wt THE MOBXING OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAT- 16, 1900. 9 V FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BEST BUY ON THE MARKET An Weal home on Prospect avenue.. r.aat Morrison car line; cemented basement; fur nace, bath, patent closet. boiler, marble -wash-stand, gas and electric, ground 70x100. plant" In ornamental ehrutm and-chclce lrult. Price. $2000 cash, or $2100 upon ssy term, if Jld this week. F Breeke, 444 Sherlock building $35K-BEAUTIFUL CORNER. NORTH 17TH and Flanders. ST250 Quarter. 23d- and Pettygrovc; any terms. $1400 Eight room new house. East 20th st. Large piece water front. Furnished house to rent. R- M. WILBUR. 233" Stark. BtV A PLACE THAT WILL JLUCE YOU A ..ving and steadily Increase in value: 25 lota, about 3 acres, with elegant new house. 6 rooms, and bath: stone basement; adjoins Piedmont, convenient to car; cheap, easy terms Owner 713 Dekum. 4S-ACRE FAPM. ADJOINING WOODLAWN; best-lmr roved ranch la the county, lmprove-rr.-nts cost $0000. it win pay you to Investi gate, will eell at a sacrifice. GflndstalX & E'.aln. GOOD S-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE AND Stabl. Tioga. Ming nvB.cn. vvasn.; airo iwo lots C and 7. block 2. First Peninsular ad dition. clt. F. Hachcney. City Treasurers office CAPITALISTS. ATTENTION! HOWE'S AD litlon 73 ots. 5 acres, with houte and barns., etc . for sale cheap Owner. 271 Fifth cL, opposite City Hall. Oregon Tel. Brown CM. S225-2-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. 5 -ROOM hojpe. barn, chickens. ducks, horse, wagon, ater. etc land lease paid to Oct. 1. A. Matteson. 183 Madison. Oregon Hood S4S A SNAP ELEGANT 5 -ROOM COTTAGE, with modern improvements, large yard, and dcirable neJghbprhood. can be had at bed rock price. Address G 33, care Oregonian. CHEAP. IF SOLD AT ONCE A MODERN 5 room cottage, close to two car lines; hot and i-dld water; electric lights, two-story barn and lawn. Address C S. -caro Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS Ari foret reserve scrip for sale. Govern mert and state lands located. J. D. Wilcox 'z C-. 202 Stark rt. FOR SALE CHEAP. BY SELLING ALL TO cne part 20 lots not far from east end of steel bridge. Inquire -of G. W. Shaver. 24S Crosby street. FOR SALE-LOT 6. BLOCK 163. COUCH AD ditlon. with an S-room modern house, at a barga'n. C. F. Plympton. 291 Morrison st. HOMES Homes bnllt In any part of the city, ti suit purchasers, repayable by monthly In stallments. Damineler & Co , 511 Marquam. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED REAL Es tate partner. Address, giving full particu lars, lock box CC, Portland. Or. $425- BY OWNER. TWO LOTS. ALBINA Homestead" -Inquire 235 Washington st. FOR SALE FARMS. IMPROVED FARM& FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars aa to various properties, apply to Macmaster & Btrrell. Sll Worcester black. ALONG AND NEAR THE COAST: PLACES suitable for -stock, fruit or vegetables; cheap freights; good bargains. Marion Ruble, Wald port Or TO EXCHANGE. $2000 OF MICHIGAN TOWN PROPERTY FOR real estate within 50 miles of Portland. J. B . box C5. Vancouver, Wash. IV ANTED KEAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY G OR 7-ROOM MODERN house, for cash; wst of 20th street preferred; munt be bargain: state location and price. Address Y 34. care Oregonian. TIMBER lANDS FOR SALE. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD IN large or small tracts. Address the Syndi cate Company, California Bldg.. Tacoma, Wash. 220 ACRES HEAVY TIMBER. BETWEEN north and south fork of Santlam. C Hett man, Oregon City. J. L. MARTIN & CO.. TIMBER LANDS, room 7 Benson block. Cth and Morrison sts. BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE. LOS ANGELES BELGIAN HARE CO.. OF 240 Fifth street, have the largest and flnest stock of Imported and domestic pedigreed Belgian hares to be found in Oregon. This rabbitrv has Britain Fox. score 95. the hizb- etl-seorfttg representative -oi the- Brttan" strain. Service fee. $25.' Hares practically bred, correctly managed and offered at sen sible -prices; quality considered. Fersotial attention given to every detail of the busi ness. Shipments made to all parts of the country In light and airy crates. Telephone Clay 081. Are you Interested? If not. why not? We hav established a branch of our Los Angeles Kab bltry In Seattle, w here s ou can -procure stock that Is acclimated, and save expressage. Nothing hut pedigreed and fancy stock han dled Correspondence solicited Ralph M. atson &. Co . 2200 Sixth ave.. Seattle. PORTLAND BELGIAN .HARE CO . LARG est rabbltry on the Northwest Coast. All the leading strains; all prices, all ages Rab bitry at Midway, on Oregon City line. 110 Second st. IMPORTED BELGIAN HARES. BREEDING doi6 h-cd to imported bucks. Our prices will astonish jou. Write us. Sunset Belgium Hare Co . Frultdale. Cal. BELGIAN HARES. REASONABLE: CHAM I.on lukon. Gold Bug. Sir Stjles. Los An geles Rabbltry. 20th and Oregon, Portland. Or. J ( JEFFERSON - STREET RABBlTRY, N. E. cor Sixth and Jefferson, stock from $3 to $70 pair, Lo'd Britain. Banbury and Sir Stjles. FOR SLE MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND BICYCLES AT YOtTl OWN price, nw blcjclcs. $1S. $21 SO. $22.50. $25 apd $30. t!:e best for the money in the city. Portland Gun Store. 132 First st. TWO CARLOADS NEW 1UGS. PAT RUB ber tire, old onts taken In trade, 500 sots harness, 100 s-addles, 75 second-hand Tlg!. S Tmllnson. 211 Washington st. TREE TICKET TO NOME. GOOD SALARY: $300 to $1000 required, best money-maker oTTcred. no fare, im eajisate. now r.12 Com mercial building r K2L-L ONE STATEROOM. THREE FIRST-CLASS berths, first trip Nome Citj . one flrst-clabs ticket. Jlrst trip Geo W Elder, for lady. A SI, Oregonian. GOING TO NOME. WANT CASH FOR NEAR ly new mahogany high-grade Kimtfall uj right, oost $400. Address J M H. care Orcgo r.lan. FOUR FRESH COWS FOR SALE. $35 TO $40 each J Kingsbury, one-fourth mile cast beond Sunnyside and Mount Tabor car line FOR SALE 1 TO 15 HEAD OF JERSEY cons and heifers, at a bargain. Inqu're CharZes P. Bacon. 