our Inde
pendence." General Botha. It Is added, annulled the
regulations appointing a special commit
tee to preserve order, substituting mili
tary control for that of th committee.
General Lucas Meyer, addressing the
burghers on the square, urged them to all
stand fast. Thus, though their efforts
were futile, it Is evident a few faithful
Boer Generals worktd desperately to re
sist the overwhelming force of Roberts
The War Office has Information that one
of the first things done by Roberts after
the occupation of Pretoria ws to d'rect
General French to rellevr the British
prisoners confined at WaervaL
V -
W H Call. San Fran
IC H Thompson, 8pokn
A w Byron. N T
J Joseph. San Fran
C A Smith VlnnnU
nt it. jco jt w. miia
VV J Morphr. Chicago
J A FalrehIM Sun uv.
Fred A Krlbs. Mlnnpls
L E Rowan, Los Angls
I J O Walker. Chicago
J H Blackman. St L
C C McDoniM Ron tv
Frank. E Lamb. San Fr
D Corlmer. St Joseph
F L Lack fc jr. Bak Cr
C J Riley. Chicago
G T Leonard, Omega.
Chas D Nixon, do
F R Miller. Baker Cy
Ed Lezensky, San Fr
C E Mallesan. Mlnnpls
Mark Rrhmlrl Tlf.v.-o-
E Harold Lyford, N Y
n iiipman. Ban Fr
Morris Ansele. London.
S Shnroelv. Prnvlilni
J K Llndsey, M D. Fall
I. R Sheridan. Rosebrg
Isabel Trvlnar V V
Wm Schmld. Pittsburg
A I n.ntpn. m ..,
Ida Conquest, N Y
John Drew. N Y
F B Thayer. St Paul
A A Brodeck. Everett
D J Norton. N Y
W S Stltt. Chicago
Wm A Alexander. San
Jose. Cal
Louis Gerllnger, Jr,
F Strong. Eugene
D V Gilder, San Fran
C C Dal ton. Ilwaco
J E Davis, wr & dtr.
L P Mlchelson. N Y
Robt TV Klewert, Mil
waukee Nelson Bennett. Taenia
a j .Minara. Chicago
T M Munger. Saa Fran
!B B Bronm.ll Tirnmi
Colombia Illver Scenery.
ReSHlator Line steamers, from Oak
street dock, daily, except Sundays, The
Dallea, Hood Hirer, Cascade Locks.
and return. Call on. or 'fone Agent for
further Information.
Francis Donahoe, Che
halls TVfi.s
Mrs J G Muckle, St
D M Carmichael, S F
E M Prouman. city
L A Loomls. Ilwaco
W E Thorapson.Farn
xiciens, ur
G O Nolan. Tillamook
EC Bronson. Milwau
kee, Wis
W n Hunt. San Fran
R C Geer, Honolulu
mqdii . . " - vicer, iionoiuli
EJ? Reeves. Med- Mrs M A Blundell.
lord. Or i o. ..v. -...
,'"6i. nun
Mrt John F White, do
I Mrs M TVmrl An
. . . "' " " c
xx xjyers, tsalem
J Rex, Salem
Ray Stout. Mehama
Miss E Hughes. Treka
Harry Harwood. X r
Robt M Eberle. San F I
Frank E Lamb. N T
HI" Georgle Mendum,
A C Vaught. city
Mrs I M Day. St Hlns
H M Smith Rat.. .-
W J Guy. Lebanon. Or
ra uuy, jeoanon. Or
Mrs L J Cochran. Hood
ivcr, kit
Mae Rv TTnv tm,
E A Bennett, La Cenlr
l01-.0 SnIth. Chehalls
J E Trule, Aumsvllle
.v. uAsnier, Mew York
. i roresis. ivan CItj
"juibc v.arier. Quo
Vadls?" r
R R Mrers. Albany
Emma PI Trnv r-
H S McGowan. Astoria
r i-aimDerg. Duluth
Stuart Armour. Spokn
Oeo K Dean, Spokane
M Aldcrson. JJewbers
B J Boynton. St Paul
A S Pick. Seattle
Louise Gorman, Ya
oulna. Or
qullle. Or
iN ixirenz. coquille. Or
John C Bins. Dalles
Mrs E Hartman.Tacma
W H B Anderson, Van
couver, wash
Mrs W H B Anderson.
