THE M0RXIXG OREGONIAK, FKUM Y, MAY 18 1900. A3CUSEXENTS. JRDBJLYS THEATER- GREAT SUCCESS, L. R. Stockwcll In His Best Role, "THE MAGISTRATE." "THE MAGISTRATE." "THE MAGISTRATE." "THE MAGISTRATE." Excellent Cast Characters. atlnee Saturday. Usual Prices. NORRIS & HOWE'S BIG TRAINED ANIMAL SHOWS. roday and Every Day This "Week, -at 3 and a jp. jo. CORNER 11TH AND CLAY STREETS. S00 PERFORMING ANIMALS-COO lElephants, Zebras, Ponies. Dogs, Monkey, ooais, z.eous. $10,000 Troupe of PERFORMING SEALS. MAJOR MITE. Smallest Comedian Living. WATERPROOF TENTS. Prices Adults, 25 cents: children. 15 cents. NEW TODAY. PURE LARD, IN BULK, 3 LBS., 25c: 5 LDS.. uc. ju ids., -&c; retch empty fcucket. Bft creamery butter. 40c square, or 2 squares 75c; Oregon ranch eggs. 15c doz.: 19 lbs. dry granulated sugar, $1. 10-lb. sack Farina. 20c; all varieties of vegetables at lowest prices; a good table oranges. 15c doz.; good lomom. 15c. Hires Improved root beer. 15c bottle. Both stores, 412 Washington St.. 232 North 14th. Oregon Cash Grocery Co. FOR THIRTT DATS ONLY PAINLESS Ex traction ol teeth. 25c; no cocaine or poisonous drugs, satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Full eet of l-th S5, 10 years' guarantee. 291 Morrison st.. near Fifth, room 3, room 3. Don't forget tha number, room 3. Ilea & perrin'S sauce, per bottle. 5c; summer causagc, per lb., 20c; best East ern hams, I2c per lb.. 2-plnt bottles catsup, 25c, McKlnnon Grocery Co.. 173 Third St. CALL AND SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL LINE of calendars; suitable for framing. At one tenth of cost. The J X. Gill Co. i Fraternal Order wants to lease hall In build ing to o erected. Address 32, oregonlan. ANTON ZILM. teacher of violin, string quar- tets tor entertainments. A. O. u. v. Tempi.. MINERS AND OTHERS SHOULD SEE CAPE Nome Coal Oil Burner. 100 First st. t NEWCASTLE COAL Has been leading coal on coast for 20 years. Pacific Coast Co.. 240 Wahlngton t. Tel, 220 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ! $3500-BEAUTIFUL CORNER. NORTH 17TH and lanacrs. $3250 Quarter. 23d and Pcttygrove: any terms. 51400 Eight-room new house. East 20th sL Large piece water front. Furnished houe to rent. R. M. WILBUR. 233 StarK. $S50-CORNUR LOT IN HOLLADAYS AD- dltion; $350 cash, balance on time. $750 House and lot on East Salmon st. $7500 Quarter block, with two good houses, on "West Side: a snap. Newton McCoy, 715 Ore gonlan building. .GOOD S-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE AND staoie, noga. axing ueacn, tvasn.; also two lots, 6 and 7. block 2. First Peninsular ad dition, city. F. Hacheney, City Treasurer s office. 48-ACRE FABM. ADJOINING WOODLAWN: oest-improvcd ranch in the county: improve ments cost $9000: it will pay you to lne.-tl-gate. will sell at a sacrifice. Grlndstaff & Blaln. I $225 2-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH; .5 - ROOM iiuuoc, mii ii. cnicKens, ciucks, norse. wagon, water, etc land lease paid to Oct 1. A. Matteson. 1S3 Madison. Oregon Hood S4S. CAPITALISTS, ATTENTION! HOWE'S AD- dltlon. i3 lots. & acres, with house and barns, etc. for sale cheap. Owner. 271 Fifth st.. opposite t'lty Hail. Oregon Tel. Brown 90. H CHEAP. IF SOLD AT ONCE A MODERN 5- room cottage, close to two car lines; hot and cold water: electric lights; two-story barn and lawn. Address C S. care Oregonlan. A SNAP; ELEGANT 5 - ROOM COTTAGE. with modern Improvements, large yard, and desirable neighborhood: can be had at bed rock price. Address G 33. care Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS And forest reserve scrip for sale. Govern ment and state lands located. J. D. Wilcox St Co.. 202 Stark st. FOR SALE CHEAP. BY SELLING ALL TO one parry zt lots not iar I ram east end or steel bridge. Inquire of G. W. Shaver, 34S Crosby street. BEST BUY IN THIS COUNTT; 13 ACRES. S niocKs rrom street-car line, on graveled road, $00 per acre. C. E. Bennett. 127 Fourth st. I HOMES Homes built In anv parq of the city. ti, ouu uiuuuu0, rcpau.uie ay mommy in stallments. Dammeler & Co.. 511 Marquam. jPRETTT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. BARN AND lot, aiount xahor Place, only $550; S300 cash. C E Bennett. 127 Fourth st. FOR SALE FARMS. IMPROVED FARMS TXJR SALE IN ALL pn oi uregon ana wasnington; payment made to ult purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties, apply to Macmasttr Blrrcll. SU Worcester block. ALONG AND NEAR THE COAST: PLACES suitanie ror stocit. trait w vegetables; cheap freights; good bargains. Marlon Ruble. Wald port Or. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. : TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD IN iiu-ge or sman tracts. AQQrewj the Syndi cate Company. California Bldg.. Tacotna. "Wash. 820 ACRES HEAVY TIMBER. BETWEEN nortn and south fork or Santl&m. C Helt man. Oregon City. S J. L. MARTIN & CO.. TIMBER LANDS; room uenson oiock. iin ana .Morrison sts. BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE. LOS ANGELES BELGIAN HARE CO.. OF 210 riftn street, nave tne largest and finest stCKk of imported and domestic pedigreed Belgian hares to be found in Oregon. Tnls rabbltry has Britain Fox. score 95, the highest-scoring representative of the Britain strain. Service fee, $25. Hares practically bred, correctly managed and offered at sen sible prices, quality considered. Personal attention given to every detail of the busi ness. Shipments made to all parts of the country In light & airy cratos. Phone Clay Oil. Are you Interested? If not. why not? We har estauusn-a a branch of our Los Angeles Rab bltry In Seattle, where you can procure stock that Is acclimated, and save expressage. Nothing but pedigreed and fancy stock han dled. Correspondence ollcitel. Ralph M. Watson & Co.. 2200 Sixth ave.. Seattle. (IMPORTED BELGIAN HARES. BREEDING uvwra urra 10 imported; ducks uur prices will astonish jou. Write us. Sunset Belgium Hare Co.. Fruitdale, Cal. IBELGIAN HARES. REASONABLE: CHAM- "' uvu. uuia uug, sir ctjies. ios An geles Rabbltry. 20th and Oregon. Portland. Or. I JEFFERSON -STREET RABBITRY. N. E. vui k3u.ui jwu .ici.erson: stock irom to o pair: Lord Britain. Banbury and Sir Styles. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I NOME TWO FIRST-CLASS TICKETS ON oeo. tiaer, stateroom 33, upper cabin, center of Doat. $115 each. Inquire 245V; Washington St.. loom 2. IONE STATEROOM. THREE FIRST-CLASS . nrst trip .Nome -ity. one flrst-clajj ticket, first trip Geo. W. Elder, for lady. A 31, Oregonlan. 