THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MAY-29, 1900. - It COMMERCIAL AND The last few days of the month are nettx very good lor wholesale business. .nd those of the month now drawfaj-to a clone are no ex ception to the rule. In a few lines yesterday there was some activity, but there were no changes of Importance In prices. Produce re ceipt were liberal, and new potatoes hae weakened so that they are not movlmr any too briskly at lc per pound. The rainy weather .has seriously Interfered with the strawberry uslncns, and receipts from Southern Oregon yesterday generally showed the effect of the dampness, and had to be sold quick or not ai all. Best stock from Hood River brought about 10c, and Mount Tabor berries sold around 7Sc per pound. Eggs and butter am steady at un changed figures. The grain markets are weak. Hank: Clenrlncs. Exchanges. Balances. Portland Tacoma.. . Seattle .. -Spokane . $372,373 204.500 $G2,70j S2.H39 400.302 , 191.SS4 70.175 47,37 I-OIITLAAD MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Etc. The wheat markets were stIU laboring heavy 3'esterday, and signs of 4mprovemcnt are re mote. There was a considerable decrease In the visible, but. as It Is still 20.000,000 bushels larger than It has been on any corresponding nreflc since 1800. tho decrease cut but small flfjure as a bull factor. In the local market JJicmt of the dealers were disinclined to quote efcove 51c for Walla. Walla, and some have e en got their limits down to 50c At the same tlmo there are reports of a material advance over ithese figures being paid in the interior, al though from an export standpoint It Is not -worth to exceed 51c Valley is easy at about the same prices as Walla Walla. Freights are firm at unchanged figures. Wheat Walla Walla. 51c: Valley. Bio; blue stem. 3354c per bushel. Flour Best .grades, $2 C53; graham, $2 50; tuperflne. $2 10 per barrel. Oats White. 3536c; gray, 3233c; stained. 20t?30c per busheL Barley Feed. ?H15; brewing. $16 per ton. iimturrs Hrn. $12018 per ton; middlings, Sl&ttlD: shorts. $13018; chop. $14. Play Timothy. $10Q11; clover. $77 50; Ore son -wild hay, 4697 per ton. Batter, Esrrn, Poultry, Etc. Batter Fancy creamery, 35Q'0c; store, 25o per roll. Ej-gs 1313Hc per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed. 5 DO per dozen; hers. ?50; ducks, $57: geese, $0 S per darken; turkeys, lle, 15c, dressed, 10c per lb. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12HO-3c; Young America. 14c per pound. Vecetafalex, Frait, Etc Vegetables Parsnips, $1; carrots, 75cSt$l; turnips, 75c per sack; onions, l&c per pound for new; cabbage, $1 50 per cental; potatoes, 30 655c per sack; peas, 4(5?c: beans, 1012c; as paragus, 45c; new potatoes, IViC per pound. Fruit Lemons, $2 S03; oranges. $33 25 pet box for navels, $2 per box for seedlings; plnecpples, $i GO 30 per dozen; bananar, $2 M 3 per bunch; Persian dat, "iiCTSc per pound; strawberries, Oregon, 710c per pound Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 7tf8o pet pound; oun-drled. sacks or boxes, 4QCc; peara un and evaporated, 56c; plums, pltless, 48 VAci prunes. Italian, 35Hc: slUer. extra holce. 5 & 6c; fits, Smyrna, 22&c; California lilack. 56c; do white, 10c per pound. Groceries, Nuts, Etc Coffee Mocha. 234f2Sc: Java, fancy. 25332c, 3ava. good, 2024c; Java, ordinary. 16S20c Costa Rica, fancy, IBQOOc; do good. ICOlSo; di ordinary, 1012c per pound; Columbia, roast, $12 25; Arbucklc's. $13 13; Lion. $12 13 pel case. Sugar Cube, $5 SO; crushed, $5 SO; powdered, IS 80; dry granulated. $5 20; extra C, $4 70; eoldcn C, $4 60 net; half barrels, 4c mot than barrels maple sugar, 15916c per pound. Beano Small white. 3c; baou, 4c; Lima, 6 -per pound. Salmon Columbia river, 1-pound tails, $10 1 SO; 2 -pound tails. $232 50; fancy, 1-pound flats, $1 031 ; U-pound fancy fiats, 85305c; Alaska. 1-pound tails. $1 2091 30; 2-pound tails, $1 00Q-2 25. Grain bags Calcutta. $0 B03C 75 per 100 foi spot. $6 12H&6 25 for July-August. Nuts Peanuts. 0C7c per pound for raw. 10 for roasted cocoanuts, 90c per doien; walnuts. 10Qllc per; 'pound; pine nuts, 15c; hickory nuts, 7c; chest auts, 16c; Brazil, lie; Alberts. 15c fancy peijans, I214c; almonds, 15 17&c pet pound. Coal il Cases, 2U&0 per gallon; barrels, 17i4c: tanks. 15c Rice Island. 6c; Japan, 6c; New Orleans, 4HffOiic; fancy head. $707 50 per sack. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc IJtjps 2?Kc per pound. "tTool Valley, 12913c for coarse, lSQ16c for bxt; Eastern Oregon. 10jJ15c; mohair, 25o per pound. Sheepskins Shearling. 15320c; hort-wool, 21 )035c; medium-wool, 30350c; long-wool, COcCJl ach. Pelts Bear skins, each, as to size. $5016: cubs, each. $15; badger, each. 60c: wildcat, 25375c; housecat. 5325c: fox. common gray, 40cg$l: do red. $1 7603 60: do cross. $2 6080; .lynx. ?24 80; mink. 40c$l 75; marten, dark Northvrn, $510; do pale. pine. $23-4; musk rat, 8312c; skunk. 50380c: otter Hand), $4 38: panther, with head and claws perfect, 1T3; raccoon. 