s THE MOENIKG OREG02TCAN, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1900. FRIEND OF THE BOER Teller Wants the Senate to Extend Its Sympathy. "'CONSIDERATION OF NAVAL BILL 'fffee HoHse Passed tlie "Grand Army FeaslOB. Bill" National tinard Appropriation. "WASHINGTON, May ".At today's scs teloa of the Senate. Teller delivered a 'speech. In -which he strongly urged the jSenate to ertend its sympathy to the Boers in the contest with the British. The adoption of his resolution, of sympathy, bo maintained, could not bo considered as m unfriendly act by the British Govern ment. , Xhirlng the remainder of the session, the Senate had under consideration the naval appropriation bllL Chandler's amendment o curtail the increase of the Marine Corps created some debate and -was finally laid on the table. 30 to 14. The bill -srae ''not completed. Notice was given that the armor-plate provision would be con sidered in secret session, on account of certain facts that were to be called to tthe attention of the Senate. This was suspension day In the House, and quite a number of bills were passed. The most Important was the Senate bill to amend the general pension laws so as H.o provide for aggregating disabilities xinder the act of 1890 without regard to. "service, and to increase the net income a widow may bave without destroying her eight to a pension from $95 to $250. The purpose of the bill la to modify rulings of the Pension Office In accordance with the recommendations of the Grand Army of the Republic. It was passed without a dissenting voice. The bill to increase the appropriation for the National Guard tfrom $400,000 to $1,000,000 also was among those passed. Sulzer of Aew York at tempted to secure a.ction upon his resolu tion expressing sympathy with the Boers, but was cut off by the Speaker. THE DAY IX DETAIL. "Senator Teller's Praise of the Boer Fighters. WASHINGTON, May 7. The Senate agreed to the request by the House for a conference on the Army appropriation bill, and Hawley, Sewell and Cockrell were named as conferees. A conference was also agreed to on the fortification bill, Perkins, Warren and Pettlgrew being named as conferees. The Senate also agreed to a- conference on the Colorado co-operative colony bill, in respect to desert lands, and Hansbrougb, Carter and Sulli van were named as conferees. The bill declaring Everett, "Wash., to he a port of entry in the Puget Sound customs district was passed. Teller (Sll. Colo.) then called from the table his resolution expressing sympathy for the Boers and addressed the Senate. Teller called attention to the fact that his resolution was a phrase of the Cuban plank of the National Republican platform of 1S95. He deemed it would be proper to pass such a resolution, and he quoted a number of precedents by the Senate. Ho found a precedent for It in the resolu tion in the House by Clayton (Ky.) In 1831 In the Interest of the South' American Re publics and In many subsequent resolu tions of similar character. If this reso-' lutlon was objectionable to the Senate, lie thought any resolution would be ob jectionable. Such an Intervention as he suggested could not be regarded as a hos tile or unfriendly act. Some of the precedents and some of the utterances of statesmen, principally of !Mr. "Webster, as to the treatment of the Hungarians by the Austrian Government, Teller commended to those Senators who thought that we "ought to speak of the Boers with bated breath" and that we ought not to extend our sympathy to those who were struggling for liberty. He 'said it was argued the Boers were not struggling for liberty, but were simply in rebellion against the British Empire, which claimed jdpmlnlon pver them. He regarded this, as unworthy of serious con sideration. He maintained that Great Britain had no justification for the claims It made upon the Boers and the South African Republics. Teller paid a high tribute to the Boers as a people, denominating them as a "kindly, brave, wis and Christian peo ple." They deserved, he said, the con sideration of the world, particularly of the United States, as one of the most re ligious people of the world. "Wo ought," he said, "to declaro our sympathy for the Boers. I havo said nothing against the Government of Groat Britain, and I do not intend to, except to say I think the best sentiment of Great Britain and the United States 'is against this war. I believe that If the great and noble woman who presides over England had- had her way, there would have been bo war." At the conclusion of Teller's speech, the , bill was passed granting homesteaders on the abandoned Fort Fetterman military reservation in Wyoming the right to enter one quarter-section of public land as pas ture and grazing land. Consideration was begun of the naval appropriation bill. The measure carried 560,SS7,G16 as It passed the House. As re ported to tho Senate. It carried $G3,12S,61& An amendment was agreed to allowing naval officers mileage at the rate of h cents a mile .when traveling within the United States and actual expenses only jwhen traveling outsldo the limits of tho '"United States in North America." The commltteo amendment prohibiting rthe appointment of additional officers and jenllstment of privates in the Marine Corps Kvas vigorously antagonized. Stewart ' (SU. New) thought tho amendment looked Ho tho abandonment of our possessions (and tho serious crippling of an arm of the (Navy. Foraker (Rep. O.) was opposed to the amendment In any form. The Marine Corps was now short 