V S 5?HE MCtolNG OBEGONIAN, SATURDAY, MAX 26, 1900. HOT ON BRYAN'S TRAIL M. W. HOWARD ROASTS THE DEM OCRATIC PARTY. Forcible and Stirring Speech ey Ele- QBCBt Populist Orator at tbe Metropolitan Tlieater. "Democracy In the "West Is a vague reachlng-out for something In the nature of a reform. Democracy In the Eaet Is an organized appetite for office, and Democ racy In the South Is a thing opposed to everything, something that never learns and never forgets; it Is bourbonlsm." Such was the arraignment of Democ racy by ex-Congressman Milford W. How ard, at the Metropolitan Theater last night. But this was not all. Democracy had more charges laid to it door than Fusion orators in Oregon will answer for years. The brilliant Populist orator said there was but one common ground on which his party could fuse, and that be ing the base, cowardly effort for office, he would not consider It. He comes from the South, where Democracy, he saye. stands for everything that Is against pro grees, and constitutes a worse Imperialism than its great champion, William J. Bryan, ever dreamed of. Mr. Howard cites Goebellsm in Kentucky as one of the de velopments of Southern Democracy, -which he charges to be one of the worst blots ever given to the fair name of a state. Democracy stands for nothing nowadays, when they have Free-Silver Republicans, Gold Democrats, expansionists and anti expansionists and every Ism represented in the ranks of the party, and each given official recognition In various parts of the country. Taken altogether, the straight Populist draws Democrats and Fuslonlsts over the coals in a merciless manner. After enumerating Democratic incon gruities and placing on their account the ballot stuffing of the South where one ne gro county was made to offset five or six white counties, the speaker 6ald with great force. "You Democrats out here censure us because we oppose fusion with that party, and, because we oppose fusion, say we are paid by the Republicans and Mark Hanna. Ah, if I were you, I would never say that again. "We have fought that party too long for you to say that, and we have fought too hard for you to make that charge. But I would add, there are only Mr. Osborne and myself here In the interest of straight Popu lism. "Cyclone Davis. Jim "Weaver and two other prominent Fuslonlsts are in the State in the interest of the Dem ocrats. According to the same logic there must be at least two Mark Hannas in the Democratic parties, as four of their speakers are supported here." Mr. Howard makes an exhaustive and absorbing address, in which he holds that there Is not a single basis for fusion be tween Democrats and Populists. He quotes figures of Populist majorities In Nebraska, Colorado and the vote in Cali fornia and Oregon in 1692 and 1894. before fusion began. Then he follows with official figures of the rapid decline of the" combined vote of both Democrats and Populists after that, with the result of placing Nebraska In the Republican ranks, making Colorado this year a doubt ful state, whereas the home of silver for merly was reckoned most radically anti Republican, and lowering sadly the great Populist vote in California and Oregon. Mr. Howard also takes up each of the Issues made by the Democrats In the present campaign, and holds that It Is Immaterial to the Populists whether Dem ocrats or Republicans win, the result being no nearer accomplishment of true Populism in the triumph of one than the other. An ingenious argument is made on the money question. The double standard, he says, is twice as bad as the gold standard. Under the gold standard the time must come when the government will have to secure gold for redeeming currency, by the sale of bonds. If gold alone is the standard, only half as many bonds will have to be sold as if currency Is Issued on both metals. The Popu list money was said to be, "money Issued by the government, and redeemable only In the sweat of labor." On the other great questions of the day, ho said, equal disparity of belief existed between Democrats. Democrats did not S favor ownership of the great transporta tion systems of the country, which were the greatest monopolies of the age. "This question was asked Mr. Bryan In the last Kentucky campaign," said the speaker. "Mr. Bryan, 'who is recognized as being far ahead of his party, merely answered, "We will cross that bridge when we come to it.' " On the public ownership of tele graphs he said the Democrats held about the same position, if it could be termed a position. On the trust question, Mr. How ard eald the Democrats maintained the wretched argument that the evil could be corrected by license. "They will let them go on with It, let them pay a license to rob the people." said he. "We Populists cannot agree with this. There is only one solution, and that is for the Govern ment to take control of these monopolies and conduct them, not for the benefit of the few, but for the people." In this connection Mr. Howard said trusts were a natural condition of modern times, an example of the centralization of power, which was daily d'-sproving the ancient proverb that competition was the life of trade. "Competition has been found by capital to be the death of trade,", g aid he, "and labor must find the sameifact to be true." The great question on which Demo crats and Populists differed, the speaker said, was legislation. Nowhere did Dem ocrats favor direct legislation, except in a few states where it was absolutely necessary to cater to the Populist vote. The party was not pledged to it, and Its leaders opposed it. This great question Mr. Howard believed the relief from many evils, as corporations and trusts were constantly enlarging and increasing their influence over Legislatures and Congress. The Southern man grew bitter and even dramatic when he came to consideration of Democratic frauds in the South. He charged the Southern Democracy with opposing everything In the nature of progress, and openly