Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 17, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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AKsseracBti Tonlekt.
CORDRArs THEATER (Wasblntton Street)
"The Magistrate."
XORRIS &. KOWTES Trained Animal Ehow,
Eleventh and Cloy Sts.. 3 aad 8P. X
For Cokcekted Actxox. A small
meeting -was held last evening by
some- o the stockholders and al
leged victims of the Pacific States
Savings, Lioan & Investment Com
pany, in the office of C. K. Henry. -3
Stark street, to organize a concerted
movement against that concern. The case
of W. E. Spurrier, decided in the Circuit
Court Saturday, was another of the same
felnd, and another case by Dr. Hill, at
Albany, against the company, has been
taken into the Supreme Court. Judge
Boise, of Salem, decided that one of the
contracts entered into with the company
was usurious. Each of the six or seven
stockholders present last evening told
about the same story of understanding at
the time of entering into the contract
that the money paid in amounted to about
the principal and Interest on an ordinary
loan, whereas they discovered after pay-ng
the designated length of time that the
company demanded approximately twice
that amount. All present thought they
had been duped, and were determined to
obtain legal redress. Another meeting will
be held "Wednesday evening at the same
Alaska Code Biu Tho Chamber of
Commerce has received the following let
ter from Representative Moody in response
to its request that he take steps in be
half of the Alaska code bill: "I presented
your telegram, representing the Interest
the Chamber of Commerce has in the
Alaska code bill to Speaker Henderson
Immediately on Its arrival. He promptly
replied by saying to notify my friends that
lie would do all he could to bring about
Its early consideration. He called the
chairman of the committee on revision of
the lawe to his Toom and was told that
the earliest date a report from the com
mittee could be had would be "Wednesday
next (May 1C). I am convinced from the
personal interest manifested by the Speak
er that the Alaska code bill will be set
down for special order almost if not Im
mediately after the report from the House
committees on revision of ttfe laws and
territorial affairs is had. At the present
writing there is no indication in the House
of any material change being made in the
Senate bill."
Attracts Manx Strangers. H. E
Dosch, secretary of the State Board of
Horticulture, Is delighted with his new
quarters, on the ground floor at 346 Wash
ington street, as he sees more strangers
every day than he used to at the old lo
cation in a week. "The sign 'Bureau of
Information,' " he says, "attracts the
passers-by, who are glad to see the various
ores and fruits on exhibition. Even our
home folks are astonished at the great
jars of luscious pears, prunes, etc., and
many say: 'I never saw the like.' 'Yes
you have,' I Teply, "but you took it as a
matter of course, and thought nothing of
it.' The miners are especially interested
In the ores, the farmers in the neat
sheaves of grain, and the frultraisers In
the big things put up in preserving fluid."
Civa Service Examination. The
United States Civil Service Commission
announces that on June IS, 19, 20 and 21
examinations will be held in this city for
the following positions: Junior civil en
gineer, mechanical draftsman, lumberman,
assistant section of illustrations, division
of publication. Department of Agriculture:
draftsman marine engines and public doc
ument indexes and catalogue. From the
eligibles resulting from these examina
tions certification will be made to All ex
isting vacancies at salaries from $720 to
$1500 per annum. Persons desiring to com
pete should at once apply to the Civil
Service Commission, Washington, D. C,
tor information and application blanks.
Fountain ConrtCTioN Belated. The
Thompson fountain will not be completed
In time for dedication, July 4. H. G.
Wright, the architect, has received notice
from the company In Vermont vihlch is
to furnish the granite that tho polishers
are all out on strike. The remainder of
the granite cannot be shipped under pres
ent circumstances in less than SO dajs, and
possibly not then. The bronze elk, which
Is to surmount the fountain, has been
completed. It was made by a New York
company, the same that made the gold
statue of Maude Adams, the actress, for
exhibition at the Paris exposition.
The last meeting of the Social Union of
Unitarian Church Is to be at a supper
given at chapel next Wednesday evening.
May 23, at 6:30 o'clock. All members ol
tho union are urgently requested to at
tend, as are also other members of the
congregation, who may procure tickets for
tho evening. It is requested by the com
mlttee having the matter In charge that
all members of the union and others will
signify their intention to attend or not
to attend. In order that proper provision
may be made. Please send word at once
by postal card to reading-room. Unitarian
Chapel, 34$ Yamhill street.