25QS0c; wolf, mountain, with heard perfect, $3 60 3 6; wolverine. $2 5036; beM'er. per skin, large. $G7; do medium, per skin. $435: do small, per skin. $132; do kits, prr skin. $13. Tallow 55Hc; No. 2 and grease. 340-40 pet pound. Hides Dry hides. No. 1. 10 pounds and up ward. 15JTl5J4c: dry kip. No. 1. B to 10 pounds. 15c per pound; dry calf. No. 1. under 6 pounds, 15316c; dry salted, one-third less than drj flint; salted hides, sound steers, CO pounds and oxer. SH0c; do 50 to 60 pounds. 8SHc: - under 60 pounds and cows. 7H8c: kip. 13 to 34 pounds. 7H3Sc: do leal. 10 to 14 pounds, 7V4c ao calf, under 10 pounds. 7V4c. green (unsalted-, 2c per pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth eaten, badly cut. scored hair slipped, weather ".beaten or grubby), one-third less. Meat and Provisions. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and wes, sheared. $3 5033 75; dressed, 77&c pet pound; spring lambs. 635c per pound gross. Hogs Gross, choice heay. $3; light. $4 50; dressed. 5SCc per pound. Veal Large. CHG7&C per round; small. 81 Hc Beef Gross, top steers. $4 0 4 60: cows. $3 5034; dressed beef. CVjSTXo per pound. Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand): 3Iams. smoked, are quoted at 13c per pound; -picnic hams. 9&c per pound; breakfast bacon, IStjc; ba-on. iHc. backs. 9$4c; -dry salt sides, $";": drlod beef, 17tjc per pound; lard. 5-pound -palls. 10c; 10 -pound palls, OHc; 60s, 8c; tierces. "Syic per pound. Eastern pack (Ham -mend's) Hams, large, 12)ci medium, 13c; small, 13&c; picnic hame. 9 He; shoulders, Oic; biakfast bacon. l?ic: dry salt sides. 84 0c-. bacon side. OVKJlOc; backs. S74c; butts, Sc; iard. pure leaf, kuttla rendered, 5s, lO&c 20s 1054c KEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Another Fallare on Wall Street Adda to General Dullness. NEW TOB.K. May US. The opening of & new week showed no material change in speculative conditions, and the stock markets of New Tork. Ldndon. Paris and Berlin continued dull and neglected. In New York another firm an nounced Its suspension, the "failure being an nounced, as was that c Price. McCormlck i. to , on the cotton and stock exchanges, almost simultaneously. The closing out of the firm's contracts on the stock exchange under the rules -resulted In transactions of about 10.000 shares. That prices were Inclined to advance under the Influence of the settlement aas satisfactorily explained by the fact that the buying of stocks ior the firm outnumbered the selling fully 6 to 1. That Is to say. the house was largely abort of the market. The failure Is attributed to cotton speculation, as the recent movement of stocks has been In faor of outstanding con tracts of the firm. Last week's rumors of financial difficulties which related to this house "brought pressure to bear, and precipitated the assignment. The fact that the same kind of rumors are circulated regarding some other houses Is a factor In keeping Wall-street senti ment unsettled. The only notable movements during the day irere the advances In Sugar, supposed to be on hear covering, and In Burlington, on resump tion, being of the same character as that -ahlch lias given the stock Its recent strength. These advances prompted some sharp rallies at other points, and some of the earlier losses were re-eo-ert-d. The market was semi-stagnant at times, and tho closing was dull and Irregular. London sold small amounts of stock, although FINANCIAL-NEWS that market as a whole showed strength on the advance of the British Into the Transvaal. It Is worth remembering that the speculative world has based Its largest hopes regarding the end of the Transvaal war on the effect lo be produced In the money market by the re sumption of the gold supply from the South Af rican mines; but at tho present time there Is a reflux of cash Into the reserves of all the great banks of the world, and Increasing diffi culty is being experienced In finding profltnble employment for Idle capital. The dullness today was accentuated by the fact that the week villi be Interrupted by a holiday and by the year's great racing event In London. Sterling exchange wax weak today. The bond market was very dull, and showed weakness. In sympathy with stocks. The total salts, par value, were $1,160,000. "United States bonds were unchanged in bid quotations. BONDB. U. S. 2s, ref....104 ID. & R. G. 4s O0H U. S. 2s, reg &-J;iOtn. Electric 5s.120 do 3s. reg 100-N. Y. Central lsts.111 do 3s, coupon.. ..1014 North. PaclOc 3s C7U do new 4s, reg..l31V& do 4s 104; do new 4s, coup.l3i'Oreg-n Nav. lsta..lll do old 4k, reg.. ,1151 do 4s 104U do old 4b, coup..ll5?-Oregon S. L. 6s....l20Vj do 5s. reg....... .113). do con. 5s 114H do 5s. coupon. ..113;jjRio Gr. West. lsts. U&W Dlst. Col. 3-C5S...121 1st. Paul consols... 170T Atchison adj. 4s... M ISU P. C & P. IstsliO C tNX con. 7stl41--, do 5s 121H do S. F. deb. 5k. 119 ,Unlon Pacific 4s... 100 D. & R. G. lsts...lUlttWls. Central lsts.. 90-H When issued. tOftered. STOCKS. The total sales of stocks 'today were 213,400 shares. Tho closing quotations were: Atchison 25' do pref ......... 