THTJ MORNTKG OBEGONIAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 1.-1900.. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Rooms. ".Roosn and Board." "Hotaekeej. Ing Booms. "Sit u lions Wanted. 15 words or Jess. 15 ixdU; IS t30 wort. SO cents: 21 to S3 word., SS 'cents., etc, No dtscosBt for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHKR HEADS except New Today." 30 cents for IS words or less; 16 to UP words. 40 cents; 21 to S3 words. rents, etc first Insertion. Each addition.! Insertion. ot.e ha.f. no further discount coder one racnth. "NEW TODAT" (gauge measure agate). 13 cents per line, -first Insertion: 10 -cents per lira f-.r each addlticoal lcsertloa. AMUSEMENTS. COKDRAVS TT1EATER- One week, commencing SUNDAY EVE. MAT 27. Matinee Saturday. The funniest or xll farce comedies, the, "REAL WIDOW BROWN." RUM. WIDOW BROWN." "REAL "WIDOW- CROWN." REAL WIDOW BROWN." iew music. Clever specialties. Excellent cast of characters. Usual prlr.-es. CORDRAY'S THEATER We-k commencing Sunday. June 3. Majestic production of tho great play. "QUO VADISr "QUO VADISr "QUO VADIS7" QUO VADISr "QUO VADISr r "QUO VADISr It stands side by side with the mest famcus works of the greatest roasters. Prls as usual. NEW TOO AY. AUCTION -SALE OF CHOICE LOTS. EASY terms In Howe's Addition, from 39th to 41st rtrfets. oa Division street. Sale begins "Wednesday. June 20. at 2 P. M. sharp, at the oIHce of Parrlsli &. Watklns. agents. 250 Alder slrwt. 8. I N. Oilman, auctioneer. FOR 10 DAYS ONLY PAINLESS EXTRAC tlon of tth, 25c. no cocaine or poisonous drugs, satisfaction guaranteed, or no iay. Full ft. of teeth. $5. 10 years guarantee. 201 Morrison st . near Fifth, room 3. room 3. Don't forget the number, room, 3. LEA & PERRINS SAUCE. PER BOTTLE. 25c: summer sausage, per lb.. 20c. best East ern hams. 1214c psr lb.; 2-pInt bottles catsup, 25c McKlnnon Grocery Co.. 173 Third st. FOR SALE GREENHOUSE. 11 BY CO FEET, portable: also 10 cedar sash. 3 by 0 feet, and stock of bulbs, plants, pots, boxes, etc: cheap. Inquire ISth and East Salmon. FOR RENT OVERTON ST.. NEAR 23D; handsome O-room residence. In perfect order: every convenience. Title Guarantre & Trust Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce. ANTON ZILM. teacher of violin, string quar tets for entertainments. A. O. U. W. Temple MINERS AND OTHERS SHOULD SEE CAPE Nome Coal Oil Burner. IOC1 First st. Warrants Bonds and stocks bought and fold. J. W. Cruthers & Co.. 314 Chamber of Commerce. P. JOHNSON, FLORIST. Thousands of carnation blooms. 25c to 35c per dozen. Also good pansy plants. In bloom, for 15c per dozen. Order now for Decoration Day Call 421 Williams ave. FOR SALB-ltEAL ESTATE. $500 A COTTAGE OF C ROOMS AND BATH: this side of Woodlawn, on Union avenue: lot 50xlM. 51000 Corner Hoyt and 11th streets; the best locality In town for a grocery store. $3000-A beautiful residence on Sixth ertreet. 7 rooms and bath; rolld concrete ce.lar; porcelain tubs; furnace heat; wired tar gas and electricity. $5000 Two-story residence -and lot 100x100 on East Washington, near East 19th. A beautiful home. 0OO A pretty home on Eart Side, with beautiful lawn and shade trees: size of lot. 150x120; on corner facing two principal streets, and two blocks either way from two car lines. $1 -00 Fine lot In Alblna. opposite the bank the cheapest buy on the East Side. $0500 Quarter-block on Grand avenue; near East Taylor: easy terms. This is certainly a snap. $1700 Lot 50x100 on Overton and 20th els. Here in the beet chance to secure a cheap and perfect building lot In Portland. Lies h:gh and dry. and on the sunuy corner of tho street. 219 feet frontage, with new house of 7 rooms and bath, in South Portland; house complete in every way; A- positive snap. Let iw show you this property. Owner called away before house is finished, and must pelL $C25 Two full lots in Hanson's Addition, and a bargain. Three nice homes of C rooms and bath each, c-ltuste on Hall and llth streets; newly finished, and only $2000 each, with discount for the whole. Let us show you this prop erty. $15,000 will buy you one of the best building lcis on Third street: net Income on same over 7 per .cent; terms reasonable. $.".000 A beautiful home on East Ash st., near 20th. all modern Improvement, and in 100x120. easy terms. Three pretty home. on East Pine and llth streets; will be said cheap; all nicely rented: terms very easy. ALSO The finest farm In Washington County, containing about 300 acre., all under culti vation, splendidly watered. and fully equipped. One of the most profitable farms In ilu Northwest. ALSO A large UK of desirable lots and homes In evry part of the city, cheap. Money to loan, houses to rent d rrntj collected. ROUNTREE ft DIAMOND. Real Estate. Loans and Insurance. 241 Stark fltreet, corner Second. Phone Grant, 291. r- RAILROAD AND MILLMEN WE HAVE FOR sale the finest location for manufacturing purposes on the Coast, being two fine tracts at Llr.nton. Just outside city llmitn; one 1200 feet, deep-water front, and running back to N. P. Railroad, and one 1320 feet, deep water front, and running back to St. Helens ccunty road. Will pell 400 or SOO feet. Orlr.dstaff & Blaln. 2'fl Stark. GOOD S-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE AND stable. Tioga, Long Beach. Wash.; also two lots, C and 7, block 2, First Peninsular ad dition, city. F. Hacheney, City Treasurer- office. ELEGANT CORNER LOT AND FINE EIGHT room house, very latest improvements, nice location. We&t Side, price $3500; cost $5000. Address H 44. care Oregonian, FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME cf 7 arres; 5 acres in prunes, good house, bam: on electric car line; cltv water. Apply 145 llth st, TIMBER LANDS And forest reserv scrip for sale. Govern ment and state land located. J. D. Wilcox .V Co.. 292 & Stark st. FOR RENT MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE: fine location, at SSI Kelly st,. South Tort land Ky at S3S Kelly st. D. W. Hoelblng, 250 Stark sL '$400 HOUSE AND TWO LOTS AT SELL wood. one block car line. Inquire agent, steamer Lurllne. foot Taylor st. FOR SALE-HOUSE OF 3 ROOMS AND TWO lets; price $950. 973 East Taylor st. FOR SALE FARMS. 1MI-ROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For full Dartlcul&r an to various properties, apply to Macs-aster & Blrreil. 311 Worcester block. F R 5ALE A FARM OR DAIRY RANCH OF 500 a eras, well located, a fine place. 