Mr. Wm. D. McCann, of McCann,
Belcher & Allen, San Francisco, is at
the Portland Hotel (room 421), with a very
complete line of designs and fabrics for
housefurnlshlngs. He "Kill be In the city
for a day or two only, and will be glad
to talk with people Interested in his sub
ject. The quality of the work done by his
Arm Is so well known throughout the
Coast that comment thereon is unneces
sary. Portlanders are to be congratulated
on the fact that Mr. McCann contemplates
opening an establishment in this city.
Turners' R. R. Excursion,
Mount Angel and Sllverton, Or.,
Sunday, Maj 20,
Round trip, $1. '
Trains leave Union depot 8:45 A. M.,
Tickets for sale by
Gradon & ICoehler, 1st and Main streets,
Woodard, Clarke & Co., 4th and Wash.,
Esberg. Gunst Cig. Co.. 3d and Alder,
Turn Halle, Fourth and Yamhill.
South Portland W. C. T. U. The
South Portland W. C. T. U. will meet
this afternoon at 3 o'clock In the Im-
manuel Baptist Church, corner Meade and
Second streets. Very important business
is to be considered. A full attendance of
tho membership is desired, and a cordial
Imitation is extended to all temperance
Sacred Sono Recital by the Rev. Dr
A. A. Morrison, assisted by Mrs. Rose
Bloch-Baucr, Mrs. Walter Reed. Mr. W.
11. Hogue and Mr. T..M. Lighter, tonight,
at S 13, In Trinity Church. Sixth and Oak
streets. Subject, "Handel's 'Messiah.' "
AdrrssIon, 51; no reserved seats.
Sitndat Boats. Boats are running reg
ularly on Sunday between Astoria and
Irwaco, so that persons leaving here Sat
urday night for North Beach make close
conrections and arrive there early Sun
day. Columbia River Scenery. Regulator
line of steamers from Oak-street dock
dally, except Sunday, for The Dalles. Hood
River, Cascade Locks and return. Way
boat at G A. M.. through boat at 7 A. M.
Tissot Tickets. Eight hundred tickets
have already been sold. Two hundred
more will be placed on sale at Gill's to
morrow. When these are gone, not an
other ticket will be sold.
Oregon Camera Club excursion to
Hood River. Sunday, May 20. Fine seen
ery and strawberries. Tickets can be pro
cured from photographic supply houses
and members.
B. P. O. Elks, Portland Lodge. No. 142.
All members and Isltlng brothers are re
quested to attend the meeting tonight. Im
portant business. Louis Dammasch, sec
retary. We are headquarters for quicksilver,
medicine cases water Alters and miners'
supjil es. Woodard, Clarke & Co., Fourth
and Washington streets.
Amateur Theatricals and dancing,
given by Unitarian Church. May IS. S:15
P, JL, Arlon Hall. AdmLsslon. 50 cents.
Machinists' Grand Ball Saturday
evening at Turners' Hall. Tickets, 50c All
Peculiar Runawat Accident. Thomas
Mann had a runaway yesterday that may
result In the loss of his horse. He was
driving up Morrison street in a light
cart when the wheel caught in a. car
track, breaking the front axle. The horse
became frightened at the shaft bumping
against him and ran at full speed up the
street, but at each step his left hind foot
hit violently against the broken part of
the buggy. When stopped at the corner
of Eleenth, the horse was found to be
bleeding profusely in the foot where it had
come in contact with the axle. The poor
beast suffered considerably for the first
few minutes, and then was forced to lie
down from the loss of blood. A veterinary
surgeon soon arrived, however, and the
bleeding was stopped, after which the ani
mal was carted home on a truck. Whether
he will survive is a question, as the loss
of blood greatly weakened him.
Fight in a Cemetery. Trouble be
tween an ex-sexton and the present sex
ton of a cemetery near Sylvan has cul
minated in a charge of assault being pre
ferred In Justice Kraemer's Court by
William G. Wallace against William H.
Hardy. Hardy was recently superseded
by Wallace, who alleges that his prede
cessor attacked him as Wallace was build
ing a fence in the cemetery. Hardy has
sent word to the officers that they need
not come out after him, as he will come
in when written to. Deputy Sheriff Mitch
ell wrote him yesterday, and so the charge
will be Investigated tomorrow.
Charged With Abduction. A. C.
Smith, a resident of Southern Oregon,
was held to answer to the grand Jury
yesterday by Judge Hennessy in the sum
of $500, on a charge of abduction. Mrs.
