THE rOBNING OKEGONlJtfV SATURDAY, -M 20, 1900. , II COMMERCIAL-AMD The weather yesterday ttes unfavorable for ; local business, and the steady downpour of rain bad & deiiresslnsr effect on most lines of iode. Produce receipt'Ty rail were of good proportions, qdte a quantity of vegetables coming from the Sacramento Valley. The Cal ifornia, steamer In lati last evening, did not Coring very much produce and fruit. The net weather Is Interfering greatly with the straw berry crop. California shipments -were shut off several days ago, and since then there has been hardly enough of the Oregon fruit received to supply the demand. Best Hood Hirer and Dalles berries eo'd .yesterday at 10c, and South ern Oregon about 7c and 8c per pound. Tbo egg market stiffened up a. little, and they were selling again la a small way at 14c yesterday. Poultry cleaned up JaMy well yesterday, and prices axo steady. Batik Clearing. Exchanges. Balances. Portland ..?255.US $21,572 Ta.cor.xx t... -... 223.&S2. -M.C55 SeatfJe ,.. 259,037 50.275 Spo.ane 187.690 70,004 H POKTLAXD MARKETS. Grain, FloHr, Etc. Argentine shipments are still heavy, and the aiews that they had again passed the 2.000.000 bushel mark' was not a comforting factor for the bull contingent In th wheat trade yester day. If these weekly shipments of from 2.000. 0000 to 3,000,000 bushels from the Argentine Keep up much longer, the Hessian fly and army worm, the chinch bug and all of the rest of the entomological wheat eaters will hae to put In nights and Sundays from now until harvest In order to keep any semblance of strength In the roarkct. Locally there was a kind of day-aftcr-the-Qucen's-blrthday feeling In the market, and "business was on a restricted scale. Walla Walla Is nominally 5152c, and Valley about the. same figures. There Is too much firmness In "freights, and too high a valuation placed on wheat In the country, to admit of much busi ness at present. Wheat Walla Walla, 51(3,52c; Valley. 510 B2cr bluestem. 5S54c per bushel. Flour Uest grades. $2 053: graham, $2 30; tsuperfine, $2 10 per barrel. Oats White. 3530c: gray. 3333c; stained, 2930c per bushel. Barley Feed. $14015; brewing. $16 per ton. 'MilUtuffs Bran. 12$13 per ton; middlings. S1&918; ahorta. $13915; chop. $14. Hay Timothy. $1011; clover, $707 CO; Ore Con wUd hay, $997 per ton. . 'Batter,; Poultry, Etc B'jftter Fancy creamery. 3540c; store, 25c per." roll. figgs 1314c per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $404 60 per dozen; bens, $50; ducks, $57; geese, $6 8 per dozen; turkeys, live, 15c, dressed, 16c per lb. Cbeeae Full cream, twins. 12V13c; Touci (America, 14c per pound. Vegetables, Fruit, Etc Vegetables Parsnips, $1; -carrots, ;73c?l; turnips. 75c per sack; onions, lHc per pound for new; cabbage. $1 50 per cental; potatoes, 30 55c per sack; peas, 43c; beans, 1012c; as paragus, 45c; new potatoes, 16C per pound. Fruit Lemons. $2 603; oranges. $3S 20 per Toax. for navels, $2 per box for seedlings; pineapple. $4 6068 per dozen: bananar, $2 5t 3 per bunch: Persian dates. 7ffSc per pound; strawberries. 75c$l per crate for California, 10c per ptyind for Oregon. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 75c pet paund: surt-drled. sacks or boxes. 4(Cc; pearn, un and evaporated, 3Gc: plums, pltlesa, 48 Hci pr-jnes. Italian, 3U&5&c: silver, extra -.hole. 6iGc: Ogs, Smyrna, 22c: Callfornlo 'lack. 60c: do unite. 10c per pound. Groceries, Nuts, Etc Cciee Mocha. 23S2Bc: Java, fancy. 26332c, Jaya. good, 201324c: Java, ordinary. 1S820C' Costa RlCa. fancy, lS20c; do good. 10S18c; d rdinary, 1012c per pound: Columbia, roast, $12 25; Arbuckle's. $13 13; Lion, $12 13 pej oese. Sugar Cube, $5 SO; crushed. $5 80; powdered, 33 80; dry granulated, $5 20; extra C, $4 70; .golden C. $4 CO net; half barrels, c roor than barrels- maple sugar, 1510c per pounl. Beane Small white, 3Hc; bayou, 4c; Lima, Oe per pound. Salmon Columbia river. 1-pound tails. $10 i. 00; 2 - pound tails. $22 00; fancy. 1-pound Slats. $1 051 75; ij-pcund fancy flats. 65ff05c; Alaska. 1-pound tails, $1 201 SO; 2-pound tails, SI S0&2 25. Grain bags Calcutta, $8 500 75 per 100 foi .pot. $0 12400 25 for July-August. Nuts Peanuts. 6V67c per pound for raw, 10 ;for roasted: cocoanuta, 00c per dozen: walnut lOQllc per pound; jlne nuts, 15c; hickory nuts, 7c; chestnuts. 15c: Brazil, lie; filberts. 15c fancy pecans, 129140; almonds. 15 lTVic pet pound. Coal oil Cases, 21V4o per gallon; bsrrtls, J"Hei tanks. 15c. Rio Island. 614c: Japan. 5c: New Orleans, 49'jlic: fancy head, S77 CO per sack. Uopi, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 2(Tfic per pourd. Wool Valley, 1213c for coarse. 1516c for tocst: Eastern Oregon. 10n15c; mohair, 25c per tpound. Sheepskins Shearling?. 1520c: ehort-wool, 21 35c; medium-wool. 30S50c; long-wool, COcCSl each. Pelts Bear skins, each, as to size. $515; cubs. each. $1(35: badger, each. 50c; wildcat. 23jT75c: housecat, 5$T25c: fox. common gray. 40c$l: do red. $17503 60; do cross. $2 BOflO; lynx. $2tH 50. mink. 40cf$l 75; marten, dark Nertfiexn. $5010; do pale, pine, ?24; musk rat. 812c: skunk. 