TTTF, MOKXING ORmOONIAN, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1000. USED AS A FOIL Spooner Bill Brought Up to Sidetrack Canal Measure. MORGAN SAYS IT WILL NOT "PASS Great Povrcr Placed In Hands of President Talbert Unearths AI- i . . leced Pension ScnndaL "WASHINGTON. May 25. Discussion of the Spooner Philippine bill was continued in the Senate today by Morgan. ; On the general question of the ownership and government by the United States of the Philippine Islands, he was in accord with Spooner and Lodge, but he regarded the pending bill as unwise and dangerous leg islation, because of the great power It placed in the hands of the President. He was satislled, howevtr, that .the measure would not be passed by this Congress, and declared that It was "being used as a foil to thrut aside the Nicaragua Canal b.lL Much of his 3peech was devoted to the canal bill, and to denunciation of the ef forts to prevent its enactment at this session. The House devoted 'two hours today to the consideration of the Alaska civil gov ernment bill without completing It. The session from noon until adjournment was devoted under the rule to private penaon bills. Talbert, who abandoned his ob structive tactics a few weeks ago, was again In evidence today. After ISO bills had been favorably acted upon the House in committee of the whole, Talbert blocked their passage in the House with the point of no quorum. Among the bills favorably acted upon to day were the Senate bills 'to pension the widow of the late Captain Grldley, who commanded the Olympla in the battle of Manila, to $50 per month; the widow of the late Commodore W. S. Meade at $40 per month, and the widow of the late General M. F. Force, of Ohio, at $50 per month. THE DAY IX DETAIL. Morgan Continues the Philippine De bate in the Senate. WASHINGTON, May 25. The Senate today convened at 11 A. M. Galllnger (Rep. N. H.) presented the conference report on a bill granting to Mrs. Guy V. Henry, the widow of General Henry, a pension. The conferees reduced the amount of the pen sion from $100 to $75 a month. The report was agreed to. Carter (Rep. Mont.) presented the cer tificate of Governor Smith appointing Hon. Martin Maglnnls Senator to All the va cancy occasloped by the resignation oi Senator Clark, and to which Clark also had been appointed by Lieutenant-Governor Spriggs, In the absence of the Gover nor, This certificate was In practically the same words as Acting Governor Spriggs certificate appointing Clark to succeed himself. In accordance with a request made by Senator Carter, the certificate "was laid upon the table. As soon as this disposition was made. Chandler (Rep. N. H.) presented a resolu tion providing for the reference of the credentials of the rival Senators to the committee on privileges and elections. This resolution was also lait on the table, the understanding being that It will be called up next Wednesday. Morgan (Dem. Ala.) Introduced a bill to punish crimes against the United States .not committed within the States. He said the bill seemed to unlock the difficulty the Government was in now as to the extra edition of an offender from the United States to Cuba. The bill was referred to the judiciary committee. The Philippine bill was then taken up, and Morgan addressed himself to it. He agreed with Lodge (Rep. Mass ) and Spooner (Rep. "Wis.) on many phases of their contention as to the Philippines, but as to the pending bill, he differed from them on some Constitutional points ana as to the necessity for, and wisdom of, the enactment of the measure. He agreed that the Philippines were ours, and that the title of the United States to the islandB under the treaty of Paris was clear and beyond any question. Morgan declared no promises had ever been made by our military and naval com manders to recognize the Tjgal Govern, meat. In fact, no such government ex isted In the Philippines when Dewey ar rived there and took Manila. At that time Agulnaldo was in Singapore, enjoy ing the pay for his treachery be had re ceived from the Spaniards. He de nounced Agulnaldo as a political adven turer and traitor, and asserted that "we would have disgraced ourselves before all the nations of the earth had we yielded to the demand of Agulnaldo and his fol lowers to loot the Islands, and especlally Manlla." Discussing the ratification of the treaty of Paris, Morgan eald: "I was in favor of the ratification of the treaty of Paris, and still adhere to that conviction of duty. I believe It Is the moet advantageous treaty, next to our treaty of annexation with Mexico, that