Annie R. Rlggs, manager of the Florence
Crlttenton Home, alleges that Smith en
ticed Hattle Howard away from the Home,
and that Hattle is under 16 years of age.
The girl is now somewhere in Jackson
County, and will be brought back to Port
land to testify against Smith. The pris
oner waived examination in the Municipal
Lath Country Registration. Four
registrations from the country precincts
were received by Chief Clerk Steel yester
day. This makes the total number for
Multnomah County 1S.756, and there will
probably be a few more yet. The regis
trations in the country precincts are swdrn
to before a notary public, at the expense
of the county, but the same rule governs
them in regard to receiving no affidavits
after 5 o'clock May 15. Those received
yesterday were made out before that time,
but were sent late.
Wild Strawberries. Wrd strawberries
are caid to be unusually numerous on the
hillsides a few miles south of Portland,
between Bertha Station and Mount Zlon,
and the children who know where to go
have no difficulty in gathering bucket
fuls. In some places the ground is fairly
red wltn them, and they are larger than
usual this year. Blackberries, too, are In
full bloom, and promise a big yield, when
the sun of June and July shall have
warmed them into ripeness.
Changes in Firemen. Archie Graham,
driver of chemical 2, has resigned, to en
ter the employ of the H. C. Breeden Co.,
and Charles Gunderson, driver of truck
No. L has taken his place. Tony Richard
son, who formerly drove truck 1, has re
sumed that post. Thomas Parkinson,
foreman of truck 1, has asked for a lay
off for a few days. He has not resigned,
as reported. B. F. Dowell is flllinir Park
inson's place.
Clan Macleay Concert. The Queen
Victoria birthday concert to be given by
Clan Macleay next Wednesday night for
the benefit of the Oregon monument fund
promises to be a great success. Tickets
will be for sale at the nrlnclnal nlaees
in the city. The committee is activMv
at work, and will co-operate with auxil
iary committees throughout the city. The
price of tickets Is placed at 25 cents.
Tissot tickets on sale at Gill's tomor
row. Only 200 left.
Programme for the Great Ceremony
This Mornintr.
A splendid musical programme will be
rendered at the bestowal of the pallium
on Archbishop Christie today at 10 A. M.
It was arranged under 'the direction of
Dom J. Zan. Tho numbers are as fol
lows: "Ecce Sacerdos" Rampls
"Kyrie" Haydn
Soloist, Miss Lawler.
Soloists, Miss Marie Velguth. Mrs.
Walter Reed. Mr. Hogue and
Mr. Zan.
"Credo" Haydn
Soloist. Miss Velguth.
Offertory "Ave Maria" Schubert
Mrs. Walter Reed.
"Sanctua" Gounod
Soloist, Mr. Hogue.
"BenodlctUB" Gounod
Soloist. Miss Lawler.
"Agnus Del" Gounod
Soloists, Miss Velguth and Mr.
The choir will consist of the following:
Sopranos Misses Velguth, Lawler, Mc-
Mahon. De Witt, Kane, Brennan and
Altos Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Wright, the
Misses Steers, Bcott, McEntee, Cass and
Tenors Messrs. Hogue, Cass, Barrett,
Johnson and Malley.
Bassos Messrs. Epplng, Barff, N. Zan,
Bruce. Montgomery and D. J. Zan.
String quartet Messrs. Drlscoll, Miller,
Bently, Conrad and Bertham.
Organist Mrs. A. Kelley.
Director Dom J. Zan.
Xot a. Vacant House Wltaln tke
Boundaries Preparations to
Close Portland. University.
The growth of the Ninth Ward, on the
East Side, since the last election has been
extraordinary, but the Increase Is no sur
prise to those who have watched building
operations the past two years. The in
crease in the number of votes over the
vote for Governor In 1E9S Is fully 500, giving
a total registered vote of over 2503. It
may be said that there have been no
vacant houses for months, and that as
soon as a family moves from a house sev
eral are ready to move Into it. The same
Is true of the cottages that have been put
up for renting purposes. These are spoken
for In advance of completion. The de
mand for houses In the Ninth Ward can
not be supplied. People are constantly go
ing about looking for houses, but they
usually give it up with a despairing look
on their faces. It la estimated by com
petent Judges that If EO houses were com
pleted today they would all be taken be
fore the close of the day. When the fur
niture factory on the O. R. & N. Railway
has been completed and Is in operation
the pressure will be Increased unless spe
cial provisions are made to accommodate
the operatives. At least 100 men will be
required at the start, and perhaps many
more, and most of them will be men with
families who will want cottages. As yet
there Is no provision for housing them,
although it is stated that a large number
of cottages are eoon to be erected for
them. So the Ninth Ward promises to
continue to Increase. Its population, esti
mating from the vote registered, Is not
far from 11.CO0. which Is probably about
the real figure.