1500 men and 40 offi cers. Ho said the corps had made a splendid record for efficiency, and "he thought it ought not to be curtailed. In response to a question by Foraker, Chan dler (Rep. N. H.), the author of the amendment, said this was the only amendment in the bill looking to a reduc tion of expenses. The proportion of ma .Tines and seamen in the Navy was, he thought, about one marine to five seamen. This would make a symmetrical Naval complement. Chandler further Insisted that too many Naval officers were en gaged In shoro duty. There were, he said, between 000 and 700 on shore duty. Perkins (Rep. Cal.) opposed tho amend ment. On motion of Hawley (Rep. Conn.), the amendment was laid on the table, 30 to 14. The reading of the bill was not quite completed when it was laid aside until tomorrow. Tillman (Dem. S. C.) gave notice that he would Insist that tho armor-plate pro vision of the bill be considered In secret legislative session, on account of some iacts that were to be elicited in dobate. Chandler said he would join Tillman in his insistence. The Senate then held a brief executive session, adjourning at 5 P. M. In the House. This was suspension day in the House, and Sulzer (Dem. N. Y.) created a slight flurry by attempting to secure the adop tion of a resolution expressing sympathy with the South African Republics. He got recognition before the approval of the ' Journal, and moved the adoption of his resolution under suspension of the rules,, "The journal has not been approved," eald tho Speaker. "The gentleman is out of order." A moment later, after the journal had been approved, Sulzer again demanded recognition. "For what purpose -does tho gentleman rise?' Inquired -the Speaker. "This being suspension day,"- replied Sulzer, "I rise for the purpose of moving to suspend the rules and adopt the reso lution expressing sympathy with the patriotic Boera who are fighting for lib erty in South Africa." (Applause from the galleries.) "The chair declines to recognize the gen tleman for that purpose," replied the Speaker. "Is it because the chair Is opposed to the resolution.?" asked Sulzeri "Thd gentleman is out of order." "A parliamentary Inquiry," shouted Sul zer. "The gentleman will state his .point." "I desire to know whether a member of this House has not tho right to make a motion in accordance with the rules ot this House." "The chair," replied the Speaker, "must perform Its duty in making recognition to suspend tho rules. The gentleman is out of order and will take his seat." Thereupon Sulzer subsided. Newlands (S1L Nev.) called attention to tho urgent need of a revision of the laws relating to the militia. Marsh (Rep. HI.), in closing the debate, spoke enthusiastically of the work of the National Guard during the Spanish War. The bill was passed, 123 to 9. Graft (Rep. 111.) then moved the pas sage, under suspension of the rules, of the amended Senate bill to amend the exist ing pension laws, known as the "G. A. R. pension bill." It was arranged that there should be an hour's debate on each side. Norton (Dem. O.) said ho would vote for the bill, but objected to its being termed the Grand Army bllL The rank and file of the old Army, he .said, would never be satisfied with it, but for the present it was the most that could be obtained. Talbert (Dem. S. C) said he would vote for the bill if there was coupled with it a provision inhibiting the further passago of private pension bills. Curtis (Rep. Kan.) said the bill did not go far enough. Sulloway (Rep. N. H.), chairman of the Invalid pension committee, closed the de bate. He declared the bill was the Grand Army bill, without changing the dotting of an "1" or tho crossing of a "t." He read from, the testimony of the Grand Army officials before his committee, in which they said they would be entirely satisfied If the bill became a law. The bill was passed without a dissenting vote. Bills were passed to change the name ot tho steamship Paris, of the American line, to "Philadelphia"; to authorize the Internal Revenue Commissioner to redeem internal revenue stamps improperly and unnecessarily canceled; to establish a lighthouse and fog signal at Slip Point, Clallam Bay, Wash.; to authorize the Commissioner of the General Land Office to sell Choctaw orphan Indian lands and executo the act of June 23, 1SSS, and to grant a right of way across Government lands for a pipe lino to Flagstaff, Ariz. At 4:20 P. M. the House adjourned. COEUR. D'AIiEXE INVESTIGATION. Counsel for the Complainants Began His ArKomcnt. WASHINGTON, May 7. Arguments by counsel in the Coeur d'Alene investigation were begun today, Frederick C. Robertson opening in behalf of those who have made the charges. He will be followed by John C Cheney, for the Idaho authorities In a general defense of the action, both ot the Idaho officials and of tho United States troops. General Merrlam, who was In command ot the troops of the Coeur d'Alenefr, was present, but was not repre sented by counsel. The attorneys were urged to limit themselves to three hours on each side. Mr. Robertson spoke with much empha sis on the wrongs which he contended had been committed, both by the Idaho ofli- hdais and the United States troops. He wa3 particularly severe in arraigning Bart lett Sinclair, tho state official placed by Governor Steunenberg in supreme author ity in the Coeur d'Alenes. Mr. Robertson contended, however, that when martial law was declared and troops were sent Into the district they could not bo subordi nated to the c:il authorities. He pre sented letters from authorities holding that United States troops could act only under the President as Commander-in-Chief. He maintained that the responsi bility for what had occurred rested with the Federal authorities. Mr. Robertson's argument lasted throughout the day. Tho argument for the defense will be heard tomorrow, tho purpose being to close all arguments on that day. Canal Bill In Senate Committee. WASHINGTON, May 7. The Senate committee on interoceanlc canals held a meeting today and discussed the Nica ragua Canal bill, which passed the House last week. No action was taken, and the committee will meet again Wednesday to consider the measure further. Prlvllefired Buslncsx. WASHINGTON. May 7.