longing down there for return of the good old days when there were no telegraphs, railroaos or other modern improvements. He said the specter of negro domination was con stantly being flouted before the people, when as a matter of fact, as every South erner knew. It was only by means of the frightful frauds In the negro counties that the Democracy of the South could keep in power. Back of these statements the speaker placed facts and figures. "What worse imperialism than that can you imagine." said he. "where William J. Bryan gets his strongest support? We have repeatedly carried the State of Ala bama, but they hold back the vote from the negro counties until ours Is learned, and then they make the majority large enough to defeat us. And yet Mr. Bryan talks against imperialism, when his own supporters are guilty of the worst im perialism known to man deliberately sup pressing our exercise of the franchise. Would you Democrats of Oregon submit to that? Wouldn't you shed the last drop of your bood to prevent such outrages? And yet you ask us to fuse with the party guilty of that crime for years, and 6ay we are hired "by the Republicans if we op pose It." The Goebel election law was explained fully as a fine example of Democratic methods. This law. Mr. Howard eald, was the worst political monopoly, the worst machine ever heard of a world beater. He had heard Mr. Bryan say during the campaign there, after vainly being appealed to not to support Goebel and his Infamous plans: "Elect Mr. Goebel Governor this Fall and you will always hae Democracy in Kentucky." The speaker agreed w.th Mr. Bryan that Dem ocracy had invented a perpetual existence machine, but dlfagreed with him as to the rightfulness of the methods employed. J. B. Osborne, of Georgia, accompanies Mr. Howard, and delivered the opening address last evening. Both the speakers cover the general ground of argument Mr. Osborne argues with more detail and deals with the larger and more general problems. He voices the bitter sentiment of his colleague against Southern Democ racy or bourbonlsm, as they both term it Mr. Osborne also believes the trust a natural growth of modern times, and tho only relief comes through Government op eration for the benefit of all the people. Miss Morrow, the advocate of woman suffrage, eald a few words, which were indorsed by Mr. Howard. J. D. Stevens, of Clackamas County, called the meeting to order and Introduced the speakers. NOT A PITFALL OF CRANKERY A "Woman Who Objects to Such Clas sification of Equal SnCrage. PORTLAND, May 23. (To the Editor.) In the Issue of Monday, May ZL, you say: When Populism raged over the land, Oregon escaped It. When wild-eyed Prohibition ora tors had their will in Iowa and Kansas, Oregon remained ober. When the silver mania, swept tbe West and South, Oregon kept to financial honor and sanity.. When California and Wash ington lifted up violent hands against the Chi nese laborer, Oregon respected law and order. Have we escaped all these pitfalls of crankery to fall at last into tho abysmal gulf of Femalo Suffrage? Members of the Legislature and politicians generally are inclined to treat the alleged "problem" with tho deference chivalry requires of them, but alone in tho election booth with their Australian ballot they will act with sanity and prudence. There Is and can be no comparison be tween the questions which you are pleased to call "pitfalls of crankery" and the great question of "equal suffrage," which simply means equal rights before the law. It is a question that should be treated with reason and sincerity, and no one should attempt to cast it aside by slurs and abuse. You place a very low esti mate upon the members of the Legisla ture when you suppose them capable of voting to put the state to the trouble and expense of voting upon an amend ment to the Constitution, and then them selves voting against it. "Chivalry" re quires no such "deference" from them, and they are unworthy the trust reposed In them If they vote" against the amend ment "which they voted to submit to tho people. If they ever acted with sanity, sincerity and prudence it should have been when they were voting on the ques tion of submission; and I believe they did. "Chivalry" is not the name for the conduct of which you speak; but deceit, hypocrisy and treachery are better terms. The question of equal suffrage is a righteous one, and one that will come be fore every state In the Union until woman stands beside man as an equal before the law. The great wealth and large bus iness Interests of woman demands con sideration, and by the inalienable right of a free-born American citizen, represen tation. Rascom, on the "Social Problems of the Day," (Page 1S5), upon this sub ject, says: "There Is no more fatal concession than that which allows one portion of a com munity to settle the appropriate alms, ideals and efforts of another portion. It Is the right of each class, conscious of Its own resources, to ddflne life for Itself under the common limitations of the pub lic welfare." (Page 189) "It Is difficult to believe that the true Ideal of womanhood would suf fer by more knowledge, wider human In terests, broader fields of usefulness, more independent and robust action, physically. Intellectually and morally. In shaping the conditions of life, and life under those conditions. '"Knowledge which Is of the nature of wisdom cannot be widened without a widening experience. Not only would woman herself be helped by such an ex perience, not only .would she be more helpful to others by 'means of It, there is nothing by which man's conception of her would be more Improved than by the hearty and timorous respect which Is yielded to wisdom. The strongest proofs will be required to satisfy the philan thropic mind that large things in thought, responsible things In action, commanding things In council, broad things In human sympathies, are denied In any degree, ad vantageously, to women; or, that