t)- rMnitmm ? VOL. XL. NO. 12,29-L PORTLAND, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, . MAT 9,' 1900. PRICE FIVE CENT& YELLOWSTONE THE BEST OF ALL WHISKIES FOR SALE EVERYWHERE ROTHCHILD BROS., AGENTS, - 20-26 NORTH FIRST STREET I CARRY IN STOCK And can ship at a moment's notice, cooking outfits for Steamship "Galleys" or Hotels, John Van Ranges and Steam Tables from 3 to 20 feet long. Q McpHERS0Nj Heating Engineer, 47 First Street Ckmerhs PREMO POCO RAY MONTAUK CYCLONE AND ADL.AKE MAGAZINES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. EASTMAN'S FULL LINE OF KODAKS. BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. 144-146 FOURTH ST., NEAR MORRISON EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE. J. G. Mack & Co. 88 Third St Opposite Charier e! Cwaerce PHIIj METSCHAN. Pres. a "W. KNOWI.ES. Met. SEVENTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT. European Plan: $1.00. $1.50, $2.00 per Day SPECIAL DISPLAY op Ladies'" Phaetons Surreys and Light Carriages UP-TO-DATE STYLES. GREATEST VARIETY. MODERATE PRICES. We have just received the finest line of Robes "" and Dusters ever shown on the Pacific Coast CARRIAGES WAGONS HARNESS Studebaker .320-335 EAST MORRISON ST. THE PORTLAND PORTLKND. OREGON 2 AMERICAN PLAN CT 11 $3.00 PER DAY AftU'prarJ. S3 COST ONE MILLION DOLLARS HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special rates xn4e to families n A bIbkI reatleaacB. Thm aaawK cat trill be pleased at all times te skew reema and grlve prices. A m-4 arm Tarklib bath eatablUhaseat lm the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Xftassti. ( Library Association of Portland STATI SHEET Icnmt Sevta mt'rm 24,000 volumes and over 200 periodicals , $5.00 a year or $150 a quarter Two books allowed on all subscriptions frOURSFrom 90 AMlo 90 P. M. daily, except Sundays and hoHdrr. THE CLOSED DOOR Excessive Customs Tariffs in the Philippines. EVIL OF MILITARY ADMINISTRATION la the Single. Monti eC January Flonr Alone Paid Duties AmomntlHs: te $50,000. MANILA. P. I., April 5. (Special cor respondence.) The rules and regulations Issued, by the "War Department undeguk authority of President McKiniey.A 1S9S. provided, paragraph 20, u heading: "Harbor and Commercial; provement Charges," as follows: 20. In addition to customs dues and other charges, there shall be levied & charge of 2 per cent ad valorem, to be summarily as certained, on the value of all merchandise. free or dutiable, imported into or exported from the Philippines. This regulation was very fair, and Imposed only & moderate charge for the purposes named, viz.. "harbor and commercial improvement -charges," but on Oc tober 23, 1S90. the military governor of the Philippine Islands promulgated another set of rules and regulations, containing amendments to September 1, in which paragraph 20 be came paragraph 10, under the same beading, and reads as follows: Harbor and Commercial ment Charges. Improve- "10. In addition to customs duties and other exactions there shall be levied a charge of 8 per cent on the value, as per schedule of all dutiable merchandise Imported Into the Phil ippines, and 10 per cent 'additional on the amount of the import duty." The schedule referred to In paragraph 19 was made public about the 1st of Jan uary, 1900, but copies could only be ob tained by purchase from the Government at 50 cents each, so that the commercial people of the United States have not been supplied, as Is customary with other doc uments of this nature. The schedule Is nothing less than the adoption of the "Official Gazette of Manila, No. 22S, Is sued by the Spanish Government, August 27, 1896," with a few minor corrections, and It arbitrarily fixes the value of mer chandise subject to "customs duties and other exactions." For Instance, under "Class XII, group 7, paragraph 253, Ali mentary preserves, pork, butchers pro duce, mustard and sauces," the Official Gazette fixes a value of 51 per kilo (2 1-5 $2 75 gold $560 "Weight, 1SS !bs. (about 90 kilos); val- ution as per schedule (100 kilos, $5 GO). $5 04. Specific duty, 5210 per 100 kilos, 90 kilos 1E3 10 per cent on specific duty 13 8 per cent on valuation of $5 04 40 Landing charges, etc 25 Consumption tax (50c per 100 kilos).. 