200 acre i rraw, good bulldlnirs. "H cheap r trade fcr ms-hlnery. Icqulr the IL C Albte Co.. 2C0 Eajjt traL SCO A"1IEK 12 BEARING ORCHARD. HOUSE, bar-., store 25 miles Portland $2KK down. J alxn ! pr nt Budd. 110 Flrt trrt. BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE. BRITAIN FOX. Score 95. The b"Kt representative of the world-famed Britain K'ram. at stud In our rabbltrj- Fee, $25 'inprove your stock by breeding to x irol bj k Hares practically bred, correctly Rutnaged ard offered at sensible prices, qual tv cnltlered. J"r5!nr.ji1 nttenflOTi clren to every detail of the business. Shipments made j n a i jiaria oi me country in ugoi ana airy crates. Phone Clay 9S1. Los Ar-gelcs Belgian Hire Co . 249 Firth t.. Portland, Or. GXD PEDIGREED DOES, NONPAREIL rlraln. bred to Yukon buck, scoring 94. $5. Kxtra good pedigreed docs. Nonpareil aud S r Stjles strains, bred to same buck. $7. i'r-erdid Yukon docs, scoring 92i to C. brsl to son of Imported Rochdale, scoring '. i, $15 to $25. T 3- bucks. C months, acoricr 3 to 94',i, $10 to $20 rr.V-T.ERABBrrRT. 943 Lake st. Los, Cal. BELGIAN HARES: REASONABLE; CHAM I Son Yukon. Gold Bug. Sir Styles. Los An- feces tauuiu;( v.4 auu vit.uu, ur.iaiU. wr. 4 JFFK'"SON -STREET RABBITRT. N. E. cor Sixth and Jefferson: stock from $3 to $70 pair. Lord Britain. Banbury and Sir Styles. POrcXANP BELGIAN HARE CO.. 110 SEC ond st : largest oa the N.W. Coast; an. prices. R&hbitrr. Midway, Oregoa City line. TO EXCHANGE. WILL TRADE 1C0-ACRE RANCH. WITH crop, orchard, buildings, for small rl Walewskl. Toledo. Or. NEW TRUNKS FOR OLD AT PHn.UPS trunk factory. 22S!4 Morrison etreet- TIMDER LANDS FOR SALE. 320 ACRES HEAVY TIMBER. BETWEEN north and south fork of Santlaia. C Hett man. Oregon City. J. L. MARTIN &. CO. .TIMBER LANDS. room 7 Benson block. 0th and Morrison sis. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOT3. LOT OF FIXTURES. SHELVING. COUNT ers, tables, stands, show and butter-cases; suitable for grocery or market. Also wagon and horse. Call at 234 Tamhlll Et, Typewriters, alt make, rented and sold: expert repairing; offlae mipplles and desks. Coast Agency Co.. 200 Stark st. Both phones. FOR SALE -IVi-Y ARD STEAM SHOVEL. ONE air compressor, suitable for mining purposes. C C Co.. 318 Oregonian building. BEDROOM SUIT. BAI5T BUGGY. CARPET, dishes, stove and other household goods. Call 10 to 12 or 3 to 7. 650 Everett- HORSES; TWO PAIR SMALL DRIVING AND two single drivers. Burnslde stable, corner Fourth and Burnslde, $2.50 EACH FOX TERRIERS. PURE breed. 0 months old; best ratters on earth. Q 48. care Oregonian. HORSES- HEAVY WORK TEAMS AND light -drivers. Portland Livestock Exchange. Fourth and Ankeny. FOR SALE FRESH MILCH COWS: SUIT able for Cape Nome trade Inquire at Falcs Landing. Wash. FOR BEST FIR. OAK AND ASH WOOD GO to Pioneer Wood Yard, foot of Morrison st. Phone IK). $10 FOR A NEW GAS COOKER: $2 CASH, balance $2 per month. Gas Co.. 17 Fifth t- Magtc lanterns, newv second-hand, moving pic tures. Bullard & Brecfc. 131 Post, San Fran. HOItKE. BUGGY AND HARNESS FOR SALE cheap. Apply Model Stables. Fifth and Pails. BEST DRY FIR WOOD. HOOVER. 313 Water. Phones Ore. South C51, Columbia 83. SPAN OF GOOD. HEAVY- WORK MULES for sale. J. E. Blackbyn. Montavllla. PlBBOK. WE ARE GOING TO MOVE TO OUR NEW building, cor. Park and Washington, and are closing out every new. slightly used and sec ond -hand piano and organ at less than agents wholesale prices. EIIts Piano Houvs. 107 First st,. the N. W. General Agency of Chlckerlng. Kimball and Weber pianos. Kim ball and Crown organs. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. ROOMS 18 AND 17 Buvtel building, cor. Fourth and Morrison. Stelnway & Sons. A. B. Chase and Emerson pianos. A. B. Chase and W. W. Putnam or r&ns. Cah or installments. Gramophone and Reglna music boxes. TO EXCHANGE MY MAHOGANT CHICK eiing upright piano for Kranlch tz Bach; will pay cash difference. D 40, car Orego nian, NEW PIANO FOR RENT VERY CHEAP. Graves & Co.. 2S5 Alder. 124 Sixth st- BOULK BROS.. EXPERT TUNERS. 107 FIRST t. Phoren. El!en PUfio TIUie. HELP "WANTED MALE. VOTERS. ATTENTION' WANTED 75.WX) voters to vote "YES" . on election day for the Equal Suffrage AmT.dmnt. and show the editor ad Interim of The Oregonian that he can't "sick." "sick." "sick" thf-m hard enough after their mothers, wives, sisters und sweethearts to cause them to vote to whip the women of Oregon while they are gaggwl and bound. FALLER, $55. BOARD: BUCKER. $,'&: board; ratchet-setter. $32.5'). board; Iwick -setter. $45. board; 100 R. R. men. $1 75, pays; boat-puller; laborers. $1 73; -woodchopprs, $1.05; bolt-cutters. W)c; 0 men and teams, $5; man and wife, hotel, $10; 2 itorters. $13 and $20. found; 2 hotel cooks, ivi. room; farm hands, bell boys; dishwashers; 20 mill hands, $2. Call and see us. Canadian Agency, 22ti, Mprrlfon. C A T-TTCXf A "- WlVTPn (tnCT TIIIPIJIT. ATJ rangement Will te mide with "capable, expert-1 t-iiceo subscription book salesman: new stana ard works; no competition, For full particu lars address Syndicate Publishing Co.. 927 Market sL, San Francispo. WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS SHORT-ORDER cook; night -work; must -understand pastry work; salary $20 per week; no dubs need ap ply. Manca'B Cafe, 207 Cherry st,. Seattle. Wash. - WANTED ALL-AROUND MACHINIST AND toolmaker. to take charg of modern tool room; none but reliable and first-rlass man need apply. Willamette Iron & Steel Works. Men to learn barber trade: S weeks completes; wajjes whlto learning, tools donated; special Inducements: positions ijuarantw-d. Ill cat alogue free Moler's Barber College. S. F .Cal. FIRST-CLASS SADDLETREE COVERER TO take full cliarge of covering department; good wages to right party. Inquire Saddletree Fac tory. 19th and Vaughn. COLUMBUS CALIFORNIA WTNE DEPOT. P. Loratl. 14S Fourth. Headquarters fcr cooks, waiters, bartenders. Tel. Main 731. WANTED-STOUT TOUTH FOR GENERAL work and package r41very. Bernstein's Art Store, 307 Washington. YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE WORK; MUoT lx quick and accurate, at figures. Address H 50. care Oregonian, COMPETENT STATIONARY ENGINEER, with knowledge of electric plant. Address Y 13, care Oregonian. FIVE MEN WANTED TO GO TO NOME ON salary; little money required. C12 .Commer cial building. WANTED-A GOOD. SOBER TINNER AND cornice-worker. O. O. Hodson, McMlnnville, Or. COAL MINERS WANTED.