THE MOBBING- OBEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1900. 11 COMMERCIAL AND Produce receipts were much more liberal yesterday, but there iras no change In prices.' with the exception of a weaker feeling In the egg market, sales being: made as low as 13c In single-case lots. ButtT Is firmer, and 'some heavy shipments of store butter were sent to San Francisco on the steamer sailing last evening, a proceeding which win still further stiffen the local market for that grade of stock. Fruit receipts were also quite liberal yesterday, and the strawberry .market did not clean up very well at the prices asked, which were 10c for the best stock and CffSc for ordi nary. The California "berries coming In yes terday were the best that have appeared this season, but )Sc was the top figure for them. The grain markets were dull. Banlc Clearing' exchanges. Balances. Portland 240,CU $ 37.077 Tacoma 210.G55 47,903 Seattle ... .......,. 40,802 - 100,253 Spokane ....4 153,380 20,212 POItTLAJVD 3IABKETS. 'Grala, Flour, Etc. The wheat business continues dull. There Is not enough of r the fiertol selling to enable an accurate quotation to be made. The ruling quotation given out by exporters Is Til2c for both Walla Walla and Valley, and the aggre gate sales for the past week are of Insignifi cant proportions Farmers seem Inclined to hold for awhile longer, evidently thinking that there wUl be a change for the better, a view of the matttr that Is hardly warranted by statistics, although the age of miracles In the wheat business Is not jet passed. A ship was reported fixed jesterday for new-crop loading on the Sound at 41s 9d a rate which is very discouraging to those who are endeavoring to bc-cure low-prloed tannage. heat Walla Walla. 5152c; Valley. 510 C2c; bluestem, 34c per bushel. riour Best grades, $2 5533; graham, ?2 50; superfine, $2 10 per barrel. Oats White, 35300c; gray. 32833c; stained, 2!?30c per bushel. Barley Feed, $14015; brewing, $10 per ton. Mllls-uffa Bran. (12013 per ton: middlings, ?lt-J10; shorts. 131G; chop, $14. Hay Timothy. $1011; clover, $707 50; Ore sou wild hay, $037 per ton. Batter, Essr Poultry. Etc." Butter Fancy creamery, 3035c; store, 22H tf25c per roll. Eggs 1313H.-c per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $4l4 50 per dozen: hens. $4 505 50; ducks. $57; geese. $G8 per dozen; turkeys, live, 15c, dressed. 10c per lb. Choeat Full cream, twins. 12J4013C: Tount Ainrrlca. 14c per .pound. Ve-retnlilea, Fruit, Etc. Vegetables Parsnips, $1; carrots, 75car$l; turnips. $1 per sack; onions. 22Vc per lb. for new; cabbage. $1 50 per cental; potatoes, 40Q G3c per sack; peas, 45c; beans. 10012c; as paragus, 45c; new potatoes, l2c per lb. Fruit Lemons. $2 503; oranges. $333 25 per tox for .navels, $2 per box for seedlings; ifineapple. $4 6000 per Sozen: banana. $2 5( ?3 per bunch; Persian dates. "HSc per pound. strawberries. $11 .25 per crate for California, "C10c per pound for Oregon. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated. 7SJ8c pel pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxea. 405c; pears, un and evaporated. 5("Gc; plums, pitless, 43 "Jc; prunes. Italian. S45c; sllwr. extra choice. 5 Cc; figs, Sm rna, 22tf California "Mack, 6Gc; do white. 10c per pound. Groceries, Nuts, Etc. Coffee Mocha, 232Sc; Java, fancy, 2C332c. Java, good, 20"""24c; Java, ordinary, 1S02OC Costa Rica, fancy. 1820c; do good, 16lSc; di ordinary, 10ffil2c per pound: Columbia, roast, 412 25; Arbuckle's, $13 13; Lion. $12 13 pei cse. Sugar Cube. $5 80; crushed, $5 SO; powdered. $5 bO, dry granulated, $5 20; extra C. $4 70; golden C. $4 CO net; half barrels, He more than barrels- maple sugar, 1516c per pound. Beans Small white. 3ft c; bajou. 4c; Lima, Gt per pound. Salmon Columbia river. 1-pound tails. $19 1 50; 2 - pound tails. $22 50; fancy. 1-pound flats. $1 C5l 75; 14-pound fancy flats. 85Ji5c; Alaska. 1-pound tails. $1 2001 30; 2-pound tails, 41 0002 25. Grain bags Calcutta, $0 50gG 75 per 100 foi spot. $0 12J40C 25 for July-August. Nuta Eeanuts, G7c per pound for raw, 10 for roasted; cocoanuts. 00c per dozen; walnuts. lOQllc per pound; pine nuts. 15c; hickory nuts, 7c; chestnuts. 15c; Brazil, lie; filberts, 15c fancy pecans. 12Q14c; almonds. 15 17"o pet pound. Coal oil Cases., 21"c per gallon: bsrrel. l&c; tanks, I5c, Bice Island. GVip;. Japan. "c; New Orleans, 4ViG5c; fancy -bead, $7 7 50 per sack. nops. Wool. Hides, Etc. Hops 2Sc per pound. Wool Valley. 12J13c for coarse. 15QlGc for best; Eastern Oregon. 10lGc; mohair, 200 -7c per pound Sheepskins Shearlings. 1520c; short-wool. 21 (33c; medium-wool, SOS 50c; long-wool, OOcCJl each. Pelts Bear skins, each, as to size, $5213; cubs, each, $1&3. badger, each. 50c; wildcat. 25975c; housecat, 5Q2bc; fox, common gray. 40c?l; do red. $1 753 50. do cross. $2 50QC; lynx. $2?4 50; mink. 40cQ$l 75; marten, dark Northern. $510; do pale. pine. $24; musk rat, 85212c; skunk. 60'fSOc: otter (land), $4 8; panther, with head and claws perfect. $163: raccoon. 20J?80c: wolf, mountain, with head perfect. $3 50 & 5; wolverine. $2 5020; beaver, per ekln. large. $6S'7; do medium, pei skin, $4(o 5: do small, per skin. $102; do kits, per skin. $lf3. Tallow 5Q5Hc; No. 2 and grease. 348-lo pet pound. Hides Dry hides. No. 1. 10 pounds and up ward. 1516c; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 10 pounds. 15c per pound; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds. 15U0c; dry salted, one-third less than drj flint: salted hides, sound rteers, 60 pounds and oter. S'iSJOc; do 50 to GO pounds. 