the United States has made In the 19th century. I am proud of the motics and the heroic support by our Army and Navy that forced this treaty from an arbitrary, cruel, Spanish-Bourbon des potism and again opened the way for our republican Institutions. I welcome this open door to the people of this coun try, especially in their honorable strug gle to repair the losses and humiliation of the war between the states, and I honor the President and our commission ers for leading us in this course of Na tional duty to a glorious result. "I am proud that our distinguished party leader, Mr. Bryan, came to Washington to Implore the Democracy of the Senate to ratify the treaty of Parte and b d us not to stultify ourselves with needless fears, because Its ratification would open to the absolutists another opportunity to test the courage and sincerity of the grand Democracy." Morgan attacked the bill as concen trating all the power over the Philippine in the President of the Un'ted States. It was legalizing absolutism and took away from the Senate the power to confirm the appointments of the President. Morgan made a long argument In sup port of the Nicaragua Canal as doubly necessary, now we were In the Philip pines. He declared there was even now a revolution in the State of Panama, -which was being fomented, incited and aided by various canal companies, which had propositions before the United States for its consideration. Referring to the suggestions that had been made to this Government by these canal compan ies, he Inquired: "I'd like to know how- much of this kind of insolence the Senate can stand with out having ita stomach turned." He bitterly denounced the syndicates which had been organlred under New Tork and New Jersey laws "for the pur pose of controlling canal routes on the Isthmus of Darienl" "It Is an outrage on all public decency," he urged, "an open violation of the crim inal laws of the United States. While 1 etand here to rebuke It, the railroads op. posing the canal are today, by a con spiracy and combination, compelling th people to pay full rates charged at the pleasure of this great combination, by which their industries are suffering to an extent Indescribable, and which nobody has yet even attempted to estimate." With earnestness and vigor, Morgan ar raigned the new Panama Canal Company for haIng been instrumental In prevent ing the package of the Nicaragua. Canal, blU at the present sevsion. Never." he declared, "has the United States Government And the United .States Congress been badgered and cuffed about'! as we have beea by this Panama com pany; and the quiet submission and ease with which we take It can be accounted for only in one way that the Precedential election Is pending, apd we are afraid to tackle any corporation that has, or pro fesses to have, some great power." Morgan maintained there was no proper, reason why the pending Nicaragua Canal bill should not be passed at once. It was demanded by the people, and they would demand an accounting from the pol iticians. He could -not believe the Presi dent was In league with the politicians who were antagonizing the canal bill. "For," he Inquired vehemently. "Is It. to be said that the President Is a party to this ambidextrous and crose-eyed political rascality?" He did not believe, either, that the President was so afraid of .British influ ence that he had an idea in his mind of abandoning the canal project. "As to the bill before the Senate." de clared Morgan, referrlns to the Philip pice measure, "It is manifest that It can. not pass Congress at ths session; Indeed, it can jnever pas' this Congress. It Is Irrational now for Congress to legislate for conditions so remote, so unknown and so hazardous. "The President, who Is a candidate for re-election," said he. "is in the hands of his friends, and his friends Are the enemies of the Nicaragua Canal. I hardly know whether to say I hoe for the passage of the canal bill at this session or not. That depends upon two men upon this floor. If they are controlled by a determination that the- revenues for Republican campaign purposes shall nut be cut off from the lfes ' i (iMLSw) 4 Ml J 9 Denver Times. "APRIL FOOL IS PAST, LITTLE BOY, TAKE 'EM AWAY." great railroad and canal companies and syndicates the bill cannot pass at this session. The responsibility, however, must rest upon them." Allison (Rep. la.) then called up the nundry civil appropriation bill, which car ries $65,S12,&0, or over $4,000,003 more than tho bill as it passed' the House. Sixty five of the 157 pases of tho bill were dis posed