THE MOKNI-NG OREGONIAN, S ATTTRDAX, V M AY -lOj 1900. 11 COMMERCIAL AND. There was a fine trade -with the country yes terday and this, with the usual Friday trade In the city, kept the wholesale section pretty busy alt day. Produce receipts were lighter than usual, and. -with the exception of eggs, prices ruled rather firm. The ess market la In peculiar shape. The price has not yet re ceded to a point where the stock will go into cold storage, and there- is not enough demand outside of the storage houses to take care of the heaTy receipts now coming to hand. The effort to advance the price of butter does not aeem to be meeting with much success, as there is still plenty of strictly first-class creamery stock to be had for S3c- Oregon strawberries were not so plentiful yesterday, and all jf the best stock sold at 15c x Hank Clearing. Exchanges. Balances Portland $279.4S1 $40,003 Tacoma 243.475 42.227 Seattle 383.058 01.373 Spokane 220.450 T0,i5i Portland markets. Grain, Flour, Etc. Argentine shipments this week were about 1,000.000 bushels shy of those for the rrcllous week; but the effect -of this falling off hid apparently all been discounted by the Euro pean markets, for there was no strength from that direction, although Chicago was up about a. cent on unfavorable American crop reports. In the local markets there was nothing doing, and 52c. the prevailing offer for No. 1 Walla "Walla, failed to bring out any wheat. Valley was nominally unchanged at 5152c and blue stem 5354c The port is -well blocked up with wheat, and there will not be very much business until more shins are available. Wheat Walla Walla. 51052: Valley. Slip C2c, bluestem. 5354c por bushel. Flour Bent grades, $2 553; graham. $2 50; superfine. $2 10 per barrel. Oat White. 3530c; gray. 3233c; stained. 203100 per busheL Barley Feed. $14015; brewing. $10 per ton. Mlllstuffs Itran. $12813 per ton: middling $18810. shorts. $1315. chop. $14. Hay Timothy. $10011: clover. S77 50; Ore son wild hay. $637 per ton. Batter, Eprsra, Poultry, Etc. Butter Taney creamers'. S035c; store. 22".$ G25c per roll. Eggs 13G13"4c per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed. $4??4 50 per dozrn, hens. $4 5005 50, ducks. $507; geese. $GS per dozen, turkeys, live. 15s: dressed. 10c per lb. Cheeae Tull cream, twins. 12t&&13e. Tours .America, 14c per pound. Vefcctall-, Frnlt, Etc Vegetables Parsnips, $1; carrots. 755$1: ttrnlps. $1 per sack; onions. 22V4c per lb. for new, cabbage. $1 50 per cental; potatoes, 40 Cos per sock: peas, 45c; beans, 1012c: as paragus, 45c; new potatoes, l;2c per lb. Fruit Lemons. $2 5003; oranges. $33 25 pet box for navels. $2 per box for seedlings' -pineapple. $4 5000 per Soren; bnnanaf. $2 51 ?3 per bunch; Persian dates. "WffSc per pound, rtrawberrles. $11 50 per crate for California. SQ15c per pound for Oregon. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated. 7Sc per pound. fun-drfed, sacks or boxes. 45c; pcara nun and evaporated. 5Cc; plums, pltless. 4J e: prunes. Italian. 3V45V4c: slUer, extra holce. 60c: tigs, Smvrna. 22Vc: California Niacin 5CCc; do white. 10c per pound. Groceries, Tint. Etc. Coffee Mocha. 232bc; Java, fancy, 20332c. Jaa. good, 20Q24c; Java, ordinary. lS20c; Costa Rica, fancy. lSQ20c; do good. lC18c; de ordinary. 1012c per pound; Columbia, roast. $12 25; Arbuckle's, $13 13; Lion, $12 13 per case. Sugar Cube. $5 SO; crushed. $5 SO; powdered. $5 SO, dry granulated, $5 20; extra C. $4 70, golden C, $i GO not; half barrels. c more than barrels maple sugar, 1510c per pouni. Beano Small white. Sc; bajou. 4c; Llwa. Ge per pound. Salmon Columbia river. 1-pound tails, $13 1 50; 2 -pound tails. $202 50: fancy, 1-pound flats, $1 G5Q1 75. -pound fancy flats, S0"c: Alaska. 1-pound tails. $1 20&1 30; 2-pound tails, $1 002 25. Grain bags Calcutta, $0 500 75 per 100 for spot, $C 12$AG 25 for Julj -August. Nute Peanuts. 047c per pound for raw, 10 Xot roasted; cocoanuts. OOc per dozen; walnsta 10l?c per pound, pine nuts. 15c; hickory nubs. "c: chestnuts. 15c: Brazil, lie: filberts. 15c fancy pecans, 12014c; almonds. 15 17&c pet pound. Coal oil Cases. 21"c per gallon; barrels, J'lsc: tanks. lSVfcc Rice Island. Gttc: Japan. 5"c; New Orleans, iViiOS'.ic. fancy head, $707 50 per sack. Hops, Wopl, Hides, Etc Hops 2Kc per pound. Wool-A'alley, lSSflSc for coarse. 15lCc for best; Eastern Oregon. 10O15c: mohair. 2C027c per pound Sheepskins Shearlings 1520c; short-wool. 2J 635c. medium-wool. 3C50c; long-wool, COOS'S 1 ach. Pelts Bear skins, each, as to size, $5015; -cubs. each. $15: badger, each. 50c; wildcat, 25075c; housecat. 5(J-5c; fox, common gray, 40cO$l: do red. $1 753 50: do cross. $2 5CH3C; lynx. $20-4 50; mink. 40c0$l 75; marten, dark Northern, $5010; do pale, pine, $204; musk rat. 8012c; ekunk, 5OSS0c: otter (land), $4 18: panther, with head and claws perfect, $103; raccoon, 25OE0c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect. $3 50 5; wolverine. $2 50O0; beaver, per skin, large, $C07; do medium, pet ekln. $4G; do small, per skin. $102; do kltu, per skin. $103. Tallow 505Jie; No. 2 and grease. 3J04c pet pound. Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 10 pounds and up ward. 151515c: drj kip. No. 1, 5 to 16 pounds, 15c per pound; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pound 15010c: dry salted, one-third less than dry flint: salted hides, sound steers. CO pounds and over, SteQQc: do 50 to CO pounds. SOSVac: da under 50 pounds and cows. 7JQSc; kip. 13 to SI pounds. 7&OSc: do veal. 10 to 14 pounds. 7Jic, do alf, under 10 pounds, 7,c; green (unsalted). lc per pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth eaten, badly cut. scored hair sllpDed. weather beaten or grubbj), onerthird'Jesa," 3Ieat ancl .Provisions. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, sheared, $3 5003 75; dressed, 77ijc per pound: spring lambs, 505Hc per pound gros Hogs Gross, choice heavy. $5; light, $4 50; dressed, 5&Go per pound. Veal Large. CHS7Ho per pound; small. SO SHc Beef Gross, top steers, $4 4 50; cows, $3 50O4: dressed beef. C&7c- per pound. Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand): Hams, 6moked, are quoted at 13c per pound; picnic hams, OVJc per pound; breakfast bacoiv lofec; bacon, tHc: backs. 9lc; dry salt sides. She; dried beef, 17c per pound; lard. 5-pounS palls. 10c; 10 -pound palls, 0"c; 50s, Dc; tierces, Oijo per pound. Eastern pack (Ham xnond's): Hams, large. 12?c; medium. 13c; email, 134c: picnic hame. 0c; shoulders. 0c. breakfast bacon. 12c; dry salt sides, S'.i Otc; bacon side. 0Vi10c; backs. 0?c: butts, 0c. lard, pure leaf, kettlo rendered. 6s, lOJ-c; 10s, 10Hc XEW TORIC STOCK QUOTATIONS. Bnoyant Close With a Burst of Buy ing Orders. XEW TORIC. May IS. The stock market contended successfully against the marked de pression of the early dealings, and showed in creasing strength as the day advanced. The early losses were all retrieved, and the closo was fairly buoyant, with a hurst of bujlng or ders. Very notable net pains are shown by the specialties and industrials, while the rail roads generally are from a fraction to over 2 points higher. Th early depression had its in ception in London, where stocks were sold down sharply. Sugar and Tobacco were both sold dow n sliarpl , but they met support of a character which has been lacking for several days past. An unwieldy short interest has been formed, especially in Tobacco, in the course of Its recent severe decline, and when the stock Oegan to move up the demand from the bears became precipitate Tha strength developed in some New York stocks added to the confusion of the bears. Brooklyn Union Ga3 moved up 5s points, and Consolidated Gas 1. to a level far above that touched by this stock for many months past. Even, the steel Industrials were bought and moved up generally a point. The large buying of Burlington was the feature of the Tallroad list, but there -was a well-distributed demand for railroad Stocks during the latter part of the day, and the sudden jump in prices of some of them indicated the uneasiness of the ncmand from a short Interest. No gold exports were announced for tomor row's English steamers, and sterling exchange fell lower. The strong1 return made today by. the Imperial Bank of pcrmany kept pace with -toe improved cot41Uoa of the EnglUa and -FINANCIAL NEWS" Trench Institutions, and afforded relief from apprehension of any further gold exports at present. The bond market responded to the late ac tivity and strength in stocks. The total salej. I par value, were $1,725.0031 "United States re j funding- 2s, when issued, "advanced i per cent, j and all other issues except the 3s, coupon. iper cent in the bid price. BONDS. U. S. 2s. ref lOSVilGen. Electric 5s 120 U. Sr 2s. reg WbjX. T. Central Jsts.Ul do 3s, res 10ii North. Pacific 3s.. C7 do-3s, coupon. ..1O0Ai do 4s 103?; do new 4s. reg.134 jOregon Nav. lsts. .110 do new 4s, coup.134 do 4s 103 do old 4s, reg. .lllrOregcn 6. L. 0s...,12H do old it. coup..H4ii do con. 5s 1144 do 5s. reg 1124Rio Gr. West. lsts. !) do 5s. coupon.,.112TiSt. Paul console... 1CS Dlit. Col 3-C5S...121 St. P C. 4. P lstsl22 Atchison adj 4s.. Si i do 5s 121U C. & N.W. con. 7sl40 (Union Pacific 4S....105U do i S. P. deb. 53.110i3iVls. Central lsts.. JXu D. , &. R. 3. lsts...iulHiSouthern Pacific 4s br, do 4s j j When Issued. STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were 433.100 sh.tres. The closing quotations were: Atchison 20MUn!on Pac pref... 7ZTA do pref .,.,.... 71 Wabash M? Bait, . Ohio...... 705! do pref .1.""" 2l4l Can. Pacific ...... 4 Wheel & L. E.,.. $ Can. Southern ... 52S do 2d pref 22 S4& Ohio zs Wis Central 15'3 r l-nGri ern. 12U P-C. C i St. L.. 50 b. Q 123k Third Avenue 105 Chi., Ind. & 1..... ;S EXPRESS CO.'a r?,2re!. W Adams 113 " - East. HI...10I .American 14l Chicago & X W..lo United States 45 c $ JZ&ll" -lOriWells-Fargo 117 rwP.f St- - . MISCELLANEOUS. -oio. Southern ... C .Amer. Cotton Oil.. 31U do 1st pref 40S-. do pref yu Tfi i1,?1' lCU,Amer. ilalUng 2 Del. & Hudson....H4 1 do pref ........ 2(K Oek, Lacit. & AV..17C Amer. Smelt. & R. 37?! Denver &. R10 Gr. 16 do pref U Pref a Amer. Spirits ..... 28 E"e, 12H do pref kh r,"i.preuf 30Arner. Steel Hoop.. 22H Great .North. pref.l52hi do Pr' 71 UinB ?al - 14 Amer Steel & . SOU Sia a ...lis;; Amer. Tin Plate... 23 Iowa Central io do pref ; 74 do pref 48 Amer. Tobacco ... ki r- U.. J X- Ci 171 An ryf loi Lake Erie i . , 2Sj4Anaconda Min. Co. 42"4 , 01 Brooklyn R. T...... 70V io nrar , Lake Shore tS T v -'. -ms v-010. uei & iron.. 37 x& u- .