8fS4c; da under 60 pounds and cows, 7Sc; kip, 13 to 31 pound. 7fe8c; do veal. 10 to 14 pounds, 74e. do calf, under 10 pounds. 7&c; green (unsalted), lc per pound le; culls (bulls, stags, moth eaten, badly cut. scored hair slipped, weather Vaten or grubbj), one-third less. Meat and Provisions. Mutton Cross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, sheared. $3 SOS'S 75. d-essed. 737c p- pound; spring lambs. OgSVsC per pound gross. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5; light. $4 50; dressed. SfrBc per pound. Veal Large. CVs7Hc per pound; small. 80 S4c Beef Gross, top steers. $4 4 50; cows, $3 504; dressed beef. GH375io per pound. Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand). Hams, smoked, are quoted at 13c per pound; picnic hams. OU-c per pound, breakfast bacon 134c; bacon. l)ic; backs. Otjc; drj salt sides. S,sc: dried beef. 17&C per pound: lard. 5-poun palls, 10c; 10 -pound palls. S'ic; 60s. Oc, tierces. Otic per pound. Eastern pack (Ham mond's): Hams, large. 12c; medium. 13c, small, 13"4c; picnic hame. Otic; shoulders. ic; breakfast bacon. 12c; drj" salt sides, S' e0Vc; bacon side. Ofc-JlO-; backs. 0c; butu. 0c; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 5s, 10'i-c! 10s. 10c. XDW YORK'STOCK MARKET. Sugar Certificates Held tke Hoards AH Day. NEW YORK. May 22. Sugar certificates oc cupied the attention of the stock exchange to day to the practical exclusion of other consid erations. The apathy and lassitude of the market seemed to put the professional traders to a search for some medium of operation, and they gave tVemselves up to a speculative revel In Sugar. The movement of the stock was highly characteristic That Is to say, the fluctu ations were frequent and erratic, and there was no news to account for them bejond the airiest and most unsubstantial rumors. It was also evident that the enormous business being done would necessitate ery little clerical labor on the transfer books of the company. The large majority of the contracts made, either for eale or for purchase, were closed out be fore the end of the day. the profit or loss being accepted by the trader. The stock's ex treme range was 73 points, and the net gala was 4. In the opening dealings the price went down in continuation of jesteraay's depression. After declining IS the advance began, and It had not proceeded far before the shorts began to man ifest distress, and rushed to cover, pushing the price up to the maximum. The squeeze was not relaxed until the demand from the shorts was pretty well satisfied. Then prices began to fall back on llrht transactions, and without any evidence of support. The leading Industrials showed sympathy with Sugar, especially American Tobacco. The general list continued In a slough of despond ency and moved the other way with great flltSculty. Opening prlcec were lower ta sym FINANCIAL MM pathy with London, and there was a midday roll) when Sugar shot upward, and Chicago & Northwestern was marked up 5S. Northern Pacific was comparatively firm on a good statement for the second wek In May. Ster ling exchange here was decidedly easier, but It Is considered not impossible that some gold may be engaged for Paris tomorrow. The bond market became dull and Irregular again today. Total sales, par xalue. $1,320. 000. United States refunding 2s, when Issued. declined l, and the Ss and old 4s s- and the 3a and new 4s !i In the "bid price. BONDS. U. S. 2s. ref. 1034Gen. Electric 5....120 U S. 2s, reg li . Y. Central lsu.111 do 3s. reg look North. Pacific 3s.. 67 ao Ss. coupon.. .1091 do 4s 104 do new 4s, reg..l84kOregon Jav. lsts..H0 do new 4s, coup.1341 ao 4s 104& do old 4s, reg....H534Orcgoa S. L. Cs..-.l28 do old 4s. coup..H5S do con. 5s 114 do 5s, reg 113-Rlo Gr. Wet. lsts 1K do 3s, coupon.... 113SISL Paul consols.. 17014 Dlst. CoU 3-G3S...121 St. P. C. &. P. Istsl20 Atchison adj. 4s.. Si do 5s 121& C. & N.W. con. 7sl40 (Union Pacific 4s...l0d do S. F. deb. 5s.llitWls. Cent. lsts.... 1 D. & R. G. lsts...l013,Southera Pacific 4s 83 do 4s 100 When issued. STOCKS. Tho total sales of stocks today were 403,300 shares. Tho closing quotations were: Atchison 25Vi Union Pac pref.... 734 Wabash .XV- Bait. &. Ohio'."."."."' 70 7Ci danref 21 win. .Pacific 03U Can. Southern ... 6J? Wheeling & L. E.! do 2d. pref , J', 2&S t-nes. &. Ohio 9TtZ . : W...V...,-. i-nt ... uuui ..... wis. central 16) o GrJ wtern. 12J-P. C.. C. i St. L.. 58 xy, 5 ve iiKJixnira Avenue 113 d Pref '.v. 52" Chi. & East. I11...101 Chicago & N. W..1G5 EXPRFSS nn'B Adams us American 150 United States 40 Wells-Fargo H7 MISCELLANEOUS. Amer. Cotton Oil.. 34H do pref 00 Amer. Malting .... 4 do prer 214 Amer. Smelt. & R. 37ft l. K. I. A 7 irurfi -,c-.c,&sLu5R -'" ooumern ... 5g ju jm prei...... 2 do 2d pref njt, gel. & Hudson... .113 Del.. Lack. & IV.. I ft) Denver & Rio Gr. 1S da prej , do nrpf .. S&H Amer. Spirits .?c f ,::- lite do nrtf 1 Amer. Steel Hoop. 21H do pref 091 Amer. Steel & W.. 35 do nrpf Tir. Great North, pref.154 Hocking Coal 15 Hocking Valley .. 37 Illinois Central ...1125, iuiprei 3(ju Amer. Tin Plate... 23 do pref 74 Amer. Tobacco .... 01 ww eninu ..... j iSS oo prei K. C., P. & o.. Lake E. & W.. do pref ..... I-ake Shore ... Louis &. Nash. Manhattan El 48 ... 17 ao prer 12a Anaconda Mln. Co. 42 HrnokHn TJ f tcw .. 28 .. 3J ..212 70- Colo. Fuel & Iron! 37H Cont. Tobacco 23. ao prer 77U. Federal Steel .-... S5ii do Tiref cg Gen. Electric 135U Glucose Sugar .... 