THE tfOB'SDCGr OKEGOSttAN, THURSDAY,. MAY IT, 1900. 9 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BEST BUY ON THE MARKET An idetd home on Prospect avenue, East Morrison car line; cemented basement: fur nace, bath, patent closet, boiler, marble -wash-stand, gas and electric, ground 70x160. planted In ornamental shrubs and choice fruit. Price. 52000 cash, or $2100 upon easy terms. If sold this week. F. Brerke, 444 Sherlock bulldlnjr. 3500 BEAUTIFUL CORNER, NORTH 17TH and Flanders. $3250 Quarter, 23d and Pettygrove; any terms. $1400 Eight-room new bouse. East 20th at. Large piece water front. Furnished houre to rent. R. M. WILBUR. 233 Stark. $850 CORNER LOT IK HOLLADATS Ad dition. .$350 cash, balance on time, $750 House and lot on East Salmon st- $75'J0 Quarter block, with two good bouses, on West Side. a. Fnap. Newton McCoy, 710 Orr gonlan building. CAPITALISTS. ATTENTION! HOWE'S AD dltlon. 73 lots. 5 acres, with houf e and barns, etc.. for sale, cheap. , Owner, 271 Fifth at., orposlto City Hall. Oregon TeL Brown 090. FOR SALE FARMS. B2 ACRES IMPROVED LAND. WITH BUILD ings. etc. 7 miles from Portland. $4500. 140 acres partly Improved land, with bouse, etc. 9 miles from Portland, $45CC. 235 acres, 4 miles from Forest Grove. 25 miles from Portland; &0 acres Improved. $3500. 16U54 acres. 2 miles from Hlllsboro, 14 miles frcra Portland well-Improved farm; $5500. 60 acres. 2 miles Ircni Newberg. 25 mile from Portland. $1500. 10C acres, 2 miles from North Yamhill; a good farm: $4500. 331 acres. 5 miles from Ncrth YamhllL la Moore's Velley. 80 acre cultivated. $3300. 300 acres. S miles from Dallas. 4 miles from rat. road; an excellent farm, about one-hair in cultivation; $5000. Good stock ranches In Douglas County. 4 miles from Oakland, from 500 to 2400 acres, at from $5 to $12 per acre. For further particulars apply to MACMASTER & BIRRELL. 311 Worcester block. Portland. Or. STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH OF S79 ACRES for rale; well watered, good soil: 30 acres bearing orchard; only two miles from Oak land, Douglan County, Or.; low price and easy terms. Apply directly to the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. San Francisco. CaL IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL part of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties, apply to Macmaster c BlrrelL 311 Worcester block. ALONG AND NEAR TEE COAST: PLACES suitable for stock, fruit or vegetables, cheap freights, good bargains. Marion Ruble. Wald port. Or. 65 ACRES. ALL IN CULTIVATION. 8 MILES earn. 10 acres In fraltt good Improvements bargain. Manager Pacific Pottery Works) TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. t TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD IN large or small tracts. Address the Syndi cate Company, California Bldg.. Taccma. Wash. 820 ACRES HEAVY TIMBER. BETWEEN north and south fork of Santiam. C Halt man. Oregon City. J L MARTIN & CO.. TIMBER LANDS. room 7 Bensoo block. 5th and Morrison sis. BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE. LOS ANGELES BELGIAN HaRE CO.. OF 240 Fifth street, have the largest and finest stock of Imported and domestic pedigreed Belgian hares to be found in Oregon. Tnls rabbltry has Britain Fox. score 05. the highest-scoring representative of -the Britain strain. Servloe fee. $20. Hares practically bred, correctly managed and offered at sen sible prices: quality considered. Personal attention given to every detail of the busi ness. Shipments made to all parts of the country In light and airy crates. Telephone Clay 081. Are you interested? If not. why not? We hav establish a branch of our Los Angeles Bab bitry In Seattle, where you can nrocure dock that Is acclimated, and save expressage. Nothing but pedigreed and fancy fctock han dled. Correspondence solicited. Ralph M. Watson & Co.. 2200 Sixth ave.. Seattle. PORTLAND BELGIAN HARE CO.. LARG est rabbltry on the Northwest Coast. All the leading strains; all prices, all ages Rab bltry at Midway, on Oregon City lins. 110 Second st. IMPORTED BELGIAN HARES. BREEDING does bred to Imported bucks. Our prices will astonish you. Write us. Sunset Belgium Hare Co.. Frultdale, Cal. BELGIAN HARES; REASONABLE; CHAM plon Yukon. Gold Bug; Sir Styles. Los AH Seles Rabbltry. 20th aad Oregon. Portland. Or. V j JKfTUKSON - STREET RABB1TRY. N. E. cor. Sixth and Jeffeiron; stock from $3 to $70 pair; Lord Britain. Banbury and Sir Styles. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SEWING-MACHINES-A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines: Improved White. $25; Domestic. $15. Standard. $15: New Home. $5. S. S. Slegel. 335 Washington, under Imperial. TWO CARLOADS NEW RIGS. PAttT RUB ber tire; old ones taken in trade: 500 sots harness, 100 saddles, 75 second-hand rigs. S. Tomlinson, 211 Washington st. NOME TWO FIRST-CLASS TICKETS ON Geo. W. Elder; stateroom 33. upper cabin center of boat. $115 each. Inquire 245U Washington st., room 2. FREE TICKET TO NOME; GOOD SALARY; $300 to $1000 required: .best money-maker offered, no fare; investigate now. C12 Com mercial building. ONE STATEROOM. THREE FIRST - CLASS berths, first trip. Nome City; one first-class ticket, first trip Geo. W. Elder, for lady. A 31. Oregonlan. GOING TO NOME. WANT CASH FOR NEAR ly new mahogany high-grade Kimball up right, cost $400. Address J M H. care Orego nlan FOUR FRESH COWS FOR SALE. $35 TO $40 I ...u. .u. lunKsuurj. one-iourtn miio east beysnd Sunnysido and Mount Tabor car line. FOR SALE-1 TO 15 HEAD OF JERSEY " au uewcr-s at a nargain. Inquire Charles P. Bacon. 215 North 19th street. Typewriters, all makes, rented and sold; expert repairing; offlje upplls and desks. Coast Agency Co.. 200 Stark st. Both phones. FOR SALli OR REN3tA-u.T,S.iWMILL AT natskanle. Inquired aver,Transporta tlan Co. foot Washington KreelT NOME THREE FIRST - CLASS TICKETS for sale, steamer Elder; fine location of state room. $125. I'M Gibbs st. FOR SALE FRESH COWS; GOOD QCAL lty. First house west reservoir No. 2, Sec tion Line road. Phone White C25. NOME -THREE FIRST-CLASS TICKETS for sale, -teamer Elder; fine location of stato rocm, $125. 191 Glbbs st. FOR SALE-THE BEST DELIVERT HORSE in the city, with light business wagon. W H2. care Oregonlan. PHAETON FOR $35. WORTH $C0; MUST have money 33 North Seventh. Oregon phene Brown 752. b LOT OF FINE HORSES. SUITABLE FOR all purposes. Apply to D. E. Budd & Co 110 First st. FOR BEST FIR. OAK AND ASH WOOD GO to Pioneer Wood Yard, foot of Morrison st. Phone ISO FOR SALE-ONE FRESH JERSEY COW Inquire of H. Wlngart, grocery store. .Monta- COV Fl)R SALE. FRESH JERSEY: HAVE trr-s. Goddard Station. SL Johns motor Several new anil xvnihrt - .. v.. CTA and s-arreys. 