w$mm VOL. XL.2ST0. 12,295. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENT& CRACK PROOF" PURE RUBBER ALL KINDS OP RUBBER F. If. PEASE. Vicz.Prts. gnd Manager fSBIumauer - Goodyca trap s n a iaijj3b)a '-ai Furs! Furs! Furs! Manufacturers of Exclusive Novelties In Fine Furs, ALASKA OUTFITS In Fur Robes, Fur Overcoats, Caps, Gloves, Moccasins, etc. Highest price paid for raw furs. Q. P. RUMMELIN & SONS Oregon Phone Main 401 126 Established l ifth and Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms Single 75c to 51.50 per day First-Claim Cncclc Rcstnnrant Rooms Double JL00 to $2.00 per day Connected With Hotel. Rooms Family JL50 to 3.00 per day JEFF. C TAYLOR . . . Red, White and , . Blue Star Its purity and high standard will be maintained, because the handlers have an enviable reputation which they mean to sustain. Sole Distributers for Oregon ... BLUMAUER .-f.DAVIES. Pres .Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED). -FOftT AND MORRISON STREET3 PORTLAND, OREGON American and European Plan. Have Yon Seen Our New Show Case at the Door? THAT'S OUR EVERYDAY WORK. GIVE US A TRIAL. Krauch, Portland's Progressive Photographer N. W. Cor. Seventh and Washington Sts. Prizes received for artl era and State Conventions, Prizes received for artistic excellence i nnrl Stnt Pnnvrnitl(vn BEST IN THE CITY Good Beds for the Night If desired, all for $1.00 3d Floor, Oregonian SPECIAL DISPLAY Phaetons Surreys and Light Carriages UP-TO-DATE STYLES. - GREATEST VARIETY. MODERATE PRICES. . We have just received the finest line of Robes - & and Dusters ever shown on the Pacific Coast CARRIAGES WAGONS HARNESS "Mannish" Style, Made in Kibo Kid, Brown Kibo Calf, and Box Calf. Hand-sewed welt extension edge, ov custom heel. Queen Quality OXFORD5 SOLE KGENTS E. L GODBARD & CO. Oregonian Building it feSI "SNAG PROOF" MINING BOOTS . GOODS FOR CAPE XOME. r Rubber Company 73 and 75 Rnt JL. Portland." Or. SMOKE THE BEAU BRUMMELL BEST FIVE-CENT CIGAR MADE Frank Drug. Co."JSt. SECOND ST., near Washington 1S70. PERKINS & HOCH no fourth sr. C T. BELCHER. Sec. and Treas. American plan $1.3. tl.60. JL75 European plan 50c. 75c. JL00 (Formerly Hyland's) at National Convention of Photograph- fYRT7!riY!T VVJf1CV. rt7wcfcy im Bidg. KING & COMPTON 320-338 EAST MORRISON ST.' Everyone Needs Glasses. No person In the -world ever lived to the age of 55 who did not at some time need glasses. It might be during school years or it might be In middle life, or it might be all the time. Of course, a good many live that long -without -wearing them, but they ought to. Just the same. Their eyes would be stronger and better all of their lives for doing so. As coon as you have tho least suspicion that your eyes are not perfect have them examined thoroughly. You cannot afford to neglect them. WALTER REED Ere Specialist 1SS SIXTH STREET OKEGOMAX BCILDIXG Baths THE PEOPLES PARTY Opening of the National Con- vention at Sioux Falls. IT WAS A DAY OF SPEECHMAKING Committees Appointed to Report To day Entknsiastlc and Harmoni ous Meeting Vice-Presidency. SIOUX FALLS. S. D May 9. The Na tional Convention of the People's party began business at 2:20 o'clock today. In the big tent wigwam on the top of the hill on the -western side of the city of Sioux Falls. There have been larger crowds. In attendance upon National con ventions, and possibly there have been Questions upon which more enthusiasm has been manifested, but there have been few similar events which have been marked by more evident sincerity of pur pose or more pronounced decorum of be havior, i The. big tent was arrayed In full-dresi attlro for the reception and entertainment of its guests, and the structure proved In cverj way equal to the service required of It. The interior of the tent was made resplendent by a lavish display of the National colors. The platform was liber, ally decorated with the Stars and Stripes, and the uprights of the structure bore aloft excellent black and white portraits of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Bryan. The accommodations for delegates, for distinguished guests, for the press" and for ordinary visitors proved exceptionally good, equal to those of most conventions held In buildings of more permanent char acter. A floor was laid over the space assigned to the delegates, and comfort able seats were assigned to all In attend ance. The acoustic properties of the tent proved to bo equal to those of most halls of equal size, and it is needless to say say that the lighting and ventilating facilities were flrst-class. Tho weather was Ideal in alt respects. There were probably 500 delegates in their seats, and surrounding