48 do pref oa Int. Paper 22JJ Mcr. Central"::: 12 Minn. & St. Louis C2 ieu st. ny. uo prei ni;; Mobile & Ohio.... 40tJ do pref 33 uu firci ......... U4 La Clede Gas G5 National Biscuit .. 231 do pref SO National Lead .... 10 V. if"r ent..lie -...VSM. w ,cnt... Ad1. as! ao prer Northern Pacific do pref Ontario & West O. R. & n do pref ....... Pennsylv anla . . Reaaing do 1st Tirf ,. 59 .. 74V. National Steel .... 2S ao prer 85i r. v. At ttl-a it " ?i S . 1- . 70 orth Amrifiin 1JR' Pacific Coast ...." 4? .1254 do 1st pref....... SO . li ao m prer....... 59 50 do 2d nref 2SSI People's Gaa .'".'. 00 Rip Gr. Western.. 56 t-ressea steel car.. 45 An Tirsf . . TK a pref 571. et. louls & S. Fr do 1st pref do 2d pref St. Louis & 8. W do nref lOS'Pullman EaL Car.lJjl OOViiStand. Ropo & T. 5 33?. Sugar 115i 11 do nrpf 111 iTVnn rvl X- Tmn Tili St. Paul .... do pref .... ..115HIU. S. Leather 11 .A"3. do pref Chi St. Paul & 0 115 U. S. Rubber 2S4 Southern Pacific. 33V ooumem y .., do pref Texas &. Pacific Union Pacific . 12: ao prei uj Western Union ... 70"1! Republic Iron & S. 144 10!a 54 ao prei ou Forelsrn Hnandal A'eTra. NEW TORK. May 22. The Commercial Ad ertlser8 London financial cablegram says: The markets here were extremely quiet to day, with an inclination to heaviness, but they Improved slightly at the close. The leisure was devoted by tho members to the discussion of politics. The only unfavorable views ac cepted were the probable French Ministerial crisis over France's difficulties In Morocco and Russia's In Corea. The news; that Lord Rob erts had reached the Vaal caijie too late to ef fect the markets. Consols and home ra,ll8w'ere the flattest! Amcrjcans were neglected, and were sloppy till the ynal rally. Baltimore 4. Ohlo-'leadrng on New York support: I cannot confirm the report current here that A C. Houseman and othef large Wall-street houses here are depressing this market. Political uneasiness In Paris caused French operators to unload copper shares. There was soma dis cussion of possible action on- the bank rato next Thursday, but the" general opinion1 Is that tho rate will not be reduced. Money, Exchange, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. May 22 Sterling on Lon don. GO dajs. $1 S5H; do sight, $4 SOW. Mexican dollars 48VsS40c. Drafts Sight, 15c; telegraph, 17&C NEW TORK. May 22. Money on call, 1C2 per cent; last loans, 1 per cent; prime mer cantile paper, 3HQ4H per cent; sterling ex change, ?ay. with actual business In bankers' "bills at $4 7?4 STA for demand, and $4 84 Qi 834 for GO days; posted rates, $4 S5t& and $4 89; commercial bills, $4 S4& Silver sertlflcates fiOVitJOO&c Mexican dollars 1 7 Vic. Bonds Government, weak; state, strong; railroad. Irregular. LONDON, May 22. Money, 2 per cent; con sols. 101 1-10. Stocks ia London. LONDON. May 22. Atchison, 2C; Canadian Pacific. 054; Union Pacific preferred. 75H; Northern Pacific preferred, 78; Grand Trunk, 74: Anaconda, S4- THE GRAIN MARKETS. Prices for Cereals In European and American Ports. SAN FRANCISCO. May 22. Wheat and bar ley, quiet both on and off call. Oats, steady. Spot quotations were: Wheat Shipping, No. 1, 00c; choice, 30c; milling. 02HilWV;c Barley Feed, 67470c; brewing, 60324c Oats Gray. Oregon. $1 07H31 124; milling, $1 1581 174. red. 95cQ$l 20. Call board sales: Wheat Quiet: December, 004c; cash, 00c Barlej No sales. Corn Large 'yellow, $1 151 174. Chicago Grnln and Produce. CHICAGO. May 22. The wheat pit kept Its weather eje on the clouds floating over tho Northwest today. The night had furnished no moisture to the ground, out in that section, and this, together with Liverpool cables, which did not reflect tho decline here yesterday, served to steady the market at the opening, which was 4Uc up for July, at CCOO! Trade was -very dull, and mostly In the hands of scalpers. Following the opening July sold down to GG4c. but later recovered to GCQiTTc, shorts covering because there were damage reports from Illlnolc Tennessee. Kentucky and CULL1S0N & CO. Grain d Provision BROKERS Direct Wires to New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade 214-215 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Oregon Indiana. A Springfield. Ill . w-Ire said the crop la this state promises ery poor. The close was steady. July unchanged. The corn market acted heavy the greater, part of the session, but toward the end re ceived some support, and closed stead-. This support came .mostly from bulls. The weath er was favorable and cables lower. July clced unchanged at ZS'ic Oats were quiet and easy on sympathy -with corn. Julj left off with a loss of c from jtsterday. at 21c Provisions were easy on liberal selling .by coamlssloa-hoxisea, although hog receipts were light and prices at the yards higher. Packers were moderate bujers against cash salesJuly" pork closed 124c under jesterday; lard closed 5c lower, and ribs lost 74c The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT, Opened. Highest. Lowest. Closing. May $0 054 $0 65 $0 tSS $0 54 July -t 7 6U4 OtJS CORN. May 3CV; 304 30 364 July 36 374 304 3bh September ... S7fc 37J 37js 37a OATS. May 21 July 21 21?4 21 21 September ... 20J, 204 2ua 207. MESS PORK. July U524 HMtt 11374 11 40 LARD. July 0D24 C974 0874 690 September ... U 03 C 05 0 85 US74 SHORT RIBS. July G024 0C24 C50 6 524 September ... 0 00 G C24 IIW 5o Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady and dullr Wheat No. 3. C2C54c; No. 2 red. 72973c Corn No. 2. 38;fcc, No. 2 yellow, 37c Oats No. 2, 22423c; No. 2 white, 2342Gc; No. 3 white, 214e254c Re No. 2, 53c Barley Good feeding. 