Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 16, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL. NO. 12,300.
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dm Mum . . .v v a a. 5r ., .i: . Jik I m , , .
ill lYmrrtrnr bub iimim
The Star
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C-mr""iil':l I i Jim ' ' 'iMMliiCj'iJ'i.LJi'Cr J
iilpijllf j
The Boers Declare the Town
Has Fallen.
No DobM That the Besieged Garrison.
Has Seea HeaTy Fighting1
y Botha's Army Located.
LONDON. May 16. :30 A. M. "Food will
last until about Juno 10," Is the latest of
ficial -word from Colonel Baden-jPow ell,
the British Commander at Mafeklng, sent
to Lord Roberts, under date of May 7.
Jl;e days later the Boers attempted to
storm the town, and It Is possible that
they succeeded, although nothing Is known,
of the attack or of Its results, except
through Pretoria sources, which have no
countenance here. The British xellef col
umn Is due there now. Ten days ago
General Snyman was having difficulty In
keeping the Durghers together, owing to
the approach of the British, and when the
last Associated Press dispatch left Mafe
klng. May 7, the Boers had killed, the
previous day, one of the Horse Guards
and had captured several of Colonel Ba
den-Powell's few remaining horses.
Lord Roberts dispatch to the War Of
fice follows:
"Baden-Powell reports, under date of
May 7, all going well. Fever Is decreas
ing; the garrison Is cheerful, and the food
will last until about June 10."
Major F. J. Bailie has sent to the Morn
ing Poet, from Mafeklng, under date of
May 7, this message:
"This morning the Boers attacked ui.
Result as usual. There is an aching void
here. Pass the loaf."
A dispatch to the Bally Mall from Lour
enco Marques, dated Tuesday, says:
"There is now no doubt that there was
desperate fighting at Mafeklng Saturday,
but It Is believed to hav e gone In favor of
the garrison. AH that can be ascertained
of a reliable character follows: The Boers,
using artillery, attacked the town Satur
day. Very soon the Kaffir location was
in flames, some say as the result of shell
fire; others as the result of treachery.
Fighting at close quarters became general,
and In the midst of the confusion the
Boers gained possession of the Kaffir lo
cation, from which point of advantage they
brought guns to bear on the town at close
range. By an adroit movement, the gar
rison, despite Its attenuated numbers, suc
ceeded In actually surrounding the party
of Boers, who had captured the Kaffir
location. Severe fighting followed, but,
according to the latest reports, the Boers
still hold the location, in which they are
probably surrounded.
"The truth Is, I believe, that the Pre
toria authorities, knowing of the progress
of the relief column, gave orders to Gen
eral Snyman to storm the place. As soon
as the location was In flames Boer bulle
tins of ylctory were flying about ever
'wliore to encourage weak-kneed burghers.
Boers who came down here yesterday lrom
Pretoria, produced for the .edification, of
the incredulous Britishers two telegrams
by officials, one, of which was signed by
Snyman. and said: I was lucky enough
to capture Baden-Powell with W0 this
"There Is no doubt about the heavy
fighting A telegram from the Portu
"gUesa Consul to the Governor-General
here confirms this, and there Is Utt'e doubt
of the occupation of the Kaffir stadt But
similar telegVams were published at Pre
toria about Ladysmlth, and quite recently
about Wcpener. Just before Co'cnel Dal
gety was relieved."
Sarah Wilson has wired to her sister,
Iady Georgiana Curzon, from Mafeklng,
under date of May 3, saying:
"Our breakfast consisted of horse sau
sages and lunch of minced mule and cur
ried locusts All well."
Location of Botha's Array.
The Transvaal array has taken a position
at B!aauwbaschdort,.Pa3s, near Hellborn
Road Station, 50 miles north of Kroon
stad. Its rear guard is still holding the
hills north of the Valsch River, while the
Boer scouts are In touch with British re
connolterlng parties 30 miles north of
Kroonstad. The Boers have held a coun
cil of war at Ungley, and British spies
have learned that the Boers decided to
hold Harrismlth as long as possible.
Lord Roberts Infantry are still at
Kroonstad. The railway laborers are hard
at work, and the engineers hope to have
the line repaired within three days. The
prairie bas put on a russet Winter coat.
The nights are bitterly cold, but the dajs
are hot. The Free Staters are surrender
ing In larger numbers than after the occu
pation of Bloemf onteln. One officer of tne
Transaal artillery says;
"There will be no serious fighting this
side of Pretoria, as Berenigen, on the
Vaal, Is indefensible. Heavy guns are
being mounted at Pretoria. Both Gen--erals
Botha and Llmmer are agreed that
ultimate -success is impossible. Presi
dent Kruger Is obstinate, and a majority
of the Transvaalers hold firmly with him."