51 Fourth, near Pine. $10 FOR A NEW GAS COOKER: $2 CASH, ba.ance $2 cer month. Gas Co.. 174 Fifth rtT M..Int',I7,s'-cew' "ttxmd-tiane. movlnr ple ture. Buliard & Breck. 131 Post. Sea Fran. Ti BPyj, CARRIAGE; SELL CHEAP. OR trad? .hi6 Burnslde st.. cor. Park. $ COND-CLASS NOME CITY TICKET for rale Inquire 303 Alder st. XfnP X?fn SALE CHEAP FOR CASH. 10- North loth st Piano. E..RE GOIXG TO MOVE TO OUR NEW ,?,..!!? Vr Par,c and Washington, and are il f'uff ut ver' . slightly used and sec ond hand piano and organ at less than agents' wholesale prices. Eilers Piano Houe. 107 First st, the N. W General Agency of " ferine Kimball and Weber piarios" Klm fca'l and Crown organs. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. ROOMS 10 AND 17 Ruwel building, cor. Four and Morrt pimos. A. B- Chase aad W. W. Putnam or- SrJJ, p-"Jn"a"fflet- Gramophones aad Reglna muslo .boxes. NEW PIANO FOR RENT VERT CHEAP. Graves & Co.. 2S3 Alder, will removrtom Sixth gtreet. about May 15. SOULILBROS" EXPERT TUNERS. 107 FIRST mi. Phones. EUew Pleao HoueT TO EXCHANGE. S2O0 OF MICHIGAN TOWN PROPERTT FOR real estate within 50 miles of Portland. J. B., box C5. Vancouver. Wash. ' 25 ACRES. HOUSE AND ORCHARD. NEAR city, for city property. L Vanduyn. 270 Washington street. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUT 6 OR 7-ROOM MODERN house, for cash; west of 20th street preferred; m be bargain, state location and price. Address T S4, care Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. C LABORERS. CTTT. $2; 2 PEAVY MEN; T2; R. R. aen. $2, board. $3.50; brick setter. $45 and board, head sawyer, small mill. -$40 and board; cotton wood cutters. $1.00. tools furnished. 10 mill hands. $1.75; 50 R. It. ratn. $1.75; 30 boltcutters. S0c; skid road men and laborers. $L75: 15 farmhands. 423 to $35; hotel .cook. $10: porters, flunkeys, dishwashers. Come every one and see orders on big blackboard. Canadian Agency. 226 Morrison street. WANTED FOR UNITED STATES ARMY Able-bodied, unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 35: citizens of "United States, of good character and temperate habits; who can speak, read and write English. For Informa tion apply to recruiting officer. Third and Stark BtreetB, Portland. Or. COOKS FOR BARGE. $23; HOTELS. $30. $33. $K); rest.. E. Ore,, night. $10; also do pastry; D.-washerand assist cook. H. River. SIS: fares here; 100 berry-plckff3, camp out. H. K.; baker. $S. 7 farm hands. $20. $25. etc B. & C. maker, $40; milker. $35. R. G. Drake. 152 First, downstairs. SALESMAN WANTED MOST LIBERAL Ar rangement will be made with capable, experi enced subscription book salesman; new stand ard works: no compejltlon. For full particu lars address Syndicate Publishing' Co.. V27 Market st.. San Francisco. WANTED TOUNG MAN TO CANVASS IN city for old-established business; muet have fair education, be energetic and willing to work for moderate salary, give age and ref erences. W 35, care Oregonlan. THE BOSTON PALACE OPEN ALL NIGHT. Ice cream, candles, fruits, nuts, cigars. canned goods: lunches served. All the ben money can buy. Pastry cock wanted. 345 Morrison street. WANTED 40 FIRST-CLASS TRAVELING salesmen, who are accustomed to making $10. 000 per year. Address W. O. H.. 417 Par rott building. San Francisco. CaL "U AN TED-EXPERIENCED MARKERS AND sorters: fare to Seattle advanced: also other help wanted. Cascade Laundry Co., Seattle. Wash. COLUMBUS CALIFORNIA P. LiratL MS Fourth. cooks, waiter, bartenders. WINE DEPOT. Headquarters far Tel. Main 731. BOOKKEEPER-E GROCERY STORE: ONE who understands the business preferred; ref erences required. W 37, csre Oregonlan. WANTED AT ONCE, A TAILOR. EXPERI enced In handling cleaned and colored goods. Astoria Steam Dye Works Astoria. Or. WANTED-ONE FIRST-CLASS MOLDING macl.lnc man. and one for running surfacer Address M 31, care Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. NEAT APPEARANCE. TO collect and deliver clothing; some Indoor work. 40S Washington st. WANTED GOOD GENERAL BUCKSltlTII; good wages to good man. Apply A. Cum mlngs. Castle Rock. Wash. WANTED-MAN WITH EXPERIENCE AS brakeman In logging camp: give reference. K 37. Oregonlan. WANTED LABORERS TO WORK IN Co lumbia quarry: wages $2 per day. Call at CS First st. FIRST COOK HOTEL, E. O.. $30. FARE: one at $50. Canadian Agency. C2GH Morrison. Worklngman'a Barber Snop: nairciit !5c ihMe 10c: 6 chairs. Ed Dfnnlswn. 203 Mnrrlscr. st WANTED FOURTH HAND ON BREAD. 1N qulre German Bakery. 145 Third st. TWO ENERGETIC MEN CAN OBTAIN EM ployroent. Aptfly 144 Park street. WANTED PAINTERS. ADDRESS Cushlng, Vancouver, Wash. C. W. WANTED-FIRST-CLASS CARPENTERS L. A. Conn, Fort Stevens, Or. WANTED A DRUG CLERK. NAU'S THAR rcacy. Portland Hotel. WANTED-STRONG-. ACTIVE, BOY, ABOUT IS. 347 Vnsfllngtoa. . - . - , i OUR SPECIALTY 10c DRINKS. Cafe 148 Sixth st. SLITER'S BARBER WANTED AT 205 MORRISON .ST.; steady job. WANTED- streot. DISHWASHER. 270 BURNSIDE WANTED TUNNEL MEN. First. CALL AT rt3 HELP WASTED- FEMALE. HOTEL COOK. $20; PASTRY COOK. $5; waitresse. 2. Heppner. $20; Oregon City. $10; Chehalls. $15; Viento. $13; Bridal Veil. $15, fare to all: hotel, city. $15: B. H.. $15; res taurant. $5; chambermaid. $15: second work. $12 to $16; factory girls; canvassers, dish washer, housework. Tacoma. Wenatehee, Os trande:. Catlin. Hood River. $15 to $23; house keeper, Fresno. Cal.. $25. fare: 3TO country girls wanted for housework. $12 to $25. Can adian Parlors, 22GH Morrison. W. HOTEL COOKS FOR COAST. $30; ALSO waitress. $15; another, down Valley. $30; one E. Ore,. $30; 10 waitresses, city and out. up to $5 W.. $20 M.: domestics, seconds, etc ; 100 berry-pickers, camp out, go now. Drake. 152 First. WANTED-rTVE FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS- es. -sy per week; must be strictly reliable and competent, none others need apply; at the German Bakery. 203 Occidental avenue. Seattle. Wash. WANTED BY ESTABLISHED FIRM. TRAV ellng saleswoman of good appearance and addrea. Special contract, entire time re quired. B 32. care Oregonkm. WANTED GOOD GIRL TOR ALL-AROLND worn in pcarmng-nouse; sulss or German preferred: good wages. Apply Wllhelm Tell House. Oregon City. WANTED A GOOD PLAIN COOK: FROM country preferred: family of Ave; -no chil dren. Address, with references. N 37, care Oregonlan. GIRL AGED 12 TO 15 YEARS. TO PLAY with child 3 years old; good home; $0 per month. Call mornings. 