& Nash fe4 ConL Tobacco 24 Manhattan El ... vo do pref 77S Met. St. Ry 153 Federal Steel .... 37 KtS?1,"- 12l Fref OG, 01- i-uuia zi, vien. Electric . m? r.f!.f.,V--.i ??. P'uce Sugar 13418 . 4b',i Mobile & Ohio.... 4; M-. K. i T K2 -,d Pref 33 New Jersey Cent..ll7 ew York Cent... 13214 Norfolk A West... 30& w . .."i4 miuc .. .tin. so prei. ... Int. PaDer ... 21 I do nref -. La Clede Gas 00 national iiiscult .. 30 do nrf h2 11)1.4 854 SO Hi National Lead .. Northern Pacific!.' SUV National Steel do pref -7A Hn titv do pref ....... Ontario i West.. hJn v. aii- fiV"toj &0 ',H" & -12 North American .. 14?i do pref 7c Pacific Coast 40 Pennsylvania lSOWl do 1st pref so Reading i7 do 2d pref to ao 1st pref 6,i. Pacific Mall 27H do 2A tirf K.l Rio Gr. Western.. 50 do pref j,;, St. Louis & s. Fr. 10U do 1st pref Ci do 2d pref 33s St. Louis & S. W. 11 do pref 2a St. Paul m& do pref, 172U do nref TKii Pullman -Psl Car- i Stand. Rope & T.I 5T ouKar (.1UU do pref 109 Tenn. Coal : Iron. Wr U S. Leather 11 do nrf iM St. Paul & 0 113 U. a Rubber 2M Southern Pacific. SiJ do pref Mi Southern Ry 12V Western Union ... bOU do pref 55-ss Republic Iron & S. 11$ Texas & Pacific m do pref 50 Union Pacific .. Offered. Foreign Financial Severn. NEW TORK. May 18. The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram bays: There was no public business in the markets here today, and prices sagged on profit-taking by professionals. Funds were weak on the news that Russia had seized Masernpho. in Corea. New York sold Tintos, and Paris at first absorbed the offerings, but subsequently there was a relapse, the news from Corea being taken moro seriously In France than In Eng land. The double option to end in July was offered at 40. New York sold Anacondas, whllo London is overbought. Americans were dull, there being no London market for them, and the- tendency was toward reaction. New York support being trifling. The bank lost 02,000 in gold to the Cape. Money was ery easy, main ly, however, because of the Idleness of busi ness rather than a superabundance of cash. Silver was sold at 27SI per ounce on Rusilan and Indian orders. 9 Money, Eichangc, Etc SAN FRANCISCO. May IS. Sterling oa Lon don CO days. $4 85: do sight, $4 80. Mexican dollars IStJO-iOc Drafts Sight, 15c; do telegraphic, l7JJc. NEW YORK, May 18. Money on call, 1H02 per cent; last loans, 2 per cent. Sterling exchange Easier, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4 8750- 87 for de mand and at $4 Si4 S5 for CO days; posted rates, $4 S5404 S3; commercial bills, $4 843 4 84& Silver certificates GOUOCOXc, Mexican dollars i7Hc BondsGovernment, strong; state. Inactive; railroad, strong. LONDON, May IS. Money 2J5 per cent. Consols 101 11-lC Stoclui in London. LONDON, May 1& Atchison, 2C5J: Canadian Pacific. 0GV4; Union Pacific preferred. 75?4; Northern Pacific preferred, 05; Grand Trunk, 7&; Anaconda, S. THE GRAIN MARKETS. Prices for Cereals In European, and American Ports. SAN FRANCISCO. May 18. Wheat, steady on call and quiet in the spot market. Barley, quiet. Oats quiet but steady. Spot quotations were: Wheat No. 1 shipping, 00c;"cholce, 00c: mill ing. 02:05V4C Barley Feed. 70O73?Jc; brewing, S0OS2Hc Oats-Gray, Oregon. $1 07! lSft; milling, $1 1501 174: red. 05c0$l 20. Call board sales: Wheat Steady; December. 0016c; cash, OOc Barley No sales. Corn Large yellow, $1 151 17. Cklcag-o Grain and Produce. CHICAGO, May IS. For the greater part of the session trade in wheat was quiet. The opening was easy, July VtS'ftc under yesterday, at CCHO-OOc, because Liverpool was lower. But the price got no lower, for the bears had been in control only for a brief period when the weather began to make Itself felt. There was no relief from the drought in the Northwest, however, and. realizing1 this, shorts began to cover. There were more rains In the South west, and Illinois and Kansas reported dam ages from the fly. Accordingly, more shorts covered, and those who had the article held to It. The close was iery close to the top, at C7t0C7Uc a gain of Ove over yesterday. The corn market was firm, but quiet. The CULLISOIN&CO. Grain and BROKERS Direct Wires to New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade 214-215 Chamber of Commerce Portland,' Oregon fppcnlng was.eas y. on cabbjs apd sympathy with wheat. The tendency soon gave way wcea re ports of too much rain In the. growing- belt was rtpbrted. July closed ii&c over yesterday, at Trade' In oats was quiet, and fluctatlons followed com and-wheat- - July closed "He up. at 22V. a Provisions, were quiet "but steady. Trade was practically featureless. July pork closed un changed, lard a shade down, and ribs lost 2ic The leading- futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opened. Highest. Ixwest- Closing. May $0C4 $0 OS $0 C4?i $0 05 July , t6 C774 CO 7U CORN. May S7s 37 ST 37i Julv 37 3SV4 S7? SS Seritember ... 3i& 3Ui4 3Ji S3 OATS. May July 22iJ 23 22U 22U .-....-... 2215 22 , 22is 22 ber ... 21ii , 21 Sl'A 21J, September MESS PORK. July 1173 1120, 11721$ 11 SO LARD. July .' j.7 0O September ... 7 05 7 07A 7 00 7 07 7 05 7 074 7p7i - SHORT RIBS. July.... 6C5 C72H 0C5 0 70 Ssptember ... 67H 0 70 G CTa 0 70 Cash quotations were as follows: "Flourv-Steady. Tieat so.. 3, C25j60c;( No. 2 red,y273c Corn No. 2, 3&g3S.ic; No. 2 j-ellpw, 3S(J 33hc. . t. Oats No. 2, 23tf23c; x0. 