Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 16, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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ble to local conditions. This idea seemed
to be suggested for application in the
Philippines, Hawaii, Cuba and Porto
Friends Favor Him for Vice
Presidential Candidate.
Strong: Sentiment Anions: the Pacific
Coast Delegation for the Iowa,
Man The Clark Case.
"WASHINGTON. May 15. There Is quite
a strong sentiment among the Pacific
Coast delegates In Congress in favor ol
Hepresentative Hepburn, of Iowa, for
Vice-President on the Republican ticket.
These men say that such an honor as
this -would be but a Just recognition of
the efforts of the Iowa man toward se
curing a Nicaragua canaL Representa
tives Tongue and Moody both think Hep
burn Is entitled to this recognition, and
would be glad to see him, receive the
nomination, believing, further, that he
would make a good running mate for Mc
Klnley in every way. The Senators are
also similarly inclined, while the Wash
ington delegation is practically pledged
to Hepburn, their first choice, Bartlett
Tripp, having declined to run.
The Emergency Kund.
If the deficiency bill being prepared by
the liver and harbor committee comes
out as contemplated. Oregon will receive
Its share of recognition. The Columbia
River will, of course, get its 510.0OJ pro
rata of the emergency fund, and It Is the
aim of the delegation, as well as the
"Washington and Idaho delegations, to
secure an appropriation for a survey for
a canal and locks around the obstruction
at The Dalles. Should the House com
mittee fall to grant authority for the
canal and locks survey and estimate of
cost. It is expected the Senate will add
an amendment to secure it with the view
of having the report for use at next
Alaska Lighthouses.
The Secretary of the Treasury has as
sured Representative Jones that whether
the bill for Alaska lighthouses passes this
session or not. an investigation will be
made immediately to determine the defi
nite location of the lights, and. Inasmuch
as Speaker Henderson has promised to let
the bill pass the first thing next session,
it is thought little delay will result.
Clark Cae Not Settled.
It looks as If the Clark case is not set
tled, by a long way. Clark had the sym
pathy of the Senate after delivering. h.s
speech of resignation, but many Senators
believe it was a trick, and tuat his friends
had arranged for his appointment, and
consequently there has been quite a reac
tion. The probabilities are now that the
committee on privileges and elections will
not recognize the resignation, and will
Insist on declaring there was no election,
which will keep tile Clark case before the
Senate for some time, and possibly inter
fere with the programme for an eany
Senators generally declined to express
orlnlons upon the effect of the appoint
ment. S?nator Chandler, chairman of the
committee on privileges and elections,
would only say: "I reckon the trick won't
"wa.k." According to the opinions of Sen
ators McComas, Caffrey and Jones, of
Arkansae. if the Senate adopts the reso
lution of the committee on privileges and
elections it will be as though the vacancy
had existed all the time, and the Governor
tiould then have no power to appoint.
Senator Frye. President pro tern, of the
Senate, said that under the present con
ditions a vacancy existed. He had or
dered Mr. Clark's name stricken from the
roll on the statement that he had re
signed. If Senator Clark presented cre
dentials in due form he would be mvorn
in, unles objection was made.
A pru I initio's Letter.
The President today sent to the Senate
a letter received from General Otis trans
mitting a translation of a letter written
by Agulnaldo to a friend in Manila warn
ing him to leave tht city. Agulnaldo's
letter is dated Malolos, January 17, 1S93.
and la addressed to Senor Bonlto Legardo.
In IfAguInaldo eays: "I beg you to leave
Manila, with your family, and to come
here to Malolos, but not because I wish
to frighten you. I merely wish to warn
jou for jour protection, although it is not
ct the day or week."
In h'-s communication of transmittal.
General Otis says: "The letter Is for
warded to meet still further the absurd
charges that the American authorities in
Manila Inaugurated the war." General
Ofls also states that this letter Is one of
a number written by Agulnnldo to his
friends in Manila, warning them to leave
the city for their safety. He adds that
many families left the city In consequence
of this warning.