Christian world has for a long time past
had Its Imagination misled by the fancies
of painters; and there is a whole stock
of Images that must be driven out of the
mind, before it can be familiarized with
notions that are a little nearer the truth."
The exhibition of Tissot's work soon set
all Paris in a flame. Such pictures had
never been seen before. In London a pro
found impression was made. New York
was also deeply stirred. Men unaccus
tomed to a display of emotion stood be
fore the pictures with the tears coursing
down their cheeks.
One can get a better idea, of the topog
raphy of the Holy Land, the architecture,
the dress, the faces of the people, by
studying Tissot one hour than by reading
many books. Leonardo's great painting
of the "Lost Supper" is found to be seri
ously at fault, when placed by the side of
Tissot's picture of the same subject. It la
most interesting to place a Raphael or an
Angelo or a Hoffmann near a Tissot and
note the different conceptions of the
The Cathedral class, of this dty. bos
done a real service to the community by
bringing to the Coast a collection of slides
made from the Tissot paintings, which will
reproduce them in the original colors.
Even artlover and all who are interested
In the study of Israel's great hero should
avail themselves of the opportunity of
seeing these famous pictures.
Close of Portland University.
President Whltaker, of the Portland Uni
versity, Is shaping everything In connec
tion with the university for the closing
exercises, which will take place on the
evening of May 3L For some time he has
been engaged In collating the record of
all the students of the university from
the beginning down to the present time,
so that when the institution Is merged
into the Willamette University every
student and every graduate from all the
departments will have a clear record and
become a part of the Willamette. Tnls
has cost Dr. Whltaker great labor, but
he was determined that every otudent
who had been connected with the Portland
University should have his full credit nnd
standing preserved according to the agree
ment. He is determined that the affairs
of the Institution shall be honorably
closed up.
At present the classes are In tho midst
of their flnal examinations, and although
the university will cease to exist after
the 31st, the high standard of scholarship
is being maintained and the best of work
required of students. In spite of th?
difficulties that have beset the university
the past year Dr. Whltaker and his as
sociates have done good work In the class
room. At the flnal exercises Dr. L. E.
Rockwell, D. D., of Centenary Church,
will deliver an oration on the subject
"The Mile Nine-Minute Man." There will
be music by the Portland University
quartet and some other exercises. Some
degrees will be conferred, while some of
the graduates will receive degrees from
the Willamette University. Dr. Whltaker
will return to Cambridge, Mass., where
he will resume his pastorate. He had been
pastor of that church before coming to
Oregon, and now he has been called back
there. His Portland friends will tender
Dr. Whltaker and wife a farewell recep
tion at Grace Church Wednesday evening.
May 23.
Special School Memorial Exercises.
There will be special Memorial exer
cises at the Williams-Avenue School this
year. Profceeor Pratt, the pr'nc'pal, is
an old soldier and always alms to havt
something that will Interest the old sol
diers as well as Instruct the children In
lessons of patriotism. On Monday after
noon. May 2S. the principal Is arranging
for the special entertainment for the od
soldlero, and a special invitation Is extend
ed to them for that afternoon. Tho feat
ures of the afternoon will be an Illus
trated lecture on the "Life of Abraham
Lincoln." and also some appropriate poet
ical selections. The stereoptlcon will be
used. For two years the stereoptlcon has
been used In the Williams-Avenue School
with marked success, and on this occa
s'on its valuo and method will be prac
tically set forth. On Tuesday the usual
exorcises, with talks from the speakers
rent by tho G. A. R. pots. -w III take plac.
The assembly-room will be appropriately
decorated for both Monday and Tuesday,
and all will be made welcome.
"Snap-Shotters" "Will Go to
River Xext Sunday.
Elated over the success of their outing
last year, the Oregon Camera Club has
made preparations for a trip up the Co
lumbia as far as Hood River, Sunday
next, and to accommodate the lovers of
the photographic art has chartered a
train from the O. R. & 1. Co. for the
day's outing. It will be remembered the
very enjoyable day spent last Summer on
the river, when not only did the amateurs
of Portland and their friends enjoy the
beauties of the majestic Columbia, but
also many of the Eastern visitors who
had been In attendance at the National
Educational Association meeting, at Los
Angeles, and who, on their return to the
East, had nothing but words of praise
for Oregon's scenery- The Camera Club
has done much to advertise Oregon's
beautiful scenery and the mighty Colum
bia, much of their work having been dis
tributed not only throughout America,
but Europe, and, as may have been no
ticed from time time, reproductions of
their photographs have appeared In the
principal photographic publications print
ed In the East.