50gS0c: otter (land). $4 QSi panther, it lth head and claws perfect. $108: raccoon. 25ffS0c; wolf, mountain, with l.ead perfect. $3u055: wolverine, $2 5090: beaver, per skin, large. $G7; do medium, pet ekln. $45; do small, per sUn. $102; do kits, per skin, $1Q3. Tallow 5jj-5c: No. 2 and grease. 34Mc pet pound. Hides Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and up ward. 15ffl5J4c: dry kSp. No. 1, 5 to 10 pounds, 15c per pound; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds. 15lGc; dry salted. Nm-thlrd" less than drj flint; salted hides, sound steers, 60 pounds and over. SQ0c; do 50 to CO pounds. S&Sc: do under 50 pounds and cows. TGSc; kip. 13 to S pounds. THffSe: do venl. 10 to 14 pounds, 7Hc, io calf, under 10 pounds. 7c; green (unsalted). lc per pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth eaten, badly cut. scored hair slipped, -weather-be ten or grubby), om-thlrd less. Bleat and Provisions. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, sheared. $3 S0?3 75; dressed. 7"4e pet Oound; spring lambs. 5QoVsc per pound gross. Hogs Gross, choice heavy. $5; light. $4 50; dressed, SffGc per pound. Veal Large. CH87H per pound: small. 83 Beef Gross, top i.teers. $4 0 4 50; cows, 3 5094; dressed beef. 0H97c per pound. Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand): Hams, smoked, are quoted at 13c per pound; picnic hams. 9&c per pound: breakfast bacon. SSc; bacon, OHc; backs. OHc; dry salt sides. fi";ic; dried beef. 17&c per pound: laru. C-poun4 palls. lOo; 10 -pound palls. 0T4c; 50s. Oc; llerces. 9iic per pound. Eastern pack (Ham TOond's): Hams, large. 12c; medium. 13e; mall, lSt&c; picnic hame. OHc; shoulders. 0sc; breakfast bacon. 12c; dry salt sides, fe &0S4c; bacon side. 054210c: backs. Oc; butu, 9c. lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered. 5a. 10c; 10s.l0?c KKW YORK STOCK MARKET. S Outside Demand, and Profession als Ilela Aloof. NEW TORK. May 2K. The stock market was Intensely dull today. There was no appreciable outside demand, and professional traders pre ferred to hold aloof. Fending more definite de velopments regarding the affairs of Price, Me Cormlck & Co., whoi failure was announced yesterday. There were not many transactions under the rule on the exchange today for the Hrxn's account, but there were indications of large -transactions in accordance with private settlements. Thus in the early dealings there was a sale of a 900-share block of Atchison preferred, the same house being both the buyer and seller. There was also a report current that largo repurchases were made for Chicago account of blocks of stock sold yesterday for the failed firm. The Atchison transaction was explained as being a mere transfer of an ac count. These operations doubtless represented the progress of a, settlement of the firm's af fairs. Tho rricea at which they were sold In dicated that the bujlng of the stocks was in tended to 1ms about lat night's closing prices. The fact that tlie settlement could bo secured helped to sustain the market, and prices ruled for the greater part of the day at or above last night's level, in spite of the almost stag nant condition, of the market. Later In the flay the sustaining Influence was FINANCIAL - NEWS less effective, and prices generally declined be low last nlghf s level. At the same time ru mors were disseminated that other houses were in financial difficulty, but nothing developed before the close to warrant those rumors. The undertone of the market was rather depressed. In spite of the support. The extent of the failure-affected sentiment adversely, and the col lapse la cotton was looked to as materially al tering the prospects of the cotton section. owing to the decreased price of the article. It was pointed out that the Invariable result of such efforts to establish abnormally high prices is a relapse to abnormally low prices. The dis position manifested In Liverpool to extend the bear movement In cotton. Instead of turning to the buying side at the decline, disappointed some expectation. The prospect of a large Increase In the cash reserves of the banks In tomorrow's bank statement seemed to Increase rather than re lieve depression. Jn. spite of the easier money rates abroad, there was no disposition to buy American stocks today. The bond market continues dull, and' the changes hx prices were small and mixed- The totar sales, par value, were $1,310,000. United States refunding 2s. when issued. ad-aaccd per cent; 3s, registered, and 5s. Vi. and old 4s, H per cent In the bid price. BUNDS. U. S. 2s,-rcf......104 Gn. Electric 5s...l20 V. t. 2s. reg 01 X. Y. Central lsts.111 do 3s, reg lUOftiNorth. Pacific 3s... 67f do 3s, coupon..,.100U do 4s 104$ do new 4a, reff..l4Oregon Xav. lsts..lll do new 4s, coup.l34'.t do 4s 1044 do old 4s, reg....mOregon S. L. 0s,...12y do old -4s, coup..ll54i do con. 5s 1U4 do 5s, reg 113Rlo Or. West. lsts. XfS do 5s, coupon... 