70v Bait. & Ohio 75W Can. Pacific 02;. Can. Southern ... 57ts Ches. &. Ohio 27 Chi. Gr. Western.. 121 . B. & Q 127$ a. Ind. & Louis... 21 do pref 51 Union Pac pref... Wabash do pref Wheel. & L. E do 2d pref 7314 8 23; Wis. Central Wt P. C. C & St. L.. 5tf'.i xnira Avenue ....lis EXPRESS CO.'S. Adams 115 American 150 -" iasi. 1H...10J Chicago & N. W..l($2bUnUed States 45 C., R. L & Pac... 100 WellaFargo 116 .-? s i- os -uiu. ouumern .... o do 1st pref...... 42 dp 2d pref loi, Del. & Hudson....ll3 Del.. Lack. W.itt Amer. Cotton Oil.. 33H do pref 00 Amer. Malting ... 3 ao prer zz Amer, Smelt. & It. 37 Denver & Rio Gr. 1M ao prer ,.. 83 do pref or i Amer. SniHti 4 Erie 113'i Ainr,' 17 uo jsi prei Great North, -pref, IVmer. Steel Hoop, 20 70-i 33 .UMl4r . ao prer Amer. Steel & W. do pref ......... Hocking Coal .... 14 Hocking Valley .. 37! Illinois Central ...112V4 73 Amer. Tin Plate... 21H do pref 73 Jdwa Central do pref 48 jAraer. Tobacco ... 91?-, iv. u.. p. & G.... io , "do pref Lake E. A. West.. 27 Anaconda Mln. Co. 40a do pref oi Brookbn R. T "OK Lake Shore 212V4 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 35 Louis. A Nash.... 70'A Cont, Tobacco .... 23 Manhattan El .... K do pref 77 Met. St, Ry 155 Federal Steel 34 Mcx. Central 12 do pref eoi Minn. & St. Louis C1H Gen. Electric 133' do pref 051. Glucose Sugar .... 47 Missouri Pacific .. 55 do pref 995 .iuuiic oc unio.... sj unt- faper 211 M-. K. & T ioy- do pref 33 New Jersey Cent.. 117 New York Cent.,.13.1 Norfolk tz West... VXFA do pref 78H Northern Pnclflc. 59i do pref C3H La Clede Gas.... National Biscuit C5 29Vi 80 20tt 05 2bH SO do pref National Lead .. do pref National Steel . do pref 73-j do pref ununo -s west... 21 O. R. & N 42 do pref 70 N. Y. Air Brake. ..124 North American 14! 4'J 80 Pacific Coast . Pennsylvania ....120: do 1st pref I.. Reading lu ao zd prer no do 1st pref...... 554x IPaciflc Mail 2! do 2d pref 28 People's Gas OfiVt Rio Gr. Western.. 58 Pressed Steel Car.. 43 do pref 87 do pref 70 t-- lxduis s s. Fr. 10 (Pullman Pal. Car..l80 do 1st pref C8 1 Stand. Rope & T.. 5V do 2d pref 33U Sugar 115vl St. Louis & S. W. 10 do pref ill do pref 20WTenn. Coal & Iron. 72 St. Paul 118 17. S. Leather 10 do pref 172 do pref CSJ St, Paul & O Ill U. S. Rubber SSifc Southern Pacific .. 33! do pref 95 Southern Ry 12! Western Union ... 70)4 do pref T.5 (Republic Iron & S. 13 Texas & Pacific... 16HI do pref 55J5 Union Pacific 5354 j Money, Exchange, Etc SAN FRANCISCO. May 23. Sterling on Lon-don-CO days, $4 854; do sight. $4 3;. Mexican dollars (S34Dc Drafts--Slght, 124c; do telegraphic, 15c NEW X.ORK. aiay 23. Money on call, 1 1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 344 per cent. Sterling exchange Weak, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4 87H3- 87 for de mand and at $4 8434 8451 for 00 days; posted rates. $4 854 and $4 SS; commercial bills, $4 S3X3-1 84- Silver certificates 00301c Mexican dollars 47Vsc Bonds Government, steady; state. Inactive; railroad, weak. LONDON. May 23. Money, 114 per cent; consols, 101 Foreign Financial Xevrs. NEW YORK. May 28. The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram says: The markets here" were stagnant today, and business -as hardly tested. The rumor that tho cavalry had reached Johannesburg caused considerable buying of Africans. Tlntos dipped to 50jl. the lowest for a long time, on the fall of $1 In the Maal. but rallied to 51 on London buying. Americans -acre unchanged and featureless. The bank got 21,000 gold from Australia. Stocks In London. LONDON. May 2S. Atchison, 2C"4; Canadian Pacific. 05; Union Pacific preferred, 75; Northern raclflc preferred, 7014; Grand Trunk, 74: Anaconda, SH. THE GRAIX MARKETS. Prices for Cereals In European and American Ports. SAN FRANCISCO. May 28. Wheat, steady on call, and dull In the spot market. Barley, dull. Oats, quiet, - Spot quotations were Wheat Shipping. No. 1. 90c; choice, 90c; milling. 024eO0Vic Oats FeM, 07W?70c; brewing. 77?S0c Oats-Oray. Oregon. $1 07&jl 12H; milling, $1 151 17: red. 95c0$l 20. Call board sales: Wheat-Steady; May, 90c; December, OSKc; cash, 90c Barley No sales. Corn Largo yellow. $1 151 174- Chicago Grain and Produce. CHICAGO. May 2S. When the session began the wheat market was affected by the fact that the Northwest section was still without rain, and by the steadiness of cables. Reports from the Southwest were favorable to tho crop, but this did not prevent July, which had opened He lower, at 60J4. from advancing to $7367"tae. Later tho weather, prognostlcators said there was probability of showfr-f In the dry section tonight, and the selling this caused sent July back to 004c The market steadied at this point on covering by shorts, and the report that the world's risible had decreased 2.300.000 bushels, and the domestic visible 1,505,000 bushels, recovered to C6"?07c The close was steady, He under Saturday, at OOTic The corn market was quiet and easy, the CULLISON&CO. Stock, Grain Provision BROKERS Direct Wires to New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade 214-215 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Oregon greater part of the session. Cables were weak; Wectern farmers'- offerings larger .and weath er favorable. During the afternoon however, the market steadied on thevlslble decrease of 2.540,000 bushels. July closed He over Satur day, at 37c Oats mere easy and dull In a. speculative way. The -market was influenced Ty corn roost of the session. July closed a shade down, at 21H21Uc The provisions market opened lower on lib cm! hog 'receipts and lower prices at the -.ards. and Cd reduction on product at Liver pool. Packers were fair buyers, and during the session nearly air the opening loss was recovered. July pork closed 2fcc under Sat urday, and lard and ribs loft off ucchanged. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Onn.d. Hlrhest. Lowest. Closlne! May ... July ... ..$0 0554 $0 06 $0C5W $0 634 .. (Wf, C7H CStJ ! cor.N. May July ... September .. 36 3G- .. 364 37 .. 371? '371.4 OATS. .. 21 2H4 .. 21U 21 .. 20k 20VS MESS PORK. ..1117H 1132 LARD. .. 6 75 6 82 .. Q75 682H: SHORT RIBS. 30 .IOts 36 37 S?H 373 2091 21i 21 214 20 20h 11 1714 11 SO 6 75 0 82t, 6 75 02H S r 050 0 45 0 50 May July September July July September July I... September ...6 45 0 50 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 3. C2S05Hc; No. 2 red. 70c Corn No. 2. 3G4?37c; No. 2 yellow, 3G& S7ttc Oats No. 2. 21HS ftc; No. 2 white, 24623c; No. 3 white. 2324c Rye-No. 2, 55Uc Barley Good feeding, 36H37c; choice, malt, ing. 40SMlc Flaxseed No. 1, $1 SO; No. 1 Northwestern, $1 80. TlrrfoOiy seed Prime. $2 40. Mess pork Per barrel, $10 1511 23. Lard Per cwt., $0 700 82. Short ribs Sides, loose. $0 3530 50. Dry salted shoulders Boxed, CH0?ic Short clear sides Boxed. $0 S07. Butter Creamery, 1510c; dairy, 13H01'c Cheese S9V4c. , Eggs-llHc Recelnts. Shlpm'ta Flour, barrels 10.000 Wheat, bushels 22,000 Corn, bushels 225.000 Oats, bushels 417.000 Rye. bushels 4.000 Barley, bushels 4.000 13.000 131.000 132.000 349.000 2,000 Xew Yorlc Grain and Produce, NEW TORK, May 23. Flour Receipts, 22, 170 barrels; exports, 12,170 barrels. Market steady. Wheat Receipts. 109.S00 bushels. Spot, steady: No. 2 red", S2f,c f. o. b. Options opened easy and. weakened further became of bearish cables, favorable Southwest crop news and gen eral speculative Indifference. Prices rallied again In the last hour on the reduced French crop estimates and Northwest drought news, closing at Uc net decline. May closed at 71Kc; July, 72$4c; Septcmper, 73c Wool Dull. Hops Steady. European Grain Market. LONDON, May 23. Wheat Cargoes on pass age, rather easier; Walla Walla. 27s 6d; Eng lish country markets, weak. Wheat Imports Into United Kingdom, 340,000; do Hour, S02.000: wheat and flour on passage to United Kingdom, 3,100,000; do to Continent, 1,740,000. LIVERPOOL, May 23. What. quiet; No. 1 standard California, 0s 2d; wheat and flour In Paris, quletr English country markets, quiet. Spot wheat, dull; No. 1 Northern Spring, 5s 4&L Futures, steady; July, 5s SKd; Septem ber. 5s 7ttd- Corn Spot. American mixed, new, 4s. Fu tures, quletr May, nominal; July, 3a 9d; Sep tember, 3s 9d. Visible Grain Sapply. NEW TORK. May 2S. The visible supply of grain on Saturday, May 26, as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange, Is as follows Bushel. inc , Dec Wheat 44.753.000 1.50S.000 Com .'...12,6S7,000 ... 2,540,000 Oats -6,786.000 400,000 Rye 1,607.000 51.000 Barley 044,000 111.000 European Crop Prospects, LONDON, May 2S. The Mark Lane Express today says: Wheat has Improved, but oats and barley are less prominent than for many seasons. French cereals are three weeks late. In Austria-Hungary. Southern Russia, Turkey, Greece and Persia wheat and barley are satisfactory. In Italy the average will not be exceeded. Spain expects a good wheat crop. SAX FRANCISCO MAIIKETS. .SAN FRANCISCO, May 23. Wool Spring Nevada, 146lCc per pound: Eastern Oregon, 11 18c; Valley. Oregon, 20322c Fall Northern, mountain. 1012c; mountain, SQlOc; plains, 8310c; Humboldt and Mendocino. 14 15c Hops 1S39 crop, ll13c per pound. Mlllstuffs Middlings, $17(320; bran, 12 503 13 50 per ton. Hay Wheat, $0 50910; wheat and oat. $99 9 50; best barley, $7; alfalfa, $537; stock, $5 J5 50; compressed wheat, $7?10 per ton; straw. 25 40c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 00203c; River Bur banks, 35305c; Oregon Burbanks 8075c per cental: new potatoes, 70c3$l 25. Vegetables Onions, 75c$l per cental; gar lic 240314c; green peas, 75c5$l 23 per sack; string beans, 2H3Sc dried okra. 3254c per pound; asparagus, $11 75 per box; tgg plant, 6310c per pound. Citrus" fruits Oranges, navels, $1 00 (f 3; Mexican limes. $4 4 50; common California lemons. $1 25&1 50; choice. $1 25 Ql 50 pri box. Bananas. $1 D0S3 per bunch. Butter Fancy creamery, lSc do seconds, 104 17c; fancy dairy, 1631614c; do seconds, 149 16V4c per pound. Cheese California, new. 738V5c per pound; Young America, 9ff0&c: Eastern, 1654317c Eggs Store. lSffl3c; fancy ranch, 10c; Eastern. 154?15Vjc per dozen. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 11012c: do hens. 12 13c per pound; old roosters, $3 25(23 50 pez dosen; young roosters. $5QO 50; small broilers, $1 752 50; large broilers. $3Q3 50; fryers, $3 503-4 50; hens, 45J1 50 per dozen; geeee, $23 2 25 per pair. Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 15,651; do Washington. 3200; wheat, centals, 3310; barley, centals, SSJ0; oats, centals, 2470: do Washing ton. 3030: beans, sacks, 803; corn, centals, 620; potatoes. Hacks, 2424; do Oregon. S22; bran, sacks. 1263; middlings, sacks, 003; hay, tons, 433; wool, bales. 211; hides. 222. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, May 3. Cattle Receipts, 22,000. Steers, generally about steady; choice light, firm; butchers' stock opened weak, closed firm; natives, best on sale today, four cars Short horns. $5 55: good to prima steers, $535 TO; -poor to medium, $4 40fi4 83; .selected feeders, $4 4035 10; mixed stockers, $3 7534 J3; coa, $3 1034 60; betters. $3 2333 15; canners. $2 40 33 10; bulls. $2 753-1 40;, easier. $5tf G 50. Texans Receipts. 500; best on sale to day, one carload. $5: Texas fed steers. $4 5 20: Texas bulls, $3 2533 75. Hogs Receipts today. 40.000; tomorrow, esti mated. 20.000; left over, 4000. Market 510c lower: top. $5 25; mixed and butchers, $50 5 25, good to choice havy. $5 1533 25; rough heavy. $333 10: light, $4 0335 22H: bulk, $3 13 ff3 20. Sheep Receipts, 11,000. Sheep strong, lambs 1025c higher: good to choice wethers, $4 VOQ 6 25: fair to choice mixed, $4 353-1 75; West era sheep. $4 75Q5 25: yearlings. $4 2335 00; native lambs. $4 503? S3; Western lambs, -$0 37 23. OMAHA. May 23. Cattle Receipts. 2200. Market steady; native beef steers. $4 4035 40; cows and heifers. $3 7034 70; canners, $2 3bQ 3 CO: stockers and feeders, $3 7335 20; calve. $3 5037. bulls and stag, $334 23. Hog R-celpts, 4900. Market 3c lower; heavy sold at $4 97Mr5 10: mixed, $4 0334 07)4; light. $4 S5$4 US; bulk of sales, $4 D2V434 7fe. Sheep Receipts. 2200. Market steady; fair to choice natives. $5 2035 30; fair to choice West erns. $4 503 20; common and choice sheep, $433. lambs. $3 2530 DO. KANSAS Crrr. May 2S. Cattle Receipts. S000. Market steady; Texas steers. $433; do cows. $344 43; native steers, $433 23, native -cows and heifers. $2 0334 80; stockers and feeders. $3 35,75 23: bulls. $3 5034 22. Hogs Receipt. 0000. Market 5?10c lower: bulk of sales. $4 95$5: heavy. S4 0033 TO; packers, $4 93S 05; mixed, $4 0330; light. Downing, tiopkins & Co. . . Chicago Board of Tirade - OOn iCDQ' New York Stock Exchange.. DlVVJIKO0 Room 4, Ground Floor BOTH TELEPHONES eA-Pl-NOME S. S. GEO. W..ELDEE, 'r S. S. NOME CITY Will 'positively sail from Portland on' .. Saturday, May 26, 1900; - "-,-' '.. S. S." DESPATCH --f ''' "" Will sail from Portland, Saturday, June 2, 1900., " ,: Baggage can now be checked at theoffipcof the B. & O.-T. Co., . Cor. Fourth and Stark Streets. TOn RATES AMD IXFOHMATIOK APPLT TF CALIFORNIA &. OREGON COAST S, S. CO. r. P. BAUMGARTJKER, 233 Washlncjton St. W. A. Mitchell t Co., General Asreats. San Frsractsco. Pacific Coast r&gHtfE! For ES, the Cape Nome Gold Fields THE NEW PALATIAL STEEL STEAMSHIP "Senator" will sell from Seattle direct June 21 , July 21 and August 20. The "Senator" has a capacity of 2J00 tons. Her second cabin and steerage accommodations are superior to the flrst-class accommodations of most of tbe steamers advertised for Nome. The Pacific Coast Steamship Co. has been, running Its' steamers to Alaska winter and sum merfor 25 years, and Is tbe ploneer?aclflc Coast- line. Seattle fretsnt and passenger rates ap ply from Portland. For further information Inquire at GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. General A cents 10 Market. San Francisco, or N. POSTON. Agent. 240 "Washlni-ton st.. Portland. Or. $4 90JJ4 05; Yorkers, J4 0034 ,03. pigs. $4 70 4 00. Sheep Receipts. 4000. Market strong; lambs, 57 50; muttons, $3 505 73. The Metal Markets. NEW TOIIK. May 23. The- maln'lntfreit In the metal markets today -frao the sharp decline In tbe price of Iron at Glasgow and Mlddlcs boro. In llie former market prices" fell pff 2s, and la Mlddlesboro they declined 3s. The clos ing prices at Glasgow were 60s lid. and at Mld dlesboro COs. "While prices In the local market were unchanged, the market was dull and weak. The local market for pig- tin was -3ull, Tshlle London rrlces advanced 12 5s for spot aad 1 10s for futures. Spot closed at 1133 10s and futures at 131. June deliver wa- quoted at $2S 50g'2S 00. and July at ?2S 30B2S 00. Copper at New York unchanged for Hpot, but futures were easy, with June-August quoted at $1010 12A. Lead was dull. Spelter ruled a. shade easier. Following are the quotations: Lake copper. $10 7&'16 87H: electrolytic. 510 37: casting. 1 37i18 75; lead. $3 07H 4 02: spelter; $4 47U4 K"4; tin. $2ag20 23; tin plates, $4 2524 75. at mill. Iron No. 1 Northern. $20g22;, N6. 2 Northern, 310g21; pis-iron warrants. No. 2, nominally $13. Bar sliver, COc per ounce. SAN FRANCISCO. May 23. Bar sllyer, 600. .LONDON". May '23. Bar sllverA''275id.