-Senator Chan dler today introduced a resolution for seating or unseating a Senator privileged over all other business. Coal Landi In Alanka. WASHINGTON. May 7. The Senate commltteo on public lands today agreed to a bill extending the laws relating to coal lands in Alaska. SERVICE RESTORED. Final Decree Entered la the Inter Ocean's Suit. CHICAGO,' May 7.-Judgo Dunne, of tho Circuit Court, today entered the final decreo in tho suit of tho Inter Ocean Pub lishing Company against the Associated Press. The court grants to the complain ant the restoration of theservlceof the As. eoclated Press and removes the baa of suspension under the by-law of tho As sociated Press which prohibited subscrib ers In the association from receiving news or from furnishing news to any person- cr corporation declared antagonistic to tho Associated Preta. The decree liuds "that tho Associated Press is a corporation engaged in a busi ness upon .which a public interest is en grafted and that it can make no distinc tion with persons who wish to purchase Information and news for purposes of publication! that article 31, section eight, of the by-laws of the Associated Press, forbidding the exchange of news by members- with associations or newspapers de clared by the board of directors of tho Associated Press to be antagonistic Is not required for the corporate purpose nor included within the purposes of tho said incorporation and tends to restrict competition; that the tendency of the said by-law is to create a monoply in favor of the Associated Press and that such by law is illegal and void, and that all other by-laws, rules and regulations of the As sociated Press and all provisions of the contract existing between it and the Inter Ocean, in so far as they may tend to -strengthen, confirm or carry out the pro visions of article H, section eight, of the by-laws are illegal and void." The decree further found that the Prist. ing contract, except in eo far as It sought 10 carry out tne provisions of article 31, section eight, of the by-laws. Is a valid and specific contract and is of the Ktmt force and effect as though the provisions carrying out the invalid by-laws had not been incorporated. It was therefore de creed that the above provisions in the con tract and In the by-laws be declared il legal, null and void, and held for naught; and that the Associated Press, Its officer attorneys, agents, servants and employes be enjoined from suspending tho Inter Ocean from its membership or from refus ing to give it news as required by its con itract with the-iUegal provision eliminated. It was further decreed that the Inter Ocean recover the Associated Press its cost-incurred in this suit i Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, May t.-Today's state ment of the condition of the Treasury balance, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance. $145 043,032 pld 77,337,151 ELECTION OF BISHOPS METHODIST GENERAL CONFER ENCE MAY' CHOOSE FIVE. Twenty or More Candidates for the N. J. Places Temperance Memorial Con demns President McKlnlcy. CHICAGO, May 7. As the time ap proaches for settling the question of how many bishops are to be elected by the Methodist General Conference, the sentl- ment is growing among the delegates that none of the present occupants of the high office should be retired and placed on the superannuated list. It seems prob able that because of the advanced age ot several members of the episcopacy the committee on episcopacy will recommend the election of five additional bishops. There are 20 or more avow.ed candidates for the high office of bishop; notwithstand ing the fact that It is not likely that more than five additions to the present board of episcopacy will be made. The commltteo on temperance listened to tho reading of several memorials re ferred to it by tho General Conference. One memorial condemned Prerfdent Mc Klnley for laxity in enforcing the antl canteen law, and was generally dls- FORM OF OFFICIAL BALLOT. SALEM. May 7. Secretary of State Dunbar today Issued he form for the official ballot so. far as state and Congressional candidates are con cerned. The names of candidates will appear upon the ballot in the fol lowing, order: STATE. FOR CONGRESS, First Congressional District. "Vote for One Bernard Daly, of lake County Democratic, People's W. P. Elmore, of Linn County Prohibition James K. Sears, of Polk County Regular People's Thomas H. Tongue, of Washington County Republican FOR CONGRESS, Second Congressional District. "Vote for One Leslie Butler, of Wasco County Prohibition Malcolm Moody, of Wasco County Republican J. E. Simmons, of Multnomah County Independent Democrat William Smith, of Baker County. Democratic, People's FOR JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT. Vote for One