113?4iSt. Paul consols.. .170' Dist. Col. 3-05....12l St. P. C. & P. Istsl20 AttJiIson adj. 4s.. 84 do 5s 121H C. &. X.W. con. 7sl4l!iUn!on Pacific 4s...l054 do S. F. deb. Os.110 WIs. Central lsts.. V0 D. & B, G. l8t..101hSouthern Pacific 4s S3 do 4a i9s, - 'When Issued. STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were 209,900 shares. Tho closing Quotations were: Atchison . 25V4JUnlon Pac pref... 73 eufcjWabash 8 76 do pref 20 04 JWheel. fe L. E.... V4 do pref , Bait. & Ohio.. Can. Pacific .. Can. Southern & Ohio 274 Wis. Central .....! 15 Chi. Or. Western. 124; P. CC.4SL L.. 3a ao sa prer....... 2U, C.. B. & Q 125lThlrd Avenue 113V4 Chi.. Ind. & L 23 E-YPnBss rv- s ao pref 22 Chi. & East. 111. ..102 Adams , '.111 American 149 United States 40 Chicago & N. W..1C2 Wells-Fargo 120 MISCELLANEOUS. C.. C, C. St. L. 59 Colo. Southern ... 6 do 1st Ttrof JO Amer. Cotton Oil.. 34 do 2d pref... 1. 1 io' American Waiting! 90 21 iei. nuttson....H3V Del.. Lack. & w"l77 I Amer. Smeiu&'ft ao prer Denver & Rio-Gr. 174 do nref KSli. do pref 67k American Spirits.. 2Vt Ere Hid ao prei n Amer. Steel Hoop.. 20 do pref 09 Amer. Steel & W.. 33 do rref irtil ao xbi prer 35T. Great Xorth. pref.lXJh Hocking Coal 15 i Hocking Valley .. 37 iinnoia uentral ...11 Amer. Tin Plate... 22 Iowa Central 17 : ao prer 74 Amer. Tobacco .... 92 ao prei 4S K. a. P. & G.... 17 Lake E. & W 26 oo prei 130 Anaconda Mln. Co. 41 Brooklyn R. T 71 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 3G ConU Tobacco .... 23 ao prei 01 Lake Shore 212 Louis. & Nash.... 79 juannaiian El ... jvk Met. St. By 132. do pref 774 Federal Steel 33 do pref 60 Mex. Central 12 Minn. & St. Louis 61 ao prei ....... Missouri Pacific j Glucose Sugar ..." 40 juobiic & Ohio. Int. Paper 22 do pref 04 La Clede Gas 08 National Biscuit .. 20 do pref so National Lead 10 do tiref. IU M.. K. & T. do rrpf ... ;-?::S3 New Jerspv (Vnt liiti. New York Cent...l31 -onoiK & west... 30 do pref Northern Pacific do pref ....... Ontario & West. O. R, A N do pref Pennsylvania . . Reading do 1st pref.... do 2d nrf a oo National "Steel .... 28 '4i do pref 80 . 21,tN. Y. Air Brake...l23 . 42 (North American .. 14 . 70 jPacific Coast 47 ..129 do 1st pref 80 . 104 do 2d pref 57 . 55JPaclflc Mall 2S Bio Gr. Western yj rcuine D UU3 UU 51 I Ti i 1 C.t . ,41 do pref 87i do pref 76 St. Lou! x, r w o Pullman Pal. fr.1Sn do lt nrff. fiS Stand. Ron A- T... a do 2d pref 32 Sugar 113 I do pref HI Tenn. Coal & Iron. 72 tot. lxmis & s. W.. 11 do pref 20 St. Paul 115 do pref 173 Rt Tiiii A- ft 112 . u. s. Leather 10 ; do nref 6.1 U. S. Rubber. 2S .Southern. Pacific .. 33 Southern By 12 do pref ., 94 Western Union ... 79 do pref 54 Texas & Pacific... 18 Republic Iron & S. 14 ao pret ouft Union Pacific .... 53) Ex dividend. Money, Exchange, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. May 23. Sterling on Lon don 00 days. $4 S5i; do sight. $4 8S&. Mexican dollars 4S49a Drafts Sight, J5c; do .telegraphic, 17c NEW YORK. May 25. Money on call. 1 14 per cent; last loans, 1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 3- per cent. Sterling exchange Heavy, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at $4 874 87 for de mand and at $4 844 84 for CO days; posted rates. $4 S54 88; commercial bills, $4 84 e 84. SlKer certificates C061c Mexican dollars 17c Bonds Government, strong; state, inactive; railroad, Irregular. LONDON, May 25 Consols 101. Foreign Fianncial Jfevr. NEW YORK, May 23. The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram says: The markets here were quietly steady for a while, but weakened finally In sympathy with continued depression In Westrallans. Ameri can dealings were microscopic. There was Liv erpool buying In the morning, but the close was dull, in sympathy with New York. Copper shares were heavy on the fall In metals. The bank bought 10,000 gold In Australian bars, and received 5000 from Malta. Stocks In London. LONDON. May 23. Atchison. 26; Canadian Pacific, 06: Union Pacific preferred, 75: Northern Pacific, preferred. 76; Grand Trunk, 7JS: Anaconda, 8. . THE -GRAIX MARKETS. , Prices for Cereals In Enropean and American Ports, SAN FRANCISCO. May 25. Wheat, easy. Barley, weak. Oats. weak. Spot quotations were: Wheat No. 1 shipping. 90c; choice. 90c, milling. 023r96c Barley Feed. 6770c: brewing. 77gS0c Oats Gray. Oregon. $1 071 12; milling. $1 151 17; red. 95cS$l 20. Call board sales: Wheat Easy; December, 99c: cash, 90c Barley No sales. Corn Large yellow, $1-1531 15. Chicago Grain and Produce. CHICAGO, May 25. The cool, sequestered vale of life which the wheat market placidly trudged along today was only &c In width. If CULLISON&CO. Stock, Grain and Provision BROKERS Direct Wires te New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade 214-215 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Oregon the expression .may be, used.. The Northwest was still without rain of the"sort -needed, al though Winnipeg, Grand Forks and Fargo got a little moisture, which was sufficient to de press prices here a bit. Before the news, cf there showers reached, here the market was firm on the Liverpool .steadiness, the dryness hereinbefore referred to and the damage claims from Kansas and Illinois! The major ity