Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 26, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL. XO. 123309.
3r&SL SGMk
zr caifc
Goodyear Rubber Company
B. H. PEASE, President; F. M. SHEPAKD. JR.. Treasurer; J. A. SIIEPARD. Secretary.
73 and 75 First Street, Portland Oregon.
Photographic Goods
In the City at Retail and Wholesale.
Newest, Best and Up-to-Date Goods Only.
Agents for Veigtfaender Colllnear Lenses.
BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO., 144-148 Fourth St, Near Morrison
Furs! Furs! Furs!
Manufacturers of Exclusive Novelties In Fine Furs, ALASKA
OUTFITS In Fur Robes, Fur Overcoats, Caps, Gloves,
Moccasins, etc. Highest price paid for raw furs.
Orestes. Pione Main 401
Fifth and Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON
First-CIas Cheek Restaurant
Connected "With Hotel.
The Condensed Strength and Nutriment of
Barley and Rye
BlumaUej & HOCII, HO Fourth Street
Sole Distributers for Oregon
St. Charles Hotel
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American and European Plan.
Beautiful Portrait In colored carbon on porcelain (regular price 53 DB
each) will be given away with, every dozen of our best cabinet. This
is not to be confounded with any cheap photo scheme, but merely to
serve as an Introduction for our carbon work In Portland. Offer limit
ed to but one person in each family. Come early; this offer expires
June 15.
Turkish Baths
Good Beds for the Night If desired, all for $1.00
3d Floor, Oregonian Bldg. king & compton
In style, material, workmanship and general ap
pearance. Fitted with solid rubber, cushion or
pneumatic tires.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
China, Crockery, Glassware
Lamp Goods and Cutlery; Hotel. Restaurant and Bar Supplies.
Trouble Threatening Between Brit
ish and French Residents.
LONDON. May 25. Serious trouble Is
threatening between the British and
French residents of St. Hollers, Island of
Jersey, owing to the pro-Boer attitude
of the latter. There have been several
collisions, and this morning troops were
forced to charge with fixed bayonets to
rnrevent tho demonstrators from invading
the French quarter. Thirty arrests wero
made. The French Consul has reported
the situation to the British Foreign Of
fice, with the result that the latter has
wired to the tjovcrnor. Ueutcnant-Generai
Sir Edward Hopton, holding him peior.
aKy responsible lor the maintenance ol
126 SECOND ST., near Washington
Established 1870.
Rooms Single 75c to 11.50 per day
Rooms Double $1.00 to $2.00 per day
Rooms Family J1.50 to $3.00 per day
Pure Malt
C T. BELCHER. Soc and Treas.
American plan ...SU&, $1.50, $1.15
European plan 50c. 75c. $1.00
Portland's Progressive Photographer
Successor to Hyland
Seventh and Washington Sts.
320 TO 338
Sentence of OVelland Canal Dyna
miters. WELLAND. Ont. May 23.-Carl Dul
man, John Walsh and John Nolin were
today convicted by Chancellor Boyd and
a Jury of having attempted to wreck lock
Zi of the Welland Canal with dynamite,
and were sentenced to imprisonment for
life In Kingston Penitentiary.
Queen Thnnkx the President.
WASHINGTON, May 25. Ambassador
Choate. at London, has cabled the fol
lowing message from Queen Victoria to
the State Department:
i "American Ambassador Pray express
( my warm thanks to the President of tbe
j United States for his kind congratulations
1 for "my birthday."
No Fighting Men Left South
of the Vaal River.
His Army la Expected to Invade the
Transvaal Todar or Toraorrovr
Boer "Movements a Mystery.
LONDON", May 26, 3:30 A. M. The latest
Intelligence from Lord Roberts headquar
ters at Vredefort Station, filed Thursday,
5:45 P. M., was that the British were rap
Idly advancing. General Hamilton had
effected a junction with Lord Roberts.
The country In front of them was clear
of Boers to Vllloen's Drift. The Boers
wcro evacuating all their positions south
of the Vaal River, and 6000 had already
crossed the north bank. Probably General
French's cavalry Is already reconnolter
ing the fords of the Vaal. "War Office ob
servers expect that the next dispatch
from the Field Marshal will be dated "In
Sight of the Transvaal Frontier."