361 Hassalo. corner Third. LADY WISHES YOUNG GIRL AS PARTNER in halrdressing. will teach trade. O 33. care Oregonlan. AVANTED A GIRL TO KELP WITH KITCK en work, at 1SS 11th. between Morrison and Yamhill. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR eral housework. Inquire SS 22d st. GOOD GIRL FOR KITCHEN WORK IN PRI vate boarding-house. 343 Alder. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 691 Marshall. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE vork. 208 Grant st. GIRL WANTED FOR work. 73-S Irving st. GENERAL HOUSE- V VTT-GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. 1S3 Satr- st HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 1 ANTED STRAWBERRY- PICKERS TO write tha Hood River Fruitgrowers Union, who will place them in communication with growers needing their service. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. STEADY YOUNG MAX. PORTLAND Busi ness college graduate, seeks position as book keeper or anything available: good references. Address O S7. care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED-BY A TOUNG MAN. with wholesale or manufacturing firm. A 35. care Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. CONTRACT FOR ALL KINDS OF LABOR ers. domestics, farm, mines and railroads. Japanese Laborers' Association. 43 4th st. north. Portland. Or. Oregon tei. Black 902. JAPANESE. KONEST. STRONG BOY. 4 wants situation to do housework or dishwash ing, in any place. K. Mltuguchl. 53 North Fourth st. YOUNG MAN. STEADY AND SOBER. DE sires poslUon in creamery, or privata place. T 25, care Oregonlan. 1(5? .J.AP.Tr"AT TO GO TO STRAWBERRY S5'd'n 4S :Corth Fourth st. Telephone Black 932. GOOD JATANESE BOY WANTS TO DO housework or cooking. S 30, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. DrcKBinakm. WANTED DRESSMJl KING IN FEW GOOD families, by the day. Address 142 East 34th. Phone 5207. Damen4ics. MIDDLE-AGED LADT WISHES SITUATION to do housework In small family; no washing. 309 Pine ct. YOUNG GIRL DESIRES A PLACE TO WORK for her board after school hours. N 3S. care Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. OREGON AND WASHINGTON AGENTS CAN and do make $10 a day taking orders, for Cram's up-to-date maps and atlases. For terms and exclusive territory address E. Fos ter. Manager Pacific Ccast Agency, 20S Bush st-, San Francisco. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE. X NEAT. sunny furnished or unfurnished room. In a quiet private family. West Side; very best of references- given. Address with particulars, Q 30, care Oregonlan. WANTED FURNISHED COTTAGE, BATH and yard: or would take charge of furnished house .for Summer: moderate rent; refer ences. S 33. Oregonlan. FOR JUN-E. JULY .AND AUGUST A FUR nUbcd bouse, for small family; near car Hue: East Skle preferred; references. Address 607 Xast Ninth st - GENTLEMAN AND WIFE WANT LARUE alcove or suite and board, ir private family; June 1: state price. Y 37, care Oregonlan. ROOM WANTED BY SINGLE GENTLEMAN in private family, near postofllce. Address J C -C. care Oregonlan. WANTED MlSCELLANEO US. WANTF-D. BY AN ENGLISH FAMILY. JJE tween now and October 1, on a lease of from on to three year A well-furn.lshed 12 to 14-room residence. In fashionable part of the city, with large, well-kept grounds. Includ ing stable and coach-house: rent not to ex ceed $75 per month. Apply P. O. box 6S0. TIMBER LANDS WANTED IN OREGON. Washington. Idaho; large tracts preferred; give particulars of what you have to sell. Address D. A Richardson. Great Falls. Mont. WANTED HOUSE BUILT. OF C ROOMS. modern Improvements, in southwest part of city; will lease for term of years. C U0. cars Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY COTTAGE OF 0 ROOMS: modern conveniences, good location; Bast Side preferred. Address J 3G, care Oreso nian. WE GUARANTEE to pay more than oilier dealers for second-hand furniture, ami any household goods. 235 Cth. Phone Brown" Sa::. WANTED TO BUT CAST-OFF CLOTHING: price no object. Maine Loan Office. 70 Norti Third su Oregon phone Clay 6S2. WANTED TO BUY A MODERN COTTAGE. G rooms, good location; West Side preferred. Address P j5. care Oregonlan. Cast-off second-hand clothing wanted at $7 N. d. Prices no object. Oregon phope qiay .ril3. WANT TO BUY CHEAP HORSE AND BUG gy harness. P. O. boa 323, city. WANTED TO BUY 30 BURROS. 211 WASn lngton st.. S. Tomlinson. - FOR RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING. '8. E. COR. PARK AND Alder is.. under the management of the owner. Helen F. Spalding The nr. compjet-rartmtnt-ncnM In the Northwest: cl.c'.c room, for gentlemen or gentleman and ctl; lurn!sed ii-'tisel-eepSrig ruliea a specialty. THE PLEASANTON. 2SST THIRD ST.-FINK furnished rooms, en trelte. single or Iioune keeping. sunlight In all rooms, bath Included, most reasonable terms; transient solnlteu. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR, THIRD AND Harrison eta. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern convenience: refr-enc The La Porte. 1734 Third, cor. Yamhill First class, clean and neat rooms. $1 per week and up: transient. 25c and up; and tfcntikecping. TIIK .ILtEKT--UUlUE. EiJ.-roi..or.r.u rooms; nil modern convenience. TnirJ n Taylor rts.; tntrance. 2C7 Tailor. 42(5 ALDER, THE STEVENS FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms, with or without board; modern; new; clean. L'ARGE. PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two; bath; -telephone Front 739. 40S Fourth st. CHOICE FURNISHED ROOMS. KN SUITE or single. lSlt; First St.. cor. Yamhill, tnlrd floor. GILMAN HOTEL bldg.. central: fur nished 'corns. $1 week and up. 1st and Alder. ICG 10TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms: modern conveniences. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; PHONE AND bath. 320 Fourth, cor. Clay. Rocidim Wlt! Dnnnt. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH TKMi rooms with board: cnsmeled bah tuber; use of library; Women's Excanxe. lndostrlal rcnool. Address Mrs. E. C. George, fccperl: tcr.dent. 310 Flanders street. HOTEL VENDOME MODERN FAMILY hou&e; elegant accommodations; all light rooms; first-class board, -service unexcelled low rates: select patronage solicited. Cor! 13th and Alder sts. FIRST CLASS. AT 120 14TH. BETWEEN ua'shlngtoa and Ald-r; house modem, furni ture new; lowest rates; furnace, gas. tele phone, colored cook. VEPY HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS with all modem conveniences: In German family; with or without board. 