- APPLT TO P. H-nnessy. Supt.. Llhhy. Coos County. Or. CASS1MERE WEAVERS WANTED AT ORE gon City Woolen Mlllx. Oregon City. Or. COATMAKER WANTED. BY S. A, SCHIFF lr Pendleton. Or. OUR SPECIALTT 10c DRINKS. SLITER'S Cafe. 148 Sixth st. BOTS WANTED AT 1C2 FniST: GOOD wages. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAITRESSES. 2 CHEHAL1S. $15; BRIDAL Veil. $18; 8 city. Best, and "B.-TI . $15 to $20. Housekeeper. Scappoose. one Oregon City. Clerk fruit stand, oyster parlbr: second work. $12 to $20, nurse girls; cooks, hotel and B.-H ; housework. Tacoma. Colfax. Catlin, Skamokawa, Seaside, and 137 places- in city. $12 to $20. Canadian Parlors. 22JVi Morrison. Save from 3 to ,C months" time by taking up the easily acquired, qulcz and legible Pernln Shorthand, at Behnke's Pernln Shorthand School & Com' I College. 614 Commercial blk. WANTEDCOMPETENT SKIRT AND WAIST hand, and an apprentice to learn dressmak ing, pay to right party while learning. 104 llth st. SALESLADY FOR FANCY DRT tJCODS. Apply btw-en b and 10 A. M.. New York Mercantile Co.. 203 Third. WANTED STENOGRAPHER: MUST BE capable; Mate experience, salary expected. D 47. rare Ortfonian. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENER- al housework; references required. Apply 581 East Bura1de st- GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework; small family. Apply 330 Wash ington st. GIRL FOR COOKING AND LIGHT GENER al housework: small family. Call 9-12 A. M.. 171 llth. WANTED GIRL TO DO SECOND WHK and take care, ot child. Apply 550 Hoyt. . GOOD GIRL TO DO COOKING AND HOUSE work. small family. 495 East Davis st, GOOD GIRL .FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK in small family. Inquire 770 Irving st. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN light housekeeping. Apply 2S3 Sventh WANTED A GOOD NURSE GIRL. APPLT Washington Hotel. 100 North Third street. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP ply 3S1 10th -. cor. Montgomery. wTvTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Inquire SS 22d st. GOOD DESTNG-ROOM GIRL. FOR PRTi'ATE boarding-house. 349 Alder. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. IN small family. C3I QlUan st. HELr 1CV ANTED FKXALK. DINING-ROOM GIRL WANTED; MUST HE experienced. Call today. The Vendcrne. cor. 13th and Alder. WANTED A GIRL FOR' LIGHT HOUSi wori. 245 Lincoln street. APPRENTICE GIRL FOR WORKROOM. AND one for store, st XJtt's. GIRI. FOR GENERAL HOUSEWOP.K, IX qnlre at 305 Alder. SITCAT0 M'lXTZD-MALE. MixcellnBeona. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN OF STANDING and Al experience desires opening, account ing, office, outride work and 'managing thor oughly understood: highest references; satis faction guaranteed. Y 47, Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED JAPANESE COOK, with wife, wants steady position, in respect able family;, no object wages for her. W 47, . cans Orgonlin. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS PLACE IN dressmaking shop. Address U 45, care Ore gonian. '- "WANTED AGENTS. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED SOLICIT or Xor new enterprise tn the state; jxclusjve rights in Oregon, much money made tn Cali fornia and other states by solicitors. Call at room 34. 2904 Morrison street, and investi gate this excellent opportunity, between 2 and 3 P. M.. or correspond same address. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD. BY YOUNG lady; five" walk to East Morrison and Grand ave. X 4S. care Oregonian. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BREAKFAST, on farm or ranch located near Mount Tabor. T 47. care Oregonian. WANTED COTTAGE AT BEACH. FOR JULY and August Address, with particulars, U 40, care Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT BARN. FOR ONE OR two horses. Portland Market Co.. 170 Third Etrett- f- WANTED THREE OR TOUR UNFURNISH- ed rooms; central. 340 Sixth st. WANTED HOUSE. 7 OR S ROOMS. CEN tial. Address 340 Sixth st. WASTED-MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TO BU.Y FOR CASH. A BICYCLE for a boy and a girl. 19 or 20-lnch and also a ladyk bicycle, 1. Gevurtz, the Home furnisher. .173 First. WE GUARANTEE to pay more than other dealers for second-hand furniture, and any household goods. 23C 0th. Phono Brown &3. WANTED TO BUI CAST-OFF CLOTH INGi. price no object, Maine Loan Office. 70 North Third st. Oregon phone -Clay CS2. W ANTED TO Bt SECOND-HAND BUGGY. In good condition, must be cheap. N 4S, care On-Konlan. WANTED - LARGE LETTER - COPYING press; must be cheap. Address E 43, care Oregonian. Cat-ofI second-har.i clothing wanted at; 81 N. 3d Prices no object, Oregon phone Clay 513. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR, PARK, AND Alder it., under the management of the otrner. Helen F. Spalding The moot complete apartment-house In the Northwest; cnclct rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and ivlfe: Iurnlihd housekeeping mil tea a rpeclaUy. r2 SEVENTH. NEAR OAK BEAUTirUL front rooms, furnished entirely new. suitable for gentleman nd wife or two gentlemen. Also housekeeping suite Bath; priate fam ily. THE PLEASANTON. 2SS THIRD ST. FINE furnished rooms, en suite, single or house keeping; sunlight In all rooms; bath Included: most reasonable terms: transient-solicited. NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM, front, with or without- board; terms itason nble. 200 Hall st,, near Third-street car .line. Inquire mornings. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E, COR. THIRD AND. Harrison eta. Rooms, furnished or unfur; nlshed: all modern convetilnce: references. The La Porte. 170 Third, cor. 2Tamhlll First- class, clean and neat rooms, i per weex anu up; transient. 25c and up; and housekeeping. 129 14TH. BETWEEN ALDER AND WASH IngtonNewly furnished single or en suite; reaeonable rates; references exchanged. THE GILBERT LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED room; all nrvlern convenlenrej. Third and Taylor et.: entrance. 2C7 Taylor. THE STEVENS. 420 ALDER-FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms; new. modern, with or without board;-no small children. VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED ALCOVE room, private family. Inquire 1S9 llth st,. between Yomhllland Taylor. 1C9 PARK ST. NICE. NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; modern house; between Morrison and Yamhill. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. FOR GENTLE man: bath, convenient to clubs. 474 Yamhill street. FURNISHED ROOM; STATIONARY STAND. gas. bath; six minutes' walk from P. O. 2G2 12th. GILMAN HOTEL Brack bldr.. central: fur nlshed "ooms. $1 week and up. 1st and Alder. THE BURBANK. 334 TAMHILL ONE front room, neatly furnished; suitable lor two. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOM; all modern Improvements; private family. 3SS Salmon. TWO FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. FOR gentlemen only. 474 East Washington. ONE FURNISHED ROOM. FOR SINGLE man. $! per month. 235 Sixth st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 173 10TH st. Bath and telephone. Rooms With Ilonrd. 1-ORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH YEAR: rooms with board: enameled bath tubs; tut ot library: Woman'r Excange: Industrial school. Address Mra. E. C George. uprlL tendtLt, 510 Flanders street. HOTEL VENDOME MODERN FAMILT house; elegant accommodations; all .Ight rooms; first-class board; service unexcelled; low rates: select patronage solicited. Cor. 13th and Alder sts. FOR RENT NICELT FURNISHED ROOM, with board. In private family, on Nob Rill, references required: room, suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen. Inquire C 42, care Oregonian. SELECT ACCOMMODATIONS: ROOMS. rIN gle or en suite; choice location: modern risl class table board; reasonable; both phones. 394 Aldar. corner 10th. 435 ALDER UNFURNISHED BASEMENT; alfo furnished housekeeping suites; bath, telephone, gas' range; rooms light and cheer ful. V LADY PIANIST CAN HAVE ROOM AND board lor teacning cniiaren; reirrences ex changed. Oregon rhone Scot 941. TWO LOVELY ROOMS. FURNISHED. FOR housekeeping. $10: respectable people only. CalL No children. 205 Fourth. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS. EN SUITE and single, with board 1 desired, 194 Seventh treet. THE BROWN FAMILY HOTEL. COR. GRAND and Hawthorn avs.; elevator, telephone. LOVELY FRONT ROOM n suite; also single rooms; with first-clas table. 223 llth st. ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, near car line. 183 North lflth. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH FXRST cImi board. 1CS llth ft. HonaelcceTilngr Rooms. NORTHWEST CORNER SIXTH AND TAY lor Bright and cheerful housekeeping roTCs; one block from Hotel Portland and Post offlce. 534 MORRISON ST. ELEGANT SUITES OF . housekeeping roon. furnished or trnftir ntrhe4; telephone, bath and gas. 215 10TH ST -WELL-FURNISHED FIRST Coor l-room; alro one of three room, gas rang, bath and telephone. LONDON HOl'SK FIRST AND PINE TWO lovely, lary. clean furnished hou?ekeepj:g rcoms; rea&snabte; respectAhJe. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: pantry, sink: first floor; no children. G9 North 13th, near Davis. THREE NICELT -FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR 1 housekeDlnr. 5S0 Pttt-rrove. hetwep-i t.H'h ( and 13th. FOR RENT. '"' 'lXoBcUeeltiiS Rdm;' ' 420 SALilON ST. TWO OR THREE NICELY, furnished- bousekiepl: rooms, every conven ience. UNFURNISHED ROOMS; KENT VERY'REA sonable; no children; ISO Mark! et. i FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR H "lnr: very Teasona"ble. 552 Flrsl. FOR HOUSEKEEF- . FOR RENT-THREE FURXISHEDRCdMS. for housekeeping, at 350 Alder. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ON first floor. 291 Thlnlst Houses. FOR RENT A HANDSOME AND COMMODI OUS 11 -room house, down town; corner. Jut the place for a doctor. David 8. Stearns, 213 Washington et. FOR RENT TWO 8-ROOM ROUSES. SOUTH Portland, one block from street care, $10 each. Montague & Earden. 22Q Stark st.-. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE; DESIRABLE Lo cation; S5S Rose, ntar steel bridge Sheeny Bros.. I0S Sixth st. near Waihlngton. FOR RENT A FINE HOME. ALL MODERN Improvements and large lawn. 775 Overton 'st. Inquire at 770 Overton. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE SEVENTH ST.. between Oregon and Pacific Inquire ISO East Seventh st, north. COTTAGE 128 17TH ST.. NEAR GL1SAN. Inquire Max Smith, Vienna Cafe. 231 Morri son at. MODERN HOUSE. 7GD IRVING STREET. ,nr 23d; $30. Grtndstaff & Blaln. 246 Stark. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE: MODERN IM proveraents.. Apply 425 Seventh st- . FnTBlslit-d Rouses. $12 PER MONTH: 0-ROOM COTTAGE: AL7. furnished, complete for housekeepings some fruit trees; no objection to children. Ir-qulre C30 Seventh street, near Sherldan- $S PER MONTH-THREE-ROOM JLAT, bath, pantry. noodJhed. telephone, all tur--nUhed completo for housekeeping. 03; 7th, near Sheridan. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. WELL FURNISHED, choice location: -July and August only. Ad dress Pemberton. care Oregunl&n. NICELT FURNISHED HOUSE; vLAROE grounds, fruit, flowers; good location; no dogs: references. 401 12th st. AT SEASIDE THREE FURNISHED COT tages. Address Geo. Noland. Astoria. Call at Noland cotage. Seaside, Or. NICELY FURNISHED MODERN 0-ROOM cottage; bath, open grate, basement; no chil dren. Phone Rus 534. FURNISHED HOUSE; BEAUTIFUU MOD ern home, sightly, on car line; fruit and flow ers. 291 Eugene st. NEWLY FURNISHED 0-KOOM HOUSE.WITH hath: S2S Chapman st. Phone Hood 793. No children. A NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE OF NINE Tooms. on Nob Hill. Address B 47, care Oiv gonlan. Stores. FOR RENT-ONE-HALF STORE. 325 MOR rlson st-s heat and light furnished. Inquire at store. . FOR RENT-STORE. 50 NORTH SEXTH ST. Ofllce. . SECOND FLOOR- OF 228 ALDER ST.. CON. taining largo office rooms and a hall 20x40; suitable for printing or manufacturing estab lishment. Applj to Chas. Hegele, 53 and 03 Front st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Maxtern Notice. RARK PINMORE. CAPTAIN MAXWELL, from Nagasaki Neither the Captain nor the undersigned consignees of the aboye-n-mcd vscl will be r-sponlbI for anv debts that may be contracted by the crew. Taylor. Young &. Co., Agents. Portland, Or.. May 31, 19W. Proposaln Invited. PROPOSALS FOR MILITARY SUPPLIES-CO New Montgomery St,. San Francisco, Cal., April 30. 