45 Total .5 8 63 Total exactions, $3 38. Percentage, 62. During the month of January the United Statea collected duty on 15.000 barrels of flour, a total of 550,700, for bread, from a people earning 50 cents in Mexican sil ver per day. The entire book of valuations and spe cific duties shows the same Incongruities and average uniformly excessive duty, bearing most heavily upon the necessities of life. Adding freights and the profits of the wholesaler and retailer, one can readily see that a people with small earn ing power, not to exceed 25. per cent ot the American, laborer and mechanic, can i shrewdly hinted by a delegate to the Democratic convention. Is a bid by Ben nett for the championship of Jthe oppressed servants of corporations. The certified platform is being widely circulated at The Dalles, which Is Ben nett's home, and other railroad towns, for $ho purpose of influencing railroad men to support the Democratic ticket. The Dem ocrats are pretending that the radical jclause was inserted at the request of railroad employes and that it is the duty of railroad hands to support tho Demo cratic ticket in return. The whole thing Is a Democratic-Populist scheme to catch votes. " The present contention of the Democrats Is that tho platform, as- now published over the signatures of Chairman Chamber lain and. Secretary Redfleld, is the orig. nal draft reported by the platform com mittee, of which Judge Crawford was chairman, and concurred In by the Po-- George B. Chamberlain, chairman, and ullst conference committee. Granted. C K. Redfleld, secretary, of the late Deal- ', Many delegates regarded the platform ic ocratic State Convention,-have Issued and ported by the committee, together wit A SUSPICIOUS PLANK Democratic Platform Not Sup ported by the Record. CLAUSE ON LABO TROUBLES Chairman and Secretary Certify to Declarations "Which Are Not in the Official Draft. AT THE ZAND RIVER Roberts' Army Is Making Rapid Progress. EIGHTY MILES FROM BLOEMONTElN certified to what purports to be the "p!&t- ! tho plank which young Mr. Swett ear- not purcnase anything that Is imported form In full of the Democratic party of ried to the Porultet convention as ihe hexcept the cheapest articles of clothing. hardware, etc. It is the truth that M per cent of the population are practically prohibited from eating anything but rice, fish and vegetables, or wearing anything but the cheapest of white drills and cot ton prints On the articles enumareted, there is an average percentage of traction amount ing to 90 per cent, and these articles have not been selected with the special object of showing the highest, but presenting some of the monstrosities of the tariff. The lowest of the 10 articles shows 23H per cent; the highest 225 per cent Just 10 times as much. American trade Is impossible. American manufactures are of high grade and can not compete with shoddy European goods. Our cheap food products are bearing taxes which prohibit any but the well-to-do people from using them. "What Is the Government's plain duty in the premises? MAKES ARMOR PLATE USELESS Rcmarlea'ble Shell Invented hy a Naval Officer. "WASHINGTON, May 8. Some facts, al most startling In their Importance, were laid before the Senate today In eecret ex ecutive session at the conclusion cf tho regular open session. They related. It is understood, to the invention of a shell by a prominent officer of the United States Navy, a shell superior to any now in use. The quality of penetration Is said to bo so great that no armor has sufficient re sistance to withstand It The facts, which were in possession of only a few Sen ators, were deemed so Important that the Senate decided to consider them In secret session. the State of Orccon, for the camnalzn of original draft of the nlatform. and that !t 1900, as the eamo was finally adopted by was to be the platform of tho Democratic SENATOR MARION BUTLER. Today, after the naval bill had been laid pounds), and under this classification are ' aside for the day, Tillman asked for a grouped every known variety of preserved or prepared foods In tin or glass, and applies as well to the cheapest vegeta bles. As to tho highest-priced conserves known to epicurean repasts. Its Injustice and absurdity can be at once realized when the value placed upon a case, of tomatoes worth 51 75 gold In the United States, is fixed by the Official Gazette at' 424 Mexican on Its weight basis of 24 kilos; and remember that the certified Invoice value is not considered; that no allowance Is -made for tare onthe pack age, and. that It frequently happens that the containing bottle or jar weighs as much or more than the contents, all com ing under this sweeping valuation of 51 per kilo. This great Injustice- has resulted in kill ing all business with the United States in canned goods, and thousands of dollars' worth of these goods are now lying in tho bonded warehouse at Manila or have been abandoned because they would not sell for the amount of duties Imposed. To Illustrate exactly how this tariff works, I will give in detail figures on a few well-known articles, and to avoid confusion will give values approximately correct in. Mexican money: Tomatoes, canned, 2 dozen tins Mex. Value In Uiilted States 5 3 55 "Weight. 