their acquisition should be made In any way difficult for her." (Eage 193) "New types of conduct must come from the push of fresh life, rather than from antiquated speculations con cerning It Nothing can be mere unreas onable, than to remand woman to certain defined labors, to suffering and prayer and patient waiting under these labors, and to forbid them to put forth their hands In accomplishment of the very things they long for. There Is In this a disparagement so profound that It thrills the air with Irony, and makes the wisest precepts sound like bitter words of tyranny." The great Methodist Episcopal Church has just recognized this fact and placed her women upon the same plane with her men In her councils. There are many thousands of women who are anx. lously looking to the Just, broad-minded manhood of Oregon to strike the shackles from her hands on the 4th of June next. M. 8. W. ALASKA'S ONLY RAILROAD. Traffic Manager Irwin Says Its Bus- Iness Is Lively. S. M. Irwin, of Skagway, general traf fic manager of the" White Pass & Yukon Railway, epent yesterday In Portland. He says that there Is now more business ic eight for the road than ever before, and that steamers are coming into Skagway overcrowded with passengers bound for Dawson. A great many people ere going to Nome by way of the Yukon, preferring a land and river route to the long sea voyage. The run over the 112 mllee of road from Skagway to the foot of White Horse Rapids is made In six and one half hours. Two pasmger trains are run each way every day. besides a num ber of freight trains. The grade up the summit of the White Pass from Dawson is so steep that it is necessary to divide the train Into sections, and sometimes to "double-head" on a train. Mr. Irwin say that he regards the rail road as the finest piece of engineering of Its kind in the world. A great deal of rock work was necessary in construction, deep cuts had to be made, and In some places a way for the track was cut Into the sides of precipitous cliffs. The road bed Is excellent. 56-pound rails being wed, although the road Is a narrow guage. The company proposes soon to build a steel bridge, at an expense of 5164.0W), and make other Important Improvements. Whether the road will be extended to Dawson depends on the business of the future, which must Justify the expense if any more line Is to be built. The scen ery along the line Is magnificent, and It Is becoming more and more a favorite route for tourists, who find It an enjoyable means of extending the steamer trip through the inside passage to Skagway. NORTHERN PACIFIC-BURLINGTON ROUTE. When figuring on your trip East, don't forget that the Northern Pacific. In con nection with the Burlington line, operates through cars from Portland to Lincoln, Omaha. St. Joseph, Kansas City and SL Louis dally, leaving Portland at U:3Q P. M. No change of cars, and unexcelled accommodations. Call on or write A. D. Charlton, assistant general passenger agent. 233 Morrfeon street, for any Infor mation desired, tickets, sleeping-car reser vations, etc More cases of catarrh have been cured by Hoad's Sarcaparilla than by any other medicine. IN THE SEVERAL COURTS ONE DENTIST SITES ANOTHER FOR DAMAGES. Charges Breack ef Contract Compli cated Case In Jadge Fraier'i Ceart Court Noe. Benjamin H. Fisher has filed suit In the State Circuit Court against B. E. Wright for a partnership dissolution, J6000 .damages for alleged breach of co-partnership and for the appointment of a re ceiver to take charge of the business. Fisher avers that about October 10, 1859, he and defendant formed a partnership, whereby In consideration ot $2500 defend ant sold plaintiff one-half interest in all accounts due or becoming due and one half Interest in all defendant's office fur niture, tools, appliance, etc., in defeno .ant's dental office rooms, 303 and 305 De kum building. The firm name was Wright & Fisher,- and the profits and losses were to be shared equally. Wright, It Is stated, was also to Introduce Fisher to all patients as equally Interested in the business. The plaintiff says he paid to defendant up to May 1. 1900, about $3000 on account, and he avers that the defend ant has broken the agreement and haa ONE SCHOOL The eighth grade of CiililCU U1C J-'liiC -LAIUC OUCUC twenty Souveuir Buttons. state ought to follow its example. Sell Twenty Buttons at Twenty-Five Cents Each and Get the Premium. e failed to Introduce plaintiff to patients and prevented him from properly filling plates, etc, and has ignored his rights. Fisher further complains that Wright fitted patients with work which he, plain tiff, had made, representing it as his own, to the Injury of the reputation of the plaintiff, and held out to tbe public that plaintiff was not a partner. Fisher complains that he has been gen erally Ignored, especially during the last 60 days; that Wright would not allow him to place the names of Wright & Fisher on the office door, as agreed upon, and finally, on May 23, locked him out of the offices, and has tdken possession of all of the books and accounts. Fisher avers that he afterwards found the desx open, and took peaceful possession of the books and papers, whereupon Wright telephoned to the police station : "My desk has been robbed by Dr. Fisher, and I wish jome one sent to Inspect It," or words to that effect, and told plaintiff he put locks on the doors to protect his property, as he was afraid plaintiff would move It out or steal it. Fisher says the defendant declines to give him a share of the accounts or to recognise him In any manner, and says he has been damaged altogether to the extent of $6000. TO SET ASIDE A 3IORTGAGE. Complicated Litigation In Jndge Frazer's Court. Before Judge Frazer yesterday the trial of the suit of W. E. Bralnard against C. E. Hanson, Nancy Hanson, F. W. Hanson and J. C. Roberts to set aside a mort gage to Roberts, executed September 23. 