tmim&n 10 'TTR MOBNING OKEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAT 16, 1900. THE POETRY OF AN AGE OF REVOLUTION (Copyright. 1000. by Seymour Eaton.) THE OREGONIAN'5 HOMESTUDY CIRCLE: DIRECTED BY PROF. SEYMOUR EATON XXII. GOLDEN AGE OF ENGLISH POETRY. BT THOMAS MARC PARROTT. PILD. The poetry of the age of Wordsworth and Byron Is the poetry of an age of "rev olution. I; does not, to be sure, spring di rectly from the political upheaval In France, but It Is closely associated with It, a product of the same great movement for liberty of thought and action. With one great except-on, the poets of the age take sides for or against. In certain cases, both for and against, this movement, and it Is by their common Interest In the rev olution and their varying attitude to its puccesslve phases that poets so dissimilar in form and spirit as Cowper and Scott, 3urns and Shelley, Byron and Coleridge, are mutually related. And a study of their work fr&m this point of view lends a unity otherwise impossible of attain ment to one of the most brilliant ages of English literature. Forerunner! Cotvper and Barns. The new note is first struck in "Table Talk" and its companion poems in 172. Cowper owed little or nothing to the poets of the preceding generation. His revolt against the accepted conventionalities of his time, his close observation of Nature, his delight In the simple human affec tlon, all mark him as the poet of a new day. And in politics, as In literature, Cowper has something of the revolution ary spirit. The most devout of Chris tians, he accepted the idea of the brother nood of man as a dogma of revealed re ligion; he translated, as has been well said, the gospel of Rousseau into the gos pel of St. Paul. He declared that the cause of liberty was the cause of man, prophes'ed that only reform could avert revolution In England, and exulted in the approaching fall of royal prisons, "the abode of broken hearts." No wonder that Dr. Franklin, that American embodiment of the revolutionary spirit, found In the works of Cowper "something so new In the manner and so Juet in the sentiments" that he read "the whole with pleasure and some of the pieces more than once." Burns, like Cowper, Is a poet of the rev olution, but he has none of Cowper's calm and philosophic reverence of liberty. He is a passionate democrat. The hardships of hte own life fired him with bitter in dignation against the Injustice of the pre vailing social sysem, and he looked to the ultimate triumph of revolutionary princi ples for the redress of this injustice. "It's coming yet. for a that. That man to man, the world o'er. Shall brothers be for a' that." Had Burns lived in France he would William Covrper. have been n poet of the barricades. In 17P2, the very year of the September mas sacres, he sent a pair of guns seized from a smuggler as a personal gift to the French convention. At a public dinner he propored the toast of "the last verse of the last chapter of the last book of Kings." Naturally enough, consider ng the circumstances of hte life. Burns waa not always consistent In his politics. The fear of losing his place In the excise drew from him a loud declaration of his at tnchment to the British constitution. The threat of French invasion called out one of the finrct of his patriotic songs, but even in this outburst he makes no secret of his democratic principles: "Who will not flnjj God save the King, Shall hang as high's the steeple; But while ve Bins God save the King, We'll ne'er forget the people." One of the most striking characteristics of the poetry of Burns Is his pafs'onate love of Nature. In this he is the true, though perhaps unconscious, disciple of Rousseau, and the forerunner of Words worth. "I never hear the loud solitary whittle of the curlew In a Summer noon," he writes to a friend, "or the wild mixing cadence of a troop of gray plover In an Autumnal morning without feeling an el evation of soul like the enthusiasm of devotion or poetry." This enthusiasm for Nature, a reaction from the urban and artificial life of the ISth century, is one of the chief marks df the revolutionary cplrlt In poetry. It had appeared already in Cowper, but in Burns we have a warmth of sympathy which is far in ad vance of the English poet'e attitude of somewhat patronizing admiration. When Burns sees the frightened moue flying before his plowshare he feels for it as a "poor earth-born companion, a. fellow mor tal." "The Twa Dogs" are as human as, Tarn o Shanter and his crony. In the fate of the mountain daisy the poet sees an omen of his own. All Nature, in fact. Is regarded by Burns as sharing In the feelings of humanity. Even more Intense and passionate was his love for mankind. Burns was no stricken deer that had left the herd, but a living, loving, sinning and suffering man, such as English poetry had not known since Shakespeare. He sings of what he has seen and felt, the simple piety and homely jojs of the "Cotter's Saturday Night." the laughing fun of "Halloween" Robert Barns and the "Holy Fn.'r." the rollicking good fellowship Inspired by John Barleycorn, above all of love in all its phases, re jected, despairing, triumphant and remin iscent. Love