Discussed nt the Cabinet Meeting
Also the Boer Envoys.
WASHINGTON. May 15. The Cuban
postal frauds were discussed at today's
Cabinet meeting. The suspension of Post
master Thompson was a great surprise to
the President and to the members of the
Cabinet, none of whom believe that he is
guilty. It Is assumed that General Wood
has come to the conclusion that until the
matter of these frauds has been thor
oughly Investigated, it would be best to
temporarily suspend all of the officials who
are In positions where they might have
knowledge, guilty or otherwise, of what
was going on. Members of the Cabinet
are not inclined to think that there was
any widespread conspiracy to defraud, but
nevertheless It Is the purpose of the Gov
ernment to sift the matter to the bot
tom. The Cabinet also discussed the reception
to be accorded the Boer delegation which
has just arrived in this country. The de
cision was to make no unnecessary techni
cal points against the delegates, but to
treat them with aB much liberality as is
possible without a breach of diplomatic
proprieites. That if they have any cre
dentials the delegates will be afforded an
opportunity to present them to the State
Department. It Is said there Is a prece
dent for this line of action. But as it is
undoubtedly the Administration's belief
that this particular delegation does not
come In a diplomatic capacity, the prob
lem connected with their reception is con
siderably simplified, and officials will not
be called upon to extend any form of
rccoRnltion of the Independence of the
Boer Republics which might be regarded
as an interference in the 'dispute which
led to the existing war.
The Chnrch In Mexico.
CHICAGO. May 15. The Right Rev
William McLaren. Bishop of the Protest
ant Eplcvopal Diocese of Chicago, who
has Just returned from a two months'
visit in Mexico and New Orleans, talked
freely to a Tribune reporter of religious
conditions in the Southern Republic and
of the race question In the South. The
Bishop is looked upon by the Protestant
Episcopal Church as an authority on
Latin-American ecclesiastic topics, and
has been asked by his people to make a
visit to Cuba and Porto Rico for a can
vass of the church situation in those
The Bishop praised the work of the
Roman Catholic Church in Mexico. Dip
ping Into the race problem, he declared
that the results arising from giving a
vote to the colored man In the South are
not satisfactory. Taking missions in a
broad sense, he expressed the opinion
that in any foreign land the effort should
be not to build up an American church. I
but to colve a Christian church, suita-j
Troafcle Breaks Oat Apaln Among
St. LohIs Street Car Men.
ST. LOUIS, May 15. The distinguished
feature in the street car situation today
was a riot which broke out on the open
ing of the Grand Avenue line of the St.
Louis Transit system, during the pro
gress of which two men were shot.
At nightfall the Transit Company and
Its 3600 striking employes were no nearer
an adjustment of their differences than
they were at the same time yesterday.
The officials of the railway company,
members of the employes' grievance com
mittee and the President of the Police
Board were in session for five hours today
in an endeavor to reconcile the differ
ences. No agreement was arrived at, and
they will meet again tomorrow afternoon
in an effort to accomplish something.
The Suburban Company, pursuant to the
agreement effected yesterday with its
striking employes, ran on full schedule
time day and night. This is the first
time since the strike began on the road
that a night schedule was maintained.
Five lines were opened during the day
by the Transit Company, all shutting
down at dark. "Very Irregular schedules
were maintained on these lines.
The trouble on the Grand Avenue line
occurred at Easton avenue about 4
o'clock. Stones and boards piled upon
the tracks caused a blockade of half a
dozen or more cars. Each car was man
ned by a crew and six policemen. When
the policemen got down to remove the
obstructions they were greeted by cries
of "scab" from the crowd of strikers and
their sympathizers. A volley of stonta
followed, and In retaliation shots were
fired from several of the cars. John Flat
ley, a striking motorman, had his spine
shattered by a bullet, and Joseph Tren
dall. an onlooker, was shot In the hip.