It is estimated that the Transrv aalera
can still muster 30,000 men on the fighting
General Butler's advance, as his tele
grams Indicate, was by the Instructions
of Lord Roberts, and It will cease or go
forward as Lord Roberts directs. It Is
said that General Buller's orders to keep
the Boers employed have been supple
mented by an order to drive them com
pletely out of Natal, and then move on
General Rundle and General Brabant are
taking possession of he wide regions
around Ladybrand almost without oppo
sition. They 'find the country plentifully
supplied with cattle, horse feed and flour.
General Randle Is reducing his transport
and feeding his men and animals largely
off the country. Boers In that quarter
surrender daily, and it Is the expectation
of the correspondent n the spot that the
eastern section of the Free State will soon
.be as tranquil as the western. General
Bundle's front is 30 miles long, but his
forces are disposed so that If any point
should be attacked the troops there could
be quickly reinforced.
Lord Roberts contributes a line to the
discussion going on in the press as -to
when the war will end by the following
telegram, dated Monday,, and sent through
a correspondent, who had made the direct
Inquiry: "I regret that I cannot jrive any
reply to your question, as It Is impossible
nt present to predict when the campaign
will end."
The view of the other side Is reported
by a correspondent to whpra President
Stcyn said: "Sooner thah leave this
country to fall into the hands of the Brit
ish. I would destroy all our houses and
leave le a desert."
Portasjal ami the Transvaal.
The relations between the Transvaal and
the Portuguese appear to be. strained. The
Portuguese Consul at Pretoria, according
to reports from Lisbon, has been asked
by President Kruger to leave the coun
try. The Portuguese declaration making
food and clothing contraband has nearly
destroyed the usefulness of Xela$oa Bay
to the Transvaal. Sennor Joaquin Ma
chado, Governor-General of Portuguese
Bast Africa, is being entertained at Beira
and the British officers who are passing
through are showing hlra courtesies. The
Lisbon Cabinet Is understood to count on
British protection In the event of Boer
All the morning papers sive long accounts
of the reception of the Boer envoys In
New York; but none comment editorially,
except the Dally Chronicle, and the Times,
the former of which says:
"To give a parallel Instance, suppose
that during the course of 'the Hlspano
Amerlcan War, the Spaniards had -asked
England to Intervene and had"-sent a dep
utation to Queen Victoria- Would the
Spanish delegates have been received with
cheers and presented wict the freedom of
the City of Southampton or of the mean
est township In the vicinity? This dif
ference between the temper of the'Bngllsh
populace toward America arid that of the
American populace toward England will
take a good deal to explain away."
The War-Office last evening issued an
abstract of British casualties since the
beginning of the war. This hovs a
total of 20,035, exclusive of tho sick in the
field and the invalids. Including the wound,
ed sent home, who number KWL
A dispatch from the Boer laager at Relt
Spruit, dated Tnusday.-May 10, la K-con
stad. describing the Zand River fighting,
"General Botha, addressing tho burgh
ers, said: 'At this same Zand River Great
Britain, in 1S52, signed a treaty acknowl
edging the full sovereignty t)f the Trans
vaal. Now, half a century later. Great
Britain has ior th second time proposed
to wrest from the Transvaal by force the
rights then fully recognized, merely to
gratify her land and gold lust.' "
"A report was received last night that
the British had crossed, one of the lower
drifts. At 6 A. M. the first cannot shot
proclaimed the opening of the battle. The
British hjOsts could be seen advancing In
solid masses. Their cavalry hung on our
flanks. Their infantry were lees easily
discernible In the grass. The sky was
clduded with smoke from the burning
veldt. The lighting began at Philip
Botha's position above the railway bridge.
A British field battery pushed across the
river and bombarded, the kopjes Philip
Botha was holding so heavily that they
appeared to be cloud-capped from the
bursting shrapnel. Under cover of this
cannonade the British Infantry advanced,
but they met with ao hot a reception that
they had to retire.
"In the meantime the British cavalry
had crossed the river, moving straight
north. General Botha threw the Stander
ton burgners, with a battery of cannon,
to head them off. The burghers got the
advantage and captured 14 of the Brit
ish. "Unfortunately, Just at this time,
about U o'cldck. the center of the burghers
gave way 'without cause. Upon this,
Philip Botha and all the others gave way.