- . Coffee and Sngar. NEW YORK, May 23 Coffee Options closed Arm at 55 10 points advance; sales, 14,000 bags. Including 'ilfl.y and June at G 75; July, $$ $0 0 6.1; August. JG 85. Spot. Rio. steady; No. 7, Invoice, 7 13-lCc. mild, quiet; Cordovfc, OYiQ 13Hc Sugar Raw, steady; refined. ;flrm.. ' DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Real Estate Transfers. "Wm. Sheeny and wife and Jarns Sheohy and vrife to Percy H. Blyth, lots 11 and 12, block 13, Irving' ad dition: Hay 2S J15C0 Delia E. Wagner to John P? Davis, lot 5. block 6, X-incoln Park; May 26 450 Sheriff, for Jennie Aronson eV al. to G. Deslata, lot 14, block 24.-Central Alblna; May 25 Ellis G. Hughes a-nd-trtTe toPL. "SV11- W0 its. diock v.. jonn. lrving-jg iirat ad dition; May 22 1 Marriage Lcenrieji. J. T. Holway, aged 0; Ennno. P. Lem on, aged 40. F. C. Myers, S8i E. M. Ramsey. 23. Births. May 10, girt to tho wife of Daniel D. McKInnon, SO East Thirteenth street. May 26. girl to" tho wife ofVThoman Bel mont, 45& North Third etreet May 24, boy to tho wife of John Knapp, S98 First street.- May 13. boy to tho wife, of Charles HI Beard Portsmouth. , Death's. - " May 26, Bridget TVnlsh. ago 61 years, 433 Flanders street; nephritis. v A May 26, Rudolph Yaschina, age 46 yeare, city; paralysis. May 26. Maurice McGrath", age 80 years, Salem, Or.: injury. May 27, Jacob Cummlngs, age 73 years, C5 East Tenth street; valvular disoase of heart. CoataipIoBS Disease. G. Clark, ago 4 years, 763 East Taylor street: diphtheria. , - . . A. Marloa Stafford. A. Marion Stafford, one of the protrtlniint farmers of Linn County, dlea in Halsey, Thursday morning. May 24. from injuries from a. fall, sustained while aeelstmg In handling hay. Mr. Stafford wasTorn in Indiana Jan uary 6. 1S37. Ho removed wlth-Ms parents: to Missouri in 1841. and tn 1E52 crossed tho plains to Oregon, where he has since lived with the exception or ono"year that he epent in Washington. ln 1859. "he was .married to Rose Ann Pell, who, with their three daughters and two sons, survives him. He also leaves 'his aged mother, four broUiers, B. R, and W. M., who liv In Eastern Washington; J. Mj, of Mo hawk, and B. A., of Albany, apd a taster, Mrs. May Hervey. of Washington.' The Candidate. Myrtle Point Enterprise.. The candidate ho klaeed the babe and rubbed the heads of Sam and Sue; he swore the twins were beautiful, and wished that he had two but that don5 count. He asked about the corn bread which ho vainly tried to chew, and fortlj wlth begged for the recipe of course, that tickled ma but that don't count. But Just before ho left he .stopped and winked, closed up his Jaws, and slipping out -behind the born he took a drink with pa and that's what counts. t Socialism in Columbia Collejre. NEW YORK. May 2S.-J.rW stated that a socialist organization for propaganda work la. being jormed among Columbia wV2Yr.Sl9r!.BunoP,C l?IITa - CJaiT S? ?i,,m' -, W or consiDatlon, 4toDs OuickntM of uit- rr-711 ehnr: 9tnn Njtr! VOUS TVfltChlng Of, Eyelids. m auseyR&sdsi. -rti eon. aiaCut free. Address, Far salo by ,Alflrlca Pharaacy. Sixth Chamber 'of Commerce Steamship Go. College students: that Columb'a College will be represented at the Socialist Stu dents' Congrese at Jamaica Plains, Maed., May 30, and probably at the International Collegiate Congress of Socialists In raria ln September. TRAATCLERS GUIDE. If You Are Going East And want to know what the trip .will cost, when you will reach your destination, and why you should .-'take the Burlington Route to Omaha, Chicago, Kan sas "'City; St. Lou la- or -ANY OTHER Eastern or Southeast ern city, write to 'the under signed" and receive by, return mall a letter giving you Just exactly the information you need. " if Ticket Office, 100 3rd St, tif.SUrk.PirtlMJ, anjii. H. VT. FOSTER, Tlck.t Agral GEO. S. TATLOR. City Faasenrer Agent. GO EAST VIA ON THE FAMOUS Portland-Chicago Special" OR THE .OVERLAND LIMITED" Tha only trains runnlnc through solid Xrom Portland and Chicago. Every- car illuminated -lfh rintach g&s. Two trains dally. Dlnlnsr Cars. Service a la Cnrte- " Library-Buffet Smolilnc Cars. Palace aad Ordinary Sleeping: Cars. '' 'Free Recllaine Chair Cars. Leaves. 0:15 A.M... Arrives. km-portland.-.Im: 0:00 CITY TICKET OFFICE 1 42 Third St. Phone Main 363 W. E..COMAK, -P. R- OLD,". Qner-U Atnt- Cltr Tlcktt A-rt. WASHINGTON & ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO. The- fast steamship "CITY OF SEATTLE." ealllnc frpm Seattle every 10 days for Juneau and fakafrway. Steamers "FARALLOX" and "RUTH," 6alllns eery seven days from Seat tle for Skag-way and all other Intermediate Alaskan points. For freight and passage Inquire of DODWELL & CO. Ltd.. v 222 Oak st. Telephone Main 90. MEN K THE1 MODERN APPLIANCE A positive Aaylto perfect manhood. The VACUUM TREATMENT CURES you without medicine of all nervous or diseases of the generative or gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains., tarlcocele. lmpotency. eta Men -are quickly re stored, to perfect health and strength. " rite for , circulars. Correspondence . confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO.. rooms 47-;j Safe Tposit bnlldlng. Seattle. IVash. - ebeenIi toe otcr $o yetn ty t Iqxden of the Moraoa tJseSrtnt cUesTa'old soil juazubinz ftota effects termatorrnoea Insomnia, Tains ij,, wme uau, Nervous oo- Jcban lrarr.wlutt. p.V.J &pjnTi;;r trd potencr to Bishop Remedy Co., San Francisco, Cal. and "Washington etrtfU. Portland. Or. 