215 North 19th street. FOR SALE ONE SECOND-CABIN TICKET to Nome -on the Geo W. Eld-r. one-half ton of freights Apply at Esmond Hotel office. Tjpe writers, all make, rented and sold; expert repairing, office supplUs and deska. Coast Agency Co.. 26Gb Stark st. Both paones. FOR SALE TWO TICKETS TO NOME ON Senator, sailing 10th. a rare chance, steam . cr a.1 sold Address B 55. care Oregonian. t- FR SALE OR RENT SMALL SAWMILL AT faskarif. Inquire cf Shaver Transporta t "i v c. foot Washington street. NOME- THREE FIRST-CLASS TICKETS for ra- steamer Elder, fine location of state room $'25 191 Gibbs st. t NVME-THTEE FIRST-CLASS ELDER TICK ets for Nile $105 each, best location, upper deck C 35. Oregonian. FOR BEST FIR. OAK AND ASH WOOD OO t- Pioneer Wocd Yard, foot of Morrison st. - Phone 1S3 FOR SALE-FIE SECOND-CLASS TICKETS en the Nome I'nj Inquire at 30 First st , t-)daj $10 FOR A NEW GS COOKER: $2 CASH, balare $2 per racnta. Gas Co.. 174 Fifth rt. Magic lanterns, new, iKrcocd-hand. moving pic tures, Bullaid & Breck. 131 Post. San Fran. Plan ok. YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND SOME TEMPT iTg bargains In allghtly used and aecond 1 and pianos and organ at Ellers Piano House. 107 First st.. the N W General Agency cf Chlckering. Kimball and Weber r anos. Kimball and Crown organs. i ; SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. ROOMS 10 AND 17 Ruel building, cor. Fourth and MorrUoa. Stcsway & Sons. A. B. Chase and Emersoa pianos. A. B. Chase and W. TV. Putnam or- Sins. Cah or Installment. Gramopnoccs anl egina music boxea. NEW PIANO FOR RENT VERT CHEAP .rve & r0, 2S5 Alder, will remove to 121 S.xh rtreet. about May 15. BOULF. BROS EXPERTTTJNEns. 107 FIRST ru Phcnt. EUcraiPlaso House. HELP "WANTED MALE. C LABORERS. CITT. $2. 2 PEAVT MEN. 42; R. R. men. $2. board, $3.60: brick setter. $45 and board: head sawyer, snail mill. (40 and beard; cotton wood cuitra. SI-Co. tools fnrnlshed: 10 mill hands. $1.73. SO B. S. men, $1.75. 30 boltcuttcre. i0c: skid read men and laborers. $1-73, 15 farmhands. ?23 to ?S5; hotel cook. $10; porters, flunkeys, dishwashers. Come every one and see ordera on big blackboard. Canadian Agenrj, 22G& Mcrrieon street. SALESMAN WANTED MOST LIBERAL Ar rangement will be awl with capable, -experienced subscription book -salesman; new stand ard works; bo competition. For full particu lars address Syndicate Publishing Co.. 2 Market St.. San Francisco. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO CANVASS IN city for old-established business, nun have fair education, be energetic and willing to work for moderate salary. give age and ref erences. "V 35, care Oregonian. WANTED A 3RIGHT YOUNG MAN. WITH experience on the road, to travel for a whole sale furnishing goods house. For particulars inquire of A B. Stelnbach & Co.. cor. Fourth and Morrison sts. WANTED TWO FIRST - CLASS FANCY weavers, two blanket weavers, two spinners and a fireman; steady work, good wafics. Address Pioneer Woolen Mills Co.. Dallas. Polk County. Or. C FARM HANDS. MILKERS; LOGGERS, etc!; night cook and pastry. E. Ore. $10, II cook. $40. Others. Dishwashers. So. Porter. 100 berry-pickers. R. G. Brake. 152 First. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED. RELIABLE, energetic dry goods salesman, window trim mer -and Interior decorator; correspondence solicited. Alexander & Hexter. Pendleton, Or. BOY WANTED FOR LIGHT OFFICE AND messenger work, one living with parents preferred. Address. In own handwriting, stating age, R 37. care Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED MARKERS AND sorters; fare to Seattle advanced, also other help wanted. Cascade Laundry Co., Seattle. Wash. COLUMBUS CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT. P. Loratl. 148 Fourth. Headquarters for ccoks. waiters, bartenders. Tel. Main 751. WANTED-ONE FIRST-CLASS MOLDING macMne man, and one for running surfacer. Address M 31, caro Oregonian. WANTED MAN WHO PLAYS SOME MUSIC al Instrument nnd wants to get East. Ad dress Y 35. care Oregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COAT AND PANTS maker: none else need apply. C O. McWlll lams. Baker City. Or. WANTED MAN WITH EXPERIENCE AS brakeman in logging camp; 'give reference. K 37. Oregonian. WANTED LABORERS TO WORK IN Co lumbia quarry: wages $2 per day. Call at 08 First st. CARPENTER WANTED; MUST BE A GOOD mechanic, also boy. Gordon, Third and Sal mon. FIRST COOK. HOTEL. E. O.. $50 FARE; one at $50. Canadian Agency, 220H Morrison. Worktngman's Barber Bnop; nalrcut 15c har 10c: C chairs. Ed Dennlenxu 205 Morrison rt. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COATMAICER. Apply to H Dlcrllng. Vancouver. Waih. A PROFITABLE SIDE LINE FOR A TRAV cllng man. Call .tol East "Washington. TWO ENERGETIC MEN CAN OBTAIN EM ployment. Apply 144 Park street. BOYS TO PACK CRACKERS Coast Biscuit Co.k 11th and Davis. PACIFIC WANTED-FIRST-CLASS CARPENTERS. A. Conn. Fort Stevens, Or. WANTED STRONG. ACTIVE BOY. ABOUT 18. 347 Washington. OUR SPECIALTT 10c DRINKS. SLITER'S Cafe. 14S Sixth st. BARBER WANTED AT 205 MORRISON ST.; steady job. WANTED BARBER. ton st. AT 2S5H WASHING- WANTED TUNNEL First. MEN. CALL AT S HELP WANTED FEMALE. HOTEL COOK. $20; PASTRY COOK. $5; ' waltreese. 2. Heponer. $20. Oregon City. $16: Chehalls. $15. Vlento, $15: Bridal Veil. $15. far to all. hotel, city. $15. B. XL. $15: res taurant, $5. chambermaid, $15; second work. $12 to $15. factory girls; canvassers, dish waxher. housework. Tacoma. Wenathee. 0 trandei. Catlln, Hood River, $15 td $25; house keeper. Frceno. Cal.. $25. fare; 300 country girls wanted for housework, $12 to $2i Can adian Parlors. 22CVJ Morrison. 100 BERRY-PICKERS FOR H. R-. GO FRI day. -etc; 50 arm. tray, check and U.-H. waitresses; H cook and waitress. $30, $id. for near Aberdeen. 100 domestics, hotel cook, Vallej. $30 R. G. Drake, 152 First. WANTED FIVE FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS- es. $0 per week: must be strictly reliable and competent, none others need apply; at the German Bakery. .200 Occidental avenue. Seattle. Wash. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR ALL-AROLND work In boarding-house; Swiss or German, preferred; good wages. Appl Wilhlra Tell House. Oregon City. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; German or Swede preferred; six In family. Apply 372 14th st. GIRL-rFOR SECOND WORK; REFERENCES required, good wages. Apply cor. 2Cth and Irving Fts.. 1C3. COMPETENT GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework In -small family; references, 45 North 21st. YOUNG GIRL TO LEARN DRESSMAKING arid to assist with light housework. 175 11th strcet. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS and bell boj , at the Esmond Hotel. Apply to day. WANTED A GOOD PLAIN COOK; GOOD wages. 302 East 15th north. Take Irvlngtoa car WOMAN TO DO LAUNDRY APPLY ON Wednesday iroroing, 347 Jefferson st. GIRL OR AIOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Call 91 East 12th. cor. Stark. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 340 11th street ntar Market. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL BOUSE work. Apply G91 Marshall. NURSE GIRL WANTED AT WASHINGTON Hotel. Third and Flanders. GIP.L WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 73S Irving st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED STRAWBERRT - PICKERS TO write the Hood River Fruitgrowers' Union, who will place them in communication with growers needing their service. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED. BY AN ENGLISH FAMILY. BE twn now and October L on a lease cf from one to three jear A wcll-furnlshed 12 to 14-room residence. In fashionable part of the city, with large. wI!-kept grounds. Includ ing stable and coach-house, rent not to ex ceed $75 per month. Apply P. O. box '6S0. IN OREGON. WASHINGTON. IDAHO, large tracts preferred. Give particulars of what ou hi've to sell. Address D. A. Richardson, Great Falls. Mont. WANTED-TO BUY COTTAGE OF C ROOMo; rnodern conveniences, good location; Ea&t Side preferred. Address J 3U, care Orego nian. WE GUARANTEE to pay more than other dealers for second-hand furniture, and any household goods. 235 0th. Phece Brown -SbS. TICKET FOR CAPE NOME SECOND CLASS, on Elder, to exchange fer same class on Nome Ctt. Call 100 Seventh street. WANTED TO BUI CAST-OFF CLOTHING: price ro object. Maine Loan Office. 70 North Third st. Oregon phone Clay 6S2. WANTED TO 'SW A MODERN COTTAGE. 6 rooms, good location. West Side preferred. Addres P 35. care Oregonian. WANTED TO LOAN MONET IN ANY SaMS. on all classes of security. Room 10. Wash lngtaa building. WANTED REAL ESTATE SOLICITORS TO sell Astoria real estate. Address P 37, care Oregonian. $300 FOR ONE YEAR OR LESS ON BEST chattel security, no agents. P. O. hox 77, Portland. WANTED A SMALL PONT. SUITABLE FOR riding or drl-vlng Apply Portland Kldlns Academy. Ca.t-c4T second-hand clathlng wanted at St N. 3d. Prices no object. Oregon Phope Clay SIS. 5 TO S-ROOM HOUSE. WITH LARGE LOT, in suburbs; must be cheap. Box '373, city. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED DESKROOM IN BUILDING CEN- trally located. A 3G. Oregonian. WANTED TO BUY 20 BURROS. 211 WASH invton st-. S Tomllnson. SITUATION WANTED MALE. .Bookkeepers and Clerk. STEADY YOUNG MAN. PORTLAND EUSI rcss college graduate, seeks position as book keeper or anything available, good references. Address O 37, care Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR with grocery business, desires position, good salesman and rustler; highest city references. Addrcsj X 31. care Oregonian. Jllscellnneon. CONTRACT FOR ALL KINDS OF LABOR ers. domestics, farm, mines and railroads. Japanese Laborers Association. 43 1th st. north. Foreland. Or Oregon tel. Black 002 t 1 YOUNG MAN. STEADY AND SOBER, DE slres position la creamery, or private place. T 86. care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. stenographers anil Typewriters STENOGRAPHER WISHES POSITION FOR practice, salary no object. Address J 35, care Oregonian. Urtmnakeri. SHIRT WAISTS MADE AT 60c. AND PLAIN skirts at $1. 44C Clay st. Dommlic. YOUNG GIRL DESIRES A RESPECTABLE place to work for board after school hours. D 3d, -care Oregonian. GIRL WISHES POSITION TO DO GENERAL bouseucrk. experienced and competent. Ap ply 553 Overton st. WANTKU To itKT. GENTLEMAN AND WIFE WANT LARUE alcove or suite and board. Ir prlate fanylj . June 1; state price. Y 37. care Oregonian FOR RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts.. under the management of the owner. .Helen F. Spalding The meet complett apartment-house In the Northwest; cnoice rooms, for gentlemen cr gentleman and wife: furni2ed housekeeping suites a specialty. THE PLEASANTON, 26S3. THIRD ST. FINE furnished rooms, en suite, single or house-" keeping; sunlight In all rooms, hath Included. iM.t reasonable terms; transient solicited. THE NEWCAaTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison eta, Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern convenience: references. The La Porte. 170& Third, cor. Yamhill First class, clean and neat rooms, $1 per week and up; transient. 25c and up; and housekeeping -4 THE RALEIGH. Cth and Washington sts. Lately remodeled: first-class rooms, shtgle or en suite; elevator, all modern conveniences. 4 THE GUSERT LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED rooms; all modern ccnvenlecee. Third and Taylor etc: entrance, 2C7 Tajlcr. 426 ALDER. THE STEVENS FURNIFHED and unfurnished rooms, with or without board; modern: new; clean. LARGE, PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two; bath; telephone Front 730. 403 Fourth st. NEATLY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT room, with alcove, bath, telephone. 474 Alder st.. cor. 14th. THIRD STREET. lSOfe WELL-FURNISHED front and side rooms, suitable for two, $1 up week. GILMAN HOTEL Bnek bldg.. central; fur nished roomo. $1 week and up. 1st and Alder. THE PLAZA. 207ij THIRD ST. NICELY furnished rooms en suite or single. Honran With Roartx. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12TH TEAR: rooms with beard: enameled bath tub: use of library; WomenV Excanc: Industrial tchool. Address Mrs. E. C. Georre. superlr. tcrcent. 10 Flanders street. FIRST CLASS. AT 120 11TH. J1ETVEEN Washington and Ald-r; fcouso modern, furni ture new: lowest rates; furnace, gas. tele phone, colored cook. NICE. LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO gentlemen, electric lights and .bath; -also table, boarders. 3J5 Morrison, cor. 10th.. TLEASANT ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board, bath, gas and free phone. 533 East Ankeny. cor. 12th. , DELIGHTFUL ROOM AND BOARD IN FRI--vate family, very reasonable. 30S MHl st. THE BROWN FAMILY HOTEL. COR. GRAND and Hawthorne aves.- 'levator, iclephone. LOVELY rRONT ROOM, en suite; alo single rooms; with first-class table. 225 11th ft. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. REA sonable. Hesperian. 17th and Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH board 141 West Park. cor. Alder. ROOM. bath. WITH BOARD: USE PHONE 131 10th. near Alder. AND 215 12TH ST ROOMS AND BOARD; cooking; English famllj. JlotxntpUeeplnc Rooms. 435 ALDER NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE rooms: also housekeeping suites, light, cheer ful; bath, telephone; desirable location. TWO VERY DESIRABLE FRONT ROOMS, furnished, for housekeeping, gas range, tele phone, no children. 