poetry, silent in England since the close of the Elizabethan era, sprang into glorious life In the songs of this Scotch peasant. For there was in Burns a quality of sentiment that Invested even the basest passion with those rap tures of fire and air that mark our older poots. And even finer than these raptures is the tenderness cf his sympathy for sinning and suffering humanity. Not ig norant of evil, he knew how to pity; and. in sharp contrast with the preachers and atlr"sts of his century, he drew over the world the broad mantle of human charity. But perhaps the characteristic which man distinctly marks Burns as the poet of the revolution is his .sp'rit of rebellion against the established order of things. Jt Js opt galm plea for reform that wo hear in his poems, but a note of angry revolt, springing from a sense of personal wrong and Regenerating at times Into a selfish license. The gentry and the domineering clergy of his land are the objects of bis keenest shafts of ecorn, and the wildest spirit of the French revolution finds perfect ex pression in the song that closes the "Jolly Beggars": "A flg (or those by law protected! Liberty's a glorious feast! Courts for cowards were erected. Churches built to pleaso the priest." Poet of Revolution and Reaction. Southey, Coleridge and Wordsworth form a triad of poets closely connected In their lives and work. A-Ikc subject to Robert Sontlicy. the early influerfces of the revolution, they alike reacted against it when the lust of conquest supplanted the love of liberty. Southey may be dismissed in a few worda. As a poet he is dead. His 10 vol umes of verse, ponderous ep'cs and ludi crous ballads, are relegated to the dust of the upper shelves. A mere handful of meditative poems survives to All a cor ner In the authologles? and if he had not been the friend of Wordsworth and Coler idge his personality would be as vague to us as that of any 18th century laureate. Perhaps his surest title to immortality la found in the undying scorn which Byron poured out upon him In the "Vision of Judgment." Here Southey nppears as tho Epic Renegade who "Had written praises of a regicide; And written praise of all kings whatever; lie had written for republics far and wide. And then against them bitterer than ever." Yet Southey was never the unprincipled turncoat these lines Imply. He had hon estly espoused the principles of the Revo lution and as honestly recoiled from the excesses of the reign of terror. But there was something hard, narrow and Phllls tinlc about Southey's later work that par ticularly exposed him to the onslaught of Byron. His lauded "Ode during the Ne gotiations fcr Peace" Is In substance a savage cry for the blood of Napoleon, and In his "Vision of Judgment." a poem whose dullness Is equaled only by Its un conscious profanity, he consigns Wilkes and Junius to hell because In He they had dared to oppose that great and good king, George III. But enough of Southey. Samuel Taylor Coleridge is the very an tipodes of Southey. A far profounder thinker and loftier poet, he was lament ably Inferior as a man. But h:s rank as a poet is little disturbed by his moral fallings, although the quantity of his po etic production was undoubtedly lessened. With a few exceptions, all his verse was written In the last decade of the century, and It could be included In a narrow corn pars. But it contains infinite riches in a little room. He broke away as no one yet had ventured to do from all the tra ditions of the century. The exaltation of his odes, the mystery In simplicity of the "Ancient Mariner." the haunting music of "Chrlstabel" all these are absolutely new. Coleridge was inspired above his fellows by the spirit of the Revolution.. As a schoolboy he exulted In the fall of the Bast lie. At Cambridge he was the asso ciate of Frend. who was expelled for unltarlanlsm and sedition. Against Pitt, whom he regarded as the representative of the anti-Revolutionary spirit, he launched the dreadful Invective of "Fire, Famine and Slaughter." His finest burst of Revolutionary feeling Is found in the "Ode to the Departing Tear" 1797. But the next year saw a complete change. Al ready sickened by the massacres of th& Terror, he shrank In horror from the French assault on the liberties of Switz irland. and the greatest of his odes "France" slng3 his formal recantation of Revolutionary principles. Henceforth. Coleridge ranked among the conservatives. He never became a Tory reactionist, like Southey. But he abandoned poetry and set himself to In terpret rather than to alter, the institu tions, political and religious, of his coun try. Of his Influence over the later thought of England, this is not the place to speak. It Is enough to say that he became the spiritual father of nineteenth century Intellectual liberalism, and In the last years of his life his home at Hlghgate was as an oracle where the noblest minds of his country repaired for Inspiration. It is not possible to overestimate the rank of Coleridge In English literature. He recreated the ode. the ballad, and the metrical romance. He quickened the stronger but more slowly moving genius of Wordsworth, and their Joint work, the "Lyrical Ballads" of 17SS. is perhaps