13 East Sixth, cor. Burnslde. DESIRABLE ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN suite; grates, bath, gas; excellent board strict first class; reasonable; both phones Jul Alder st. NICE, LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO gentlemen, electric lights and bath; also table boarders. 393 Morrison, cor. 10th. PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board; bath, gas and freo phone. 533 East Ankeny. cor. 12th. NICE. PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH FIR5T class board, at 1GS 11th. between Morrison and Tamhlll. PLEASANT SINGLE ROOMS, WITH FIRST class board. The Sterling. 533 Couch st eer. ICth. ROOM. WITH BOARD; USE PHONE AND bath. 131 10th. between Washington and Al der. DELIGHTFUL ROOM AND BOARD IN PRI vate family, very reasonable. 30S Mill st. THE BROWN FAMILY HOTEL. COR. GRAND ana nawinome aves.: elevator, telephone. LOVELY FRONT ROOM, en suite; also single rooms; with first-class table. 223 11th st. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. REA sosable. nesperlin. 17lh and Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED TRONT ROOM. WITH board. 141 West Park. cor. Alder. 215 12TH ST. ROOMS AND BOARD; HOME cooking. English family. . Honsekeeplns: Rooms. 435 ALDER NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE rooms; also housekeeping suites, light, cheer ful, bath, telephone: desirable location. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED CORNER room; other furnished front rooms or suites for housekeeping. 320 Front. ' 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, alcove, pentry and bath; no children. dO North 13th. near Davis. 433 ALDER UNFURNISHED BASEMENT sunny and cheerful: bath, telephone, water in kitchen; very desirable. FOR RENT-SIX U7CFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; large, convenient. 593 Fourth st.. cor. Sherman. IN SIXTH. CORNER TAYLOR FINEST AND choicest location; furnished housekeeping flats: reference. 547 ANKENY ST. FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, on ground floor, $7.50 and $3 por month. 4V MORRISON ST. FURNISHED HOCSE keeplng -rooms; all conveniences; best loca tion. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms, jot r.ouseiceeping. at 2S Jefferson st. FIRST ST. THREE TTNT-im viewer. housekeeping rooms, $3; also three, $5.53. FOR RENT. Housekeeping: Room. TWO OR THREE-ROOM FLAT. FURNISHED complete for housekeeping. 1G4 Park st. 403 MAIN ST. 'THREE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with bath; central. FURNJSHED ROOMS. FOR HOUSESEEr Inir. very reasonable. 552 First st. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP- lag. 42S Washington street. 203 F'iJURTH nlshed rooms. ST. FLAT FTVE UNFUR- 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH. BASEMENT. and attic. In good condition. '$18. Montague & Borden. 22C Stark. FOR RENT ONE NEWLY FINISHED 5 Toom lower Cat; modern conveniences. Appl 037 Montsomerj st. 129 13TH ST. NORTH-6-ROOM HOUSE FOR rent: .good condition. Sheehy Bros.. 10S Sixth street ' FOR RENT ON JUNE 1; DWELLTNG house, 774 Koyl st. Inquire at 40 Second st., cor. Ash. -. . FOR RENT MODERN- 9-ROOM HOUSE. CS7 Gllsan st. Atkinson, Wakefield & Co., 227 Stark st. Fnrallifl Ilnsuci. FURNISHED HOUSE: BEAUTIFUL, MOD ern home, sightly, on car line; fruit and Cow ere. 231 Eugene st. Hoqnck for Rent Fornltnre for Sale. FCUNITI-RE 9-ROOM HOTSE FOR SALTZ. reasonable; filled with Hrst-class roomers: cheap rent 205 Fourth. " Stores. FOR RENT FACTORY BUILDtXG. SECOND and Grant, two stories', well lighted. K. L. Gllsan. 420 Chamber tif Comirjx TO LET-4-ROOM STORE. AT 12C fTIFTH st.; suitable for tailor or dressmaker. Apply 75 ICth north. .O dices. SECOND FLOOR OF 22S ALDER ST.. CON talning;iarge office rooms and a hall 20x40: suitable for printing or manufacturing es tablishment. Apply to Chas. Hegele, 53 and Ki Front bt. DESKROOM FOR RENT. 229 STARK ST. PERSONALS. 17 wemen wanted sufiertng from Irregular, ralnful pcrlode; leucorrhoea (whites), sad nil complicated diseases pertaining to- ch&nges ct Hfe. cured by old Dr. Kes3ler, cor. Second and -Yamhill sts. 329 women called laet month. Ccnsultitlcn freeM and private rooms fcr ladle3. If can't call, write. Inclcslrg 10 2c stampo. Hundreds treated at home by 'bli new Pisiem. WOULD LIKE TO FORM THE ACQUAINT ance of refined. Intelligent gentlemen who are Judges of good whliky; III Crown Cyrus Noble and IIII Monogram, Hunter Rye and Portland Club. 20 years old. specialties. Port land Cafe. 13U Fifth, between Washington and Alder. F. J. Hellen. Manager. INDIAN MEDIUM. GIFTED INDIAN. BORN with double veil, tells past, present and fu ture, h-als all diseases by the uso f Indian herbs; reading by letter, $1. Mrs. Professor Wheatly How. ConfM-rtial. 271 Fifth St.. opposite City Hall. Tel. Brbwn C99. RIMLESS Ei'E-GLASSES, $L25 NICKEL OP. ccid-fillfd frames, with best lMej. $1: rom mon glasses, from 25 tc SOc. Kve' tw:ed frer. by competent optician; fit gu ranteeil. Ijr( land Jeweler and Optician. 132 First st.. b twefn Washinston end Aide-. ANTED ALL WOMEN SUFFERING FRO"I nry form of female disease to know that Dr. Coonley's Famous Speclfl, 0anga Lily, U a certain cure: a free trial package. A days' treatment, v. Ill be given to any lady cailln? at 410 Union ave. DRFSS SUITS KKVTKP. ALL SIZES V.H call for. spoage, prew end J-Sivr cn- ilt cr your cit'nlne each week. w art bu'iTU". se up np. U,i $; per mrntb Dyeing, u-4:n rlranii. anc repairing. Uuiqu Talw-ir Ci. .H7 Wiililnefoii. both 'i-horve DR. DARKIN. 285 Mo:nson St.. 1'crtland. oi . rpeclnllst In all chronic Diseases of r.U t.-spcii. Variso-'le. stricture oi bArocrl guarantet-d cured In one wtck. No. Ini:. n detention. Consultation free. Call or wiito ILLOND'S PRKVENTATIVb iX'.MIS Kyi: 1 r-i-r.:lor .if lilec The h&r. anttei.ttc No failure. Sent to any sdtlrwui -box. $1 M: i; temples. 10c. lltand Chen.. Jaj..-PO 574. Pirtlnd " l WATCHES CLEANED. 73-. MVINSPRINC. 75c: clock called for and dri:vtrrrd All xzzvi and clock v.arrante.: one t-r. T!i Portland Jeweler. 132 tirt :. 1'bfKf llaU J37. MANLY VIGOR ItrViX'HED llY UR. Uui; erta" Nefve Globules, one month's treutriur.t $2; .1 months. $5. Si.t ec.rely fraie.i br mall 'Agents. Woodard t ilark.'