of traders are inclined to await something definite, although It is generally believed here that rain In the Northwest would at least be of some .benefit. Trade was light both for cash and lit the speculative-article. July wound up steady, c lower. Save for a little spurt of activity early, corn was dull and generally under the Influence ot wheat. The weather was favorable for, the crop, and Liverpool was 6teady. July closed a shade under yesterday, at 37ttS37c Oats were dull and easy. July closed gc under yesterday. ' There was not much of a provision mar Vet, and the range was narrow. Hogs were firm early, but weak later, forming a mild influence for the guidance of the product. July pork closed, a shade over yesterday, lard 2c lower and ribs unchanged. . The lcadingfutures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opened. Highest. Lowest. Closing. May $0W5 $o 00 $0 05 $0 W4 July 01 07 w'A 'Sit CORN. May 36 30 .30 30 July 37? 37 37 37i September ... 37 3b 3i 3iti. OATS. May 21 21 21 21 July 21 21 217. 21 September ... 2o 2o -V -i5j MESS -PORK. July 1145 , 1147 1140 1145 LARD. July' 097 C.97 692 002 September ... 6 95 6 03 0 90 0UJ SHORT RIBS. July 657 057 653 057 September ... 6 55 6 57 0 52 6o. Cash quotation mere as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat-No. 3. 02SC5c; No. 2 red. 7272c Corn No. 2. 37S7c; No. 2 yellow, S7c Oats No. 2. 2222c; No. 2 white, 24 25c; No. 3 white, 2425c Rye No. 2. 555Gc. Barley Good feeding, 30c; fair to choice malting. 3S41c Flaxseed No. 1, $1 SO. Timothy seed Prime, $2 422 45. Mess pork $10 30311 45 per bbU Lard-W 756 02 per cwt. Short ribs Sides, loose.. $0 404JO, 70. Shoulders Dry salted, boxed, $0 C06 75. Short clear sides Boxed, $77 10. Butter Market quiet; creamery, 1519c; dairy. 1317c. Cheese Stow. 8S9c Eggs Steady; fresh, llc Receipts. Shlpm'ts Flour, barrels 0.0U0 8.W0 Wheat, bushels 2S.U00 25.000 Cirn? bushels 147.000 2S3 000 Oats, bushels 231.000 10!'5, Rye. bushels J.000 Barley, bushels 20,000 New Yorlc Grain and Produce. NEW YORK. May 25. Flour Receipts. 111, 858 barrels; exports. 112.546. Market steady, vvhwit Recelots. 138.750 bushels; exports. 89,804. Spot firm: No. 2 red. 77c elevator. 82c f. o. b. Options opened firm, nut cioseu weak at c decline. May closed at 71c; July, 72c; September, 732. Wool Quiet. Hops Steady. Enropean Grain Markets. LONDON. May 25. Wheat Cargoes on pass age, buyers Indifferent operators; cargoes of Walla Walla, 23s; English country markets,' quiet. LIVERPOOL. May 25. Wheat and flour In Paris, barely steady; Trench country markets, quiet. Spot wheat, steady; No. 1 California, 6s ld; No. 1 Northern Spring. Cs 9d. Fu tures, quiet: July, 5s 9?d; September. 5s 8d. Com Spot, steady; American mixed, new. 4s d. Futures, quiet; July, 3s 9d September, 3s 10d. SAX FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO. May 25. Wool Spring Nevada. 14616c per pound: Eastern Oregon, 13 OlCc: Valley, Oregon, 20322c Fall Northern,, mountain. lOSc: mountain, 8910c; plains. 810c; Humboldt and Mendocino, 1415c Hops 189 crop, ll13o per pound for choice. Mlllstuffs-Mlddllngs. $17620; bran, 12 50fl 13 50 per ton. Hay Wheat, $8 0010; wheat and oat, $0 GO; best barley, $57; alfalfa. $5S7; stock, $5tf 6 50: compressed wheat. $710 per ton; straw. 25040c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose. C05c: River Bur banks, 40g55c; Oregon Burbanks. 50 g 70c per cental; new potatoes, 70c&$l 25. Vegetables Onions, 7Gc0$l per cental; gar lic, 23c; green peas, 75c$l 25 per sack; string beans. 23c; dried okra; 32c per pound; asparagus, $11 75 per box; egg plani, 6ffl0c per pound. Citrus fruits Oranges, navels. lt03; Mexican limes. $44 50; common California lemons. $1 2531 50: choice. $1 25Q1 50 prt box. Bananas. $1 503 per bunch. Butter Fancy creamery, ISc: do seconds, J0i$ 17c; fancy dairy, 10G,16c; do seconds, 140 15c per pound. Cheese California, new. 7Sc per pound; Young America, 9J(9c; Eastern, 1017c. Eggs Store, 1313c; fancy ranch, 16c; Eastern. 15l.1o per dozen. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers. 11012c: do hens. 122213a per pound; old rooiters, $4 25(24 50 pel dozen: young roosters, $007; small broilers, $2 5ir3 50; large broilers. $4&i 50; tryers. $1 G; hens, $5?5 50 per dozen; geese, $2tf2 27 per pair. Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 10,700; do Or egon, 20.8S4; do Washington. 1348: wheat, cen tali. 70.455; do Oregon, 1050; barley, centals, 3020; oats, centals, 20 SO; potatoes, sacks. 2742; do Oregon. 725; bran, sacks, 300; do Oregon, 3300; middlings, sacks. Oregon, 300; hay, tons, 314; wool, bales, 20; hides, 0S2. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, May 25. Cattle Receipts, 3000, Including 400 Texans. Steers slow and 10c lower, butchers' stock 10315c loner; natives, best on vale, one car. $5 45; good to prime steers. $5 153J3 70; poor to medium, $4 409 4 90; selected feeders, steady, $3 43 5 U3; mixed stockers, dull, shade lower. $3 731 20; cows, $3 1034 50; heifers. $3 55Q5 10; cannera, $2 403; bulls. $34 25 calves. $5tf0 50. Tex ans Best on sale, one car, $5; fed sters, $40 5 10; Texas bulls. $3 25&3 75. Hogs Receipts, 20.000 Market strong to a shade higher; top, $5 35; mixed and butchers, $5 15&5 35; good to choice Heavy, $5 255 35; rough heavy, $5 10S3 20; light. $5 10&5 30; bulk ot sales. $5 255 30. Sheep Receipts, 5000. 