Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 16, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Showing!! Hand in the Nortti End
Work of. Central Committee
Fusion Men Are Lltle.
Mayor Storey's effort to break Into the
good government camp and pose as a
disciple of reform having conspicuously
failed, he haa gone to the other extreme
and i buying beer for the rounders In the
North End at a rate which he evidently
thinks will make him solid In that quar
ter of the city. He is out every night
making a good fellow of himself, and Is
particularly zealtfus In distributing the
pensive photographs which he had taken
for the purpose of compelling the admi
ration of all beholders. Callers at the
City Hall usually find his chambers
empty, and -when they inquire where the
Mayor is, the officials of whom they make
Inquiry shrug their shoulders and observe:
That Is usually all the reply that Is nec
essary. During thejearly part of the cam
paign, the Mayor spent much of his time
among the mills, where he believed himp.
self unusually strong, and -where he
hoped to get all the -votes of the working
men. Somehow hedld not succeed very
well in the role of a friend of labor, and
he has now shifted the scenes of his op
erations to the saloons, where he finds
fewer worfclngmen. but more people who
toll nor spin not, but who are willing to
Jake off their hats and chper for him
when he puts up the money for the drinks.
He says he Is going to be the next Mayor,
and that he has a card up his sleeve, but
ho doesn't say whether the card Is a
deuce or' not. He has even, It Is assert
ed, announced the names of the men he
-will appoint on the Board of Public
"Worka, and has assured the denizens of
the North End that things will be all
right when he Is elected. Just how he
expects to make things all right, over
the heads of the Police Commission, with
whom he will have nothing to do, he does
not say.
Joe Meyer, Independent candidate for
Councilman in the Third "Ward, and one
of the solid six through whose efforts
Storey landed In his present office. Is one
of his" warm supporters, but Fred T.
Merrill, another Independent candidate for
the same office. In the same ward, Is not.
Storey assured Merrill of his undying
support, told him he (Merrill) -was just
the kind of a pushing, enterprising busi
ness man that was needed in the Coun
cil, and promised him. that nothing would
be left undone for his election. In a day
or two Merrill found that Storey had sung
the" same song to Meyer, and given him
a further promise of support for "Auld
Lang Syne." It Is also stated that Storey
publicly informed several of the friends
of W. F. Burrell. Republican candidate
for Councilman in the Third "Ward, that
It was representative young men like
Burrell, men who represented property
and whose Interests were the city's, who
were just the kind needed in the Council,
and that none would be more ready to
welcome them there than the next Mayor,
a dclicato allusion to himself. These
things angered Mr. Merrill, when they
reached his ears, and he is not now a sup
porter of the Mayor's candidacy.
Effective Methods of Republican
Stnte Central Committee.
Although the Republican State Central
Committee has received no money -with
which to prosecute an aggressive cam
paign In Oregon, it Is conducting its work
systematically, and the returns from vari
ous parts of the state show that its ef
forts are bearing fruit. Campaign litera
ture has been sent out in liberal quanti
ties, and Is being placed where It will do
the most good in the hands of the vot
ers. Although the campaign has been
quiet throughout the state, there Is a
general disposition to study the issues
that are at stake In both the state and
Presidential elections, and the demand for
literature Is almost unprecedented. The
committee has sent out nearly all of the
supply on hand, and will have soon to
call on the Congressional campaign com
mittee for a fresh stock. Questions rela
tive to our new possessions are now up
permost In the public mind, having largely
supplanted interest In the currency Issue,
and a larger number of the speeches of
the ablest men In Congress touching upon
this subject have been disseminated.
Nearly all of the cities in the state are
arranging for big Republican demonstra
tions, and have applied to the central
committee for speakers. In many cases a
preference for some is ell-known man is
expressed, and it Is always the desire of
the committee to send the man who Is
asked for. Other towns merely want a
good speaker, and they always get one,
for there are plenty of men in the Re
publican ranks who are willing to give a
little of their time to the Interests of their
party and thoe of the Nation at large.
George C. Brownell, C. W. Fulton. S. C.
Spencer, C. A. Cogswell and a number of
other men -have been stumping the state,
and report that there Is a strong prepon
derance of Republican sentiment every
where. The Democrats are generally apa
thetic, taking no particular interest in
the state campaign, and being only luke
warm In their support of Bryan. A few
candidates have been out to sound the
sentiment In the party, but are not enthu
siastic over the result of their journeys.
East Side Republicans Will Hold n
Rousinrr Rally.