1900. Sealed proposals. In tripli cate, will be-received here until 11 o'clock A. M.. May 10, .WOO. and then opened', for furnishing stationery, lanterns, stoves, nlove furniture, lamp chimneys, feather dusters, oCloe tables, rugs, .hardware-. snddJery,- G. L. buckets, alcohol, stable brooms, excelsior, glue, axle grease, leather, lumber, oils, paints, rope, soap, sponge, 'etc Preference will be given to articles of domestic produc tion and .manufacture, conditions of price and quality being equal (including In the price of foreign productions the duty thereon; and such preference given to articles of American production and manufacture pro duced on the Pacific Coast to the extent of the consumption required by the public nerv ice there. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposalb or any part thereof. Proposals for dellvory at other points will be entertained,. Informa tion and blank proposals furnished on appli cation. Envelopes will be Indorsed "Propo sals for military supplies. No. 35RS." and ad dress CAPTAIN OSCAR F. I.ONG. Asslitant Quartermaster. U. S. Army. Depot Quarter master. PROPOSALS FOR STEAM-HEATING AND clcctrlc-llghtlng systems. Department of h.a Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C . May 2, 1900. Sealed proposals. In dorsed "Proposals for heat and light. Salem," and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Washington. D. C, will be received at the Indian Ofllce until 2 o'clock P. M., of Monday. , Jun 1, 1900, for furnishing the necexsary materials and labor required .to construct and complete stcam-tienting and electric-lighting systems at the Salem Indian School. Oregon, in strict accordance witli plans, specifications and instructions to blddecs, which nray fca examined at this otflce. the of fices of the Chronicle, of San Francisco. Cal.; tlw Oregon Statesman, of Salem. Or.: Tho Morning Oregonian. of Portland. Or.; .tho Post-ln:elligencer. of Seattle. Wash.: th Builders Sz Traders' Exchange. Omaha. Neb.; the Builders' & Traders Exchange, Mltwau kee. Wis.; the Northwestern Manufacturers' Association. St- Paul. Minn.; the- United, States Indian Warehouse. 235 Johnson street, Chicago. III.: and at the school. For further information apply to Thomas W. Potter. Su Iertntendent Indian School. Chetnawa. Or. W. A. Jones Commissioner. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS EXECUTIVE Ofilce. Saleln, Or.. May 23. 1900. Sealed pro posals, addressed to the undersigned, will be received at this office until 2 P. M.. Tues day. June 5, 1900, for furnishing the ma terials and labor required to construct and complete a new wing and other Improve ments at the Oregon Stato Penitentiary, in strict accordance with the plans, "specifica tions and Instructions to bidders, -which will be supplied by Pugh &. Gray, architects, Salem. Or. No bid will be considered unless made on blank form of proposal, which may be obtained from the architects. Right to reject any or all bids reserved. T. T. Gecr, Governor. MiscellaBcoan. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annual meeting of the stockholder:, of. the Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & Coneen- 'trating Company, for the Mection of a board of directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business .as may regularly come before them, will be held at the otTlce of the company, rooms 301 to 594. Chamber of Commerce building. Portland. Or., on June 21, 19K. at 12 o'clock nooiu GEORGE F. HOLMAN, Secretary Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & Concentrating Company. - ' " NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEUE by given that the annual meeting of the Mockholders of the Missoula Water Company wtl! be held at the ofilce -of the corapu), in the City of Portland. Or., on Monday. June 4. 1900. for the purpose of electing, directors for the ensuing ytar. and for the transac tion of such other business as may come be fore it. Br ordr of the Board of Directors. TYLER WOODWARD. Pres-ideat, Dated at Portland, Or., May 23. J 900. N - " . ".rr:p.5" MEETING-r The annual -meeting of the stockholder), or he Oregon Iron A Ste 1 Co.. will be hld at the office of the company, room 321. Ablng ton building, Portland. Or.. June 19, lfl) at 11 o'clock A M for the purpos of sleet ing a board of directors for th ensuing ytar. and the tran.-actlcn of such other buslnesi as may legally ?om before the meeting. A. K. McGowan. secretary- . Portland. Or.. May T 1W "LOST AND FOUND. LOST THOROUGHBRED LEWELLYN SET fer dog,, full grown; right ey bloodshot, black spot ta left shoulder and und right side all bine Return to 337 East Third. Reward. i,OST - WEDNESDAY. MAY 30, IN CtTY Park, an enerr.'led watch. Reward. Address St Mary's Academy and College. Fourth and Market sts LOST 3LACK MARE. WEIGHT 10CO; LAME la right froct foot Reward for same. 742 Gantenbeln ave.. city. STOLEN EBONY COLD-HEADED CANE, engraved "'U1 lo Father." Return to 364 Fourth. Reward. LOT A LARGE Sn.VER HEART. WITH Initials "B. B." Return to 2SS Clay st.. Jor rewsrd. Ti;Tt"Ttnv WAGON. MAN'S OVERCOAT' J Return to pcllce autlon. Reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. a ral ImpleiKeHtJi, Maclilcrr Grvbe. Harder i Co.; Mlllburn wagons, car riages, farm machinery pumps, Wolff -Amet-leatt bicycles. 1S2-8 Madison. EDWARD HUGHES; WAGONS. CARRIAGES -and farm machinery cf alt kinds. 180 Front, JOHN POOLE; Newton wagons, buggies, wlnd .'tsilta, pumrs machinery. Foot Morrison st. "l C HOLMAN. WAGON. CARRIAGE AND agricultural Implement. 210-214 Front su Assjayerx an'd Analyst. 1-ortUnd Assay O.Tlee. 220 Stark Ore test?d, re- -.- rvw .j m mrtrm TTrfttfl OL - working; gpld bought. W. J. Curtis, aaycr. J. H. FI5K. MINER-XL ASSAYER AND chemist, gold dust bousht. 04S Washington. PaUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER and analyist; so'i dust bought, 22S'e Stark st. AstroloKltn. DR. BENJAMIN. OF SAN. FRANCISCO phrenologist and astrologlst, 203Va Ftrat 6t- Attoraeys. EDWARD Tx -TAGGART. ATTORNEY-AT-law, general practice. 518 Chamber of com merce. S. IL GRUBER. LAWTER: mining, julmlralty apd collectlone. speclaltleg. Commercial blk. J. W. RANEOMj ATTORNEY-AT-La'W AND counselor, lis tea iBank .bide.. Portland. or. E. W. BINGHAM. ATT ORNEYAT-LAW. RE moved to 61 Union blk.. 227 Stark. Baths. TURKISH BATHS; aUo massage; lady attend ' 107 4th st., bet. Washington and Statit. DEKUM Bathrooms; popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-16 Dekum, Phone Red 2345. .Ilook Stores. J. Iv. GILL & CO., WHOLESALE AND RE tall bockiwllers and etallon'eis. 133-35 3d , Brokers. PORTLAND MINING U TRUST CO. (LTD.) Handle mlrfes, .