37c; fair to choice malt ing 3G:40c Flaxseed No. 1, $1 80; N. W., $1 80. Timothy seed Prime, $2 45. - Mess pork $10 4011 50 per bbL Lard $0 75fl 00 per cwt. Short ribs Side?, loose. 43 40ti C5. Shoulders Drj salted, boxed, $8 IOS 75. Short clear sides Boxed, '$C 957 03. Butter Firm; creamery, 13Q 10.4c; dairy, 13U one Cheese Slow, 8404c Eggs Steady; fresh, lie ' Receipts. Shlpm'ts Flour, barrels 8,W0 0,004 Wheat, bushels 21.000 471,000 Corn, bushels 128,0) 105.000 Oats, bushels 2u7.00O 221,(XM Re. bushels 2,000 1,000 Barley, bushels ... 34.00Q 2.UU0 Xctt Torlc Grain and Produce. NEW YORK. May 22. Flour Receipts, 1.- 095 barrels; exports, 4870. -Market: steady. Wheat Receipts, 123,500 bushels; exports, 85.0S4. Spot, firm; No. 2 red, 77c elevator. 604c X. o. b. Options opened firm on continued, drought In the Northwest, but. yielding to. subsequent prediction? of rains, sold off sharp ly. An afternoon rally followed on covering, and the close was steady at a partial "4c ad vance. May closed at 714c; July, 724c; Sep tember, 73c Wool-Quiet. Hops Quiet. European Grnln Markets. LONDON, May 22. Wheat Cargoes on pass age, rather easier; cargoes Walla Walla, 2Ss; English country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL, May 22; Wheat, steady; wheat and flour" In Paris, quiet; French country mar kets; quiet. Spot wheat, steady; No. X Cali fornia. Os 14d0-6 2d; No. 1 Northern Spring, 5s U4d. Futures, dull; July, 56 S4d; Septem ber, Ss Sd. Corn Spot, steady; American mixed, now, 4s. Futures, quiet; May, nominal; July, 3s Ovjd; September, 3s lOd. , Receipts of wheat during the past three days, 195,000 centals. Including 7S.000 Ameri can. Receipts of corn during the past three days, 104,Sw centals. Arallable Supply of Grain. NEW TORK. May 22 Special cable and tel egraphic communications to Bradstreel'a show tho following changes In the available supplies from last account: Bushels. Wheat, "United States and Canada, cast of the Rockies -decrease 2,323,000 Liverpool Corn Trade News, afloat for and In Europe, Increase 1,2O0,p00 Total supplies, decrease 1.323,000 Com. United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decrease...., 1,703,000 The aggregate stocks of wheat held at Port land, Tacoma and Seattle 1 Increased 111,000 bushels last week. SAX FRAXCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO. May 22. Wool Spring Nevada. 1416c per pound: Eastern Oregon, 13 ClGc; Valley. Oregon, 222e Full Northern, mountain. 10O12c; mountain, 8(7 10c; plains, 3010c; Humboldt and Mendocino, 1415c . Hops 1800 crop, 11013c per pound for cholc. MlllstufCs Middlings, $17620; bran, 12 503 13 50 per tan. Hay Wheat, $G 50010; wheat and oat, $0 fl; best barley, $537; alfalfa, $5 7; stock, $5!5, 50; compressed wheat, $7(10 per ton; straw. 2540o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, " C0305c; River Bur banks. 40gG5c; Oregon Burbankti, 003"5c pr cental; new potatoes, 70cO$l 25. Vegetables Onions, 75c$?$l per cental; gar lic, 2434o; green peas. 75c$l 25 per sack; string, beans, 24334c; dried olira, 324c per pound; asparagus, $101 75 per box; egr plant, S10c per pound. Citrus fruits Oranges, navels, $1 50 & 3; Mexican limes, $4 50; common California lemons, $1 23tfl 50. choice. $1 251 50 pel box. Bananas, $1 50ff3 per bunch. , Butter Fancy creamery, 18c: lo seconds, II 174c; fancy dairy, 10164c; do seconds,, lie 154 per pound. Cheese California, new, 74CSUo per -pound; Toung America, 02f04c; Eastern, lC417c Eggs 8tore, 13 14c; fancy ranch, 10c; Eastern, 15l.r4c per dozen. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, ll(jl2c: do hens. 12rl3c per pound; old roosters, $4 254 50 pei dozan: oung roosters, $0S7; amall broilers. $i 5033 50; large broilers, $4fi4 50; fryers, $3 66; hens. $55 50 per dozen; geese, $2yJ 29 per pair. Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, SOW); do Ore gon. DOG; wheat, centals, 1S30; liaricy, centals, 0405; oats, centals, 1150; bean, sacks. 2030, corn, centals, 340; potatoes, sacks, 1770; mid dlings, sacks, 200; hay, tons, 373; wool, bale, 374; bides. 173. EASTEItX LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, May 22. Cattle Receipts. 2000. Market generally steady ; good to prime stee. $505 70; poor to modlum. $4 25 24 SO; selected feeders, $4 2533 10; mixed stackers, $3 25& 4 25; cows, $3 20&4 GO; heifers, $3 2503 15, cannen. $2 40 3 25; bulls, strong. fi4 23, calv es, strong. $4 503G b5- Texas fed steers, steady, $4f5 20; Texas bulls, firm. $3 2363 75. Hogs Receipts today, 10,003; tomorrow, esti mated, 28,000; left over, 2500. Market active and 5gl0c higher: top, $5 324; mixed and butchers. $5 0565 324; good to choice heavy, $5 205 32U; rough heavy. $5 05(?5 15; light, $5 055 30; bulk of sales, $3 2003 SO. Sheep Receipts, 11,000. Sheep and lambs active and strong; good to choloj wethers, 55 10 65 40; fair to choice mixed. $4 C0?3 15; West em sheep, $5 15?5 GO; yearllnss, $5 2S&5 80; native Iambs, $4 756-3. OMAHA, May 22. Cattle Receipts. 5200. Market strong, native beef steers. $4 4065 40, cows and heifers, $2 G04 CS; canners. $2 50 3 50; stockers and feeders. $3 "065 25; calves, $3r7; bulls and stags. $364 30. Hogs Receipts. 10 400. Market active; heavy, $5 1065 20; mixed. $5 055 10; light, $365 10; bulk of sales. $5 0563 10. Sheep Receipts. 4X. .Market steady; fair to choice natives, 35 2363 50; fair to choice Westerns, $4 75 5 25; common and choice sheep, $4 5065; lambs, $5 7567 10. KANSAS CITY. May 22. Cattle Receipts. 