the most remarkable volume of poetry tho eighteenth century produced; certainly it Is the most Important In Its after ef fects. Both Scott and Byron drew their Inspiration from the new music of "Chrls tabel." To no poet of his age do we owe a deeper debt, not only for what he did, but for what he caused others to do. So much has been written on Words worth that it seems a hopeless task to take up the tale and say anything new. From Coleridge and De Qulncey to Ar nold and Swinburne the foremost Eng lish critics have delighted to dwell upon his verse, to point out its merits and de fects, to examine the theory of poetry upon which it is based, and to expound the philosophy which it contains. And the predilection with which criticism has turned to Wordsworth has its good and sufficient reasons. For three-quarters of a century he has been the most profound and stimulating Influence In EnsIIuh poetry and has done more than any modern poet to inform and strengthen English life. For his poetry has a qual ity, "fortifying and ennobling." that Is at once unique and priceless. He -was himself well aware of this. "Trouble not yourself," he wrote to a friend lament ing the savage criticism which for the momept checked Jhe sale pf his poems; i S. T. Coleridge "trouble not .yourself "upon their present reception: of what moment Is that com pared with what I trust is their destiny? to console afflicted; to add sunshine to daylight by making the happy nappler; to teach the young and gracious of every age to see. .to think, to feel, and, there fore, to become more actively virtuous." The superb self-confidence which inspired these words has been amply justified and It is well worth our while to make an ef fort to discover the reason of Words worth's Influence and the sources of his power. PHILIPPINE DRESS FABRICS Rare and Rich Weaving by the Women of Las on. Only those who have lived a long time in the Philippines have any conception of where and how the exquisite pineapple fiber fabrics are manufactured. It seems incredible that "they are practically home spun goods which rival In texture the products of the marvelous looms of civil ized Europe. The fiber itself Is almost as fine and -soft as silk, and the cloth Is trans parent, and when worn over arms and neck softens and enriches the natural coloring of the skin. American women go into raptures over these beautiful fabrics when they vlsi Manl'a, and spend much of their time in searching ainoirg tho little native shops for rare specimens. The native stores, however, do not keep anything but the commonest varieties. It is only In the homes of the weavers, known to tfiose who have been buyers for years, that the exquisite pieces can be purchased. The prettiest fabrics are those known as Jusl (pronounced hoosy). In which colcred silk threads are woven into the fiber to form narrow stripes. Theee may be had In all tints and many combinations of color. Then there is the PIna pronounced peen-ya), made entirely of pineapple fiber, either natural or dyed In brilliant colors. It Is this fabric which is used for the marvelous embroideries produced during the spare moments of the Philippine housewives and daughters and "sold for a mere fraction of its cost from the stand po'nt'of the time Involved in the work. Many of the embroidered handkerchiefs require the work of months to complete and are sold for from $10 to $20 each. In a country where a year's labor la re warded with $50 In Mexican silver, It Is possible yet to buy these beautiful goods, but in a few years those now in exist ence will be priceless. Paris baa taken the entire output of these skillful weavers and embroiderers for years, the buyers having almost a con trol of the manufacturers, whose humble homes are entirely unknown to the general public and who have never had the ben efits of a competitive market in which to display their wares. In addition to the Jusi and Plna cloth, there are fabrics of varying design and texture made of hemp fiber, bearing the name of Indang, Albay, Bohol, names taken from the locality where the partic ular var'ety is manufactured. These lat ter fabrics are almost Indestructible, and, while rather coarse In texture, arc novel ties which can be worked up Into shirt waists, coverings for sofa pillows, sash curtains, etc The first night of a collection of these fabrics fills ono with surprise that such rkill. such splcnd'd taste, such art. could exist among a people generally regarded as on-ly reml-clvlllzed. i GHOSTS THAT ARE LAID. A Grandson of Senntor Henderson Speaks of the Death of Crittenden. HOOD RIVER, Or.. May 14. (To the Ed Itor.) Your touching and thrilling edi torial In the dally of yesterday, entitled "Ghosts That Are Laid," Is peculiarly Interesting to me. I was cradled during infancy among some of the Incidents of the Cuban rebslllon of 1S51 that you men tion. My grandfather. John Henderson, was the only Whig In the Senate. He was United States Senator from Missis sippi, and while In the Senate he was one of the strongest and most faithful supporters of General Lopez. One of the flrst sounds my baby ears heard from my grandfather's lips was "Cuba llbre." How he sank nearly all his fortune In that