8heep and lambs, dull. 10c lower: good to choice wethers, $4 755 10; fair to choice mixed. $4 2024 90; Western sheep. $4 855 15; yearlings. $35.30; native lambs. $4 50Cf7; Western lambs, $07. OMAHA, May 25. Cattle Receipts. 80Q0. Market steady; native beef steers. $4 405 30; cows and heifers. $J 704 S5; cannerr. $J 50; 3 CO; stockers and feeders. $J 75g5 30; calves, $37: bulls and stags, $24 23. Hogs Receipts. 11,200. Market steady; heavy sold at $5 CttSo 25; mixed. $3 025 03; light. $5ff5 07; bulk of sales. $3 025 03. Sheep Receipts. 1400. Market steidy; fan to choice natives, $5 203 50; fair to choice Westerns, $1 70 0 5 20; common an J choice sheep, $4 255; lambs. $5 5007. KANSAS CITY, May 25. Cattle Receipts, 3500. Market steady; Texas steers, $4 50S3: Texas cous, $34 23; native steers, $3 75Q 5 40; native cows and heifers, $1 755 50; stockers and feeders. $35 35; bulls, $3 25 5 50 per cwt. Hogs Receipts, 11.0C0. Market 5c higher; bulk of sales. $55 15; heavy. $3 05&5 23; packers. $5 OSS 20; mixed. $4 93ff3 13, usht, $4 05g5 10. Yorkers. $3ff5 10; pigs. $1 2594. Sheep Receipts. 2000. Market firm: -lambs, i(T 50; muttons, $3g4 50. Coffee and Sagar. NEW YORK, May 23. Coffee Options closed steady, 5 -points up; sales, 16,500 bags. Includ ing Mar at $6 70. June. $G 75; July. $0 SO. September. $0 00. Spot. Bio. firm; No. 7, In voice. 7a Mild, quiet: Cordova, 9SI3c. Sugar Raw, firm: fair refining, 4c; centrifu gal, 9C test. 4c; refined, steady. The Metal Markets. NEW YORK, May 23. Advices from abroad were rather unsatisfactory, and. In sympathy with this factor, together with the continued large receipts of tin, caused a drop of some 2537 points, closing, In a demoralized con dition, at $2S 624J29. Lake copper, while lower In London, was quiet here, but prices Tully sustained, at $10 75. Plg-lron warrants were very weak; Northern No. 1 foundry ruled CAPE S. S. &E0. W. ELDEK""S. S. NOME CITY - Wilh-positivelysail Portland on I. T Saturday, (Vta.y 6,-.;1r900.' - - - S..S. DEJafATCH .. ; ;; '' . Will sail from ' Portland, , Saturday, , -t;"",.' ".:: JuW2ioo.' .- " - Baggage canjnow befcheckeci at the office of the B. & O.-T.- Co., Cot. Fourth ancf Stark Streets. - ' Koh nATEsHn- information applt t CALIFORNIA X OREGON COAST S. S. CO. F. P. BAUMGA'RTWS'izOWashlnatont. TV.. A. Mitchell & .Co.. General Agents. San Francisco. Pacific .Coast . . - I B&K3el For CapeJNomeGoId Fields THE NEW PALATIAL STEEL STEAMSHIP "Senator" Mill sal! frorn Seattle direct June 21 , July 21 and Aagust 20. The "Senator" has a capacity of 2500 tons. Her second cabin and steerage accommodations are superior to the Arsl-claws accommodations-of most of Jhe steamers advertised fqr Nome " The Pacific Coast Steamship Co. has-been running Its steamers to Alaska winter and sum merfor 25 jears. and la the pioneer PaclUc Coast line. Seattle freight and passenger rates ap ply from Portland. For further Information Inquire of GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. General Agents. 10 Market. San Francisco, or X. P03fOh Agent. 210 Washington st.. Portland. OK Ralston Mew Process St ijUHH""'! PURE DISTILLED X$fER Withouf .tojudIc or experue. 25,000' fit wc.' iuitthe thirty - 'needed by.parties oing to;APE 'NOME. - DAYTDiN HARDWARE .CO.", . . 1?2 & 19,4 First Street Sole Agcnb. Xo Headquarters forTiiners Supplies. Downing, Chicago Board of Trade .JSew York Stock Exchan'de ,fi ,- "V Room 4, Ground Floor. -J BOTH -TELEPHONES J 'lj i very weak, at ;20ff22Lead.,contlues;dul, arid unchanged.- Spejter was a Shade firmer on a good export Inquiry, and'closed' firm at $4 50t? 4, 574. The brokers' "price fqr .lead ivas ?1 'W,, and for' copper $1040'310 (J2T. ' Bajc 4l,lvcr, C0HC per ounce,.' v , , SAN FRANCISCO, May 25T Bar slU'erCOlic LONDON, May 23. ar silver. 21'd London "Wool Auctions. LONDON, "May 23. The third series ,qf t$e' 1000 auction sales closed today, with offerings' of S2S5 bales. The selecUon was falri anif'inet with a good, demand at firm prices. Tho bulle of the offerings' were taken by Ydrttshlre. The. home trade secured-XQ.O0O bales; the- Continent, 50.00Q;. America 3000. and .157.000 bales were, .holdover. ., .. ... NATIVE-BORN CHINESE.'-7 Has 'o X)bJectloa to Womeii-yotIii5 If tae' Constitution Is Amended. ' PORTLiAND', May 24.(To-the Editor.) My attention waa-. called to v. coxnmuni catlon In' your lesue this morning; -signed "M. C. Y.," -evidently a .vroman. f-She protests against the fact that women Mire not Allowed to vote, ana declares it an unjust -discrimination, "taxation- -without representation."" as she eaya; In the let ter "il C. Y,'i--usos- this language:- ''I have noticed In a, recent'Oregon'an that native-born male Chinese are. being pre pared for the ballot fqr the coming elec tion. Do r our husbands, fathers and brothers consider a Chinaman, who sends the greater part of his earnings back-to China and who does-virtually nothlgto eleyate our country better fitted to assist In .making our laws, simply on account. of the. accident of sex, than the taxpay lng American women,, who earn end .spend their money here at homer' .