C. J. Bright, of Sherman County Prohibition Thomas G. Greene, ot Multnomah County Democratic Charles E. Wolverton, of Linn County , Republican FOR OREGON DAIRY AND FOOD COMMISSIONER. Vote for One J. W. Bailey, of Multnomah County Republican P. L. Kenady, of Marlon County Prohibition W. Schulmerlch, of Washington County Democratic, People's Certified copies of tho form of Clerk for their guidance In making be used at the Juno election. cussed, but no action was taken. An other recommendation amends the book of discipline so that the members of the church who rent property for saloon pur poses may be brought to trial. They wero all referred to the subcommittee for con sideration. Report ot General Missionary Com mittee. The report of tho General Missionary Committee contained the following: "The past quadrennlum was entered up on with serious misgivings, owing to the industrial and financial depression that prevailed, by which all business interests were prostrated to an extent seldom, if ever before, experienced by the American people. Multitudes of laborers were In many Instances dependent upon charity, while the well to do and the wealthy were sustaining heavy losses in the shrinkage of values and diminishing resources. These conditions argued diminishing contribu tions and consequent damage to our mis sionary work, both at home and abroad. To add to these gloomy forebodings, oc casioned by the "hard times" there was a debt upon our treasury of $233,655. We are glad to report that the Lord has been better to us as a Church than our fear?. Our people have nobly sustained the Mis sionary Society In Its work by contribut ing a sum larger than in any previous quadrennlum in our history. The debt has been extinguished, except about $15,000, which Is covered by unpaid pledges. In all the departments ot our work there has been a steady and encouraging advance. "Tho aggregate membership, including probationers, reported four years ago, was $149,203. The annual report for 3S99 gives an aggregate of $151,956, an Increase of $32,763. The number of Sunday School scholars In 3S95 was 354.257; in 1899, 191,907. a gain of 37,640. The sum collected for all purposes ot self-support In 1895 was $316, 3SS; In 1S99, $491,010, an increase of $174,822. "Tho estimated value of the churches and chapels in the foreign field In 1895 was $281,703; in 1SS9, $3,134,978. a gain of $553,275. In 3895 there were 225 missionaries and 224 assistant missionaries (mostly wives of the missionaries, and including a few un married ladies), a total of 449. In 3899 there were 234 missionaries, 201 wives of mis sionaries and 32 unmarried lady mission aries, a total of 467, a gain of IS. In 3S93 there were 691 native ordained preachers; in 3899, 763, a gain of 74. In 3S95 there were 3159 native unordalned preachers; in 3899 there were 3033, a loss of 323. due probably to Imperfect reports. In 3895 there were 1631 local preachers and other helpers; In 1S99, 2502, a gain of SSL In 1S95 there were 15C,2S3 reported adherents; in 3S99, 380.633. a gain of 24,323. "In the home field the society has aided about the same number of English speak ing missionaries as during the preceding quadrennlum. There are 11 conferences In which foreign languages are exclusively spoken, and there are eight missions or ganized outside of annual conferences. Our missionaries are preaching the gospel In this country In 34 different languages, and ministering to the spiritual needs of probably more than 400,000 members and probationers. Missions have been estab lished In Alaska, Porto Rico and in the Philippines Islanda" Report of Committee of Church Ex tension. The report of the General Committee of Church Extension showed that $3,228,450 had been asked for, but only $4S6,323 had been received by collection. The failure of the conferences to respond In raising their apportionments for church extension has been most serious. The city church ex tension movements have. It Is believed. In a measure taken from our board something or tne support of former years, and yet tne planting of churches for our foreign populations In the great centers has fallen largely to our board, and demands for large donations for Important churches In cities have come again and again, so that the requests for aid from the stronirer conferences have increased rather than diminished, while they have not raised their apportionment. These statements are not designed to either criticise or dis courage city church extension movements. They are all imperatively needed, but we do plead for such enlarged contributions tor our cause that we may meet the de mands from the centers of population with adequate response. We believe that the demand for a definite sum. to be nronerlv distributed in the conferences, according to the provisions of the discipllno, with the I preaching of a sermon on this question In every congregation every year, and with the distribution of instructive literature, and a public and separate collection for our cause in connecttlon with the sermon would adequately provide for our needs. If the church can be made Intelligently to understand that the 42 per cent and more devoted by the Missionary Society to do mestic missions can only be utilized for permanent results when accompanied by the work of church extension, .our cause would be permitted to stand out berore each Individual church In Its majestic per sonality, presenting Its claim, based upon its merits and. services. The report c;n tlnues: "We ask the General Conference