. Portland. Or. Savs from 3 to 0 months' time by taking av the easily acquired, quick and lesnblt Pruln Shorthand, at Behnka's Prnln- Shorthand School & Com'l College. G14 Commercial bW ST0UR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE AC rnrattly and reasonably filled at Eysscll's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison St., bet. 1st and 2d. Chnmcn Sense Beauty Parlors; wrlnl-les. su perfluous hair, moles, etc.. removed, scalp treatments speclafty; electricity. 70 Lewis big. Mme. De Lacey Beauty Parlors,; wrinkles, moles, pimples, etc. removed; treatment of hair a specialty 423 Ablngton building. WE PRINT 30 FINE VISITING CARDS. 25c: 50. 35c; 250 business cards. $1: 500, $1.50. Brunn A Scbmale 220 First st.. Pcrtland. TRITZ' CONCERT HALL: largest cafe on Pa cllc Coast: 240 o 246 Burnslde. Welnhard's beer -on draught. Clubrooms urstalrs. v'P'i?meT CASES. .RECEU'ED AND cared for at physician's house. - Dr. Arthur De Voe. Seattle. UNCLE BLOCH HAS SOLD HIS ENTIRE business to the 'Reliable Loan Office. 01 Third st.. cor. Pine. DRUGS; COUNTRY MAIL ORDERS SOLIC Ued. Albert Bernl. Druggist. 233 Wash. st. BILLY LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL. 103 4TH. -Phone Clay 041. Wheels called or, delivered. DELICIOUS ICE CREAM; YOUR ORDERS -solicited at Jolts'. 313 Morrison. Both phones. CUT RATES Oregon Dye "Works; cleaning and dyeing. Uurrislde. near JSth, Tel. Red 203. CLOTHES MENDED FOR' "LADIES AND gentlemen. Apply at room 45 Labbe bldff. MRS. DR. McCOY. electric treatments. First st.. cor. Alder, rooms 33 and S3. I33H WOULD YOU MARRY. IF SUITED? stamp to lock-box 6C0, Portland. Or. SEND BUSINESS CHANCES. SOME FINE .BUSINESS CHANCES JENNINGS & CO ESTABLISHED ISSZ $1000 Restaurant: old established; fine trade. SIBuO Grocery; rent, including 0 rooms, $20. $ 250 Cigar store; location, business center. $ 500 Grocery, fruit and cigars; good comer. $ ISO Lunch counter and restaurant: snap. $ 250 Cigar, candy, fruit and furniture. $ 110 Creamery, good location for business. We have all kinds of business chances. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. $1200 Brick flat. 30 rooms: a barsraln. sore. $1000 Good carpets and Sur.l .clears. $100. -$ 450 Board and rooming; money-maker. We- have every rooming-house that is for salo on our list, at lowest price. JENNINGS & CO 303 MORRISON. FOR SALE Aw FULL (20 ACRES) CAPE Nom placer claim, ori Gold Bottom Creek. a tributary to Snake; adjoining claim sold for $12,000 last year; the above caT-be bad for a song outright; title guaranteed. Sei Hamilton, at the VanderbllL $3530 FOR HALF INTEREST IN MANUFAC turlng business, purchaser tb take manage ment; must be desirable. The Ames Mer cantile Agency. 205 Abingfoh building: FOR SALE HALF OR ENTIRE INTEREST In a saw mill on the Columbia River. Ad- , dress Columbia River and Oregon Tlmberroan, 1S3H Morrison st.. Portland. FOR SALE IX ONE OF THE BEST TOWNS Si JS?;?.0- vSSi. .,urerT, 5h? at &J.lady gives-MASSAGE TREATMENTS AT bargain:- bears .Investigation. B 23. care iv U5V, Washington st.. room 22. Hours 10-S Oregonlan. DO YOU WANT A GOOD BUSINESS' "WE are In c position to advise-you. Ames Mer cantile -Ajrency. Jocra 203 Abingdon, building. GOING TO NOME: MUST SELL GOOD-PAY-Ing hotel or C3 rooms. In city; brlel: bulldlnjr. Room 22C Ablngton bulldlnsr. 43000 WILL BUY INTEREST D DESIRA- oie naraware ousmess at Seattle; excellent opportunity. Box 740, city. FOR SALE HOME BAKERY AND CONFEO tlonery. at sacrifice; candy receipts to buyer. Call 505 Washington st. FOR SALE CHEAP; ONLY EXCLUSIVE Al Job printing office in The Dalles. Box 510, The Dalles, Or. For sale From U to J4 Interest In rafg. busi ness In city; Investigate. V 30, Oregoniaa. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AjTrlcalttiral Implements, Machinery Grebe. Harder &. Co.; Mlllburn wagons, car riages, farm machinery, pamps, Wolff-Amai-lcan bicycles. l2-0 Madisoa. EDWARD HUGHES: WAGONS. CARRIAGES and farm machinery f &H kinds. 190 Front. JOHN POOLE; Newton wagons, buggies., wind mills, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison si. W. C. HOLMAN. WAGON. CARRIAGE AND agricultural Implements, 210-214. .Front sL Assnyers and Analysts. J. 'H. FI3K. MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist, geld dust bought. 204 Washington. HAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYIST. gold dust 'bought. 22SH Stark at. Attorneys. S. H..GRUBER. LAVYER. mining, admiralty and collectlcna; specialties. Commercial blk. J. AV. RANSOM. .ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND n counter, .Bates Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. E. W. BINGHAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, RE moved to l Union blk.. 227. Stark. Baths. DEKUM Bathrooms: popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-13 Dekum. Phone Red 2S45. TURKISH BATHS; also massage; lady nttond ant, 107 4th St.. bat. Washington and Stark. Billiards and Pool. PORTLAND BILLLVRD PARLOR. 127 6TH. Jlcest billiard and pool rccma in Portland. Book Stores. J.- K. GILL & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tall booksellers and etatlonets. 133-35 3d st. Cape Nome Supplies. NOME MACHINERY WE CARRY LARGK5T coast afo;U of boilers, pumps, steam, gaso .line, land and marine engines'. Writes lor prices and deliver'. Baker Hamilton. Pine, Patls and Market fts.. San Francisco. Cat. CAPE NOME. KLONDIKE AND LOCAL camp -dad mining outfits; hardware, stoves, cooking utensils. Adolph Dekum. Ill Firat. sheet Copper, ralston stills, and everything needed by miners, at Dayton Hardware Co., 102 and 104 First st. Blankets, furnishing. &oods, rubber, oil clothing. Will Wolf. Nome Outfitter. 20S Morrison. Carpenters and Bnllders. JOHN A. MELTON, carpei'-r. buliaer: offlce and tore fixtures. Ore. teL '47. 