Flatley Is seriously hurt. B. B. Campbell,
a conductor. Is said to have shot both
men. A squad of 50 to 75 policemen sup
pressed the riot.
Thomas King, aged 22. who was in a
crowd of men and boys who stoned a
Transit Company's repair wagon at Olive
and Twentieth streets today, -was shot and
badly wounded by one of the men on the
President McDonald Denonnced the
Coeor d'AIene Investigation.
DENVER, Colo.. May 'IS. At the morn
ing session of the Western Federation of
Miners. Secretary-Treasurer Maher's re
port, showing In detail all transactions
during the year, was read. The reading
occupied two hours. President Boyce ap
pointed committees.
At the morning session of the Western
Labor Union, President Daniel McDonald
read his annual address and appointed
committees. He spoke of the necessity
of organization and concerted action on
the part of the wage-earners to solve the
problems of the day. He said of the
Coeur d'AIene investigation at Washing
ton: "The committee appointed by Congress
to Investigate this horrible affair has pen
etrated far enough to establish the truth
of all the talcs of deviltry on the Dart of
the National and state authorities, but
as it was organized as a whitewash com
mittee, the general public will never hear
the truth, except that which finds Its
way into tho columns of the reform and
labor papers. We kntr that since the
affair at Wardner, the rich corporations
are more arrogant than ever. They feel
that whenever worklngmen are disposed
to assert their manhood and resist tyran
ny, a Government stands ready to send
hired assassins to coerce them, and. If
necessary, to shoot them, or to Imprison
them for months without lawful arrest or
Impartial trial. We know this, because
it has been tried at Wardner, and tho
scheme works to a charm. The struggle
between labor and capital has begun, and
we. the people, the producers of all tho
wealth, must not shirk the fight. Liberty,
fraternity, equality will come when men
cease to obey the dictates of those Whom
chance and fraud have elevated."
At the afternoon session of the Federa
tion, the committee to which liad been
referred the president's address reported,
approving the address, and it was ordered
printed. The most Important feature of
the session was the presentation by Ed
Olsen, of Ouray, and the discussion by the
members generally, of a resolution look
ing to the accumulation by the Federation
by assessment of a fund with which to
purchase mines and establish a co-operation
union smelter, the profits of which
are to go into the treasury of the or
ganization. The proposition was very fa
vorably received, but was referred to the
committee on resolutions, as was also one
proposing the establishment of a miners'
The session of the Western Labor Union
developed the fact that the organization
is about to embark upon a campaign of
education. In response to a resolution by
M. P. Haggerty, a committee was ap
pointed to investigate the feasibility of the
establishment of a university for the pur
pose of Instructing the sons and daughters
of laboring men in political economy. It
was also decided to arrange for the dis
semination of the writings of distinguished
foreign authors on the subject of political
A banquet was given by the local com
mittee to the delegates of the two con
ventions at the Enterprise restaurant to
night. The most notable speech of the
occasion was made by F. C. Robinson, of
Spokane, Wash., one of the attorneys ot
the miners in the Wardner riot case, and
also one of the prominent witnesses and
attorneys before the Congressional inves
tigation. Mr. Robinson took occasion to
score General Merrlam. He declared that
General Merrlam was responsible for all
the arbitrary acts of the military regime.