30ING TO NOME, "WANT CASH FOR NEAR- j utn uuuiusiui mgn-graae KJmoall up light, cost $400. Address J M H. care Orcgo- hwh IFOR SALE 1 TO 15 HEAD OF JERSET cotts auc neiters, at a bargain. Inquire Charlm P. Bacon. 215 North 19th street. Typewriters, all makes, rented and ncld; expert icjuuiat. uuioe kuppiica ana aeshs, coast Asency Co.. 266 Surk et. Both phones. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TWO CARLOADS NEW RIGS. PAxtT RUB- her tire; old ont taken In trade; 500 sets harness. 100 saddles. 75 second-hand rlgv. S. Tomllnson. 211 Washington rt. FOR SALE OR RENT SMALL SAWMILL AT Clatekanle. Inquire of Shaver Transporta tion Co.. foot Washington street. NOME THREE FIRST - CLASS TICKETS for sale; steamer Elder; fine location of state room; $125. 194 Glbbs st. FOR SALE FRESH COWS; GOOD QUAL lty. First house west reservoir No. 2. Sec tion Line road. Phone White 625. FOR SALE THE BEST DELIVERY HORSE in the city, with light business wagon. W 32. care Oregonlan. PHAETON FOR $35: WORTH $C0; MUST have money. 33 North Seventh. Oregon phone Brown 752. LOT OF FINE HORSES. SUITABLE FOR all purposes. Apply to D. E. Budd & Co.. 110 First st. FOR BEST FIR, OAK AND ASH WOOD GO to Pioneer Wood Yard, foot of Morrison sL Phone 180. COW FOR SALE; FRESH JERSEY: HAVE others. Goddard Station, St. Johns motor line. $10 FOR A NEW GAS COOKER: $2 CASH, balance $2 ter month. Gas Co.. 174 Fifth L BEST DRY FIR WOOD. HOOVER. 313 Water. Phones Ore. South 651, Columbia S3. Magic lanterns, ren. ifecondrliand. moving pic tures. Bnllard & Breck. 131 Post. Saa Fran, FINE BABY CARRIAGE. SELL CHEAP. OR trade. 35C Burnside St.. cor. Park. NEW PIANO TOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH. 1C3 North ICth st. Pianos. WE ABE GOING TO MOVE TO OUR NEW building cor. Park and Washington, and ar closing out every new, slightly ted and second-hand piano and organ at less than agents' wholesale prices. Eilers Piano House. 107 First St.. the N. W. General Agencv of Chlckerlng. Kimball and Weber pianos. Kim ball and Crown organs. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO. ROOMS 18 AND 17 Rugel building, cor. Fourth end Morrlion. Steinway & Sons. A. B. Chfct and Ernerron pianos. A. B. Chase and W. W. Putnam or gans. Cah or installments. Graroopnones anl Regina music boxes. NEW PIANO FOR RENT VERY CHEAP. Graves & Co., 2S5 Alder, will remove to 124 Sixth rtreet. about May 15. EOULE BROS.. TPERT TUNERS. K7 FIRST rt PboTiw K!rn Pnn TTntu TO EXCHANGE. $2f?0 OF MICHIGAN TOWN PROPERTY FOR real cstat-i within 50 miles of Portland. J. B . box C5, Vancouver. Wash. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY 6 OR 7-ROOM MODERN house, for cash; west of 20th street preferred; rniKtt be bargain; state location and price. Address Y 34. ere Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. C LABORERS. CITY. $2: 2 PEAVY MEN. $2; R. R. men. $2, board, $3.50; brick setter. $45 and board, head sawjer. small mill, $40 and board, cotton wood cutters. $1.05. tools furnished; 10 mill hands. $1.75; 59 R. R. men, $1.75; 30 boltculters. SOc: tkld road men and laborers, $1.73. 15 farmhands. $23 to $35; hotel cook. . $10: portere. flunkey, dishwashers. Come every one and see orders on big blackbcard. Canadian Agency, 22 Morrison Mreet. SALESMAN WANTED-MOST LIBERAL AR rangement will be nude with capable, experi enced subscription book salesman; new stand ard works; no competition. Tor full parties lsrs address Syndicate Publishing Co., VZt Market St.. San Francisco. WANTED A STRONG. HEARTY. SINGLK man. not afraid of hard work, with good stayins qualities, willing to stick to a steady Job year In and year out. to work on farm. Apply room 24 A. O. U. W. building. Sec ond and Taylor sts. COOKS. "WAITERS. DISHWASHERS. FARM hands, milkers, always wanted. Notice W. cook, night. E. Ore., $10. also a Chinese or Jap, $30; white or Jap cook. S. Ore., $35. fares here. IL cook, north or Kalama. 4 10. Drake, 152 First. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO CANVASS IN city for old-established 'business; must have fair 'education, be energetic and willing to work for moderate salary; give age and ref erences. W 35, care Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. LEARN ILLUSTRATING, taught by correspondence free; tuition ay able O0 days after securing position, paying $13 weeklr Correspondence Institute of America. Scranton, Pa. WANTED-SERVICES PARTY "WITH $251 cash, willing loan some on good security; steady employment, good pay, either sex. A 37, Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED MARKERS AND sorters: fare to Seattle advanced: also other help wanted. Cascade Laundry Co.. Seattle. Wash. COLUMBUS CALIFORXLV WINE DEPOT. P. Loratt, 14S Fourth. Headquarters for cooks, waiters, bartender. Tel. Main 751. WANTED AT ONCE.. A TAILOR. EXPERl enced in handling cleaned and colored goods. Astoria Steam Dye Works, Astoria. Or. WANTED ONE FIRST-CLASS MOLDING machine man. and one for running surfacer. Address M 31, care Oregonlan. WANTED STRONG BOY, ACCUSTOMED TO work, to learn oyster business. Portland Oyster Co.. 549 Morrison st. MAN TO WORK ABOUT STORE. APPLY between 10 and 11 A. M., Portland Casket Co.. Fifth and Flanders. YOUNG MAN. BETWEEN 17 AND 10. FOR wholesale house; must write good hand. K 3d. Oregonlan. WANTED-LABORERS TO WORK IN Co lumbia quarry: wages $2 per day. Call at CS Tirst st. APPRENTICE WITH EXPERIENCE AT Job work. Botsford & Ellis, Printers, 243 Ash st. WANTED A MAN FOR LABORATORY work, experienced. Address Q 36, care Ore genlan. BOY OVER 16 YEARS OLD. APPLY BE tween 11 and 12 A. M. at 522 Marquam build ing. FIRST COOK HOTEL. E. O.. $S0. FARE: one at $50. Canadian Agency, 2204 Morrison. Workingmans Barber Snop; nalrcnt 15c hsve 10c; 6 chairs. Ed Dennison. 205 Murrlson st. BARBER WANTED: STEADY JOB GUAR antced. Fred Browning. 150 First st. WANTED MAN COOK FOR MINING CAMP; wages $45. Dr. Ray, Gold Hill, Or. WANTED FOURTH HAND ON BREAD. LV qulre German Bakery. 145 Third st. WANTED A COATMAKER. ADDRESS. AT once. T. J Sullivan, Salem, Or. WANTED PAINTERS. ADDRESS C W. Cushlng. Vancouver, Wash. WANTEDl-PRESS BOY AND JOB COMPOS1- tor. 12Si Front st. OUR SPECIALTY 10c DRINKS. SLITER'S Cafe. 14S Sixth st WANTED-TUNNEL MEN. First HELP WANTED-i-FEMALE. HOTEL COOK. $20: PASTRY COOK. $5; waitress. 