24 kilos; valuation, 524. Specific -duty, 20c per kilo ISO Harbor charges, 10 per cent on spe cific duty 48 Commercial improvement, 8 per cent on-valuation of 524 192 Landing charges and conduction through Custom-house, etc 25 Total 51100 Total exaction, 57 45. Percentage, 215. Lard, In buckets, 12-5c Mex. Value In United States 512 00 "Weight, 27.25 kilos; valuation, J22 per 100 kilos. 55.94. Specific duty, 15c per kilo 4 05 10 per cent of specific duty 40 S per cent on valuation of 55.94 48 Landing charges, etc 25 Total 517 IS Total exactions, 5513. Percentage, &. Milk, condensed. 4 doz. 1-lb. tins Mex. Value in United States 5 S 75 "Weight. 22 kilos; valuation, 51 per kilo 522. Specific duty, 20c per kilo ; 4 40 10 per cent of specific duty v 44 8 per cent of valuation of 522 1 76 Landing charges 25 Total 515 60 Total exactions, 56 85. Percentage, 78. Fruit canned. 2 doz. 214-lb. tins Mex. Value in United States 5 6 00 "Weight 24 kilos; valuation, 524. Specific duty, 20c per kilo 4 SO 10 per cent on specific duty 48 8 per cent on valuation of 524 1 92 Landing charges 25 secret session In order that he might explain to the Senate why he desired the armor-plate matter to be discussed in secret "When the doors were closed, ho explained, that several days ago ho had offered a resolution calling upon the Sec retary to send to the Senate for its in formation the details of tests made by the department officials of armor-plate at Indian Head. No answer to the Inquiry had been received, and in all probability none would bo received. It seems that Tillman called at the Navy Department and was Informed that ft wouldtbeMiRwis&i at this, time to make public the details of the tests he had asked for, as it would place In the hands, not only of the Sen ate, but of representatives of foreign governments. Information that properly Belonged exclusively to the United States. He was informed that Admiral O'Neil. Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, had been conducing for several months a series of armor tests at Indian Head, the results of which were very remarkable. No piece of armor submitted to the test, it Is understood, was able to withstand the test The shell fired from high-power guns penetrated tho armor almost as but lets from a Krag-JTorgenson rifle would penetrate green wood. The shell which was so effective was not described; In deed, the Navy Department is guarding jealously all details concerning its con struction. The argument of Tillman la that with such a projectile in the possession of the Government the details of which sooner or later will Decerns known to other gov ernments. It would not be the part of wiodom for Congress to enter into con tracts to purchase high-priced armor unless it could be so improved as to resist pro jectiles of the kind used at Indian Head. Feeling that more or less of tho matter WHO "WILL CALL THE POPULIST NATIONAL CONVENTION FALLS TO ORDER TODAY. AT SIOUX the Democratic State Convention, held at Portland, April 12. 1900." The third plank of this certified plat form, regarding which there was confu sion In the convention and about which there is now dispute, follows: I "We are opposed to government by injunction. ! as applied to labor troubles and strikes, and the rerultlnr denrlval of the richt ot trial by tury lo men who are charged with criminal" acts. We believe In the passage of an em ployers liability act, applicable to rallioad companies, similar-to" such acts now in force in. other states, by which the doctrine of fellow servants and that an employer is not liable to one servant for the negligence ot another, shall be abolished. And we also believe that where the Injury Is caused by the negligence of the master, the mere fact the employe knew of the negligence and continued in employment should not defeat his recovery. And we pledge our members of the Legislature to favor legislation along these lines, and also repealing or ex tending the limit ot recovery for the death of an employe. We further favor & reasonable