285 Stark. A. E. ROPER. HOUSE BUILDING AND Repairing-. Sbo East Jjtn st. N. Tel. Pink 51C. Chiropodists. L. MITCHELL. FIRST licensed expert chiropo dist In Portland, patronized by Portland's 400; no extra charge .for calling at residence. lOKlce 100 5th, optoslte P. O. Tel. Hoed J14. WM. DEVENY & MAUL DEVENY. THE onir cientrfiu chironodiMts. Room Ml Allskv bldg.. d and Morrison. Ore. phone Grant UK,' Clcnnlnsr and Dyeing;. CLOTHING CLEANED OR DYED; WE CALL for. olean, press and deliver oae suit each week for $1 per month. We do all kinds ol repairing: first-class work. Satlslactlou guat anteed. Jacob;On Cleaning Co., 433 Wasnlng ton st. OreKon phone Orem 4ai. Trench Cleaning i- Dyelrg Works. J. Deleau. prop. Phone Red CW. 445 Glisan st. Coul Dealer. ULCAN COAL COMP.OCY. WHOLESALE and retail dealers in best grades and ticue cccls. ortgen phone Red liCrt. R. R. track. Front at., near Gl.san. Coimnlssion Mercliatits. HLRMAN MTiCuER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber tnd old metal, snd general commission pici chant. Front .. near Main. Portland. Or. Casli advances on consignments. TAVLOK. YOUNG .V CO.. SHIP BROKERS nnd cemir.lB.dcn merchants. Sherlock b!dc , 1 crtlund. Cr. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. & D sts.. Portland. Or. E.KP.DING fz PARKELL. commUsIon. butter vgrc chifjverj bnd faim produce. Portland. Cornices Sk Iiaht.i. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON corn tee. J. C. Its ye r. 2C3 2d st Dnnclnpr. ;iSi:KS .i.vTit.vLY ACADEMY OF D.VN ing. 21 14U. frlvate 1 a oas by appolatm nt. DculKti. DR. C. -enee. B BROWN. Tel. Om: Red 2S16; resl r.ite at. 3i4-15-;c Dekijm bldg. Denial Sniiplles. ' ' " WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. Cor. 4th and V asn!sg:cn sts. DycIiiK and Clean Ins. II. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER end cleaner. 301 17th. Tel. Red. 131. Educational. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. CTH AND Yamhill: A. P. Armstrong, prln.: J. A. Ucaco. sec. Open all the year, students ad mitted at any time: catalogue free. Electric Belts. DR. SCHRAMCK. MANUFACTURER electric belta. 2uii Frout. i ' Fence nnd Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carlson. 2S9 E. Morrison st.' Iron Founders, Mach'sts, Ship B'Id'rs. Wolff i Zwlcker Iron Works: designers and mfrs. of ships, steamboats, marine, mlnlns and mll.lng machinery: riveted steel pipe. Furniture Houses. ROSECRANTZ & SAVRAN3KY HAVE RE itloved from 234 First st. to 215 Front, cor Salmon. Highest price paid for household goods. Also cheapest place In Portland to purchase houx-hold gooas. Harness and Saddles. THE BRETMAN LEATHER CO.. HARNESS and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, findings and shoe-store supplies. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front stl notels. TREMONT HOUSE: newly furnished rooms S1.50 a week up. J. E. Clark. 343 Everett. Ice Cream Dealers. SPECIAL PRICES to ledgers, boarding-houses,' etc Jolls, 313 Morrison. Both phones. Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 1C in t. Byd & Arnold, general agents. Japanese Goods. Bamboo "furniture. Japanese palms, wholesale retail.-K. U. Kiriyama & Co.. 311 Mcrriron" Iron Founders and Machinists. -Smith z Watson Iron Works': engine's and boil ers; logging engines a specialty; quarts and saw mills; rauc machinery. Front and Hall. Ladder- Works. PA'CIFIC LADDER WORKS, LADDERS OF all kinds. Ccr. E. 6th and Oak. 'Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. 'FRAZIER & McLEAN. LIVERY. FEED AND sale stable, 2tO to 2QC Fifth St.. cor. Taylor. Rubbcr-tfre rlsv p- specialty. Maasafce. THE SNOWDEN" BATHROOMS RS opened. J31?4 4th: formerly "The Nelson": I- tub and vapor baths, massage. Tel. Red 421. P. M. dally. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC; LADY from San Francisco. Parlor 2C. 2SSVs Stark. Marble and Granite "VorIi. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marble, gran ite and stoner work. Schanen &. Ncu, 2C! 1st. MONUMENTS AT COST, to reduce stock be fore: .moving down town. Weeks. 720 Front. Otto Schumann, mfg. marble and granite mon uments, estimates on building work. 204 3d. Leather Findings. J.' A REn. mfr. boot and shoe uppers: full stockshoemakers supplies. 207 Washington st. " ' aiimnery. OCR. GOLF HAT SALE THIS WEEK. A. S. Jorgeasen, 281 Morrison st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. . Masaetlc Healers. MRS. C. J. MAPLE. MAGNETIC HEALKh (Weltmer method), personal and absent treatment.- SJiS Third st.. Portland. Or. Mannfaoturlns? ol Lntlfc Goods. LADIES' ILK WAISTS AND WRAPPERS, fancy white good, silk underwear made to order. Sing Cheng Co.. 333 Morrison. Medical. Laales: Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps, for ,artlculars, "Relief for ladles." In letter by return mall. At Drug Klsts'. Chichester Chemical Co.. Phlla.. Pa. Dr. Flora A. Brown: diseases of wemwa and children a specialty. Consultation anl dlag nosis free. 517-51 S The Dekum. Portland. Or. Medical Sciences. HUMAN AILMENTS TREATED. ADVANCED inpny.yoiogical medical sciences. M. H. WhKe. ivj-o-y A03JIJ- mug., oa ana ugrruon. Merchant Tailors. THEO. SCHULZE. MERCHANT TAILOR. 372 E. F.urrislde line Spring and Summer goods to order. Mining. CAPE NOME GOLD PARTIES WASHING TO obtain stock, in the Alaska Bedrock Dredging Co.. or Information regarding same, apply room 43 McKay block. Portland. Or. PROSPECTS AND MINES EXAMINED ON reasonable terms; bank reference. E. O. Smith. M. E.,. 2S0 14th St.. Portland. Or. Mining Investments. EASTERN OREGON GOLD FIELDS; $75 FOR 1000 bhares of Richardson stock. Best buy on market. Price will advanoa soon on mints of the mine. 22 feet of -ore. Call or write W. H- Sherrod & Co.. room 2 Chamber of Com. ?v dfal !2L "tem Oregon. Bohemia and Southern -t)regob mfnes and mining stocks. Davidson. Yvard': Co.. 4C3 Chamber of Com. SUMPTER GOLD FTELDS;. MINES AND mining stock bought and sold. E. A Clem ..i Co.. 14C Third St.. Portland. Or. MInfnjr Mnchlncry. Wllfiey concontratcr, Drake amal.. Ideal stamp mill, mining cars. Tatum & Bowen, 29-3J 1st. Mnslcal. LESSONS ON VIOLIN. VIOLA.. CORNET: music furnished for all occasions; fiddle mart. Erall Thielhorn. 269 Jefferson. TeL West. 1004. Lessons 50e piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin Instruments for sale. Mrs. .Martin. 104S 1st. Orcfiron Vlavl Company. Lewis bldg., Park and Morrison. Free Health lectures to women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M. Osteopathy. DR. W. A. ROGERS. OSTEOPATH. SUITE 5u3 Marquam bldg.: acute and chronic dis eases. Ladles wishing lady operator will b attended by Dr. Rhcdft C. Hicks, graduate under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of Osteopathy. Phono Main 27. DR3. NORTHRUP & ALKIRE. OSTEOPATHS. suite 410 Dekum bldg. Investigation reapect luliy solicited; examination free. Phona Sfaln DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH. Edte 409 Oregonlan building. Fhone Oak 421. Palmistry. Larsen. the palmist, readings, 50c: best book for students. "Practical Hand-Reading." Il lustrated, for sale by author, 2S54 First st. Pasturage. LADD'S CANYON FARM IS NOW OPEN for cattle and horses. Apply to F. .Miller, on the premises. Lcid , Tllton. agents. Patents. T. J. CEISLER. 