The success of th big rally of the Re
publicans of the four East Side wards, to
be held in Gomez' Hall. Tuesday. May 22,
Is already assured. Every club of the
East Side, with the exception of the dis
credited Roosevelt organization, will be
there, and will assist in making the event
one of the biggest ever held In Port
land. The place of meeting Is Gomez
Hall, Alblna, which is amply large to hold
tho crowd that will be there, and is con
veniently located with regard to street
car lines.
A number of well-known speakers will
be heard, and will discuss issuej which
are of Interest to every voter in the city.
Good music will be furnished, and the
programme will be so arranged as to
please the audience and give them an op
portunity to spend an enjoyable and prof
itable evening. The committee of ar
rangements is as followsr
J. E. Reinkle. president of the Sellwood
Republican Club, Eighth "Ward.
Sam R Mason, of the Multnomah-Union
Club. Ninth Ward.
J. C. Jameson, president of the Alblna
Republican Club. Tenth Ward.
Df. L. M. Davis, .president of the Elev
enth Ward Republyican Club.
Richard Clinton, president general com
mittee and chairman of committee on ar
rangements. Finance W. W. Terry. C. N. Rankin.
T. W. Vreelond and J. T. Gregg.
Invitation C F. Petsch. L. H. Wells.
It. H. Pomeroy, E. S. Ferguson. Harry
Richmond. A. F. Nichols. M. A. McEach
cn. T. A. Goffe. W. N. Jones, W. E.
Spurrier, E. M. Carson.
Nothing Done Toward Supporting
Fusion TieUct.
Apparently nil that Is being done to fur
ther the Interests of the hybrid Legislat
ive ticket Is being done by the candidates
themselves, and they are doing it in a
spiritless and half-hearted sort of a way.
There have been no Fusion meetings, and
there are no Fusion clubs. Although some
of the independent candidates have suc
ceeded In breaking into one or two Re
publican meetings, the Fuslonlsts have
had no such luck, and tho only way they
can can attention to their alleged plat
form Is to buttonhole their friends on the
street and force copies of It upon -them.
None of them are sure of success, only
one or two of them think there is a fight
ing hance -tor It. Judge Thomas O'Day,
who fathered the ticket In the Democratic
convention. Is doing nothing to help It
along, and has apparently sunk into a
state, of innocuous desuetude. Some of
the candidates may be seen on the street
now and then talking Industriously to a
few friends, but they seem unable to get
the Democratic organization to help them
along, and plainly feel that they are lead
ing a forlorn hope.
Goose Hollow Republicans.
The Goose Hollow Young Men's Repub
lican Club held another one of Its enthus
iastic meetings last night. A good-sized
crowd greeted the speTkers, and the aud
ience -was entertained with good vocal
music by the nev Hoodoo quartet, and
Joe Kelff, a member of the club. John D.
Mann -was Introduced as tho speaker of
the evening, ind addressed the joung
men at great length upon National ques
tions, and exhorted his hearers to sus
tain the policy of expansion and sound
money by voting the entlro Republican
Legislative ticket. The other speakers
were Edward Werleln, George Stapleton
and S. C. Beach.
Fifth Ward Republicans.
The Fifth Ward Republican Club will
hold Its weekly meeting this evening in
the hall on Columbia street, between Sec
ond and Third. Final arrangements will
, .
i ( t
Brlgadlcr-Gencral Daniel W. Burke. U. S. A., retired. Is now In Portland, where he has
decided to make his future home. His wife and daughter are with him. and have already fit
ted up a home at 472 Tamhlll street. General Burke is well known'in this city, having ben
Inspector-General of the Oregon National Guard while stationed at Vancouver Barracks la
1MX). A little later he .icld the same offlco in the Washington National Guard, and his dili
gent sen Ice with both organizations iron him many friends.
Genernl Burke entered the sen ice In June. 1S3S; was appointed Second Lieutenant Second
Infantry in July. 1SG2; became Captain In the Forty-fifth Infantry in 1SC7. and on the re
organization of the army was transferred to the Fourteenth Infantry in 1SC3. He was sta
tioned at Vancouver Barracks for several years, while the late General John Gibbon com
manded the Department of the Columbia; was made Major of the Twenty-third Infantry In
August. 1S04; Lieutenant-Colonel of the Eleventh Infantry in 1807; Colonel of the Seven
teenth Infantry in September. 1800, and Brigadier-General. U. S. A, in October, 1803, when
he was placed on the retired list at bis own request, after 40 years' service, under section 1,
act or June 30. 1SS2.
General Burke was brevetted Major during the Civil War for gallantry at Gettysburg,
ana -wears a'Covernrsent medal of honor awarded him for distinguished gallantry in action
at Shepherdstown Tord, W. "Va., September 20.1852. voluntarily attempting Jo spike a. gun In
the face of the enemy whllo sen in? as First Sergeant Company B, Second Infantry.