'TRAVELERS' GUILE. Union Dejibt.'Slxtn and J Streets. THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST '-'CmCAGO-rORTLAXD SPECIAL." Leztves for tho East, via Huntington, at 0:13 A. M.; arrives, 4 P. M. ' SPOKANE FLYER, For Spokane, Eastern Washington, and Greift Northern points, leaves at 0 P.'ii.: arrlvea at 7 A. M. ATLANTIC EXPRESS, Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 0 P. M.; arrives at S:40 A. M. THP.OUQH PULLMAN AND TOURIST - - SLEEPERS. Water lire schedule, subject to change with out cotlce: - OCEAN AND.RIYETl SCHEDULE. OCEAN DIVISION Steamships sail from Alnsworth Jock at 8:00 P. M Lea-.e Portland Columbia, Wednesday. Ma.y 2, Saturday. May 12; Tuesdav, May 22, Friday, June 1; Monday, June 11. State of California, Monday, May 7, Thursday. May 17; Sunday. May 2": Wednes day. June . From San Francisco Stale" of California. Thursday, May 3. Sunday. May 13: Wednesday. May 2J. Saturday, June 2; Tuesday, Juno 1 Columbia. Tuesday. May Si'Trtday, May ls. Monday, May 2S; Thursday. June 7. COLUMBIA mVElt DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORLk. Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally, except Sunday, at 8.00 P M.; on Saturday at 10.00 P. M. Returning. leaca Astoria dally, except aun day. at 7:00 A. M. . .WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND CORVALLI5. OK. Steamer Ruth, for Salem, Albany. Corvallls and way points, leavea Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday, at COO A. M. Return ing, leaves Corvallls Mondays. Wednesday aa4 Fridays it C:00 AM. Steamer Modbc. for Salem "niSepenaence and way points, leaves Portland Mondays. Wednes days and Fridays at.6 00 A. M. Returning, leaves Independency Tuesdays. Thursdays aad Saturdays at Jt.S3 A. M. YAMHILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DAYTON. OR. Steamer Elmore, for Dayton and way points. leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat urdays at 7 A. M. Returning. leaves Dayton forv Portland and way points Mondays. Wednesday afid Fridays at O A. 1L SNAKE RIVEn ROUTE. RIPARIA. WASH.. A'ND LEWISTON. IDAHO Steamer-Spokanr or -t'.eamer Le".lston learn Rlparla dally at 3:35 A. M., arrHlng at Le-Als-ton at 3 P. M. Returning, the Spokane or Lewlston leaves Le,lston dally at 0 A. M., arriving at Rlparla same evening. W. H. HURLBURT. General Passenger Agent. V. A. SCHILLING. Otv Ticket Agent. Telephone Main 712. 0 Third stYeot, cor. Oak. NewSteamshipLinetotlieOrient CHINA AND JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND. In connection wltn THE OREGON RAILROAD tc NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1000 (subject to change): Steamer. ' Due to Leave Portland. "ARGYLL" May in "MONMOUTHSHIRE" June 27 "BRAEMAR" , July IS For rates, accommodatloni". etc.. apply io DODWELL tc COMPANY, Limited, General Agents. Portland. Or. To principal points In Japan and China. THE FASTEST AND MOST DIRECT LINE ' TO THfe IS THE lb.' rv The Direct Line to Denver, Omahi. Kcnsas City, SL;Loub Chicago and Oiher Eastern Points TWO DAILY SOLID- VESTIBULED. TRAINS. Portland to Chicago Leas Than Three Days. Only Four Days to New York and Boston. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, jauiit-t jvioraiT vura ijaarner srod la carte) Irea Reclin lnj Chair Cars. Through tickets, ba-rf-a-je checks, and Bleeping car accommodations can be ar ranged at CITY TICKET OFFICE ' 135 Third Street Portland, Oragoa J. H. LOTHROP. ( GEORGE LANG. Gen'l Ajreat. OUr Pan. A Tku Act. The magnlncent 100 A 1 Iron steamer "CHAS. D. LANE" 4000 tons capacity. T. WARNER. Master, Sailing from Seattle, May Direct to Nome. 31, For tickets and Information apply to E. I Baird. Esmond Hotel; Geo. Taylor. 100 Tntrd. st,; A. B. C. Dennlston. 203 Morrison St.; A. D. Charlton. 235 Morrison st. CHAS. CONKLIN & CO.. Seattle. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES UNION DEPOT. For May-ren. Rainier. Claulcanle. Wcjtport. Clifton, ttcrlsv Wax renton. Flavel. Ham mond. Fort Stevens, Garhart Park. Sraslde. Astoria and seasnor Expreis, t Dally. Astoria Express. Dally. ARRIVES UNION DEPOT. 8:00 A. M. j 0.55 P. M. 11:13 A it. 0:40 P. u. Ticket offlc. 255 Morrison st. and Union dtpot. J. C UATO. Gen. Pass. Act.. Astoria. Or. WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER fc PUGET SOUND NAV1 QATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. 