them was a fringr of alternates and visitors number ing GOO to 800. Seats had been provided for a much larger number, but the at tendance did not appear meager, and It may be remarked that what was lost In attendance was compensated for In en thusiasm. From the arrival of the Min nesota delegation bearing Bryan and Towne banners there were outbursts of applause on every convenient opening and upon the least provocation. United States Senators Butler, Allen and Heltfcld received liberal greeting, while Senator Pettlgrew was over whelmed "by the cordiality of the welcome accorded him. There was also generou? applause when the name of Mr. Bryan was mentioned by tho speakers of the day. Many sentiments were cheered to the echo, and this was notably the case with Governor Lee's reference to the Boers and the Filipinos. Good music was fur. nlshed by the band oj the Fifty-first Iowa Regiment. The audience was a representative American gathering. Presumably nine tenths of the delegates and a far larger percentage of the visitors were from the Northern Mississippi "Valley states. This circumstance served to give the conven tion a "Western hue, but, as other sec tions of the country were also repre sented, the "West was not allowed to mo nopolise appearances in the convention hall. Few of the picturesque characters of the St. Louis convention of 1S96 were present, but there were some broad brimmed hats here from Texas and the Southwest. There were also occasional "whiskers," but even these seem to have thinned out in the party. All told, it was a well-dressed, good-mannered ana thor oughly well-behaved assemblage of peo ple. By no means the least noticeable char acteristic of the gathering was the pres ence of a number of ladies. Colorado led tho list in the number of females, three being present from that state. They were given front scata Kansas. Idaho and the District of Columbia also sent lady dele gates, who took their places as if accus tomed to participating In public affairs. It was noticeable, too, that while the lady delegates were treated by the men with the deference due their sex. they were received as a matter of course, showing that Populists are accustomed to the presence of ladles in their political meet ings. It should be stated that Sioux FalU Is proving entirely equal to the demand of entertaining the convention. There has been no great crowding at the hotels, owing to the fact that private residences have been opened to visitors, and In all other respects the welfare of strangers Is properly looked after. At midnight the sltuat'on- wth the Vice-Presidency was still the paramount question among the delegates, and the solution of the problem was apparently as far off as it was when the delegates began to arrive. It looks as If that ques tion would be early precipitated upon the convention by a minority report from the committee on credentials against allow ing a full vote to the Texas delegation. This delegation Is entitled, under the rules, to 120 votes, but there are preeent only a small number comparatively. They fa vor nominating, and there may be an effort to reduce their voting strength to conform to the actual number present. The Minnesota delegation held a meet ing during the evening, but did not re cede from Its position, in Towne's behalf. There Js little doubt that there Is a clear i majority in the convention favorable to nominating, and of those Mr. Towne is ' said to now control a majority. The pres- ent outlook Is favorable to him. but his ppponents are very active I Proceedings of the Convention. All the delegations entered quietly, ex t copt those from Minnesota and Ne braska, both of which evoked much ap I plause as they came marching down the aisles. The Minnesota men carried ban ners and a large shield, upon which was inscribed "Bryan and Towne." A large number of the delegates carried tin horns and made their presence manifest by ear splitting toots. The Nebraska men, by all odds the largest delegation in the con venrion, having all the alternates present, came in close on the heels of the Minne sota men They also carried flags, and waved them vigorously as they entered. Their arrival was greeted with cheers. After the band of the Fifty-first Iowa Infantry, which occupied a stand at the west end of the tent, had rendered a pa triotic selection. Chairman Butler ad vanced to the edge of bis table and brought down his gavel three times, and said: "Before entering upon the regular busi ness of the convention, we will listen to prayer by Bishop O'Gorman." The bishop read his Invocation, which was short, well expressed and appropri ate. Chairman Butler, who had