Vanouvcr, Wah
W T Snyder. Seattle
S A Mai1. fllvmnl.
T J Martin XfoXH.,....!
"R B Wilcox, Forst Grv
a xieiuner. do
Mrs W Bolton. Ante
lope. Or
Vivian Bolton. do
Mrs W L Hlnkle. do
Mrs Arthur Pnurn 4r
W fl Tnhrtr Tanm.
J B Hogff. Townsend
mrs james, castle KK
Master Jum An
R B Bryan. Aberdeen
IE C Bellows. Vancvr
J R Cateman. Juneau
W D McClellan. Butte
Mrs W D McClellan. da
Geo E Ronney. Salt Lk
J A Best, M D. Weston
airs j a uest, Weston
Mrs Hlldreth. Weston
S J La France. Hood R
P D Gilbert, Albany
J W Raymond. Oakes
dale. Wash
G L Hawkins, Indp
Mrs Hawkins. do
a. yj Keinnart, summer
vllle. Or
C E Moulton. Tncoma
ti t: smith, city
Mrs O'Donnell Vanrv.
Herman Hawkins, do
Mrs J W Howard, do
A V KltM An
Miss M Dunlgan, do
J S Broadr. Texas
airs Ray E watts.Gobl
Miss Parkhala. Astoria
Mrs Tlllle Klttsler. do
M F Hardesty. Astoria
Thos Linvllle. Astoria
M S Woodcock. Corval-
11s. Or
Mrs S T Llnklater.
Hilfobom. Or
Miss Warren
C. W. Knowles. Manarw
D M Carmichael. S F F F Spauldlng. LrGrnd
Frang A Moore. W W (Mrs F r Spauldlng. do
S Fern McKean, Jr,
' " x- xiann.urant a
Mrs Harth. do
Mrs M M Davis. Cor-
D Goodman. Frisco
J Peterson. San Fran
C R Smead, Blalock
H Harklns. Seattle
Mrs C F Clarkson.
Maynard Blxby. Salt L
Mrs M S Meycrs.Dalles
Jos Pratt, Prairie Cltj
Mrs Pratt, do
Mrs Mary Hubers.
Chas Aug. Elgin
Ella Proctor. Elgin
Mr Mabel Scttlcmier.
I J P McMlnn. Corraills
E B McElroy. Eugene
Mrs B J Hawthorne, do
H G McKInley. LaCross
J A Venesn- Wlntrtr
A M Baker. New York
sam j uorman. Chicago
i- Btuuwin, oan irr
W P Bird. Rf Pnr.1
C E Vilas. Seattle
G E Sylvester. Seattle
airs o iv ester. Seattle
W L Jornn. Tannf
Mrs C M Cook. San Fr
Mrs Joran. Tacoma
IT J Donovan. St Paul
k s Fierce, spoaane
Mrs Pierce, Spokane
S Schmidt, Astoria
S A Kozer. Salem
-t1f. T nc RII-Tn
x. j x-nicnett. st Louis
Albert nnntw. i.t..i.
Mrs J E Moore. Long
Mr-i O F McAllister. B S Snow. Seaside
tne italics ijxiti enow, seaside
Mrs J B Crossen. do
Hotel Brnnavrlclc. Seattle.
European: first class. Hates. 7Cc and up. On
block from depot. Restaurant next door.
Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma,
Strictly first-class; newly furnished
throughout: ourist headquarters.
Heard the Neiva Crtlmly.
CHICAGO. June 5. Tne Boer delegates
arrived here this morning, and were Im
mediately taken in charge by a reception
committee, headed br Mayor Harrison nmi
conducted. t& th,e, .AjiaJtortum jaot.eU The
delegates received the news of the fall of
Pretoria calmly. Mr. iTscher remarking:
"The news does not come as a surprise.
The fighting will continue." Mr. Weesels
said that the fall of the Transvaal capital
meant there would no fonger be organised
resistance on a large scale to Lord Rob
erts, but from now on. the burghers woulc
pursue guerrilla tactics.