He serred with distinction in the Spanish war. and subsequently commanded the District
of Ponce and tho port of San Juan. Porto Rico.
be completed for the great rally to be
held a week from tonight. The old Me
chanics' Pavilion, on Third and Clay, has
already been secured for the occasion,
and the addition of a number of arc
lights have been contracted for. It Is the
Intention of the club to have the big meet
ing of the year, and It will probably be
so. In the campaign of 1ES5, the same
club held a rally In the old Congregational
Church, on Second and Jefferson, which
can be taken by tKose who remember as
what to expect next Wednesday.
Seventh Ward Republicans.
This evening there will be Jhe usual
large turn-out at their hall on Corbett and
Bancroft avenue. Several of the promi
nent candidates are Invited. Mr. Swail
and Mr. Gay -will address the members,
and Mr. Stapleton. who, though not a
candidate, is one of the most fluent speak
ers, will speak on the general Issues.
There will be good music as usual.
ri... ,m., .,.., ' teau district fruit Is in excellent condl-
Clnb Meeting Postponed. , t,rn The fln?t strawberrIes were dipped
Owing to the fact that there Is to be a f rom Hood River on the Sth Inst, and
grand Republican rally and mass meet- j from Southern Oregon at about the same
Ing on the East Side next Tuesday even- time. The cold rains and frosts of April
lng. the next regular meeting of the Al- j damaged fruit very extensively In the
blna Republican Club, In the Tenth Ward, Willamette and Rogue River Valleys. Ap
will be omitted, and the members-'will pies have suffered the least and bid fair
bottle up their enthusiasm and wad for ,
the grand rally on the 22d.
Real Estate Transfers.
Sam Rosenblatt et al. to C. W.
Boost S. lot 2. block 2. Port
land; May 10' 5CC00 00
Charlotte Leabo to Sterling M.
Xeabo. and Grace Lcabo. lot L
block 1. Leabo addition: May 15.. 1 CO i
I,? Hanson! lot block lE I localities. Prent indications point to a
Couch's addition; May"l2 2SM 00 larpe crop of apples, cherries and late
Louisa Prasp to Charles Cramer, i strawberries,
part of lot at Seventh and Harrl J Rural. Coos County, W. H. Wlgant A
son streets: May 15.......... 100 wet and cold week, with heavy winds
Charles Cramer to Louisa Prasp. irom the somh. Spring wheat and barley
JoWh'ieLl'ilfrtoS.-a "".look fine. Oat, and garden truck Ipok
Carter, lote SS. 40. 41. block 1. Fair- lc11- We need more sunshine. Corn p'ant-
field: May 7 HK) 03 ' ln has commenced. Early potatoes look
Sheriff for H. S. Hunter to Sunny- well, but the fruit crop io going to be
side Land Improvement Co., lot . light
5. block :. Sunnyslde- May 1!.... 7 30 Bay Cty. Tillamook County. Captain J.
Laura M. Gammans and G. G. Gam- , T Tv,,Tt iir, nt,U L,t-
mans to Michael Donohue. lot
block 3, Lincoln Park; "May 11
275 00
Marriage Licence.
Henry 3. Schmeltxer, aged 3 (Durnngo
County, Colorado). Bertha A. Bredemclcr,
aged IS; G. M. Harris. 33, Rose VJck
rey, 23.
Dcntfca. '
May IS Wallace TV. Klrkwood, aged 32
years 11 months, Seattle. Wash.; abscesF.
May IS Mrs. Lena Henderson, aged "24
years S months, 376 Rosv street; cerebro
spinal meningitis.
Contaslonit Disease.
Georgia Fitch, 100 North Grand avenue;
If you are tired taking the large, old
fashioned, grininc nllls. try Carter's Lit
tle Liver Pills, and take some comfort
A man can't stand everything.
Conditions Are Generally Favorable
Hops Improved and. Doing Well
Grains and Grasses.
United States Department of Agricul
ture, Oregon section, climate and crop
service. Weather Bureau, crop bulletin for
tho week ending May 14:
Genernl Summary.
The week has not been quite as warm
c the previous one. and the deficiency Is
j due to cloudiness, which lowered the day
temperatures, ane uignis, minougu
changeable, have averaged warmer than
usual at Ihi season of the year. The day
temperatures west of the Cascades ranged
i between 54 degrees and 68 degrees, and the
t night temperatures between 40 degrees
j nnd Zi degrees,. East of the mountains
the variations for day temperatures were
between 4S- dcgrcesand 73 degrees, and for
night temperatures between 34 degrees and
55 degrees. Showery conditions have pre--valled
during tho entire week. Showers,
attended by thunder. -weTO general Thurs
day, and in some sections the downpour
of rain was excessive.