and the Methodist Episcopal church it represents to prayerfully consider the fact that, la I the face of the painful evidences of 'thi lack of legitimate and healthful increase in membership in late years, the principal Increase In the land, which has ltssened our humiliation, has been in the sections of the country where church extension has done Its principal work. "At the beginning of the quadrennlum we had over $30,000 of bonded debt, and $124,045 due the conferences, for something over $174,000 of obligations to meet with $13,423 of cash In the general fund, against which $9383 of drafts were outstanding; $C8.S19 were promised In donations. "During the quadrennlum we have paid Off the bonded debt of oer $00,000. have re duced the amounts due to conferences nearly JGO.OOO, and cut down the donations promised by $35,000, and had, November 1, C0.717 cash In the general fund. We eeeceosoees9s0ecoe9eco the ballot will be sent to each County up the forms for the printed ballots to e a have thus reduced our liabilities by over $100,000, and Increased our cash balance over 53 per cent. "We congratulate the church and the General Conference on the very remarkable improvement in our work that crowns the quadrennlum and the greater promise for the future: and express the hope that the very greatly increased need for churches on the frontier and in the needier places of the entire country, and In the widely expanded field In our new possessions will bo met by greatly Increased contributions to our cause." ANOTHER NEW YORK FIRE. Half a Million. Dollars' Worth of Property Lost on Water Front. NEW YORK, May 7. Fire tonight de stroyed a large section of the docks and sheds of the New Jersey Storage Com pany, connected with the Standard Oil Company's Constable Hook Works, caus ing a property lo3s of $500,000. There la some suspicion that the fire was started by strikers, who for the past week have been troublesome at the oil works, and at tho Oxford Copper Works, which ad join. The oil tank ship Adelphia was ly ing alongside one of the piers, and be fore she could be hauled out, took fire. Tugs tried to get her off and beach her on the Staten Island shore, hut the hawsers caught fire and she went adrift In the Kills. Three oil barges which lay along side the docks took fire, and were de stroyed. Fire tugs from Brooklyn, New York, Staten Island and Jersey City responded to calls for assistance. The tugs- and fire men finally drove the flames back from the piers. Piers No. 1 and No. 2 are total losses. Two pile drivers at pier No. 3 were destroyed, but the pier itself and pier No. 4 were saved. The ship Josephus belonging to Ar thur Sewall, of Maine, was destroyed. She had been loading with case oil for China ports, and the flames spread over her so rapidly that she could not he saved. The loss to the Standard OH Company will be In the neighborhood of $400,0:X), on buildings, docks, oil and machinery. The aggregate loss to private Individu als Is estimated at $100,000. Officials of tho Standard Oil Company are of the opinion that tho fire started on one of the pile drivers. They say It would have been Im possible for the strikers to set the fire, as they could not pass through the yards to the docks. EMBEZZLEMENT THE CHARGE Employe of Cuban PostofHce De- partment Arrested. NEW YORK, May 7. Charles F. Neely, who was arrested In Rochester, N. Y., Saturday night, while on his way to Cali fornia, and brought back to this city last night, refused to make any statement. He Is charged with embezzling $36,000 from tho Postofflco Department In Cuba. Neely was appointed from Indiana. He was ar raigned today and held in $10,000 bail for examination Wednesday. Being unable to securo ball, he was sent to Ludlow-Street Jail. Late this afternoon Neely secured the required ball and was released. Alleged Dynamiters' Trial. WELLAND. Out.. Miy 7. The trial of Bullman, Nolan and Walsh, the alleged dynamiters, reopened here today. The first witness was W. C. Thompson, the canal engineer. He estimated the damage to tho locks at from $1000 to $1500. He gave his op.'nlon as to the effect If the locks had been blown out. The water, ho said, would have swept down the Grand Trunk Railway tracks, washed out the Merrlton station and flooded the valley of Fifteen-Mile Creek. WHUam Wright posi tively identified Nolan as one of the two men who had been seen running away from the scene of the explosion. A St. Louis Strike. ST. LOUIS, May 7. At 2 o'clock a mass meeting of the employes of the St. Louis Transit Company, without a dissenting vote, decided to go on strike immediately. Twenty-six hundred men participated In the meeting. "Why Does Yoar Head Acher Don't ask. Cure it with Wricot's Para- leon Headache and Neuralgia Cure. 25c. WHERE THE FLAG GOES COXSTITUTIOX EXTE"DS OVER OUR. JXEW POSSESSIONS. Jodge LoeXran'a Decision in the Or- Its Case Congress Can. Make Lavrs for Porto Rico. ST. PAUL, May 7. Judge Lochran to day filed la the United States Circuit Court his decision on the application of Rafael Oritz, a Porto Rfcan. to be re leased from the Minnesota state's prison. Oritz was convicted by a mlll.ary tri bunal in Porto Rico for the murder of a United States soldier and condemned to die. The sentence was commuted to Le Imprisonment. The application for release was based on tho claim that the military authorities had no Jurisdiction ovr Oritz; that peace had been declared and that ne .should have had a civil trial. Judge Lochran refus d the application In an oral decision