He said General Merrlam's order for the
arrest of the miners of adjoining districts
was more dictatorial than any ever before
issued. Mr. Robinson said that when Gen
eral Merrlam returned to Denver an ef
fort was made to get him to Washington
to explain his course in Idaho, but he
declared that he could not go as he had a
smelter strike on his hands. This, the
speaker claimed, was an evidence that the
General wished to re-enact the same mili
tary dspotlsm in Colorado as had pre
vailed in Idaho. Speaking of the Con
gressional investigation, he claimed that
the opponents of the unions took every
means possible to prevent the truth being
brought out. Many times, he said, efforts
were made to secure the testimony of
President Boyce, of the Miners' Federa
tion, but the opposition was afraid of him
and prevented It. ,
Devrer nt Farrasmt's Birthplace.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn.. May 15. The final
day of Admiral Dewey's tour was spent
at Low's Ferry, the birthplace of Farra
gut. Admiral Dewey formally unveiled
the shaft erected to mark the birthplace
of the first admiral. Admiral Dewey made
an address, in which he paid high tribute
to Farragut and recounted his associa
tions with him. Addresses were also made
by Mrs. Charles A. Perkins, representing
the G. A. R.: Colonel L. D. Lyson and
Judge O. P. Temple. Judge Temple pre
sented Admiral Dewey with a handsome
miniature of Admiral Farragut. done In
Ivory. The party returned to the city thw
afternoon, wuere the final reception was
tendered Admiral Dewey by the Cum
berland Club.
Shake Into Tear Shoes
Altec1! TocUTmj. & powder. It com ixUsfsL tmirt.
jB5 rr xit and lncrowliuc aU. d iortantlj
Uttm tte rrtnfl crot of ears end bnnlonc !' tha
Pk! comfort dUcorerr ot tho . AUsa' Fool
Em auktt tUht or niw shoet la taj. ! it a
centls car for wtln. ration and hot. ttrvd. aehlns
fret, Tryit todat hold by all druorUia and &
rtgrej. Br mail f or 25a. la .tampa. Trial packtrc
Dr. San ford's Liver Invlgoratnr.
Tlw best Urer Medicine. A Vegetable Care for,
Liver I1K BlUousaeaa. Indigestion, Oonattpatloo.
They Are Maklasr for the Mountain
Passes ArdBoas March of
the British "Forces.
LONDON. May lS.'liSC P. M. The War
Office has received the following dispatch
from General Buller:
"Dundee, May 15. We have occupied
Dundee. About 2500 of the enemy left
yesterday for Glencoe, where they are en
trenched. Their wagons also left yester
day by Dejager's Drift and the Danna.
hauser road. Their Kaffirs said they were
going to Lalng's Nek. Almost every house
In Dundee Is completely looted. Tho
navigation colliery is all right. The ma
chinery of the Dundee colliers is destrojed.
The houses of the town are damaged,
but are structurally lotact."
A special dispatch from Lourenco Mar
ques says It is report-id that a large force
of Boers have been captured by the Brit
ish at Mafeking. Pretoria, lt Is added,
reports on the other hand that Mafeking
has fallen.
The War Office today furnished a tardy
confirmation of the Associated Press story
yesterday, telling of General Buller's
moves on the Blggarsberg, in a dispatch
from General Buller, as follows:
"Kemp's Farm, May 15. The following
telegrams, sent to Roberts, are now re
peated to you. They begin under date
of May 13:
"In accordance with Instructions to keep
the enemy occupied at Blggarsberg on May
11, I concentrated the Third Cavalry bri
gade of the Second Division, and some
corps of artillery at Sunday's River Drift,
on the Helpmaaker Road, and directed
Colonel Bethuene tc advance on Grey
town with the Bethuene Mounted In
fantry. Umvoti Mounted Rifles and Im
perial Light Infantry. On May 12 we
moved to Woschbank and Bethuene to
Pomeroy. while General HUdyard, from
Eland's Laagtc, occupied Indoda Mountain
on May 13.
"I sent General Hamilton with three bat
talions up the slope of Withek Hill. The
Third Cavalry brigade crowned the hill
on each side of the main road, and Be
thuene attacked by the Pomeroy road
from three sides. The enemy hurriedly
abandoned the position, which they had
6trongly Intrenched, and retired to the
Nek in front of Helpmaaker, where we
hope to dislodge them tomorrow, as mnny
of them have retired. We have gained
the summit of the Berg with the loss of
only a few men wounded.
"I advance tomorrow en Bclth, and
Hildyard moves on Wcssel's Nek. Our
small loos, I think, was certainly due to
the excellent troop leading of Generals
Hamilton and Lord Dundonald and Colo
nel Bethuene.
"May 14. The enemy evacuated Help
maaker during the night, leaving a rear
guard of about a thousand men In front
of us. These we have forced back through
out the day under considerable difficulty,
as they fired all the grass on top of the
Berg as they retreated, and the wind be
ing unfavorable to us, we were scarcely
able to see at all. I halted the Infantry,
who marched very well through the hot
smoke, at Telth. The cavalry has not
yet reported, but are some miles ahead.
We have taken a few prisoners. Our
casualties are small.
"Dundonald reported late last night that
he had driven the rear guard onto tho
main body of the enemy near Bursllndcn,
where they occupied in force a strong
position with three powerful guns. Major
Gough, with a composite regiment, ma
neuvered to get around their right flank
and they retired. Dundonald then halted.
He was 25 miles as t. crow flies from his
previous night's bivouac, and had covered
a waterless country, most of the time
riding through smoke.
"From prisoners I learn that the enemy
numbered over 2000 at Helpmaaker, and
being now Joined by those who left Van
Jonder's Pass, they must total nearly 3000
men. We move on Dundee today."
Hildyard reports the occupation of Wcs
sel's Nek, and is repairing the line. Judg
ing from the above dispatches, the British
advance is little more than an arduous
The Boers, who were active at first,
later appear to have shown the same
readiness to retreat which is now marking
tho movements of the Federals In the
Free State.
London Paper Advocates the Ostra
cism of Dick Croker.
LONDON, May 15. The Express of to
day advocates the ostracism of Richard
Croker in England In revenge for Tam
many's attitude on the Boer War. It
"It has not escaped notice in this coun
try that an American" welcome to the
Boer delegates has been inspired and en
couraged by Tammany Hall, which Is con
trolled by the notorious boss, Dick Croker.
The records of Tammany are already
black enough without tho addition of this
new Infamy. But what makes the action
of Tammany peculiarly Infamous now Is
the fact that Qroker claims the hospital
ity of an English domicile, poses as an
English country gentleman and runs race
horses on the English turf, yet Is aiding
and encouraging the worst of England's
"Croker's position is practically on all
fours with that of the Duke of Orleans.
The Duke has already paid tho penalty of
having fallen under the ban of social os
tracism. If Croker finds that the bracing
air of the United States does not In
variably suit his corfltitutlon. he should
secure the calm seclusion of an Italian
villa within reach of the Duke of Orleans,
whoso company he will probably find con
genial." Concentrating on the Vanl.
KROONSTAD, Monday. May 14. It Is re
ported that the whole of the Boer forces
are concentrating on the Vaal, withdraw
ing from Blggarsberg and the southwest
ern border.
It Is computed that not more than 2000
Free Staters will fight on the Vaal.
Railway communication with this place
is expected to open on Thursday. The
transport is working smoothly, the troopa
and horses are receiving full rations. Wa
ter is plentiful and the health of the
troops is excellent.
Front Planter's Camp.
PLUMER'S CAMP. May 4. Via Ootsl,
Monday, May 7. Natives who have ar
rived here say that the bombardment of
Mafeking on May 1 was not heavy. Twelve
hundred and eighty refugees from Mafe
king have reached here.
Patrols who have returned from the
northern borders of the Transvaal say they
saw no signs of Boers. All Is quiet there.
Boers regularly patrol the neighborhood
of Mafeking, but do not seem to be de
posed to be aggressive.
Rnndle Clears Ladybrnnd District.
BRAND'S DRIFT. May 13. General
Rundle has completely checkmated the
attempt of the Boers to come south again,
and the enemy are retiring before the per
sistent advance of the British. Many
have been captured, or are surrendering.