The Standerton and Bethel commandos,
with the Irish brigade, covered the retreat
to Kroonstad. Otherwise than In the
retreat from Brandfort and the Vet River,
the British prassed hard on the retreating
burghers. All our cannon and commis
sariat were brought out, and, so. far as
is known, our casualties -were confined to
a dozen wounded."
The Lourenco Marques correspondent of
the Times sajs:
"Among the prominent burghers In Pre
toria there Is a feeCng that the only
choice is to make theimost of threats to
destroy the Johannesburg mines. In the
hope- of -securing intervention. The United
States Consul is intereIng himself ltf tho
detention by the Portuguese Government
of & consignment of canned beef atvDela
goa Bay, but the report ,tha,t hois pj.
tesung is xncorreau. tie jb awaiting va
receipt pf a promised protest oy tne inter
ested parties before taking action. For
some time, however, he hasvperily bsast
ed that he would show wbat-he could do."
Conflicting Reports Abontjsfafelclnff.
grams received here report vSsry heavy
fighting at Mafeklng. Pretoria reports
that Mafeklng has fallen, ana the vfether
lands Railroad Company has Issued a
statement that Colonel Baden-Povell has
captured a large force of Boers. A war
bulletin, posted at Pretoria, May V12, an
nounced that the British are advancing to
the relief of Mafeklng.
British Occupy Ladyhrand.
MASERU, Basutoland,.May 15 Appor
tion of Brabant's Horse captured Ltdy
brand today, and another portion Is plash
ing on to Clocalan. V
Maneuvers and Bevletv of the Fleet 1
by the Emperor.
YOKOHAMA, May 4 (via Victoria. B.
C. May 15). One of the great events of
the present year in Japan has passed 'Into
history. The impressive review of the Jap
anese fleet by the Emperor, while not so
Imposing as the great English display on
the Queen's Jubilee, was In some respects
of greater significance, besides being In
itself a conspicuous success as a pict
uresque spectacle. The review was pre
ceded by extensive maneuvers of the fleet
in the Inland Sea. that scene being sub
stituted for the Corean Straits in order to
avoid any semblance of a design to wound
Russian sensibilities. As nenspaper cor
respondents were strictly excluded, scarce
ly any particulars were obtained concern
ing the various movements of the fleet,
except that their general design was to
represent an attack upon and a defense
of that vast body of water which In the
event of war would furnish to the Em
pire's fleet not only an Impregnable haven
of refuge, but also a point of attack from
which on three different sides It could Is
sue to assail an enemy. The maneuvers
over, some 50 of the warships. Including
the finest of the, battle-ships and cruisers,
assembled In Kobe Bay, where. -with tha
hills and shores black with spectators,
the Emperor reviewed the fleet, which the
Japanese now regard with well-nigh idol
atrous pride. , ' '
The financial situation Is growing more
and more precarious, and the Empire Is t
at present standing on very thin' Ice. The
lending Japanese banks are offering in-,
creased rates of Interest for deposits, ,
while, significantly enough, the foreign
banks are at the same time cutting their
rates down S3 per cent.
Fire at the exposition.
PARIS. May 15. 4:30 P. M A fire oc
curred at the exposition this afternoon.
The flames were discovered In the base
ment of the Chateau d'Eau. which" is" in
tended to be one of the leading features
of the exhibition. Intense alarm was cre
ated by the blaze, as It was feared the
adjoining Salle des Fetes might become
Involved. The efforts of the firemen,
however, succeeded In localizing the out
burst, and after an hour's hard work the
fire was extinguished with apparently
slight damage.
Ttto Boatloads Drowned.
ROME, May 15. A terrible accident, re
sulting In the death of from 30 to 48 per
sons, took place today at Ronclgllone. on
the Lake of Vloco. during a celebration of
the fete of St. Lucie, whose chapel is
on the shor eof the lake. Two boatsfllled
with young people capsized while return
ing from the chapel, within 300 yards of
the landing stage. Only 13 persons were
Snovr fn Genaaany.
LEIPSIC, May . It has been snowing
heavily here siace early morning. The
thermometer registers 36 deg. There Is
aieo a heavy snowfall at Chemnif-t -
Montana Senator Hands in
His Resignation.
Actlaff Governor Sprlsrss Appoints
the Copper King: to Sacceed Him
self for the Unexpired Term.