Hartford Goes te Earoe.
NEW YORK. June 3. A special to the
Tribune from Washington, says:
The frigate Hartford, which has Just
made the straight-away voyage from San
Francisco to Newport News, is to be or
dered to Europe to complete the education
of her crew, who shipped from the Pacific
Coast as landsmen under a four years'
enlistment. Their cruise around Cape
Horn gave them something more than a
rudimentary knowledge of maritime life
and after the run across the Atlantic
they will probably be fit for regular war
ship duty.
When the Hartford reaches the French
Coast next month, she will be the flag
ship of a squadron of training ships In
European waters lawrer than ever hefnre
assembled abroad by the United States.
The others will be the Dixie, now on her
way to the Mediterranean from Manila;
the Buffalo, the Essex and the Lancaster.
FrelsrUt Tia.te Demorallaatlon.
NEW YORK, June 5. The Times says:
"General Eastern freight agents of lines
west of Chicago, who have heretofore re
fused to accept busineas at cut rates,
went through the wholesale district ves.
i terday and solicited business of every
xuna at tne lowest rates they could make
to suit the shippers, without regard to
the presidents' agreement. The offers ot
these agantS constitute the first nnon vn-
, lat-'on of the presidents' agreement In this
city. When It became known that some
j of the Western lines had offered to take
business at reduced rates, the result was
that all the other lines took the same
. step, and the complete demoralization of
1 rates on west-bound business originating In
Eastern territory is now' an aesured fact."
Concerning: a. Method of Cmrlncr Dya
pcpsln. and Stomach Troubles.
Dyspepsia and Indigestion are considered
incurable by many people who do not real
ize the advance made in modern medloal
science, and because by the "old methods
and remedies a cure was rarely, If ever,
Dyspepsia Is now cured as readily aa any
other disease.
What the dyspeptic wants Is abundant
nutrition, which means plenty of good,
wholesome, well-cooked food and some
thing to assist the weak stomach to di
gest It. ThS is exactly the purpose for
which Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are
adapted, and this Is the method by which
they cure the worst cases of Dyspepsia.; in
other words, the patient eats plenty of
wholesome food, and Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets digest It for him. In this way the
system Is nourished and the overworked
stomach rested, because the tablets will
digest the food whether the stomach
works or not. One of these tablets wlll
digest 2000 grains of meat or eggs.
Your druggist will tell you that Stuart's
Dyspepsia tablets Is a remedy sold on Its
merits, and Li the purest, safest and
cheapest remedy sold for stomach
troubles, and every trial makes one more
friend for this excellent preparation.
No More Dread
of the Dental Chair
TATTELT WITHOUT PAIN, by cr lata scien
tific mothod applied to th rural. N gliop
producing agents r cocatc.
Taeso ar tb oalrdestal parlors in rort
larredlents to extras, fill and apply gtX
Crowns and porcelain crowns unditctab!
from natural teth, aad warranted tor 10
nl ot teeth. 95. a perftct fit guaranteed or no
pay. Gold crowns, (3. Gold fillings. 1. Slrvr
fillings. BOc All work oont by GRADUATE
DENTISTS ot from 12 to 30 years' xpsrlsnae.
and aeh department In charge of a specialist.
Give us a call, and you will find as to do ex
actly as we advertise. Wo will tell you In ad
vance exactly what your work will cost by a
GOLD CROWfS .....fO.00
New York Dental Parlors
Fourth and Morrison St., Portland
HOURS, 8 TO 8: SUNDAYS. 10 TO 4.
Branch Offloe. 73S Market St.. San Francisco.
Food is Repulsive
to the stomach, that is irritated
and sensitive. Nervous disor
ders of the brain irritate the
stomach nerves making it weak
and easily deranged. That's
why so many people who suffer
from headache have weak stom
achs. All nervous troubles,
whether of the brain, stomach
or heart yield most readily to
Dr. Miles' Nervine.
"Starting' from a small spot In ray brain
the pain would steadily increase until k
seemed that my head would split open. I
would be deathly sick at the stomach, would
vomit terribly and many times have gone
from 24 to 3& hours without food or drink.