of. Some discussion was precipi tated over a committee amendment pro viding that the Secretary of the Treasury should prescribe rules and regulations for the enforcement of the contract labor law and the Chinese exclusion act. Lodge (Rep. Mass.) offered an amend ment providing that the Commissioner General of Immigration should prepare tha rules and regulations, and they should bo enforced after the Secretary of the Treas ury had approved them. Allen (Pop. Neb.) opposed tho amend ment of the committee, maintaining that it was a practical nullification of the Chinese exclusion act and the contract labor law. The whole matter, he declared, was loft to the caprice of the Secretary, and this, too, while the railways were hur rying into the country thousands of Jap anese contract laborers. Without action upon the amendment, the bill was laid aside until tomorrow. Speeches In honor of the memory of Hon. Daniel Ermentout, late Representative from Pennsylvania, closed the day, the Senate adjourning at 5 P. M. In the House. The House met at 10 o'clock, today be. lng a continuation of last night's session, and considered the Alaska, civil bill until noon, when the Legislative day of Thurs day expired, flartlett (Dem. Ga.) offered an amendment, which was adopted, em. powering tho Government to proceed against trusts and unlawful combinations. At noon, after disposing of SIS pages of the bill, the House adjourned and immedi ately re-assembled. This being Friday, was devoted, under the rules, to private pension bills. The House wont Into com mittee of tho whole and proceeded with the consideration, of pension bills on the calendar. During consideration of one of the bills, Talbert (Dem. S. C.) made an assault on the manner In which pension bills were rushed through. He cited the case of Arthur Dlnsmore, an $1800 department clerk, for whose benefit Congress recently passed a bill increasing his pension from $24 to $72 per month. Congress, he said, was so ashamed of its outrageous action after it discovered what It had done, that the bill was recalled from the President after it had gono to him for his signature. Dlnsmore was a private in the Third Michigan Infantry. Talbert charged that, in addition to his Government salary and pension he was drawing $100 a month as secretary of one of the members of the invalid pension committees of the House S. W. Smith (Rep. Wis.) Smith replied and said Dlnsmore' s condition was de plorable and prevented him attending to his duties, so that he had to pay all save about $200 of his salary from, the speaker for assistance in doing the work, and had to lose three to five months each year from the pension office without pay Gardner (Rep. Mich.), who knew Dlns more personally, also save the House a graphic description of his suffering. Ev ery dollar of his pension money, $24 per month, he said, went to pay doctors' bills. Talbert said if these things were true the pension office should grant Dlnsmore $72 per month. Among the bills favorably acted upon was a Senate bill to Increase tho pension of the widow of Captain Grldley, of the Olympla. to J59 per month. One hundred and ninety bills were favorably acted upon In committee of the whole, but their passage was blocked In the House by Tal bert. who made the point of no quorum. At 4:50 P. M., the House adjourned. Astor Scndi His Check. LONDON, May 25. William Waldorf Astor has sent a check for $50,000 to Maidenhead. Cottage Hospital, In celebra tion of the 'coming of age of -bis eldest SOB. LEGISLATION FOR LABOR INDUSTRIAL. COMMISSION REPORTS . 'TO CONGRESS. Majority Recommend Uniform Laivs in All the States Enforce ment of Contracts, WASHINGTON, May 25. The Industrial Commission, in its report to Congress on labor legislation, recommends improved legislation to the State Legislatures rath er than to Congress dlrectb "The subject of greatest public interest today," pays the report. "Is. perhaps that of the regulation of the hours. of labor permitted in Industrial occupations, and especially In factories." As Congress has no power to legislate directly in this matter, the commission recommends that a simple statute be en acted by all the state, regulating the length of the Working day for all per sons between the- ages of 14 and 21 years who work in factories. The report, in, brief, says: "Tho employment of children below the age of 14 should be prohibited In fac tories. The length of th working day in all public employment should be fixed at eight hours. The fame time should be fixed for workmen In underground mines. except in cases of emergency. Employ ment in mines of children less than 14 years of age, and all women and girls, should be forbidden. Congress might well enact that no person under IS should be employed as a telegraph operator upon railroads, and that all engineers ana switchmen should submit to an exami nation for color-blindness; also that it be made a misdemeanor for an engineer or switchman to be intoxicated while on duty. "A simple and liberal law regulating the payment of labor should be adopted by all the states, providing that all laborers shall be paid In cash orders, without dis count, not In goods or due bills, and that no compulsion, direct or Indirect, should be u?2d to make them purchase goods at any particular store. Provisions for the fair weighing of coal at mines before pass ing over a screen should be adopted, and the miners should have the privilege of employing a check-welghman at their own expense. "The question of the enforcement of the labor contract by Injunction or contempt in equity process is a difficult one, mainly made so by the abuses which have arisen from Injunctions carelessly Issued. It is suggested that it might be well to limit punishment for contempt to Imprisonment for a brief period, but equity courts must not be deprived of the power to protect themselves and to make their de crees reypected. The practice of awarding blanket injunctions against all the world, or against unnumbered defendants, as well as the practice of indirectly enforcing the contract for personal service by enjoin ing employes from quitting work, should be discouraged, not only by popular sen timent, but by intelligent judicial opinion." On the subject of railway labor the com mission Is of the opinion that Congress should adopt a consistent code of laws regulating all matters regarding employ ment, such as hours of labor, limitation of continuous runs by engineers or con tinuous service by telegraph operators or sw'tchmen, the enactment of a consistent employers' liability code, the liability of the employer or corporation for "defective appliances, etc. The statutes already adopted in some states discriminating as between union and non-union labor by making it a penal offense for an employer to exclude unon labor only seem to the commission to be unconstitutional, being class legislation. Tho statute ehould apply to non-union, as well as union labor. If It is to be enaclfcd at alL The right to be employed and protected without belonging to a union should be preserved, but every facility should be given labor to organize if it desires, and tho last vestige of the notion that trade unions arc a criminal con spiracy should be swept away. The use of private police detectives or other hired bodies of men to be used in connection with labor troubles has aroused consider able attention, and Congress has probably the power to enact reasonable legislation to prevent abuses in this direction. In a general way, the commission reports that conciliation laws have been found effect ive, but that strict arbitration machinery rarely works well. It is recommended that labor bureaus or committees be es tablished in all the states. Commissioners E. A. Smyth and C J. Harris unite in a minority report. n which they express the opinion that it would be both unjust and impracticable to attempt any uniform laws regulating labor in all the states, If labor and capital are to have their full development. They say the right or private contract should be allowed to both laborer and employer, and. therefore, the limitation of hours of labor would be fraught with danger. Com missioner John W. Daniel. In a separate minority report, concurs in the spirit of the Tiews expressed by Comm'ssloners Smyth ind Harris. GERMAN MEAT DILL. f Opinions of Chicago Packers on the Subject. CHICAGO, May 25. The passage or the German meat bill by the BundesratA which now seems assured since It has passed the Reichstag, is viewed different ly by Chicago packers. Most of "the pack- era have little hope of any action favoring American meat until Germany has tried the law for .some time. ': "Prices efllll advance In Germany as soon as the law goes Into effect." said one packer. "The poorer classes will be unable to pay the Increased figure. When the German people understand what the. bill has done, there will be a new one, but po litical conditions are such that at present there Is no hope of expecting anything." Norris Epstein, of the German-American Provision Company, said: - '"The passage of this bill Is an outrago against the American packer. American goods are absolutely pure