1SSS, covering a considerable amount of property in Hanson's addition, near Sun nyslde, was begun. The trial Is without a jury, being a proceeding In equity, and the taking of testimony will be concluded today. Bralnard holds Judgments against C. E. Hanson for S367 and $007, and C. E. Hanson owes other persons a total of about $10,000, all of whom are more or less Interested In the outcome of this suit. There are named as party defendants (ho following: M. C. Wright, Martha Reming ton, R. J. DIggles, Lon De Tarmond, C. I. Haynes. W. T. Harlow. I. G.' David son. Elizabeth E. Boise, Isabella Dennl son. M. H. Bingham. John Gwllt, Hiram S. Paddock. T. H. Gardner. Viola Thayer and the Merchants' National Bank. Sues Savr Mill for Damages. Severln Rasmussen yesterday instituted an action against Inman. Poulsen & Co., In the State Circuit Court, to recover $10,000 damages on account of Injuries sustained, said to be of a permanent char acter, while at work at defendants' saw mill, November 24. 1899. Rasmussen al leges that his duty was to wheel a loaded truck from the little chute In the mill, and return with it after it had been un loaded. He had, he said, wheeled the empty truck from the lumber yard into the mill, and stood it about 20 feet from the little lumber chute, which was a proper place to go, when suddenly, with out warning, he was hit on the head by a short, flying piece of lumber. This came, he states, from a rapidly moving belt and revolving wheel, and was part of a long piece of lumber being transported over the little lumber chute, which tipped up and came in contact with the unprotected belt, and was broken Into pieces by tbe belt and wheel and hurled with great force. Rasmussen states that he was rendered unconscious, and bruised and otherwise injured, and Is now incapable of working and supporting himself and fam ily. R. R. Dunlway Is plaintiffs attor ney. Action Anralnst Insurance Order. Cella MacPherson has sued the Order of Pendo, a California beneficial society. In the State Circuit Court, to recover $142 alleged due for drumming up members for the concern. She avers in her com plaint that October 25. 1S3S, she and her husband. P. A. MacPherson. entered Into an agreement with the defendant to so licit lodge members, to receive as part compensation the first payment of fees and dues to the supremo council, and ad mission fees, and certain other payments, advances, etc The contracts, of which there are three, are set out In full, show ing just what was to be paid. On the part of the order, the agreements were signed by H. W. Mathers, supreme coun cillor. The term of service was five years, and the MacPhersona were author ized to build up lodges and employ depu ties and sub-agents. The plaintiff alleges among other things that 273 members were secured, and there became due as portion of the compensatJop In the way of fees collected by the defendant $2S4. and of this sum plaintiff has not yet received $142. Petition In Bankruptcy. Moses S. Jacobs, of Portland, tradesman, yesterday filed a petition In bankruptcy In the United States Court. H-'s liabili ties amount to $6271 70 and his assets to $100. Court Notes. The controversy between the King Real Estate Company and the City of Portland over the sliding lands Is now entirely at an end. the damage suit be ing dismissed by Judge Frazer yesterday. Judge Sears yesterday morning Instruct ed the Jury In the suit of W. G. Eaton vs. the Southern Pacific Company to re turn a verdict for the defendant. Eaton sued to recover $500 for the killing of a horse, by Its being run over by a train of defendant near IF. Powers' furniture factory. The defendant was alleged to be negligent, because Its track was fenced at the opening of a private road o Powers, or the opening closed "by means of a gate. The horse Was kept In an adjoining pasture. The evidence- disclosed that the pasture was not securely fenced, and, for this reason, the court decided the defendant Is not liable. A settlement with Eaton In the sum of $123 was previously tendered, end he refused, thinking he could do better with an action at law. EASTERN MULTNOMAH. Republican Rally at TreHtaale Ota er Items of Interest. GRESHAM. Or., May 24. A nrand Re publican rally will be held at Troutdale on Monday evening at which many prom inent candidates will be present and sev eral good speakers. The Oregon quartet will furnish music Good Price for Land. W. E. Bramhall has Just sold his 20 acre farm on th Base Line road to Mr. Stone, a man from Kentucky. The purchase price was $2700, $200 of this amount being for the growing crops Just put in.' Mr. Stone has taken possession and moved onto the place with his fam ily. To the Hospltnl. Fayette Rudd, for many years past a resident of Gresham, was taken to St. Vincent s hospital yesterday for an opera tion. He Is suffering from a cancer of the face and Is over 70 years of age, hence It is considered that a surgical oper- HAS A PICTURE. the Park School has already X1C1111U111 X 1CLU1C uv acutiig Every schoolroom in the ation will be a severe tax upon his strength. Clearing: Sixty Acres. B. H. Bowman has two men at work slashing GO acres of brush land on his place near the 12-mlle corner. It will be burned and surface cleared this season i and used for pasture until It shall be cleared for the plow. Brief Notes. Joseph Kronenberg and wife left Gresh am. on Monday last for La Grande. Mr. Kronenberg will take charge of one of the largest wheat farms in Grand Ronde valley. Dr. H. L. Power will leave Gresham next week with his family for Bridal j Veil, where he will become physician for the iirmai veil LumDenng company. PLACER NEAR GLENN'S FERRY BIgr Ditch Under Construction to Furnish "Water. Adolph Peterson, a well-known contract or of Corvallls, returned yesterday from Glenn's Ferry, Idaho, where he has be come Interested in a promising placer mine near the bank of the Snake River. He had personally superintended the con struction of a new gold'aver, at quite an expense to his company, and the