Bennett Burleigh, wiring to the Dally
Telegraph from Vredefort, Thursday
morning, said Lord Roberts would doubt
less cross the Vaal River Saturday or
Sunday. The British outposts were then
at Erste Geluk, 26 miles south of the Vaal
River. The railway Is much damaged.
Whilo the British, In overwhelming
force, are thus rapidly approaching the
Transvaal, the movoments of the Boers
were enveloped In mystery. The last Pre
toria newspaper to reach Lourenco Mar
quca was a week old. Every ono seeking
to cross the Portuguese border from the
Transvaal Is searched for newspapers and
letters. Dispatches and mall letters con
taining even harmless references to the
war are suppressed.
The only news that has emerged from
the Transvaal during the last 10 days has
come by word of mouth. According to
these oral reports, yesterday, the Boers
were quarreling among themselves. Trans
vaal paper money was circulating at 80
per cent discount. Breket's firm waB giv
ing 1 In gold for 5 In paper. Krouz
and Kllnke, the engineers who opposed
tho blowing up of the mines, have been
dismissed. Commandant Schuttee has
been appointed to defend Johannesburg,
and all the British subjects have been
turned out. The Transvaalers fear that
the British will blow up the bridge at
Komallpoort, thus cutting off their sup
plies from Delagoa Bay, and a commando
of 500 Is guarding the bridge against any
such attempt by British raiders.
It Is reasserted that President Kruger
will retire to Lydenburg when fighting Is
Imminent at Johannesburg and Pretoria.
Concern Is expressed at Pretoria with
reference to the possibility that General
Carrington may come down from Rho
desia with 5000 men to co-operate with as
many more entering the Transvaal by
way of Mafeklng. Horse sickness Is said
to have broken out among General Car
rlngton's animals.
Cecil Rhodes Is at Belra, Portuguese
"EgsV 'Africa.1 MTr-FHMetr- -of
the Cape Parliament, who Is supposed to
be a confidante of Mr. Rhodes, said In
the course of a speech at Cape Town yes
terday, when proposing the health of Mr.
Rhodes, that the latter was "working to
consolidate South Africa from the Zam
besi to Table Bay."
Colonel Baden-Powell declines to act
upon the suggestions of his friends that
he " should return td England for rest
He Is determined to retain his active com
mand at the front. Advices from Mafe
klng, dated May 20. say:
"The Boers axe intrenching at Polfon
te'n, 10 miles east of Mafeklng. 'The
Northern Railway is now repaired to a
.point within four miles of the town. Am
"pie supplies of plain food are coming In.
Colonel Baden-Powell voluntarily gave up
53 Boers and 11 wounded Boers to the
Commandant, who thanked him for his
kindness. The Baratongs, stimulated by
the, British successes, attacked the rebel
natives at Reitf onte, on "May 19, and took
much loot. They released Sanl, the old
chief who had rendered good service to
the British In keeping Mafeklng supplied
with news of the Boer operations. The
railway south of Mafeklng Is being re
paired rapidly, and the bridge at Taungs
can now be used. Refugees from Mafe
klng are passing through Taungs bound
for the Cape."
Two thousand Boers are near Flcksburg,
besides small roving parties that come
Into contact with the British while recon
nolterlng. President Steyn was with these
Boers last Monday, organizing and Inspir
ing them, and drafting recalcitrants into
the service. The British are sweeping
the country far and wide, seizing horses,
cattle and grain. Yesterday President
,Steyn was reported to be at Bethlehem
with a small force appealing to the Free
Staters to defend their freedom and In
dependence. Apparently he and all the
Free Staters he can assemble will not Join
the Transvaalers. but will remain In the
northeastern section of the Free State.
Tuesday there was heavy cannonading
at Mochenenze. near Bethlehem. The flr-
lng began at dusk. Why, and with what
result, Ib not known at Meseru. Basuto
land, where the news arrived yesterday.
The Times has the following from tmcw
castle, dated Thursday:
"The Boers are fortifying a very largo
and semi-circular position extending from
Majuba to Pongwana. Large numbers are
entrenching and six guns are visible."
General Bulier has communicated to the
Colonial Government Colonel Bethune's
report of the loss of the squadron of the
Bethune Horso In ambush at Vreyheld.