WASHINGTON, May 15. Clark, of Mon
tana, fairly swept the Senate with sur
prise today by a formal announcement
that he had sent his resignation as Sen
ator to the Governor of Montana. The
announcement came without previous no
tice, and probably not a half-dozen per
sons In Washington knew that It was to be
made. Clark struck Just at the Instant
the Iron was hottest. Chandler, chairman
of the committee on privileges and elec
tions, had given notice that at 1 o'clock
.1 '
he would call up for consideration the
resolution unanimously reported from the
committee declaring Clark not to be en
titled to his seat in the Senate. A spir-'
ited contest over the resolution wa9 ex
pected. Every Senator in the city was
at his desk.
At 1230, Just as the routine business
was concluded, Clark quietly rose and ad
dressed the chair. He desired, he said in
a low voice, to address the Senate on a
question of privilege personal to himself.
Instantly there was a buzz of expectation
In the chamber. Senators from both sides
of the main aisle hurried to seats near
Clark, and a hush fell upon the as
semblage as the Montana Senator began
to speak. At first his words scarcely
.could be heard, but as he proceeded, his
voice became clear, and. while at no time
did he speak loudly, the Intense earnesl
nNess of his utterance carried his address
trthe remotest part of the chamber.
$te address speaks for itself. It was
a' siarp arraignment of the committee's
a6t!onand report, an analytical discussion,
of eylaence adduced at the Investigation,
an, explanation of political and business
affairs in Montana, and a bitter excoria
tion of Marcus Daly and his friends As
Clark adverted to his desire to hand down
to bs children a name untarnished even
by fh. e In-eath of disgrace, tears wet his
eyes.Aand his voice trembled with emo
tion. Iire almost broke down. Then, brac
ing hinu elf, he read the letter he had sent
to the governor of Montana, tendering
his resignation.
At the conclusion of the speech, Clark
become the center of a group of Senators,
all desirous of pressing his hand. Little
other. businas of Importance was trans
acted. The .resolution relating to Clark
went.over um II tomorrow, and the Senate
proceeded to the transaction of routine
Acting: Governor of Montana Asslg-ns
Him to Fill Unexpired Term.
HELENA, Mont., May 15. Acting Gov
ernor "Sprlggs tonlgUt appo'nted William
A. Clark, of Butte, United States Senator,
to serve until the neiU Legislature shall
elect his successor. Senator Clark's resig
nation was filed early lu the day wltn
the Governor, and tonight he was ap
pointed by Governor Spilggs to succeed
hrmself. Mr. Clark's reasons for resign
ing are fully set forth In the speech he
delivered today In the Senate.
Governor Sprlggs has been a friend ol
Senator Clark during his camlidacy for the
Senate and since, although he preserved
the utmost Impartiality in his office as
Eleufenant-Governor and Presl Jent of the
Senate during the Senatorial campaign.
Governor Smith, a partisan of the Daly
people. left the State two weeks ago for
California to attend to some mining cases
In which he is retained as attorney. At
that time there was no thought of i.Vnator
Clark resigning, and his enemies were
confldeit he would be unseated b.V the
United States Senate.
The resignation filed today came its a
surprise to the people of the State, vvho
had no inkling of the coup prepared. Dur
ing the day Governor Sprlggs received a
great many telegrams from all over thi
state, urging him to appoint Senator
Clark, alleging that he was the real choice
of a large majority of the Democrats and
a large proportion of the Republicans, aa
welL Governor Sprlggs was besieged all
day by Individuals and by delegations
friendly and hostile to Mr. Clark.
WASHINGTON. May 15. Senator Clark
tonight received the followlr-g telegram
announcing his appointment:
Helena, Mont., Jday 15.
Senator W. A. Clark. Washington, D. C:
I have the honor to Inform you that I
have this day appointed you to fill the
vacancy in Montana's representation in
the Senate of the United States. I send
your certificate by registered mall. I
trust you will accept the appointment
"A. E. Sprlggs,
"Acting Goernor."
Senator Clark accepted the appoint
ment In the following reply to Governor
Sprlggrf message:
"Washington, D. C, May 15. Hon. A. E.
Spr'ggs, Goernor of Montana Dear Gov
ernor: I have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your very complimentary
mtssago Informing me of my appointment
to fill the vacancy In the United States
Senate cauecd by my resignation, and to
inform you of my acceptance thereof.
I fully appreciate the high compliment
Impl'ed by jour action, and pledge myself
to discharge the duties of the office In
the Interests of all the people of th
state to the best of my ability. With as
sure nco of my esteem, I am, yours sin
cerely. W. A. CLARK."
Governor Smith Hnrrlcs Home.