- buy prospects; large loans negotiated, low rate Interest; mines examined, reported on. O. M. Rosendale. Coruulllni? Engineer, rooms 513-510 Oregonian bullulng. Cable Weatherby. Code Bedford McNenl. Correspondence solicited. Cape Nome Supplies. NOME MACHINERY WE CARR LARGEST coast stock of boilers, pumps, steam, sao Unt, land and marine engines. Write lor prices and delivery Baker & Hamilton. Pine, Davis and Market sts., San Francisco. Cal. CAPS NOME. KLONDIKE AND LOCAL camp and mining outfits; hardware, stoves, cooking utensils, Adolph Dekum, 111 First, SHEET COPPER RALSTON STILLS. AND everything needed by miners, at Dayton Hardware Co. 192 and 194 First st. AT WHOLESALE PRICES CAPE NOME supplies In -groceries and provisions. Richet A Co.. 112-114 Front st. !'lanket,furnihlng fcoods, rubber, oil clothing. Will Wolf. Nome Outfitter. 20S Morrison. - Cttrnentcr.s and. Builders. JOHN A. MELTON, carpent-r. bullaer: office and store fixtures. Ore. teL 147. 2S5 Stark. A. E. ROPER HOUSE BUILDING AND RE palrlng. 3i6 East bth St. N. TeL Pink 51C Chinese and Japanese Goods. Empress Bazaar, manufacturers ladles, chil dren's and gents underwear. 12S Fifth at. Chiropodist!. L. MITCHELL. FIRST licensed expert chiropo dist In Portland; patronized by Portland's 400; no extra, charge for calltr.jr at residen.-e. Ofilce 1G0 Dth. opposite P. O. TeL Hood 014. WM. DEVENY & MAUD DEVENY, THE only scientific chiropodists, room 301 Alisky bldg.. 3d ana MOrrUon. Ore. phone Grant 10. Miss Dart, chiropody, 'manicuring, 50 Union bk, lst-SUrk. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Tel. Front 54. Miss Dart, chiropody, manicuring, 50 Union bk, lst-Stark. 0 A. SL to 5 P. M. TeL Front 344 i 1 Clennlujr. and Dyeing-. French Cleaning & Djelcg Works; J. Delenu. .prop. Pntme Red 995. 445 Gllsan st. Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO.. DEALERS IN HOUSE, steam and blacksmith coals. Also foundry coke. Front st-. near Gllsan. Commission Merchniit. i HERMAN METZGER. -PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old met, ' and general commission merchant. Front St.. nea- Mali.. Portland. Or. Cash advances en consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., SHIr BROKERS and commission merchant. Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Or. ALLEN &. LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland, Or. EVERDING & FARRELL. commission, butter, eggs, chicken and farm produce. Portland. Cornices Skylights. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornlcea, J. C Bayer. 265. 2d st. Dentists. DR. C. "B. BROWN. Tel. Ore. Red 2S46; resi dence. White 034. 514-15-1C Dekum bldg. Dental Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. " " Cor. 4th and Washington tns. Dyeing: and Cleaning. R. W. TURNER PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 301 17th. TeL Red. 131. Educational. PORTI.AND BUSINESS COLLEGE. 5TH AND Yamhill: A. P. Arcutrong. prln.; J. A. Wesco. sec. Open all the ear; students ad mitted at any time, catalogue free. STAGE COURSE. ELOCUTION AND MUSIC; Mage for practice. Studio 17 A. O. U. W. bldg. Feaee and "Wire "Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carl-sen, 2S9 E. Morrison st. Furniture Houses. ROSECRANTZ & SAVRANSKY HAVE RE mocd from 254 First st, to 215 Front, cor. Salmon. Highest nrlce paid for household goods. Also cheapest tlace In Portland to purchase household goods. Ore. teL Hood 473. Iron Founders, Mnch'sts, Ship B'ld'rs. Wolff &. Zwlcker Iron. Works; designers an! njfrs. cf ships, steamboats, marine, mining and millings machinery, ilveted steel pipe. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. HARNESS and sole leather, baddtery. hardware, findings and shce-store supplies. 73 Front st- THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE- t&Ie caddlers snj harness manufacturers, ,' leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Ice Cream Dealers. FINEST JCE CREAM SODA IN PORTLAND. 5c glass. Blcdgetfs, 131 Fifth st, lusurauce. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. Iu2 lt st, Boyd i Arnold, general agentsi Iron Fonncer and Machinists. Smith U Watson Iron Works, engines and boil ers, logging engines & specialty, quartz and aw mil's, misc. machinery Front and Hall. Livery. Feed and Sale Stables. FRA7.IER & MCLEAN. LIVERY. FEED AND sale stable. 200 to 20S Fifth st,. cor. Taj lor. Rubber-lire rigs a special t. Leather Finding-, J. A, REID. mfr. boot raid sho uppers; full stork shoemakers supplies. 207 Washington st. . t Magnetic Healiag. MRS. C J MAPLE. MAGNETIC HEALEU (WcRmer method). pr"! and absent treat ments, 30J Third st . Portland. Or. Mantels and Electric Supplies. FOR ELECTRIC. GAS AND COMBINATION chandeliers xnd supplies. Me M. J. Walsh, sfuecessor to Frank Holccmb & Co. 243 Wash. Manufacturing of Ladles Goods. ladies; silk waists and wrappers. fancy white goods, silk underwear made to o'dtr. Sing Chosg Co.. 333 Morrison. Medical Sciences. HUMAN, AILMENTS TREATED. ADVANCED in Phvlolojrtcal medical Sciences. M. II. I -While. C03-SM Alisky bid., 3d xzd Morrisoa. .BrSIXESS DIRECTORY. "Mai-Ble aaa Granite Werk. Otto Schumann, mfg. Tnarhle and granite mon uments, estimates on building work. 201 3iL PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marble, gran ite and 3tone work. Schanen & Neu. 2GS -1st. MONUMENTS AT COST, to reduce stock be fore moving down town. Weeks. 720 Fron. ainnsaure. "THE SNOWDEX" BATHROOM3 RE opened. 1314 "; formerly "The Nelson"; tub and vapor baths, massage. Tel. Red 121. LADY GIVES MASSAGE TREATMENTS AT 243- Washington street, room 22. llors, 10-S P. M. dAily. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC; LADY from San Francisco. Parlor 26, 2C'3'4! Stark. LADY GrVSS VAPOR BATHS AND MA3 age at 313ti Warhlngt'sn St.. room SS. Mfdlcal. DR DARRIN. 205 Morrtson st-. Portland. Or., specialist In all chronic diseases of men and women. Varicocele, stricture or, hydrocele guaranteed cured in on day. N6 pain, no detention. Consultation free. Call or write. Dr. Flor A, Brown: diseases of women and children a .specialty. Consultation and diag nosis, free. 517-51S The Dekum. Portland. Or. Merchant Tailors. THEO. SCHULZE. MERCHAJfT TAILOR, 372 E. Burnslde. fine Spring ind Summer goods to order. Mlninjc. PROSPECTS AND MINES EXAMINED ON reasonable terms; bank reference. E. O. Smith. M. E.. 250 14th St.. Portland. Or. Sllnlnar Invcstraents. EASTERN OREGON GOLD FIELDS MINING stocks bought and sold. Buy Rlchardscn, at 74 cents per share. W. H. Sherrcd &. Co.. room 2. Chamber ot Commerce. We deal In Eastern Oregon, bohema and Southern Oregon mines and mining stock. Divtdson, Ward'i Co.. 40S Chamber of Com. SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS: MINES AND mining stock bought and sold. E. A. Clem .4 Co.. 14C Third st,. Portland. Or. Mlninjc Machinery. Wllfley concentrator. Drake amal.. Ideal stamp mill, mining cars. Tatum tz Bowen. 