remained standing throughout the invocation, called on Secretary Edgerton to read the call for the convention, which he did. "When J Secretary Edgerton had concluded the reading, the band played a medley of patriotic airs "The Red, "White and Blue," "Yankee Doodle," "Dixie" and "The Star-Spangled Banner" which were received each in turn with wild enthusi asm. Governor Lee's Address. After a song by the Minnehaha Club, a local organization, Senator Butler intro duced Governor Lee, of South Dakota, who on behalf of his state welcomed the convention to South Dakota. He spoke In part as follows: "At Omaha, July 4, 1S92, the Peoples party of the United States was born. It was and is the natural and inevitable out growth of dominant monopoly, whose evils had become so clear and gross as to arouse the indignation and challenge the resistance of every thoughtful man, and whose Insolent assumption of political power brought home to the farmers and mechanics of the country the danger of their position with such great force that a contest In the political arena became a defensive necessity with the Nation. "The great movement of that and previ ous years arose from agricultural dis content. It was induced by bank and railroad extortion, chattel mortgage slav ery and brutal disregard by public serv ants of the interests of the foundation class of our Industrial structure. It grew In response to the great natural law of resistance to tyranny, to the same patri otic Impulse which produced the Ameri can Revolution, the French Revolution and every other profound protest of the peo ple for their rights. It Is seen today in the splendid heroism of the South Afri can Republics and the refusal of the Fili pinos to accept an American yoke bought from Spain. "Four years more of McKInleylsm may forever bury democratic government m America. Four years more of Hannaism will establish the Army as our governing force. "Wo cannot afford such a calamity, and Populists," of all men, should be the last to Imperil liberty by factious con tention over economic differences or party name. Populists have for years predicted that a growing plutocracy would yet find it necesbary to Its plans to substitute a monarchy for a representative govern ment, Populists have foreseen clearly the present situation, and knowing the na ture of Imperialism, they will not be slow In performing a sacreM duty to the coun try. "There is no room for quarreling over minor Issues or party names; the solemn duty of the hour is united, harmonious and patriotic action; and while I do not seek to anticipate the results of this con vention, I feel safe in saying that In Mr. Bryan we shall And a standard-bearer who will remain In support of our prin ciples and whose fidelity can be trusted In any trial that may arise." Governor Lee was given close attention, and was frequently Interrupted by ap plause, his reference to the "splendid heroism" of the South African Republics bringing a burst of cheers. His allusion to "W. J. Bryan, however, the first time his name had been pronounced, brought the delegates to their feet in a hurricane of cheers and waving of flags, some en thusiastic delegates climbing on their chairs to yolce their approval. When the Governor sat down, a Kansas delegate proposed three cheers for the Governor of South Dakota, and they were given with a will. . .., s. jeirajH vention. He said: "I feel that it is my duty to state a few facts concerning the party's history since the last National convention. It is well known that more or less dissatisfac tion resulted from the unpleasant but seemingly unavoidable episode of two Vicc-Presldcntlal candidates in the last campaign. A few men took advantage of this dissatisfaction to appeal to an honest sentiment, or shall I say prejudice, to create a seism in the partjn They charged that there was a conspiracy on foot, headed by myself, as your National chair man, to deliver the party bag and bag gage to the Democratic organization.' In the Spring of 1S93 they loudly demanded a meeting of the National committee, 'to save the party.' They said that I. as your chairman, should call them together and let the committeemen from each etate outline a policy for the party until the next National convention. You all remem ber that I called a meeting of the National committee In the Summer of 1S9S, at Oma ha. I did It to give those self-constituted leaders a chance to act after hearing their grievance. You all know the re sult. These self-constituted patriots de manded, at the committee meeting, thai a resolutfon should be passed, declaring that the next National convention of the Peoples party should