8000. Market steady: Texas steers, 33 5063. Texas cows, $2 5064 50: natlvn steers, $3 456 5 33; native cows and heifers. $2 7563 25, blockers and feeders, $3 2563; bulls, $3 4061!- Hogs Receipts. 10.000. Market 5c higher; bulk of sales, $565 10; heavy. $5 0565 224; packers, $5 0565 13; mixed, $1 3565 10. light, $4 7585 074; Yorker. $4 9505 074: pis. $1 10 65 05. Sheep Receipts. 3000. .Market strong: lambs, $3 50G 50; muttons, $3 1065 5a ' Boston Wool Market. BOSTON. May 22. The wool market contin ues dull, and sales are confined to small lots Tho olumc of business Is slow, and prices are largely nominal. Compared with a few weeks ago, the market Is weaker, and there would be quite free sellers at prices that some of the manufacturers were then Inclined to bid. The buyers have also reduced their Ideas, and the market U M f apart aa ever. Territory woola CAPE S. S: GEO.-W. ELDER; S. S,,NOME:CITY Will positively sail from Portland on . -' r Saturday,- May 26, 19,00 , ' 's. S. DESPATCH i 'r-- . - Wills saifv from Baggage can nowbe-chccfcled atthcofficeof thfB. &.O. T. Co., v ' . Cor. Fourth and tark-ASl reels. '. : FOR RATES A1TO ISFORMATIO ipptx T9 ' " CALIFORNIA &; OREGON COAST' S. S;X0; r. P. 8AUMQARTNER, 253 Washlncjlon St. . ' ; W. A. Mitchell & Co., -General Agrearsv San Fra?icIe?o. ) Pacific Coast lkWmliT For Cape INpnie Gold Fields THE NEW yAlWITXai' feTEEIi STEAMSHIP s , "Senator" will sail from San Francisco, May 14. Seattle, May 19. Subscquont'trlj ill be from Seattlo direct, namely; Juno 21, July 21 and August 20r ' . v , i- The "Senator" has a capacity of 2300 tons. -Her second cabin ard eteerars accommodattoM are superior to the first-class accommodations of most of the steamers advertised foe Xqtn- The Pacific Coast Steamship Co. hii been- running- its steamers to Alaska Triflter-.aitd irs mer for 25 years, and la the pioneer Pactfl& Coast line. Seattle freight and passenger rates a?: plr from Portland. For-further information IneUIre of GOODAiL. PERKINS. & KO, Cnerl Aeenta, 10 Markst, Saq. Franc laso, oi. PpTOXAseat, jM9Was4ilntcn st, Portland. Oy, .. are slow, and whero C5c wa3 asked a 'few weeks ago for fine medium and fine, 50i5c is nearer the price today. Quotations;- tft Montana and Dakota, fine medium and ne-. lOg'COc; scoured. 55ct staple, 5S60 Utah; and j oming-, fine medium and fine. II f f locrS scoured. K$ 55c. Idaho, medium, j20Slc;J scoured, 4C4Scv Australian, scoured basis, spot prices Comb Ins, superfine, nominal, S2QS7c; good. SO&te. The aictal Harkets. , s NEW TOItK. May 22. Tradlnsr was rather quiet In the market for metals, but developed a steady undertone under favorable cables; -.Tin In the local market was quiet, with quotations' at the close being- quoted at $20 75S0f 125 points above last" night's figures. Plg-Iroa war rants ruled weak and unsettled; no. quotations, Erven. .Lake copper was quiet and unchanged . at $15 S7 Lead ruled dull on the basis of ?3 01W8i 02&. Spelter was qulit at,? -iT, 4 52. The brokers' price for lead was 3 '60, and for copper $10 "5. Bar silver, COHc. SAN FRAXCISCO, May 22. Bar silver, OOHc LONDON, May 22,-JJar, silver, 27,54d. . ' Coffee and So gar. XESV TORK. May 22. Coffee Options closed steady at a -net advance qf 5J10 points; sales, 16.500 bags Including fJay at fd 75; July,'. fO 75; September, ?0 00 00; October, ?6 85; Nov ember, $0 nOjjd 05. Spot. Rio, steady;' ia. 7. Involte, .Trie; mild. Quiet: Cordova, OJiQ 13c Sugar Raw, steady; refined, firm. EAST SIDE AFFAIRS. - Ken Street Imnrovements Propoaed Other Natter. On the East Side several street .con tracts have been let, and It rs noyr proposed to Improve other streets, x that on the whole there will be much, done along1 this line this year. It Is proposed, to improy.e East Twenty-eighth fr.prn the.,Base Line to the Sandy road, and a. petition Jirfa been gotten up 'to that effect) t At; first it was proposed to haveithls street 4mpi?vcd northward from East Burnsido.-but jiow- this has been .changed, ao as Xo include, that portion southward- The, Importance of this improvement .can be .easily seen, as East Twpntylglttfh.,cuts. Into the Sandy road just southlof the" site ai'the Doerp-. becher factorj. On completion of tho liri provement or while the work la Unec Vjpy the Cityfe Sjiburbar itailwa- Company, will, construct a spur from, the East Ah keny line tortile Sandy road, to accomo date the operatives of the factoTy'-and others, as many new houses will soon be constructed in that neighborhood. 'In Stephens' addition, also, where oil Im provements move very slowly, there Is much talk about streets. A petition" has been gotten out for the improvement of East Tenth, between Hawthorne" avenue anil Division street. There is also agita tion of the improvement of East Grant, from 3rand avenue to "East Eleventh street. Of course, these streets are-much needed, but It remains with the property owners whether they wlllj be., improved" or not. - "Webfoot Mlningr Company.. - The Webfoot Mining Company is .the name of a corporation formed by ip.ur East Eiders-J. B. Lane president JRay Stanton vice-president, H. M. Larnbect secretary, Harry Stutsman general man agerfor the purpos2 ot carrying on min ing; operations in the Nome district, j B. Lane was formerly East Sitje station master. Bay StaiKtoij was recently in the unatjrA ousines. ir. tamocrc was lor merly connected with the East Pqrtlana.., Mill & FixtUre Factory. ""Harry Stute-mah Is a well-known engineer and mechanlcdl mveiuor. jae nas ueen engineer on tn 4uiuaiuc unuoC ever aiuue uie