2. Heppner. $20. Oregon City. $10; Chehalis. $15. Viento. $15: Bridal Veil. S15. fare to all: hotel, city. $15: B. H.. $15: res taurant. J5; chambermaid, $15: second work. $12 to $15. factory girls, canvassers, dish washer, housework, Tacoma. Wenatehee. Os trande:. Catlln. Hcod River. $15 to $25. house keeper, Fretsno, CaL, $25. fare; 300 country girls wanted for housework. $12 to $25. Can adian Parlors, 226 Morrison. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO WORK FOR half tuition in shorthand or bookkeeping. Behnke's Pernin Shorthand School and Com mercial College, 614 Commercial block. Sec ond and Washington. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR ALL-AROUND work In boarding-house, Swiss or German preferred, good wages. Apply Wllhlm Tell House. Oregon City. 5 -WOMEN HOTEL COOKS. $30: 50 DOME3 tics; 10 waitresses (various) up to $5 wk; 100 berry-pickers (camp). Hood R. R. G. Drake. 152 First. WANTED-A GOOD PLAIN COOK; FROM country preferred, family of five; no chil dren. Address, with references, N 37, car Oregonlan. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework. Apply In forenoon south west corner ISth and Flanders. WANTED A "WOMAN OR GHIL TO HELH at general housework. Call at once, 91 East 12th St., cor. Start. HELP WASHED FEMALE. WANTED FIVE FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS es, $9 per week; must toe. strictly reliable and competent; none others need apply; at the German Bakery. 203 Occidental avenue, Seattle, Wash. WANTED NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good plain cooking. 365 13th st. WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEK- eral housework. Inquire CS 223 st. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. 706 Johnson st. GOOD GIRL FOR KITCHEN WORK IN PRI vate boarding-house. 340 Alder. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply C91 Marshall. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 73S Irving st. , WVTRD GIRL FOR SECOND 'WORK. 1S3 20Uu-t- SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerics. -i STEADY YOUNG MAN. PORTLAND Busi ness college graduate, seeks position as book keeper or anything available; good references. Address O 37. care -Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY" A YOUNG MAN. with wholesale or manufacturing firm. A 35. care Oregonlan. Mlscellaneocs. JAPANESE DESIRES POSITION TO DO general housework, wash dishes preferred. Address K. T.. 333 Flanders st. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO DO housework or cooking. Address K 35, Orego nlin. tt'ASTEIl-Tn RENT. WANTED rURNISHED COTTAGE. BATH and yard, or would take chargs of furnished house for Summer; moderate rent: refer ences. S 35, Oregonlan. FOR JUNE. JULY AND AUGUST A FUR nLshcd house, for small family; near car line: East Side preferred; references. Address C07 East Ninth st. WANTED MisCELLAMJOL'S. WANTED, BY AN ENGLISH FAMILY. BE tween now and October 1, on a lease of from one to three year A well-furnished 12 to' 14-roora residence. In fashionable part of the city, with large, well-kept grounds. Includ ing stable and coach-house: Tent not to ex ceed $75 per month. Apply p. O. box-eSO. TIMBER LANDS WANTED IN OREGON. AVashlngton, Idaho; large tracts preferred; give particulars ot what you have to sell. Address IX A, Richardson. Great Falls. Mont. WANTED HOUSE BUILT. OF 6 ROOMS, modern Improvements, In southwest part of city; will lease for term of j ears. N 35, car Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY COTTAGE OF fi ROOMo. modern conveniences; good location: Ea.t Side preferred. Address J 38, care Orego nlan. WE GUARANTEE to pay more than other dealers for second-hand furniture, and any household goods. 235 Cth. Phone Brown SSt. WANTED TO BUI CAST-OFF CLOTHING, pricp no object. Maine Loan Office. 70 North Third st, Oregon phor.- Clay CS2. WANTED TO BUY A MODERN COTTAGE. 6 rboms, good location: West Side preferred. Address P 35. care Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE SOLICITORS TO sell As-torla real estate. Address P J7. care Oregonlan. i CaM-cJT second-hand clothing wantd at SI N. 3u. Prices no bjcct. Oregon phone Clay 51.! WANTED TO BUY 30 BURROS. 211 WASil lwrton st.. R Tomlinson. FOR KET. Rooms. THE SPALDING. 8. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts., under the management of the owner. Helen F. Spalding The in . complete apartment-house in the Northwest: ctiolce rooms, for gentlemen cr gentleman and wile, furnished )i.ul.eeping rultra a FT-eclalty. THE PLEASANTON. 2&tti THIRD ST. FINE ( furnished rooms, en milte, single or house- Keeping: suniignt in an rooms, nam included, most reasonable terms, transient solicited. THE NF.WCAsTI.E. S. E. COR, THIRD AND Harriion :hl Rooin. 'furnished or unfur i.lshed: all modern coneniece: references The La Porte. 170tj Third, cor. Yamhill First class, clean and neat rooms, $1 icr week and up; transient, 25c and up: and housekeeping THE RALEIGH. Cth and ashlngtcn sts Lately remodeled: first-class rooni3, single or en suite: elevator, all modern conveniences. . COMFORTABLY FURNISHED -LARGE COR ner and other front roam: low prices; house thoroughly renovated. 320Vj Front. THE GILBERT LARGE. WELL-r URN1SHED rooms; all modern conveniens.. Third and Tsylor zta.; entrance. 2K7 Taylor. 420 ALDER. THE STEVEN'S FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms, with or without board; modern: new; clean. CHOICE FURNISHED nOOMS. EN SUITE or single. 1S1 First st-. cor. Yamhill, third floor. GILMAN HOTEL-Bnck bldg., central: fur nished room. $1 week and up. lit and Alder THE PLAZA. 207H THTRD ST. NICELY furnished rooms en suite or single. NICE FRONT ROOM AND SIDE ROOM. 11)0 West Park st. Private family. FURNISHED ROOMS; ALL MODERN CON veniences. 511 Morrison st. Rooms WItli Iliinra. r-ORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH YEAR rooms with board: enameled bath tuto; use of library: Wcman'n; Industrial school. Address Mrs. E. .C. George, superin tendent. 