be held at least one month ahead of that of the old party con ventions. "In the interest of harmony and In order to meet those dissatisfied, self-constituted patriots more than half way, the com mittee accepted their resolution and pa.S2d it unanimously. This resolution has since been know n as the Omaha agreement. You all know the result. These self-constituted patriots, only a few In number, but very noisy, proceeded to bolt the action of the committee meeting within less than an hour after It had adjourned, 'and, Issued a call for a rump convention that met, In Cincinnati in September. uespne mis treacnery ana oaa laun, the National committee, at its meeting held In Lincoln. Neb., a few months ago. stood by that Omaha agreement to the "Despite this treachery and bad faith. lctter, and called this convention to meet more than 30 days ahead of both of the old party conventions. But what was the rcsult. The same self-constituted patriots , """," " ltlt? """"- " rfn -hnitori h Minn nt th. 4,itf to Mt ,n harmony. at Lincoln, after getting everything that they had demanded In the Omaha resolu tion. They went to Omaha determined to bolt and try to split the party, and, fall ing to find an excuse, they bolted any way. They went again to the meeting of the committee at Lincoln determined be forehand to bolt, and try to find an ex cuse to bolt, and, falling to find an ex cuse, they bolted again anyway. But one member of the National convention, com mittee bolted, and only two or three who held proxies, and of these two or three were men who had already bolted Jn fact by supporting the Barker and Donnully rump ticket. These bolters, however, are few in number, but. like the Irishman's frog, they make noise enough for a mil lion." Flanks for the Platform. After reciting some facts connected with the management of the party. Senator Butler referred briefly to the platform to be adopted by this convention, saying In part: "I will not attempt to, or presume to, outline the platform that this convention should adopt, but let me call your atten tion to tne three fundamental planks in the last People party NaLonal conven tion, and point out their application to present conditions. Every political party will go into thfs campaign denouncing trusts. The English language will be ex hausted In searching for adjectives with which to paint the evils of criminal and unlawful combinations; but mark how many platforms will have the courage or the honesty to point to the causes that J produce trusts, and to offer a remedy for them. That remedy Is already In every platform ever adopted by a People's party convention. It was first put forward as the preventative. In short, if the present People's party platform as adopted had been enacted Into law, we would not l- CConduded on Second Page.) YATESFORGOVERN0R Dark Horse Won in the Peoria Convention. DEFEAT OF THE TANNER FORCES Haaeey Led on the First Trro Bal letsThe Brealc Came oa the Third. , .., For Governor Richard Yates, of Jack sonville. For Lieutenant-Governor William A. Northcott, of Bond County. For Secretary of State James A. Rose, of Pope County, For Auditor of State James S. McCuI locb, of Champaign. For State Treasurer M. O. Williamson, of G-alesburg. For Attorney-General Howard J. Ham lin, of Shelbyville. PEORIA, May 9. The Republican State Convention today nominated a full ticket. The nomination for Governor was made on the fourth ballot, after a prolonged strug- RICHARD "t r ' P n li i i illF If u7'i : v ?'jmm mx REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OF ILLINOIS. Richard Tates, who was nominated for Governor of Illinois by the Republicans at Feoria yesterday. Is the on of "Dick" Tates. the famous war Governor of Illinois, .and Is but 30 years of ace. He was bora" at Jacksonville, Morgan County. After leaving college Mr. Yates engaged In newspaper work. but. being anxious to be a lawyer, he went to the University of Michigan, where he was graduated from the law school. In 1SS4. In 1SS3 ho was elected City Attorney of Jacksonville, and held that ofDce until 3S91. He announced his candidacy for Congressman-at-large, m 1802, but after a stirring campaign was defeated. Mr. Yates at the present time holds an appointment under President McKlnley as City Revenue Col lector of the Sjjrlngfleld district. gle. Governor Tanner and his friends worked strenuously for the nomination of Judge Elbridge Hanecy, of Chicago. It was Hanecy against a field of three Judge Orrln N. Carter, of Chicago; Con gressman Walter Reeves, or Streator, and Judge Richard Yates, of Jacksonville, son of Bllnols' famous war Governor. Hanecy I led on the first two ballots. 