The report says that "this regretable af
fair was due to the Impetuosity of Cap
tain Goff, who was killed."
Advancing? on the River.
PRETORIA. Friday, May 25. An official
bulletin Issued here says It Is reported
that the British have occupied Vredefort
and are advancing on Shoemans Drift.
General Dewet announces that the fed
erals have occupied Hellborn and Pots
chefstroom. He reports that the call to
arms Is meeting with a noble response.
They "Will Have Time to Visit Only
a Few American Cities.
WASHINGTON. May 25. The fo'.lowlng
statement was Issued today by the Boer
envoys who are in this city:
"Messrs. Fischer, Wessels and Wolmar
ens, who are representing the South Af
rican Republics In this country, have re
ceived many pressing invitations from
most of the large cities of the United
States to visit them, but, owing to the
short time they have to spend in this
country it will not be possible to accept
all of the Invitations received.
"It Is their Intention to return as soon
as circumstances permit to their own
country, staying In Europe sufficient time
to carry out their Instructions, but before
leaving they have concluded to yield to
the great demand on the part of the
American people to spend a few more
days In America, and they have concluded
to visit first Baltimore, Philadelphia, Prov
idence and Boston during next week.
After visiting these cities they are In
hopes o being able to spare the time to
extend their visit to several cities In the
Middle States, timely "notification of which
will be given to the committees who have
honored them with invitations. The Com
mon Councils, and Mayors of a number of
cities, are urging them by resolutions to
make them a visit, and It may be possible
that their stay In the country may be
prolonged a few days in order to meet
their wishes. .
"The envoys regret exceedingly that they
cannot meet the great numbers of people
who are so anxious to greet them, as
they would like to do. .They express
themse-ves as very grateful for the many
expressions of sympathy heard upon all
sides for the cause that Is so dear to
them, and they trust the fact that they
cannot visit all who wish them to do so
will In no way Interfere with tbe full and
free expression of sympathy and good
will on their part."
Tier Expect Political Expediency
"Will Move the President.
NEW YORK. May 25. A special to the
Herald from Washington says:
Notwithstanding the declaration of the
President that the United States will not
Interfere In the South African war, the
Boer commissioners expect that political
expediency will cause him to make a move
which will bo beneficial to their cause.
It is apparent to the commissioners that
political agitation alone will aid their
cause, and they Intend to take advantage
of every opportunity to press It upon the
attention of the American people.
It will be the earnest effort of the
South African sympathizers In the United
States to make the failure of the Presi
dent to act In the Interest of peace one of
the prominent Issues of the campaign.
The West is reported wrought up over
the refusal of tfje President to Inter
vene, and It Is proposed to keep the dis
content alive. Should Bryan be elected,
the fact that the President-elect of the
United States has made a declaration of
his Intentions to take measures to stop
the war will have the effect, it Is be
lieved, of causing the British to be more
lenient in the terms they will propose.
An official of the Administration, who
Is close to the President, said the policy
which had been adopted had been care
fully considered, and there would be no
deviation from it. no matter how great
might be. the pressure applied by Demo
cratic politicians. Unless Great Britain
should require It, this official said, the
President would probably refuse to even
aid the Transvaal to get terms of peace
more lenient than those which the Brit
ish would Impose, provided President
Kruger should offer to surrender.
Fillplaos Said to Have Stripped the
Wrecked Cruiser.
SEATTLE, May 2. During the last
voyage of the Churruca from Aparrl, ac
cording to the Manila Freedom, the steam
er touched at the Island where the
Charleston was wrecked, for the purpose
of taking on a number of beeves. Sev
eral American civilians were passengers
on the ship and they seized an opportunity
to go ashore. Ruins of a house larger
and 'more durable than the cottages of
the natives attracted their attention.
While passing through the place they
cruiser Charleston, and nuaHroqs-ethr-?p
articles, including a. splendid case of sur
gical Instruments, -the property of the
Charleston's medical, officer. No arms
were found among the loot, and the sup
position is that If any of them fell Into
the hands of natives they were taken
across the mainland where the rebels
might use them.