Thurs day last and today filed an exhaustive opinion thereon, The decision has evoked great Interest throughout the country, as It bears largely on Constitutional ques tions, which have arisen on the question of Porto Rico as a territory of the United State3. The decision states: "Our general Government was founded by the men of the Revolution, who had rebelled against the arbitrary power as serted by Great Britain to govern her outlying colonies at the will of her Par liament. They established the govern ment upon the asserted theory that all just powers of government come from the consent of tho governed. They founded, as described by President Lincoln, In lan guage not yet forgotten, ' a government of the people, by the people and fcr the peo ple.' It will be. Indeed, marvelous If it Is to appear that these men who then founded our National Government so. con structed It that it Is capable of ruling with unlimited power a subject people o have neither guarantees to protect them nor any voice In the Government. ThU Is foreign absolutism the worst form, of tyranny. "If the Constitution does not extend to Porto Rico and our other hew acqulsltlors of territory, Congnss has the untrammeUd absolute power to establish separate gov ernments or make laws for such terri tories; It has the power to establish del pendent monarchies or satrapies, state re ligions and even slavery. The argument of one of the Senators referred to, that the last clause of the 33th amendment prevents the establishment there ot slav ery, is obviously lame and Impotent, for If the Constitution docs not extend to those parts of the domain of the United States, nor limit Congress In its powers of legislation over them, by what process will this single clause of an amendment of that instrument detach itself from the skin of the parchment, and alone fasten itself upon these" new territories? If it be considered that this 13th amendment, ex propria vigore, extends to these new ter ritories, or limits the powers of Congress respecting them, every clause of that in strument for the like reason 13 equally potent. To say that a clause in the Con stitution does not extend to a territory,' but does limit the power of Congress In legislating for that, territory. Is to draw a distinction too fine to be practical. "Tho argument, much repeated, that If tho National Government of the United States his not the power to deal with these new territories untrammeled by the Constitution, Its power is less than that possessed "by the other governments of tho civilized world, is admitted. It proves nothing. The National Government of the United States Is one of very limited pow ers. In respect to Its own people, in its entire domain, and generally except in re spect to Its power to deal with foreign nations, and concerning matters express ly committed to It by the Constitution, Its powers are much less than that pos sessed by other governments. No one will dispute- this. "The National Government of the United States was created, and Its powers and jurisdiction granted and limited, by the Federal Constitution. Its powers can only be increased by amendment of that in strument. "The power of the General Government to acqulro additional territory rests upon Its Constitutional power to make war, which may result in conquest, and its like power to make treaties, which may bring territory by cession. The power to govern such acquisition ofterritory re sults from tho power to admit states, and to make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to tho United States. This clause authorizes Congress to legislate In respect to a territory In local as well as National matters before its admission to statehood in the Union. "Tho novel doctrine that the power of Congress to govern territory ceded to the United States may be conforred by a for eign sovereign by and through the terms of the treaty of cession and that the gen eral Government can exercise powers thus granted by a foreign sovereign independ ent of and in disregard of the Constitution until Congress, mayhap In tho future, shall by Its enactment see fit to extend the Constitution over tho territory, la con trary to the holding of tho Supreme Court of the United States, to the effect that the Government Is one of the enu merated powers, and can claim, and ex erciso no power not granted to it by the Constitution, either expressly or by nec essary implication. It Is clear that the General Government cannot legislate over territory where the Constitution, from which Its every power Is derived, does not extend. The Constitution must be in force over a territory before the general Government can havo any authority to legislate respecting It. No foreign sover eign can Invest the General Government with any legislative power." Numerous decisions are cited In support of his opinion, and he continues: "It must be held that upon the cession by Spain to the United States of the Isl and of Porto Rico, that Island became a part of the dominion of the United States as much as Is Arizona or Minne sota; and that the Constitution of the United States ex propria vigore at once extended over that Island;, and that this extension of the Constitution gave Con gress, whose every power must come from that instrument, the authority to legislate In respect to the Island a3 a part of the United States territory. It follows that all of the provisions of the Constitution In respect to personal and property rights, including the right to trial by Jury In criminal