354 Salmon. TWO OR THREE NEATLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, very centrally laeated. rent reasonable. 243 Fifth. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, alcove, pentry and bath; no children. CO North 13th. near Davis. 435 ALDER UNFURNISHED BASEMENT, sunny and cheerful . bath, telephone, water In kitchen: -vacant tomorrow. FOR RENT SIX UNFURNISHED House keeping rooms, large, convenient. 593 Fourth st . cor. Sherman. 1W SIXTH. CORNER TAYLOR FINEST AND choicest location: furnished housekeeping flats: reference." 347 ANKENY ST. FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, on ground floor, $7.50 and $8 per mouth. 35 11TH ST SUITE OF ROOMS. FURN1SH ed. for hqusakeeping; alsff singly room, lady or gent. 403 MORRISON ST. FURNISHED HOU5E kceping rooms; all conveniences; best loca tion. TWO SITTES OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: rent $7 and $10. Ring left bell. 247 Fifth. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms, for housekeeping, at 258 Jefferjon st. TWO OR THREE-ROOM FLAT. FURNISHED complete for housekeeping. 1C4 Park st, 40S MAIN ST. THREE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with bath; central. FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR HOUSEKEEF Ing; ery reasonable. 552 First st. OAK ST. 327. NEAR SIXTH TWO FUR nished rooms, for housekeeping. : FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP Ir.g. 42S Washington street. Houses. -ROOM HOUSE, WITH BATH. BASEMENT and attic. In good condition. $1S. Montague & Bnrden. 22C Stark. J, FOR RENT-ONE NEWLY FINISHED 5 toom lower flat, modern conveniences. Appl 57 Montgomery st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, with hath: 13th and Johnson sts. Inquire County Recorder. 129 I3TH ST. NORTH-C-ROOM HOUSE FOR rent, good condition. Sheehy Bros,, 10a Sixth stret- STORY AND ,-A. HALF COTTAGE. NICE location, central, cheap. Apply 352 Harri son street. FOR RENT MODERN IV-ROOM HOUSE. 6S7 Gllsan st- Atkinson. Wakefield &. Co,. 221 Stark st. A 7 -ROOM HOUSE: RECENT IMPROVE ments. Apply 425 Seventh st. TOR RENT HOUSE. CC2 JOHNSON ST. 1N qulre 40 Second st . cor. Ash. 30S FOURTH nlshed rooms. ST FLAT rrVE UNFCR- Furninhtl Hnnscs. NICELY FURNISHED 10-ROOM HOUSE. fine lawn and good barn; central location. West Side. Address L. Lcgus, 1S4 Grand ave. FOR RENT. Famished IIohscs. WELL - FURNISHED HOUSE. S ROOM;. near new Multnomah Club building; summer months; 25. G 31. care Oregonian. Hoaxes for .Rent F-nrnltnre. for Sale. FURNITURE fl-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE, reasenaole; ailed with first-class rooaiere; cheap rent. 205 Fourth. to T,Trr.nonAt jrrnifE at 123 FIFTH rt.. suitable for tailor or dressmaker. Apply j join norm. Ofllces. SECOND FLOOR OF 228 ALDER ST.. CON talnlng large office rooms nnd a hall 20x40; suitable for printing or manufacturing e tabllsthnent. Apply to Chas. Hegch:. 53 and 55- Front st. . BUSINESS CHANCES. SOME FINE BUSINESS CHANCES JENNINGS & CO ESTABLISHED 1RS3 4U00 Restaurant; old otabliAhed;- fine trade. 51(500 Grocery: rent. Including C rooms. $20. X 350 Cigar store; location, businesj cnter. $ 500 Grocery. fnJt and cigars, good corner.. $ 250 Lunch counter and restaurant, snap. f 25 Cigar, candy, fruit and furniture. $ HO Creamery; good location for business. Wa hae all kinds of business cbanc3. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. $1200 Brick flat. SO rooms; a. bargalx. sure. SlOwO Good carpets and fur.; clears, $100. S 4.V1 TinnritVnTid roomlnc monei -maker. We hVvo every rooming-house that Is for sale on our list, at lowest price. JENNINGS & CO 3C3& MORRISON. FOR SALE A FULL (20 ACRES) CAPE Nome placer claim, on Gold Bottom Crcerf. a tributary to Snake: adjoining claim sold for $12,000 last year; the above can be had for a song ontright: title guaranteed. Ssc Hamilton at the Vanderhllt. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE store In Valley town, at InvMce. Grocery store. In city, S7U). Many other bargains. Call .ajid see list. TAGGART BROS . 513 Chamber of Commerce. FOR- SALE 40-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE, central: a bargain it taken nt once. 20-room lodglng-houe, $1400: central. Ssveral 0 and 10-room lodging and boarding-houses at price to suit. TAGUART BROS.. 518 Chamber of Commerce. YOUNG LAW STUDENT CAN HAVE DESK room and tnake $15 to $20 per month, by giving half hla time to the business of a law firm. Addresj lock box Cfr Portland. Ot. ESTABLISHED FURNITURE AND HARD ware business In Portland for sale: paying trade: owner leaving city. This to worth Investigating. Address V 2S. Orsgonltn. 1 : .. J $0500 FOR HALF INTEREST IN MANUTAC- turing -Business, purchaser u iae mauasc mant. must be desirable- The Amen Mer cantile Agency. 203 Ablngton building. FOR SALE-HALF OR ENTIRE INTEREST In -a raw mill on the Columbia River. Ad dress Columbia River and Orecon Tlmbcrman, lSS1 Morrison su, Portland. FOR SALE IN ONE OF THE BEST TOWNS of Idaho, a well-pa j leg butcher shop at a. bargain: bears Investigation. B 33, care Ore gen Ian. PARTNER IN GOOD BUSINESS. WHERE $2.50 dally Is guaranteed tno year round; $150 cash will secure the same. T 35. Orego nian. DO YOU WANT A GOOD BUSINESS? WE are in c. position to adYlse ou. Ames Mer cantile Agency, rocm 205 Ablngton building. FOR SALE-GOOD-PAYING MERCHANDISE business; will show business dene for C jeara. Address box 45. Thorp. Wash. $3000 WILL BUY INTEREST IN DESIRA ble hardware busintss at Seattle; excellent opportunity. Box 740. city. FOR SALE HARDWARE STOCK IN GOOD farming district; a bargain. Address J 5, care Oregonian. FOR SALE CANDY AND CIGAR STORE: rood location, flna business. Inquire 2U3 Third. WANTED TO TRADE PRINTING FOR A good bicycle. See Maddn about it, 210 Stark street. For sale From li to 4 Interest la rafg. busi ness In city; Investigate. V 30. Oregonian. PERSONALS. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET CALLED dally. Psychic readings, scientific palmistry. Are yotrin mental or financial trouble? Intelligent advice on all matters pertaining to" business, -speculation, partnership, viove. and -.all perplexing questions -of ztrevy - day life. If you are in any doubt as- to what business you -are best fitted, ho-v to safely Invest 3 our money, or who Is your friend and who your enemy, we can help you. Strictly confidential. Private sittings. 50c and up. Parlors 50 and 57 The Coamos. cor. Fourth apd Morrison. Zalda. 