A short time after the wreck an, expedi
tion failed to find anything of the ship,
and the supposition was that she had
slipped off the reef and sank in deep
water. The startling theory Is now ad
vanced by those who are responsible for
the latest discovery that the natives,
knowing tho Immense value of tho wreck,
contrived to cut off the masts of the
cruiser below the point wher they were
submerged, thereby hiding the hull from
the Government, and saving the work of
salvage for their own good time and pleas
ure. The hull of the Charleston Is barely sub
merged at low tide, and would bo easily
accessible to experts, and there Is no
doubt the natives have been busy at work
on her since the time of the 'wreck last
Caused Another Riot in St. Loain
ST. LOUIS, May 25. Sympathizers of
the striking street-car men were again
the medium of a riotous demonstration to
day, and as a result another name was
added to the long list of wounded. This
afternoon, as a car on the Jefferson-avenue
line, running south, approached Sul
livan aenue. It was attacked by a crowd
of men and boys. Several "shots were
fired at tha car. The policemen on the
car returned the fire, and in all about 100
shots were exchanged. Peter Wells, a
patrolman, who was riding on the front
platform, was hit in the left arm pit, the
bullet producing an ugly wound. 'It Is
not known who fired the shot, as the
crowd scattered as soon as the men on the
car drew their revolvers. It was rumored
that two men in the crowd were shot, but
they could not be found by the police.
The differences existing "between the
management of the St. Louis & Suburban
Railway Company and the union men in
its employ were satisfactorily adjusted thl
afternoon and all danger of another strike
has been averted, at least for the present.
Twenty-two lines of the Transit Com
pany were In operation today, but' few
cars were running.
At 6 A. M. an attempt was made by
somebody unknown to blow up a car on
the Spauldlng-avenue line of the' Transit
Company - The wheels of the first car
struck something that exploded with a
loud noise, and lifted the car two -or
three feet Into the air. s
Naval Station, at San Diego..,
SAN DIEGO, Cal., May 25. Captain
Field, of the United States steamer Ran-
l ger. has received orders from ashlng-
ton directing him to make soundings In
the bay and recommendations as to
whether this Is a suitable location for the
establishment of a naval coaling station,
and further to advise whether one Is need
ed here. The work of surveying the har
bor will be begun Immediately. The min
imum depth of water will be reported,
and also the cost of the necessary land.
If the Government does not already own
land near where the bunkers -would be lo
cated. Runaway Work Train.
AKRON. May 25. Three men were
killed and a number of others seriously
injured as a result of an accident to a
work train today on the Akron & Cuya
hoga Falls Rapid Transit line. The
brakes on two cars carrying a dozen
workmen became disabled at the top of a
steep grade. The cars rushed down the
Incline at a terrific speed. Nine workmen
Jumped and were seriously Injured. The
others stuck to the cars until they jumped
the track at the, 'bottom of the hill, and
were killed. The dead are: Jack Mc-Mahba,-Michael
Penders, K. Walker.
Uncle Sam Saysthe "Boxers"
Must Be Suppressed.
Unlted States Minister Is Acting oa !
Parallel Lines With the Euro
pean Representatives.
WASHINGTON, May 25. The United
States Government has taken a hand in
the suppression of the "Boxers" In China.
Minister Conger" has been Instructed by
the State Department iO Inform the Chi
nese Government that the United States
Government expscts It to stamp out
I i
CHICAGO, May 25. A special to the Tribune
said today that he would present the.aame of President McKinley to the Philadelphia conven
tion for nomination. It was Mr. Foraker who placed McKinley to nomination at the St.
Louis convention In 1S0G.
promptly and thoroughly this society, and with the troopers yelling like mad men,
to provide proper guarantees for the main- soon found the panic-stricken natives, of
tenance of "peace and order, and the pro- f fleers and men, crawling through thickets
tectlon of the life and property of Ameri- i in wholesale retreat, throwing their arms
cans. In China, ail now threatened by the away."
operation of the "Boxers." There Is no The second installment of General
indication In the Instructions as to the Young's report on hie operations In the
couroe that will be pursued by the United J Philippines was made public at the War
States in case the Chinese Government
falls to observe the warning conveyed in
this communication. Mr. Conger is acting
on parallel lines with the representatives
of every European power at the Chinese
court, but has not joined Jn any concert
of action.