2 white,' 25t4 2(c: .'o. 3 white, 25t28?iC. Rve N6. 2. 54?4C Barley Good feeding. 37i?3Sc Flaxseed No. 1. $1 t0; N. AV.. $1 0- Timothy seed Prime, $2 45. Mess pork $10 C5011 75 per bbl. Lard $C S5fe7 05 per cwt. Short ribs Sides, loose. $0 35Qfi S3. Shoulders Dry sattcd. boxed, $! 5006 75. Short clear sides Boxed. $7 lt07 20. Butter Steady; creamery, 14V-019ic; dairy. 1301Cc Cheese Dull, SOOic Eggs lOc Rccelpts. Shlpm'ts. Flour, barrels ............... 0.000 0.000 Wheat, bushels ............. 2S.00U 227,000 Corn, bushels 183.000 53tS,000 Oats, bushels ,..JS?,000 244.000 Rye, bushels 5,000 O.oOO Barley, bushels JU.000 10,000 Ncrr York Grain nnil Produce. ,NEW YORK, May IS Flour Receipts, 21. 119 barrels; exports, 0,107. Market slow. Wheat Receipts, U3.275 -bushels; exports, 50,. 300. Spot, firm. No. 2 red, S0c elevator, 77c f. o. b. Options were considerably stronger and fairly .Active today, following a x bullish array of crop news from the Southwest, and Spring wheat and flour shipments for the week also helped the bulls. Closed Arm at 3Q3ic net advance. May closed at 71c;July, 72c; September, 3c Wool-iDull. Hops Steady. European Grain 3Iarkcts. LONDON, May IS. Wheat Cargoes on pass, age, more inquiry; cargoes Walla Walla, 27s 7&d; English country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL. May 18. Wheat, quiet; wheat and flour In Paris, weak, French country mar kets, steady. Spot wheat, steady; No. 1 Cali fornia. Os 2Jg0s 2&d: No. 1 Northern Spring, 5s 0d. Futures, steady; July, 5s M; Septem ber. 0s 7J4d. Corn Snot. American mixed, iwir. firm 4b tfcd. Futures, steady; May, 4s d; July, 3a 10Hd- SAN -FRANCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, .May 18. Wool Spring Nevada. 14lGc per pound; Eastern Oregon. IX 16c; Valley, Oregon. 20ff22c. Fall Northern, mountain. 1012c; mountain. 8310c; plains, S10c: Humboldt and Mendocino. 14015c, Hops 1&99 crop, llCISc per pound for choice. Mlllstuffs Middlings, $17ff20; bran, 12 503 13 50 per ton. Hay Wheat.- $0 C0?10; wheat and oat, $ 0: best barley. $57: alfalfa, $527: stock, $55 50; tsompressed wheat, $7Q10 per ton; straw. 25040c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose. COfiCSc; River Bur banks.. 40SC5c; Oregon Burbanks, C0375c per cental. Vegetables Onions, $1 25S2 per cental; gar lic, 2H03V4c; green peas. 75c$l 25 per sack; string beans, 2H3Uc; dried okra, 3254c per pound; asparagus, $11 70 per box: egg plant, Sjl0c per pound. Citrus fruits Oranges, navels, $150 0 3; Mexican limes. $4M 60; common California lemons, $1 25&1 50; choice, $1 251 50 pet box, Bananas, $1 503 per bunch. Butter Fancy creamery, 18c; do seconds, 17 OnVjd fancy dairy, lGSlGHc; do seconds. 14 15c per pound. Cheese California, new, 7J4S8Ka per pound; Young America, Vff0c: Eastern, 104gi7c Ecgs Store, 13 14c; fancy ranch. 10c; Eastern, 1501514c per dozen. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, ll12c: do hens, 12013c per pound; old roosters $1 25ff4 50 per dozen: jounff roosters. $8&7; small broilers, $2 5003 50; large broyers, $44 50; fryers. $3 jl: hens. $5-5 50 per dozen: geese, $2(! 23 per pair. Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 10.124; do Or egon. 3200; wheat, centals, 72,105i barley, cen tals. 1S.82Q; oats, centals, 1530; do Washington, 0130; do Oregon. 3GQ; beans, sacks, 343; corn, centals, 85; potatoes, sacks. 2SG1; do Oregon, 55; bran, sacks, 1201; middlings, sacks, 200; hay, tons, 220; wool, bales, 565. bides, 243. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. May 18. Cattle Receipts, 3000. General market 510c lower; natives, best on sale today, nine carloads at $5 30; good to prime steers, $55 70; poor to medium, $4 25(J 4 80; selected feeders, about steady, $4 2505; mixed stockers, slow, $3 75&4; cows, $S?4 00; helfezs. $3 25S5; bulls, about steady. $33 25; calves, easier, $4 50Q5 50. Texans Fed steers, $45 15; bulls. $3 203 C5. Hogs Receipts, 32,000; tomorrow, 15,000, es timated; left over, 3500. Market mostly 10c t lower; top. $5 42: mixed and butchers, $5 05fc 5 40? good to choice heavy, $5 20g5 42; rough heavy. $5 05&5 15; light, $5Q5 324: bulk of sales, $5 255 35. Sheep Receipts, 5000. Sheep 10c lower, lambs weak- to a shade lower; good to choice wethers. $3 15g5 35; fair to choice mixed. $4 C035 15: Western sheep, $5 1505 35; year lings. $5 2585 SO: native lament $4 50ff7 23; Western lambs, $C7 23; Spring lambs, much lower, $5J?7 50- OMAHA. May IS. Cattle Receipts. 4000. Market 10c lower; native beef steers, $4 403 3 40; cows and heifers, $3 70Q- 75; canners, $2 50fiC 0, stockers and feeders, $3 755 SO; calves, $37; bulls and stags, $394 30. Hogs Receipts, 10,000, Market 5ffl0c lower; heavy. $5 121465 22; mixed, $3 10 0 5 124; light. $565 12H: bulk of sales. $5 10Q5 124. Sheep Receipts. 