prosecution, became at once, when the cession was completed, a part of the supreme law of the land. The char acter of an offense and the nature of its punishment would be determined by the law In force where and when the act was committed, ond laws of that charac ter remain In force after the cession until changed; but the manner of trial must de pend on the law In force when the trial Is had. even though the establishment and organization of courts must be await ed before the trial can be had." The decision states that military law being the sole authority the acts of a military court were entirely legal, and the petition for a writ of habeas corpus was denied. KAISER'S DECORATIONS. After ReTPardlncr Others, He May Appoint Himself a Field Marshal. BERLIN, May 7. Although Emperor Francis Joseph and the princely visitors have gone, Berlin has not yet resumed its normal aspect. Notwithstanding the ab normal heat today, the streets were un usually crowded, many people only now venturing out to see the decorations. Today some additional facts about the festivities in connection with the coming of age of the Crown Prince became known. It seems that Emperor William received telegrams of warmest congratu lations from Emperor Nicholas, Queen Victoria, King. Humbert,. King- Leopold, King Chnrles of Roumanla. and the King and Queen of Swedpu. During tha gala banquet Emperor William conferred the Order of the Black Eagle on the Duke of Oporto. The members of the Russian mil itary delegation received high decorations. In the course of the reception. Emperor William called Count von Waldersee to the throne, and Informed him of his ap polntment as Field Marshal General. "Thereupon," says tho Lokal Anzelger, "Field. Marshal General Prince Albert of Prussia, as the oldest ofllcer In the Ger man Army, and General von Hahnke asked Emperor William, m the name of the Army, to appoint himself a Field. Marshal. The Kaiser's, decision is ex pected very soon." The Shnh ana His Favorite Wife. LONDON, May 8. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Dally Mall, says: "The favorite wife of the Shah of Per sia, a beautiful Circassian, will accom pany him during h!3 forthcoming tour in iiurope. disguised in male attire." OMAHA. DOLLAR DINNER. A Fusion Banqcct at "Which Bryan lYati the Chief Guest. OMAHA, May 7. About 400 peraons sat down fo the banquet board ot the Peter. Cooper dollar dinner at the Coliseum this evening. Half of this number, perhaps, was made up of delegates to the .t'opudst. Convention at Sioux Fails. It was given out on excellent authority thai the dele gates had agreed to nominate Mr. Bryan J Wednesday, and to leao the second place open to be made the subject of confer- j ence. A conference committee Is to be' named to meet a like committee at Kan sas City. At the banquet the address of welcome wea spoken by Elmer E. Thomas. Toast master John O. Yeiser then Introduced Uovernor W. A. Poynter, of Nebraska. He was followed by T. M. Patterson, -of the Denver News. "Cyclone" Davis spoke and then the toastmaster" introduced a Silver Democrat from New York, Dr. J. H. GIrdner, who said many Democrats in the Empire State were coming over to Bryan. John W. Breldenthal, of Kansas, spoke briefly. There was noticeable a conciliatory tone In all the remarks of tho Western speakers; the argument was to the effect that fusion, gocd In li9J, would be better In 3900. Mr. Bryan was greeted by great ap plause. There was little if anything new in his address. Its tenor was an argument for the continuance of fusion. He speci fied the old Issues on which the Demo crats, Populists and Silver Repub.icans fused In 3896, and pointed out the reasons J why they should stand together now. He ucvuieu more um& to tne money pianic than to any other one Issue. Mr. Bryan took up the familiar Issues briefly and pointed out the common ground upon which Populists and Democrats stood. He then took up the new issues Incident to the war with Spain. Tom Patterson and -"Cyclone" Davis talked for harmony, and the putting aside of small things. Mr. Patterson said that when they got to Sioux Falls they should nominate Mr. Bryan and leave to the Democratic Convention the naming of a candidate for second place. There seemed to be an atmosphere-of doubt that every thing would go smoothly Wednesday. Some were looking for breakers ahead, and that there was a lack of "enthusiasm was remarked by many. ILLINOIS REPUBLICANS. Exciting; Time Promised at the Opening: of the State Convention. PEORIA, 111., May 7. The state conven tion promises to have an exciting opening tomorrow morning. It has been the plau of the State Central Committee, which U controlled by the Tanner-Hancey faction, to nominate the temporary chairman of the convention, and John J. Brown, cf Vandalla, has been selected by the com mittee for the chairmanship. This evening there was a conference of all the dele gates opposed to the Tanner-Hancey fac tion. These were the supporters of Sena tor Cullom, and of Reeves, Carter and Yates, candidates for the nomination for Governor. It was decided at the confer ence to oppose the plan of the State Cen tral Committee, and Charles G. Dawes was selected as the opposition candidate for temporary chairman. The action cf the anti-Tanner forca in selecting Mr. Dawes for temporary chairman '? regard ed a3 an effort to secure the united sup port of the friends of tne National Ad ministration. Democratic Committeemen Satisfied. KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 