- - I desire to answer her questions through your, valuable paper. Flnat of all. ,tho Chinese1 population herp probably does not exceed 2500. . There are not,, on an av erage, more than 10 per,.cgnt who return to China yearly. These -do not take ."back with them" tp exceed 5750 each, which, rep resents ..many years' accumulations. ' 'Un questionably, thelr,yearly earning, ate spent here. Secondly, the" Chlnesp .ate the same as our Arne.r.lcan women,, g.. not permitted to. vote., even. when, they have paid taxes. Therefore, how can thfey "do anytb ng to ekvatp. ths ouptryT' Kow a. word as to the native-born Qhl- nese being entitled. jin,der the Constitu tion of the "United Stated to the same privileges, aa .tp the!,ballot as other citi zens. Should' the Constitution be so' amended as to permit women to vote, the natlve-borp Chinese would "yield, grace ful obedience to the law- He would not refuse to accord women the right gfven them by law. He, however, deqlde'dly 'ob jects to having any reflections cast upon his right to vote, the same as other cit izens. A CHINESE NATIVE-BORN AND TAX PAYER, i - -. WANTS BULL RUN, "WATM A Correspondent Who Voices Senti ment ot Those Across the Line. PORTLAND, May 2J.-To the Edltor.) In your Issue of, yesterday there was an Item in which we are -told that Portland is one of the healthiest cities In the States, and that it has the best water on earth since It was supplied with Bull Run. This to doubtless true-,as far asc It goes, but you overshot the mark, when, you say that Portland Is supplied with Bull Run water. You know very well that a large portion of the East Sldo is supplied, by the -Alblna "Water, Company. In the Irvmgton district 'we are" com pelled 'to usa -this water, al though., -tie Bull Run -mains are only: 'a fewilocloi; away. If you would take thr trouhlirio' inquire amongst the householder's of thftt locality, you would very soon' "And but that 1fis not from, choice fhar we pat-, ron:ze tne Aimna v ater Company. "VVe-are ready to adrnic that 'Bull Bun Is perfection, but those rimong- us wllo itre shut off' from -the privilege of using It are naturally inclined 'to "fee sore when im?.W .Trm' uicr , , uia, ujhojtwsrei. cures t.t mannocxi. im Pt?nor tyf 6"fer, Ntsht-toMej, aparro&torrnooa Insomnia, TPalna InbacK, Erll pcsl.ro3, Bjmlnal emlsjknsri-amo aacX, unnous Da blllty, H8adacne,Unfltritoarry-pMor SE7?i'mon, Vailcocele, or cdnsilBatlon, .atomj.jtpllSltnase of D s- rf8l cr.arac; Stops Hor vntlft TwttrhlnP If Vtttti--kjiCl Miff moduli- S tJ u iwmt, fn "" errTT 6aoioo. xxxu . get Dopcoocat. fpas f?tBiatHr fee bnla ad seTrecsteri. oc box. i Ac Jasobf mm. fewattef Airrinea ru-aa'ce. tacno t swe7efated. ii . QrcnUn tree. 4)3pese, Blsrrop Remedy Co.', San Francisco, Cat. , Ftor ! by AKrtcfc'Ph&TKiacxJ'Clllir. and "Washlnjctoa stftets, Portland. Or. NOME fi Steamship Co. r ' -, f. . ij1 II .T - 1 vC0mberw of 6'oninerce- wo. read hat vPorUaml is supplied wUhi the l)ce)t watfex on. .earth: - .:.Ji Yd arfaU ,aare ' 'that the " ''deus'' ex-machtca."-lr the'.Alnina "Yatec Com pany, isfiflo a ipemjjer of tho Bull Run Water Committee. No ' doubt this, fact alone la suj31cient explanation of the clear ly defined line of demarkation between the territories of the two companies, but to us, who are on the wrong side of the line, it is by no means sufficient conso lation. . .- . J. T. D. , ' i Women and the .Ballot. tf OSVV'EGOy'Or., Maj- 25. (To the Editor.) -s-T""'knetv"a" family of seven brothers nCddlftrag'ed- men and not one of them had' ever cast a vote, simply because they did not jWant to, and it was their proud boast that neither father nor grandfather before them iiadl ever voted. These were pf. the, "better 'class" of men that is, they Hyed la large houses and had good bank, accounts, Do you think no" roan .should be allowed to vote because this small .minority "did not desire the bal Jot"? , Again, these brothers keeping "pure and unspotted" from the palls did not prevent -one pf them getting Into a street bra.-wl, having-his ear bitten, off and dying from bloodpolsonlng. , 'i Iam sorry for the unfortunato "woman" who Cannot separate the ldta of voting -and-street brawling. Her horizon certain ly needs broadening. S. A E. . You can't help liking them, they are so very small anil their action Is bo perfect. Only one pill -a dose. Carter's Little Liver Bills. To' them. . W. Harris Ik C. BANKERS Govfernm't. Municipal, Railroad, Gas and Electric Companies Bought and sold, including total Issues. ieifers of Credit snd Drafts Istncd on Bank of Scotland, London, Credit Lyonnai. Paris. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS 204 Dearborn St., Chicago. -II Nassau si., Hew York 67 Milk st., Boston 'jria'rtMiwnh Thompson's Eye Waisr TRAVELERS GUIDE. GO EAST VIA ON" THE FAMOUS "Portland-Chicago Special" ' ' . OR THE f "OVERLAND LIMITED" The only trains running through solid rrom Portland" and Chicago. Kiery car Illuminated -Vrlth Plntsch ezs. Two trains dally. L, DIn'fnc XTnrn. Service a 1st Carte. Library-Bullet .Sniofclnjr Cnrit. -Palace and Ordinary Sleeping Cars. I" red Uecllnlnc Chair Cars. Leaves. J);&A.M 0:00 P. M Arrives, ...4:oo P. M. PORTLAND - CITY TICKET OFFICE Ifj'j.ThlrtJ St. ' Phont Main 563 - W E. COMAN. i F. R. OLIN a N,uQjeryiKcuu 17 AC&. ab. . rf.M li ,rg?7Tra id.'h aires tfce Mnt c&e in nH s-A .n .... .A. 4.m a cate b harij. IfliJsTl Restcres jralL esdrrelooed 7. V .a T T7 nppkins Co. TRAVELERS GUILE, Caion Depot. Sixth and J Streets. THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "CHICAGO-PORTLAXD SPECIAL.' Xeaves for the East, via Huntlngtcn. at 0:13 A. M.; arrives, 4 P. M. SPOKAXE FLYER, ror Spokane, Eastern Washington, and Great Northern points, leaves at C P. M.; arrives at 7 A. M. ATLANTIC EXPRESS, Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 0 P. M.; arrives at S.40 A. M. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TQURIST SLEEPERS. Water lines schedule, subject to change with out notice; OCEAX AND RIVER SCHEDULE. OCEAN DIVISION Steamships tall, from AlnsKorth dock at 8.00 P M. Leave I'ortland Columbia. Wednesday, May 2; Saturday. May 12. Tuesday, May 22; Friday, June I: Monday, June II. State of California. Monday, May 7. Thursday, May 17; Sunday. May 27: Wednes- aay. June 6. From San Francisco State of tSillfornla. Thursday, May 3; Sunday, May IS: Wednesday, May 23, Saturday. June 2: Tuesday. Juno li Columbia. Tuesday. Mav S: Friday. May la; aionaay. May 23; Thursday. June 1. COLUMDIA RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland dally, except Sunday, at 8 00 P. M.; on Saturday at 10:00 P. M. Returning. leaca Astoria dally, except aun- day. at 7:00 A. M. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. OR. Steamer Ruth, for Salem, Albany. Corvallls and. way points, leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 8.W A. M. Return ing. Ieaes Corvallls Mondays. Wednesdays and Frldajs at 0:00 AM. s:eamer Modoc, for Salem tnCepenaence and wray points, leaves Portland Mondays. Wednes da and Fridays at 6 00 A- M. Returning, leaves Independence Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at KZO A. M YAMHILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DAYTON. OR. Steamer Elmore, for Dayton and way points. Jeave Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays- at 7 A. M. Returning, leaves Dayton for Tortland and way "points Mondays. Wednesday anc$ Fjrtjts at'OA. M. SXAKE RIVER ROUTE. .UTPAPJA. WASH.. AND LEWISTON. IDAHO , Stf amer Spokane or steamer Lewlston leaves Rlparla dally at 3.35 A. M.. arrTlng at Kewls ton at "3- P.' M. Returning, the Spokane or -Lewlstwn leaves Lewlston dally 0 A. M., arrl lng at Rlparla, same evening; . . " W. H HURLBtlRT. General Passenger Agenu V. A. CHILLTNO. City TIcKet Agent. Telephone, Main T12, 0 Third street cor. Oak. NewSteamsliiptinetotlieOrieiit fCHINA AND JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND. In connection' with THE OREGOX RAILROAD .NAVIGATION CO. Schedule, 1300 (subject to change): t Steamer. Due to Leave Portland. "ARGYLL" , Hay 23 "MONMOUTHSHIRE'; June 27 "BRAEMAR" - July IS For rate accommodations, etc.. apply to DOD W.ELL & COMPANY. Limited, General Agents. Portland. Or. .To, principal points In Japan and" China. THE ' FASTEST AND MOST DIRECT !M TO THE ASTANDSOUTHEAST IS THE G air-rnft The Direct Line to Denver, Omahi. Kansas City, St. Loui Chicago and Other Eastern Points TWO DAILY SOLID VESTIBULED TRAINS. Portland to Chicago Less Than Threa Days. Only Four Days to New York and Boston. Through Palaco and Tourist Sleepers, Bufict Library Cans (Barber Shop) Dining CaraL (JleaJs a la carte) Free Reclin ing Chair Cars. Through tickets, baggage checks, and sleeping cor accommodations can be ar ranged at CITY TICKET OFFICE 135 Third Sirs si Portland, Orcgos J. H. I.OTHROP. GEORGE LAXO. Qa'l Agent. City Pais, tc Tkt. Asv WHITE C0LUR"NE COLUilUIA RIVEP. I'UGET SOUND XAVJ. CJATIOK CO. PORTL-UCD AND ASTOItlA. BAILEY GATERT JAlder-atreet deckj Leaies I'ortland dally eery morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria very nljht at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon phon ilaln Cut. Columbia "phone 331. TJ. B. SCOTT. President. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES UNION DEPOT. For Mayzerj. Italnler. Clatalcante. Weitport. Clifton. 4tor. War rentoa. Flarel. Ham mond. Fort Steens. Carhart Park. Seatde. Astoria and Seaihor Ezprexs. Dally. Astoria Express. Dally. ARRIVES UNION DEPOT. 8:00 A M. 6:55 P. iL 11:13 a 11. OHO P. iL Ticket orfice. 333 Morrison st. and Union dipou J. C. MATO. Gen. Pass. Art.. Astoria. Or. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA. THE COMPANY'S elegant steamers. Cottage City. Clly of Topeka. Queen and Al-KI leave TACOMA 11 A. M.. SE ATTLE 0 P. M.. May 5. 10. 15. 20. 23, 30: June 4, a. J4, 1C. 10, 24. 20: July 1. 