1300, Market steady; fair to choice natives. $5 30j?u 75; fair to choice West erns, $5(5 50; common, and stock sheep, $4 50 G3 25; lambs, $5 25&7 20. KANSAS CITY, May 18. Cattle Receipts, 3000. Market steady; Texas steers, $4ff3; do cots, $33 90; native steers, $3 555 40; na tive cows and heifers. $2 85S ; stockers and feeders. $3 25g5 50; bulls. $2 X34 25. Hogs Receipts, 1C.000. Market 5c lower; bulk of sales. $5 10ff5 25; heavy. $5 1095 30; packers, $5 0"Va5 20; mixed lots, $5 05Q3 20, light, $4 a05 10; Yorkers, $3 05g3 10; pigs, $4 8505 03. Sheep Receipts, 3000. Market steady; lambs, $4G 50. muttons. $35. The Metal Markets. NEiV YORK, "May IS Trading was rather slow In the market for metals today. Tin ruled rather quiet but a little steadier. Influ enced by some local demand and a light falling off in receipts. Cables, however, were 7s Cd lower, but had no effect here. The close was quiet at $2$ D0Q23. Lake copper continues dull and unchanged at $16 S7- Lead ruled very dull at $3 07i-l 024. Spelter was a little easier und"r freer offerings, closing easy at 54 points off on the basis of $4 454 50. Pig-Iron warrants were, weak and unsettled. The brokers price for lead was $3 SO, and for cop per $10 S7H. Bar silver. fiOc SAN FRANCISCO, May IS. Bar silver, COKc LONDON. May IS. Bar sliver. 274d. Coffee nnd Snjnr. NEW TORK. May IS. Coffee Options, closed steady at net unchanged prices to S points ad vance; sales. 4500 bags, including June at $0 25; July. $S GO; August, $8 G5, November, $C 80. Spot. Rio. dull; No. 7. invoice. 7c Mild, quiet. Cordova, nM13c Rilgar Raw, firm: fair wflnlsg, 3 3-32c; cen trifugal. DC test. 4 13-32c, rcflnc-d. steady. "White Rase of the MlaoilH." CHICAGO. May 16. A special to the Tribune .from Peru. Ind.. says: Ten thousand people, men, "women and CAPE S. S. GEO. W. ELDER, S. S.' NOME CITY . Will positively sair from Portland on , -Saturday, May 26, 1900. ' 1' " .0 -. S. Sf DESPATCH ' y' " Wili -sdi! from Portland, Saturday, June 2,-1500. Baggage caffnow be-checked at v-or. rourin ana FOR RATES A?CD IXFORMATIOX ArPLY TP CALIFORNIA & OREGON COAST S. S. CO. F. P- BAUMGARTNER,25i" Washington St. W. A. ailtcltcll . Co.. General Agents'. San FrnneIco. Pacific Cpast Cape Nome GoId.Fields THE NEW PALATIAL STEE1 STEAMSHIP MlSllll lhc "Senator" will sal! from San Frandspo, May 14. Seattle, May 19. Subsequent trip will be from Seattle direct, namely: June 21, July 21 and August 20. The "Senator" bM a capacity of 2500 tons. Her second cabin and steerage accommodation are superior to the Arat-claaa accommodations of meet of the steamers adv.rtlsed for Nome. The PaclncCoat Steamship Co. h&s been running its a team era to Alaska winter and sura, rrer for 25 rtsrs, and Is tbe pioneer Pacific Coast line. Seattle freight and pauengfer rates ap ply from Portland. For further information Inquire of GOODALU PERKINS & CO.. Gtneral Agents, 10 Market, San Francisco, or K. P03TON. Agent, 23 Washington st., Portland, Or. children, witnessed the unveiling of the monument erected to the memory of Frances Slocum, the Indian captive, and moro generally known as "The "Vyhlta oso of the Mlamls," at the Miami Indian burying" grounds, 10 miles east of this city, yesterday. Nearly 200 members of tho Slocum family attended, coming from all parts of the country. In addition, the remaining members of the Miami tribe of Indians were also present. . , r , - - ' ' MINES IN IDAHO, Many Properties TFliloh Are Making? Money. DBLTA, IdahQ, May 16. Idaho Is add ing Its quota of gold to the world's pro duction. The gold placers alone of the Cocur d'Alenes have yjelded about J3.0W, 0!X, yet It la a silver galena region. About $30,OuO,000 bave been produced In Jfbrthern Idaho since ISSi, the year of the great rush. Pritchard, the original discoverer of gold on Pritchard Creek, Is remaining In Northern Idaho. He recently refused 540,000 for an interest In a mine near Os born. Eagle City, -where once there were 3000 people, though, la given to farming. At one time there were 22 palopns doing a big business. None are there now, The placers Jn that section are mostly worked out, "but a few miles distant on Pritchard Creek the largest .placer corporation in the state Is at work. About 70 placer miners are making good wages In the vicinity of Delta. A num ber of former Portlanders- are here, no tably David R. Heustlss, Thomas Schust er, William Mather, Neal McDougall and Michael Titus. Murray shows more sfgns of life than at any time in 10 years. "A rich striker was recently made In the Daddy mine, for many yeare the property of ihe late" George W. Copekind, formerly of Forest Grove. The vicinity of Myrtle Is a good placer district Glllllland & McNall found the largest nugget of the season. It weigned JSO. They found many weighing from $25 to $50. Tho placers are giving way to the ship ping mines. Over on Sunset there are 21 mining companies at work, and thefe Is every prospect of this becoming a second' LeadvlHe. The Northern Pacific Is build ing a branch line to Sunset from "Wallace, and the line will prove a good feeder for the Mtesoula branch. Over Inthe vicinity of Sunset the Silver Eagle Mining Company, In which Port land people are Interested, Is represented here by F. A. Knapp; who Is considered a hustler. Mr. Knapp has elx men doing development work, and by July 1 they will be working on the ledge. Mr. Knnpp has very little to say, but all who know him believe he ha? a mine of far more value than he Is willing to admit. The Pragers, louts and Sidney, former-' ly of the Farmers' & Mechanics' store, Portland, have cleared up about J16.0M this year in a mining deal over on Sun set. The Toughnut property, owned by Port land people, recently ehowed up a ledge of galena that is 18 Inches at the top and SG