Next Sunday hundreds of "snap-shot-ters"
will congregate at Hood River,
which has been chosen for the rail excur
sion because of the many advantages af
forded the amateur. The scenery at that
point Is grand, Mount Hood and Mount
Adam9 being seen to their best advan
tage, and visitors to the city will have a
grand opportunity to see the Columbia
River Gorge and to enjoy the company
of the genial members of the Camera,
Club, who will spare no pains to see to
their comfort nnd show them the won
ders of our Northwestern state.
A Surprise to Many, Bat Readily Ex
plained. "Where in the world do you manage
to get so many second-hand pianos r"
asked a caller yesterday. "And tnere are
so many really good pianos among them,
too." Well, there are quite a number
of them here Just now, and the reason
for their being here la simply this: Times
are a great deal better now than they
have been. In fact, business conditions
are really very good. Many new homes
are being built, and when people move
Into them, they usually find that the old
piano, while really a good muslcaj Instru
ment, looks somewhat old-fashioned, and
does not harmonize with Its new modern
surroundings. The old piano then finds
Its way into Ellers Piano House, where
we accept it in part payment for a Cnlck
ering, or a Weber, or a KlmbalL We live
In a cultured and musical community.
And just as soon as folks see their wa
clear, they determine upon owning a
high-grade, artistic piano. The very fin
est makes are none too good. Where is
the lady of a house who would not rather
have a valuable work of art adorning the
walls of her parlor than to have some
mere common-place picture? On these
lines, you will find that people come to
Ellers Piano House, and purchase either
a fine, jup-to-date Kimball or a beautiful
and dainty Weber, or a fancy, artistic
UhlcKertng piano, instruments mat are
recognized in polite circles as the vc.y
best, and then we are expected to tako
In their old pianos as part payment.
In addition to the regular line of new
pianos advertised at specially low prices
during this removal sale, there are In
stock this morning: A good New Eng
land. 5145; largest-Slzo Hallet & Davis,
J1S5; fine little Emerson upright, 5150;
another every bit as good as new, 5200.
very fine-toned H. F. Miller, case good
as new, 51S5: an excellent Steck. In fine
condition, 5175; a good New England, 5145;
a Prince & Son, not yet a year old, 5105;
a Gabler. 5100; a Decker & Son, fine con
dition. 5160; another, also good. 5145; a J.
P. Hale, quite old, but good. 5S5; one near
ly new Chickerlng, one fancy mahogany
cased Kimball, used two years, and then
a string of second-hand organs. Story
& Clark, fine, 555; another, 565; Estey,
good, 534; another, finest they make. 575;
Mason & Hamlin, flat top, 524; etc. Terms
of payment to suit yourself. We want
them out of the way. Look Into this be
fore It Is too late We mean business,
and If you get a fine piano here now
we'll see to It that you never regret It.
Ellers Piano House, 107 First street, be
tween Washington and S:ark.
3 Days Only
Friday and
New Summer Negligee Shirts In
the late fancy percales striped
blues, pinks and hellos. Shirts In
trinsically as good as the average
75c kinds elsewhere. Exceptional
values at
See Display in Our Morrison-street Window
Seen our new washable neckwear?
Madras. Oxford and mercerized cotton
squares, 50c
Bat-end bows and strings, 15c; 2 for 2ac
Wyoming: Man "Wants a Tralnlond
From Western Oregon.
There can be but one direct line between
any two points, places or reg.ons. There
Is but one between Portland and the
East and that Is the O. R. & N. Six
superb dally trains, including sleeping,
dining, recllnlng-chalr and library-cafe-observatlon
cars. Every car a model of
Its kind, and every train solidly vestl
buled from end to end. Choice of many
connecting lines. By way of Spokane, via
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago." By
way of Huntington, via Ogden, Salt Lake,
Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis'
and Chicago. Time to St. Paul, six hours
shorter than by any other route; to Chi
cago, a full business day shorter than by
any other.
Home-made shortcake, strawberries. Ice
cream, tempting delicacies; substantial
foods. Portland restaurant 305 Washington.