GRASS -VALLEY, Cal.May 15 -Governor
Smith, of Montana, -left hero this
afternoon for Montana, via Salt Lake,
taking the east-bound train at Colfax.
His departure was unexpected, and was
hastened by news of Senator Clark's res
ignation and his reappointment by Lleu-tenant-Go
ernor Sprlggs. Go ernor Smith
left before the news of Senator Clark's
resignation was public here, and no ex
pression could be obtained from him.
His Address to the Senate and His
WASHINGTON. May 15 A sensation
was sprung In the Senate today, soon after
the body convened. Scarcely had the
routine business concluded when W. A.
Clark, of Montana, rose -and addressed
the chah on a question of privilege per
sonal to himself. Mr. Clark said:
"It has not been my Intention to disturb
the recognized traditions of this most
honorable body by Intruding my opinions
upon any questions that might arise for
consideration during the present session;
but the question called up today for dis
cussion so vitally concerns my own inter
ests and the Interest of the great state
which I have the honor, In part, to repre
sent, that I shall ask the Indulgence of
the Senate, while I as briefly as possible
submit some remarks referring first to
the character of the Investigation; second,
to the majorltv report of the honorable
committee on privileges and elections,
which has submitted findings adverse to
the retention of my seat In the Senate;
third, to conditions existing In the State
of Montana for a number of years prior
to my election, which Justified my political
actions, and. lastly, a statement as to the
j course I deem best to pursue In the prem
1 ises.
J "It Is not my desire to cast aspersions
J upon the motives which actuated the dls-
tlngulshed Senators composing the com
mittee, and yet. with most respectful con
sideration for the learning, legal ability
and eminent standing of these gentlemen,
( I am forced to a consluslon which I be
i Heve meets with the concurrence, not
I only of a large number of Senators on both
sides of this chambor, but also of SO per
cent of my constituents in the Stae of
Montana, regardless of political afillla-
J tlons, that the methods of procedure In
. the Investigation of this matter were man
ifestly unfair, nonjudicial, and that they
resulted in a v erdict of the committee en
tirely opposite to that which wou'd have
occurred should the evidence have been
confined to that which was admissible
' and pertinent to the Issue.
"I contend that an investigation involv
ing a seat In the highest legislative body
of this Nation, as well as the honor of any
individual chosen for that position by the
people of cneof the sovereign states there
. of, should be conducted in a strictly ju
dicial manner, and that In the proceed
ings established rules of evidence should
be applied.
"It Is well known to -everybody that this
was not the case. There was a strong
effort made by the honorable Senators
from Alabama, Maryland, Kansas and
North Carolina at the beginning of the In
vestigation to exclude all Irrelevant testi
mony, but their efforts were unavailing.
The Senators who filed the minority re
! port expressed In emphatic terms their
condemnation of the proceedings In this
respect, as well as denunciation of the
, character and practices of the principal
attorney and some of tne witnesses who
i testified for the prosecution.
"The result of the admission of all Kinds
of hearsay, irrelevant, mischievous and
perjured testimony, was damaging In the
extreme to the respondent, as through
the medium of both the respectable and
" the venal press, the most widespread pub-
licity was given throughout the land to
,'vme of the pernicious falsehoods touching
tJte respondent and likewise a large nam
! bt r of most eminent and upright leg'sla-
ora who supported him and who are the
k peei's of the boasted men of any state In
. this Union. The prevailing theory of pre
sumptive innocence was largely Ignored,
! nnH flie entire nroceedlncs were eloselv
(Concluded on Second Page-)
More Registered Than Cregori
Ever Polled.
Jastlces and Notaries Received Keff
Istratlons TUl 5 P. M. Yesterday,
as Well as County Clerks.
While tho reports received Indicate that
the number of voters registered exceeds
somewhat the number of votes polled at
the Presidential election In 189$. the flg-
ures were not available In all the counties
last night, footings in many casai not
having been completed. In other cases
reports from Justices of the Peace and,
Notaries Public In outside precincts re
main to be received, and will materially
swell the total. Those outside officials
were not allowed to receive registrations
later than trie County Clerk 5 P. M. yes
terday but a reasonable time Is al
lowed them to get their reports to the
County Clerk's office. It maybe several
dajs before the number of vo'ters regis
tered in the state Is accurately known.
There are 510 people In Multnomah
County who waited until Xhe last das;
to register. There were J2 from the coun
try precincts, and a great number are ye$
expected from the same source, that hav
been sworn to before Notaries Public but
not yet receh ed by the County Clerk. Tha
total registration for the county is 13,752,
or more than the number of votes cast at
any election.