Inches at the bottom of the tunnel. The State of Idaho produces one-fourth of all tho lead In the "United States, or about 70,000,000 pounds a year. There are about 2000 men employed by the sh'pplng mines of the Coeur d'Alenes, and nut less than 1000 men are engaged In placqf mining and development -work, A fair erf. tlmate of the payroll ft thcee 3000 men would be $10,500 per day. On May 1 it was estimated that the shipments of ore and concentrates run over 15,000.000 pounds a month in the Coeur d'Alenes. Wallace, without doubt, is the liveliest city In Idaho today. Gem, Wardner, Mullan and Osborn are also moving Jo the front. Some attribute the dlstclqt's prosperity to the 'presence of Federal troops, while others claim the district would be further advanced without them Opinions are about evenly divided?' dnd ill-feeling is shown on all eldes, a ALBERT TOZIEJt. Three Bis: Excursions. ALBANY. Or.. May 18. Three big- ex cursions will take place in thfs Valley in the next few days. The first will staff from Albany next Sunday morning and run to The Dalles and return the same day, under the auspices of the conductors, for which 200 tickets have already been sold in Albany alone; The next will be Odd Fellows' excursion to the grand lodge at Astoria. leaving here Monday after, boon on the Overland and returning' be. fore Saturday evening. The third will be 'the trainmen's excursion to Salem on June 3. Th'e has been celebrated in the school of the city as Bird and Flower day, -niti appropriate programmes, offering de served tributes to two things which ha helped materially to make the Willamette Valley one of the garden spots of th world. Lyddite In Action. Chambers's Journal. The destruction occasioned by the hall of bulfcts from a shrapnel or roanki'Hnjr shell must be very small when the enemy is carefully jconccaled behind huge bowl ders of rock, but thesenatural entrench ments afford no adequate protection against the. effects of ajyddlte shell, for the fragments of shell and pieces of shat tered rock reach places inaccessible to KrTCPrcFfflr Mormon Dlshoas Pillar mm Cbsrch asa ur ioiwcn. foiiuiuy cures lie wont cues la old and youa; arUIa? boa effects of setf-ibese. dnujaiiea. excesses, or driMukiE. Cure? Lost Manhood, lm- poToncy. i.o?x FOVfer. Hisnt x.oss, cpermatcrrr in.uicK) l.u, uuminai amissions, lame or cons'lpatton, ts QuicxnoM of DIs- CTf 8 u chares. Stops Ker- error foacuoc Soar mt dgpcpdnt. a. etgtts. Siicoiites the bnb sad nerve centers. csh, 6 r fijo by sail. 9e4 A written cumntec tiam KBKsxjtttMiai, with 6Ckxcw Ocsissfrec Am93f9zftap Remedy Co., San Francisco Cal. For sale by AlirJch PbirEcacy. Sixth and "Wosblnstoa streets. Portland. Or. E the office of the Br&'GC T; Co., Mane sirceis. n Steamship Co. bullets. Nor does the destructlye action end here, for the sudden- eneratiori of gas which occurs when -a mass, of lyd dite explodes produces a -tremendous air wave, or concussion, in tlje, atmosphere, which in an area, of, upward of 50 yard? from the center of the explosion possesses far more force ban the fiercest tornado; and any living "creature within this zone of death, and directly -exposed to tle air wave, would be stunned and possibly killed by the sheer force of the atmos pheric shock -thus-producod. Striking evi dence ot this, has been furnished on sev eral occasions, many of the enemy hav. Ing been found djad in their trenches with no signs of woupds, thus shojwing they had not been struck by fragment of shell or rock. Their lives must have been literally shaken out of them, by the atmospheric disturbance occasioned by tho bursting shell. ' Itjjas been stated in spmeguartcrs th,at poisonous "gases are produced by the exi plosion pf lyddite. -Without goingk into technical details. It may be here stated that ample proof exists that the prod ucts of lyddite '-are no more injurious than those of gunpowder, and are much less objectionable than the gases evolved on the firing of guncotton, cordite or ni troglycerin. Any statement attributing death to poisonous gases from explodfng lyddite may therefore be rejected as un. tfue. "Woman Shot a Xcjrro. WALLACE- Idaho, May IS. Mrs. Will lam. Newton shot and killed a negro last night while he. was trying to force hla way into her house. The negro was a blind pencil seller', whose name is un known. . A Center of Attention. "The modern extinc tion o nelghborllness Is deplorable. "Humph! I guess you've never lived in n, "block where jou were tho dnly family that had a telephone, have your' Chicago "Record. BANKERS urn Governm't. Municipal, Railroad, Gas and Electric Companies Bought and sold. Including total Issues. Letters of Credit and Grafts Issued on Bank of Scotland, London, CrcditLyonnais, Paris. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS 204 Dearborn St., Chicago. 