After suffennr from these spells for 13 years
was completely cured by six bottles ot Dr.
Miles' Nervine.'' Mrs. J. M. Yhitz,
JU Druo Start, Williams ton, Mick
The World's Jsjedkiae.
Fr sail Btttoum rnttd Hanrsn Dim
eraana s Xttsfr Hamr1aU
1 Consilfiatfwi, Wamk Stomach, -'
pairaa aigestlmn, Dlxortlmrma
Liver, mmilmtaarm Blood.
Aajjual sale over 6,000,099 Taaes. 10 cent!
3d 25 cents at drar stares.
Beeeham's Pills hare the largest sale of any Pro- J
aehiered wiUiottt tie jnftllcatloa ortcatl-
... '"-"'lioiSiQititiei
Baldness Cured oy Destroying: the
Paraalte Gerra That Canses It.
Baldness follows faring hair, falling
hair follows dandruff: and dandruff is the
result of a germ digging its way into the
scalp at the root of the hair, where It
saps the vitality of the hair. To destroy
that germ Is to prevent aa well as to
cure dandruff, fal ing hair, and, lastly,
baldness. There is only one preparation
known to do that, Newbro's Herplclde. an
entirely new, scl.ntlc dlcoery. "Wher
ever It has been tried It has proven won
derfully successful. It can't he otherwise,
because it utterly destroys the dandruff
germ. "You destroy the cause, 5011 re-
-asnm niiiiiiiiiiiHii
ranye. (te .effect,"
on bui
m '
11 9l I fill
Kot a. dark offltre la tbe balldlnci
bsolHtely flreproott electric HKbtB
aad artesian vraterj perfect saaltA.
riea aad tboroask ventilation. Ele.
raters raa dar aad alsrat.
ALDRICH. S. 7., General Contractor 61J
ANDERSON. OUSTAV. Attorney-at-Law...613
AUSTEN, P. C.. Manager for Oreeon and
Washing-ton Backers' Life Asar-ciatlon. of
Des Moines. la.... ....... B02-S03
MOINES. IA.;F. C Austen. Manager.. 5C2-CC3
BEALS. EDWARD A., Forecast Official U.
S. Weather Bureau 010
BENJAMIN. R W.. Dentist 314
BINSWANGER. DR. O. 8.. Phys. & Sur.410-411
BROOKE, DR. J. M.. Phya. & Surr 703-709
BROWN. MTRA. M. D 313-3H
BRUERD. DR. G. E.. Physician.... 412-418-414
BUSTEBD. RICHARD. Arent Wilson & Mc-
Callay Tobacco Co. 602-6OS
CAUKIN. Q. E., District Agent Travelers'
Insurance Co. T18
CARROLL. W. T.. Special Agent Mutual
Reserve Fund L'fe Ass'n..... G04
CORNELIUS. C. W.. Phya. and Surgeon.... 2M
COVER. F. C. Cashier Equitable Life S0
COLLIER. P. F.. Publlaber; S. P. McQutre.
Manager 415-414
DAT. J. O. & I. N. 319
DAVI3. NAPOLEON. President Columbia
Telephone Co. eot
DICKSON. DR. J. F Physician 713-714
DRAKE. DR. H. B.. Physician 512-S13-614
DWTER. JOE. F.. Tobaccos 403
L. Samuel. Manager: F. C Cover. Cashter.SOa
EVENING TELEGRAM 323 Alder etreet
FENTON. J. D..Phys1clnn and Surgeon. f50-S10
FENTON. DR. HICKS C Eye and Ear Sit
E. C Stark. Manager ,.601
OALVANI. W. H.. Engineer and Draughts
man 00
GAVIN. A.. President Oregon Camera Club.