supervision and limitation by the state of the operation of railroad trains, and of the number of cars which may be hauled in a train; and a limitation of the hours which employes shall work without rest. "We further believe the Legislature should pass laws by which the books of a railroad corporation should be open to inspection by the proper officials of the state, so that a reasonable rate law may bo established and reasonable wages secured for employes. Chairman Chamberlain and Secretary Redfleld have certified to a plank which is not now and never was in their pos session, nor was it ever In the possession of the Democratic State Convention. It was brought into the Democratic State rnnonnimr th tt. iwmtit mnrfn bv Convention on the night of April 12 by the Government would be used in the de- lBa:ic Swett, a Multnomah County dele bate upon the armor question. Tillman sate to the- Populist State Convention, suggested that it would be desirable to a & Multnomah County member of consider the subleet in secret The Son- ie platform committee of that conven- ate agreed with hhn, and tomorrow armor-plate matters will be discussed behind closed doors. New Shell Tented. "WASHINGTON, May 8. With one of tho soft metal-capped sheila of American manufacture developed by the Naval Ord nance Bureau, a six-inch naval Tifle today plugged a clean hole through a plate of Harvcylzed armor 14 Inches thick. The gun was charyid with smokeless powder. ARGUMENT FOR DEFENSE. "Mannish" Style. Made In Kibo Kid, Brown Kibo Calf, and Box Calf. Hand-sewed welt extension edge, lew custom heel. Queen Quality OXFORD5 50 SOLE HCENTS E. C. GODDARD & CO. Oregonlan Building Going to Nome? 85. If you are you will need a good quartz glass a 'reliable thermometer v a powerful field glass a pair of smoked goggles and a pocket compass See our window for the best in these lines. WALTER REED Eye Specialist 183 SIXTH STXXKT OREGONIAX BCILDINQ Total 513 45 Total exactions, 57 45. Percentage, 125. Cheese, weight 33 lbs. Mex. Value In United States, at 15c gold. .0 00 "Weight. 15 kilos: valuation. 40c kilo. Specific duty. 15c kilo 2 25 10 per cent on specmc auty zz 8 per cent on valuation of 55 43 , Landing charges, etc 25 Total $13 20 Total exactions, 53 20. Percentage, 32. Butter, net weight 30 lbs. gross; 33 lbs. In tins. Mex. Value In United States at 30c gold..520 00 ' "Weight. 15 kilos; valuation, 57i per 100 kilos. Specific duty, 20c a kilo S 00 10 per cent on-specific duty 30 S per cent on valuation of 510 SO 4 Landing charges, etc 25 Total .24 49 Total exactions. $4 49. Percentage, 22. "Watches, silver and other metals v Mex. Mex. "Wholesale value in United States, say $1 to $4 each 5 2 00 5 8 00 Value as per schedule, 56. Specific duty 2 00 2 00 10 per cent on specific duty.... 20 20 8 per cent on valuation 4S 48 Total $4 63 $10 63 Total exactions on 51 watch, 52 68. Total exactions on $4 watch, 52 6S. Percentage on 51 watch, 225. Percentage on 54 watch, 33 1-3. Clocks, cheap Mer. "Wholesale value In United States, SOc each 51 60 Specific duty 100 10 per cent on specific duty 10 8 per cent on valuation of 51 20 each 10 Total 5 2 SO Total exactions, 51 20. Total percentage, 75. Flour Mex. Value per barrel In United States, Coeur d'Aleae Investigation NearlHjr, an End. "WASHINGTON. May 8. TheVirgument for the defense in the Couer d'Alene inves tigation was made today by John Cheney, representing the State of Idaho, and in cidentally defending the course of the United States military authorities. Ho maintained that the course of Governor Steunenberg In declaring martial law and In appealing for Federal aid was Justi fiable and in accordance with law. As to thft stnrlfts of "hull Tien" outrairpfl. Mr- Cheney declared that they were largely I lain yesterday, and was shown the of lraaginative and designed to poison the ficlal platform. It is Identical with the mind of the public and divert attention platform reported by Chairman Crawford, from the Infamy of the blowinsr up of the . of we piauorm commiitec, u.e uiBul tion. Mr. Swett's presence In the Demo cratic Convention at that time Is ex plained by the fact that fusion of the Democrats and Populists had already been practically agreed upon, and the platfbrm I committees of the two 'conventions had been In conference for the purpose of adopting a uniform, platform. After the nlank referred to had been read, and be fore It had been acted upon, Mr. Swett took it back to the Populist State Con vention. That was the first and only