11 Nassau St., New York 67 Milk st., Boston MEN-NO CURE. NO PAT THE MODERN APPLI ANCE A iuttlr way to perfect manhood. t:rrytfclng else falls- The VACUUM TREAT MENT CURES jou without medicine of all nervous or dUeaneft of the generative organs, ruch s leu' manhood, exhausting drain, vari cocele. Impotency. etc Men art quickly re stored to perfect health and strength. Write for circulars. Correspondence confiden tial. THE HLALTH APPLIANCE CO. roorni i7-tl Safe Ucpoult building. Seattle. Wash. Blc Qua. non-Doi'onori 1 remedy for Gonorrhoea, Gleet, a per ma torrhtcn. White, unnatural dU charge, or any lnflamma- iPrtttnti raaujUo. tlon of mnconi menf th-y.1H3 ChEUICAIXo, brann. Non-astringent. LCiHCt!i.a.rl Sold by Druggists, or eent In Blln wrarrer. Yj) flCO, or 3 bottler. $2.73. - A4bUl4. qUb WW Km3 THAVpLEHS GUIDE. GO EAST-VIA ON THE FAMOUS "Portland-Chicago Special" Oj THE "OVERLAND LliMlTED" The only trains running through solid from Portland and Chicago. Every car Illuminated with Ptntsch gas. Two trains dally. Dinlnjc Cnra. Service n In Cnrte. Library-Ballet Snioklnc Cnra. Palace nnil Ordinary Sleeping: Cjlra. ' Free Hcclluinff Cltnlr Cara. Leaves.' 0:15 A.M. Arrives. o:ida..u.... tyrPTI ANFl" " P.00.P. M.... K -AnU...s.40A.M. ..4:00 P. M. CITY TICKET OFFICE 142 Third St. Phone Main 563 TV. E COMAN. Qeceral Axenr. F. R. OLTN. City Ticket Axt. h,q been la ess orcr u years by ths leaders oflfce Marnca ioaa insomnia, fains .ao-c, nervous ue- ftrrtn. Vrlfoftl. on Is. it hand. TSiiiM Restores S3ta3. asdzmZcoea NOM TRAVELERS' GUILE. Ualoa Depot. SLxtk-aad J Streets. THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "CHICAGO-POIlTLuVXD SPECIAL." Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 0:13 A. iL: arrives. 4 P. 1L SPOICAXE FIiYER, For Spokane. Eastern Washington, and Great Northern points, leaves at 6 P, iL; arrives at 7 A.M. ' ATLANTIC EXPRESS, Leaves for the East. ia Huntington, at 0 P. M.; arrives at S.,40 A. M. ' THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. Water lines schedule, subject to chance with out notice: OCEAX AXD riTVEn SCHEDULE. OCEAN DIVISION - Steamships sail from Alns'Rorth dock at 8 00 P. M. Leave Portland Columbia, Wednesday, May 2; Saturday. May 12. Tuesday. May 22. Friday. June t; Monday, June II. State of California, Monday, May 7. Thursday. May 17; Sunday, May 27: Wednes day. June U. From San Francisco State of California. Thursday, May 3, Sunday. May 13: Wednesday, May 23. Saturday, June 2. Tuesday, June 1 Columbia. Tuesday May S: Friday, May 13; Monday. May 2S. Thursday, June 7. COLUMBIA HIVE1X UIVISIO.V. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, at S 00 P. M.. on Saturday at 10.00 P. M.. Returning, leaves Astoria dally, except Sun day, at 7:00 A. M. "WILLAMETTE IUVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND CORVALL1S. OR. Steamer Ruth, for Salem. Albany. Corvalll and' -way porat. leaeo Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at tt.W A. M. P.eturn IrKV leaves CorvaUls McnCaja. Wednesdaje and Fridays at 0 00 A M Sleamer Modoc, for Salem. InCeDennenee and way points, leaiefl Portland .Mondas. Wednes days and Frldaja at 0,00 A. M. Returning, leaves Independence TueaJays, Thursdajs and Saturdays a I ? 20 A. M YA3III1H, IlIVEU nODTE. PORTLAND AND DATTON. OR. St?amer Elmore, for Dajton and way points, leave Portland Tuesdajs. Thurdas and Sat urdays at 7 A. M. Returning, leaves Dayton for Tortland and way points Mondays. Wednesday cod .Fridays at a A- M. . SXAIvE ItlA'EH ROUTE. RIPARIA. WASILK AND LITWISTON. IDAH"1 Stejnier SpokaCe or tei.mer Lew 1st on leaves Rlparla dally at 3:35 A. M , arriving at Lewis ton at 3 P, M. Returning, the Spokane or Lewistbn leaves Lavvieton dally at 0 A. M., arriv ing. at Riparia .same- evening. 4 W. H- HURLBURT. General Paaewnger Agent. V. A SCHILLING. City TIcKct .fcnt Telephone Main 712. SO Third street, cor. Oak. NewSteamsbipLinetQtheOiient CHINA AND JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND, la connection wltt. THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1000 (subject M change): Stearrer. Due to Leive Portlanf?. "ARGTLL" May 23 "MONMOUTHSHIRE" t June 27 "BRAEMAR"- ...... .'-., Jul 13 For rates. accommodatlQW'. etc., apply to DODWELL & COMPANY. Limited. General Agents, Portland. Or. To principal points In Japan and Chlna. THE FASTEST AND- MOST DIRECT LINE -TO THE s fei PrtKTSsy' The Direct Lineto Denver, Omahi Kansas City, St. Loim Chicago and Other Eastern Points TWO DAILY SOLID VEST1BULED TRAINS. Portland to Chicago Less Than Thre Days. Only Four Days to New York and Boston. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Bufm Library cars (Barber Shop) Dining Cars.- (MeaJs a la carte) Free Reclining- Chair Cars. Through tickets, baggage checks, ana sleeping,, car accommodations can be ar ranged at CITY TICKET OFFICE 135 Third Strcl J. H. LOTHROP, Ota'l Agent. Portland, Oreaoa GEOnOE LANQ. City Pass. & Tku .Vat. The Magnificent Trans-Pacific Tassenser Steamship "VICTORIA' This steamer has Juat been released irorn, tho Government service as a troop-ship, and has eery modern convenience. She w ill sail from Tacoma and Seattle on May 31. For rules and full Information apply to DODWELL & CO.. LTD. Telephone. Main, 96. 252 Oak StreeL Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES For Maygtra. Rainier. CJatskanle, Wcstport, Clirton. Ajtorla. War renton. Flavel. Ham mond. Fort Stevens, Gear hart Parle. Seaside. Ajtorla and seaahor Ezpreii. Dally. Astoria Express, Dally. ARRIVES UNION DEPOT. 8:00 A- M. 65 P. M- 11:13 A. M. 0:0 P. M. TItket offlce. 2S5 Morrison st. and Unlcn depot. J. C. MATO. Gen. Pass. Act.. Astoria. Or. WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER & PUGET SOUND NAVI GATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. . 