ma chine would have been mixing gold dust and quicksilver ere this but for lack of water. A ditch several raHes long had been dug from Cold Spring to the diggings, but It passed through too, many farms on Its way doT.ii to admit of much water reaching the golden gravel. The com pany has therefore decided to put In a pumping plant at an expense of $4500, and this -will raise the water ut of Snake River, which never fails of supply. A system of dumpcarts will be Instituted to bring the gold-laden dirt to the machine, a distance of 150 yarda. The works are expected to be in full operation this Fall, and they can be run night and day the year round. Mr. Peterson says the steam dredges now operating on the bars of Snake River are all making big money, as they are ca pable of washing the flour gold from 2000 to 3000 cubic yards of sand per day, and the steel shovels reach away down Into the bed of the river for gold. "These dredges," Mr. Peterson says, "can be run at a profit on sand containing 3 cents a yard, while much of tho Snake River deposit goes as high as $10 to the yard." COMING ATTRACTIONS. Mathews X: Bula-er in "A Raff Baby." Mathews & Bulger, with their all-star cast, Including some of the best-known players In America, will appear at the Marquam Monday and Tuesday nights, In Hoyt's slde-splIttlng farce, "A Rag Baby." The advance sale, which opened at the box office of the theater yesterday, gave promise of crowded houses both nights. The company Is without doubt one of the strongest that han ever been put on the road, and the scenery Is said to be unusually sumptuous. Crowded houses have greeted it everywhere, and both press and public unite to speak of It In the highest terms. "The Real Widow Brown." The patrons of Cordrays theater will have a chance to laugh next week when "The Real Widow Brown" will hold the boards there. This Is a modern farce comedy of the funniest kind, with a real plot around which are entagled no end of ludicrous situations. The company Is one of the best of the kind on the road, and a week of solid enjoyment is prom ised the patrons of the theater. "The Evil Eye." Charles H. Yale's spectacular produc tion of "The Evil Eye" will be the attrac tion at the Marquam Grand beginning with a Decoration day matinee, also Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The sale of seats will begin Monday morn ing. The ballets, which are large and beautiful, are headed by the famous Eng lish troupe of ballet specialists, the great Phaseys; Nld and Nod are likewise played by imported actors. Rosalre and Elliott, pantomimlsts, acrobats and grotesque clowns. Al H. Wilson. New York's own headline German comedian. Is also one of the great est funmakers; Fanny Bloodgood, a charming and sprightly singer and sou brette. and many others go to make up a company of extraordinary nlze and ex cellence. For the lovers of sentimental music, there is the exquisite ballad, "By Your Side," and the song and minuet, "The Legend of the Rhine." Of comic songs, there h? a dozen. Of martial music and dances there Is a great abundance o 'GREAT NORTHERN FLYER" "The Most Popular Train Across America. Solidly veetlbuled, palace and tourist sleepers, dining cars (meals a la carte), buffet smoklng-Iibrary cars. Leaves Portland daily, 6:20 P. M., for Montana. St. Paul. Minneapolis, Dulutb, Chicago and all points East. For tickets and full Information regard ing Eastern trip, call at city ticket office, 26S Morrison street. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, May 23. Today's state ment of the condition of the Treasury shows: Available cash balance. $143,871,246 Gold,. .' 63,6J7,S5i CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS STATE UNION IX AXNUAIi CONVEN TION AT ALBANY. List of the Delegates Enrolled Two Addresses .Delivered. Last Night General Albany News. ALBANY. Or.. May 25. The Christian Endeavor Union of Oregon began Its thir teenth annual cpnventicn in this city this afternoon, the second time Albany has been favored with the state conven tion of the Endeavorers. White and gold have been conspicuous In the decorations of the city and tho window dressings of the merchants in honor of the occasion. Tho noon trains from Portland and Ya quina Bay brought a number of delegates and visitors, followed by others from tbe south at 3 o'clock. Under a recent ruling of the union each society is allowed only two delegates, in order to lessen the num ber It Is necessary to entertain, hence the regular delegates present are only a part of those attending, being accompanied by man- visitors from the different towns represented. The afternoon was given up to tho re ception of the delegates In the Presby terian Church, In which the Christian fel lowship of the members was displayed In a marked manner, a feature that is al ways held dear to those attending. A short prayer meeting followed. In the evening a popular open meeting was held In the United Presbyterian Church. A pleasing song service was fol lowed by addresses by Rev. Ronald Mc KUlop, of Salem, on "Saved." and Chap lain W. S. Gilbert, of Portland, on "Saved to Serve," ably and forcibly pre sented. The list of delegates Is not yet com plete Those reporting are: Portland Miss Ollle Melsenhelmer, George M. Kern, Miss M. Gibson, Miss May Newman, Margaret Smith, W. W. P. Holt. Mrs. Hugo Ferguson. R. F. Henley, Mr. Melsenhelmer, Miss Stewart, Miss Farmer, Miss Cross, Miss Layton, Mrsa Charlson, Roy McLean. Salem Rev. J. J. Evans, Charles Shoe maker, Mrs. C. M. Charlton-, Mrs. W. T. Stoltz, Miss Emma Swartz, Miss Nellie Clark, Miss Laura Shaw, Miss Rose Moore, Clyde Brock. Eugene Mrs. R. M. Murphy, Miss Blanche Taylor, Miss Lizzie Griffin. B. E. Spencer, Fred Strange, Mrs. J. A. Cleland. Ashland Mary and Esther Sitaby, Maud Patterson, Ella D. Rice, Fred Parson. Newberg W. B. Carter, John Weed. Brownsville Bertha Templeton, Golda Moyer, Eva Montgomery. Mrs. A. J. Tem pleton. Zena F. D. Gardner, Bessie