"mcc aorfMs hatters &F(mm&
Largest Clothiers In the Northwest
A Ralston still will Insure good health.
Dayton Hardware Co., agents, 192 First.
"Wisconsin Man Has Inspected Sev
eral Large Bodies.
George W. Harmon, a timber estimator
and surveyor of Madison. Wis., who has
been looking up Oregon timber for a rail
road company in that state, left yesterday
to make his report. When seen at the
St. Charles, Mr. Harmon said he had
made several trips through the timber
country south and west of Portland and
found some very valuable tracts. He se
lected a tract on the north fork of the
Santiam which his principal had arranged
to purchase. The trade, however, will
not be consummated until he makes his
final report.
He made examination of the timber on
the Trask, Nehalem, Young's and Clas
kanlne Rivers, and found a great deal of
fine forest, which will soon be called upon
to supply the world's demand, as the
timber of the East and Middle States Is
pretty well exhausted. What tracts are
left In that region have passed into the
hands of a few persons, who demand good
prices. Mr. Harmon will do some in
vestigating in the timber lands of South
ern Oregon and Northern California on
his way home.
Frelprnt JS'ow Belnsr Received for
That Point at AInsworth Dock.
There was something of a lull yesterday
In the matter of sales of tickets to Cape
Nome, but the California & Oregon Coast
Steamship Company did a good business,
notwithstanding. The ticket sales for the
two preceding days was phenomenal,
eclipsing all previous records.
The company began to receive freight
at the Ainsworth dock foe St. Michael at
S A. M. yesterday. The amount accepted
It was impossible to ascertain definitely,
but It was considerable. This is Mkely
to increase in volume, from day to day, as
the time for departure of the first two
vessels out for this reason draws nearer
The Geo. W. Elder Is already moored
at one end of the dock awaiting her cargo
and passengers. The Nome CRy, which
left San Francisco for Portland yester
day, is due to arrive Friday night. Mon
day the work of stowing the cargo of
these two vessels will begin, and this will
require four days.
Dr. Swain, dentist. 713 Dekum building.
. Entt Side Xotcs.
Mrs. Van Russell and Miss Lottie L.
Kadderly have returned from attendance
at the Stanford University, California.
The latter Is a daughter of A. A. Kad
derly. David Morris, who lives on Wheeler
street, McMlllen's addition, and who has
been on the sick list for a long time, has
so far recovered as to be able to resume
business this week. He has been out qt
the city for several weeks to escape an
attack of nervous prostration, but he now
hopes soon to be fully restored.
A petition was sent In to the Council
yesterday for the Improvement of East
Twenty-lghth street north from East
Burnslde to the Sandy road. This im
provement will end In the vicinity of the
Doernbecher factory. The School Di
rectors have taken oteps to secure ground
In that neighborhood on which to erect
a schoolhouse when It may be required.
The Postmaster at Sellwood, A. B. Hem
stock, reports a substantial Increase In
the mall matter passing through that of.
flee. Mr. Hemstock has been In office
only a short time, but he can notice the
Increase already. It will probably not ba
very long before Sellwood will be asking
for a postal station and free delivery.
Cathedral Class, of Portland, Will
Soon nave Reproductions of Them.
When the. paintings of Tissot were ex
hibited In Chicago last year, the rooms ct
the Art Institute were nacsed to suffo
cation day after day by crowds eager to
study the wonderful conceptions of the
French artist. The remarkable change
which came over the man who had spent
a lifetime in painting common-place scenes,
such as might be expected from a Bo
hemian, Is one of the romances of art.
The man was over 50 years of age, and
the occasion was tho Church of St. Sul
plce, in Paris, whither the worldling had
gone to study faces of beautiful women.
There a vision came to the painter which
transformed him Into a new man, livlth a
new ambition, and a new future.
He left Paris on a pilgrimage to the
Holy Land, where he studied with eager
attention every spot associated with the
life of Jesus, and read the gospel narra
tive more than 100 times. He determined
to paint the story of the career of the
Nazarlne, giving it the exact setting In
which It took place. For 10 years T:ssot
studied and painted. At last he placed
befcre the world the result of his long
toll 500 paintings and drawings.
When his father looked at them he was
amazed to find bow wrong his Impressions
had been of the places which the holy
feet had touched. He exclaimed: "Then
I must alter all my preconceived Ideo.s
of these things! What. Is not Calvary a
high mountain. In the shape of a sugar
loaf, covered with rocks and brush wood?"