en terprise; how he was Impeached for fili bustering; how he defended himself and was acquitted; how his wife's brother, Mr. Fownlquet, and other personal friends were shot with the noble Crittenden In Havana, are events that have passed Into h'story. Today, should you desire to see them, will be found at Ladd & Tllton"s bank, your city, four bonds that were lasued ' to grandfather by the then de facto Cuban Government, which Issue of bonds was sold In this country to help the Cuban cause. Is It any wonder, then, that I am a Arm believer in the righteous ness of the Sp&nJoh War, and at the same time am a "howling expansionist"? Here tofore I have always voted the Democrat ic ticket. Were I to vote that ticket now my illustrious grandslro would turn over In his grave. To me It seems that every patriotic American who loves his country better than his party should vote the Re publican ticket at the coming election from top to bottom, losing sight of his personal friends, who may be on the other side, In order that he may give expression to his patriotic and expansion views. Tours, JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. BUSINESS ITEMS.' If Baby Is Cnttlntr Teeth. Be sure ana u that old and well-tried remaj Mr. Wlnslows Soothing Syrup, for children teething- It noothes the child, soften the gums. aJUys all pain. "cures wind colic and diarrhoea. erves on Could not Concentrate my Thoughts; Could not Steep an Hour at a Time without Waking; Was Almost Distracted. After Years of Suffering I Was Cured h$ Dr. Miles' Nervine, When the nervous system Is so down and worn out that sleep refuses to come to its relief, the life forces are rapidly consumed and both physical and mental faculties soon lose all power of recuperation. If erre force is . necessary to run the human machine and must be supplied from some! source or it breaks down. Dr. Miles Eestoratire Kenine nourishes those organs that are most In want. It! soothes the irritated nerves, brings rtfrt and refreshing sleep to the tire brain, and cures nervous disorders of every kind. The following letters will be interesting reading for those who are suffering from nervous troubles. Three j-ears ago I was attacked by strange form of nervous trouble and for r year I was verr poorly. Then I begun having nnotherine spells, accompanied by a. prininc cessation in the chest w.-a t wyiid at if the! ELECTED NEW DIRECTORS FREE KINDERGARTEN ASSOCIA TION AXNUAIi MEETING. D. Soils Cohen Speaks Strongly la Favor of Caring- for Children Interesting Exercises. The annual meeting of the Portland Free Kindergarten Associat-on was held jester day afternoon -at the Portland Academy, the following managers being elected: Mrs. E. D. McKee, to flh a vacancy in the term April, 1001. Mrs. L. B. Cox. Mrs. R. Koehler, Miss May F. Falling, H. C. Campbell, Milton W. Smith, for term expiring April, 19v2. Mrs. Caroline A. Ladd, Mrs. M. Sichel, Mrs. N. J. Levlnson. Miss Martha A. Hoyt, Charles E. Ladd, for term expiring April, 1903. The programme was varied and Inter esting. It opened wilh some entertaining songs and games, given by a cass of about 25 small morsels of humanity from 4 years old up to 6, who made up in earnestnesewhat they lacked In size. Their unconscious grace and -nalv posings a3 they made themselves into a clroe and played the game of the butterfly and tl.e bee among the flowers charmed every on.: present. And there were many pleasant comments made upon the excel ent work being done by these little ones under Miss Daley Gaylord. their teacher, at the Free Kindergarten, on Seventeenth and Market streets. After the applause had died away from this pleasant feature of the programme, an instructive and delightful paper was read by Miss Mallle Emnger. principal of the Free Kindergarten at 391 Elgnteenth street, north. This gave a clear and suc cinct outline of the plan and scope of kindergarten work as It Is being carried on by the association here in Portland, dwelling upon the dally programme and Its five divisions: Occupations, gifts, games and study of Nature. Enough wag said of the deep, philosophical Import un derlying the practical aspects of the work to show its real beneficence in develop ing the moral and intellectual life of the child. The paper was replete with happy thoughts most expressed, and fur nished a valuable commentary upon the preceding exercises furnished by Miss Gaylord's class of children. Following this came a pleasant and in formal talk by Miss Bertha Barln, princ pal of the Free Kindergarten at the Third Street Mission. The remarkable work that has been accomplished in the short time since this school was opened was modestly touched upon. When It was or ganized In February there were 15 children onh and, these having been obtained by mcans of personal visits in the neigh borhood. Now there are 46 on the roll. The energy that has to be put Into work In this district can hardly be imagined; there are many obstacles to be over come; a large number of the children have to be called for at their homes in the morning and accompanied on their return home at noon. Some of them had to be clothed by kind friends of the mission be fore they could attend. A large number