Shepard. Richland Mrs. Chandler, Etta Saun ders. Mllwaukle Mabel Miller. Sheridan Mrs. George 'H. Howe. Shedd Emma Thrift. William Dunlap. Grant's Pass H. E. Voorhles, Putnam Cramer. Woodburn Virginia Goodrich. Monmouth Frank Healy, Julia Barnes, Gertrude Lowe, Mrs. B. L. Murphy, Archie Millard. Halsey Rey Long. Scott's Mills E. W. Coulsen. Elliott Prairie Rev. Mr. Dick, A. D. Erb. Mehama Mary Stout. Hubbard Rev. Mr. Deck, Ida Yoder, Valena Martin, Dellna Chumard. Lebanon Minnie Thompson, M. Walker. Two thieves last night stole two Ram bler bicycles, almost new, belonging te R. L. and William Burkhart. from their porch. In the eastern part of the city, and probably went towards Portland. A year or two ago the same young men lost two bicycles In the same way. Census Supervisor Wtnn- last evening re ceived dispatches from Lakevlew to the effect that amonff the things lost In the big fire were two complete census outfits of the two enumerators there. As a few extra outfits had been sent him. for emer gencies, he was enabled to send dupli cates at once. Another call for extra out fits has been caused by an order that the census of the penitentiary and Insane asy lum at Salem be taken by separate enu merators, and the reservations at SHetz and Grand Ronde have been ordered taken by two Instead of one enumerator, as "formerly directed. Reports from the country tell of two fires as tbe result of the recent wind storm, said to have been the severest for nearly 20 years. The roofs of the resi dences of John Mayberry, In Benton County, and W. C. Morgan, near this city, were partially burnedl The river at this city Is so low that it will be impossible for boats to navigate as far as this city more than two weeks longer, unless the water shall rise. Last year navigation did not cease until In August This is accounted for by the ab sence of snow In the mountains. FROM FOREST TO MEADOW. Columbia County Hills Undergoing a Marked Change. R. S. TIchenor, a prominent sawmill man and logger, of Clatskanle, now In Portland for a few days, thinks the des tiny of the Columbia County hills Is tow ard a dairying and stockraising region. "At the present rate of cutting the forest away," he says, "the hills in a few dec ades will become a vast clearing, where nutritious grasses thrive naturally, but when the cleared hills are sown to tim othy and clover, they will become the home of the milch cow and the beef steer. The further one goes westward toward the ocean, the better the land Is adapted for dairy purposes, and so the region now covered with a dense growth of fir and cedar will be of even greater value to man." Mr. TIchenor used to think that much ot the Oregon coast forest would remain forever valueless, on account of the diffi culty of getting the huge logs to market, but that was In the days when logging was done by horses and oxen. The draught animals have since given way to the powerful donkey engine and the stout wire cable, and now no hill is so high, nor no canyon so rugged, but Its timber can be drawn to the stream or to the logging railroad. Man will soon, there fore, render bald the most distant sum mits If the price of logs keeps up. He does not look for lumber to go much higher than at present, lie says, as in this inventive age some one Is likely to con trive a substitute. He has timber land enough of his own to last his mill a num ber of years yet, and so Is not anxious to see this substitute appear. Although horses are not used In the woods any more, they are very necessary In moving the logs from where the wire cables leave them to the near-by stream, and heavy draught horses are therefore still at a premium In the Lower Colum bia logging camps. He has recently pur chased a span of 1700-pound horses for $400, an advance of nearly 100 per cent In three years. Even the smaller horsefl have advanced at the same rate, and a span of 1100-pound animals that could have been bought In 1S97 for $120 are hard to obtain now for $225. "While everything else was down horses fell, too," he csays, "and so the horsebreedera lost heart, and neglected to breed for future demands. Now that horses are away up, the horse breeders have very few young horses to sell." He finds no difficulty, he says. In obtain ing all the men he wants for logging camps or mills, although a few months ago a famine threatened In the labor mar ket down there. The wages have been raised all around, and now be has no diffi culty in keeping his men. This raise af fects each man's pay to the extent ot $5 to $30 per- month. ON THE UMATILLA RESERVE A Ne-JT Chief and a Fourth ot July Celebration. Pendleton East Oregonian. "Youngr Chief no good. Paul Show away heap good chief of the Cayuses now," said Peo today. This indicates to the Instructed man that eome important political changes have taken place on the Umatilla Indian reservation. The change may be due In part to the fact that Peo and Paul have Just spent-several months together at the Nation's capital and have been knit together in the close bonds of friendship. Showaway Is undoubtedly the heredi tary chief of the Cayuses. This has all along been conceded, and yet Young Chief has been the reigning head of the tribe, having his office by election rather than by Inheritance. Showaway, although knowing all the time that the blood of Indian kings and princes coursed through his veins, has for years disdained even to look upon the chieftain ship of his nation. He has walked back and forth among the people over whom by right he should have been ruling: he has lived a dignified, exemplary life; he has been a model of Indian propriety and has in every particular deserved the re spect of the members of the Cayuse tribe. Showaway Is well-to-do, has property in plenty, and a credit like a First National bank. He will make a fine chieftain, in deed, and everyone who knows him win hope that Peo's words may be taken as a criterion to Judge the course of events on the reserve. Peo Imparted