Upward growth of all kinds has been
somewhat checked through lack of sun
phlne. Fall-sown wheat, as a whole. Is In
fine condition, although a number of cor
respondents .complain, in districts west
of the Cascades, of Its turning yellow.
Both rye and wheat are heading Jo the
Columbia River Valley. Spring wheat Is
germinating and stooling nicely, as the
TfAfl I VlT V)ft? TtK.An vamt ? V.1. r.
growth of this kind. Considerable flax
has been sown under very favorable con
ditions. Oats and barley are doing nlcf
ly. except that In the plateau district cut
worms have injured some fields of barley.
Corn planting Is nearly fln'.shed and the
early planted Is up and being cultivated.
Tho condition of hops has Improved and
they are now doing fairly well. Potato
planting continues, and vegetables of all
kinds are very promising.
Pasturage and grassoi are in fine condi
tion, and a good hay crop Is almost a cer
tainty. In Southern Oregon alfalfa Is
I nearly ready to cut.
j In tho Hoed River "Valley and the pla-
to be a full crop. The French and Silver
prunes are also doing fairly well, but
the Italians have been badly damaged,
and af the meet only from one-third to
one-half a crop need be expected. Peaches
have also been badly damaged, and to a
lcat?er extent pears and cherries.
Conwt District.
Tillamook. TIJIamook County, F. 31.
Lamb More or less rain every day dur-
i lng the last week. Splendid growth In all
I vegetation. Prunes and plums seriously
damaged; perhar a total failure In many
were stopped by the cold, stormy weather
Of stone fruits damaged, prunes and plums
have suffered the meet Very few cherries
have fallen. Young corn and beans are a
sickly yellow. Late apples are held bick
by the cold weather we have had thia
"Willamette Valley.
Aurora, Marion County. C D-. F. Wll
ron The week has been cool and showery.
Everything Is making good growth. There
has been no back-set to any croD that
I know of. Potatoes are yet to be planted.
Graeme. Clackamas County. Dan Stahl
necker Fall wheat in thte locality Is
looking very yellow on account o the
late Spring rain. Wheat on the lowlands
Is In bad condition; on the highlands It
if doing better. There wjll be a short crop
of hops in this locality, about half of
I -most of the yards having- failed to come
up, and" whatare up are Tory small. Pas
tures In poor co edition.
Thurston, Lane County, O. A. McMahon
Weather warm, with frequent showers.
AIL. kinds of vegetation In fine condition,
except Fall wheat which needs sunshine
badly. Italian prunes are almost a fail
ure: Petltcs and Silvers are a full crop.
Corn to up and 5ome are culiJvatlng.vl
Sheep-shearing aoout, aone, wita a uno
clip. Grass very gooC Stock In fine
Buxton, Washington County, S. Pa-j
ley Rain every day during week; ground'
very vret and roads 6ail. A big crop of
hay certain. Everything .planted, except
lale potatoes. Gardens look -well.
Soatlicrn OreKon.
Wlldervllle. Josephlns County, J. M.
Hoxle A very heavy thunder storm, with
heavy rain, occurred here on the 9th.
Tho week was very showery. Rains have
given a big etart to 'rats-sown grain, and
there are the best prpsTiecta for the larg
est hay and -grain cropn we have had for
several yars. Corn is making rapid
growth and has a splendid color.
Melrose, Douglas County,. ""Henry Scott
The week has been, cool and ehowery.
The weather could not be more favorable
for all vegetation. Strawberries are ripe.
Garden truck Is plentiful. Corn Is all In
the ground; some potatoes are planted.
The season to date Is all that could be
Kcrby, Josephine County, A. Morrison
A fine thunder Etorm passed over on May
9th, giving thirsty -vegetation a thorough
wetting, which will be good for two
weeks. Range In fine condition. Frosts
have injured the fruit to a considerable ex
tent Wild blackberries will be abund
ant Other wild fruit not hurt
Columbia Rlvr Valley.
Hood River, Wasco County, P. D. H!n
richs Corn and potatoes are being cul
tivated, but it Is cold. We need rain and
warm weather. Strawberries are ripen-Ing-slowly,
and the proepects are good
fora heavy crop. The range is beginning
to dry up. Wheat and rye have headed
and are ready to be cut for hay.
Pendleton, Umatilla County, H. J. Tay
lorThe week has been cool. Wheat and
barley doing fine. Fall wheat stands two
feet "high, and Spring wheat and barley
six inches. But little wheat heading. Fall
barley headed and In fine condition. Fruit
alL right so far. Late gardens coming up.
Lexington. Morrow County, Edwin R.