5&-2:vv. BAU.EY GATZERT (A!der-treei dock) Leaies Portland dally eery mornlnt' at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returnlcj-. leaes As toria e.ery nlsht at o'clock, except Sunday Oregon 'phone Main 351. Columbia 'phone 35L U. B. SCOTT. President. SKAGWAY'AND DAWSON AlaskaStcamshipCompany NEXT SAILING. ROSALIE, MAY 31 The Only company navingr through traffic ar rar.cements to Atlln and the Klondike. Weekly i-alllncs-frcm Tacoma. For full Information ap ply to J. L. HARTMAN. Arent. Portland. Or X 3 Chamber of Ccrr.Tnerce. NOME TRAVELERS' GUIDE. EAST ,. u SOUTH Leave Dcpt f Iftt ia1 1 Streets Arrlre OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS for Salem. Rose burg. Ashland. Sac ramento. O g d o n. San Francisco. Mo- lave. Los- Angel. El Paso, New Or leans and the Eat At Wcodbura (dally except Sun- 1 da ). morning tram' connects with train 3-30P. M. 30 A. M. 7:43 A.M. G:30 P. JC tor Mt. Angel., 311- virion, .urown vllle. &prlngald and Natron, and evening train ti Mt. Angel anU 31. ertoa. - Albany- -jassenger Corvallld -pawengef Sheridan pa.tsenger 4400 P. M. 17:30 A. I. :4:3a P.M. M10:10A.M. 13-50 P. M. 18:23 A. M. Dally. JDally except Sundar. Rebate tickets en sale between Portland. Sae-rame&to- and San Francisco. Net ratea 17 Brit class and 11 second claas. including sleeper. Rates and ticelB to ITastern points and Eu rep. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and ASTItALIA. V-an 6e obulned. from J. U. KIltKLAND. Ticket Agents 110 Third. H. TAMHILL DIVISION Passenger Depot, foist of JeScryoa Street. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20, 040 A. M.J ll:ao. 1.55, 3SS. 4.40. G 25. S U ll.JO P. M.; and S 00 A. M. n Surtaays only, -.rrlve afi Portltndj dally at 0.35. -S.20. Io 50 A. M.; 1.35. 3.10. 4.J0, 6:15. 7.10. 10 00, P. M.. 12.W A. M. dall. except Mcnaay. SiO and 10:05 A. M. on Sundays, only. Leae for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at 5.05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 0.30 A. M Pasienger train leaves D&llas for Alrlle Mon daje. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 P. M, Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays ahd Saturdays. incept sucuay. R. KOEHLEft. Manacer. C: H. MARKKAS'. Gen. Fr & Pass. Aft. DOUBLE OAILY TltAlN SEKVICE. The Pioneer Dining; and Observatlosl Car Route. L'n'on Depot, 6th and JStj No 2 2 P.M. North Coast Limited For Tacoma. scaltlo. North Yakima, opo- No. 1 7A.M. kane.- Pullman. Mos-- cj Lenlston. Kov3 lar.d, B. C, Butti. Helena. St. Paul, Min neapolis. Chicago. 1503 ton. New York and alt points East and South east. Twin City Express, For Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane. Pullman, Mos- cow, Lewlston. . Ross land. B. C, Nolon. Helena. Bntte. St raul. Minneapolis. Chicago. Boton. Baltimore, New York, Washington, and all points East unJ Southeast. ' No. 4 11-3UP. M. No. 8 8 P.M. Take- North Cdast Limited Train No. 2 for South Bend. Olympla and Grav's Harbor points. See the North Coast Limited. Elegant Up holstered Tourist ' Sloping Cars, Pullman Standard Sleepers, -Dining Car and Observa tion Car. all electric Jlghted. Solid vestlbuied tratrs. Tickets sold to all points In the United Stales and . Canada,, and , baggage checked to destination of tickets. A For information, tickets, sleeping-car reser vations, etc.. call on or write A..D. CHARLTO.N. Assistant General 'Paisenger A sent, 255 MorrlHon St.. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. iOO pacific List. Offers the LOWEST RATES and BEST ERV tce to and from all Eastern points and Europ. Through tourlit cars from coast to, Si. Paul. Toronto. . Montreal aai Bostoa WITHOUB CH,VNGE. Direct Route Id Kootcnay Mining District British Columbin Canadian Pacidc rrji: a.ill itaitj'Jl'. lines M Ispjr ant iaitral.a. re i rle- and Information, apply to H. H. ABHOTT. Acent. E. J. COYLE. 18 Third itrset. city. A. G. P. A.. Vanccurer. B. C. reatNortoern( Ticket OIHct, 253 Morrison SIrtrt, 'fhinr 8S0 LEVE. No. 0.O) P. M. Tha Flyer, dally to and from St- Paul, lilnaa apolls. Duluth, Chi car r and all points Et. ARRIVE. No.9. 7:00 A. M. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dlnisf and BuCet Smoklng-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP KINSHIU MARU For Japan. China and all Aslatlo points wlH leave Seattle About June 4th. F0BCape Nome And Yukon River Points S. S. "OHIO," 3500 Tons Sails from Seattle ' About MAY 24TH Second Sailing about June 30 ResTvatlons can now be- made for Jun sailing upon application to any railroad or sub agent of the International Navigation Com pany, or to EMPIRE TltA SPORT ATIOX CO., SEATTLE. WASH. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA. THE COMPANY'S elegant steamers. Cottage City. City of Topeka. Queen and Al-KI leae TACOMA 11 A. M.. SE ATTLE 0 P. M.. May 3. 10. 15. 2'J. 25. 30: June 4. 9. 14 10, 10. 21, 20: July 1. 4. o! For further Information obtain company's folder. The company reserves the right to change, steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing, without rre.lous notice. AGENTS N. POSTON. 240 Washington st.. Portland. Or.; F. "tt CAl'LETON, N P. R. R. Dock. Tacoma: J. F. TROWBRIDGE. Puget Sound SupL. Ocean Dock. Seattle. GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. Gen. Agts., S. Tu (pJ( sunset -n