glimpse the Democratic State Convention ever had of the third plank. Irater In the evening, when the plank was under discussion, the convention was forced to adjourn until the following morning be cause the plank wa not in the hands of the convention. The next day the plank was still unobtainable, though the Demo crats knew where It was and that the Populists Bad it. It was therefore read from The Oregonlan and not from any document or record that was before the convention. If the plank was adopted and is part of the Democratic platform, why and Populist parties when they had com pleted fusion. The other platform, mlnu3v the Bennett plank, but cdntalnlng the less radical declaration regarding govern ment by Injunction and liability of em ployes, was regarded as th& Democratic platform. The action of the convention upon tha platform Is thus stated in Secretary ua field's minutes of April 13: Moved tliat original draft of platform stand as read and be incorporated In platform; lo3t. The foregoing motion, it would seem, defeated the platform carrying the Ben nett plank. On the, main question, there Is this further entry in the Secretary's mln utea: Iteport of com (mittee) adopted. The platform adopted was the platform reported by Chairman Crawford for the Democratic convention and as published in The Oregonlan. It Is difficult to see wherein The Oregonlan made a mistake in reporting the platform. It aimed to give a full and fair account of the pro ceedings of the convention. Its reports were widely read, and their correctness was not challenged by Bennett or any one else until two weeks after the convention "had adjourned. Some explanation of Judge Bennett'e letter and of the. platform which Chamberlain and Redfleld have pub lished may be found In the fact that the platform, of the Democratic convention, as published in The Oregonlan, did not satisfy the Populists. They freely charsvl that the Democrats did not keep faith with them In the matter of a uniform plat form any more than they did in the di vision of judicial nominations in the Sixth distrlcL "Whatever course the dispute regarding the action of the Democratic convention touching- the platform may take, the fact remains that the p'atform published oyer the elgnature3 of C wnberlaln and Red field, is not a true co.y of the platform in their possession. It lz fraudulent. CUBAN POSTOFFICE FRAUDS The Department Admits a Shortage of 975,000. HAVANA, May 8. The postal frauds have been the principal topic of conversa tion in Havana today, although as yet the papers have scarcely alluded to the matter. The Department of Posts admits a shortage of 573.000, but further Investi gation has. brought to light the fact that In July of last year the receipts showed a falling off of about 512,000 from the average of the months previous, and that this shortage has been kept up ever since. It appears that about that time Director of Posts Rathbone gave orders Bunker Hill milL The latter event he declared to bo the consummation of a conspiracy among dynamiters who fqr years had maintained a reign .of terror In the Coeur d'Alene district. The action of General Merrlam throughout the disturb ance was strongly approved as that of a high minded soldier seeking to do his duty. At the conclusion of Mr. Cheney's ar gument, the committee decided to allow Mr. Robertson, attorney for tho prose cution, half an hour tomorrow afternoon to reply to the points made today, after which the long Investigation will be at an end. Dewey Goe to Nashville. MEMPHIS, May 8. Two brilliant recep tions tonight, one at the residence ot General Xiuke "Wright, and the other at the Peabody Hotel, closed the list of en tertainments "which were arranged by the Memphis people for the entertainment of Admiral and Mrs. Dewey. The Admiral will leave for Nashville tomorrow morn ing. Skanlclla Acqaltted. FRESNO. Cal., May 8. J. "W. Shanklln, ex-City Clerk, was tonight -acquitted of the charge of embezzling public money. Shanklln was brought back Ironx Sllls- I boro. Or., for trial. fnr tbA rlMtniPtlon Of J411.000 worth of An nat the minutes of Secretary Redfleld surcharge stamps on account of the issue show It? "Why le It not in the official ot a new stamp. This work of destruction copy of the platform now in the posses- I was left In the hands of Charles F. "W. slon of Chairman Chamberlain? An Ore- 'Neeley and his assistants, but It Is now gonlan reporter called on Mr. Chamber- believed that none of these stamps was destroyed, tne tneory