'On the third j ballot a break came, and the nomination ( seemed to be going to Reeves. The j Hanecy lieutenants then began to trans- 1 I fer their votes to Yates, and the Jack- son villa man was nominated on the fourth ' ballot, amid great confusion. ! The resolutions indorse the administra tion of President McKlnley and reaffirm the entire St. Louis platform. The trusts are denounced and the gold standard roflmminf!1- OovcrnOr Tjnr!r admin istration Is approved, and the return of Shelby M. Cullom to the United States Senate Is strongly recommended. "When the convention reassembled this morning the committee on credentials re- ported in favor of seating a majority of the Cullom contesting delegates. The re - --t, .-.. -" .- ..... . - Port vaf adopted without opposition. The , committee on permanent organization re- ! Ported for permanent chairman ex-Gov- . " " " """ " ,"l" "l u u f r ST, e'e,nt "t0"i?,e ?c "J?: SlmIn- The Platform. rnnrrAeman TTnnlHnc -ail tha Ann r:i-o: " 'r":,.:..:r "rc" of the committee on resolutlors. The res olutions, affirm the principles of the Na tional platform of 1SC6, and contrast "the present happy and prosperous condition of the American people" with their ccndTIon under Democratic rule. The platform continues: "Our foreign commerce, which, under Democratic administration was much crippled by the Tepeal of the reciprocity section of the McKlnley law, and the sub stitution of the free-trade principle for the protection given to American Industries and labor under Republican legislation, has been rehabilitated under the present Republican Administration, and a ready market is now found for the surplus pro- ??? nan n?,rrh1Xr largest known In our history. vte cungniiuidio uie pcuuie dl uic country upon the enactment Into law of J the currency bill, which provides a gold standard as the monetary unit of value. Financial disturbances no longer disturb the.buslness conditions of our people, and alibuslness transactions have been placed on a oasis inat insures proiecuun 10 capi- i mi on npnti-ni-m.Tit tn th ninm?M of labor. j following eciegates-at-large to the Phil- "In obedience to the demands of human- , adelphia convention: Senator L. E. Mc ity and In accordance with the sentiment Comas. Congressman S. E. Mudd. ex of the people of this country, irrespective a3?r A7; ,T Ulster and ex-Controller of political party, the present Republl- f :u Go-dsoough. Th(J deiesates can Administration put an end to the evils of Spanish misrule in the Western hemisphere. The Spanish-American war was declared In obedience to the universal demands of the people. It was condu"ted undera Republican administration, and the splendid achievements of our soldiers and sailors In that war formed some of the brightest pages In American history. Cuba has been made free from Spanish misrule ; tlon. Resolutions were adopted Indore end a stable government established there. Ing the Administration of President Mc Porto Rico- and the Philippine Islands IClnley and the proposed world's fair to have become possessions of the United b held In. St. Louis in 1S03. State,s Inevitable and unavoidable issues of that war. The bril liant achievements of our Army and Navy in the Spanish-American War, which brought to us these posses sions, have entailed upon the Republican .party great responsibilities, which, we are happy to state, have been met in a true spirit of patriotism and legislation enacted respecting them which,, while it will Improve the social, political 'and ma terial condition of the people in those Islands, will not impose additional burdens upon the people of the United States. "We fully indorse the action of Congress and the President In the administration of affairs In these Islands, and all legl--lation respecting the same, and we pledge our allegiance to the National policy re lating to them as formulated and car ried out by the present Administration. In Indorsing and approlng the policy and course of the Administration and the leg islation of Congress thus far relating to our new possessions, we express our con fidence in the ability of the Republican admlnlstiatich to deal with the compli cated and Important questions involved In any legislation for those Islands which may arise hereafter. "We favor such legislation as will de stroy all unlawful combinations of capital J formed for the purpose of limiting produc tion or increasing the price of manufac tured products. All aggregations of cap ital formed for this purpose are detri mental to the best interests of trade and hostile to laboring people." The administration of President Mc Kinley and Governor Tanner were en- YATES. dorsed, and