unugu Wets finished. Ho was engineer of theEast Vater Company in early tfai Portland Water and afterward was efigrneer of Fire En gine Company No. 7. All are well-known men: - They take with them, when the Elder sails, a full equipment of mining machinery, including nn engine, boiler, centrifugal pump, and will b3 prepared to operate on on extended scale. The company also takes an extensive 'living outfit. A portion was stored in the bul.d Ing on the corner of East Washington street, and Union avenue. There were barrels and boxes filled wilh provisions. They took the barrels, so that In case they were thrown out 4n the water thfl'i. contents would not be damaged. In all their outfit weighed about 10 ions. They yesterday sent to the steamship dock their last load of their outfit, and will spend the "remainder of the time till the ship sails in taking leave of thefr frIend,s.H Congregation Will Decide Plan.. It is proposed to furnish the Second Bap tist Church auditorium at an expenie of, 52C00, and the congregation wlU'decide by popular vote Just what the plan will be. t Rev. Ray Palmer, the energetic, pastor of that chvrrch, has the matter lh hand, and is pushing the work of raising the '' required amount with persistency that promises early success. Prices for fur niture are nowji little higher than "when' the church edifice was comflkted several years ago, but It Is much' easier to iret 1 subscriptions. Mr. Palmer said that prices I on Oregon wooa for tne pews would be obtained. Tho organ that has been in the church for some time was loaned, and tne cnurcn win nave to purcnaso one- J The auditorium will seat between TOO and! S00 people on occasions of emergencies. A Iccturc-room off to the east side may be come part of the auditonum by raising the dividing doors. So also there are MANHOOD &E8rORED&S2V!. ' uievJuiIisr.theprenpUpacif&-fwnonsFrcnchplJTsiclan,wIll qnlckly care yon ofall nerrous or diseases of the JteneratlTe organs', hucn iis "Cost JfJrmiiood, Imkomala, alus la the Back, SeralnU: Emliton. JTertouB Ueblllty, Pimples "JntuetoMnrrj-, KxhkojiClBic mInn,""arloocelenniI CQisslJpntlon. Xtttupsall Icissesby dayornlrht. rrrvenMoi icVne-wpf diacbarre.Tvh'cJfitnotchecxed leads to Snermstorrhoj and All the horrors ofimpotency. ClTJPinEXi: cleanses tao ttdrestoressmsilwfftxorrsjis. - . TT2V5ESs5n?jfferfr8 5" ,,ot W1811 b7 Doctors Is beenuje Sopcrce-itare troubled wlth"?re'-t-tltls. fJUPIDEE the only known reraedr to care withou: rn operRtIon7j00d teiUmonljils. A written ?i?ntfeeiP!re,nt,ltlcl mn,,rir I lie boxes does pot effect a perctoent core. SU30 boxforiiCO, byxnxll. Bend for yiiEccfrculArnndteaUmdiiiffc - y Address UAYOI Si fcOICLNi: ct r. O. Box 2078, Eon FraBcJsco. C-X Fer wh by Aldricb Pbannac--. Elxta and Washlnstoa streets, Portland, Of NOME ., h -i t- rv f. - . v ,- Portland, -Saturday,- Steamship Coe email rooms that may be usedn the same way. The auditorium te provided; With a gallery. The pulpit in the,.south east corner faces a rising floor so that etery part of the auditorium is visible iffom the platform. With pews in hilt plrcles, appropriate carpets and electric lights, the auditorium will be one o-the-, finest of any East Side church. Dr. Palmer desires success In his efforts to get it fur nished without debt. Death, of a Chicago ,JJqneer. Yesterday morning-'ColonelJE' C. Cole, of Chicago, died at the"hom-ofhls sister, Mrs. Sylvester 9. PIer...lSrJEasj. Thirty first Btreet,vof -chronic throat trouble .Colonel Cgle, wbf$ for balfra 'century one of the prominent capitalists and "well known ftnancjers of Chicago, and later was one of that picturesque group of en ergetic pioneers who were instrumental in the opening of theJDklaihoma territory.' He has been a sufferer with throat trou-, bles for many months, 'and .several weeks ago came to PorVand. in tie. hops that the balmy climate of the Coast might prove beneficial. . L The funeral will be held this 'afternoon ax tne nome 01 nis sister, .airs, .rier, itev. J J. Staub officiating, and the Interment In Lone Fir cemetery. Colonel Cole left three brothers and one sister, Sylvester Cole, of Pontine, Mich.; J. S. Cole, of Red Oak, la.; and L, R. Cole, of Wichita, Kan., and ilrs. Pier, of Portland, Or. TtooHevelt "Straight Republican Club. The Roosevelt Straight Republican Club was permanently organized at Gru ner'i Hall, .Monday evening. There were 30 people present at the meeting. Frank Melvin, temporary president, and William Neldermark, temporary secretary, wero made permanent officers by motion, Ed ward Davey was elected vice-president. The. president "jv as made chairman of the executive committee. A constitution and by-laws Jere adopted. After the busi ness had; been completed remarks were, made by 'JT. R. Stoddard. George Cameron, Scott Brooke and 6. W. Stapleton. Mr. iSfajPletbn talked about ah hour.' He com-' .meode'd. t,he aTa for the stand it had taken In thus1 coming "out from an' brgan- -lzatldnlhat was not straight Republican. He' said 'that a" set 'of men who would -take that COUrs5 d(A nnr n?T Tnnch tnllrJ - - . . I mgto. -rney were certainly men of true principle. At the close of the meeting, the cluVelected'Mr. Stapleton and Mr. Brooke honorary members, and" both expressed' (hdirappreciatIon of the action taken. , Another East Side Rally. ; Oh next Tuesday evening, May 29, an other" Republican demonstration will take place1 on the East Side, in which all the I Republican clubs in that part of the city mill taKe part. It was decided two weeks ag'o that there--should be tjwo demonstra tions' on the East Side, one to take place In the Tenth and one in the Ninth Wards, under the direction bf .the same commit teeRichard Clinton," "J. E. Relnkle S. R.Madon: "3, 'C. Jameson and Dr. L.M. DaVId. The rally in the Ninth Ward" will take place In Burkjiard Hall, and-there will be plenty of good music and other entertainment. The general committee hwill take the matter' up" at once. . " , T '?