and wholesome. I know tho laboring people of Germany want our products." "England Is our best customer," said Martin Cudahy. "and her .trade is worth more to the United States in the meat trade than all the world beside." "I don't consider It a serious blow to American packing interests," said C. M. Favorite, of Armour & Co. "While It. Is true that quite a little business is done with Germany in the sausage and canned meat' way. It does not cut enough figure to affect the markets In this country." THE END DRAWING NEAR. Encllsh Army Officers Predict Peace in Three Weeks. NEW YORK, May 25. A dispatch from London to the Tribune says: The retreat of Botha's forces from the Rhenoster to the Vaal serves to convince military men m that the end of the war is "rapidly drawing near. This is, -without doubt, tho official view, although nobudy connected with either vne War Office or the headquarters staff is willing to be quoted to that effect. The date for the occupation of Pretoria which is usually named among officers is June 16. It Is assumed, among them that there will be no delay either in the pass age of the Vaal or in the occupation of Johannesburg, since Lord Roberts can turn the Boers out of every defensive po sition which they may attempt to hold. They expect to see the British flag flying over Johannesburg by fcic end ot another week, and Pretoria under siege early in June. Lord Roberts himself has been too wary to make any forecasts respecting the duration of hostilities. The officials may have reasons of their own for conclud ing that there will be peace at the end of three weeks, but they are not neglect ing to send out reinforcements from Eng land. Every week witnesses the move ment of fresh levies and details for strengthening the battalions and cavalry squadrons at the seat of war. Another matter which is discussed In official circles with increasing Interest, is the Dutch responsibilities. South Africans are not agreed upon the financial aspects of the problem and upon the most prac tical method of distributing the burdens of a costly war on tho basis of popula tion. Land taxes levied upon the Boers will yield little when i-ney are Impover ished, and the only adequate resource for the payment of a large Indemnity Is the mining territory of tho Rand. TWO BATTLES LOOKED FOR. One South of Johanneiibnrg and One at Lainjr's Xck. LONDON, May 23. Another advance along the railroad towards Pretoria has brought Lord Roberts' troops to Vrede fort Road, a few miles north of Prospect, where they arrived at noon Thursday. In tho meanwhile General Methuen Is pro gressing along the southern bank of the Vaal River, with the object probably ot making a dash at Klerksdorp, when Tie arrives opposite that railroad terminus. General Hutton's column Is apparently In the neighborhood of Vredefort, 15 miles west of tho railroad, whence It threatens the federals' right flank. The next two days ought to settle whether Lord "Roberts will encounter se rious opposition south of the Vaal, but It is believed the next big engaegment will be fought just south of Johannesburg, and the fight there, and possibly one at Lalng's Nek, will prove the last pitched battles of the war. Tho latest Indications point to tho latter being the more stubborn of tho two. It Is hoped here General Buller will delay until Roberts Is able to detach a force to seize Heidelberg and sever the railroad connection between Lalng's Nek and Johannesburg. Boers Hurried Retreat. KROONSTAD, Thursday, May 24. Al though the Boers retreated without a shot, their late position showed that they meant to fight. Along the steep sides ot tho south bank were cunningly constructed rifle pits, resembling the defenses of Paar deberg. These pits extended for 10 miles A number of gun emplacements had been blasted in the rocks for seven miles, the grass "had been burned In patches with a view, of marking the ranges. Hunter Moving: North. WARRENTON. Thursday, May 24.