17 wentn wanted suQenng from Irregular, painful periods: leucorrhosa (whites), anc alt complicated diseases pertaining to- changes cf life, cured by old Dr. Kessler. cor. Second and Yamhill sts. 320 women called lat month. Consultation free, and private rcums fer ladles. If can't call, write, inclosing 10 2c stamps. Hundreds treated at home by his new ystem. WOULD LIKE TO FORM THE ACQUAINT axce of refined. Intelligent gentlemen who are judges of good whisky. Ill Crown Cyrtu Noble and IIII Monogram, Hunter Rye an-' Portland Club. 20 ) ears old. specialties. Port land Cafe. 13U Fifth between Washington end. Alder. F- J. Heilen. Manager. INDIAN MEDIUM. GIFTED INDIAN. BORN with double veil, tells past, present and fu ture, hrals all diseases by the use-of Indian herbs; reading by letter. $1. Mr. Professor Wheatly Howe. ConfidentlaL 27' Fifth sU, opposite City Hall. Tel. Brown CJjO. WANTED ALL WOMEN SUFFERING FROM any form of female disease to know that Dr. Coonley's Famous Specific, Orange Lily. Is a certain cure: a free trial packase. 10 days' treatment, will be given to any lady calling at 440 Union ave. DRESS SUITS RENTED. ALL SIZES. WE call fer. Kponge, press and deliver one cult cf our clothing each week, sew on bu'f iiu. up rip, for $1 per menth. Dicing, r'.tam cleaning and repairing. Unique Talionr Co . 3J7 Washington, both 'phones. DR. DARKIN. 265 Mormon st-. Portland. Or specialist In all chronic diseases of inru ami women. Varicocele, stricture or hydrocele guaranteed cured In one week. No pain, ua detention. Consultation free. Call or write. ILLOND'S PREVENTATIVE CONE3 FOR prevention ot dl3eie. The bes.t antiseptic. No failure. Sent to any eddrrVu; per box. $1 60. samples. 10c lllond Chera. Co.. P. O. Hot 974, Portland. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BT DR. BOB erts Nerve Globules; one month's treatment $2; 3 months. $5. Sent securely sealed by malt Agents. Woodard & Clarke. Portland. Or. Save from 3 to 6 months' time by taking up the easily acquired, quick and lcgibU Prrnin Shorthand, at BehnVe'3 Pernln Shorthand School A Com'l College. C14 Commercial bl. OLD BRASS. COINS, POTAGE STAMP?, arrow-heada. Indian batkets and curios bought for cash. D. M. Averill & Co.. 331 Morrison. TOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacj. 227 MorrUon St., bet. 1st and 2d. Common Snse .Beauty Parlors, wrinkles,' su perfluous hair, moles, etc . removed, scalp treatments specialty, electricity. 70 Lewis big. WILL ANY ONE OBLIGE ME WITH THE whereabouts of Dr. Chas, Tryon. electric-bett specialist? Address "Pard." care Oregonian, WE PRINT 30 FINE VISITING CARDS. 23e: 50, 35c; 200 business cards. $1; 500. $1.50. Brown. & Schraale. 223 First .. Portland. FRITZ CONCERT HALL: largest cafe en Pa cilc Coast. 240 c 2415 Bumslde. Welnhard's beer on draught. Clubrooms upstairs. n'-P-'NvrENT CASES RECEIVED AND cared for at physician's house. Dr. Arthur Te Yoc. Seattle, UNCLE BLOCH HAS SOLD HIS ENTIIU3 business to the Reliable Loan Ofllce. 61 Third st-. cor Pine. BILLY LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL. 105 4TH. Phone Chvy Gil. Wheels called for. dalitered. DELICIOUS ICE CREAM: YOUR ORDERS solicited at Jolls. 213 Morrison. Both phcac. CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES AND gentlemen. Apply at room 45, Lahbe bldg. CUT RATES Oregon Dye Works; cleaning ani dlag. Burnslde. near Sin. Tel. Red 2P03. MRS. DR McCOY. electric treatments. 333fc First st.. cor Alder. room3 SS and SO . WOULD YOU -MARRY, IF SIHTEDZ SIZND stamp to lock-box 600. Portland. Or. LOST AND FOUND. LOST-ON WASHINGTON ST.. PAIR OF goIJ-rimmed eye glasses, Saturday. Please return to 12S North 14th. LOST-POCKETBOOK. CONTAINING GOLD, silver and hatpin setting- Return to Orego alan office. Reward. " w BUSINESS D1B.ECTOJET. Agricultural Implements, Machinery Grebe. Harder . Co.. Mlllbura wagons, car riages, farm machlnen. pumps, Wolff-Amej-iean bicycles. 1S2-C Madison. EDWARD HUGHES; WAGONS. CARRIAGES and farm machinery of all kinds. 190 Front. JOHN TOOLE; Newton wagons, buggies, wind mills, pumps; machinery. Foot Morrison et. W. C HOLMAN, WAGON. CARRIAGE AND agricultural Implements. 210-211 Fron. st- Assnycrs nnd Anolyatn. J. H. FI5K. MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist, gold dust bought. 204tf Washington. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYIST; gold dust bought. 22S1 Stark st. Attorneys). S. ti. GRUBER, LAWYER: mining, admiralty and collection, specialties Commercial big. J. W. RANSOM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND cons-Ior Bates Bank bldg.. P.-rtland. Or. E. W. BINGHAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Re moved to CI Union blk,. 227V4 Star. Hatha. DEKUM Bathrooms, popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-16 Dckum. Phone Red 2S45. TURKISH BATHS: also massage, lady attend ant. 107 4th st-. bet. Washington and btars. Billiards nnd Pool. PORTLAND BILLIARD PARLOR. 127 6TH. finest billiard and pcol rooms in Portland. Rook Stores. J. K. GILL & CD.. WHOLESALE AND RE tall booksellers and ttationeis. 133-35 3d st. Cnpe Nome Supplies. NOME MACHINERY WE CARRY LARGEaT coast stock of boliers. pumps. steam, gaso line, land and marine engines. rlt for prices and delivery. Baker t Hamilton. Pine, Dala and Market sts.. San Francisco. Cau CAPE NOME PURE WATER A Ralston still will lnsare good health. Day ton Hardware Co., agents. 1V.1 First street. CAPE NOME. KLONDIKE AND LOCAL camp and mining outfits: hardware, stovt. Cooking utensils. Adolph Dekum. Ill FitiU Blanket, furnishing boods. rubber, oil clothing. Will Wolf. Nome Outfitter. 203 Morrlsou. Ciirpcntera and Unllders. JOHN A. MELTON, carptn r. bullccr: offlco and dtore fixtures. Ore. tel. T47. 235 Stark. A. E. ROPER. HOUSE BUILDING AND RE pairlng. 3S0 E. blh t. N. Tel. ElnK 510. Chiropodists. L. MITCHELL. FIRST licensed expert chiropo dist In Pot Hand; patronised by Portland's 4U0; no extra charge for calling at rcslden.-v. Otliue ICO 5th, opposite P. O. 'lei. Hood D14. WM. DEVBNY Jfc MAUD DBVENY. THE only cientlncr chiropodLsts. Room 301 AlUy bldg,. 3d and Morrison. Ore. phone Grant IB, denning- cud Dyelnir. CLOTHING CLEANED OR DYED;,WE CALL for, clean, press and deliver one suit each week for (1 per month. We do all kind oi repairing: firat-class work. Satisfaction gua anteed. Jacob&on Cleaning Co., 433 Wasnlng ton st. Oregon phone Green 4bl. French Cleaning &, Dyeing Works; J. Deleau. prop. Phone Red 3U5. 445 Gllsan St. Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL COMPANY WHOLESALE and retail dealers In best grades blacksmith, pteam and bouse coals, Oregon phone Red 1700. R R. track. Front St.. near Gllaan. Coinrala.nloii Mcrcliants. HERMAN METZGErT" bides, pelts, furs, wool, PURCHASER OF mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commission merchant. Front K near Ms In. Portland. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO-duce-merch.ants. Front & D sts.. Portland. Or. EVERDIXG & FARRELL. commission, butter eggs, chickens and farm produce, Portland. Cornice Slcyliffhts. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornices.- J. C- Bayer, 235 2d st. Dentists. DR. C B. BROWN. Tel. Ore. Red 2346: resi dence. White 1234. 514-15-xC Dekum bldg-. Dental Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. Cor. 4th and Washington ets. Dyeing; nnd Cleaniiifr. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 301 17th. Tel. Red. 131. Educational. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. 5TH AND Yamhill; A. P. Armstrong, pnn.: J. A. Wesro. sec Open all the 3 ear; students ad mitted at any time: catalogue free. STAGE COURSE. ELOCUTION AND MUSIC; stage for practice, htudio 17 A. O. U. W. blcg. Electric Belts. DR. SCKRAMEK, MANUFACTURER OF electric belts. 210 Frout. Fencc and Wire Worts. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carlscn. 2S3 E. Morrison at. Iron Founders, Mach'Ms, Ship-B'Id'rs. Woltf'-& Zwlcker Iran Works: designers ani ratrs. of ships, steamboats, marine, mining and milling machlnen: riveted t-tel pipe. Fnrnltnre Houses.' ROSECRANTZ i &.VVRAJ.SKY HAVE RE tno.ed from 2& First eu to 215 Front, cor. Salmon. Highest price paid for hoiiehola good Also cheapest place' in Portland to purcha-e houbthold gosob. Harness and Saddles. THE BRETMAN LEATHER CO.. HARNESS and sole leather, saj&dlery- hardware, findings and shoe-store supplies. 72 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddlers and haraew manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Hotels. TREMONT HOUSE: newly furnished rooms Sl.50 a week up. J. E. Clark. 343'.4 -Everett. Ice Cream Dealers. SPECIAL PRICES to lodgers, boardlrg-housea,' etc Jolls. 313 Morrison. Both phonej. Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 1st st Boyd & Arnold, general agents. Japanese Goods. Bamboo furniture. Japanese palms, wholesale, retail. K. U. Klrlyama & Co.. 311 Morrison. Iron Founders and Machinists. Smith -& Watson Ircn Works; engines and boil ers: legging engines a cpeoalty: quart: and saw mllle. misc machinery. Front and Hall. Willamette Iron & Steel Works: James Lotan. mgr.; ironworkers. steambcat-Mdrs. Portland. Ladder Works. PACIFIC LADDER WORKS. LADDERS OF all kinds. Cor. E. ,6th and Oak. Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. FRAZlER & McLEAN. LIVERY. FEED AND sale stable. 200 to 206 Fifth st,. ccr. Talor. Rubber-Ore rig a specialty. 31asare. THE SNOWDEN" BATIHtOOMS RE opened. 1315 4th. formerly "The Nelson"; tub and vapor baths, massage. Teh, Red 42L LADY GIVES MASSAGE TREATMENTS AT 245 Washington St.. room 22. Hours 10-S P. M. dally. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC: LADY from San Francisco. Parlor 20. 2SS4 Stark. Marble and Granite Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS: marble, granite-end stone work. Schanen Jt Ncu. 233 1st. MONUMENTS AT COST, to reduce stock be fore mo-vlng' down town. Weeks. 720 Frone. Otto Schumann, mfg. marble and granite mon uments, estimates on building work. 201 3d. Magnetic ncalers. MBS. C'J. .MAPLE. MAGNETIC HEALEH fWeltraer method), personal and absent treat ment." 303 Third st.. Portland. Or. BUSINESS-TJrRECTORT. Leather FIndlngrs. J. A. REID, mfr. hoot nnd shoe uppers; full stockshocroakers supplies. 207 Washington st. Millinery. OUR GOLF HAT SALE THIS WEEK. MISS A. S.. Jorgcnsen. 201 Morrison st. Mamifn;turlnfr t LudlcV Goods. LADIES' SILK WAlSTS AND' WRAPPERS, fancy white good.", silk underwear made to order. Sing Chorg Co.. 333 Morrison. Medical. Dr. Flora A Brown; diseases of women and children a specialty Consultation -an-l diag nosis free. 517-51 S The Dekum. Portland, Or. Medical Science. HUMAN AILMENTS TREATED. ADVANCED In phy.ilologJcal medical sciences. M. II. White. .".03-301 Aliskjr bMg... Sd and Morrison. Mercaant Tailor. THEO. SCHULZE. MERCHANT TAILOK. 372 E. BnrnaUe. fine Spring and Summer goods to order. Mining. CAPE NOME GOLD PARTIES WISHING TO obtain stock tn the Alaska BVdrock Dredging Co.. or informatlcn legardlng same, apply room 43 McKay block. Portland. Or. PROSPECTS AND MINES EXAMINED ON reasonable termB; bank reference. E. O. Smith. M. E.. 2S3 14th St.. Portland Or. Mluinf; Investments. EASTERN OREGON GOLD FIELDS-. $73 FOR 1000 shares of Richardson stock. Best buy on market. Price will advance soon on mints of the mine 22 feet of ore. Call or write W. H. Sherrod & Co . room 2 Chamber of Com. We deal In Eastern Oregon, Bohemia and Southern Oregon mines and mining stocks. Davidson, Ward & Co.. 40S Chamber of Com. SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS: MINES AND mining stock bought and sold. E. A. Clem .-f Co.. 140 TMrd st.. Portland, or. Minlnpr 31nchlnery. Wllfly concentrator, Drake amal.. Ideal stamp mill, mining cars. Tatum & Bow en. 29-33 1st. Musical. LESSONS ON VIOLIN. VIOLA, CORNET mulc furnished for all occasions; fiddle mail. Emll Thieihorn, 2CU Jefferson. TeLWest. 1004. Lessons 00c: piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin instruments far sale. Mrs. Martin. 104fc 1st. Oregon Viavi Company. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison. Fre-i Health lectures to womtn Thursday at 2:30 P. M. Osteopathy. DR. W. A. ROGERS. OSTEOPATH. SUITE 535 Marquam bldg. acute and chronic dis eases. Ladles wishing lady operator wlh b attended by Dr. Rhoda C Hluka. graduate under Dr. A, T. Still, founder of Osteopathy. Phono Main 27. DRB. NORTHRUP S. ALICIRE. OSTEOPATHb, sulf 4k Dekum bldj. Investigation respoct rclly solicited; examination free. Phone Main 340. dr. u. b. sjtrrn. pioneer osteopath. cite 400 Oregonian building. Phone Oak 421. PaliniHtry. Larscn. the palmist; readings, 50c; best book for students, "Pmctlcal Hand-Reading." il lustrated, for sale by author, 2S3VS First st. l'nutnrage. LADD'S CANYON FARM IS NOW OPEN for cattle and horses. Appty to F, Miller, on the premises, Ladd & TUton. agents. Patents. T. J. C3ISLER. C10-611 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. S. Patent Office. Photographers. THE GALLERY AT 2034 TIRST ST.. COR. Taylor, hxs changed management. For a good photo at the lowest price, try us. Hogan s. Fhotofrrnpulc Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO., WHOLESALE and rttail. corner Fourth and Washington. Riding; Academies. Portland Riding Club, fine livery, boarding, caddie horses specialty. Park and Jefferson. Restaurants THE FINEST 10c HOUSE ON THE COAST. Montana Restaurant, 245 First st. Real Estate Loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.; ESTAB lUhed 1SCG. 227 SUrk street. Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low; storage-rates reoaonahl-j. Careful attention given to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777; Columbia. 07a SAFES PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping C M- Oln. 123 First. Tel. ofllco Mam 1037: Black 801. Safes. SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEPT. opening lockbuts, repairs. J. E. Davis, CC 3d. Saw Mill Machinery. Chrtstcnson-McMaster Machinery Co.: new and 2d-hand machinery. E. Water and E. Taj lor. Showcases and Store Fixtures. DIXON. BORGESON Washington streets. & CO. FRONT AND Storage and Transjfer. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Bickel's storthouse, 31 North Fron. Wholesale DrueRls ts. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESALE druggists, comer Fourth and Washington. Seed, Flower, Vegetable Plants. ALL KINDS OF SEEDS AND PLANTS AT Bowen's Seed Store. Front and Taylor. We sell only the best. Specialist. Bertha A- Trulllnger. complexion, scalp and manicuring. 20 Benson block. 2014 Morrison. Stoves, Ranges, Household H'dvraro Hardware: sole agt. Universal stoves & ranges; housefurnlshlns goods. J. J. Kadderly. 141 1st. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOY .ant and psychic life-reader; consult her on business affairs, love troubles, absent friends: good -advice on mines: reading dallv. 50c and vp. 1C7U. First street, offices 7 and 8. Dr. Collins, rellab'e spiritual, trance, clairvoy ant medium, magnetic healer. 350VJ Wash. Mrs. Stevens; advice on all affairs of life; dlt tlngs dally. 22UJ; Morrison St.. room 22. MRS. WESTLAKE, 3505 Morrison. PARLORS 34 AND 33. Tents and Awnings. TENTS. AWNINGS AND CAMP FURNITURE tor rent or sale. Pike's Factory, 107 N. 3d. Cape Nome tentc, bags, oil clothing, camp fur niture. Pacific Tent & Awn. Co.. 27" N. IsL Syrup Refiners. Westacott & Knlghtjyrup refiners, nifgr. gro cers: both phones. E. Alder and E., Morrison. "Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor N. Front'and Davis sts. Portland. Or FINANCIAL. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE IN OREGON or Washington. C to 8 per cent. 620 Mar quam building. 52CO.OCO TO LOAN AT 515. . ' PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Agent for Westchester Fire Insurance Co. Wm. G. Beck. 221 Mcrrtsor. st. State funds loaned S per cent. W. E. Thcmas, state agt. for Mult. Co.. 4(0 Cham, of Com. MONET LOANED ON BICTCLES. PIANOS, furniture and other eecurltltr. W. A. Hath away, joctn 10 Wash. hldg. Pacne South 7SL MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM S3 TO $500. on all classes, of security. R, L Ecker son & Co.. room 5 Washington building. Mortgage money, any sum, low rates, asy terms. W. S. Ward. Att'y. 313 Allsky bldg. MONET TO iy-AN ON ALL KINDS OF SE-curtty- Wm. HolL room 3. Washington bldg. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc; low rates; see us first. Mann & Co., C04 Dekuin bldg. MONEY TO LOAN oa furniture or good aecurl ties. S. Yr. King, room 45 Vaahlngtos bldg. FINANCIAL. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low .rate. C W. Pallett, 113 Cfim merclal 'bloot t el. Grant 85. - LOANS WITHOoT PUBLICITY ON FURNI ture. pianos, jalarles, etc. Can be paid la installments, educing Interest. Rates lower thin the lowest. F. W. Graves, Mgr., 2S5 Alder, near 4th ground floor. Tet. Green 44t. LOANS. FURNITURE. ETC.. LOWESX rates. 319 Allsky bldg. Phone Hood C33. MONEY TO LOAN, o per cenV farm or city propertr O. M Smith. RI4 Ch of Ccmmerc. . SPECIAL NOTICES. ANNUAL SUPPLIES FOR THE UNITED States Marine Corpi Hed .uarters Unltul States Marino Corps Quartet master's Ottlc", Uabinrton. D. C. April 3o. 1UW. S-raKfU proposals, la duplicate, will be received at thu office until 12 o'clock coon on May 2i. ltVjo. and then be publicly opened, for fur nishing military supplies. f be delivered at Philadelphia. Ia . and Washington. D. C Sealed proposals. In duplicate, will also ba received at this office until 12 o'clock ncm on May 23. 1000. and then he puhltcly openel. for furnishing lee ani ttatiomry at Washington. D. C . laundry work, fuel anu forage at Annapolis. Md.. rations, laundry work, fuel nnd forage at Portsmouth, N 1L. Boston. Mass. Newrort. R. I , BrookUn. N. T. Philadelphia. Pa.. League Island. P.. Washington. D. C, Norfolk. Va.. Port Roval., S. C. Penacola. Fla,. Mare Island. Cal.. and Bremerton, Wash. Blank prowsal. spec ifications and other Information can b ob tained upon application to the Comma.iCln, Officer. Marine Barracks, nt the statlonj named. Standard samples can be exan-fned at this oQce; at 1100 South Broad St.. Phila delphia. Pa.: at Marine Barrack. Boston. Mass , Brooklyn, N. Y nnd Mare Isi.vnd. CaL All bldi aceeptsd and contMct award ed subject to an appropriation by Congress in mft tho expense. Vhls oQlco reseivos the right to reject any and all blda and to walvo defects. Bids from manufacturers or rcginar dealers onlv will be considered. F. L. DENNY., Colonel, Quartermaster. U. S. Ma rine Corps. PROPOSALS FOR- STEAM-HEATING AND electric-lighting systems, Departm-nt ot ths Interior, UiSce of Indian Arxalrs. asiungtuit. D. C. May 2. 10JO. Scaled proposals, i.J dorsed "Proposals for heat and light. tfalc.m." and addressed to tho Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Washington, D C, will be reccivd at the Indian Office until 2 o'clock P. M.. u Monday. .Jun I. 1000, for furnishing tho necessary materials and labor required to construct and complete team-heating anil electric-lighting s stems at the Salem Indian School. Oregon, la strict accordance with plana. 4; educations and instruction.! to bidder:, which may bo era mined at this office, the of fice ot the Chronicle, of San Francisco, Cal' : the Oregon Statesman, of Salem. Or,; Tho Morning Oregonian. of Portland. Or.; Ilia Post-Iutelligenccr. of htattie. Wash.;, tin Builders & Traders' Exchange. Omaha, Neb.; the Builders" & Traders Exchange. Milwau kee, Wis,; the Northwestern Manufacturers" Association. St. Paul. Minn.; the United States Indian Warehouse, 235 Johnson itre-t. Chicago, 111.; and at the school For further Information apply to Thomas W. Potter, su perintendent Indian School. Chemawa, Or. W. A Jones, Commissioner. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE IN Admiralty United States cf America. District of Oregon, ss. By virtue of a writ of vendi tioni exponas, Issued out of the District Court of the United States, for the .District of Ore gon, teitcd the 7th day of May, 1000, In tha mlt of E. Loll and Henry Luse, as libelants. I will expose for -"cle at public auction, and will &ll to tire highest and best bidder, toe cash, on Saturday, the 10th day of May. 1000. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon -of said day. at East Oak-street Dock, la the City of Portland. Or., in said district, the steamboat Copper Quean, her tackle, apparel, machin ery, engines, boliers and furniture. Dated at Portland. In said district, this 7th day of May. A. D. 1000. ZOETH HOUSER. U. S- Marshal for the District of Oregon. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS EXECUTIVE Office, Salem, Or.. May 10, 1000. Sealed pro posals, addressed to the Board of Trustees of the Oregon Hospital for Int.ane, will be re ceived at this office until 2 o'clock P. M., Tuesday. May 22. 1000, for furnishing tho materials and labor required to construct and complete a, closed cottage at the asylum farm. In strict accordance with the rtans and specifications and Instructions to bidders pre pared therefor, which may be examined at the ofllce of Pugh & Gray, architects. Salem, Or. No bid will bo considered unless made on blank form of proposal, which may ba obtained from the architects. Right to re ject any cr all bids received. Walter Lyon, Clerk of the Board of Trustees. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. SEATTLE, Wash.. April 28. 1000. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 3 P. M. Thurs day, May 17. 1000. and then opened, for delivery at Valdei, St. Michaels and Capo Nome. Alaska, of aboat 7000 tons of coal. Circulars for bidders can be obtained at the Depot Quartermaster's office, Portland. Oregon- Proposals should be Indorsed "Propo sals for coal." and addressed to CAPT. W. W- ROBINSON. JR.. A. Q. M.. Seattle. Washington. BRITISH SHIP ARGUS. CAPTAIN HUNT er. from Antwerp, will commence dlTharelns at Colomo wharf on May 15. 1000. Con signees will please call at the office of tna undersigned, pay freight and receive their or ders. All merchandise when landed upon tho wharf will be at the risk of the owners thereof, without regard to weather, and If not removed before 5 o'clock P. M. of each day will be stored or left on tho wharf, at the risk and expense of tho owner. Taylor, Young & Co.. Agents. BRITISH SHIP ST. MIRREN. CAPT. HAM ilton. from Yokohama Neither the Master nor the undersigned consignees of the above named ecscl will he responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Portland Grain Co . Consignees. RANKS. SAVINGS iJANL PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 100 THIRD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general trust and agency business transacted. BjnJ. L COHEN Presideas H. L- P1TTOCK. A. S. NICHOLS Viee-Prea- H. J. ALTsTOCtC. J. O. GOLTKA.. .Secretaries EHtST NATIONAL BANK OF PUKIIAND. OR. Desisnated Depositary and Financial Agent o the United States. PiesWent "- W. COBBETT f2t!SuT .!.. G. E. WIXHINUTON iSuant cashier J. W. NEWKIRK inaAasiatant Caenier W. C. ALVORD Letters of credit issued, available In Euros acd tn" Eastern states. M"nt ajLCiuuige na telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Bcston. Calcago, St. Louis, St. Haul, Omaha. San Francisco and the principal minis in the Northwest. itirht and time bills drawn In arums to suit ca T-nnacn Paris. Berlin. Frankfon-on-the-Maln. itxmr Kong. Yokohama. Copeaaagen, mrtstl ania!: Stoeknolm. St. Petersburg. Moscow. SSu ricn,.Honolulu. , . . ,. Collection nmuc uu .-'"--" liADD i TILTON, BANKERS MUU ESl'AtfLlsHi.t IN 1659. Transact a. General xxir.king Business. lrirest allowed on umo depwrtta. oUectioua made at all puintr on favorable terras Letters of credit Issued available laEa :' and tue Eastern states. . ieht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers ild on New lurk. vVasningion. Chicago, SU vuls Denver, Omaha, faaa Francisco and, vari ous points la Oregon, Wasnlngton, Idaho, Moa tansTand Britlsa Columbia. Exccange aold on London, Paris. Berlas. Franklort and Hong Kong. W ELLS. FARUO & CO. BANK acAPlTAL AND SURPLUS $6,230,009 tnu s J VALENTINE PRESIDENT HUaOtS. KLNG UANA4M3S ou lEan Franclico.) n-M. DOOLEY ...CASHIER mHN' EMILES ASSISTANT CA3UIS1I JUU" (Portland.) -.rral Banking .Business transacted. Ex change sold, and Letters of Credit Issued, av.nl Siefa all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANKr a-tK' PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WAT&tN ......President R.LVDLKHAM .Vice-President JrrJ hoyt Cashier ukoW. faOYT Assisuint Ciaaicr TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid en lime deponita. Drafts" and. letters of credit lewied, cvallabls In ali narts of the world. - Collections , specialty. Geld dust bought. LOVDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK - LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP ..$2,450,000 Head Office. 71 Lombard street. J-ondon- TbU bank transact a general banking and eaccban-e business, makes loans, discounts billj and Issues commercial and travelers' credits, available la any ity la the ivorld. Chamber cf Commerce building. Third .and Stark "tieets. W. A MACRAr.'. Manager. AJNSTvVORTH NATIONAL BANK O? PORTLAND, cor. Third and Oak fcta. J C. AINaV,ORTH. Pres.. W. W. PHILLIPS. Cashier. T-ansacts a General Banking Eoeiaess. Exchange bought and sold en ali the principal cities la Europe. Also facilities for telegrapalo transfer. Collections made on favorable term en ail accessible points. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Coa.vri -with the bank. Safes rented on easj terms. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafta-lBsued available In all cities of tha United States and Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KAMM Cashier ......-...-..-..-.-- F. C iILL.-.i.xi BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA-PAID-UP CAPITAL $3.000.0M RESERVE - 500.00 Head Ofllte. B) Lombard street. Lcndca. Com'l block. 244 Washington t-. Portland. R. LEA BARNES. Mapagcr. l,V, - -tjLaii