More Ontrases by Boxers.
LONDON, May 25. A special dispatch
from Shanghai says advices from Schu
chuan. Province of Hu Peh, reports "Box
ers" have destroyed two villages and mas-
Kncrrcd mnnv converts of the French mls-
sinnarv stntlnns. Th General command-
nt- nt Rhi An Vit !t ndripr! cnt a roirl-
ment to the scene of the disturbance. The
soldiers were ambushed by the malcon
tents and lost 26 men killed. Reinforce
ments have been dispatched from Ichang.
Attacked by "Boxers."
PEKIN (via Shanghai), May 25. A
force ot Chinese cavalry that was at
tacked by "Boxers" lost a Colonel and
70 men killed and -Rounded.
LI Hung Chang has been confirmed In
the VIceroyalty In Canton. Tan Chun
Lin, the ex-Viceroy, has been ordered to
remain In Pekin to await employment.
Marsh Parsuingr the Rebel Leader
la Northern Luzon.
MANILA, May 25. Major Marsh, with
& battalion of the Thirty-third Infantry,
and Colonel Hare, with another part of
At . rkl1n cAAtitnw vrtA AftllTltrV
northeast of Bangued. report they struck
the trail of a Tjarty of Filipinos traveling
In the mountains, and believe they are
escorting Agulnaldo. Major Marsh Is con
tinuing pursuit across an exceedingly dif
ficult country, beyond telegraph lines.
Sergeant Barry and four privates of
Company B, Twenty-seventh Regiment,
have rescued the daughter of the Presi
dent of San Mateo from some Ladrones,
who had abducted her. Afterwards 12
Ladronec ambuehed them, killing the Ser
geant. Three privates stood off the band
until reinforced. Seven Ladrones were
Lieutenant Elliott, of the cruiser New
Orelans, died recently at Cavite of
apoplexy, resulting from a sunstroke.
Report of His Campaign in Northern
WASHINGTON. May 25. The War De
partment has made public the report of
Brlgadier-uenerai loung. commanamg a
provisional cavalry brigade, of his cam
palgn in Northern Luzon from October
11 to January 1 last, during which he
rode enf ely around the opposing forces
of Asrui-aldo and MacArthur, a dls-
tance of about 150 miles, and harried and
broke up the insurgent forces so that i proachlng the town In large force, and
MacArthur was enabled to move forward demanded the surrender of the place. The
without any formidable organized resist- I mee was successful, and the vastly su
ance. ' perior forceo of the enemy laid down their
General Young's command was com- t arms,
posed at various times of portions of the in conclus'cn. General Young extends
Third and Fourth Cavalry, the Maccabebe hl? tharks to the officers and men of the
"battalion of native scouts, under Major , Navy for their cordial support of the
joausjn; me iweniy-Erecnu, xweiuj-
fourth. Thirty-eighth. Thirty-fourth and
Thirty-seventh Infantry. This ride
through the enemy's country was, Gen
eral Young says, accompanied by many
hardships and a great deal of sharp and
at times exceptionally fierce fighting. The
attack upon and capture of San Isidro by
Major Ballance and a battalion of the
Twentv-seconfi Infantry gained special
mention and high commendation in Gen
eral Young's report.
"It's the finest and moat efficient bat
talion I have ever seen In the American
Army," said he. "and notwithstanding a
most remarkable work In the face of the
greatest difficulty."
The town was occupied by Young's
forces only after the moat stubborn at
tack and perhaps the liveliest engagement
of the whole campaign. General Young
particularly mentions the deplorable con-
dltlon of the roads and trails. Al-
tcEh there was at time stubborn resist-
uilLf uy wiu x iiipuius, iuc iiiJiu tiiiu mm-
plete manner In which they were disposed
of at some points was most ludicrous.
Some distance from Odraneto, where
General Young was received by the na
tives with great rejoicing. Major Swlgert,
with a squadron of the Third Cavalry,
encountered at nightfall an Insurgent col
umn. 600 strong, following In the rear of
Aguinaldo's pack trains.
"The unexpected approach." says the
report, "of the big horses with big men
astride galloping madly through the dust.