GEARY. DR. EDWARD P.. Physician and
Surgeon 212-213
GEBBIE PUB. CO.. Ltd., Fine Art Publish
ers; M. C. McGruvy. Mgr 018
OIESY. A. J.. Phyalclan and Surgeon... 700-710
GODDARD. E. C. & CO., Footwear
Ground floor. 120 Sixth street
GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhattan
Life Insurance Co. of New York... ...200-218
GRANT. FRANK S.. Attorney-at-Law 617
HAMMAM BATHS. King & CamptonProisOS
HAMMOND. A. B , 313
HEIDINGER. GEO. A. & CO.. Pianos and
Organs 131 Sixth street
HOLLISTER. DR. O. C. Phya. Jb Sur..504-BOS
IDLEMAN. C. M.. Attorney-at-Law.. 41&-17-13
JOHNSON. W. C 31&-316-31J
KADY. MARK T.. Supervisor of Agents
Mutual Reserve Fund Life Ass'n 6O4-C03
LAMONT. JOHN. Vice-President and Gen
eral Manager Columbia Telephone Co 6C4
LITTLEFIELD. H. R.. Phya. and Surgeon.. 20
MACRUM, W. S.. Sec Oregon Camera Club.214
MACKAY. DR. A. E.. Phya. and Surg. .711-712
MAXWELL. DR. W. E.. Phys. & Surg. .701-2-3
.McCOY. NEWTON. Attorney-at-Law 713
McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer.... 201
McGINN. HENRY E.. Attorney-at-Law.311-312
McKELL. T. J.. Manufacturers' Representa
tive SOS
MILLER. DR. HERBERT C., Dentlat and
Oral Surgeon GO&-609
MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Dentlat 312-313-314
New York: W. Goldman. Manager.. ..200-210
Mark T. Kady, Supervisor of Agents.. 604-003
Mcelroy, dr. j. q.. Ph;-s. & sur.701-702-703
McFARLAND. E. B., Secretary Columbia
Telephone Co. ...eO
McGUIRE. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier.
Publisher 41B-413
McKIM, MAURICE. Attorney-at-Law S09
MILLER & ROWE. Real Estate. Timber
and Farming Lands a Specialty ....709
York; Wm. S. Pond. State Mgr. .404-408-408-NICHOLAS.
HORACE B.. Attorney-at-Law.713
NILES. M. L., Cashier Manhattan Life In
surance Co.. of New York. ...... .........209
Dr. L. B Smith. Osteopath 403-409
OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-216-217
POND. WM. S.v Stale Manager Mutuat Life
Ins. Co. of "New "York.:, x. 404-405-400
Ground floor. 133 Sixth street
Marshall. Manager 018
QUIMRY. L. P. W.. Game and Forestry
Warden ... 716-717
ROSENDALE. O. M.. Metallurgist and Min
ing Engineer 513-010
REED is. MALCOLM. Opticians. 133 SIxst street
REED. F. C, Fish Commissioner 407
RYAN. J. B.. Attorney-at-Law 417
SAMUEL. L.. Manager Equitable Life 309
SHERWOOD. J. W Deputy Supreme Com
mander. K. O. T. M. 317
SMITH. Dr. L. B., Osteopath 403-409
STARK. E. C. Executive Special. Fidelity
Mutual Life Association of Phlla.. Pa 601
STUART. DELL. Attorney-at-Law 017-018
STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist 704-704
STROWBRIDGE. THOS. H.. Executive Spe
cial Agent Mutual Life, of New York 408
TUCKER. DR. GEO. F.. Dentist jC10-6H
U. S. WEATHER BUREAU 007-908-903-019
DIST.. Captain W. C Langfltt, Corps of
Engineers. U. S. A. SO
C Langfltt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A. .310
WATERMAN. C H.. Cashier Mutual Life
of New York 40
retary Native Daughters 710-717
WHITE. MISS L. E-. Assistant Secretary
Oregon Camera Club 214
WILSON. DR. EDWARD N.. Phya 4 Sur.304-3
WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Surg. .700-707
WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Phys. & Surg.507-6OS
Richard Busteed. Agent 002-603
WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physician 412-413-414
A few more elesrant offices xuay lie .
had by applying: to Portland Trast
Company of Oregon, 100 Third st.. o
to the rent cleric In the bnildlnff.
No Cure
way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM
TREATMENT CURES you without medicine of
all nervous or diseases of the generative or
gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains,
varicocele. Impotency. etc Men are qulcttly re
stored to perfect health and strength. Write
for circulars. Correspondpnce confidential.
Safe "Deposit building, Seattle, Wash.