29-33 1st. Musical. LESSONS ON VIOLIN. VIOLA. CORNET; music furnished for all occasions: fiddle mart. Emll Thielhorn. 269 Jefferson. Tel. West. 1C01. Oregon VInvl Compnay. Lwls bldg.. Park and Morrison. Free Health lectures to women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M. Osteopathy. DR W. A. ROGERS. OSTEOPATH, SUITE 333 Marquam bldg.. acute and chronic dis eases. Ladles wishing lady operator will be attended by Dr. Rhoda C Hicks, graduaio under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of Osteopathy. Phonn Main 27. ' DRS. NORTHRUP & ALKIRE. OSTEOPATHS, suite 410 Dekum bldg. investigation respect fully solicited; txamlnatlon free. Phono Main 349. DR L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH. .cife 401 Oregonian- "building, rhone Oak 421. Palmistry. Larsen. the palmist; reading?. 50c: best book for students. "Practical Hand-Reading." il lustrated, for sale by author. 255'E First st. Pasturage. LADD'S CANYON FARM IS NOW OPEN for cattle and horses. Apply to F. Miller, on the premises. Ladd & TUton. agents. Patents. T. J. CEISLEK, 010-Clf CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. S. Patent Ofllce. Photographers, THE GALLERY AT 203H FIRST ST.. COR Taylor, has changed management. For a good photo at the lowest price, try us. Hogan's. Photographic Supplies. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO., WHOLESALE and retail, corner Fourth and Washington. Pickle Preservers. WESTACOTT & KNIGHT HIGH - GRADE pickles. Both phones. 474 East Alder st. Riding Academies. Portland Riding Club, fine livery1, -boarding, saddle horses specialty. Park and Jefferson. Rcnl Estate Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.; ESTAB ltshed 1SUC. 227 Stark street. Re.ntanrantn. THE FINEST 10c HOUSE ON THE COAST. Montana Restaurant, 245 First rt. Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a siecialtr. Insurance rates low; storage rates reasonable. Careful attcntlea given to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777; Columbia, C7C SAFES. PIANOS, FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping C. M. Olaen. 128 Flr3t, Tel. office Main 1037: Black -SOL SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEPT. opening lockouts-, repairs. J. E. Davis. 80 3d. Saw Mill Machinery. Chrlstcnson-McMaster Machinery Co.: new and 2d-hand machinery. E. Water and E. Taylor. Showcases and Store- Fixtures. DIXON. BORGESON & CO.. FRONT AND Washington streets. Storage and Transfer. STOP AGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAU at Fred Blckel's storehouse. 31 North Front. Wholesale Druggists. WOODARD. CLARKE ,fc CO.. WHOLESALE druggists, corner Fourth and Washington. Seed, Flower. Vegctahle Plants. ALL KINDS OF SEEDS AND PLANTS AT Bowcn's Seed Store. Front and Taylor. We sell otily the bel- Stoves, Ranges. Household H'dware Hardware: sole sgt. Universal stoves & ranges; bousxfurnlshlnc good. J. J. Kadderly. 141 1st. Tents nnd Awnings. TENTS. AWNINGS AND CAMP FURNITURE lor rent or sale. Pike's Factory, 107 N. 3J. Cape Nome tents, bans, oil clothing, camp fur niture. Pacific Tent & Awn. Co.. 27 X. 1st, Spiritunlists. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOY ant and psychic life-reader; consult her on business affairs. love troubles, absent friends: rood advice on mines: reading dailv, 50c and up. 107t First treet, ofilces 7 and S. Mrs. Stevens: advice on all affairs of life; K tings dally. 221 Morrison st,. room 22. MRS. J. A. SMITH, medium and magnetic healer, room 2 214 Morrison. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN it LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERa ror N Front and Davis st . Portland. Or BUSINESS CHANCES. ESTABLISHED BUSINESS. PAYING $30 weekly, net, could be bought very cheap; requires little attention; no schem; will bear elofe Investigation; particulars, address E 4S, car Oregonian. THE ONLY DRUG STORE IN A RAPIDLY growing town; rich farming country; in East ern Oregon, will Invoice Jl&cj. Addres Druggist, care Oregonian. Portland. Or. "OR SALE THE BARLOW CREAMERY: machlr.ry and building in good repair; would srh separately. For particulars address J. S. Yodr. Secretary. Needy. Or. PHYSICIAN WOULD LIKE TO TAKE charsre of physician's practice for a time, 'a partnership, or to heat of a sood location. A 4-;, cam Oregonian. FQR SALE BRANCH BAKERY. CIGAR. TO bacso cxd candy and Ice cream parlor. Call 1134 Third st, north. FOR SALEr-MFO. BUSINESS REQUIRING $12,000; easy tanas. B 44, core Oregonian. CTGAR STORE. 2U FOURTH; MUST siELL by 3d of Joss PERSONALS. i IT wcrrien wanted sufterwg lroa irregular, 'painful pertoBs; leucorrhcea. (whitest, and -all complicated diseases pertaining to changes of life, cured hy old Dr Kecler. cor. Second and Yamhill sts. 329 women called last month. Consultation free, and private rooms fcr ladles. If can: call, write. Inclosing 10 2c stamps. Hundreds treated at hem by his new system. WOULD LIKE TO FORM THE ACQUAINT ance of refined. Intelligent gentlemen who a Judges of sood whisky; ni Crown Cyrus Noble and IIII Monogram. Hunter Rye and Tortlard Club. 29 years old. specialties. Port land Cafe, 130 Fifth, between Washington and Alder. F. J. Hellen. Manager. BLAZIER'S CONCERT BALL BLAZIER'S CONCEP.T HALL 218 BURNSIDE STREET 24S BURNSIDE STREET Sole Agent O. P. S. Bourbon. Also handling Three-Crown Cyrus Noclo. INDIAN MEDIUM, GIFTED INDLOI. BORN with double veil, tells past, present and fu ture; heals all diseases by the uso of Indian herbs; reading by letter. $1. Mrs. Professor Wheatly How. Cor.fidsntlal. 271 Fifth st,. opposite City Halt TeL Brown C20. DRESS SUITS RENTED. ALL SIZES. WE ctlhfor. sponge, press and deliver one suit -of your clothing each week, ssw en but' ins, ser up rip, for $1 per month. Dyeing. uara cleaning and repairing. "Unique Tallorir C.. "347 Washington, both "phones. ILLOND'S PREVENTATIVE: CONE3 FOR prevention of discffe. The best antiseptic No failure. Sent to any address: per box. $1 50: samples. 