010-C11 CHAMBER OF COM. Registeied .attorney U. S. Patent Office. Photographers. THE GALLERY AT 203 FIRST ST.. COR. Taylor, has changed management. For a good photo at the lowest price, try us. Hogan's. Photographic Supplies, WOODARD. CLARKE & CO., WHOLESALE and retail, comer Fourth and Washington. Rldlnsr Academies.. Tortland Riding Club, fine livery, boarding, raddle horses specialty. Park and Jefferson. Restaurants. THE FINEST 10c HOUSE ON THE COAST.i Ai on tana Kestaurant. 245 First -st. Real Estate Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON, hshed 1S03. WAKEFIELD & CO.; ESTAB 227 Stark street. Storcg-c. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fcurth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; storage tatcs reasonahl-s. Careful attention given to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777; Columbia, 07C SAFES. PIANOS, FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping C M. OUin, 12S First. Tel. office Main 10S7; Black. 601. Safes. SAFES, SAFES, BANK WORK. LOCK DEFT, opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis, CG 3d. Snw Mill Machinery. Chrlstenson-McMaster Machinery Co.: new and 2d-hand machinery. E. Water and E. Taylor. Showcases and Store Fixtures. DIXON. BORGBSON Washington streets. & CO.. FRONT AND Storage nnd Transfer. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD 'at Fred Blckel's ctprehouse. 31 North Front.' "Wholesale Druffirlsts. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESALE druggists, comer Fourth and Washington. Seed, Flower, Vegetable Plants. ALL KINDS OF SEEDS AND PLANTS AT Bowcn's Seed Store. Front and Taylor. We sell only tha best. Specialist. .Berths A. Trulllnger, complexion, scalp and manicuring, 20 Benson block. 291;$ Morrison. Stoves, Ranarcs, Household. H'dvrnre Hardware: sole agt. Universal stoves & ranges; bousefurnlshlng goods. J. J. Kadderly, 141 1st. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOY ant and psychic life-reader; consult her on business affairs. love troubles, absent friends: good advice on mines; reading dally. 50c and up. lC7ls First street, offices -7 and 8. Dr. Collins, the only reliable spiritual trance medium in Portland; satisfaction guaranteed. Circle tonight. 350; Washington street. Dr. Collins, reliable spiritual, trance, clairvoy ant medium, magnetic healer. 350 Wwh- Mrs. 'Stevens: advice on all aSalrs of life; sit tings daily. 22H5 Morrison st.. room 22. MRS. WESTLAKE, PARLORS 34 AND 35. 35014 Morrlson. 350 Morrison. Tenta and Avrnlngrs. TENTS. AWNINGS AND CAMP FURNITURE lor rent or sale. Plko's Factory, 107 N. 3d. Cape Nome tents, bags, .oil clothing, camp fur niture. Pacific Tent & Awn. Co.. 27 N. 1st. Syrup Refiners. Westacott fc Knight, syrup r flners. mfgr. gro- cera: both pjiones. E. Alder and E. Morrison. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN &. LEWIS, WHOLESALE GROCERa cor N. Front and Davis. sts.. Portland. Or FINANCIAL. J2C0.C00 TO LOAN AT 3H, 8. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Agent for Weetchester Fire Insuranc Co. Wm. O. Eeek. 321 Morrison st. State funds leaned ft per cent. TV. E. Thomas, state agt. for Mult. Cc. 400 Cham, of Com. MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES. PIANOS, furniture and other securltler. W. A Hath away, room 10 Wash. bids. Phone South 7S1. MONEY TO LOAN IX SUMS FROM $5 TO $300. on all classes of security. R. L Ecker son &. Co., room 5 Washington building. Mortgage money, any sum. low rates, easy terms. W. S. Ward. Att'y. 310 Allsky bldg. MONET TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity. Wm. Ifoll. room 9. Washington bldg. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL cr chattel 'mortgages, personal cr salary se curity, at low rated. C. W Pallett. 213 Com mercial block. TeL Grant 630. FINANCIAL. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc: low rates; seo ns first. Mann '& Co., 604 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on furrurure or good, securi ties S. W. King, room 43 Washington bldg. . LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI ture, pianos, salaries, etc Can be paid In Installments, reducing Interest." Rates lower than the lowest. F. W. Graves, Mgr., 2S3 Alder, near 4th ground Soor. TeL. Green 44V. MONEY TO LOAN, ANY AMOUNT. AT LOW est rates, and abstract of title furnished. PorUand Abstract Cc, G02 Commercial brjek. LOANS, FURNITURE. ETC.. LOWEST rates. 319 Alisky bldg. Phone Hood CT3. MONEY TO LOAN. C per cent, farm cr city property. O. M. Smith. S14 Ck. of Commerce. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE LN OREGON or Washington. 6 to S per cent. G20 Mar quam buildlr.c- SrECIAL NOTICES. 31asters Notice. BRITISH SHIP ALLERTON. CAPT. TOYE. from Hong Kong either the Master nor tha undersigned consignees of the above-named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew.. Kerr. Gif ford & Co.. Consignees. BRITISH BARK EAST AFRICAN. CAPTAIN Decent, from Honolulu Neither the Master nor the undersigned consignees of the above named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may bo contracted by the crew. Kerr. Glfford & Co.. Consignees. BRITISH SHIP ST. MIRREN, CAPT. HAM llton. from Yokohama Neither the Master nor the undersigned consignees of the above named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Portland Grain Co., Consignees. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR STEAM-HEATING AND electric-lighting systems. Department or tJw Interior. Office of Indian Affairs. Washington. D. C . May 2, 1900. Sealed proposals, in dorsed "Proposals for heat and light, Salem," and addressed to tho Commissioner of Indian Atlalrs, Washington. D. C. will be received at the Indian Office until 2 o'clock P. M.. of Monday, Jun i. 1900, for furnishing tho necessary materials and labor required to construct and complete steam-heating and electric-lighting systems at the Salem-Indian School. Oregon, in strict accordance with plans, specifications and Instructions to bidders. wbich may be examined at this office, the of fices of tho Chronicle, of San Francisco. Cal.; the Oregon Statesman, of Salem. Or.; The Morning Oregonlan, of Portland. Or.; tho Post-Intelligencer, of Seattle. Wash.; th Builders & Traders' Exchange. Omaha. Neb.; the Builders' & Traders Exchango. Milwau kee. Wis.; the Northwestern Manufacturers Association. St. Paul. Minn.; the United States Indian Warehouse, 233 Johnson street. Chicago, lib: and at the school. For further Information aptly to Thomas W. Potter, Su perintendent Indian School. Chemawa, Or. W. A. Jones, Commissioner. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS EXECUTIVE Office. Salem. Or., May 10. 1900. Sealed pro posals, addressed to the Board of Trustees of the Oregon Hospital for Insane, will be re ceived at this offlce until 2 o'clock P. M., Tuesday. May 22. 1900. for furnishing tho materials and labor required to construct and complete a closed cottage at tho asylum farm. In strict accordance with tho plans and specifications and instructions to bidders pre pared therefor, -which may be examined at the office of Pugh & Gray, architects, Salem. Or. No bid will be considered unless mado on blank form of proposal, which may bo obtained from the architects. Right to re ject any or all bld3 received. Walter Lyon, Clerk of the Board of Trustees. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE SUPPLHC3 Offlce of Purchasing Commissary, San Fran cisco. Cal , April 23. 1900 Sealed proposals foe furnishing and delivering of such quan tities of subsistence supplies, delivered at such wharf or wharves or such warehouses in San Francisco. Cal., as per circular to be seen at this offlce, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M.. Friday. May 18. 1900, and opened immediately thereafter In presence of bidders. Specifications, general Instructions to bidders and blank form of proposal will be furnished tc established dealers ou appli cation to W. H. BALDWIN, Major and C. S., U. S. Army. Purchasing Commissary. Miscellaneous. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE IN Admiralty United States of America, District of Oregon, ss. By virtue of a writ of vendi tioni exponas. Issued out of the District Court of the United States, for the District of Ore gon, tested the 7th day of May, 1900. in tho suit of E Loll and Henry Luse, as llbellants. I will expose for sale at public auction, and will sell to the highest and best bidder, for cash, on Saturday, the 19th day of May. 1900. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at East Oak-street Dock, in the City of Portland. Or., in said district, the steamboat Copper Queen, her tackle-, apparel, machin- ery, "engines, boilers and furniture. Dated at Portland. In said district, this 7th day of May. A. D. 1900. ZOETH HOUSER. U. S. Marshal for the District, qf Oregon. BRITISH SHIP ARGUS. CAPTAIN HUNT er, from Antwerp, will commence dlscharcimr at Colomo. wharf on May 15, 1900. Con signees will please call at the office of tha undersigned, pay freight and receive their or ders. All merchandise when landed upon tho wharf will be at the risk of the owners thereof, without regard to weather, and If not removed before 5 o'clock P. M. of eaeh day will be stored or left on the wharf, at the risk and expense of the owner. Taylor. Youiu; & Co.. Agents. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I WILL NOT be responsible for debts Incurred by any per son In my employ. T. S. FInnegan, prop. Enterprise Pickling Works. LOST AND FOUND. LOST NEAR HEAD OF SIXTH ST.. MAR quam Gulch road, mink shoulder cape. Find er will receive liberal reward by returnimr - same to room 404 Dekum building. LOST LARGE RED IRISH SETTER; OLD, with white face; deaf. Return 225 Morri son. Reward. BANKS. SAVINGS BANE. PORTLAND TRUST COMFANT; OF OREGON, 109 THIRD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general trust and agency business-transacted. BLNJ. I. COHEN . . .Presldentr H. L. PITTOCK, A. S. NICHOLS Vice-Pres. E. J. ALTSTOCK. J. O. GOLTRA . . .Sacratarie FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of, the United States. l President .. .H. W. COHBETB Cashier G- E. WlTHINUTONi Aebistant Cashier J. W. NHWKLRKi; Second Assistant Cashier- W. C. ALVORtt Letters of credit issued, available in EuropW and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and telegrapbio transfers soldi on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. St-.-Paul, Omaha, San Francisco and the principal, points in the Northwest. Sight and tlm bills drawn In sums to suit oa London, Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-tae-Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen, Chrlstl anla. Stockaolm. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Zu rich." Honolulu. Collections made on lavoranis terms. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS "" ESTABLISHED IN 1S59. Transact a General Banking .Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable te-ms. Letters of credit issued available la Eu-. rope and the Eastern, states. , , Ctcrht Exchange, and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Lculs Denver, vuaxun, cu jtiiiijcu uuu vari ous poinlsln Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLd, FARGO & CO. BANK . . CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $6,250,000 JOHN J. VALENTINE PREalDJiNT HOMER S. KING MANAUtJt (San Francisco.) R.M. DOOLEY ...CASHIER JOHN E. MILES .ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business tranoacted. Ex cbange sold, and Letters of Credit Issued, avail able in all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J.FRANK WATSON .-... President K.L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cahier GEO. W HOYT Assistant Caaaier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit issued, available In all parts of the wcrldi Collections a specialty. Geld dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP ., $2,430,000 Head Offlce, 71 Lombard street, London. Tills bank transacts a general banking and exchange business; makes loans, discounts bills and Issues commercial and travelers' credits, available la any c.ty In the world. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Basking Business. Drafts issued available In all cities of tha United States and Europe. President .. TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KAMM Casnler F. C M1LLEU BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA-PAID-UP CAPITAL J3.O0O.CO9 RESERVE 50O.CO9 Head Office. CO Lombard street. London. Com'l block. 244 Washington et., Portland. K. LEA BARNES. Manager. v L .aUBafeMiJBKK.jjkfc.. . W.A Jtslt .fejaj-t.