510 Flanders street. HOTEL VENDOME MODERN FAMILY I house: elegant accommodations; all light rooms; urst-ciass ooara; service unexcelieo; low rates: select patronage solicited. Cor. 13th and Alder sts. FIRST CLASS, AT 129 14TIL BETWEEN Wathlngton ard Ald-r; house modern, furni ture new; lowest rates: furnace, gas. tele phone, colored cook. NICE. LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO gentlemen, electric light; and bath; also table boarders. 3U5 Morrison, cor. 10th. PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board, bath, gas and free phone: $13. 533 East Ankeny. NICE. PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH FIRST class board, at 163 11th. between Morrison and Yamhill. ROOM, WITH BOARD; USE PHONE AND bath. 131 10th. between Washington and Al der. DELIGHTFUL ROOM AND BOARD IN TRI vate family, very reasonable. 30S Mill st. THE BROWN FAMILY HOTEL. COR. GRAND and Hawthorne aves.; elevator, telephone. LOVELY FRONT ROOM, en suite; also single rooms; with first-class table. 225 11th st. WELL-FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. WITH board; suitable for two. 283 Salmon ct. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. REA sonable. Hesperian. 17th and Morrison. NICELT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH board. 141 West Park, cor. Alder. 115 12TH ST ROOMS AND BOARD; HOME cooking; English family. Honselcceplnc Rooms. FOUR OR FIVE ROOMS, PARTLT FUR nlshed. or unfurnished, if desired, on first floor; hot and cold water In two rooms; pantry, sink and bath, good neighborhood; cheap rent. Inquire 426 Alder st. 435 ALDER NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE rooms; also housekeeping suites; light, cheer ful: bath, telephone; desirable location. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED CORNER room; other furaUhed front rooms or suite, for housekeeping. 320U Front. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; pantry, clothes closets and sink; no children. 56S Fifth st. 435 ALDER UNFURNISHED BASEMENT sunny and cheerful; bath, telephone, water in kitchen; very desirable. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; pantry, sink: first floor, no children. 60 North 13th. near Davis. 195 SIXTH. CORNER TAYLOR FINEST AND choicest location, furnished housekeepins flats; reference. 547 ANKENY ST. FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, on ground floor. $7.50 and fi per month. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP ing. 42S Whlngton street. JFOR RENT. HoHscUeepinsr Rooms). FOR RENT 0S MAIN ST.; THREE UN furntshed housekeeping rooms, with bath; central. 403 MORRISON ST. FURNISHED HOUSK keplns rooms; an conveniences; best loca tion. TWO OR THREE-ROOM FLAT. FURNISHED complete for housekeeping; 1C4 Park st. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms, for housekeeping, at 2CS Jefferson st. FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR HOUSEKEEP Isg. very reasonable. 552 First st. Houses. FOR RENT A HANDSOME AND COMMODI OUS H-room house, down town; comer; Just the place for a doctor. David S. Steams, 240 Washington st. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE: FURNACE, laundry, electric light. CSS Ross St.. near steel bridge. Sheeby Bros., 303 Sixth, near Washington. FOR RENT A HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS. WITH modem improvements: choice locality. Par-rlsh-S: Watklns. 250 Alder st. 7-ROOM HOUSE. WITH .BATH. BASEMENT and attic. In good condition. $18. Montague & Borden. 226 Stark. 12U 13TH ST. NORTH-C-ROOM HOUSE FOR rent: good condition. Sheehy Bros.. 108 ' Sixth street. FOR RENT ON JUNE 1; DWELLING house, 774 Hoyt st. Inquire at 40 Second St., cor. Ash. FOR RENT MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE. 6S7 Glisan st. Atkinson. Wakefield & Co., 227 Stark st. A 7 ROOM HOUSE; RECENT IMPROVE ments. Apply 425 Seventh t- SOS FOURTH ST. FLAT FIVE UNFUR nlshed rooms. Fnrnlnlieil Houses. FOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE. PARTLY furnished; East 22d and Oak; $0. Dunn. 1404 B'lrst. TO LET-4-ROOM STORE. AT 128 FIFTH Ft.: suitable lor tailor or dressmaker. Apply 75 10th north. OOlres. SECOND FLOOR Or 22S ALDER ST. CON tnlnlng lcrge office rooms and a hall 20x40; sul'ib! for printing or manufacturing es tablishment. Apply to Chas. Hegcle, 55 and Ki Front ft. , DESKROOM FOR RENT. 223 STARK ST. PERSONALS. I . 17 wenen wanted suaenng Irom Irregular, palDful periods; ieucorrhoea (whites), and all complicated diseases pertaining to changes of life, cured by old Dr. Kessler. cor. Second and Yamhill tls. 320 women called last Consultation free, and private rooms fcr ladles. If can't call, write. incMslng 10 2c rtamps. Hundreds treated at home by his new si3iem. WOULD LIKE TO FORM THE ACQUAINT arxe of renncd. Intelligent gentlemen who are Judges of good whisky; III Crown Oftis Noble and Illf Monogram. Hunter Rye aud Portland Club, 20 years old. specialties, Port land Cafe. 130 Fifth, between Washington and Alder F. J. Htllen. Manager. BLAZIER'S CONCERT HALL BLAZLEK'S CONCERT 11 ALL 2JS BURNSIDE STREET 243 BURNSIDE STREET Sole Agent O. P. S. Bourbon. Alio handling Thifcc-Crown Cyrus Noble. INDIAN MEDIUM. GIFTED INDIAN. BORN with double eil. tells past, present and fu ture, h'als all tljianes by the use of India- herbs; reading by letter, $1. Mr. Professor Whtatlv Hw Confidential. 271 Fifth st.. opposite Cltv Hall Tel. Urown 0. WANTED ALL WOMEN SUFFERING FROM any form of female disease to know thnt Dr. Coonley's Famous Specific, Orange Lily. Is a certain cure; a free trial package. 10 dajs' treatment, will be given to any lady calling at 410 Union ave. DRESS SUITS RENTED. ALL SIZKS. WH call fo"?. .pohge. vrtm and deliver cn eult cf jour c Joining each week. w on bu')nj'. up rip, for $1 per month. Dyetng. utam cleonln? nn"c repairing. Unique Taliu-irtf Co., 317 Washington, both "phones. DS. DARH1N. 24i Morrison su. Portland, yr. specialist In all chroclc diseases of mm ai.d wonvn. Varicocele, stricture or ,hyclroc-lo guaranteed cured in one week. No pain, no detention. Consultation free. Call or write. ILLOND'S PREVENTATIVE CONES FOR prevention of disease. The best antiseptic No failure. Snt to any addrras: per box. $1 50. samples, 10c lltond Cbem. Co.. P. O. Box S74. Portland. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BT DR. ROB erta Nen'e Globules une month's Jreatment $2. 