neing mat tney were sent out with the new stamps. The Ha vana receipts amounted to about 513.C00 a month, according to the books, but the other offices of the Island showed only 53000 or 54000, amounts absurd. Governor General 'Wood has ordered that all prop erty standing la the name of Neeley In Cuba -shall be placed under Government control. of Aoril 12. with the third clause crossed out by heavy pencil marks, ana running inserted in lieu of it. There is nothing in the minutes to show that anything else was Incorporated. Judge A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles, writes a letter to a local paper. In which He makes the statement that the plat form published In The Oregonlan April IS and referred to In the Issue of April 14" as having been adopted by the Demo cratic convention, was incorrect as to the third clause. He contends that the third plank te as printed above. As published in The Oregonlan, the third plank reads: "We oppose government by injunction and the blacklist, and favor arbitration as a means of settling disputes between corporations and their employes; and. recognizing the fact.that a corporation is a creature of law, we believe and favor a reasonable supervision by state Inspection of mines, machinery, manufacturers and railways, to the end that injury to em ployes be avoided and life rendered secure. "We favor the passage of a reasonable employ ers' liability act. similar to those enacted in other states. The only difference between the clause as supported by Judge Bennett and as published In The Oregonlan Is that the longer plank Is the more radical. It was drafted by Bennett, who is a hater of corporations. It arrays class against class, railroad men against the companies which give them employment and, as was Entire Boer Force Has Retire North of the RlverItelief Colnraa. Fashing Oa to Mafeids. LONDON, May 9, 4:10 A. M Four thou sand British cavalry watered their horses at Zand River Monday, 25 miles beyond Smaldeel, where Lord Roberts continues to date his dispatches. The scouts whof have been searching the country for miles along the stream havo found no Boera south of the river. The enemy are laag ered In unknown force on the north, bank. Thu3 the British advance guard is within 45 miles of Kroonstad. The "War Office has issued tha following dispatch from Lord Roberts, dated Smal deel, May 8: "General Hutton, with mounted Infan try, reconnoltered yesterday to the Zand River, and found the enemy In consider able force. General Broadwood's brlgada of cavalry, with General Ian Hamilton's force, performed the same operation with much the same result. "General Hunter reports that he occu pled Fourteen Streams yesterday without opposition, owing. In a great measure, to the able disposition made by General Paget on the left bank of the Vaal River at "Warrenton, where his artillery fire ren dered the enemy's position practically untenable. A 6-Inch gun was found most useful. As the Sixth and half of the Fifth brigades of Infantry advanced under cover of the artillery, the enemy retired pre cipitately, abandoning their clothing, am- munition and personal effects." The Free Staters, In the expectation that Kroonstad will speedily become un tenable, are, according to information from Lourenco Marques, preparing to transfer their government to Heilbron, a little more than 50 miles northeast. The proclamations of Lord Roberts ap pear to have little effect upon the inhabi tants of the Invaded districts. Every farm is found deserted, except by tha women and children. All the men are away fighting. Correspondents at headquarters are now wiring freely concerning- the incidents connected with the occupation of Smal deel. Some exasperation is expressed at the' ease with which the Boers escaped with their transports before the very eyes of the British. For Instance, when the British entered Smaldeel, the Boer ox wagons coolly outspanned only five miles away, as If In contempt of the ability of the British to overtake them. Lord Roberts Is described as rightly "unwilling to sacrifice his horses for tha sake of a comparatively minor advan tage." Nevertheless, the waste of horse flesh. In spite of all precautions. Is enor Mnous. Smaldeel is a village of only a score of dwellings, but It expanded in one night to a-vast canvas city, and the glow of tho caropfires was like a scene in an Iron smelling district. The city Is likely to fade away In a day by the Immediate progress of the Infantry to Zand River. The. tidings