There were 150 of these yesterday and to
day, among them President Steyn's broth
er. Lodybrand district is clear of Boers.
They have evacuated Mequatllng's Nek,
and are now near Llndley.
The FlBhttnjr nt Mafeking.
Saturday occupied the Kaffir location at
Mafeking: they were In turn attacked
during the night of Saturday, and Sunday
found them surrounded. The Boers lost
seven killed and 17 wounded. The British
loss is reported to have been heavy.
Portuguese Coaml Expelled.
LISBON, May 15. It is reported here
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to knovr of the wonderful
curss maac oy uz.
Kilmer's Swamo-Root,
8 Di Hi Ereat kidney, liver
il ji uic great medi
cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered after years of
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and bkd
der specialist, and is
wonderfully successful tn promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found
just the remedy you need. It has been tested
in so many ways, in hospital work, in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful in
every case that a. special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer In this paper and fK.
Dr. Kilmer &Co.,Bing-s&
hamton, N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and Honioof Sirajap-Boot,
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
that President Kruger has ordered tho
Portuguese Consul to leave the Transvaal
Tic Gnnie Between Cincinnati and
CINCINNATI. May 15. Both sides had
numerous chances to win today's game.
but the necessary hit failed to material
ize. With one man out in the 12th Inn
ing. Stelnfeldt hit for three bases. Orth
then purposely sent Irwin and Crawford,
who batted for Peltz, to first on balls.
Wood struck out and Barrett's little fly
ended the game. Scott had the visitors
at his mercy after the flflh, striking out
Slagle and Delhanty with a man on sec
ond In the 10th, and Chiles and Orth
In the 11th, with the third base occupied.
Darkness; ended the struggle. Attendance,
law. Tne score:
Cincinnati.-.. 4 13 Philadelphia.. 4 14 5
Scott and Peltz; Orth and McFarland.
Umpire Sartwood.
At Chicago.
CHICAGO. May 15. The Chlcagos were
weak with the stick today, but made it
four straight from New York, because
of Seymour's wlldness. Van Haltren
pitched the laat three Innings for New
York, the first time he has been In that
position for 10 years. Attendance, 900.
The score:
Chicago 10 7 2Ncw York 811 2.
Taylor and Nichols; Seymour, Van Hal
tren and Bowerman. Umpire O'Day.
At St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, May 15. Brooklyn out
played St. Louis at every point today
Donlln's error let in two runs In the sev
enth. Attendance, 1030. The score:
St. Louis 2 10 3;Brooklyn 512 2
Sudhoff and Crlger; Dunn and McGulre.
Umpire Hurst.
At Plttshurs.
PITTSBURG. May 15. The sixth was
PIttlngers fatal Inning, when a combi
nation ot errors and hits gave the game
to Pittsburg. Attendance, 2S00. The score:
Pittsburg 7 9 2Boston 5 7 1
Tannehlll and Schriver; Pittlnger and
W. Clarke. Umpire Eraslle.
National League Standing.
Won. Lost. Per ct.
Philadelphia 14 5 .737
Brooklyn 12 S .600
Pittsburg 12 9 .571
Chicago 12 10 .515
Cincinnati 9 10 .474
St. Louis 9 11 .450
New York 6 13 .316
Boston 5 13 .27&
The American League.
At Buftau Buffalo, 2; Milwaukee, 5.
At Cleveland Cleveland, 1; Minneapo
lis. 4.
At Detroit Detroit, 9; Chicago, 4.
At Indianapolis Indianapolis, 12; Kan
sas City, 1L
Interesting Sport at Chnrchlll Downs
LOUISVILLE, May 15. With John
Bright, at 5 to 1 in the betting, winning
the mile and ui yards handicap In
world's record time, and with Juanetta
winning alter being backed down from 60
to 1 to 12 to 1. there was a great deal
doing at Churchill Downs this afternoon.