of the children are considerably below the kindergarten age; hardly yet out of their babyhood, in fact, and these, of course, require much skill and tact In dealing wth them. Moreover, there are such frequent changes constantly going on in that district that no fewer than 19 have had to be dropped from the roll merely on account of change of resi dence. In the three months that have elapsed since the school was opened. In spite of these difficult obstacles to be over come, and many others, the work offers extraordinary encouragement to the teacher. D. Soils Cohen then made a brief ad dress to the audience, setting forth In strong, picturesque English the value of kindergarten work. There are many per son?, said he, who readily acknowledge the truth of Shakespeare's saying that there are "sermons In stones, and tongues In trees," yet fall to realize the appealing beauty and innocent glory, the living, pal pitating potentiality that lies In the eyes of childhood. Taking this as a text, he boldly declared that carelessness. Ineffi ciency and neglect In the management of the young was a constantly growing con dition in all parts o'f America. Facts that apparently signified to the contrary. In reality emphasized this" truth. The in creasing number of reform schools, boys' and girls' aid societies, and the various philanthropic Institutions that were con tinually cropping out In this spot anff that all over our land, bore incontrovertible testimony to the need that exists for more Intelligent training of -children. Occaston- nllv mmo linrrntflnr Inetnnra nf Vi r ! rlble situation comes out before the world in the form of a sensational trial, which gives rise to a bellicose wagging of tongues for a few dajs. and then dies out and Its lesson Is forgotten. If we answer the question, "Am I my brother's keeper?" In the affirmative, we will wisely begin with the child, rather than with corrupt manhood and womanhood, where charac ter has already been formed. Herein lies the great mistake of the world, that philanthropists with great puffing and blowing thatio as ineffectual and useless as the vapors that come from the smokestack, are visiting the slums and trj'inr to drag men and women out of the mire. If one-half the energy and the money that Is being thus misused should be spent Upon children, who "art I still In the formative stage, in a few gen. erntions reform would be unnecessary. "One of the greatest toons that past rnnlbreath would leave me. I would also havefbad spasms when it seemed as if the nerves were paralyied. I could not sleep at night, and was at all times restless and miserable. For six months I was completely prostrated and most of the time was confined to my bed. Ouij home physicians failing to help me, we called in a noted specialist from Bloomington; but with no better results. I had become very despondent, when, one day, a circular was left at my door telling cf Dr. Miles' Nervine and what it was good for. Some of the people whose statements I read had suffered just as I :dwas suffering, and although I had no faith in pdrertised remedies, I determined to give the Nervine a trial. The results were marvelous. It helped me from the first dose, and six bot tles restored me to my former good health. I haTe had no return of the eld trouble and I feel that the rel:cf is permanenL" Mrs, F. M. Duskin, Le Roy, Ills. "Abtitjt two year go I wai very much upset mentally and physically by the death of my son. Mr ailment finally developed into al centuries have left us." continued Mr. Cohen, "is Froebel's system of the kinder garten. I hope some time to see it en grafted upon our public school system. This is at present top-heavy. The money that Is being expended upon our high schools, universities and colleges Is out of proportion to that which is being spent upon the lower grades. Tou kindergarten ers need to talk to the legislators, for that Is what is needed here, and by them you should be encouraged In the noble work you are doing." EAST SIDE AFFAIRS. Adventl.nta Making Ready for Camp meetlnjr Other Mutters. The Seventh Day Adventlst camp meeting and conference In Holladay's ad dition will open tomorrow evening, when the first service will take place in the pavilion tent, which was erected yester day. The camp-ground is just north of Holladay Park, and takes up about five blocks. It is on the Irvington branch of the City &. Suburban Railway. Yesterday 100 family tents had been set up ready for occupants. A number of families ar rived Monday and yesterday, and last evening 16 came from Aberdeen. They will pour in today and tomorrow, and by Saturday the conference will be und;r way. Manager Campbell will put on a double car service on the Irvington line, giving a car every 10 minutes. He also has helped President Decker In the work of preparation by all tho lumber required. Bull Run water has been pro vided on the ground. Elder Decker feels very much gratified over the favors he has received from the railway, company and the city, all of which have greatly facllhated the wcrk. Elder D. T. Fero, a prominent minister from Seattle, arrived yesterday. Elder G. A. Irwin, pres.dent of the General Conference of the Seventh Day Adventlst