3 months. $5. Soct secJreiy seated by mall. Agents. Wooddrd & Clarke. Portland. Or. Save from 3 to ft months' time by takfr.g up tne easily acquired, quick and legible, prrnlu Sho-thand. at Behnke's Pernin Shorthand School k Com'l College. 614. Commercial bU. TOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE AC curatcly and reasonably filled at Eysscll'a Pharmacy, 227 Morrison st., bet. 1st and 2d. Common Sense Beauty Parlors; wrinkles, su perfluolis. hair, moles, etc. removed: scalp treatments specialty; electricity. 70 Lewis big. WE TRINT 30 FINE VISITING CARDS. 25c: 50. 35c; 250 business cards. $1. SOU. $1.5U. Bronn & Schmale. 22U First at.. Pcrtland. FRITZ CONCERT HALL; largest cafe on Pa cllc Coast: 240 o 246 Bumstde. Welnhard's beer on draught. Clubrroms upstairs. t, v-pfT PSRR RECEIVED AND cared for at physician's bouse. Dr. Arthur De Voe, Seattle. UNCLE BLOCH HAS SOLD HIS ENTIRE business to the Reliable Loan Office, 01 Third it., cor. Pine. DR. BENJAMIN. OF SAN FRANCISCO, phrenologist and astrologlst. located 203tj First st. BILLY LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL. 103 4TH. Phone Clay 641. Wheels called for. delivered. DELICIOUS ICE CREAM: YOUR ORDERS solicited at JoilsV 313 Mo'rrlson. Both phone-i. CUT RATES Oregon Dye Works: cleaning and dyeing. Burnnlde. near Sth. Tel. Red 2IKJ3. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES AND gentlemen. Apply at room 45 Labbe bldg. MRS DR. McCOY. electric treatments, 133TJ First st.. cor. Alder, rooms 3S and 30. , WOULD YOU MARRY, D7 SUITED? SEND stamp to lock-box GOO. Portland. Or. BUSINESS CHANCES. SOME FINE BUSINESS CHANCES JENNINGS & CO ESTABLISHED 1SS3 $1000 Restaurant: old established; fine trade. $1000 Grocery, rent, including 0 rooms. $20. 5 S50 Cigar store; location, business center. $ 500 Grocery, fruit and cigars; good corner. $ 250 Lunch counter and restaurant: sntp. $ 25i Cigar, candy, fruit and furniture. $ 110 Creamery, good location for business. We have all kinds of business chances. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. $120J Brick flat. 30 rooms; a bargain, sure. $10u0 Good carpets and fur.; clears. $100. $ 450 Board and rooming; money-maker. We have every rooming-house that is for sale on our list, at lowest jirice. JENNINGS & CO 3034 MORRISON. FOR SALE A FULL (20 ACRES) CAPE Nome placer claim, on Gold Bsttom Creek, a tributary to Snake; adjoining claim sold for $12,000 last year; the above can be had for a song outright; title guaranteed. See Hamilton, at the Vanderbilt. FOR SALE HALF OR ENTIRE INTEREST in a saw mill on the Columbia River. Ad dress Columbia River and Oregon Tlmberman, 1S54 Morrison St., Portland. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS. GOOD-PAYING business, that any one can run; price $500; $300 cash, balance on time; a snap. R 35, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Es ONE OF THE BEST TOWNS of Idaho, a well-paying butcher ihop at a bargain, bears investigation. B 33, care Oregonlan. DO YOU WANT A GOOD BUSINESS? WE are in c position to advise you. Ames Mer cantile Agency, room 205 Abington building. GOING TO NOME; MUST SELL GOOD-FAY-lng hotel of 63 rooms. In city; brick building. Room 226 Abington building. $3000 WILL BUY INTEREST IN DESIRA ble hardware business at Seattle: excellent opportunity. Box 740. city. FOR SALE HOME BAKERY AND CONFEC tlonery. at sacrifice; candy receipts to buyer. Call 50S Washington st. WANTED FOR CASH. BY AN EASTERN man, an established furniture store. Address J H G, care Oregonlan. For sale From to 5 Interest In mfg. busi ness la city; Investigate. V 30, Oregon lan. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AffrIcHltura.1 Implements. Machinery Grebe, Harder i Co.; MUlburn wagons, car riages, fixrm machinery, pumps, Wolff-Amei-tcan bicycles. l2-6 Madison. EDWARD HUGHES: WAGONS. CARRIAGES and farm machinery of all kinds. 100 Front. JOHN POOLE; Newton wagons, buggies, wind- .W fW4UtO UillktllMVlJt . vw -- -- IV. C HOLMAN. WAGON. CARRIAGE AND agricultural Implements. 210-214 Front st. Assayers and Analyst. J. H. FI5K. MINERAL ASSATER AND chemist, gold dust bought. 204& Washington. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYlST: gold dust bought. 22SH Stark at. Attorneys. S. H. GRUBER. LAWYER: mining, admiralty and collectlcr, specialties. Commercial bite. J. W. RANSOM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND counselor. Bates Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. E. W. BINGHAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. RE moved to CI Union blk.. 227 Stark. Baths. DEKUM Bathroonvn popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-10 Dekura. Phone Red 2S45. TURKISH 3ATKS; also massage. lady attend ant. 107 4th st.. bet. Washington and stark. Billiards and Pool. PORTLAND B1LLLA.RD PARLOR, 127 6TH. finest billiard and pool rcoma In Portland. Book Stores. J. K. GILL & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tall bookIlers and at!oners. 133-35 3d BI Cape Nome Supplies. NOME MACHINERY WE CARRY LARGEST coast stock of boilers, pumps, steam, gaso line. Jar.d and marine engines. Write for prices and delivery. Baker & Hamilton, Pine, Dai Is and Market sts., San Francisco. Cal. CAPE: NOME. KLONDIKE AND LOCAL camp and mining outfits; hardware, stoics, cooking utensils. Adolph Dekum. Ill Flrst- SHEET COPPER. RALSTON STILLS. AND everything needed by miners, at Dayton Hardware Co.. 192 and 194 First st. Blankets, furnishing .oods, rubber", oil clothing. Will Wolf. Nome Outfitter. 203 Morrison. Carpenters nnd Builders. JOHN A. MELTON, carpen r. buiioer; cfllce apd etore fixtures. Ore. teU T47. 2S3 Stark. A. E. ROPER. HOUSE BUILDING AND RE Fairing. 36) East 8th st. N. Tel. Pink 516. Clilropodlats. L. MITCHELL. FIRST licensed expert chlropo dizt In Portland, patronized by Portland's 4U0; no extra charge for calling at reslden-e. Office ICO 5lh. opposite P. O. TeL Hood 914. WM. DEVENY & MAUD DBVENT, THE only clentlnc chiropodists- Room J01 AlU-iy bldg., 3d and Morr'scn. Ore. phone Crant ltf. Cleaning1 and Dyelnu. CLOTHING CLEANED OR DYED; WE CALL for. clean, press and deliver one suit each week fcr $1 per month. We do all kinds of repairing, first-class work. Satisfaction guar anteed. Jacnb&on Cleaning Co., 432 ttasning- tcm st. Oregon phone Green 431. 1 French Cleaning & Dyeing Works. J. Deleau. prep. Phcne Red 1)1(5. 445 Glircn st. Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO., DEALERS IN HOUSE, bteam nnd blacksmith coal. Also foundry coke Front st near Glisan. Coimnlsslou 3Ierchants. i HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furj, wool, mohair, tallow, oid rubber and old mttal. and general commieslun merchant. Front et.. near Mnln. Pcrtland. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS nnd commission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Cr. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland. Or. EVERDING & FARRELL. commission, butter eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland. Cornices S Icyllsli ts. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANDZED IRON irnlcei. J. C. Bayer. 2C5 2d st. DR. C- B. BROWN. Tel. Ore. Red 2S16; resi dence. White tB4. 514-15-XG Dekum bldg. Dental Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. Cor. 4ta and Washington sts- DyeiiiET and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 301 17th. TeL Roil. 131. Educational. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. 5TH AND Yamhill: A. P. Armstrong, prln.: J. A. Wesco. sec. Open all the year; students ad mitted at any Ume: catalogue free. STAGE COURSE. ELOCUTION AND MUSIC: stage for practice. Srudlo 17 A. O. U. W. blJg. Electric Belts. DR. SCHRAMEK. MANUFACTURER OF electric belts. 2106 Front. Fence and Wire Worlcs. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WHtE Work3. A. Carlson. 2S9 E. Morrison st. Iron Founders, Slnch'sts, Ship R'ld'rs. Wolff & Zwlcker Iron Works; designers and mfrs. of ships, steamboats, marine, mining and milling machinery: riveted steel pipe. Furniture Houses. ROSECRANTZ & SAVRANSKY HAVE RE irom 254 First st. to 215 Front, cor. Salmon. Highest nrice paid for householo. goods. Also cheapest place in Portland to purchase houtxhold goooa. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. HARNESS and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, findings and shce-store supplies. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Hotels. TREMONT HOUSE: newly furnished rooms Sl.50 a week up. J. E. Clark. 343 Everett. Ice Cream Dealers. SPECIAL PRICES to lodgers. boarding-houseE.' etc Jolls. 313 Morrison. Both phones. Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 lrt st. Boyd & Arnold, general agents. Japanese Goods. Bamboo furniture. Japanese palms, wholesale, retail. K. U. Klriyama & Co.. 311 Mcrrlton. Iron Founders and Machinists. Smith & Watson Iron Works; engines and boil ers: logging engines a specialty; quartz and taw mills, misc. machinery. Front and Hail. Ladder Works. PACIFIC LADDER WORKS. LADDERS OF all .kinds. Cor. E. 6th and Oak. Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. FRAZIER &. McLEAN. LIVERY. FEED AND saIeBtaule."'200 to 208 Fifth St.. cor. Taylor. Rubber-tire rigs a specialty. Massage. THE SNOWDEN" BATHROOMS RE opened. 131 '4th; formerly "The Nelson"; tub and vapor baths, massage. TeL Red 421. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC: LADY from San Francisco. Parlor 20. 263 Stark. Marble and Granite Worlcs. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marble; gran its and stone work. Schanen & Neu. 2CS 1st. MONUMENTS AT COST, to reduce stock be fore moving down town- Weeks, 720 Fron. Otto Schumann,, mfg. marble and granite mon uments, estimates On building work. 204 3d. Leather Findings. J. A. REID. mfr. boot and shoe uppers: full stock shoemakers supplies. 207 Washington kt. Millinery. OUR GOLF HAT SALE THIS WEEK. MISS A. S. Jorgensen. 291 Morrison st. Magnetic Healers. iMBS. C- J. MAPLE. MAGNETIC HEALER (Wettmer method), personal and .absent treat ment, 30S Third st-. Portland, Or. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. .Manafactarlnsr ot Ladles Goods- LADIES' SILK WAISTS AND WRAPPERS, fancy white goods, silk underwear mada to order. Sing Cheng Co.. 333 Morrieon. Medical. Dr. Flora, A- Brown; diseases of women and children a specialty. Consultation and diag nosis free. M7-51S The Dekum. Portland. Or. Mediants. MRS. MANEWELL. THE ORDAINED ME dlum. gives readings daily, from 0 A. M. to S P. M.: all work confident and satisfactory, or no fees accepted. 323Vi Washington, room 34. Take elevator. Medical Sciences. HUMAN AILMENTS TREATED. ADVANCED In- physiological medical sciences. M. 1L .White, 203-301 Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Merchant Tailor. THEO. CHULZE. MERCHANT TAILOR. 372 E. Burnside. fine Spring and Summer goods to order. Mining. CAPE NOME GOLD-PARTIES WISHING TO obtain stock in the Alaska Bedrock Dredging Co or Information regarding same, apply room 43 McKay block. Portland. Or. PROSPECTS AND MINES EXAMLNED ON reasonable terms; bank reference. E. O. Smith. M. E.. 2S6 14th St.. Portland. Or. Hlnlnsr Investments. EASTERN OREGON GOLD FTELDS; $75 FOR 1000 shares of Richardson stock. Best buy on raarkct. Price will advanca soon on mints of the mine. 22 feet of ore. Call or writf W H. Sherrod & Co.. room 2 Chamber of Com. We deal in Eastern Oregon. Bohemia and Southern Oregon mines and mining stocks. Davidson. Ward & Co.. 403 Chamber of Com. SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS: MINES AND mining stock bought and sold. E. A. Clem 4 Co.. 14C Third st.. Portland. Or. Mining: 31nclilnery. Wllfley concentrator. Drake amal.. Ideal stantp mill, mining cars. Taturo Sc Bowen, 29-35 1st. Slusical. LESSON'S ON VIOLIN. VIOLA. CORNET: music furnished for all occasions; fiddle mart. Emil Thielhorn. 269 Jefferson. TeL West. 1004. Lessons C0c piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin instruments for rale. Mrs. Martin. lOli 1st. Oregon Ylavl Company. Lewis bldg,. Park and Morrison. Free Health lectures to women Thursday, at 2:20 P. M. Osteopathy. DR. W. A. ROGERS. OSTEOPATH. SUITE 033 Marquam bldg.; acute and chronic dis eases. Ladies wishing lady operator will b attended by Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks, graduate under Dr. A. T. Still, founder ot Osteopathy. Phon Main 27. DRS. NOHTHRUP & ALKIRE. OSTEOPATHS, suite 416 'Dekum bldg. Investigation respect fully solicited; examination frco. Phone Main 340, DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH, rctle 409 Oregon'an building, rhone Oak 421. Palmistry. Larsen. the palmist; readings, 50c; best book for. students. "Practical Hand-Reading." Il lustrated, for sale by author, 2S5V1 First st. Pnstorage. LADD'S CANYON FARM IS NdW OPEN for cattle and-horses. Apply to F. Miller, on the premises. Ladd & Tilton. agents. Patents. T. J CEISLER. 