The results were:
Five and a half furlongs Merry Day
won, May Dine second, Skillman third;
time. 1:07.
Seven furlongs Vain won. Star Cham
ber second. DIeudonne third; time. 1:27.
Four and a half furlongs Trelawney
won. Porter B. (second. Queen Carnival
third; time, 0:55i.
Mile and 50 yards handicap John Bright
won. Bangle second, Salvarse third; time,
1:42 .
Six furlongs, selling Juanetta won.
Dollle Welthoff second. Headlight II
third; time. 1:14ft.
Mile and a sixteenth, selling Elkin won.
Possum second. Windward third; time,
Races at Morris Park.
NEW YORK. May 15. The heat was
Intense at Morris Park today, and the
crowd was about the smallest of the
meeting. The results were:
Six and a half furlongs Vulcaln won.
Unmasked second. Imp third; time. 1:2L
Seven furlongs, selling First Whip won.
Brisk second. Bangor third; time. 1:27
The Bay Chester, mile Ilderim won,
Contestor second, Herbert third; time,
The New Rochelle handicap, seven fur
longs Survivor won Missionary second.
His Royal Highness third; time, 1:27ft.
Four and a half furlongs Maiden won.
Cherries second. Goddess of Night third;
time, 0:542.
Six furlongs Firearm won. General
Mort Gary second. Lady Uncas third;
time, 1:11.
Races at Lakeside.
CHICAGO. May 15. The weather wn-j
clear and the track fast, at Lakeside
today. The results.:
Six furlongs, selling Monicon won, John
Prlgsby second. Innovator third; time,
Four and a half furlongs The Cuban
Girl won. Llll Pantland second, Clnara
third; time. 0:55J4-
Mlle and a sixteenth Malay won, Eva
Rice second. Strangest third; time. l:4&ft.
Five and a half furlongs, selling St.
Cuthbert won. Pauline J. second, Orion
third; time. 1:0s.
Five and a half furlongs, selling O'Con
nell won. Abe Furst second. King Carni
val third; time. 1:0714.
1 Clearing Sale of 99 Bicycles I
I An Up-to-Date Chainless Bicycle S
Stancfcrd of the World, for ... 3 S
With Coaster Brake, $55.00
With Coaster Brake, $55.00 j
Columbia, 0
"Welcomed ly a Crowd of Sympathiz
ers Given the Freedom
of Hoboken.
NEW YORK, May 13. The steamship
Maasdam, with the peace envoys trom the
South African Republic, arrived at this
port today after a voyage of 12 dayo
from Rotterdam. The envoys Abraham
Fischer, J. A. Wolmarens and C. H. "Wes
sels were met by a committee which
went down the bay to greet them, and
later were welcomed by a large body of
sympathizers gathered on the pier at Ho
boken, where the Maasdam docked. The
Mayor of that city extended a welcome
to them, and the party then took car
riages for the Hotel Manhattan, where
tho envoys will lodge during their stay
In this city.
The ship was sighted off Fire Island
early this morning, and the subcommittee
appointed to go down the bay embarked
on the revenue cutter Hudson and met
tho Maasdam at quarantine. On the ar
rival of the ship there were Introductions
all around, and then ex-Judge Van Hoe
sen recited tho following address of wel
come: "We are a committee of citizens of
New York, who sympathize with your
country In its struggle for liberty andvin
dependence, and who wish to make your
visit to the City of New York agreeable
to you personally and advantageous to
tho nation of which you are the repre
sentatives. In the near future we will
extend more than a formal reception, but
on this occasion we simply say, 'Wel
come.' " ,
Mr. Fischer responded to Judge Van
Hoesen, saying:
"I thank you most heartily for this wel
come which you have Just extended to
us. The warmth of a welcome does not
He In the length of words used, but In
deeds. We believe that the American peo
ple will also extend to us a hearty wel
come, for ours Is a cause that Is dear to
their hearts. We are fighting for our
country. As soon as they come to under
stand our cause, they will, I believe, echo
the welcome you have just given us."