'from Columbus, O.. says: Senator Foraker
Department later. It deals, with the pur
suit of Agulnaldo through Northern Lu
zon, the release of the Spanish prisoners
In the hands of the Filipinos and the re
capture of Lieutenant Glllmore, of the
"Navy, and his party. November 17 last
General Young wired General Otis from
Pozorrublo to the effect that Agukialdo
wae a fugitive seeking escape to the moun
tains or by sea, and Immediately set out
In hot pursuit. The chase was a close
and exciting one, and at times the Filipino
i Atnilnnldo and Tino. after belne Dursued
! relentlessly as far as Candon, separated.
' the former making for Lepanto oy tne
mountain trail and the latter going north
to defend the pass In the Tangadan Moun
tains. Major Marsh was thereupon dispatched
with his battalion of the Thirty-third In
fantry Volunteers to continue the chaee
after Agulnaldo, while General Young pre
pared to attack the Tangadan Pass, which
Tino boaeted would never be taken by
American troops. After a spirited en
gagement. In which Colonels Hare. Th.rty
thlrd Infantry, and Howse, Thirty-fourth
Infantry, were conspicuous, able and dar
ing, Tino's prediction was set at naught,
and by nightfall December 4 a clever de
tour by a flanking party Into the moun
tains to gain the rear of the enemy had
Its effect, and Tino was again In full re
treat. Meanwhile, Major Marsh In pur
suit of Agulnaldo had met and routed
General Gregarlo del Pilar'e forces In the
Tlla Pass, General Pilar receiving his
death wound in this engagement. Con
tinuing as to the further pursuit and final
recapture of both American and Spanish
j Pitoone the report says:
Tino used every device he was capable
of to mislead the troops and cover the
trail of the prisoners, who had been sent
on with a force of two officers and 150
men as a ppeclal guard. At this junc
ture Lieutenant Hayes, of General Young's
staff, received the surrender of Major
NatIIdad, from whom much valuable
Information was obtained. Hare and
Howse, who had consolidated their forces,
pushed on with fierce determination to
overtake the prisoners and their guard.
About 4 P. M. on the 16th a signal from
the advance guard warned them that
they were In the presence of a possible
enemy. A reconnolssance developed a
party of Insurgents, and In the rush five
of their number were killed and 10 taken
prisoners. With this detachment were
McDonald, Fitzgerald and Farley. Amer
ican prisoners, who were recaptured.
Lieutenant Gillmcre had left the place
; with the rest of the prisoners early that
morning, but when overtaken the follow-
jnff aay the 17th, had been abandoned by
hie guard, who had learned of the prox
lmlty of the pursuing forces."
Then follows the first official mention
of the exploit of Second Lieutenant Mun
roe. of the Fourth Cavalry, who. while
In command of a small detachment, tele-
; graphed Into Bayombong that he was aD-
troops or his command, and savs:
"They clung to the main purpc?s for
which the campaign was Inaugurated and
pursued the course laid out for them with
a tenacity of purpose and a physical en
durance which I think far exceeded the
highest expectation or bellof of their coun
try, as they certainly did that of their
National Significance of the
Coming Election.
Friends of Expansion Coafldeat x
Success Provision for Duplicate
Copies of Land Office Record.
WASHINGTON, May 25. The Washing
ton Post has an editorial today on tha
significance of the Oregon election. It
"In Presidential campaign years tha
Oregon election, occurring on the eve of,
the National conventions of tho two
great parties. Is always a matter of much
more than local Interest and is generally
charged with National significance. This
year will be no exception, unless the in
terest be greater and the significance
more marked than heretofore. The larg
est vote In the history of the state la
Indicated by the registration. The Dem
ocrats, Populists and Silver-Republicans
are fused and are fighting for 16-to-l as
earnestly as If that mummy were a living
and robust reality. They are also giving
attention to the trusts and 'Imperialism.
and. upon the whole, are making a strong
fight, not without hope of success."
After giving the election figures of
four years ago, the editorial continues:
"That fight was won on a gold-standard
platform and Oregon Is regarded as
firmly planted on that side of the coin
age question of any campaign which
threatens tha stability of the standard.
Expansion, or as the Democrats and their
allies call it. 'imperialism.' is the most
Interesting of the Issues on which the Ore
gon voters will pass."