"Well, no," replied Tissot. "the Mount
of Cavalry, though it occupied the summ't
of the city. was. at the most, only 22 or
23 feet high. Tour mistake Is sha-ed by
the greater number of bc.Jevers; the
E. Evans, a cattle drover, of Big Horn
"Valley, Wyoming, arrived in Portland yes
terday, on his way up the Willamette
Valley In quest of young cattle with which
tp restock the ranges of Sears Bros., in his
state. He expects to purchase 15 to 20 car
loads between Portland and Rojeburg,
without trouble, and says that nearly COO)
head have already been bought up by
Eastern men In Western Oregon thlb
Spring. A large propo'rtion of these are
from the Coast counties, but will be driven
over the Coast Range to the various rail
road stations In the Valley for shipment.
He Is paying 514 to $16 a head, he rajs,
and his purchases are mostly jearllng
steers. He thinks cattle can be purchaptd
at a lower price west of the Cascad"s
than In Eastern Oregon, where as high as
$20 is still askea for jearllngs, but no
sales are being made.
the "Wjomlng ranges than eve? before , FERO.T HOPKISS. Proprietor. 37 Great Jcno, St, N.Y.
known at this time of year, as the pant
Winter was of the extremely open var.ety,
no snow whatever having fallen. The
Spring has thus far been warm and moist,
and the growing season Is likely to ex
tend far into the Summer.
"We will not move our cattle out of
Oregon until we get a trainload together,"
he said, at the Perkins, yesterday, "be
cause we want to manage the train our
selvea If we ship a. few carloads In a
freight train, we have to do as the freight
conductors say, but when we have a train
all to ourselves we use our own Judgment
as to stopping over and unloading at the
watering and feeding places."
A Skin of Beauty U a Joy Forerer.
Rtmorn Tin. Pimples, Frecklet,
ritcnes. Kxn. ana bum us-
erery c l-rilsh on beauty.
i-na defies deeet.on.
Jtlt Ilu stood the test
of 5a years, and Is so
harmless e taste it to
be ure it is properly
made Accent no
: I counterfeit of siralUr
') came. Vr L. A Say
re said to a lady of tb
I haut ton (a psiientji
"As you la lies will as
them. I recommend
"Gouraud s Crr-am as
' rS- laf blrmful nt
all the Skin prepara.
tirms " For sale by all
Dracsi'ts and Fancy
jriKJsDeilerslnUS. Canada, and Europe.
x , vTfc
a. -a is5iR mcuj
J,.,? & -V, eaves.and
- si sps"s; O'
taa -i y fc
Ii CW J'
Located In the midst of grand and inipre3slvo
mountain scenery, with Mount Shasta
and the Crags for a
Unsurpassed cuisine and service and reason
able rates.
RAILROAD FARE, round trip. $25.
Tor rates, terms and other Information ad
dress E. B. PIXL.ET. Manager.
Care Pacinc improvement company,
Crocker building, San Francisco.
CT. PREHIN, Dentist
Crown and bridge work. 131 Third St.. near Al
der. Oregon Tel. Clay 05. Vitalized air for
painless extracting.
CUM CnnM HI1IP leas. Matting. Silk.
Ruga. 217 Yamhill
15 NOW
of Work
end Prices upoa
Try Allen' root-Enic,
A powder to be ahaen Into ths shoos. Tcrar feet
feel swollen, nerrott and hot. and cat tired easily If
rnn Bart smartios; feet or lUbt iho, try Allen's foot.
Enre. Jt cools the feet and m&kes waiting; easy.
Core swollen, smeatin i et, incrowing nails, blisters
and calloa spots UelinreK corns and bnntons of all
pain, and Kim reft and comfort. Try It TO DAT. Sold
by all drnrclsts and tboe stores for 25c Trial pack
ar ratKr Address. Allan S. Olmsted. I Hot. i- Y.
Jacob Doll UprlKlit l'Inno.
The latest Improved. Acknowledged to
be best sold on easy installments. Pianos
rented, tuned and repaired at lowest
prices. IL Slnsheimer. 72 Third. Estab
lished 1SC2.
A Ralston Still will insure good health.
Sold by Dayton Hardware Co., 152 and 1S4
First street.
Bargains In American watches, dia
monds and silverware. New store. 2Cfi
ilorrlaon street. Repairing a specialty.
Mm. IVatHon, Optician.
3S "Washington bldg. Fitting children's
eyes a specialty. Parlor open evenings.
Investors, Attention!