Beach All vegetation grew rapidly during
the -week. Grain is all growing finely
and tlolrg -well; where very thick it
puckered sl'ghtly during 'first part of the
week. Fruit of all kinds doing finely.
Plntenu Region.
Summerville, Union County, J. H. Colt
The weather has been .very changeable
during tho last,, week. There were two
pretty warm days, followed by thunder
showers, accompanied by hail. Copious
rain fell on the last two days, which were
rather coo. Grain and grass growing fine.
No frost here. Some snow on the Tnoun
tatns. The, majority .of people have about
flntohed seeding.
Baker City, Baker County, W. C. Mc
Guiness Rain of the Uth and 12th was
of benefit to every growing Jhlng in this
section. Minimum temperature of 35 de
grees on 7th Inst did no damage, as Ihe
weather "was cloudy. Pasturage good.
Haines Baker County, J. K. Fisher
The week has been favorable for all kinds
of grain, except barley; the cloudy weath
er gives the cutworms a good chance to
Injure It which they are doing to some
extent Spring wheat Is doing well, and
has a good growth fcr this time of the
year. There have been, good showers, and
everything looks well.
Section- Director, Portland, Or.
Footpads Operating on Both. Sides
-of the River.
Two daring hold-ups took place last
night The first was near Grand avenue
and East Burnslde street, In which a Mr.
Williams, -working In a grocery store la
the Burkhard block, lost a fine gold
watch. Both of the highwaymen wore
masks, presented pisjols and demanded
all the groceryman possessed, which he
turned over to them. Fortunately, his
loss In cash was much lighter than the
victim of tho footpads on the West Side
about an hour later. The East Side hold
up occurred at 10:30.
At 11:40 Bruce Kaltz, In the mailing and
advertising department of the Meier &
Frank Company, and one of the well
known members of the Second Oregon
Volunteers, was told to starid and deliver
whllo passing the corner of Sixth and
Taylor streets. Mr. Kaltz gazed calmly
down the muzzles of two revolvers of
large caliber, while the highwaymen took
from his pocket between $4 and S in
money and a gold watch that he treas
ured highly. His last cent gone, he po
litely asked tho highwaymen if they
would lend him 5 cents on which to ride
home, but he was told that he was a
husky fellow -who could walk the distance.
Neither of these two fellows was masked,
but it is the belief of the officers that
the same men did both jobs.
Some Japanese 'Cnrlos.
Pendleton Ea-jt Oregonlan.
E. T. Judd, while In Japan on his re
cent tour, collected eome very rare curios
and works of art. which ha has In his
rooms In the Judd block. There are ex
quisitely carved figures In Ivory, show
ing the skill of the Japanese carver. One,
in particular. Is very interesting In that
It illustrates the small compensation ex
pected by artisans In that country. It
is a delicately carved ball of two Inches
diameter, which was hollowed out In
side being a ship in full salL Eighteen
months were consumed In Its making, the
workman being willing to ply his vo
cation for from C to S cents a day.
The most Interesting of the curios is
One Gives the Other a Unndy Lift.
Mr. E. C. Hazard, one of the oldest and
best-known wholesale grocers In New
York, has for many years given his at
tention to the preparation of fine food del
icacies. He has a farm and experiment
station down on Staicn Island, where the
famous Shrewsbury Ketchup, Burnt Onion
Sauce, Shrewsbury Mushrooms and other
delicacies are prepared In a most skill
ful manner.
One evening last Autumn, while on his
way home, Mr. H. sstt with iOne of the of
ficials of the N. J. C. Railroad, who
seemed to be living with one foot In tho
grave stomach so badly disordered that
nothing would digest It seemed only a
question of a few weeks, at most, when
death would come.
"Mr. Hazard Insisted upon taking the
gentleman to his housa and giving him a
package of Grape-Nuts breakfast food,
which Is manufactured by the Postum
Cereal Company, at tho pure-food factor
ies at Battle Creek. Mich., a food which
Mr. Hazard had besn using nt his own
table for a long tlm3, greatly to his ben
efit "Ho told the gentleman that he could
get well In a few -Greeks by the use of
perfectly prepared food of this eort, and
would never forget the day when he first
tried Grape-Nuts. The prediction came
true; the official Is pot only alive today,
but Is In better health than he has expe
rienced for many j'tiars, all of which he
attributes to ihe us of Grape-Nuts and
from the advice of Mr. Hazard."
There are two reasons for this. In the
firet place, Grape-Nuts are made from cer
tain selected portions of wheat and barley
that contain phosphate of potash and
albumen which Nature uses in the hu
man system to make up the' gray matter
In the brain and .nerve centers through
out the body.