610-611 CHAMBER OF COM. Reglsferd attorney U. S Patent Oftite. Jhotorraphcrs. THE GALLERY AT 203 FIRST ST.. COR. Taylor, his changed management. For a good photo at the lowest price, try us. Hogan's. Photographic Sapplle.i. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO., WHOLESALE and retail, corner Fourth and Washington. Ridlnic Academies. Portland Riding Club, fine livery, boarding, saddle horses specialty. Park and Jefferson. Restaurants. THE FINEST 10c HOUSE ON THE COAST. Montana Restaurant. 245 First st. Real Estate Loans nnd Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.; ESTAB lished 1SCG. 227 Stark street. Storasre. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; storage tates reasonahl-s. Careful attention given to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777; Columbia. C7C. SAFES. PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping C M. Olien. 128 First. TeL office Mala 1087: Black 801. Safes. SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEFT, opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis, Of, 3d. Saw 31111 .Machinery. Chrlstenson-McMsster Machinery Co.: new and 2d-hand machinery.- E. Water and E. Taylor. Showcases and Store Fixtures. DIXON. BORGESON 4 CO.. FRONT AND Washington streets. Storajre and Transfer. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Blckal's storehouse. 31 North Front. Wholesale Drugrglsts. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESALE druggists, corner Fourth-And Washington. Seed, Flower, Vejretahle Plants. ALL KINDS OF SEEDS AND PLANTS AT Bowen's Seed Store. Front and TaIor. Wo sell only the best, ' Specialist. Bertha A. Trulllnger. complexion, scalp and manicuring. 20 Benson block. 201 Morrison. Stoves, Ranges, Household H'dware Hardware; olo agt. Universal stoves & ranges; hcusefurnlshlng goods. J. J. Kadderly. 141 1st. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOY ant and psychic llfo-reador; consult her on business affairs, love troubles, absent friends: good advice on mines; reading dallv. 50c and up. 107 First street, offices 7 and 8. Dr. Collins, the only reliable spiritual trance medium in Portland; satisfaction guaranteed. Circle tonight, 350 Washington streoL Mrs. Stevens; advice on all affairs of life; sit tings dally. 221 Morrison st-. room 22. MRS. WESTLAKE. PARLORS 34 AND 35. 350 Morrison. Tents and Awnings. TENTS. AWNING8 AND CAMP FURNITURE lor rant or sale. Pike's Factory. 107 N. 30. Cape Nome tents, bags, oil clothing, camp fur niture. Pacific Tent te. Awn. Co.. 27 N. 1st. Syrup Refiner. Westacott & Knight, syrup refiners, mfgr. gro cers: both phones. E. Alder and E. Morrison. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE OROCERa cor N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or FINANCIAL. State funds leaned 6 per cent. W. E. Thotncs, state agt. for Mult. Co., 400 Cham, of Com. MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES. PIANOS, furniture and other securities. W. A, Hath away, room 10 Wash. bldg. Phone South 7SL MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM $5 7T $500. on all classes of security. IL I. Ecker son & Co room 5 Washington building. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curitr. Wm. HoR. room 9, Washington bldg. LOANS VlTHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C W. Pallet, 213 Ccm. merciaL block. TeL Grant S56. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc; low rates; eeo us first. Mann & Co.. C04 Dei.uui bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on furniture or good securi ties. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI ture, pianos, salaries, etc Can be paid In Installments, reducing Interest. Ratf lower than the,, lowest. F. W. Graven. Mgr.. 2S3 Alder, near 4th. ground floor. Tel. Green 444. FINANCIAL. LOANS. FURNITURE. ETC.. LOWEST rates. 3111 Alisky bldg. Phone Hood (S3. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm, or city property. Ol M Smith. 814 Cfc. of Commerce. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE EM OREGON cr Washington. 6 to S per cent. 620 Mar quam building. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 5. C, 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property tor sale and rent. Agtnt for Westchester fire Insurance Co Wro G. rack. 321 Morrison r. SPECIAL NOTICES. Masters' Notice. BRITISH SHU? ALLERTON. CAPT. TOYE, from Hong Kong Neither the Master nor the undersigned consignees ot the above-named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Kerr, Gif fcrd & Co., Consignees. BRITISH BARK EAST AFRICAN, CAPTAIN Decent, from Honolulu Neither the Master nor the undersigned consignees of the above named veasel will b responsible for any debts that may bo contracted by the crew. Kerr, Glfford & Co., Consignees. BRITISH SHIP ST MIRREN. CAPT. HAM Uton. from Yokohama Neither the Master nor the undersigned consignees of the aboie named vessel will bo responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Portland Grain Co.. Consignees. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR STEAM-HEATING AND electric-lighting systems. Department ot th Interior. Office ot Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C, May 2. 1900. Sealed proposals, in dorsed "Proposals for heat and light, Salem," and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C. will be rsceid at the Indian Office until 2 o'clock P. M., of Monday. Jun 4. 1900. for furnishing the necessary materials and labor required to construct and complete steam-heating and electric-lighting systems at the Salem Indian School. Ort-gon. m strict accordance with plans, specifications and Instructions to bidders, which may be examined at this office, the of fices of tha Chronicle, of San Francisco. Cal. ; th Oregcn Statesman, ot Salem. Or.; The Morning Oregoniar, ot Portland. Or.; tha Post-Iuteliigencer. of Seattle. Wash.; th Builders tz Traders Exehatise. Omaha. Neb.; tHe Kulldirs & Traders Exchange. Milwau kee, Wis.; the Northwestern Manufacturer Association. St. Paul. Minn.; the United States Indian Warehouse, 235 Johnson street. Chicago. 