Phenomenal Profits In Oil
The Oriental Oil & Fuel Co., Incorporated
under the laws of Oregon, owns ICO acres of
oil land in the heart of the oil belt or Cali
fornia. Property has been reported on by C. "W.
Fox, for 15 ears with the Standtrd Oil Co,
and Colonel M. M. Osden. field expert. Pro
ducers' Oil Exchange, of San Francisco. Only
20.(100 shares of stock far sale, for tlevelopmtnt
purposes. Directors) J. Frank Wation, Pres.:
Merchants National Bank; It. L. Durham. Vlco
Presldcnt, Merchants National Ban'c, II. C
Breeden. of H. C. Breeden S, Co ; If. -C. Eck
enberRer. Com'l Agent Michigan Cent. Ry.;
Chas. V. Cooper, Cont. Frt. Agt. Union Pac
Ry.; II C Stratton. Secretary.
Call at room C12 Chamber of Commerce, and
see experts' reports. Send for prospectus.
MailiS ffttt
W Wfi Bl 8 I nil Sasa 1 B
J30 frtst Sr
The Dekum Building.
Full Set Teeth J3.W)
Gold Crowns 5 00
Bridge Work $3.0u
Examinations free .
Teeth extracted abso
lutely without pain.
Cor. Third nnd Washington.
nn c r RDnWN ETE AJn EAJ diseases.
Uri. L. U urtUMIl Marauam big., rooms OZR-1.
E. ct AV. Nlnilc. E. ct "XV.
Tho new fold collar.
TirflmBiiriiMwnwmMramnrOT'imiwiinnnwniiii bssTB Ims rAlsl li SB Mmt W rSl
iftuu&uAitVsa m
PAST RECORDS BROKEN. We propose to make
this sale the greatest event of modern merchandising in
Portland, Oregon.
At 9:30 A. M. today, we will place on sale 13 10 yards of
42 and 44-inch Black Silk and Mohair Crepons, $1.00 and
Si.25 values, special for today and tomorrow,
79c yard
Or $4.74 a suit of six yards; or skirt pattern for $2.37. Pos
itively only one suit or skirt will be sold to each customer.
See our fine collection of extremes in plain weaves, in Cov
erts, Broadcloths, Venetians, Zibelines, Serges, Clay
Worsteds, Cheviots, and scores of other makes in fine black
mcallen & McDonnell
Headquarters For Table Linens, Blankets, Quilts and Curtains
161-163 Third St, cor. Morrison, Portland
470-472 Commercial St., Astoria.
For Infants and Children.
slmilating thsToodandllegula
ting the Stomachs andBoviels of
Promotes Dlgestton.Cfceerful
ness andRest.Contains neither
Opnjm,Morp"hine iiorllineial.
Jarpfat SuZ"
siaue SttjZ
Hfftmeaat -
1 Cartnavitt, IVft
ji'rmSctd -Cbnfit
'&igar .
Ifo&j7tn. fZcrzr.
Aperfect Remedy forConstipa
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
oess andLOSS OF SLEEP.
PacSirmle Signature of
- m
iThs Kind You Have
111 iUwavs Hmsghf
m Bears tlie t
H Signature jm
1 ( w In
$H MkT &i W !R R
'.M, S M fa? 3 S
I Thirty fears
In tho treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver,
kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea,
dropsical swellings. Blight's disease, etc.
Complaints, painful, dimciilt, too frequent, milky o
bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured.
Such as pileb, fistula, assure, ulceration, mucous and
bloody di&charses. cured without the knife, pain or
Blood poison, gleet. Stricture, unnatural losses, la
potency, thoroughly cured. i'o failures. Cures suar-
YOnKG J.rEN troubled with night emissions, creams, exnausung arams, Dasn-
fulness. aversion to society, which deprive you 01 your mannooo. UNFITS YOU
MIDDLE-AGED MEN v. ho from excesses and strains have lost their MANIiT
BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. Syphilis. Gonorrhoea, painful bloody urine.
Gleet. Stricture, enlarged prostate. Sexual Debility. Varicocele. Hydrocele Kidney
DRUGS. Catarrh and Rheumatism CURED.
Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no patent nostrums
or ready-mado preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment.
HI New PamphW on Private Diseases sent TreG to all men who describe their
trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered la
ulaln enveloiv rvnultntlon fre and sacredly confidential. Call on or address
Doctor Walker, 132 First 3t.. Corner Alder. Portland, Or.
- j,