The nervous system directly controls
the digestive machinery arid the brain
controls the workin? and xaoney-maklng
power. Mr. Hazard knows this, from his
knowledge of foods and from his own -experience
with Grape-Nuts, Therefore -when
he took the railway official in charge, he
knew exactly what he was doing, and the
result proved tho correctness of his
j knowledge.
FOR YEAR 1899:
NEW YORK LIFE Including-impaired
nttr jurift Lire or sub -standard
- The Mutual Life Is the only one of these three
companies that docs not insure impaired lives. ,
- If you are desirous of insuring In a Company
that requires a most thorough medical examina
tion and accepts only carefully selected and un
impaired lives, application may be made to
WILLIAM S. POND. State Manager " '
t G. RosenWatt and Thomas H. Strowbridge, Special Agents
a clock 180 years old, which Mr. Judd
found In a Japanese curio shop. The
clock is two feet long, about two inches
wide, and one and one-half Inches deep.
Its mechanism Is very peculiar. Instead
of by a dial with hands, the time Is told
by an Indicator that moves downward
along the side of a strip on which are
the figures from one to twelve, with the
half hours also shown. The striking con
trivance Is In the weight It must be
wound up every twelve hours.
Mr. Judd was assured by the Ameri
can consul that the clock was most prob
ably as old as was cla'lmed, 180 years.
Million In Great Northern Stoclc for
Bomo time ago the Great Northern per
fected a, plan, to. enable Its employes to
acquire stockln the company for Invest
ment To carry out? the scheme, ?1.000,000
In stock Is set aside, againstwhlch cer
tificates are Issued In multiples of $10.
Upon these certificates the holders will
dr&TV 7 per cent Interest In dividends as
often as they are declared. An employe
may buy certificates to the amount of
$10 and upward, according to his mean?,
provided he has 'been In the employ of
the company three years and Is not re
ceiving more than 53000 per year for his
services. Should he sever his connection
with the road or wish to -withdraw his
investment he may do so at any time,
receiving the full amount of the dividends
accrued at that date. He has no interest
In the premium value of the stock, and
In this he is more fortunate than the
stock speculator, for his returns are as
great on the par valuation of the stock
at $100 per share as 1 that of the specu
lator who pays $155 per share. The pre
mium pays no dividend in either case.
The scheme offered by the Great North
ern to its 15,000 employes Is to encourage
them to cave their money and to -Insure
them a safe Investment at a high rate of
Xlnllrond Ifotea.
Newell Pettee, of Seattle, traveling pas
senger agent of the Union Pacific, -was
in the city yesterday.
General Agent Head, of the Omaha, Is
fitting up his new offices, at 243 Alder
street very -tastefully.
Commercial Agent Trumbull and Travel
ing Freight Agent O'Reilly, of the Illinois
Central, are in Huntington.
Manager Koehler and General Freight
and Passenger Agent Markham. of the
Southern Pacific, are Jn San Francisco.
Omar Khayyam on Socialism.
Talk! but Old Nature sings her worldly Ode
To selfishness, fresh from the Mother Lode.
O mortal hearts, in syncopated Beats.
Ton throb and throb for Self in your Abode!
To Some Utopia's cherished Dreams are real.
And Altruism Is the Bean Ideal;
But Weal is sometimes -but & common Woe,
Though posed as euphemlstlo Common Weal.
Vogue Socialists decide for mutual Pelf.
But Sens appeals unto the Court of Self
Drink, pretty Creature, drink. Elixir's Life,
The Hour is needy you for great Allah's shelf.
Shall would-be Sages picking Running Mate,
Or in ray mentaV' Kingdom-make a Date?
Not If old Nisi Prlus knows herself,
Methinks she knows my proper Tete a Tete.
Take now, my Dove, with me -al fresco Flyers,
Our Automobile waits with bloated Tires.
Some hot Tamales and a Jug of Wine,
And Thou I for Thee alone my Heart aspires.
Hi F. Rodney.
Cdars Twenty Centnrles Old.
John Mulr In April Atlantic.
Some cedars are undoubtedly more than
2000 years old. For, though on good mo
raine soil they will grow about as fast
as oaks, on bare pavements and smooth
ly glaciated overswept granite ridges in
the Dome region they grow extremely
slowly. Ono on the Starr King PJdge, only
2 feet 11 Inches In diameter, Was 1140 years
old. Another on the same ridge, only 1
Full Set of Teeth $5
) ,
With a Protective
Guarantee for 10 years
New York Dental Parlors
Hours 8 to 8; Sundays 10 to 4, 4th an J Morrison Sts.
. Portland, Or.