10c Blond Cbem. Co.. P. O. Pox S74. Portland. MANLT VIGOR RESTORED BY DR ROB erts' Nerve Globules. One month's treatment $2; 3 months. $5. Sect securely sealed by mall. Agents. Woodurd & Clarke. Portland. Or. f YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE AC curatly and reasonably filled at EysseH'a Pharmacy, 227 Morrison St., bet. 1st and 2d. IF YOU WISH TQ MARRY. PUT A PER ronal In our matrimonial papr. Send stamp for particulars, lock-box COO. Portland, Or. WE PRINT 30 FINE VISITING CARDS. 25c: 50. 33c; 250 business cards. $1; 500, $1.50. Brown & Schmale. 22a First st,. Portland. FRITZ' CONCERT HALL: largest cafe on Pa cific Coast. 240 o 245 Burnslde. Welnhard's beer on drauKht, Clubrooms upstairs. M.-MFVT O'SUS RECEIVED AND cared for at physician's bouse. Dr. Arthur De Voe. Seattle. RESPECTED U.DY WISHES TO MAKE THU acquaintance of respected gentleman. G 43, care Oregonian. UNCLE BLOCH HAS SOLD HIS ENTIRU business to the Reliable Loan Office. CI Third St.. cor. Pine. LADIES. Free. Harmless Monthly Rtgulator. Cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. R 174. MlJw.Wls. BILLY LEA'S B1CYCLF. HOSPITAL. 105 4TH. Phone Clay C41. Wheels called for. delivered. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES AND gentlemen. Apply at room 45 Labbe bldg. CUT RATES Oregon Dye Works: cleaning and dyeing. Burnslde. near 8th. Tel. Red 2903. MRS. DR McCOY. electric treatments. 133S5 First st,. cor Alder, rooms 3S and 39. SEX-TNE FILLS MAKE YOU A MAN: $1, 0 for $3. t Clemenson's. 227 Yamhill. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 814 Cfc. of Commerce. ?200.iJOO TO LOAN AT 54. 0. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Agent for Westchester Fire lndurancs Co. Wm. G. Rck. 321 Morrison et. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE IN OREGON or Washington. C to S per cent. C20 Mar quam bultdlntr. MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES. PIANOS, furniture and other oecuritler. W. A. Hath away, room 10 Wash. bids. Phone South 781. FRANK C. BAKER & COMPANY. HAMIL ton building Money to loan; state and county warrants bought: real estate agency. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM $3 TO $500. on all classes ot security. R I. Ecker oa & Co.. room 3 Washington building. MOVKV Tf LO VN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rated. C. W. Pallctr. 213 Com merclal block. Tel. Grant 830. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE, PIANOS and all kinds of security. Thompson's Cut Rate Ticket Ofilce. 128 Third st. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc: low rates; sea us Erst, 'Mann & Co.. 601 Dekum bldg. HOSET TO LOVN on furnitur- or good scurl tles. S. V7. Klnr. renm 43 Washington bldg. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI ture. pianos, salaries etc. Can be paid in Innnlhncnts. reducing Interest. Rats lower than the lowest. F. W. Graves. Mgr.. 1-4 Cth. near Wash., ground floor. Tel. Green 444. T D,., r...T 1in.iwl A tmt rf V- PT. T'hriTTlAS- state agt. for" Mult. Co.. 4C0 Cham, of Com. LOANS. FURNITURE." ETC.. LOWEST rates. 319 Alfky bldg. Phone Hood (g. BANKS. SAVINGS BANK . PORTLAND TRt'ST COMPANY OF OREGON. 109 THIRD STREET. Money to locn on mortgage. A general trust and agency business transacted. BENJ. L COHEN .President H. L. PITTOCK. A, S. NICHOLS. ...Vlce-Pres. E. J. ALT&TOCK. J. O. UOLTRA... Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent ot the United States. President H. W. CORBETT Cwter .."". G. E. W1THINGTON AtoiMant Cashier J-W. NEWKIRK Second Awistant Cashier A. C. ALORD Letters of credit Issued, available in Europa and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold, on New York. Boeton. Chicago. St. Louis. St Paul. Omaha. San Franc!co and the principal polnto in the North-vest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlsti anla. StocKbolra. St. Petersburg, Moscow. Zu rich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD Si TTLTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S59. Transac: a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorablo terms. Letters of credit issued available In Eu rope and the Eastern state. . Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers eold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis Denver. Omaha, San Francisco and vari ous points in Oreron. Washington. Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange sold vs London, Paris. Berlin Frankf&rt ard Hon Kong. WELL?. FARGO & CO. BANK CSH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $6,250,000 JOHN J. VALENTINE PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING MANAGER (San Francisco.) R M. DOOLEY CASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business, transacted. Ex chanjrs sold, and Latters of Credit issued, avail able In all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President H. W. HOYT Cashier GEO. V.. HOYT ...- ..Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest patd'on time deptilts. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avallab! In kTi parts of th world. Collections a sreclalty. Gold v.ust hought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP $2,450,000 Head Office. 71 Lombard street, London. This bank transacts a general banking and ex change buslneca: makes loans, discounts bl.Is and liuea commercial and travelers credits, available in any city In the world. Chamber of Commerce buildins. Third and Stark etrects. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, cor. Third and Oak . J. C. AINSWORTH. Prrs.. W. W. PHILLIPS. Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business. Exchange bought and sold on all the principal cities In Europe. AIM facilities for telegraphic transfers. Collection made on favorable terms oa all accejilble points. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Connected with the bank. Safes rented en easy terras. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Bankms Business. Draf j U.ued available in all cities of the United States and Eurotx. President TYLER WOODWARD vice-President JACOB IfAMM Cahier F. C. MILLER BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA-PAID-UP CAPITAL $3.ftOO.O(VJ RESERVE 300.CO0 Head Office. CO Lombard street. London. Coia'I block, 244 Washington st.. Portland. R. LEA BARNES. MaaasW. s ., Ibi.Ja,. 1