church of the world, will be on the grounds Saturday, which s the Sabbath of the church. Ho will deliver the commencement ad dress at the graduating exercises of iha Northwest College at Wa'.la Walla Friday evening. That same evening he will start with a carload of students from the Walla Walla College for Portland to attend the camp-meeting and conference. The party will leave Walla Walla at 10 o'clock. Ihe presence of these students on the grounds will add to the interest. Moving the Bijr Cannery Building. The contractor for moving the big ' building of the Oregon Packing Company nas tne nret part across East Eighth street, on the way to the foundation on East Ninth and East Tamhlll streets. It . was necessary to cut the building through I the middle, and move the two parts sep I arately. Even the half of the structure Is pretty heavy, as there are many tons of canned goods still stored In the upper partion. It has been necessary to build considerable cribwork across the depres sion between East Eighth and East Ninth streets, and over this the building will be carried. As soon as the flrst half Is on Its foundation the other portion will follow. Popular Tax Collector. The opening of an office on the East Side, where bicycle tax may be paid, at 109 Grand avenue, has proved a popular movement. Testerday J. W. Slngletary, the collector, was kept busy writing re ceipts. Men and women were coming in all day and paying their taxes, and ex pressed themselves as pleased that an office had been placed that was go con venient. The result promises to prove very satisfactory, and the bicycle taxes will likely roll m the East Side office at a lively rate, judging from the number who came In yesterday. About half a hundred waited on Mr. Slngletary. .Preparing: for the Relay Race. The bicycle relay raco of railway men of Portland, which will take place at the Irvington race-track, on the East Side. In the afternoon on Memorial day, promises to be a great success. Some very fast time will be made. The em ployes of the various railway companies who will participate in the races are hav ing try-outs at the track every evening. Some of the time made has been very fast. The Southern Pacific will have a fast team. There will be six in each ' team, and the race will be six miles. Af ter consultation among the railroad men. It was decided that the proceeds should ' go to the Baby Home, which needs the I money. There will be no expense for any purpose. The grounds will be free for the IN TABLET FORM-PLEASANT TO TAKE. A Bern that could restore health would bo priceless, anil Dr. Burkhart's Yocetablo Compound Is ouch a treasuro. Even In tho darkest hour It Illumines the sky of despondency and plants tho dower of hopo In tho human brout. Sard ens dollar for a Sue jioninr xreatmnnt and bo cured. , Istldorod with TnrtltfMttnn nnd Palnlta. tlon of tho Heart : the Vegetable Compound , made too a eound man. I can truly say that this wonderful medicine has dona I xnoro lor rao than all other remedies with ; wnicaxnave become acquainted. I Charles Hardy, Frankfort, Ind. Tor eala broil drnetfsts. Thlrtr days' treatment for 23c : Seventy days' trnatraont SGc. : Six months' treatment, ii.uu. jaaav iruu treatment Jrt t. JJR. W. a. RTJKK.nAItT. Cincinnati. O. case of nervous prostration which out home physicians seemed unable to relieve. their treatmentdomg me no good whatever. I was in a terrible condition. My nervous sys tem was all unstrung and I seemed at times on the verge of losing my mind. I could not rest or sleep, frequently walked the streets half the night in my -estlessness. In this extremity I remembered hat some years be fore I had been completely relieved of heart trouble by Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, and I thought perhaps I might find some relief from the same source for my nervousness. The next day I purchased a bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine and the effect of the first dose was a marvel. Before the first bottle was gone I was greatly improved and in a short time after I was relieved of every trace of the disorder." J. Broaddus, Lacon, Ills. Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold at all drug stores on a positive guarantee, write tor tree advice and booklet to Dk. Mps MEpi?Al. Co7 Elkhar Ip if l use of the exhibition. The admission will be 23 cents. Besides the bicycle race, which will be the main attraction, the T. M. C. A.. Portland High School. Port land Academy, and the Bishop Scott School will have athletic teams on the grounds, and will give an exhibition. The entertainment will certainly be unique, and outside of the benefit that the Baby Home will receive It will be worth see ing. Some fine prizes will be given the fastest riders, and business men are re sponding liberally along this line. The railway employes hope as a result of the race and exposition that they will be able to turn over to the Baby Home be tween $500 and $750, which -will be very acceptable at this time. En Jrt Side Notes. The Portland truckmen have succeeded in organizing a union, which meets- in Ross' Hall, on Union avenue Monday evenings. The union has a considerable membership. It will affiliate with