Branch Office. 723 Market St., San Francisco.
lv-frrt anil unlm.
paired lives-only $162,870,679
Deducting policies
Issued and not -tACTi-i nirt
paid for 1 49,73 1 ,9 10
foot 7J4 Inches In diameter, had reached
the age of 834 .years. The first 15 Inches
from the bark of a medium-sized tree, 6
feet In diameter, on the North Tenaya
pavement had 859 layers of wood, or 57
to the Inch. Beyond this the count was
stopped by dry rot and overgrown wounds.
The largest I examined was 33 feet In
gtrth. or nearly 10 In diameter, and.
though. I failed to get anything like a
complete count, I learned enough from
this and many other specimens to con
vince me that most of the trees 8 to 10
feet thick, standing on polished glacier
pavement!, are moro than 20 centuries of
age, rather, than less. Barring accidents,
for all T can see, they would live forever.
"When killed, they waste out of existence
about as slowly as granite. Even when
overthrown by avalanches, after stand
ing so long, they refuse to lie at rest,
leaning subbornly on their big elbows as
if anxious to rise, and while a single root
holds to the rock, putting- forth fresh
leave? with, a grim never-say-die and
never-lio-down expression.
PORTLAND. May 15. r M Maximum
temperature, 70; minimum temperature, 03;
river reading at 11 A. M.. 17.1 feet; change ln
the last 24 hours. 1.6 feet; total precipitation.
8 P. M. to 8 P. M.. 0.00; total precipitation
from Sept 1. 1899, 34.01 Inches; normal pre
cipitation from Sept. 1. 1800. 42.08 inches; defi
ciency. 7.75 Inches; total sunshine May 14,
6:38; possible sunshine May 14, 14:55.
The barometer continues to fall over the
North Pacific States, and a low-pressure area
haa developed over Eastern Washington. The
barometer is highest over the Dakotas. Rain
haa fallen along the coast from the mouth of
the Columbia River to the Straits. A thunder
storm has occurred at Baker City, but else
where in the North Pacific States no rain has
fallen, although the weather is generally cloudy
and threatening. It Is from 8 to 10 deg. warm
er in Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and
Idaho. The indications are for continued cloudy
and threatening weather la this district, with
showers over widely scattered areas.
Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours
ending at midnight Wednesday, May lGr
Western Oregon Occasional showers; cooler
in southern portion; westerly winds.
Western Washington Occasional showers;
westerly winds.
Eastern Oregon Showers; routh to west
Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho
Showers: cooler in southern portion; south to
west winds.
Southern Idaho Generally fair; south to west
Portland and vicinity Threatening, with oc
casional small showers; winds mostly westerly.
Daily IUver'Bnlletin.
, PORTLAND, May 15.
a O 3 O K a
STATIONS, lit i SI f&
2 : : o : g, :
; ; : :3 ;
Portland .... 117.0 0.0 0 00 15.0133 0 1 Pt. cloudy
The Dalles ..31.7 0.7 0,00 40.0 50.6
Umatilla ....20.0 0 0 0.00 25 0 34.5Clear
Northport ... 20.3 0 5 .... 50.0 53.0 Ft. cloudy
Wenatohee ..23.8 0.4 .... 40.0 58.0 Clear
Rlparia 13.C 0 4 24.7 Clear
Lewlstoa .... 13.4 0.3 24.0 20.0CIear
Welser 6.40 2 IClear
The temperatures this morning over the Co
lumbia River Basin range between 42 and 62
deg. The indications are that generally fair
weather, with slowly rising temperatures, will
prevail over the drainage area of the Columbia
River during the next 30 hours.
The Columbia River will continue to slowly
rise for several days. The Snake has fallen
slightly during- tho last 3G hours, but It will
probably, in consequence of warmer weather
now prevailing, cease falling and remain
about stationary for the next two or three
days. The height of the Willamette River at
Portland is now 17 feet; Wednesday It will
be 17.0 feet; Thursday, 18 2 feet: Friday, 18.5
feet and Saturday, about 10 feet.
Notice. Water enters cellars on Front street
and covers the lower docks when tho Willam
ette river is from 15 to 19 feet.
Room, "Roosa and Hoard." "Hossekeep.
tor Rooms," "Situ Uoas Wanted." IS wonfa" or
less. 15 cents; 16 tv 0 ttotAs. Xt cents; 21 to 23
word. 25 cents, etc No discount for additioaal
Today 30 ceats for 15 words or less; 18 to
words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. CO cents, etc
first Insertion. Each additional insertion, ow
half; no further dlscoaat under one asoath.
"NEW TODAY" (gauge measura agate). IS
cents per use. first Insertion; 10 cents per Uija
for each additional ln-erUcs.
L. R. Stockwell in His Best Role,
Excellent Cost Characters.
Matinee Saturday.
TJsual Prtc-s.