- Enftt Side Xotcn. While the-family were absent, the hom of A. L. Kinsey, near the Kern brickyard; qn Powell's Valley road. Sunday,, w'as en tered and burglarized. A watch and some Other articles wpn'fakpn vnlnpH at virvn- fC-0. No. trace xf tho burclnr was Iift The auxlllary-tq General gumm is Corps Kn 1 nf AtMni -thi mnn w t ,' Quite a number of the young -women of 4 tftat OtetrlcX'WJll become charter members, A mpptlnrr xvft Vw VicM hot tt-wi1.- ti.v.. Khe first definite steps will be taken toward ;a permanent organization. - TRAVELERS' GUIDE. GO EAST VIA ON THE FAMOUS ''Portland-Chicago Special" OR THE sOVERLAND LIMITED The only trams running, through solid from. xoruaou ana hi&ko. i,erj car lliuminalcu twltn Flntsch gas. Two trains dally. F 7 Dining Cn1. Service a la Carte. Library-Buffet, SnjoUins: Cars. Palace and Ordinary Sleeping. Cars. p Vree Recllnlnc Cbalr Cara. reives " 0.15 A.M.... ort dtia wr, - a.OOP. U.... r "K I LAnU., Arrives. .4 00 r. M. ,5 40 A.M. riTV TirwcT-rtccir 142. Third St. . W. H COHAN, . J2prxl Axtnt- Phpnc Main 553 F. Ot. OLIK, City Tlcct Xgt, 1 1 .. ... i.n ... . TRAVELERS GUILE. Ualoa Depot, Sixth and J Street. THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS- EAST r 11 1 "CmCAGO-POItTIiAXD SrECIAIi." Leaves fir tho East, via Huntington, at 0:13 A. M. arrives, 4 P. IL SPOKA2TE FIiYEU For Spokane, Eastern ""VasntaBton. and Great Xorthern points, leaves at 0 P. M.; arrl-ie at IA.1L ATLANTIC EXPRESS, Leaves, for the East. la. Huntington, at 0 P. M.; arrives at S 40 A. M. THROUGH PULLitAN-AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. Water lines schedule, subject to change ttlth cut notice: OCEAX AND RJVER SCHEDULE. OCEAN DIVISION Steamships sail from Alnaworth dock at 8 00 P. il. Leave Portland Columbia, Wednesday. JTay 2, Saturday. May 1.2. Tuesday, May 22, Friday, June 1. "flonfiay. June 11. state of California. Monday, iaj . Thursday, May 17; Sunday, Hay 2T; Wednes day, June 0,. From San Franciico State of California. Thursday, May S, Sunday, May 13r Wednesday, May 23: Saturday, June 2. Tuesday, Juno 12. Columbia. Tuesday. May S; Friday, May 1&; Monday, May 23; Thursday. Jtine T. COLUMBIA KIVEll DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Haasalo leaca Portland dally, exct-nt JSunday. at a 00 P. M.; on Saturday at 10 00 P. M. Returning, Itaxta Astoria dally, except bun day, at 7,00,A. M. willaScette IUVER DIVISIOX. v - P0RTLAND AND CORVALLlS. OR. Steamer Ruth, for Salem. Albany. Corvallia and. way points, .leaVea Portland Tueadajj. Thursdayo and SaturiUys at e W A. M. Return ing, leaves Corrallls Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6.00 AM. Steamer Modoc, fof Salem nCepnenee and way points. leaves Pprtlana Mondays. Wednes 'dsys and Fridays at 0 00 A M. Returning. Jaes Independehce Tuesdays, Thursdaya and fiaturtjajs at -304A. M. - YA2IHILL niTEIt HOUTE. .. PORTLAND AND DATTON. OR. Steamer Elmore, for (Dayton and way points. leaves Portland Tueadaya. Thursdays and Sat urdays at 7 AM. Returning, leaves Dayton fcr Tortland and way points Mondays. Wednesday Land Fridays. aX 0 A. M. SXAKE RIVER. ROUTE. 1 RIPARIA. WASH.. AND LEW1STON. IDAHO "Steamer Spokane or otesmer Lewlston leaen Rlpafia dally,at 35 A M., arriving at Lewis ton at 3 P. M. Returning, the bpokane or Lewlston leaes Lewi'ton dally at 0 A. M-, arrHlng at Riparia same evening. W, H.'HURLBURT. General Paestenger Agent. V. A. ECHILLTNG. City Ticker Agent. Telephone Main 712. SO Third street, tor. Oak. NewSteamsblpLinetotbeOrieiit CHINA AND JAPAN. "FROM PORTLAND. In conrjectlou wlthTHE OREGON RAILROAD &. NAVIGATION CD. Schedule. 1000 subject to change): " Steamer. . Due to Leave Portland. "AnGTLL" ...I May 23 .'.MQNMClTHFHTRE" , Juae 27 "BKAEMAR" Jul IS Fpr rates, accommodations, etc.. apply io ' DODWELL & COMPANY. Limited, General Agents, Portland. Or. To principal points in Japan and China. THE5 FASTEST AND MOST DIRECT LINE -TO THE- HEAST TT-r-T i r.2 tii r -fy 5iH &1 Rl rPWTt The Direct Line to Denver, Om3h3. - Kansas City, St Louij 'Chicagoand Other Eastern Points ' TWO DAILY SOLID VESTIBULED TRAINS. Portland to Chicago Lqss Than Three Days. Only Four Days to P"iew York and Boston. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Buffet . Library cars (Harbor Shop) Dinlnfj Cars. (Meals a la carte) rree P.uclin- in-r Chair Cara. i Throush tickets, basgrare checks, and Bleeping car accommodations can be ar-ranf-ed at CITY TICKET OFFICE 1 35 Third Straci Portlond, Ore-joji J. H. LOTIDtOP. GEORGE LANG. 0a'l Agent. aty Pas. & Tkt. Agu, FOR CAPE'NOME Tho Magnlflcent Trans-Paclrlc Passenger Steamship .' "VICTORIA" . This steamer has last been released from tlio Government service as a troop-ship, and has eery modern convenience. She will sail from Tacoma and Seattle. Qn May 31. For rates and full Information apply to DODWELL & CO.. LTIX4 Telephone. Main. 96. 252 Oaft,StreeL 7f Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES UNION DEPOT. For ilayrers. Rainier. ARRIVES Claukanle, Weitport. Cllf-on. Ajtcria. Wac-j UNION DEPOT. mond.o Tort Steveni, Garhart Park. Seaside. Ailoria and -jeaihora Eiprtjj. Dally, Aitorla Expreaj,, Pally. . 