The Post then quotes from The Orego
nian, which. It says, is "an Independent
Republican paper," relative to the Issues
Involved, and "If under existing condi
tions, fusion should make material gains
In Oregon on the expansion issue, the re
sult would be regarded as extremely slg
niScant, but the friends of expansion ar
not anticipating such a backset."
Dnplicates of Iinlcevlevr Records.
Senator Simon has prepared an amend
ment to the sundry civil bill appropria
ting $10,000 fcr preparing copies of th
records of the Lakeview landofflce, which
dispatches announce have been burned.
To Take the Portland Census.
Representative Moody has secured tho
appointment of N. J. Levlnson, as special
agent to assist Supervisor Telfer, In tak
ing the census of Portland. Supervisors
are not granted assistants in their home
towns, but an exception was made in
this case owing to the extent of tha
supervisor's district and the desire of
Representative Moody to give the super
visor sufficient assistance to guarantea
an absolutely accurate enumeration.
Emergency Bill Reported.
The Senate committee on commerce,
through Senator McMillan, today reported
the emergency river and harbor bill. On
the following additional harbors, rivers,
etc., surveys "were authorized: San Joa
quin River, California, from Antloch to
Sulsun Point; Colorado River. Nevada,
from Eldorado Canyon to RIovllle: Co
lumbia River. Oregon, for canal at Tha
Dalles rapids: Snake River, Idaho and
Washington, from the head of navigation
to the Columbia.
Army Bill Goes Over.
Chairman Hull, of the House commit
tee on military affairs, today stated defi
nitely that, owing to the lateness of tho
session, it would be impossible to consider!
the bill to increase the efficiency of tho
More Tallc
of the Ambassador
NEW YORK, May 25. A special to tha
.Herald from. Washington says:
Andrew D. White, United States
Ambassador to Germany, Is being
eeriously considered by Republican
leaders as a candidate for Vice
President. His namo will be further
discussed at a meeting of members ot
the National Committee in Philadelphia
on next Saturday. Those who will par
ticipate are Senator Hanna, Colonel Dick,
Senator Scott, of West Virginia; Rich
ard Kerens, of Missouri, and Joseph Man
ley, of Maine, who are to arrange the de
tails for the Philadelphia convention.
Senator Hanna will probably serve an
other term as chairman of tbe National
Republican Committee. Henry C. Payne,
of Wisconsin, Is the only other man whosa
name Is mentioned. If Mr. Hanna con
tinues as chairman, Mr. Dick, of Ohio,
will continue as secretary. As chairman
of the present committee. Senator Hanna
will call the Philadelphia convention to or
der. Senator Wolcott Is elated for tem
porary chairman. The permanent chair
man will be selected by the convention,
and Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, will
probably be honored with this office.
It had been intended that Senator Spoon
er, of Wisconsin, should make the nomi
nating speech, but, owing to the serious
Illness of his wife, he will be unable to at
tend the convention. There will be sev
eral seconding speeches. One will ba
made by Governor Roosevelt, of New
York, and another by Senator Allison, of
Man Cast
Himself Int
NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.. May 25. An
unknown priest, supposedly from New
York City, committed suicide tonight at
Whirlpool 'Rapids. He descended the ele
vator, and, after having his picture taken,
walked out on a rock, threw his hat and
cane back of him, and, waving his right
hand dramatically, shouted "Good-bye"
and leaped Into the rushing waters. Ha
ordered the pictures sent to M. J. O'Don
nell. New York, who Is said to be pastor
of St. Andrew's Church.
Travelers' Convention at Richmond.
NEW ORLEANS. May 25. The National
Travelers' Protective Association spent
the entire day discussing constitutional
amendments and balloting for officers.
Richmond, Va., was chosen as the next
meeting place of the annual convention,
after a spirited contest. In which Port
land. Or., was the principal opponent. E.
C. Burrows, of Peoria, 111., v. as elected
The Prlce-McCormick Failure.
NEW YORK. May 25. The assignee of
Price, McCormlck & Co., the brokerage
house which failed yesterday, was unable
to make a statement of the failure today.
A force of expert accountants and clerks
worked on the books the greater part of
last night, and the Indications are that
it will be a day or so before a statement
can be presented for the creditors.