another bit of information at the same time that he told of the ele vation or the attempted elevation of Paul to the Cayuse chieftainship, Peo says that the Indians will have their usual Fourth of July celebration on the reser vation, and that It will be a hummer. In vitations have been sent to the Yaklmas, Lapwals and the Bannocks, and some from all these tribes will come. Peo says the young men will accept the Invitation of the tribes here, for the reason that the girls on the Umatilla reservation are regarded by the North Coast Indians as the sweetest and most charming of all the .girls on all the reservations of the United States. The customary war dances and features of the Indian celebrations are to be present this year, and Peo proposes to bring In an innovation. He will Invite a number of white men to come to a feast in his tepee, and make it a "hlyu" gala occasion. Only a few of the best of the whites will be Invited, and these will be treated just as well as Peo knows how to treat anyone. PERSONAL MENTION, T. S. Lack, of Baker City, is at the Portland. T. J. Stltes, of Albany, Is registered at the Perkins. W. E. Cullen, of Spokane, Is registered at the Portland. H. W. Prim, of Skamokawa, Is regis tered at the Perkins. Alex Burrell, of Helena, Mont., Is reg istered at the Portland. T. Holman and wife, of Salem, are guests of the Imperial. F. B. Walte, a Roeeburg cattle man, 's registered at the Perkins. Ex-County Judge Silas J. Day, of Jack sonville, Is at the Imperial. O. J. Bryant and wife, of Clatskanle, are guests of the" St. Charles. C. D. Drain, merchant and townslte owner of Drain, Is at the Imperial. E. W. Strong, a prominent citizen of Corvallls, is registered Nat the St. Charles. Dr. G. A. Pogue, with wife and daugh ter, are registered at the Perkins, frcm Ontario. Mrs. William Hume and daughter, of Eagle Cliff, Wash., are guests of the Portland. Frank Dow, a Lower Columbia dairy man, Is registered at the St. Charles, from Oak Island. F. D. Kuettner, a well-known railroad man of Astoria, registered at the Im perial yesterday. Sam Sknon, of the firm of Flelschner, Mayer & Co., will return tonight from a two months' visit to New York. J. A. Woolery. merchant of lone. Fusion candidate for Joint Representative of Umatilla and Morrow, Is at the Imperial. Theodore Farrjngton and family, with Mrs. C. Hughes, of Ferndale, Minn., are at the St. Charles, en route to Dallas, their future home. Judge Shattuck has not been down town of late, as he Is In quite a feeble con dition and not able to walk around. His health is good, and he eats and sleeps well, and reads considerable, but finds his own fireside the most comfortable place. ( WASHINGTON. May 25. D. W. Taylor, of Portland, who has been attending the meeting of the Mystic Shrine, left for home tonight. NEW YORK. May 25. T. J. Holman. of Spokane, registered at the St. Denis Hotel today. A TRAVELING MAN'S OPINION A well-known New York traveling man. at the Portland, yesterday, said: "I have crossed the continent nine times in the last five years, but I never before had so quick and pleasant a trip as this one. I came by the O. R. & N of course, and it would be hard to imagine a finer train, better service, faster time, or grander and more varied scenery. The sleepers are as comfortable and elegant as first class hotels: the diners serve nearly every thing you can get at a metropolitan res taurant, and serve It well and at reason able prices; and the buffet observation car is a whole city club on wheels, with library, Teadlng and writing-room, cafe, bar and barber shop, all condensed In one. And the time Is greased lightning! Think of flying from New York to Portland In four days, and from Chicago to Portland in three! Talk about modern progress! You can get a half-century of it boiled down to a few hours In one O. R. & N. 'Chicago-Portland Special trip!" Medical men in Italy derive so much of their Income from foreigners that most of the students now learn to speak English and German. In every Siberian city the most con spicuous and finest buildings are the churches and government buildings. SIGNS OF PARALYSIS Can Be Discovered In Time. "Numbness of the hands and arms, with premonitions of paralysis, kept by me while I was using coffee. I finally dlscovered It was caused by coffee; when I quit the coffee and began drinking Postum Food Coffee the numbness ceased entirely, and I have been very well ever since. At that time I was unable to sleep, but now I sleep perfectly. "Husband was also troubled from lack of sleep while he was drinking coffee, but now he uses Postum Food Coffee with me, and we both sleep perfectly. Our little boy had peculiar nervous spells, and I stopped the use of coffee with him and have been giving him all the Postum Food Coffee he cared for. He is perfectly well now. "My sister was troubled with nervous headaches while she used coffee. She found how greatly improved we were from discontinuing It. and using Postum Food Coffee, so she made the change, and Is now rid of her nervous headaches. We are naturally strong advocates of Pos tum." Mrs. J. Walford, Castalia, Erie County, Ohio. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT PORTLAND. May 25-S P. M. Maximum temperature. 00; minimum temperature. 40i river reading at 11 A. 1L. 10.G feet; change In tho list 24 hours, 0.2 toot; total precipita tion. S P. M. to S P. M. 0.72 Inch; total pre cipitation from Sept. 1. 1800. 33.82 inches; nor mal precipitation from Sept. 1. 1S09. 43.43 Inches; deficiency, 7.61 Inches; total sunshine May 24, 1:42; possible iranshtne May 24. 15:18. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A storm of considerabla energy la central over Vancouver Island. It has caused heavy rain in Oregon and "Washington- -west of the Cascade Mountains, and In Northern California near the coast. Cloudiness has also extended east ot the- mountains, and tho weather Is threatening" in Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington. No dangerously high winds have so far resulted from this storm, which seems to be expending Its energy la rain rather than wind. The in dications are that Saturday will be cloudy and rainy in the Pacific Northwest, with clearing weather west of the mountains by afternoon. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the' 28 houra ending at midnight Saturday. May 2J: Western Oregon and Western Washington Showers; "westerly -winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Showers, probably attended by thunder: cooler; south to west winds. Southern Idaho Thunder showers; cooler; south to west winds. Portland and vicinity Showers, with west erly winds. EDWARD A BEALS. Forecast Official. v MEETIXG NOTICES. A & A. 8. RITE. Member are. requested to meet in their hall at 10:30 this morning, for the purpose of attending th funeral of Brother J. F. Stef fen. 32d deg.. at his late resi dence. By- order VEX. MASTER. WTNSLOWE ?TEEDt,E CIRCLE. NO. T. LA DIES OF G. A. R. Officers and members: You are requested to meet at our hall, Allsky build ing. Sunday. May 27. at 6:45 P. M.. to attend In a body divine service at Central M. E. Church. Visitors invited. By order of MRS. BENEDICT, Pres. CAMELIA CHAPTER, XO. 27, O. E. S. A regular communication, this evening at 8 o'clock. In Hill's Hall. Upper AlMna. By order of W. iL NELLIE McKINLEY. Sec MT. TATirT Tnrr - in . p; P- A. M. Stated communication lit"6"1- apcvmi visn Dy tne Most vVorshlpful Grand Master, and" ad- I1W.O 1.. 1.1... ... .-. . a aiasonry. All Master Masons cordially Invited. a W. DURETTE. Sec. PORTLAXD LODGE. NQ. 53. A F. & A M. Special communication this (Saturday) forenoon at 11:30 sharp, for the purpose of attendlnj - ..v u. uui .nr oruiner. J. jjv iciicn. vu- lor iino ir cemetery will leave. Third and Yamhill at 12 M. sharp. By order of the W. M. L vr. PRATT. Sec. GEO. WRIGHT AND LINCOLN GARFIELD POSTS, -with their re spective Relief Corps, -will meet promptly at 7 P. M. Sunday, 27tli. at front door of G. A. R. Hall, rhlrd and Taylor, to attend In a body divine service at First Pres byterian Church. All other veterans In the city Invited to accompany us. C. E. CLIXE. Chairman Joint Com. J. H. WILLIAMS. Sec AUCTION SALES TODAY. Real estate, at 135 22d st. north, cor. Hoyt, at.ll A M.. by S. L. N. Gllman. auctioneer. At 3SS Burnslde st.. cor. Ninth, at 10 A M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. N BORJf. STOKES To the wife of Forest Grove's Dep uty Postmaster. C. B. Stokes. May 25, a 10 pound daughter. Dr. C L. Large attending. DIED. WALSH In this city. cor. 14th and Flanders, May 26. Mrs. B. Walsh, aged 64 years. No tice of funeral later. FUXERAf NOTICE. STEFFEN The funeral of- the ,late John F. Steffen will take place from the family resi dence, 471 Front st.. today at 11 A M. In terment at Lone Fir Cemetery- EDWARD IIOL3IAX. Undertaker, 4ta and Yamhill utm. Rena .Stlaaaa. lady, assistant. Both phone No. SOT. Finley, Kimball & Co., Undertakers. Lady asnlntant. 27! Third st. Tel. O. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady Assistant. Both phones. Floral pieces; cat flovrers. Claries Bros. 2S0 Morrison. Both, phones. CREMATION. Odd Fellows' Cemetery Association SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. If deceased was a member of any organiza tion having a presiding officer and secretary, the charge for cremation, a copper receptacla for the ashes and organ service is $30. The same for members of the family of such, de ceased. GEORGE R. FLETCHER, Supt. NEW TODAY. A LACE TIP Today only we will sell white machine tor chon laces, in assorted widths, from to 1$5 Inches wide, at 8 cents a piece of twelve yards. A strong, useful trimming at an insig nificant price. OLDS & KING :3ESIS&FBEBS Wa will sell, today only, a full-size malleable Iron bed, 3 coats white enamel, strongest bed on the market, regular $4.73 bed. at 53.25 each. L Ge-vurtz, the Homefurnlsher. 173 First St., X. W. cor. Tamhlll. i PICTURE SPECIALS Today only we will sell you an 1Sz25 picture, with nice oak or oak and gold frames. These pictures are all the latest subjects, and In very pretty colors. Today at $1.25 each. I. Gevurtz, the Homefurnlsher. 173 First st.. N. W. cor. TamhlH. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY. Australian ballot system, 25c Have jcu seen the now Eureka Sanitary Bath, and other copying devices, at The J. K. Gill Co.. 133 Third street? PROPERTIES LISTED For rent or sale on reasonable terms. Estates managed as trustee or agent under ample bond. Municipal bonds purchased. Loans made. W. H. FEAR, 416 Chamber of Commerce. C. A. WHALE. Leading dealer in pianos, organs; Kranlch & Bach. Schaeffcr. Everett. Schulz, Ieedham, Bentley. and other makes. Peerless self-playing piano. Instruments sold on easy terms. 128 Sixth St.. 311 Alder St.. Portland. Or. Warrants Bonds and stocks bought and sold. T. W. Cruthers & Co.. 314 Chamber of Commerce. r A Baby Buggy Sale We will sell, today only, our entire line of baby buggies at actual cost. These buggies are the strongest and prettiest on the market. A. beautiful buggy, rubber tires, plush uphol stering, patent brake, only $9.50. L Gevurtz, the Homefurnlsher. 173 First St.. N. W. cor. Tamhill. IRVINGTON. PRICES OF LOTS REDUCED. The undersigned hi now prepared to build houses In Irvington, Portland's most desirable suburb, on the Installment plan, whereby the monthly payments will be ACTUALLY les than rental charged for similar residences. If you cannot call, eend for circular. C H. PRESCOTT. 212 and 213 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. We will sell today at 11 o'clock, on the prem ises, elegant residence. No. 135 North 22d St.. corner. of Hoyt. with two lots, being lOOx 100 feet: or will sell dwelling and one lot If desired by the purchaser. Don't fall to attend this sale, as the property Is first class la every particular. PARRISH & WATKINS, Agents. S. L. N. G1LMAN, Auctioneec