It was expected that when the office
opened, at 7 o'clock yesterday morning,,
there would be a line In waiting of 2S
or more, but instead there were but three,
none of whom had waited long. Thesa
were all that were registered up till1 8
o'clock, when the clerks were kept busy
until about 11. They then slacked up till
1 o'clock, after which there was a steady,
flow of people, but not more than tha
clerks could take care of. During tha
last five minutes, when there was again,
expected to be a rush, there were but
three registration.
LarRc Registration in Clackamas.
OREGON CITY, May 15 A much larger
number of votes were registered at tha
County Clerk's office than was expected.
A great many registration blanks we'r
received from outside precincts today. an
It cannot bo accurately determined how
many votes are registered until thesa
names shall be copied from the blanks.
However. Iieputy County Clerk Coopec
ca Irrates that 4250 votes are registered
considerably more than the yote cast two
j ears ago.
No Registration of Fntnres.
M'MINNVILLE, Or.. May 15 Inquiry
at the County Clerk's office elicits the fact
that no'minors have been allowed td reg
ister jvlth the .atement thaC they will
be of age at one or the other of the com.
ing-electlons". Clerk Neljron says he con-
sulted-the Clerk of -ifuitnomah and others,
ahd he understood that only electors CQuUS
be registered; hence he stood by that de
cision. A Bniy Tnst Day In Marion.
SALEM, May 15 The voters of Marioa
County at last aroused themselves to the
necessity of registering, and hurried In
from all directions today. County Clerk
Hall's office was crowded all day. Tha
lista have not yet been fully compiled,
so that the footings can be ascertained.
It Is known that the registration has been
Washington Comity.
HILLSBORO, Or., May 15 Every vote
In the two Hlllsboro precincts Is said ta
be registered. South Hlllsboro Is tb
banner precinct In the county, the regis
tration being 206 North Hlllsboro regis
ters 19L. The two Forest Grove precincts
will not reach this aggregate.
Closed In Morrovr.
HEPPNER, Or., May 15" The registra
tion for Morrow County tonight reached
I 1307, and It in not believed there are any
I outlv ing precincts to be heard fronu Tha
County Clerk consider! the matter closed -
More to Be Heard From.
TILLAMOOK. Or.. May 15. Registra
tions here numbered 1000 al the clos.e of
the records, but there are Several outly
ing districts not yet heard from, whictt
will raise tho total.
Exceeds "Vote ot Ttto Years Ago.
DALLAS, Or., May 15 The registration
i of voters In Polk County has gone be-
vond the total vote polled two years ago.
with today's registration yet "to heag
2SS5 In Wasco.
THE DALLES. Or... May 15 Thera
were registered up to the time of closing
tho books this evening in Wasco County
2SS5 voters.
Report From Lake.
T. A.VUWJ I LAIV fav 1 fl-Vio nnmfifl. S
,Atttt-w .A.l.t..ut ,tr l CC7 ...IfW
a few outlying precincts to hear from.
The Nnmber for YamhiU.
M'MJNNVILLE. May 15 Three thou
sand four hundred and twelve voters hava
registered here.
Over 5000 in Linn.
ALBANY. Or.. May 15 Five thousand
and sixty voters have been registered la
Linn County.
Registration In Clatsop.
.ASTORIA. May 15 The total registrar
tfon for Clatsop County Is 2549.
An Interesting- Comparison.
So far as reported, the following shows
the registrations In the respective County
Clerks offices lasrt night, comparison be
ing made with the largest vote ever
polled In Oregon, that of the Presiden
tial election of 1S96:
Vote for Voters
President, registered,
1E36. 1900.
Benton 2.111 1.950
Clackamas 5.143 4,250
Clatsop 3.012 2.549
Columbia 1.SS0 l.oZS
Douglas 4.0H 3.WO
Gilliam 1,024 S19
Lake 74S S37
Lane 4 J63 5.2ot
Linn 4.M2 5 0Ce
Morrow 1.C49 1,307
Multnomah 18.604 13.752
Sherman 8S9 1.008
Tillamook 1.214 1.050
Wasco 3,125 2.SB5
Washington 3,703 3.333
Yamhill 3,626 3,413
Taxation of Express Companies.
WASHINGTON. May 15. Assistant Attorney-General
Boyd has rendered a de
cision in the case of express companies, in
which he holds they are not liable to
taxes as brokers, by reason of their Issuing
money orders and travelers' checks-
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