-Op-peratlpns have been pushed forward SJ miles, ono of General Hunter's brigades having occupied Vryburg last night. Con sidering the difficulties of the road, this Is a remarkable achievement for a mxed force, short of rations, making forced marches. Water Is scarce. Some portions of tho brigade covered 18 miles without a break. General Hunter personally goes to Vryburg today by train. Two Mnrclics From the Vnal. VREDEFORT, Thursday, May 24. The British columns, after an unopposed march, reached tho Vredefort Road at noon today, and are now only two marches from the Vaal River. CONGRESS TO TAKE ACTION The Mutual Insurance Company Pe tition Favorably Acted Upon. WASHINGTON. May 25. The Congres sional committee on Interstate and foreign commerce unanimously voted to report In favor of the Government taking action on the petition of the Mutual Life In surance Company, of New York, asking for redress from the Pruss'an Govern ment for its expulsion without good cause from the empire. The committee was much impressed at the hearing by the remarks of Mr. Richard I. McCurdy, president of the company, and by the clear statement of Its counsel, Mr. Benja min F. Tracy. The committee recom mended the following resolutions: "Resolved, By the Senate and the Houso that the Secretary of State be and is hereby requested to take all steps which may be necessary and proper to obtain from the government of the Kingdom of Prussia a revocation of the order of Au gust 14, 1695, by which the privilege of transacting business in that kingdom was withdrawn from the Mutual Life Insur ance Company, of New York." It is considered certain that the resolu tion will pass the House, the feeling of members against the recent action of the Prussian authorities in the treatment of American merchants being particular ly strong. Storms in Texas. DALLAS, Tex., May 23. A wind and electrical storm occurred at Mineral Wells last night. The general property in the farming section suffered severely. Hal lettsvllle reports a cyclone last night "which did much damage to property. Many farms were swept clean. An acad emy at Mossy Grove was destroyed by wind. No casualties are reported. Curiosity Saves Life. A package marked quinine was secretly sent to a bright woman, but being curious she took It to a druggist, who said it was not quinine, but arsenic. A like in quiry Into some of the medicines offered will certainly detect the false from the true. For half a century Hostetter's Stomach Bitters has been curing indiges tion, constipation, dyspepsia, liver and kidney topbles. and has never once failed. Try it IX you feel weak and tired. Others Cured wwhy Not You? - The answer depends upon yourself. You have certainly heard and read enough about . Hood's Sarsaparilla-to he convinced that it is a good -medicine. "There is a genuineness abbut its testimonials which must strike you favorably. There is a pleasant and true medi cinal taste to Hood's Sarsaparilla "which will impress you with its curative powers. After a few doses you will feel a thrill of benefit and health which will convince you of coming good. And in a reasonable time and with a fair trial you will, realize a perfect cure, like thousands of others. JSTo better time to take Hootl's Sarsaparilla than, this' Sprm&-Buy a bottle TODAY. PLAQUE CASES IN COURT SAN FRANCISCO CHINESE APPLY FOP. AN INJUNCTION. Allege the Dancer of Inoculation Japanese in That City Ask for a. Similar Order. SAN FRANCISCO. May 23. Argument was begun in the United States Circuit Court tpday on the petition for an in junction filed yesterday by Wong Fal. a Chinese subject, who seeks to have tho City Board of Health and Dr. Kln youn, the Federal quarantine officer, re strained from keeping him and 25,000 other Asiatic residents from leaving the city unless they first submit to Inoculation with what Is known as the haffklne serum, alleged to be a prophylactic against bubonic plague infection. Judges Morrow, DeHaven and Hawley occupied the bench, and, the array of counsel was formidable. The courtroom was densely crowded with Chinese and Japanese mer chants and their white advisers and sym pathizers. The attorneys for the Chinese set forth that there is not now, nor has there been, a case ot bubonic plague In San Fran cisco, but despite, that fact the petitioner and his fellow-countrymen are prevented from leaving the city until they submit to Inoculation with the serum. This en fqreed inoculation is an arbitrary and oppressive Interference with the present liberty of the Chinese, and Japanese resi dents. It deprives 'them of the equal pro tection of the laws of the land, to which they are entitled by the treaties entered Into by this country. The inoculation causes great pain aind distress to the person subjected to" it, and may cause death. Ity only purpose Is to prevent- the bubonic plague being contracted, not to cure It, and as the disease has not ex isted in San Francisco, 'and there is no danger of It existing here, the Inocula tion is purely unnecessary. United States Attorney Coombs, for the Board of Health and Federal Quarantine Officer Kenyoun. read an order from the Treasury Department, by which he claimed tho Federal quarantine officials