7. For the second time since Convention Hall was destroyed by fire April 4. the subcommit tee of the Democratic National Commit tee met here today and put Its stamp of approval upon the hall and general ar rangements being made by Kansas-CItIansv for the July gathering. O'Dell Is in San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, May 7. Benjamin B. O'Dell, chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, of New York, is In this city. He .say that his visit to Cal fornla Is merely a pleasure trip. PERSONAL MENTION. A. J. Pickard, of Eugene, 13 registered at the Perkins. W. M. Ridpath, of Spokane, is registered at the Perkins. J. H. Parker, a Baker City banker, Is at the Imperial. C. H. Jones, of Tacoma, Is registered at the Portland. S. Owens and wife, with Mr. and Mrs. If yen" hayen't a rejralar, healthj movement of tae boirela eiery day, you're ilcfc. or will be. Keep jonr bowels open, and be well. Force. In tbe sbape of Tlolent physic or pill poison. Is dangerous. Tba smoothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping tna bowels clear ana clean u to taia Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Nerer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c iOc Write for free sample, and booklet on health. Address EUHlnj Btatt; I tmftaj, CUtt, Soatroil, Xnr Tuk. 3U XEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN 'S INHALER CURES CATARRH Colds, Coughs, Hay Fever, Bron chitis, Asthma and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Clewls of Medicated Vapor are Inhaled through the mouth and emitted from the nos trils, clecnsln; and vaporizing all the lnCancd and diseased parts which cannot be reached hr medicine taken into tbe stomach. Jt reaihes thr tore tpctsIl heals the rcaa placcs-f-Jt got to the teat ofdUeaseIt acts a aosfm? and tonic to the whole ruttemtuoo at YfpS CANDY f !iJ CATHARTIC W TRADE MAHK MMSTrKED 0 X-TtsLr t 4riftf4ttQrsmitiym&L i&J.rchSt-tl'lttio- a W. Wooster, of San Jose, are guests of the Imperial. E; W. McComas, a Pendleton graindeal er. Is at the Imperial. W. E. Eldridgc, of Spokane, is regis tered at the Portland. James McLeod, of Pendleton, is regis tered at the St. Charles. J. W. Douglas and wife, of Astoria, are guests of the Perkins. Mrs. E. X. Harrison, of pakland, CaL, Is a guest of the Portland. W. G. Rood, lumberman, of Gray's Har bor. Wash., is at the St. Charles. H. Erwin, a well-known cattle-raiser oS Payette, Idaho. Is at the Perkins. H. H. Hendricks, an attorney of Fos sil. Is registered at the Imperial. James Dunamulr and wife, of Victo ria, B. C, are guests of tho Portland. J. Li. Alberson. a mining man of Cornu-j copla. and wife, are guests of the St Charles. . Hon. Sol Hirsch and Miss Mai HlrschJ returned yesterday from a visit to Sanj Francisco. I Morris Upham Bates, editor of the San? JTranelsco Commercial News, Is in tea city In the interest of his publication. 1 N. Merrill, a Clatskanle merchant, ana Republican nominee for Representative ot Columbia County, is at the St. Charles. XEW YORK. May 7. Northwest people In New York are: From Spokane E. D. Hooker, at tho Herald Square; C. M. Manley, at the Neth erland. Seatt'e Sailed May 5-Steamer City of Topeka, for Skagway. Arrived May & Steamer Humboldt and steamer Cottage City, from Dyea. Sailed German steamer Miloa, for Vladlvostock; United States steamer Bear, for Cape Nome. From Seattle W- H. Rome, at the Mor ton; A. Spring. Jr., at the Grand Union. Factory Fire in Atlnntn. ATLANTA. Ga.. May 7. The factory of the Ware Furnituro Company, located Just outside the city limits, was burned this afternoon. Forty cottages, occupied by many people employed In tho factory, were destroyed. The loss to the factory and on the cottcges will be about $200. CO', with Insurance about half. Sprln cr I jrlfidh- welcomed for tho vitality, frcFhness and purity it gives everything- in nature; its plcansimj showers and sunshine remove, dissolve and disinfect uuhcalthful accumulations. It Is the Time "When our physical systems n.eed to be cleansed and invig orated vrith Hood's Sarsapa- nlla. This good medicine ; expels all the badness that lias gathered 111 the blood and en riches and vitalizes the life current. If vou take Ilood's To Purify' Your Blood Now, you lay the foundation for good health in the months that are to come. Hood's Sarsapa- rilla tones the stomach, creates an appetite, builds up and forti fies the whole svstcm bv erivins: vitality and strength to every tis sue, organ, nerve and muscle. Take the Best Spring Medicine " I can highly recommend Ilood's Sarsaparilla as a spring medicine. There is a necessitv for taking such a medicine, and " I find none better than Hood's. I would never accept any other m its place." C. Laib, 1231 ii. 29th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Positively cured by these tittle PiHs, .They also relieve Distress from "DjspcHs Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drot-sl. ncss, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tcngua tain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. Ihry Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small PHU Small Dos, AM ELE8AHT TOILET LUXURY. Used "by people of refinement for over a quarter f & century. REYNOLD'S ca pesm Few persons need be confined bv Goutor Rheumatlsm.if on the nrst approach 01 the paroxysm tney nave recourse n uus rem-ir-. thou cmtr!f. drwe Is often sufficient. k, FOVGSftt a co. as.atf iV. WUllAW SCAM fWml H1H TTiE J l&sillfaW? Pl5i2?1 JUS fiJila? Dr. Lyon s PERFECT