the in ternational organization. The friends of Thomas R. Turnbull. an old resident, who has been seriously 111 for a long time, will be pleased to learn that he is much improved. He Is able to walk, and 13 much more cheerful. His old friends would be glad indeed to see him on the street. Convicted of Assaalt. , Harry "Wilson, a negro sailor, was tried and convicted In the Criminal Court yes terday of cutting Oscar Johnson, another pallor, very badly with a razor on March 27, on board the British ship William Law. He also slashed Carl Manderson. The men and one Kolloch went on a sprue after their arrival in port, and YVllsoa borrowed $3 from Manderson. The next day there was a quarrel over the repay, mer.t of the money, when the negro at. tacked his shipmates- with the razor. He testified that ha acted in eelf-defensc. Johnson was cut in many places and nar rowly escaped with hie life. STATE TICKET Justice of Supreme Court.. .Chas. E. "Wolrerton Dairy and rood Commissioner J. W". Bailey First Congressional District. Representative Thos. U. Tougua Second Congressional Dintrlct. Representative Malcolm A. Mocd7 Fonrtb. Judicial District. Circuit Judge. Dept. 2fo. 2 Alfred F. Sfars Circuit Judge. Dept. No. 4 ..M. C Ocorsa District Attorney ......'. Russell E. Sewall Multnomah County. STATE SENATORS. Geo. "W. Bates Sylvester Farrell Donald Mackar J. Thorburn Ross JOINT SENATOR. Ben, P. Cornelius REPRESENTATIVES. C. "W. Gay Geo. T. Myers F. H. Alliston "W. E. Thomas Geo. L. Story Geo. R. Shaw John K. Kollock J. C. Bayer Frank F. Freemaa E. E. Mallory Ij. B. Sceley A L. Mills JOINT REPRESENTATIVE. A. S. Dresser. COUNTY OFFICERS. County Commissioner J. G. Mack County Commissioner "William Showers ShcriC . William Frazier Clerk of Circuit "Court J. P. Kennedy Clerk of County Court Hanley H. Holmes Recorder of Conveyances S. C. Beach County Surveyor John A. Hurlturt Ccunty Treasurer Thos. Scott Brooke County Assensor Chas. E. McDoneli County School Superintendent. ..R. F. Robinson Coroner Dr. D, H. Rand Justice of Peace, "West Side.. ..Otto J. Kraemcr Constable, West Side Thos. McNamcs Justice of Peace. Ecst Side.. Thai v". Vreeland Constable. East Sldo Capt. A M. Cox Justice of Peace. Mult. Dirt.... Fred E. Harlow Constable, Multnomah District.... Jas. Menzies City of Portland. Mayor v II. S. Rowe Municipal Judge Geo. J. Cameron City Attorney J. M. Lou? City Auditor T. C. Devlin City Treasurer Edward W-lciu City Engineer B. Cna&c Councllmen. 1st Ward O. J. Grcce 2d R. L. Glisan 3d W. F. Burrcll 4th W. T. Branch 0th F. W. Mulkey Cth W, T. Masters 7th A. C. Lohmlre Sth J. R. Stoddard 0th Wm. Schmeer 10th A .F.Nichols 11th F. Walker Riasa! la all Its stages than chocldbo ckaaUacaa. Ely's Crttm Balm deaaj-CMootaesand leals thr lUu4 membraso. 1 1 tares ettrrrii mn d drives sway cold la lita bead gsIcxIy. Croaset TJahn Is placed into the nostrils, tpreada ever tho jasabrano and is absorbed. Bellsfisha medlatoand a euro follows. It Is not drying doea not prodnca raoMlng. XargisSbe, 60 ee&U at Drag gists or by null; Trial filae, 10 ccata by jcdL EOT BROTHEHS, S6 "Warrea Street, 'Sen York. SCIENCE SCORES AGAIN. A Preparation That "Will Destroy the Dandruff Germ Discovered. Finally the scientific student has dis covered a certain remedy for dandruff, "When It first became known that dan druff is the result of a germ or parasite that digs Into the scalp, and saps tho vitality of the hair at the root, causing falling hair and baldness, biologists set to work to discover some preparation that will kill that germ. After a year's labor In one laboratory, the dandruff germ de stroyer was discovered; and it is now em bodied in Newbro's Herplcide. which, be sides curing baldness, and thinning hair. speedily and permanently eradicates dandruff. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." IODIDE OF IRON for ANEMIA .POORNESS of the BLOOD, tons 1 1 1 LTl 1UNAL WEAKNESS SC&OFII! A. Pie. None genuine unless signed "Bt-arCAaD" att r5jrrrfiTCTa E. FOUaCRA&CO.,N. V. Ajts- forU.S. -?- REPUBLICAN BLANCARD THE PALATIAL OREGOH BU1LQ1NB 0 Not a dark office In tne bnllillnKt bnolntely fireproof: electric llRht. antl artesian vrnter; perfect sanita tion and thorough ventilation. Ele vators ran day and nicbt. Rooms. AliDRICH. S. W.. General Contractor C10": ANDERSON. GUSTAV. Attorney-at-Law.-.6ia. ASSOCIATED PRESS; E. U Powell. Mgr..80v AVFTEX. F. C. Manager for Oregon and Washington Bankers' Life Association, of Des Moines. la i 502-503: BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION. OF DES MOINES. IA.;F. C. Austen. Manager..502-503: BEALS. EDWARD A. Forecast Official TJ. S. Weather Bureau OW BENJAMIN. R W.. Ditlt 314 BINSWANGER. DR. O. S.. Phys. & Sur.410-411 BROOKE. DR. J. M.. Pbys. & Surg 70S-709 BROWN. MYRA. M. D 313-314 BRTJERE. DR. G. E.. Physician. ...412-413-414 BUSTEED. RICHARD. Agent Wilson & Mc- Callay Tobacco Co. A. .602-603 CAUKIN. G. E., District Agent Travelers' Insurance Co. .713 CARDWELL. DR. J. R 503 CARROLL. W. T.. Special Agent Mutual Reserve Fund L'fe Ass'n 604 COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANT C04-C05-B06-007-613-014-615 CORNELIUS. C W.. Phya. and Surgeon.... 