from Mafeklng are gloomier than ever. Everybody there has. an empty ( stomach and a pinched face. The .natives are no longer given porridge, and tha whites now have nothing but a quart of that substance and a pound of horse sau sage dally. Everything else eatable hat gone. Insufficient food, wet trenches and cold nights are deadly to the health of the garrison. This information comes from reliable natives. Lady Sarah "Wil son, under date of April 27, says: "The Boers now number 4500, Including young Eloff, President Krugers grandson, who has sent for six more guns." The Mafeklng correspondent of tha Times, who also emphasizes the extreme gravity of the situation, says: "It is impossible to ignore the fatal sig nificance of Colonel Baden-Powell's refer ence to the hardships endured by tha women and children, among whom many deaths have already occurred. The com missariat is holding a certain stock of foodstuffs in reserve for use in the direst extremity." The British column Is reported to have reached Taung3, GO miles north of "War renton. According to Pretoria advices, the British are nearing Vryburg, which 19 half-way between "Warrenton and Mafe klng. General Hunter is probably not in personal command of this relief column. His forces embrace 20,000 Infantry and from 5000 to GO00 horsemen, an army far greater than has hitherto been supposed. Lord Methuen Is apparently a, subordi nate. "While the relief column Is-moving toward Vryburg General Hunter 1s ap parently preparing an orderly advance northeast along the Vaal River to partici pate in the Pretoria advance a3 Lorct Roberts' left flank. The Cape Town correspondents learn that an important movement in Natal la expected within the next four days. Gen eral Buller Is rapidly completing his transport organization. The president of the Transvaal Volks raad reiterates President Krugers ,undl mlnlshed tenacity of purpose. la the course of the debate he said that, should he be sent to St. Helena, the republican cause would still go on. Generals Louis Botha and Lucat Meyer are In Pretoria consulting with the Volksraad. A dispatch from Maseru. Basutoland, dated Tuesday, May 8 says: "Lord Roberts' rapid advance has con fused the Boers, who are holding tha roads between "Wepener and Clocolan, along which a continuous stream of wag ons and cattle has been proceeding- north ward for days. Monday, some of those countermarched, and the herds got Into. an Inextricable muddle, the Boers- not knowing which way to turn." NEELEY'S SHORTAGE. Cuban Fottonlce Emlierxlcment Dis cussed "by the Calilnet. "WASHINGTON, May 8. The only mat ter of Interest which came before today's Cabinet meeting Is the alleged heavy shortage In the accounts of Charles F. Neeley, formerly treasurer of the Post office Department of Cuba. Neeley has been arrested In Rochester, N. T., and the question arose as to whether the United States or Cuba whs responsible for the amount of the defalcation. It seemed to be the opinion of all the mem bers present that as Neeley was appointed by the United States, and that In adminis tering the affairs in the Island this Gov ernment Is acting In a sense as a trustee, it therefore Is responsible for the shortage and can proceed against Neeley's bonds men for the amount Involved. It was practflcally settled, too, that Neeley would be taken back to Havana for trial before a civil tribunal. It is the opinion of the Attorney-General that It can and should be done. "With. Hunter's Division. "WARRENTON. Cape Colony, Monday, May 7. A British camp is now being formed at Fourteen Streams. The old railroad bridge can tie repaired in a week. A Boer prisoner says the burghers, who number 10.0C0 men, are now on their was; to Christiana. FRUIT TRAIN WRECKED. Two Mea and Two Boys Killed Nea Rawlins, "Wyo. OMAHA, May 8. A special to the Bea from Cheyenne, "Wyo., says: One of the worst wrecks which has oc curred in "Wyoming in recent years took place on O'Neill's sidetrack, 16 miles west of Rawlins, on the Union Pacific, today, when an east-bound fast fruit train, drawn by two locomotives, dashed through an open switch and down a high embankment. The dead are: Loui3 Ban ta and James Johnson, both firemen, o3 Rawlins, and two boys, aged about 20, who were stealing a ride. Their names are unknown. The Injured are: Engi neers Frank Rehemeyer and Andy Sholer, both of whom will recover. Engineers Rehemeyer and Sholer Jumped from their engines before the end of the siding was reached, and escaped with a few injuries