the delegates at larze to the nauonai itepuDiican convention selected by tnis convention were Instructed to vote tor the renominatlon of McKlnley ior .rresiaent. After the "platform had been read. Miles jvenoe,,oi unicago, presented an amend ment expressing sympathy for the South -African Republics. It was lost in a storm of hisses and the platform was adopted as read. The following were selected to represent the state at the National convention: Delegates at large: Joseph Cannon, John H. Brown and J. H. Judson. J. John Smythe. H. D. Pierce and John M. Ber bert were named as electors at large. TUe Balloting-. The convention then proceeded to ballot- in& for a candidate for Governor. ( sul' the first ballot was: Hanecy STSIKeeves . Caer .M3UYates Necessary to a choice, 769. The re- ..272k j On the third ballot the Tanner men be- , Ban to vote for lates, and started , - - --- - " --v . "?!? t0 ? Morgan County man. : Heno Hertz then threw the 14th Ward of Chicago to Beeves, and this was fol- , 7, S.irZtrr" with Lorimer at their head waving a Yates banner. The convention was in a perfect turmoil, and not a word could be heard while the chairman vainly rapped 4 . . . w wmij ucijytcijr waui responses to us caiL During the demo'nstration. Judge Han ecy cprang from the platform, grasped a Yates- banner and started through the hall with It. followed -by Yates men frantic with delight. During the lull. Hanecy climbed to the clerk's desk and attempt- ' ed to speak, but could not be heard. It i . m' favor of Yates. Then was unacrsiooa, nowever, that he was Carter got on a chair and withdrew as a candidate, saying he had no suggestion to make ae to who should be nominated. The greatest confusion attended the tak ing of the third ballot, and the votes as they were announced could scarcely be heard. It was twice announced from the ; tf orm "thaT Yates tadta nominal SCR thH the reaU the contest I was still In doubt. On the fourth ballot the Hanecy forces ;-went lo Yates and the Carter forcee to Reevca The ballot stood: Yates OTlReeves 5CS Maryland Republicans. BALTIMORE Md., May 5. The Repub- . Hcan State Convention today elected the instructed for McKlnley, and the plat form Indorses tho Administration and condemns trusts. Missouri Conprrcsalonivl Convention. MACON, Mo.. May D. The Republican Congressional Convention of the First Dis trict nominated J. T. Dockery and T. B. Jiorris delegates to the National conven 0W BMa1annKBi COLLISION AT SEA Bark Iolani and Sugar Cargo Went to Bottom. CREW AND PASSENGERS WERE SAVED Accident Toole Place Oft San Fran cisco A Woman Among- the Res cued Coming to Portland. ASTORIA, Or.. May 9. The British ship Argus, Captain Hunter, In ballast, from Port Los Angeles, to. Portland, arrived at the quarantine station today, having oa board 15 of the crew and four passengers of the Hawaiian bark Iolani, Captain Cv C McClure, sugar-laden, bound from Hllo to San Francisco, which was" sunk off th coast near San Francisco on the night of May 3-4. in a collision with the Argus, the Iolani being a total lots. When the Argus arrived In- port this morning from Port Los Angeles she dropped anchor -within the quarantine limits, which Immediately attracted at tention, as she was known to have sailed from an American port with a cleaa bill of health. After the Government quaran tine officer had visited her It was leasned. that she had on board the shipwrecked crew of tho Hawaiian bark Iolani. bound from Hllo to San Francisco, with a cargo of 2100 tons of surar, and as Hllo is an infected port, it was necessary for her crew to be inspected by the Federal and state health officers. This was quickly done, and then It was learned how the. Iolani was lost. It was the result of o most peculiar accident. The officers of both vessels agree as to the genera facts, while in details they differ slightly, bur; both assert that under the circumstances It could not have been averted, and under similar conditions again the same thing would Tesult. The Argus used her rudder" for a ram and twice struck the Iolani be low the water line, breaking her plates open and making her rill and sink in a short time. On last Wednesday evening, at 10:30, when the vessels were In about CS north. 