200 COVER. F. C Cashier Equitable Life 808 COLLIER. P. F.. Publisher; S. P. McGuIre. Manager 415-41S DAT. J, O. & I. N. 3ia DAVIS. NAPOLEON. President Columbia Telephone Co 60T DICKSON. DR. J. F.. Physician 713-714. DRAKE. DR. H. B. Physician 512-513-51 DWYER. JOE. F.. Tobaccos tOI EDITORIAL ROOMS Eighth nooe EQUITABLE LIFEASSURANCE SOCIETY: L. Samuel. Manager; F. C. CoYr. Cashier .3041 EVENING TELEGRAM 325 Alder Btrett: FENTON, J. D.. Physician and Surgeon.500-310 FENTON. DR. HICKS C Eye and Ear Sll FENTON. MATTHEW F.. Dentist 5C9 FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION: E. C Stark. Manngir .'001 GALVANL W. H.. Engineer and Draughts man. 000 GAVIN, A.. President Oregon Camera Club. 214-215-210-217 GEARY. DR. EDWARD P.. Physician and Surgeon 212-213 G1ESY. Ai J.. Physician and Surgeon... 70D-710 GODDARD. E. C. & CO.. Footwear Ground floor. 120 Sixth street GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhattan Life Insurance Co. of New York. 209-210 GRANT. FRANK S.. Attorney-at-Law C17 HAMMAM BATHS. King & Compton. Prope.209 HAMMOND. A. B 310 HEIDINGER. GEO. A. & CO.. Planoa and Organs 131 Sixth .street HOLUSTER. DR. O. C Phy & Sur5O4-305 IDLEMAN. C. M Attorney-at-Law.. 416-:7-lS JOHNSON. W. a 315-31C-317 KADY. MARK T.. Supervisor of Agents Mutual Reserve Fund Life Ass'n WH-C03 LAMONT. JOHN. Vice-President and Gen eral Manager Columbia Telephone Co COS LITTLEFIELD. H. R.. Phjs. and Surgeon.. 200 MACRUM. W. S.. Sec. Oregon Cameri Club.214 MACKAY. DR. A. E.. Phya. and Surg. .711-712 MAXWELL. DR. W. E.. Phys. & Surg. .701-2-3 McCOY. NEWTON. Attorney-at-Law 715 McFADEN. MISS IDA E.. Stenographer Ot McGINN. HENRY E.. Attorney-at-Law.311-3J2 McKELL. T. J., Manufacturers' Representa tive 303 METT. HENRY 218 MILLER. DR. HERBERT C Dentist and Oral Surgeon 608-609 MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Denttot 312-313-314 MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.. of New York: W. Goldman. Manager 200-210 MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASS'N; Mark T. Kady, Supervisor of Agents. .604-603 McELROY. DR. J. G.. Phys. & Sur.701-702-703 McFARLAND. E. B.. Secretary Columbia Telephone Co. twa McGUIRE. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier. Publisher 415-418 McKIM. MAURICE. Attorney-at-Law Sou MILLER & ROWE. Real Estate. Tlmber- and Farming Lands a Specialty 700 MUTUAL LIKE INCURANCE CO.. of New York; Wm. S. Pond. State Mgr. .404-406-408 NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Attorney-at-Law.715 NILES. M. L.. Caihler Manhattan Life In surance Co.. of New York 209 OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY; Dr. L. B Smith. Osteopath 40S-409 OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-210-217 POND. WM. S., State Manager Mutual Life Ina. Co. of New York 404-405-400 PORTLAND PRESS CLUB C01 PORTLAND EYE AN DEAR INFIRMARY. ... Ground 'floor. 133 Sixth street PORTLAND MINING & TRUST CO.; J. H. Marshall. Manager sis QUIMBY. L. P. W.. Game and Forestry Warden 716-717 ROSENDALE. O. M.. Metallurgist and Min ing Engineer 515-510 REED & MALCOLM. Opticians. 133 SIxst street REED. F. C. Fish Commissioner ...407 RYAN. J. B.. Attorney-at-Law 417 tAMITin Ii. Hannrpr PVmltnMo T.lfo rfv SHERWOOD. J. W.. Deputy Supreme Com- m mander. K. O. T. M. ....317 SMITH. Dr. L. B.. Osteopath 408-400 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION.BOU STARK. E. C. ExecutUe Special. Fidelity Mutual Life Association pt Phtla.. Pa.. ...601 STUART. DELL. Attorney-at-Law 617-U1S STOLTE. DR. CHAS. E.. Dentist 704-703 SURGEON OF THE S. P. RY. AND N. P. TERMINAL CO 70 STROWBRIDGE. THOS. II.. Executive Spe cial Agent Mutual Life, of New York 400 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 201 TUCKER. DR. GEO. P.. Dentist 610-011 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU 6O7-0OS-0UO-01O U. S. LIGHTHOUSE ENGINEERS. 13TH DIET.. Captain W. C Langfitt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A S03 U. h ENGINEER OFTICE. RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS. Captain W. C Langfitt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A..S10 WATERMAN. C H.. Cashier Mutual Life of New York 408 retary Native Daughters 71C-717 WHITE. MISS L. E.. Assistant Secretary Oregon Camera Club 211 WILSON. DR. EDWARD N.. Phys. & Sur.301-J WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Surg. .706-707 WILSON. DR. HOLT C. Phjs. & Surg.507-503 WILSON & McCALLAY TOBACCO CO.; Richard Busteed. Agent G02-C03 WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physician 412-413-414 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TELEPH. C0...61J A few more elejrant offices may b had by applying to Portland Trast Company of Oregon. 109 Third st.. or to the rent cleric In the building. MEN NO CURE. NO PAT THE MODERN APPLI- A.Sv-B A po.aie way to perfect manhood. Everything l fall The VACUUM TREAT MENT CURES you without medicine vt all nervous or dUeoren of the generative organs, cuch & Irs' -uanaood. exhausting drains, vari cocele. lmiotency. etc Men are illicitly re stored to perfect health and strength. Write for circular. Correspondence confiden tial. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO.. rccm 17-43 Safe Deposit building. Seattle. W&ab. 'V