at this port are authorized to prevent the transportation by any common carrier of Asiatics or any other class of persons likely to convey contagion to other com munities, unless they are provided with certificates to show that they have been properly Inoculated against such conta gion. Dr. Coombs also read a resolution adopted by the State Board of Health. May 21. that the bubonio plague has ex isted In this city within the last 10 days. Judgo Morrow raised a question as to the court's jurisdiction In, the premises. The matter of pecuniary damage inflicted by tho restraint could not be considered. The court, ho said, could only decide whether the restraint Itself was Illegal. "Our complaint." said Attorney Ma gulre, "follows the line of strike and boy cott Injunctions, in which Injury and damages are alleged. The respondents are interfering with the liberties and rights of which the petitioner and other Chinese residents are accorded by the treaty existing between the United States and China. Therefore, in my opinion, this court has full Jurisdiction in this case." Then the attorney proceeded to show that tho restraint complajned of was ille gal on the part of both the. City Board of Health and the Federal quarantine of ficer. But even If the plague did exist here, Attorney Magulre. contended, the Federal health officer would not be au thorized to preyent travel from one county to another, or from, one state to another. Such matters, he claimed, are exclusively in control of the local authorities. After a number of attorneys had argued on similar lines, the court took the case under advisement. Local Japanese this afternoon filed in tho United States Circuit Court a peti tion for an injunction similar to that asked for by the Chinese, restraining the Federal authorities and the local Board of Health from stopping Japanese from traveling to other counties or states. Dr. Kellogg, of the Board of Health, re ports that no new cases of plagut or deaths from the disease have been re ported. The last death alleged to have been caused by the plaguo occurred May 13. since which time no living cases have been brought to the .attention of the local Board of Health or the- Federal authorities. JOINS IN THE PROTEST. Japanese Government Objects to a General Inoculation. WASHINGTON, May 23. Through Its charge here, Heisero Nabei Shima, the Japanese Government has joined the Chi nese Government in a ' strong protest against tho compulsory Inoculation of Jap anese and Chinese In San Francisco with anti-plague serum. The Japanese protest is much mpre energetic and forcible In Its termn than that lodged by the Chl neoa Government, and conveys a very plain Intimation that, while there could be no objection to a general Inoculation. If such were regarded as necessary -to prevent the extension of the plague. It cannot be contemplated that any discrimi nation should bo 'practiced against th Japanese and Chinese: the rule .must be general, and include Caucasians as well as yellow men. Unlike the Chinese, the Japanese have a measure of protection afforded by their most recent treaty with the Uulted -States, which on Its face might seem to warrant their protesfagalnst any discriminatory treatment. The matter has been . referred to the Surgeon-General of the Marine Hosplta' Service, with directions tc report the facts at once. It is understood he has' tele graphed to the officer of his service In charge of the work of -stamping out the plague In San Francisco, and It is pre sumed that the net result will bean abate ment of the rigors- of the quarantine measures now being enforced there. THE NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia Won 'Frqm St. Louis on n Fluke. ST. LOUIS, May 23. Philadelphia won today's game on a fluke. Thomas' slng.e and McGraw's error on Slagle's grounder put two men on the bases In the sixth. Delehanty sacrificed Lannolr's hit to Kels ter. The latter tried to cut off Slagle at third, but. threw wild. McGraw- was in jured in the melee and three runs crossed the plate. Attendance, 5100. Score: v RHBi RHE St. Louis ...1 S 2PhiladeIphla .A 6 -0 Batteries Jones and Criger; Bcrnhard and McFarland. ' Umpire Hurst. Close Game at Cincinnati. CINCINNATI. May 25. With two men out In the 10th. Inning, Peitz hit for two bases, and Scott, who had struck out twice before, hit the left field fence, scor ing Peltz with the winning run. It was a. pitchers' battle. In which Scott excelled. Attendance, 70S. Score: RHE! . RHE Cincinnati ....2 6 51Boston 1 7 0 Batteries Scott and WjOod; Lewis and Sullivan. Umpire