5Ba BAILEY CATZERT Alder-atree( dockj Leaves Portland dally every morulas at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Retumlns. leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon 'phone Main 331. Columbia 'phone 35L U. B. SCOTT. President. SKAGWAY AND DAWSON Alaska Steamship Company NEXT SAILING. DIRIGO, MAT 23. The only company havlnr throuxn traffic ar ransementa to Atlln and tbe Klondike. AVeeKly Hcillncs Ircm Tacoma. For full Information ap. Ply to J. L. HARTMAN. Agenr. Portland. Or.. 3 Chamber of Commerce. , I w i i wataAWBfc EASTANDSOUTHEAST 15 THE - la i.fiivsifilai TggfcfeTT iir".vS2 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. EAST VIA SOUTH Leave Dqxl Fifth and I Streets JVrrlrs OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS for Salem. Rose Sifflp -yr burg, Ashland. Sac- .., . ,, a""ux raroento. O k d e n. .:A.M. San Francisco. Mo-j.-m a x iave. Loa Angeles, 3.30 A, M. ,,E, Paso Xew 0r 3:qp. M. leans and the East , At TVoodburn (dally except Sun- da), monilng train ' ' connecta with train. - for Mt. Angel. SU- vert on. lirowae- villc. Sprlngtleld - end Natron, and evening train far Mt. Angel and 5l- verton. 4:00 P.M. Albany passenger 10:10A.M. J7:30 A, VI. Con allte passenger J5.50.P. M. H;3QP.;m. Sheridan passenger JS:25 A. M. Daily. JDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and. San iYancisco. Kei rates $17 first class and $il second class, including sleeper. Rates and ticl-eto to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND. Ticket Agent. 140 Third at. TAMHILL DIVISION. Paasenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave for Oswega dally at 7 20. 0:4Q A. M.X 1UJ0, V05. 3.25. 4,40. 0J5. S 30. 110 P. M.; and 0?X A. I. n Sundu'ys only". Arrive at Portlar-d dally at C35. 8 30. 10 30 'A. M.; 15. 3J0. 4.30. G.15, 7,40. 10.00 P. M.. 12.4U A M dally, except Monday. S.M and 10.03 A. M an Sundajs only. Leavn for Dallas Cally, except Sunday, as 6 06 P M. Arrive at Portland at 0.J0 A. M. Passtnger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mon days. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 P. M. Returns Tueadajs. Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R, KOE1ILER. C. II. MARKHAM. Manager. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. DOUBLE: DAILY TRAIN SERVICE. The Pioneer Dinlnrr rtntl Obacrvatloi Cnr Route. . Leavo JJnfoa Depot, 6th and J Sts Arriv No."2 2 P.M. North Coast Limited, For Tacoma, Seattle, North Yakima, opo kane, Pullman. Mos cow. Levvlston, Rosa land. B. C, Butte. Helena. St. Paul. Min neapolis. Chicago. Lof ton. New York and ill points East and South east. Twin City Express, For Tacoma. Seattle, Spokano. Pullman, Mos cow, LeWiston. Ros land. B. C, Nel3on. Helena. Butte, Ft Paul, Minneapolis. Chicago, Boston, Baltimore, New York. Washington, and all roints East &nd Southeast. No. 1 7 A.M. No. 4 -Il:3o p. M. No!t 8 P.M. Take North Coast Limited Train No 2 for South Bend. Olympla and Gray's Harbor points. See the North Coast Limited. Elegant Up liulstcred Tourist Slplng Cars. Pullman Standard Sleepers. Dlnins Car and Observa tion Car, all electric lighted. Solid ve&tlbuled trains. TJekets sold to all points In the United Stales' and Canada, and baggagtt checked to destination of tickets. For Information, tickets, sleeping-car reser vations, etc.. call on or write A. D. CHARLTON Afiltant General Passenger A Bent, 233 Morrison St., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. SOO PACIFIC LI.NI Offers the LOWEST RATES and BEST SERTT Ice to and from all Eastern points and Europe. Through cars from coast to St. Paul. Toronto. Montreal ani Boston WITHOUT CHANGE. Direct Route to Kootenay Mining Dlslrlcl British Columbia Canadian Pa cine ujsl mill titanuhlf, lint M laiiar anl IsitraL'sv i Ii rle and Information, apply to H. H. ABUOIT. Agent. E. J. COTLE. 148 Third street, city A. G. P. A.. A'ancouyer. B. C Ticket O nice; j 1UU Tlilrtl St. 'Phone CS9 LEAVE. The Flyer, dally to and from St. Pmul- Xllnnl. ARRIVE. No. 3. 7.00 A. M. No. 4 pclls. Dulutb. Chlcan- COO r. M. I and alt points East, Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Buffet Smoklng-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP TOSA MARU For Japan. China and. all Asiatic points vrll) leave Seattle About May 21st. Empire Line for Cape Nome And Yukon River Points S. 5. "OHIO," 3500 Tons Sails from Seattle About MAY 24TH Second Sailing about June 30 Reservations can now be made for June sailing upon application to any railroad ot- sub agent ot the International Navigation Com pany, or to EMPIRE TRANSPORTATION CO., SEATTLE. WASH. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA. THE COMPANY'S elegant steamers. Cottage City. City Of Topeka. Quen ana Al-Kt leave TACOMA 11 A. M . SE ATTLE 0 P. M.. May 3. 10, 13. 20. 23. 30; June 4. a. 14. lfl. 10. 21, 20; July 1, 4. 1). For further Information obtain ccmcany's folder. The company reserves the right to change kteamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing, without previous notice. AfJKNTS N. POSTON, 249 Washington at.. Portland. Or.. F. W. CARLETON, N. P. R. It. Dock. Tacoma; J F. TROWBRIDGE. Pugct Sound Supt.. Ocean Dock. Seattle. COODALL, PERKINS & CO., Gen. Affts., S. "T. ISMBWEATWOmHEBNlt