Today and 'Every Day This Week, at 3 anS
8 P.M.
Elephants, Zebras. Ponies. Dogs. Monkeys.
Goats. Zebus.
$10,000 Troupe of
Smallest Comedian Living.
Prices Adults. 25 cents: children. 15 cents.
At residence. 72 North 14th. cor. Everett, at
10 A. M.. by S. L. N. Gllman. auctioneer.
At salesrooms. 1S2 First St., cor. Yamhill,
at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer.
Regular meeting this evening; at 8 o'clock. A,
large attendance Is requested, as several prom
inent candidates are Invited. Mr. Stapleton
will make the address of the evening.
W. H. SAYLOR. Prea.
B. F. JONES, Sec.
P A. M. Regular meeting this
(Wednesday) evening at 8 sharp.
SIMON The funeral services of the late Kath
arine C Simon will be held at 2 P. M. today
at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Wm.
Biohm. 715 Front st. FriencU invited.
EDWARD HOLMAN. Undertaker. 4th
and Yamnlll uta. Rena tftlaaon, lady
assistant. Both phones No. SOT.
Finley, Kimbnll & Co., Undertakers.
Lady assistant. 275 Third at. Tel. O.
Floral pieces; cut flowers;. Clarke
Bros. SSO Morrison. Botk phones.
Odd Felloes' Cemetery Association
If deceased was a member of any organiza
tion having a presiding officer and secretary,
the charge for cremation, a copper receptacla
for the ashes and organ service is $30. The
same- for members of the family of such de
ceased. GEORGE R. FLETCHER. Supt.
i i i i t
There Is a time for everything. Today la the
time to buy a silk petticoat: Wo will sell,
today only, ladles' taffeta silk petticoats at
$4 05 each. Colors cardinal, violet, cerise or
heliotrope; made with deep Spanish flounce,
and five rows of cording. The best style of tho
season, and tbelatest colors. Today only at
this price.
A Sailor Bargain 5 cases of a new sailor
Just arrived at
We will sell this sailor for a few days only
at the remarkably low price of 50c. See win
dow, 3S0 Washington.
traction of teeth, 25c: no cocaine or poisonous
drugs; satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay.
Full set of tetth. $3, to years guarantee.
201 Morrison St., near Fifth, room 3. room 3.
Don't fcrgct the number, room 3.
25c; summer sausage, per lb . 2Qu; best East
ern hams. 12ftc per lb.; 2-plnt bottles catsup,
25c, McKlnnon Grocery Co.. 173 Third st.
Fraternal Order wants, to, lease hall in build
ing to he erected. Cddrees G S2. Oregonlan.
ANTON ZIL.M. teacher of violin, string quar
tets for entertainments. A. O. TJ. W. Temple.
Telephone 229. 240 Washington st.
Heavy cloth, all colors, 3x7 feet, today only
5c. L Gevurtz, the Home Furnisher, 17U
F'rst, N. W. cor. Yamhill.
Mortgage Loans
On Improved city and farm property, at lowest
current rates. Building loans. Installment
loans. Macmaster Sk Hlrrtll. 311 Worcester blk.
The undersigned I now prepared to build,
houses In Irvlngton. Portland's meat deslrahU
suburb, on the Installment plin. whereby the
monthly payments will be ACTUALLY lea
than rental chanted for similar residences.
If you cannot call, send for circular. J
212 and 213 "Chamber of Commerce.
Lots In this addition and acre tracts adja
cent for sale on the installment plan; low
prices and easy terms, with houses built at
actual cost to suit purchasers.
RUSSELL & BLYTH. 824 Third st.
f 1000. dairy farm, ISO acres, 15 acres plowed.
35 acres In meadow, 7 acrt3 old orchard,
good farm house, barn, etc. a large portion
of the land easily cleared; wagon road and
N. P. R. R. both run through farm: running
water convenient to steamer travel. nar
creameries, etc. This would make a magnifi
cent outing farm and a future home, on the
Columbia. 23 miles from Portland on the
Oregon side of the river.
LOTS 1, 2. 4. 5. BLOCK 1. ALBINA.
southeast corner Eugene and Rodney. 10
acres cost of Mt. Tabor. Lots 2, 4. 6, block
A, Highland Park. Lots 21. 22. block J.
Columbia Heights. Lot 15. block 32. Fulton
Park. Lot 31. block 17. Mt. Tabor Villa-
South halt lot 5. block M. Tabor Heights.
Long time at 6 per cent. Frank C Baker,
Hamilton building.
$2000 each.
A 6-room cottage, full lot: barn on place.
C-room house and quarter block, on East
Side. 11200.
For sale or exchange C5 acres, near Hood
SIS Chamber of Commerce.