139 west, with the wind blowing light from the northeast, and a moderate swell on, the first officer of the Argua thought he discovered a light off his port bow, close on, and ordered the ship's bell to be rung and displayed a red flashlight. The weather was" hazy with fog dropping and lifting, and there were light squalls of rain. The Argus was heading norths "while the other vessel was headed east. The bark gUve no answering signals, and as the bark was on the "giving" way" tack the Argus held on. Suddenly the fog lifted, and Captain C."C. McClure, of tho Iolani, called to Captain Hunter, of the Argus, to put his helm down. Captain Hunter replied that he had already done so. and Captain McClure said that his helm was also down. The Iolani being loaded, started to go off. but the Argus, being light, did not respond so readily and' backed around Into the bark, striking her about Amidships with, her .rudder, balow the water line, with her stern overhang ing the bark's deck. StrncU Second Time. The force of the blow drove the Argus away a few feet, but she came back again, and rammed the Iolani again in the bow in the same way. This time the stern of the Argus struck the anchor of the bark; lift ing It up and dropping it on the topgallant forecastle and driving one of the flukes through the deck and damaging some of the stern plates of the Argus. The vessels then fell away from each other, and as they started to resume their respective courses each captain asked tha other If his vessel had been Injured, and if assistance was needed. They replied that no damage was done. What hap pened on board the Iolani afterward Is best told by Captain McClure, her master. He said. "When we got away from the Argus I had little thought of damage to my vessel, except what the anchor had done to tha deck, and I directed the first ofHcer to clear the anchor away and straighten j things out there. After this was being done some time. I started to go forward, and while passing over the main deck noticed that the vessel was too low in tha water. I called the mate and told him to sound the vessel. He reported that there was between four and five feet of water In the hold and gaining fast. I directed him to get a boat over the side as quick ly as possible, and when It was done all on board, 19 in all, got into It and we started away, as It was evident that the bark was sinking fast. We had gone not over a ship's length and a half from her when she sank out of sight. She did not pitch or roll, but went down slowly, with, her fore and main masts disappearing about the same time. While the boat was being lowered I sent up some rock ets, and burned some lights in the hopa of attracting the attention of the Argus or any other1 vessel. We rowed away" In the direction of where the Argus had gone, and after three hours were picked Tip by her." Captain Hunter, of the Argus, substan tially corroborates this statement, except that ho first saw the lights of the Iolani while he was at least two miles away, and, although he had the right of way on the wind, he had his bell rung and fired rockets to attract the attention of tha other vesseL He says that his vessel was handled carefully, and he believes with good Judgment, and speaks of tho accident as one that could not be avoided under the circumstances, although he be lieves that if the Iolani had discovered his lights sooner tho accident might have been avoided. That both vessels had the regulation lights exposed and lookouts at their sta tions is unquestioned. The damage to the Araus was done to her stern by tho anchor of the other vessel, and Captain Hunter estimates It at J25CO. Woman in the Shipwreck. In the shipwreck was a heroine, whom the officers and crew of both vessels speak: of In the highest praise, as she proved her self to be a woman of unusual grit and pluck. When the Iolani left Hiio she took as passengers for San Francisco C. G. Woodman and Mrs. Woodman, of Yar mouth, Me., and A. W. Heydtman, of Hllo. The former were tourists and thought that they would enjoy a sailing trip, while the latter Is a merchant of Hllo, who was making the passage for bis health at the advice of his physician. When the vessel was found to be sinking and it was necessary to take to the beats Mrs. Woodman came from her stateroom in her nightdress, with a small coat ovpr her shoulders. There was no time for dressing, and during the three hours in the open boat she was the only cheerful one who showed no evidence of fear, chatting with those in the boat entirely uncon cerned, while the others expressed doubts about their being picked up. After they got aboard the Argus, Captain Hunter did the best he could for her by glvins her his best suit of clothes, and she seemed to enjoy wearing them, as well as those who watched her. Her only regret Is that she lost her collection of curios and many hun dred films, as she Is an enthusiastic ama teur photographer. After she and her husband have their wardrobe replen'shed they will start for their home In the East. (Concludod on Second Page.) tZ-ari&