111.; and at the school. For further Information apply to Thomas W. Potter, Su perintendent Indian School, Chemawa, Or. V. A. Jones. Commissioner. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS EXECUTIVE Office, Salem, Or., May 10, 1900. Sealed pro posals, addressed to the Board of Trustees of the Oregon Hospital for Insane, will be re ceived at this office until 2 o'clocK P. M.. Tuesday. May 22, 1000. for furnishing tho materials and labor required to construct and complete a closed cottage at the asylum farm, in strict accordance with the plans and specifications and Instructions to bidders pre pared therefor, which may be examined at the office ot Pugh & Gay, architects. Salem. Or. No bid will be considered unless made on blank form of proposal, which may De obtained from the architects. Right to re ject any or all bids received. Walter Lyon. Clerk ot the Board of Trustees. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE SUPPLIES Office of Purchasing Commissary. San Fran cisco. CaL. April 23, 190O. Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering of such quan tities of subsistence supplies, delivered at such wharf or wharves or such warehouse in San Francisco. CaL. as per circular to be seen at this office, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M.. Friday. May 18, 1900. and opened immediately thereafter in presence of bidders. Specifications, general instructions to biddern and blank form of proposal will be furnished to established dealers on appli cation to W. H. BALDWIN. Major and C. S., U. S. Army, Purchasing Commissary. Miscellaneous.. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE IN Admiralty Unitd States of America. District of Oregon, ss. By virtue of a writ of vendi tioni exponas. Iisued out of th District Court of the United States, for the District of Ore gon; tested the 7th day of May, 190C in the suit of E. Loll and Henry Luse, as llbellants. I will expose for sale at public auction, and will sell to the highest and best bidder, for cash, on Saturday, the 19th day of May. 1900. at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon of said day, at East Oak-street Dock. In the City of Portland. Or., in said district, the steamboat Copper Queen, her tackle, apparel, machin ery, engines, boilers and furniture. Dated at Portland, in raid district, this 7th day of May; A. D. 1300. ZOETH HOUSER. U S. Marshal for the District of Oregon. LOST AND FOUND. LOST OR STOLEN BLUE LEWELLYN setter bitch; large spot over eye; name "Fanny Mac" on collar. Return 54 Front sL. (Beno & Ballls). Reward. YOUNG MAN ON WHEEL. FELL SEVENTH and Washington Wednesday P. M.; lost some thing. Call 449 Washington. LOST PURSE. WITH GOLD, BETWEEN Union ave. and Jefferson depot. Return 3 Union ave. Reward. LOST LARGE RED IRISH SETTER; OLD, with white face; deaf. F.eturn 225 Morri son. Reward. LOST MAY 17, BAY HORSE AND CART. Return to 271 North 18th st,, and receive re ward. BANKS. SAVINGS ilANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 109 THUtD STREET. Money tp loan on mortgage. A general trust and agency business transacted. BLNJ. L v-OHEN President H L. PITTOCK. A. S. NICHOLS.... Vlce-Pres. E. J. ALTfcTOCK. 1. O. GOLXKA... Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF POR'ilAND, OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent ot the United Stales. President H. W. CORBETT Aslant Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK -econu Aefcitant Casnier W. C. ALVORu Letters of credit issued, available In Europe and tne Eastern states. icnt exchange and telegraphic transfers sold nn New York. Boston. Chicago. St- Louis. St. Paul Omaha. San Francisco and the principal Demi's in the Northwest. rfiKht and time bills crawn In sums to suit oa T-nnaon Paris, Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Maln. won kong. x'okohama. Copenhagen, Christi anlaf sTocknolm. St. PeterbDurg. Moscow. Zu ricn. Honolulu. Collections made en faiorable terms. , t ADD & TU-iTON, BANKERS Transact a Oeneral uanting xiuslness. interest allowed on time depomts. rviWctioua made at all puints on favorable terms Letter cf credit issued availabla In Eu ;., n,i tne Eastern states. , ileht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer eoTd. on New iork. v asnington, Chicago, SU iiils Denier, Omaha, San lTacdsco and vari ous twmts in Oregon. Waanington. Idaho. Mon tana and Britlsn Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfurt and Hong Kong. V.'ELLS FARGO & CO. BANK CAsHCAPirAL AND SURPLUS $6,250,000 Jok" jTVALENTlNB PKLiJLNC TH041EH S. KING AlANAUfci: R.M EOOLET CASHIER 1m? NT eTmILES ASSISTANT t-AaHIER jua.-M (Portland.) General Banking tiusineaa transacted. Ex ene"oIdW Letters of Credit issued, avoil Ibte in al parts of tne world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK MERl-M PORTLAND, OREGON. T VKANK WAlbON President fCURHAM Vice-President ?Vo hOYT Assistant dsMiie TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafw and letters of credit issued, availabla &2S&Si22& Geld dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK XjIMITJSX), CAPITAL PAID UP ..$2,450,000 Head Office. 71 Lombard street, London. This bank transact a general banking and exchange business; makes loans, discounts bills and issues commercial and traielers credits. Hvatlab'e in any city hi the world. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Starkstreets. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. A1NSWORTH NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, cor. Third and Oak ots. J C. AINSWORTH. Pres.; W. W. PHILLIPd. Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business. Exchange bought and sold on all the principal eitlea in Europe. Also facilities for telegraphic transfers. Collections made on favorabU terraj on all "gjgjgji. DEPARTMENT Com-Ari with the bank. Safes rented on easy terms. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Trnnsacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued available in all cities cf th Uniud States and Europe. Presided .". --- TYLER WOODWARD viM-Presldent JACOB KAMM CaS57..?.......n F. C. MILLER BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA-PAID-UP CAPITAL s 3-2M! RESERVE - 500,06 Head Office. 00 Lombard street. Lcndon- Com'l block; 244 Washington et., Portland. R. LEA BARNES. Manager. ' t L.. , Jtwrfli ..-j2 t" Jik JUlfc''ii- ,Jki.-- wA i4-,A?a-, k