8.00 A. M. 0 53 P.M. 11:13 A.M. 8:40 P. M. Ticket office. 255 Morrison at- and Un'on dtpo. J. C MAYO. Gen. Pas. Art.. Artorta. Or. WHiTE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER PUGET SOUND NAVl- GATION CO. TORTLAND AND ASTORIA. BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-street dock) Leaves Portland dally every morning at 7 odock. except Sunday. Returning. leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sundaj. ' Oregon 'phone Main 351. Columb.a "phone 35L U. B. SCOTT. President- SKAGVAY AND DAWSON Alaska SteamshipConipany NEXT SAILING. DIRIGO, MAY 23. The only company having through traffic ar rangements to Atlin and the Klondike. "Weekly palling from Tacoma. For full information ap Ily to J. L. HARTMAN. Asent. Portland. Or- 3 Chamber of Commerce. EASTANDSOUT 15 THE ' 3S5S",J"S3ftL3s. 5-ji-cJ 3 M WxvsS&ftrkJji uint?. . frBS? TIXAVELERS' GUIDE. EAST m SOUTH Leave D$pt Fifth sal 1 Streets Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS for Salem, Rose ' 'burg. Ashland. Sac ramento.O g d e-n, San Francisco. Mo lave. Los Angelea, El Paso, New Or leans and the Eat At Woodbura (daily except Sun day), morning train connects with train tor Mt- Angel. 511 v e r"t on. Urown vllle, Sprlnsfleld and Natron, and e enlng- train for ML Angel and SK vertcn, Albany passenger Corvallid passenger Sheridan passenger 3.30 PVM. i-SO" A M. 7:45 A.'M. 6 30 P. it 4:00 P.M. 17 30 A.M. 14 50 P. M. 10:10A.M. 13 00 P. M. ;3.23A.M. , Dally. tDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sac ramento and San Francisco. Net rates JIT flrst class and $U second class, including sleeper. Rates and tlcVeta to Eastern point and En. wpe- A.1JO JAPAN, CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRLIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKTiAND. Ticket Agent, 140 Third at. . TAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave for Oswego dally at 7.20. -O.40 A. M.1 12.30, 1.03. 35. 4 40. 6.25, 8.30, 11.30 P. M-r and 0 00 A M. on Sundays only. Arrive at Portland dally at 8 35, 8 30. I0 CO A M.; 1:35, 3-10, 4.30, 0:15. 7.40. 10 00 P. M., 12.40 A M. dally, except Monday, S.30 and 10-03 A M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at 0.05 P. M. Arrle at Portland at 0:30 A. M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mon dajo. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.45 P. 14. Returns Tueadays, Thursdays and Saturday. Except Sunday. R. KO'EHLER. a H. MARKHAM. Manager. Gen. Frt. & Pass. As- DOUBLE DAILY TRAKV SERVICE. Tho 'Pioneer Dlnlctr and ObiervatloS Car Route. Leavo L'fllsn Depot, tth and J Sll Arrlvo No 2 2 P. 3L North Coast Limited. For .Tacoma, Seattle. North Yakima, opo Kane. Pullman. Mos cow. Lew is ton, Rosa land. B. C , Butt Helena, St. Paul, Min neapolis, Chicago, Bos tpn. New York and all points East and South east. Twin City Express, For Tacoma, Seattle, Spokano. Pullman, Mos cow, Lew iston, 'P.o-s-land. B. C , Nelson. Helena. Butte. St Paul. Minneapolis. Chtcaso, Boston. Baltimore. New No. 1 7A.M. No. 4 11 Jo P. M. No. 3 SP. M. York, Wasninston, and all points East and! Southeast. Tako North Coast Limited Train No 2 for South Bend. Olympla and UravR Harbor points. Pt-e the North Coast Limited. Elegant Up bolstered Tou-Lst Steeping Car. Pullman Standard Sleepers, Dining Car and Observa tion Car. all electric lighted. Solid vestibuled triins. TiCKets sold to all points In the United Stales and Canada, and baggago checked to destination of tickets'. For Information, ticket, sleeplrts-cnr reoCT-" vatlons, t&. call on or write - A. D. CHARLTON ANnlstant General Pnigen-jer A Rent, iloo, "lIorriMon St.. -Third, Portland, Oregon. iOO PACIFIC LIS": OfTers the LOWEST RATES and BEST SERV. lee to nnd from all Eastern points and Europ. Through cars from coast to Hu PauU Toronto. Montreal an J Boston WXTIIOU'C CHANGE Direct Route to Kootenay M.'nlhg DislrJcl British Columbia Canadian Pacific ttjtl mill ncsuiialp lines U latwrp ant AaiTsIiSw Ttt rle and information, apply to 1L H. AB1507T. Aseat. E. J. COYLE. 16 Third street, city. A. G. P. A.. Vancouver. B. C -h Mreatorihern Tlcict GIfice, M Harrison Strert, 'Phsne 6S& LEAVE Th Flyar, dally to and from St Pul. Minna- ARRIVEi No.. 7.00 A. M. Jo- I spoils. Duluth. Chlcajp 6 00 P. M. I nd all polnti Kast. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining tad Buffet Smoking-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP KrrHSHIU MARU , For Japan. Chine and all Asiatic points wia leave Seattle About June 4lh. FOR And Yukon River Points S. S. "OHIO," 3500 Tons Sails from Seattle About MAY 24TH Second Sailing about June 30 ResprvationS can now be made for Juna railing upon application to any railroad or suli ngeBt of the International Navigation Com pany, or to K3IPIR.E TIt.tNSPOUPATIOX CO., SEATTLE. WASH. 4 Pacific Coast Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA. THE COMPANY'S elegant steamers. Cottage City. City of Topka, Queen and Al-Kl leave TACOMA 11 A. M.. SE ATTLE 0 P. M . May 6. 10. 15, 20. 25. 30; June 4, 0, M, 10. 19. 24, 20. Jl1 1. 4. !. For further Information obtain companv's folder The company reserves the right to change fcteaxners. sailing dates and hours of sailing without rrevious notlct. AGHNTS N. POSTON, 240 Washington st., Portland. Or.. F. W. CARLETON. N. P. R. It. Doclt. Tacoma: J. F. TROWBRIDGE. Puget Sound Sunt.. Ocean Dock. Seattle. I GOODALL, PERKINS . CO.. Gen. Asta., S. T. wn RCUTES JO -ki--,. ajjftmi