4, 'j. For further Information obtain company's folder. The company reserves the right to change bteamers. sailing dates and hours of sailing, without rrevlous notice. AGj-INTS N. POSTON. 249 Washington St.. Portland. Or.. F. V. CAKLETON. N. P. R. R. Dock. Tacoma, J. F. TROWBRIDGE. Pugct Sound Supt.. Ocean Dock. Seattle. GOODALL. PERKINS A. CO.. Gen. Agts.. S. F. SKAGWAY AND DAWSON Alaska SteamshipCompany NEXT SAILING. B.OSALTE, MAT 31. The only company navxng through traffic ar rangements to Atlln and the Klondike. Weekly Killing frcm Tacoma. For full Information ap ply to .J. L. .HARTMAN. Agent, Portland. Or., 3 Chamber ot Commerce. rt r tet- "C 13j fm TRAVELERS GUIDE, lAvjI via. chiitu ouuin $ Leave Dcpat RftS aai I Streets Arrive ,. OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAIN3 for Salem. Rcse burg. Ashland. Sac- ramento, O g d e n. San Francisco. Mo-, Jave. Los Angeles. El Paso, Nvr Or leans and the East At Woodbura (dally except Sun day), morning train connects with train for Mt. Angel. Sll v e r t on. Brown kVlIte. Sprtnglleld and Natron, and evening train for Mt. Angel and Sl verton. Albany passenger S-.S0 P. M. 3:30 A. M. 7:43 A.M. 6:30 P. It 4:00 P.M. J7:30 A. M. :4.50 P. M. 10:10A.M. Corvallls1 passenger J3J0-P. M. Sheridan passenger I t5:2S A M. Daily. tDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sao ramento and San Francisco.. Net rates 417cflrt class and $11 second class, including sleeper. Rates and tlcVets to Eastern points ana Eu rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and. AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J, B. KDAKLAND. Ticket Agent, 140 Third St. TAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot cf JeCerson Street. Leaie for Oswego daily at 7:20. 8:46 Av M.J 12.30. 1:53. 33. 4:40. e.25. 8 30. 11:30 P. 2i-i and 0.00 A. L on Sundays only. Arrive at Portland dally at GJ5, 8.30. 10:60 A. M.; 1:35. 3:10, 4:30. 0.15, 7;40. 10 00 P. M.; 12.40 A. M. dally, except Monoay, 8:30 and. 10:05 A. M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas Cally, except Sunday, at 5:05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 030 A. M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Men da j a. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 J. Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday!. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. C. IL MARKHAM. Manager. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt- DOtDLE DAILY TRAIN SERVICE. The Pioneer Dlnlnfr and Observation! Car Ronte. Union Depot, 6th and J Sts Arrive No. 2 2 P.M. North Coast Limited. For. Tacoma. Seattle, North Yakima, opo- No-J 7 A.M. kane. Pullman. Mos cow. L.J1 IStOn, IE033- iand. a. u.. uuttf, Helena. St- Paul. Mm neaDoll3. Chicago. Bos ton. New York jnd all points East and south cast. Twin City Express. No. 4 UAF. M. No. 3 8 P.M. For Tacoma. Seattle, Pullman, Mos cow, Lewlston. Ross- land. B. C. Nelson, Helena. Bntte. Rt Paul, Minneapolis Chicago, Boston. Baltimore, New York. Washington, and all points East und Southeast. Take North -Coast Limited Train No. 2 or South Bend, Olyropla and Grav's Harbor points. Se the North Coast Limited. Elegant Up liohlTcd Tourist Sloping Cars, Pullman Standard Sleepers. Dining Car and Obsera tlon Car. all electric lighted. Solid estlbuled trains. Tickets sold to all points in to United States and Canada, and baggage, checked to destination of ticket?. For Information, tickets, sleeping-car rei vatlons. etc. call on or ivrlto A. D. CHARLTON Aitlstant General Pnnienger Agent, 235 Morrlion St.. Cor. Third, Portland, Orcgou. J00 PACIFIC LINE Offers the LOWEST RATE3 and BEST SERT Icr to and from all Eastern points and Europ. Throufh cars from coast to at. Paul. Toronto. Montreal ana Boston WITHOUT CHANGE. Direct Route to Kootcnay Mining DlstrlcJ British Columbia Canadian Taclflc rtjI null MiciwJaip llnaa M lapar anl Aaiual.a. eFtt rtoi and Information.-apply to ,. H. H. ABBOIT. Ajcent. E. J. COTLE. HO Third street, city. A. G. P. A.. VancouTer. B. C The magnificent 100 A 1 Iron steamer "CKAS. D. LANE" 4000 tons capacity. F. WARNER. Master. Sailing from Seattle, May Direct to Nome. 31. For tickets and Information apply to E. F Ealrdr Esmond Hotel: Geo. Taylor, 100 Third s; A. B. C. Dennlston. 203 Morrison St.; A. D. Charlton. 255 Morrison st. CHAS. CONKLIN & CO.. Seattle. RPffNORIHERNlf Ticket Office, 268 Horrlsoa Street, 'Pfiane 5S8 LEAVE. No. COO P. M. Tha riyir, dally to and from St. Paul. Minne apolis. Duluth. Chicane and all point East. ARRIVE. No.. 7.00 A. M. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dlnma and Buffet Smoklng-Llbrary Cars. . JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP KINSHIU MARU For Japan. China and all Asiatic points wlQ leave Seattle About June 4th. Empire. Line. FOR And Yukon Rivsr Points 5. S. "OHIO," 3500 Tons Sails from Seattle About MAY 24TH Second Sailing about June 39 IV-srrations can now be made for Jun sailing upon application to any railroad or sub accent of tho International Navigation Com pany, or tp HJJIPIIIE TRANSPORTATION CO., SEATTLE, "WASH, t" , s . NOME A