The Maasdam was saluted by harbor
shipping on her way up. When the ship
arrived at Hoboken, the pier was crowded
with men and women waving the Stars
and Stripes and the colors of the South
African Republics. The three envoys
were the first to leave the vessel. As they
came down the gangway, a brass band
on the pier struck up the Boer National
hymn, the crowd on the dock cheered and
vessels near by tooted a welcome to the
Mayor Fagan. of Hoboken. delivered an
address of welcome and tendered the vis
itors the freedom of the city. Chairman
Fischer, of the delegation, replied on be
half of the envoys. Then the delegates
were escorted to carriages at the end of
the pier. There a procession was formed,
headed by a band of music. The proces
sion passed through Washington street,
past tho City Hall to the Barclay-Street
ferry, where the envoys were taken In
charge by the committee of 1C0 from New
York and the whole party crossed the
ferry to New York, where the envoys
were escorted to the Hotel Manhattan.
Along the route from the Hollnnd-Amer-Ican
line dock to the ferry there were
crowds who gave an enthusiastic wel
come to the envoys of the South African
The envoys were eager to hear the latest
news from the war. When told of the
reverses to their arms and the ad
vances made by Lord Roberts, they
merely shrugged their shoulders.
"Such news." paid Mr. Fischer, "docs
not disconcert us In the least. We read
tho dispatches between the lines; be
sides, what difference does one or a dozen
reverses mean to us? We' never propose
to stop fighting until we have gained
what we are fighting for our independ
ence." "Wo cannot say anything which may
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hinder our cause. We should like to have
the Government arbitrate with England,
and undoubtedly we shall go to Washing
ton and try to get an audience with Presi
dent McKInley. If we cannot Induce the
Government to do what we like, we shall
try to arouse the people so that they will
compel tho Government to recognize us
In that way.'
Mr. Fischer said their future plana were
tlll undecided, and that they would be
largely guided by events as they hap
pened. As lt Is, the reception committee
has received invitations from the May
ers of 60 towns In the United States, and
it Is probable that they will visit many
of these places before sailing again for
the continent.
When asked as to the truth of the re
port that some of the Red Cross men
were fighting in the Boer army, Mr.
Fischer said:
"Of this I know nothing, though soma
may have Joined our forces when they
knew the truth. Some attaches who havo
gone down there to see us fight, when
they saw us fight and knew the reasons
for the war, have said to us: 'Give us
guns, for we want to fight with you.' "
At the hotel the envoys were received
by the executive committee of the cit
izens reception committee. Edward
Lauterbach, who was among the speak
ers, caused something of a sensation by
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Icycies I
bitterly denouncing the Irish race, de
claring that they had forgotten in a short
time the bitter experiences they had had
with England, and Irish regiments were
now fighting to aid the Empire. Each of
the envoys spoke In reply to the addresses
of welcome. Delegate Fischer, In the
course of his speech, eald:
"We came to seek peace, but not at any
price. We do not Intend to be murdered
out of existence. Wo ask that you In
vestigate our cause. If you find lt wrong,
then we will submit to being made prac
tical slaves, and give up our lands. If we
are right, then we want you to help us
to maintain the things we have won at
great sacrifice."
Mr. Fischer read a Pretoria letter an
nouncing that the envoys came here em
powered, in the event of all overtures
falling, to negotiate for the establishment
of an American protectorate over tho
South African Republics. When asked
whether their credentials were broad
enough to permit such overtures, Mr
Fischer said:
"We cannot make any otatement as to
what we may be called upon to do of
ficially. It is not that we cannot play
open cards. We have nothing to hide, but
we might find ourselves saying things
prematurely. You may say, however,
that we came here with very large pow
This great Veseta-
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