Swartwood. Broolclyn Beat Chicago. CHICAGO, 'May 25. For five Innings to day the game was the prettiest kind of a contest. Brooklyn began hitting in the sixth, and the locals went to pieces, four errors and five hits giving the Champions seven runs. Cunningham then replaced Garvin, arid waff pounded for five hlt3 and four runs. Attendance, 3700. Score: . R H El RHE Chicago 3 8 4BrookIyn- .....1214 1 Batteries Garvin, .Cunningham and Donahue, Dexter; McGinnlty and Mc Gulre. Umpire Emslle. Pittnburg Was Overconfident. PITTSBURG, May 23. An apparent overconfidence was responsible for Pitts burg losipg today. Hawley, worked hard to defeat his old clubmates, and kept the hits well scattered. Attendance, 2400. Score: RHEI -RUB PIttsburjr 3 8 ONew York ....4 9 2 Batteries Leever, Waddell and ZImmer; Hawiey and Bowerman- , Umpire O'Day. National League Standing;. Won. Lost Per ct. Philadelphia IS 9 .667 Brooklyn 17' 11 .607 Chicago 16 13 .553 St. Louis : 15 13 .526 Pittsburg 16 14 .533 Cincinnati 12 15 .444 New York 9 17 .346 Boston 7 18 .2S0 The American, League. At Buffalo Buffalo 4. Kansas City U. At Detroit Detroit 5, Milwaukee 2. At Cleveland Cleveland 4. Chicago 8. At Indlanapolls-Raln stopped the game In the third Inning, with Indianapolis 1 to Minneapolis 0. THE RUNNING RACES. Yesterday's Winners at Netvport nnd Other Tracks. CINCINNATI. May 23. The weather Get the Genuine There are many so called Malt Whiskies in the market When you buy be sure it's DUFFY'S. Insist upon it. Beware of refilled bottles. See that the seal over the rk is unbroken. Take only DUFFY'S This is for your protection as well as ours. CiE&Jfev DUFFY'S'AI- jg&m xi ys helps; never '&Q -0!V initio ' All rlnitr- gists anAgrocers, of director. oo a bottle. Book free. Deifj Malt WUs key C bcJMtcr, If. T. yjJ&V izi m. n was clear and the track fast at Newport. The results were:' Mile Philippine won, Savllla second. Rice third; time. 1:42. Mile and 70 yards, selling Dandy H. won, Flnem Resplce second, Headley third; time. 1:47. Five furlongs, selling Telephone Girl won, Volkman second. Irving Mayor third; time. 1:02. Six furlongs, selling Oconee won. Agi tator second, Osmon third; time, 1:14. Mile and 70 yards. s?Mng Frlesland won, Beana second, Village Pride third; time, 1:464. Six furlongs, selling Ltttle Veronica won. The Grinder second. Oily Gamin third; time. 1:15, .Races nt St. Lonls. ST. LOUIS. May 25. The results at the Fair Groupds- were: Three-year-olds and up, selling, six fur longs Tom Gllmore won. Ruby Riley sec ond. Miss Loretta third; time 1:15- Seven furlongs The Sprite won. Glen Lake second. Baffled third; time. 1:28. Five furlongs Small Jack won, " South Breeze second, Fred Heeslg third; time, 1:03- One mile The Monk won, Sklllman sec ond. Go to Bed third; time, 1:42. Six furlongs VIcivance won, Hi-Noe-Ker second. Bertha Nell third; time. 1:15. Purse, celling, seven furlongs Harrla Floyd won. Imp. Clonsllla second. Mystery third; time, 1:29. Races at Xalceside. CHICAGO, May 25. The weather was clear and the track good at Lakeslda to day. The results were: Four and a half furlongs, selling Cl nara won, Edith Q. second, Scorpolota third; time, 0:58. One mile Major Mansir won. Wax sec ond. Elsie Venner third; time, 1:43. Five and a half furlongs Adam Gcrst won. Irma S- second. Money Back third; time, 1:09. Mile and a. half, selling Admetus won. Hold Up second, Julius Caesar third; time, 2:37. Five furlongsj selling Benson Caldwell won, Battus second, Ben Magen. third; time, 1:034. i ' Compliment to an American. CHICAGO, May 25. A special to tha Record from Chihuahua, Mexico, says: The Congress of Mexico has passed a bill, and It has been approved by Presi dent Diaz, changing the name of Topolo bampo, on the Pacific Coast, to Port Still well." The change Is made as a compli ment to A- E. Stlllwell, president of th Kansas City, Mexican & Orient Railway Company, which proposes to build a rail way from Kansas City to Port Stlllwell. iobiw ft Irfjr Dinner Sets Come Just to Look. Great Eastera Inportiiig Tea Ci '223 First Street. PoTland. 320 Washington Street, Portland. 115 Grand Avenue, E. Portland. SICK HEADACHE Positively curod by these iittlo Pills. They also relkrre Distress from Dyspepjtoe rndigestion and Too Hcai ty Eating. Aper fcet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, DrovU Cess, Bad Tasteihihe Mouth, Coated Tongu fciin in the Side, TORPID LIVER. Thrf Regulate the Bowels. I'urely Vegetable. Imall PHI. Small Do, HENLEY and HENLEY B. Golf Balls. Can be obtained from all dealers or Sam'I Buckley & Co., 1WfiI!lliSt.,NvTrk